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tv   Novosti  1TV  December 27, 2023 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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tanks are not afraid of mud, does the winter thaw have an advantage, our positions near artyomovsk. 8 minutes, we are already in an angry position, in fact it is a critical time, to shoot urgently in cover, the key to success is accuracy and speed. cars into the water for the sake of those who are in trouble, today is the day of the rescuer, the most difficult missions are to control a helicopter in dense smoke or clear the mines from the backwater. motor ship congratulations to the hero from the president. the snowdrifts of problems in yekaterinburg noticed the transport collapse and the contrasts of december, where at the end of the year it will be extremely cold, and where is it abnormally warm? and the holiday is on the doorstep, to recharge yourself with the new year's mood, you just need to go outside or go down to the subway, or you can take everything into your own hands and make yourself happy. those around you. completion of a large-scale
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political program in st. petersburg. at the informal summit, the leaders of the cis countries compared notes on current international and regional issues. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov called the meeting certainly successful; the opportunity to communicate in an informal atmosphere is very important for heads of state. in the final, vladimir putin during in a separate conversation with the leader of kazakhstan, kasym zhumart takaev, he discussed cooperation in the gas industry. this same theme was key. at a meeting with the president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev, after vladimir putin came out to see his colleague off and said a warm farewell. vladimir putin later discussed cooperation in the gas sector with uzbekistan with alexey miller, head of gazprom. at the request of tashkent, the company was doubled in december.
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great. we were talking about the social program this year, which will be absolutely implemented by the gazprom company for children. built this year 115 sports facilities. the most ambitious project is the unique modern complex academy of martial arts in sirius. it was erected on behalf of vladimir putin. according to alexey miller, there are no such complexes for sambo and judo in the world. to other topics. strong explosions occurred at night at ukrainian armed forces facilities, reports. about a powerful blow in pavlograd
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, dnepropetrovsk region, where the main logistics hub of the ukrainian armed forces in this region is. telegram channels write about arrivals in the odessa region. and the latest data on the progress of the special operation under the red estuary by the s-25 crews hit enemy strongholds. in the same area, artillery from akatsiya self-propelled guns destroyed enemy positions. in the marina direction , ukrainian mortars came under attack from a d-30 howitzer. near artyomovsk , paratroopers shot down an attack quadcopter like a woman. and there the rotation of the armed forces of ukraine was disrupted. in the same area, the defense is firmly held by tankers of the northern fleet. from an editorial report by alexey kruchyo. in the vicinity of artyomovsk, the tank crew of the 200th guards brigade of the northern fleet is preparing for work. combat vehicle, modernized t-80 the bvm was made practically invulnerable. the front has a massive steel structure. in addition to the standard mine trawls, here they are with teeth along the edges, there is also additional protection that the craftsmen installed. from
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the technical support platoon, the chains are lowered, the tracks hang above the ground at a distance of 10 cm and thereby prevent magnetic mines from exploding under the bottom. tank they are triggered already on the approach to the bottom of the tank, well, right here somewhere in front of the muzzle. while on the move, the engine roars so loudly that it is impossible to hear the approaching drone, therefore, you need to constantly turn your head and naturally drive at maximum speed. here, like nowhere else, the saying is true , tanks are not afraid of mud, how much danbas black soil stuck to my shoe, you saw, you’re all around at-80, what’s the road? tankers from the 200th brigade have long been operating from closed firing positions when the enemy is 6-8 km away. experience increases with each trip, and the shooting results are now no worse than those of artillery. the workshop guys take advantage of the tank's advantages, rate of fire and maneuverability. commander
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tank company, managing the crew, gives the coordinates of the target. the tank commander enters them into the ballistic computer and dictates corrections to the gunner operator. she has an ejector , a side level, i set everything up , looked through the scope so that nothing would interfere with my shot, i say, ready, ball, i left the granite alone, in the fields north of artyomovsk the army created a powerful network of strongholds, wide systems of dugouts trenches, the copter operator tells the crew how to proceed, corrections are made, at this time i i restore all the coordinates after the previous aiming, and with each shot the shells fall all over. the tankers of the northern fleet are working so powerfully, accurately, loudly, for 8 minutes we are already in the firing position, this is actually a critical time, practice shows that
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in just 8 minutes, plus or minus, the enemy manages to detect where the fire is coming from, the guys fired six there are quite enough shells to dismantle the enemy’s support structure, now we’ll be leaving, the crew deftly climbs onto the slippery hull, but for us it turns out a little clumsily, this of course requires practice, now the gas, having accelerated, the t-80 flies off-road faster than 60 km/h, in autumn and winter there is thick mud, in summer there is a column of dust, but this is a trifle that the guardsmen have not paid attention to for a long time, taking up a firing position, they are extremely focused on the task, in rare minutes of rest, when the drum is recharged and the car has already been serviced, all thoughts are about searching. i say hello to my parents, wife, son, i’ll be back on vacation soon, everything will be great, victory will be ours. alexey kruchinin, roman khrolenko and roman sidarov, channel one, donetsk people's republic. the situation is heating up on the polish-ukrainian border, where carriers have been blocking checkpoints since november. having failed to achieve the abolition of benefits
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for ukrainian drivers, because of which the locals are on the verge of ruin, the poles tightened the blockade in dorohusk, which borders the volyn region. now he can only travel in 3 hours. one truck. previously , up to six cars were allowed through during the same time. the line of trucks has already stretched for 40 km. waiting time is a month. only one checkpoint is currently functioning normally. entry to lvovskaya region. the poles unblocked it this sunday, but may close it again after the new year if the demands are not met. israel is expanding its fighting in the southern gaza strip. this statement was made by prime minister benjamin netanyahu. well, meath will no longer be automatic. issue visas to un employees. requests will now be considered on a case-by-case basis. according to a government spokesman , viv stops working with those who cooperate. quote: fraudulent hamas propaganda. the israeli army again carried out raids in the western bank of the jordan river. the military has surrounded and is taking
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several towns and villages by storm. six people, according to arab media, were killed in the attack on the nurshams refugee camp. meanwhile, the yemeni houthis, who support. a special mission on the day of the rescuer , congratulations from the president, weather swings, where at the end of the year it is extremely cold and where it is abnormally warm, about this and not only after the advertisement, do not switch, i thought it would be much worse, you are my professional subject. what, what happened? he has another, of course, such a man, such a man who doesn’t want it, everyone wants it, but not everyone gets it, doctor preobrazhensky, watch the time after the program, gene sheaf.
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product of steller group. what kind of world do the globalist puppeteers want to make this world? one of them is klaus schwab. we can already talk about introducing chips into the brain. insects, others eat the meat of cows, live 120-140 years, others live 30-50 years, his idea
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is a continuation of nazism, and he is the successor of his father’s work, there is no need for concentration camps , no need for machine guns, no need for gas chambers, the only country that will resist, it will be russia, there is no such thing bestial attitude towards russia, klaus schwab, host of globalism, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. so that for you, these stars are for you, this is
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the sun, the nakedness is shining for you, it’s snowing, it’s snowing, everything is twinkling and floating, the premiere, the very first new year, december 30th on the first, everything is falling. for me this evening is very , very significant, because it was on december 31, 50 years ago, that the light came into being, and of course i have to ask who you are, but i know the birthday, they are in the past, regrets, this is a bouquet of russia, you could many times leave here, i i know how many theaters invited you, but you remained sorry, how... i kissed him so tenderly, somehow you and i diverged in
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time to be born into this world, in connection with this it will not be possible to enjoy your support, i think, in next life we ​​will try , premiere, because i finally found myself in the arms, the divine arms of nicholas, you said that you will get married when you turn 50 years old, after 50 i said, december 31, on the first, this is the news on the first, we continue, they are always there, if trouble happens, they are ready throw yourself into the fire, service that requires special courage, professional holiday,
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congratulations from the president. we are rightfully proud of the military personnel, employees, and civilian specialists of the ministry of emergency situations. you come to the aid of those who are in trouble. regardless of the risk, you eliminate the consequences of natural and man-made emergencies . and it always works in the most difficult conditions. competently, harmoniously, without wasting a minute. this year, you promptly eliminated the consequences of floods and wildfires in the volga region and siberia, the far east and south of russia. our citizens were evacuated from dangerous areas, including the conflict zone in the middle east, as soon as possible. as before , many humanitarian operations were carried out to deliver food to the affected people. medicines, basic necessities, and not only in our country, but in other
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regions of the world, because human grief has no nationality, one of the key tasks is to improve the work of the ministry of emergency situations in new regions of the federation. i would like to especially thank the firefighters, rescuers, sappers, who, in difficult conditions, do a lot to ensure the safety of residents of the donetsk and lugansk people's republics. zaporozhye and kherkhon regions, we must henceforth, without delay, resolve all issues arising there. i am confident that you will continue to effectively perform your tasks and demonstrate. high professionalism, maximum composure and dedication. once again, i congratulate the veterans and personnel of the ministry of emergency situations on the holiday and, of course, on the approaching year 2024. history the department has been reporting since the nineties, when it was founded russian rescue corps. it all started with one unit, and now it is a wide network
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of units. divers and climbers, doctors and dog handlers, pyrotechnicians and firefighters, professionals of the highest class can do it. that's it, report by arlina sanoeva. february 2023, devastating earthquake in syria and turkey, tens of thousands of dead, even more injured. russian rescuers were among the first to arrive on the president’s instructions. we are clearing the road there, the road, the road we are clearing, this is footage of just one of many miraculous rescues. our guys from under the rubble caught a man who spent almost a week there. canine crews helped in the search. nikolai zhdanov remembers well how they looked for survivors with labrador ernesta, found victims, a mother and a child, who was later saved, so we can say that thanks to our dogs, lives were saved, and this is the most important thing. of
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the lives saved during the work of the ministry of emergency situations, more than 3 million. its employees are always selfless. dangerous, a lot of nuances can arise in flight, and what skills are important for you here apply, the most important thing is calm, rational thinking, the risk will be justified when the task has been completed, people have been saved, this is why he comes into the profession, for this there is constant training to bring every action to automatism,
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close the hatch, close the hatch, we begin the descent. training descent in the barakamer to a depth of 10 m. feeling good. during his work at the ministry of emergency situations, vodolas oleg lelkov spent almost 4.00 hours under water. one of the most difficult operations to destroy a german-made magnetic-acoustic bottom mine of the times great patriotic war. it was impossible to blow it up on the spot. the affected area included a gas pipeline and hydraulic structures. together with my colleagues, risking their lives, we moved the ammunition. and carried out a remote detonation. every year, work is carried out to clear mines from the motor ship genres. during the great patriotic war, the soviet army used it for military transport. in january '42, the ship sank after being blown up by a mine, along with its entire arsenal. there is a hold full of ammunition,
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ranging from 152 shells to aerial bombs and... collapses in yekaterinburg due to snowstorms on the highways, a multi-kilometer traffic jam, in one of the sections a truck skidded, the road was blocked, trams were stopped, people had to walk through snowdrifts. in this footage, passengers are pushing the bus. on other routes there is a crush in the salons, everything is littered in the courtyards, it is difficult to leave the house. this december is rich in weather
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contrasts; in eleven regions, weather forecasters predict abnormal cold weather, in the arkhangelsk and vologda regions -25. this is 10° below normal, in the far east in some places forty-degree frosts , in moscow is also an anomaly, but with a plus sign , the year is ending, the weather has flown, but no matter what the weather is outside the window, the main thing is the festive atmosphere, the magic of the new year is felt everywhere, just go down to the metro and ride in a smart new year's train or receive congratulations from santa clauses, who will still dance, so that those around them will be ready to start. dance, but what about the buses shining for the holiday? if you're lucky, you might even meet the main winter wizard. here they are ready for congratulations, the new year's capital at night. it’s especially beautiful, you can endlessly admire the fabulous tram that runs through the center or this car with multi-colored lights, and on...


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