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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  December 28, 2023 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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you start, and we live like some kind of rats in a box, you disappear all day at work, for what? for the victory of communism? igor, i want you to meet a girl, i did, i’ll bring her to dinner, you ’ll like her, so what? true, i thought, maybe that’s why you disappear somewhere until the night, because you simply have no one to return to.
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lyol, good morning, where is gena, he’s already left, it’s strange that he didn’t wake me up, i would have at least prepared breakfast, we talked to him. about what? i think money, what money? for what? thousand, for him to leave you alone? what did you do? he took it as i expected, i know it hurts, but it’s better now, it’s better this way. true,
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i wanted to check, i thought he would refuse, but forgive me, forgive me, forgive me. zosya, i went until the evening, sounding. forgive me, but no, i have nothing to
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apologize for, thank you, for what? if it weren’t for you, i would never have understood what kind of person he is, i was simply cut off from reality, here is the result, a thousand, here we bought tvs, i’ll go.
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at 9:00 zorin performs sotoplasty surgery, levonyan assists, at 10:30 i have recidectomy, assists. mina
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, i also have an appointment, there’s a live queue from 9 to 6, well, that’s no good, we urgently need to find another massage therapist, and we’ll soon start treating him, i ’m looking, lev grigorievich, i’m looking, looking, seagull, no, but you, by the way , today at half past two i have an appointment with neus for a consultation , okay, i’ll have time, so from 2 to 6 i have an appointment, that’s all, what about the horsehair, today, today a man from the hippodrome will come, everything will be fine for you, don’t worry, okay , well, if there are no more questions, then we’ll finish it, uh-huh, evgeniy solomonsky, please help me, uh-huh,
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igor olegovich, for a moment, please, me. i would like to talk with you, but we will have a consultation with maryana, let ’s talk to her myself, i’m sure i can talk about the operation using your technique, of course you will operate, i’ll just prepare it , we agreed, and one more, sorry, that i’m in a hurry, but you had time to think about zos , well, you know, i came late yesterday, and there were family matters in the morning, clearly, in fact, i wanted to say that... “this is a pretty serious step, i’m not sure what ready, no one has you on a rope doesn’t work, it was a simple work proposal, no, no, i also wanted to ask, that’s why now, having such opportunities, you don’t want to try to help the sister here, on the basis of the department, i’ve been doing
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this for 20 years, if i had the opportunity , do you really think that i would make you such an offer ? nino, why did you come back? what happened, lyova, well, you scared me, forgive me, forgive me, stupid joke, can you find me
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a phone number on yana, urgently, urgently, urgently, yes?
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igor olegovich, don’t bother, i overheard, i fought for you, but to operate levonyan will be there, again according to your method, yeah. great, by the way, i came up with one thing, an addition to your scheme, what, we take a solid recard through the cut, fill it with oil, witty, yes, don’t worry , there will be more operations, let’s give my colleague a chance to show himself, he copes well with
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thin seams, what are you, what are you, lev grigorievich, i’m just glad, at the same time i’ll see how he does it, maybe i’ll learn. yes, that's enough, let's get hooks, everything is fine, he's sleeping well. lucy, let's re- card, yeah, let's sew,
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give me some oil. well, success uh-huh, continue, i don’t understand, i’m fine, quiet, quiet, evgeny, please do something already, please, i’m doing everything i can, we don’t
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want to kill her, pressure, 130 at 100, plus, intercept, return to place. yes, i’m used to being with children all the time, i
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’ll tell you this, and there is real medicine, thank you, let me help, thank you, my legs are like cotton wool, i think that you and i deserve 100 grams of armenian koinyak, please come to me, don’t. oh, i wanted to ask you for advice about operations, i want to try complete cutting of the scar, and the addition of my own iskhut, i know such operations are done in the west, yes, my colleague tried something similar, uh.
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can i have a look? igor, can we congratulate you on the publication? i think so, yes,
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it’s been delayed for six months, and it’s finally here. igor's tea! and what happened?
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hello, hello, zosya, this is zorin, yes, yes, igor, tell me what you are doing tonight, maybe we’ll go. theater, wonderful,
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terrible! i'm beautiful, i'm beautiful, men like me, i'm beautiful.
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oh, here you are, why are you doing it yourself, she’s her sister, would have entrusted her, thank you, i’m used to it, look it up, we have a decent establishment here, armanich, i know what else i wanted, and your
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workload, i looked at your schedule, gasped 13 operations a week, more appointments, yes, thank you, i i’ll take it into account, that’s it
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, it didn’t interfere, no, what are you talking about, here’s a smoke break, if you don’t mind, i’ll smoke too. it’s not cozy here, yes, thank you, lev grigorievich, how are you doing, all attention, i’m here to get to know your employees better, not all of them, really, but we had a heart-to-heart talk, so to speak, you have a good team, well-coordinated, without surprises, as we say, well, almost, well, why so, you are a front-line soldier, an honored person. they got used to taking on responsibility, sometimes even increased responsibility, in '43, for example, when they refused to send colonel ivashov to the mainland.
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for this it is necessary for the team to be united , for everyone to feel and share responsibility, excuse me, you are now like at an appointment with a venereologist, you are starting the conversation too far away, let’s be specific about what you need from me, assistance and understanding, nothing more, in what form , let me ask, well, for starters, in the form of a consultation, just a consultation, your, so to speak, opinion, i’ve prepared everything for you. list of employees, it’s the same, but it’s all simple
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, what do you think about a person, what weaknesses does he have, strengths, by the way, we are also interested in your opinion as a leader, i thought those days were over, i understand, these are your people, you trust them. but we also want to trust them, that’s normal, i was glad to see you , i told my parents why they should send their child to boxing, he waved, he used his fists, now we need to do a normal operation
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, flan did the cutting, now, yes, this is interesting, you think, yes, i too, well, i’m hesitating whether to take donor tissue from the boy or from the mother, i ask you to forgive me.
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where is the hemoglobin? haven't returned from the laboratory yet? well, hurry them up. you? am i supposed to call my frisky armenian colleague? if you want, you’d better discharge me , i hate hospitals, maybe i’ll add pain relief, why did you come, why did i
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displease you so much, anna fedorovna, you have a visitor there, well, visiting hours are over, but i i can say for your sake that no, no, don’t let him in, i don’t want him to see me, okay, fetor, what if you don’t want to, we... you don’t understand, he’s very young, god mine, he was only supposed to arrive in a month, well, nothing, nothing, nothing, lie down , i’ll fix it here, we’ll cover everything up, he won’t notice or feel anything, what will i tell him, tell him that the wisdom tooth was removed, and with that they also come to you, of course, with your schedule , even more so they started it, it’s inflamed, so don’t worry, the main thing is, lie down, lie down, wait, what do i look like? like a movie star, dr. zorin, thank you.
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come on in, well, we’re in the boxes, no one will see us , but i’m not afraid, i just don’t want to spoil people’s evening, well , this is too much, in general people are mostly busy with themselves, of course, until they are given the opportunity to point a finger at someone, well... we’re safe here, after all, the theater, the intelligentsia, i like your idealism, igor alegovich, another half hour, maybe a buffet, no, let’s take another walk, i like to come to the third bank, today everything is for you. go
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to hell, lev grigorievich, good evening, who are you? get in the car, no need to refuse, do you often go to the theater? well, i’m trying, our patients, you know, are not easy, they call you, you watched the last one, let me
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remember. there’s no light for a cigarette , oh, what’s wrong with her, nothing, oh well, let me see , take your paw away, why are you jealous or what , you seem to have been busy, go drink your beer, and who are you to tell me , leave him, warm, listen, he’s already screwed, for the most part, take pity on the guy, let’s go, yeah i'm prettier than his woman. igor, that's enough, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, let's do it! immediately,
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please, as you are, you’re alive, go, you can, let’s be careful, it seems we need to go to our hospital.
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hello gelo, how long have we not seen each other, lieutenant for a long time, count half your life, what happened, bad man, didn’t keep his promise, acted a little foolishly, field, yes, now i need a sklif and as soon as possible, you stop, what a sklif, they’re waiting for me there. i’m in all acres of water, this is not my profile, i’m a maxillofacial surgeon, abdominal surgery - this is not mine, but stop it, during the war we stomped everyone, whether in the head or in the stomach, get it lieutenant, we need a tool, timur, everything is ready, look. all you need is, you say,
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you need an assistant, there’s no way without an assistant. “rizu, give him here, let me introduce you, this is your colleague for the near future, an honored orthopedist and my close friend, and anesthesia, what’s going on?” “it’s very bad, we can do it already, we need to wash our hands, it hurts, nothing, nothing, bring
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some alcohol, please, yes, of course. why won’t it heal before the wedding ? how easy is it to make a girl laugh these days? do this? otherwise, nothing, i’ll have to inject anti-tetanus serum, this will be a show, no, no, yes, wow, i wish i could sew up my eyes now, maybe you? “no, no, i’m very afraid of blood, with such and such a brother, well , i’m not present at operations, and , thank god, he doesn’t bring anyone home, very in vain,
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yes, and where am i, uh, quiet. ay, i can say one thing for sure, today the evening was a success, but it’s better for lev grigorievich not to know about the grave. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6,
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ready. let’s just not have any surprises, i would ask you not to touch the patient with your hands, we also you need penicillin, what kind of penicillin, penicillin, antibiotic, if you don’t want your boss to die of sepsis, now i’ll ask what they brought, the sooner the better, what will you do, of course. “no, no, i’m a random person here, none of this concerns me, calm down, no, calm down, where is your self-control, you’re a doctor, everything will be fine, we’ll handle everything, it’s not like that in war,
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do you hear me, you won’t fall into a stupor like you, so let’s go slowly, colleague, okay, slowly, what do we care about all this, this is all absolutely impossible." so okay , we didn’t start from that at all, let’s get acquainted, my name is lev grigo, i don’t care at all what your name is , i won’t tell you my name either, everything is terrible, it shouldn’t be like this, i i didn’t want to, if it weren’t for a long time , worry, i don’t know where they got you from, who you are to them, he said, a close friend, and i’m here by chance, and if it weren’t for the house... i also have a debt, i swear by apollo the doctor , by all the gods and goddesses, whom i take as witnesses to perform honestly, this is familiar to you, this is familiar, this is good.
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my god, what kind of look do you have, and what
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kind of look do you have? but what is this? never mind, it was me who got into trouble, all like my father, will you tell me about this joint of yours later? and what is there for what? oh my good, good boy. you know that i ’m doing everything for you, mom, let’s go, now you’ll see you’ll fall, and this is my dear, handsome, right, why did you get up, this is natasha, don’t you recognize it, daughter? sofia petrovna from the patent office, you
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and she were at the dacha together, in komarovo, remember, yeah, you were very little then, and igoryusha was already older, he took such good care of you, led you by the hand all the time, carried strawberries from the garden, that’s where my allergy came from? igoryusha, can you hear me? natasha is now finishing her graduate studies in moscow. an excellent student receives a lenin scholarship. future biologist, geneticist. geneticist. igor, do you hear? it's amazing. inka petrovna, i ’ll probably go. no, no, no, no, no one is going anywhere.
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natasha, let's go eat with you, because otherwise she won't leave you alone, and then i 'll take you in a taxi, especially since we you are almost colleagues, i won’t, i insist like a doctor, we’ll still take a sip,
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armenovich, do you hear me? good morning, dear tv viewers! arina sharapova is with you, on the calendar december 28, this is
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thursday, the last thursday of the outgoing year, time flies just quickly, so we don’t waste a second, we have so much to do this morning, choose tinsel for the christmas tree and sausage for olivier, remember how it’s safe to set off fireworks, calculate how much food you need to prepare for the new year’s table, and of course, cook something this is new year’s, well, in general, we have extensive plans, so we don’t waste time, we’re running back. we also take the children with us. good morning. you went for a walk with the children, i suggest you spend this time usefully, get some fresh air and at the same time warm up, so that gymnastics will be a joy for the children, i stocked up on trick hands, they look like magic wands, hold them, feet together, shift
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from foot to foot, we take turns raising either the right or the left heel, the toes are always pressed to the ground, remember, yes! and let’s connect our hands, we smoothly spread them to the sides and raise them up as high as possible, reach for the sky, then stretch our arms forward, well done, continue, and now let’s slightly complicate the exercise, raise our arms to the side and move our wrists up. down, we warmed up, warmed up and had fun, you liked it, yes, then you can continue your walk, what year
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is coming, many are probably grinning now, and by the way, the question is not as banal as it seems, it’s ours 2024 is coming. and for some , next year’s calendar will have completely different numbers. time travel is simple, i wanted to go to the future, i flew to thailand, to the past - to egypt. we are not talking about the standard of living or the style of architecture, literally, 2024 is close here, in other countries, look, this is what a chronological map of the world might look like. why do so many years, religion and politics determine the beginning of calendars? the basic principle is either creation, or some kind of religious or political phenomenon, the coming of jesus, the flight of muhammad, or some kind of political event. in japan it is now the fifth year, they consider the departure to the throne of the current emperor. in israel - from the creation of the world 5784, in afghanistan and iran -
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1402, this is the hijri calendar, from arabic - this is migration, migration of the prophet. from mecca medina, it is from this starting point that the spread of islam is taken, but the new year begins on march 21, on the day, more precisely at the moment of the spring equinox. they calculate at what moment, at what second, sometimes it is 12:32 minutes, 7 seconds, the new year begins. it’s more difficult in the countries of the middle east, people also think, but they don’t live according to the solar, but according to... the beginning of the month is considered inability, the so-called, this is when you see a narrow crescent of the moon, that is , the emerging, nascent moon in the sky, bring back my 2016, this is ethiopia, in the year 500
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the catholic church changed the calculations of the date of birth of jesus christ, but the ethiopian church did not do this, but the most difficult tasks. calculus in india and southeast asia. indian, nepalese and thai calendars are relatives. relatives. immediate relatives. they lunisolar came out of hinduism, but variations with the advent of buddhism a lot appeared. in india alone. coastal territories use one calendar, island territories another. they're fine. but everywhere, at the same time, she uses our generally accepted gregorian calendar, says travel blogger natalya. time zones create more problems than chronology, but it’s interesting to study coins, translate hieroglyphs, understand numbers, so what year is it now is a logical question for an experienced traveler. varvara fedorova, sergey morin, channel one. and our good morning continues, we go
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then we dive into the ocean of the internet, our columnist yegor uspensky has just ready another selection of fresh videos. and... our video parade opens with a cat named martin, his owner installed a smart faucet with a photocell in the kitchen and discovered that, contrary to expectations, the plant’s payments did not decrease, on the contrary, they increased, the reason for the overpayments was martin, or rather his tail. catch me if you can, this is us about the heroes of our next video. six months ago, alan smith saved two baby squirrels, they grew up and became stronger, and now so they play tag with their savior, but the rollers are invariably collected. likes on the internet. how does groundhog day begin? we can’t speak for all the marmots, but for this one it starts with morning exercises. first the front passes the lane. paws, then the hind legs, does everything slowly, with feeling, with sense, with arrangement, well, correctly, in a healthy body, a healthy mind. well, in conclusion,
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let me introduce you to an unusual artist, his name is tom baker. he became famous on the internet for his winter landscapes on the windows. tom creates with the help of these cans of decorative snow. well, you can see for yourself what he can do. by the way, this beauty brings good dividends to tom. the new year, which, let me remind you, is only 4 days away, is a family holiday, when it is customary to gather at the same table with family,
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friends, and friends, and the heroes of our next report will celebrate this holiday away from home, this is their job, but i am absolutely sure , the relatives of our heroes will definitely congratulate and wish you happiness in the new year, from the very center of antarctica, congratulations on the new year! a little girl from the city of arkhangelskary, my niece, this congratulation will give you a new year's staska, it's -82° outside, off-road, 69th antarctic expedition, vostok station, 15,000 km from home, that's exactly where you can't order products for olivier, but the expedition itself lasts more than a year, which means... the polar explorers will not see their relatives soon, so they wrote down a new year's message: happiness, health, all the best. in
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our hands you see a snow-firn core, mined from a depth of 50 m, which is more than a thousand years old, congratulations, hurray, hurray, this vladimir telnyuk, the christmas tree, will also celebrate the new year away from home, always with me. in the month of december, he has been working as a truck driver for more than 30 years, if he is carrying urgent cargo, he does not stop even at midnight , when the time is right, we will stop by the parking lot, sit with the guys, drink tea, celebrate the new year, and they will definitely call their loved ones, and for now you can’t take your eyes off the road, so video greetings to the family, happiness, health, all the best, holidays without loved ones are also a whole test for relatives, artyom dubovtsev, a process engineer, is now on duty...
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holidays are new; he will celebrate this new year at the compressor station of the main gas pipeline in the amur region. we are ready to welcome the new year. despite the fact that the installations are automated, it cannot be done without a person, so he will be able to see his loved ones only after 2 weeks. hi how are you doing? everything is fine, how are you? okay, how are we doing? yes, we are working, it’s cold, it’s true, but it’s okay, but the gas workers are not discouraged, they create their own mood, they decorate.
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he also takes away the little hooligan miracle, and kaza kamori, having grown up a year ago, no longer chews everything in a row, from technicians’ hair to
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documents, but meticulously chooses her favorite... delicacy, pumpkin, for example, is the most beloved among us, but how can you not be sick when even after 11 months also alpaca and the village of natukhaevskaya still behaves like a trusting child, she just wants to treat her with something tasty, she can play mischief, she can jump, gallop, shows that she is a baby, everything here is like with teenagers, it seems that gray child's swan leaves in crimea fluff, the reindeer's antlers become hard, everything is almost like in adults, almost in... basically the mother plays a big role, the mother comes up first, if the baby sees, then she begins to come up behind her, and if the mother allows it, you can take a selfie with the person do, the babies of the eastern colobbus in izhevsk do not leave their mother, the youngest, and this is most likely a girl, one and a half months old, you see, the fur is still completely white, the older guy , already with a dark color, was born six months ago, but is already mischievous, takes away from eats or pulls others
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for the wool, but what independent tymarins they are. they only seem like babies and , by the way, they are already 7 months old. they exceeded their birth weight by more than 15 times, because they were literally 30 grams each, now each weighs just over 400 grams. eight-month-old dry clothes won’t approach guests so boldly, of course, they will take a long time to look closely. but the japanese crane ryusha is ready to be surprised, it seems, by everything he sees. in general, the snow did not react. very interesting, especially when the first snow fell, he was running around catching snowflakes. let's see how it snows this little panda from the moscow zoo will react, she is already taking confident steps and exploring the world. we keep track of her age directly in days. the veterinarian closely monitors measurements every 10 days, but she is still very young . there is always increased attention to such babies, especially if the animals are heat-loving animals, be it a panda or baby
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porcupines. born in crimea in september. we'll see how they grow up in 2000. well, yes, the coming year is the year of the dragon according to the eastern calendar, and the dragon is said to love everything bright and shiny, which means, dear women, you and i have a wonderful reason to shine on new year’s eve, right down to the tips of your nails. on new year's eve you want to shine, so i suggest complementing your festive look with a manicure with rhinestones. you. let's lay them out in the shape of snowflakes, put a drop of transparent varnish on the nail plate until the sticky layer has dried, lay out the rhinestones, place the largest piece of glass in the middle, around it are five small ones to make the snowflakes openwork, lay out small beads between the rhinestones, and outline the pattern with clear varnish , if this is not
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done, the rhinestones will begin to spread out according to... the shape, i'm applying the finishing coat to secure the new year's decor, look how beautiful it turned out, manicure with sparkling snowflakes, looks mesmerizing, happy upcoming holiday. the winter this year turned out to be the right one, so snowy, in some places there is more than enough snow, but there is also ice, but this is not a reason to grumble, but for the heroes of our next report, this is actually a reason to invent something useful. a device for dealing with this same snow and ice at the same time. to fight snow superhero style with sparkle. andrey kolesnikov assembled this flamethrower himself from a fire extinguisher. it also required guns for polyurethane foam, water taps and a year of work, figuring out how to connect it all so that it could be held in each hand for convenience. the fire reaches 4 m in each direction, in any
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direction. the neighbors, of course, are surprised , but with the flamethrower, how... he drives into any gate and is economical for one hour for 200 g of fuel, when there is a lot of snow, he drives the whole street, but since the width is small, he starts to clear our way , here we only support the shovels a little, they would also have some means to fight ice, like the chelyabinsk inventor konstantin leonov, he was tired of the city turning into an ice rink every year, like washing the floor, here
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about the same movement is happening, here it is our ice. there is no ice, and the person does not fall. the retired engineer is a real innovator, he says that such a roller with needles will save utility workers a lot of time. i talked to the workers, they saw it, grabbed their hands, they said, we want to work with this thing, and so do i, as i see the solution to this problem, together with others, with shovels, with scrapers, with brooms, there must be such a device, the most difficult thing remains - to introduce rollers into the clumsy housing and communal services system. victoria edinova, nazir nagumanov, channel one. herring under a fur coat, frankly speaking, is not the lowest-calorie salad, but new year's eve is such a time. when i think i can afford it, and i can also experiment. maria surova suggests rolling herring under a fur coat into rolls, friends. is it possible to eat herring under a fur coat?
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surprise guests? now there will definitely be a real culinary experiment. i boil the potatoes, carrots and beets separately, otherwise it will color the vegetables, and i need the layers to be clearly visible. i take out the carrots first, then the potatoes, and the beets are cooked last, let them cool and peel them. it is better to work with beets with gloves, they need to be cut into very thin slices, it is more convenient to do this with a cabbage grater, i select only even circles, they will create all the beauty. i'll make a meatless version, so without eggs, and the rest ingredients are the same as for a regular fur coat. i grate it on a fine grater. the onions are thin feathers and you need to marinate them to make the taste more delicate. for the marinade: salt, sugar, apple cider vinegar and a spoonful of water, leave for 10 minutes. well, i start
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forming the rolls, it’s convenient to do this on a bamboo sushi mat, i wrap it in film, lay out the beet slices overlapping so that there are no gaps left anywhere until the middle of the mat. i cover it with a grid of lean mayonnaise and spread it like this. no need, i lay out the carrots, leaving a strip of beets empty, then potatoes, all the ingredients need to be compacted a little, pour mayonnaise on it, the filling, of course , is herring, cut a thicker strip of fillet, lay out lettuce leaves for beauty and herring on them, drain the marinade, lay out the onion in a strip next to the fish, roll it up, holding the filling, i press down , but not too much, so that nothing falls out , i shape the roll with these movements, and carefully remove the mat, wow , it worked, i cut it into portions with a very sharp
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knife, decorate with drops of mayonnaise and green onion feathers, the new year's experiment was a success, our program continues, now we give the floor to our colleagues from... an important stronghold of the armed forces of ukraine in the donetsk direction of the special operation, under heavy enemy fire, motorized riflemen were able to get close to enemy positions, let grenades enter, quickly occupied trenches from the air, the actions of the fighters were corrected by drone operators,
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some of the militants was destroyed, one surrendered. at the positions they captured an entire arsenal of 10 western-made anti-tank systems, as well as five more javelins, swedish grenade launchers, ammunition, equipment surveillance communications. russian paratroopers in the kherson region. awards were presented right on the front line to military personnel who distinguished themselves during the liberation of the village of maryinka. 45 fighters from units of the southern group of troops
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were awarded orders of courage, medals for bravery, rescuing those who died for bravery, as well as st. george’s crosses. the heroes were thanked for their perseverance and professionalism, wished good luck and feats of arms. and more about the heroes of the special operation, communication vehicle. daniil bogdanova came under fire and the antenna was damaged right while driving, showing courage and bravery, daniil climbed onto the roof of the car and restored the operation of the station, private ivan. udilov removed the equipment that was carrying ammunition to russian units from under fire, delivered the cargo on time without loss, and provided fire support to our advancing units. that ukraine has finally lost the territories whose residents have decided to reunite with russia is being said more and more loudly in the west and they are advising kiev to come to terms and seek at least a temporary ceasefire. american newspaper new the york times recalls that the front stretched over a thousand kilometers.
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the counteroffensive is failing, the hope for western technology has not materialized, politicians in the us and europe, understanding the situation, have refused to provide critical assistance this year, in the future there is only a long war of attrition, new losses and instability throughout the continent, which postpones the ukrainian rapprochement with europe. kiev is being persuaded to acknowledge the real state of affairs, the loss of a fifth of its territory, and is preparing for negotiations. for vain hopes, after his recent visit to washington, mr. zelensky should have no illusions that the american money tap will continue to be fully open, especially if trump returns to the white house. the americans are echoed in germany by the prime minister of saxony , michael kretschmer, who also advises kiev to accept the fact that the territory lost to the federal government of his country proposes that instead of supplying arms, move to diplomacy in order to achieve a ceasefire.
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at the end of the year, the united states announced the last batch of aid to ukraine from pentagon warehouses will send ammunition for air defense systems and hymers, stinger manpads, shells, explosive cartridges for only 250 million dollars and the cherry on the cake is another 20 million from biden as a promise, but for now the question is for approval by the state department. in recent months , the generous flow of american aid has noticeably become scarce; western media recalls that they managed to pass $110 billion through congress.
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servicing the debt, there are no more funds for social obligations, they will save on medicine and education, about this they say in the budget committee of the verkhovna rada, and the head of the ministry of finance sergei marchenko even stated that public consumption needs to be limited several times. ukraine's new budget includes a deficit of more than $40 billion. kiev is eager to receive the missing money from europe and needs the money already in march, but the eu has not yet agreed on a new aid package. and the last thing: the new year is very soon, and many are already wondering what the weather will be like for the holiday, the hydromedical center said that in the urals it will be very cold, in the serdlovsk region on the night of january 1 to -27, in the tyumen region -30°, in the emal-nenennitsky district -35, in yakutia in chukotka in the khabarovsk territory from 40 to 50 with a minus sign, but in the south of siberia the temperature is expected to be 10° above normal, -4 in the altai territory, -6 in kemerovo. regions up to -3 in
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the altai republic. it will be warm in the south of the european part of the country, in the krasnodar territory and crimea it will generally be above zero. 13°, up to 15 below zero the thermometer will show in st. petersburg, but there is no clarity with moscow yet, the capital will be on the border of a cyclone and anticyclone, so the spread is large from zero to -10. well, the forecast for today is -4 and icy conditions. that's all for now, now a good morning to my colleagues. good morning, dear tv viewers, arina sharapova is with you, on the calendar december 28, this is thursday, the new one is almost at the door, so readiness, my friends, is number one, well, what would a new year be without a christmas tree, the main christmas tree of the country, the main beautiful forest beauty, which decorated the cathedral square of the moscow kremlin, is already making us happy and giving us a new year's miracle, a new year's performance has started in the kremlin, for the new ready. the main christmas tree of the country was chosen in
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the village of fryanovo, moscow region, brought to the kremlin to the cathedral square, decorated, and here it is elegant. a magnet for smiles, now there are even more of them from those who go to the kremlin christmas tree shows, which have just started. i think that the kremlin christmas tree is a miracle, it’s beautiful, there are gifts here, santa claus comes out, the children are like that. joyful, i was probably surprised by the scale, because last year it seemed to me that there was less of this. this is already a tradition, with everyone every year the tree gets bigger. compare, for example, what the first christmas tree was like in the kremlin 69 years ago. back costume ball. now it ’s a spectacular show, but one thing remains the same, emotions are always over the edge. faye of the state kremlin palace, the first part of the performance is massive. young viewers get to know fairy-tale characters. on
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the main stage - part two of the theatrical performance 39 new year, there is a troupe of 200 actors on stage. there are famous characters in the play, this is budemir, the princess of the dream. reality is intertwined, i really i liked it, i’ve never seen anything like this , the plot is very interesting, really fascinating , the performance was very cool, i liked the costumes in all the fairy tales, good always wins, in life good
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wins, yes, always, it’s impossible to miss, every day until january 9th three sessions a day, with the exception of december 31 and january 1, on these days there are two sessions, ruslan yunyaev, mikhail. new year is a very bright, cheerful, noisy holiday. of course, it is not surprising that on the eve of the new year sales always jump sharply firecrackers, fireworks, firecrackers, of course, i want to celebrate the holiday beautifully, but let's not forget about caution, please, attention, so as not to spoil this holiday for yourself and others, new year. with a spark and risk to life, we are for safe fireworks, we launch together with the engineer of the state fire supervision ivan kolpakov, on an authorized site, this is the first condition. on the website of the prefecture, or on
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the website of the district government, information is posted where this site is defined, must contain power line away from trees and residential buildings. well, and other structures, its radius is not less than the maximum radius of the danger zone, for pyrotechnics of the third class of fire hazard rockets and solar batteries 30 m, the second ground fireworks and firecrackers - 5 m, the first firecrackers and sparklers half a meter, let's start with them at arm's length, turn away from the audience, the rules for launching, even firecrackers, are always written on the packaging, observing them is the second important condition, these sparks can go straight to your eyes... you must hold them so that the sparks do not get on your clothes, on your skin, i got hit, as soon as i bent my arm at the elbow, the following firecrackers are of two types: grating and fetal, both of them are extremely unpredictable, if you hesitate a little, they can explode in your hand, look, it almost
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exploded in your hand, well, yes, you can’t hesitate, we throw it away right away away from yourself, run away, flying away as quickly as possible. we run back, then a roman candle, it is important to correctly install the snowdrift vertically at 2/3 of the length, you cannot install it , as they say, a little bit like that during volleys it may fall to continue your work in a horizontal position, even it’s scary to imagine, you can see for yourself, the volleys are powerful, now there’s a fountain, we level the area under it, sprinkle snow on the sides, but look... the wind has risen, the flame of the spark is strongly blown to the side, in such gusts it is no longer advisable to use technical products , it’s even prohibited, the wind died down , we take out the fireworks battery, by the way, for pyrotechnics, especially such serious ones, only in a specialized store, this is the third important
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condition, the seller must have certificates, buy fireworks in advance, think about where to store them so as not to keep them overnight, for example in car, as some people usually do, she says it was lying with me. it exploded well because it died out. our box is in order, we tear off the lid, place it strictly vertically, without tilting, deep, firmly in the snow. try it, doesn't it rock? no, it's worth it. let's set fire, run away, enjoy the beauty. but remember, new year's is the only night of the year when this is allowed in most regions. natalya kovaleva, denis ponomarev, ksenia maklyak, channel one. i thought it would be much worse. you are the subject of my professional pride, what happened the other, of course, is such a man, such a man, who does not want, everyone wants, but not everyone will get it. doctor preobrazhensky, watch the time after the program
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, this evening is very, very significant for me, because it was on december 31, 50 years ago, that the light appeared on me, and i, of course, have to ask who you are, but i know it’s your birthday.
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december 31st on the first, so answer quickly, without hesitation, new year's salad is what, right? olivier, how tasty it turns out, largely depends on what kind of sausage, or ham, or maybe carbonate, what to choose and how to choose correctly, anastasia telia understood this difficult but very important issue. a classic doctor’s version for those who like it more tender, ham, so that you can feel the pieces of meat, but also for lovers of smoked meats, carbonate is not for a sandwich, for a new year’s olivier salad, no matter what recipes there are. you get a classic, i have something in between, these will be new items, but first we remember what
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is important when choosing, sausage maker igor jagiello will help, he advises buying similar products in a natural casing, it tastes better, when the sausage undergoes heat treatment, it goes through cooking, frying and smoking, but the natural one retains more of this smoked taste and it will be more interesting already on your table, if additionally in a vacuum, there is no swelling moisture, the product itself... is better than gost so as not to doubt the composition, the first place in it, of course, is meat, pork, beef, plus water, this is the basis for carbonate and ham, in the doctor’s room, plus eggs or egg melange, milk powder, spices, edibles are also allowed, but strictly defined, color fixative and antioxidant for safety, the product sits on the counter for a long time, and no starch is important, it retains moisture, so the manufacturer saves on meat, you can add not 200 g, but 300 g of liquid and... this will be a plus, as if in weight, for sure we check the category, but only the doctor's
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one is better, and the ham is ideally b, the carbonate is not indicated, now you can open it, the mood is already new year's, a drizzle of snowballs has enveloped you, make sure you don't freeze, we look at the cut, the color of all products should be a pleasant grayish- pink, boiled sausage, at the same time, the texture is smooth, holes like these are the norm, if not more than 2 mm, clearly expressed , yes, it’s as if it could already be either repackaged, or the preparation technology at the enterprise was violated, the pieces are elastic, do not break when twisted, which means with the composition definitely everything is in order, this applies to ham, plus here we estimate the proportions of the ingredients in the cut, well, about 10 percent fat, beef, also 20 percent, and the rest is all pork, for smoked carbonate we also check the color on top, it’s good when it rich golden, if...
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in 855, given that tin cans appeared 45 years before that, i wonder how they were opened all this time, well, they probably suffered somehow, so that you and i wouldn’t suffer, especially during the holidays, we will now choose the most convenient, safe and practical can opener. together with the medvedev family we are rehearsing the pre-new year culinary preparations: olivier salad, crab salad, mimosa, yes, a canning bar. so you'll have to open a lot. for the new year, we always cut at least three salads. it's time
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choose a convenient can opener, compare three options: timeless classics for 150 rubles. a sophisticated multitool. 14 in one for 600 and an electric opener with batteries for a thousand, chef konstantin arutyunovl will help, which sample will cope with the task faster? reade set go! victor opened the can with the simplest can opener in the first 27 seconds and he was done. the knife is very practical and convenient. second place went to the electric opener; anna needed exactly twice as much time, 54 seconds. no need at all attach. put so much effort, he opens it himself, maybe it seems to me that he should even leave, the multifunctional multitool completely let me down, it turned out to be inconvenient to operate it, precisely due to the wide variety of attachments, it’s difficult to hold scissors, a screwdriver, and a corkscrew, so i had to tinker for 3 minutes 19 seconds, during operation the knife begins to move, such a backlash occurs, and
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accordingly in the future there is a high probability that it will simply fail, which cannot be said about... a classic opener. it’s not for nothing that our grandmothers are still like this used cheaply and cheerfully, and will last a long time. it is made of stainless steel, so rust should not appear, there is a stop so that the knife can move well around the can. the only negative, like the multitool, leaves torn edges on the can. it’s unsafe, it’s easy to get hurt, plus with such a knife you need strength and dexterity will not be easy if you’re not used to it. therefore, an electric opener is an alternative. of course, it’s more expensive, but it will do everything for you, and the seams are perfectly even, no burrs at the edges. we have this opener has a magnet, we have a magnet on the surface of our jar and knives cut through our jar and accordingly you and i will open it without getting hurt. the main thing is not to forget to change the batteries, well, just in case, have a simple
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can opener on hand, and a multitool is an excellent option for hiking and picnics; a compact one will not take up much space. anna grebenshchikova, denis zharov, channel one. two in one, table decoration and delicious snack. chef olga senatorova will share with us one new year and christmas idea. take it please note. there is very little time left until the new year. and if you haven’t yet finally come up with a holiday menu, here’s an original idea for you. let's make an edible new year's wreath from cheese. hard and brine, mix with egg, add a little mayonnaise, you should get a dense mass, form balls, place bowls with multi-colored seasonings next to them, roll
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the balls in them, i have sesame seeds, dried dill, curry, smoked paprika, decorations for the new year's wreath are ready , instead of spruce branches rosemary, i washed and dried it in advance , put the sprigs on a dish, like this in the form of a ring, decorate with cheese balls, it looks beautiful, the appetizer looks like an elegant new year's wreath, and preparing the dish is as easy as pie, how do you celebrate the new year when you are young, of course they answered cheerfully, this is your grandfather, yes, and where did your grandfather come from india, how did this happen, leave the new
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year - these are sweet dumplings, you brought dumplings, yes, yes, let's do it, yes? let's drink, come on, yeah, i don't know how to say it in spanish, at my age you can't do that worry, field of miracles, new year's episode, i wish that all your family and friends are alive and well, tomorrow on the first day, vodka. veta, a product of stellor group. paid subscriptions, oh, i'm tired of them. no, there are, of course, useful ones, but there are also downright harmful ones, which are invented by all sorts of scammers and then make money on our inattention. my girlfriend spent half a day cooking yesterday. such beauty
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requires a festive atmosphere. and by the way, in addition to delicious food, we discovered a new deception scheme. it doesn’t seem to be large-scale, but it’s unpleasant, imagine that you are looking for some special new year's recipe and suddenly find it? ends in the most interesting place, then you are asked to enter your phone number, supposedly to register on the site, or perhaps also to protect against spam. i left my mobile yesterday, and what do you think? it turned out that in this way i signed up for a paid subscription to the online newsletter. for 250 rubles a month they promised to send me a poster for all the concerts that will... take place in the city, why pay for it, information is free everywhere, in general, it’s good that i noticed this right away, but unfortunately, not everyone is so attentive,
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this is what the creators of such sites are counting on, what i recommend doing in such situations, open a personal account on the mobile operator’s website if you have paid subscriptions, you will see it, we turn it off, and if you don’t use your personal account, then at least once every two times. month, call your operator’s hotline and do not leave your phone number on dubious accounts; there are many recipes on the internet that do not come with a paid fee. subscription. with coming. on the calendar on december 28, we continue to sum up the results of the outgoing year and right now the brightest hockey events of 2023. our colleague , sports journalist of channel one, dmitry terikhov. tickets for matches regularly. the khl championships are selling out like hot cakes; you literally can’t get to the playoff games. last season , the knockout round included a record 87 matches,
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which were attended by almost 730,000 spectators, starting from the second round, an average of 9,286 people came to each game, this is the best indicator for 15 years. gagarin cup winner cska almost reached the limit in the number of meetings in one draw, 27 out of 28 possible. the army team won in the final. mikhail grigorenko was recognized as the most valuable player of the decisive series, and at the end of the playoffs he became the top scorer with 25 points and a sniper with 12 goals. sergei fedorov deserves special mention, who started coaching from scratch in 2021 and immediately won two gagarin cups. this season , cska does not yet look so convincing, being located in the middle of the western table. conference and being in the shadow of fellow countrymen from spartak. the red and white, led by super-scorer nikolai goldobin, began. the main discovery of the first part of the regular season is rightfully one of the leaders in the summary table, and ilya kovalchuk is certainly considered the favorite in the comeback of the year category. 21 years later, he
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reunited with alexei zhamnov, and if at the olympics in salt lake city they played together for the russian national team, then recently forty-year-old kovalchuk has been playing for his native spartak under the leadership of zhamnov with all his might scores. by tradition, russian hockey players play leading roles overseas. ivan borbashov contributed to vegas golden night's victory in the cup. for the moscow dynamo graduate , this trophy became the second in his career. alexander ovechkin took first place among his compatriots in the number of matches in the nhl and continues to chase wayne gretzky's eternal record for the number of goals in the regular season. the legendary canadian captain washington has just over sixty times left to distinguish himself. another achievement in the number of winning goals before is just around the corner. czech jaromir jagr's performance is less than 20 accurate shots. a historic event happened this nhl season. for the first time we scored in one game. four russians from the same team: dmitry voronkov, ivan provorov, egor chinakhov and kirill marchenko, playing for columbus. this didn’t happen even during the time of the famous russian five in detroit, but
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the scoring race is currently headed by nikita kucherov, a two-time stanley cup winner with tampa. we're going to the cinema on new year's day. on january 1 , the film serf 2 will be released nationwide. klima shipenka. starring milos bikovich, aglaya tarasova. of course, we can’t miss this one, so i have an idea, let’s go to paris , let’s re-educate this major, hey, my daughter woke up, 4 years ago, the bachelor broke box office records, we demanded a continuation of the banquet, this winter the bachelor is with us again, some a rich dude, and a fiancé, this is still a movie about a man who wants to become good, but doesn’t know yet... so there was an embarrassment, typical major behavior. grisha kidnaps the daughter
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of an official, the eccentric, spoiled katya, the same as he himself once was, taking her to the same village for re-education, i would at least hear your voice, and you are creaking almost the same thing with a chair. at the moment, klim was still joking all the time that the soup should be very good. and i understand that in the same frame they are pouring it on me, in fact, and i say, klim, this is so fundamentally important that i, of course, can sacrifice my face, but it will be for one. take, there was only one take for this scene, the boat had to crash flawlessly into the brand new, just rebuilt cafe decoration. the first serf brought 11 million people to the cinema, filming a film called challenge in space, director krim shipenko returned to earth with new ideas on a cosmic scale. we wanted to triple the impression, even five times
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more, of making the village. laughed, cried, who stepped on whose feet? i hope that i stepped on him more, i tried, the first viewers have already shared their impressions at the premiere. very cool, very cool, we spent time in this village, which was not filmed for 3 months after filming and i was re-educated, a bit of a fairy tale, a bit reality, a little of this surrealism, this is what we all need for the new year, we believe that the film will tear everyone apart, the comedy serf 2 is in theaters from january 1, we celebrate the new year and
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fly to the cinema. brilliant! svetlana neimanis joseph kobrin, stepan erofeev, channel one! our program continues, now we give the floor to colleagues from the information service of channel one. we will find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour? the news release is on air. and we will meet with you in just a few minutes. this is the news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, the army aviation crew on mi-28 helicopters as part of a strike group attacked enemy strongholds and manpower in the donetsk direction with unguided missiles, special operations worked on targets and su-25 attack aircraft from low altitudes shot at enemy positions in the krasno-liman direction in novomikhailovka, temporary
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deployment points for the concentration area. the enemy's manpower was destroyed by the pilots and artillerymen of the vostok group of forces. iron enemy the positions were assisted by the artillery of the southern troop group. there, an assault group of motorized riflemen captured an important stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces, where there was an entire arsenal. there are at least ten western-made anti-tank systems alone. in the kherson region, russian paratroopers competently used lancet loitering ammunition, hitting a gvozdik self-propelled gun, a truck and an enemy tank on the right bank of the dnieper. in the kupinsky direction, reconnaissance forces of the west troops group using the fagot swinging anti-tank missile system destroyed the ukrainian observation landing and shot. the servicemen who distinguished themselves during the liberation of the village of maryenko were presented with well-deserved awards by 45 fighters
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from the yuzhny group of forces. awarded orders of courage, medals for courage, saving those who died for bravery, as well as st. george's crosses. the heroes were thanked for their perseverance and professionalism, wished good luck and feats of arms. and more about the heroes of the special operation, warrant officer daniil bogdanov’s communications vehicle came under fire and the antenna was damaged right while driving, showing courage and bravery, daniil climbed onto the roof of the car and restored its functionality. that ukraine has finally lost the territories whose residents have decided to reunite with russia is being said more and more loudly in the west and they are advising kiev to come to terms and seek at least a temporary ceasefire. the american newspaper new york times recalls that the front stretched for more than 100 km in
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the counter-offensive. fails, the hope for western technology did not materialize, politicians in the usa and europe, understanding the situation, refused provide critical aid this year, the future is only a long war of attrition, more casualties and instability across the continent that delays the ukrainian escape with europe indefinitely. kiev is being persuaded to acknowledge the real state of affairs, the loss of a fifth of its territory, and is preparing for negotiations. there is no reason to have vain hopes. echoed in germany , saxony prime minister michael kretschmer also advises kiev to accept the fact that the territory is lost, and the federal government of its country offers instead arms supplies move to diplomacy to achieve a ceasefire. at the end
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of the outgoing year, the united states announced the last batch of aid to ukraine; from pentagon warehouses they will send ammunition for air defense systems and hymers, manpads, stinger, shells, explosive cartridges for only $250 million and the cherry on the cake. another 20 million from biden as a promise, but for now the question is for approval by the state department. in recent months , the generous flow of american aid has become noticeably scarcer. western media remind that they managed to pass $110 billion through congress for ukraine. large infusions continued until the republicans gained a majority in the house of representatives. and in ukraine itself , schismatics are already fighting not only against the canonical orthodox church; as it turned out, now muslims are also hindering them. jews and even protestants, the pretext for persecution is still the same, supposedly representatives of these religions support the russian world ; for example, the speaker of the schismatic church evstrate zarya did not hesitate to accuse them of this, and spoke out in the spirit that muslims, jews and protestants
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it is necessary to extend the effect of the new law, which has already been adopted by the verkhovna rada in the first reading, this law is essentially aimed at banning the canonical ukrainian orthodox church, human rights activists have said more than once that it violates human rights... and lastly, the new year is coming very soon , many are already wondering what the weather will be like at the hydromedical center for the holiday, they said in the urals, it will be very cold, in the sverdlovsk region on the night of january 1 -27, in the tyumen region - 30° below zero, in the yamalonennetsky district - 35, in yakutia in chukotka in khabarovka. region from 40 to 50 with a minus sign, in the south of siberia temperatures are expected to be 10° above normal -4 in the altai territory, -6 in the kimerovo region to -3 in the altai republic, it will be warm in the south of the european part of the country, in the krasnodar territory and crimea is generally positive
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13°. the thermometers in st. petersburg will show up to 15 below zero, but with moscow there is no clarity yet, the capital will be on the border of a cyclone and an anticyclone, so the spread is wide from zero to... well, the forecast for today is -4 and icy conditions. that's all for now. and now the word good morning to colleagues. good morning, dear tv viewers, arina sharapova is with you. on the calendar, december 28 is thursday. there are only 4 days left until the new year, counting today, only four. and all sorts of festive feasts will begin, salads and so on. delicious, the question is, how much should i prepare for the new year? well, of course, the traditional units for measuring salads are a bowl, but maybe we can somehow be more precise in grams, so that later we don’t finish eating it all before january 3rd,
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we prepare for the new year’s feast with a reserve, we definitely don’t eat it, it’s all packed up, salted in the refrigerator, half is lost, something is no longer fresh, but how much is needed for a festive dinner? mathematics from a gastroenterologist. the volume of an empty stomach is 0.5 liters. if we have eaten well, then it increases to one and a half liters. but this does not mean that we should eat 1.5 kg of olivier. ideally, half a kilo of food per person, but on new year's eve you can allow more, according to restaurant standards - up to a kilogram. in a professional kitchen, this is not done by eye, only strictly through scales. on average 150-200 g salad should. be hot from 200 to 350 , this is already with a side dish, another 300 g for appetizers, then a piece of jellied meat, a sandwich with caviar or canapes, five pieces per person, at the rate of 200 g one, but what kind of
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housewife will count all this by grams december 31, there is an easier way, if according to olivier, then we will use eggs as a guide, for us one egg is two guests, that is, half an egg, one guest, half a medium potato for one person, 1/3 of a carrot, a medium half of a cucumber for one serving, for a total of six people, three eggs, the same amount potatoes, cucumber, a couple of carrots, meat or sausage, as well as peas, as much as you don’t mind, we also count the ingredients for crab salad, herring under a fur coat, and what about hot? let us remind you, 350 g, this is a side dish, for example, two boiled potatoes with herbs, three baked ribs, not fried when we bake, but... it’s easier for us to save the next day than rather than fry it and it will dry out and disappear, and we throw it away, and this saves time, a large volume at once, boiled pork, turkey. bake large fish, sebast, salmon, duck with apples, and if
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anyway, we have prepared a lot, we finish it the next day, remember only the terms and conditions of storage, puff salads, herring under a fur coat and mimosa for a day, provided that they are in the refrigerator, olivier with crab sticks and caesar salad are better not to be seasoned in advance only when serving, so their shelf life is up to 48 hours, baked dishes will last the same amount of time, again in the refrigerator, natalya lyubchenko, children, i suggest good morning, you went for a walk and spend this time usefully, let’s breathe in the fresh air and at the same time warm up so that gymnastics was a joy for the children, i stocked up.
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sticks, hold them, feet together , shift with your hands, they look like magic from foot to foot, take turns raising your right and then your left heel, toes are always pressed to the ground, remember, yes, we connect our hands, smoothly spread them to the sides and lift up, as high as possible, we reach for the sky, then we stretch our arms forward. we continue, and now we will slightly complicate the exercise: we raise our arms to the side and move our wrists up and down. we warmed up, warmed up and had fun. to you liked? yes
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, then you can continue your walk, on the calendar december 28th , our ancestors used this day to tell fortunes for the summer, it was believed that if there is no frost on the trees, then the harvest will be large, a lot of mushrooms grow in the forest, what will summer be like if there is no frost? , not reported, well, astrologers have their own signs, on december twenty, the turning point of the sixteenth and seventeenth lunar days, the thirteenth day of the sun, like yesterday ’s good-natured, understanding one, he would rather listen to someone else’s opinion than stick to his line, business negotiations will go well, deals, visits to your superiors, if you want to do this, on such days we are somehow more busy with our personal sphere, we want comfort, coziness, family warmth, friendly communication, well, all this, to one degree or another, is today’s day for us true, he will provide household troubles, but he himself will help sort them out. about the disadvantages: he is
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a little capricious, sometimes too sensitive, when all sorts of little things easily unsettle him, he can also be overly trusting and talkative. aries, remember this, don’t be too frank with strangers and don’t show your pin codes, passwords and personal data in general. otherwise, the day is excellent for both work and household chores, and aries men, plus everything, will finally be able to understand the intricacies of female logic. some changes on the personal front are shining for taurus. taurus living in a civil marriage may decide that it is time to legalize the relationship. and the stars are all for it. today you can still buy something at a profit. by the way, you can take gemini with you when shopping. today they count money very well, they can bargain and confuse their heads very much. difficult. and get ready, dear gemini, to finish something or fulfill some obligations. a forgotten debt may resurface in crayfish or suddenly come to life. conflict, it’s better to settle all this as quickly as possible, and
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people are also interested in you now, they are drawn to you, unfortunately, not all of them with noble intentions, so pay closer attention. not a bad day in lviv, evenly successful, the main thing is don’t grab onto several things at once, otherwise you’ll make mistakes ; calmly react to various promotions and discounts, perhaps in a nearby store or on some marketplace, the same thing sells cheaper. virgos today are charming, witty, artistic, and you are attracted to them. you need the opposite sex, in a word , they are the life of any company, only be more polite with technology, especially with all sorts of gadgets, this is also important for you, be careful with fragile objects, there is a risk of breaking or breaking something, of course they are also attentive when driving without recklessness, scorpios will have a lot to do with money, however, you don’t have any special problems in this area, but it’s better not to take too long, some pleasant event is possible in the afternoon, the evening can give you... something to amuse you. sagittarius has a great day for meetings,
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negotiations and other business contacts. just firstly, be punctual, and secondly, remember, you will be greeted by your clothes, and not by how you will be seen off. depends on you. for capricorns, this day will tell you the answer to an important question, clarify something, open up some prospects, and maybe even indicate the path you will take in the coming year. after lunch, get ready to help someone, and in the evening, expect guests. aquarians will be able to receive some important information, and some will even open up someone's secret. an interesting and useful acquaintance is possible. still, remember that an old friend is better than two new ones, and let's go without alcohol today. pisces will be able to... if you have children, pay more attention to them, good luck to you! christmas decorations: a garland, and also all sorts of tinsel and rain for the christmas tree, we use them only once a year,
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we carefully take the toys out of the box and hang them on the christmas tree, we often buy shura rain showers, because the old one, well, somewhere... doesn’t go away, and we buy them at the last moment, as they say, without looking, and by the way, they too you need to be able to choose correctly. beautiful and safe tinsel, what is it? let's figure it out with an expert, start with the material; you won't find anything made of foil anymore. nowadays these are mostly polymers coated with paint, and it’s better when they write about it honestly. for example, i'm wondering whether i will buy this or not, because i don't understand what it's made of. where it says what it contains. some polymer components, yes, for example, pvc, this inspires more confidence. we are looking for those without strong chemical odors that are worth sniffing. next, let's check how the rain is painted. if the dye is applied inappropriately or in an inappropriate manner, it is quite possible that the dye may come off upon contact with the skin or surrounding elements. it's
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trash, it's harmful. how much tinsel is enough? if the needles are lying around, it means they will fall off at home, a child can pick them up, put them in... lick the animal, inhale, just try to tug, yes, our needles are held tightly or not very tightly, a test for strength and for additional decorative elements , more about safety, there may be a wire inside the garland , which allows you to create an additional shape to secure them, on the other hand , it can be dangerous, if the wire breaks, someone can get scratched, it is better to hang it higher where a child or animal cannot reach, this is generally a basic rule for any tinsel , for the rest... freedom of creativity, since it’s the year of the dragon, i’m looking for some kind of gold color, green so that it doesn’t clog the tree, i’ll decorate the doors, and i’ll choose something that suits the color of my room after all, we’ll test different ones types of tinsel to the maximum creative atmosphere, visiting the artist, pets are also in action, get enough sleep, happy new year,
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hurray, konstantin alexander didn’t have the slightest rain, it looks beautiful, look, wow, just from the store. we decorate not only the christmas tree, the cat has his own hit parade, he’s indifferent to the fluffiest garlands, he was interested in the tinsel in the shape of a snake, he immediately tore it up, you can see from above that any rain can fly around, now we carefully remove it, look how much garbage, we’ll repeat , we hang it higher, decorate
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with adults, and when we’re done, there’s no cleaning get by, maxim petrenko, dmitry parfyunov, victor namunko, vladimir popov, channel one, what olga’s christmas tree is made of. nikishicheva authoritatively states that a christmas tree can be built from anything, you just need to use your imagination and work a little. dear friends, if you haven’t had time to decorate your house with christmas trees, don’t rush to the store, let’s collect everything around the house that might be useful, and this is a children’s bucket, a plastic one for sand , these are bamboo sticks for plants, the most ordinary branches, this is a stand made of cardboard from... and the most ordinary garlands are old new year's toys. let's start with the first tree: the base is a plastic bucket, remove the handle from it, wrap it in a garland , apply hot glue to the bottom of the bucket, secure the garland,
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apply a little glue to the bamboo sticks and place them in the groove. we tie the top of the christmas tree with a rope, add a few drops of glue to the top so that the rope does not move. decorate the cannon of the christmas tree with two bows, glue them together and glue them to the top, decorate with an old toy, and also glue toys to the bottom of the tree, here’s the first one christmas tree, we assemble the next christmas tree according to the same principle: we form a pyramid from three branches, glue them to the base upwards and pull them together. we wrap the rope around our pyramid, cut off
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suitable fragments from the old garland and glue them to the base, all that remains is to decorate our christmas tree with straw toys, and from the remaining red-length branches you can make a christmas tree, which we will then hang on the wall, i just lay it out. in the shape of a triangle, now we take saw cuts from the same branches and wooden toys, apply glue to them and fix them branches with these toys so that they do not move, and now we need to tie our entire christmas tree with rope so that it does not fall under its own weight. we tie the rope into a loop and add toys. that's all the work, these small and original christmas trees will decorate your home if you have time
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to make them just before the holiday, literally from whatever comes to hand. good luck! premiere, i love my country, from the second of january, on the first. rum castro, a product of stellor group. monkeys, goats, small alpacas, noses in zoos this year a very big addition, let 's right now visit these babies who were born this year, let's see how much they have grown, who eats, well, in general, how are they doing? go ahead, let me tell you, we haven’t forgotten the panda from the moscow zoo either. at the end of the year, it is customary to sum up the results, in zoos too, here the main result of the work
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is that the kids in the krasnodar region have grown up in 2023, the little ones are cheered, christie’s crowned monkeys, even caramels sometimes fall out. everything he wants, he gets, everything he likes, he gets too takes away, a little hooligan miracle, and cossack komori, after a year of growing up , no longer chews everything in a row, from technicians’ hair to documents, but... almost, mostly the mother plays a big role, the mother comes up first, if the baby sees, then she starts to come up behind him, and if his mother allows, you can take a selfie with the person
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, the eastern collobus babies in izhersk also do not leave their mother, the youngest, and this is most likely a girl, one and a half months old, you see, the fur is still completely white, the older guy, already with a dark color, born six months ago, but is already mischievous, takes food from others or pulls fur, but how... such independent temarins in perm, they only seem like babies and, by the way, they are already 7 months old, well, they exceeded their birth weight by more than fifteen times, because they were literally 30 grams each, now each weighs a little more than 400 grams. eight-month-old dry birds , of course, will not approach guests so boldly; they will look closely for a long time, but the japanese crane ryusha is ready to be surprised, it seems, by everything that he sees. in general, snow reacted very much it’s interesting, especially when the first snow fell, he ran around, catching snowflakes. let's see how this baby panda from
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the moscow zoo reacts to the snow. she is already taking confident steps to explore the world. we keep track of her age directly in days. veterinarians closely monitor measurements every 10 days, but she’s still very young. there is always increased attention to such babies, especially if heat-loving animals, be it a panda or baby porcupines, were born in crimea in september. what are you like? frankly speaking, herring under a fur coat is not the lowest calorie salad, but... new year's eve is a time when it seems to me that you can afford it, and you can also experiment. maria surova suggests rolling the herring under a fur coat into rolls, friends. is it possible to surprise guests with herring under a fur coat? now there will definitely be a real culinary experiment. i boil the potatoes , carrots and beets separately, otherwise they will color
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the vegetables, but i need layers to cook the beets, let them cool and peel them, it’s better to work with beets with gloves, they need to be cut into very thin slices, it’s easier to do this with a cabbage grater, i select only even circles, they will create all the beauty, i will make a lean version, so without eggs, and grate the rest of the ingredients as for a regular fur coat. on a fine grater, the onion is thinly feathered, and you need to marinate it to make the taste more delicate. for the marinade: salt, sugar, apple cider vinegar and a spoonful of water, leave for 10 minutes. well, i start forming the rolls, it’s convenient to do this on a bamboo sushi mat, i wrap it in film, lay out the beet slices overlapping so that there are no gaps left anywhere until the middle of the mat,
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i cover it with a grid of lean mayonnaise. like this, no need to spread, lay out the carrots , leaving the strip of beets empty, then the potatoes, all the ingredients need to be compacted a little, pour some mayonnaise , the filling, of course, herring, cut off a thicker strip of fillet , lay out lettuce leaves for beauty and herring on them, drain i place the marinade in a strip next to the fish, roll it up, holding the filling. i press down lightly, but not too much, so that nothing falls out, i give the roll a shape with these movements and carefully remove the mat, wow, it worked, i cut into portions with a very sharp knife, decorate with drops of mayonnaise and green onions, the new year's experiment was a success, the new year,
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which is left, i'll remind you... the day is a family holiday, when it is customary to gather at the same table with family, friends, and heroes our next report will celebrate this holiday away from home. this is their job, but i am absolutely sure that the relatives of our heroes will definitely congratulate them and wish them happiness in the new year, the very center of antarctica, happy new year to the little girl from the city of arcadia. on the street -82°, off-road, 69th antarctic expedition, vostok station, 15,000 km from home, this is exactly where you can’t order products for olivier, and the expedition itself lasts more than
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a year, which means the polar explorers will not see their relatives soon, so they wrote it down. if the fighters are carrying urgent cargo , they don’t even stop at midnight , when it’s time, we’ll pull into the parking lot, sit with the guys, drink tea, celebrate the new year, and they’ll definitely call their loved ones, but for now we can’t take our eyes off the road, so video greetings to the family , happiness, health of all things good, holidays without loved ones are also a whole test for relatives, artyom dubovtsev is a process engineer, now on shift in tyumen,
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his wife and little daughter are waiting for him in izhevsk , what kind of dad is there, yes, say: hello, dad, we put up a christmas tree, hung up balloons , works a month every other month, the last time the couple saw each other was at the beginning of december, the month when he is at home is, of course, very pleasant, it is a very fun month, but when he leaves, it is no longer so fun, this is noticeable, especially on holidays, for vladislav kovalenko from tomsk, this is how to spend the holidays new, he will celebrate this new year at the compressor station. main gas pipeline in the amur region. we are ready to celebrate the new year. despite the fact that the installations are automated, it cannot be done without a person, so he will be able to see his loved ones only after 2 weeks. but the gas workers are not discouraged, they create their own mood,
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decorate the christmas tree, come up with competitions , write down congratulations to loved ones, good, good health, so that you remain just as cheerful, just as cheerful, so that all your goals come true, i hug you tightly, my dear ones, channel one. thursday morning the news will continue. the time has come to find out what new has happened in the country and in the world up to this hour. stay with us. this is news first. studios maria vasilyeva. hello. the assault group of our southern group of troops captured an important stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces in donetsk. direction of the special operation, under heavy enemy fire, motorized riflemen were able to get close to enemy positions, let grenades enter, quickly occupied trenches, and corrected the fighters’ actions from the air drone operators, some of the militants were
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destroyed, one surrendered, an entire arsenal of 10 western-made anti-tank systems, as well as five more javelins, swedish grenade launchers, ammunition, and communications surveillance equipment were discovered at the positions. in the kherson region , russian paratroopers used it competently. groupings of western troops, with the help of an anti-tank missile system , destroyed the ukrainian observation post, the dnieper, in the kupinsky direction, reconnaissance fighters promptly moved to the indicated square, deployed the installation, took aim. the servicemen who distinguished themselves during the liberation of the village of marienka were presented with well-deserved awards by 45 fighters from units of the southern group of troops who were awarded orders
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of courage, medals for courage, rescuing those who died for bravery, as well as st. george's crosses. the fighters were thanked for their perseverance and professionalism, wished good luck and joyful exploits. and more about the heroes of the special operation, warrant officer daniil bogdanov’s communications car came under fire. the antenna was damaged while driving, showing courage and courage, daniil climbed onto the roof of the car and repaired the station. private ivan udilov removed the equipment that was carrying ammunition to russian units from under fire, on time without losses, delivered the cargo, and provided fire support to our advancing units. that ukraine has finally lost the territories whose residents decided to unify with russia is being said more and more loudly in the west and they are advising kiev to come to terms and strive for at least a temporary one. stopping the fire. the american newspaper new york times recalls that the front stretched for more than 1.00 km, in counter-offensive fails. hope for western technology was not justified. politicians in the us and europe, understanding the situation, refused
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to provide critical aid this year. and in the future there is only a long war of attrition, new losses and instability throughout the continent, which postpones the ukrainian shift with europe indefinitely. kiev is being persuaded to recognize the real state of affairs . there is no reason for vain hopes; after his recent visit to washington, mr. zelensky should have no illusions that will america's money tap still be fully open, especially if trump returns to the white house? the americans are echoed in germany; the prime minister of saxony, michael kretschmer, also advises kiev to accept the fact that the territories are lost, and offers the federal government of his country instead. arms supplies move to diplomacy to achieve a ceasefire. at the end of the outgoing year, the united states announced the last batch of aid to ukraine from pentagon warehouses
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: ammunition for air defense systems and hymers stinger manpads, shells, cartridges, explosives for only 250 million dollars, and the icing on the cake is another 20 million from biden as a promise, but for now the question is for approval by the state department. in recent months, the generous flow of american aid has noticeably become scarcer; western media recalls that 110 billion dollars were passed through congress for ukraine; large infusions continued until the republicans gained a majority in the house of representatives. and ukrainian politicians are already crying that without new western help they will not be able to pay salaries to teachers and civil servants and will be left without money in the general complexity about 2
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million. the weather at the hydrometeorological center will please you for the holiday; they said in the urals it will be very cold in the svetlovsk region on the night of january 1 to -27, in the tyumen region 30° below zero, in the yamalo-nenets district - 35, in yakutia in chukotka in in the khabarovsk territory from 40 to 50 with a minus sign, in the south of siberia the temperature is expected to be 10° above normal -4 in the altai territory, -6 in the kemerovo region to -3 in the altai republic, it will be warm in the south of the european part of the country,
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so the spread great from zero to -10. well, the forecast for today is -4 and holid. at this point that's all for me, now the word to my colleagues, good morning. good morning, dear tv viewers, arina sharapova is with you, it’s twenty on the calendar. december is thursday, the new one is almost at the door, so readiness, my friends, is number one, well, what would a new year be without a christmas tree, the main christmas tree of the country, the main beautiful forest beauty that decorated the cathedral square of the moscow kremlin, is already pleasing the new year's miracle gives us, the new year's performance has started in the kremlin, we are ready for the new year, the main christmas tree of the country has been chosen in the village fryanovo, moscow region. they brought it to the kremlin
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to the cathedral square, they decorated it , it’s elegant, a magnet for glances and smiles, now there are even more of them, from those who go to the kremlin christmas tree shows, which have just started. i think that the kremlin christmas tree is a miracle, it’s beautiful, there are gifts , santa claus comes out, the children are so joyful, i was probably surprised by the scale, because last year it seemed to me that all of this happened... to a lesser extent. this is already a tradition; every year the tree gets bigger. compare, for example, what the first christmas tree was like in the kremlin 69 years ago. costume score. it's a spectacular show now, but one thing remains the same. emotions are always over the edge here. faye of the state kremlin palace - the first part of the performance is mass. young viewers get to know fairy-tale characters. on the main stage, part two of the theatrical performance 39 new year, there is a corpse on the stage. the familiar
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heroes of our fairy tales are, of course, modern children who will pass all the tests and defeat the evil that came to the kingdom on the eve of the new year. the main villain is the older brother of santa claus, the saviors today's children, ilya, ivan and varvara, are brave and erudite. well, in a fairy tale? yeah, it's called virtual reality. what is reality? this is what is not said. and only here fairy tale and reality intertwine. i really liked it, i've never seen anything like it. the plot is very interesting, downright fascinating. the advance was very steep. i liked the costumes in all the fairy tales. good always wins, does good win in life? yes, always. it’s impossible to miss, every day until the ninth. new
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year is a very bright, cheerful holiday, noisy, of course, it’s not surprising that on the eve of the new year, sales of firecrackers, fireworks, and firecrackers always jump sharply, of course, you want to celebrate the holiday beautifully, but let’s not forget about caution, please pay attention. so as not to spoil this holiday for yourself and others. new year with sparkle and risk for life. we are for safe fireworks. we are launching together with state fire inspection engineer ivan kolpakov. on a permitted site, this is the first condition. on the prefecture's website or on the district government website contains information about where it is. the site has been determined, must contain
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a power line away from trees, residential buildings, and other structures, its radius is not less than the maximum radius of the danger zone for... equipment of the third fire hazard class, rockets, salute batteries - 30 m, second ground fireworks and firecrackers - 5 m, the first firecrackers and sparklers are half a meter, we’ll start with them, at arm’s length, turn away from the audience, the rules for launching, even firecrackers, are always written on the packaging, observing them is the second important condition, and kiska can get right into the eye, you need to hold it so that the sparks don’t get on your clothes or skin. if you hit it, you just have to bend your arm at the elbow. the following are two types of firecrackers: grating and fetal. both are as unpredictable as possible. if you hesitate a little, they may explode in your hand. look, it almost exploded in my hand. well, yes, you can’t hesitate. and we immediately throw it away. run away, flying away
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, we run away as quickly as possible. next is the roman candle. it is important to set the vertical correctly. you can’t install it, as they say, a little like this during the volleys, he may fall to continue his work in a horizontal position, it’s scary to even imagine, you can see for yourself, the volleys are powerful, now there is a fountain , we level the area under it, sprinkle snow on the sides, but look, the wind has risen, the flame of the spark is strongly blown to the side. in impulses, it is no longer advisable to use technical products , even the wind has died down, we take out the fireworks battery, by the way, for pyrotechnics, especially such serious ones, only in a specialized store, this is the third important condition, the seller must have certificates, buy fireworks in advance, think about where
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to store it so as not to keep it overnight, for example, in the car, as some people usually do, she says, i had it in my car, it exploded badly because it was gray, our box is fine, we tear off the lid, put it strictly vertically , without tilting, deep into the snow, try it, it doesn’t swing, no, it’s standing, we set it on fire, we run back, we enjoy the beauty, but remember, new year’s is the only night of the year when this is allowed in most regions. natalya kovaleva, denis panomariov, ksenia maklyak, first channel. so answer quickly, without hesitation, what is new year's salad? that's right, it's olivier. how tasty it turns out largely depends on what kind of sausage it contains. well, either ham, or maybe carbonate, what to choose and how to choose correctly? anastasia telia understood this difficult but very important issue. a classic doctor’s for those who like it lower, vedchina, so that pieces of meat can be felt, and for lovers of smoked meats,
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carbonate is not for a sandwich, for new year’s olivier, there are all sorts of recipes. at your place it turns out a classic, i have something average, these will be new items, but first we remember what is important when choosing... sausage maker igor jagiello will help, he advises buying similar products in a natural casing, it tastes better. when the sausage undergoes heat treatment, it goes through cooking, frying and smoking, but the natural one retains more of that smoked taste and it will be more interesting on your table. if additionally in a vacuum there is no moisture swelling? the product itself is better than the gost one, so as not to doubt the composition. in it, in the first place, of course, meat, pork, beef. water is the basis for carbonate and ham in the doctor's room, plus eggs or egg melanche, powdered milk, spices, snacks are also allowed, but strictly defined, a color fixative and antioxidant for safety, the product lies on the counter for a long time, it is important that no starch is present, it holds moisture, so
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the manufacturer saves on meat, you can add not 200 g, but 300 g of liquid and this will be a plus, as it were, in weight, we definitely check the category, but only the doctor’s degree is better. and for ham it’s ideally b, for carbonate it’s not is indicated, now you can show off the new year’s mood, wrapped it in frost, make sure you don’t freeze, look at the cut, all products should have a pleasant grayish-pink color, boiled sausage has a smooth texture, these are the norm, if not more than 2 mm, clearly expressed, yes, it’s as if it could already be repackaged or was. cooking technology at the enterprise, the pieces are elastic, do not break when twisted, which means that everything is in order with the composition, this applies to ham, plus here cut, we evaluate the proportions of the ingredients, well , about 10 percent fat, beef is also 20 percent, and the rest is all pork, for
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smoked carbonate we also check the color on top, it’s good when it’s saturated and golden, if it’s pale, it means wet carbonate, when it’s wet will give such a bitter taste, an unpleasant taste, everything is in order, then in the salad, the final chord seems to be ready for the new year, all three versions of olivier were a success, fire, the taste is just perfect. i read on the internet that it turns out that the first can opener was patented in 1855, despite the fact that tin cans appeared 45 years earlier, i wonder how they opened them all this time, well, they probably suffered somehow, so that you and i don’t have to suffer, especially on holidays, we will now choose the most convenient, safe and practical can opener . together with the medvedev family we are rehearsing
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culinary preparations for the new year. olivier, crab salad, mimosa. yes, you will have to open a lot of cans. for the new year, we always cut at least three salads. it's time choose a convenient can opener. let's compare three options: timeless classics for 150 rubles. a sophisticated 14-in-1 multitool for 600 and a battery-powered electric opener for 1.00. the boss will help. let me down completely, it turned out to be inconvenient to operate, precisely due to the wide variety of attachments,
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it’s difficult to hold scissors, a screwdriver, and a corkscrew, so i had to tinker, 3 minutes 19 seconds, when working, the knife starts to move, this kind of play occurs , and accordingly, in the future there is a high probability that he it’s just that ours will fail, which can’t be said about a classic opener, it’s not for nothing that our grandmothers used these cheaply and cheerfully, and for a long time... it’s made of stainless steel for a long time, so rust should not appear, there is a stop so that the knife walked well around the bank. the only negative, like a multitool, leaves torn edges on the can, it’s unsafe, it’s easy to get hurt, plus with such a knife you need strength and dexterity, it won’t be easy if you’re not used to it, so an electric opener is an alternative of course, it’s more expensive, but it will do everything for you, and the seams are perfectly even, no burrs. along the edges, this opener we have a magnet, we have a magnet on the surface
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of our jar and knives cut through our jar and accordingly you and i will open it without getting hurt, the main thing is not to forget to change the batteries, well, just in case, have the simplest can opener on hand , and a multitool is an excellent option for hikes and picnics; a compact one will not take up much space. anna grebenshchikova, denis zharov, channel one! good morning, dear tv viewers, here you are! sharapova is on december 28th on the calendar, and that's thursday. what year is it coming? many people are probably grinning now. by the way, the question is not as banal as it seems. this is the year 2024. and some people will have completely different numbers on next year’s calendar. time travel is easy. we wanted to go to the future, we flew to thailand, to the past to egypt. we are not at the same level. life or architectural style, literally, 2024 is close here, in other
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countries, look, this is what it could look like chronological map of the world, from where so many years, religion and politics determine the beginning of calendars. the basic principle is either creation, or some kind of religious or political phenomenon, the coming of jesus, the flight of muhammad, or some kind of political event. in japan it is now the fifth year, they count from the accession to the throne of the current emperor, in israel from the creation of the world 5784, in afghanistan and iran - 1402. this is the hijri calendar, from arabic - this is the migration, the migration of the prophet from mecca to medina, precisely from this starting point points the spread of islam is taken, but the new year begins on march 21, on the day, more precisely at the moment of the spring equinox. they calculate at what moment, at what second, sometimes
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it is 12 hours 32 minutes 7 seconds , the new year is coming, in the countries of the middle east it is more difficult, they also count from the hijera, but they do not live according to the solar calendar, but according to the lunar calendar, and the lunar months are shorter, another 43 years have passed, the total is 1445. the beginning of the month is considered inability, the so-called, this is when you see. serb of the moon, that is, the emerging, nascent moon in the sky. bring back my 2016 this is ethiopia, in 500 the catholic church changed the calculations of the date of birth of jesus christ. the ethiopian church did not do this. and the most difficult summer calculation problems are in india and southeast asia. indian, nepalese and thai calendars are related. relatives, immediate family. they are lunar-solar, they came out of hinduism, but many variations appeared with the advent of buddhism, in india alone. coastal territories use one
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calendar, island territories another. they're fine. but everywhere the general one is also used in parallel. adopted by our gregorian calendar, says travel blogger natalya zakharova. time zones create more problems than summer calculations. but it’s interesting to study coins, translate hieroglyphs, understand numbers, so what year is it now is a logical question for an experienced traveler. varvara fedorova, sergey morin, channel one. decorating clothes with flowers, overloading them with all sorts of details does not mean creating fashion. but do it. i never expect anything from anyone, most likely it is they who expect it something from me. the art of a couturier is akin to the art of an artist. the future of my craft
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is no longer willing to serve as hangers for the spiritual side of things. clothes people. if there is a difference. borbon stersman is a product of the stellor group, the supershields of the past decade.
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to make you cry, and let them all sound the same. who are you crying about, screaming about, because he has not tamed himself, will not tame himself at all, i ask you, with the best and living ones in me, friends, we burn the colonies, we burn the colonies. guys, let's go, let's go to the neighboring village for a disco, let's go, let's go, first night of the year on first, our good morning continues, we move on and dive into the ocean of the internet, our columnist yegor uspensky has just ready another selection of fresh videos,
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our video parade opens with a cat named martin, his owner installed a smart faucet with photocells in the kitchen. let’s not say hands, but for this one it begins with morning exercises: first, the term stretches the front legs, then does the hind legs, everything slowly, with feeling, with sense, with alignment, well, in a healthy body, a healthy mind. well, in conclusion, let me introduce you to an unusual artist, his name is tom baker. he became famous on the internet for his
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winter landscapes on the windows. tom creates with the help of these cans of decorative snow, well. what he does, you see for yourself, by the way, it’s beauty, it brings good dividends to tom in the form of likes. paid subscriptions, oh, i’m tired of them, no, there are, of course, useful ones, but there are also downright harmful ones, which are invented by all sorts of scammers, and then make money on our carelessness. my girlfriend spent half a day cooking yesterday, under this beauty. a festive atmosphere is needed. and by the way, in addition to delicious food, we discovered a new deception scheme. it doesn’t seem to be large-scale, but it’s unpleasant. imagine that you are looking for some special new year's recipe, suddenly its description ends in the most interesting place, then you are asked
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to enter your phone number, supposedly to register on the site, or perhaps also to protect against spam. i left my mobile yesterday, and what do you think? it turned out that in this way i signed up for a paid subscription to the online newsletter. for 250 rubles per month to me they promised to send a poster for all the concerts that will take place in the city, why pay for it, the information is free everywhere, in general, it’s good that i noticed it right away, but unfortunately not everyone is so attentive, this is what the creators of such sites are counting on . what i recommend doing in such situations: open a personal account on the mobile operator’s website, if there are paid subscriptions, you will see it, disable it, and if you do not use your personal account, then call your operator’s hotline at least once every two months and do not leave your phone number on dubious
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accounts, there are many recipes on the internet that do not come with a paid subscription , happy new year, let's go to the cinema, from january 1, the film serf 2, klimashko, starring milos bikovich, aglaya, will be released nationwide torah. doesn’t know how, there was confusion, typical major behavior. grisha kidnaps the daughter
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of an official, the eccentric, spoiled katya, the same as he himself once was, and takes her to the same village for re-education. i would like to hear your voice, but you squeak your chair, pretty much the same. at the moment, klim was still joking all the time about how there should be soup. very hot, and i understand that in the same shot they are pouring it on me, in fact, and i say, klim, this is so fundamentally important that i, of course, can sacrifice my face, but this will be for one take, there was only one take for this scene, the boat had to flawlessly crash into the brand new, newly built cafe set. the first serf brought 11 million people to the cinema, made a film... a challenge in space, directed by klim shipenko returned to earth with new ideas on a cosmic scale. we wanted to triple the impression, even five times more, to make it
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, there will be a village, there will be palaces, there will be a beautiful ball, dancing, love, and there will even be a war with napoleon. bonapart welcomes you. it’s that he speaks french, he learned it, and nt means a little bit. oglaya tarasova and milos bikovich took dance lessons. we must be flawless. and they laughed and cried. who stepped on whose feet? i hope i stepped on him more. i tried to. the first viewers have already shared their impressions at the premiere. very cool, very cool. and i spent 3 months in this village, which was not filmed in, for 3 months after filming, and i was re-educated. a little fairy tale, a little. reality, a little bit of surrealism, this is what we all need for the new year, we believe that the film will tear everyone apart, the comedy serf 2 is in theaters on january 1,
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we celebrate the new year and fly to the cinema, brilliant, svetlana neimanis, iosif kobrin, stepan yarofeev, channel one. our program continues, now we give the floor to colleagues from the information service of channel one. we will find out what events happened in the country. in the world by this hour , the news release is on the air, we will meet with you in just a few minutes, this is news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, the army aviation crew on mi-28 helicopters as part of a strike group attacked unguided missiles, strong points and the enemy's manpower in the donetsk direction of the special operation worked on sub-targets and su-25 attack aircraft from low altitudes shot at enemy positions in the krasno-limansk direction in novomikhailovka, temporary deployment points
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and... accumulation of enemy manpower, the pilots of the vostok group of forces destroyed the enemy positions and the artillerymen of the south group of forces, and there an assault group of motorized rifles captured an important stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces, where there was an entire arsenal of at least 10 western-made anti-tank systems. in the kherson region, russian paratroopers skillfully used lancet loitering ammunition, hitting a gvozdik self-propelled gun, a truck and an enemy tank on the right bank of the dnieper. and in the kupinsky direction, the reconnaissance forces of the group of troops west, with the help of the nomadic anti-tank missile system fagot, destroyed the ukrainian observation post. shot. the military personnel who distinguished themselves during the liberation of the village of maryenka were presented with well-deserved awards by 45 fighters from units of the southern group of troops and were awarded orders.
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courage medals for bravery, saving those who died for bravery, as well as st. george's crosses. the fighters thanked for their perseverance and professionalism, wished them good luck and feats of arms. and in ukraine itself, schismatics are already fighting not only against the canonical the orthodox church, as it turned out, is now being hindered by muslims, jews and even protestants. the pretext for persecution is still the same, supposedly representatives of these religions support the russian world. blame them for this. for example, the speaker of the schismatic church evstrati zarya did not hesitate to speak in the spirit that the new law, which had already been adopted by the verkhovna rada in the first reading, should be extended to muslims, jews and protestants. this law is essentially aimed at banning the canonical ukrainian orthodox church from the fact that it violates human rights, human rights activists have said more than once, but dissenters like it. the same estrate zaorya called ukrainian legislation on freedom of conscience one of
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the most liberal in europe. the death toll in the gaza strip since the beginning of the conflict has exceeded 21 thousand people, according to palestinian doctors. israel is striking at the central part of gas, land, sea of ​​​​air. from lebanon, israel attacks hezbollah. tel aviv is threatening a full-scale military operation in this direction. the general staff has already stated that the military contingency plan has already been approved. and against this background , the turkish president exchanged mutual and extremely harsh accusations.
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who set a world record for the number of jailed opposition journalists, is the last person who can preach morality to us. one working day in the white house and a week's vacation in the caribbean again, american voters are desperate to catch their president at work. after the christmas holidays, he is again vacationing on the island of santa cruz. with friends family and greetings from democratic party sponsors there villa, where biden was already celebrated last new year. the president receives reminders from the press about ratings that only jimmy carter had so low after the vietnam war and that the election campaign is actually starting, in some states the democrats are switching from their party to the republican one. the main award of the russian academy of sciences for outstanding achievements in the field of medicine was awarded to scientists from russia and france. winners of the big gold medal academician ras,
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a unique cockroach surgeon, became named after nikolai pirogov. vladimir parkhanov and his colleague, foreign member of the academy, professor zhelbert massar. vladimir parkhanov has performed more than 20 thousand complex operations, including organ transplants ; he is one of the first in the country to develop video-controlled cockroach lung surgery, the latest methods for treating lung cancer, and tracheal surgery. for 20 years now he has been heading the krasnodar regional hospital, which during this time has turned into a leading russian research center. he operated in a duet with...
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gelbert now works in luxembourg, where he received an award. he was the author of the protocol for the first lung transplantation, which he carried out in france back in ninety-three, and gave lectures and master classes many times. in our country he led 11 projects between russia and the university of strasbourg. and that 's all for now. good morning, dear tv viewers, arina sharapova is with you. on the calendar december 28th is thursday. there are only 4 days left until the new year, counting today, only four. and they will begin all sorts of festive feasts, salads there. we have a basin, but maybe we can somehow be more precise in grams, so that we don’t have to finish it all until january 3,
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we prepare for the new year’s feast with a reserve, we definitely don’t eat it, it’s all packed in a sauce in the refrigerator, half of it goes to waste, something... it is no longer fresh, but as much as is needed for... mathematics from a gastroenterologist. the volume of an empty stomach is 0.5 liters. if we have eaten well, then it increases to one and a half liters. but this does not mean that we should eat 1.5 kg olevier. ideally, half a kilo of food per person, but on new year's eve you can allow more, according to restaurant standards - up to a kilogram. in a professional kitchen, this is not done by eye, only strictly through scales. on average, 150-200 g of salad should be hot from 200 to 350, this includes a side dish, another 300 g for appetizers, then a piece of jellied meat, a sandwich with caviar or a canapé, five pieces per person, at the rate of 200 g one, but what kind
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of housewife will count all this by grams on december 31st, there is an easier way, if according to olivier, then we will be guided by eggs, we have one an egg is two guests, that is, half an egg is one guest, half with... it’s easier for us to save the next day than rather than fry it and it will dry out and disappear and we will throw it away, and this saves time a large volume at once, boiled pork, turkey, large fish, sebas, salmon, duck baked with apples, and if
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you still have prepared a lot, we eat it the next day, remember only the terms and conditions of storage, for layered salads, herring under a fur coat and mimosa for a day, provided that they are in the refrigerator, olive with crab sticks and caesar is better not in advance season only when serving, so their shelf life is up to 48 hours, baked dishes will last the same amount of time, again in the refrigerator. natalya lyubchenko, dmitry roshkov, rostislav kolesnikov and yulia bykova, channel one. and on the calendar on december 28, our ancestors used this day to tell fortunes for the summer. it was believed that even if the trees did not grow, the harvest would be large. there are a lot of mushrooms growing in the forest, what a summer it will be like. if she doesn’t exist, it’s not reported, well , astrologers have their own signs: december 28 - the turning point of the 16th and 17th lunar days, the thirteenth day the sun, like yesterday’s good-natured, understanding
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one, would rather listen to someone else’s opinion than stick to his own line , business negotiations, deals, visits to the authorities will go well, if only you want to do this, on such days we are somehow more busy with our personal. sphere, we want comfort, coziness, family warmth, friendly communication, well, all this to one degree or another, today will provide us with, however, it may throw up household troubles, but he himself will help deal with them, about the disadvantages: he a little capricious, sometimes too much sensitive, when all sorts of little things easily unsettle him, he can also be overly trusting and talkative. aries, remember this, do not be too frank with strangers and do not reveal your pin codes, passwords, or personal ones in general. otherwise, the day is excellent for both work and household chores, and aries men , plus everything else, will finally be able to understand the intricacies of female logic. some changes on the personal front are shining for taurus. taurus living in a civil marriage may decide that it’s time
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to legalize the relationship, and the stars are only for it. today you can buy something at a profit. by the way, you can take your twins with you while shopping. today they count money very well, they can bargain and confuse their heads. it’s very difficult, and get ready, dear twins, to finish something or fulfill some obligations. a forgotten debt may resurface or an old conflict may suddenly come to life; it is better to settle all this as quickly as possible. and people are also interested in you now, they are drawn to you, unfortunately, not all with noble intentions, so pay closer attention. not a bad day for the lions smoothly successful, the main thing is not to grab onto several things at once, otherwise you will make mistakes ; calmly react to various promotions and discounts, perhaps in a nearby store or on some marketplace, the same thing is sold cheaper. virgos today are charming, witty, artistic, the opposite sex is attracted to them, in a word, they are suffocating. companies with technology are only more polite,
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especially with all sorts of gadgets. libra, this is also important for you ; be careful with fragile objects and there is a risk of breaking or breaking something. of course, while driving too more carefully without recklessness. for scorpios , a lot will be tied to money. however, you don’t have any particular problems in this area, but it’s better not to take on debt. after lunch, there may be some pleasant event; the evening may have something to amuse you. streltsy from. a personal day for meetings, negotiations and other business contacts, just firstly, be punctual, and secondly, remember, you will be greeted by your clothes, and how you will be seen off depends on you. for capricorns, this day will tell them the answer to an important question, clarify something, reveal certain prospects, and maybe even indicate the path you will take in the coming year. after lunch, get ready to help someone, and in the evening, expect guests. aquarians will be able to receive some important information, and some will even open up to someone else. an interesting and useful acquaintance is possible, still remember that an old friend
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is better than two new ones, and let ’s be confident today, the fish will be able to benefit from something , turn some situation to their advantage, the luminaries, however, are hinting that this is not all the world is determined by benefit, and if you have if you have children, pay more attention to them, good luck to you! christmas tree decorations, garlands, and also all sorts of shura and rain for the christmas tree, we use them... how many times a year we carefully take the toys out of the box and hang them on the christmas tree, we often buy shura with rain, because the old one, well, always disappears somewhere , and we buy at the last moments, as they say, without looking, and by the way, you also need to know how to choose them correctly. beautiful and safe tinsel, what is it like, let’s figure it out with an expert, start with the material, you can hardly find foil anymore, now it’s mostly polymers coated with paint, and it’s better how... they honestly write about this, for example, i’m thinking
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about whether i’ll buy it or not, because i don’t understand what it’s made of, where it’s written that it’s in contains some polymer components, yes, for example, pvc, this inspires more confidence. we are looking for those without strong chemical odors that are worth sniffing. next, let's check how the rain is painted. if the dye is applied inappropriately or in an inappropriate manner, it is quite possible that upon contact with the skin, with surrounding elements, dye. maybe it's okay, it's rubbish, it's harmful, how long will the tinsel last? if the needles are lying around, then they will fall off at home, a child can pick them up, put them in his mouth, the animal can lick them, inhale them , just try to tug them, yes, our needles are held tightly or not very tightly, a test for strength and for additional decorative elements, also about safety, there may be a wire inside the garland, which allows you to create additional forms to secure them, on the other hand it can be dangerous. if the wire breaks, someone might
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scratch, it’s better to hang it higher where a child or animal can’t reach it, this is generally the basic rule for any tinsel, otherwise freedom of creativity, since the year of the dragon, a matryuk of some gold color, green, so that it doesn’t clog the tree, i will decorate the doors , and i’m choosing something that suits the color of my room, after all, we’ll test different types of tinsel in the most creative environment, visiting an artist, pets are in on it too, get enough sleep. hurray, the simplest rain for konstantin and alexander it didn’t work out, it looks beautiful, look, wow , i just got out of the store, you just need to isolate it from the cat, tinsel with wire, nothing falls out, it looks like a snake, gosha will be afraid, gosha, but not so fluffy for everyone , large product , the appearance is unrivaled , really attentive to the smell, it smells, well, it ’s a little bit more of course, it doesn’t smell, sash, yes, this one smells, the stars can fly away, we
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keep thinking about cats, this is the best, its noble shine, we decorate not only the christmas tree, the cat has his own hit parade , he’s indifferent to the fluffiest garlands, he was interested in the tinsel in the shape of a snake, he immediately tore it up, now the gauche from above can see that any rain can fly around, now we carefully remove it, look how much garbage, we repeat, hang it higher, decorate it, with adults and once you’ve finished, you can’t do without cleaning. maxim petrenko, dmitry parfyunov, victor namunko, vladimir popov, channel one. what is the christmas tree made of? olga nikishicheva authoritatively declares that a christmas tree can be built. from anything, you just need turn on your imagination and work a little , dear friends, if you haven’t had time to decorate your house with new year trees, don’t rush to the store, let’s collect everything around the house that might be useful, and this is a children’s bucket, a plastic one for sand, these are the bamboo
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sticks for plants, the most ordinary branches, a stand made of cardboard and bark, and the most ordinary garlands. old new year's toys. let's start with the first tree, the base is a plastic bucket, remove the handle from it, wrap it in a garland, apply hot glue to the bottom of the bucket, attach the garland, apply a little glue to bamboo sticks and place them in the vein, the top of the christmas tree. tie it with a rope, add a few drops of glue to the top so that the rope does not move. we decorate the top of the tree with two bows, glue them together and glue them to the top and decorate them with an old toy. we also glue
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toys to the bottom of the tree, and here is the first tree. we are collecting the next tree. according to the same principle: we form a pyramid from three branches, glue them to the base and tie the top with a rope, wrap the rope around our pyramid, from of the old garland, cut off suitable fragments and glue them at the base. all that remains is to decorate our christmas tree with straw toys. and from the remaining branches of different lengths you can make a christmas tree, which we will then hang on the wall, we simply lay them in the shape of a triangle, now we take saw cuts from these chews and wooden toys, apply glue to them and fix the branches with these toys so that
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they do not move, and now we need to transport our entire christmas tree with a rope, so that it does not fall under its weight, we tie the rope into a loop and add toys, that’s all the work, these small and original christmas trees will decorate your home, if you have time to make them just before the holiday, literally from whatever comes to hand, good luck, he says, you know, i won’t lift a big woman, but i’ll carry a small one in my arms , let's kiss quickly, kiss, spit, this was impromptu, 100 reasons to watch
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the guide, the films simply overwhelm you with a stream of joy and smiles, everyone dances. 100 reasons to remember gaidai, our generation, my children, my daughter and my grandchildren watch and repeat all sorts of things there are phrases and jokes there, very nice, 100 reasons to talk about gaidai, if guidai starred, that means that’s all, but i learned the secret of how to make real comedies.
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back, no more parties , this is heaven for you, the premiere, the very first new year, december 30th on the first, monkeys, goats, small alpacas, noses in zoos, this year there is a very large addition, let's visit these kids right now, who appeared this year, let's see who has grown how much, who eats how, well, in general, how they are doing... looking ahead, i’ll say, we haven’t forgotten the panda from the moscow zoo either. at the end of the year it is customary to sum up the results, in zoos too, this is the main result of the work. the kids who grew up in 2023 in the krasnodar region admit that they spoil the little ones, and
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sometimes they even give the crowned monkey christie some caramels. everything he wants, he gets, everything he likes, he takes too, a little hooligan miracle. and cossack kamori, having grown up a year ago, no longer chews everything, from technicians’ hair to documents, but carefully chooses her favorite delicacies, pumpkin, for example, the most we have vlaskova, but how can we spoil him when, even after 11 months, alpaca and the village of natukhaevskaya still behaves like a gullible child, and you want to treat him with something tasty. she can be mischievous, she can jump, gallop, she shows that she is a baby. here everything is like with teenagers, it seems that the swan’s gray childish fluff is already disappearing in the crimea, the fawn’s antlers are becoming hard, everything is almost like adults, almost. basically , the mother plays a big role, the mother comes up first, if the baby sees, then she starts suit. and if your mother allows, you can take a selfie with the person, the eastern colobus babies in izhevsk also do not leave their mother
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, the youngest, and this is most likely a girl, one and a half months old, you see, the fur is still completely white, an older guy, already with a dark color, was born six months ago, but he is already mischievous, taking food from others or pulling fur, but what independent temarins in perm, they only seem like babies and by the way they are already 7 months old. eight-month dry spells won’t suit guests so boldly, of course, they will last a long time look closely, but the japanese crane ryusha is ready to be surprised, it seems, by everything he sees, and in general the snow reacted very interestingly, especially when the first snow fell, he ran around, caught snowflakes, we'll see. even as soon as this baby panda from the moscow zoo reacts to the snow, she is already taking confident steps to explore the world. we keep track of her age directly
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in days. veterinarians closely monitor measurements every 10 days, since they are still very young, such babies always receive increased attention, especially if the animals are heat-loving animals, be it a panda or babies porcupines, were born in crimea in september. we'll see how they grow up in 2024. alexander zheleznov, elizaveta stoyanova, channel one. on the calendar on december 28, we continue to sum up the results of the outgoing year, right now the brightest hockey events of 2023. our colleague, sports journalist of channel one dmitry terikhov. tickets for the khl regular season matches are selling out like hot cakes, but it is literally impossible to get into the playoff games. last season, the knockout round included a record 87 matches attended by almost... 730,000 spectators, starting from the second round, an average of 9,286 people came to each game, this is the best figure in 15
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years, gagarin cup winner cska almost reached the limit in the number of meetings in one draw, 27 out of 28 possible. in the final , the army team prevailed over agbars. mikhail grigorenko was recognized as the most valuable player of the decisive series. at the end of the playoffs, he became the top scorer - 25 points, sniper - 12 goals. deserves special mention. connected with alexey zhamnov, and if on they played together for the russian national team at the olympics in salt lake city, but recently forty-year-old kovalchuk has been playing for his native
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spartak under the leadership of dzhamnov and is already scoring with might and main. by tradition, russian hockey players play leading roles overseas. ivan borbashov contributed to the victory of vegas golden night in the stanley cup. for the moscow dynamo graduate, this trophy became the second in his career. alexander ovechkin took first place among his compatriots in the number of matches in the nhl and continues to chase wayne's eternal record walnut by number. in the regular season , the legendary canadian captain of washington only had to score a little more than sixty times. another achievement in terms of the number of winning goals is not far off, compared to czech jaromir jagr's record of less than twenty accurate shots. a historic event happened this nhl season. for the first time , four russians from the same team scored in one game. dmitry voronkov, ivan provorov, egor chenakhov and kirill marchenko, playing for columbus. this did not happen even in the days of the famous the russian five in detroit, and the bomber race at... when it is customary
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to gather at the same table with family , friends, and the heroes of our next report will celebrate this holiday away from home, their work is like that, but i am absolutely sure, relatives our heroes will definitely be congratulated and wished happiness in the new year from the very center of antarkina, happy new year to the little girl from the city of arkhangiysk. outside -82°, off-road, 69th antarctic expedition, vostok station, 15,000 km from home, that’s where exactly, food you can’t order olivier for olivier, and the expedition itself lasts more than a year, which means that the polar explorers
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will not see their relatives soon, so they wrote down a new year’s message. happiness, health all the best, in our hands you see snow-firn kerm mined from a depth of 50 m, which is more than a thousand years old, congratulations to you, hurray, hurray, vladimir telnyuk will also celebrate this new year away from home, the christmas tree, always with me in the month of december, he has been working as a truck driver for more than 30 years, if he is lucky urgently. load, it doesn’t stop even at midnight, when we have time, we’ll pull into the parking lot, sit with the guys, drink tea, celebrate the new year, and be sure to call our loved ones, but for now we can’t be distracted from the road, so video greetings to the family, happiness, health , all the best, holidays without loved ones for relatives also a whole test, artyom dubovtsev, a process engineer, is now on shift in tyumen, his wife and little
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daughter are waiting for him in izhevsk, oh, what kind of dad is there, yes, tell me, hello, dad, we put up a christmas tree, hung up balloons, it works a month after a month , the last time the couple saw each other was at the beginning december, the month when he is at home is, of course, very pleasant, it is a very fun month, but when he leaves, it is no longer so fun, this is noticeable, especially on holidays, for vladislav kovalenko from tomsk, spending holidays like this is new, this he will celebrate the new year at the compressor station of the main gas pipeline in the region, we are ready to celebrate the new year, despite the fact that the installations are automated, we cannot do without a person here, so he will be able to see his loved ones only after 2 weeks. hi how are you doing? everything is fine, how are you doing? ok, how's work? yes, we’re working, it’s cold, it’s true, but it’s okay. but the gozovites are not discouraged, they create their own mood, decorate the christmas tree, come up with competitions,
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and write down congratulations to loved ones. good, good health. so that you remain as cheerful, as cheerful, so that all your goals are fulfilled. i hug you tightly, my dear ones. nazir nagumanov, marina sidorova, channel one. thursday morning the news will continue. the time has come to find out what new has happened in the country and in the world up to this hour. stay with us. this is news first. studios maria vasilyeva. hello. the assault group of our southern group of troops captured an important stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces in the donetsk direction of the special operation. under heavy enemy fire, motorized riflemen were able to get close to enemy positions, launched grenades, and quickly occupied trenches. from the air , the fighters' actions were corrected by drone operators. some of the militants were destroyed, one surrendered. at the positions they found an entire arsenal
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of western- made anti-tank systems. 10 pieces, and five more javelins, swedish grenade launchers, ammunition, communications surveillance equipment. in the kherson region , russian paratroopers competently used loitering ammunition, lancet, hitting a gvozdika self-propelled gun, a truck and a vsu tank, on the right bank of the dnieper. and in the kupinsky direction, reconnaissance forces from the west group of forces, with the help of the fagot anti-tank missile system, destroyed the ukrainian observation post, the soldiers quickly moved to the indicated square and deployed. to those who distinguished themselves during the liberation of the village of maryenko they presented well-deserved awards to 45 military personnel of the units of the southern group of troops. they were awarded orders of courage, medals for courage in rescuing those who died for bravery, as well as
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st. george's crosses, the soldiers were thanked for their tenacity and... showing courage and bravery, daniil climbed onto the roof of the car and repaired the station. private ivan udilov removed the equipment that was carrying ammunition to russian units from under fire, delivered the cargo on time without loss, and provided fire support to our advancing units. that ukraine has finally lost territories, residents who have decided to reunite with russia are speaking more and more loudly in the west and advising kiev to come to terms and seek at least a temporary cessation. the american newspaper new york times recalls that the front stretched for more than 1.00 km. the counteroffensive fails. hope for western technology was not justified. politicians in the us and europe, understanding the situation, refused to provide critical
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aid this year. and in the future, only a long war of attrition, new losses and instability throughout the continent, which postpones indefinitely ukrainian rapprochement with europe. kiev is being persuaded to admit the real state of affairs, the loss of a fifth of its territory. preparing for negotiations. there is no reason to have vain hopes. after his recent visit to washington, mr. zelensky should have no illusions that the american money tap will continue to be fully open, especially if trump returns to the white house. americans are echoed in germany. the prime minister of saxony, michael kretschmer, also advises kiev to accept the fact that the territory lost to the federal government of his country is offered instead arms supplies move to diplomacy. to achieve a ceasefire. at the end of the outgoing year, the united states announced the last batch of aid to ukraine, from a warehouse in the pentagon they will send ammunition for air defense systems and
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hymers to stinger manpads, shells, cartridges, explosives for only 250 million dollars and the cherry on the cake, another 20 million from biden as promises, but so far the issue is not for approval by the state department. there has been a generous flow of american aid in recent months. noticeably impoverished, the western media reminds that they managed to pass 110 billion dollars through congress for ukraine, large infusions continued until the republicans gained a majority in the house of representatives. and ukrainian politicians are already crying that without new western assistance they will not be able to pay salaries to teachers and civil servants, and a total of about 2 million people will be left without money. these figures were given by the vice-prenomists, everything that kiev has is now spent on military operations and servicing the debt, there are no more funds for social obligations, they will save on medicine, on education, they are talking about this in the budget committee of the verkhovna rada.
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and the head of the ministry of finance, sergei marchenko, completely stated that public consumption needs to be limited several times. the new budget of ukraine contains a deficit of more than $40 billion, kiev is eager to receive the missing from europe and the money is needed already in march, but in '. a new aid package has not yet been agreed upon. and the last thing: the new year is very soon, and many are wondering what the weather will be like for the holiday . the hydromidcenter said that it will be very cold in the urals. in the sverdlovsk region on the night of january 1, up to -27. in the tyumen region there is 30° below zero, in yamalo-nenets district 35. in yakutia , chukotka, khabarovsk territory from 40 to 50 with a minus sign. but in the south of siberia the temperature is expected to reach 10°. above the norm -4 in the altai territory, -6 in the kemerovo region to -3 in the altai republic. it will be warm in the south of the european part of the country, in the krasnodar territory and crimea, +13°. but in st. petersburg
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, the thermometers will show up to 15. frost with moscow is not yet clear. the capital will be on the border of a cyclone and an anticyclone, so the spread is large from zero to -10. well, the forecast for today is -4 and... good morning, dears tv viewers, arina sharapova is with you , on the calendar december 28, this is thursday, the new one is almost at the door, so readiness, my friends, is number one, well, what would a new year be without a christmas tree, the main christmas tree of the country, the main beautiful forest one a beauty who has decorated the cathedral square of the moscow kremlin already. makes us happy and gives us a new year's miracle, a new year's performance has started in the kremlin, the country's main christmas tree is ready for the new year, they chose it in the village of fryanovo, moscow region, brought
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it to the kremlin on cathedral square, and decorated it here she is elegant, a magnet for looks and smiles, now there are even more of them from those who go to the kremlin christmas trees, the performances have just started, i think that the kremlin christmas tree... these are miracles, beautiful, here, gifts, here santa claus comes out, children so joyful, i was probably surprised by the scale, because last year it seemed to me that it was... to a lesser extent. this is already a tradition; every year the tree gets bigger. compare, for example, what the first christmas tree in the kremlin was like 69 years ago, a costume party. now is a spectacular show, one thing is constant, emotions it's always over the edge here. the façade of the state kremlin palace is the first part of the performance. young viewers get to know fairy-tale characters. on the main stage, part two of the theatrical performance 39 new year.
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fairy tales, yeah , they call it virtual reality, what is reality, this is what is not said, only here the fairy tale and reality are intertwined, i really liked it, i have never seen anything like this, the plot is very interesting, just so fascinating, the performance was very cool, i i liked the costumes in all the fairy tales, good always wins, in life good wins, yes, always, it’s impossible to miss, every day. until january 9, three sessions per
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day, with the exception of december 31 and january 1, on these days two sessions. ruslan yunyaev, mikhail karasev, victor namunka, channel one. new year is a very bright, cheerful , noisy holiday, of course, it is not surprising that on the eve of the new year, sales of firecrackers, fireworks, and firecrackers always jump sharply, of course, you want to celebrate the holiday beautifully, but let’s not forget about caution, attention please. so as not to spoil this holiday for yourself and others. new year with sparkle and risk for life. we are for safe fireworks, we are launching them together with state fire inspection engineer ivan kolpakov. on a permitted site, this is the first condition. it is posted on the website of the prefecture or on the website of the district government.
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even firecrackers are always listed on the packaging; observing them is the second important condition. oh, these lawsuits can hit you right in the eye. and you need to hold it so that sparks don’t get on your clothes or skin. i got hit, i had to bend my arm elbow. the following are two types of firecrackers: grater petards. both of them are extremely unpredictable; if you hesitate a little, they can explode in your hand. look, it almost exploded in your hand. well, yes, you can’t hesitate. and right away.
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we throw away from ourselves, run away, we run away as quickly as possible, then a roman candle, it is important to correctly install the snowdrift vertically at 2/3 of the length, you cannot install it, as they say, a little bit like that during volleys it may fall to continue your work in a horizontal position , even imagine it’s scary, you can see for yourself, the volleys are powerful. now there is a fountain, we level the area under it, sprinkle snow on the sides, but look, the wind has risen, the flame of the spark is strongly blown to the side, in such gusts it is no longer advisable to use pyrotechnic products, it is undesirable, it is even forbidden, the wind has died down, we take out the fireworks battery, by the way, for pyrotechnics, especially such serious ones, only in a specialized store, this is the third important condition, the seller must have certificates, buy
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fireworks in advance, think about where to store them so that don’t keep it overnight, for example, in the car, as some people usually do, she says, mine was lying in the car and it exploded badly because it had dried out. our box is in order , we tear off the lid, place it strictly vertically , without tilting, deep deep in the snow, try it, it doesn’t swing, no, it’s standing, set it on fire, run back, enjoy the beauty, but remember, new year’s is the only night of the year when in most regions it’s is allowed, so answer quickly, without hesitation, new year’s salad is that, that’s right, it’s oliviera, how how tasty it turns out largely depends on what kind of kalpa it contains. sausage, or ham, or maybe carbonate, what to choose and how to choose the right one was dealt with by anastasia telia. a classic doctor's for those who like it more tender, witch, so
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that pieces of meat can be felt, and for lovers of smoked meats , carbonate is not for a sandwich, for new year's olivier, there are all sorts of recipes, you get a classic, i get something in the middle, these will be new items, but first we remember. what is important when choosing, sausage maker igor jagiello will help, he advises buying similar products in a natural casing, it tastes better when the sausage undergoes heat treatment, it goes through boiling, frying and smoking, but with a natural one, this smoked taste remains and it will be more interesting on your table, if additionally in a vacuum there is no moisture bloating, the product itself is better than the gost one, so as not to doubt the composition, in it the first place, of course, is meat, pork. this is the basis for carbonate and ham in the doctor's room , plus eggs or egg melanche, dry milk, spices, food are also allowed, but strictly defined, color fixative and antioxidant for safety, the product lies on the counter for a long time, but no starch is important, it retains moisture, so
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the manufacturer saves on meat, you can add not 200 g, but 300 g liquid, and this will already be a plus, as it were, in weight, we definitely check the category, but only the doctor is better and the ham is ideally b, the carbonate is not indicated, now you can open it, the mood is already new year's, i wrapped it in drizzle, make sure you don't freeze, let's see cut, at the color of all products should be a pleasant grayish-pink, but boiled sausage has a smooth texture, holes like these are the norm, if not more than 2 mm, it’s clearly expressed, yes, it ’s like it could have either been repackaged or... the technology has been violated preparations at the enterprise, the pieces are elastic, do not break when twisted, which means that the composition is definitely all right, this also applies to ham, plus here we estimate the proportions of ingredients, well, about 10 percent fat, beef, also 20 percent, and the rest is everything
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pork, for smoked carbonate we also check the color on top, it’s good when it ’s rich and golden, if it’s pale, it means wet carbonate, when wet it will give such a bitterness. well, the taste is unpleasant, everything is in order, then in the salad, the final chord, it seems, they are ready for the new year, all three versions of olivier were a success, the taste is just perfect, a classic that cannot be spoiled, anastasia otela, nikolai korosanov, vladimir popov, channel one , you know, i read on the internet that it turns out that the first can opener was patented in 1855, despite the fact that tin cans appeared. 45 before that, i wonder how they were opened all this time? well, we’ve probably been tormented somehow, so that you and i don’t have to suffer, especially on holidays, we will now choose the most convenient, safe and practical can opener. together with the medvedev family we are rehearsing the pre-new year
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culinary preparations: olivier salad, crab salad, mimosa, yes, we will have to open a lot of cans. for the new year we always cut at least three salads. time to choose a convenient can opener, let's compare three options: eternal a classic for 150 rubles, a sophisticated multi-tool 14 in one for 600 and an electric opener with batteries for a thousand, chef konstantin arutyunov will help you, battle which model will cope with the task faster. reade set go! victor opened the can with the simplest can opener in the first 27 seconds and he was done. the knife is very practical and convenient. second place... in general, you don’t need to make any effort, i installed it, it opens it by itself, maybe it seems to me that i can even leave, the multifunctional multitool completely let me down, it turned out to be inconvenient to operate it, just after due to the wide variety of attachments
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, it’s difficult to hold scissors, a screwdriver, and a corkscrew, so i had to tinker, 3 minutes 19 seconds, when working, the knife begins to move, it happens like this: there is a backlash and, accordingly, in the future there is a high probability, that it will simply fail for us, what can’t be said about a classic opener, it’s not for nothing that our grandmothers used these cheaply and cheerfully, and it will last a long time, it’s made of stainless steel, so rust should not appear, there is a stop so that the knife walked well jar, the only downside is that, like a multitool , it leaves torn edges on the jar , it’s unsafe, it’s easy to get hurt, plus this kind of... you need strength and dexterity, it won’t be easy if you’re not used to it, so as an alternative, an electric opener is, of course, more expensive, but it will do everything for you , at the same time, the seams are perfectly smooth, no... burrs along the edges, this opener we have a magnet, we
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have a magnet on the surface of our jar that presses through our jar and accordingly you and i will open it without getting hurt, the main thing is not forget to change batteries, well, just in case, have a simple can opener on hand, and a multitool is an excellent option for hiking and picnics; a compact one will not take up much space. anna grebenshchikova, denis zharov, channel one. good morning, dear tv viewers. we chuckled, and by the way, the question is not as trivial as it seems, after all, we are approaching 2024, and some people will have completely different numbers on next year’s calendar. time travel is simple, we wanted to go to the future, we flew to thailand, to the past to egypt, we... about the level life or style of architecture, literally , here we have 2024 close, in other countries, look
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, this is what a chronological map of the world could look like, where so many years come from, religion and politics determine the beginning of calendars, the basic principle is either creation or some kind of phenomenon religious or political, the coming of jesus, the flight of muhammad, or some kind of political. in japan it is now the fifth year, counting from the accession to the throne of the current emperor, in israel from the creation of the world 5784, in afghanistan and iran - 1402. this is a calendar hijra, from arabic, is a migration, the migration of the prophet from mecca to medina, it is from this starting point that the spread of islam comes. but the new year begins on march 21, on the day, or more precisely at the moment of the spring equinox. they calculate at what moment, at what second, sometimes there are 12
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hours, 32 minutes 7 seconds, the new year comes, in the countries of the middle east it is more difficult, the otigers also count, but they live not according to the solar, but according to the lunar calendar, but lunar months, in short, another 43 years have passed, the total is 1445, the beginning of the month is considered inability, the so -called, this is when you see... a narrow serb of the moon, that is, the appearing, nascent moon in the sky. bring back my 2016. this is ethiopia. in 500, the catholic church changed its calculations for the birth date of jesus christ, but the ethiopian church did not. and the most difficult summer calculus problems are in india and southeast asia. indian, nepalese and thai calendars. relatives, immediate family. they are lunisolar from hindu, but a variation. with the advent of buddhism, many appeared in one only in india, the coastal territories use one - the island territories
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use a different calendar, it’s normal for them, it’s normal for them, but everywhere in parallel they use our generally accepted gregorian calendar, says travel blogger natalya zakharova. time zones create more problems than chronology. but it’s interesting to study coins, translate hieroglyphs, understand numbers, so what year is it now is a completely logical question of experience. happy new year, for me new year is a family holiday, we have six in the family, this i, my husband and our four beautiful children, we have been together for 46 years and...
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and discovered our abilities, and gin snob is a product of stellar gruup, the greatest hits of the past decade, we bravely laid our heads in the field. i sing to the doctor to make you cry and let
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not everyone be tormented the same and let my name be trivial and talented. well, how did he manage to play the guitar, but why, just be silent, the heart of the windows you are crying, screaming, because he has not tamed himself, has not tamed himself at all, i beg you, laughter, on this is the best of living planes, friends, burn calories, burn calories , guys, let's go, let's go, neighbor. we move on and dive into the ocean of the internet. our columnist yegor uspensky has just ready another selection of fresh videos. our video parade opens with a cat named martin. its
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owner installed a smart faucet with a photocell in the kitchen and found that contrary to expectations. savior, well, the videos are invariably collected now like this, they play tag with their hundreds of thousands of likes on the internet, where does groundhog day begin, we can’t say for all groundhogs, this one has it. but it starts with morning exercises, first forty warms up the front paws, then the hind legs, does everything slowly, with feeling, efficiently, with arrangement, well , correctly in a healthy body, a healthy mind. well, in conclusion, let me introduce you to an unusual artist, his name is tom baker , he became famous on the internet for his winter landscapes on windows, tom creates with the help
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of these cans of decorative snow, well, you can see for yourself what he can do, by the way, this beauty brings good dividends to tom in the form of likes. paid subscriptions, oh, i'm tired of them. no, there are, of course, useful ones, but there are also downright harmful ones, which are invented by all sorts of scammers and then make money on our carelessness. my girlfriend spent half a day cooking yesterday. such beauty requires a festive atmosphere. and by the way, in addition to delicious food, we discovered a new deception scheme. it doesn't seem to be large-scale, but it's not pleasant. imagine that you are looking for some special new year's recipe, suddenly its description ends in the most interesting place, then you are asked
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to enter your phone number, supposedly for registration on the site, or maybe even for spam protection. i left my mobile yesterday, and what do you think? it turned out that in this way i signed up for a paid subscription to the online newsletter. for 250 rubles a month they promised to send me a poster for all the concerts that will take place in the city. why pay for it? information is free everywhere. in general, it’s good that i noticed it right away. but unfortunately, not everyone is so attentive, this is exactly what they hope to create. for such sites, what i recommend doing in such situations: open a personal account on the site mobile operator, if there are paid subscriptions, you will see this, we disable it, and if you do not use your personal account, then at least once every 2 months call your operator’s hotline and do not leave your phone number on dubious accounts,
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there are many recipes on the internet for which a paid subscription is not included, with the coming... new year we are going to the cinema, from january 1 , the film kholop2 by klim shipenko, starring milos bikovich, aglaya tarasova, is coming out in nationwide release, well, of course , you can’t miss this one, that’s my idea, let's go to paris, let's re-educate this major, hey, the mother-in-law's daughter woke up, 4 years ago khalop broke box office records, we demanded that the banquet be continued, this winter the holob is with us again.
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i understand that in the same shot they are pouring it on me, in fact, and i say, klim, this is so fundamentally important that i, of course , can sacrifice my face, but it will be for one take, there was only one take for this scene, the boat had to crash flawlessly into the brand new, newly built café set. the first serf collected 11 million in cinema the man who made the film challenge in space, director kremship.
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and nt, it means a little bit. oglaya tarasova and milos bikovich took dance lessons. we must be flawless. and they laughed and cried. who stepped on whose feet? i hope i stepped on him more. i tried to. the first viewers have already shared their impressions at the premiere. very cool, very cool. we spent time in this village, which was not filmed for 3 months after filming and i was re-educated. a little fairy tale, a little reality, a little surrealism. what we all need for a new one year, we believe that the film will blow everyone away. the comedy serf 2 is in theaters on january 1. let's celebrate the new year and go to the cinema. brilliant! svetlana
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neimanis, joseph kobrin, stepan erofeev, channel one. our program continues, now we give the floor to colleagues from the information service of channel one. we will find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. on the air news release, we will meet with you in just a few minutes. this is news first. studios maria vasilyeva. hello. army aviation crew on mi-28 helicopters as part of the strike group, they attacked enemy strongholds and manpower in the donetsk direction of the special operation with unguided missiles. they worked on targets and su-25 attack aircraft from low altitudes shot at enemy positions in the krasnoliman direction. in novomikhailovka, temporary deployment points in an area where enemy manpower was concentrated
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were destroyed by pilots of the vostok group of forces. the artillerymen of the southern group of troops also ironed the enemy positions. there, an assault group of motorized riflemen captured an important stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces, where there was an entire arsenal. alone there are at least 10 western-made anti-tank systems. in the kherson region it is russian. the nicks skillfully used lancet loitering ammunition, hitting a gvozdik self-propelled gun, a truck and an enemy tank on the right bank of the dnieper. and in the kupinsky direction, reconnaissance forces from the west army group, using the pagoda anti-tank missile system , destroyed a ukrainian observation post. military personnel. 45 unit soldiers were presented with well-deserved awards to those who distinguished themselves during the liberation of the village of maryenko. southern troop groupings were awarded orders of courage, medals for courage, saving
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those who died for bravery, as well as st. george's crosses. the heroes were thanked for their perseverance and professionalism, wished good luck and joyful exploits. and in ukraine, schismatics are already fighting not only against the canonical orthodox church, as it turned out, now they are also being hindered by... muslims, jews, even protestants, the pretext for persecution is still the same, supposedly representatives of these religions support the russian world. for example, the speaker did not hesitate to accuse them of this the scholastic church of eustrati zarya, and spoke in the spirit that the new law, which has already been adopted by the verkhovna rada in the first reading, should be extended to muslims, jews and protestants. this law is essentially aimed at banning the canonical ukrainian orthodox church for violating human rights. defenders have said more than once, but the schismatics like it; the same estratizar called ukrainian legislation on freedom of conscience one of the most liberal in europe. the death toll
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in the gaza strip since the start of the conflict has exceeded 21 thousand people, this is the data of palestinian doctors. israel attacks the central part of gaza, from land, sea, and air. on the lebanese side, israel is attacking hezbollah, and tv is threatening a full-scale military operation in this direction. the general staff has already stated that the military action plan in case of unforeseen circumstances has already been approved. and it was against this background that turkish president recep tayyip erdogan exchanged mutual and extremely harsh accusations. we saw the nazi camps of israel, how did this happen? they talk about hitler, but what do they different from hitler? they are even worse than hitler, what netanyahu did is no less than what hitler did. hitler was not so rich, he is richer than hitler, he accepts help from the west, he receives all kinds of help from the west, with this help 20 thousand residents of gaza were killed. erdogan, who carried out the genocide
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of the kurds, which set a world record. judging by the number of opposition journalists imprisoned, he is the last person who can preach morality to us. one working day in the white house again on vacation for a week on caribs. american voters are desperate to catch their president at work. after the christmas holidays, he is again vacationing on the island of santa cruz. family friends and part-time sponsors of the democratic party have a villa where biden was already celebrated last new year. reminders are flying towards the president.
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sarom, a doctor from russia transplanted the patient’s left lung, and a doctor from france transplanted the right one. he traveled to all the cities of russia, we were together with him in bishkka, we operated with him everywhere, everywhere he gives brilliant lectures, this a real, real great surgeon, a great scientist, a great friend, he loves russia very much, he loves russia and brought a lot of
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knowledge to russia. december 28th is thursday , there are only 4 days left until the new year, counting today, only four, all sorts of festive feasts will begin, there will be salads, other tasty treats, the question is, how much should you prepare for the new year, well, of course, the traditional unit we measure salads in a basin, but maybe we can somehow be more precise in grams, so that later we don’t have to eat it all up to 3
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january. we prepare for the new year's feast with a reserve, we definitely don't eat it, it's all packed in sauce in the refrigerator, half of it is lost, some of it is no longer fresh. how much do you need for a festive dinner? mathematics from a gastroenterologist. the volume of an empty stomach is 0.5 liters, if we have eaten well, then it increases to one and a half liters, but this does not mean that we should eat one and a half kilograms of olivier, ideally a shelf. only strictly through the scales, on average 150-200 g of salad should be, hot from 200 to 350, this is already along with a side dish, another 300 g for appetizers, here and a piece of jellied meat, a sandwich with caviar or a canapé, five pieces per person, at the rate of 200 g one, but what kind of housewife will
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count all this by grams? december 31, there is an easier way, if according to olivier , then we will be guided by eggs, for us one egg is two guests, that is, half an egg, one guest, half a medium potato for one person, 1/3 of a carrot, a medium half of a cucumber for one portion, total for six people, three eggs, the same amount of potatoes, cucumber, a couple of carrots, meat or sausage, as peas, as much as you like, we also count the ingredients for crab. herring under a fur coat, and what about the hot one? let us remind you that 350 g is a side dish , for example, two boiled potatoes with herbs , three baked ribs, not fried, when we bake, it is easier for us to save the next day than rather than fry it and it will dry out and disappear, and we will throw it away, and this saves a lot of time volume at once, bake boiled pork, turkey , large fish, sea bass, salmon, duck, with
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apples, and if you still have prepared a lot, we finish it the next day, remembering only terms and conditions of storage, layered salads, herring under a fur coat and mimosas for a day, provided that they are in the refrigerator, with crab sticks and caesar it is better not to season it in advance only when serving, so their shelf life is up to 48 hours, baked dishes will last the same amount of time, again in the refrigerator. natalya lyubchenko, dmitry roshkov, rostislav kolesnikov and yulia bykova, channel one. and on the calendar on december 28, our ancestors used this day to tell fortunes for the summer. it was believed that even if something was wrong on the trees, the harvest would be large. in there are a lot of mushrooms growing in the forest, what will summer be like if... and it won’t be, it’s not reported, well, astrologers have their own signs. december 28 is the turning point of the 16th and 17th lunar days, the thirteenth day of the sun, like yesterday
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’s good-natured, understanding person, he would rather listen to someone else’s opinion than stick to his own line. business negotiations, deals, visits to management will be great, if only you want to do this. on such days, we are somehow more busy in our personal sphere. we want comfort, coziness, family warmth, friendly communication. well, all this in one way or another degrees? today will provide us with some troubles at home, but it will help us deal with them. on the downsides: he is a little capricious, sometimes too sensitive, when all sorts of little things easily unsettle him, he can also be overly trusting and talkative. aries, remember this, do not be too frank with strangers and do not reveal your pin codes, passwords and personal data in general. otherwise, the day is excellent for both work and household chores, and aries men, plus everything else, will finally be able to understand the intricacies of female logic. some changes on the personal front are shining for taurus. taurus living in a civil marriage may
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decide that it’s time to legalize the relationship, and the stars are only for it, even today you can buy something at a profit. by the way, you can take gemini with you when shopping. today they count money very well, they can bargain and confuse their heads very much. it’s difficult and get ready, dear twins, to finish something or fulfill some obligations. a forgotten debt may resurface among crayfish, or an old conflict may suddenly come to life, it is better to settle all this as quickly as possible, and you will also now people are interested in you, they are drawn to you, unfortunately, not all with noble intentions, so pay closer attention. not a bad day for leo, even successful, the main thing is not to try to do several things at once, otherwise you will make mistakes; calmly react to various promotions and discounts. perhaps in a nearby store or on some marketplace, the same thing is sold cheaper. virgos today are charming, witty, artistic, the opposite sex is attracted to them, in a word, they are the soul of any company, only be more polite with technology, especially with all sorts of gadgets. libra is also for
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it’s important for you to be careful with fragile objects, there is a risk of breaking or breaking something. of course, you should also be more attentive while driving, without recklessness. for scorpios , a lot will be tied to... however, you don’t have any special problems in this area, just it’s better not to take on debt, there may be some pleasant event in the afternoon, the evening may have something to amuse you with. sagittarius has a great day for meetings, negotiations and other business contacts, just firstly, be punctual, and secondly, remember, you are greeted by your clothes, and how they will be accompanying is up to you. for capricorns, this day will tell you the answer to an important question, clarify something, open up some prospects, and maybe even... indicate the path you will take in the coming year. after lunch, get ready to help someone, and in the evening, expect guests. aquarians will be able to receive some important information, and some will even discover someone’s secret. an interesting and useful acquaintance is possible.
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still, remember that an old friend is better than two new ones, and let's go without alcohol today. pisces will be able to benefit from something, turn it into your own benefit, some situation. the luminaries, however, hint that not everything in this world is determined by profit. if you have children, pay more attention to them, good luck to you! christmas decorations , a garland, all sorts of tinsel, and rain for the tree, we use them only once a year, we carefully take the toys out of the box and hang them on the christmas tree, we often buy shura rain showers, because the old one always disappears somewhere, and we buy in the last moments, so to speak, without looking, and by the way, you also need to be able to choose them correctly. beautiful and safe tinsel , what it is, we’ll figure it out with an expert, start with the material, you can hardly find foil anymore, now they’re mostly polymers coated with paint, and it’s better when... they honestly write: for example, i’m thinking about will i
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buy it or not, because i don’t understand what it’s made of, where it says that it contains some polymer components, yes, for example, pvc, this inspires more confidence. we are looking for those without strong chemical odors that are worth sniffing. next, let's check how the rain is painted. if the dye is applied inappropriately or in an inappropriate way, it is quite possible that upon contact with the skin, with surrounding elements, the dye may... come off, it's garbage, it's harmful, how long will the tinsel last? if the needles are lying around, then they will fall off at home, a child can pick them up, put them in his mouth, lick the animal , inhale, just try to tug, yes, our needles are held tightly or not very tightly, a test for strength and for additional decorative elements, more about safety, inside the garland there may be wire, allows you to create additional forms and secure them, on the other hand it can be dangerous, if the wire breaks, someone can get scratched, it is better to hang it
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higher where a child or animal cannot reach, this is generally the basic rule for any tinsel, otherwise freedom creativity, since it’s the year of the dragon, i’m looking for some gold or green color so that it doesn’t clog the tree, i’ll decorate the doors, and i’ll choose something that suits the color of my room after all, we’ll test different types of tinsel in the most creative environment, visiting artist, pets are also in business, get enough sleep... hurray, konstantin alexander didn’t have the easiest rain, he’s beautiful in appearance, look, wow, he just got out of the store, it’s generally just necessary to isolate him from the cat. tinsel with wire, nothing frays, it looks like a snake, gosha will be afraid, gosha, but not so fluffy for an amateur, large product, the appearance is unrivaled, however, carefully with the smell, it smells, well, it’s a little bit more, of course,
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and once you're done, you can't do without cleaning. maxim petrenko, dmitry parfyunov, victor namunko, vladimir popov, channel one. what is the christmas tree made of? olga nikishicheva authoritatively states that a christmas tree can be built from anything, you just need to use your imagination and work a little. dear friends, if you haven’t had time to decorate your house with christmas trees, don’t rush to the store, we’ll collect everything around the house that might be useful, and this is a children’s plastic sand bucket. these are bamboo sticks for plants, the most
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ordinary branches, this is a stand made of cardboard and bark, and the most ordinary garlands and old new year's toys. let's start with the first tree, the base is a plastic bucket, remove the handle from it, wrap it in a garland, apply hot glue to the bottom of the bucket. we lay a garland, apply a little glue to the bamboo sticks , place them in the groove, tie the top of the christmas tree with a rope, add a few drops of glue to the top so that the rope does not move. decorate the top of the tree with two bows, glue them together and glue them to the top. we decorate with an old toy, we also glue
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toys to the bottom of the tree, and that’s the first tree. next christmas tree we assemble according to the same principle: we form a pyramid from three branches, glue them to the base upwards, tie them with a rope, and wrap the rope around our pyramid. old garland, we cut off suitable fragments and glue them to the base, all that remains is to decorate our christmas tree with straw toys, and from the remaining branches of different lengths you can make a christmas tree, which we will then hang on the wall, we simply lay them in the shape of a triangle, now we take saw cuts from the same branches and wooden toys, apply glue to them. and fix the branches with these toys,
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so that they don't move. now you need to tie it up with a rope. our whole christmas tree so that it doesn’t collapse under its own weight, we tie the rope into a loop and add toys , that’s all the work, these small and original christmas trees will decorate your home if you have time to make them just before the holiday, literally from whatever comes to hand, good luck! winter this year turned out to be just right, so snowy! in some places there is more than enough snow, but there is also ice, but this is not a reason to grumble, but for the heroes of our next report, this is actually a reason invent some useful device to combat this same snow and ice at the same time. to fight the snow like a superhero with a spark, andrei kolesnikov
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assembled this flamethrower himself from a fire extinguisher; he also needed spray foam guns, water taps and a year of work, figuring out how to put it all together. to hold in each hand for comfort, the fire reaches 4 m in each direction, in any direction, the neighbors, of course, are surprised, but they don’t argue with a flamethrower about how best to remove snow, equipment maintains safety, away from trees, cars and people. clearing snow with a tractor, although not as effective as a flamethrower, is definitely more effective, especially if the tractor is minen, the designer’s name. it turns on the spot , they practically turn the frames , look, it turns, it’s like this tractor, there are no hydraulics, in general a simple design, igor minin with his tractor became famous throughout the street, so what, it’s small in width, it can drive into any gate , and economical 1 hour per 200 g of fuel, when with there’s a lot of snow, he goes out and starts clearing
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the road for us, so we just support him a little with a shovel, they would have some more means to combat ice, like the chelyabinsk... inventor konstantin leonov, he’s tired of the city turning into an ice skating rink every year, like they wash it floor, here it’s about the same thing, movement happens, here it is our ice, here there is no ice, and a person doesn’t fall, a retired engineer is a real innovator, he says such a roller with needles will save utility workers a lot of time, i talked to the workers, they saw it, grabbed it hands, they say, we we want to work with this thing, well, so do i... as i see the solution to this problem, together with others, with shovels, with scrapers, with brooms, there should be such a device, the most difficult thing remains, to introduce rollers into the clumsy housing and communal services system. victoria edinova, nazir nagumanov, channel one. this is my
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style, a millionaire's wife, i read. this is love , self-deception, you are not mine, you are not mine, the girls in the crowd, the boys are fired up, this chaos is illuminated by a mirror disco ball, the premiere, the very first new year, december 30th on the first. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. well , yes, the coming year according to the eastern calendar is the year of the dragon. and they say the dragon loves everything bright and shiny. this means, dear women, you and i have a wonderful opportunity to shine on new year’s eve, and even to
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the tips of our nails. on new year's eve you want to shine. an elegant manicure with rhinestones , lay them out in the shape of snowflakes , put a drop of transparent varnish on the nail plate before the sticky layer dries, lay out the rhinestones, place the largest glass in the middle, and around it five small ones to make snowflakes they turned out to be openwork, i put small beads between the rhinestones, and outline the pattern with transparent varnish, if this is not done right away. the snowflake will begin to spread and will lose its shape, i apply a finishing coat to secure the new year’s decor, look how beautiful it turned out, a manicure with sparkling snowflakes, it looks fascinating with the upcoming holiday. herring under a fur coat, frankly speaking, is not
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the lowest-calorie salad, but new year's eve is a time when it seems to me that you can afford it, and you can also experiment. maria surova offers roll up the herring under a fur coat, friends. is it possible to surprise guests with herring under a fur coat? now there will definitely be a real culinary experiment. i boil the potatoes, carrots and beets separately, otherwise it will color the vegetables, and i need the layers to be clearly visible. i take out the carrots first, then the potatoes. and the last thing to cook was the beets. i let it cool and clean it. it is better to work with beets wearing gloves. it needs to be cut into very thin slices. it is more convenient to do this with a cabbage grater. only even circles, they will create all the beauty, i’ll do lenten option, so without eggs, and the rest
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of the ingredients are the same as for a regular fur coat, i grate the onion with thin feathers and you need to marinate it so that the taste is more delicate, for the marinade salt, sugar, apple cider vinegar and a spoonful of water, leave for 10 minutes, well well, i’m starting to form the rolls, it’s convenient to do this on a bamboo sushi mat. i wrap it in film, lay out the beet slices overlapping so that there are no gaps left anywhere until the middle of the mat, cover it with a grid of lean mayonnaise, like this, no need to spread it, i lay out the carrots, leaving the strip of flesh empty, then the potatoes, all the ingredients need to be tamped down a little, i pour in mayonnaise , the filling, of course , is herring, i cut off a thicker strip of fillet, i roll it up, holding
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the filling, i press down lightly, but not too much, so that nothing falls out, i add i roll the shape with these movements and carefully remove the mat, wow, it worked, i cut it into portions with a very sharp knife, decorate with drops of mayonnaise and feathers. the new year's experiment was a success, on the calendar december 28 we continue to sum up the past year, right now , the brightest hockey events of 2023, from our colleague, sports journalist of channel one dmitry terikhov. tickets for khl regular season matches are selling out like hot cakes, and for playoff games, literally. last season , the knockout round included a record 87 matches, which were attended by almost 730 thousand spectators,
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starting from the second round, an average of 9,286 people came to each game, this is the best figure in 15 years, cup winner gagarin cska almost reached the limit in the number of meetings in one draw, 27 out of 28 possible. in the final, the army team took over dagbarsam. mikhail grigorenko was recognized as the most valuable player of the decisive series, he is the same according to the results. became the top scorer with 25 points and a sniper with 12 goals. sergei fedorov deserves special mention, who began his coaching career and immediately won two gagarin cups from scratch in 2021. this season, cska does not yet look so convincing, being located in the middle of the western conference table and being in the shadow countrymen from spartak. the red and white, led by super-scorer nikolai goldobin, became the main discovery of the first part of the regular season and are rightfully one of the leaders in the summary table. well, ilya kovalchuk is certainly considered the favorite in the comeback of the year category. 21 years later, he reunited with alexei dzhamnov, and if at
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the olympics in salt lake city they played together for the russian national team, then recently forty-year-old kovalchuk has been playing for his native spartak under the leadership of dzhamnov and is already in full swing scores. by tradition, russian hockey players play leading roles overseas. ivan borbashov contributed to vegas golden night winning the stanley cup. for the moscow dynamo graduate, this trophy became the second in his career. alexander ovechkin reached... first place among his compatriots in the number of matches in the nhl and continues to chase wayne gretzky's eternal record for the number of goals in the regular season before the legendary canadian , the washington captain has just over sixty goals left to score. another one is just around the corner achievement in the number of winning goals, less than twenty accurate shots compared to the czech jaromir jagr. a historic event happened this nhl season. for the first time , four russians from the same team scored in one game. dmitry voronkov, ivan provorov, egor chenakhov and kirill marchenko. playing for columbus, this did not happen even during the time of the famous russian five in detroit, but the scorer race is currently headed by
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nikita kucherov, a two-time stanley cup winner with tampa. it's a beautiful thursday morning arina sharapova met you. i wish you a productive day, very good health, good mood if possible, and, of course, more good news. stay on the first. this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablev, in this issue, not by number, but by skill, how marenka was liberated, two from the right flank, two from the left, then they threw grenades, time to reveal some military secrets and a solemn
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award ceremony for heroes. it’s a sin, the speaker of the schosmatic church of ukraine is now threatens local muslim centers, jewish and protestant communities. the soviet authorities are also tightening the screws, with even fewer loopholes for conscripts. a river instead of a landing strip, the pilots in yakutia landed in the wrong place. there are 34 people on board, everyone is alive and well, but the stress, of course, is considerable. not ice, magical matter. amur crystal competition. 4 days the fabulous city is ready. what is most important in the work of masters? state awards were given to the fighters who distinguished themselves in the battles for marinka, having defeated the most powerful fortified area, they pushed the ukrainian armed forces away from donetsk. thanks to the heroes wider operational space was obtained. that the city has been completely liberated, to the supreme commander-in-chief.


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