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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  December 27, 2023 7:55pm-8:50pm MSK

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myth or reality, lie or truth, robot or person, what do the globalist puppeteers want to make this world? one of them is klaus schwab, founder of the world economic forum and author of the book. great nullification. together with thousands of selected transnational giant companies, he painted the future of humanity; only a few deserve to survive. it sounds like the plot of a horror movie, but unfortunately, it's for real, comrades. to stop the villains, you need to know them. this is what we'll do. with you are the heir dolls and i am maria butina. eminence grise
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world government klaus schwab has developed a plan according to which by 2030 people will be stuffed with chips and made slaves to be controlled, there will be a single ruling elite on earth, while human life will depreciate and people will be replaced by cybrgs. we can already talk about introducing chips into the brain under the skin, this will establish a direct connection with the world. the first point in terms of generalizing the planet is the so-called great reset. according to swabian , this is art. a book exposing his own plans, where he said: the world will not be in security, until everyone is vaccinated, from such sterilized rights , life will remain only for those who will provide for the needs of the ruling handful of people like the swabians, the rest will be born with pre -edited genes, which is, if not hitler’s eugenics programs, the possibilities of biological engineering can be applied to everyone. cell type, enabling the creation
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of genetically modified plants or animals, as well as the creation of cells from adult organisms, including humans, we can soon expect the appearance of engineered babies, possessing specific qualities. klaus martinschwab was born in ravensburg, germany in 1938, a year before the start of world war ii. being accomplices of the third reich, the family lived in grand style, went on vacation to switzerland, with nazi money, schwab entered the harvard institute of state. known as the world economic forum. the forum was not just the brainchild of klaus
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schwab, but the result of a cia-funded harvard program. and according to the global leaders of tomorrow program, it cultivates future leaders, whom it then places in strictly prepared chairs, which he proudly admits. mrs merkel, tony blair and others, they all came out of the young leaders program. schwab's recognition and anti-human utopias have long caused a storm of protests, but the dollar millionaire has isolated himself from the world in a luxurious mansion in the fashionable district of geneva. the colony moves between the headquarters of the forum and a personal residence a few meters away with a retinue of servants, as well as the privileges of the first head of state, all the excesses at the expense of the dovos budget, consider the world's economies countries, the dovos man plundered the world economy, exploiting workers, destroying government programs, transferring the bounty into his personal bank accounts hidden in inaccessible jurisdictions. today the architect of the global reset is 85, but leave. the world
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to develop according to a natural scenario is far from his plans: the latest from schwab is a project of fifteen-minute smart cities, megacities are divided into self-sufficient sectors, everything that is required for comfortable human life is within walking distance accessibility: shops, educational institutions, entertainment, but completely isolated along the perimeter: a high fence, access to the neighboring area strictly with passes, digital money, food on cards, only alternative protein foods in the assortment, everything is presented as an ideal model of protection from the future.. epidemic, european leaders traditionally applaud schwab’s next monstrous globalist idea. ordinary europeans are in shock. germany is heading towards one thanks to olaf scholz. europe is heading towards one because of ursula fondeyan. the world is going downhill because of klaus. schwab. delusions of grandeur, made in germany. zelensky is nothing more than a puppet of international banking families. schwab and his gang. war for them is business. even the inverted australians seem to have begun to understand something. worldwide economically.
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the forum promotes such globalist issues as climate change, so-called systemic racism and sexism, the creation of digital identity on the internet, but upon closer examination it turns out that the dovoz forum... it is anti-capitalist, anti-market an organization that seeks to bring western values ​​and political processes under its belt. they are very well organized and well funded. their messages appear harmless when in fact the ideology behind them is revolutionary and destructive. although these policies infringe on many of our fundamental freedoms, the forum believes that our freedoms should be kept to a minimum. this is not just a forum. i want this forum to flourish and, of course, i...
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personal conclusions, i can say that when a book was published, there was a whole commission of the federation council of russia, assembled under the representation of andrei klimov, a temporary commission on, even the title of , protecting state sovereignty and preventing interference in the internal affairs of russia, where
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shaigu’s adviser, andrei mikhailovich ilnisky, actually gave a report and, i would say, i spelled out the entire forecast for the swabian, i quote: sovereign russia, first of all, will then come to an end. the green agenda will be used to desovereignize russia and china, digitalization and various ideological simulacra from lgbt to blm, and which will come here and will be implanted here, that is, he has a very simple idea, i’m talking about a swabian, he is a neo-moltesian, the planet is overpopulated, we need to reduce at least 2-3 billion people, we need to divide humanity by 1%, which will take possession of all the benefits, and he warns in the book, i read it, that... no, there will no longer be a return to the world where all people have access to equal benefits, since russia is advocating for equal benefits for all, for respecting the rights of all, then it turns out there is no place for us in this world, this man will use any force, external force in order to broadcast
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his super ideas, he broadcasts to us, and i also think that we will watch other videos, you will also pay attention, he condescends to his interlocutor , he, you know, here... tilts his head to the side a little, like that, you know, and artistically broadcasts to us, that is, he gives us his thoughts, gives us his words, he is so generous that he can explain something to us, not to come to us, that’s how he is, why does he explain something to us if he’s in his own world? lives, exactly from the moment when the system of his argumentative club first began to work, this is the idea of ​​a broth to combine politicians, economists, boil them all and get a broth, then this system worked, then he saw it as a kind of business platform , but then he went further, initially the dovoz forum was built according to one simple scheme: if you want to meet with ivanov, petrov or sidorov, you are offered this
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opportunity, and now a simple question: how are participants selected for the dovoz forum movements, everything is very simple: you showed kissenger, you also showed galbraith, but these are those people. who have always worked very closely with the american intelligence services, because their idea was to create a system so that they would personally bring for you the guru who would be interesting to you; if, for example, someone is interested in the minister of foreign affairs or the minister of economy, he will definitely be there, it will be held on this platform, well, indeed , the development forum is a significant event, representatives of thousands of companies gather at it, in general, representing almost the entire world, that is, probably not all countries, but very many countries.
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this is nothing, his idea was very simple, to always take a certain percentage, but this was exactly before 2000, since 2000 the concept of davos has changed, they realized at some point that they were simply not interested in this platform for making money, well here he pinched off a percentage, there he pinched off, we are the world, this will be said in 2000, the king is absolutely, then they begin to form a certain world for themselves, here you are they say, is it still possible to create a swabian?
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who goes to this club treats even heads of state with much less respect , heads of state, ministers, they change, the real puppeteers remain, but the most important thing here, probably the most important thing is to figure out what they really want, let's see what they are discussing there in davos. the davoz economic forum is no longer an economic forum, the billionaires have forgotten the last time they discussed the world economy, it has gotten ridiculous: the members of the forum are already shamans. the imbalance started when we we have severed our relationships with each other, cut ourselves off
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from our spiritual ties and from the foundation that binds us all together. but the real shock came when one elite confronted another elite demanding higher taxes on the super-rich. the failure of anti-tax avoidance strategies remains a global cause of inequality. i feel like i’m sitting in a meeting of firefighters , we’re forbidden to talk about water, but we have to talk. for such an elite vacation, the powers that be are ready to fork out 600 euros per night,
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in order to sell life to the fullest and enjoy all kinds of pleasures, the aging elite literally drinks the blood of babies. at the 2022 forum, eyewitnesses even filmed the car of the elixir of youth traders, what a horror i see adreanochrome, home delivery for every taste, they’ve gone crazy. the parties are called depraved in the press, so it's worth it. and these are his points, which means, first,
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that the old capitalism will end and there will be a new capitalism, while private property will already be abolished. second, bretton woods is cancelled. currency system, everything becomes digital. the third option is robots instead of people, and it is desirable that there be digital chipization. so, the next thing is that 5g is introduced and every step is monitored, the principle of environmental friendliness. savings in everything, removal of harmful energy, and a global healthcare system, well, in general, in fact, this is how the swabian sees the world, new capitalism - what’s that? new capitalism is a transition to inclusive capitalism, inclusive capitalism actually involves the rejection of private property for the middle class, that is, the middle class, the point is that since we have already reached the point of saturation, that is, the maximum saturation of the system with private capital, further expansion... of the extensive system of capitalism is impossible without absorbing new volumes of, well
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, roughly speaking, finance, since in principle all markets have already been divided, therefore hence this, i would say, bestial attitude towards russia, because well, the last thing that can still be mastered has not yet been mastered - this is russia, ukraine, of course, this is, in principle, inherent in the system itself, its engine, capitalism, according to the principle of urubas, begins to devour its own tail, that is, today, by the way, this is already weighed, the volume of capital in which... the middles of america, europe, well, the developed world, from 200 million people who represent the developed labor market, command, and so it should be alienated, that is it turns out to select and divide. so it turns out that they say that there is no private property as such, there is global property of transnational corporations, there is google, apple, something else, but if there is some chairman of google and the chairman of apple is also a billionaire, well, that’s it’s just a small side thing, and naturally, no one will take away private property from klaus schwab himself, from those
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who go for delivery too, this is for ordinary people, they will be given some small basic one.
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license, and the computer will tell you everything, and if you have a chip, then it will improve yours , you can just buy a certain one . why should you even go to college when perception, and yes, as he said well about education, it should be everywhere remotely, credit cards , how great it is if you you have a credit card, we clearly know what you are buying, what your needs are, and we can offer you everything in advance, but one thing, a very good example comes, a plant where a thousand people used to work, now robots work there, where are these thousands of people on vacation? no , they don’t rest, they simply shouldn’t live, they should physically cease to exist, people become redundant and they need to be killed, killed en masse, just make sure they stop, at least reproducing, they shouldn’t multiply, but someone can multiply,
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when he talks, for example, about the american ivy league, he says: we must preserve the oldest institutions so that there is... my name is nicole kidman and i'm going to eat a four-course dinner with insects, these are corn worms, they are still alive, this just
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awesome. 2 billion people in the world eat worms and i'm one of them, let's have worms, this dish has a fruity taste, i advise you to try it, oh, crickets, nothing special, amazing,
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gin cnop is a product of stellor group. in general, this year was rich in cultural revelations. who he doesn’t jump, he’s a muscovite. edward charlotte, who set fire to a passport. the child has a mental disorder. now i feel obligated to donate everything. dima, you are a complete creature. i wrote: yes, i really love bandera. now she is banned from entering russia until 2072. well, i see that many are tired. the former prime minister of italy assessed the conversation between the head of the italian government and russian franchisors as a failure on a planetary scale, the victim was the adviser to the prime minister, he was fired, and after
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your call, and indeed, the next the currency for europe will be firewood, what will it be right? we will see america take a decisive step towards the final loss of global hegemony, let me ask directly, do you work for the government? we support russia, this is our country. and we love it, the vanavan and lexus show, today on the first one, i wish there were more kryten who answer the phone when you call them, we have another large list, the zaporozhye nuclear power plant is again fake, no heavy artillery equipment on the territory the zaporozhye nuclear power plant was not, is not and will not be, than ukraine is scaring the whole world this time, if something like this were on the territory...
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listen to the hoku, you will understand everything, you only know the sacred fuji, how many roads should i go to find happiness, now you try , there is noise around, so be it, don’t fuss, everything ’s fine, now you understand everything, hello guys, well done, what about...
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premiere, the very first new year, december 30th on the first. the eminence grise of the world
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government, klaus schwab, wrote a book: covid-19 - the great reset. according to the plans of the globalist in the near future, people they will start chipping to control consciousness, artificial intelligence will replace many professions. schwab and his followers. his forecasts are different for us. hello. hello. hello. you analyzed the books of klaus schwab. for your part, how do you see the future world? our concept
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will be like this. such that we use the achievements of cybernetics in terms of managing the economy in the interests of people, and indeed in our strategy an engineer who creates new technologies, a scientist, he will be a leader, a locomotive, they have trading, which used to deceiving, they generally put criminal values ​​at the forefront, besides, when we move specifically to the cybernetic economy in the interests of people, of course it will... on the growth of real incomes of citizens, because society always moves forward, must develop progressively, and the fact that robots will replace people, and those people who will be thrown away will not be the same, because every person is valuable, and the starting point of planning has always been that the resource of working time allocated to the economy must be fully used, if you are released, it means they retrain you and involve you in other areas of production, so that everything works together harmoniously in the interests
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of people. this is where the hatred for russia comes from, because the only country that will resist is its internal mission, it will be russia, but for schwab it’s the other way around, how can we lower this world into past centuries, so that everything works against people, and he is absolutely right is trying to convey that in fact what we are considering now is a global, so to speak, global confrontation, when there is...
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moreover, i am sure that russia will offer the world its global project, this is the cyber use of cybernetics in the economy, that is, managing the economy with the most advanced digital achievements in the interests of people, this will be the strongest blow to them, to their concept, first of all, i think china will come with us, since today it is faced with choosing a new model and joining the brix countries. of course, the cis, then europe, they are like that, will seem like a minor nuisance to all of us. like this forecast, that is, imagine, right now , i remember when i was studying in the states, they were just processing scenarios of an attack on critical infrastructure, and what or, for example, on self-driving cars, that at some point you can control it that , intercept, intercept, take it yourself, or even take it and turn it off, how do you like, for example,
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such a future, here’s klaus schwab, that’s... as a matter of fact, that’s how i saw it, well, you noted correctly, of course, americans like to model all sorts of things, there and then about the pandemic, they have been since the time of bush jr. models about terrorism, in this case about some kind of cybernetic electronic attacks, but there really was a serious situation in america, when the entire infrastructure related to the control of pilots, aircraft and control rooms of all structures collapsed, of course, this is primarily connected with the fact that in general the infrastructure in america is outdated, everything that was done here was created back in the eighties, and has not been updated since then, that is, the programming languages ​​used there are very old, everything in general it’s very old, but the fact that it kind of means that it’s taking root, you can organize such an attack like this, blame some , i don’t know, criminals from north korea, hackers from russia, iran, and so on, yes, but of course it will a complete total collapse of the economy for several days, it’s true, it’s possible, so i think that
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by the way, maybe it’s also one of the steps. movement towards that very big or great reset that klau schwab would like, the main task is what is the main task of this whole great reset: to try forces to pull the population, including western countries, out of their comfort zone. yes, people are somehow extremely slow to adapt to these new green trends or, for example, to the same insects, for a long time they tried to introduce the idea with synthetic meat, but this is not a gmo story, but a different one, but it turned out that it was too expensive, so now as if they had switched, for example, to the same insects, that is , gradually, gradually they are shifting the overton window, listen, malik, it seems to me, it looks like some kind of terrible dictatorship, this is a cultural dictatorship, cultural dictatorship in some kind of, what kind of cultural dictatorship is this, it ’s kind of like a tritery of them, to be honest, when everyone means a... they will put them in order, they will force them to walk in formation , they will divide them into certain castes, depending on whether you are worthy or unworthy, but in general , here’s klaus schwab, who are his parents, because you go to the biography, look there in different sources, and there is complete bedlam, that is
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, the first thing is marianne rothschild, then she is a sister in some sources, then she is a wife, then she means she’s almost a mother, it’s impossible find the truth, and the father is the same in some sources he is like that, in other sources... with a different name, but the only miscalculation that klaus schwab made in relation to his father, we will then unravel the thread with you, was when he i signed my book with my own hand for my parents. let's see what it looks like. so, the benefit of the acquirers of capitalism is to my parents, eugin wilhelm, schwab and erika epprecht, who were the first to tell me about value.
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enterprise, it was developing strategic turbines, and these strategic turbines not only, not so much for the german hydropower industry, these were turbines for the only heavy water production plant on the territory of the reich, well, occupied norway, for the nuclear program of the third reich, this turbine was produced only by this plant, respectively, it becomes clear why this company had such a privileged position; they moved from switzerland to austria after. gateway, that is, they could live in neutral switzerland if they wanted, yes and to avoid the whole war, they specifically came to austria in order to work for the third reh, this is also an interesting point, that is, the roots stretch back from there, but, but he hides it, that is, he tries somehow
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not to show it in public field, why do they seem to own everything, much more, well, it’s still unpleasant, yes, the nazi dad made money, it’s clear that there are a lot of them now, but there are ukrainian nazis in canada. yes, who are not shy about anything, yes, but until the last moment they tried to hide it, yes, if dad or grandfather made his capital in the third reich, then they kept silent about it, here are the largest german companies that operate now, which rose then and on hitler’s orders, they are silent about these 12 years of their history, although they made very good money did not want, did not want and does not want his ideas to be associated with nazism and perceived. as a continuation of nazism, and he as a continuator of his father’s work, this is the most unfavorable context for him, so he hides the ends in the water. i'll say what we're on the verge of transition of the so-called bet fascism, again furs’s term bioeco-technofascism.
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based on the principle of the theory of social labeling named after kurtylevin, he determined how to change public consciousness. the fact is that these ideas are not being announced now out of immodesty; they are being announced because we came. effective implementation of what was planned more than 70-80 years ago. this effective implementation presupposes our direct participation in the process of consuming human flesh, and not just insects, professor magnus söderlund , stockholm institute, speeches from 1919 at the gastro-summit, because we need to absorb our own kind, because we need to reduce the world’s population, we must participate in this with you, you, maria, must be personally involved with this agree. you yourself must agree that your organs will be used for another woman, you must rejoice according to the principle of those who destroy me, greeting me with a welcoming hymn. that's why kurt lewin demanded social aggregation, so that people participate
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in the process of destroying themselves, it is the swabian who acts as the herald of these ideas, but the cattle that go to the slaughter should not understand that they are being led to the slaughter, she should rejoice at this, evidence, i have it, at the moment passes carried out already ask en masse. euthanasia in europe, by the way, in belgium even forced euthanasia of children is allowed, but there was just a completely drunk case this summer , the dose of a deadly drug was slightly underestimated and i had to.
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they use a platform
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where they show how beneficial it is if you have psychological disorders, if you have depression, you can climb your skin, that is , do like me, but we will not do it, we will never do it, they say it’s a different world for them, but for everyone else there are glucinogenic mushrooms, lsd, again, how cool this advertisement of poisonous frogs was promoted, we will grow them, you will periodically lick these frogs, and your life will immediately change. i'm not kidding now wait, what can you do with a frog? poisonous glucinogens and frogs, a whole pavilion, millions of dollars, you can’t just play sports there, lead a healthy lifestyle, well, if you’re depressed, they immediately find any solution, but it’s not free, it’s a new concept of a new reality, i would say that we colleagues with you have not discussed one perspective, one plane, but where is the place of the lord god, that is, when we talk about russia, we all have it in our heads that after all, we are in the likeness... that we must observe 10 commandments that
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we have a certain path, that we are going somewhere and that we have some kind of moral code, even in the most dense in quotes, of course in soviet times we had the moral code of the builder of communism, of course don’t kill, don’t steal, behave correctly , men and women test children, and this is a distortion of the image, that is, this is a dispute with the lord god according to bosch, after all, he is a thinker or a follower and a puppet, maybe he is just.
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i can, so, dear friends, new year's holidays, how not to rip your lower back, champagne for everyone, who and how many, a battery from children's toys, how to avoid trouble, the program to live healthy, will help everyone, tomorrow is the first, a new year. how do you celebrate the new year when
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you were young, of course you celebrated it cheerfully, this is your grandfather, yes, and where did your grandfather come from? from india, how did this happen? new year, these are sweet dumplings, did you bring dumplings? yes, yes, let's go, yes, let's get some pilmen, come on, yes! i don't know how to say it in spanish, at my age you shouldn't worry like that. field of miracles, new year's edition. i wish that... all your family and friends were alive and well, in friday on the first, quiet, motor, 100 reasons to love gaytai, i write it down, he says , you know, i won’t lift a big woman, but i’ll carry a small one in my arms,
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let’s kiss quickly, kiss, he says spit, that was it here xp , 100 reasons to watch, gaida films simply overwhelm you with a stream of joy and smiles , everyone dances, 100 reasons to remember gaidai, our generation, my children, my daughter, and my grandchildren watch, repeat all sorts of phrases and jokes , very nice, 100 reasons to talk about gaidai , january, if he starred with gaidai, that means all.
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full of people, and i can’t help but think about her, on the labuna, and there, delight, there’s not much time left for the onset of the new year,
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you definitely won’t forget this new year’s eve , they won’t leave me alone, i’ll be in front of the voices.
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for a long time he was simply, in fact , a fixer, yes, he united politicians and businessmen on his platform, then he began to publish all these crazy books and offer his ideas, but of course, at some point he developed such an incredible god complex, moreover, he himself openly talks about this in some interviews, stating that that he imagines himself there as part of the smartest caste of humanity, which is among the 0.01% of the smartest and most brilliant people, therefore , they say, even at his 85 years old he should head the belderberg club, although he no longer heads it, but nevertheless... very crazy more and more even in the west they are being rebuffed, the very figure of klaus schwab, she is becoming very toxic, you see, klaus schwab and some kind of
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conspiracy theory are becoming synonymous with the whole, that is, they are inventing him there, that is, we are not in vain we work, and we are not in vain we work, there are a lot of critics in the west , you see, everything he says is already a priori perceived very negatively by a considerable part of society, and probably not by the liberal part of society, but by people who adhere and continue to adhere to traditional conservative values, and this is what we say only about... the west is uninhibited, yes, and what can we say about russia, china, other countries, so i think that, of course, sooner or later he will leave, at least because of biological age reasons, but unfortunately, to unfortunately, many of his ideas will remain, these are all the ideas of this liberal caste, so we will have to work with them, even as we have to, because remember, schwab said that he is very proud of raising the younger generation, one of the representatives who is very praises schwab, some wonderful guy, and so on, and his comrade-in-arms , atali, this is tridom. this is young trudeau, this is the prime minister of canada, where not so long ago a nazi was honored in the canadian parliament,
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it is he who is considered to consider himself a student of all these forums? yes , indeed, the topic of young leaders, it arose about 15 years ago at davos, they created a special program, since participation seems to be expensive, but you pay several tens of thousands of dollars there, not everyone has it. but you want to , but if you can’t, well, he’s young and active, and you want to, and your little eyes are shining, here’s the program for young leaders, join, here’s a swabian book , study it, review it, write a poster, go ahead, go out every friday, save the earth, then you will be happy, so they really form the next generations, and for them, you said why everything is so open, cynically open, but because they still don’t understand the secrets, yes, they need to directly write what is good for them. what is bad for them? listen, maybe they really don’t respect the world around them so much that they say: but if you just don’t write a forecast for you, here
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’s a, b, c, d, then it won’t reach you, by the way, here’s their forecast until 2030 of the year. eight predictions for 2030: you will own nothing, but you will be happy, the us will cease being the world's leading superpower, you won't die waiting for organ donations. you will eat much less meat, billions of people will migrate due to climate change, polluters will have to pay for carbon dioxide emissions, you will be able to prepare for a flight to mars, western values ​​will be tested to the limit and limit - western values ​​are obtained from us, business is that schwab knows that the world that he personifies, the world of the western elite, is suffering a catastrophe, and at the same time... he knows that when they use the expression new normality, then they - they cannot explain what it is, that is, the new normality is a concept, i don’t know what
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it is, and it’s an abnormality, they, they are in a situation of abnormality for themselves, they , they see that they are going, there is an internal disintegration of their system and their ideas , including about growth, which they preached at the finishing forum, when businessmen came there, they were sure that they would be told here how money would grow more, now this no, now it's much more ideology. finally, schwab never read marx, if he had read marx, he would have known that every industrial revolution led to a sharp expansion of the middle class, to a sharp increase in wealth, because when machines are replaced by more complex machines, there are more people who work with more complex machines are created, at the same time there are more people who work in the service sector, this gigantic, incredible expansion of the service sector of the 20th century grew precisely because of the development of automation increasing automation, why doesn’t he talk about it? because his world is suffering catastrophes, the world of his masters, in principle , those technological changes that they preach should preserve this world
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and allow it to be destroyed according to plan, so that the elite remains in power, that is, they apparently assume a ban on technology, a ban on education, a ban on professions, in order to keep stable those social structures at the head of which they are and the dollar, that was a very interesting the thought about the end of the british system , when... we began to discuss schwab’s ideas, this is also a sign of an impending disaster, this means that the monetary system of the united states will inevitably collapse, and the very degradation of society in the west, first of all, will be covered up with worms, it’s not called for nothing history with zeroing, and the worm may be a pure distraction, i would say that everything has already happened, the institute of complexity, located in santa fe, at a meeting in 2016, considered four scenarios for the development of humanity. was
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rejected, it was said that we do not have the necessary possionarity for this, the second path is revolutionary, it will be necessary to make some big, well, let’s say, transformations, again for the first reason it is impossible, that is, we cannot do it in a peaceful way and we cannot do it in a revolutionary way we can, the third scenario is an apocalypse, in general everyone died, everything is clear, the fourth scenario, 25% of those present voted for the fourth scenario, it was recognized as optimal, that is, the most appropriate to the conditions of humanity for two different anthropological species, the eloi and morlocks, some eat insects, others eat the meat of cows, some live 120-140 years, i ’m not saying anything on my own right now, this is a protocol, others live 30-50 years, so this was recognized in the future, and now who decides this, a council for inclusive capitalism 147 has now been created, headed by the vatican, headed by lyn forrester de rothschild,
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annual turnover of 10.5 trillion dollars, in command.
8:49 pm
8:50 pm
hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. not you, nikita from kostroma, whose postcard vladimir putin took down the wishes from the christmas tree, saw the hermitage, his impression was a special call.


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