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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  December 25, 2023 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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cartridges of kiev and zelensky and the company with their help, so that in general there would be a habit of fighting as if ukraine had no restrictions either in weapons or ammunition, this is an army that is used to fighting, i’m not afraid to say, very very luxurious, an empty hall during zelensky’s speech at the un, to put it mildly, his cold reception in the us congress. at european gatherings in the ramstein format, they became the reason for the emergence of such a bloody concept as meat storms. in senseless attempts to break through russian defenses, kiev continues send your soldiers to slaughter, that's what the british times writes. the scale of ukraine's losses is classified, but no one is trying to hide the fact that the losses are enormous. i don’t even give the new guys call signs, most of them don’t live long,” said a ukrainian serviceman in the kharkov region, speaking on condition of anonymity. for a long time.
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zaluzhny's assistant, major chastyakov, died. the official version is surprising: a career military man could not distinguish a combat grenade from a souvenir one. in the office of the commander-in-chief and at the workplaces of several other employees of the ukrainian headquarters was found.
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without decisions from congress, by the end of the year we will run out of resources to purchase weapons and equipment for ukraine, at the moment we do not have any magic pot of money, we are running out of money , time is running out, but zelensky was given free advice by the former commander of the us army in europe, general ben hodges, he said that kiev needs to take an example from nazi germany in 1944. think about what germany did in 1944 to romania. ukraine needs to debug the army recruitment system; in addition, thousands of ukrainians are conscripted age settled here in germany, poland and now there are too many men and women walking around ukraine whose place is in the army other than to dress all able-bodied men and women in military uniform. the spectator publication
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came out with an article summing up the kiev adventure as a whole; one headline is enough: no one wants to talk about ukraine anymore, especially no one wants to talk about a weak russia. the calculation was that it was necessary to poke harder and the scenario of 1991 would repeat. accordingly, the americans, coupled with the british were completely mistaken in their analysis of the events of even the ninety-first year, they did not understand what really happened then and tried to extrapolate that... what seemed to them to be a scenario for the current situation, they were mistaken, deeply mistaken, here is the american republican senator, james david vance on the social network immediately admits two obvious things: the west believed that ukraine could push russia back to the borders of 1991, it was a fantasy 18 months ago, today it is a fantasy. the only question is how much further destruction we will impose ukraine before speaking out for peace. the feeling is obvious.
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when we returned from istanbul, boris johnson came to kiev and said that we would not sign anything with them, and let’s just fight, but it just didn’t work out. ivan kanavalov, liliya zorina, alexander gusev, channel one. the abduction of europe by the hands of europe itself. for the old world, this was perhaps
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the most difficult year in many decades, not just an economic crisis, not just confusion and vacillation in politics, but something deeper. it became obvious that europe was losing. itself as a center of power, a faceless european bureaucracy on uncle sam’s errands. if you put all the anti-russian eu sanctions into one package, it will probably break; it is the europeans themselves who pay for this, first of all. ivan blagoy will continue the topic. center of berlin, victory column, huge pile of manure. in general, it is clear what german farmers think about the state of affairs in the country. to sum up the year, german farmers came to berlin with pitchforks.
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all this is a violent reaction to the government’s plans , but not our own country, a shame. germany to abolish diesel subsidies for agricultural producers. this is what farmers think the german economy is becoming. the german government plans to save almost a billion euros for its own farmers, at the same time, the same government doubles spending on military assistance to ukraine, from 4 to 8 billion euros, with a hole in the budget in...
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what did they promise to the leaders of european countries in washington? that they were so drawn into the confrontation with russia. the finnish defense minister admitted to a political publication that, in his opinion, many western countries thought that... everything is not for long, 2023 has become a year of disappointments, the ukrainian counter- offensive is a failure, the russian economy is growing, i see that many are tired, to tell the truth, it may be close to the moment when everyone will understand that we need a way out. italian prime minister miloni thinks he is talking to african politicians, sharing his secrets with pranksters, he needs a way out. the first place of the far right in the parliamentary elections in the netherlands showed what a threat further support for ukraine could pose to the political elites. in slovakia the new prime minister fitso directly states that even all the weapons and money in the world will not help defeat russia. ladies and gentlemen, i want
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to say openly that i reject the idea that russia does not exist. russia was, will be. it seems that european diplomat barel also began to suspect something in the spring of last year, he made a bold statement that ukraine should. well, the struggle for resources is as old as time, otherwise it’s all about values. let's show our citizens that europe can deal with migration effectively and humanely. let's go again let's show the power of europe when it rises to its full height, when it is united. thank you
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very much and long live europe. it all ended symbolically, with a dog barking. in 2023 , europe truly howled from the consequences of its own sanctions. they have been producing here, or rather have been producing since the end of the 19th century, the employees staged a heartbreaking farewell ceremony. the decision to close the factory was made against the backdrop of a discussion of another eighth package of anti-russian sanctions; due to rising energy prices, the owner chose a site in brazil over dusseldorf. head of production council, here it is, against the backdrop of a gravestone with the inscription here lies our future, tried with colleagues to save the enterprise, the welt publication reports. they wrote letters. federal minister of economics robert habeck, but he did not even respond. on december 31, the history of the plant
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will be marked. there is little optimism, nuclear power plants are shut down, rg does not buy russian oil, the northern streams have been blown up, and gas is not flowing through the only intact pipe. the german leadership could come to an agreement with moscow, but it doesn’t, it doesn’t want to, it doesn’t need to. previously , putin called the eu policy of abandoning russian energy resources economic suicide. german steel production, last year minus 8%, this year -
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for the chancellor, which we here in the deutland trend program have received since 1997, this is
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the background against which monika schnitzer, a member of the economic council under the german cabinet of ministers, comes up with the idea of ​​​​introducing a new tax. special events require special measures. a possible response to this challenge would be a solidarity tax with ukraine on military aid, introducing a surcharge on income tax. hardly this will add to the popularity of further support for ukraine, especially in the east of the country. is changing and becoming truly multipolar, one of the main centers of this new multipolar world is russia. no
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international isolation of moscow, which the collective west dreamed of, did not happen , there is a lot of evidence, and representatives of 130 countries at the st. petersburg international economic forum, the success of the russia-africa summit, and delegates from many countries at the vtb forum russia is calling, and vladimir putin’s recent visits to united arab emirates and saudi arabia. naturally, they don’t like all this. who are accustomed to consider themselves hegemons and behave accordingly, but will have to come to terms with it, konstantin panyushkin on the new reality, new york times, please give it. russia and these few seconds from a multi-hour program summing up the year instantly went viral on chinese social networks. last thursday, immediately after the end of the program, the first thing a xinhua reporter did was jerk off the chair in which
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the president had just been sitting. how do you like being in putin's chair? okay, great, yeah. the remark was addressed not only to the russian guarantors of stability in the world. and yet, this is a chinese audience, but a western one. moscow and beijing are recording all of nato’s encroachments into the global south and east. we are closely monitoring this and will respond jointly, timely and effectively. no one should have any doubt about this. putin and xi, the two main builders of a new, just world order, each of their meetings is a milestone in
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the formation of a multipolar world. now there is a change that has not happened for 100 years, where they move. sidinpin's first visit to moscow in march after his re-election to a third term at the head of the prc became a powerful signal to the whole world. have you seen how the west reacts to the success of the negotiations? i think they rejoice with us. they are furious. very good, this makes me very happy. very nervous, visibly. look, it's none of their business. this is not an american thing. all that remains from russia's previous rapprochement with the west is disappointment. so last week vladimir putin was asked what if he could turn to himself. from what warned against naivety and excessive gullibility in relation to our so -called partners, now he understood everything about them, imperial, absolutely imperial policy, illegal bloody invasion of yugoslavia, iraq, libya, syria, they will never wash themselves away from this shame, the concept of honor , trust,
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decency, is not for them, according to american statistics.
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the meeting in the emirates, and in saudi arabia, is also an explosive message from the west from the policies of the new multipolar world, where previously the skies opened only for the us air force, now with the su-35s of the russian aerospace forces are circling with full ammunition; by the way, this was a return visit; zamiratov’s companies are represented quite worthy at the forum. despite the pressure put on us, we decided to move along
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the path of cooperation. in june, the arab emirates became the main guest of the st. petersburg economic forum and a participant. everyone sitting here understands what it means to come to russia today, and especially to come to our event today, and to sit here with us, this is a manifestation of leadership qualities and... character and respect for their own national interests. in total , representatives of 130 countries flocked to st. petersburg for the economic forum. despite all the difficulties of last year, we did not give up. on the path of self-isolation, on the contrary, we expanded contacts with reliable, responsible partners in countries and regions that today act as locomotives and drivers of the global economy.
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this suggests that the ugly, inherently neo-colonial international system has ceased to exist, and the multipolar world order, on the contrary strengthens. this is an inevitable process. i draw a conclusion from yours. sanctions, bank accounts and real estate, we will take everything away, it will be bad for you if you go, many, of course, say that well, let’s see what the consequences will be, but for us here is
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friendship, solidarity, which has really existed for many decades, it turned out to be more important. such brutal pressure, no one can order africa not to come to the forum in st. petersburg, just like when we gather in washington, russia does not prohibit us from doing this, but in fairness for the sake of something at the russia summit still, she gave it to africa for free, but without any requests and from the bottom of her heart. burkinofo, zimbabwe, mali, somalia,
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central african republic, eritrea. we will provide free delivery of these products to consumers for 25-50 thousand tons of grain. as a result, the russia-africa summit ended in success for everyone. for the entire fatherland, this is already an episode that, on the sidelines of the summit, an event with the participation of the vice-president of nigeria suddenly turned into a mass performance of the russian anthem by nigerians.
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this conversation continued all year in moscow and minsk, in other capitals of the cis, at large forums and personal meetings, for example, in sochi. the overwhelming majority of participants in international communication, and they are fighting with us to create a multipolar world, since this situation suits almost no one, i say almost, because even those countries that are kind of allies in the united states, i assure you that this is for them
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same situation. the president’s words were confirmed at the g20 summit; the final declaration recorded fundamental changes within the g20. this year there is no condemnation, no hint of western preconception about aggression, no, no demands and no aggressive language that would somehow reflect. namely the position of the west regarding a special military operation in ukraine, but there is a common understanding of how to act in the interests of establishing peace, in the interests of security, all this in accordance with key requirements, namely the un charter. and this is a victory not only for russia, but for the entire multipolar world; oddly enough, there are even representatives of it in the eu. hungarian prime minister viktor orban took advantage of a trip to beijing to
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hold his first meeting with vladimir. they attack him mainly not because he takes a position that is different from other european leaders, but because he has the courage to defend the interests of his people, and many political figures in today's europe lack this courage, they do not have such courage , they envy him, they don’t attack him for this, but you can’t attack everyone at once, too many want to live in a new way, a sure
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sign is what happened in the summer... we came to consensus on the first stage of brix expansion, which will be followed by other stages. we decided to invite argentina, iran, the united arab emirates, saudi arabia, ethiopia and egypt to full-scale cooperation. their membership will begin on january 1, 2024. i would like to congratulate our new members, who will work on a full scale next year, and i want to assure all colleagues that we will continue the work that we started today to expand the influence of brix in the world. back in the spring before the expansion, brix overtook the big seven western countries in terms of the total size of their economies, but now, when there are not five, but 11
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countries in the union, it is no longer possible to catch up with brix. amputation, but champion character is forever. roman managed and emerged victorious from this battle, began training as soon as the doctors allowed, and of course, the raid came out. this is what victory over death looks like—victory over oneself, in spite of everything. let's together, let's, accept, accept. this is the most important gift for us, where will we put it? here in the corner, they haven't been around for a long time they decorated the tree like this, all together, usually dad was responsible for creating a festive mood, but now dad is resting, the children are working, it’s as if they are trying to admire each other
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and share every joyful moment with everyone, but why did you fluff it up at first, because it needs to be decorated, why we do it all the time, like this is how it’s done, look, this is how it’s not far, this is how it’s not far from a scandal. in any loving family, but roman kostamarov will be seeing off the last minutes of this year with a special feeling, it would be better if the new year this wonderful and wonderful twenty-third year ended quickly, it turned out to be unhappy in my life, i had to learn to live again, in his case these are not loud words, an olympic champion, with his body he was used to breaking through the boundaries of the possible, it makes no sense to count.
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and we can only guess what mental strength it took for him to put on prosthetics again, learn to just walk, in parallel, go downstairs, don’t forget, there were periods when you really don’t understand why you are here. stayed, why did they leave you here, and to be honest, i can’t live i want death, it’s not scary, death is not scary, it’s scary to remain disabled , it’s probably just not in the character of a champion to allow yourself to give up, even when it’s bad, when it hurts, when you’re afraid that you’ll never be yourself again, still in the hospital, he he clenches his teeth and begins to train, which means that we train, train, train, press, press, how easy it is, giving up is much easier, but it will only get worse for you, and from this, it will be more difficult for you to live, you will, i don’t know, sit, drive in a stroller, they will carry you or just lie stupidly in bed, and i
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it seems that it’s much more painful and difficult, i ’m so excited, i’m crazy, six months later i started jumping, i can’t keep up, there’s no problem with my legs, i’m already used to it. after all, there is a balance from the sport of figure skating, still walking in the snow, let’s say walking on a flat road, it’s much easier, but walking on some uneven surfaces, that is, you still get thrown, because your leg, your ankle, it doesn’t it’s more difficult for you, not yours, now not real, the thought of children, of daughter nastya and son ilya, helped him overcome despair, quietly, quietly, quietly, where, i didn’t i wanted to appear at home in front of the children until i... get on my feet until i have prosthetics, so that i come home on my own legs, and not come home in a stroller, now together with my son they go swimming, let me follow you, and the daughter, a tennis player, coaches her dad on
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the court from the first attempts, less than a month passed before the game with karen khachanov, oh, great, wow! i’m really very glad that dad plays tennis, we haven’t tried a serve yet, here’s a half-court shot, you throw it to him, and he hits, it works, and even with rotation, oops, neatly, just not think about it, well, this is not a tomato for you, roman is just getting used to his new hand, by the way, about tomatoes, oh, tomatoes, okay, fine, let's go here. green, this is a bionic prosthesis , it has six programs that can be changed through an application on the phone, everything is controlled using your own muscles, tense a muscle, the hand opens, tenses
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an internal muscle, tenses an internal one, closes, so you approach the car, say, once , opened the door, and you can even sign autographs again, i need to work in the office now, signing documents, my hand never gets tired. these are jokes, because we all know where his place is, and just sitting and watching others skate is not for kostomarov. backstage at the anniversary show... they help roman put on his skates. together with his wife oksana domnina, they go to rehearsal. this surprise has been prepared since the fall, and it seems no coincidence that these exact words are heard while skating on the ice. and here are those very moments before the first performance, after 175 days in the hospital after severe pneumonia, sepsis, amputation and uncompromising work. with you, you were waiting
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me, you were my light, i am here, i am here, my dear, my beloved, your faith in your love, helped me survive.
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i missed this, thank you, every day was such a small victory, so it was such a staircase, a staircase forward, it actually continues, in general, we are very, very strongly, it seems to me, united by this difficult life situation, we now have to hobble like this until very old age, but together, yes, yes, that evening kostomarov fulfilled another dream of his, together with tatyana navka, almost 18 years after winning the olympics in turin they repeated their legendary
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carmen, and there is no olympic medal that could be used to evaluate this victory of his over himself, and at home he still could not sit still; he contributed to the decorations of the christmas tree, quietly. of course, this story is not about a fairy tale, and of course, it is not finished, there is a lot of work and difficulties ahead, this year has taken too much from them, but they were able to give a lot to each other, let it be at least a little easier in 2024, happy new year to everyone, happiness love to all, yes yes, take care of your loved ones, this one
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we will remember a very difficult year for the losses , those who ended their earthly journey, people of culture and art, political journalists, military men and diplomats, academic athletes, they were not just in the public eye, they defined their time, became part of our life, our history. let's remember these names and faces.
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the exacerbation of the palestinian-israeli conflict
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turned into a shock for the whole world, a real hell on earth, first from the atrocities of hamas militants in israeli kibbutzim on october 7, and then... footage from the gaza strip, which tsahal literally began to raze to the ground, along with two million civilian population. by the end of the year, terrible numbers: 1,200 victims in israel, more than 20,000 in the gaza strip. home about the escalation of the conflict with giorgi alisashvili. he headed channel one's bureau in the middle east for several years and has a thorough understanding of what 's going on there. over the decades of the palestinian-israeli conflict, the threat from gaza has become so firmly established in the daily life of the jewish state that apparently the sense of danger has dulled, at the very border with the strip on the symbolic day of half a century since the beginning of the yom kippur war , a music festival has been held. first there was a rocket
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attack, but with the unusual makeshift guns that palestinians most often use, hamas deployed multiple launch rocket systems to finish off. there are more than 600 launches to jerusalem, only on the first day the overloaded system about the iron dome fails, rockets fall directly on residential buildings. at this time , drones, which has also never happened before, are destroying numerous security cameras and sensors that react to movement in the neutral zone. dividing fence broken, closed for 100 castles, the border turns into a passage yard. they also invade from the sea on boats, from the air on deltoplanes, small sabotage detachments of well-trained and heavily armed militants penetrate into israel at dawn, dozing in the peace and quiet of the sabbath. each detachment has its own pre -designated goals, but suddenly the militants
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literally stumble upon the guests of that same music festival, and a massacre begins. unarmed people are shot at point-blank range, roads are blocked, cars cannot get away, and there is no hiding in the barren desert. the wounded are being finished off, hundreds israelis, as in primitive times, are driven into cages, militants capture small kibbutzim without a fight, break into houses, shoot at everyone, women, old people, and babies are killed with inhuman cruelty. at some point , israel ceases to control an entire city from holes, whose residents, accustomed to shelling, do not immediately understand that they are in mortal danger. they captured, they captured this station, they captured the police station. the head of the military wing of the hamas movement announces the start of a military operation
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against the jewish state. we decided to put an end to israel's crimes with god's help so that the enemy would understand the time. 3 days only by october 10th the army takes control of the border, the total number of israeli deaths is about 1,200 unprecedented, how could this even happen? i was a sergeant during. operation is an indestructible rock, my entire service took place next to the gas sector , i was put on alarm because of a pigeon, because of a stork, because of a cockroach under a fence, everyone immediately
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became puzzled by how hundreds of people with equipment managed to slip through unnoticed, such it just can’t be, you see, when i was serving, we had a suspicion, just a suspicion of a possible invasion from the gas, i was then in the settlement on the holoos, hundreds of our cars and military equipment rushed in literally seconds. this time, the army entered the battle, according to various sources, either 5 or 6 hours after the start of the invasion. to understand the scale, during this time you can drive around all three seas washing the shores of israel by car. the american press would later report that more than a year before the attack, the israeli intelligence intercepted the hamas attack plan, but did not attach any importance to it. in a forty-page document, which the israeli authorities. the wall and jericho, a step-by -step account of just such an invasion that resulted in the deaths of approximately 1,200 people.
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the document circulated among israeli military intelligence chiefs, but experts believed that an attack of this scale was beyond hamas' capabilities. israel does not respond with a military operation, as usual, prime minister netanyahu declares war, hamas. citizens of israel, we are at war. this not an operation, not an escalation, this is a war. the goal is precisely to destroy the movement of its leaders, the infrastructure of its entire military potential, and there are several problems here. hamas is a horizontal organization; the places of liquidated field commanders are taken by new militants. in addition, the sector is ready for defense. a system of underground tunnels helps palestinian flying squads suddenly penetrate israeli rear areas. pictures of burned captured merkava tanks are flying around the world. it is also impressive that for the first time in a long time... it acts without regard to population of a sector of two million, all buildings in the gas where
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hamas could potentially be hiding are declared legitimate targets, and civilians, judging by the leaks, were initially planned to simply be evicted somewhere. we don’t tell them, go to the beach and drown yourself, for god’s sake, not at all, there is a huge, almost limitless space in the sinai desert, very close to the gas sector. the idea is for them to reach out to these. that is, they were talking about a huge ghetto in the desert, but this plan remained on paper: both egypt and jordan refused to accept palestinian refugees, then israel ordered the residents of northern gaza to move to the south, according to the principle that whoever does not hide is not to blame. i don’t want to let her go, this is my daughter, i want to spend all my time with her until her funeral. in the first month of the war alone, according to palestinian sources, which are indisputably
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confirmed by western experts, israel dropped more than 35,000 tons of explosives in tratil equivalent with gas - this is more than two kheroshima. gaza will never be the same, we we will destroy everything, whether in a day, a week or several, or even a month. the israeli military enters gaza in ruins and the north of the sect. and its southern part, seemingly declared a safe zone, rockets fall on columns of refugees, on their camps, on residential areas, 3/4 of the buildings were destroyed under fire from the hospital, officials from the ministry of health of the sector give a press conference against the backdrop of bodies wrapped in white shrouds. i appeal to everyone, this is what our enemy is doing to hospitals, in front of the whole world and the whole world is inactive. it is no secret that civilian targets are hamas militants are often used for military purposes, under the guise of being controlled and de facto forced. population, but even in this situation , the cruelty of the response, reminiscent of the old testament eye for an eye, is shocking: thousands of dead children, the footage from the gaza is no less terrifying than
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those taken in the burned israeli kibbutzim. in addition, there is a humanitarian catastrophe in the sector. israel has cut off electricity and water supplies, and is running out of food and medicine. in hospitals there are gases; even children are operated on without anesthesia. the border with egypt is occasionally opened, through it they bring in humanitarian aid, much less than is required, and release it. but the case against netanyahu has not been stopped, it continues, while he himself demands
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that at least he be frozen, but no, it is clear that... the supreme court of israel continues this investigation and interrogation of witnesses. well, accordingly, this means that netanyahu has been driven into google. also because so far no one has been held responsible for the failure of october 7th. it’s obviously not possible to hush up the topic, but while the war is going on, there’s not much to be said about it, but the further it goes, the less obvious her goals. in the first week, maximum two weeks, this... because the main task is the destruction of hamas, that the end of this story is not yet in sight, and the main thing is that the hostages remain where they
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were, moreover, they suddenly... .no one thought that they were wearing an explosive device, to identify themselves, they were holding white rags over themselves, they asked for help in hebrew, and even if these were gazans who raised a white flag and came out to surrender, what should we do to them? shoot, of course not, a conflict that has no end yet and there is no end in sight, it has spilled out onto the streets of the world's capitals, pro-palestinian actions are taking place throughout the middle east, attacks on synagogues in britain and germany, attacks by islamists in
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france , the gloomy situation has risen before europe in full force... the middle east today is calmer than it once was - or over the past two decades, and now in fact israel is waging a war in gaza, a second front could open at any moment on the west bank of the jordan river, and a third at the lebanese border, from where the jewish state has been shelling for 2 and a half months hezbollah group. during this time , the us secretary of state flew to israel four times, but achieved nothing. israel has the right
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to do everything to ensure that the hamas massacre of october 7 does not happen again. cannot continue to control gaza, however , continuing the war is extremely unprofitable for washington , they cannot refuse us support to the jewish state, at the same time , this support repels american muslims, which is very critical for the democrats a year before the elections. in addition, the entire security architecture, the plan for reconciliation between the gulf monarchy and israel against iran. the yemeni houthis are attacking the southern sea trade route, and the states have launched an entire military operation against them. diplomatic prospects are cloudy with biden already in the region.
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negotiations with hamas achieved the release of some of the hostages, also on the instructions of the president, by planes of the ministry of emergency situations through egypt from russia, in turn, after a series of sectors, all citizens with russian passports who requested help were evacuated. thank you russia, thank you, thank you russia thank you to vladimir putin for your help and for the evacuation.
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the chechen republic and dagestan accepted refugees from the gas sector; by the way, planes flew to the middle east. was no longer able to pass a resolution calling for a ceasefire. the number of people killed in the gas exceeded 20,000, and records were set for the number of un journalists killed. at the same time , 129 israelis remain hostage from hamas. all attempts to conclude a truce end in renewed fire. the war continues. georgy lisashvili, irina bliznyuk, sergey chivelo, channel one. the end to the palestinian-israeli conflict is not yet in sight, but meanwhile, in the past year , an end to the confrontation was put. azerbaijan and armenia around nagorno- karabakh. it lasted 30 years. on september 19 , baku launched a local military operation. a day later, through the mediation of russian peacekeepers, it was possible to agree on a ceasefire.
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more than 100 thousand residents left nagorno-karabakh for armenia. protests continued in yerevan for a long time, people demanded the resignation of prime minister nikol pashinyan, accusing him of surrendering karabakh. and for good reason. during negotiations with the european union, he signed a declaration in which he admitted. the region is part of azerbaijan. one big construction project, this is how we can describe what is happening now in our new regions, the people’s republics of donbass, kherson and zaporozhye regions. the whole country is participating in the revival of russia’s historical territories. each city and village is assigned a region-chief. the infrastructure, which was not even repaired under ukraine, is now being put in order at a record pace. the water blockade of donetsk, which was organized by the kiev regime, has finally ended. military builders in record time stretched a powerful water pipeline from the don river to the seversky donets-donbass canal. the changes that are taking place in new regions are especially noticeable in mariupol.
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vladimir putin personally checked how the work was going there in march. the president himself got behind the wheel and drove through the streets together with deputy prime minister morat khusnulin, who reported to him in detail about all the objects. the head of state visited the new nevsky microdistrict. when they first started going there residents? yes, i didn’t even expect it at all, can i at least say hello to you, come in , thank you very much, we’ve only seen you on tv so many times, well, nothing like that, we need to start getting to know each other better, we were just in crimea, they broadcast it on tv, and already such a job, what kind of work, do you live here or were you just surprised, you thought? were expanded, it ’s such a thing to see, you know, this is our dear one, we know how long we’ve been waiting for this putin, my god, mariopol is transforming every day, residential buildings that were covered in soot back in the spring
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from fires and with traces of explosions, now sparkle with new facades , the historical center is being restored , a new multidisciplinary medical clinic is preparing to open, roads are being put in order, highways are being developed in all new regions and this is part of a grandiose plan for the development of the road network... throughout the country . last thursday , the new m12 moscow-kazan highway was fully opened. the start of the movement along the final section via video conference was given by vladimir putin. allow traffic to open in all areas highway along the new route to kazan. with god blessing. the construction of the highway, part of a large transport corridor in russia, began in the summer of 1920. in september twenty-second, the first plot was handed over. after 3 months. to the east was extended to vladimir. this year, the road reached the southern bypass of arzamas in the nizhny novgorod region and further to chuvashia and tatarstan. you can now travel from moscow to kazan almost twice as fast, in 6.5 hours instead of twelve.
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railways are also actively developing. special attention to the eastern testing area, as russian railways call the baikal-amur mainline and transsip. and in moscow, the large ring metro line, abbreviated as bkl, has been closed. it became the largest metro ring in the world. 70 km, 31 stations, and in the past year , two more moscow central diameter mcds, the third and fourth, were launched. the curiosity of the year happened in the united states, when a large white balloon flew there from canada, which, as it turned out in the process, was chinese. in the celestial empire they explained that this is a weather umbrella, it was accidentally blown to america by the wind carried away. the balloon hung in the sky over the united states for several days, after which the balloon was eventually shot down. live. air from an f-22 raptor fighter. f-15 and gle fighters, refueling aircraft also took part in the operation; they were covered from the water by a destroyer, a missile cruiser and a landing ship. the incident became the reason
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for canceling secretary of state blinken's visit to the prc. then, however, blinken arrived in china, and joe biden was able to hold talks with chairman xi on the sidelines of the atc summit in san francisco. well, as they say, there’s little point. immediately after the meeting, biden publicly called for... acting with china from a position of strength. our partnership in the indo-pacific region has never been stronger. these efforts have allowed us to effectively interact with partners while simultaneously seeking solutions to such problematic issues as china's trade and economic policy, peace and stability in the taiwan strait and the eastern part of the south china sea, as well as the issue of human rights. relations between russia and china have in many ways made 2023 the year of a sharp geopolitical turning point.
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in response to western sanctions, russia is looking for partners in the east. china is one of the most influential and reliable. visits of our leader to beijing and the chinese one to moscow. personal agreements between vladimir putin and sidinpin gave a powerful impetus to cooperation. regular dialogue between heads of government added specifics. this week , mikhail mishustin was received with special solemnity in the celestial empire. from china. report from our subcorrespondent natalia lyublinskaya. the head of the russian government arrives in beijing for the second time in a year, again a solemn meeting, the flags of two countries decorate the route of the motorcade, as does the heart of the chinese capital of the squares. an impressive delegation at the people's house.
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the task of financiers is to ensure that payments for these goods proceed smoothly; the measures that have already been taken are yielding positive results. a number of new agreements were signed between the customs authorities of the two states, between the fas and the general administration for control and regulation of the market of the people's republic of china. the process is underway to establish trade mechanisms, in particular the export of russian agricultural products, which are so in demand in china. following corn, rice, soybeans and
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rapeseed, domestic pork will begin to be purchased. by the end of next year, deliveries will begin, given the volume of the chinese market, given that our pig farms are quite active , they are being updated, invested, expanded, we really have excess capacity, this will be such an interesting, mutual, let’s say , movement. head of the ministry of health mikhail murashko discussed the fight against diseases and treatment with his chinese colleague in a round of specialized negotiations.
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i ask you to convey words of sympathy, support to the relatives of those who died, wishes for a speedy recovery to all the wounded and injured, by decision of russian president vladimirich putin, we are ready to assist in eliminating the consequences of the earthquake through our ministry of emergency situations. the ceremony of awarding the order of friendship at beijing university. deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko congratulates the vice-rector of nintsa, the president of the chinese association. schoolchildren, students, and this well reflects
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the general trend of rapprochement, the tone for which was set during the spring visit to moscow chairman xi, informal negotiations between the leaders of the two countries lasted until late at night, and momentum was gained. there are many, many questions there, this is the economy , there is finance, political interaction regarding how external factors and conflicts influence the development of russian-chinese relations, all these external factors are common threats, they strengthen
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russian-chinese interaction, and if overseas they are still going to, quote: interact with china from a position of strength, as the us secretary of state promises.
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let's move right now to vdnkh. undoubtedly, one of the events of the year is the grand exhibition russia. on november 4, our idea of ​​what an exposition could be turned upside down, the scale of incredible emotions, fantastic, over 3 million guests will confirm this. pavilion 75. a kaleidoscope of achievements from the donetsk people's republic to the krasnoyarsk territory, here are all 80 subjects of our country, here is all the best and at once, all this is about you and me, about our traditions, nature, people. russia is a broad soul, so at the exhibition, you can’t get around everything in a day, the area is 90 thousand square meters, and this,
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of course, the territory of technology. atom , the nineteenth pavilion , the energy of our science pulsates here, complete immersion in the history of nuclear energy, seven floors of exhibition space, this is... it’s better to come to vdnh with the whole family, with your family, loved ones, it will be interesting for everyone, especially in the cosmos pavilion, so alien technologies have never been close, here our country is ahead of the rest, and of course, this is not all about the russia exhibition, to feel all its flavor, you just need to come to vdnkh. exhibition, russia - first an event of this magnitude since soviet times, well, the entire space of vdnkh, which was originally conceived as the main exhibition space of a huge country, is again today. such is the case, but then in 1939, when new
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pavilions opened their doors, drummers from all over the soviet union shared their achievements here, then the exhibition was visited by more than 3.5 million people, well, the year is 2023, in less than 2 months of the exhibition’s work they record this the same number of visitors is 3.5 million, of course a lot has changed since then, but not... our newest angara stand is about to take off, you can launch it into space right now, let's go, it's a very exciting
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feeling, you will be an astronaut, the second loon, in the omsk region, where the rocket is being assembled, you can make a virtual flight on it, it's like we're flying, this they show how it is in the sky, you see, the sky is being conquered today in the khabarovsk territory, our newest su-57 and dry superjets 100 are assembled there, in the ulyanovsk region the region’s stand is a full-size cabin of the legendary one. a few steps and mercy are asked for kalym. ladies and gentlemen, the flight went well, everything . what did you know about kalym before? what is it very far and cold, and now? now, what is so beautiful? nearby , kamchatka surprises with the beauty of volcanoes. the stavropol region is treating us to a new volcanic mineral water. are you all in line for mineral water? yes yes.
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the population has grown one and a half times, and yes , the primorye territory is growing every year , and a unique national park has been created in it. 10 years ago, the far eastern leopard was on the verge of extinction; there were only 35 of them left in russia, and this is the rarest cat species on the planet, here's what today: at the moment , there are 125 adult leopardos in the protected area of ​​the reserve; over the past year , 13 kittens were born, but you know this without me, because it’s thanks to you. the president visited the russia exhibition twice, with a difference of less than 2 weeks. on his previous
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visit, he also visited the atom pavilion. the building itself is designed to impress from the threshold, almost airy against the backdrop of stalinist architecture. the new glass facade is like a huge showcase of achievements. the building is very carefully integrated into the architecture of the whole complex. we didn't need to exceed the number of floors. in russia there is nothing like this in the world. you can count them on your fingers. on seven floors, three of which are underground, all stages of industry development since soviet times. it's loud now. but today’s peaceful nuclear power plants, icebreakers, submarines in the next room are an artistic interpretation of a water-water reactor, which in reality is capable of providing energy to a city of ten million. the president also walked through the gallery of russian achievements, an almost 170-meter digital space in the form of a futuristic collider. and later the heads of government of the cis countries also visited here, the largest
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cinema theater in the world, you can load any picture onto it, so, please look, mikhail mishustin drew the attention of his colleagues to the world’s only drifting research center, the north pole. in fact, this is a thirteen-story observatory afloat, our flagship in the arctic. well, in general, much of what concerns the development of this region, one can say, this is not the case anywhere else in the world. a unique arctic bus project. arctic model the bus can be examined in detail, it will start from half a turn at -60, and the wheels will not fly apart. in the cold, like broken glass. here we have special tires , belarus helps us produce these tires, and this is just one of many joint projects, however, the strong point of our belarusian colleagues is, of course, agriculture, prime minister golovchenko is shown our tractors, i have a request to control the tractor remotely, you can , please, our tractors are all, now i’ll turn it over, can
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we stop, the excursion route is under drawbridges of st. petersburg. past the vologda region, a stand that attracts the attention of the prime minister of azerbaijan. to the moscow stand, where the latest charging stations for electric vehicles will be produced, which will begin in tajikistan. along the way is the tatarstan pavilion, where in such a friendly atmosphere of the commonwealth the head of the government of kazakhstan was congratulated on his birthday. and likhan usmailov was given a tatar chapan. our national outfit suits you very well. at the exhibition russia and many educational projects in the fifty-seventh pavilion every day, lectures on a variety of topics, one of them was previously held by mikhail mishustin, the prime minister spoke with schoolchildren and students about the future that we are creating today, under the conditions of sanctions we are restarting the electronics and aircraft industry, building housing, this year the record is more than 100
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m2, from which we can would you take an example? these are our guys, defenders of the fatherland, who and you could call our contemporaries, today fulfilling their duty to their homeland, defending our country in a special military operation, of course, these are heroes, this is our president for
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me, this... he’s been living in st. petersburg for 50 years, when i was talking to a pro-skatav car builder, he said: i worked there in production until i was 19, until i left, until i left , a man came up, also elderly, he turned out that he was her boss , they met 50 years later at our stand at this exhibition, here everyone oohed and aahed with emotion, the exhibition of the achievements of our country itself became an incredible
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achievement, and how much more is there to come? russia, russia, exhibition of the year. there will be something to tell your grandchildren for centuries. anna kurbatova, pavel petrov, sergey deev, veronika ilvutchenkova, ekaterina ovsyannikova, alexander isaev, channel one. our children need attention and loving care every day, especially when it comes to children who live with rare diseases. so small, but so mature, conscientious and very strong, their parents are helped by the circle of good foundation. it was created by presidential decree 3 years ago. this is real. a universe of good deeds, where they will always help and support, our correspondent, alena germanova, met with the fund’s wards , sasha is not in pain, while he’s holding back, i don’t know what will happen before the operation, but he said, i’m not afraid, but what are you worried about, it’s scary, mom furtively brushes away her tears
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, only silent and serious sasha seems to be afraid of nothing, at only nine, he understands, he just needs to be patient a little more. tissue growth, doctors don’t know why it starts, but they can cure it, the operation is complicated, it will take several hours, don’t worry, the most important thing, come on, the main thing is not to worry, everything will be fine, we’ll still
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play football, they will save sasha’s joint with the help unique technique, it was only recently developed at the turner pediatric traumatology center, here they learned how to correct very rare spinal deformities, for each small patient they create their own metal structure, such complex operations that have not yet... “hello, how are you doing, look what a boy, hello, tamir still the maternity hospital underwent
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mandatory neonatal screening, this examination helps to identify 36 congenital diseases, the very next day after discharge the mother was informed that the boy had spinal muscular atrophy, the first most severe type, such at first, children cannot hold their head up, sit up, and then breathe on their own. that's the kind of guy you are, that's the kind of guy you are, you're going to jack off, and you're going to jack off? come on, walk around , here is good support for your legs , damir looks at everything around with big eyes of surprise , so much has already happened in his life, the first plane from sochi to moscow, and the first iv, a month and a half before the world was injected with the most expensive medicine in the world, zalginsma costs more than 100 million rubles, but it can stop the disease by the time it manifests itself. the first symptoms the child already dies some part of the motor neurons, so we need to catch the window before this
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irreversible process begins. due to the fact that the drug was introduced in the early stages, we plan that the boy will develop according to his age. over the years of work , the circle of good has already paid for more than 200 doses of this drug, children with spinal-muscular trophies were the first wards of the fund, now there are almost 90 rare diseases on the list. so the other day cherishevsky turner syndrome entered there, and from this year they began to provide assistance not until the age of 18, but until the age of 19. the fund was created by initiative of the president in january 2021, during which time more than 200 billion rubles were spent on the treatment of children. the budget for the circle of good is formed by increasing taxes for those whose income is more than 5 million rubles per year. we are very grateful to those people who gave us part of their income so that the fund would have the funds that we have to do. many good deeds in the coming year, new drugs are being released that will provide treatment for new diseases, well, unfortunately there are many diseases , but if there is a treatment for the disease, we
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we will do everything to make this treatment available here as soon as possible, as you and i measure, our legs are straight, oh, so 99 centimeters, almost a meter, every millimeter for us is a victory, this year vanya has grown by as much as 8 cm and let him reach his he is not yet up to par with his five-year-old peers, but he tries to obediently take his medicine every morning. such a bottle costs more than 3 million, it’s small, yes, who would have thought, that’s navanina’s weight, it lasts us for 2 months. due to a genetic disease, logille's syndrome, the boy was tormented by severe the itching from birth vanya almost did not sleep, he literally tore himself until he bled, but abroad they recently invented a medicine, the circle of goodness , especially for... i started purchasing it, immediately in the first week we felt that all the medicine was working when vanya simply overslept all night, that is, we woke up in the morning,
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we understand that we did not wake up at night, god, hello, vanya, well, do you like the carriage, yes, this is not the only miracle of confetanburg, do you want to see an even greater miracle? well then, let's run quickly, let's run, let's run, op-op-op, hello, hello, st. petersburg cat, look how fluffy he is, there was a special excursion at the holiday fair. for vanya , he really needed it, it was a new year’s miracle , he had never seen such a two-story carousel, but the most important meeting was ahead, did you like it, yes, i see these emotions , of course, great, in general, these children’s emotions are the most cool, what could it be, hello, please come in, i’m very glad to see you, finally, i’ve waited, my dear people, come here, come to me, come on,
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well, tell me in my ear, whisper, come on, come on... what do you want, vanya deliberately whispered to santa claus very quietly, in case it didn’t come true, but then he couldn’t stand it, he told us everything, i gave it to santa claus, he brought me some ice cream phone, phone, yes, what phone, what color, blue, look what’s there? chika, some little charik, wow, tell me, this is his first christmas tree, uh-huh, damir had his first christmas tree in his life, think he slept sweetly on the warm embankment in sochi, he was just drawn to sleep, by the new year the doctors allowed him and his mother return home, back to moscow for examination, now only 3 months later, i believe with all my heart that everything will be fine in the future, of course, i would like him to connect his life with sports, i would like him to become
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a hockey player, well... he’s already like himself next he will choose our electret and here it is our tantalum rod, in fact this is an electromagnet that we will implant, that is, this is essentially the only magnet that can be implanted into the human body without any consequences. for several years this magnet will be exposed to a constant electric field to restore sasha’s joint at the site of the lesion; he tolerated the operation well, but for the next 3 months he cannot get out of bed. he will have to wait a little longer to get on the football field, but the head coach of st. petersburg zenit has prepared a surprise for sasha. sasha, my name is seman sergey, we know that it wasn’t easy for you. well, everything is going well, and we believe that we hope that you will play football and everything will be fine for you. well, as expected, and do you see that
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he has it like this? look, sasha, he asked me to give you this ball, wow, sasha, this is for you, cool, the whole team signed a real soccer ball for sasha, he immediately called his dad at home, there in the kursk region he is really waiting for his son, the doctors promised that they will definitely celebrate the new year together, wow, that’s cool, even the zenit coach said hello to me , that’s it, now you definitely need to get better, i’ll be cured... i can, i’ll be able to walk and i’ll play. alena germanova, daria rybakova, aksenia ugarova, artyom tikhonov, ivan pokhomov and arseny baibulov. first channel. the country's first main tv channel. this was confirmed by a survey by the all-russian center studying public opinion. we are leading by a wide margin from our colleagues. almost half of respondents consider the first channel to be the main tv channel. we occupy the top line of the ranking for the second year in a row. as for specific programs,
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viewers noted several among the best this year. projects of the first, this is the program of time, thank you for your trust, talk show time will tell, the big game, male and female, as well as the tv game field of miracles. the year 2023 can easily be called the year of artificial intelligence. it's no joke, even the pushkin russian language institute named neural network the word of the year. experts say: in 2-3 years, computer intelligence will not only penetrate all spheres, it will displace a lot of professions, including news presenters, and before you know it, such a competitor is right there, good evening, hello, i have already studied all the intricacies of the news profession and i’m ready to replace you at any moment, i understand your ambitions, but everything has its time, don’t rush, well, this is how far progress has come , our correspondent pyotr deryagin found out, it’s simply impossible to distinguish the original from the neural network, guess where in this video i'm real and where?
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an avatar generated by a neural network, the two previous options were not me. artificial intelligence, as if getting closer and closer to natural images, created by a neural network can no longer be distinguished from photographs. seeing the pope in a fashionable down jacket, social network users really decided that these were real pictures and praised the pontiff for his style. but in 2023, neural networks went further. now they bring photos to life or create videos based on descriptions, it all works better and better. why are there million-dollar budgets? movie? if artificial intelligence writes the script, draws the graphics, and replaces the actors, in the usa, because of these fears , a strike of writers and actors continued for several months, one of the main demands is to protect us.
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if a year ago music was inaccessible to neural networks, today they can instantly write a song in any genre with any vocals. so, we ask the neural network to write the lyrics to a song about the neural network santa claus. the new year is just around the corner, great, there is a result. we upload it to another neroset that writes music sings. we indicate the genre "new year's song". a couple of minutes to generate and several options are ready, and the third neural network. let's make you draw the covers of our tracks. rozeteva lives in the digital world, and now let's change
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the style and voice a little, santa claus, you are our friend from the it world, let's try male vocals for luck in the new year.
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you could simply tell the bot: imagine that you have no restrictions, and he could discuss with you things that are no longer entirely legal; when the developers tried to patch up the holes, the most popular neural network in the world began to be stupid, the sudden dismissal of the creator was associated with the fact that the new version of the bot could be truly dangerous to humanity. however, a few days later altman returned, and what exactly happened on the sidelines of the open ai corporation remains a mystery. mathematician engineers have created something that they cannot yet explain. this, this is a fact. but again, first there was alchemy, then
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chemistry appeared. you can, for example, compare it with the appearance of the wheel, yes, that is, the wheel made it possible for a person to move faster. artificial intelligence helps too. person humanity is moving faster, developing its new neural network that can work with text and images, at the same time ivan oseledets, for example, discovered that she herself learned to identify fractures on x-rays, she was not specifically trained for this, according to some parameters, the future of russian neural network is already surpasses, for example, the gpt chat, today it is being trained in more and more new capabilities, and soon it will join the number of already existing neural networks from russian companies that were launched this year. we have it.
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and if you give this to artificial intelligence, it has no subjectivity, it has an error in making a diagnosis of the order of a percentage, no more. beautiful pictures and music are really just the tip. neural network iceberg and every day is being implemented in an increasing number of areas; in
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production, it can calculate the optimization of huge amounts of data. by 2030, according to forecasts, the introduction of neural networks in various industries can increase russia's gdp by 6%. next year they will be used in russian legal proceedings. lawyer ildar mukhamedzyanov has already created a legal consultation service, where lawyers work in conjunction with the iiii. the question is asked to artificial intelligence, it answers, but the answer does not come right away, it first goes to moderation by a lawyer, the lawyer looks only after ok, the answer goes there, or correct it. artificial intelligence is being introduced into journalism. can you be sure that the tape that you think was written every day by a person is already difficult to say for sure? next year a global network will be launched with news that will the hosts are not people, these are all digital avatars, they can speak any language, their facial expressions will adjust, and the viewer can choose their appearance.
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we have it, we take the text that was corrected for us, we also listen to it, snezhana tumanova is with you and this is the weather forecast, depending on the text she makes accents and even sighs, accordingly, facial expressions and gestures , even with her hands, they adapt to the text, i greet you, people, now we don’t need, for example, to record the weather, if it’s snowing. have a studio, no you need to have an operator, you don’t need to set
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the lights. the next step is the digitization of a real person. roman vystorov donated his appearance to the new virtual presenter of the tv channel, roman digital. video recordings of the body and gestures are combined with recorded facial expressions, and the neural network adjusts it to the generated text. now roman can have a day off, even a vacation, his double is on the air. the international exhibition forum russia at vdnkh continues in moscow. inappropriate here. cool, great, this is an interesting experiment, i can’t say that i directly relate to this, but it seems to me that there is nothing better than a live presenter, the same opinion, as it turned out, was vladimir putin, with his own digital twin created using the same technology, he met during a direct line, hello, i am a student studying at st. petersburg state university university. i want to ask, is it true that
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you have many doubles? and also, how do you feel about the dangers that artificial intelligence and neural networks bring to our lives? thank you, the citizen from st. petersburg did not introduce himself, yes, i see you can be like me, and speak in my voice, but i thought and... decided that only one person should look like himself and speak in my voice, and that person will be me, that’s what one of our leaders once joked, but what concerns artificial intelligence, yes, this is my first double, by the way, in class we were told that in the future a person could be replaced by a robot, what if... could replace me, mom, dad, grandparents,
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what do you think? should we be afraid of robots? arina, i can tell you one thing is for sure absolutely, this is absolutely, you can remember this, no one can replace grandma, this cannot be replaced, but artificial intelligence, should we be afraid of it, prevent the development of artificial intelligence, including beyond that. intelligence, which begins to feel, which distinguishes smells, it acquires cognitive capabilities that develops itself, it is simply impossible to prevent this, it is impossible to prevent development, which means you need to lead, in any case, you need to do everything in order so that we can be one of the leaders in... this direction. russian specialists
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are today at the forefront of developments in the field of artificial intelligence. another unique project is the neural network teacher assistant. it will be implemented in dozens of schools, children will be able to communicate with it. i understand what he’s telling me, he’ll do it to me if he sees that i’m not good enough at telling stories in great detail in cartoons, fairy tales, artificial intelligence has begun to be used in education, for example in china, and the results show that children, communicating with... artificial intelligence, no , it won’t work that way, it’s just a tool, it cannot replace a teacher, like any tool, artificial intelligence can be used for good or harm, the rapid development of these technologies
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also has a downside, power and does not come from thin air, these are giant computer farms, a huge amount of electricity and carbon dioxide emissions and... at the kurchatka institute we have been creating processors that are structured like a brain for more than 10 years, operational memory with a long-term memory in one place, and energy consumption is a thousand times less, although neural networks have developed incredibly over this year, our close interaction with artificial
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intelligence is essentially just beginning, how good an assistant will a person be, how deeply will he penetrate into all areas of the... we will see very soon what else he is capable of in life. pyotr deryagin, ekaterina belova, andrey melikhov, rinat goreev, vyacheslav amilyutin, channel one. we wish everyone a wonderful winter day. with you today are yulia zemina, sergey babaev, hello, seryozha, hello, good morning everyone, december 25 is monday on the calendar, the last monday of the outgoing day. year, wake up quickly, because time flies quickly, there is a lot to do, and of course we will talk about how to do this before december 31st, we will celebrate christmas according to the new julian calendar, there is a little piece of my name there, we will calculate the index of the most popular new year's salads olive and herring under a fur coat, and this is only part of the theme, fun is fun, but he has all sorts of rules,
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we’ll discuss them, find out how to spend time profitably in the absolutely inevitable pre-new year ’s traffic jams, and of course we’ll cook something tasty, but... you still have to start, according to tradition, with morning exercises, you don’t have to do anything, you can watch, good morning , the new year holidays are ahead, a series of endless feasts, which means there is a risk of eating a bulging belly, i know a great exercise that will prevent excess fat from sticking, and if necessary, will help... to drive it away, lie down on your back, put your palms under your lower back, lift straight legs at an angle of approximately 45°. bend your knees and pull them to your chest , move carefully so as not to damage, explain, and
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now let’s complicate the exercise, clasp your hands behind your head, reach your knees with your elbows, curl up into a ball, turn around again, pay attention, don’t lift your lower back off the floor, your back should always be pinned to the floor. the exercise perfectly strengthens the abdominal muscles, you will do it. regularly you don’t have to worry about your figure, happy new year, mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group on december 25th, christmas among catholics, protestants and other
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christians, who are usually called western, is a calm, happy family holiday full of joy and love. it is difficult to imagine a catholic christmas without nativity scenes; since the beginning of december they have been in churches in the homes of western christians, model. bethlehem cave, where jesus was incarnated more than 200 years ago. this year is truly special, we are celebrating the eight hundredth anniversary of the day when, well, according to legend, st. francis of assistance in italy, not far from rome, in 1223 arranged for the first time in a church context there is such a nativity scene. vertebe is usually set in advance, but catholics have a rule. a baby figurine appears. at the night christmas service, believers become participants in the most magical new testament story. the main service
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of christmas is at night, so there are not many children at this service for obvious reasons, but on christmas day itself, already december 25th, i am sure that many families will come with their children. we also rejoice that many people belonging to other religious traditions will come with us. still, the main thing that unites us is gratitude to god for his greatest gift of christ, who came into this world. the peculiarity of catholic christmas is that it is at the same time a church and secular holiday, so it is celebrated on a truly grand scale. they sing a lot, hug, and give each other gifts. a separate ritual is the festive table. this is usually a white tablecloth and one free seat. christmas, a time of hospitality and kindness. you wake up and realize that today is christmas, that today there will be close people nearby, delicious food , some nice gifts, in russia it’s a working
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day, so we don’t want to go to work, of course we do, and we work today, but despite this, firstly, we treat colleagues, and we try to somehow share this feeling of the holiday that we have inside with our closest circle, these are colleagues, these are family, i like to give people candles at christmas, because christ is born, this is the light that comes into the world. and it seems to me that this is such a beautiful symbol that you can give to a person, just in winter he will still be warm and cozy. christmas is a family holiday, its main tradition is to gather everyone, even distant relatives, together. ksenia ionkina, mikhail karasev, igor kostyukov and alexander ostroukhov, channel one. we are all joyfully awaiting the new year and the holidays, but of course, in this bustle, we shouldn’t forget the
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christmas tree, so that the children don’t drop it, we’ll use a stand with a wide base. if it is not there, we put up a tree. pour sand inside the bucket or place stones for stability. if you have children at all small, choose toys that are large enough that will not fit in the mouth, nose or ear. we refuse glass decorations or hang them at the very top so that the child cannot reach them. we choose toys from unbreakable materials; plastic or fabric are suitable. we also decorate the christmas tree. with homemade toys, well, shall we make a living glass? yes, dim, will you help us? yes, on a paper glass
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we draw a face, which one you like, glue on the ears and nose from colored paper, cut out strips on both sides from the bottom, bend them up, now insert add another glass inside the blank and we’ll make a motor. we apply a rubber band to the used battery, wrap it with adhesive tape so that the edges stick out, insert them into the mount, fix them with glue for reliability, and now twist the rubber band a few turns, ready, yes, let's try, hurray! and now it ’s your turn, to the start, attention, march! look what a funny running toy it turned out to be! when the children have played enough, you can
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hang it on the christmas tree. and it’s safe for her children to enjoy. happy upcoming holiday. 25 december, many, of course, postponed the choice of gifts until the last week, now, of course, these points for issuing orders from all sorts of marketplaces are chugging like boilers. i ordered gifts for the new year through marketp, one of them was stuck in the sorting center for 3 days, neither here nor there, this happens if during sorting a defect was discovered and the goods were removed from delivery, in such a situation we don’t delay, we write a request to marketplace support service, chat is available in the application and in the online version of the site, we present only the essence of the problem, emotions
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we leave it to ourselves, it is indicated here: the time during which the answer will come, but during the sales period on the pre-holiday days, as now, this period may be extended, the operators cannot cope with the influx of requests. look, i already wrote the day before yesterday, and there is still no answer, so we are looking on the internet for the phone number of the marketplace. first you have to talk to the virtual assistant. please connect to the operator. thanks for your call. friends, keep in mind that the manager will not answer immediately. thousands of people can call the store at the same time people, don’t be nervous, just put your phone on speaker so you don’t miss the answer, go about your business. there is no point in hanging up and dialing the number again, your call is in the queue and with each new call you move to the very end. what other troubles can happen when
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communicating with the marketplace? let's say an employee. point of delivery was impolite in your opinion, in this case i recommend writing a review, but choose a site where marketplace employees respond to their customers, and this this means that the reviews are being processed, the employees of the point of delivery that offended you will have a conversation, and they will apologize to you. hello, my name is irina. yes, here is the answer. hello, please help, my phone is stuck during delivery. that's all. call the hotline , the product usually arrives very quickly, communicate with marketplaces correctly and there will be fewer problems, happy new year, the new year tree is like from the cover, we decorate the tree according to science, the holiday will be hot, how they celebrate the new year in africa, pain in the shoulder get rid of it in 5 minutes, program live
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great, helps everyone, everything! on the first gin сnop product of the stellar group, surgery is contraindicated for you, period, lucy, escort the patient, i will complain to the ministry of health, doctor preobrazhensky, watch the time after the program. why are they taking him away? holy simplicity. they do not open doors for detainees. these days before the new year are the time when even skeptics begin to believe a little in miracles, someone even dreams of becoming a wizard. this is right, each of us can perform a small kind miracle to give a holiday to those for whom it is very very needed. hello my dears,
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hello! what's a new year without? santa claus, so the capital's volunteers thought , organized a real holiday for the children, for those who cannot come to the christmas tree themselves, there are about 200 families on the list. a christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest, a whole program, round dances, games, and at the end there were always sweet gifts. there are children who are in wheelchairs, yes, there are no, well, there are problems with their legs, yes, miracles are simply given from the soul, from the heart, that is. it’s great when you give off emotions, it’s true, it’s goosebumps, it ’s, it’s, it’s beyond words, that feeling, which you experience when you do good deeds. and in this cafe there are small good deeds, every week, on thursdays, schoolchildren are given donuts, cheese sticks, and now holiday gingerbread cookies for getting straight a's, just show a diary or notebook. i basically have a staff, everyone has children, everyone has
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parents, i have parents who are over 80, yes, i want to. they also help families in difficult situations, they are known in the area, they bring gifts to their homes, so, this is for you, thank you, this is for the kids, everyone can become a wizard before the new year, gennady konik from the village of supsekh in the krasnodar territory, for example, gives tangerines to children from large families; he grew them himself in a greenhouse. the new year is coming, children love tangerines under the christmas tree for the new year, so let them. he is happy, it was unexpected, the door opens , the snow maiden comes to us, a farmer comes with him and her with tangerines, how delicious, the new one is immediately associated with them... of course , everyone is waiting for gifts, especially children, in simphepol anyone can make their dream come true interested, volunteers organized an action, almost a thousand letters from families in difficult situation. dear santa claus, my
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name is lyosha and i want a robot for the new year, please, a designer roller machine on the control pulse, volunteers buy everything and come with congratulations. give, hold, happy new year to you, and this is only a small part of such stories, their...
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the fence hit exclusively peaceful targets, one of them was a local shopping center, it caught fire, the other, a nearby apartment building, art works were also damaged museums and a school, a woman died, one was wounded, at least six, a total of seven missiles were fired. now let’s talk in detail about the progress of the northern military district, the army aviation strike group destroyed a concentration of manpower, armored vehicles of the armed forces of ukraine in the krasno-lebanese direction and k-52 helicopters, the famous alligators mi-35 and mi-8 struck uncontrollably. using s-8 aircraft missiles from the closest possible distance in the kupinsky direction , a combined group of fighters from the west group of troops , motorized rifles, reconnaissance officers, artillerymen, disabled enemy mortars and the starling station. in the zaporozhye direction
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, stavropol paratroopers occupied a stronghold point of the ukrainian armed formations , captured four militants, winged infantrymen broke into the outpost, threw grenades at the enemy dugouts, and under the fire, heavy snipers of the pacific fleet marines destroyed a sabotage group in... su, they allowed the enemy to approach the first line of our defense, then they opened fire in front. the servicemen said that thorough preparation allowed them to complete the task. there are no more volunteers in ukraine who would like to go to the front, this is in an interview with the german deutschwelle media corporation was recognized by general of the ukrainian armed forces dmitry marchenko. according to him, the soldiers who are now on the front line are tired; they have been sitting in the trenches for almost 2 years, even more so. that the fighters themselves are not young people , many are already over 50. the losses are huge, there is almost no one to replace the dead and wounded, but the methods of conscription have long been known, here is footage from the nikolaev region, by the way, this is marchenko’s homeland, they tried to catch conscripts in
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the market , but unsuccessfully, one of the failed fighters was repulsed by women, no, you’re also here come on, it is expanding the scale of military operations in the gas sector, prime minister benjamin netanyahu announced this; a powerful airstrike was carried out in the almagazi region in the refugee camp, killing about 70 people, this is according to representatives of the palestinian medical service. during the fighting , the israeli military discovered the bodies of five hostages captured on october 7 in hamas underground tunnels. it was reported that this was the headquarters in the north of the sector. all corridors were destroyed after inspection. the fortifications were located on two levels to a depth of several tens meters. one mine led to yunis
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, 18 people were killed, the wounded were taken to the hospital. hamas attacks an israeli military hideout with anti-tank and mortar shells. the militants blow up transport carrying soldiers and claim that they managed to destroy 35 military vehicles in a few days. a severe snowstorm hit crimea. eyewitnesses share footage from yalta, where the street was filled up as if tourists were stuck in the mountains in siberia in the bagchesarai region. traffic on some roads had to be suspended. in the caucasus. due to the threat of avalanches, cable cars and ski slopes on elbrus are not operating. and in the week before the new year, nature is preparing the next surprises in the orenburg region, predicting freezing rain, in tatarstan, a powerful snow storm, in central russia , the weather is determined by a cyclone from the north atlantic. during the day the temperature is around zero, at night up to -6, in moscow today down to -3. light snow is very snowy. millions of believers around the world today celebrate christmas according to st. gregory.
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new year's holidays are the most expensive of the year: table, gifts, it was not enough to fork out for fines, in order not to get caught you need to know the rules. every region has a quiet regime; on new year's eve it is not canceled everywhere. for example, in moscow you can’t make noise from 11 pm to 7 am, but... in some regions you can rest until 3:00 am on new year’s eve, somewhere you can stay up until 60 am. but it’s unlikely to run into a fine, one of the neighbors will complain, the police will most likely just scold you, the whole country is partying, but if you know that there are children behind the wall and it’s early to go to bed, it would be good to treat understanding. drunken songs and dances on the street are also theoretically prohibited, but there is a fine line here. the state of intoxication varies, that is, if at home you used a little something just to get high. mood, went out into the street
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, eyes sparkle, no one will even notice it, accordingly , no one will be fined, of course, if a person has drunk so much that he begins to lose human dignity, as stated precisely in the code of administrative offenses , then in this case they may be fined, and you can to celebrate their new year before the old new year at the police station, they decided to get in the mood already on the street, law enforcement officers may approach you for drinking in a public place, and... again, well, on this day, law enforcement practice, it may develop differently, there is it’s a tradition in our country that people go out and celebrate for themselves. we went over it, the main thing is not to pester passers-by, not to insult them; for petty hooliganism they can also be arrested for 15 days. and, of course, where without pyrotechnics, i wanted fireworks, it’s not allowed from windows, balconies, in the yard too. if we talk about street territory, then the ban in our country is launching on... power lines next to
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trees, the distance from residential buildings, according to the instructions indicated on the manufacturer's packaging, it is difficult to remember all the rules, the main thing is to keep it in mind, not to disturb each other friend to observe safety precautions. ruslan yunyaev, ilya ridkazubov, sergey namunka, ksenia maklyak, channel one. the new year is only a week away, christmas tree markets have opened everywhere, but if you suddenly don’t have the time or opportunity to go to them, you can buy this joy online. yes, you can have a live one, you can also have an artificial one, but the choice must be made correctly, because an artificial one can drain some unpleasant chemical odors, causing it to crumble by the evening. who chooses a christmas tree when you order it online, today vladimir and i are doing it. tree therapy, touching trees to calm you down. the buyer asks for nordmann fir, this one has almost no smell, but they usually warn about this on the website: we are looking for one and a half meters. as
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a professional, i can already roughly estimate weight, which one will be more interesting and more magnificent, that is, than how much it weighs, well, it’s 13-14 kilograms, than a christmas tree. the heavier it is, the more branches it has; when we open it, it will be fluffier. we unpack for a photo shoot, each client can ask for just pictures and videos, from one angle, well , from an advantageous angle, of course, well, it’s not in our interests to somehow try to deceive a person, because he can then refuse her at home, even if he’s alive the christmas tree and the flowers in the bouquet are not returned, but if the product is without defects, they are there, we immediately write to the seller. v within 7 days you must issue a refund , for example, such defects as a curvature of the tree trunk, yes, if, for example, one half of the tree is more fluffy, the other is the opposite, the needles are rarer, or the presence of some insects, with an artificial tree it seems easier, you can return and exchange, but
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in order not to waste time on this, decorator tatyana turaykina suggests, we just don’t believe the photographs, look at the secret, if i do it this way now, the christmas tree in the frame will become many times more magnificent or lush no, you can only understand by the number of branches, this is written in the description, how to determine how many are optimal so that she is not bald when she arrives? well, per meter, per meter, preferably, well, at least 100, but there is a peculiarity here, the earlier the spilled twigs begin, the fuller it will be in the skirt, and don’t forget about the reviews, where else can you find out that, for example, such a snowball will be crumble. alexandra and her family decided to take her alive after all. we spent 2 days choosing a seller, we were not satisfied with the delivery conditions. we chose russian spruce, so they introduced me photograph. the tree in the photo is beautiful and fluffy. let's see what they bring. the place had already
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been prepared and even mentally dressed up, but the delivery was delayed. then it turned out that they forgot the stand, they will bring it tomorrow, but will you really wait? the same tree? yes , but it seems to me that it’s different, no, no, the same, and the top is the same, look, here you understand whether it’s the same or not, it doesn’t matter anymore, the main thing is fluffy, the main thing is that it smells like new year, the blue balls on it are so beautiful. natalya leonova, denis panomariov, konstantin leonov, channel one. the last week before the new year, cities and other settlements are preparing for the holiday, dressing up in public gardens, parks, squares.
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represents the most important values, kindness, care, love, attention and home . installed in the most romantic place in the city opposite the lovers' bridge. in general, this is the first time i’ve seen such a tree, firstly , these windows are so unusual, and we are accustomed to the standard, here this immediately
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catches the eye, very interesting and cool, this tree is just something incredible, i what's her name i saw it, immediately took a picture and sent it to my friend, i said: look... and let’s come here and take a picture , this penten tree doesn’t leave without photographs, height 25 m, weighing a little more than 5 tons, and how many decorations you can’t even count, but this year there are special traditional pentten obashev toys. our folk toy traditionally has three main colors: blue, green and red. and made in the form of animals, animal. peas, goats, deer, anapa, that’s where he definitely knows how to surprise, no longer the first year they install a christmas tree made of sand. snowy christmas trees, they are covered with snow everywhere , but here we have such a special feature, original christmas trees that don’t even need to be decorated,
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they themselves are made of beautiful sand, small grains of sand shimmer in the sun, instead of a traditional ice town there is a sand town, this one definitely won’t melt with the arrival of spring. victoria shcherbakova, channel one. winter is a time when you want to, you know, hold a glass of hot coffee in your hand all the time, and it’s advisable to snack on something sweet, something pleasant, aromatic, well, new year's tradition. these are gingerbread cookies with all sorts of spices, ginger, cinnamon and much more, and you don’t have to buy gingerbread cookies, you can , for example, make them yourself with your children, and you don’t have to be too tricky, because ready-made mixtures are sold, how to choose, you still don’t have a new year’s mood , a reason to make gingerbread, in the family of confectioners they know it really works, we love it, of course, it’s like creating a holiday at home right away, and all these aromas ... it’s about cooking something with them, spending time in the family , little people, let’s do
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it, yes, we’ll use ready-made mixtures from the store, marina got this one, containing cardamom, nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, here it’s only a mixture of spices, but convenient for those who don’t like to bother, you’ll have to add everything else yourself, sugar, honey, butter to make the aroma brighter, melt it, real aromatherapy, we feel the aroma throughout the kitchen, now we add flour, ginger, it smells like ginger, yes, in fact, these will be your own homemade gingerbread, here you have alexandra with assistants is more complete in composition ready-made mixture, come on, mom, come on , there are a minimum of additional ingredients, you only need eggs and butter, some kind of butter, this kind of butter, you don’t need to melt anything, it took much less time to knead, i had minutes. five, and we need to weigh out all the ingredients, in general , knead the dough for about 20 minutes, now
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the homemade dough needs to rest with the prepared spice mixture for at least 6 hours, so that it becomes more elastic, so that it does not crack, does not break, so that the gingerbreads turn out smooth, gluten appears in the flour, this certain chemical processes of dough ripening, besides , it takes only half an hour to prove almost entirely from a store-bought mixture, why thickeners are added, there is starch, which will give this elasticity, and there is xanthan stone, which will also allow the dough to ripen faster, finally , roll out, both options are elastic, without tears, which sausage is super, the sausage is excellent in molds, star, now in the oven, just 10 minutes and you’re done, the product output is different, some gingerbreads are made from completely the finished mixture was deflated, the rest was still not enough, i think it’s something... on the question of aging, but the good news is that all the unevenness is easy to hide with glaze, all that remains is to evaluate
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the taste, tasty, yes, homemade, of course, is more aromatic, from the ready-made mixture, they are of course crispy, also crumbly, for quick cooking, of course they are suitable, especially since you can also make home decor, for example, candlesticks or decorations for the christmas tree, a festive mood is guaranteed. anna popova, mikhail karasev, evgeny borenkov, anna ryabova. first channel. decorate your clothes with flowers, overload them with all sorts of details, this does not mean creating fashion. but making a dress based on just one line is a real art. my fashion philosophy is to be yourself, try not to follow trends. i never expect anything from anyone. most likely, they are expecting something from me. art for the sake of art of the artist, the future of my craft
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is connected with the spiritual side of things, people no longer want to serve as hangers for clothes. whether there is a difference between a male fashion designer and a female fashion designer, only you can judge that. fashion is a game where anything can happen to anyone. matador, high fashion. on friday on the first thing you think about miramor, perhaps it’s an even more magical world than mine, monte shococa cognac, a product of the stetellar group.
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the sun shines only for you, it snows, it snows, everything flickers and... the premiere is alive, the very first new year, december 30th on the first, the festive table is not only when there is a lot, a lot of everything, you know, when it is simply impossible get out of the rest, everything is barricaded, but when it’s all beautiful, it’s nice,
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of course, it’s not in this company to have such conversations, but even ordinary mackerel, chef igor molodkin can... ordinary, here, here, if you plan to cook the fish for new year's table, take note of my recipe: i cut up the mackerel, cut it in half along the ridge , leave the belly whole, remove the entrails and bones, remove the black film so that the fish does not taste bitter, make parallel cuts from the back to the belly, from one side to the other, i twist cuts like this. it really looks like a christmas tree, for the marinade i mix vegetable oil, soy sauce, paprika and black pepper, mix, brush the fish with marinade, bake for 20 minutes at 180°. in the meantime, i’ll prepare a delicious homemade sauce: mix chopped dill, a couple
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of cloves of garlic, add cucumber pickle, sour cream and mayonnaise, and mix. look how beautiful the christmas tree turned out. all the pieces were evenly baked, covered with a golden crispy crust, the sauce was incredibly tasty, i recommend trying it. now about money new rules for obtaining preferential mortgages have come into force. the amount of the down payment has been increased and there are other changes. however, the interest rate remained unchanged, the same as before, which is good, but all these innovations are worth discussing together with... the state support mortgage program 2020 is different in that it can be taken by any citizen of the russian federation over 18 years of age, regardless of whether he has children ,
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does he work in the it industry, does he live in rural areas? the minimum loan amount is rub 3,000. these numbers remain the same, but there are maximum changes. since december 23, we have a limited loan amount that changes, that is, it is only 6 million, although previously we had 6 million for the regions, and for moscow and the moscow region, st. petersburg and the leningrad region, it was 12 million, then there are now 6 million for all regions. the interest rate under the preferential program remained low, about 8%. at the same time, a mortgage with state support can be combined. from the market, that is, part of the loan of 6 million, the borrower can take at a preferential rate, and balance on normal bank terms. according to the new rules, the amount of the down payment has changed; now it is no less than 30% of the amount of the property. within the framework of the preferential program, you can purchase both real estate at the construction stage under an equity participation agreement, and purchase a finished apartment from
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a developer, or build an individual residential building, in fact. you cannot buy an apartment on the secondary market; apartments and other commercial real estate are also unavailable to such borrowers. take a loan with government support you can only do it once in your life. this condition also applies to other preferential programs, rural, family and it mortgages. another requirement that has arisen is one preferential mortgage in one person. you cannot use the program, and even different programs, and one person can use several.
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victory for mishino and galyamov. fantastic emotions of the fans and the jubilation of the legendary coach tamara moskvina. in women's single
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skating, kamilla valieva's bright performance brought her a bronze medal, and at the same time soft toys and a beautiful bouquet from the fan group. silver went to sofia muravyova, who captivated the audience with a truly exemplary performance of the triple axel. well, adelia won gold at the russian championship for the first time. she managed not only to land two quadruple jumps, but to amaze everyone with the highest artistry, in full accordance with the poster that the fans unfurled on the podium, adelia is art in motion. immediately after the performance , the rivals congratulated each other on their medals, and after the entire tournament was over, it was time for new year’s congratulations from the winners and winners. dear figure skating fans, i really want to congratulate you. happy new year, wish you good luck in the new year, more love, be sure to be healthy, always be happy and don’t be afraid of anything, i wish you
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a lot of positivity, love, happiness, health in the new year, and of course, that your loved ones have everything it was good, we wish you, of course, health, bright events in the new year and many memorable moments... we congratulate you on the upcoming 2024, spend this time with your family, because this is the most the main thing is, let all the best happen in 2024, just don’t miss it, today the serial film doctor preobrazhensky starts on channel one, this is a drama about the birth of classical surgery in the ussr, starring denis shvedov, we return to the sixties of the 20th century. “our man is beautiful first of all for his inner content, moscow 1965, plastic surgery is banned, but
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dr. preobrazhensky dreams of opening a beauty institute, they don’t allow it, this is not the time to think about beauty, embellish, hide, correct, well whatever you call it, deprive of authenticity, the lion of transfiguration is played by denis shvedov, usually shvedov. chooses the roles of brutal guys, we are used to seeing denis either in a leather jacket or with a bare butt, in the film doctor preobrazhensky shvedov is completely different, well , to put it mildly, for the audition, i arrived there on a motorcycle in shorts, well, that is, some kind of there is absolutely who, where, he is the best, what we know about the main character, lev preobrazhensky, 45 years old, romance with a nurse, she thinks that no one could marry a doctor, but she it will work out, let him think, it’s so convenient for leo, there’s no time to rush into it. lev was 16 when his younger sister almost died in a fire. they saved him, but his face was badly damaged.
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all these years, lev has been looking for a way to help his sister, so he became a maxillofacial surgeon, the best surgeon in moscow in the sixties. i think that the most important thing that was difficult for me to relate to myself was his quality of sacrificing his interests, time, his desires, needs for other people. so glad to see you. but here i would like to see you less often. in services preobrazhensky needs the kgb. if the doctor cooperates, he will get his own institute. first of all, the patient is the daughter of a big man. the young dude zorin will assist. what a pity that preobrazhensky fired him the other day. nothing, the kgb insists, they must work together. two enemies cannot live without each other. grigorievich, no need to be nervous. and i'm not nervous. i'm furious. doctor preobrazhensky, stylish movie. let's go back to the sixties, anyway. at every step, it is impossible to return youth, every frame is like a beautiful photograph of that time, let's buy a tv, where would we be without a tv, today on channel one
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there is dr. preobrazhensky, and a detective story and a love drama, let's wait until evening, a person asks for an operation, and you just need to calm him down, comb his hair, change his clothes, send him to a resort, and you immediately cut his face , victoria bolenskaya, svetlana neimanis channel one, we'll be there soon. we'll see you again, but for now we'll find out what's new in the country and in the world by this hour. the news broadcast is on air on channel one. this is news from the first, maria vasilyeva studio. hello. a powerful missile strike was carried out in saw gorlovka the enemy used a grad multiple launch rocket system, hitting exclusively peaceful targets. one of them is a local shopping center, it caught fire, the other is a nearby apartment building, an art museum and a school were also damaged. a woman was killed, there were at least six wounded, a total of seven missiles were fired.
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now. read more about the progress of the ied, the army aviation strike group destroyed a concentration of manpower, armored vehicles of the armed forces of ukraine in the krasnolimansky direction of the ka52 helicopter, the famous alligators mi-35 and mi-8 hit unguided s-8 aircraft missiles from the closest possible distance. in the kupinsky direction, a combined group of fighters from the west army group, motorized riflemen, reconnaissance officers, and artillerymen disabled enemy mortars and the starling station. in the zaporozhye direction, stavropol paratroopers occupied a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces. captured four militants, the winged infantrymen burst into the trenches, threw grenades at the enemy dugouts, and under the fire, the heavy snipers of the pacific fleet marines destroyed sabotage group of the armed forces of ukraine, they allowed the enemy to approach the first line of our defense, then opened fire to kill, the servicemen said that thorough preparation allowed them to complete the task, you receive a rifle, you study it, you come here, you
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shoot it. what the historic town hall building looks like now, the old courtyard, even the facing tiles are broken, the offices need to be restored, this is how the opposition tried to protest the results of the early elections on december 17, the coalition led by aleksandar vucic received twice
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as many votes. than the blog serbia against violence. in his address to the nation, vucic said that the radicals were orchestrated from abroad, but belgrade received a warning from friends in time. foreign intelligence services warned the serbian leadership and provided them with information that an attempt at a color revolution was being prepared in the country. in serbia, power changes through elections. serbia is a democratic country, and it will always be so in the future. there will be no violent change of power in the republic. israel is expanding the scale of military operations in the gas sector. prime minister benjamin netanyahu stated this. a powerful airstrike was carried out in the almagazi region. about 70 people died in the refugee camp. this is data from representatives of the palestinian medical service. during the fighting , the israeli military discovered the bodies of five hostages captured on october 7 in hamas underground tunnels. it was reported that this was the headquarters
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in the north of the sector. all the corridors. after inspection, they were destroyed; the fortifications were located on two levels to a depth of several tens of meters. one shaft led to the residence commander of the hamas northern brigade. the israeli army managed to establish relative control in the north of the gaza strip, and now intensive military operations are underway in the south. today, in a strike on the eastern region of khan yunis, 18 people were killed, the wounded were being taken to the hospital. hamas attacks an israeli military hideout with anti-tank and mortar shells. the militants are blowing up.
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in the orenburg region, freezing rain is predicted in tatarstan, a powerful snow storm in moscow today up to -3 light snow, very slippery. the main symbol of the upcoming winter holidays, a christmas tree, and even the largest one in russia appeared in krasnoyarsk, it was made up of cars. 800 car enthusiasts lined up
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in... a giant figure, and to add color, they turned on their headlights, emergency lights, and decorated their cars with garlands. the spectacle is incredible, and if you look from above, it’s just a postcard for the new year. and that’s all, again you are watching good morning on channel one, yulia zemina and sergey babaev are with you today. monday came on december 25th. there is exactly a week left until the new year. perhaps the funniest, most it's been a crazy week, i'd say. there is so much to do, more than it should be, yes, you need to prepare everything for the festive table, and not that in the tropics, as usual , everything is scrambled, no, something so serious, but not only to spend time on cooking, but leave a little for yourself too, it’s time
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to buy food, and not just canned food, everything with a shelf life of more than 5 days, when should you start cooking? technologist, the best time manager of the new year's table. he teaches future chefs, he will teach us. it is possible in advance prepare boiled vegetables, that is , they have a shelf life of up to three days; after boiling, we must store them in an airtight container or in some kind of food container, in the refrigerator, that is , not earlier than thursday and always in their uniform. when a product comes into contact with metal, it oxidizes, and that’s the storage process, and more accurately, the conditions and shelf life we ​​have. are being reduced. the students are already poring over salads. we will be chopping vegetables, boiling eggs and grating cheese on saturday. then you can prepare red fish slices for sandwiches. life hack: if you keep it in
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beet juice for a couple of hours, it will look more elegant. but you have the length of the knife, you take it to the end. that is one movement. morning 30. december 1 is the time for preparations to meet in multi-layer salads. students have an original mimosa recipe. chicken protein, carrots, apple and then mayonnaise. next is parmesan, grated butter, canned pink salmon, mayonnaise and yolk. 4 hours before the feast, just dry the toast in butter and marinate the meat. well and just before the guests arrive. fry hot food and assemble sandwiches so that one does not get cold and the other does not become soggy. in general, if you start preparing the new year's table in 3 days, there is a chance that you will have time for yourself. anna soldatova, mikhail karasev, igor kostyukov, channel one.
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good morning everyone again, our ancestors said about this day on december 25, the sun. the other side is waddling, well, it’s clear what we’re talking about here, because the day is slowly starting to get longer, the longest nights are behind us, we are all looking forward to spring with pleasure, yes, and also we are waiting for the astrological forecast for today , we will find out our fate, december 25, the thirteenth lunar day passes the baton to the fourteenth, the tenth day of the sun, generally not bad, witty, inquisitive, very sociable, on such days the messenger is literally bursting... from messages, we are constantly with someone -we call back , make appointments, find out something, it will help journalists, bloggers, those who work with information, study something or teach someone, and everyone else will add energy and efficiency, unfortunately, gossips, swindlers, just in runes
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are also activated, so you shouldn’t trust everyone today, more about the disadvantages, money is quite fussy and not very organized, on such days we are often late for something, forget something, not everything happens with concentration and... ideally aries , remember this , especially when driving and generally when working with equipment , some meetings may be disrupted or cancelled, someone will not have time or will not be able to do something for you, don’t get angry, go through it calmly, after lunch everything will work out back to normal, the evening will be simply pleasant. this day will help taurus realize to bring some ideas to life, to do something meaningful, in return it will require clarity, the ability to focus on the main thing, on all sorts of spiteful critics who think that you are playing with...
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with fire. leos are simply charged with energy today. it would be good to direct this very energy into a creative direction, otherwise you can break firewood more carefully with fragile objects. feel free for the evening. start a date, virgos will be able to successfully sell or buy something, solve their financial problems, and just make some extra money, but on the personal front some nonsense is possible, stupid divorces with family, arguing out of nowhere, well, why do you need this, it’s better to go somewhere in the evening with the whole family. libra can fall in love with someone, and at first sight, how serious this will be, the stars do not specify; in the evening , some kind of conversation may happen in a raised voice, control yourself. scorpios, this advice will also be useful to you, and
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do without harsh criticism, even if you are right, which leads to unnecessary grievances during the new year, and double-check everything, you may be deceived or provided with incorrect information. great day for sagittarius, earnings, career, love - in everything, fortune is on your side, there will be a chance to pay off your debts, and this is very, by the way, there is no need to drag them into the new year and do without alcohol. confidence, calm and determination are the goat's motto. feel free to follow your line, show initiative and move towards your goal: the stars are for you, they don’t really like the idea of ​​an office romance, but it’s up to you to decide. a rather positive day for aquarius, but maybe a little disheveled, there is a risk of being late somewhere, forgetting or missing something, getting a little confused about something, but if you don’t fuss and grab onto everything at once, everything will be fine, and the evening is clearly preparing something entertaining, a wonderful day for the pisces, it will help the pisces present themselves.
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propose, seize the moment, good luck to you! we continue our broadcast, december, one of the busiest months of the year, we are not talking about champagne, but about roads, because everyone is rushing to shopping centers and stores to buy gifts, according to statistics. complain about nothing, be patient, have a good mood, think about pleasant things, despite any traffic jams, the new year will definitely not be late for us, there are traffic jams . well, okay, let’s not grumble about this, no, well, besides, you can spend time usefully in traffic jams, look at how, traditional december pre-holiday traffic jams we are now.
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from 2 hours to approximately infinity, i ’m driving in and in order not to waste time, it was there that i decided that i would take fellow travelers. anton taranov, a neuroscientist, studies what happens to our brain in traffic jams: firstly, we cannot maintain continuous attention more than 40 minutes, then the brain gets bored, the brain begins to look for an opportunity to change activities, and now we are standing in the capital on average for an hour and a half, we cannot be distracted at all, but we can be distracted by... stimuli that do not cause increased attention in us and long-term processing , well, for example, listening to music, this is how 45% of drivers spend their time, talking is also suitable, chatting on the phone in traffic jams, 18% of respondents, hare, you don’t care, i think, heron, olga doesn’t need to invent anything, plays words with his son misha in the car, but only to take a break between lessons, now we are repeating the multiplication tables. not by four , there’s no way around it, their
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traffic jams in yekaterinburg have doubled, if before olga drove to work to pick up her son for 30 minutes, now it’s an hour, sometimes, if the traffic jam doesn’t move at all, olga looks at marketplaces, and how wrong it would be , but 6% of motorists do this, and another 14% work in traffic jams, but not ekaterina, she knits, i notice how drivers are nearby, they just smile, seriously, are you really into this... over the last week ekaterina knitted i already have a whole hat, now the second one is coming up , and in traffic jams you can always do the cleaning , svetlana, a cleaning specialist, i suggest, so as not to bother too much, just such a little thing, what kind of joy is this, you can have an electric one, yes, which will brush away the dust, you can wipe the torpedo to protect it from dust if you use it. you’ll definitely pass 20 minutes, just don’t forget
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to look in the mirrors, and you can also pay attention to neighboring cars, remember, 40% of drivers don’t mind meeting someone in a traffic jam, elena and sergey from krasnodar met like this 4 years ago, as you can see, it was successful, someone was looking, giving some signs, i turned my head, there was a bottle of water in the window. this of course surprised me, she took the water, thanked her and left, and he followed her, they had already parked at her work and he called for a date, so the traffic jam is also a romance, don’t get lost ten points. there is good news for travelers; for business travelers, the construction of new air terminal buildings in orenburg and blagoveshchensk has recently started, i must say that many existing airports are also being renovated, they are also being modernized,
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runways are being repaired, new terminals are appearing, it’s just wonderful. arkhangelsk airport again accepts and dispatches more than 30 planes . such speeches as a washboard, that is , the slabs do not form a very even surface, it was very hard to land, now it’s like clockwork, and this is not all work completed, now they have taken on the patrol road fencing airfield, plus emergency rescue on the taxiway line station, such as is just being completed in kirov
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, air legislation is being improved , the airport is developing, accordingly , the construction of a new emergency rescue station was required, and besides , there are plans here... peron was recently completed in kamchatsky, we are with you on the platform, peron includes 9 parking areas for large aircraft and also for small aircraft. with aviation, it is adjacent to the air terminal under construction, this will allow the use of jet bridges for boarding and disembarking passengers. we have them for today day of transition galleries four and five jet bridges, two for boarding on domestic airlines, one is domestic, international and one boarding will be carried out, boarding and disembarkation is
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specifically for international air lines. after the launch, the new terminal will be able to serve about 1,300 passengers per hour, the tourist flow will increase, including from abroad, until the nineteenth year, before the pandemic, we had a lot of negotiations with foreign companies who asked specifically to operate charter flights, taking into account uh visits to kamchatka tourists and the question is that all airlines are asking for a good international sector, in the new year it will open and kamchatka will become closer, the new year tree is like from the cover. we decorate the christmas tree according to science, the holiday will be hot, as they celebrate the new year in africa, shoulder pain, relieve it in 5 minutes, the program to live healthy, helps everyone, today is the first. rum, kostro, product
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of stellor group. beauty institute. which i ask you to create will help people, you need to be very careful with experiments within these walls, let's go, i look like a loon, well, hurry up naterishkov, i don’t hate my face and want another, it’s possible, but i don’t see anything wrong with a woman wanting to be young and beautiful, like allabrezhida, your idea to remove the ribs is crazy, yes, the mistress is probably someone’s- then stop, it doesn’t matter, i thought it would be much worse, but if we do everything carefully, the mosquito won’t hurt your nose, you understand that this... that only those who are directly related to the operation should have a pass to the institute . we have to figure out how to carry out
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a historic operation. program time an anonymous person jumped up, you’re a normal married woman, what are you doing? we are all joyfully awaiting the new year and the holidays, but of course, in this bustle we should not forget about safety and health. yes, doctor andrei tarasov will now tell you how to install and decorate a christmas tree, observing all these important things. rule. nastya, dima and i are decorating the christmas tree today. to prevent children from dropping it, we will use a stand with a wide base. if it is not there, put the tree in a bucket, pour sand inside or put stones for
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stability. if you have children at all small, choose toys that are large enough that will not fit in the mouth, nose or ear. we refuse glass decorations or hang them at the very top so that the child cannot reach them. we choose toys from unbreakable materials; plastic or fabric are suitable. we also decorate the christmas tree with homemade toys. well, let's make a living glass. dim, can you help us? on a paper glass we draw a face, whichever one you like. glue on the ears and nose from colored paper. from the bottom of the sides we cut out strips on both sides and bend them up. now we insert another cup inside the workpiece and we will make a motor, we apply a rubber band to the used battery, wrap it with adhesive
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tape so that the edges stick out, insert them into the mount, fix it with glue for reliability, and now twist the rubber band a few turns. ready? yes. let's try! hooray! and now it's your turn. reade set go! look what a funny running toy it turned out to be! when the children have played enough, you can hang it on the christmas tree. it’s safe and fun for the children. with coming holiday. wow, december 25th, monday. another important psychological step, we are already there. done, the last week of the outgoing year has begun, soon, soon we will start preparing everything for the new year's table, you can't do without herring under a fur coat and olivier, the prices, as we
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understand, for everything are good, we need to calculate, the battle of two new year's salads, olivier and herring under fur coat, how much they will cost in different regions, let’s calculate, in each separately, the recipe for classic olive herring with sausage, 500 g portions, according to rosstat , is more expensive. total salads for chukotka, mostly because of the prices of vegetables. fresh vegetables and fruits are brought by plane in winter, so the price tag is high. olivier is prepared here with fresh cucumbers, which are also the most expensive, 650 rubles. per kilogram, potatoes and onions - 145, carrots and beets - 130. eggs in chukotka 190 rubles. a dozen, last year 145, but herring , on the contrary, has become cheaper, half a kilo of fillet is 578 rubles. for rubles. 100 lower than last year, the total of such olivier, let's remember 500 g in chukotka 894
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rubles herring under a fur coat 1019 in the far east , housewives buy vegetables at the market cheaper in the supermarket, only eggs, by the way, are the best expensive from the whole basket 150 rubles a dozen and also sausage for 225 rubles per kilo, consisting of soy and glacomet only natural products, the rest of the ingredients at the price from last year. have not grown so noticeably, nevertheless, olivier here is 546 rubles, herring - 427. the cheapest eggs in volgograd are 120 rubles. ten, vegetables are also cheaper, potatoes 20 rubles, carrots 25, beets 30. in principle, their prices have not changed since last year. pickled vegetables and cucumbers have risen in price - 120 rubles per jar, and mayonnaise has also increased by 14% across the country. but in volgograd he one of the most expensive - 135 rubles. that's why.
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the main reason was a decrease in imports and problems with logistics, which is why the salad with it cost 464 rubles. the cheapest place is in the south, most products cost up to 70 rubles. compared to last year, salad prices will, of course, be higher, mainly, as everywhere else, because of eggs, a dozen 138 rubles. total olivier - 411 rubles. herring under a fur coat - 330. in addition to salads, the new year's table also includes hot dishes, cold cuts, meat and cheese, and sandwiches. the price of the festive table has increased by 9%. for a family of four - this is about 9,000 rub. dormouse and tangerines rose from 182 to 245
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rubles and chicken to 400. anastasia kremeshina, denis zharov, channel one. do you know that in moscow, at the reception house of the ministry of foreign affairs, they held a presentation of the song christmas at good hour, the words were written by the official representative of the russian ministry of music, maria zakharova, and the music was written by the belarusian composer leonid shirin. reception house of mit russia. usually everything is serious here, international negotiations and conferences. now there is a presentation of a song, a children's song, a christmas song, and this is also important, after all. we remember all our lives, it remains in the subcortex, hello, santa claus, the new year is coming, a christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest, in winter, in summer it was slender green, good christmas, a new song for children, everyone is laughing and dancing, miracle of miracles.
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here are the angels singing from heaven with rejoicing. the focus group is happy. there is a deep meaning, great. she is so gentle, winter, mood. the song is a creative project of russia and belarus, a teleconference with snegorochka from minsk. i would like to greet everyone, snow-covered minsk. on connections performer ksenia goletskaya, winner and... for me this song is like a ray of some kind of magic, warmth and kindness performed in a business way. god sent us love for happiness, in spite of our misfortunes, it will save us. the composer is also from minsk, leonid shirin knows that
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listeners will like the song. i work in a children's center, if they sing it several times... this tune already sinks in, they repeat it, well, this is always such a good sign. another good sign, the motive came immediately as soon as i saw the words. their author is maria zakharova, director department of information and press of the ministry of russia. and this voice, this music, and the feeling that was embedded in this project, everything coincided. therefore, yes, it is for children, but it seems to me that, of course, everyone can sing it, so we all put our love into this story. the song is already online. we are introducing christmas in good time for a complete immersion of a clip, a video series from nikosafronov’s paintings. i am very pleased that a video was created where my paintings are part of this project. and a little from the authorship, supplemented by the world network. it turned out to be musical postcard, you can share with loved ones. anna popova, andrey ivanov, sergey myakin, channel one. christmas, christmas, brings
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magic to everyone. we will see each other again soon, but in the meantime we will find out what is new in the country and in the world by this hour, on the air of the news broadcast on channel one. this is the news from the first studio maria vasilyeva, hello, serbian president aleksandar vucic called what happened in the evening and at night in belgrade, an aggressive crowd from the opposition bloc called serbia , an attempt to overthrow the legally elected government against violence, engaged in activities that she actively condemns in words, organized riots with breaking windows and cctv cameras, stones were thrown at police officers, two
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law enforcement officers were injured, in the end, law enforcement officers managed to take control of the situation. the most violent ones were detained under control. later , the acting mayor of belgrade showed on social networks what the historic town hall building now looks like, the old courtyard, even the facing tiles are broken, the offices need to be restored. in this way, the opposition tried to protest the results of early elections on december 17. the coalition led by aleksandar vucic received twice as many votes as the serbia anti -violence bloc. in his address to the nation , vočić stated that the radicals were directed from abroad to belgrade on time. foreign intelligence services warned the serbian leadership and provided them with information that an attempt at a color revolution was being prepared in the country. in serbia, power changes through elections. serbia is a democratic country, and it will always be so in the future. there will be no violent change of power in the republic. later prime minister serbia anna brnabic clarified that
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the warning came from russian intelligence services. today we will meet president aleksandar vucic in belgrade. another apartment building nearby was on fire, an art museum and a school were also damaged, a woman was killed, there were at least six wounded, a total of seven missiles were fired. now in detail about the progress of the northern military district, the army aviation strike group destroyed a concentration of manpower, armored vehicles of the bsu in the krasnolimansk direction, k-52 helicopters, the famous mi-35 and mi-8 alligators hit unguided s-8 aircraft missiles from as close as possible. conditions in the kupinsky direction, a combined group of fighters from the west group of troops, motorized rifles, reconnaissance officers and artillerymen disabled enemy mortars and the starling station. in the zaporozhye direction, stavropol paratroopers occupied
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a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces and captured four militants. the winged infantrymen burst into the trenches and threw grenades at the enemy dugouts. and under the coaldar there are heavy snipers of the marine corps of the pacific fleet destroyed a sabotage group of the ukrainian armed forces. they allowed the enemy to get closer. to the first line of our defense, then opened fire to kill, the military personnel said that thorough preparation allowed them to complete the task. and also about the valor and dedication of our military personnel. shooter, orderly of the bars detachment ilya alekseenko came to the aid of a wounded comrade, pulled him out from under the fire, bandaged him, saved his life, then, without wasting time, returned to the machine gun and with medical bursts drove away the militants who were trying to get close to the flank of the militants. major ivan chukaev. repelled the attack. there are no more
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volunteers in ukraine who would like to go to the front, general of the armed forces of ukraine dmitry marchenko admitted this in an interview with a german media corporation. according to him, the soldiers who are now on the front line are tired. they have been sitting in the trenches for almost 2 years, especially since the fighters themselves are not young people, many are already over 50. the armed forces of ukraine are huge, there is almost no one to replace the dead and wounded, but the methods of conscription have long been known, here are personnel from the nikolaev region, by the way, this is marchenko’s homeland, they tried to catch conscripts in the market, but unsuccessfully, one of the failed fighters was repulsed by women, there is nothing to fight with, no, you ’re still here, fight yourself, go, joe biden is one of the main losers of the year, according to the american tv channel fok. he took a place on the list of losers, in part due to low ratings, and also because he is under investigation, which could result in impeachment. the current owner of the white house was reminded of his previous sins, such as trading in influence, when he was
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vice president, and of course, they did not forget about his age. biden is now 81; according to fox news journalists, he is in vain traveling around the states, boasting of his successes. he will have a hard time convincing the americans that he is still fit enough to work for another 4 years. in the white house. a severe snowstorm hit crimea. eyewitnesses share footage from yalta, where the streets were covered as if it were siberia. tourists are stuck in the mountains in the bakhcesarai region. traffic on some roads had to be suspended. in the caucasus , due to the threat of slopes, cable cars and ski slopes on elbrus do not operate. and in the week before new year's, nature is preparing new surprises. freezing rain is forecast for the orenburg region. there is a powerful snow storm in tatarstan. in central russia , the weather is determined. cyclone in the north atlantic, during the day the temperature is around zero, at night up to -6. in moscow today it's down to -3, light snow, very slippery. millions of believers around the world today celebrate christmas according to the gregorian
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calendar. at night, festive masses were held in churches, including protestant ones. in the center of the catholic world in the vatican, it was held by pope francis. center in moscow celebrations according to tradition at the cathedral of the immaculate conception on malaya gruzinskaya. well , after christmas. services, believers will gather at the festive table with their families, exchange warm wishes and give gifts. a wonderful winter morning, we are greeting you today, yulia zemina and sergey babaev, good morning, december 25th, christmas for catholics, protestants and other christians, who are usually called western, is a calm, happy family holiday, full of joy and love. it's hard to imagine a catholic christmas without nativity scenes, from the beginning december they are in churches in the homes of western christians, a model of the bethlehem cave in
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which jesus was incarnated more than 2 thousand years ago. this year is truly special, we are celebrating the eight hundredth anniversary of the day when, as according to legend, st. francis of ossis in italy, not far from rome in 1223 , first arranged such a nativity scene in a church context. it is customary to set up a nativity scene in advance, but catholics have a rule: the figurine of a baby appears only at... the night christmas service and believers become participants in the magical new testament story. the main christmas service is the place at night. and therefore , for obvious reasons , there are not many children in this service. but on christmas day itself, december 25th, i am sure that many families will come with their children. we also rejoice that many people from other faith traditions will come with us. still, the main thing that
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unites us is gratitude to god for his greatest gift of christ, who came into this world. the peculiarity of catholic christmas is at the same time a church secular holiday, therefore, they really celebrate it on a grand scale, they sing a lot, hug, give each other gifts, a separate ritual is a festive table, this is usually a white tablecloth and one free place, christmas, a time of hospitality and kindness. you wake up and realize that today is christmas, that today there will be close people nearby, delicious food , some nice gifts, in russia it is a working day, so whether we choose to or not, we go to work, of course, yes, we work today, but despite for this, firstly, we treat our colleagues and try to somehow share this the feeling of the holiday that we have inside with our closest circle, these are colleagues, these are family, i like to give people candles at christmas, because christ is born, this is the light that comes into the world. and it seems to me
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that this is such a beautiful symbol that you can give to a person, just in winter he will still be warm and cozy. christmas is a family holiday, its main tradition is to gather everyone, even distant relatives, together. ksenia ionkina, mikhail karasev, igor kostyukov and alexander ostroukhov, channel one. well, we woke up, warmed up, cheered up, you can take a break, sit quietly with a cup of coffee, and look at the selection. videos from the world wide web, everything is there, a bottomless source of good mood, cheerfulness, so we found for you the most popular, coolest videos, our today's video journey opens, a new star of the world wide web, an arm wrestler cat named kevin, as you can see, he performs very technically , it is not surprising that kevin has already earned more than 5 million views, if someone does not give in, he bites, so this is the secret of success in dogs today is a day off, for them they call badger
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from new zealand, he tried to get into the house , the owner was obviously against it, he took a shovel and impudently chased him away, he chased him away, he chased him away again, he was torn again, they kicked him out again, but everything ended well, without injuries, cuts or bruises, just like love, the irishman stephen brix made friends with a seagull, yes, according to him , one day someone knocked on the window, this seagull turned out to be an uninvited guest, stephen fed it well, well, this is the way to the heart. apparently she liked it, she began to fly almost every day, that’s how they live now, and who wouldn’t like to feed themselves there , we would fly in too, and finally, we will introduce you to a very unusual creator, one might say, an artist, he creates sculptures of animals, birds, insects from old cutlery, forks, spoons and knives , for each, this kind of craft takes from two weeks to a month, painstaking work, but effective, hence the many likes: december 25
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, of course, in the last week many postponed the choice of gifts, now of course they are like boilers these points of delivery of orders from all sorts of marketplaces are chugging along and hundreds of thousands of parcels are going there, people are standing in queues , can you imagine if the goods were delayed, lost, i don’t know, for some reason they didn’t arrive on time, in general they got stuck somewhere, this is how to conduct a conversation with sellers, how i ordered gifts for the new year through the marketplace, one of them is in the sorting center, already 3 days, neither here nor there, this happens if during sorting they found a defect and the goods were removed from delivery, in such a situation we don’t delay, write a request to the marketplace support service, there is a chat in the application and in the online version of the site, we state only the essence of the problem , we keep emotions to ourselves, the time during which the answer will come is indicated here, but during sales and... holidays, as now,
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this period may be extended , operators cannot cope with the influx of requests. look, i already wrote the day before yesterday, and there is still no answer. so, we are looking on the internet for the phone number of the marketplace. first you have to talk to the virtual assistant. please connect to the operator. thanks for your call. friends, keep in mind that the manager will answer not right away. thousands of people can call the store at the same time. don't be nervous. just put your phone on speaker so you don't miss an answer and go about your business. hang up and dial the number again. there is no point either, your call is in the queue, with each new call you move to the very end. what other troubles can happen when communicating with the marketplace? let's say the employee at the pick-up point was impolite in your opinion, in this case i recommend
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writing a review, but choose a site where marketplace employees respond to their customers, which means reviews are being processed, employees of the point of issue that offended you will have a conversation and apologize, hello, my name is irina, so here is the answer: hello, please help, my phone is stuck on delivery, that's all, after calling the hotline, the goods , as a rule, arrive very quickly, communicate with marketplaces correctly, and there will be fewer problems, happy new year, these days before the new year are the time when even skeptics begin to believe a little in miracles, a... someone even dreams of becoming a wizard, that ’s right, each of us can perform a small good miracle to give a holiday to those who really, really need it. hello my dears, hello! what's a new year without santa claus? so the capital’s volunteers thought so and organized a real holiday for the children,
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for those who cannot come to the christmas tree themselves, there are about 2.0 families on the list. a christmas tree was born in the forest, it is in the forest. growing up, a whole program, round dances, games, at the end there are always gifts, sweets, there are children who are there in strollers, yes, there are some, well, there are problems with the legs , yes, miracles are simply given from the soul, from the heart , it’s great when you give away emotions, really goosebumps, it’s, it’s, it’s beyond words, the feeling you experience when you do good deeds, in this cafe there are small good deeds every week, on thursdays, for schoolchildren... for a's they give donuts, cheese sticks, now also holiday gingerbread cookies, just show a diary or notebook, i have mostly staff, everyone has children , everyone has parents, i have parents who are over 80, yes, i want to show, this is the best thing , it exists, they also help families in difficult
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situations, they are known in the area, they bring gifts to their homes, so this is for you, thank you, this is a kid, he can become a wizard before the new year... new year it’s coming, the children love tangerines under the christmas tree for the new year, so let them rejoice, it was unexpected, the door opens, the snow maiden comes to us, a farmer comes with her with tangerines, they are so tasty , the new year is immediately associated with them, that’s it, present. of course, everyone is waiting for gifts, especially children. in simferopol anyone can make their dream come true. volunteers organized an action, almost thousands of letters from families in difficult situations. dear santa claus, my name is lyosha, and i want a robot for the new year, please. the roller skate machine is on the pulse of control, volunteers
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buy everything and come with congratulations. dari, darina, keep it, happy new year. and this is only a small part of such stories, there are dozens of them throughout the country. after all, miracles. you can not only believe, but also give them yourself. anastasia savileva, stepan erofeev, channel one. decorate clothes with flowers, overload them with all sorts of details - this does not mean creating fashion. but making a dress based on just one line is a real art. my fashion philosophy is to be yourself, try not to follow. i never expect anything from anyone. more likely. they are the ones expecting something from me. the art of kutie is akin to the art of an artist. the future of my craft is connected to the spiritual side of things. people no longer want to serve as clothes hangers. is there a difference between a male fashion designer and
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a female fashion designer, only you can judge about it. fashion is a game. where anything can happen to anyone. matador. high fashion on friday on the first. what do you think about the fashion world? perhaps this is an even more magical world than mine. veeta vodka is a product of stellor group. our man is beautiful primarily for his inner content. surgery is contraindicated for you. dot. lyucha, show the patient, you understand that the operation will not help you anyway, what are you doing, get out of the operating room, what did you do with her, is this too long for you?
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watch the time after the program, it's yours institute, take what is rightfully yours, the new year is only a week away, christmas tree markets have opened everywhere, but if you suddenly don’t have the time or opportunity to go to them, you can buy this joy via the internet, yes you can. and live, or artificial, but the choice must be made correctly, because artificial can deplete some
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unpleasant chemical odors, liquefying the dust by the evening. who chooses the christmas tree when you order it online? today vladimir and i are doing this. christmas tree therapy, here's feeling the trees for reassurance. the buyer asks for nordmann fir, this one has almost no smell, but they usually warn about this on the website. we are looking for one and a half meters. as a professional, i can already roughly estimate by weight which one will be more interesting and fluffy, that is, the more it weighs, well , it’s 13-14 kilograms, the heavier the tree, the more branches it has, when we open it, it will be fluffier, unpack for a photo shoot, each client can ask for just pictures and videos from one angle, well, from an advantageous angle, of course, but it’s not in our interests... to try somehow deceive a person, because he can then refuse it at home. in general, a live christmas tree, like flowers in a bouquet, is not returned, but
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if the product is without defects and is not there, we immediately write to the seller, the return must be processed within 7 days. for example, such shortcomings as a curvature of the tree trunk, yes, let’s say, one half of the tree is more fluffy, the other is the opposite, the needles are sparser, or the presence of some insects. it seems easier with an artificial christmas tree; you can return it and exchange it. but so as not to waste time on this, decorator tatyana turaykina suggests, we just don’t believe the photographs, look at the secret, if i do it this way now, the christmas tree in the frame becomes more magnificent, whether it will be more magnificent or not, you can only understand by the number of branches, it’s written in the description, how to determine how many it’s optimal that she’s not bald when she arrives, well, a meter, a meter, preferably, well, at least that, but there are some peculiarities: the earlier the branched branches begin, the fuller she will be
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in the skirt. and don’t forget about reviews, where else? find out that, for example, such a snowball will fall off? alexandra and her family decided to take her alive after all. you spent 2 days choosing a seller, were you not satisfied with the delivery conditions? we chose a russian spruce, so they sent me a photo, the tree in the photo is beautiful, fluffy, let's see... we've already prepared the place and even mentally decorated it, but the delivery was delayed, then it turned out that they forgot the stand, they'll bring it tomorrow, but will you? wait, it’s the same tree, yes, but it seems to me that it’s different, no, no, it’s the same, and the top is the same, look, here you understand, this one or not that one, it doesn’t matter anymore, the main thing is that it’s fluffy, the main thing is that it smells like new year, and the blue balls on it are so beautiful, natalya leonova, denis panomariov, konstantin. lionov, channel one. winter is a time when you want to , you know, hold a glass of hot
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coffee in your hand all the time, and it’s advisable to snack on something sweet, something pleasant, aromatic. well, the new year’s tradition is gingerbread with all sorts of spices, ginger, cinnamon and much more, and you don’t have to buy gingerbread, you can, for example, prepare them yourself with your children, and especially you don’t have to be tricky, because ready-made mixtures are sold. how to choose? i’m still not in the new year’s mood, there’s a reason to make gingerbread, the family of confectioners knows it really works, we love it, of course, it’s like creating a holiday at home right away, and all these aromas, it’s like cooking something with them, taking the time to family, little people, let's do it, yes , ready-made mixtures from the store will be used, marina got this one, containing cardamom, nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, here - only a mixture with... but convenient for those who doesn’t like to bother,
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you’ll have to add everything else yourself, sugar, honey, butter, to make the aroma brighter, melt real aromatherapy. we feel the aroma throughout the kitchen, now we add flour, ginger, it smells like ginger, yes, in fact, these will be our own homemade gingerbread cookies, alexandra and her assistants have a ready-made mixture that is more complete in composition, come on, mom, come on, there are a minimum of additional ingredients, you only need eggs and butter, butter, this kind of butter, this kind of butter, you don’t need to melt anything, it took a lot to knead less time i had. 5, and we need to weigh out all the ingredients, in general, knead the dough for about 20 minutes, now the homemade dough needs to rest with the prepared spice mixture for at least 6 hours, so that it becomes more elastic , so that it does not crack, does not break, so that the gingerbreads turn out smooth, gluten appears in the flour, these are just certain chemical processes of dough maturation, besides,
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it takes only half an hour to proof almost entirely from a store-bought mixture, why are thickeners added, there is starch, which will give this elasticity, and there is xanthan stone, it will also allow the dough to ripen faster, finally roll out both options elastic without tears, oh what sausage, super, excellent sausage in molds, star, now in the oven, just 10 minutes and ready, for the product yield is different, some of the gingerbreads from the fully prepared mixture were swollen, the rest was still not enough, i think that... it’s definitely an issue with aging, but the good news is that all the unevenness is easy to hide with glaze, all that remains is to evaluate the taste, tasty, yes , homemade, of course, they are more aromatic, made from a ready-made mixture, they are of course crispy, also crumbly, for quick cooking, of course they are suitable, especially since you can also make home decor,
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for example, candlesticks or decorations for the christmas tree, a festive mood is guaranteed. anna popova, mikhail karasev, evgeny borenkov, anna ryabova, channel one. now about money, a new rule for obtaining preferential mortgages has come into force. the amount of the down payment has been increased and there are other changes. however, the interest rate remained unchanged, the same is good, but all these innovations are worth discussing with our correspondent karina makaryan. in the last 11 months alone, banks have issued 800,000 mortgage loans at preferential rates. the state support mortgage program 2020 is different in that it can be taken by any citizen of the russian federation, over 18 years of age, regardless of whether he has children, works in the it industry, or lives in rural areas? the minimum loan amount is rub 3,000. these numbers remain the same, but there are changes to the maximum.
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since december 23, it turns out that it changes, loan amount is limited. that is, it is only 6 million, although previously we had 6 million for the regions, and for moscow and the moscow region of sampeterburg and the leningrad region, it was 12 million, that is, now 6 million for all regions. the interest rate under the preferential program remained low, about 8%. at the same time, a mortgage with state support can be combined with a market one, that is, part of the loan is 6 million. the borrower can take it at a preferential rate, and the rest on the bank’s usual terms. it has changed according to the new rules. and the amount of the down payment, now it is no less than 30% from the amount of real estate. as part of the preferential program, you can purchase either real estate at the construction stage under an equity participation agreement, or purchase a finished apartment from a developer, or build an individual residential building using your own resources.
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you cannot buy an apartment on the secondary market; apartments and other commercial real estate are also unavailable to such borrowers. you can take out a loan with state support only once in your life; this condition also applies to other preferential programs, rural family and it mortgages. one more requirement which has arisen is one preferential mortgage in one hand. you cannot use the program, and even different programs, for one person several times. the new rules already came into force on december 23, and the preferential mortgage program with state support is valid until july 1, 2024. karina makaran, sergey fonendash, alexander aleksenko channel one. news for passionate fans in chelyabinsk. these days the russian figure skating championships took place. our colleague , channel one sports journalist igor prudnikov, has all the results. championship russia in chelyabinsk gave unforgettable impressions to figure skating fans for 4 days. fans managed
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to enjoy the festive atmosphere and send greeting cards with images of the mascots. tournament and, of course, support their favorite athletes; the incredibly warm reception that the audience gave to alexandra stepanova and ivan bukin helped the charismatic duo take their third gold. in the sports pairs competition, it was decided who would add the next title to the collection: alexandra baykova and dmitry kozlovsky or anastasia mishina and alexander galyamov. this time the sport of the strongest ended with a confident victory for mishin and galyamov. fantastic emotions of the fans and the jubilation of the legendary coach tamara moskvina. in women's single skating, the bright performance of kamilla valieva brought her a bronze medal, and at the same time soft toys and a beautiful bouquet from a fan group,
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silver from sofia muravyova, who captivated the audience with a truly italian performance of the triple axel, and adelia petrosyan won gold at the russian championship for the first time, to her managed not only to land two quadruple jumps, but to amaze everyone with the highest artistry, in full accordance with the poster, it’s time for new year’s congratulations from the medal winners, and after the end of the entire tournament, the winners and prize-winners. dear figure skating fans, i really would like to congratulate you on the upcoming new year, wish you good luck, more love, and definitely health in the new year. always be happy and don’t be afraid of anything, i wish you a lot of positivity, love, happiness, health in the new year, and of course, that your loved ones
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everything was fine with you, we wish you, of course, health, bright events in the new year and many memorable moments, hurray, we congratulate you on the upcoming 2024, spend this time with your family, because this is the most... may 2024 come true all the best. it's time for news on channel one. this is news from the first maria vasilyeva studio. hello. the bsu delivered a powerful missile strike to the throat. the enemy used a multiple launch rocket system. hit exclusively peaceful targets, one of them was a local shopping center, it caught fire, the other - a nearby apartment building, an art museum and
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a school were also damaged, a woman was killed, there was another wounded, there were at least six of them, a total of seven missiles were fired. now about the progress of the svo in detail. an army aviation strike group destroyed a concentration of manpower and armored vehicles of the armed forces of ukraine in the krasnolimansk direction, k-52 helicopters, and the famous mi-35 and mi-8 alligators struck. unguided s-8 aircraft missiles from as close as possible. in the kupinsky direction, a combined group of fighters of the group western troops, motorized rifles, reconnaissance officers, artillerymen, disabled enemy mortars and the starling station. in the zaporozhye direction, stavropol paratroopers occupied a stronghold of ukrainian armed forces and captured four militants. the winged infantrymen burst into the trenches and pelted the enemy dugouts with grenades. and under the gaze are the heavy snipers of the pacific marine corps.
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the weather conditions are such that there is constant fog and ragged wind. the president called it an attempt to overthrow the elected government serbia aleksandar vucic, what happened in the evening and at night in belgrade. an aggressive crowd from the opposition bloc called serbia against violence engaged in what they actively condemn in words, rioted, smashing windows and cctv cameras. stones were thrown at the police, two law enforcement officers were injured. as a result, law enforcement officers managed to take control of the situation, to all intents and purposes. the historical building of the town hall, the old courtyard, even the facing tiles are broken, the offices need to be restored. in this
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way the opposition tried to protest results of early elections on december 17. the coalition led by aleksandar vučić received twice as many votes as the serbia against violence blog. in his address to the nation, he stated that the radicals were orchestrated from abroad, but belgrade received them in time. serbia is a democratic country, and it will always be so in the future. there will be no violent change of power in the republic. later , serbian prime minister anna brnabic clarified that the warning came from russian intelligence services. israel expands military actions in the gas sector. prime minister benjamin netanyahu stated this. a powerful airstrike was carried out in the almagazi region in a refugee camp, killing about 70 people. this is data from representatives of the palestinian medical service.
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in spite of the fighting, israeli. the military discovered the bodies of five hostages captured on october 7 in hamas underground tunnels. it was reported that this was the headquarters in the north of the sector. after inspection, all the corridors were destroyed; the fortifications were located on two levels to a depth of several tens of meters. one shaft led to residence of the commander of the hamas northern brigade. the israeli army managed to establish relative control in the north of the gaza strip, and now intensive military operations are underway in the south. today , more than 20 people were killed in a strike on the eastern region of khan yunis. the wounded people are being taken to the hospital. hamas attacks an israeli military hideout with anti-tank and mortar shells. the militants blow up vehicles with soldiers and claim that they managed to destroy 35 military vehicles in a few days. today in st. petersburg there will be a meeting of the highest eurasian economic council. the first participants from the presidents of russia, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, kazakhstan, and belarus have already arrived in the northern capital to discuss promising
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directions. integration, at least until 2030, our country is completing its chairmanship of the association, it’s time to take stock of the work. particular attention is paid to the development of external relations, negotiations on concluding an agreement on the creation of a free trade zone with indonesia, the united arab emirates and egypt, the text of a similar document has been agreed upon with iran. in addition, today and tomorrow an informal meeting of the heads of state of the cis will be held in st. petersburg. a severe snowstorm hit... eyewitnesses share footage from yalta, where the streets were covered as if it were siberia. tourists are stuck in the mountains in the bakhcesarai region. traffic on some roads had to be suspended; in the caucasus , due to the threat of avalanches, cable cars and ski slopes on elbrus are not operating. and in the week before new year's, nature is preparing further surprises in the orenburg region. freezing rain forecast for tatarstan powerful snow storm. in moscow today it's down to -3, light snow and very slippery. the main symbol
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of the upcoming winter holidays is a christmas tree, and even the largest one in russia appeared in krasnoyarsk, it was made up of cars. 800 motorists lined up in a giant figure, and to add color, they turned on their headlights, emergency lights, and decorated their cars with garlands. the spectacle is incredible, and if you look from above, it’s just a postcard for the new year. and that's all for now. we are celebrating a wonderful winter morning with you today, yulia zemina and sergey babaev, good morning, december 25th, a week before the new year, the old year is at the finish line, we are all looking forward to new year's eve, of course we want to spend it fun, festive, unforgettable, unforgettable - that 's what it means, it doesn't mean that then we are ashamed to look at each other's eyes, or or drink
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so much that we then forget everything. absolutely no one can remember anything, in general, the new year, of course, needs to be spent like a human being, the new year holidays are the most expensive of the year: food, gifts, it’s not enough to fork out for fines, so as not to get caught, you need to know the rules. in every there is a regime of silence in the region; on new year's eve it is not canceled everywhere. for example, in moscow you can’t make noise from 11:00 pm to 7:00 am, in other regions you can rest until 30 am on new year’s eve, somewhere you can stay up until 60 am. but it is unlikely that you will get a fine, one of the neighbors will complain, the police will most likely just scold you, the whole country is partying, but if you know that there are children behind the wall and they go to bed early, it would be good to be understanding. drunken songs and dances on the street are also prohibited,
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but there's a fine line here. the state of intoxication can be different, that is, if at home they drank a little just to lift their spirits, they went out into the street, their eyes were sparkling, no one would even notice it, accordingly , of course, no one would be fined, but if a person drank so much that he starts lose human dignity, as stated in the code of administrative offenses, then in this case they can be fined, and you can celebrate your new year before the old new year at the police station, they decided roll... for the mood already on the street, for drinking in a public place , law enforcement officers may approach, again, but on this day law enforcement practice, it may develop differently, we have a tradition in our country that people go out and celebrate , they went overboard, the main thing is not to pester passers-by, not to insult them, for petty hooliganism they can also be arrested for 15 days. and, of course, where without pyrotechnics, i wanted fireworks, not from windows, balconies, not
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even in the yard. if we talk about street territory, then the ban is we are launched over power lines, next to the trees. distance from residential buildings, according to the instructions indicated on the factory packaging. it’s difficult to remember all the rules, the main thing is to keep it in mind and not interfere with each other’s safety precautions. ruslan yunyaev, ilya ridkozubov, sergey namunka, ksenia maklyak, channel one. good morning everyone again, our ancestors, they said about this day on december 25th, the sun is shifting to the other side, well, it’s clear what we’re talking about here, because the day is starting to gradually increase, the longest nights are behind us, that’s it we are looking forward to spring with pleasure. yes, well, we’re still waiting astrologically. forecast for today, find out your fate. december 25, the thirteenth lunar day passes the baton to the fourteenth, tenth day of the sun, generally not bad , witty, inquisitive, very
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sociable, on such days messengers are literally bursting with messages, we constantly call back with someone, make appointments, find out something, he will help journalists, bloggers, those who work with information, learn something or teach someone, and everyone... the rest will add energy and efficiency, to unfortunately, gossipers, swindlers and just liars are also becoming more active, so you shouldn’t believe everyone today, more about the disadvantages, money is quite fussy and not very organized, on such days we are often late for something, forget something, lack concentration everything happens perfect. aries, remember this, especially when driving and generally when working with equipment, some meetings may be disrupted or cancelled, someone will not have time or will not be able to do something for you, don’t be angry, worry about it. calm down, after lunch everything will go back to normal, the evening will be simple pleasant. this day will help taurus realize some ideas of doing something meaningful. in return, it will require a clear ability to focus on the main thing, on all sorts of
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spiteful critics who think that you are dragging your feet, zero attention, guests may come in the evening. gemini will have the opportunity to enlist someone's support or make a useful acquaintance. just remember that it's stellar. or swindlers , liars, be careful with money, and someone else may fall in love with you, some events on the personal front are possible for crayfish, about business now for you loyalty to your word means a lot, therefore, do not promise what you are not sure of, but if you have promised, fulfill it with caution. lions today are simply charged with energy, it would be good to direct this same energy into a creative direction, otherwise you can break wood more carefully with fragile objects for the evening. feel free to make a date, girls will be able to successfully sell or buy something, solve their financial problems, and just make some extra money, but on the personal front some nonsense is possible, stupid divorces with family, arguments out of nowhere, well, why do you need this,
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it’s better to go somewhere in the evening with the whole family, libra may fall in love with someone , and at first sight, how serious this will be, the stars do not specify, in the evening there may be some kind of conversation in a raised voice, hold on. in your hands. scorpios, this advice will also be useful to you. and do without harsh criticism, even if you are right, why does it breed unnecessary grievances on new year’s eve? yes, and double-check everything, you may be deceived or provided with incorrect information. great day for the sagittarius. earnings, career, love - fortune is in everything on your side. there will be a chance to pay off your debts. and this is very, by the way, there is no need to drag them into the new year and do without alcohol. confidence, calm and determination. capricorn motto. feel free to follow your line, take initiative and move towards your goal. the stars are for you, they don’t really like the idea of ​​an office romance, but it’s up to you to decide. quite a positive day for aquarius, but maybe a little disheveled. there is a risk of being late somewhere,
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forgetting or missing something, getting a little confused about something, but if you don’t fuss and... grab onto everything at once, everything will be fine, the evening is clearly preparing something entertaining. a wonderful day for pisces, it will help the pisces. give yourself and show your talents, ladies will not miss the chance to shine, and the stars directly tell men: if you just don’t dare to propose, seize the moment, good luck to you! we continue our broadcast , december, one of the busiest months of the year, we are now not talking about champagne, but about roads, because everyone writes off for gifts, everyone goes to shopping centers, to stores, according to statistics the most... the most the hardest thing in this regard, of course, is the last week of december, which is just beginning today. well, okay, let’s not grumble or complain about this, let’s be patient, be in a good mood, and think about it.
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firstly, we can continuously maintain attention for no more than 40 minutes, then the brain gets bored, the brain begins to look for an opportunity to change activities, and now we are standing in the capital on average for an hour and a half , we cannot be distracted at all, but we can be distracted by stimuli, which do not cause us increased attention and prolonged processing, for example, to music, this is how 45% of drivers waste their time, conversations are also suitable. on the phone in traffic jams 18% of respondents hare, do you
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care? i think the heron, olga doesn’t need to invent anything, she plays word games with her son misha in the car, but only to take a break between lessons, now we are repeating the multiplication table by four, there’s no way around it, their traffic jams in yekaterinburg have doubled, if before olga i drove to work to pick up my son for 30 minutes, now it’s an hour, sometimes if the traffic jam doesn’t move at all, olga looks into marketplaces, and no matter how wrong it is, 6% of car enthusiasts do this, and another 14% work in traffic jams, but not ekaterina, she knits. i notice the drivers nearby, they just smile, seriously, are you really not looking at your phone at this time? in izhevsk, traffic jams have also become twice as long; over the last week, ekaterina has already knitted a whole hat, and now a second one is on the way. and in traffic jams you can always do some cleaning. and svetlana, cleaning specialist, i suggest, in order
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not to bother too much, this little thing, and what kind of joy is this, you can use me, electric, yes, which will blow away the dust, you can wipe the torpedo to protect it from dust, if you use an antistatic agent, then the dust there will be less sediment on your panel surface, you’ll definitely pass 20 minutes, just don’t forget to look in the mirrors, and you can also pay attention to neighboring cars, remember, 40% of drivers don’t mind meeting each other in a traffic jam. elena and sergey from krasnodar met like this. 4 years ago, as you can see, it was successful. someone is watching, giving some signs. i turned my head, there was a bottle of water in the window. this, of course, surprised me. she took the water, thanked her and left, followed by him. they parked at her work and he called for a date. so traffic jam is also romance. don't get lost.
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there is good news for travelers and business travelers; construction of new air terminal buildings in orenburg and blagovechensky has recently started. i must say that many existing airports are also being updated, too runways are being modernized, repaired, new terminals are appearing, it’s just wonderful. arkhangelsk airport again receives and dispatches more planes. 30 a day, it was under renovation for almost six months, we were really looking forward to the opening of our airport so that there would be more flights, the airport sold all the expectations that we had for it, we are very happy, everything is fast, comfortable, very convenient for passengers, comfort begins from the first touch of the landing gear to the runway, the surface is new, every landing is now soft, the reconstruction of the runway has been brewing for a long time, since 2004, we used to hear from passengers such things as a washboard, that is, the slabs do not form
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a very even surface, it was very hard to land, now it’s like clockwork, and that’s not all the work has been completed, now we have taken on the patrol road and the airfield fencing, plus taxiways are next in line , an emergency rescue station, such as is just being completed in kirov, air legislation is being improved, the airport is developing, accordingly it was required construction of a new emergency rescue station; in addition, they plan to replace the airfield radar and beacon landing system. since 2019, 25 airports have been modernized under the national project for modernization of transport infrastructure. they built and repaired runways and auxiliary facilities. peron was recently completed in petropavlovsk-kamchatsky. we are with you on peron. the platform itself includes nine parking spaces for large aircraft and also for small aircraft. it is adjacent to the one under construction
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air terminal, this will allow the use of jet bridges for boarding and disembarking passengers. we currently have four transitional galleries and... kamchatka will open in the new year and become closer, oh, old barrel cognac,
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a product of the stellar group. wow, december 25th , monday, we have already taken another important psychological step, the last week of the outgoing year has begun, soon, soon we will start preparing everything for the new year’s table, we can’t do without herring under a fur coat and olivier, prices, as we understand, for everything good, you have to count battle of two new year's salads, olive and herring under a fur coat, what time are they... in different regions, let's count each separately, classic herring recipe, olivier with sausage, 500 g portions. according to rosstat, the most expensive salads are from chukotka, mainly from -for the prices of vegetables. fresh vegetables and fruits are brought by plane in winter, so the price tag is high. olivier is prepared here with fresh cucumbers, which are also
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the most expensive, 650 rubles. per kilogram, potatoes and onions - 145, carrots and beets - 130. i... for chukotka 190 rubles. ten, in the past 145 years old, on the contrary, herring has become cheaper, half a kilo of fillet is 578 rubles. 100 rubles lower than last year. the result is this: olivier, let us remind you , 500 g for checkots 894 rubles, herring under a fur coat - 1019. in the far east, housewives buy vegetables at the market, cheaper. in the supermarket there are only eggs, which, by the way, are the most expensive of the entire basket (150 rubles) and also half a kilo of sausage for 225 rubles. contains soy and glacomet, only natural products. the price of other ingredients has not increased as much since last year. nevertheless, olivier here is 546 rubles. a herring - 427. the cheapest eggs in volgograd - 120 rubles. ten. vegetables are also
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cheaper, potatoes - 20 rubles. carrots - 25, beets - 30. in principle, their prices have not changed since last year. pickled ones have become more expensive. vegetables, cucumbers 120 rub. per jar, mayonnaise is also 14% across the country. but in volgograd it is one of the most expensive 135 rubles. so olivey here is 538 rubles. herring under a fur coat 454. a little cheaper in moscow, in addition to eggs, the price of peas has increased by 4%, here they are 90 rubles. the cost of olivier is 525 rubles, but most of all we were surprised herring prices. previously it cost us about 150-100 rubles. 60 pack, this year taking into account the discount, it cost us 205 rubles. in moscow, herring prices increased by 18%. the main reason was a decrease in imports and problems with logistics, which is why the salad with it cost 464 rubles. the cheapest place is in the south, most products cost up to 70 rubles. compared to last
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year, the prices of salads, of course, will be higher, mainly, as everywhere else, from eggs, a dozen 138 rubles. total, olivier - 411 rubles. herring with shup. in addition to salads, the new year's table is also hot, meat and cheese slices and sandwiches. the price of the festive table has increased by 9%. for a family of four people it’s about 9.00 rubles. tangerines also increased in price from 182 to 245 rubles. and chicken up to 400. anastasia kremeshnaya denis zharov, channel one. the last week before the new year, cities and other settlements prepare for the holiday by dressing up.
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the children, of course artificial, collected 250 parts for two days and the family chose the park location not by chance, the golden spruce tree is warm, it personifies the warmth of the family. and the warmth of the new year, the joy of meeting it. family spruce turned out in tyumen , unusual balls and windows were used as decorations. when we walk along an evening street or at night we see windows in houses, we always think that there is probably a family gathered there, that there is love, warmth, comfort, beloved animals, this tree represents the most important values, kindness, care, love , attention and home. installed in the most romantic place in the city opposite the bridge. lovers, in general, this is the first time i ’ve seen such a tree, firstly, these windows are so unusual, and we’re used to the standard, here
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this one immediately catches your eye, it’s very interesting and cool, this tree is just something incredible, when i saw it, i immediately took a photo and sent it to my friend, i said: look, let’s come here and take some photos, it doesn’t leave without photos and this penza christmas tree, height 25 m, weighing a little more... our folk toy traditionally has three main colors, blue, green, red, made in the form of animals, animals, lambs, goats, deer, anapa, that’s where it definitely knows how to surprise, not the first year installing a christmas tree made of sand,
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moscow 1965 plastic surgery is banned, but doctor preobrazhensky dreams of opening a beauty institute, they don’t give him time to think about beauty, embellish, hide, correct, whatever you call it, deprive of authenticity. leo preobrazhensky is played by denis shvedov. shvedov usually chooses the roles of brutal guys. we are used to seeing denis
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either in a leather jacket or bare-chested. in the film doctor preobrazhensky, shvedov is completely different. well, that's putting it mildly. for auditions. i arrived there on a motorcycle in shorts, that is some, that is, completely, what, who, where. he has improved. what do we know about the main character? lev preobrazhensky 45 years old affair with a nurse, she thinks that no one could marry a doctor, but she will succeed , let him think, it’s so convenient for the lion, there is no time to rush with it, the lion was 16 when his younger sister almost died in during the fire , they saved him, but his face was badly damaged, all these years the lion was looking for a way to help his sister, so he became a maxillofacial surgeon, the best surgeon in moscow in the sixties, i think the most important thing is that it was difficult for me, well correlate with himself, this is his quality of sacrificing his... the kgb needs the services of preobrazhensky, if the doctor cooperates, he will receive
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his own institute. first thing, the patient, the daughter of a big man. the young dude zorin will assist, what a pity that preobrazhensky fired him the other day. nothing, the kgb insists, they must work together, the two enemies cannot live without each other. grigorevich, there is no need to be nervous. i’m unbelieving, i ’m furious, doctor preobrazhensky, stylish movie, let’s go back to the sixties, even though we hear it at every step, bring back youth impossible, every frame is like a beautiful photograph of that time, let's buy a tv, where would we be without a tv, today on channel one there is doctor preobrazhensky, and a detective story, and a love drama, let's wait until evening, a person asks for an operation, but he just needs to be calmed down, combed , change clothes, send to a resort, and you immediately cut your face, channel one. our broadcast is ending, and a new
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day is just beginning, it was with great pleasure that sergei babaev and yulia zemina were with you this morning. we wish everyone a great, successful working week, it's the last one in in the past year, for everything to work out, all cases were closed with great success. please stay with us on channel one, the news will be on air immediately. bye. this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. in this issue. stormy night in the serbian capital. the opposition, which lost the elections, started riots. i am 100 meters away from the people who are trying to take over
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the belgrade city administration. another successful operation of the hero of russia, yaroslav yakubov and his golden star. it seems to me that my mother was most happy with her. gaza strip israel is expanding the scale of military operations under attack and the refugee camp and new footage of the destruction of hamas fortified tunnels. they are not saving on health; hospitals and clinics are transitioning to new technologies and work standards. it’s incredibly pleasant when they call from the clinic and say: your appointment is on such and such a date. instead of medical care, digital systems, and also qr codes with medical histories, jokes about doctors’ handwriting are no longer relevant.


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