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tv   Nash Novii god  1TV  January 1, 2024 3:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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you took a mangrove snail, uncle , i accidentally tore off its antennae, it’s not an antennae, boy, it’s an eye, you have a boy, where the hands grow from, but go don’t touch anything else, poor prohar, this is what it means to live without a father, and if the eye the mangrove snail could no longer be returned, then bori could return his family only to the orderly from the sochi veterans' home, vladimir oreshkin. vavochka, i miss you because this is the same boy vova, who 6 years ago, to help his friend varya, started a chain of six handshakes, it reached the president himself russian federation. you promised early, let's go home already. vova dreamed of celebrating this new year with variy, but he got in his way.
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torture, but again you are on your own, your granddaughter gave you such a wonderful trip for the new year, and you are always in the room, what should i do, i have things there, every second person here has the face of a repeat offender, you need to distract yourself, meet someone , yeah, so you ’re taking me in this stroller to the kingdom of blut, creature, i’ll help, thank you,
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i was so happy, stop snuggling, we’ve made a mess, there’s a ward, sorry, georgy, a hot, temperamental handsome man , mandarin, how many tears have shed, 60 years have passed, i don’t know anything about him, so you can find him, the internet is there, touch it, it’s cold, i’m half dead, what kind of internet do i have, so vova will help you , a? i
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, of course, will help, wow, you will help, bring your internet, val, wait, what are you really offering me with this half-hearted woman, but you and i wanted to go home early today, while some of us were dreaming about how they would start life together, others were afraid that she they will end soon, but don’t change them. on you, where did you even get this from? you know, i have so much evidence on her, a whole folder, i can open a case, six ironclad signs that i know what to change, you know, i don’t know, i don’t want to know, this is what you need to know, wake me up at night, you need to know, like our father, any married man, by the way, can also break through his natasha , so what kind of nonsense, stop, i don’t want to stoop to this, i’m confident in my wife, well, you
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know, male fidelity is a sign of laziness, they know, do they think that if it takes too long if you remain faithful, it may go bad. it seems that the problems of monogamy are seriously worrying the residents of our country, especially those who are on the verge of getting married. kleb, you sent a spam seating plan, what makes you think that it’s me, this is the third new year you’ve been traveling to this near-fault, right? do you have anyone there? and indeed, zhenya had almost no one on the razlomnaya platform, because the letters that safety engineer konstantin had been writing to her all year, unfortunately, did not reach her. you write everything you write, but she doesn’t answer you, maybe she has someone there, that’s why she doesn’t answer. this is your last chance. either
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today or never, better today, act, stop here, i promise you. everything will be according to plan, we’ll celebrate this new year together, of course it’s a pity that you ended up with this whole mess borisovna, well, okay, on you, in short, here i have a ten, i’ll give you a five after the excursion, maybe you ’ll stay for the new year, we're right here. 7 pm olga will already start setting the table, my mother is flying from yakutsk, her father-in-law is there there will be, well, in short, a whole pack, we ’ll sit right here, our penguin gives birth on new year ’s day, you can’t watch the new year on tv, here for the rest of your life, imagine, once an egg,
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palych will sit on it, i called him palych , no, zhenya, i can’t, i look, borya needs to buy a quadcopter in time, i chose it, there’s some new model, look at the vm 350, it has one camera, a second camera, listen, you should go today is new year, i would go and apologize to olga for everything, and they would forget, but she loves you, you know, love is one step from hatred, that means, from hatred to love is also one step, that means we will, as realtors say, live within walking distance, so, don’t touch yan borisovich, listen, i told you, don’t call me, but please, more , don't call, don't call me anymore, i'm sorry. i won’t do it anymore, borya, borya, borechka, son, hello, it’s not me for you, it’s me at work, borya, hello, what are you, how are you, dad, will you come for the new year, tell me, it was your mother who asked you call, no, i’m calling myself, she’s in the bathroom, well, what about you?
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business, sweet mantuder, cried, yes, no, they didn’t catch up with me. well done, well done , tell me how you are, what you are doing, what’s going on with you, tell me, my mother gave me a new year’s gift, so what kind of gift is it, a quadcopter, what quadcopter? in 325 with fireboxes in front, just think, too? i need a quadcopter, listen, it’s a big deal, you know what gift i’ll give you, only your quadcopter is cooler, so what are you, tell me, penguin, mom, dad gave me a penguin,
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wand, come here, now. you and i will leave for a second, come on, come here, no worry, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, it’s quiet now, commander, it’s a little guy, we were breaking through to the base, cover, armor-piercing, windows, i was surrounded, get ahead! pull out , load, fire, the shells have run out, what to do, commander , goodbye guys, let's go, come on, come on, come on, come on, the earth is shaking, it's weighing, the battle was
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short, but not in their favor, thank you, not for well, thank you, barrel, you can’t spread it on bread, i’m owed, our old acquaintances, famous ones... and you live here alone? why two? i mean, our rooms are different and the walls are thick and excellent sound insulation, i feel that today everything will be perfect, the main thing is to meet women’s
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expectations, by the way, i brought toys from mani’s women, you yourself will hang them on the tree or i will, where is the tree? christmas tree? well, yes, christmas tree, christmas tree, didn’t you buy a christmas tree, so we’ll be left without a new year? girls, there’s no christmas tree , i forgot, well, i forgot, he forgot that she’s on the balcony, yes, grisha, to the balcony, that means to the balcony, to the balcony, listen, you’re great, who? i was eating a christmas tree, i mean, what are we doing here? i don’t know, the first thing that came to mind
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was where we’ll get the tree, and where, where, i’ll go i’ll tell the girls everything, you’ll say everything, come on, come on, come on, tell me, come on, imagine, i ’m kasika, talk, come on, katya, yeah, forgive me, please, but we didn’t buy anything, nothing will work out for us, goodbye , wait, katya, wait, we need a christmas tree, well done, yes, there is money, you ask, 867 rubles 50 kopecks. great, let's go. you see, we need a christmas tree for a romantic evening. i have six children, one of my wife is waiting at home. hello, muffle shoes, everything is already handsome, now, come quickly, why are you messing around there, who are you from? are you hiding from me? yes, i’ll find it now, go ahead and search, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night. winter is too long, i
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will return to you myself, i have not forgotten you, i flew to you as if to confession, i broke the wall with love, i believe that you are my chosen one, and you are ordinary, always, as long as the dream lives, we are together on all. they always carry me away, take me away to the ringing snowy distance, you are the white horse, the sharp white horse, december, january and february, our new year, a big holiday concert, today on the first, gin snob product of stellor group. new year is always
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the beginning of a new stage. what will be the predictions? svanga said that everything will be fine in russia. can you confirm this? and the children who will be born next year, this is what they will think about the exchange rate. how about this? the dollar, like everything else in this world, has its own zodiac sign. the dollar is a cancer. the second half of the year will be very turbulent for him, we are ending a difficult era in the twenty-third year and starting a new one, but what will we get in the twenty- fourth? what was said to me, i reconciled myself, everything came together, completely with i was going somewhere to the mountains as a stranger, i couldn’t resist asking what sign you were born under, because tanya told me what sign this person would even be under, that i was 6-7 years old, and my mother and i always had a mismatch .
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shoka, a product of the stellar group, battle, where is palych? palych, palych, i don’t understand, tell me, palovich, here i am, you’re a good person, no. am i doing anything to be a good person? no, i
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don’t do anything, it turns out that i’m made up of only minuses, it turns out that i’m such a dotted person, but i want tell you that as long as a person lives, he hopes, and as long as a person hopes, he lives, hello, bor, where are you? listen, and you disappeared, immediately palych disappeared, and you disappeared, look, maybe he went to africa to see off the old year for his brother, but he’s not in africa, why are you even asking me? could i just take a penguin and not tell you? zhen, come on, have you gone nuts or something? you, why did you take him? this is very important to me, they gave him a quadcopter, you just don’t understand, i don’t understand why you took the penguin from me, well, penguin, stupid, what is this, this animal, this is a bird, a bird, porya - this is my son, i’ll show him this penguin now , he’ll stroke it, fall asleep, we’ll be back right away, zhen, come on, well, this is for a few hours, you know, well, this is just nonsense, after all fool, 13, no, andryukha, can i
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take your cow, so that the cow, candy cow, you don’t like them,
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all that, useless bags, breasts like a wheel, this is bright, this manicure, pedicure, there’s a new hairstyle, no , well, the chest is actually not a wheel, more like a wheel, here’s the hairstyle, the hairstyle it used to be, i agree, i agree, it’s difficult, new underwear
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has arrived. so what’s your business, why should i clean fish all day, have i lost something? yes, i lost the sinker, but i found it, will you have breakfast? who's there? where? on the balcony on the balcony? yes, natalie is on the balcony, which balcony? on our balcony? what are you doing here? if your wife cheats on you, it’s good that she cheats on you and not on the fatherland. second
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sign, come on, well, i refuse you. close to me, are you laughing? no, well, in any case, of course, it happens that a person might have a headache, yeah, tell me, eh a person in general, i often began to get tired, well, i’m not a girl anymore, yeah, but i showed up like this, damn it, i’m so tired, let’s do it tomorrow, or are you crazy, crazy, you can’t do that often, it’s not recommend. and even more often he says that the ombre smells bad from me, the smell is from the orth, this is to a loved one, what arrogant losers, huh?
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lost something? so, i can’t find the sinker. now it’s clear why you’re always without fish. so what is it? i definitely didn't load it. and on the balcony? on the balcony? yes. natalie is on the balcony, andreika, we, we don’t have a balcony, should you end with with his winter fishing, sitting there with his last brains. they’re freezing, and you stop calling me andreika, call me natalie as soon as you finish, we went in for breakfast, no appetite, at this
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time the safety auditor, a wife from chelyabinsk, didn’t know how to inform kostya that this was her last audit. hello, it’s great how it arrived, normal as it is now, and why are you glowing like a garland, i have autism, yeah, yes. and tomorrow, what will you do? rest? don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. what about him take it off? help? yeah, pull it here.
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i'm sorry. i’m leaving home this afternoon to celebrate the new year? how? the audit is supposed to take 2 days according to the instructions. well, i have a special case. the authorities gave the go-ahead, as an exception, the wedding is on the eighth, you didn’t know, i accept congratulations, congratulations on the upcoming one. oh, you haven’t gotten there yet, how is he feeling, i want to see him , now you’ll see what’s going to happen to him, that
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’s okay, look, okay, no, maybe he’s hot, open the window, he’s in a moment, what happened yeah nothing happened that it might happen, we’re driving along the fontanka , i can’t see you, everything is upside down, it’s hard to hear, something, wait, this connection,
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catch him, palych knew nothing about the number of handshakes, or about the boomerang of goodness, so
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i decided to take fate into my own hands, that is, into my own paws, they will remove their hands, no, something will fall on him there, hello, you have christmas trees , there are, there are, the last one, already, how much a christmas tree costs, you won’t believe it, 867 rub. come on already, i’m a christmas tree, these seem to be the first, they were the first , but i have a mother-in-law and a thousand here are still stone, maybe another happy new year again found happiness found found where is yoka and there was no point in sticking money anywhere man man choi man who? this is our tree, wait, you saw it first, man, write it’s a mess, you can sell the tree,
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i can, but i won’t sell it. calm , i’ll remember his number, great, but why, that’s it , i won’t succeed, i’m going to a monastery, you think it will work out with the nuns, where can we get a christmas tree, but calm, we’re in perm, look around, look around, there are christmas trees , here... they are on every corner, what do you suggest? perm december 31 two hooligans, whose identities have not yet been established, committed a series of acts of vandalism against the symbol of the new year, the christmas tree. cctv cameras recorded two young men wearing slippers and strange hats. the actions of christmas tree hooligans are characterized by the absence of any logic. why did you do this?
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first question. second question, what should i do now? no, i didn’t sign up for crime, wait, armored monster, trust me, this is not a crime or even theft, that’s it, that’s it, that ’s it, that’s it, that’s it, youth, youth, unfortunately, i can’t answer your call now, where ’s mom, where are we, mom, mom, come on, hold on, let’s go, zhenya, oh, it’s arrived, okay, zhenya, you’re welcome,
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social networks today? bloggers, they could easily ask these strange people, it is customary to call millions of subscribers, to help return palych to the petting zoo, which floor is the seventeenth,
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if before we believed in... handshakes, a boomerang of goodness, now we know for sure, one post is enough, the main thing is that the internet hasn't been cut off, damn it, the internet isn't working, i don't even have a network, what's real? stuck, well, my post didn’t load, i’m listening to you. “hello, we ’re stuck in the elevator, we were jumping somewhere, wait, how long should we wait, otherwise my post didn’t go through, it hasn’t gone through at all yet, wait, maria ovchinnikova, august 9, 35, fortieth school of working youth, you that you are collecting incriminating evidence against me, come on, cross it all out, this is a normal registration procedure, what are you worried about, the procedure, you’ve already gone through
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the whole procedure”? night lights are three bolts, so you don’t have to crouch in any way, maryana, let me take a photo of you just like that with my phone, oh no, no, no, yes i should at least dress up, otherwise the whole internet will scare away its roses, we begin to pump out, we begin to pump out, starting to shout,
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starting... well, that’s it, you’re now online, so, you see, here’s the button to find friends, yeah, this one. point the little white arrow here , click the mouse, maybe i should bark at the beaver or bark at my little sister, that you are making strangers, maryana, the fact is that this mouse, you take it in your hand, yeah, look at the engine, you see the white arrow, point it at the button , find friends, and now left -click, great, print, to what kind of punishment is this?
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look, my gosha isn’t here, let ’s try through mutual friends, well, there are familiar faces, more acquaintances than in the cemetery, oh, tanka utkina, it’s true that she’s bykova now, well, he’s changed. for beef, can you appreciate its photo? yes, well, something is not very good, well, the face is kind of pale and the eyes are like those of a demon. okay, i’ll give her a heart, otherwise she’ll be offended. wait, isn't that him? oh, he, gosh! i told you, bobman, your gosh will be found. it’s him, now we’ll write a message to him and you’ll celebrate the new year with him. write, write to him quickly. kosha, how long have i been looking for you, write without mistakes , i was an excellent student at school, remember me, i’m now in sochi, oh, it’s ready, well, answer already,
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forgive me, please, but you didn’t see the penguin by chance, you saw it on the market, yeah, and if? i’ll go, there will be a stock exchange there, even if you don’t go, it will be there, thank you, you’re a penguin, haven’t seen one here, a penguin, warming up on a bus with santa claus, in this one, thank you. "hello, where? yes, here it is, it ’s not easy to find a penguin in st. petersburg, but there is
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an alternate airfield in nizhny novgorod, there uncle boren lives, a former polar pilot, who once brought cherry plum to the children's petting zoo. yes, borya. that the connection is very bad, i say in st. petersburg the penguin has disappeared, do you hear, the penguin has disappeared, no , well, the penguin, i say, the penguin is a bird, a bird that doesn’t fly, it’s still flying, i lost it, uncle grisha, he has here ksyukha is giving birth, ksyukha is giving birth, the partisan will never say anything, but congratulate him, borya, borya, just don’t worry, i’ll tell him, calling him before the new year.
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lay down, what can i tell you, i i wish, as they say, to come out before , how much 10,000, great, no, it’s not me for you, it’s me who sells fish at the poultry market, they have kind eyes, but they are silent all the time just like, you didn’t understand, 10 thousand is not ours, theirs, lech, dear, the main thing is to hold on, hello, you can’t be, why, well, there is no such word in the russian language, theirs? “lech, you’re still there, if you hadn’t taken it all in then, i’d be with you now for new year’s on the bunk, excuse me, my blind brother has been wearing crosses since he was a child, he ended up in lawlessness, a month ago i found the nest of the wrong beaver, i
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would show him through the window, brother, you say you love animals, my wife and i had cats and dogs, here is a penguin. i cut my hair, why all of a sudden? so, i wanted to change something, but why have you been silent for 2 weeks, now a friend asked, it means it’s been 2 weeks already, isn’t it too bright, it’s called without...
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andrey, go already, haven’t you left yet? no, i decided to shave.
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there’s no holiday, not even a new year, but it won’t come by the clock, here’s a compote, you need something to go with the compote, vodka, a decanter, and it won’t ruin the new year, we don’t have any wingwee, here the main thing is to start, the main thing is to start, at least to celebrate something, to celebrate something, a video of the ownerless. a penguin walking around st. petersburg has excited city residents and wildlife defenders . videos have appeared on the internet telling about the adventures of an upright bird. these shots became a real hit, gaining more than 10 million views; witnesses to the king penguin’s adventures willingly share their impressions of what they saw. this is how he walked. where did you see him? as where? on the internet, how is everyone? in
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law enforcement agencies of st. petersburg the news was told that no reports had been received about the loss of the rare one, but a spontaneous action began on the internet to search for the owner of the missing king penguin. a king penguin walking around the city has already been seen in different areas of st. petersburg, in the center, in bedrooms, in this courtyard, it was noticed literally this morning and eyewitnesses are still not clear, tell us how...
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i’ll write you a list so that i don’t forget, uh-huh, carefully, please, the new year's premiere is on the first, wow, so what does that mean, well could it be that the big difference is freshness, or what? there is a big difference in taste, or maybe it’s like you haven’t eaten enough of the big difference yet, right, verochka, call ken efremovich novoseltsev to me. hai, barbie, efremovich. today is the first one. stearsman bourbon
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is a product of the stellor group. can you imagine, the buzykins regularly go to zhuleben to exchange partners. we could do that too. what? yes, i, i remember today is the anniversary. will you give me this evening, bobby, i'm dead, i'm not going anywhere, hello! slippers, such old shoes, i’m afraid i’ll ruin it, good evening, i wanted to warn you, it’s very difficult for me to start, forget the pusher, i’m coming to you , what’s this, a tightening, a belarusian
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tightening, it tightens your stomach, it’s warm, comfortable, no one wants me, the psychotherapists want you. and the new year's adventure , the premiere, is on the first day today, i'll keep the slippers as a souvenir, the engines of the first second stage are working normally, the design parameters of the launch vehicle are normal, mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group, i watched this program as a child, and the pants what do you have, our stylists? i like it with such a bright heroine , the fashionable verdict has nothing to hide from its viewers, now there will be a sea of ​​fantasies, a casting has been announced to fill the vacant positions of judge and defense lawyer, so to speak, dress up accordingly, candidates, famous actors, tv presenters, journalists, designers, overpay you
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, they will all appear in the studio and try to win the hearts of the audience, who wins, it’s up to you... the verdict comes back, tomorrow on the first, in short, you may like it here, but i’ll get out of here, i’m here girls, this is a kilo, what are you doing , there is a screwdriver or a nail file, there is, well, what are you gnawing on, are you sure that this is a good idea, this is
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awesome your georgy is probably already looking for you, he is already online, that’s right, well, if you want, i in the meantime, i’ll show you some jokes, but drug addicts , let’s start, start, start answering, start answering, start answering, start answering, start, not caring about the distance, they’re in a hurry to visit us, a holiday is a state. she is a woman’s soul or the state of her body, what is the case, before life has flown by, purely note, here, the main thing start, the main thing is to start, at least celebrate something, celebrate something, start celebrating
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, start celebrating, start, start, start, start, okay, kubol, who's cooler? snowboarder or skier? the apparent lack of motives among christmas tree extremists, but their pathological bad luck. robbery of santa claus on lenin 16 near the shopping center. it’s next to us, a backwater, now we’ll tie them up. well, nothing. her wedding, it’s not a funeral, it can be postponed, in what sense, well, if she finds a violation, she’ll have to stay, self-rescuers, fire extinguishers -
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two, evacuation scheme - three, and the door where she gets out of the submarine is exactly the door. where is the second knetusher? let's find it, what is it? what? this? let's turn it over now. here. bone, why, well, what, it’s not working, there’s probably not enough pressure, you see how it is with us. everything is bad, you’ll have to stay until tomorrow and make another round, uh-huh, now, bone, i
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’ll fly away as planned, i’ll reflect all the violations in the report, you’ll be reprimanded, and i’m a fiancé, i love you, well, i mean, that’s not it that i love you now, i loved you last year i loved you, the year before, the year before that and... i’m sorry, i just didn’t have the courage to admit, maybe you’ll stay, and we, well, the new year is still together, next year too, and i want to get married, have kids too, two, bone.
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sorry, i said something stupid, i'll go, sorry, sorry. yes, no way, your own sweets.
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lick the snowflakes make their last journey, breaking eyelashes blind.
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very old, even when i’m 30 years old, you’ve gone completely crazy, where did you get it, the extra ones can be left without memory, let them rest. maybe, having cooled down, to the possibility maybe shake your wings and swim away like a mermaid, even forgetting your tail, forgetful, just doesn’t melt , just doesn’t melt, just doesn’t melt in your palm, hello, i can’t get through to you for some reason, he’s not around by chance, listen, tell him what is she giving birth to, who is giving birth? is giving birth, he will understand, bor , someone is giving birth there, no, no, he,
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he seems to have nothing to do with it, well, what does he have to do with it, in short, my penguin is giving birth here, and he stole a penguin from the store, on the egg should sit down, the penguin, if the tempera, well, without heating, what happens to you, the egg may die, it’s not enough that you broke our family, take him back if the temperature is egg. 867 rub. 7 rub. and we behaved well all year. okay, i like you, give me your 867, thank you, thank you, stronger, you are real,
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happy coming, coming. what kind of people went? let's go, let's run, come on, come on, come on, no, at me, at me! attention, they took their hands away from the christmas tree, yes, yes, i’m telling you this, like that, listen, radio! i didn’t understand the article on new year’s because of the christmas tree, you’re a brute, you’ve screwed yourself up, you’re dragging me down, what are you doing, always watch your wife, if she’s smart, and if she’s a fool, even more carefully, i understand, just like that,
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i wrote a list for the product to a store a kilometer away, i think i’m an idiot. morinas is here, i gave her three bugs, geolocation, eight cameras, and where is the image, the payment didn’t go through, new year, look at something else, i went to her page under the left account, we can rewrite everything, i understand, arnold telkin, well, this is arnold , arnold, it’s like they fall for foreigners all the time, i understand, lord, karuin, where did you get into vulgarity, it’s not me, it’s not me, it’s arnost, tova is flint. nothing is they were stabbed, loyalty, this is a matter of conscience , betrayal is a matter of time, something completely already , what i have brought myself to, i would look at myself from the outside, shame, listen, and this arnol, can write mine, which, i say, your arnold
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can write to me that she doesn’t hear, huh? suddenly you find yourself in trouble, your wife is on the internet , please, the main thing is to remember, you have one attempt to put a fish on the hook, if you hold it a little too long, pull it sharply, the fish is gone, so you first need to spread a joke, make some joke, compliment and how as soon as these circles go, circles on the water go, you can throw in worms, you know, let’s do everything... you will succeed, lord, what am i doing, i’m a professor, what hooks, what worms, look, she’s writing something , she replies, here’s zorosa, she’s calling her friend, here’s andryusha’s hook, no, no, no, she loves smart men, a plumber, god,
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what an idiot i am, what a banality. it seems like she was hooked, you’re hungry, you’re a fish, but the pipe isn’t leaking, let’s go, let’s go, circles, the pipe is leaking, you understand , that’s it, stop hooking, i can’t, it’s time to shut it off, you understand, andryukh, i thought all the time that...
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dan, tanya, you, yes, i’m at work, i hear, i hear, i’m working in the grinder, well, like you, yes, little by little, i’m mastering the internet, maybe a lot, here they are from the elevator you can’t get out without me, but you and i have no friends left, lyutka tetova left, and mashka salova, and do you remember your cavalier
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who ran after you at school, of course, this is gosha borisov, but how is he doing? , also dead, a year ago he was added as a friend, but for a whole year there has been no communication, so a work order to perform fire hazardous work there is a christmas tree, konstantin petrovich, it’s clear, well, yuri, write out a stop card. for working without a work order, that's what the snow maiden asked for, bone we have a dangerous production facility, 1.00 tons of oil, one spark and you know what fireworks there will be, by the way, take this off, the working day is not over yet, what a spark,
3:59 pm
these are leds, bone, bone , wait a minute, bone, well, so she refused you, she’s flying away today, she’s flying away, why should i lock her up or something, when the chimes strike?
4:00 pm
what's happened? komarova is not here, attention, attention to all staff, says the boss platform, evgenia komarova is not at the collection site. listen, it was so hard for me too. like in a bowling alley, put it in a snowdrift, there, and we’re stewing, my head is spinning, that’s it, come on, mother, come on,
4:01 pm
we need to be patient a little more, that’s it, come on, there’s no mosquito phenomenon at the collection site, so, what should we do? a year ago everything would have been different, i wrote to you for a whole year, zhenya, gleb, but you didn’t delete the letters from my mailbox, why did you think it was me, i thought, maybe again by accident,
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maybe by accident, why are you doing this did, listen, here they write about the monogamy of penguins on the internet, and what does penguins have to do with it, they are the most faithful animals on the planet. what time should i expect you? zhenya, zhenya, the helicopter is cleared to land, so please hurry up, unless, of course, you want to celebrate the new year with us.
4:03 pm
girl, girl, you’re delaying us, yes, i’m coming, it hurts, yes, well, we have to be patient, now they’re already, they’re already approaching, they’re already on their way, now palych is yours. he’ll come back, sit on the spreader, that’s it, come on, quiet, quiet, quiet, wait, wait, he’s not holding on hands, yes, wait, i said, i’ll have time, thank god, so. come on, pavlych, join in
4:04 pm
, why are we being stupid, pavlych, the egg is getting cold, come on , oh, i don’t understand, palych, are you, yes, good, yes, stop eating, palych, go, go, sit on the egg. palovich, go sit on the egg, are you the father or not? listen, i’m okay, palavich, did you hit your basque, or what? listen, maybe he, maybe she cheated on him and he just doesn’t want to sit on the egg, there are no other penguins here, so maybe she’s with the seal with some seryozha, don’t you understand, or what, they monogamous, you understand, they are monogamous , listen, you know, don’t say like that that you decide everything for him, maybe he doesn’t want responsibility, you haven’t thought about it, maybe he just doesn’t need it, that you’re the most important thing for a man , they all hung up in unison.
4:05 pm
so don’t just meddle with them, give them the opportunity to just be alone penguin penguin they will figure it all out themselves, this is not a joke, well listen, i’ll explain it to you, listen, i have the opportunity to explain it all calmly, please listen, just now listen, well, why not just use the wand, zhen, i have to tell you one thing, where? my penguin, lost , zhen, all of you, too, go to africa, zhen, zhen, wait, now i’m getting it, yes , i’ll fix it now, i’m now, i’m collecting it now, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, come here.
4:06 pm
you see, now i’ll warm you up, that’s it, dad, dad, dad has come, that’s it, now it’s stronger on you , just don’t be afraid, come on, come on, come on, we’ll live with you and mom, we’ll never quarrel with mom, and we will be together all the time, because we love you, we love you, we love because... we are one family, we are one family, right? i say, put the egg in the nest, i say again, put it! egg in the nest, good morning, good
4:07 pm
afternoon, good evening, good night , winter is too long, i’ll come back to you myself, i haven’t forgotten you, i flew to you as if on... confession, i love the little walls, i i think that you are my chosen one, and you are an ordinary son, always for now... the dream lives on, we are together forever, we have them from me into the swine snowy distance, three white horses, oh, three white horses, december, january and february, ours
4:08 pm
new year, big festive concert, today on the first. rom castro, a product of the stellor group, we used to live all together in our country, mom, dad and i, but when mom disappeared, dad stopped looking for her, more than a year has passed, something needs to change, you are young, successful, beautiful, mom she conveyed the message to us, the main thing is to find it. are you sure that when you run away you will find your parents? don’t worry, we’ll find it , can we say that sonya will soon have a new mother, yes, where are they, i’m not responsible for the children, the children of an oligarch, choo-choo, two children from an orphanage
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stolen, daddy, who are you , okay, rest, these are very bad children, there are no bad children, you are the one muddying the waters here, everything can be changed until the very last point is reached, now these are my children, secret, premiere january 6 on the first,
4:10 pm
how painful, sweet, how strange, becoming akin to the earth, intertwined. beating, how painfully sweet , how strange, splitting in two under beer, will not overgrow on the heart early, will shed with pure tears, will not heal the wounds on the heart, will shed its fiery self, and if i have nothing to hide from, incurable from pity, if i have nothing to hide from cold weather to go, darkness there will be a meeting for parting, don’t forget me beloved, for parting there will be a meeting, we’ll both come back, you and i,
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don’t part with your loved ones, don’t part with your loved ones with your loved ones, don’t part with all your blood, grow in them, every time forever say goodbye, say goodbye forever, every time say goodbye forever when you leave forever. well, hero, is everyone already gathered? kostya, she just had a backup option, i
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mean, well, she’s not worthy of you, you’re a fool or something , she didn’t know, i understand, she didn’t know, don’t break up. the people there are literate, they will fix everything, but it’s really necessary, right now, please sit in your place.
4:13 pm
marya ivanovna, don’t despair, your gosh will be found, what’s going on here? you go, you hatch, go home, your cavalure, babman, babman, what am i to you, relatives, and what is this on your nose, what is the new year, what?
4:14 pm
if there was internet, we would put up a common photo, we would be immediately annoyed, why nothing ever works in these stupid elevators, let's just lift someone in our arms, then the elevator will immediately feel better and we will go, what i at least i suggest, guys, i think i understand, we are in this elevator for a reason, we are... in 2016, we were stuck on the sixteenth floor and cannot get to the seventeenth before the new year, maybe this is some kind of sign. hello, what's the good news? thank
4:15 pm
god, this nightmare is over, you and i got away with a slight fright, so i suggest we forget this whole bad dream and celebrate the new year together, as i look forward to seeing you. i talked to koronina, your friend is naked, the plumbing broke, netas flooded the neighbors for two floors down, and why is he hysterical because of the lost service weapon, immediately take it out of our apartment, i forgot to buy mayonnaise at the store.
4:16 pm
that we have done something wrong, we must admit our bad deeds, then they will let us go. okay, i photoshop my photos, i also photoshop my photos, i threaten haters from left-wing accounts, and when i post a photo, i like it myself, it ’s tough, but i didn’t make a post about the penguin, about which penguin, it comes... . penguin, no one can take him home, and he has a wife is giving birth, one of my subscribers could definitely help, why were you rushing off earlier , hold on, i’m starting the elevator, help,
4:17 pm
new year is coming, if trouble happens, people, of course, will help, but you have to go yourself, and if you love, you'll get there.
4:18 pm
what's happened? the weather is not icy! storm warning! it's a pity, what a pity, i was late for the groom! why was i late? i made it!
4:19 pm
poban, i have a surprise for you. maria, my beauty, who else are you? like who? gosha? wow, i put my jaw on it, why are you stuck, gosh!
4:20 pm
get it, the enemy is trembling, the earth is shaking, this the clan is rushing, wait, a polar bear, a keg of honey?
4:21 pm
dear friends, girls, you won’t believe it, there on the balcony, we will meet a new one, now you’ll shoot, it won’t work, be careful, come on, come on, i’m getting ready,
4:22 pm
it’s not strong jaws or strong paws that help us find each other in these endless expanses, or even likes, but a simple new year's miracle. iss, answer to moscow. hello, hello, mikha, it's me, hello, how did you find me? and i was invited into the soup. your andryukha asked me to tell you that the good man will return. podpane 127 is waiting for you,
4:23 pm
do you hear, mish? you amaze me, you've gone crazy. as you know, i live with an astronaut, well, look already. dear, happy new year, mizhanya, congratulations, andryukha , i spent the whole flight preparing for you, you know that you won’t be in any mood without the box, well done, listen you there in the train, i’m your sunshine , today, when pavlych got lost, he after all, he was walking, he didn’t know the way, he couldn’t ask anyone , of course, he couldn’t talk, he... knows how, but at the same time he walked, and he came to where he was needed most, and i, in fact, i know the way, and i know how to talk, but
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what i mean is that happiness is when you lost something, and then suddenly found it, everything is so sad here, let’s have a happy new year, everything will be fine, the 31st, it’s already over i’m lucky, i’m blooming smoothly, as if i’m hovering in a barn, the smell. the boys are rushing citruses and pine cones to the little ones, tomorrow there will be a mess, but today there is
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a routine, all the chimes are striking 12, again in the heart it’s 18, everything outside is as usual minus 30 or 20, sleep today. there won’t be any need at the bottom, snow and night, why do we need the sun, this is the world of our desires, oh garland, new year's favorite dish, well, most likely it's variety. salads and we love manti in our family, it’s quite specific , many people don’t like it, but jellied meat with horseradish is probably the most delicious thing in this life for me, the most important
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gift, i think it will be my arrival, but in reality i will give many, many sweets that all my family and friends dream of. a holiday is, well, probably tangerines, the smell of tangerines, the smell of fresh, cut down christmas trees put up from the frost, we don’t unfortunately we are hanging a mesharu, because our... the cat can eat it, we congratulate you on the new year, we wish you happiness, health, all the best, everyone, everyone, everyone, i hug you with all my heart, happy new year! it happens in the world that only once a year
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a magic star is lit on the tree, it burns, does not melt, the crystal ice crunches, look , a happy new year is coming. hello, dear ladies and gentlemen, hello, hello, hello, friends, happy new year, happy new happiness, to everyone who came to us today for our holiday, we from all we say from our hearts, welcome to 2024, and if you are ready for bright impressions, for unexpected meetings, unpredictable turns, then you are in the right place in a great mood, we are going on our new year's travels to the stage of lev leshchenko and
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alexandra borobyov. drop by drop , bits and pieces collected ordinary happiness with you. we beat the cold, warmed it in our palms , afraid to breathe on him, drop a gram a day, a minute at a time, saving up for... our good morning flew to him in the midnight carriage, dreaming of hugging him, i so wanted to embrace the world with goodness, so good morning, good afternoon , good evening, good night, to everyone who cannot live without loving,
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who wants to share good things, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night, to everyone who cannot live without loving, to everyone who he wants to share his goodness until he gets a program. the head was sculpted by the look of love in the leaf fall season in four hands it turns out better than a wing to straighten dreams drop by drop by gram by small grain we united our halves we laughed in the face of the flying clouds and believed only in our hearts with...
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to everyone who cannot live without love, to everyone, who shares good things, wants to.


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