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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  December 28, 2023 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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there is a lyrical, but at the same time dramatic role in it, a strong one, on the contrary, then we dance, according to the dds of the ballet donquihod - it’s so fiery, even on the ballet stage. i actually was at the opening of this theater, yes, and i, when i was sitting in the second row in the hall, by the way, i remember the place, for some reason i thought it would be nice to dance something here, in fact, apparently, the new year fulfills some of your wishes. forecasters today told us what the weather will be like in the capital region for the new year; the twenty-fourth is expected to greet us a sharp cold snap, if on the day of december 31 new snow charges and a temperature of about -3 are expected, then on new year's eve itself the temperature will drop sharply to -14, the precipitation will stop, the sun will be frosty , a wonderful day, like pushkin's, awaits muscovites first. january, clear skies and -12, the main thing here
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is not to oversleep, but tomorrow and the day after tomorrow the outgoing year will say goodbye to the capital . that's all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell. the information channel on the first continues we are broadcasting our own program, time will tell, we are working live. russian attack drones 2 are terrifying or not. only to ukraine, but to the west. international telegram channels publish a video of one of the latest giraniya attacks on targets in su v odesya.
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the west is so afraid of our new types of weapons in ukraine they are afraid of this that they are starting to make our models of our weapons. question: why? did you discuss it on the popular front stream? one of the american companies has launched the production of cheap copies of our air defense systems, beeches, s-300, tor, to name a few. let's say, our secrets of our newest weapons are protected, because they have been copied, is it possible to develop such, let's say, equipment that would determine that this is a model, they are really tanks, bmp, they make these complexes, and they make them in this way , that with a thermal imager there is a definition, that there are electronics, they work, they are useful, they are inflatable, but they create the conditions for that. so that these
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complexes can be hit with high-precision ammunition, i will give a small example: war is an economy, yeah, when we shot down the first time hymers, so you understand, hymers according to our rubles, a rocket costs 5.5 million rubles , an unguided, high-precision rocket with space adjustment, they shot it down with a beech tree, which costs a rocket 11 million, twice as expensive, the war is already becoming unprofitable yes .
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you can see from the thermal imager that there is an engine there , that it is burning, that it is on the radar and is shown everywhere as if it were real, these are very serious things, as promised, we continue to show the best questions from our viewers on channel one, you can ask a question in telegram -stream channel popular front, qp code on your screen, be sure to subscribe and don’t be shy, ask questions, our guys at the front continue to demonstrate coherence and professionalism. roma paratroopers shot down a ukrainian baba yaga drone that hovered in the sky above the trench to drop a mine, so our guys blocked it with an anti-drone gun, and then shot it down with a machine gun. and in kiev-kherson, the russian military during a night missile attack destroyed a train from the american patriot air defense system. about what is happening now in the kherson direction. let's find out from elena sokolova, war correspondent. elena, hello. hello, what's happening on
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the line of contact? well, in the kherson direction the enemy is making further attempts to counterattack our positions on the dnieper. for example, in krynki, the shliboi in the mtr again tried to transfer landing groups under the attacks of our uav operators, this attempt was stopped, several boats were destroyed. our defenders continue measures to expand the bridgehead, even in the ukrainian press, the ukrainian general staff confirms that russian troops advanced to the western part of the krynoks on the banks of the dnieper. in the enemy's radio networks, and the enemy soldiers can hear decadent moods, mutual artillery strikes are taking place. the ukrainian military themselves admit that carrying out tasks on this front line in this area to counter-offensive is suicide, i will explain why: the conditions there are so difficult that in most places there is even nowhere to dig in or hide, as a rule, these are swampy hummocks riddled with
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some kind of rivers or meadows that have turned into mud cracks, with bomb craters, filled with water, the ukrainian military arriving on the shore have to step on the bodies of their own soldiers, who... lie in the churned up mud, because there is no way to evacuate them, if a wounded person, then his fate is already predetermined, the ukrainian commanders themselves mention that there is not enough boats, but there is no such thing as an observation point or position, it is impossible to gain a foothold there, it is impossible to bring equipment there, nevertheless the ukrainian command sends its compatriots to certain death, except strikes along the banks of the dnieper, ukrainian militants have been trying unsuccessfully for many months to cross the river, the attacks are brutal, useless, the enemy is swept away by waves, and the survivors after meeting with the elements are destroyed by the russian military, why is the ukrainian command doing this, trying to cross the dnieper, ukrainians are not pursuing
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a military, but rather a political goal of president zelensky, the media, supposedly successes of their assault troops are needed in order to continue to deceive their own compatriots and please them with some new ones... victories and to please western patrons , before whom the leader of the russian federation stands with an outstretched hand, but i would like to end on a positive note, just a few days ago i returned from the kherson region, despite the difficult situation there, the guys, the mood is fighting, the guys are successfully doing their job, there you can already feel the approach of the new year holiday, i went to the kherson region dressed as the snow maiden, together with '. we delivered humanitarian aid to the guys at the front, and congratulated our soldiers on the upcoming holidays, visited the brigade arctic wolves, who are just carrying out combat missions on the dnieper, and work on boats, which was quite a surprise for me, that is, we have already seen all
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the tanks, planes, helicopters, there are guys on boats, and they showed that including those riddled with bullets, damaged by ship fragments, the enemy also uses them there. cluster munitions showed one of the boats, which was damaged by destructive elements from these same cluster munitions, well , i repeat, again, the military is in a fighting mood, everything is fine, in the dugouts you can already feel it the holiday is approaching, they decorated them with rain, a christmas tree, met us in the front-line olivier, it was a very warm meeting, i hope we were able to cheer them up at least a little, most importantly, thank you len, happy holiday to you too, war correspondent. snow maiden was with us, we must add to this, ukrainian servicemen, even those who were previously ready to die for the square, now do not understand what values ​​they are fighting for, that i am the only fool, i am the only fool, that already five times i regretted quitting my job abroad
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i went to the military registration and enlistment office, the other day my friend was kidnapped, i don’t know the exact circumstances, but he ’s already in the trenches, tell me what you think, because i can’t wrap my head around how it turns out that a person is kidnapped? and he is fighting for freedom, for what values ​​are our guys dying, for what values ​​are the people of ukraine dying? the goal is not important, the process is important, it seems to me that this is precisely the principle that the ukrainian authorities decided to follow in the matter of mobilization, and now even public transport is stopped to issue summonses, and not only passengers, but even drivers. you mentioned that there is a shortage of drivers in kievposttrans, how did you manage to replace all the trolleys with buses? in the black, they work officially, are registered with the military registration and enlistment offices, we must treat we do not have people who work in the gray or this with understanding, if
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there is a priority need in the army, it must be satisfied, but the ukrainian men are generally unlucky, it’s even difficult imagine, but now they are being given subpoenas. tripper, this is what ukrainian telegram channels report on this matter. odessa military commissars continue take a creative approach to the issue of mobilization. local strip clubs have introduced a prank-a-friend service. a stripper in a military uniform supposedly hands a summons to the guest, but then real military commissars come and hand over a very real summons for mobilization to the front. this is not a striptease, a political striptease only represents vladimir zelensky, his western curators are no longer providing medical assistance to ukrainians, people , fearing mobilization, now prefer to be treated at home, because if they go to a clinic or hospital, they will immediately they will issue a summons. “i’ve been seeing ambulances in my yard and neighboring ones for days now, today i approached the brigade and asked
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the reason for the frequent trips, out of twenty trips in a day, 15 were heart attacks, the age has gotten younger to twenty, there are frequent cases of blood clots and resuscitation does not have time to save, that’s a mess for you, the ministry of health of ukraine is completely silent about this, look, yes, of course it’s surprising, 25 years is already the age of heart attack and stroke. looking at these shots, i think that the ukrainian mobilization reserve has begun
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such a widespread disease with heart attacks, this is a clear symptom of the fact that the people do not want to take up arms, go to war, it is not clear why, well, in general, we must consider this system in a complex of other measures, we cannot just consider it just when ambulances are starting, what roadblocks, look how posnyac. measures were taken by the kiev regime in order to drag a person of military age to the front, but first they said not to leave the city, then from the region, then from ukraine, you know, and in general further, then zaluzhny issued an order, which zelensky canceled because it is considered undemocratic, now look, they are turning to ukrainian embassies abroad.
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crisis, that disabled people, deaf people, and so on, are called up to be one-eyed, this has already become simple, simply ridiculous, when such things happen in society, they talk about a number of fundamental things, but firstly, the people, quite understandably, do not accept war , this, these are all the symptoms, when people are driven away, in churches, in cemeteries, when people evade conscription. the more
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the losses the ukrainian army suffers at the front, the more people who do not want to fight for this country, people themselves say, we don’t understand what we are fighting for, but i asked some even prisoners, whom i managed to talk to him, why everything- after all, some people and... the father is looking to at least save his family from such hardships, he still goes to
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the front, but i just think this cannot continue for long, you know, this is the tnt equivalent, which accumulates in the souls of ukrainians, which, sooner or later it will take on other forms later and sooner or later it will explode, i agree that this cannot continue for long, because according to my feelings, well, excuse me, but the people of ukraine have turned into torture, no, how long is that? we have a different understanding of the word duty, that this will continue for some time, but the question is, look, the situation here is like this, if something so drastic happens at the front, some...
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now some critical ones are accumulating moments, those that in the future will create the one in six months, it’s just about the fact that the most snowball, because of which the entire ukrainian regime will crumble, i say again, no one will say the exact date, it may not be tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow, or in six months. but the most important thing here is that the trend towards the defeat of the kiev regime, it is irreversible, the question is solely in its timing, all these processes that are taking place internally in ukraine in the form of this mobilization of population relations, external ukrainian fundamental changes in the position, no matter what anyone says, of europe and the united states in relation to ukraine, and why doesn’t ukraine itself change the attitude of people who suffer repression, but repression
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is an inertial process once, repression, twice, you understand perfectly well that in the conditions. repression, the fear is to speak first, those who speak first will get a slap , maybe they will even be banged, in ukraine this is absolutely normal, this is practice, and those who go later, yes, they will already raise it there, if you don’t speak they will bang you at the front, well , while people are thinking, that is, the only choice is where they will kill you, people are still thinking, in order in order for them to decide on some tough actions, i need to return it again, some kind of fundamental change at the front, some kind of shock blow from our side, i don’t know, honestly i’m waiting.
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i believe that all of ukraine should fight, all of it, not 500.00, but 40 million. and all enterprises are mobilized on a war footing. this is not about profit, it is a matter of survival and war. and it’s interesting that the petition, a popular petition demanding the mobilization of deputies of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, gained the required 25,000 votes in just a few hours. here of course, it’s just a hint, a soft one, just a hint from the people that it’s good.
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we understand mediatologies, well, we could demonstrably mobilize some son, some deputy, send him to a safe place at the front, and he would be a mouthpiece and talk about how he calls on everyone, well, i didn’t even do that, i of course, i tell them business, ruslan, the deputies have a business, they are not ready to send their children, and here is another important point that resets, or at least reduces, all ukrainian opportunities to build long-term defense, all their projects, including... there is a wall in the north and so on, all this is done with the understanding that this is being done solely to delay the russian side for some time, nothing more, these sentiments lead to a sharp surge in the already powerful corruption in ukraine, when kal will now try to grab the maximum before inevitable defeat, which will once again further undermine the stability of the kiev regime, these are also processes that cannot be
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stop, they cannot be controlled, this is the same snowball that i’m talking about, those same facts, there are many of them, a bunch of them, internally in... these military criminals and i see that these are just children, just children, children of azov, and how many more there are, we need to think about it in advertising too. cognac monte chococa, a product
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of the stellar group. as you celebrate the new year, in your youth, of course, you answered cheerfully. this is your de. yes, and where did my grandfather come from, from india, how did this happen? new year, these are sweet dumplings, did you bring dumplings? yes, yes, let's, yes, let's have the dumpling, i don't know how to say it in spanish, at my age you shouldn't worry so much.
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anything, matodor, high fashion, tomorrow on the first, what do you think about the world of fashion, perhaps
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this is an even more magical world than mine, game, motor, a hundred reasons to love gaytai, i write down, says, you know, i’m a big woman i won’t lift it, but i’ll carry the little one in my arms. let's kiss quickly, kiss, he says spit, that was an impromptu, 100 reasons to watch the guide, films simply overwhelm you with a stream of joy and smiles, everyone is dancing, 100 reasons to remember gaidai, our generations, my children, my daughter and my grandchildren are watching, repeating all sorts of phrases and jokes, tsar, it’s very nice, then there are reasons to talk about gaidai, if he starred with gaidai, that means that’s all,
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not bad, but i learned the secret of how to make real comedies on the occasion of the centenary of leonid gaidai, december 30, on the first. сnop gin is a product of stellar group. the very first new year.
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you said that you will get married when you turn 50, after 50, i said.
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december 31st on the first. good afternoon. in this project we help the children of our country to do the first steps towards your dream. today i want to remember the story of vika shapovalova from the lugansk orphanage. we met her for about a year...
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pump in the family, when there is a mess , i will put things in order, if there are animals, i will take care of them, i will love, and i will look forward to meeting you, we knew that we needed to talk about vika as soon as possible, the girl has a serious and severe genetic disease, until the age of 18 vika is provided with drugs by the circle of good foundation, but what next, the prospects were frightening, at 23 vika will have to go home
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the elderly, where everyone's dream is. will not come true, i was already abandoned once due to illness, and i’m afraid that it will happen again, i have a very strong complex about this, about gait, that i’m not like everyone else, that i can’t run like everyone else children, play and ride around, all that kind of stuff, i don’t like it when people feel sorry for me, i want to live like all the children, oh what a shame your bed is. my baby is so good, we talked a lot about our own family, about the sister who died in front of the girl’s eyes, about how vika was abandoned by her foster family after learning about her diagnosis, all this time vika’s face did not leave such a quiet and modest smile that truly frightened me, i felt very terribly painful for the little lost girl in this big world. do you remember
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your family? mom and sister? i was 7 years old when i didn’t become a mother, but what happened to my mother? she had oncology, but tell me, was your dad in your life? well, i don’t think that he was in my life, he drank all the time and beat even my mother, and me too, yes, that’s why i never talk about him, but how did they kill my little sister? katya, she played football with me your heart stopped, did this happen before your eyes? why good, i was lonely almost all my life before i went to the orphanage, after my sister died, i specifically began not to communicate at all, then they offered me a foster family, i agreed because i was little, i didn’t think anything of it through, i didn’t have any support there, in class i... studied with their son
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, and he always mocked me, in front of everyone, there was a moment when he beat me, they believed him, they didn’t believe me, i always pray when i it's hard to be lonely, i'm not asking because the priest said that just pray, you don’t need to ask for anything, god himself will give you what you need, i’m looking for mom, dad, and mom and dad, i know that you are looking for me too, we don’t know each other yet, but i feel that we will meet soon and become one family. no one expected such a response to vika’s story. for two weeks , concerned people cut off the phones of our editorial office, we received hundreds of requests. vicky was in shock. she couldn't believe that the main dream of her life could become a reality. when we looked, of course, all the tears were in our eyes were, the plot told vicky’s story, of course, they understood that this child needed help. when i saw it, i cried for 3 days,
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it was very... the first tears were about the child’s story, if she doesn’t find her family, then this is the worst thing, that the child will be sent to a rebuilding house for 23 years and that’s all, she has there will be no life, no one will give medicine. any person should have the right to happiness, in this case it is the right to life, and she needs loving people nearby who can help her, and i hope we are such people for her let's become, yes, my colleague, presenter ruslan astashka and his wife tatyana, saw a story about vika, they immediately realized that she was their child, we decided to arrange the first meeting in moscow. now i want to invite you to the studio. his colleague, tv presenter of the first channel ruslan ostashka and his wife tatyana, ruslan, come to us, hello, why are you crying, now i am too,
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so we exhale, exhale, we promised not to cry, even all of you, you’re all just alike, i see that- then they brought it, but he loves cats, right? we have a sphinx cat living at home, we brought it for ourselves, and you i also think i’ve prepared a gift , yes, for ruslana, here’s a fantasy , what kind of icon is this, tell me, it ’s the mother of god of lugansk, you’re addressing her, yes, food , please tell me, when did you see vika, what thoughts came to your first moment, the first thing i said was that let’s take her with us.
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a room for a girl, what a room, they even chose the school where vika will study, hello, my dears, hello, hello, thank you very much, we came to the orphanage in lugansk, where she lived vika, from today, she ’s already coming to us, today our common journey with vika begins, yes, have a little backpack with this and are you coming? that’s all, it’s sad, the fact that my friends stayed here and sad and happy, everything is mixed, we arrived late from
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lugansk yesterday, the first morning of our new life together. mikolya, wake up, before for taking medications, vicki was responsible for taking the medications, he slept with me all night, guarded me , the nurse, now i, vika, come on, yes, come on, vika already knows everything herself, we just control the process. the best i could imagine, vika has been living with a new family for six months now and i am happy that our program is involved in this, we continue to communicate with vika, correspond with her on social
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networks, and i know for sure that she is doing well, as promised, i went to visit vika and her new family, hello, well, hello, thank you, hello, hello, who is this? these are our dogs, like and crazy, they are busy with themselves, like, come here, the youngest member of our family, anastasia ruslanovna, vika and nastya immediately found a common language, yes, but vika is more helpful loves in the kitchen, what do you like to cook, today with grandpa pancakes, from the first time i really liked cooking pancakes, i suggest you go to... try a pancake with pleasure, before coming here, i was very shy, afraid, most of all me i was amazed what kind of people they are, ruslan, he is very
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fair, tanya is very, very smart , she understands a lot, she is truly like a mother to me, i consider them my parents, but to call them... my dad, i’m still i can’t, maybe with time i will. vic, you look great has changed a lot, which means after all the dream has come true, the dream has come true and not just one, i really wanted to go to school and... and i went to vocals, you also have a family, this is in general, this is an indicator, this is indicative, well, also health it’s gotten much better, i started playing sports , my gait is no longer the same and it’s clear that something is wrong, i used to be very worried about what they would think of me, but now i don’t have that, i walk freely, vika, can you show me how do you live here, wow, this is actually my room. i ate the exercise machine, by the way, it does it for you, but
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my legs are straining more than you are, my muscles hurt very much after it, tell me, what else has passed from my past life to the present, some things, maybe you brought it, well, this picture is of us together with the girls in the orphanage it was made, also a cat, it was my favorite toy, a beautiful cat, i receive news from the orphanage from lugansk, i correspond with the girls , the director of the orphanage also writes to me almost every day , it’s very nice, a moment where i would regret that i ended up in a family, i would like staying in an orphanage, or returning here was out of the question at all, it’s very beautiful from the window, yes, i’m happy for you, tanya, i couldn’t wait, i even tried the pancakes, very tasty, vic, tell me what has changed in your life with the way you are? now vikulya herself apologized, she had a sparkle in her eyes,
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when i got into the family, i noticed that i had changed in appearance, but especially in character, i became more confident, i began to maintain contact with people, although for me it was very difficult before, it was the first day of school hard, i came home immediately in tears after algebra, i didn’t understand anything, but... now i already have b’s in algebra, and sometimes i get a’s, and by the way, you found a common ground with the guys, made friends, yes, of course, with us school is very fun, no one knew my history with the school, but the class teacher, he warned the children, talked to them, thank them very much for this, i was afraid that they would bully me because of my health, since i already there were moments like this, i was pushing myself very hard, but then i met classmates. they are very good and kind , guys, well, i’ll ask, the expectation is reality,
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vika is already an adult, to really understand what she is like, this also took time, we thought that it would be more difficult - in terms of spinal muscular atrophy, we don’t notice this at all, but here she’s a great guy for going in for sports, i go up to her and ask how this week went, what didn’t you like, what did you like, what did you learn, and that’s how we found out that she wants to do vocals, that is, we still have to get it . get vika in another year will record his song, play the piano and invite us all to another concert , with pleasure, because the talent is there, so get ready, you will have to film a sequel, everyone is invited to the concert, it’s my first new year in the family and i feel that this year will be unforgettable for me, i would like to sincerely thank everyone who took part in getting me into the family, this is the first channel, it was she who was the first to tell me about the huge, i’m happy,
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that i want to get into the family, thanks to everyone under new year it is customary to sum up the results, little lost girl from the orphanage, who was told about this spring , now everything is fine, she has a loving family, is entering a new school alone, recently celebrated her birthday, i think that vicky's story will be a wonderful example of inspiration for us, to always believe to your dream, then it will definitely come true. this is news on the first. hello, in the studio of valery koravlev. and we start with a large transport project, which is of great importance for... for the entire european part of russia, traffic on the first section is open
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northern bypass of tver. this is part of the m-11 moscow-st. petersburg highway. it was built in 2019, but work on this section was postponed. as a result, the entire stream was forced to slow down and drive through the city. and there were traffic lights, intersections, traffic jams in which both local residents and those traveling in transit were stuck. the first open section is 34 km. the second and final one will be built by summer. total length of the detour. will be more than 60 km, when the northern bypass of tver is fully launched, travel time between moscow and st. petersburg will be reduced from six to 5 hours. the road will become as experts say, seamless, that is. there will be no interference that would cause the driver to stop. today , deputy prime minister marat khusnulin took part in the ceremony via video link. at the same time , he summed up the results with which road builders end. last year we set a record, laying 176 million square meters of canvas. this year we exceeded
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last year's figures, with a plan of 180, and a total of 188 million square meters have already been laid. by the end of the year , more than 31.00 km of roads will be built, reconstructed and brought into standard condition. now the latest data on the progress of the special operation in the donetsk direction: mi-28 helicopters and night hunters hit strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces. in the same area, attack aircraft captured dugouts with nato equipment. under the influence of the rszzo hurricane, they destroyed the enemy’s fortifications. near artyomovsk, crews of mstab howitzers attacked the militants’ control center, which was in dilapidated condition. building on the right bank of the dnieper lancets disabled the self-propelled gun of the carnation and the enemy’s combat vehicle, but meanwhile such footage appears on the internet, this tank reports apu, which exploded after being hit by a kamikaze drone. and today the ministry of defense
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reported that two ukrainian aircraft-type drones were shot down over the territory of crimea. destroyed by our air defense systems. the black sea and areas adjacent to the coast of the peninsula are constantly patrolled, including from the air. a detachment of naval aviation of the black sea fleet is in action. they work day and night in any weather. he is responsible for dozens of destroyed objects, unmanned boats, and high-speed boats in the ssu. report by valentina solovyova. at the same time, the water area of ​​the black the seas are always patrolled by several aircraft at once, including helicopters and airplanes. now ready for takeoff. ak29, and we see that another combat helicopter has already taken off, the naval aviation pilot of the black sea fleet has already been given the coordinates of the target, this is an unmanned boat of the ukrainian armed forces. we are now on the escort wheel at k-29.29. on board the k-29
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there are different types of missiles, an air cannon capable of penetrating the armor of ukrainian boats, and a gunner with a machine gun. these shots were taken by our crew: a sea drone of the armed forces of ukraine, which was moving towards sevastopol at a speed of up to 100 km/h. first they stop with a large caliber, then finish off with a burst of machine gun fire. by tradition, we immediately celebrate them on our board. according to our pilots, larger sorties from two boats are carried out by the enemy either at night or in weather that is considered unflyable, but our crews carry out missions in any conditions. weather conditions, there are generally fewer of us than astronauts, well, precisely those who have mastered this type of technology and fly on it. we are talking about the b-12 amphibian anti-submarine aircraft. right now the b-12 is being prepared for a combat mission. thor rises, air bombs are suspended.
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high-explosive fragmentation bombs are designed to destroy enemy boats and boats. how much does such a bomb weigh? the mass of one bomb is more than 100 kg, several of them will be damaged at once and even more than destroyed, in smithereens, to smithereens, we fly, be 12 lifts the air, several dozen of these bombs at once. due to its unique characteristics during the special operation, this amphibian aircraft also proved itself to be brilliant... the b-12 reconnaissance aircraft is called a flying boat for its ability to sail on water. on these frames to its surface is about 10 m. so the crew is able to visually identify the target. they are very difficult to detect; there is no kelvator trace from them as such, like from large ships. that is, there is only one
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eye, hoping to notice exactly him. did your eye deceive you? hasn't let me down yet. this is the best job in the world. why? well. it’s simply the best job in the world; the crews of the ridiculous regiment destroyed more than 46 unmanned enemy boats during the operation. all tasks are performed using reasonable initiative, reasonable an initiative that has been noted more than once by both the command of the black sea fleet and the command of the ministry of defense. they repulse attacks not only from naval drones, but also from destroyed boats carrying ukrainian armed forces personnel. and they left in the open? yes, simple. crazy people go and know that they can be opposed, that they will simply be destroyed, but they are sent, apparently, without thinking, without regret. its personnel, trying to work off this money, those billions of dollars that were invested in comrades, well, as it were,
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who is not our comrade, then it’s just like like these kind of feast events, as if to show that we are doing something, as if, well, unfortunately, we need more money so that we can do even more. in parallel with patrolling, the crews are practicing new tactical maneuvers in the sky, taking into account the experience gained in the northern military district zone; it was this air unit that, in particular, distinguished itself during the liberation of mariupol. supported our attack aircraft from the air. valentina solovyova, ilya repnin, islam mustarkhanov, grigory emelyanov, channel one. prominent russians, including famous scientists, doctors, artists, athletes have become vladimir putin's proxies in the upcoming presidential elections . the list was registered today by the election commission center. so far there are 346 people in it, among them the head of the rhythmic gymnastics federation irina winner, director nikita mikhalkov, conductor yuri bashmet. doctor leo bakeria, names that are known all over the world. vladimir putin is running as a self-nominated candidate. now signatures are being collected all over the country, head
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of state elections are in the spring, the main day is march 17, but voting will be possible from the 15th. about teachers talk about their invaluable contribution to the education of the younger generation today at vedenkha, at the russia exhibition. the year of the teacher-mentor is coming to an end, now is the time to take stock. lots of activities, main goal. there, but who have already returned here, and who are doing everything possible to carry out
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military operations, which not only give our children a sense of patriotism and a sense of pride in their country, but at the ceremony they also noted the media, which actively covered events dedicated to the year of the teacher mentor, among those awarded the first channel. the main award in the field of medicine, the large... medal named after pirogovo , was received by the doctor zhelber masar. the ceremony took place at the russian embassy in luxembourg. masar is the president of the european council for taracic surgery - this is chest surgery. he has collaborated with russian clinics for more than 20 years, and worked a lot with our legendary doctor vladimir parkhanov. in particular, we carried out an operation together. a russian surgeon transplanted the patient’s left lung, and a french doctor transplanted the right one. parkhanov is one of the developers of cockroach surgery in russia.
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the first games are underway at the proton arena volleyball center, a large-scale complex in saratov. with a request for its construction, residents turned to vyacheslav volodin,
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saratov region, his constituency. this week deputies are working in the regions, and today the speaker of the state duma inspected the new complex. we have a team that shows good results, but at the same time they do not have the opportunity to practice playing at home. this will be the first we have a sports and educational complex, specialized under. volleyball with the opening of the parton arena, not only a place for a club appears, but an opportunity to involve children in the sport more actively. new year's gift for lovers of good cinema. on january 1 , the film kholop-2 directed by klim shipenko will be released in wide release. this is a continuation of the story, which was a huge success with viewers. familiar heroes and new characters: mystery, drama, humor, love, intrigue and scale. kristina levieva will confirm that it is worth seeing. to me scale is needed. trouble, gentlemen, the french are on the doorstep. epic battles, cannonade, brilliance,
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your own record. there will be love, and a difficult task, to beat your humor, and the scale, well, five times larger than in the first film, that is, now there is not only a village, but also palaces, and the year 812, the war with napoleon, napoleon, the actual person will appear. this time the plot will unfold around katya, who, like grisha once, is not averse to driving drunk,
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being nasty to people and remaining unpunished, because her mother is an influential woman. for whom it is easier to close her eyes to her daughter’s prank than to take up her re-education, my daughter committed a crime, she must be punished, i can’t get a manicure, at the beginning of the film we see her a little arrogant, she seems such a superficial, rather rude person, but in reality , if you look into it, you begin to understand that it’s just because i’m very lonely, she closed herself off from the outside world so as not to feel pain, but love will open her eyes, though for her happiness. have to fight, it will be so in all times and eras. grisha sees a kind of mirror in katya, that is, he sees himself, at the beginning, when he annoyed himself, then he sees himself, when he needs to be believed in. the heroine glaya
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tarasova will change dozens of historical outfits, and napoleon and pavel are wooden.
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the information channel on the first continues, this is the program for now that we are working live. the ministry of defense showed footage of the work of our mi-28 and k-52 attack helicopters. the pilots received the task of destroying enemy armored vehicles at svatovo-kremeny the direction is said and done. kiselev joins our conversation. let's start from the kupinsky direction.
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hello, this is the general's area of ​​responsibility. caesar and so on, also to 120 and 82 caliber mortars, due to the fact that our rocket and artillery strikes are primarily aimed at the rear areas of the enemy, as over the past week several large warehouses were destroyed in the odea region in the port area, of course, this had a profound effect on the supply of ammunition, since the main ammunition went to the ovdeevskoe direction to
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the zaporozhye direction, and here... less and less of them are being supplied, well, to this is also added the fact that not only the ammunition, but also the wear and tear of the barrels is destroyed by our drones and their equipment. artillery installations already exceeds 50%. if they don’t have time to repair something, and the repair takes place only in poland, on the territory of ukraine they don’t have the means to replace parts for such an accurate repair, everything is repaired, dragged there, and it’s not always possible to return the equipment for one simple reason: they also fall under our missile and artillery strikes, so today the enemy has largely begun to use drones instead of fpb artillery, yeah. not only against our units, but also control over their units so that they do not surrender and do not retreat from their position, they also strike at them, that is , their pre-mobilized ones, those who
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warn about this on the line of contact, then there are foreign detachments that already existed, they have exhausted their resources and thus they switched to just such a simulation, so say, ukrainian troops in order to push them, uh, to the front line of battle. but at this stage, the enemy not only uses pividrons instead of artillery, but also in large quantities, they use them according to - as they think and as they consider to apply the military areas of our territories, but thanks to our rap system, which today is, in principle, in the lugansk direction, the ipo was built very competently; their advance here and striking us are practically ruled out. those that - it is possible to plant them on the battle line contact, this is happening , in particular in the kupinsky direction today, yes, you said correctly, uh, our pilots, our
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aerobatic pilots, on our wonderful helicopters, which have never proven themselves, on the negative side, showed the highest aerobatics in the destruction of equipment on kremensky, both in kupinsky and in kremensky. direction is a great confirmation of this, so today the topic of the grooved volga is more relevant than ever for the ukrainian armed forces. thank you very much, vital kiselev was in direct contact with us. well it's worth noting that at the front, the mood itself is that you can’t get enough of combat and work, and there’s exactly the same mood in the popular front stream studio, our colleagues work there, anatoly kuzichev, ekaterina shugaeva, we give them the floor. thank you very much, as usual, i accept your word with gratitude. big, so to speak, friends, a big hello to you, viewers of the first channel, with us today are alexander nikolaevich sherin or nikolai olegovich sorokin, ekaterina shugaeva anatoly kuzichev, so look, there are a huge number of pictures and videos on social networks
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queues, ukrainian queues in european cities, i kept thinking, what are they, where are they, why are they standing, why are they standing, especially on the eve of this most monstrous , simply cartoonish, wild law on mobilization. this is really just some kind of caricature, just a bloody apereta, i think, especially, especially, why go, smart people , so to speak, advised me, well, as they say, why? most likely, in order to have time to change documents before the release of this law, so that you have peace of mind, guaranteed, how long do they issue a passport there for 10 years? 10 years of life, you understand, because after the law came into force, that’s all, goodbye, sorry, they won’t change your documents if you haven’t registered for military registration, etc. well, in short , it’s an interesting, very interesting story, and the law about, the new law on mobilization is about to come into force, so to speak, specifically, it assumes that men
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aged 18 to 60 years, which means they, while abroad, they will not be able to apply for help to the consulate if they do not have military registration documents in their hands, they will be limited there are banking services and this and that and that, well, in general, i’ll literally erase it from life, and so you have how many years there, like me...
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that under the delusion that they will change their passport and, as it were, stay in this country, keep everything their privileges or the third option is that they really want to support their own zelensky’s policy and become another cannon fodder, and there are both women and men standing in line to be naked, you mean, to register for military service to say , yes we are ready to envy, yeah. i have a question here, how do you see this, how is this situation, which of these three options seems more likely to you, thank you very much , listen, a very good question is very difficult, in fact, it’s all the more interesting to try to answer it, often our experts will do this, but i want to appeal to our colleagues, guys , let’s call one of our favorite respected ukrainian experts, i don’t know, sasha ask someone, okay, just those about... an interesting important topic, look at these
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queues, it’s obvious what there's a lot of excitement among everyone, but why they stand is not very clear, there are hypotheses from colleagues, no, well, it is clear that even ukrainian channels do not disseminate their degree, which means there is enough patriotism to assert that people stood up in order to register for military registration to join the active army to fight against russians or against russian warlords, especially since this operation has been going on for almost 2 years, but if they really wanted to return to their homeland to sign up.
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calmly 5 years, at least 5 years, there 5 or 10 years for various reasons, it will be possible sit quietly, get lost, no one pays attention to you, and so on , and after that you already feel more confident, so to speak, to supply your relatives with some money, but for old times’ sake, well, maybe you’ll get it, maybe you won’t get it , but in general , really see how things end, because maybe, so to speak, another government will be established in their historical homeland, maybe other people will come from somewhere in the east.
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not only to love the native land from the territory of european countries, but also for it they will have to die , and they will have no other option, the most notorious , nationalist-minded ukrainians died in the first year of the war, and motivated or trained, more or less having the skills or desire to fight or not having the opportunity to pay off, they went to the front and were destroyed in 2023, the russian army, of course, but the ukrainian... the army
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today is in need of personnel, european countries will receive the necessary message from the americans if you do not send them to fight against the russian army ukrainians, then you will go on your own, all european countries, after this law comes into force, will take all necessary measures, measures to expel these people, now i think there is a competition of the purse. employees of enterprises that have a certain salary level of 35,000 hryvnia minimum, so here we are already talking about the fact that either you pay a decent salary, and accordingly pay more taxes to the ukrainian budget, that is, such a legal one, that is, servants - ukrainian commoners who do not have a decent salary level,
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and accordingly, the level of qualifications , those who do not have a higher education there, will go to die, and the ukrainian elite, who receive high salaries, including the children of officials, the children of ukrainian deputies, politicians, they will always find them a job with a high salary, they will receive a legal one, sorry , sorry, we just got through to alexander semchenko, our expert, and now let’s give him the floor, sasha, thank you very much, yes, that you agreed to answer this question with us, the question itself is very simple, we have hypotheses here, we we assume why these people are stationed in europe at ukrainian diplomatic missions, so to speak, there are actually only two versions, versions. first, it means that they are trying to re-issue their documents so that, for 5 or 10 years, for 5 or 10 years, they have at least some documents in their hands and somehow get lost, merge with the european masses, here is the second option - this - i understood correctly, yes this is what it is, to agree, this is such
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a competition of wallets, so to speak, well, i don’t know, you are probably more accurate information, without any hypotheses, where are these people standing? why are there women, even young girls? yes, because you need to get in line, you need to hold it, the queues are long, but then you just went with your family. regarding 5 or 10 years in ukraine, a passport has a validity period of 10 years, of course, regardless of whether it is geometrically 10 years, that is, they extend it, it turns out, that is , well, the task is to extend your stay up to 10 years outside of ukraine, this is the belief in i'll let you know because they're saying that... we we will overcome, well, now everything is not as optimistic as a year ago, when they told us until the end of the twenty-third year, now the twenty-fourth year is not seen as a year of overcoming, but nevertheless people understand that there is no help and want to get away as much as possible from this state, in european countries there are quite serious obstacles to obtaining citizenship,
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for a residence permit, that is, poland needs to live for a year ; these processes have been liberalized and now you can live in poland in order to... extend their life, but if suddenly they need, let’s say, such a simple stamp and people are trying to butter up one of the officials, either the consulate, or they have opened quite a lot of ukrainian passport services in europe, now, if you need to butter someone up, they will certainly butter it up, but here they have it, they fall into one small fork, even after...
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but you still won’t receive these documents, they won’t receive these documents until, well, now they just submit an application, they give stamps fingers, being photographed, and so on , then you will need to receive it, well, it may well be that they will be told, but your passport is ready, upon presentation of a military military id, for starters, there is simply no need to present a military id with registration, but then, then really here is a summons for you, according to this summons you will appear at the trade center, register, and then return. there for a passport we will give on this matter. zalozhny laid out everything clearly at his press conference, he said that, uh, on the one hand, this is not his task is to mobilize , including people who are abroad, on the other hand, he said that he would be glad if these people ended up in the armed forces of ukraine, he promised
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to train them, he even promised to train some of them outside of ukraine, but then he would definitely return to the front, because their task is to simply pose, excuse me, please listen, i’ll ask you. my stupid, that means, on the one hand, i understand the formula, you say, these people are trying to extend their lives, at the same time, these people are guaranteed to register, and give documents and so on, they are guaranteed to end up on the pencil, that is, they might not have been noticed there before, someone might have been forgotten, these passports are empty, but you never know, here they are guaranteed to end up on the pencil, so it seems to me that from there is only one way out that contradicts this, or there really is some kind of mobile cash register there, well, i don’t know, or... or these are strange people, i know ukrainians, they are all sorts of people, but it seems impossible to blame them for impracticality, people are purely practical , please explain to me, this is strange contradiction, well, i’m here... i’ll explain the contradiction, probably, with a german fairy tale about, remember, here’s a boy with his daughter,
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rats followed him, they were guaranteed to drown, but they still followed him, here’s the same situation, they they hope that they will get carried away, they will get through, i am sure that they won’t get carried away, they won’t get through, and now, well , after the tightening of migration policy in russia, they can move to russia, but maybe for them there is still there is still an opportunity to move to belarus, but... are they the last belarus will accept such a number of ukrainians in germany, for example, 200, approximately 30-280 thousand men, well, according to estimates, and even more in other countries, that is, they have it in a normal way, if you turn on the brain, then for them there is only one way out, go to russia, to russia , well, if you want victory faster, then join the russian army as part of the russian army to regain your homes, your cities, yes...
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he just needs to go in the direction of ukraine and he will be accepted at the checkpoint as he will have everything in common fine. our regular expert, so let’s give a few more illustrations of what’s happening, here’s the ukrainian telegram channel , look what the resident is writing about these documents, which everyone is referring to, for which they stand there, look, it’s interesting, our the source said that the office of the president of ukraine instructed the ministry to delay the processing of documents.
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either they are already serving and many of them are no longer serving and will never serve, and either they went to the west or they went to russia, there are practically no capable people left there, so if you now look at the average composition of people permanently living in ukraine, men of working age, you will practically not find them there, or they have a rigid, powerful reservation, you’re right, the same as what is given with good salaries at good enterprises where they are located. .. either they really work, or they supposedly work there, which happens very often, now a lot of fictitious certificates are being issued in ukraine,
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documents, there, and well, i’m not talking about fictitious marriages there, yes, well, we have that now, i wanted to show, here's another one, we have more one illustration, look, yes , how now the ukrainians are trying to prepare for this, for a new bill, which may actually be adopted, look, please, the sad news from our notary, the government. the bill was registered only a day and a half ago, and brave ukrainian men have already lined up at the notary offices. queues at the local military registration and enlistment office, specifically for notaries. those who evade en masse rewrite their movable and immovable property, cars, securities, etc. assets, everything is transferred to mothers, wives and mistresses, because the bill introduces a ban on draft dodgers to carry out any transactions with this property, the sad reality of the present, you know, like, this is not mine, this is not my house. at the same time, all the children of sugar daddies who have money will avoid the mobilization of this law, and this
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will not lead to an even greater split in ukraine, i’m just wondering, it won’t lead to them there, it won’t lead to a split in ukraine, because it’s very tough there the authorities are acting, very serious repressive measures are being taken there, in including being accepted, well, executions as well, so it doesn’t always, it doesn’t always happen for...
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for what, for whom, especially since they see that zelensky’s friends from the ninety-fifth quarter are touring wonderfully, living, they are in they openly say that why should we mobilize, that is, there are the chosen ones who should live like klitschko, because they were created in order to live to glorify ukraine outside its borders, and there are ordinary ukrainian people who should die for what, therefore more, well, no need here as if to look for some kind of anti-semitic
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note, but zelensky is a jew, he absolutely does not care about this slavic population, like everyone else who surrounds him, they...
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are from germany, hello, by the way, by the way, felix, you are in moscow , now, hello, yes, yes , i’m in the nearest moscow suburbs, enjoying the winter, tropical downpours have flooded everything in berlin, so i’m glad that i made it on time, well , tomorrow we also have a plus2, sorry about that, near moscow, russia is always good, that’s not what we’re talking about, listen, felix, you saw it, yes today we are trying to understand, we will try to understand not only the mood, the opinion of...
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his rights and they say: go to your ukraine, make your rights, and there people already end up, because according to the laws, a person in europe has to refuse military service, draft dodger, this is not an article, this is an official position, you can’t move it in any way, now here is our strange new government, which has been in place for the second year, they apparently do not hope to be elected, they are ready for any sauce. half a million men
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will not find legal methods, naturally, yes, in germany, most likely they will not deport, but maybe this is a law on mobilization and they will find legal methods not to pay all this to save money, tick on your tongue, sorry. because it seems to me that these are, we will now submit ideas, yes, that is, creative ones, how you can force, naturally, you can force, when people understand that the house is on fire, at home women are suffering, aunts, mothers, grandmothers, yes , that is, it is clear that someone, i think any russian could go home, yes, because they need to save of our own, so i think that...
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he said something deeply, he says: these people will be needed for restoration, when, so to speak, well, when everything is over, when it will be russia, then these hundreds of thousands of germans will not serve, well ukrainians are german , and work, well done, felix, smart, simple, here is a man with strategic thinking, thinking about the future of russia, felix, thank you, thank you very much, felix, bye, felix schultas was in direct contact with us, bye-bye, what , alexander, don’t you think so? what kind of sarcastic german logic are you talking about? i’m listening, i can’t understand, literally during the 3 years of occupation from soviet ukraine
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by the nazi invaders, they transported hundreds of thousands of ukrainians to germany in trains to work for them, now these hundreds of thousands of ukrainians themselves came to them in germany, that’s all, what the german authorities need to do is create conditions for them to stay there, because it is a migration issue. six western regions of ukraine will become part of poland. poland will take responsibility for itself before
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the european union and before america in all financial obligations that ukraine will not be able to fulfill, because today the money that has been poured into ukraine will not pay off, because the rest of the territory will become part of the russian federation. sooner or later this will happen. i said this a few years ago, when... i was a completely civilian person in the studio, so the money that these prudent people are investing today in ukraine, in this war, they want to get it back somehow later, but how can they get it back? will receive. it is necessary for a solvent country to do this, therefore americans today said that they want to see poland as the leader of the european economy, in general as the leader of european countries, poland should get something for this, these six western regions of ukraine, the rest of the territory, all the other russian people, they will return to their historical homeland, russia, this historical misunderstanding will be restored, but they want to cause maximum damage to the infrastructure,
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happy new year, we have lived together for 204 years, we have three girls, and the most a significant event in our lives is meeting each other, i wanted to tell you about the story of how i met my beloved mother-in-law, my friend and i went to crimea. to the city of yalta and was just walking around the city, i saw a woman standing, very similar to my future wife, after 5 minutes of our conversation, i said: “i will be your future son-in-law.” he proposed to me in st. petersburg to breed masto, i love him very much. i want to wish everyone who has not yet found one to find their family, and for those who have one, that everything continued wonderfully, delightfully, nothing but
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health. veda vodka is a product of the stellar group. in the new year's issue we reveal the secret of the red envelope. the best gift in the new year. we set the russian table for the dragon's guest. rescue in 5 minutes. we treat knees, the program to live healthy, will congratulate you on the new year, in its own way, tomorrow on the first, decorate clothes with flowers, overload it with all sorts of details, this does not mean creating fashion, but making a dress based on just one line is already real art. my fashion philosophy is to remain yourself, try not to follow trends. i never
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expect anything from anyone. most likely, they are expecting something from me. the art of kutyuesni is the art of an artist. the future of my craft is connected to the spiritual side of things. people no longer want to serve as clothes hangers. if there is a difference between a male fashion designer and a female fashion designer. only you can judge this. fashion is a game where anything can happen to anyone.
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but i know your birthday is a thing of the past, regrets are a bouquet of russia, you are a lot since you could leave here, i know how many theaters invited you, but you were left with history, oh how she kissed him so tenderly, somehow you and i diverged in time to be born into this world, and therefore you won’t be able to hang out in your support, i think... in the arms, divine, the arms of nikolai satkaris. ah, this evening, you said that you will get married when you turn 50, after 50, i will say, december 31, on the first,
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rom, castro, product of the stellar group. greatest hits of the past decade, when you're next to me, i'll repeat it to you 100 times in a row, you don't so, you're not like that, malinto berry , shakes your head, stops flying, you're so sad , cold, cold, your eyes flutter, the ceiling is left to right, millions of people, and i...
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the first night of the year on the first, premiere, i love my country, from january 2 on the first, we are on the air again, friends, welcome to our, so to speak, warm company, we were joined, look, by the governor of the kamchatka territory, here is a man, vladimir solodov, and... remember, we had with him conversation, he promised to come to the studio, please, and came to the studio, yes, great thank you for being with us, yes, we are glad to welcome you, i don’t even know why, i, i just have, you know, i don’t even know that i served in kamchatka, i have
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so many questions, or rather so many answers, so much, i don’t know, i don’t know where to start, just like that, let’s start with this, i flew, as you know, to kamchatka, so to speak, at state expense, to be honest, i also returned. just now i heard, i don’t know, i’m dreaming and will definitely go to kamchatka, god willing, in the new year, but they say it’s almost like going to fly to mars with lon musk, no, let ’s go 100% in demand, because of course everyone dreams of visiting kamchatka, but in terms of accessibility it’s already much easier, because in fact it doesn’t cost anything to buy a ticket now, we can try it right with you, go to the website aeroflot, buy a ticket, well, not for the new year holidays, the new year holidays are no longer there, but literally right after them.
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important, because it works in one direction or the other, of course, this is important and in demand for the entire population of the entire country, and of course for us, for the kamchatka residents, because we don’t feel disconnected, because otherwise this island mentality, feeling, it will remain so , by the way, moving on to the exhibition, this is exactly what i think is the main brilliant idea of ​​the exhibition, to make sure that the residents of our entire country, well, first turn of the youth, because we think more about youth, i realized how huge... the country wanted to travel around it, i decided to go to kamchatka, baikal, karelia, altai, and, imbued with pride in our country, i realized tasks for its development, just yesterday, under the leadership
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of the president of our country, vich putin, in the format of the state council, we discussed precisely these questions, how to educate the younger generation, how to introduce them to the love of their homeland, how to make sure that they have the correct true values, one of the answers... it’s better to know the country, and for this to travel , travel, gather my children to kamchatka, they are delighted with kamchatka, it’s so beautiful there, we take everyone, we take everyone, now can i show you, excuse me please, moscow kamchatsky, but for now that’s it, this i'm at 7 february allegedly took, on february 7, but on the seventh , well, supposedly it’s 14.00 there, now the guys will show you there, well, everything is before your eyes, but i’m deeply convinced that going to kamchatka is an end in itself, because that’s exactly it. forms citizenship, a huge country and its beauty, and here at vdnkh we wanted a person to be able to immerse himself in it, to awaken this desire, we focused on only one emotion, we want that when leaving our teleport, as we called our stand, the man understood,
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he had to come there, he promised himself, we even the mirror is written like this, i promise to go to kamchatka, i can take a photo with it, so that i can publish everything as a souvenir, then i promised to publish everything publicly, this is our main goal, and i think we are achieving it, because we have already visited the stand more than in all of kamchatka in a year, more than the inhabitants of the kamchatka region, i wish you that even more people will visit kamchatka than will visit the exhibition until april 12. and what is kamchatka, what surprises kamchatka, that - well, we understand that tourism, and what about the military industry, we will have time, just briefly, that’s what the stand, besides the mirror, by the way, i noticed, i’ll take a photo for myself as a reminder, what else? well, our stand, it’s actually called teleport, because it helps you immerse yourself in a squat, experience emotions, visual, sound, it’s even a little hot inside, we don’t do it on purpose, to be honest, but they just warm up. a screen with a 3d
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effect, and after that you can make a choice if you want, as you remember in the film , a red blue pill, you want to go to kamchatka as a tourist, or you want to go to kamchatka to learn to work and realize yourself, you actually choose one of two paths. komchatka and the far east are the best places for self-realization. news, thank you very much for your attention, see you soon, dear friends on the air. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. a large-scale transport project, important for the whole of europe.
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tver is part of the m-11 moscow-st. petersburg toll highway. the track itself was built in 2019, but the section around tver was planned for the next stage. and as a result, the entire stream was forced to slow down and drive through the city, and there were traffic lights, intersections, traffic jams, in which everyone got stuck equally, both local residents and those traveling in transit. today the first section of the northern bypass, 34 km, was opened. deputy prime minister marad khusnulin took part in the ceremony via video link. at the same time, he summed up the results with which the road builders. are finishing the year, last year we set a record, we laid 176 million square
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meters of canvas, this year we exceeded last year’s figures, with a plan of 180 we have already laid 188 million square meters, in total by the end of the year , more than 3,100 km of roads will be built, reconstructed and brought into standard condition; the northern bypass of tver is a large-scale infrastructure project that is of great importance for the region and for the whole of europe. parts of russia, this is the development of the north-east of the tver region, which was limited in transport accessibility, this is a direct transport corridor between moscow and st. petersburg, this includes passenger communications, and the transportation of goods, and the tourist flow. we expect that already in the second half of 2024, we will be able to to develop the northeast of our region and the transport corridor from vologda to yaroslavl, which is provided by this federal highway. the total length of the detour will be. 64 km, two lanes in each direction. when the northern
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bypass of tver is fully launched, travel time between moscow and st. petersburg will be reduced from 6 hours to 5, travel along this section will cost 250 rubles. the m11 neva highway will become, as experts say, seamless, that is , there will be no obstacles that will force the driver to stop, but the value of the bypass tver is even larger, given the recent launch of the moscow-kazan highway. corridor from st. petersburg. 1,600 km to kazan will be without a single traffic light, without a single pedestrian crossing, without a single intersection at any level, for the country the completion of the bypass will be of enormous importance, because you left, that’s it, you don’t need to turn anywhere, do nothing. the second, final section of the bypass will be built by next summer. anato.
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in his support, documents were submitted to the central election commission by five more self-movers and nine candidates from parties. the presidential elections, let me remind you, are scheduled for march 17th; voting will be possible starting on the 15th. artyom zhoga met with volunteers who are collecting signatures in support of vladimir putin today in donetsk. the speaker
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of the parliament of the dpr, the father of the deceased hero of russia vladimir joge, became the first to whom the head of state told about his intention to run for office. it was in early december in the kremlin. how do you cope with such responsibilities, of course, of course, we cope, nothing complicated, no, we know that we one big team, together we will cope with everything, of course, everyone says that youth are our future, it’s not true, youth is our present, and i see that they really work on education, on patriotic education.
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received well-deserved awards, this battle went on for a long time, and a particularly bloody battle began in the summer, when russian troops began to actively clear the city of the enemy. it was not at all easy to advance, because over the years the enemy had managed to turn marinka into a huge fortified area with underground passages, dugouts and support workers. taking each one is a complex operation that was carefully prepared in advance, working out everything to the smallest detail. stormtroopers work in conjunction with tankers and artillery. moved forward, occupied the sector, began to work on the enemy , then they sent grenades forward, threw a grenade at the enemy, one of the enemies fled, the rest were destroyed, the remaining enemy, who was in the dugout under our pressure, surrendered,
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before each task that we we carry out, we have training, we have working out routes, we have a full... that is , a description of what, where, where why we need to do, even throw smoke, yes, we know how to evacuate, even if everything goes badly, we know where to run, where they are waiting for us where they are not waiting for us, that is, we are working out all these moments, this is all thanks to our command, which is our leadership above and above us, because it protects us and naturally, as if, well, we should never be scattered as fighters, that’s right, that’s why we confidently move forward with a smile, the distinguished fighters were awarded state awards. orders of courage, medals for bravery, for bravery were given to the fighters by the deputy commander of the southern group of troops, and earlier vladimir putin proposed raising the rank of senior lieutenant alexander troshin krepka from senior lieutenant to major, bypassing captain's shoulder straps. a special sign of recognition to the commander of the tank battalion, who walked the entire
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city and stormed the last house where the militants were hiding. a busy day today at the grand exhibition russia at vdnkh. their achievements were presented by the vologda and novgorod regions, and you can learn about all the interesting tourist routes in the country thanks to the national portal "rash travel". there is only verified information, the presentation also took place today, and the results of the year of the mentor and teacher were summed up at the exhibition. read more about everything dmitry kochitkov. in 2023 , lectures, training sessions and master classes for teachers were held throughout the country. and now the year of the teacher-mentor is over.
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are not only there, but who have already returned here, and who do everything possible to instill in our children a sense of patriotism and pride in their country. schoolchildren visit the best museums and exhibition halls in the country together with their teachers. thank you for traveling around the country and visiting our unique cultural heritage sites. i’m not sure that without class teachers our children would have visited so many places. also at the ceremony , the media were noted for actively covering events dedicated to the year of the teacher- mentor, and channel one was among those awarded. and in pavilion d. feel russia. today they announced the relaunch of the national tourism portal on the internet, it has everything for travel lovers,
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recreation options, attractions and routes, you can book a hotel, pay for an excursion or a ticket to a museum. everything that generally exists in the regions and what has been promoted recently is all collected in one place, you can see what the country really is, what opportunities, winter holidays, summer holidays, vacations, beach holidays, hotel registries, only registries hotels that have passed certification, there and in the main pavilion , regions of russia, the days of the subjects of the federation continue. at the stand of the novgorod region you can learn the history of the region. here is a church book, and here is a coin of the novgorod republic. it is interesting here for the youngest guests; a master class on making christmas tree decorations from airy plasticine is organized for them.
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the holoconcert celebrated the anniversary of the gorky moscow art theater, a legendary theater founded at the end of the 19th century by two geniuses, stanislavsky and
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nemirovich danchenko, which has been an example for 125 years selfless service to art, he revealed to the audience many bright stars, actors and directors, and on the anniversary evening he gathered soloists from other famous theaters of russia. for the first time , drama, opera and ballet were combined on the mkhatov stage. kristina levieva attended the concert and here is her impression. the gorky moscow art theater repeats the lines: the best voices of mikhailovsky are sung, the big stars are warming up. at the concert in honor of the 125th anniversary of the moscow art theater, everything was as bequeathed by konstantin stanislavsky, who dreamed that the brightest people in art gathered on one stage and all genres reigned. artyom ovchurenko and anna tekhamirova, husband and wife backstage today, are performing tango on pointe from the golden age, the great grigorovich. but it was he, being an innovator of his time, who allowed ballet dancers to reveal their acting potential, which means that
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the main principles of stanislavsky are used, the game here now and the vital truth of the stage. tanga is such a very dramatic dance, i would say passionate, passionate, we will convey all the passion that is in our relationships, in life, the concert in honor of the important date was opened by the great svetlana zakharova in the daring image of carmen. once upon a time , plesetskaya herself shone in this role, however, while working on the image, zakharova still drew inspiration from dramatic actresses. i understood that i couldn’t copy maya mikhailovna plesetskaya, we were completely different. i turned to the great actress elina avramovna bystritskaya for help. she told me, don’t be such a woman in the amf, but you say someone else, you need to take someone else. image the strength of a bright woman is not accidental for mkhat; for more than 30 years it was headed by tatyana doronina, her majesty the actress. each
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production is like a part of world history, and this is already a new era in art, no romance, but only symbols, sketches, metaphors. ralan five staged notre dame cathedral in paris in the era of heapy and bettles; his esmeralda has a completely different plasticity. i never thought that being a ballerina, i would perform on the mkhat stage, on the dramatic stage. and what is it like to love a genius, no one has ever looked at yesenin’s work under such corner, this evening simply could not do without the main hit of today's moscow art theater, the performance of yesenin's woman. about a poet who paid for his talent with his fate, sought love and ran away from it, escaped loneliness and longed for solitude. they say that, for example, to write a melody, you need to look for material for yourself in painting, but i draw from writing, from dancing, from music, of course, which very often helps to tune in to the role,
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a happy couple, as a symbol of eternal love for... . stage viewer to the theater ended the concert congratulations from the premiere and the prima of the great denis roydkin and elionor sevenard, who deftly decided to show me not only brilliant technique, but all the facets of his dramatic talent. acting, rameu javet is such a drama ballet, yes it is lyrical, but at the same time there is a strong dramatic role in it. and vice versa, then we dance to the ballet donquihod, it’s so fiery even on the ballet stage. i was actually at the opening of this theater, yes, and when i was sitting in the second row in the hall, by the way, i i remember a place, for some reason i thought it would be nice to dance something here, in fact, apparently the new year fulfills some of your wishes, kristina levieva, vladimir grinevich, victor shvagerus, olga kovalenko and pavel petrov, channel one . that’s all for now, we are monitoring the
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developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the “big game” program. good afternoon, the big game is live, and i’m vyacheslav nikonov, a special military operation has entered a new phase, well, first of all, in ukraine in the west. the west issued this year’s last batch of aid is worth 250 million, and we ’ll talk about the contents of this package later; real panic has begun in ukraine. with the introduction of a bill on truly total mobilization, and this reaction is visible everywhere, on the streets of ukrainian cities, which somehow quickly became empty, on the streets of european cities, where long lines of ukrainians lined up who want to update their documents until the requirements for receiving a new document will not mean a fresh military id and... in ukraine
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launched the production of women's body armor that will meet all the physiological and physical characteristics of ukrainian women. let me remind you that on the maidan it all started with lace panties, which were supposed to pave the way to the european union, but it seems that now the european union will pave the way with the help of bulletproof vests, well, maybe there will also be lace somewhere...
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help, tell, lead , because in reality we are afraid, well, they are always the heroes who are armchairs, they are always afraid, and i would also like to say that there are not only enemy crowbars they are starting to get hysterical, zaluzhny is trying to shake off this, he said yesterday that he did not demand 500,000 mobilized, this is not my idea, it’s like zelensky came up with everything, although we remember zaluzhny’s post when he said that he demanded 500 thousand, 450 -5000
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people, well, accordingly, even the highest politicians. she is now trying to shift this responsibility onto each other, and yulia tymoshenko, she immediately said, we will not vote for this, that is, everyone understands that whoever votes for this bill is already political for ukraine corpse to take away, so yes, yes, the situation is changing a lot, but the situation on the line of combat contact is also changing, every day, essentially, we are one way or another recapturing certain areas on the line. front and what are the latest changes? you know, i have already started giving a new name in my blog, because, for example, the artyomovsk direction, i have already renamed the chasovyarskoe direction, kremennaya. in the estuary direction, and so gradually we are again in the same direction, marina in the kurakhovskoe direction, this is all a consequence of our successes, because gradually the front line is moving to the west,
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for example, our advanced units from the same hour of fury are now at a distance of less than 2 km, that is, we have already come directly close to this most important, key populated area, the strategic importance of which is overestimated it’s simply impossible, this is the key to the entire northern donbass. taking which our hands are freed, the enemy, accordingly, begins to have huge problems, the same applies to liman, that is, here the enemy, we dropped from good heights, from convenient positions , and now in order to hold this line, he needs to suffer heavy losses, or roll back 10-15 kilometers to the west, the same thing yesterday, our guys carried out an amazing beautiful attack near work , they simply spread the front in two, advanced more than a kilometer, as a result of which the enemy fled from neighboring areas, that is, those successes for which they paid tens of thousands of lives, these are microscopic, they were, for example, cut off by the guys yesterday from the fifty-eighth army literally with one blow, and accordingly the front again, well, in this case, has already gone north, in
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all, absolutely all directions we have attacks going forward, today there is news from the ugledar direction that we have started attacks here, near donetsk attacks, attacks everywhere , there is not a single direction where the enemy has the initiative in his hands, where he at least more or less successfully holds positions, does not give on... forward, yes, thank you very much, yuri ivanovich podolyaka, with optimistic information from the fronts of the special military operations, indeed, ours now have a strategic initiative in all directions and are very actively moving forward, well, let's see what is inside the last american aid package for this year, we don’t like to say the latest, but in this case it’s definitely the last aid package this year for next package already. there is simply no money in the united states of america, literally at all. and what do we see? mainly ammunition. most of the ammunition, that's just one item - these are spare parts and so on,
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existing equipment that can be repair. we do not see a single heavy weapon in this package, that is , there is no equipment, no artillery systems, no multiple launch rocket systems, no tanks, no armored personnel carriers, that’s all. 155 caliber mostly use cluster munitions, because the shelf life, firstly, is expiring, and secondly, in order to produce new ammunition
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, warehouses still need to be emptied, let me remind you that the total number of these cluster munitions in the country in the countries must be equal to - 3 million storage units with different degrees storage, now there are 155 shells , as they say, exactly those that are required for ukraine, most likely not, nato countries need them, because the americans realize, and the nato countries declare that they have heated up this situation in ukraine so much and confrontation with russia, which is constantly dreaming about some kind of ongoing war there, that supposedly russia will attack nato countries there, we must be prepared for this, so they are preparing, but if we are talking about some, let’s say... signs of that that ukraine is practically a written-off suitcase without a handle indicates that the terms of its existence were actually outlined, it should still last 9 months until the presidential elections,
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blinken wet himself about this by accident, he said we will support ukraine in winter, spring and summer, he was talking about autumn for some reason he didn’t say that in the fall the situation could change radically, then trump, if he suddenly wins these... when the board of the ministry of defense clearly expressed the idea about this, biden said approximately the same idea, but he said that aid is being stopped, our president said that our army has received everything it needs.
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but this does not mean that she will not continue to receive it, she will continue to receive it, now we are just receiving footage of the meeting of our president with sergei chemizov, the head of the general director of the rostec corporation, this is one of our main manufacturers of weapons, they are discussing exactly these questions with details a little later, but zaluzhny really disowned this mobilization, said that i had nothing to do with it and moreover, he protected. dissertation, became a doctor of philosophy, oh, so wonderful in odessa, well, that doesn’t mean that he philosophized, just in ukraine, now they have switched to the western system, the american system of degrees, in fact, we have a doctor, a candidate, a candidate of legal sciences in a secret topic in the field of defense capability, but - they now call it a doctor of philosophy, i thought he was the commander of the armed forces.
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understand in terms of time, money needs to be found ; if we have to find it, we will need today or in march-april, when i have a picture, it will be possible to talk about providing for these needs, that is , there are not a lot of pennies, pan ataman has no treasury, the west does not give, there is no inside, how they will arm these 500 people is unclear, but i think we have more and more good news from the line of military contact, anastasia...
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what will please our tv viewers, well , everything is fine in our direction, thank god, in artyomovsk it’s calm now, we have much fewer wounded in the hospital , now it’s like our job is very stable, calm, the guys move forward confidently, we are very serious. an offensive in all directions, that’s what i see on ours, these are coptors working right now, now the people’s front and i together have transferred 180 vehicles to the front, everything in artyomovsk, these machines are already working, combat carts are working, medical loaves are working, in general, enormous help comes from the people to the front, i want to share with you my award, which was given to me by the people's militia of the dpr for the liberation of artyomovskaya. this is a reward, this is well
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for me this is a very great pride, because together with you we made great efforts to help artyomovsk, our donations were used to purchase medical supplies, support our hospital, and we donated a huge amount of everything to the fighter, including the rebbe, all kinds of copters, transport, different types of transport, so on the eve of the new year i want to convey a huge greeting to all our soldiers, commanders, to all those who are fighting in the artyomovsk direction, in the donetsk direction, in zaporozhye, kherson, now we are just with the popular front , we have traveled to all these directions, the guys have a very serious fighting spirit, everyone is generally fighting, believing in victory, preparing for the new year, also with us is our telegram channel of the russian spring military correspondents, we too huge collections are now for the new year, the people's front, support us, we have already given 21 raps to the front. and we are now waiting for new, new, new
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additions, so everyone who wants to help us, join our gathering, yulia checherina, we will be very grateful to you all, the guys are now at the front, there it’s cold, frosty, but nevertheless they are holding on very cheerfully, steadfastly, we all believe in our upcoming victory, thank you very much, anastasia mikhailovskaya, military correspondent of the russian spring, congratulations on your well-deserved award, yes, thank you. we encourage our tv viewers to join those who support our guys on the front line , you can do this using this qr code, well, in the united states everything is as always, trains, biden is resting, congress is on vacation after advertising, i thought it would be much worse, you the subject of my professional pride is that did something happen? the other, of course, is such a man,
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such a man, who does not want, everyone wants, but not everyone will get it, doctor preobrazhensky, look after. games time cognac old barrel product of stellor group. in the new year's issue we reveal the secret of the red envelope. the best gift in the new year. we set the russian table in the state dragon. rescue in 5 minutes. we treat knees, the program to live healthy, will congratulate you on the new year, in its own way, on the first tomorrow. how are you celebrating the new year? being
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young, of course, they celebrated it cheerfully. it's your grandfather? yes, and grandpa, where did he come from? from india, how did it happen? i don’t know how to say it in spanish, at my age you shouldn’t worry so much, field of miracles, new year’s issue, i wish all your family and friends to be alive and well. tomorrow on the first day, decorating clothes with flowers, overloading them with all sorts of details, this does not mean creating fashion, but making a dress based on just one line is already a real art. my fashion philosophy is to be yourself, try not
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to follow trends. i'm never from anyone i don’t expect anything, most likely they are expecting something from me. the art of kutya. what do you think about the fashion world? perhaps this is an even more magical world than mine. quiet, motor, 100 reasons to love gaytay, i write it down, he says: well, you know, i won’t
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lift a big woman, but i’ll carry a small one in my arms. let's kiss quickly, kiss, spit, that was xpron. 100 reasons. watch the guide, the films simply overwhelm you with a stream of joy and smiles, everyone dances, 100 reasons to remember gaidai, our generation, my children, my daughter and my grandchildren watch and repeat all sorts of things there are phrases and jokes there, very nice, 100 reasons to talk about gaidai, the january swine,
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at the end of the year, the big game is held, as usual, by the hit parade of american railways. today we are summing up the results of our
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hit parade in the category "accident" at a crossing live. it must be said that accidents at crossings in the united states occur every 3 hours. every 3 hours, not all of them get caught by the cameras, but what gets caught is very, very impressive. so, tenth place, they call him stupid, but he just said that i didn't notice the train approaching. in eighth
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place, the nomination is the loudest whistle, blowing with all one’s might, that’s actually all that remained for the driver of this train, who was rushing towards the passenger car, which had become another victim of crossing the southern queen, in seventh place the nomination, even... the inevitable parting with his an iron horse, for what kind of content for social networks. in
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fifth place is a nomination without a chance, epic footage from odessa, texas, a student train crashed into a pickup truck, which as a result flew onto the rails, alas, as they say, without chances. in fourth place, special effects nomination, special effects video, inevitable train collision. with a truck stuck on the tracks, framed by kemetographic columns of dust from cat litter, well, it was not useful for its intended purpose, but it served high art. in third place is the nomination from our window. in the usa, you can witness such an accident without leaving your home. vivid footage of a train colliding with a trailer stuck on the tracks and its window.
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so, here is our hit parade 20-23. as we see, railroads are not america's strong point and are not a priority for financing any serious projects. but who is now the main beneficiary of american economic policy? well, the financial times writes about it. let's listen. the largest order portfolios. defense companies worldwide hit a record high after growing by more than 10% in just 2 years due to rising
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geopolitical tensions, including the conflict in ukraine. analysis of the world's fifteen largest defense companies showed that the cumulative order backlog reached $777 billion at the end of 2022. in the first 6 months of 2023, the backlog of orders reached $764 billion. the figure continues to rise as the government continues to place orders. military spending in europe posted its sharpest year-on-year increase in 30 years as regional governments announced new orders to replenish national stocks depleted by aid to ukraine. konstantin konstantinevich, i have a feeling that even now they don’t need to produce weapons, yes, that is, they have unfulfilled orders, profits are growing, why fulfill them? well, it is clear that the military-industrial complex is a very serious payer - into the electoral budgets, and of both parties, there really is not such a big difference, uh, it is clear
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that this situation, the whole situation with ukraine, in addition to the confrontation with russia, fulfills , very specific economic tasks, we talked about this several times on your broadcasts, uh, in addition to the fact that they the stokers - their own military-industrial complex, they give... such fat pieces of the pie to those who return part of this money to the electoral budgets, in this case the biden administration, the democratic party, they leave out the europe of their competitors, by the way, this task is quite successful there it is decided, using the example of germany and italy, there are already such impressive results for the americans with a plus and a minus for these countries, so of course this is all happening, another thing is that you know when this wonderful section was, here magnificent ten, but what about the crossing, so to speak, here’s an accident at
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the crossing, that’s what happened to biden in american foreign policy, to his administration . america and kiev, well, let’s finally come to an agreement, this is the refrain that comes with the new year, yes, it’s not just like that, and, by the way, the new york times has been one of the most militant newspapers and publications throughout these several years and months , while a special military
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operation is going on, it means things are changing there, now they are beginning to understand that things are not working out there. the american elections are getting closer and closer, we need some kind of victory, there will be no victory on the battlefield, there will only be our victories, marenko understands that no one is talking about this there, although this is actually quite a serious success, whatever one may say, in a purely military sense strategically, it means that it is necessary to somehow fix at the negotiating table the defeat in quotation marks of russia, but this is it, well, this is understandable, by the way, sergech lavrov spoke about this, summing up the results of the year, absolutely correctly, that is, now they will be here -
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right said that the new york times is now publishes absolutely fantastic articles , the latest of which belongs to peru serge schmemann, who actually wrote, not that it is necessary to negotiate, but simply that ukraine does not even need to do anything, it has already won a victory over russia, let's listen, a recent message
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there are many doubts that russia is carefully signaling its readiness to freeze the war in ukraine, at the same time suspicious and alluring, but if putin is serious, then... ukraine should not miss the opportunity to put an end to the bloodshed. the conquered territory is not the only measure of victory in this war. the real victory for ukraine is to rise from the hell of war as a strong, independent, prosperous and secure state, firmly rooted in the west. the only way to know whether putin is serious about the ceasefire and whether it can even be worked out is to try. stopping russia on the path to achieving its goals and moving towards the restoration and modernization of ukraine would be a lasting tribute to the ukrainians, who...
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so that there would never be any nazism there it happened to everyone, so to speak, this , then it will only get worse, it will be trampled upon all the sacrifices that we have already made, because with
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this remainder they will do something terrible, maybe they will put nuclear weapons there to blackmail us somehow , well , it’s hard for me to say, i’m not an expert, so here ’s an instruction about what we shouldn’t do, it’s very valuable, because the new york times is a serious publication, after all, but there’s a lot of nonsense. i heard from military experts that the ukrainian army that was in the beginning, which was considered quite good in we destroyed europe, one of those quite motivated and prepared, five times, that is, it is clear that we are not fighting with ukraine, but with a completely different enemy, and here we are winning, that the volga war, in fact, it is just for us...
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individual people who understand the deep meaning of the existential battle that is currently going on, they send me words of support, so well, yes, no, i understand, but it’s people like these americans who show us perfectly what we should under no circumstances do, so as not to lose the fruits of our victory.
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happy new year, all my life we ​​dreamed of driving a car from vladivostok to
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moscow across our entire country, this year, in the month of september, we succeeded, we are from very distant cities, i am chairs and my dear alina, the crimean soul, if meeting you want, then you can find the time, in general he is an unusual person from everyone i have met , in principle, people are unique, very original, with beautiful eyes, thank you, i dream, i already have a great-granddaughter, sonya, i put her in my backpack and definitely i'll go to altai, children, grandchildren - this is the most important thing, the greatest gifts, i wish you all more of these gifts. borbon stersman is a product of the stellar group. how are you celebrating the new year? in
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my youth, of course, this was celebrated with fun. is this your grandfather? yes. where did grandpa come from? from india. how did this happen? perishing. new year, these are sweet dumplings, did you bring dumplings? yes, yes, let's, yes, let's have a dumpling, come on, yes, i don't know how to say it in spanish, at my age you shouldn't worry so much, field of miracles, new year's special, i i wish that all your family and friends are alive and well, tomorrow on the first day. decorating clothes with flowers, overloading them with all sorts of details does not mean creating fashion, but making a dress based on just one line is a real
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art. fashion is a game where anything can happen to anyone. motador - high fashion. tomorrow on the first. what do you think about the world of fashion? perhaps this is an even more magical world than mine. game, motor. 100 reasons to love gaitai.
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to the centenary of leonid gaidai on december 30th
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oh this evil evening you said that you will get married when you turn 50, after 50 i said december 31st, on the first.
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10 days, first of the attacks, all human values ​​were shot before our eyes, we saw israeli nazi camps in stadiums, right, hitler is remembered with horror, but how are you different from hitler? netanyahu's actions make us remember hitler again, except that hitler was not so rich, all kinds of support comes from the west and from the united states, with their help 20,000 the inhabitants of the gases were killed. well, netanyahu does not remain in debt, and let's hear what he thinks about erdogan. yes, yes, this. erdogan, who commits genocide against the kurds, holds the world record for the number of jailed journalists who oppose his rule. the last one who can read morals to us. the idf is the most moral army in the world that fights and eliminates hamas, the most disgusting and brutal terrorist organization in the world that has committed a crime against humanity, while erdogan praises it and hosts its leaders. the hitlers
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were divorced. but it’s a stubborn thing, the facts say that this very moral army in the world did not actually dress up in the clothes of morality, facts, they are engaged in genocide, yes genocide, and this cannot be covered up with any slogans, no posters, no words, 20 thousand civilians, more than 800 killed children, this cannot be attributed to any lofty slogans, lofty goals that they... are destroying the most, as they say, the most terrible terrorist organization in the world, there are many such organizations in the world, and no one has yet assessed them, how terrible they are, which of them is the most terrible, this is also a kind of cynicism, that they saved the world from
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hamas, but as far as we know, hamas acted only in a certain enclave, he was not involved in international terrorism, like , for example, islamic states, these are isis, or like al-qaeda, created by the americans, yes. of course, let's not forget about this, and by the way, hamas, it is also of american origin, where do the weapons come from? they arrange such a scheme among themselves, on the one hand, but in which a large number of civilians die, and when all this is over, it turns out that behind all this morality there were banal desires to subjugate the east once again, to lay a hand on all sorts of economic projects, for logistics. which is happening there, well, that is , it again rules the world, in which the loss of the average civilian population is a statistic, well , a side statistic that the anglo-saxons, for example, never put in, as they say, well, at the forefront, well, a side the effect, the main achievement, is that netanyahu
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also goes to the bank, because he understands that if he suddenly freezes it or something, then all the dogs will be pinned on him, but if he doesn’t win, they’ll hang zelensky too, and the same thing. the houthis are puppets of iran , i’ve been saying, this has been happening for six months, hit iran, everything is in plain sight, their headquarters is kir, visible from space, wipe them off the map, if you really want to protect american
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soldiers, then bring them to atola, if your agents will attack our soldiers, then we we’ll come for you, the skagen wants to erase iran , i should think that lensigram can leave it there. on his conscience, a man who definitely never reflected any operational plans there and so on, but here’s a continuation of what his colleague was talking about, listen, well, no one has done as much to forget the peace process in the middle east as the united states did this for this, and under a number of administrations, it’s not only biden, it’s not only biden, not only trump, obama had a very strong hand there, so to speak other.
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the yemen rebels, they are gathering such a fist, you see, i think that the yemen rebels never dreamed of it, and what’s funny is that they can’t do anything with the yemen stations , they are going to do nothing with these yemen stations, this is being done for something completely different, they’re doing this again. they are solving their own, as it seems to them, long-term military-strategic tasks in the region, but this is again military force, this is again a demonstration of power, this is... again a conversation with those who do not agree with them on the position of strength, again they are driving the problems of the middle east into an absolute dead end and are not going to solve any solution for them, this is it, again
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an alternative between bad and very bad, so the main thing who is muddying the waters in the region, continues, is the united states, israel, so to speak , well, tanyah, so to speak , he is, by and large, unraveling the brewed... well, he is also netanyahu, of course , a cunning tactician, of course, one cannot take away from him, i am keeping an eye on him in general, even with my work, soon in america at the beginning,
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there it's about controlling it, israel can become an exporter of this, imagine , there is enough for europe for everything, so it is no coincidence that the americans are there too, with their aircraft carriers, in general, the middle east is, of course, that’s just all, you know, and the anglo-saxons always need a point when -it was a brilliant port in the 19th century, that ’s what the ottoman government of the ottoman empire was called, then it
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was... well, they resort to cavalry carriers against the houthis, but against the houthis, against whom they actually can’t do anything, 30 years ago, what the houthis will have missiles, drones and some kind of role and nothing , in fact, this is what we are now doing in a special military operation, it is changing the world very quickly and much faster than they would like, in addition, we are increasing our capabilities, which we talked about today ... the president and sergei chemizov, head of rostec
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, let's listen, our priority remains, which means fulfilling the state defense order , artillery, armored vehicles, tanks, military aircraft, small arms, drones, ammunition and so on are regularly sent to the troops, for if would we, here to be honest, if we had not spent until the twenty-second year... and light armored vehicles, light armored vehicles,
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armored armored vehicles increased by 5 and a half times, tanks by seven times, that is, this increase is so global, an increase in times, our military power, which is absolutely beyond the power of the united states and its allies, they cannot fulfill their own turnover-order, let alone increase it at once, and this means only one thing: our cause is just and victory will be... ours, we pass the word news, see you again at 17:00, don't miss it. this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. the production of tanks in russia over the past 2 years has increased seven times, 50 times more ammunition is being produced for... small arms and missile defense systems,
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the head of the rostec state corporation sergei reported this to vladimir putin today in the kremlin.


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