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tv   Vremya  1TV  December 30, 2023 9:00pm-9:36pm MSK

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thank you very much, people's artist of the soviet union, legendary film director leonid gaidai, there are many geniuses, gaidai is one, thank you, stop, taken, happy birthday master. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. the zelensky regime hit the center of belgorod with missiles in the middle of the day, there were casualties, the president sent doctors to the city and saved them. the border is locked, without
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waiting for a new law on mobilization in ukraine, they tightened the screws on leaving men, sending them to military registration and enlistment offices. large collection, already over half a million signatures for himself vladimir putin's movement, election headquarters with reports by region. russia is the very best all time zones under one roof, what discoveries the maket museum will give and...
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includes three children and 108 injured, 15 of them children, today in belgorod. a terrorist attack by the kiev regime, missiles with prohibited cluster parts, foreign shells, volley fire at the city center, where there are obviously no military installations. the strikes were reported to vladimir putin, who sent a group of doctors led by the minister to belgorod healthcare and emergency situations specialists. photos from the scene and information from the ministry of defense from alexander lyakin. this is exactly how the residents of belgorod saw the shelling of the city, the very first explosion in the center near the department store, the car is backing down popov street and immediately new explosions are heard, arrivals, everywhere, lenin central park , arrival, the square is on fire, arrival, arrival there, residential buildings, shops, parks, there are no doubts about where the ukrainian warriors were aiming; the symbol of the attack on the city was the new year tree on the cathedral square, next to the children's skating rink
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and the new year's fair, a rocket set fire to shopping pavilions, and this is bogdan khmelnitsky street, the intersection with preobrazhenskaya, heavy explosions of rockets and pops of the air defense system are heard , people from the street take refuge in the store, and a car with a dvr, on the contrary, drives towards the arrivals and parks nearby from a hot car, let's go and provide assistance, the scale of the attack is not yet clear, explosions and sounds are still heard. sirens, and passers-by, before the rescuers arrived , rushed to provide first aid to the wounded, there was no pulse, there was no pulse, they pumped get confused. the rescuers and ambulance doctors themselves arrived in a matter of minutes, began extinguishing the burning cars and transporting the wounded to hospitals, having recovered from the shock, people began to post the consequences of the raid online. here we were 5 minutes ago, we were standing damn it, then we went into the entrance, here is the epicenter, here is the same yard, filmed by a cctv camera, a shell hits the wall.
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first a roar, then a shock wave; in fact, what saved me was the fact that we had three shelves here and i was shielded from the glass, on instructions from the president of russia in a group of medical specialists headed by the minister of health flew to belgrade to provide assistance to the victims; the regional governor, vyacheslav glodkov, addressed the city residents. today, the most severe consequences of the last 2 years occurred, which they brought with them. i sincerely
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offer my deepest condolences to all the families of the victims, i understand that there are no words that can console you, this is grief. the russian ministry of defense stated that the shelling was carried out from alha multiple launch rocket systems, a soviet modification modified by the ukrainians. smerch installation, it can hit at a distance of 130 km or more. according to the ministry of defense , czech vampire rssos were also used in the raid on belgrade. most of the rockets were.
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perpetrators of crimes against civilians, including those who gave criminal orders to shell the civilian population and infrastructure. the actions of each person involved will be given a legal assessment.
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russia requested an urgent meeting of the un security council in connection with the attack on belgorod, and also demanded the participation of the russian federation in it, since czech-made weapons were used to strike the civilian population of russia. terrorist attack in belgorod. will also be the subject of proceedings in the un security council, including on the use by ukrainian terrorists of cluster munitions banned in most countries to attack civilians, as well as the sources of supply of these deadly weapons. silence in response to the unbridled barbarity of the ukranazis and their puppet masters and accomplices from the civilized democracies will be akin to complicity in their bloody deeds. belgorod is not the only populated area that came under fire, more than ten rssu shells. and let’s return to the statement of our ministry of defense that it is impossible to provoke us, the russian armed forces work only on military targets. today's report confirms this.
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our positions are improving along the entire front line. the enemy lost about 700 militants per day. half of them were liquidated in the donetsk direction, where the fighting is the most fierce. in the kharkov region. also a launcher rszzo alha, a fuel weapons depot at the starokonstantinov airfield in the helnitsky region was blown up. the russian medical service today harshly responded to the words of the adviser to the head of zelensky’s office , mikhail podalek, that russia will be presented with ultimatum demands of the highest level, and it will accept them. maria zakharova in telegram. anyone who is still listening to bank terrorists should know, russia. never submitted to an ultimatum or blackmail, everyone who came with a sword or a grenade was driven away, everyone who tried to destroy the country or its people was given a prescription from dehumanization. meanwhile, in ukraine , they essentially closed the western border for men
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potentially subject to mobilization. according to the publication strana ua, since friday evening , fathers of large families and disabled volunteers are not allowed into poland if they do not have certificates from the military registration and enlistment office. which were not previously required. let me remind you that in january the rada voted on new rules of mobilization, the regime needs half a million soldiers to fill its ranks from those unfit for service and women with children. and the draft dodgers will have their accounts blocked, ban on transactions with property, issuance of loans, and benefits. the methods of the military commissars are already being called lawlessness and the situation has only been heated up by the statements of the freelance assistant to the ukrainian commander-in-chief zaluzhny.
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in response, there was an understandable wave of negativity on social networks, and zaluzhny refused non-staff assistants as a class, but already... we continue again , the front line in a combat situation, our defenders will celebrate the new year, now in their free minute they find the opportunity to decorate the christmas trees for... prepare food to the table, create comfort almost like home, and of course, they don’t forget about weapons, which should always be in perfect order. dmitry tolmachev saw what the festive front-line menu was, and most importantly, what special gifts soldiers from all over the country received. it was the children of the city of novocherkassk who asked you to bring them, they made them themselves. gifts from the small homeland for the christmas tree and birthday party. the soldiers of the 150th motorized rifle division began dressing it up yesterday. what can you do in your soul sometimes there is a holiday hunt, and also letters and postcards from children, something that always
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warms a soldier’s soul, they all support you, want you to know that the whole country is with you , the whole country is proud of you. new year, he is at the front, a holiday to the usual field menu, which cannot be called meager anyway, olives, turkey meat, ham, added vitamins, as they call it here, fresh fruit, in addition to this, every fighter. will receive a new year's holiday package. regardless of where our military case is located, we are obliged to deliver it to each soldier. we arrived at one of the combat positions; for obvious reasons, we can’t tell you where it is. we can, the crew of the rapier anti-tank gun is on duty here, we’ll hand over the new year’s food packages and see how the guys live. now the fighters here are mostly local, from donetsk, so most likely food from home will complement the festive table. we talked among ourselves, we decided what we wanted , we gave it to our wives, we made our wives,
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the only drinks on the front line are coffee, tea or lemonade, but you can’t, you can’t do anything like that, we ’re in a combat position, and of course we’ll have tea, a drink , sweets, fruits, you will sing something, but i have no doubt that those who are new year's eve on duty there will be no songs or good old films, you have to listen. manages not only to receive, but also to give gifts
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, prepare the new year's table, there will be salad, there will be fruit, meat, definitely fish, some soldiers of the 163rd tank regiment on the eve of the holiday fulfilled the new year's wishes of the pupils of a sponsored orphanage in the rostov region. other topics, more than half a million signatures were collected in just a week in support of vladimir putin’s movement in the presidential elections. this was announced today in his election headquarters. points are open in different regions of the country. the first batch of documents has already been delivered to moscow. dmitry kochitkov more details. boxes with the first batch of signatures, which
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were collected in the moscow region, were brought to vladimir putin’s election headquarters in gostiny dvor on ilinka. from january 5 , other regions will begin to submit their documents here. according to the latest data from regional headquarters across the country, more than half a million signatures have been collected in support of russian presidential candidate vladimir putin. and now our lawyers will take care checking all necessary documents. according to the law, self-nominated candidates need to gather money to participate in the elections. at least 300,000 signatures throughout the country, with no more than 7,500 for each federal subject. popular front activists helped residents of the high-mountain village of khelituri in dagestan organize the collection of signatures for putin. putin, a man of honor, a man of his word, a man who assembled the state, only with his coming to this post, our power became strong, effective, which can decide any questions. on weekends in major cities, signatures for the president are collected from shopping malls, this is the most worthy candidate for
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president of our country, because with him one feels hope, solidity, i , as a mother of many children, can also say that support for families with children in our country is very important decent level, for me this is and so far the only presidential candidate who can actually lead the country further in the right way...
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there is a list of trusted persons here, this is 346 people, among them famous artists, doctors and athletes, i am glad that i have such an honor to be a trusted person, and of course, for my part, i will show all possible support, and i will talk about the benefits, about what our president is doing, but i am sure that people are already they know, the simple question here is that we can all unite together to make the right choice, we will go to the regions, we will meet with... citizens, answer questions, collect initiatives, communicate, discuss, because without direct communication with citizens in the regions, impossible there is no work to be done, our moscow central headquarters is working in the gostenyi dvor, there are about 50 more points in moscow where volunteers
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are collecting signatures. in the capital, signatures can be placed in shopping centers. at the entrance to the metro station he supports traditional family values, we, i personally have six children, three boys, three girls, i raise my children in the same vein, he keeps his word, so he says and does everything he says, he speaks the truth , the signatures collected for the candidate must be handed over to the election commission center no later than 6:00 pm on january 31, and the elections of the head of state will be held in the spring, march 17 is the main day, but voting will be possible from... march 15. dmitry kuchatkov, ilya zhuravlev and zulfiya khakimova. first channel. there are new protests in belgrade by the pro-western opposition, which lost the parliamentary elections. approximately 3.0 people walked past the constitutional court to the election commission of the republic. there were no clashes with the police, unlike at the beginning of the week, when supporters of a movement calling itself a serbia without
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violence carried out pogroms. today in the crowd, among the flags of the european union, i was noticed reminiscent of the maidan. and an attempt. kiev, it was said from the very beginning. in belgrade they were ready, thanks in part to information received in time from russia. president aleksandar vucic stressed that his country will determine its own policy, despite external pressure. sad news, galina zemenkova, the program announcer during the soviet years, honored artist of the rsfsr, has died. she was known and loved by millions of viewers in our country. for more than 20 years on central television, she took part in festive blue lights, hosted such programs are like meetings near moscow, and may there always be sunshine. galina zemenkova taught students in japan and the russian language in moscow, taught aspiring journalists speech techniques and skills in working in the frame. she was 82 years old. a special, recognizable voice from the screen. hello, comrades,
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farmers of novosibirsk by this morning. more news from this day: a new russian triumph in chess. valentina gunina won the world blitz championship. this is the fastest version of the game where you can fail more likely due to a delay in time than due to receiving a checkmate.
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play because - i’m undergoing treatment for lupus, i just recently had another visit to the hospital, from the hospital i went to training camp, and from training camp i’m almost here, but in general it’s quite difficult for me due to the symptoms , therefore, that is, for me it’s like a doubly burden ; in the men’s pedestal, two of our grandmasters, daniil dubov and vladislav artemyev, took second and third places, respectively. will also offer to play blitz already on new year's eve, all readings will be recorded by the nava dnh weather station. tomorrow before noon there is still a slight plus, and after the chimes in
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the capital region, weather forecasters promise -10. on the first morning of 2024 in moscow -12:14 in the region up to 17 below zero. even colder in the following days until christmas. but no precipitation. wet snow just before the new year. almost half of russia will have to bundle up for all the holidays, abnormal cold, even for january, is coming, but in crimea it will be exactly the same days, quite spring-like, but for us +15, in yakutia down to -57 right now. the range is incredible, just as incredible as our huge country is, rich, generous, diverse. pyotr deryagin will remind you of the scale of the beauty of your homeland. clearly. from what angle can you look at russia in order to appreciate its full scale? the pervokanal film crew went to one of the largest museums of models in our country, millions of miniatures, dozens of cities,
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so let's carefully study and count everything. just look at the world map and it immediately becomes clear that russia is the largest country on the planet. russia square. more than 17 million km, this is comparable to the area of ​​a dwarf, but still a whole planet, pluto. just think about it, our country occupies 11% of all land on the planet, and russia is almost twice as large as the united states , the arkhangelsk region alone is larger than germany, the tomsk region is as big as poland, the penza region is comparable to switzerland, and yakutia is almost like five frances. exactly this. the longest road in the world. how to embrace the immensity, travel all over russia from edge to edge - this is a real challenge , a popular topic for videos on social media networks. traveling on the moscow-vladi vostok train
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is something you need to try in life. it’s the same as diving with scuba gear, it’s the same as jumping from a parachute, you have to do it. the great siberian road. trans-siberian railway, the longest railway in the world over 9,000 km. the journey from moscow to vladivostok takes a week. we really seem to be going to the top, the great trans-siberian railway ends here, we did it. there are 11 time zones in total, when evening falls over petropalovs-kamchatsky or vladivostok. at the same time , dawn begins in kaliningrad, so russia can safely be called the land of the never-setting sun. somewhere on our territory this sun shines hotly, somewhere the polar days and nights last. seven climate zones from subtropics to arctic desert. our nature is amazing. 50% of the total area of ​​russia is covered by forests. the real lungs of the planet, our
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forest is 20% of all forests in the world. and in terms of area occupied by trees, we are the first on the planet. the most ancient mountains on planet in russia and they are located in the urals. once upon a time, the ural ridges were huge, and they appeared in the distant youth of the earth. if the age of our planet. is estimated at 4.5 billion years, then the age of the ural mountain pencil is supposedly 4.2 billion. a real witness of eras and the oldest mountain on earth, and the oldest and at the same time the deepest lake on the planet, of course, baikal, it is deeper than some seas , it contains 19% of the world's total fresh water supply, and it is also incredibly beautiful. russia is a grain granary planet, for many years we have been a leader in wheat exports. in 2023 , more than 60 million tons were shipped abroad. in
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2023, we exported grain to 100 countries ; now, income from food trade ranks second in the russian budget after oil and gas. by the way, regarding gas, of course, russia is the leader here today. our country produces almost the same amount of gas as in general. in the field of nuclear energy, our reactors are recognized as the most advanced, rosatom is building in eight countries at once 22 power unit, no state is capable of this; we are the only ones in the world who have a nuclear icebreaker fleet. another technological advantage is digitalization. this. it’s not exactly reflected in the statistics, but in terms of the convenience of our applications, marketplaces, delivery, online banking, russia is a world leader, a convenient service for every area of ​​life, the share of the use of artificial
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intelligence is also growing, in such... the whole country is the leader, of course, the capital , moscow, and the ancient expression 40 forties is actually very close to the truth, because 40 times 40 - this is 1600, there are 1230 churches in the capital, and the path to each one in moscow or in any other corner of our country is at the same time a spiritual, cultural and historical journey. the oldest in europe is the orthodox church of john the baptist in kerch, 6-7 century ad. our country.
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vladimir putin today congratulated a number of foreign leaders on christmas and the coming new year, including the heads of the cis countries, except moldova, the leaders of abkhazia, south ossetia, china, india, turkey, brazil, venezuela, cuba, syria, the south african republic, over a dozen states are on the list
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published on the krem website. there are no western leaders in it, with the exception of the president of serbia and the prime minister of hungary. congratulations from moscow were also sent to ex-president of france sarkozy and ex-chancellor of germany schröder. the first president of kazakhstan nazarbayev, the former president of armenia kocheryan and sargsyan, as well as pope francis. and now about what awaits the audience for the first time on new year’s eve and the holiday week. a real telethon on the air. only the best, loved by millions comedies, musical hits, special episodes of programs and, of course, high-profile premieres, we won’t reveal all the details, of course, but we’ll still allow some points, alexey zotov knows about this more than others. everybody dance! we came up with everything in a very original way, everything is known in advance, guys, a little patience, everything will happen. and this is the honest truth, the new year's exhibition of television and film achievements is on
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the first. a grandiose gift awaits, at exactly 8 pm, at the first the most long-awaited premiere of, of course, the main film of the year, what is this generally a serf, yes a serf, cheburashka, i’m going to you, you are ready to fly into space, the challenge is the first feature film in history shot in space, we all saw how the film crew was preparing for the flight, how the rocket took off breathing heat, many have already loved this story in cinemas, so let's
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start with the whole country new year with... a movie about love under the stars, why do you think people need to go to space so much? in the new year, space should also be in life, so in january you can immerse yourself in this cosmic atmosphere with the help of our film, so turn on and watch, the sky will be covered with half a dozen stars. this the film has already given us new heroes of our time, cosmonauts and those who are always ready to respond to a call for help, so be sure to watch the movie with the whole family. it was necessary in space. while you are cutting olivier, putting the herring in a fur coat and cooling the sparkling wine, the first one is already creating a new year’s mood for you, even if everyone has their own secret of fun. take a walk through your frosty city, crunch the snow, breathe, take a deep breath, then you will be in a good
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mood, dress up. if you're not in a new year's mood, it's definitely off topic. you're celebrating. i really wish you all to celebrate with the theme. have you seen striptease in switzerland? yes, so what? for what? is it not enough to take revenge? gaze if you want. should i take my shirt off? quickly, quickly, shoot! oh, no, no, no, no, now, not here, what! tomorrow all day, and then on january 1, our channel shows the most favorite films, adored comedies, they are always relevant, and it seems that without them the new year will definitely not come, how you got there is none of your business, well, i swear to you, i am more i won’t, have mercy! great sir, it’s me, the fool, with you i'm confused, please don't pay attention to me, sometimes on the go, it happens, yes, i'm silent, i'm silent, ugh on you, on new year's eve look how
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zhenya and nadya, the heroes of the legendary fairy tale for adults, have changed in 30 years irony of fate, how their love also has a piercing continuation, love has no past tense, i know this in myself. we will celebrate the new year in the amazing company of nikolai tsyskariza’s guests. then let's join in, the members of the society will congratulate the virtuoso on his anniversary. a long time ago you could have been like boryshnikov and taknureyev, but you stayed. an hour before midnight, immediately after the president’s address and the chimes, you will be captivated by the most magical musical night, on the first day, all your wishes will come true here. and i’ll come to you across the field and across the pole for thousands of guests, when we were young, what kind of repertoire do you have, we need something massive, because it’s modern, we’ll put on the sound all over and the neighbors don’t sleep, i don’t
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need anything, i’m next to you and just look what stars of the first magnitude the participants of our show have become. voice, you are my sun. more than seventy hits of the latter musical decade, for a wide variety of tastes, fantastically beautiful numbers, we sing, dance, worry and have fun all this night with the first, we will sing, we will walk for you, homeland.
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amazingly brilliant. best day, came yesterday. however, why not start the fun in advance, today at midnight, and then on the night of january 2, everyone will come to us for an incendiary club party, the most current names and tracks of the outgoing year. why have any other parties when we have our very first nova.
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i need to have a snack, is it me, yours or you, what difference does it make to us now, that's the whole point, the big difference is that the funniest parody show is back on the air, i went out for 20 minutes to eat and my role is already being played by some chump, i'm not a chump, and the artist, oleg yesenin, oleg , tell yesenin, soulful, one of the parodies of the film office romance, as if everything there was in the style of a barbie doll, but like garbage, this is how i will always look now, that...


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