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tv   Zdorove  1TV  December 24, 2023 8:10am-9:21am MSK

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oleg didn’t tell his mother that he wanted to come, if he had time, he made it a surprise, but no, why upset her. i was taken by two brothers , my relatives, and here on december 31, 10 pm, we are flying, we go into the house at 5 minutes past midnight, that is, right after the chimes, as my uncle told me, my mother and sister made a wish, so that i come home, happy new year, new year. happy new year, happy new year, here they are, footage of the real new year's miracle, the wish made at midnight by rima vasilievna came true, the kids exist, they we just made a wish, we need oleg.
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ran up, we clung to him, we were crying, we were laughing, we couldn’t let him go, this was our new year, oleg’s sister, kristina, is 13 years old, and this is the best, but...
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i see, a field kitchen, yes, well, yes, of course, others are resting during the shift, yeah, there you have it, humor helps the guys here too, a good inscription on the refrigerator, the operating time of the refrigerator, the rest of the time is mined, written, as a joke, as you know, it’s easier in any conditions, this is what they look like modern infantry trenches, trenches, dugouts, guys here us
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... there is nowhere, only the enemy is closer, and this is one of the company’s observation points, here we met the youngest soldier, this guy is only 18, he was called up for military service, he is immediately at the very front line, he has already signed a contract closer, he is already at the front six months, private, appropriate call sign, pioneer , why did i decide for myself what is important, necessary, for the army, i am going to spend my life entirely with the army, in any case, for every military soldier it is useful to defend his homeland, the pioneer was born in crimea, then ukrainian, but he believes that historical justice has indeed triumphed in our country, but you don’t have the series here, he’s young, it’s like we’ll all protect him, protect him, or he’s the same as everyone else, no privileges or concessions at all , no, everyone is equal here. and it doesn’t matter whether you’re 60
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years old or 18 56 56 56 years old, here we have a meeting of generations, you can say i don’t know how to say it’s correct youngest oldest probably grandfather grandson it’s already possible so yes rather than father and son fighter with the call sign chigiwara also from crimea to 2014 supported the idea after joining, i immediately received a russian passport, a radical change. for the better, just heaven and earth, always the whole people, well, at least i can’t say for everyone, i always considered myself russian, although my father is georgian by nationality, my mother is russian, but i always considered myself russian, therefore for russia, i worked as both a builder and an environmentalist, but when problems started, the bridge was blown up, this is unpleasant. at
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the front i decided that enough was enough, it was time to take part. everyone here has their own story and their own motive. deputy company commander, lieutenant call sign belgorod. i just graduated from college a year ago and went straight to the front , he says, he’s fighting for his homeland, for his family , which lives right on the border, i myself come from the belgorod region, grovoronsky district, this kazinko, oh, listen, this is the place where it’s nearby drg, yes, then they came, yes, there was a drg, they came on may 22 this year, a lot of houses were damaged there, some civilians were also killed there, my house was also damaged. a garage was fired from a mortar, the windows were blown out, well , there were holes in the roof from shrapnel, everyone was close parents say that well done, fight for our homeland, such a person has a reliable rear behind him, who will always support him in any situation,
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no one really looks at his age here, he judges only by his actions and completely trusts his young, but brave and a competent commander, we went through a lot , we saw a lot, a tank... the real one was seen near novovorontsovka, they destroyed 91 of the tanks, they saw it as a mess, so being here is no longer calm, of course, but i already feel more or less confident, we know the strength , we already know how to fight, how to fight correctly , how to lead, how to organize everything, i already have an understanding, i, as komenerot , should have no doubts so that my fighters don’t see this, so i must always be with a private head without fear, already in... position of company commander, oleg knocked out an enemy tank and six armored personnel carriers in only one battle, and the hero received the reward. in the early spring of 2023 , senior lieutenant oleg alekseevich pivovarov was awarded a gold star. comrade minister of defense of the russian federation. seniortan. focused, calm, confident
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himself, a real officer. but it seems that there is more. just recently he was a simple schoolboy, went to ballroom dancing, solved a rubik's cube in a minute, however, the hero's mother is not surprised - she says he was always like this in childhood, now, and having received a gold medal, he went home again on vacation. he says, mom , are you resting tomorrow, i say: no, work, he says, i’ll have to rest, i say, i mean, he says, i’m going, he came down with such a big box, we have grandparents here, we let's go to them, he took the box, i why the box, he needed it, he opened it, we came, we went to grandma, grandma and grandpa were also crying, grandson arrived, i saw such a beautiful box, he opened it, and there was a star, we had a joke, mom understood that such awards
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were given only for exceptional feats , but oleg didn’t tell anything, neither how he destroyed the enemy’s armored vehicles, nor how he called fire on himself, nor how you... it’s like he’s the best friends, so well, he wants it too, but here he sits, reading his orders of masculinity, so another third and there they will give a hero, in short , i say darling, don’t try, he’ll have to come it turns out that he had two orders of courage , and it also turned out that ilya was serving in combat
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very close by on the other flank of the brigade, closer to kherson, near the antonovsky bridge. but for the sake of ensuring state security. korodkov offered to take out the suitcase from the radio under the guise of gifts for his passion. if large sums of money and a transmitter had been found on him, it could have cost him his head, he could have ended up in the dungeons of the gestapo.
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what was the task: to prevent keitel from leaving prematurely? the whole life of alexander mikhailovich korodkov passed like this demands the motto of illegal intelligence, without the right to fame. for the glory of the prime minister's power, the names of illegal intelligence, alexander korodkov, today on the first. just like that, you sleep with a goddess, and a simple soviet alarm clock returns you to simple soviet reality, i see a man, how young he is, they are both young, gone thief, you don’t suit her, who does, you are very beautiful, that means promise that you will never lie to me,
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from monday on the first, that this happened, yes, quickly follow me to the operating room, oleg to us i talked so much about my...
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it shows just this and where it is now yes, well, half an hour ago they hit me, yes today it’s normal already in the morning they’ve been flying like that and we also fly all the time, of course i have a job , there’s an airline over there that’s my quarrel, bring the quad so thank you yes no well here you go , back to the fact that the joke helps at the front and actually encourages the boys like this. call bars airline, this is how the guys make fun of themselves,
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of the enemy, so that they know who is working in their direction, well, in general, we don’t i know, i always have, let’s say, they work with a wheel, that is, they sat down, another started, just like that, they just come out, let’s say, there are some boats, they’re coming, and immediately everyone is already aimed at the duty targets, that is, at the movement of the leg . friends owe each other a lot, oleg carried ilya on himself when he was caught on one of the dnieper islands, we always pull each other out when we let him hang out on the island, so he himself went after me, that is, i get to the boats, when he wasn't on vacation, i knew that mom was at home and i have a sister, there was simply no one to assign the unit to, so it turns out i spent 5 days in the hospital, just after 5 days i...
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in orders and medals, which they also had to put on together. we had, i don’t know , oleg told me, no, in fact, a very, very similar meeting in artek, and you know, when you see all this, when there are 3,000 children from many countries, they look, that is, we went out and there was nothing there it was planned there, when we go out on stage, when they shout thank you, it’s worth a lot, oleg also recalled: this meeting was already herself in positions, so she struck and was remembered by both. i remember a girl
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came up to me, who directly said that her father was also fighting, right there, she started crying, we talked to her, walked away, that everything would be fine, victory would be ours, i cheered her up, she then gave an interview after during my conversation , she said that she wants to become a military medic after communicating with me, this is also very, very pleasant, and i understand that for the sake of the next generation we need to work now so that they do not have to experience what war is like . again we go out into the open sky.
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ilya proudly shows how they settled in new positions; he himself was born and raised nearby, in crimea, but from childhood he was with our country in words and actions. i had a goal, i had a dream, namely to enter the suvorov military school in russia and this career as a military officer, and i myself was in sevastopol, and we were, as it were, part of ukraine, in the fourteenth year i was at the international...
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one more order of courage and a hero, and for him three more orders of courage, and so that the two of us walk the same way, as if we were always together, therefore it should be so. be that as it may, both ilya and oleg have already achieved a lot and proven a lot, to themselves, to others, and to the whole country as a whole. that's it, come on, take care of yourself. looking at these two comrades, real brothers in arms, i would like to wish each of them to always be nearby, in any situation. a faithful , reliable friend, so that good luck accompanies all our fighters, and that new year's dreams come true. we managed to leave the motorized rifle positions only at sunset, now our entire film crew is filled with quite strong emotions, because today we have become witnesses of real courage, officer's honor, sincere men's strong friendship, which
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cannot but inspire respect. well, have you watched the sentinel program, see you later. in the new year 2024, while endless passions are boiling in this harsh life, wake up healthy in the morning. let us, while sailing with a leash , take care of both strength and nerves, if we put everything in order, health will come first,
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health is with you again, dear friends, the last program, in 2023 we will meet you next time only in 2024. the year is coming dragon, year of the green wood dragon. according to chinese stargazers, the green dragon is characterized by power, strength, and the desire to be the center of attention and shine. in the east , the year of the dragon is counted.
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and wish each other well-being and peace in the new year 2024. you know, all the recent years have added to our worries, so today we decided, along with wishes and joys , to share with you how to overcome stressful situations. today, you know, i invited the people closest to me to our program, those people who come. co to my home, with whom i am personally friends, i have been walking through life for many, many, many years, some you know well, because whatever one may say, these are stars, some you don’t know, but for me
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... hello, first question to both of you, what was good in the past year? well , more often i woke up in a good mood than in a bad one, great, german shaich, good, my youngest son got married, well, look, you are doctors, maybe you know without me what happens under stress? happens to the human body, but still i’ll ask you, and so stress, what is it like this, all doctors will be doctors and non-doctors today, but basically, of course, i’m a self-doctor, all
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my friends are doctors, well , i don’t have stress, but i guess it’s an adrenaline rush, so come here, that’s what you ’re talking about they even did a program, this is the human body, stress is any impact presented for the first time, and a stress reaction is our response, when... all the vessels spasm, in the heart in the brain the vessels dilate, why dmitry alexandrovich, we need to get out of the situation, you need to think, you need energy to be there, we know this, this absolutely, germansha, what you will add, you need to protect yourself and your loved ones, for this there is also centralization of blood circulation.
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because we think we always sat in warm houses, with refrigerators, and worried about stress, having a snack of something sweet to calm down, no, look,
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why, i remember this time when there were no refrigerators even, so no it’s necessary , it’s just 100 years old, we carefully hide it, let’s look at the screen, friends, this is the ancient world, you need food, run, tigers are attacking you, run again, you’ve caught up prey, hit, for this we need strength , i repeat once again, blood flow is redistributed, blood pressure is high, sugar is high, cortisol-stress hormone is high, immunity pressure is suppressed so that there is no pain, that was right, and now to distract us for joy, please take one ball at a time, we have special balls on the tree today, we have balls with wishes, now you need to break the ball, we have prepared hammers for you and read your wish out loud. oh,
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you had to live through it, you begin to achieve any goals, for this you need self-knowledge and self-realization. the man lived to be 72 years old, german shevich, so, carefully. i don’t really want to, it’s written here , yes, open up, now i am success now with you , i will be with you all year, thank you, your wishes to everyone in our studio, you know, today the most important thing, besides health and life itself, is peace, i join, i want... there is peace on earth, only love reigns, and that all people understand that we have something in common, we will be
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together, we will be healthy. and the world will be beautiful, let's all be together, thank you big, please sit down, well , let's continue talking about fear, right now i want to invite another family to join us, i must say that with the head of this family, this, by the way, is also a family of doctors, mom and dad are doctors, this is about the fate of the children we'll talk, it's just that the family came to us almost in full strength, only the eldest son is not there, there are three children in the family, so we met with ...
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karim, come here, you came with the children, well, what was good about your year, my children, in the past year, what did you have, you entered university for an internship, got selected for a job at a bank, i fulfilled several of my dreams, created a game, created a website, all that remains is to create a small startup, tell me what grade you are in, eighth grade with a bias.
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was adopted, this is a law on the re-creation of sobering-up stations, you know, no matter how it sounds, on time, no, just really, if you take away the jokes, we can laugh, but up to 10 thousand people are freezing in tatarstan, simply because they are drunk, fell asleep, someone thinks, well, these are alcoholics, no, these could be teenage children, but jokes aside, the first i drank once, went home, fell and fell asleep. he froze to death, so tatarstan was the only region where the sobering-up stations were not closed, and there is the famous golubyatnikov street, building 3, where i was with airat zakivich, where these people are collected, if they need an ambulance, they call, if not, they let them sleep and hand them over to their relatives, and there are so many thanks to the staff that there are simply no words, so we, as doctors, do not treat this problem arrogantly,
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we treat it with great respect. attention and respect, now i want to imprison my parents, parents, sit down, children, this is for you, look, today we are talking about stress, but in fact, from birth people are stress-resistant and stress-unresistant, this or that, what are you? it seems to me that i’m still stress-resistant, and you, i’m more of an antagonist, stress-resistant, but that’s why you got accepted everywhere, got into the bank, that’s a big deal, of course. but i want to say something else, in fact, scientists conducted such a huge experiment, they looked at what hormones are produced in the brain, in rabbits, that is, in prey, in predators, that is, in tigers, yeah, lions, lions and rabbits, it turned out that lions have a lot of norepinephrine, the behavior of lions is complex, they can hide, wait for prey, pretend that they are not interested in this prey at all, and then grab, if
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at some point they have.
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.. i was worried, the cat wanted to open the partition so much at first, but then she calmed down, she sat for an hour, i said, what a disgrace, you deceived us, raised the partition and... the cat sat, turning away from the mouse, and then at some point she just in the most unexpected way for us, turning around with back, grabbed the mouse. we were shocked by the stupidity of the mouse, which approached the cat, walked around it, sniffed and the intelligence of the cat, how can a mouse become a cat, how can a rabbit become a lion? you must never give up and keep the intrigue until the end. look, we are stressed, a person is running in circles, he is getting worse and worse , the task is to switch the rails and calm down, this switching is done by stress-limiting systems, look, that’s
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it, everything is fine, now to increase the stress level - limiting systems, what is needed to do, the first is physical education, the second is... special breathing, now you and i will breathe in a special way, everyone is ready, yes, inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds, when something pisses you off, inhale, 4 seconds , let's go , 1, 2, 3, 4, held, 1, 2, 3, 4, exhale slowly, 1, 2, 3, 4, so several times, of course, we should pick up balloons with a wish, let's go to our table, balloons we will break down and read the wishes: hold, kamilochka, beat, oh,
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the wishes of your whole family, you will finally believe that you can do everything, and halfway to real success has already been achieved. everything next year startup, come on, happy news is on its way to you, also a great message, i want to wish your whole family good luck, guys, and what do you wish for everyone? well, of course, life is great, we wish everyone to live happily, it’s great, so that all misfortunes pass you by, so that everything in your life is wonderful, and you can gather with friends at a common table and spend this new year all together. thank you my dear, please sit down guys, we are friends, let's take a break for a while and then continue, here is the most
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there is a cold and long winter in the world, a very short but sultry summer, they are not afraid of the cold here, they are friends with it, we are in yakutia, friends. the staff took everything with him, the icicle picked up, the cheskhan is not santa claus, i don’t give gifts, i keep the cold, they are by nature like people, the smartest ones are in front, we try not to feed them a lot, a well-fed dog runs very poorly, and so the same as a person does not work well, and where did you get the mammoths, they seem to say that they are extinct, you need to know the places. can you say this is your life, life ours, the premiere, today at the first,
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veeta vodka is a product of the lar group, i don’t understand, do you want it? noticed, told me the recipe: add ketchup, mayonnaise, mix, it turns out kechennes, you're laughing at me now , archery with your feet, best of all,
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new season, watch after the evening news, oh, my kolinka was lit, my berry is in the garden . health is with you again, dear friends. our program continues, today is the final program of the outgoing year, we devoted this entire program to how to deal with stress, and today i invited my closest friends, those people with whom i always celebrate the new year at home, and of course, i have beloved friends, this is the kanavalov family, they came to us today without children, although there are three children in this family, come to us to us...
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with the largest experience in treating cataracts in europe, it’s all on these shoulders, and behind the scenes this caretida stands without any, without any jokes. what good happened in the past year? the past year was good, well, we still got through it relatively safely, we are all healthy, yes, we are not lying anywhere, well, on your own feet, with your own brains, what?
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i want to return to stress again and talk about what to do if you are experiencing stress, let me remind you once again, inhabitants of the ancient world, i will remind you that the stress reaction has another name, it is the hit reaction. so, fight or flight, muscles work, to survive stress, the muscles need to work, why? marina viktorovna, take tweezers, this is glucose, this is sugar that increased during stress, throw it here. yes, muscles
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will burn glucose, muscles will burn glucose, so if the question is what to do under stress, you need any physical activity, you need to burn glucose, otherwise it will burn your blood vessels, you need to burn glucose. marina viktorovna is a sports woman. does mikhail egorovich actually go in for sports or sit in the operating room? loves to dig in the garden, he is generally known in agriculture, shovel in hand
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, let him go, go through stress, dig up the garden, or harvest, or harvest, or do pruning, mow, this, by the way, is what he does, once again, any physical education, want to clean the apartment, if you want, dig in the garden, if you want, cut circles around the house, but you can’t survive stress without physical activity, in this sense i really want to do it separately. desires, here, here, here, we break
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the balls, so, marina viktorovna , here is a wish, whoever stops his ear from the cry of the poor, he himself will scream and will not be heard, oh, we must help people, philosophical, philosophical, where will he go. it's called empathy, happy news is on its way to you guys, so be it, of course. wishes to everyone, everything you wish, everyone i wish you health, without health there is no future , no plans, no mood, there is nothing , health to everyone in the new year, health and love, first of all to yourself, to your loved ones, and in general
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then to everyone, that’s right, that’s right, please sit down, i i adore you, our program continues and... continues the conversation, one more topic, and i want to invite some more of my favorite friends here, finally sharapova arina came to me and her husband eduard, come here guys, ed, i think you are , he came for the first time, yes, he always comes to my house, arishka and edik, here here, in my opinion, for the first time, yes, i’m so glad, and i’m glad, well, i almost lost it. i, i know , our sharapovs are similar husbands, they don’t like any public events, my husband, by the way , is not here, for various reasons, because, among other things, publicity, what good did you guys have this year, this year i managed to finish my new book, it
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will be published in december, the godmother of my first book is elena malysheva, thank you, lenochka, for pushing me, well... i’ve already gone my own way, i pushed , because she wrote fairy tales to herself , i said, you’re crazy, let’s write fairy tales for her and publish them, and we were driving in the car, i called my friend the editor of the publishing house straight from the car, i said, read orishka books, because her fairy tales are charming , well, this time, well done, well done, these, what did you have, besides the fact that you broke your finger, arthrosis, arthrosis began? what's good, i finally read last year's book by arina skazka, in which i was almost the main character along with my grandchildren, so relatives, this year we celebrated my
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sixtieth birthday, we all love you and congratulate you again, i’m 60 years old, oddly enough, yes. so tell me how you deal with stress? in this sense , it will probably be a little easier for eduard, but he will tell me about it, so i listened to you and realized that you are 100% right, only movement, no talking, no psychologists, but in general i have a secret if i feel really bad , i call elena vasilievna malsheva, she tells me: we will definitely have breakfast with you, and it will be much easier for you, no, it’s just that we both work, and we rarely see each other, so... i have such favorite memories when arina vremena drives past my house, she’s driving, naturally from work at 12, she calls and says: we’re passing by your house , you’re probably sleeping , you won’t come out, i say why i ’ll definitely go out to see you, and we go
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to the nearest cafe that’s open, it’s the most charming, a wonderful meeting, it’s going by the way, because we’re going, because we’re going, let's go here. this is how you fight stress? i, i have a simple technique, when i, in general, it’s difficult for me to deal with stress, yes, due to my age, and past work, services, but when stress does appear in me, i gladly pass it on to arina, because i know that she will definitely pass it on to erena vasilyevna, it’s just that orishka is, in fact, a very bright and sincere person. once upon a time her mother, truly, sincerely, the kingdom of heaven, told anna ivanovna about orishka, she tells me, lenochka, little little bear is a ray of light in our family, this is about you can say, absolutely sincerely, let's go back to stress, comrades, so the blood flow has been redistributed, everything has gone to
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the heart and brain, the entire digestive system has turned off, this is... the work of the sympathetic nervous system, the digestive system is parasympathetic. why do many people eat when they are stressed, they activate the parasympathetic system. we know this about sharapova, she and i love to eat out of grief, out of grief, out of grief. here. so, look, the easiest way to activate the parasympathetic system, which calms us down, reduces blood pressure, slows down the heart rate and so on. this. eating, it really helps, it’s physiology, but globally, it will then give a negative result, that we already have a lot of sugar, and there will be even more of it, therefore. therefore, it’s better not to do this, but we need to activate the parasympathetic system , we need to activate those systems that give
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us the opportunity to survive stress, calm down, first - breathing, holding breathing, let’s breathe in one more time, because we have a lot of reasons for this, so, first, we inhale for four, let's go, 1, 2, 3, 4, hold. 1 2 3 four slowly exhaled, one, two, three, four, a finger went through, oh, a finger went through, it’s no joke, but he really came with a broken finger, about which, sharapa tells me, i brought you a good husband, i think, oh what did she, it turns out, she broke his finger, she. bitten, no, no , guys, tear our balls, please, with a christmas tree, thank you, he’s so pink, wait,
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he’s so cute, let’s break the balls, and read the wishes, be sure, with a hammer, if you want to break it like that, carefully, oh , wow, look how masterly, yes, the servants read, you see, what a huge thing, you will learn to enjoy simple things, happiness is in the little things, in the little joys of life, a cup of morning coffee, how i love you, finally, you and i in coffee the smell of fresh, fresh grass, what about a morning jog , that’s all you know, an internal jog, for sure, without a hole, well, no way, come on, you ’re the last one, and what else is there, reading, and reading, and a little more writing, thank you, come on. what's yours, accept what you can't change and you'll feel better, finger you guys will get through your wish to everyone
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, arish, people, people, when there is no sun outside, you know, it will definitely appear from behind the clouds, and it warms, because the sun warms, i love it very much, and i wish you to see light in the dark, it happens, but... less stress, more positivity, sports , breathe more often, hold your breath for 4 seconds, well, good health to the sun and peaceful skies, yes, sit down, my beloved, please sit down, well, these are the i’m friends, really loved ones, we see each other, maybe not so often, but in the new year we always see each other, let's take a short break and then continue. a dog is the only creature in the world
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that can read emotions from a human face. hello, many children really look forward to coming to the library to read, because reading at home is not so interesting. will you listen to me? god, what a miracle this is. there was no one to accompany me on long walks, and i thought that i really needed a dog. come here, come to me. many people told me, what exactly are you?
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i never expect anything from anyone, most likely they are expecting something from me. art kutjes rodney art of the artist. the future of my craft is connected to the spiritual side of things. people no longer want to serve as clothes hangers. if the difference between a male fashion designer. and a woman's fashion designer, only you can judge this. fashion is a game where anything can happen to
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anyone. matador. high fashion on friday on the first. what do you think about the fashion world? perhaps this is an even more magical world than mine. health is with you again, dear friends. this is the last program in 2023. we see off this year with gratitude, because we you. alive, we are as healthy as possible , we have gathered together here in this studio, so in general we have something to thank for the past year, we are celebrating 2024 - this is the year of the dragon, and so from the point of view of chinese stargazers, this is the most prosperous year in the twelve-year cycle, with this thought
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, so that it will be like this, for each of us, for our country, for the whole vast world, for planet earth, we are saying goodbye to the outgoing twenty-third, we are welcoming the new year 2024, today we are talking about stress , visiting me the closest and dearest people to me, people whom i consider my friends, i hope you also think that i am your friend who will always come to the rescue, our next guests, a large family of prodeus. the head of which today, of course, is andrei andreevich, come to us, andrei petrovich, bring us andrei andreevich, well, this is the youngest of three sons, look, smiling little andryushenka, daughter and wife ira, andrei
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petrovich and ira are pediatric immunologists. who will you be with? i'll be a designer, has the metin family gone crazy? you're crazy, we've had enough farakhovs, apostates, all the children didn’t go to medical school, we’ll see, there’s still time for doctors, there are two older sons, but it’s clear that the adults are no longer interested in us, we ’re a welcome for them, and these are still with us, yes irish , what good did you have this year, what are you, my little berry, if you want, i’ll take you , you’ll go, no,
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such a vili, a cozy nest, for sure, yes, we invite you, we’ll bend and bend you right across all mask, we were just in one of the apartments , we wrote a book, okay, together, about love, about love, close to the baby, from birth, well oh mother’s pregnancy up to 3 years, oh, how good, an expert wrote, so you think, you’re an expert, here’s
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an expert, she’s a pediatrician, she’s an immunologist, she carried and was born. my dear, what good things happened to you this year? i’m following my parents’ example and have also started writing my own book, and have also moved very, very far into the archives at my architecture school. tell me how old are you? 15, 15 years old, the child began to write a book. what is your book about? this is a detective story about people, about friendship and family. we have writer after writer here. sharapova writes: about deos are already writing well, adult children, guys, it’s just very, very cool! well, we continue our conversation about stress, andrey petrovich, how do you cope with stress? you know, i think that i work more when there is stress, probably it helps me release the stress hormones that i have, and accordingly, it reduces
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the level of stress, i solve stress. tell us on behalf of your children, how do you cope with stress? well, mostly i'm very nervous, sometimes my emotions spill out, but i try keep yourself busy with something, draw. but to be distracted by what, oh my god, this same girl draws beautifully, yes irish, irish, the whole house is on you, the whole house is on you, i allow you to eat, i allow my friend sharapova to eat her for no reason at all, and i allow you, because that andrei petrovich, i condemn him all the time, he is always in some business, on some trains, this is generally andrei petrovich, a disgrace, i agree to be more, i agree, absolutely, guys, in fact, i want to show you now stress scale, it's very... interesting, tear, tear, let's step back a little and look at the stress scale, this is very important, what events are truly scary for us. the first five is
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death, divorce, separation, breakup - this is the most difficult event in life. therefore, if i wished you something, i would tell you, just not this, just not this. and just like this. hypertension, if the stress is not physically worked off, unfortunately, further, blood sugar rises, under stress it’s good, it’s food for the brain and muscles, but if you haven’t physically worked off this sugar, no
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burned, diabetes sets in, then blood clotting increases, this is also good, wounds should heal, because stress is fight or flight, but if stress is not worked out, there will be blood clots, heart attacks and strokes. spasm of the stomach vessels is also good , there is nothing for the digestive tract to work on here, you must definitely fight and fight, but if the stress does not go away, you will not work it off, you will have an ulcer, the last, most dramatic, applause, applause, eating stress suppresses inflammation, immunity so as not to there was pain, but if the stress did not work out. you are left without immunity, you may develop cancer, unfortunately, to the great, so you need to work off the stress, you need to move, move, move, i don’t want
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to spoil your mood, but i’ll still show you the five most severe stresses so that they don’t happen in your life have never happened, this is a dramatic five, just like sme... read irij, you will begin to achieve any goals, for this you need self-knowledge and self-realization. it’s good that it’s not self-sacrifice, because the life of the world is
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this is self-sacrifice in honor of andrei petrovich andrei andreevich and his daughter. read, beat, beat, read. oh, come on, sonechka. make your dreams come true, and this year will give you a lot of opportunities. oh, you are my cat, so that you, so that you finish writing your detective story, okay, andrei petrovich, since you are busy, andrei andrech, fight, the girls will do their job, erishchit, zaprodeusa, there will be peace on earth and delicacies on the table, hurray, we undertake this, this is the best wish, today, dear friends, prodeos, my loved ones, i am glad that you have. has grown family, irish, the best man of your life was born, the best man of your life, forgive me, andrei petrovich, it’s not you, i’m speaking absolutely
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sincerely, as a mother of two boys, so be it, you have a friend, wonderful, reliable, beautiful, but now there is also the best man in life, calm, balanced, friendly, what, where, when, the final of the year, today on the first? old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group, a christmas tree, like from the cover, we decorate the tree according to science. the holiday will be
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hot, as the new year is celebrated in africa, pain we get rid of the shoulder in 5 minutes, the program to live healthy, helps everyone, tomorrow on the first day, our man is beautiful first of all for his inner content, surgery is contraindicated for you, period, lucha, perform it on the patient, you understand that the operation will not help you anyway, that what are you doing, operational bonus? what did you do with her? you can't get away with it? this is not just a call, this is from there, you will ruin my institute. position, why did you get him like that? come with us, we are interested in the documentation of the cosmetology department. what are they taking away? holy simplicity, they do not open the doors for detainees. doctor preobrazhensky, the beginning
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of the story and new episodes from monday on the first, this is your institute, take what is rightfully yours, health is with you again, dear friends, today is the final program. in 2023, our next meeting in the health program will take place only in 2024, we say goodbye to the twenty-third year, in principle, with great gratitude, because everyone who is sitting in this room is alive, healthy, we came here, we are sitting in the warmth, we the truth is for what to thank this year, because as it was written in one of the wishes, happiness consists of little things and such... also
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today we are talking about stress, how to survive stress, i want to remind you that the year of the dragon is coming, so here it is the chinese believe that the dragon is the greatest sage; in a twelve-year cycle, a better year of the dragon cannot be imagined, so we are looking forward to this year as a year of good luck, success and prosperity, of course, another person i love came to me, please come in, come alone, came alone, although he has two daughters and two son, amazing wife, but everyone said that on this day no one could, and he was responsible, he couldn’t give me a ride, so he came, but then i won’t brag about their successes, because they didn’t deserve it, no, tell me, first, what good did you have in the past, but we made an expedition that we prepared for 3 years,
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it was an expedition to mount k-2, the most difficult mountain in the world, and our climbers, our operators took it, and we did not lose anyone on this mountain at all up to 23% mortality among climbers, horror, ours all returned, from twelve climbers 10 climbed and stood on the top of the mountain, moreover, for the first time russian women climbed k2, before that none of... well, yes, but we don’t know the first name, why? don’t joke, she died, no, it was the twins, sisters katya and masha, who took a step together, yes, yes, i can’t stand the pelshi expedition, it’s always stressful, it’s so stressful, you probably also know that he’s a paratrooper, he jumping these crazy jumps, when there are 100 people building some kind of figures, you know how we breathe during free fall, now on our screen, pull it out.
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and four, but in fact, in fact, in fact only - the pause is not four bars, but two, yes, this is the breathing of a diver under water, this is really true, if you want to breathe correctly, he is also a diver, you know, that’s his wife, this is crazy, you take a calm breath for four, inhale for two, hold your breath for two counts, exhale smoothly, the same smooth inhale, and you are a diver and waited. you get great pleasure and don’t stress. but the fact is that valdis also has documentaries about he’s filming this, he’s filming, he had a film about the oculus with these hellish dives and so on, so saying hello to svetlana pelsh, i want to say, sweetie, i don’t know how you live, because he’s there all the time, and
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she’s all the time i have to wait for him, it’s really a quiet horror, but how to survive stress, your personal secrets? well, since you climbed mountains, by the way, in the mountains it is very convenient to experience stress, very convenient, because you can imagine what a starry sky is like at the foot of everest or at the foot of any eight-thousander, how beautiful it is, it’s saturated, meteorites are flying there, i have a photograph where there are seven shooting stars in one frame, you now see this photographer, everything is very simple, let’s say at night you have an attack of altitude sickness then you...
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well as if this is a big question, but to climb to the k2 base camp, you have to walk along the glacier for 6 days, every day you walk on average from 18 to 25 km, just like that, a miracle load, horror, i want to remember what’s funny , since at our house we are all going to a new one all the time year, one day we were undergoing renovations and the toilet was not closing, that is, someone had to keep it, so pelsh was on duty and announced that... the toilet is occupied, the toilet is free, please, let's go, let's go, don't crowd, don't crowd, on the way out, on the way out, it was true , remember, guys, it was true, it was real, it was really very funny, the only thing was that they didn’t give me a whistle and a baton, it simply wasn’t
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there, since then, since then, maalyshe, the little ones always have a whistle in the house and the wives move. you will have the most, most important thing, wow, oh, wait, you already crushed me right away, but you crushed me, my hands are like the same minhausen in the film, i grabbed myself by the hair, and my hands are wow, wow, how nice, watch the film balditsa pilsha about mount k2 in the new year, it’s called the height gene or the mountain of all mountains. will be and will bring this this will bring you happiness, happiness and money, comrades, happiness and money, read the truth, i read it, then you will have a wish from me, it was true, in the new year on...


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