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tv   Moskva slezam ne verit  1TV  December 31, 2023 1:50pm-4:45pm MSK

1:50 pm
no, don’t follow me on these streets, it’s very dark and dangerous, don’t follow someone who always runs red, i know that it will be better this way, even though you don’t agree with me, the bird is now free, but wants the cage back , if we lose our memory, we will choose each other again, don’t love me, don’t look for me, i will turn you off, you will call me by my name, don’t love me, don’t look for me.
1:51 pm
new year, there are a lot of new year's songs , i just have this as my youngest daughter's favorite song, this is what i associate with it, and for some reason i have all these songs. a so it’s possible, i don’t like these songs that are deliberately new year’s, deliberately festive, i like it, because of the irony of fate, that is, there are such songs in them there is nothing about the new year , the atmosphere is just simple, well, of course , a legendary song, new year is coming to us chig.
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it’s snowing, it’s snowing, everything around is waiting for something under this snow, under the quiet snow, i want to say in front of everyone, my most important person. look at this snow with me, it is pure, like what i am silent about, what i want to say, who brought me my love, probably good santa claus, when i look at the window with you, i’m with her... i thank you,
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it’s snowing, it’s snowing, everything is flickering, floating for the fact that you are in my destiny, thank you in the dream. it's snowing, it's snowing, everything is flickering, floating because you're in my destiny, thank you snow.
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anto, anton, anton, anton, wait, wait, leave me alone, leave me alone from the pipe, by the way , have you ever had your lips stick to the pipe in the cold, literally before a performance, training, preparation, at gasgol, next time you have this fire with which you can warm the air around yourself, this is the nomination of the mouth. full of notes, here you go, this is for you, and you know what, we can ask you, give us a note with which we will start 2024, come on,
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borbon stersman is a product of the stelar group. for me this evening is very, very significant, because it was on december 31, 50 years ago , that the light came into being, and i, of course, have to ask who you are, but i know, my birthday
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is in the past, regrets, this is a bouquet of russia , you could have left here many times, i know how many theaters invited you, but you stayed with parisi, like... you said that you will get married when you turns 50 years old, after 50, i said, today at the first, mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellor
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as god zayena mi
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pose'. his desire is the lord to save him, the sky is looking for him, the lord desires to save him.
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ragda, thank you so much for this wonderful song, for a new reading of everyone’s favorite hit , thank you for such an assessment of my version and thanks , first of all, to my mentor egor for helping to realize this song in such a beautiful new breath, here we are here today we are distributing fires, this fire is not only yours, but also your mentor’s, and we solved it call yegordost of the first channel, yegordost. channel, i think the perfect name, this is love, self-deception, and until the morning i will be drunk, reski narcos, the power of vlak, you are not mine, you are not mine, this is love, self-deception itself, and until the morning i will be kyan, vizki narcos, black , you are not mine, you are not mine, you are not mine, and i am not yours, our conversation,
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drunken pain, time has passed, you are cold, now i am with someone else, and you are busy, or maybe it will be better for you, i picked up the keys, but didn't open the door, and i'm so sorry for you! you are not shining for me, i will dare that you are not mine, this is love, it's a deception itself, and until the morning i'll be drunk, whiskey narcos waka, you're not mine, you're not mine, it's love itself, and until the morning i'll be drunk, whiskey maker. kosyva bodka, you're not mine, you're not mine, wop-pop
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, you're so beautiful, hop-hop, i'm deleting from the archive, i'm in love with you, you're a jerk, what movie are you from, i really want to get married to you, i hope i succeed , but you are not mine and i am tormented, this is love itself is a deception, and until the morning i will be drunk,
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and for you, vasya, terry half-ver, warm air, fast turnip, we have been with you for three days, believe my words, we will live forever ,
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take my word, i promise to lose, no, no. we flew, there is no way back, we flew and lost blood along the way, let's drink to love, take care of yourself, i don't know if we will ever meet again, we are all swirling in the rays of the sun, i'm afraid that we won't wake up tomorrow. that's it, no more parties, you paint old pictures, thoughts are ruined under the rays of the sun, i'm afraid that we won't wake up tomorrow, no more parties, you paint old pictures.
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the word promises to lose me, my thoughts wander under the rays of the sun, i'm afraid that we won't wake up tomorrow, no more parties, you
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you draw old pictures, thoughts, under the rays. sun, i promise that we won’t wake up tomorrow, no more parties, you draw old pictures, thoughts deepen under the rays of the sun, i ’m afraid that we won’t wake up tomorrow, no more parties, no more parties. this year you have a show on the first channel , which is called let's play a wedding, that's right, i congratulate you on this, but i don't want you to stop and wish you to continue the show next year, let's play a wedding, you know how, we play wedding once, giving birth to a child twice,
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we take out a mortgage, give birth to a second one - a great big show, it’s called mastering maternity capital, don’t you agree? yes, we have something to work on, in 2024 you are working with a twinkle, we are walking down the street together , we are hiding with you as a joke, we are tired of the rain, there is gas light in the wet windows, only we have not been there for a long time, we don’t know, that then, as if bound by the rain, in
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our special order. we entered this castle from the rain, only boya you and i, and i, and we were together for so long, we were saved, in this king of history, only you and i. the morning of issa is near, the first ray of light touches us,
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we are destroying the magic, your revelation, already from a hidden place, the person we meet looks high, laughs in our eyes, as if he doesn’t believe in miracles, a lonely passer-by, we entered this castle made of rain, just two, you and me, and so on for a long time. we were together, we were saved, you are a ruined house
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, only understanding. every year, in short, santa claus came to us,
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and i was so looking forward to this moment, but all the time dad was not at home at this moment, for some reason, but i didn’t pay attention, i always say, i say, mom, where is dad, he says, well, he’s gone, he’ll be there soon, at one point i i'm coming, santa claus has already left and gave me a gift. daughter, she actually said, vasilisk, look, it’s not dad, it’s just santa claus , you know, with you everything is like this, but with me everything is real, now
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a real santa claus is coming to my son, it seems like everything is about' okay, but still not the same. then everything is happy inside, then again a minor , then a smile for no reason, then a shiver on the skin, waiting for the green color to overload with a black cat, the make-up was left on the pillow, alone and no time for girlfriends, tired of listening to them, everything around is so boring, waiting for it to spin, all the girls need it the one with whom their light does not knead, as if behind a stone wall, with a red thread on his wrist, full of butterflies, his stomach, his heart is tearing... to pieces you wrote before him seven mistakes in the word happiness, all girls need someone who will fire them and juice them from an earthly passionate thread on a wrist full of butterflies, your belly and heart are tearing
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into pieces you are besalata, he has seven mistakes in the word happiness, all the girls need you in their memories, as if a screenshot, the heart is freezing , singing past me with your eyes, looking for his shoulders among passers-by, he would have warmed up, gone, fashionable palms it’s always like this, with one of course, faklavak , a broken heart, even though time heals, still a little man needs a little man, all girls need the one with whom their light goes out, like all the shadowless stones, with a red thread , a wrist full of living butterflies , and his heart is tearing him apart, you wrote to him, seven mistakes in the word happiness, all girls need a bass, with whom is their oh ananasty, with a red thread on his wrist, full of butterflies, belly, and his heart is tearing him apart, you wrote before him , seven mistakes, all girls need happiness in the word,
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johnny, today we are giving out this fire to musicians, for everything, for everything, for different things, so we decided to do this so that you give this fire to yourself, why would you give it to yourself this year, well, you ’re having a great year cool, what exactly would you give it to yourself for, here you go, thank you very much , it’s very nice, it’s very nice, i don’t know, it’s even so hard to say in reality, i understood it as modest.
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cnop gin is a product of stellor group. new year's premiere on the first. so, we have very little time, only 40 minutes. why? we have a corporate account for video communication, unlicensed. free only 40 minutes. i foresaw that your qualifications were not enough and sent the best doctor in the country to you. greetings. my dear friends, which of you has problems? it makes a big difference, do you think i don’t have my own business, or what, or do you think i ’m washing down caviar with cognac, i’m lost, father, they’re interviewing homeless people on the first floor,
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be more polite! otherwise, i will upset you, but there are no opportunities, january 1st on the first, this is your song, face, face, yes, what is always tortured, today i remembered, and until the morning you will not calm down, on...
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hidden in the darkness, i shout to you, forgive me, but silence in response, if i could rewind everything and not get sick, i would get sick of you so much that i would die a gloomy quarter, in the background a speech about love, endless marathon , the district shouted, stop, you and her are out of the way, i shouted back at him, well, try to lock him up, the district shouted, stop, it’s too tough for you, but i said, she will be mine, and answered for... the market my world was collapsing because of her , it was collapsing before everyone’s eyes, and i didn’t want to save it, but there’s no talk, at elevated tones, you are probably right to hurt you, my main stole, i say goodbye to you, this is a song with a pet, i will remain free for you at dawn, hey, this is your song, which is closed forever, today i will remember, and until the morning you will not calm down, it will dawn.
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and even louder, where are you now, where are you now , you see me in a dream, we will go through ours, hey, hey, with you or a demon, i still can reach the heavens, i’m not a hero maker, i don’t know how much this cross costs, heart-to-heart conversations, damn that's all, apparently the love is gone, that's it, you're home you cry on... again on tour , that it’s a disaster again, you want to write a letter to me, i’m disappearing, i’m ignoring you, well, i’m sorry, i know , you want to know how happy i am about our stories, what a pity, but how cool it is to remember you
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in life in our empty apartment, in a fire , now it will be difficult to return what was important in our ideal world, to patri as fun, to hell with this fuss, i’ll talk this track and fill the empty space with it. where are you all now, hey, where are you now , see me in the light, but this is our secret,
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which, besides love, works great miracles, heals broken hearts in thunder before i convinced you myself, i turn to heaven, i prayed for you after dreams i wrote about you, if the breakdown asks.
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alena, it’s more convenient, this is a reward, this fire is for you, she is called and shvets, the guitar player, where is the guitar, alena, she’s on vacation, wow, we all, everyone, all want a vacation, and this fire
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is for you, let’s do it we’ll make sure that in 2024 you have the shortest holidays and the most fruitful year, agreed, yes. days pass, years fly by, oceans dry up, and you are alone in your soul and in your eyes, these tears, these wounds, but don’t look, don’t look, you give us, stay as you are, let yourself be with yourself, illuminate the whole world in your eyes, if love lives in your heart, but don’t look, don’t look, you put it with
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us, you find yourself like this, you don’t find yourself, the whole world is illuminated by my eyes, the eternal heart lives. i watched all the films about love, but there are also a lot of fairy tales in life, don’t rush, wait, you’ll see. you, everything will be, but not right away, but don’t look, don’t look, you deliver to us, remain as you are, remain yourself, whole days, illuminate your eyes, if love lives in your heart, well, don’t look, don’t look, you bet on... stay as you are, remain
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yourself, the whole world illuminate your eyes, if love lives in your heart, well, i don’t care, no look at it as before, remain you as you are, remain yourself, the whole world allows you to say, without... thank you friends, happy new year, what time did it all happen for you, 27 years old, for me, 27, and for you that’s it, well, the wedding, what age, so now 30, now he’ll cut off your ears, at 30 three, 33, that is, i still have 3 years, yes, yes, but 33 is ok or is it, great, great, great. the only thing, you know, is that i am soaring and have always been soaring, i dreamed,
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i had a relationship, my first was such a great love, and when i was 18 years old, i always dreamed of being a young father, so that you know, there with the children in one place, to be on the same wavelength in order to keep up with them, you don’t have to be young for this, lesh, i don’t even know what ’s more fiery, our award or the color of your hair, hold it, what do you think, what is it called, fire, that’s right, but specifically for you, how ... plus maybe i'll get drunk again, maybe
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i'll tell you everything, you and i are just friends, how can i tell you that you won't make me crazy, baby, she loves sushi too much, i won't get into your toy room, you and i are just friends.
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why do you think there are so many covers now, why is everyone obsessed with... replaying, it seems to me, they have learned how to do it, but now it’s just fashionable, you know, phonk remixes, hyperpop remixes and so on, they just take votes, there i don’t know, and well, it’s it’s it’s yes, it’s it’s all the same a little different, i’m not doing my first, i really liked your cover, dark night i did dark night is generally good and the bulls are
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whistling, how much in your project did you manage to create, so to speak? based on large works, no less large , reworkings, over four seasons, this is more than a hundred tracks, almost 120, in my opinion, there is something like that, that is, well, i just really like other people’s music, i’m just interested , but it’s just interesting to dig deeper into it, there is such a snabbism regarding carpets that it’s well, i have my own convention, but... this doesn’t stop me in any way from delving into someone else’s, don’t interfere, don’t interfere, to be left alone, my
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sadness, fly away, fly away, into your own distance... distant cosmos take me, these wings are not mine, i i can’t spread them, the wings are not mine, i will never fly, the wings are not mine, i can’t spread them, the wings are not mine, why are you a dead bird? and that you’re sitting alone, and that you’re not hitting the warm nest, and that you’re not hitting the warm nest, it’s clear that you’re an orphan, don’t bother, don’t
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bother me being left alone. to sadness, fly away, fly away, into your distant space you me forget, these wings are not mine , i can’t spread them, the wings are not mine, i will never fly, the wings are not mine, i can’t spread them, the wings are not mine, these wings are not mine, i can’t spread them, the wings are not mine , i will never fly, the wings are not
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mine, i cannot spread them. happy new year, this award is yours, but before you leave, i want to say, there are very few lyrical new year's songs, let me give a start, and you will make it like this, in your style, like this, like you know how, like this here, it’s like new year’s depressive, so i found a gift under the christmas tree on new year's day, how sad that it was, and then this was for him, yes, on new year's eve i found a bag of broken hearts under the tree? oh, great, exactly at midnight you told me, there’s a different rhyme asking that you’re leaving me, so and - and let’s do this, on the morning of january 1st you returned because you couldn’t find anything better, that’s right, guys, keep this fire, illuminate our hearts are our evening, then look who is on stage with us, look
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how many girls are in the crowd, and the boys are thrown by the heat, this chaos is illuminated with a mirror disco ball, corpses erase the bag, dancing deprives everyone of death , the mirror disco ball takes away all the sadness from us, yes, two constellations, we are easy to see, then you can’t reach us, you hear, no matter how heavy the load hangs on your shoulders, give yourself a friend. let's light up other people in the dark, in the dark, in the dark, eyes sparkle forward, head back, in
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the dark, in the dark, in the dark, trouble, no problem , wish upon a star, girls in the crowd, boy sprinkles the heat, illuminates this is a limitless mirror disk and ball, i wash the purchase of parker, dancing deprives everyone. i'm in the dark, i'm in the dark, a star, a star , when is the star, yes, yes, yes, girls in the crowd,
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a boy throws off the heat , the mirror disco ball illuminates this chaos, here they erase parker, dancing, depriving everyone of death, taking away all the sadness from mirror disco ball, tolben, throws heat, this chaos is light.
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evening, you said that you will get married when you turn 50, after 50, today on the first,
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cognac monte chococa, a product of the stellar group. good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night, winter is too long, i’m coming to you i’ll come back myself, i haven’t forgotten you, i flew to you as if to confession, i love the little walls, i think that you are my chosen one, and you?
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this, this fire is for you, because you, well , took off and it’s called, banged the year, banged in my heart, and you just banged all my organs, our bird, thank you very much, thank you for this light, and i hope that this fire is once again burning in my listeners, that my music inspires, so i am rooting for this, tell me what should happen at the party, so that you say, no more parties, total fatigue from dancing, we don’t get tired for a second, and next year i promise you, you will have all the achievements, i’ll go, i’ll go to
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the coal so that a new fire will flare up in you, come on! who is now the most relevant popular freshman as of the end of the twenty-third year toxic tox tox can you imagine , he and i went to a study a few days ago and he told me you gave him flowers, i saw it wasn’t him and me and it turned out that he’s a toxic we’re with him uh, he told me a little about his life story and guess what, he says i’m already well i gave up, i’m not the same anymore, he told me the full story of my life, i won’t tell it, but in short he says: i’ve already given up, i thought that i wouldn’t do music, i’ll do something else, then he said he watched the interview neleto, interesting , who came out on the list there a few years ago, where he says that damn, he found a guy tox on the internet, a cool guy, and says: we copied with him, yeah, we released
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a song together, they have a song, oh which few people know, and he says: i’m so... motivated, he says, such a huge respect to dana nileto, yesterday i spoke, met neleto, just shook his hand, he says, thank you very much, he says: yes, listen, i say, i didn’t do anything at all, but the kid, yes, yes , it’s the same movement, he just, he gave it to him, as if he took a step,
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with love, because you don’t give me love, your words are a lie, i’m not ready to live with it, so i jump into posh. if you want to go, go.
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the injury did a lot, but you didn’t leave a scar, you don’t give me love, i give you lab you need this card, what kind of grandmothers would you like, i only need you in the dark, i need you more than air, but it’s not easy, i can’t live without you, you’re my dose, i only collected lipetsk , i threw it away, i’m a freak, sorry artist, what questions, i’ll be late again, i i can't do it anymore, i can't. full of love, i was looking for you everywhere , i left the bar, i came here to the stage to give you this fire, hold this award, but before i give it to you, please tell me, are you full of love to the eyeballs or that’s it- there is still a little place still, completely full of love, oh, this is your reward for filling us with love,
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right now it’s the very first new year and full of love for... forever and our trains rush to cities where there are no answers, that was the ticket, only one way, run away, but tell me where, time, as the water cannot catch up with anyone. taking moments, i fall into the summer, i remember them from my mouth, in snatches of the meter of my film, you can measure my path, seizing the moment, i fall into the summer, i remember them by heart, in snippets, meter and cakes on the tape, you can measure my path, i
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i’ll find myself in tech. where they wrote, i’ll write it all forever, come back, when suddenly god bends down, he won’t tolerate the city in any way, he will tear us apart. don’t rush, wait, we are given over fate, when i have moments, i fall in the summer, i remember them on jesus, with the cards of the meter, my gynolent, you can measure my let, when i have moments i fall in the devil, i remember them on the go. an excerpt from the subway of my gino-tape, you can measure my path, the city will not say goodbye, breaking our thin thread, meet the deleto in the city, i
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will not let you forget everything, hundreds of tattered sir can’t be returned, here’s my heart for you... by the way, this fascinates me in general, well, that is, how people began to make music now,
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that yes, that anyone at home can create something, because before this snabbism regarding education, it seemed to get in the way, now i understand that i envy many people who just you know, well, something worked out, that is, you can do, do and it will be strange, and then... in view of the pop artists who are vocalists there, they are now divided in my opinion there’s also a business there for singing, singing amateurs, and
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i treat them well, no, no , it’s the bloggers there, well, people making fun of them, tik tok stars, and professional singers, ira was in the voice, remember, yes, from rostov, who is not had a musical education, the machine sang, life, in the sense. i didn’t know a single note , nothing, i didn’t know a single note, but everything was like, well, in a good sense, like an animal, i just perceived everything and let it pass through me very cool, no, well, it is and always will be. your brown eyes, your sweet ears, only you my angel, you are my dream, i will love
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you, i will cherish my heart, the whole world is ready for you, i will give, this sky is for you, these stars are for... you, this sun shines only for you, you are my beloved, you are my good one, you are my girl, my girl, my girl, how i want you to know, for you only mine. i see what i see in real life, i, your brown eyes, your sweet lips, only you, my
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angel, you, my dream, this sky is for you, these stars are for you, this sun shines only for you. you, you are my beloved, you are my good one, you are my girl, my girl. this sky is for you, these stars are for you, this sun shines only for you, you are my beloved, you are my good, you are my girl.
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my girl! is it possible this year? and call you the year of youth, the voice is no longer children, we watched this all season, and today eighteen-year-old vanya dmitrienko is on stage with you, perhaps it ’s true, this light is for his contribution to the musical, individual, personal formation of the artist, the whole inscription did not fit, so abbreviated as milfa, well, i would like to take this opportunity, if i am milfa, to say hello to my son, naturally to all children, and i to mine. you love
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alyosha more than me, alyosha, you sigh, alyosha, all your dreams, only you have forgotten seryoga, and without lyoshka, your life is empty, you are completely naive and honest. you watch him from afar, only there are tears between you, because i have a salyuku for you, alyoshka, you sigh, polichki, all your dreams, only you forgot seryoga, because you have a little one, alyoshka, you sigh in vain, alyoshka, all your.
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that you are losing, and you are standing two steps away, and don’t hide the tears in your eyes, you don’t know how you are far away, there are tears between you again, because you have a little girl, alyoshka, you sigh, alyoshka, your light shines, only i forgot your earrings, because... you have a little girl,
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alyoshka, you’re sighing, alyoshka, that’s it your mizhi, only the cheeses you forgot, you forgot, because you forgot. and i had a cool story, i studied at an institute in khabarovsk, and there was an instrument that i really wanted, standing on the department, i came up with some kind of scheme to lure the key from the watchman, did something, i don’t remember coming, said that i was something there i forgot, opened the door, then handed over the key, and then climbed through some window, that is , i didn’t close the door and walked through the whole night , sat on the pulpit, we were high already in the first verse.
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we came up with the idea, we composed the first verse without you, you will apparently compose your own, let's show you the first verse, look, now wait, i'm on the phone, and i'll take a look now, and now get your fire, by the way, tell me, this is your first music award, i have there were no music awards, i don’t have any tracks, then congratulations, this is your fire for your new year's track, let's agree when you receive your twentieth gold... will you remember the person who presented you with your very first music award? i promise!
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i make friends, but for money, yes, i don’t even do it for money, yes, i’ll think about it later, but i’ll say right away, yes, for money, yes, for money, yes, white? the buzykins regularly go to zhuley to exchange partners, we could do that too, what? yes, i, i remember, today is the anniversary, you will give me this evening, bubik, i’m dead, i
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’m not going anywhere, hello, slippers, such old shoes, i'm afraid of ruining them. good evening, i wanted to warn you, it’s very difficult for me to start, let’s push it, i ’m coming to you, what’s this, a tightening, a belarusian tightening, it tightens the stomach, warm, comfortable, no one wants me, the psychotherapists want you, new year’s adventure , premiere. speaking on the first, i’ll keep the slippers for myself as a souvenir, romcastra is a product of the stellar group, well, well, what a cool song about a disco ball,
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will there be songs about some other objects, of course, for example, and this is also a disco ball, by the way, what is there, there is, there is a hint, there is a reward, get it, pick it up, huh? oh, and this is for you, this is for you, this is yours, this is your fire, you can sing about it next year, and this award is for you, you did, you did the incredible, you added another person with your last name to the starry firmament, and this the reward is called thank you for not sergey, okay, you won’t believe it, i’m writing a song now, it ’s called burn. the silence is breathing, it's a ch like the
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door and ceiling.
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i've got to build it down for my own f, as
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jy, as jy klaarsans, it's a fast time, it's a fast time, it's a fast time, i consider, but my mind was my body, still leave me away, still.
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valya, you are a unique artist , simply unique, you left blogging and went back to
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shame, well done, yes, i’m trying, and this award is for you, this is the fire that we put under your creativity, it’s called fire for a reason, it’s called passing through fire and water larisa dolina, yes, i thought these were the lights that people send to me in stories, including me, it’s very nice, i really like it. you are your girl call me, and then hug me, and then deceive me, and the little watch will smile at you, so don’t regret anything, and love just like that, you love, love me, simply, you love, love, simply. so you love love me
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just just like that you love love me just like that you love love just like that you love love me just like that just like that in my hour you indicated the addresses of our meeting you are going around with them in circles but my dear time does not heal how did i lose you and me, but i know that our clocks are not forever rushing to bring each other closer for the evening, i almost put my hand on you, i’m too tired, we should re-shoot this movie, but we’re in the second episode, oh, the driver is on my route, i can hear my thoughts in the stereo, call me that. as valeria asked:
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call me your girl, and then hug me, and... who is the deception, the little watches laugh like yashum is not chalet, and lyubik just like that, and love me just like a baby, just like that, reverb me just like that, just, just like that, love me, just.
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so, thank you very much, happy new year, if we talk about the new year, about fulfillment desires, about dreams, of course, well, i was sitting as a little boy in penza, looking at everyone there, at the artists, there and so on, at the same vasya, now we are sitting at the same table, like colleagues, and he offers you this cone is chocolate, and he tells me, if you want chocolate, a chocolate cone. practically thrusts it into you already, you know , eat it, please, well, in short, what i mean is, try it, really, well, no, i beg you, but this is just a bomb, you told me 5 minutes ago that it’s time for me to be naked, not now it won't matter, you'll have to finish the song later it’s just that you’ll be torn, well, try , but don’t ho, well, don’t refuse older people, in general
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, i mean, yes, dreams and dreams come true , guys, it’s time to go, they don’t call us, i think we need to go have a look, and yes , we need to move, come on, especially since i sat down on my jeans , tangerine, chocolate, that’s it, yeah, but i didn’t understand something, where is everyone, oh, who, oh, who, who, no one is sleeping, no one is sleeping , where are the people? so we were waiting for you, you weren’t there, we were waiting again, you weren’t there again, it’s the thirty-first day, everyone has already run off on business, what’s with the song? well if eat, sing, for whom? not for whom, but for what, for the new year's mood.
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christmas tree, christmas tree, forest scent, she really needs a beautiful outfit, let this christmas tree be for everyone at the festive hour. the needle makes us happy, makes us happy, the christmas tree loves cheerful children, we invite guests to the holiday, let this
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christmas tree be a holiday. the christmas tree will wave a green branch, as if a new year is coming in a fairy tale, let this christmas tree, the festive hour, with every needle make us happy,
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make us happy.
3:14 pm
hello, hello comrades, catering department from the fleet. thank you. the storm of animals, thank you, tamer , hello, hello, marine, hello, lecturer , hello, botsman, botsman, sweetie,
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come on, he really looks like me, angry, look, philip, how do they know you , these sailors, who doesn’t know shulekin? well, where did you meet them? in a tropical port, on the equator. oh, tell me, believe it or not, but it happened like this.
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and finally, hello, hello, it’s very nice, very nice, well, you’ll soon be back in your homeland, comrades, you know, i see odessa in a dream, and odessa, odessa, odessa. and the cargo accept right on deck, okay, here are the documents, thank you, now let's go ship, okay, follow me, well, i've been waiting for you, you know, they called unexpectedly at night, i wasn't prepared back and forth, if only i had managed, what a joy, please tell me, what happened to your escort, maleria, oh maleria, tell me, what kind of cargo should i accompany, if it’s not a secret, of course, tigers, ah, tigers, the name of the company, what company, a pair of lions, 10 tigers. like lvov, are you serious? what bothers you? that is, i, i am completely unfamiliar with this matter, so get acquainted, the main thing is not to talk anything unnecessary, everything will be fine, listen
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, well, i still want to live, so live to your health, no, i can’t, what can’t you, do you want to sit here until the next day for another 5 months, no, i can’t, that you, i just can’t, did you find the boy or something, take the documents? no, no, and no, here are your documents, i ask you to follow me, please sit down, please follow me, please sit down, what is your name, i forbid them to order, i forbid you to persuade me, nothing, nothing, wait, wait, i'm afraid, i'm afraid what didn’t happen, just don’t interfere, i ’ll agree on everything myself, yes, yes, listen , well, i would like to, yes, well, calm, calm,
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the cargo has arrived, comrade, captain, you can accept it, but very good, and i admit , i thought that we would go home with an incomplete load, but what kind of load, log, 12 places, uh-huh, after all, what is the nature of the load, you understand that excuse me, but now he will tell me, i ask you not to distract you during working hours team, yeah. i ask you not to distract
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the team during working hours, i’m making a remark to you, which means we’re putting for loading, yes, yes, of course, it’s good what’s on your head, but it’s an ordinary hairstyle, it’s called a uniform, i’m my mother’s fool, so what? it’s a shame that the form matches the content, remove this disgrace now, you know what, comrade, if you like wearing a mop. on your head, wear it only when not on duty, i ask you not to get used to it, but i’m not getting used to it yet, i can see from your face that you are giving up on the back of your head , you see, yes, stop getting used to it, but i ’m not getting used to it yet, but i say, enjoy yourself, no, i’m not getting used to it, please, the loading will begin there now, look, okay, my sister asked to take you on the voyage, i thought
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that the sea would turn you into something. i’m tired of everything, and your disgusting sea, and your disgusting ship, and your oleg, disgusting petrovich, oleg petrovich is strict, but fair, lives according to the system, he finds fault with me, he doesn’t pay attention to me at all, well, you’re on your own and you contradict, i ask you, stop quarreling with him, let this stupid war between you and the senior assistant end, and so that there was peace and silence in the team. what is this? who allowed? what are you, marineka? ira, well, what, what are you watching? haven't you seen a tiger? yes, from where! and if they find out
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that i’m not a thief, but a catering department worker, you yourself asked for an accompanying person who was sick, asked, asked, because i can’t, in their climate, i give it like a candle, and i can’t keep more purchased animals here, i the trade secret prohibits it, they eat up all the currency, they fatten a horse a day for foreign currency, and on top of that, each tiger costs 40 thousand plus gold, it’s a joke, stop it twirl. “the devil knows, i worked quietly, peacefully in the tourist buffet, the most extreme atrocity i had to deal with, cutting amateur sausage suddenly, lions, tigers, they let me down, comrade, what’s wrong, if only you knew the nature of the load, but don’t worry , comrade captain, don’t worry, don’t worry , once we were transporting giraffes from hamburg, suddenly one of the ears was frayed, like it was frayed, and so frayed that you laugh, the scandal is still
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signed, don’t worry, our little animals don’t have necks will fray, happy swimming, comrade, dates, meet you, comrade shulekin, a very experienced tamer, hunter, always works alone, will accompany the cargo and feed the animals, it’s very nice to meet you, your work is heroic, it will be calmer with you, for the trouble, don’t worry, come
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on, come on, come on, excuse me, where is the bag, who knows , i can’t leave on my own, but of course i couldn’t, oh, why , marinochka, did you take me for a tiger, yes, what kind of tiger is there, i just saw that , so round and walks by itself, round, yeah, lie more, oh, so, 147 to 3, but damn, they’ll eat it anyway,
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great, let’s try, what a beastly vitamin, and... what a disgusting thing, swear, listen, swear, give it back, be a man, give it back, you bastard , varyuga. i gave it to you, i gave it to you, i think
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i gave it to you too, but damn, it’s all the same, divide it yourself, i’m a bastard for you, comrade captain, do you have this pitchfork, no, give me a fire shovel, please, over there on brush by the cages, by the cages, yes, thank you, here
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it is, dachshund, nali, nali, huh?
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russia, russia, in this word, fire and strength, beloved, beloved. vodka veda is a product of the stellar group, the new year's premiere at the first, well, get up,
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slave face, you harnessed the master's horse, where am i anyway? well, what's next, nothing, here's to me. i smeared glue on the buttons, i’ve been walking like this for three days , europe imposed sanctions, the thirteenth package, they try year after year, but there’s no point, and no matter what anyone in britain squealed about them, no one paid attention to the sanctions.
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oh, do you think she's capable of this?
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a nut, a washer, and i have a bolt, come on, give it here, we also have a nut, well, lunch, the barmaid, the mouse, oh, well, well, well, devils, striped! they disagreed, on you, oh, on, oh, why am i in such torment, walking past you all day, but for you, at least what do you have for second course, sausages, why are you talking about it in the plural? comrades, eat borscht!
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borscht today is so tasty, borscht today is not edible, it contains nuts, bolts, all sorts of scabby products, call coca. a watch, it’s not a watch, what’s funny about that, comrade, it’s my personal chronometer, comrade, and if she’s not to blame at all, well, who then, who? you don’t understand anything, keep quiet, and i... now i can do whatever i want to you i want, i want, i’ll flick you on the nose, and if i want,
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i’ll spin your head, naval order, that’s it. and i didn’t think, i just turned away for a second that you were standing here, i was doing the cleaning at your place, which is not allowed, please allow me, i didn’t even say thank you. “very nice, this is cleaning, well
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, thank you, what’s going on here, and i didn’t want to complain, be healthy, thank you, but my patience has run out, either me or her”? comrade, comrades, i, of course, am not a lecturer, it’s okay, we will understand, i am a tamer, comrades, it’s stuffy, stuffy here, comrade, stop it! smoke, open villages, they are open, no
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one smokes here, yes, thank you, comrades, dear comrades, sailors, i was asked to have a small conversation with you, so to speak, information about tigers, comrade holder, and you can tame the mouse, there is a mouse in the closet lives, it’s scary to go there, a mouse, well, a mouse, so to speak, no, a mouse couldn’t, you understand, comrade? a mouse is a small predator, of course , yes, but i work on a large, horned, that is, this predator, so to speak, a tiger, everyone, but how did you cultivate such courage in yourself, courage, yes, well, i’ve been like that since childhood,
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so to speak, i drew here, drew you a tiger, of course, as best i could in this cross-section. look, on three legs, three-legged , but no, the fourth, comrades, the tiger basically consists of three parts, the front part, the head, uh-huh, the back part, yeah, and these are comrades, the tail, apparently, in the middle part there is a fire. bush, under the thigh, brisket, rump, followed by ham, well, of course, lego, liver, udder, lego, that is , where it is, it’s clear, well, so to speak,
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simpler, as people say in a non-scientific way , failure, so to speak, failure, failure, comrades. a what does it eat, what does it eat, i ’ll answer now, now, but i read that it feeds on human victims, but what? well, it’s very possible, but you judge for yourself, comrades, what he should eat when he runs out of icon, and beef and fish oil, here he is... a person eats, but this is at a time when he has no other products , but why aren’t you afraid of them, decorated , believe it or not, comrades, decorated by me personally, igor, he leads a very, simply very
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predatory way of his entire life. sorry, what happened, uncle? i'm not your uncle anymore. now i understand who is doing all the outrages on the ship. uncle, i didn't do anything. you didn't do anything? but i’m not talking to you, to my uncle. after all, you are no longer uncle, and i didn’t do anything. and who organized the pogrom in oleg petrovich’s cabin? aren't you too? not me, say so too , i know.
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you and a bonus from the company, immediately catch and drown, the monkey of the ship is worse than the speaker, and where is the stealer? here it is, comrade leader, please, here, i ask you, comrade leader, catch her, who, macaque, i don’t care about monkeys, give me a tiger a lion, this... yes, in a pinch i can take on a crocodile, but a macaque, no, it’s a pity , it’s a pity, well, let’s do it again, we’ll catch it in an organized manner, half of the crew with a senior mate, going on the starboard side, i ’m going on the left side, open two hatches,
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thus, strategically, she will inevitably fall through the hatch into the hold, botsmancock, get ready to hit the hold, and as soon as... there she is, look in my vest, catch, catch, catch, hold her, hold her, here, there, there she is, here, here, here, here, let's go, let's go, hey, here, we've already caught her, now we're not run here guys, quietly, quietly, sit,
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the captain will come, he will show you how to put nuts in the bod, and what did we catch, it ’s moving, open, unfold, unfold, carefully, carefully, quietly, quietly, you, well quiet. comrade captain, it’s you, here you are, a gift from the company, do you know that you’ve been ordered to drown? what should i do with you, buddy, come in, oleg petrovich,
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i keep thinking about this damned macaque, where can we look for it, we don’t need to look for it anymore, i caught it. and threw the fence, yes, yes, according to your order, well, you are an iron man, i, i probably couldn’t, what is this, and this is a broken mirror, and, for some reason, it seemed to me that i had some strange, strange expression on my face, as if i, as if i was not shaved, and so... here i come talk about yours, about your rapport, now that it has been finally established that it was not
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marianna who misbehaved on the ship, so what, i shouldn’t apologize to her, and why not, she’s trying very hard to be good, i won’t apologize either why, this is not pedagogical, i have my own principles, not a single woman can do this from me can’t wait, but if you want to know, she ’s worse than a monkey for me, excuse me, well, watch me again, here i run up, bitch, 1 2 3, open the valve and get a piece
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of sugar, 1 2 3 try it, well done, marishka. go into the pantry, you need pepper, but the mouse, come on, come on, motya , be a friend, go to the pantry for pepper, go yourself, don’t be afraid, there’s no mouse there, i took care, no, there is, i saw it myself, motya, dear , go, actually, i don’t really respect mice either, but for you i’m ready to do anything, as soon as
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you walk in on the left shelf, there’s this yellow one bank, switch on the left, well... what's there? everything is fine. where did mousetraps come from? i put these on, but i didn’t leave them on the mochi, i left them on the mouse. oh, thank you, motya, and for your courage, i will kiss you. i sent a radiogram for you to be reinstated as captain. how do you like it? i look at this extremely negatively. pig
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tracks. tracks, or maybe it’s not a tiger’s track, but whose human? or maybe it’s, don’t make a fool of yourself, who allowed you to release tigers at night, and why, let him tell you why, yes, comrade sailors, i... this
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i do the same as every night, the tigers need to walk so that they don’t get rickets, and at night i graze them, i still have insomnia, that’s all, that’s it, no, not that’s all, if you let them out again, i ’ll put you in a box, where the anchor chains are stored, give the thief sleeping pills so that he sleeps at night, you, oleg petrovich, severe reprimands, putting them in your personal file, tigers are grazing on the ship , they have raised which ones, comrade captain, i am ready to suffer punishment,
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please put me under arrest, only until... odessa itself, where to sit down, what about, vasily vasilyevich? well, when i get you used to order, let me wipe your lips, don’t mind, don’t argue, they’re dirty , take a spoon, take a spoon, well, with your hands , like that, well done, now be careful, otherwise you’re eating like a pig, well now he i’m going to start dancing,
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don’t you know how to count to three, it’s...
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that’s how it started. 5 6 7 8 9 10. everything is in place, mystic.
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take the trouble to take an upright position, i didn’t expect this even from women, keep your distance, it’s not me, it’s the jock, tell me
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why you did it, because i really can’t stand you, knight, you can throw me out me overboard? monkey, you are capable of this, ugh, sea monster, let him in, ah, hmm, mariska, go out to the penal work, idiot! comrade captain, we are a delegation from the team , about the barmaid, we want to take bail for this, no way, she’s just cheerful, why should she hang her for this, get the prisoner out of
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your head, and serve, it’s none of your business, but from -i could unwittingly suffer for you. will i blow an arrow or will it fly by like a fleeting vision, like a wart, 40 percent give, yeah, from a man, an animal tamer, and he even understands cooking, but teach you, don’t teach me, pure beauty, whoever approves the layout, oleg petrovich, is a serious comrade.
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and the passenger walks up to him on the bridge and says: well, little one, this is a mistake, a mutual misconception, i forgot to tell you that i ’m married, oleg petrovich stands dumbfounded, and the ship is working full speed ahead, so we pulled into the pier at full speed nose, that’s how he ended his captaincy, yes, it turns out the man suffered for love, what does that have to do with it? there 's love here, maybe it was just a momentary infatuation, what did you do on an evil day, and
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boils, tell me, what good do you have in life, nothing but harm, marishka, huh? “i brought lunch, bring it back , i’m going on a hunger strike, i demand that the first mate come here, until he comes, i won’t eat anything, knysh, knysh, what is the compote made of today, from peaches, okay, give me the compote, and for the rest hunger strike." you follow me,
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why did you call me? i want to ask for forgiveness for everything, for everything. i always knew that you were a foolish, senseless, good-for-nothing girl, but today i realized that you, you are ready to humiliate yourself just to be let out of here, and that's all you understand. eh, you things oleg, oh , excuse me, come on, i will feed you, feed you, you will grow big, like a tiger, you will go and bite him to death, such a fool! since he
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doesn’t understand that i love him, i spoil the relationship with him. oh, and you're stupid, buddy. and i seem to be even more
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stupid, close the door behind me, do you hear, alektorich, can i come to you? no, no, no, lie down, lie down. i came to you not as a subordinate, but as person to person. i think about marianne all the time. am i being too harsh with her? true, she had a difficult childhood, difficult, actually for her parents. i agree, i agree, it’s bad, very bad that she didn’t find a place for herself in life. but, as
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the great pestolodtsy says, remember, i read the excerpts, a person is formed by circumstances, work, that’s what will save marianne, that same noble work that turned a monkey into a man, yeah, what is this, what is it?
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4:00 pm
traces marishka is sitting again, here he gives, well , you’re lying, you can’t buy it, hand over the
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sleepers, 50 years ago i was born, and i, of course, am very significant, because it’s december 31st, i have to ask who you are, but i know it’s your day births are in the past, regrets, this is a bouquet of russia, you could have left here many times, i know how many theaters invited you, but you stayed, oh how she treated him so tenderly.
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product of stellar group. strange things are happening on our ship, sadly,
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take it to the right again, collector! i ’m probably not well, i was in your cabin just now, and it seemed to me that i did, but no, that’s nonsense, lately everything seems to be something. mom, mommy, book, run and steal, let him notify the tamer's team, just kidding, it's late, you're surrounded, leave through the porthole, oleg
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petrovich, hey, on the wakta, they laid it down cool. “he’s angry, he’s getting old, he’s a beast, he didn’t understand you , repeat, orlov, go, give the alarm, i
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’m far away, let us
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go, i can’t get there anymore, mommy! comrades, give me something to eat, i’m ending my hunger strike, you’re talking about me "you forgot, of course, you feel good there . where did you go, mow the stove?
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oh, guys, oh, everyone, everyone, i repeat, they jumped out of the cages. hold, hold, i haven't yet, get used to it, don't give in, get sick, apply it, spill it cigarette, it bothers you, and he’s trained to throw it on the deck, he’s, he’s dodges, comrade suleikin, drive the animals back into the cages, left and right.
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hold on, hold on, i haven't delivered the message yet. oh, brothers, his saliva is dripping with his fang, i’m burning, spit, spit, wait poperoz, come on, spit, i order, my mouth is dry, there’s no saliva, but i can’t, where are you going? comrades, he’s crawling through, where are you, where did you lead him, lead him back, run, oh, oh, oh, oh,
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what should i do, how should i love marusya, and
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what should i do, how should i wash, how can i love marusya, i’m wet, don't drive away who it is day.
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comrade captain. i'm reporting the situation, tigers we left the radio room, there were no casualties , i’m waiting for your instructions, i can’t see anything from here, everyone, everyone, from sports, brady, we sent straight out of the arena, to the aid of our leader, a helicopter with a local leader, the captain’s order, don’t hit the tigers with anything heavy , and spoil the skins for me, the cargo is state-owned and must be delivered intact, sorry.
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so that you choke, brothers, alundra!
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oh! here he is, comrade ukrator, help me out, well, let the ukrator through, don’t , don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t, open, open,
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insignificant creature, you still don’t know what it is? botsman, you can’t eat me like that without hell, alexey stepanovich, you didn’t forget to close the door, comrade keeper, why are you
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here, why, then, why you, i don’t want to be without... sex, come here, your animals , yes, mine, yeah, i see, well, not mine , what are you, oh, it’s a pity, bite, yes, just like that, come on, steal, come on, let me in, open up, you can’t do that, it’s cruel, don’t, kitty,
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uncle, what happened, we're drowning, right? let me out, i won’t do it anymore, ugh, what are you doing, put it down, who allowed you, don’t, don’t, ugh, dig in, take water, damn it, that's enough.
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and why is this shift not working and why are they slaughtering a goat or what, is that what you say in debasovskaya lived, comrade tamer? full forward, full back, going, hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray!
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volya, i am a world-famous chocolate trainer, where tiger is, i will kill him, alright,
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4:21 pm
can you imagine, the buzykins regularly go to zhulebina, exchange partners, we could do that too, yes, i remember, today is the anniversary, you will give me this evening, bobby, i’m dead, i ’m not going anywhere, hello, so old shoes, i'm afraid of ruining them, good evening, i wanted to warn you, it's very difficult for me to start, let's push it, i'm coming to you, what's this, a tightening, a belarusian tightening, it tightens your stomach, warm, comfortable, no one wants me, you
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psychotherapists want, but a new year's adventure, the premiere is on january 1 on the first, i'll keep the slippers as a souvenir, the engines of the first second stage are working normally, the design parameters of the launch vehicle are normal, bourbon stirsman is a product of the stellar group, good morning, good afternoon, good evening. evening, good night, the winter is too long, i will return to you with me, i have not forgotten you, i flew to you as if to confession, i love the little walls, i believe that you are my chosen one, and you are always ordinary as long as the dream lives. and we
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are together forever, they carry me away, they carry me away , the ringing snowy distance, three white horses, three white horses, december, january and february, our new year, a big festive concert, january 1 on the first. uncle, what happened guys, okay, yes, long live freedom!
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so, oops, like this, oh, hey, helicopter, take it for a ride, run, run, marishka, comrades, woman, “marishka is on the deck, save me, save me, i’m coming to help,
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and you’re my striped little kitty, kitty, fur, fur, fur! yes, it turns out you’re not scary at all, i don’t understand anything, and you won’t understand right now move away from the beast, it will eat you, it’s none of your business , get out of here, get out on your own, i’ve given my orders, don’t argue, poor little kitty, i scratched you
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with the first mate, yes, marishechka, hold this beast, i need to get into the wheelhouse, get out, get out, i i'll hold him, well, sit down, sit down! run before they come to their senses and think, hey, don't sway, completely touch the steering wheel, oh-oh-oh, hold the cage, hold it, i went, it’s deep there, save me, everyone, right in the direction of the rip, someone... get to the helm, quickly, oh-oh, stop the cage , help me,
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hold the cage, it’s deep there, i don’t know how to swim, but what’s going on? now i’ll move my paw, everything will pass, well, you ’re my good one, don’t worry, he won’t touch you again, not this, why are you lying down here , look at the rags that are on your head, now you don’t have such hairstyles... in fashion, let me give you communion, here's a comrade barmaid, what you're doing your hair, i'm daddy's fool , ask the first mate for a scarf,
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you'll tie it during duty hours, the next one, well, you 're a big guy, you'll listen to me now, just let the first mate try on me now for... leave the deck now, you’ll go with me, oh, to penal labor, you’ll peel potatoes, listen, marishka, for god’s sake, try to drive them into cages, i don’t need to feed the team, so serve you, now you’re all under my arrest, here’s your captain, your senior assistant, and i’m your boss, barisha, why don’t they touch you, don’t you understand, i’m...
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in the front, guys come to me,
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thank you, man, give up the left anchor. the troupe in striped swimsuits are swimming beautifully!
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serganchik is behind me.
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where oh, what should i do, to me, to me , quickly, quickly, home, guys, home, let's go , well done, to the ship, to the ship, and it's time to run, well, let's go, let's go, sail, oh, good girl,
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the last ones are swimming, look, look, marisha is holding the tail, be quiet, but not by the tail at all, oh by the tail and look, you are swimming yourself, fifth, you, sixth, seventh, move away from the side, roll up the last cage to the exit from the corridor, quickly, sedoryanka. get ready for the last animal, immediately slam it up , lock the cage, roll it back into place, and uncle, i came in handy, though, raise the left anchor, what’s wrong with you, what’s wrong with you, maryana, oleg petrovich, please, her first aid station.
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raise the left anchor, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, i'm sorry, you counted me out, and you will sit with me all the way to the pier, you swindler, why are you going to trade him in for a lion, there was a lion in this cage, a lion, steal the cabin ! you'll wake up on our heads, run
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show her. “calm, calm, pretending, the bastard , waiting for them to come closer, quiet, quiet, quiet, come on, valya, try tying him like a muzzle, try it yourself, ish, listening, quiet, quiet, don’t breathe on him, maybe he can smell , oh, comrades, guys, you need to change your shoulder, quietly, oh, be patient, quieter, drop your weapon, be
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a man, vayu , vayuzh. freeze, where are you getting out?
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you won’t bite, be brave, calmly, go boldly, don’t step on the udder, wakes up, oh, how glad i am that you are feeling better, maybe you are already able to go yourself, huh? and no one is looking for you asked me to carry me around the whole ship, well , goodbye, comrade captain, happy, happy friends, happy sailing, well , goodbye, wow, hello from the mechanics,
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goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. yes, and then she sat by the cages and sobbed, the whole team, even the tigers had
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these tears in their eyes, believe it or not. what a sad story! what, mariana became a tiger tamer? yes, no, she did not become a tamer. and yet she found her calling. is this kind of love really nothing? it's not over. i would have found him, i would have definitely found him. over there, look, you see, excuse me, maryana andreevna, they ask you to go backstage, the artist is ill, please, okay, go home, wash
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the dishes, prepare dinner, and wait for me, and you will soon, hurry up! hurry, quickly, the doctor, let the doctor through, listen, how did he get out? they say he bit off the lock, what lock, what happened, maryana andreevna, he tore his hair guard, you’re going crazy, well, you’re sick, why are we complaining, you won’t fight again. why did you bite off vazka's tail? and oh, you got it too, i definitely got it too i’ll go, i’ll take it, i’ll go to technical school in the fall, honestly i’ll go, the patient needs surgery
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in a clinical setting, a collar. i saw, i told you the whole truth, believe it or not! and no, the role of marianna
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was played by the tiger tamer, margarita nazarova. director and trainer, konstantin konstantinovsky. i'll chew on you, the answer to your question, it's coming, it's coming, grandfather, frost!
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yes, we already have 10 addresses, what are you talking about? okay, dictate, remember, third street of builders, yes, building 25, which apartment? 13 apartment, 13, ok, i’ll try, but i don’t guarantee anything, santa claus risks being late for the new year with such traffic jams, kilometers of cars, even the widest highways can’t cope, moscow is standing still, transport is barely moving. along the streets of yekaterinburg, you can’t tell the footage from nizhny novgorod. every year on december 31st
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, yes, you know, we go to the bathhouse, uh-huh, your father was late every new year, everything, as he says, he feels lost, and do you know that he is a loss? what, listen, before you were born, yes, we accidentally sent him to leningrad instead of me, yes, and he fell in love there, with whom he married, he married your charming mother, whom, unfortunately, he soon divorced because he continued to love the one from leningrad, you bought a gift for your father for the new year, bought a phone, who, phone, phone? you know what the gift was for him, what do you drink, i’ll tell you, uncle pash , you know, i can’t drink, i
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suggest you don’t drink, drink to your father, uncle pash, you know that if i drink, what will happen, you father you love, dad, dad, i love you, please tell him, now have a drink, and we will teach you how to make dad happy. hold it doesn't work, or what? what?


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