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tv   Videli video Novogodnii vipusk  1TV  January 2, 2024 1:10pm-2:21pm MSK

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walks on the back of the head, on the stubble there, everything, in short, he did this all the time, with you, as i understand it, with me, yes, with me, lately , at about 4:30 in the morning, from 4:30 to 5:00 morning, every day he regularly starts waking me up, i don’t know what happened to him, but it was during this period of time that he comes up and starts pawing on my head, nose, ears, i roll over to the other side, he moves , they do the same thing, naturally, when i also nudge him, yes-yes-yes, only on the other side, uh-huh, well, he’s talking about something he tells you, i’m ignoring him , so, well, apparently, his character is already manifesting itself, he hits you directly with his paw, he hits you straight, what he wants to achieve, he hits you on the head so that i get up, wake up, i can authoritatively tell you what, what happened to him, he just became insolent, he has breakfast at 4:30, guys, as scheduled, please, provide everything and...
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yes, well, after all - he spends more time outside the city, also about the same thing time there, well, half past seven there, 19:30, 20:00, i drive up, he’s already dodging, that is, his he may not be at home all day, well, i don’t know what, well, in short, you don’t have an alarm clock, that’s right, because the cat will be on schedule, in principle, he knows the time of your return, this is about the advantages of this cat, oh cons, he caused some kind of destruction to you, uh, the vase, the cup are different , please forgive me, but you said the name, yes or music. musick, isn’t it clear that he
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’s a real musick, in fact, he’s the first cat who sat through our entire program like this, can we talk about dogs, i know who he is exactly? recently, i got myself a new dog, when you last visited us, probably about eight months ago, but i already had a dog, tell me who you got, yes, this is a maltipoo, her name is bublik, his name is bublik, and this is a small dog , like this, i don’t know what size it is, how much is it 60 by 30, this is a small dog, why a bagel? everyone should have one, if you love animals , get one boldly, don’t be shy, yes, great affection, yes, great love, both from you and from her, and from the pet, immediately incredible, big, selfless, open, pure love on your part.
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it will start to come out automatically one way or another, because well, it’s impossible, well, how else, well, this, well , this is something small, this is something, thank you very much for coming today, it was nice to meet you, i need a vacation, look, in this position it will probably be hard for him to sit and watch, by the way, the advertisement that we have now, and then the next characters. it turns out that we have miracles on our program every year, so let's meet our star elves, when will i get married, do you want marry, yes, but only to the one i want, i can be your mindelsohn.
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maybe my fiancé will be somewhere in one of these places, my mirror will say that our dumplings are not working out, maybe we’ll make figures for the christmas tree, meat ones, and from farge, a groom has appeared, and we already thought, 315 million rubles. premiere, let's get married in the new year, today on the first, old barrer cognac, a product of stellor group. in
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italy, on new year's day it is customary to get rid of old furniture, but what can i say, it turns out that the hero of the next video is a real italian. you're having fun, yes , mormaduke, you're bald, why do you continue to make me sin, and you saw yourself, your happy face, and you saw me, i 'm about to stuff you into this bag, they'll cover you with balls, like that well, i ’ll throw you out of the window later, you’ll be amortized all the way to czechoslovakia, what should kuzmich do, enjoy the songs, or maybe sing? ekaterina, alexander, came to visit us today, as well as husky jacket and pug kuzmich, hello, hello, hello, i’m here now. i'm keeping everyone up to date, once upon a time you have already been in our program, only via video link, that’s right, that’s right, only with huskies, then it was, now you’re already with a new video, it turns out that it’s so, it turns out that it’s so, i’ll ask you, how many people do you think watched this video, 60 million, and my version, well, 14, it’s hard for me
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to say, let’s say between 60 and 14, well, 25 for sure, you immediately bent serious numbers and didn’t even get into them, yes 64. listen, interesting, almost 70 million about 65 million views, this is a huge number. and now we’ll talk about voice acting. well look, in general, the chair is a bag, this , this internet will not allow you to assemble a time bomb , sooner or later it will definitely explode, when there are two more caring assistants at home, then so to speak, the slider in this... is rocking, rushing to pierce with its own so to speak, the knitted flesh of this bag was powerful, and one day he made a hole through which several
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of these mighty pellets fell out and we pulled out the cover and pulled out the inside so that we could, so to speak, seal the hole and sew it into this moment he realized that his enemy was left without... protection, now is the time to take advantage of his vulnerability, and accordingly, this is the apotheos we are seeing, on the question of cleaning, how to remove all these foam things? we tried many ways , you can’t vacuum it, i already chose for myself just a regular mop, which i swept and sprayed with water so that there was no static, it took about hours, probably four, to get this all, i can reveal the secret of how cleaning it up is a super way! take a piece of cardboard and put it on it apply masking tape with the adhesive side , and go ahead, a very good method, let 's remember the moment when you didn't come, when we were together on this program last time and look at the video, just with the character
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we have today here in the studio, he already distinguished himself then, are you serious, no, nothing bothers you at all, dog? i don’t know, at least he would be ashamed of the owner, but nothing can save this dog, he’s uncomfortable, he’s hiding, he hasn’t finished eating yet, no, when you finish it, tell me, i ’ll boil it for you, but whose food was there then, his, it was his food, yes, we cooked food, but he just didn’t want to wait and he didn’t like the idea of ​​​​dividing this thing into portions, so he decided to take everything into his mouth and this is it possible to immediately get a salary for 4 months, right? please, from that moment he did something else like that, he is already at a respectable age, he is now 10 years old, of course, there were still cases when he stole something from the table, his instincts awaken, these are what - steal something, chew something, yes, but at least from that moment he became more
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obedient and conscious, how did you get to kuzmyach, they seem to be completely different breeds, we wanted a second dog for quite a long time, but we didn’t agree on the breeds, and initially, when we were choosing... i asked when he would leave, how long could he stay? and that’s enough, well, later kuzmich, when he began to grow, kuzmich is so cool, he began to take on dominant roles, come here, come here, in general he’s so cool, jager to kuzmich, because kuzmich
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is like that, no, rather the opposite, if you stroke the jager , kuzmich will come running immediately, wherever he wasn’t, he hears that the jaeger, the exvigenians are stroking, listen to all four sounds of the receiver, you have exceeded the norm for sins for today, well, have you waited, turtle boy? kuzmiche has taken your rookery, on two beds he will now flatten his face, that he is not even upset, now you will go, now i will demonstrate to you the technique of double stroking the bites, like this, gently, more tender than bird's milk. jaeger, you moved your little butterfly closer to your friend, like that, what’s wrong, there’s no spark? oh-oh, mother, it seems we have a marshmallow community has formed, look , graylings, don’t stick together, my geese and swans
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, okay, mom, show me the danger, what a danger the jagger has, danger, kuzmich, what danger do you have, there’s no danger, i put my fangs in a glass for the night, you have a unique opportunity to watch how the pug larva survives the harsh winter in the kinguristic mother’s pouch; the grandfather has no opportunity to feed himself, so he feeds on alms and kind words, but of course you won’t get me a kind word, like... oh, oh, well done, handsome guy, with a solid rifle aimed directly at his wife’s pillow,
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i’m sure she will be happy, and isn’t it worth that blissful joy on the dog’s face, i’ll tell her everything, you’re dead, in short, after you visited our program, it left an imprint on your entire future life, tell me what happened, well, it turns out that so, yes, i began to shoot videos more actively and began to do narration, that is, i made my own studio at home, i bought myself audio equipment, i’m doing narration with a microphone, well dubbing of audio books, radio advertisements, and some characters in video games, in general , i take for everything that is offered, guys, sorry, i disturbed you, the guys are just recording now some of their own compositions, tracks, we won’t be them interfere for a long time, they are also working here, mixing, that’s why let’s not interfere anymore, later, when they will soon
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have content, the ball is a joy, the tripe is a sweetness, you are watching the program woolen messenger, and today i am reporting from the crime scene where some bastard committed outrage followed by eating an unfortunate pack of sausages lying on the table, let's find out from our random witnesses... did they see anyone suspicious? what's the matter? it’s not me, it’s him, so someone was curious about how my gavriks greeted me. well, let's check it out. hey, bandits, dad is in the building, drag your fat tails towards my beloved. kuzmich was the first to screw up. sufferers of my prayers, well, stop eating me, when i say that this hand feeds you, don’t take it literally, but breasts here,
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what is it, well, turn off this mode of prohibiting ironing of the jiger, he also needs love and affection, some incidents happened to these guys, incidents, well , there were definitely no road traffic accidents, there weren’t, yeah, yes, if you take into account some... then their dirty tricks, then of course not without this, but that is , what can be remembered, for example, jagger once closed. us in the house, in the apartment, then we are one more, yes, alone, we went to buy a kitten for our mother, so we bought a kitten, we come back, and he’s a jagger in general, he knows how to open doors, he jumps on doors if the door is not closed, he opens it, at that moment there was still a pinwheel with which you can lock it from the inside, and it basically closed from the inside , the kitten and i are standing on the other side of the door, we hear him giggling there, yes, i won’t let him in with the cat, i’ve already used a kuzbichem once, yes, yes, you already. i had to call a foreman to open the door locks, they
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work as a team to destroy or steal, there is a taller jagger, he will definitely climb in, if no one is at home and something tasty happens to be lying around, the jagger will definitely wait for some time, he will understand that the owner will probably never return, but he already needs to survive somehow, steals something from the table, but kuzmich grabs it on the approach and then distributes the food between. kind animals and somehow coexist perfectly, listen, you have a story about how kuzmich, even when he sleeps, is aggressive, sometimes he dreams of these flashbacks from some past life, but he wakes up and what he starts to do, yes it happens , he sometimes if he has dreams where he fights with wolves, maybe, i don’t know, but he lies there, starts to bark a little,
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bark, and can suddenly jump up and pounce, bite everything, which is why he actually bites seriously, right? well, well, it feels like he is able to do this, and if at this moment you find yourself nearby, especially if at night he always sleeps in bed with us, then you need to pray that this part of the body is not very susceptible to pain , got it, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, and this is the most favorite thing for dogs, but wait, trimming the nails, i haven’t started yet, wait, oh, you trim your own, yes, we are trying, after this incident i no longer wanted to meet him myself, i have not yet made one. they say why he bites people in his sleep, well, it’s clear what kind of dreams he has, i ’ll just cut it all off, i understand, i understand how he feels, yes, that something will happen now, all huskies are musical like that, yes, well, some
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huskies they sing on their own, but i only have a jager with a guitar, with a guitar only, yes, exclusively, yes. how cute they are in childhood, the manicure makes them even, but they don’t perceive themselves on the screen, no, nowhere, never, no, dogs no, no, why did kuzya notice the jagger, he came up to the tv and asked why he was there, and i was talking to each other, yes, yes, he once had such an interesting coloring, yes, now it has changed a little. changed, i also thought, as if another one, what kind of nibble is decorating this wooden product, is not your paws’ business, but the kuzmich’s,
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these eyes, of course, ah-ah, these eyes now go to hell. he refuses, well, this is a husky’s job, obviously, no, it was a job, i ’ll be masking your dirty tricks for a long time, and so, now it will be something like this, jaeger, follow kuzmich, i understand me, and there are also plans for pets , we got a guinea pig for our daughter, seriously, well, you must admit, there is room to grow, there is always room to grow, there is definitely room in the house, there are empty spots on the floor, somewhere if. if someone, then a dog, a dog, yes, we are also involved in fostering dogs, we have a great opportunity to try out different breeds, we really liked the ambul, the breed, well, it’s about the same as amstafs, but that’s probably it, this is such a jock dog, such a healthy little one, but small a harmless dog is very kind, an american
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boule, which is really cool, cool , very, very powerful, guys, thank you very much, you are definitely creative. success , i hope that i will see you again on the program, it would be interesting, we now have a short advertisement for the following hero, after receiving the money, he disappeared to death, that’s right, no passport, i forgot this at home, but i’m sidorov, it’s obvious , casanova, today on
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the first, i'm just trying to put myself in her place. i understand that i couldn’t do that, oh, don’t swear, love is evil, you will love a goat, bourbon steersman, a product of stellor group, in the new year, parents all over the world ask santa claus to let their children eat porridge in peace, wait for miracles, it’s time to act ourselves, like the heroes of the next video. maybe dad , maybe anyone, only moms, only moms it can’t be, only moms, only moms, it can’t be, dad can, dad can,
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anything, head, argue, in a bass voice, dad can, dad can be anyone, only mom, only mom, can't be, only moms, only moms can’t be here, guys, please come to us. 10 years ago , this video went viral on the internet, we posted this video for ourselves, for our relatives, friends, but we even forgot about this video, after some time there, well, maybe a week has passed, i already see a huge number of views there and also there are just as many comments, what happened to you later during these 10 years? but this video went viral, my friends called me and said: you are there, they show you there, you are here they show, i say, i no longer control this process, i no longer post this video anywhere, it is already posted by itself, somewhere
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a blogger, somewhere like that, why did you film it then, well, actually, the video was also filmed under new year, so there were tangerines at home , one day i came home, my husband elyan met me at the door, she was excited, she said, i can’t feed her anymore, i don’t have the strength, feed her yourself, i ’m using old ones proven methods, we have a bright thing, it turned out that the tangerine began to feed cottage cheese, tangerine, cottage cheese, she ate literally in 2 minutes, i was so pleased, well, they filmed some kind of video instruction, but let’s tell you further, in short, why are we even talking about this long-standing ten-year history, it would seem, well, it was and was and passed, but no, you a second life happened with this video, i understand correctly, we were told that now. and how did the second wave begin, did one of you start it, or was it just uncontrollable by you, simply uncontrollable, and when your parents, when they showed you this video, when you
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i found out that 10 years, that is, 10 years , i didn’t even know then that i would become popular , that you won’t just become, you already were, you ’ve been popular for 10 years already, that’s how you are i looked at it myself, what was your reaction when i saw it for the first time, i was very surprised, you know, i came up with the ending for this video. it needs to be finished, we need to find this chair again, put you today, and do the same thing and look how she has grown, then eat the cottage cheese, you can honestly say, the technique works, look how it works, the same is also cottage cheese, tangerine, cottage cheese, tangerine, the same, good in the same in the same earrings, you need to remove 8 months in earrings, do you have plans to remove this such a good idea, guys, tell us about your family , please? in 10 years, how have you changed since then, what are you doing now, all together, are there any family hobbies? we had a new addition to the family, who? this is our cat ksyusha, well, this is also
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a member of the family, of course, how long ago we bought it, how long ago 3 years ago we bought a cat from us there is also a jack russell dog, 2 years ago, that is, after two children, you still decided to have a jack russell activity, but some of it is not enough. i mean, this is a cat and jack, well, jack russell is of course, how did they appear in your family? i brought it, and one fine day lena comes with a cat, yes, animals, they generally create comfort in the house, and yours was a little uncomfortable, but with animals it’s even more comfortable. anh, tell me, it’s more comfortable with the cat, what’s the name? ksyusha, everything is clear with ksyusha, then when you got to the dog, how did you get there? enough for a person who has two children , a cat and... and needs another dog, that i saw this breed of dog in the yard and fell in love, he
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is like that, he already looks like an elderly jack russell, here he is 47, and separate jack russell, just like that , it’s a bit of a fake jack russell jack russell, os, well , tell me honestly, it doesn’t look like a real one, it’s just not energetic, so that’s what it is, it’s a little bit long-haired, well, it’s rough-haired, that’s it and that’s it, everything started up. now it looks like this, this is real, now this is it real, yes, yes, this is ksyusha, and jack russell andrey showed up, right? no, girl, mona, and this is mona.
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who is the owner of whom from your family from mona and ksyusha? mona chose me, she always sleeps with me. what are your plans and dreams for your future life? finish building the house, move out of town and live there. and i had a joke, let’s go into the family, i say, when we move to a private house, it took me and... a cat and a dog to get used to it for a very long time, because they appear in our family unexpectedly, lena brings the cat, says: that’s it, now this our family member, my indignation was in vain, it still remains, well, now i love the cat, she loves me, i hope she loves me, because all the time she sleeps only with me at my
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feet. anechka, what are you dreaming about, now you are watching yourself - in that video - 10 years ago, now you will have a video where 10 years have passed, what would you wish for yourself in the future, when you review our program 10 years later, i i would like to become famous, well, yes, well, maybe an actress and blogger, clearly, well, you still have hope, but the eldest son, right, yes, what is he, he is actively involved in volleyball, he has training two to three times a day, he... recently became the champion of the ulyansk region, handsome, artemy molodchina, well done, what sport? thank you very much, artemy, a huge hello, ulyanovsk too, it was nice to meet you today, we hope that in 10 years we will watch the same video and that past here again, okay, that’s it, thank you very much, thank you for what you now you'll see, it could only be filmed in russia, by people who always new year's mood, let's go, let's go.
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we're going to a neighboring village for a disco, we're going, we're going to a disco with my fan, we're going , we're going from the garage to my dad's victory, we're going, we're going to a neighboring village for a disco, sergey from stavropol, at his stop, today in our studio, interesting , sergey, located. hello, when did this even happen? it was probably november, on the eve of winter you decided to do this, this video tint, but you stole the stop, as you can say so, in fact, although it seems stolen, we did it, it so happens that i’m a welder with pro-tubes, why else did they put the scooter in there and it went off, a thousand, how much power is there now at your power stop, about four or five horses, i don’t know, well, only volodya,
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volodya over there also helps with his legs. here you can’t see who’s steering, because i’m steering with my foot, and with my left hand i’m using the gas and alexandra is helping on the brake, we have this kind of combined control, at this stop you can only have three, no, you can have one, but we had to do it like this that we are really sitting like passengers at a bus stop and not it’s clear who’s driving, because if we put the steering wheel on, the whole idea is lost, we had to make it too beautiful, but in general it would be fun to troll the bus drivers, you’re such a si... stopping in search of a bus is better even on the unexpected while you’re standing on stops, we’re already on it , well, let’s briefly tell you how the story ended, how long the stop on public roads lasted, we drove about four kilometers, we had two tire shops, there was one engine overheating in 4 km, yes, yes, reliably, how many kilograms, well 200 weighs itself plus 3 more people, probably about 300 and how much was it at first?
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as if he were flying on a carpet, well, you understand , on everything, so, we needed the direct opposite of what is, in principle , perceived as transport, what people see every day, they are ready to look at it, everything, but in i would never imagine in my life that you can drive this, please, what does it cost, in the end, what it costs actually drives, the real story is that if it just stands on the side of the road, as it happened, and we already have it they left us before the employees,
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let’s say, processed us. it broke a little, we just put it on the side of the road, moved away, in fact, no one would understand for another month and a half what the joke was, it would just stand and stand, people would use it, some kind. the buses with written routes are in yellow, there was a list of prices for shawarma, it’s normal, but can you imagine, when the traffic cops stopped you, you probably asked them, the reason for the stop, stopping in the wrong place, let’s take a look at how it was done, there the same footage buildings, let's see, what we love , friends, during the day this structure looks strange, but if we lift it, we will end up with a real stop, then we have this moped that we need to start, i don’t know what of this it will work out, but somehow... he has to pull our entire stop, who goes where, and we ride, in short, he did everything, well, at least in order to be able to make the first exit,
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it’s the same, but what about create nothing, before you became famous, and your steering wheel is standing sideways, yes, yeah, but an evening test drive, in the night, at night, at night. you just had, it seems to me , yes on the stove, don’t give me any ideas, oh , look, yes, your stop, look, there are controls under my right foot, i ’m steering with my right foot, you just made it so that there’s nothing at all i have an integrated metal frame there, cool, cool, that’s volodya. this is the same volodya who is wearing ironed shoes today, no,
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someone just stopped right here, yeah, and this is a tow truck, yes a tow truck, yes , this is already yes, this is yes. listen where is it now stop? in the impound lot , that’s really a lot to give, yes, that you approached this idea very well, in addition to the fact that you made the structure itself, look at how everything is hung, the signs, the installation signs , the garbage bin, just a fantastic approach, but that’s not where it started well, you started, there were probably some other projects before this. that you already had a small one, i didn’t know what the internet was, then when we moved to the krasnodar region, it basically appeared, literally from the first days i started making videos, the first video it was like how i made this
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stroller on the side of the bicycle, you became acquainted with welding very early, i became acquainted with welding about 10 years ago, my dad left for work, and i didn’t close the button , turned on the button, this is the machine, yes, this was also recently with a fresh one , for this you were strongly scolded, and there and not only for this , well, i wouldn’t call it an invention, well , it also caused a lot of noise on social networks, well , it’s such a performance, it’s cool, as if the machine had been ground down, the lowest, the best boot front. it's called a this is everyday life, this is the everyday life of a welder, this is how we live, no matter what, in 2 hours you can make sure that you have a lot of friends in the traffic police, do this exercise with your car once or twice a day, and you will definitely have the number plates
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it won’t stay, i know what i’m talking about, i work in metal structures and i need to carry a profile pipe, and its length is 6 m, the trunk is held in place solely by two bolts, which... i’ve had it for a long time and i’ve been using it for a long time, i’ll tell you the truth, i wanted to make a cradle, i have it on this side wheel, also the twentieth, well, the same, only i have the rear one, it’s possible.
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at first they were afraid that something would go wrong, now it’s normal, but then everything went wrong, so there’s something there, they’re afraid of something, at first it’s understandable, well, there was a situation. in nineteen, and at that time i was just studying at the university, and my parents were afraid that there would be problems at the university, but now they are already used to it, i graduated from the university, yes, even with honors, which one, red, stavropol, state, agricultural university, hello to shalik zharaevich, listen, you’re such a good guy, you didn’t give up your studies and graduated well, you didn’t let your parents down, and you make some useful things out of useful things, in fact you made mini tractors. i was small, they made a rototiller
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, it’s a thing like a walk-behind tractor on the back of a tractor, they cultivate the land before cultivating, pre-passive tillage, before planting strawberries and all that, it’s useful, and then you just realize that you have to live, live, and work , which sometimes gets boring, mostly and often, it needs to be diluted at leisure, all the signs of a creative person, handsome, you have a big team, among my entourage, who now is me, volodya, stas. coming periodically, well, this is specific , here are specific three people who are always , whenever possible, in all the fuss, for any movement, there is also an entourage, let’s say, up to ten people, who help us in such situations, because it seems that it’s just there was a stop, it was a joke, someone filmed it on their phone, in fact it was a team effort in which about 10 people were involved, three operator cars, in which there were two crews, yes several traffic police crews, an escort vehicle, we are on radios, communications, so that there is an escort in front, so that we don’t have one in the back.
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so someone will come tomorrow and compose something for you, someone will pull up at the bus stop, pull up at the bus stop, and so on, and you yourself compose your life in this, you are simply grandiose, i recently, maybe a long time ago, said such words, if not today, then not tomorrow, the words are as simple as possible, but if you think about it, this is a rather deep thought, if you have an idea today, implement it while it burns, burns, yes, tomorrow it won’t happen. this is something like how i have a lot of friends who, when i’m old
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, i’ll retire and start traveling there, guys, don’t let that happen, quit everything and do what you like, well, within reasonable plans, start now, thank you i shake your hand with great admiration and great honor, all the best, we have a short advertisement now, i love the next hero of the premiere. watch the country after the evening news. darling, come here. why are you distracting me, he’s not doing well? baba frost, please make it so that our mom became happy. works. have you ever heard about baba frost? let's sign. my mother is an actress. what about me? this time without magic, but it works out as always, only she doesn’t care, they don’t
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take her for roles, who am i, children, do you think that baba frost has already heard us, we need happiness, maybe a husband, our medicine has no analogues in the world , can i just touch this brilliant head, yes, this is my formula, excuse me, please, you ordered the snow maiden, but i know, there’s a lot of things today? santa claus is in siberia, but no one talks about baba frost doesn’t know, i’ll work with large masks, but without fighting. and the secret of the new year, premiering on january 7th on the first.
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if the cat does not eat the sausage, then the sausage is bad, this principle works with christmas trees, if the cat does not touch the tree, then there is something wrong with the tree. new year, leave gifts under everyone’s pillow, new year, no good. with a small head, for sure, guys, today the christmas tree is being installed, already knowing that there is a cat living in the house, this is a very big cat visiting us, get up, giving evgeniy, the daughter of varvara and the cat nyusha, oh, novosibirs, wow, hello, okay, let's tell you what's happening about the new year, we say, christmas trees, cats, these are incompatible things, but you
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did it successfully, somehow successfully, we still have a successful christmas tree, all covered in toys , all whole, in general, from the very beginning, when nyusha appeared, we... since november, a tradition, imagine at the end of november, people put the bet at the end of march, you remove it correctly that year we removed it on april 28 , a new record this year, we think we ’ll probably wait until the summer because you need to wash it, you don’t need to stand there, you don’t need clothes hang up you have to get bored, but this doesn’t
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lubricate the feeling of the holiday, i always think when shops start to be stolen in december , it seems to me too early, i want you to see it all there on the thirtieth and immerse yourself. just on a stand, nothing more, just heavy, probably, our sticks themselves don’t even bend, you come to us by plane or by train, plane, how nyusha suffered, oh, well, at first of course it was hard, this is all the takeoff, and then she somehow calmed down, i put her with me like this so they allowed
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me to put my bag down while we were flying, she was just calm, i saw that she had already fallen asleep, the plane started to fly closer to moscow, i looked at nyusha, she was sleeping, i thought, well, that means we’ll get there, it’s a plus, she doesn’t hear the noise of the engine , but she meows very loudly , apparently, when she feels some kind of panic, she immediately loudly back and forth, this is naturally not very pleasant, here she was just sleeping in general, look how nyusha appeared with us, we know, but how did nisha appear? do you have a story, yes, our story began with my mother, with our grandmother, it turns out that she lives in a quiet residential area, she went about her business, it turns out, she saw a small mewing box and looked in. into it, that’s where our nyusha ended up, small, all dirty, covered in parasites, her eyes were only still slightly open, well, that’s it, grandma cancels everything, it turns out, she goes home with the kitty, washes it completely, everything looks like a parasite, because she has she has her own cat, fiona, well, everyone is starting to take care of her, we come to visit, she is so small and all cool,
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then we started to pay attention to what she has the back legs started, that is, something is bad, she starts dragging them along with her, it turns out that then we have... help, grandma is coming, of course, varvara is still little, she doesn’t understand, but where is mom, we’re there all the time to explain something, to tell something, grandma arrives with little nyusha, and we have a cat krix, who for some time now has been so floppy-eared, serious, with character, we are worried about how to introduce them, little nyusha is in a box, krix has come up, everyone
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is looking at her through these holes, somehow trying to understand, i say, mom, let's just open the box and see, well, we still need to introduce them, we all open the box, crix sniffed it normally, even from the wool i didn't get anything on end, nyusha to him, well, she's like, there 's a baby in there, that's it, well, we're starting to live little by little , kriks got used to her, she got used to him, and , accordingly, while cooking everything new, something small, she and this nyusha, nyusha, nyusha began to sleep with the boils, as if she distracted such attention a little from her mother, it turns out, well, 2 months went by like this, we walked and walked, we kept taking my mother from the hospital, everything ok, everyone has recovered, it’s time for the grandmothers to go home , just like that nyusha, my nyusha, no, as you said, my nyusha, my nyusha, yes, yes, yes, that’s it, dasha is looking at me, she says, well, it will be, that means the second one is with us the cat lives like i would, well , no one minds, everything is already a member of the family, that’s how it works out with us and... lives to this day, well, grandma, she herself wanted to give it to someone, because she has her own there’s a cat and, as it were, there’s also a kitten, you still need
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to keep an eye on him, there’s always calcium, medications, that’s all, but what if my daughter said that, well, that is, like a daughter she said, so it will be, there are generally questions, but we are just parents in general for her, we are not deciding anything here, let's watch a little more video for this family, girl, this is all a continuation, but is her future life in your hands? and they wrote this comment, yes , as i answer, nyusha, is everything okay with nyusha, yes, people ask on new year’s eve that everything is fine with her, well, amazing, of course she climbs up there, sits like that, oh, beautiful cat, christmas tree of course yours is great, we’re trying, well, the light bulbs, yes, oh, everything’s great here too he looks like he doesn’t bite, that’s what’s most interesting, we have a crix, he’s still somehow a lover of all this, he’s black, and she’s just generally calm, the other one is black. her back legs are like that, look straight at her on her side like a ballerina
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, and then when they started washing her, she really liked it in the bath, we get water from her , it looks like her paws are still relaxing , she’s just like that, we bathed her for a long time, well, for a long time, we were stealing her rings from varya, yeah, she opens herself, she closes it yes, she still gets it, and now she actually has balls all around her house, these are beads also her favorite football player. well , we drink water everywhere, we probably have water everywhere throughout the apartment, well, everyone loves water, kos says , when it flows, she demands that they turn it on for her, and they don’t drink water that isn’t standing still, they’re a gang, they dug it up wall, we were moving and there was just a hole in the wall, there.
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black crix, she is following in his footsteps, also she is everything that the older cat does, our food, games, going to the restroom, that is, everything, everything, everything, so she repeated everything after him just like behind a stone wall , this is about the question of how to raise children, sometimes it’s useless to scold children, the main thing is to show by your own example, do you have plans for more pets, it’s just... here in altai, it’s like we’re slowly moving towards our dream
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we often go here on vacation to lake teletskoye , so yes, we’ll get a dog when there’s a place, like a dog and space, as if there’s just no well, although of course i suggested it to my husband , i say even if it doesn’t work out, then in retirement we should get one in any case dog so that you can at least leave the house and walk what kind of dog do you want? they write to me that on the contrary, girls, cats are more towards men, and boys, what about girls, towards the female gender, well, with us
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it’s actually the other way around, you know, the best way to make friends with a cat, it’s generally a very funny thing, in general human signals, like a signal that he does not like the cat, they completely coincide with those signals that the cat perceives as sympathy for itself, that is, well, look, it turns away the dangerous and predatory part of its face this grins in a friendly way to catch the pheromones of the interlocutor, and accordingly the cat perceives that when you don’t want to communicate with it, it perceives this as a signal that you want to be friends with it, so they say that the less you love the cat, the she loves you more, i wanted to say everything according to pushkin, yes. everything is according to pushkin, even with cats.
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guys, thank you so much for coming to siberia, a big hello, thanks to everyone who watched our program, happy new year to you, with new videos, all the best good luck. and we usually celebrate the new year at grandma ’s table and eat deliciously, in ossetia the traditional dish on the table is osttin pies, the first pie means the sun, the second pie means the sky,
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the third pie means the earth. dear russians, from the bottom of my heart. happy new year to everyone, meet and find love, happiness, listen to yourself and act as your inner voice tells you, what you strive for, what you want so much has definitely come true, forget everything grievances, forget the whole past, about true love, loyalty and believe and love in your country, and of course, a lot of positivity, happy new year, hurray, as you celebrate the new year, so will you spend it, dressed up, apparently, as for the elections , yes, oh, come on , they’re begging you, new year on earth, new year in a bottle, new year on the table in a spoon on a fork, i’ll order 07 for myself, i’m wondering if it’s really that much, here’s your camera, well hello , tell him how much you reproached me with this dumpling, that i don’t feed you, i will feed you,
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i will feed you today, i think i have. souls, second, there’s a feeling right here that there will be a wedding soon, hurray, i don’t want to sin to shame, from fear of freezing at night, where can i say, i’m standing on it, i think , either the skis don’t go, or i’m really like that there were stories, you can see that i’m sad, i don’t get angry like a rose, we walk again, we walk, we walk. walking , to which i tell him: listen, i’ll tell you honestly in russian, i want to eat like crazy, i say, i say, i didn’t even have breakfast, i drank only water, i open it, it’s standing there with three apples in a bag, green, i arrived at the appointed time, i wasn’t so dusty, what i came with is what i left with, i’m
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larisa. this is let's get married, good afternoon. today the grooms are roman, nikita and stanislav, and our bride is yulia. yulia is 37 years old, the record holder for fatal dates. with one unfortunate cavalier, she almost died of laughter, with another from hunger, with a third from fear, and with a fourth from passion. yulia, an administrator in a furniture salon, lives in moscow, loves fishing, dancing on the street and relaxing in nature, she is proud of her breast size of the fifth, they admit. and will also refuse the owner of mad charisma, her the ideal is a cozy, moderately drinking romantic who will earn money, wash dishes, smother her in his arms and give her rides in his personal car. hello
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, girls , hello, and just a delightful woman, evelina bledans, hello, hello, how i miss you, how long it’s been since we’ve seen each other, happy new year, friends, there’s a feeling here that there will be a wedding soon, cheers, beautiful, beloved, adored my friend,
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please go to your room. hello, oh wow, how unexpected, hello, well i am so beautiful, thank you, thank you, i will support you today. nice, star matchmaker of the second groom, actor, comedian, kvn player, alexander volokhov, hello everyone, happy new year, there is an expression that when you celebrate the new year, you will spend such a time, i wish you spent it next to your loved ones, well done, great , hi, this is a surprise, what’s healthy? how lucky i am, sasha, nikita, listen, she was going to look for some kind of bear cub, fatten her up with pies, in short, that’s it, it’s ours competitors, the third groom was luckier than anyone, because today he has double
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support, look at his creative duo, always welcome people in this studio, viktor rybin and natalya senchukova, hello, new year on earth, new year in a bottle, new year on the table, forks in spoons, in the new year, in the new year something happens, the new year, the new year is coming, happy holidays to everyone, happy holidays , happy new year, happy new year, how glad we are to see you, how we love you, without it’s already a new year for you, not a new year, thank you, i love you, kiss. hello, hello , hello, groom, oh, what, although i was the groom at the entrance, girls, i’m very glad to see you, honestly, but i, roses
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, have a surprise for you too, how much you reproached me with these dumplings, that i i don’t feed you with these, i will feed you, i will feed you, okay, i ’m right online, i will sculpt so that you don’t think that i’m some kind of inventor, it didn’t go away and yes. excuse me, please bring me the dough , i asked my husband, i kneaded the dough, it’s not dawn in the morning, i made minced meat, oh, elegant, yes, very, spectacular, the only thing is that here are two brunettes in the studio, especially if one of the brunettes is cooked in a museum, this is dangerous, this is not a variable dough, this is yeast dough for belisha, i asked my husband, the cook, to pass it on. these are not dumplings for and you are me for a second, no, i didn’t go , i made minced meat, i put the dough, yeast and dumplings, that you can’t make dumplings, no,
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of course, why, because yeast, no, but which one is necessary , well, the usual, egg, water, salt, and well, yes, it smells like yeast, well, girls, well, today wasn’t going so well, tell me please, and this happens to everyone before the new year, this is the series, my husband is the reason. yes, everyone, he is a professional person, well , how can this be, i said, i’ll make dumplings for a rose, and why immediately on my husband, it’s necessary, he can protect him, it’s just that he seemed to have to cook somewhere, but i understood, igor did dough for belisha for tomorrow, and i’m making dumplings, and he messed with daddy’s when he went out, lord, he handed me this, oh, girls, the new year is not without surprises, is this a party dumpling? and so i call it, very uncool the topic is to unite the family with friends , but i never, well, there with 10 people we roll dumplings, cut them into glasses, but i never lived to the end, girls,
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okay, calm down, relax, this is new year's hysteria, now everyone needs to drink valerian, magnesium, let you show me your curvaceous forms, tell me and be on my side, you can tell me... i will try to come up with something out of this, but don’t throw away what you have going on with your dates, just, okay, once, okay , twice, but you have a straight system that doesn’t do that he’s lucky, or maybe it’s some kind of nitpicking, tell me, damage, as everyone likes to say it, but the bride, oh, what a load, size, size five, you’ve already studied, oh, what kind of person are you, shalom, tell me about the apples, better, what happened with the apples, about the apples, oh, this is a very entertaining story, in short, for almost two weeks, we walked, walked, we walked all the time, and where did you meet him, on the networks, of course? on social networks, as always, in
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principle, when meeting people, when work is home, home is work, the same thing, no salt, nothing scary, dietary, dietary , yes, otherwise i wanted to say, white salt is death, in short, we met, well, let's take a walk, let's go for a walk in the park, well, let's take a walk, i liked the outside one right away, well, it made sense to walk with him, there was meaning, yes, well, i don’t choose men on the basis of their beauty, a man should just be pleasant with a man, well , well, well... if only a monkey was a little more beautiful, well , at least, no, well, by height, figure, yes, i definitely like it too, i don’t like skinny people, unfortunately, because girl, i’m curvy, first of all, there’s somewhere to hold on, if suddenly you ’re on the train, you get motion sickness, yes , they throw you off the shelf, you grab it, that’s it, and then you go on, secured, and the piece of iron is my favorite, that’s how you are do you think with your iron heart, according to statistics, what do they say, dumplings are new year's?
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weeks already on the way to the court we are already walking back and forth i gradually and gradually we already know for the second time where to walk where the bird is making nests i really knew what i was waiting for, well, okay , here in the ideal, well, like a confluence of in an ideal set of circumstances, what she wanted from him was a serious relationship.
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let's forget the dinner during the floggings, we'll buy expensive drinks, there will be a luxurious dinner, it's better late than yul never, yes, i say to myself, i got my salary, i think, oh well , everyone has problems, well, it's clear to me, i'm renting an apartment, i live alone, and i don’t know who he lived there with, well, it’s clear to me, okay, let’s go to me, i, i remembered, i have a peignoir that i wanted to donate, because it costs almost 10,000, because oh , poor guy, i have just beautiful underwear, there is a robe, everything is as it should be, right on topic, on topic. i think, oh, how all the cards have worked out, that’s it, it’s coming , i’m done, i had such small disposable candles, i arranged everything like this, the main thing is to light them , he comes in, knocks on the door, i’m so into it, i open it, it’s worth it with three green apples in a bag , i arrived at the appointed time, i wasn’t so dusty, yes, i’m thinking to myself, well, the guy probably likes green apples, well , everyone has their own cockroaches in their heads, okay, someone like that comes in, they give these apples delivery it will be, right? i thought, now we’ll order
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, he sits down at the table, so happy as a layer, oh, why is he dressed up, like for the elections, yes, oh, okay, in general, i beg you, there in general, no, as if the dog was flogged 55 times , there’s no way to make holiday panties, there’s nothing there, i didn’t even get to the panties, what are you talking about, well, in short, well, the delivery has arrived, but listen, larisa, it’s the peak, let’s get all the popfood, well, here we go he’s talking here, but i don’t understand, where’s the food, oops, i’m... so, i didn’t understand, well, well, i told you, let’s have dinner, come on, he says, drinks, dear, you will be beautiful, candles, and are you talking about this, i’m not at a loss here, i take apples, cut them into several pieces, put them beautifully on a plate, serve them, put them on the table , light candles, sit down, eat, i wonder if you would like , if this beauty invites you? date,
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what did you bring in the package? well, i would buy all sorts of goodies, what would you buy? well, what do girls like, at least there are rolls, there is sushi, pizza, i don’t know, well, i wouldn’t bring something like that, she’s sweet, well, yes, some kind of cake, cake, but what is it, this is it just show how he is, but what, everything, everything that he came with is what he left with, and what did you, gurmila , want? i gave you my beautiful self, i also tell you to eat it, no, i brought apples, that’s why, as they say, this is what, as they say, what the husband brings, the wife will bring, what?
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didn’t call again thank god you that i’m just good to god thank god i didn’t remove the tag from the robe and i shirts i ’ll take off the pin of course they accept yes well, here’s the crust and take the cold for two weeks, yes i’m sure if you buy yourself an underwear linen for 8.00 rubles, she will only be delighted , the main thing is not to buy apples, oh, now he’s probably looking, here’s the camera, yul, here’s your camera, well, tell him hi,
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my, you have three apples, it seems to me that you ’re giving others three now beautiful peaches, three beautiful melons, this, oh my three, somewhere for the new year, she is melons. i’ve been dreaming up something, look, the dough has dried up and i’m telling you, in order for it not to dry out, uh-huh, you need to keep it in a cellophane bag, as my grandmother, a neighbor, used to say, well, i think from my heart, second, you don’t know how to cook, mother , i don’t know how to sculpt, it’s not mine, i always bought preparations for dumplings, sculpted for beleshes, honestly it’s not my thing at all, girls, you two are like that, we have artificial intelligence, dear, please tell me about such a nightmare, what can be made from dried yeast dough without salt and pepper, what options, you don’t know yet, well, in my opinion
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, what yulia turns out is an ideal dish from dried dough and minced meat without salt and pepper, very organic, larisochka, and you everything turns out perfectly from any dough, even if you sculpted air, it would be delicious, this is not some kind of tempura shrimp, tirzhok, for dinner, for dinner, like i did for you, like you did for me when i was 19, i had an affair , the man turned out to be a swindler, he turned her head and... he fraudulently lured her out of state money, so you are jointly tasked with finding the criminal, me, you, together, comrade novgorodian, i think you won’t stay in our department for long, you just won’t be able to cope.


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