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tv   PODKAST  1TV  December 30, 2023 12:45am-1:35am MSK

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i’m premiering for you - the very first new year, tomorrow on the first, cnop gin, a product of the stellar group, the greatest hits of the past decades, she’s crazy, but she’s mine, dancing. in the morning, you are venus, i am biter, you are moscow , i am biter, people, help me, breathe, my oceans, my waterfalls, if there is pressure, i will fall into the water after him, you, you, you, only you, know that i will not destroy.
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khazisovaya, but what will definitely be in trends in 2024 is a podcastlab and don’t be fooled, but what would you advise, what principles should people who want to follow be guided by? twenty-fourth year to make your wardrobe functional and comfortable. first, these should be basic things, of course, to which you already select various other accessories, bags, for example, basic trousers, some very interesting cut of a jacket or some kind of material.
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i always dress up for work and people come to look and even ask how the colors are combined, very often they consult on clothes, but it’s not always black, by the way, nastya started talking about vintage. i remembered a very current trend that has passed away year, slavik kor, slavik, what the influencers did to the song of katya lelma and marmeladna and they recorded a video, do you think this is also a return of some kind of vintage style, i would not say that slavi was the direction of the vintage style, it seems to me girl it was more of a tribute , after all, to a national national costume, in my opinion no, well, it’s not a national costume, it’s more like everything...
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anything, but tchaikovsky cannot be canceled, just like it is impossible to cancel pushkin, russian cult in general impossible tchaikovsky and slavek göl are different things, well, yes, they certainly didn’t perform tchaikovsky, yes, they performed my friend katya lin, and, by the way, i worked on the set and created the image for this video, that’s why i know very well how it all works for this clip of the new version or that old version of the old version there was a very funny story. when we were preparing for a very long time,
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sort of handing over the image of how we would look , when we arrived for the shoot, the director said, you know, i changed my mind, well, fodeev said more precisely, i changed my mind, let it not be unkempt, without makeup, without any outfits , what have you, a t-shirt, put on a t-shirt, i say, well, we’re filming on the street, in general, we redid it all, here’s the hair that ’s like that there now.
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yes, she, she, she is number one in my opinion, also in the international charts, well, the haircuts of the nineties are coming back, yes , of course, these steps, yes, which, well, kind of cascade together. do you like bangs, when i started working, i had very long hair, almost, i don’t know, one and a half, i did the cover with this long hair, yes, and poor sasha, yes, they were very thick , there were a lot of them, they are so long, hard, i come to the chanel show, no, fendi, a fairly famous hairdresser, glydo, our
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favorite, comes up to me just like that, with with scissors, like this, to cut off half of my hair and bangs, i don’t even have time to do anything. say, i’m like that, he says, you like me, i’m like that, well, yes, okay, sasha, why, why are you still against bangs, no, in this case i’m against bangs, because you said that nastya is even a bag will do, i know that she will it’s beautiful when she has an open face, and in general this is one of the trends next season - it ’s an open face, hair that is combed back, not slightly structured, straight bangs are in fashion, shortened, yes, when you can see the eyebrows completely and even a little higher eyebrows, and bangs, which are like v-shaped , as you say, with a curtain, yes, only shorter and longer, that is, they are different, they actually complement the image and make - from, so to speak, an ordinary haircut of some kind, they make well,
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something stylish, generally where to look, to navigate, there are positive stars, there are negative stars , positive stars - these are: the example of emmy van house, that is, when they began to judge her there for something else, literally the next year her stylized hairstyle simply did not leave the catwalks and literally through for a year and a half, all the girls with long
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hair wore thick winged wings, red lips , pinned hair with this part raised, negative stars create a longer lasting effect, how... do you feel about the transformation of mila anderson, suddenly a person, which has always been too much, introduced the naturalness trend into fashion, she suddenly appeared with virtually no makeup, began going to events with almost no makeup, and became unrecognizable, tell me, this is more of a stylist’s job, probably for hair and makeup, well i’m saying that there will be naturalness in fashion, and femininity, that is, fashion has made a great... gift for a woman, because everything will be very feminine, very natural and simple to perform, that is , no difficulties are expected, this is, well, one of the main ones trends: femininity, simplicity and sophistication, if she had
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a new stylist, then it is not surprising that he presented her exactly in this form, by the way, i worked with a broom at the very beginning of her career, and what was it? the playboy project was held here in russia and his presentation and, as if the face of the american playboy was brought in, the broom turned out to be a charming girl in general , like an absolutely kind-hearted person, well , also ninety some years, i was very pleased to work with her, what kind of image did you choose , really? so to speak, i licked the image from gas advertising on which, well, at one time , claudia became famous when she starred in an advertisement. everyone remembers this advertisement, to be honest, i took this image as a basis and somehow embodied it on it. nastya, for you , who is in the top influencers today, who influences fashion, because today influencers very often
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set trends in fashion, such a difficult question, but probably again fashion, what kind of fashion, mass market, couture, intellectual? yes, that is, there are many directions, now everything is very common - there are many, it’s just that each influencer has his own audience, each influencer, well, for example, we ’ll take, for example, a map. accordingly , he works great for her, she builds her business very competently and clearly, and thanks to her mother and family, everything works out very well for her; brands work with her with pleasure, too, yes, but i would say that she is still more for the mass market oriented, yes, if we are talking about a more intellectual format, this is timda.
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to celebrate the new year so that it is successful, this is how you feel about it and how you answer these questions, since in this year of the dragon, then, in principle, naturally, the color is green, red, shiny, all this is unconditional, if you ask about my hair, yes, then i would suggest literally a few hairstyles, or this pulled back semi-wet hair, pulled back with...
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have thin hair, but at the same time love volume , it is necessary to have a spray for root volume, and it is quite liquid and not too strong, when drying with a hairdryer they give - more voluminous hair and more - a small fixation if you if you want to have some kind of damp hair, then there are a lot of products that are so-called discipline products. wavy hair and, naturally, hairspray, yes, this
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is always a necessary thing for a woman, to tighten something up somewhere, to fix something somewhere, these are the means, if some short haircuts are structured, then in general , there are a lot of pomades and clays now, but they don’t have a greasy structure, they keep the hair dry, but at the same time give it structure. yeah, nastya, what was your favorite? styling, well, in general today , no, i understand that it’s sasha’s version, but if you do it yourself, if i did it myself, yes, well, for example, in the past year i had my favorite hairstyle - this is this wet hair, because it ’s really the most comfortable, washed it, applied the product, went, well, due to the fact that in the course of my profession someone always styles me, but... i usually don’t do this at all, at home i don’t style it, i don’t style it at home, i’m just
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keeping it a secret, her favorite hairstyle is a ponytail here, here is the tail, here is the tail, here is the tail, everything else and he scolds me at everything, he says what, what, look how you walk, and here i am the tail, everything is the tail, i always have nothing to do with it here , well, not anymore, now i’m doing it a little lower , as i understand it, the stylist doesn’t approve... go crazy, you’re watching the podcast in
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a bad way, and today our guests are the legendary stylist alexander tatchuk and model anastasia khazisova. what is your craziest new year, where was it and how? i had no intention of meeting new year, but still i went to the store , bought something, so i kind of told my friends , i said, i’ll be at home, if suddenly someone left someone, someone... with someone broke up, someone has nowhere to go, come to me, at that moment in my two-room rented apartment there were about 25 abandoned people gathered, yes, exactly, exactly.
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that’s when the neighbors got involved in this, here are the dances, songs, champagne, i have about the same thing, because you can always eat at my place, olivier is being prepared with my magical vasa mayonnaise, of course, of course, i have my own mayonnaise, without eggs, i make it with almond milk, with avocado, with basil, with wasabi, i have a lot of different nuances, then i’ll write down the recipe, everyone always asks me for it, what ingredients do you include in it? i make the classic one, i myself make turkey pork , and accordingly, everyone came to me before some kind of fun somewhere further, there were clubs or some events, and after that friends came running to me, their friends, friends of friends, what - strangers, absolute fun began for me and the celebration ended there, god forbid, people
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we disagreed, everything is very homely, family-like, that is, i really love... new year's eve at home, well, you say that, as if most people go all out on new year's eve, i used to go all out, yes of course, that is, as if god forbid we return home on the first, but now it’s like a completely different story, i love that there is a christmas tree, that the fireplace is burning, that there are definitely sandwiches with sprats on the table, that we definitely have everything, yes so that it is mandatory. ice cube under a fur coat, tangerines, that is, this is exactly the soviet table, these are the sandwiches with sprats that i always make myself, yes, that is, this is such a memory from childhood, when my mother did not force me, but rather told me that i needed to make these sandwiches, it was mine, this was my dish, which i always made, in what outfits did you celebrate the new year, i
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had dresses, and of course maquin, bark and so on, i had a period when i... i even led in at one time a column in the russian official, at one time evelina khromchenko to me suggested keeping a fashion week diary in milan and paris and interviewing models, in general, i also did this at one time, but it was just such a harbinger of street style fashion, i remember these
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times very well, we watched , were inspired by the way the backstage models dressed, the same way you dressed. business in the nineties, all the girls, models , all knew absolutely each other, knew about their personal lives, about children, about parents, and somehow there was some kind of community, yes, now girls come, they don’t know how to be friends they call a friend, and they don’t even communicate or get to know each other, but before we used to go together,
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we had some parties, we had some... we had dinner there, we went to the movies, well , there was something like that, a cult of models, and today tanechka, what you are getting at is true, there are no such stars, all the stars who were in the modeling business, yes, they became legends, and to this day, to this day, any output of the same naomi, linda, is a sensation , well, maybe because now the principles of marketing have penetrated to the most distant layers. bad, no, it seems to me that the point is that in recent times several years, but i’ll say this, i will again, i will be a grouch, i can be a grouch for a little while, but i have the feeling that
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fashion designers, those who have replaced those legends, yes, who have passed away, unfortunately, these young fashion designers, they began to make a woman ugly, the beauty of women is gone, she has become somehow shapeless, i am very glad that she is just coming back. beauty in what trends do you see it? well, i would say that this is already starting at prada, next season almost all jackets have a fitted shape, and shapeless jackets go away, the waist is outlined with the help of belts, the shoulders widen, the hips widen, the waist narrows, and in the cut of things, this makes the female figure more feminine, sophisticated. there are a lot of color solutions that are very gentle, pleasant, that is , if it is a coral color, then it is not poisonous coral, it is slightly powdery coral, yes,
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that is, it is the one that gives tenderness, the heel becomes high, and such a riser becomes so sexy, that is, everything is done in order to the woman has become more, well, the hairpin is already the same...
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the woman who jumped off the hairpin is a racer who left the race. oh, by the way, in general, you, you set the trend for the twenty
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-fourth year, women in stiletto heels, nastya, you too, me, yes, i just, i think that the heel should be brought back, i think that beautiful, emphasizing women’s advantages should be brought back , dresses, and in general i think we need to put away the trousers, they are already so boring, no, why? you know, i recently conducted an experiment, i’ve been wearing trousers all my life, sasha knows, i’m a lover of trousers, and then my friend, she went through some kind of training, she tells me: listen, i tried walking in a dress, you know, it’s a completely different feeling, it really works, i also tried walking in a dress for a month, it was very difficult to do it for me, since we actually have comfortable clothes in our wardrobe, trousers, dresses, of course, there was a completely different feeling, well, it’s still necessary.
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good luck to you, but i wish you to always remain healthy, positive and take care not only of your clothes, but also of what you eat because food is one of the most important components of our life, create your own trends, and also watch the program, the podcast is not lymshity, but i can only wish our podcast not lymshity, as many interesting characters as possible... of course, watch all the episodes on the first website, happy new year!
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love, the quickly winged eyelid, disappeared, the words melted snow, died down like an autumn garden. what won’t be returned back, won’t be returned back, or maybe it’s night, don’t rush to repeat everything all over again, we should repeat everything over again, oh how can i be, huh... maybe
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start everything again, i don’t want to lose you, i can’t lose you, oh, how can i be, for now there’s a lonely ray, a line, an indifferent beam. thorn there was a short path, love, a difficult essence, a difficult essence, and maybe the night is not to rush to repeat everything all over again, for us all over again.
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repeat, oh, what should i do, or maybe start everything again, i don’t want to lose you, i can’t lose you, oh, what should i do. or maybe start everything again, i don’t want to lose you, i can’t lose you, oh what should i do.
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or maybe start everything again, i don’t want to lose you, i can’t lose you, oh how can i be, good evening, dear tv viewers, the song was played, how to be, 1989, my guest is people's artist of russia, alexander serov. sasha, hello, dear valera, greetings, greetings, well, i’m interested in talking, first, about the period
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when you didn’t know. who do you want to become, how to be, that is, about your childhood, since our podcast, the melodies of my life, in this case the melody of alexander serov, i’m very interested in what happened when you didn’t know that you would be a vocalist with great, well that, first of all, where i was born, i was born in village, in the village of kovalevka, nikolaev region, and it is natural that her majesty, nature, plunged me into that... state, which, probably, i then, enriching my soul and my, so to speak, associations, was able to reproduce in the future. we lived near the river, southern buk, my grandfather and i went fishing, went hunting, then school, our school was far away, we had to walk 4 km up a large mountain every day, except
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saturday-sunday. sasha, one might say. this is such an amazing place where the pears grew, cherries, grapes, apples, cherries, raspberries, strawberries, in general everything was guarded there, but the thing is that if you get there, and my grandfather took me there, but he had a friend there, this watchman, and it was, these are the smells , you can’t imagine, this is all an association, it’s nearby, not only is there a river , these plowmen, pioneers, right? and it is natural that i, of course, absorbed, absorbed and once again absorbed everything that i plunged into, pay attention, you have such a male knot, it’s so specific, i would have you if now
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they saw, of course, this was wrong, only i could have done it wrong, but this is character, yes, the devil knows, well, in a word, school itself passed my middle school, because i studied poorly, somewhere in the c, everything is like - you... were rolling in the other direction, maybe her majesty, nature, was dragging me, she is closer to music, to something high, there was a brass band in our village, and sidor sidorovich was such a conductor, it means that the school orchestra gathered, and we played there, so on may 1st we brought in the whole column, and you sang or nene, i played the viola, the wind viola, so i want to tell you, i took this pipe from the reeds, cut it out, whatever they call it, so that it would buzz, there are all sorts of them, and i could copy any part from the brass band, that baritones are playing, what altos are playing, what trumpets are playing, you know
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, well, something permeated me through and through, i was charged with this baggage in the village, you know, when you were this kid, you know, now a series about a boy’s girl is very popular life. it's too much to mention, but the song is like maybe it’s absolutely relevant today , it’s like a second renaissance, igor and i didn’t expect cool either, but maybe the director, let’s say that kryzhovnikov’s horror has good taste, he just took it, put on a normal melody and good, why didn’t he take it, i i love you to tears, she asked, we will definitely return to this melody, friends, look for all podcastlab projects on the website of the first channel:, enjoy watching. i am among the pompas, the besons are running, where the sunsets are like blood over the baobababs. following the spring
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the dawn will come first, and for two happy people for many, many years, we don’t care, we don’t care, let us be afraid of the wolf and ourselves. suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door was fastened together, everything became clear to me now, help me, help me, it ’s very good to have swifts, but on the other hand it’s very bad, the january wilga is swinging, they are flying in them... film concert for the centenary of leonid gaidai, tomorrow on first, for me this evening is very, very significant, because it was on
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december 31, 50 years ago, that the light appeared, and of course i have to ask who you are, but i know
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i want to remind you that my guest is the people's artist of russia, alexander serov, you are watching the melody of my life podcast, and we are moving towards the word love, here... sasha is growing up, a love for music appears, and this is first of all, i will try not touch on the women in your life, because as an intelligent person, you’ll tell us about it in another program, we’ll talk about music, how she developed a love for music, how you sang the very first thing, if you remember at all, in the ninth grade, in my opinion, yes , in the ninth, i sang a song, i don’t remember the author, well, there was a token there, it was some evening, your father walked through this
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street in battle, your brother threw himself under the tanks , only then does the city become a hero, when he became a hero, a soldier, it’s beautiful, yes , this is all yafe, yes, can you imagine, it was more than half a century ago, and this song , so to speak, gave, well, if not an impetus , then... some kind of trial, but i was still very young, i was not enough, i was still about 13 years old, so and then, when i moved to nikolaev, i moved to my mother, i lived with my grandmother in the village, i want to say, and then i moved to to my mother, which means that already there my mother, at the age of 16 , took me by the hand and led me to all sorts of schools, vocational schools, shipbuilding, construction, not related to music, we didn’t think. we didn’t think, but at that moment you had already
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sung somewhere in some kind of amateur performance or not yet, no, i still couldn’t even figure out what to focus my attention on, but nevertheless , we accidentally entered a music school, and the selection committee is just there, can you imagine, it’s a coincidence, it’s just that his majesty decided the case, they’re checking the guys there, one comes out the second, i’m standing in line, and there was peter moses, god grant him the kingdom of heaven, an amazing man, and why are you standing here, boy, what do you want? i don’t know, my mother says: we wanted to audition, and you were finishing something? no, nothing , well, why did you come, the school is right there , you need to be prepared, well, we say, well, then we went, he says, okay, wait a minute, i waited, that means someone came out there, he he says, well, let's listen to the guy, at least what kind of hearing he has, he comes up... that means the piano is knocking tada pam-pam
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pabampampapam i have to repeat i repeated he knocks again i repeated again then he presses the piano turn away says some note boom find it i turn around like bang salt he says let's press again again i turn two more notes, he says, well , you’ll hear these two notes or not, you know, and i under the black one and i didn’t guess, and then he found it, he says, you know, maybe we’ll take it as an experiment if it doesn’t show itself, but we we'll expel him all. that's how mothers are i said, this means we decided, that’s it, and
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a week later we had already taken shape, however, then we went to harvest potatoes, a holy cause, and a month later they came, which means they gave me a viola, i said that i played the viola, and pyotr moiseevich sees that, so to speak, i’m climbing forward, climbing, he says, wait, let ’s put you on the clarinet, that’s a completely different matter, i say, how’s that and he started teaching me, i’m picking up there, i started something back and forth, and i literally want to tell you, after a month i already knew all the fingerings, all the templetism break all the way there, that 's how we approached the saxophone, absolutely right, look , since the potatoes were in the fall, by winter you became in good shape, it would be absolutely appropriate to sing the song winter love, today on our podcast,
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it's too cold outside. love came to us in december; love came to us in winter. oh, for a short century , the workshops are falling, snow is falling on the ground, chickens in winter, for a short century, the workshops are falling, snow is falling on the ground, snow
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on... the streets, snow in the forests in your eyes, in the words of love in winter, for a short time, quietly poops on the ground in a dream. love's century in winter a short century, snow is falling on the ground, the winter winds are cold, i will wait a long time.
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you, with love, fall snow on the ground for a short time in the winter.
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snow falls quietly on the ground, light falls on the ground , then everything was linear, there were some... disappointments, there were some successes, then i mastered the saxophone, at the same time i mastered the piano, i already knew the anharmonicity of intervals, i could already play any key, sat in the orchestra with a tenor, we played things, so to speak, the saxophone already, yes, we played things from the sixties of glen
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miller, how did you become an instrumentalist vocalist, that’s why i became interested in the piano. i was picking up something on the saxophone there, asked a guy i knew there to play the piano, and i played that saxophone, for example, as if everything froze until dawn, it was very popular, and to play the saxophone, such a sound with air, and the dude gave me some company, these were the moments there, we did something else, and then we met with husido. he is a wonderful musician, pianist, arranger, awesome, and we started playing light jazz, we even dared to take the theme of five quarters, well
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you know, of course, of course, all this was still well, well, average, who let you down on vocals, i wonder, all the time i... the vocals of the great tom jones with the song green green grass let me down, to be honest, in 1968 year, of home, green grass near the house, and love me tonight, i love you at night, and oh, well, that's all, i remember your first appearance, when with the song of igor yakovich the cool, i had... "physiognomic resemblance i celebrated with the artist samoilov, who played one of the main roles at the malinov wedding, remember, dimple, i spoke like a familiar face somewhere , sasha." and they told me that we have some videos from that period, let's see, oh, this is in germany, oh, these are wedding flowers, which,
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yes, yes , so a cool guy gave it to me, i made it in english, we had a fight with him, then, then she gave it to him in a legrovy way. this is the ninety-first year, listen, i want to give you a compliment, that of course, in principle, i know two people on the globe with such a pronounced presentation, such, you know, a mega masculine presentation, it’s just that, of course, sir tom jones, they have it abroad, but here it’s alexandrop, because when you and igor yakolich are together in tandem. of course, here you can’t even remember igor nikolaev, who wrote a wonderful one for tears, i always say that good taste is
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a reflection of our culture, and i want to tell you as a compliment that you master this art, which is called happiness, this na, because only a person who can give and give back has a completely natural recognition, so you have a whole galaxy of songs, and not... in a row you implemented my second favorite formula for beginning artists, it showed itself, secure it, now you managed to secure it, because getting the first song can be just luck, but if you don’t continue to work and don’t give out after the first, the second, third, let's give our tv viewers, first of all, female tv viewers, the opportunity to enjoy the tempo of alexander serov and the song i forgot. your face, the white one,
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covers the trail, the white oblivion knocked on my door. "the beer is no longer the same as what he brings to me, strange loss, i forgot your face, blue eyes in the depths." where i flew away like a dream in the heavenly seagull, drowning, i forgot your face
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in the darkness, defeated and i can’t escape anywhere and i don’t want anywhere else from it. i sent many messengers in pursuit, gentle your voice and the eracism of the spirits, but they did not find a response.


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