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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  December 27, 2023 12:15pm-3:00pm MSK

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georgievskaya, 11 years old, dreams of being a tank driver, i will try to organize this, and nikolai, republic of tva kzl, 14 years old, dreams of meeting with the traktor hockey club. that 's all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell. the information channel on the first continues to broadcast, time will tell the program, we are working live, now our studio is communicating with war correspondent arti vladislav andres, let's find out the details about zaporozhye direction. vladislav, hello, over to you. yes, ruslan, hello, in the zaporozhye direction, this is the most active section of the front, this is now verboloe’s work, oncoming battles take place there, they are trying to do it three kilometers away, probably three kilometers, 4 kilometers away, at the beginning of the gray zone. the enemy
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is to land people, to land those who are needed, it is necessary to change, now our weather varies from plus5 to +10, it is very dirty, slushy, accordingly, the rotation needs to be carried out three to four kilometers, everyone who approaches is trying to approach, this by you can see it from the birds in the bukula, everyone is dirty, it’s hard to just walk from head to toe. from head to toe due to weather conditions not just not just not just all of this of course is happening the dominant heights on verbovoe respectively behind us our amazing paratroopers note that there are quite a lot of young prisoners 19 20 21 years old such unfired unmotivated guys associated with the next aggressive aggressive wave mobilization itself.
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is there an answer to this question, why? well, well, it’s unclear, there is no, no military there’s no point in this, in fact , there are already some people there, i can probably say, some faithful residents have already returned, left somewhere, uh, we had two grandmothers like that there, and now they’ve returned to their home, sort of they were escorted out more calmly, the guys told everything they were there, now they stayed there now, the shelling was decreasing slightly, the intensity of the fighting in this area was decreasing. well, it’s really unclear
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what the enemy’s plan is, but we’re currently carrying out quite a lot of counterattacks towards novofedorovka we are taking back the position we have taken to work completely now under our fire control, in general, the situation in this direction is good now, and to say good , i would like to congratulate you on the upcoming happy new year, the guys who worked for a long time, held back the offensive there, are preparing materials, playing on guitar on na...
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the afghans didn’t want, the vietnamese didn’t want, the germans didn’t want, the japanese didn’t want, but the moment came when they had no choice, europe is at a crossroads, it seems that ukraine is for them quit, it’s a pity that too much has been invested, but
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it’s not easy to quarrel with russia; in france they continue to discuss our common near future. it's starting to show up. bitter because international support is waning. i find it difficult to find words to accurately convey what the ukrainians are saying, but they feel despair mixed with amazement. i think we placed too much hope that russia would fall apart, that its economy would collapse. the only problem is that any agreement with russia can only be temporary, then we return to the problems of the thirties and forties. so that germany and japan stop being militaristic and expansionist. powers had to go to the extreme, such as destructive bombings, and then send troops to these countries to change the regimes there, but what to do to ensure that russia ceases to be the aggressive revanchist power that it is today is unclear, since we are not going to go too far? here you know, history does not teach the expression, but only
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punishes for unlearned lessons, this is just about a united europe, for some reason they can’t understand that they shouldn’t try to break russia, otherwise they might just break themselves. look at the position of the europeans: we don’t want to fight openly with russia, but we also don’t particularly strive to be friends, how can we continue to build relations with europe, because we will have to build them? you know, first you need to understand what will happen to europe in at least three and 5 years, because then, when salvan says, if the russians they will liberate kiev, well, he naturally says , they will occupy it, we say they will liberate , it goes without saying, then we will not hold europe, this is what salevan says, an adviser on... problems of defense, security of the white house, then it is approximately clear that europe is sitting the fifth column inside, which looks at the results of the war that they are waging now in ukraine, from this point of view, we really need to understand that the key to our
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relations with europe is now located in these very ours, our southern russian steppes, and if we take that, what did they do there, besides destruction of the population, i understand the position of the french, this is the cry. american and french base, this is shostka in the same places, this is near odessa, the southern port, the british are stationed there, this is ochakov, this is actually the center of the us navy, until recently, we just don’t allow them to be active there now, there are so many other points. and based on what i said, well , still small darlings, i can also call it, the fact is that they do not want to give up their money, we, in principle, when building relations with europe, we need to understand that europe is in the composition which is now located, that is, charles michel, ursulov fondern, others
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, cannot be our partner, individual countries can, they take gas and oil from us, belgium has increased supplies, despite the fact that he said that he would not take anything at all, holland actively purchases everything, or rather, so to speak. excuse me, not holland , the netherlands, that’s what we’re talking about , naturally, hungary, slovakia and so on, that is, individually europe is a handshake for us, but the european union as a whole, in the form in which they have now raised the question, is not up to clarification of the main key issue, the absence of military assistance, any military assistance to ukraine, and clear clarity with the polish question, because when colleagues say that there was no desire for ukraine to win, perhaps they were already thinking about creating a polish-lithuanian commonwealth. therefore, in principle , they did not talk specifically about ukraine. dmitry, it feels like we are getting more and more signals from europe, let’s somehow look for options to be friends, well , interact there in one form or another, do we need this now? what format? well, as a matter of fact, everything
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happens according to the scenario that was described, plus or minus, accordingly it is connected with fatigue, so it becomes based on the economy, i am glad that everyone is immersed in it, this is a very important quality, the question is that - taking into account what is currently happening in the general situation in certain areas, serious progress, as was said, well, at least from the temperature regime, is not expected in the near future, as we all understand perfectly well, that is, accordingly there are no breakthroughs for tens of... kilometers deep there, respectively, the depth is 14 km, so it will take a long time to go through everything, accordingly, we are not talking about the next weeks, we are talking about two to three months to take individual territories, well , rightly confirming in principle with no we can agree on the question of how he describes what will happen , plus or minus, the corresponding question will not be that how someone there is going to reach kiev within the next months, this will not happen naturally , simply for logistical reasons, as the penetration of the border is not being discussed there; this all has not been discussed for a long time; this is not, as it were, accordingly.
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by this time the result will show , the situation will depend on this, the question is how long
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this process will be, well, everyone understands, including the analytical components, all economic forecasts proceed from the fact that the main peak will end in the twenty-third year, the question is how it will end, that’s how it will end, a lot depends on what will happen now, there are no situations in which two countries are on active defense, so they talk about how they are somewhere out there are attacking, you are either attacking or in active defense; if you are in active defense, then this is a completely different component, it involves a long-term strategy. this is yemen, so from this point of view, accordingly, the parties themselves are tired, everyone is tired of the military actions, especially now another track is starting, now we have, respectively, the middle east, this is the topic of the day, respectively , on the thirteenth taiwan will block all this, it will be perpendicular to everyone , so accordingly the question will be what will be, what will be demonstrated in the next few months, the next, i would say even in the next month until february 1, in fact, this is why the ukrainian country, it is fighting now, it has specific tasks, they are there accordingly, in order to so that... from this point of view, the issue is now
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being resolved, but the economic component here is extremely important, although because countries are of course experiencing a certain stress, the economic impact is happening very seriously, accordingly what happens is the rights of politicians, we see all this as if on the general perimeters , therefore, from this point of view, strictly speaking, the country that shows that it is ready for the longest time to act accordingly to exhaustion... but ukraine not only fulfills the assigned tasks, she is making far-reaching plans , absolutely no one is going to retreat anywhere , the head of the armed forces of ukraine generally believes that his department has solved all the problems by 90%, he promised very effective work in the new year, according to him, the twenty -fourth year should and will necessarily, as he says, differ from the current one in
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terms of military strategy. but we found the problems, found somewhere, perhaps, 90% of the solution to these issues that needed to be resolved in order to do more next year, to work more efficiently. i i am confident that western partners will remain close to us, as for needs independent of western partners; accordingly, all these needs are formed in the ministry of defense. still alive now.
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the soldiers are nervous; for several days now the enemy has been active along the entire front line. we meet with the soldiers of a special unit on the edges of a small forest, hiding among the trees. these are snipers. at night the situation is extremely dangerous. none of these fighters can be sure that they will return with this task unharmed. they have a clear task: kill as many russians as possible, christmas at the front. look how they calmly talk about this task, they have a clear task to kill. as if it costs nothing, yes, as if we are not talking about people’s lives, the main thing is to kill the russians, but it is obvious that here is an american employer who sets such tasks for his subordinates and puts all his american corrupt soul into this task, well, here's to somehow revive lost hopes in europe are beginning to talk about the miraculous new weapon that ukraine has acquired. ukraine
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is acquiring new weapons, land, especially sea. such as the naval drone , cossack mamai, the other day it was shown on ukrainian television, this is the fastest device of all that is in the black sea, the speed can reach 110 km/h, it is made of a special bulletproof material, ukraine can use it for attack to russian bases in the black sea, here are weapons that could change the course of the conflict in the next month. by the way, this very new product of the ukrainian military industry was discussed in the stream of the popular front. a sea drone is dangerous, these are semi-spring type drones , now they say there are also underwater ones, here are the speed characteristics, but they are aimed at some object, we have learned to deal with underwater ones, i think, as such , there will be more fuss there, we will fight, uh, and it’s not so simple, but
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what attracts me more is that as far as known information has come, that we have our own drones quality and such properties... we are starting to test, in the near future they will go into service, well, the black sea fleet, first of all, of course, but in principle we have such a ship on the black sea, and not even one, but two, these are hovercraft, here is the sivoch project, which in general, i think, will be faster, they reach up to 50 knots, i also want to say that, of course, any high-speed one is here... a drone in these current weather conditions, which are now on the black sea, practically now we see that they are used very little, for such dwarfs, three points is already an insurmountable obstacle, well, the reasons why europe does not want to spend money on ukraine are clear, everything goes down the drain there,
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here are expensive weapons, equipment, everything this case is being destroyed, foreign s... reacted to the appearance on the internet of a video of broken american bradleys. heavy vehicle losses are mainly due to poor military tactics and underestimation of strategists. moreover, the counteroffensive was carried out with ineffective artillery fire without air support, which increased bradley's vulnerability. now the destroyed cars rest in peace in ukraine. dmitry, in the west they have already decided whether to continue supplying equipment in order to receive such pictures or something like that. they are still coming up with these pictures, they don’t confuse them from the word at all, accordingly, they now have other tasks, they generally look at different pictures now from the word in general, the question is just in the next month in financing the supply, but the question is that everyone understands perfectly well that there will be no big war with the european union, neither the economies nor anything are geared towards this, and accordingly, no one is ready for this, no matter how germany, nor france, respectively, have their own
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economic problems, respectively, they are now building their chips there on a massive scale, by the way, israel is howling for itself, accordingly, it has now allocated funding that it is going to build factories in its warring country, chips - this priority, and the rest is not very good, that’s why from this point of view, of course, this is their problem, as if this is where the main military actions are unfolding in the near future, strategic, namely, high-tech solutions, because in the future, of course, it’s kind of high share, respectively automation , workability of this entire process, as if artificial intelligence, as if in general israel is already actively using it , by the way, lately, this is what it ’s all about, to the point that, as it were, the future, the future, as it were, technological structure, it will be there, and so it wants to go there too, because as if we would not come from the previous structure again to the new one, so we would not fight, as it were, accordingly to the previous one, this is all to well, this is all to say that pictures, of course , are a very big problem for the military-industrial complex, as it were, but the problem is rather something else, in the event of an intensification of the situation in the middle east, and there is now a very serious intensification, first of all, as if with that air defense, everything else, this requires very serious interceptions, that is , now specifically in order to deliver to kiev they have received
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permission to supply through japan, in japan they are taking these for the patriots, the patriots themselves are in mass. priority is coming to the middle east, forced , as it were, because there is most likely an escalation of the conflict to iran, and this is a blow to oil, for everything else, i keep oil 81 in the know, so it has accordingly increased by 6 dollars, 7 dollars in the last weeks, two, that ’s it, that’s why the problem is me really is , accordingly, with all this, of course, thanks to the wonderful actions, everything in quotes, naturally , it was possible to provide a fairly large amount in ukraine, as if there were more than 500 53 56. approximately accordingly, funds, here they are all varied, a zoo, the like , but their main problem is precisely that, that is, in providing the necessary - difficult weather conditions that do not interfere with serious active movement, the main struggle will be happen accordingly, as if it were a blow
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to the infrastructure, what we see now, and the ukrainian side will inflict a storm shadow, accordingly, from these one airfield it should be noted, it’s just that they still can’t get it there, because, as it were, it was made in the same way as according to the syrian scheme, there are not closed bunkers, so, accordingly, as if from this side , combined strikes will be used, that is, accordingly , now at... there will be a period of such an exchange of strategic strikes, here in connections with climatic features, thank you, a short advertisement and we’ll be back , happy new year, i live in russia, specifically in the vladimir region, i believe that this is an area of ​​traditions, and one of them is vladimir. it is in my city that only three people play it, i want to preserve this tradition and for it to develop further. russia is like our second mother.
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if we leave it, then we will always want to return to our russia. we are from the stavropol region, from the region for life, more precisely from the resort town of petigorsk. let's we will invite all residents of the country to visit our wonderful city, our breadbasket and health resort. let this year be the most memorable. let him please you with achievements, new travels and how our country is developing and growing. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. what the globalist puppeteers want to make this world, one. of which klaus schwab. we can already talk about introducing chips into the brain. only a few are worthy to survive. there is no private property as such, robotization, people are not needed,
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who simply excludes you from society a little finger the one who owns these technologies will become the ruler of the world. he determined how to change public consciousness so that people would participate in the process of destroying themselves. they decided to replace the meat with beetles. this is simply amazing.
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from whom i don’t expect anything, most likely they are expecting something from me. art is akin to the art of an artist. the future of my craft
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is connected to the spiritual side of things. people no longer want to serve as clothes hangers. is there a difference between a male fashion designer and a female fashion designer, only you you can judge this. fashion is a game where things can happen to anyone. ask, who are you? but i know that your birthday is a thing of the past, unfortunately, it’s
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a bouquet of russia!
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are establishing a children's art school, viewers of channel one from all over the country sent musical instruments there, our editorial team also took part in this, and the representative office, or rather the government of the yamaloninsky autonomous okrug, which is the head of the region, organized a trip for young musicians to the capital of yamal for a concert by the world famous pianist denis maztsuev. let's let's see the plot. for more than a year, our project “we are alive” has been following how volnovakhi are restoring the children’s art school, we and you, our tv viewers.
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musical instruments here, not so long ago in october there was a concert here , during which we learned that the government of the yamalan autonomous okrug, and this is the main region that was restoring this school, decided to make a gift for young musicians, take them to the capital imalo for a concert by the world famous pianist denis matsuev. literally in in half an hour, the children go by bus first to moscow, and then. with the solihart plane, only about 3.00 km, the route is not close, listen, someone even before the trip does not miss the time and continues to study, and this is
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ours, this is ours. old friend , hello, hello, well, as i said, you ’re not wasting your time, yes, yes, people, we should get ready, oh, hello, people, we already need to get ready, of course, we’re not in the way, the bus is 4 hours, so you have to quickly not forget anything, brains, clothes, food and children, the most important thing is such a great mood, well, yes.
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we always take blessings , we never travel like that, honestly, i myself have never flown with an airplane in my life, well, i didn’t have to do it like this, and it’s also somehow not very good, i can’t imagine how it feels in the sky, how long it takes to travel here, the weather is also not very good... it’s kind of simple for the driver, there are still some worries all the time, you also worry about why, it’s just that for the first time on an airplane we feel somehow timid, and the fact that you’re leaving such a distance from your parents , a little bit, not scary, just interesting to see yamal there, there are other cities there, it’s interesting to see, good luck, have an easy journey, thank you, and don’t
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be afraid of the plane. yeah, you have to fly like clouds, how not to be afraid. when the raspberry, oh, turns its head, stops flying, you are so sad, a cold creeper, flaps your eyes left and right at the ceiling. the students of the volnovakha art school have already completed part of their long journey, in the
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afternoon they reached moscow, and tomorrow morning they have a selihart plane, the guys have already had time to rest, now they have a unique opportunity to visit one of the most iconic places in the capital, an exhibition of achievements of the national economy, they are about to approach. what does it feel like when you come from such a warring republic? of course, in volnovakha , restoration there is already in full swing, but you have, of course, experienced very serious hostilities. finding yourself here, where you know, there is peace, beauty, everything is mohanky there, people don’t know
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what war is, how these things even happen, it’s cool, i like it, the usual flow of life, people just live their lives, well, enjoy the moments, well it's also like cool, it turns out that during military operations this is music. i didn’t study, no, but i didn’t have a tool to practice, there was no opportunity , and then it was difficult to come back, to return these skills, well, yes, your hands will get a little dull over time, well, you’ll soon go to yamalo-nenensky the district that actually invited you to the concert. valya, tell me how long have you been making music? from 5 years old. how old are you now? 11. how are you doing? everything is fine.
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i am very glad that i came and came, there is no such excitement, and you can’t even step on the grass, well, that’s how these sensations are, when you crossed there, roughly speaking, a conventional border, but it turned out that very soon you will be at denis matsu’s concert , a man, he is the world itself. that the footpianist will be an example for me, well, it’s just beautiful here, i’ve never been here before,
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so it’s very beautiful here, great, what are you dreaming about? - well, i dream that this whole war will end and that peace will come on this earth, but what? the first thing you'll do is when it's all over, i wanted to travel, we are slowly starting to make your dream come true, now we are also traveling to all the cities of russia, for now in this format, but i think that soon you will have the opportunity to travel around our entire huge country, perhaps the whole world.
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the concert is really cool, especially how denis matsuev played with emotions, he puts his whole soul into his playing, and his hands just fly, you watch and enjoy it, i liked it, uh. matsuev’s penultimate song,
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when he played, is so similar to jazz , as denis leonidovich played, it just takes your breath away, gives you goosebumps, it’s just that this was my first time at live concerts, so for me it was... the first time and very cool, denis leonidovich, please tell us about your creative plans for the coming season, the tours are constant, they are scheduled for many years in advance, and i i promise that , of course, in our country, i will do a lot of interesting things with our young, smart colleagues. i love it very much, now
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i would like to, i know that someone wanted to play, i would love to listen to someone, please. special diploma, young talent of volnovakha awarded to sofia evgenievna kadzhinova, volnovakha school of arts, balnovakhov city, teaching. you know, i always adore this moment, because when our family expands. with amazing artists and our young colleagues, this is always a huge
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holiday, what happened today is very important, but tomorrow will be new and every time you are on this, perhaps the most sacred place for any musician, this stage, it obliges this level to be confirmed, and i have no doubt that everything will be so for you, this were the happiest days of december
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, wow, just imagine, yes, what a scale this event is for children who, for the first time in their lives, traveled outside their shelled areas, cities, for them this is really very very important, and in general , we often show how art schools are developing in the donbass, how the volnovakha art school is developing , we regularly monitor it, because a contribution to the spiritual development of children is... very, very important, especially those children who live from birth to the sounds of shelling, because this is a contribution to the future, and the future is happening here now, we make it with our own hands. news on channel one. this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. and we begin. with an important event, the ministry of defense received the final batch
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of fifth-generation sub-57 fighters under this year’s program. the aircraft successfully passed all tests. super maneuverable, but targeted. they can perform all combat missions in the air and destroy any targets in long-range close battles. aircraft are produced at an enterprise in komsomolsk on amur. it is part of the united aircraft manufacturing corporation rostec. work is now finishing on combat vehicles that will be handed over to the aerospace forces. next year , the number of fifth-generation fighters entering the military will almost double every year. and today a satellite for the ministry of defense was launched into orbit. soyuz rocket. with the device launched at 10:00 am moscow time from the plesetsk cosmodrome. the flight took place as usual, the satellite was accepted for control of ground-based space forces. communication is stable, on-board systems are normal. let me add that this is already the seventh launch of a launch vehicle from plesetsk this year. the last one was a week ago. strong explosions occurred at night
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at ukrainian armed forces facilities. a powerful strike was reported in pavlograd, dnepropetrovsk region. there is the main logistics hub of the armed forces of ukraine in this region. telegram. km of trunk networks. the head of gazprom, alexey miller, reported to vladimir putin about the large-scale results of the year: gas was provided, almost 3.00 works were built. it was about cooperation with friendly countries. record volumes of gas are flowing to china. supplies to uzbekistan in december, at the request of tashkent, was doubled. there were
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severe frosts in the country this month. the beginning of winter turned out to be anomalous in many of our regions. gazprom increased fuel supplies to russian consumers. gazprom fully satisfied all requests, all needs, on december 8th and 13th we supplied 1.717 million cubic meters of gas from the unified supplementary supply system to our consumers, this is a historical record in the entire history of the russian gas industry in terms of the volume of gas supplies in december. well then, as for all your instructions on... gasification, gas supply to the constituent entities of the russian federation, with regard to the additional gasification program, i am ready to report that in the twenty-third year we completed the volume of work 50% more than in the twenty-second year, we will next in 2024, we plan to further increase
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the pace of our work on decontamination and gasification of the country; we have allocated a record... amount of 27.3 billion rubles for these purposes. your task, which is set to achieve 100% cassification in the russian federation in 2030 year will be absolutely fulfilled. cooperation in the gas industry became a key topic at the bilateral meeting that vladimir putin held with the president of kazakhstan, and with his own march takaev at the finale of the informal summit in st. petersburg. the russian leader talked about this with the head of uzbekistan. afterwards, vladimir putin came out to see his colleague off and said a warm farewell. and an important detail that journalists paid attention to was that after the end of the summit, armenian prime minister nikol pashinyan and azerbaijani president ilham aliyev came out together. it was in the northern capital that their first meeting took place after this year’s event in
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nagorno-karabakh, when the region completely came under the control of baku. relations between russia and india can be called partnerships, with a course towards...
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representatives of the united states and israel discussed the possibility of reducing the intensity of fighting in the gas sector, according to cnn, they were talking about moving to the next phase, which means maximum concentration on hamas targets, they said also about the humanitarian situation in the enclave and the release of hostages, against this background, the palestinian ambassador. stated that there is no trust in the united states, washington failed the peace process, sought to become the only mediator for many years, disrupted the work of the middle east apartment. this is a group created with the participation of the eu, russia, the us and the un, for joint efforts for a peaceful settlement. meanwhile
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, civilians continue to die in the gaza strip, with four more casualties in different areas, and the idf again carried out raids on the west bank. the military has surrounded and is taking several towns and villages by storm. six people like arab media reported that they died in a strike on a refugee camp. service which. they are always thrown into the fire when someone’s life is about to end, a professional holiday, congratulations from those nearby, if trouble happens, they are ready to rush to the president. we are rightfully proud of the military personnel, employees, and civilian specialists of the ministry of emergency situations. you come to the aid of those who are in trouble. regardless of the risk, you eliminate the consequences of natural and man-made emergencies. always act competently in the most difficult conditions, smoothly, without wasting a minute. this year, you
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promptly eliminated the consequences of floods and wildfires in the volga region and siberia, in the far east and south of russia. our citizens were evacuated from dangerous areas, including conflict zones in the middle east, as soon as possible. as before, many were carried out. residents of the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions. from now on, we must resolve all
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issues that arise there without delay. i am confident that you will continue to effectively fulfill your tasks, demonstrate high professionalism, maximum concentration and dedication. once again, i congratulate the veterans and personnel of the ministry of emergency situations on the holiday and, of course, on the approaching year 2024. the history of the department dates back to the nineties, when the russian rescue corps was formed, and after a series of reorganizations, 4 years later , the ministry of emergency situations appeared, which was then headed by sergei shaigu. today the ministry of emergency situations is an extensive network of units, divers and climbers, doctors and dog handlers, pyrotechnicians and firefighters, for them there is no there are boundaries. the most difficult tasks, risky missions, top- class professionals who can do anything. report by alina. february 2023, a devastating earthquake in syria and turkey, tens of thousands of dead, even
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more injured, russian rescuers were one of the first to arrive on the president’s instructions to help. this is just one of many miraculous rescues. our guys pulled out a man from under the rubble who spent almost a week there. mother and child, who were later saved, so we can say that thanks to our dogs, lives were saved, and this is the most important thing, of the lives saved during the work of the ministry of emergency situations, more than 3 million, its employees always selflessly come to the rescue, be it... more than a thousand rescuers from all over the country fought against the elements
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only thanks to their coordinated actions many settlements were defended: one of the mi-8 helicopters was flown by vladimir temirov. if the pilot says that he is not afraid, he has never been afraid, then he will definitely lie to you, because his profession we have, let's say, extreme, very dangerous, very... many nuances can arise in flight, and what skills are important for you to apply here, the most important thing is calm, rational thinking, the risk will be justified when you have completed the task, saved people, for the sake of this is why they come into the profession, for the sake of this they constantly train, in order to bring every action to automatism, close the hatch, close the hatch, we begin the descent. training descent in the barakamer to a depth of 10 m. feeling good. aquarius oleg
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lelkov during his time working in the ministry of emergency situations under water spent almost 400 hours. one of the most difficult operations is the destruction of a magnetic-acoustic bottom mine made in germany during the great patriotic war. it was impossible to blow it up on the spot. the affected area included a gas pipeline and hydraulic structures. together with my colleagues, risking their lives, they moved the ammunition and performed a remote detonation. every year, work is carried out to clear mines from the motor ship zhanzhars. during the great patriotic war, the soviet army used it for military transport. in january 1942, the ship sank after being blown up by mine, along with the entire arsenal. there is, well, a full hold of ammunition, ranging from 152 shells to aerial bombs of shells of various calibers. the scale of work on zhangeres has been carried out there, but there is still just as much work left to do. divers, pilots, firefighters, climbers, doctors, psychologists,
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dog handlers in the ministry of emergency situations, professionals of various specialties, all of them. an example for the current generation, which is why today thousands of young people consider being in the ranks of rescuers counted. alena sanueva, sergey burkeev, vecheslav fsakov, valentina solovyova, maryana soboleva, grigory emelyanov, channel one. today , state duma deputy from the communist party of the russian federation nikolai kharitonov submitted documents to the central election commission to participate in the presidential elections. party members voted for his nomination last week during the congress. let me remind you that on monday the documents of the central election commission were presented by the head.
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that's all for now, we are following the development of the event, and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell, well, the information channel on the first will continue our work live stream of the people 's front, friends, we are glad to welcome you, anatoly kuzichev, ekaterina shugaeva are with you , our guests today are vladimir sergeenko and konstantin abramov, we have a lot of topics to talk about, well, you know, this is the passing
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week, the last week, lord, the passing year, today is the last wednesday. of the passing year, so everyone around continues to sum up the results of the year, analyze, so to speak, give some forecasts and so on, we also decided to follow the covers of western media, i repeat, not because we it seems that their forecasts are somehow more accurate , more balanced, more objective, no, because just as in every joke there is a grain of joke, so in every forecast, probably, there is a grain of idea about what you want, what you fear, so to speak , what you are afraid of, what you hope for, in this sense it is of course very interesting, so, let’s see,
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europeans can count on bareil, it’s that he will never miss the opportunity to freeze stupidity. as his term draws to a close, bareilles is clearly keen remind europeans daily of their diplomatic incompetence. nomination: best russian playing a russian. the winner is vladimir putin. nobody knows how to play in europe like vladimir putin. of course , sanctions are a big nuisance, but the russian economy is still developing rapidly, having business and political allies from bulgaria to hungary, and...
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here is our anti-rating, damn it, by the way , we probably need to give an explanation, there, yes, you were probably surprised, borat diplomacy, what is it, this comedy was in honor of this, very funny, by the way, monstrously , monstrously not politically correct, miraculously funny, which means that the name barat has acquired a common meaning in english, such a benevolent idiot, excuse me, to put it delicately, the barelians declared it such, and it cannot be said that we are categorically with them .
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they dared to directly rebel against barel, ursula von deelien, the amazing name the german is pushing there, then the politics are simply mocking, they say that you know, and the media are chasing
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ursula von deelien’s correspondence with feiser, after all, she managed to quietly purchase an untested american vaccine, block a proven russian one, allocate funds herself, without consulting anyone, at this moment it turns out: the vaccine does not work, there was no verification of admission to the market, they purchased for 300 million, everything is in warehouses , excuse me, this scheme is korra, and the woman you dug up suddenly died, now look, the irony about barel, the irony about ursula, i’m silent about melanie, they wrote the best hobbit playing a fascist, the best hobbit playing a fascist and now look, against this background they mock european politicians and then say: “vladimir putin, nominee”?
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well, i think that it doesn’t, and if it does, it’s even funnier, no, well, excuse me, this is what the common people call peeling, well, politics doesn’t lick russia, but they really licked this, they’re getting ready, and i think these are pragmatic people, by the way, maybe, quite, quite, why not, they are waiting, preparations are underway in europe, in the month of december, i would call it artillery preparation, just such intensive preparation for change political perception of russia , i like it, i’m for it, and it’s interesting, by the way, you , as a sociologist, from your perspective also roughly understand, yes, very similar, most likely these are really devastating pictures for european politicians, you have to understand that this is an american magazine, which means
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it’s clear that america is somewhat condescending towards politicians, those who are now in charge in europe, old old ladies, they’re so useless, kind of funny, and disposable when putin appears here, arises from something completely different. role, this is a person with whom you can talk, yes, this is a serious person, this must be understood, we conducted research in many countries of the world, in america and in western europe and in asian countries, how is it perceived? from the russians in the west to the east, it doesn’t matter, first of all it’s strong, the russians are strong, strong, yes, that is, this is a person, this is a strong person, with whom you can talk, with whom you can do business there, a man is a word, what by and large , this was a pretty good definition, russian is strong, now it is clear that different connotations are introduced, but in any case, a russian playing a russian, this really suggests that our country is in a certain position about...
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good afternoon, city of rostov. nadno, my name is vladislav makhmudov, wonderful, please, vladislav, i read the following information that the americans, but they think so, call this word war, but i think, after all, this is a special military operation in ukraine, next year 2024 it will become even more fierce, for what reasons or reasons did they decide so and what are the factors for this?
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eastern ukraine. the trajectory of the war will be determined in the united states. reducing or increasing the volume of american aid will affect what it has already captured, in particular the advantage of one of the parties. with both ukraine and russia heavily invested in the war, peace talks are unlikely. both sides will agree to negotiate only from their position of strength. well, in general , don’t you think that europe has been preparing for negotiations for a long time, it wants america. "no, no, no, for a long time, in general it’s strange for me , from the point of view of comparing america and europe, support, after all, let ’s lately, when the americans began to play, we will give, we won’t give help, we will, we won’t vote, europe definitely she said, regardless of america, we will have to burden the taxpayers, we will still help, that is, for me this is some kind of advertising story for america, that america will decide everything, no, it is not america that will decide everything, the ministry of defense of the russian federation, i i think it will decide a lot some things
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." no one sees the invasions, because ukraine received the resource that it asked for, except for planes, they asked for a submarine, planes, they didn’t get this resource, why? because the nato military. more precisely, let’s say, american, military the bloc decided that this would not change anything in terms of contact on the war line, so here we are giving it to you, fight with it, and what happened, what they gave, it did not lead to achievements, ukraine cannot set the table now, look , thanks to these 100
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billion, 130, thanks to this entire complex of weapons, we have received, look, what an advantage, this is not there, then the story is closed, it turns out that there is a certain risk that if we give again, the west thinks, will we get it? launched, if we talk about economic and industrial parameters, from the point of view of ukraine, here is the continuation of the fire, yes, america plays a significant role, push for peace negotiations, not push, will zelensky change the laws, does he have the right to talk about peace? for any negotiations, i don’t see
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europe in this game, i only see america, i don’t see it at all, so come on, let’s now include military expert vladislav shurygin in our conversation, but first, let’s continue the same topic. yes, after cnbc there is a comment from one, it means a polish general, waldemar, damn, excuse me , the commander of the polish ground forces in 6-9, well, really, he is a high-ranking general, let's try again shshipchik, listen to how he assesses everything that is happening, the ukrainians did not follow the principle of saving forces, they scattered troops in too many directions, it was a mystery to me from the very beginning of this.
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that the americans are so stupid , they don’t understand anything, it means they planned everything wrong, and so on , what they are counting on, please combine it into one comment about the next year, well, first of all, you need to understand that the next year will not be easy , it is obvious that the ukrainians will be forced to fight to the last,
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we can recall by analogy the war with germany in forty years, when its outcome was already clear, and yet the nazis fought with by the bitterness of the doomed, in this case it... what is called accepting peace on some conditions that will be dictated and written to the americans, but it is obvious that these resources are also finite, that is, i believe that in the second half this year of the future, that is, by the fall
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, there will certainly be a turning point in the war, it is obvious that ukraine will not be able to fight endlessly, even with all the help, as for the comment, yes, you are just saying that they cannot fight endlessly, but for us actually in fact, what will be more difficult for us? was it difficult for us to repel, for example, their offensive or will it be more difficult for us to break through their defense? well, of course, they will no longer be able to attack strategically, this is obvious, they do not have the strength for this, to try to sting us somewhere, that is , they will try to inflict some local blows, because it is obvious that they understand that they can only sit in a blind defense is also impossible, for us in this case the main and strategic thing is to start really showing those offensives.
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firstly, the polish general is trying to comment on what he does not know in detail, and what he sees from the outside, from the point of view of military strategy, as it were , the americans demanded exactly what skipchek demanded, to act in one place, but just in this case, the ukrainians tried to attack according to the classical strategy, that is, several strikes, one destructive, one main, this is correct, because by attacking not only one place, we would have covered this place in the same way, i understand. thank you very much, vladislav shurygin was with us in direct contact, a member of the izborsk club, you are our military expert, a regular
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, so you know, you and i just, well, you remember, we were looking at a quote from cnbc, american analysts noticed, so to speak, noticed that in russia they are now concentrated precisely on building life, as they said there , on consolidation, yes, russia will concentrate on consolidating the territory that it has already captured, so they write and so on, it’s true, and it’s not just so to say there, like... some there's administration there is engaged, but without exaggeration , our whole country is now busy with this, in the regions they help people start a new life, find work , find new housing there, well, in general, somehow equip, develop and live there, about how this happens , our colleague ekaterina strizhenova was told by the governor of the rostov region, vasily yuryevich golubev, he became a guest of the program’s studio. it’s time, let’s watch this interview together.
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well, it's bad, it's bad work, so, well, of course, i'm out of balance, but i do this overwhelmingly one on one. happy new year, you may not have known, but in the tambov region there is the only orthodox church that is painted using the technique. a strong wind
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, we were knocked off our feet, we were wrapped in blankets, also, if there is a paradise in russia, then it is bakhchisarai, well, in general, good people, i ’ll pay now, i want to wish everyone, as they say, siberian... health, caucasian longevity and everyone be happy, live, rejoice and be loved, good luck, success, happiness in the new year 2024, monte cognac shokoka, product of stellor group, i want you to meet a girl, i’ll bring her to lunch, you’ll like her, what, this is my
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handsome guy, really, you asked to come, i came, why a plastic surgeon and not a cardiologist, for example , well, how would i help you if i were a cardiologist, uh-huh, doctor preobrazhensky, watch the time after the program, i really want... new big breasts, it was an experimental operation, you didn’t understand me, if you don’t do how i want, i won’t leave you alive, i can, romca a product of stellor group, in general it is. the year was rich in cultural revelations, whoever doesn’t jump is a muscovite, a handsome man, eduard charlotte,
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who set fire to his passport, the child has a mental disorder, yes. now i feel obligated to donate to usa. dima, you are a complete creature. i wrote: yes, i really love bandera. now she is banned from entering russia until 2072. well, i see that many are tired. the former prime minister of italy assessed the conversation between the head of the italian government and russian pranksters as a failure on a planetary scale. the adviser was the victim prime minister. he was fired, but after yours. yes, indeed, the next currency for europe will be firewood. what will happen? firewood? we will see how america will take a decisive step towards the final loss of global hegemony, i will ask directly, you work for the government, we support russia, this is our country, we love it, the vavan and lexus show is on the first today. i wish there were more idiots who answer the phone when you call them, we have a long list. so,
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dear friends, new year holidays. how not tear your lower back? champagne for everyone, no matter who and how many. a battery from a children's toy, how to avoid trouble? the program to live healthy will help everyone. tomorrow, on the first day. decorating clothes with flowers, overloading them with all sorts of details - this does not mean creating fashion. but making a dress based on just one line is a real art.
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fashion is a game where anything can happen to anyone. motador, high fashion. on friday, on the first. what do you think about the world of fashion? perhaps this is an even more magical world, than mine. rostov region, the future politician was born. miner's family. in his youth he dreamed of becoming a pilot, but fate decreed otherwise. at the age of 17, he worked with a woodworker at a mine, and after graduating from college , he became a senior engineer at an enterprise in the moscow region. in the early eighties, golubev devoted himself to a political career and worked for almost 30 years in the administration of the moscow region. in 2010, vasily golubev returned to
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his homeland as governor. i've been coming to my home for over 30 years. i said, any reason to be here, and i always did two things: first, i found an opportunity to visit the steppe, second, i always for a short period of time came to the house where i was born and ermakovskaya, took out a bucket of water , drank a mug of water from this well, because my grandfather made this well, life in the rostov region changed dramatically in 2014, when... a civil war began in eastern ukraine. rostov became a refuge for thousands of refugees. people are really fleeing to russia, people are asking the question: what will happen tomorrow, where can they work, where can they raise their children. today i would immediately like to say thank you to the people who took in our brothers and sisters from ukraine, because they were the first to take this step. it was then that the authorities got involved in this work. with the beginning of the northern military district
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, the rostov region again found itself in the thick of events, becoming a front-line region. the generous southern region has the responsible mission of becoming the largest logistics center for a military special operation. the regional authorities are actively involved in the life of every fighter who went to defend their homeland. somebody got the title of hero, among your guys, yeah because all the heroes, there are four of these guys, for example, a wonderful guy alekseev, just a handsome boy. what did you get it for? him first.
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the president spoke about this so that we could show the boys and the younger generation what it means to defend one’s fatherland, the fact is that the rostov region has always been a protector, and it was the stern. forced us to change, well, we had to very quickly navigate the changing situation, because we did not
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understand the scale of the problem, it all came later, we understood how many people crossed the border, then even the border of the russian federation, at first they were just people, ordinary, peaceful people, mothers, grandmothers and children, they were all very confused. came, invited them to work if they were ready to work, if they were younger people, and then around june we
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realized that we couldn’t cope, then the country’s leadership supported us and began sending people to other regions, but that was then, now it was a little different, now there was a quick reaction, i’ll be honest, from the president of the country, because we needed money, people needed pay 1000. what to live on and of course temporary accommodation centers, this time, i’m talking about february of the twenty-second year, we deployed about 140 temporary temporary accommodation centers in 12 hours, the next day we were already engaged in interacting with the regions of the russian federation and sent people, including to the region of the russian federation. during this time , of course, i visited lugansk, donetsk, makeyevka, and near lugansk, not at all... recently i was in mariupol, just very, very recently, i saw how our builders build housing, how wonderful, they built a house
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, a house with a mortgage, a house, they completely sold out this house, yes, yes, and what is the percentage on the mortgage, two, it’s profitable, of course, it’s a presidential mortgage, yes, we have a lot of things, which we simply do, without talking about it, why, and why don’t you, these are good deeds, they are also... contagious, what is important to me is what we do for these regions, what we do for people who have lost their homes what we are doing to ensure that people come back is necessary now in everyone’s place tell the person who holds the position so that we feel like, look, for example, we take care of families.
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uh, to the same place where you work now and don’t spend a single minute more, but here it’s a little quieter and a little even calmer, well, in terms of the width of the streets there, and so on and so forth, or for example,
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it’s been gone for years, yes, but i remember him, i always said why i remember him, i have photographs of those moments that i remember. in your family, who was in charge, grandfather or grandmother? grandfather, grandfather, grandfather, and you have some kind of has the form been preserved? some elements, for example, an icon that my grandfather pulled out of a burning church, i gave it to the newly built church on the same place in the village of ermakovskaya. you opened some kind of museum there, yes, it’s a piece of a museum , there’s a small little museum, there’s something like a restored building, in which there’s a place where initially people could warm up next to the temple if they came from another village, and then they say, can we bring something here and little by little, we brought it quietly and did it like that, we can see, you
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have you worked in the moscow region for a long time? and they say to me: what is closer to you? well, this is a long time, why? everything is already here, moscow has not become your native region? no, moscow is my native region, my native region is near moscow , but how can they not be family, my children, grandchildren were born here, in general for me it is, did they move with you or not, no, my wife is with me, my wife is with you , well, that’s it, you already have adults, and your children are adults, but your grandchildren
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are starting. gain momentum, grow, yes, yes, that is, they will probably also be given away in cadetship, and with me they all go to the don with great pleasure, and this is not because i am the governor there, because they have been going there for a long time, they go with pleasure, spend time there, and even at normal times for 1 -2 days, it would seem, with the current logistics, so i say, now it’s time to get there, well, now maybe winter time affects it a little, but if it’s spring, summer, autumn, with great pleasure last year.
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this is also connected with the sky, of course, the opening, we are for this with both hands, the opening of krasnodar flights, this will change a little logistics, but our airline will fly there, and what profession is now the most in short supply, the most in short supply, that’s who you need in your field, yes, i’m trying to find, because you know, we have the most in short supply , in my opinion, today. these are skilled workers, we just need labor in industrial and other enterprises, turners, welders, and so on and so forth, this is what is needed today to organize high-quality production,
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today i come to the factory, a worker is not only the one who today standing by the machine, this he operates the machine, but with practically an engineering education, in seventy-three. it's harvest time, i ask permission to take the helm and remove a little grain. why are you doing this? well, this is such a pleasant feeling of that time, moreover, as i say, the governor’s was 5 tons or seven, but
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do they remember the rocks? well, this is not quite the same, not at all, i would say, it is already 100%, as i said, electronics and so on and so forth, but at the same time there are already unmanned harvesters, if you come to the exhibition on the forum .
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and i would like to wish all of us, be sure to feel, that the authorities, including regional ones, do everything necessary. so that people want to live in the region, in the city, in
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the village or in the cossack village, because they are cared for, they are protected, they are taken care of, this is the main value of our country. this was the time of vasily golubev. time will tell who is who and put everything in its place. thank you. where did you find your wife? she is a student of the same age. i’m only at the same faculty, but a slightly different specialty, you’re from the rostov region, where is it from? she is from tupensky district, moscow , it turns out, they returned to their homeland in the tenth year, and they took her away, and in the seventy-sixth she already went there with me, for the first time she came to the kazacha village that i spoke about, my grandmother meets us, gives her ... a robe
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and we went, she went, i helped, to smear the dugout, so, and what to smear the dugouts with, they collect kazyaks from cows, dissolve them in water and coat them, this was such a test, and then, then, then, that means a star, soon to be 50, soon to have a golden wedding, well, after a while, yes. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. fsb officers prevented a terrorist attack on the kuibyshev railway; a resident of the samara region, who is suspected of preparing sabotage, was detained and taken into custody. during a search of his home , molotov cocktails were found, and computer equipment and mobile devices were also seized. which he used to communicate with his handlers based in ukraine.
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the suspect confirmed that he is related to a banned terrorist organization and said that he had already chosen a place for his future sabotage. now about an important event on a cosmic scale, this morning the russian aerospace forces launched the soyuz-21 v rocket . it launched from the lesetsk cosmodrome in the arkhangelsk region. soyuz 21v is a light-class launch vehicle, on board was a spacecraft that will work in the interests of the russian ministry of defense. all systems worked normally, the satellite was launched into the intended orbit, there are no other details, but it is known that this is the second launch from klesetsk in just a week, the previous start was december 21. the ministry of defense today received a new batch of fifth-generation su-57 fighters. the aircraft have successfully passed all tests and are ready for combat duty. services, they are produced in komsomolsk-on -amur. the local aircraft plant, which
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is part of the united aircraft manufacturing corporation rostec, fully fulfilled the state defense order in the past year, which has doubled and will be even more impressive in 2024. the su-57 is a multirole fighter that can destroy ground, surface or air targets. a supersonic aircraft, invisible to the enemy thanks to stells technology, it is equipped with the most modern weapons, as well. the communications navigation fighter has already proven itself well during a special military operation. kiev is planning another provocation using western-made toxic substances. the goal is to accuse russia of allegedly using chemical weapons. this was stated by the official representative of our foreign ministry, maria zakharova. according to her, the kiev regime intends to use prohibited chemicals on the territory under its control. territories within the range of our troops. at the same time, zelensky does not care what consequences this attack may have. for the population of ukraine, in the face of growing world
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fatigue with the kiev regime and a reduction in financial military assistance from the west, the zelensky regime is ready to take any steps to return the issue of the ukrainian conflict to the first position on the international agenda. they remember how successfully they carried out a provocation in bucha under the dictation of washington and london. there is nothing about bucha, no names. no date birth, no passport data, they simply don’t exist, they didn’t exist, because it was all a provocation, something similar, the kiev regime planned this time, the organization of another anti-russian provocation using western-made toxic substances is not excluded, in order to then initiate in the structures of the united nations of the world... a new company on charges of our country of allegedly deliberately
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using chemical weapons. this night our army launched a new massive attack on the enemy army rear. explosions thundered in the odessa region, in particular, eyewitnesses report powerful arrivals in the area of ​​sea piers. there is also information about explosions in the khmelnitsky region, where the target of our military was an army airfield from which combat aircraft converted to carry nato missiles take off. and more news from the ministry of defense: in the kupinsky direction, russian units repelled three enemy attacks at once. the enemy, having received a worthy rebuff, fled. our operational-tactical aviation carried out a series of missile and bomb attacks on the temporary deployment points of three ukrainian brigades
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channel, report by alexey kruchinin. the film crew of the first tank crew of the northern fleet is working in the forefront, together with them, in the vicinity of artyomovsk , the tank crew of the 200th guards brigade of the northern fleet is preparing for work. the combat vehicle, the modernized t-80 bvm, was made practically invulnerable. the front has a massive steel structure. in addition to standard mine trawls. here they are with teeth along the edges, there is also additional protection that was installed by the masters from the platooning support: the chains are lowered, the tracks hang above the ground at a distance of 10 cm and thereby prevent magnetic mines from exploding under the bottom of the tank, they are triggered already on the approach to the bottom
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of the tank, well, right here somewhere in front of the muzzle, while driving the engine roars so that it is impossible to hear the approaching drone, so you need constantly turn your head, and naturally go... than with artillery. the workshop guys are taking advantage of the tanks. rate of fire and maneuverability. the tank company commander, who controls the crew, gives the coordinates of the target. the tank commander introduces them into ballistic computer and dictates corrections to the gunner operator. he said, he has a mutalnik, a side level, i set everything up, looked through
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the scope so that nothing would interfere with my shot, i said, i’m ready, hot, i’m granite, one left, in the fields to the north. from the artyomovsky suu they created a powerful network of strongholds and wide systems of trench dugouts. the copter operator tells the crew how to proceed. corrections are being made, at this time i am restoring all the coordinates based on the previous guidance. with each shot, the shells land closer and closer, but an accurate hit remains just to consolidate success. there are no adjustments, we will install the same. this is how powerfully, precisely, loudly the tankers of the northern fleet work. 8 minutes we are already in the firing position, in fact, a critical time, practice shows that in just 8 minutes , plus or minus, the enemy manages to detect where the fire is coming from, well , the guys fired six shells, quite enough to dismantle the enemy’s support post, apparently , now we’re about to leave, the crew deftly climbs onto the slippery hull,
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but for us it turns out a little clumsily, here of course, practice is needed, now with the gas, having accelerated, the t-80 flies off-road faster than 60 km/h. axis. strategic partnership between russia and india, the main topic of the negotiations in moscow, the heads of the foreign ministries of the two countries, welcoming his colleague sergei lavrov , noted that relations between our states are strengthening, the ministers discussed, in particular, interaction and joint projects in the military-technical sphere, and also agreed a number of steps in the context of the launch of the international north-south corridor have also affected
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world agenda. moscow and delhi are connected by a common approach to the need to respect the un charter and the role of this organization, as well as the desire to build. of course, russia and india are interested in building an open, fair international political and economic system for everyone. participation in the st. petersburg economic forum and the eastern economic forum in vladivostok. today we will pay attention to bilateral relations in various fields,
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based on the changing circumstances of the requirement. we will discuss strategic the situation in the world and conflicts and, of course, the process of building a multipolar world order. in yekaterinburg, they are eliminating the consequences of a heavy snowfall, due to which hundreds of cars were stuck in a huge traffic jam. drivers have been standing on the highway for 24 hours; they are running out of fuel, water and food. congestion throughout the city, snow drifts, ice, poor visibility as a result of many accidents; such heavy rainfall has not been seen in the region for more than a century. about new natural records in the urals and siberia and the consequences, andrey golderev. the best the way to get around yekaterinburg in this weather is to carry a shovel. there is no other way to say it; the capital of the urals was covered in record snowfalls. 21 mm of precipitation fell during the day. several regional highways immediately became jammed. and we’ve already been standing for about 5-6 hours and the traffic police has arrived , they say that, in principle, most likely,
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at best, by 4 am there will be some kind of movement, everything is standing as far as the horizon, as far as can be seen, this is how the morning began today for many motorists, well, we try, we try, how many we dug up, and it took an hour to dig out, an hour, a lot generally snow fell snow fell. well, here there is a whole parking lot of cars covered in snow, so you can’t dig it out right away , the sidewalk here has been cleared, but things are even worse in the courtyards, my beloved neighbors are already stuck, i’ll go save them. yekaterinburg began to fall asleep the day before, and heavy snowfall continued throughout tuesday; several flights at koltsovo airport were postponed at once; the runway had to be cleared. and moving around the city was more like an obstacle course, local residents kept pushing buses out snow skins, the bad weather
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also made its own adjustments to the operation of the trams, the tram got off the line, the car was trying to get out, nothing worked, the car was also stuck right on the lines, many, without waiting for public transport, decided to get home on foot. in general, the legal time is 11:00 pm, stop, others tried to experiment, someone made their way through the snowdrifts on a bicycle, someone on a unicycle, but this man chose the surest way. utilities worked all night, but could not cope with such heavy snowfall difficult. our weather is so beautiful that even our raiding equipment is stuck on the central street of the city, and this is no longer a roadway, but this is... a sidewalk. yesterday the southern urals were the first to be hit by the elements, where a snowstorm hit some of the districts . rescuers and traffic police officers
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had to rescue cars from snow captivity, and the railway connection could not withstand the onslaught of bad weather. this is footage from a stuck electric train. in chelyabinsk itself , ambulances could not pass through the courtyards , and students and schoolchildren were transferred to remotely. tanya, it's just here. there's just knee-deep snow. the tyumen region was covered with rain the day before, so much so that an ice crust formed on the roads and on cars. then the snowstorm came. as a result, several routes were blocked. tyumen khantemansiysk and tyumen omsk. according to forecasters, today the cyclone will move to the north of the urals and lose its activity. however, light snowfalls in chelyabinsk and yekaterinburg may persist until the end of the week. andrey golderev, maxim trubnikov, andrey mikhailov, evgeny kuznetsov and. who, due to circumstances
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, especially need miracles: everyone can help make someone’s dream come true; deputy prime ministers and ministers traditionally join the festive marathon. today they started their working day at a large christmas tree installed in the government house, each ball taken from it is a child’s request for a gift. the people's republic, the city of krasnodon, has been dreaming for 9 years to see a plant for the production of trolleybuses or electric buses, but we are organizing this, we now have a mobile city development program, so trolleybuses and ... buses are being actively built sofya, kemerovo region, kuzbass , novokuznetsk, 11 years old, dreams of skates, dear sofya, of course, i’m sure that you will get the long-awaited skates and you will engage in wonderful winter sports in your city . ksenia dreams of a vinyl record player, when 14-year-old girls
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dream of preserving this fantastic... part of the history of our culture, how can you refuse, well , the yellow one, probably yes, arseny, oh, dreams of a game of chess with sergei koryakin , idea good, thank you, olesya, from the rostov region, the city of bataysk, 10 years old, dreams of a set of watercolor pencils, this is the first desire. second, vladimir, moscow, 8 years old, dreams of a designer, alexander, kaliningrad region, georgievskaya village , 11 years old, dreams of being a tank driver, i will try to organize this, and nikolay, republic of tva kzl, 14 years old, dreams of meeting with a hockey club tractor. that's all for now,
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we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel is on the first. with whom i had already visited earlier today negotiations foreign minister sergei lavrov. these negotiations covered the entire agenda of russian-indian relations in the economic and political fields. let me remind you that in just 10 months of this year, trade between russia and india amounted to almost $55 billion. in addition, the ministers discussed russia's upcoming brics presidency next year, the situation in ukraine and,
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of course, in the middle east. and the night before at the konstantinovsky palace in strelna. this is the south of st. petersburg, vladimir putin held an official meeting of the informal summit leaders of the cis countries, as well as separate bilateral meetings with the heads of kazakhstan and uzbekistan. starting from the new year, the chairmanship in the cis passes to russia; among the main priorities of our chairmanship, vladimir putin named strengthening economic cooperation, including the transition to national currencies in payments, security, including the fight against extremism, terrorism and drug trafficking, and humanitarian. falsification of history and glorification of nazism. cooperation, including the fight against well, russian defense minister sergei shaigu held this year’s final conference call yesterday and stated that the main task of the russian special operation for 2023 had been successfully completed, and yes, this task was to disrupt the widely publicized ukrainian counter-offensive. and now, according to shaigu,
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russian troops are expanding their control. territories in all directions, how this happens, including what is happening in the artyomovsky direction , military correspondent georgy anatolyevich medvedev will tell us, he is with us on direct communications, and in a santa claus costume, obviously georgy anatolyevich is going to the front line to congratulate the soldiers, i’m right, georgy antolyevich, good afternoon, yes, good afternoon, absolutely right, we congratulate our guys, our defenders who are at the front, after all. their mood, emotional component directly affects the success of completing assigned tasks, we travel to units, and even from the photographs you can see that the guys are happy to see us, we hand over gifts that go from our entire big country to the front, we bring them here to in such costumes, we pass on children’s letters,
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after all, it doesn’t matter what age a person is, it’s a new year’s miracle. plays a big role for everyone, it is clear that the better the mood of our guys, and the better they fight, and we were just in the artyomovsk direction the day before, but it remains quite tense, there are reports of our progress in the area of ​​​​the village of ivanovskaya , and also destroy the enemy at distant approaches with targeted strikes, but military operations remain and continue in kleshcheevka and andreevka. and therefore artyomovskoe the direction is still one of the hottest. thank you very much, georgy anatolyevich, take care of yourself and convey my best congratulations, new year’s greetings. to our heroes on the front line, happy new year to everyone, you too, of course. now let's ask our traditional military observer yuri ivanovich podolyak. what's happening on the fronts in general today? good afternoon, i will absolutely
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support my colleague. indeed, our troops are absolutely advancing everywhere, including, he said in the artyomovsk direction, they they are moving towards the hour channel, towards the line, so to speak , a watershed, this is where the seversky donetsk donbass canal runs through, up to some points. we already have about 2 km left of the channel, yesterday there was an advance in the bogdanovka area, our troops are attacking grigorievka, and accordingly we are also waiting for news from this direction every day, every day there is actually positive good news, the enemy can’t do anything, and then the same thing begins with the enemy, after taking the mardinka, we begin to realize the advantage that this gives us, except the fact that yesterday we went beyond the marinka by more than 1 km, took new positions, we are thus beginning to gradually hover over the ugledar group of the enemy, it is for this reason that there are now very serious battles in the novomikhailovka area, victory, these are two key enemy strongholds, yesterday our troops in novomikhailovka took control of one line, the enemy understanding the importance
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of these roads, which supplies coal through konstantinovka, he is desperately trying to maintain victory in novomikhailovka, because that we got success in marinka, accordingly we are hanging on the victory , novomikhai came from three sides, that is, i think that here too... these battles will be decided only by the time when we do this, and accordingly this will immediately sharply complicate the situation on across the entire yuzhnodonetsk front line, conditionally, this will be the prelude to our taking control of coal and an attack on kurakov on kurakov, the most important logistics point for ukrainian forces in this direction. thank you very much, yuri ivanovich, keep us informed, well, that’s the optimism that really in fact, it is now present on our side, it is mirrored and oppositely reflected on the ukrainian side. just the day before, the final press conference was given by the commander in chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny, he said three key things at this conference: firstly, he confirmed the loss of the armed forces of ukraine marinka, secondly, he allowed
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the surrender of another, no less, and perhaps even more important fortified area in the ssu, around donetsk, this is avdeevka, according to zaluzhny, in 2-3 months, avdeevka can be surrendered by the armed forces of ukraine, well, thirdly, he completely disowned. for human resources, well, in fact , he somehow vaguely said that there was a request, then there wasn’t a request, yes there was, but it’s not clear what kind of request, he didn’t give any numbers, and zaluzhny also completely disowned the latest
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bill on mobilization in ukraine, which significantly tightens the rules of this mobilization, also according to zaluzhny, the general staff and he personally have nothing to do with this, they say that the entire ministry of defense and the cabinet of ministers, ivan pavlovich, this is already turning out to be agony, well, now it’s all the same. spiders in jar, it looks something like this, because the tinned, well, no matter how failed commander in chief he is, nevertheless , he is familiar with the basics of strategy and tactics, and he realized that zelensky, having come up with this move to set him up, set himself up and when the time came, he completely disowned these numbers, and thus zelensky, the creator of this figure and so on and all this panic that is in ukrainian society on...
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the russian army is one of the strongest armies in the world, i i think tarnavsky was being modest, himself in fact, the strongest army in the world today, well, thirdly, he stated that next year will be even more difficult for the armed forces of ukraine, however, because this is a strange statement by tornavsky, next year it is necessary to end the conduct of hostilities and liberation of our territories, that is , tornavsky, in fact, hinted that everything, yes, apparently, next year they , someone is at least thinking about ending the war, well, in the west, the majority.
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and military experts and defense analysts. according to their forecasts, intense fighting action will likely continue into next year, but kiev troops are unlikely to launch new counter-offensives. russia, on the other hand, will most likely focus on holding the territories it has already captured, especially in eastern ukraine. defense experts told cnbc that their main forecast for 2024 is that hostilities will continue at the same intensity, but there will remain a sense of stalemate, with neither side able to make significant progress in...
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western analysts write that the situation is fundamentally won't change, they they are wishful thinking, as it is believed, no, they are simply really afraid of such optimistic forecasts, but on the other hand they are under pressure. they are obliged to present a picture, well, if not devastating , then at least giving some hope for further development, and this hope is enough, well, in principle, not, and just the ukrainian military, they, too, are not able to speak directly, but their actions show that the guys, well , they lost everything, it will only get worse, and as if adding to this the absence of an american help, which is exactly...
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they were playing with fanfare when it all started, well, how can they present the situation differently, yes, maybe, let’s speculate, let’s see how it will be, but most likely there will be no offensives in the future year, of course, it won’t be, because it’s obvious to everyone, they talk about this absolutely , it seems to me fairly and honestly, another thing is that they are afraid to admit to themselves about the probable success of russia, so for now they seem to put a good face on a bad game, saying that well , ukrainian...
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the world is a globalist puppeteer, one of them is klaus schwab. we can already talk about introducing chips into the brain. few deserve to stay alive. there is no private property as such, robotization, people are not needed, then you are simply excluded from society, why not bathe. the one who owns these technologies will become the ruler of the world. he determined how to change public consciousness so that people would participate in the process of destroying themselves. they decided to replace the meat with beetles. ah... it's just amazing, dividing humanity into two different anthropological species: some eat insects, others eat the meat of cows, live 120-140 years, others live 30-50 years, his idea is a continuation of nazism, and he is a continuator of his father’s work, no need for concentration camps, no need for machine guns, no need for gas chambers , the only country that will resist will be russia, there will be no such bestial attitude towards russia, klaus schwab, conference.
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veda vodka, a product of stellor group. i want you to meet a girl. i 'll introduce you. i'll bring her to dinner, you 'll like her. and what? and this is my garyosha. handsome, isn't he? you asked to come, i came. why? a plastic surgeon, not a cardiologist, for example. well, how would i help you?
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how not to break your lower back, champagne for everyone , who and how much, a battery from a children's toy, how to avoid trouble, the program to live healthy, will help everyone, tomorrow is the first one, how do you answer the new year, in your youth, of course, you answered cheerfully. is this your grandfather? yes. where did grandpa come from? from india. how did this happen? new year, these are sweet dumplings. did you bring dumplings? yes, yes, let's, yes,
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let's have a dumpling. i don't know how to say it in spanish, at my age you shouldn't worry like that. field of miracles, new year's edition. i wish all your family and friends to be alive and well on friday, the first. i am among the pompas, the besons are running, where the sunsets are like blood over the baobababs. following the spring, the dawn will come earlier, and for two happy years, many, many years. we don’t care, we don’t care, let us be afraid of ourselves and ourselves, suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked, everything became clear to me, now, help me,
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help me, it’s not bad to have haircuts, but very bad... i have to ask, who are you, but i know, your birthday is in the past, this is a bouquet of russia, you could have left here many times, i know how many theaters invited you, but you
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stayed to celebrate, oh how she did it i kissed you so tenderly, somehow you and i diverged in time to be born into this world, that’s why you didn’t dare, right? december 31, on the first. there is a big game on the air, the outgoing year
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is ending very sadly badly for ukraine, and what will happen next year depends not only and not so much on ukraine itself, but on the united states, on what will happen in... in this context, in fact, the question next year for ukraine is whether the kiev regime will survive at all, very much - it seems to me that one of the very prominent and bright american , i must say, foreign policy hawks, johns hopkins university professor hel brens. listen to his comment. the next year promises to be a terrible one for ukraine, with its much-publicized counter-offensive falling short of expectations. i'll destroy the troops. exhausted. russian president vladimir putin, on the contrary, feels quite confident. he withstood
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the most powerful blow that kiev and its western allies could deliver. its arsenal of autocracy surpasses the american arsenal of democracy. now washington is unable to provide support to ukraine. if ukraine does receive serious financial assistance from the united states in 2024, it will most likely still have to save its strength, repel russian attacks and prepare for the next, perhaps the last big blow in... 2025 year, if it does not receive help, then it will be extremely difficult for it to protect its cities from drone attacks and missile strikes in the winter, as well as to maintain combat positions against superior russian artillery troops in the spring. the question in 2023 was how much land ukraine could return. the question for 2024 is will ukraine survive? well, the answer to this question depends on the adoption by the united states of a new budget for ukraine for the twenty- fourth year, is it? prospects primarily depend on whether biden agrees to guaranteed
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political suicide, which is what the republicans demand from him, namely to return to the migration policy of donald trump, they strictly link any new money to ukraine with this political suicide of president biden, but the question is not only this, here are very interesting comments given to the publication by a former employee administration's national security council. bush jr., michael allen, he was a special assistant to president bush jr., listen to what he said: additional funding would have already been allocated if the counteroffensive had been more successful. we used to say that america likes to back a winner, and i think that once the counteroffensive gets better, it will pave the way for substantial additional assistance. it's a shame that the counteroffensive did not bring any real results. wow! america doesn't support losers - says michael allen, yes it does.
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to find the vulnerable points of our country, strives, taking the initiative, to put pressure on them, using any opportunities as tools, but apparently, in their assessment , a consensus is gradually beginning to form that the ukrainian instrument is no longer providing the necessary profit that it promised it would provide, although the ukrainians actively offered themselves and advertised themselves, perhaps excessively even generously, that this instrument would be useful and workers, and the elite themselves in kiev. it seems that they did not fully realize how incorrect their expectations from western
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support turned out to be, yet, despite our, our confrontation, they still think in categories of possibility of such , you know, a political symphony with the west, that our goals, our interests will become their goals, their interests, because in this regime they lived side by side with us for centuries, they knew that they could offer their own interests like this, yours the partner will share them as his own, suddenly it turns out that in... the anglo-saxon tradition it doesn’t work like that, this is a sports club, this is a major football league, where your club must constantly show results, so we give you several foreign players, show, that means, return on investment, this is a gradual decrease in assistance, i think that a certain amount of it will still be allocated, a gradual decrease in assistance is a kind of training for the kiev government to determine whether it will be able to mentally adapt to the anglo-saxon way, to be able play? in competition, they are not told: stop the war, go to negotiations, they are told: continue to fight,
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there will just be a little less help, this circumstance, apparently, will cause more and more over time bewilderment, and then irritation, an explosion in ukraine, i completely agree, i also think that they will give some money, but definitely less than they gave this year, it seems to me that an absolute consensus has formed in the united states, and i completely agree, the american politician is starting... and europe is also actually trying to find an opportunity to allocate a new budget to ukraine, but again less than previously assumed and certainly less than was allocated in the current year, when ukraine was preparing to try to implement this this is your counterattack. let me remind you that at the last summit of the european union , hungary agreed with a dummy, yes, precisely
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the beginning of negotiations on ukraine’s accession to the european union, which will never happen, but not... after the eu leaders were unable to agree on a four-year aid package amount 50 billion euros this month, officials have begun looking for alternatives to save kiev from a looming budget crisis if differences in the bloc cannot be overcome, according to officials involved in the talks individuals, there was widespread support for a debt financing scheme as the most effective option if orban
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refuses to lift his veto at the summit scheduled for february 1. according to her, the country. will have to provide budget guarantees, which will allow the european commission to borrow up to 20 billion euros from the capital market for kiev next year. importantly, this option does not require guarantees from all 27 eu member states if the main participants include countries with high credit ratings. i want to emphasize that we are talking here specifically about loans that ukraine will have to repay sooner or later, well, the scheme is approximately the same as in the twentieth year, when the european commission allocated 100 billion euros for... the current minister of finance of germany made a very important statement in the same context christian linner says that germany is no longer going to allocate more money to ukraine than has been allocated so far.
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listen. we supply weapons systems, provide financial assistance, and provide support. protection for many ukrainians in germany, we have already we are the second largest donor to ukraine in the world. germany finances a good half of all aid from europe. there is currently no indication that more needs to be done. your assessment, ivan alekseevich, of these european discussions of statements. dmitry vyacheslavich, i want to draw your attention to the fact that western politicians and experts are beginning to compete in inventing arguments why we should support the kiev one less. and this is very important, the arguments may be different, don’t support losers, investments don’t work , we’ve already given too much, there are some other arguments out there, some are different, different arguments are being thrown around, in this case it doesn’t matter what kind of argument, what’s important is that there’s just a wave of votes already coming , that that’s all, that’s all,
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there definitely won’t be more, and maybe even less, i want to draw attention to why attention is paid to this? because in the previous period we saw several times that the west was faced with the fact that it was unable to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, or somehow inflict russia, at least not a strategic defeat, at least some kind of defeat, would cause great harm, each time they had only one way out, escalation, further escalation, further increase in rates, further escalation of the situation, and we are somewhere else in the summer with...
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throwing this investment into the kiev regime, apparently, the only way to continue to use this tool is to reformat the kiev regime. into an absolutely terrorist regime, it’s essentially a nazi regime, yes, but in form they tried to mold it into something like this, supposedly civilizational, this must become an absolutely
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terrorist regime already openly in order for it to continue at least something, continue to do, and naturally, no longer any european umbrella, but they don’t want to give a european flag for this, and they don’t even want an american one, in this ... in a sense, they are destroying the ukrainian people and destroying ukrainian statehood, turning it into something completely malicious, so obscene that they themselves do not even want to be directly associated with it, apparently they only count on the fact that they are for this period instilled so much hatred in the ukrainian people that they will continue... this aimless struggle, so i completely agree with the thesis that the kiev regime is really taking leaps and bounds towards finally turning into a terrorist regime and terrorism, including
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including terrorism with the use of weapons of mass destruction, this is a very big risk, and in the coming year, next year, as the kiev regime suffers new defeats on the battlefield, but at the same time it must be said that for the kiev regime everything is bad from a political and military point of view, but... here’s what to do in this regard, it seems to me that a stunning answer to this question, a simply stunning answer was given by the minister of foreign affairs of the kiev regime, kuleba, which it seems to me simply reflects the philosophy of the ukrainian internal foreign policy, listen to what he said. ukrainians must keep in mind that ukraine is in nato. there is no need to focus on what is between the concepts of today and ukraine in nato, and there is no need to allow partners to focus on bureaucracy, they are very skilled at it.
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belonging, among other things, to the opposition cdu csu, who think differently , who believe that europe must literally give its last shirt to the kiev regime in order to inflict a military defeat on russia next year, this is precisely the point of view held by norbert rötgin, who was and federal minister and for several years, from 2014 to the twenty-first year, he headed the committee on foreign relations in the bundestag, listen to what he wrote in american foreign affairs. partners ukraine must stop hesitating and move on to a full-fledged offensive strategy that will provide the warring country with all the necessary
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weapons in order to gain an advantage and push back russian troops. europe in particular must act more actively. it is necessary to provide the maximum possible number of necessary weapons from european arsenals, increase the military-industrial complex and expand the production capacity of each individual country. for example, europe can and should transfer. many more medium-long-range cruise missiles, in addition, accelerate and expand the supply of f-16 fighters, which will allow ukraine to achieve air superiority. combined with additional air defense systems such as patriot and apst, such assistance will allow kiev to put pressure on russian forces and gain an advantage on the battlefield. negotiations will only become possible if russia is driven into a corner. ivan pavlovich, this is really a narcotic dope according to kulebya, because what a military advantage? on the battlefield, he says, as a result of the same f-16s being made available there. well you know, kuleba, i just immediately see that kuleba has such a mentor, a certain military man, general ben hodges, who
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constantly sees some kind of visions, and then he throws them into the press, so kuleba is often seen that he behaves in approximately the same way, that is, let ’s imagine that we are in nato, everything else doesn’t matter, it’s great, and this röttgen suggests the following, let’s imagine that we won, we won’t win, but no. soviet troops are standing near berlin, and goebbels is shouting on the radio that tomorrow the soviet union will fall, well let's roughly follow this path , by the way, hodges also distinguished himself recently, he proposed restoring the volksturm, which means that the kiev regime should create exactly the same volksturm, that is, drive everyone there and the children who are possible, which means the gentlemen are thinking very similarly, naturally, in ... mr. ryotkin ’s theses contain a refutation of himself; he proposes to take each individual country and build it into a fascist state, which will set the task of
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defeating russia. well, well, who will take on this, who will collect them all, let’s say, will say to everyone: if you don’t fulfill the assigned tasks, your economy will be destroyed, we will destroy you, so who? the americans have done their tasks, they , they have destroyed the european economy, which means they are making their money from this, which means they are making money, as it was correctly said, that now they are considering the situation from a strategic point of view, they can’t give up, well, this is an ordinary game on the stock exchange, yes, does that mean we are dumping shares or, on the contrary, buying?
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minister of saxony, he actually thinks about the economic development of his land, and also today another prominent representative of the cdu died, this is volgwan schäuble, truly a representative of the old generation of german political elites who still thought about national interests. schäuble, schäuble was germany's finance minister for many years, in fact, well, unfortunately, this kind of politician
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is becoming common in western europe. less and less, now there’s a little advertising, then we’ll be back, happy new year, for me the new year is a family holiday, we have six in the family, that’s me, my husband and our four children, great, now we’ve been together for 46 years and...
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and discovered our abilities, right? old barrel cognac, a product of the steller group. in general, this year was rich in cultural revelations. he who does not jump is a muscovite. edward charlotte, who set fire to a passport. the child has. in my psyche, but now i feel obligated to donate everything, dima, you are a complete creature, i wrote yes, i love bandara very much, now she is banned from entering russia until 2072, well, i see that many are tired, former prime minister of italy appreciated the chapter's conversation the italian government with russian pranksters as a failure on a planetary scale, the victim was the adviser to the prime minister, he was fired, and after your call, yes , indeed, the next currency for europe
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will be firewood. that there will be grass, we will see how america takes a decisive step towards the final loss of global hegemony, i will ask directly, you work for the government, we support russia, this is our country, we love it, the vavan and lexus show, today on the first, i wish, so that there are more idiots who take phone when you call them, we have a big list, they celebrated cheerfully, this is your grandfather, yes, and where did your grandfather come from, from india, how did it happen, new year, these are sweet dumplings, you brought dumplings, yes, yes , come on, yes, let's change, come on, yes. i don’t know how
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to say it in spanish, at my age you shouldn’t worry so much, field of miracles, new year’s! i wish that all your family and friends are alive and well. on friday on the first. decorating clothes with flowers, overloading them with all sorts of details - this does not mean create fashion. but making a dress based on just one line is a real art. my fashion philosophy is to be yourself, try not to follow trends. i never expect anything from anyone. more likely. they are the ones expecting something from me. the art of kutius rodney is the art of the artist. the future of my craft is connected to the spiritual side of things. people no longer want to serve as clothes hangers. if there is a difference between a
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male fashion designer and a female fashion designer, only you can judge it. fashion is a game. where with anything can happen to anyone. matador. high fashion on friday on the first thing you think about the world of fashion, perhaps this is an even more magical world than mine, the greatest hits of the past decade are great, when you are next to me, i will repeat 100 times in a row, you are not like that, you are not like that, berry malinta, turn your head. the current flies, you are so sad, a cold piece of ice, batting your eyes left and right at the ceiling, millions of people, and i can’t help but think about her, on louboutin, on louboutin,
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there’s not much left until the new year time. you definitely won't forget this new year's eve. on the first. there is a big game on the air, the coming year is the year of presidential elections in russia and the united states, and as the president of the chicago council on foreign relations , iva dalder, who was the united states ambassador to nato for several years and is generally one of the most prominent representatives
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of the liberal part, writes american democratic foreign policy is at stake in the united states far more than just who will be next president of the united states, what is at stake, in his opinion, is essentially the future of philosophy itself. sophia of the foreign policy of the united states and the modalities of its participation in international relations. listen. the coming year in the united states will be marked by serious public discourse about america's future role on the world stage, the results of which will be watched with trepidation by the rest of the world. for 80 years, the united states has unquestioningly accepted its role as world leader, but for the first time since the end of world war ii, more and more republicans are speaking out against it. and for the first time in 50 years of holding. logical polls, the majority believes that the united states should not interfere in international affairs, the same point of view held by the leading candidate for the presidency of the republican party, donald trump. while america's enemies would welcome such a move, america's friends fear the consequences
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for their security, prosperity and freedom. thus, the future of the world largely depends on this debate; only american voters will be able to determine its outcome. andrey andrevich, isn’t he exaggerating? comrade dalder and in general, how do you rate it? prospects , and whether the united states really stands at the crossroads at which it stood after the second world war, yes, when the question was also being decided whether it would continue to follow the framework of isolationism, or move on to a globalist policy, now dalder says, that they can abandon globalism and return to isolationism. as i understand it, this is material, this is an intellectual exercise that politics orders from several intellectuals, offering them lay out their vision of what a post-election american strategy might. could have been present and he was tasked with exploring isolationism, in the american political tradition there is such a branch of isolationist thinking, it is of a historical nature, but i would not be too big about the fact that this is conditionally
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offensive isolationism in any case and it rather operates in terms of resource , what available resource do we now have for our active policy, in its content the american strategy... something effective the face of this situation is to try to press on vulnerable points somewhere in the continental mass to see what sparks it can strike in its root, it is an active offensive such a sports strategy that looks for an opportunity, it is opportunistic in general, i believe that even if donald trump is elected, he may be it would be better to look at american influence in the world from a resource perspective, but he certainly won’t be that person. who will say that we are returning home and we cease
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to be a great power. i completely agree, andrei andreevich, it is impossible to quickly turn the ship of american foreign policy 180°, and yes, indeed, there are more supporters of isolationism among what are called grassroots republicans, and ordinary republicans, but they are practically absent from the american foreign policy establishment of the deep state, as we know , including from the experience of donald trump’s presidency, it is the deep state. determines us foreign policy, but still one of the main events of today is the russian-indian negotiation. i have already said that vladimir putin will receive minister jai shankar in the near future. his negotiations with lavrov have already ended and listen to what the russian foreign minister said following the negotiations with his indian counterpart. we are sincerely grateful to our indian colleagues for their desire to take a responsible approach to the consideration and solution of regional and global problems, taking into account.
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your assessment of the role of india in russian-indian relations, the results of russian-indian relations this year and their prospects? and in materially and in terms of political ties , this is a wonderful year for russian-indian relations, and moreover, if at first it seemed that these were still such circumstances, that is, these are such positive, positive circumstances, but maybe they will pass. yes, we see that in general there are expectations in russia and india
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that this is not just such a positive surge, but this dynamics needs to be maintained, this cooperation needs to be developed, so i would say that our relations have reached new level, they perfectly show that relations between those who are guided by their interests, this is possible, if you are a sovereign power, then you are ultimately... ultimately interested in development and security and you can agree on this, and we see that, in fact, any countries that are guided on their own, on their own sovereignty , no matter what different relationships they have, they agree, those who either do not have sovereignty, or are playing, that’s how andrei andreevich likes to say, not on their own, but there they are trying to mean others rob, come on they come into conflict with everyone, with everyone, it seems to me that... this equality of relations and a certain strategic empathy,
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a willingness to understand the other, not to impose, not to submit, but to understand the other, it is present in our relations, we have excellent prospects, yes, i think that russian-indian relations are indeed entering an era of greater material saturation, greater trade turnover, military-technical cooperation, economic cooperation, mutual respect for each other as independent poles of a multipolar world, and we pass the floor news and big: this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablev, we start with an important event: the ministry of defense received the final batch of fifth- generation fighters su-57 under this year’s program.


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