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tv   Novosti  1TV  December 25, 2023 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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biden within his own democratic party will weaken to a lesser extent the position of the united states in the middle east, everything in the opposite way, it is israel that is now delivering one of the most lethal blows to biden from a political point of view, and biden can do absolutely nothing about it, he cannot stop supporting israel, and he cannot increase support for israel, that is, a complete zuk zwank. now we give the floor to news and more. the game will return at 17:00 don't miss it. this is news first. hello, in the studio valeria korableva. and at the beginning, the latest data from the capital of serbia, where the west tried to pull off the familiar maidan scenario. mass riots, and then a coup. by the hands of the opposition, he lost the parliamentary elections. it won’t work a week ago,
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serbian leader aleksandar vucic said. belgrade will not succumb to pressure, including on the issue of anti-russian sanctions. it was our special services who warned that a provocation was being prepared. the evidence that the situation is being undermined from abroad is irrefutable. in the morning , vucic spoke with the russian ambassador to serbia, well these minutes the head of our diplomatic mission is holding a meeting with the serbian minister of foreign affairs. chronicle of events by grigory emelyanov. as they say now, do not confuse what you see on the screens with the actions of supporters of the coalition called serbia against violence. president aleksandar vucit described their peaceful protest, in quotation marks, of course , at the building of the belgrade city administration as nothing less than an attempt to forcibly seize state institutions of the republic of serbia. i'm in the presidential administration at 100 meters from the people who are trying to take over the belgrade city administration. don’t
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worry, citizens of serbia, there is no revolution, they won’t succeed. the police were prepared for such a turn and took up a perimeter defense on the first floor, blocking off the windows and doors. at first they simply held back the onslaught of the crowd, occasionally responding with sharpening gas; the protesters did not calm down. here is one of the opposition supporters telling a western television camera: “don’t you think, this is actually not a violent protest, in the application violence, he hesitated, blames the police, who "at that time did not even leave the city administration building. the police refused to let us in, we had to push the doors and the police sprayed pepper spray at us. we do not want to use force, but the president obviously does. against people are sending gendarmerie, cavalry. we will non-violently fight against the theft of election results, against what is happening here, right now. a fighter for democracy, to put it mildly, is disingenuous. it is difficult to call a situation when elections were stolen the opposition lost more than two tenths to the current government. not two or even 12, but as much as 24%
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of the votes, 47% for vucic’s coalition, against 23 for serbia against violence, on this basis the coalition demands not much, but to cancel the voting results. one can assume that there are traces of americans here, one can assume that there are traces of europeans, but the scenario is usually the same, that the opposition forces are fueled, they find the most of them there. passionate, the most active, aggressive, supporters of a change of power, who are ready, including to take the path of force. vucic has already said that all these statements about the theft of elections are an outright lie , fueled from abroad, many , the serbian president said, are now trying to dictate their will to belgrade, including wanting to force them to join anti-russian sanctions, but the serbian authorities, according to according to the head of state, they will decide for themselves what policy to pursue. in general, when it became
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clear that the opposition was not going to calm down, the police went on the attack. for it took literally a few minutes for calm to be restored, the square was cleared, about 35 of the most active protest participants were detained, and two police officers were injured. vučić makes it clear in word and deed that he will not allow a violent change of power. we were warned several days in advance that they were preparing such a scenario, because they knew that the people did not want to vote for them. we have repeatedly pointed out the foreign factor in...
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as a result, our diplomat said that the data on the incitement of protests from outside is irrefutable. moscow’s position was voiced official representative of mida maria zakharova. an obvious attempt by the collective west to shake up the situation in the country using maidan coup techniques. strict adherence to the letter and spirit of the country's constitution, respect for the choice of the serbian people, who voted for the national interests of their country. and the only possible reaction. indeed, this is obvious, but it is too early for the serbs to relax. opposition supporters are announcing new protests. student organization struggle supporting the coalition against serbia violence, threatens to block traffic on the central streets of belgrade. law enforcement officials say they will not allow this to happen. grigory
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emelyanov, irina bliznyuk, channel one. big political event. vladimir putin will traditionally gather his colleagues from neighboring countries in st. petersburg before the new year. supervisor. countries of the cis and the eurasian economic union, in particular today the meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council. foreign leaders are already arriving in the northern capital. we will talk about the results of russia’s chairmanship in the eurasian economic union and the future cooperation. it is planned to sign a number of important documents, including an agreement on a free trade zone between the eu countries and iran. special attention to external relations. thus, consultations are currently underway on the possibility of creating such a zone with egypt, india, indonesia and the united arab emirates. in addition, an informal meeting of the heads of the cis will be held in st. petersburg today and tomorrow. and now the news has just arrived that the nuclear power plant countries have signed a full-scale free trade agreement with iran. on other topics, strong explosions occurred at the facilities at night apu. strikes are reported in the odessa and
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dnepropetrovsk regions, as telegram channels write, landings in the areas of military airfields. well, news about the progress of the special operation near krasny liman was carried out by aviation, a strike group consisting of... the k-52 flight, the famous alligator, destroyed enemy equipment. in the same area, artillerymen fired from hail. zaporozhye direction. the paratroopers threw grenades at the enemy dugout. during the assault, four ukrainian soldiers surrendered. in the kupinsky sector, our fighters attacked ukrainian armed forces mortars and the station starling satellite communications. against the backdrop of the failures of the ukrainian armed forces on the battlefield, the tasks of the ukrainian military commissars are becoming increasingly difficult. how to get new recruits? the losses are huge, there is no one to replace the dead and wounded, but the general staff insists that another half a million soldiers are needed, but the problem is that there are no longer any people willing to go voluntarily. this is the confession of major general of the ukrainian troops dmitry marchenko in an interview with western journalists. those
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volunteers, those volunteers who wanted to join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine in order to fight back, they ended, and we saw a new a problem that hasn't been encountered before, that people don't really care about. they understand the situation in which those who have been fighting for 2 years now find themselves, that is, people are exhausted, they need to rest, they need to recuperate. meanwhile, the minister of defense of ukraine umerov said that in the coming days a bill on mobilization will be submitted to the rada, it is expected that it will reduce the list of those who have the right to a deferment, the selection criteria, on the contrary, will be expanded, but the specific age of those who are subject to mobilization will be reduced from 27 to 25 years old. well then from time to time, such images come from ukraine. one can judge to what state ordinary citizens have been reduced. krivoy rog, crush for a kilogram of flour and a liter of butter. these are exactly the kind of gifts one of the local stores promised visitors. there are both young and old people in the crowd.
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tricky. here i remember a recent video from the chernihiv region, a huge crowd, a line for free. a tragic date, today we remember the victims of the plane crash over the black sea. 7 years ago, a ministry of defense plane flying to syria crashed; there were 92 people on board, including ours colleagues, correspondent of the first dmitry runkov, cameraman vadim denisov, sound engineer alexander soedov, also film crews from tv channels and zvezda. in their memory at the ostanki television center.
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candidate, let me remind you that the communists nominated nikolai kharitonov, a deputy of all convocations of the state duma, and a just russia decided to support vladimir putin, he is running as a self-nominated candidate, but along with the popular front , united russia also took upon itself the organization of the election campaign. a week ago , the president personally submitted documents to the central election commission, after which the central election commission registered group of voters that was created to support his nomination, and authorized the opening of a special account to begin collecting signatures. by law, at least 300,000 is required. the russian presidential elections will be held on march 17, this is
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the main day, but voting will be possible from the fifteenth. preliminary results of a large-scale federal project - the introduction of digital technologies in healthcare, an electronic file cabinet instead of paper archives, qr codes with medical histories, convenient booking of appointments and much more, everything thanks to which many more people receive help, quickly, affordably, and conveniently for doctors. it’s incredibly pleasant when they call from the clinic and say: you have an appointment with doctor such and such on such and such a date at such and such a time, can you come? this is how they call patients from different risk groups who need to be examined periodically in this clinic, there are more than 20 thousand of them and track when they need to see a doctor, now the program helps. olga shkrebetskaya has diabetes, receives the prescription electronically and immediately goes to the pharmacy for medicine. the federal project for the digitalization of healthcare has been going on in russia for four years now, hospitals are switching to
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electronic document management, and now the local therapist must take a tablet with him when traveling. previously, the call center of the clinic looked different: there were magazines with addresses and data of patients on the tables, shelves with paper documents, now the employees only have a telephone and a computer, here they accept home calls from doctors, the reception desk has also changed, out of three windows only one is working, and there are practically queues here, like you see, it doesn’t... it happens, well, the storage map has turned into a museum room, old medical records of patients, of course, no one throws away, but they don’t use them either, as you can see, the cards were lost, the cards were put on the wrong shelf, it was difficult in the map find something, it might not have been pasted into the map , it might have been pasted on the wrong page, this map was already in paper form, frankly speaking, it simply prevented us from working, when we canceled it, everyone was actually very happy, finally we came off, took off, we had it in the archives, so let's say, a small flood associated with... equipment with pipes, part of the medical history, this is about fifteen years ago, was lost from us. everything is much
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more reliable and convenient in electronic form. the elizabeth hospital receives about 150,000 patients every year. the qr code contains all the data from the medical history; you won’t have to remember or search for anything, just like when taking tests. the barcode is printed, i take the test tube and glue it like this. even for us pensioners, this is generally wonderful, because sometimes we don’t really understand things. no paperwork for laboratory technicians, the analyzer itself reads the barcode with the patient’s data. with the same number of employees, we do more tests in less time. within a couple of minutes , the doctor sees the results, sitting in his office. once upon a time , a nurse collected it all over the clinic, brought it all, pasted it into a card, since it was all written by hand, and time was also wasted on decoding. now jokes about doctors.
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district, the kaipetri highway had to be closed, driving was dangerous, stranded drivers rescuers pull out.
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fishermen from primorye also needed help; they went out onto the ice and ended up without a car. and the forecast for central russia: a cyclone, but short-term snowfalls. in moscow and the region during the week there was, of course, a special interest in the forecast for the new year, the holiday night near zero, in general, a warm atmosphere for a family holiday. well, somewhere they are already celebrating that santa clauses gave a surprise to patients. children's hospital in podolsk, new year's troops descended from the roof, in the role of winter wizards, rescuers and volunteers, and the concert performs snowmen orchestra. that's all, thank you for being with us, the program is on air right now, let's get married. in the championship match of the continental hockey league , avangard in omsk played with magnitogorsk metallurgist. the score in the meeting between two leaders.


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