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tv   Diana de Puate  1TV  January 2, 2024 11:25pm-12:31am MSK

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in the end, well, well, well, well , andrei shishkin, the owner of the chocolate factory, how sweet, he banned the production of sweets with alcohol in his factory, since he was 20 he hasn’t been drinking anything stronger than juice, but what about him, mistakes of a stormy youth, uh-huh, made inquiries, memory is losing control, well, what’s my plan? it’s clear to give me a drink to seduce, which means i’ll get the recipe, i’ll be promoted, and the whole department will have a bonus, but that’s where it is, the recipe, uh-huh, is it from shishkinah? yes, yes, yes
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, i understand, i understand that it’s a new year, but perhaps not in such volumes, now, excuse me, just a second, just a second, hang it up, now, now, now, now, yes, yes, yes, i ’m saying that maybe not in such volumes, the chocolate factory is a very small factory, how, how did they bring it, we don’t have anything yet ready , there is no paste for lukomorye, ok, well , you need deer, deer with spoons, but bunnies won’t suit you, we still have the forms from last year, verochka, but we can’t return it back, well, like me, i perfectly understand the difference between deer bunnies, well, of course these are two completely different types of animals, yes, the bunnies have ears, the deer have horns, but no, you can’t put it anywhere, you thought about the artist, verochka, that’s it, okay, i ’m on my way now, okay, i’ll come now and show you the horns, excuse me, ears, andrey, i need a line right now, can you... tell me, please, why did you
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let the nanny go? i didn't know there would be a quarantine at school. and you can’t take your mind off your chocolate reindeer and spend a little time with your daughter. and you can take your mind off your artistic stumps. and between why i have art, and you just have what i have? mom, dad, i'm already an adult and can i stay at home by myself? varenka, varenka, is this true? well, well, for the last time, one more time, okay, varyusha, oh! varenka, i forgot to tell you the most important thing, this year there will be a christmas tree at the factory again, and did you buy a ticket? no, better, now, here, here is the costume of a snowflake, a snowflake, and the little robber or woman ega was not there, but so, varya, varvara, you are the daughter of the owner of the shishkin chocolate factory, almost the fifth generation, are you? you can’t play negative
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roles, like the woman ege or the little robber, your roles must be positive, so you will play the main role of a snowflake, you will be the most important snowflake above all the snowflakes, okay, okay, well, we ’ll go, but be smart, the costume is an example, i don’t want to. new year's promotion from the sweets factory, new year's gifts from the sweets, the most delicious chocolates from the sweets, come, new year's promotion from the factory of the sweets , happy new year, new year's gifts are coming, young man, take a gift, or you can have another one, we were told to give strictly one at a time, that is, one gift to one person,
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well, yes, happy new year, with new happiness, i wish you good luck, buy chocolate, everyone who is poor and rich, chocolates are good, buy for the soul,
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life, is it really a sweet life, from moscow, great, yes, i will definitely take you wait, come, oh, only you know , please dress warmly, it’s very cold here, thank you for your concern, see you, tonight our program is dedicated to curiosities on television. oops, that's it, the bunny has already shit himself, that's what happened to me, sasha, you have a program with animals, this often happens, yes, when you're live, everyone all that remains is to enjoy this moment behind the scenes, all our directors love naturalness and so that your reaction from
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the presenters is immediate, the weakest link, and many people were offended by you, and it even happened that my husband got into an affair with someone . and don’t, i walked along the tang corridor in shorts, walked about 20 meters, i remember, i didn’t get the pass, tomorrow on the first,
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mankatcher whiskey, a product of the stellar group. miracles happen on our program every year, so let's meet our star elves, when will i get married, do you want to get married, yes, but only for the one i want, maybe i will be your meddelson, maybe in this place , somewhere in one of these places, my fiance will also be, the light of my mirror will say,
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on the first, thank you very much for support, for love, a year ago, on the night of january 10, the ice age star roman kostamarov was taken to intensive care, no one expected that... this could end. the athlete's family prayed for a miracle. the figure skater was in a coma, suffered a stroke, sepsis, and necrosis began to destroy the body of the olympic champion. 16 operations, he survived. there was support from all sides, from the whole country. cool dad, isn't he? very cool. our exclusive is a chronology of that fateful day that divided the life of roman kostomarov into before and after. he was an absolutely healthy, normal person, who coughed twice the entire time. what will his close friend, with whom roman then went to the bathhouse, tell the doctor, who literally
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put the athlete on his feet. not a single partez walks on its own, also, by the way, with one prosthesis, it is constant daily plowing. exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on january 6th on the first. men, come, take it for your soul and as you want. happy new year, happy new happiness, i won’t give it, happy new year, man with a trade permit, show me. please , permission yes, so i’m santa claus, i have a beard made of cotton wool, i didn’t bring permission, well, they don’t give them to us in the north, why aren’t you so prepared, grandfather, show your documents, don’t separate, documents, please, comrade hare, show your documents , a second, please, passport, open the passport, read, new year's chocolate bunny, made at the slosen factory, made according to the state from selected cocoa beans, natural, we don’t disagree, made according to the state, selected cocoa beans, natural molasses, the best butter, by the way, guys, everything is fine, go, try, read, smell, so- so , everything is clear with you, let's pass, why do we pass , come on, maybe we can agree right on the spot
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, a bribe is in execution, but what kind of a bribe, where do you see the bribe, this is the way for a rhinoceros, here, here, well, thank you, thank you, at least one kind woman got caught and didn’t leave grandpa in trouble, by the way, you don’t want to buy a chocolate bar, buy natural cocoa, yes, but what about wholesale discounts, i’ll think about it, but tell me, grandpa, where did you get this suit and bag, this suit, bag, i took it in one office, a shitty suit, a synthetic beard like glass, here it’s already combed, and
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why aren’t we going, but because i work in the very office where these suits are given out as gifts for free, and you stole them, i, i now i’ll turn him in to the police for fraud, understand? i, i understand, i understand, i would also pass, i who stole? i didn’t steal anything, i don’t trade in everything, no one will see, i eat, i eat, because, because chocolate is delicious, and very tasty, by the way, yes, i’m no less tasty, well, i mean, useful, yeah, and this suit, by the way, is made of natural silk and the bag too, i spent 3 months choosing them, and the boss really liked it, he said it was very creative, but what am i saying, very creative? i really like it too, red on white is nonsense, so maybe
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we’ll let grandpa go to part of the new one years, well, go, well, as i understand it, you have nowhere to go, and you probably need money, otherwise, what do you say, your name is, useful, me? not ready, not ready, what is it, wait, what is it, explain to me, be careful, be careful, what is it, what is it, what is it, what is it, what is it, and the top, what this is it, he’s meditating, tan, but he’s meditating, ivanovich, the main thing is don’t worry, let’s put your remains, oh, the remains of your lukomorye on the paste, verochka, what’s wrong with the paste? will,
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it will be, everything will be ready for the opening , i promise you, and this, yes, if something happens, nothing will happen to them, well, what can happen to them, to the lukomorye, ippolit ivanovich, please go to prague, rest there , take a calm walk, don’t think about anything, celebrate christmas, and if tomorrow the pasta is not ready, then i’ll take it... this is lukomorye for yourself, won’t you drop it? well, of course not, oh, excuse me, please, hello, hello, yes. hello, hello, are you coming? but no, no, no, no, andrey will of course be very happy, i will be glad, yes, yes, yes, i remember, okay, i will buy you all the products for your diet, when you arrive, we are waiting for you, lev alexich, goodbye.
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andrey lvoevich, the designer sent a sketch for deer, so he suggests using hares as the base, and the antlers separately, well, listen, it turned out to be some kind of hare we horned, the bunnies tried their best, okay, stop it, sign it, come on.
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oh, mikhalych, well, what about you, i’m okay , it’s okay, why don’t you take part in the christmas tree, why don’t you participate, he was supposed to play a snowman for us, he didn’t fit into the costume, so this year we have a snowman petka , petka, do you hear, you will be a snowman, okay, mikhaloch, go , get ready for next year, lose weight, light, give, help, hello, i’m listening to you, oh, hello, palovna, hello, come to us when ? soon, okay, goodbye, what, levovich, mother-in-law? well, gennady pavlovin, this is
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not so bad, but my father, get up, this is quiet horror, remember! genetic nutrition, pillows made of natural materials and endless lectures about artistic culture, mom, oh, wonderful costume, varenka, your dad, olive alekseevich, at least he’s intelligent man, here my mom will drink your entire bar again, dad, listen, cook, a wonderful suit, beautiful, wear it, get used to it little by little, everything is possible, but no, touch, i don’t mind cognac for what, i’ll go crazy, they’re arriving at the same time , no, do you remember how i can play for christmas trees, in this suit, mom, dad, why doesn’t anyone listen to me? i’m not crazy, listen, maybe i won’t play on this tree, no, no, varenka, that ’s impossible, i’ve already agreed on everything with the director, little lady, look how good you feel in the little lady’s costume, right? no, that’s not true, mom, well, maybe i can at least tweak something in this suit, i
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have an idea, shishkin is listening, what do you mean? you get bunnies with horns, this is impossible , listen, customers demand deer, deer, deer are just deer, i don’t know, come up with something, think, let’s, let’s, let’s make a decision together, gerchiks, please, i need snowflakes, what snowflakes , the whole dinner is burning, little lady, snowflakes, of course you can, you’re smart, right? well, here we are, it’s nonsense, they don’t have room, i ’ll arrange everything now, look, learn, go ahead, daddy, daddy, daddy, don't, don't touch him,
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please listen, can't you see who i am, there's no room. and you, apparently, snow maiden , there is no place, well, maybe we can come to an agreement somehow, i actually came from moscow, yes, even from africa, i said, there is no place, i beg your pardon, can i try. i apologize, good evening, good, can i bring you closer? i would just like to apologize for this woman, because...
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all we need is just a place to spend the night, of course, of course, the top floor, thank you, thank you, dad, i tell you again, that i'm an adult, and what did you tell her? it won’t be in the city, that’s enough, that’s enough, oops, unexpectedly , yes, it’s not in vain that i took it for you, at least it’s of some use, okay, put the suitcase in the corner and come on, go to your place, and i’m already at mine, number one and the only one, like you are the only one, what the... the only one, listen, garik, what were you counting on, and what did you tell this aunt, what did you tell her, i said that you are
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my mother, that you gave birth to me at 14 years, and then you were deprived of parental rights, and the evil aunt sent me to a grandfather's home, and then, when i grew up, i found you, lonely and unhappy , and brought you to this small quiet town so that you could start your new life, oh, no, i’m serious, what didn’t you say, you said it, yes, this is nonsense, who would believe this at all, these are soaps operas, there are only those, do i look like your mother , lonely and unhappy, i’m basically like that, don’t wake me up until 12, in case of a fire, take out first, goodnight, what 12, i have a meeting with shishkin tomorrow at 9 am, impudence what a mom, it’s very interesting when you talk about your factory, maybe you have one some special, most important recipe,
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you know, well, the most ordinary recipe, well, cocoa beans, cocoa butter, yes, we use only natural ingredients, and most importantly, please write that we work by hand, and in general you you know, the main thing is that our city is special, so our chocolate also turns out to be something special, and maybe there is some special story connected with this, well, a family tradition, but you guessed it, really , yes, really, it’s that the recipe for our chocolate was invented by me great-great-grandfather, can you imagine, this is a kind of, well, family heirloom, it seems to me for... it’s not interesting how it is, how it is, no, that you, on the contrary, our readers are precisely this that interests us most of all, all sorts of myths , legends
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, traditions, recipes, tell me, can i look at it sometime , i’m sure it’s in your factory, in a frame, in your office, yes, no, it’s not in the factory, no, not in your office, he is at home, at home, yes, at my home, i repeat, this, this is completely unimportant. and the main thing is that this is how i am i’ve already said, our city, there are a lot of traditions, legends, myths associated with it, if you want, i ’ll show you our city, you know, i want, i really want, show me, please, well, let’s go, let’s go. sorry, you forgot your notebook, thanks,
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yeah. you know, nekrasov stayed in this house, yes, yes, well, i hope you remember these legendary ones, one day in the cold winter, i went outside, there was a strong frost, yes , he wrote them right here, but what are you saying, in what then... here in this, neatly, and also, here, for example, frost the sun, it’s a wonderful day, you’re still dozing, dear friend , that pushkin is also here, no, no
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, pushkin is in another place, just neat. well, okay, really , okay, well, let's go, let's go, we have a lot of interesting places, i'll show you, let's go, let's go , oh, oh, everything is fine with you, carefully, so where, oh, let's go to the sofa, oh, like this, are you comfortable? no, do your windshield wipers not work at all in the city? how am i supposed to deal with this now ? oh, now, maria, maria, please forgive me, this is all very inconvenient it turned out, i feel that this is, well, my fault too, uh-huh, i don’t know what i can do for you, but really, what
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can you do, huh? but i know, yes, and now i will come to you all the time, yes, i will visit you, you know, inquire about your health, i will bring you groceries, but now, well, with such a leg, you won’t even be able to walk to the store, really, come on, well, oh, you want juice, i’ll pour it now, come on, oh, now, excuse me, now, hello, yes, i ’m listening, what new horns? well, tell me branches from fir trees instead of horns, well, who came up with this, well, this is a madhouse, well, this is some kind of nonsense, well, of course, this is impossible, now one second, one second, we will now continue the conversation. thank you, maria, excuse me again, it’s very inconvenient, i’ll probably go already late, they’re waiting for me at home and go,
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plan a failed, now we need to come up with plan b, plan b, where’s the dossier on shishkin, where ’s the dossier on von it’s under his bed for half a day , i’m reading it, i need a plan b, right? i have one idea. tanya, tanyusha, varichka, are you home? oh, andrey, hi, hi, these are
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really useful products for your father. strengthens the body, i can directly feel how my muscles have grown while i was running around the market after them. have you just arrived? yeah, a minute ago. accident, why did you spend the whole evening alone at home? so, tanya, tanyush, i thought that you stayed with her. oh, what is this, something familiar? oh, but she's your daughter, after all. where have you been? just imagine, a journalist came from moscow and interviewed me. then i decided to show her the city, what if we let's go. she slipped, fell and broke her leg, they had to take her to the hospital, and then to a hotel, journalist, yes. yes, it’s true, tanyush, don’t think about it, somehow everything happened by chance, something is wrong here, don’t you think, but tanechka, well, a journalist, was interviewing, nothing more, either with the light, or i don’t understand , andrey, varya, and i say , the plan is a great plan, it will work, and i say, this is nonsense, these are your soap operas, and no one
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will believe in it, whoever doesn’t believe in it, everyone will believe in it... they should believe the tv watch more often there only believes in this, galina semyonovna believed, who, who, who galina semyonovna, our administrator, but if galina semyonovna herself, well, you have another plan, but no, no, that means we act strictly in my opinion, but it will cost you a lot, 5,000 to, no, ugh, ugh, no, now, eh, now i ’ll count, now that means i’ll go to thailand for six months, lie under a palm tree, do nothing, 5300, yes you, in my opinion, you don’t really overexert yourself here, that’s just your opinion, and in general this is a dream, any other
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dream, eh, owners, hello! hi, is dad home? no, he's at work, who are you? and i’m going to dad, why are you removing the wrong snow? and
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my parents forced me to do it because of the snowflakes, it would be better if you didn’t let me play on the tree, but for the hangings you became even more beautiful, i don’t understand why they were upset, so let me show you. what should you do here for half an hour, in fact, mom said that you shouldn’t let strangers into the house, but although she didn’t say anything like that about a fool, that’s not what mom said correctly, then let’s get acquainted, i'm garik, that is, igor, and i'm varya, it's very nice, come in, then. well, look, you need to work the shovels in the following way, give me a lace, what kind of lace, lace, come on, but i don’t have it, this is the lace, give it here, pull, together we pull, and now
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a cap, so cool, with white a bombon that turns into a super projectile, right? fire snow people, hello, why am i giving up, i’m here, i’m here, hello, hello, and i’m coming to you, let’s go, excuse me, but on what question, seriously, it means about deer, listen, the ears, that is, these horns, they hold up very well, yes, the shape is really from a hare, but i assure you, you will not see any difference, but no, i’m coming to you on a personal issue
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, not about the horns, in a personal way, well, thank god, then well, come into the house, varyusha, show the guest off, okay, yes, please , thank you, be careful, please be careful, this is a central exhibition piece, i understand , we’ll bring it home, put it there, it will be in safety, make the way, hello, daughter, boy, that’s it, i...
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who, if i may say so, is your mother? here tatyana asks a very legitimate question, i would also be very interested in this. my mother, masha, masha, don’t you remember? well, 20 years ago, new year’s, his mother warned him that he might not remember anything, they drank a lot that night... they got up, in general, this is the result. wait, 20 years ago, so, so , so, so, it was 1908, no, 90, ah,
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this was when i went to my mother in saratov, this was on that new year's eve, when you were supposed to prepare for passing exams, you said that you missed me and you wrote me poems, of course, that’s right, tanya, you... that ’s how it all happened, of course, you know, it seems to me that i ’m really starting to remember something, that evening the guys from the prison came to see me , among them there really was a girl, no, no, no, tanyusha, my ex-girlfriend , her, it seems, her name was really masha, maria, remember, tanyusha, by that time we had already broken up with her a long time ago, well, you know, new year, that’s it -so, the mood is festive, we drank, then, then we drank some more, then we, we drank, and more... drank,
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tanya, there was nothing, excuse me, it seems to me that there was something after all, because after 9 months i appeared, andrey, it’s true, tanechka, you changed me, no, tanya, what are you saying, no, well, firstly, it was before the wedding, and secondly, it doesn’t count because i don’t remember anything. and why did you, that is, you, you came right now, after all, 20 years have passed, yes, why, well, why did you get up, that there was a turnaround, and why don’t you , don’t pay attention, open the trunk, take out the suitcases, don’t pay attention, i understand i’ll honk your horn, i’ll honk your horn so much, it won’t seem too much, eh. hey, tanya, tatyana, meet me,
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mother has arrived, listen, dear, could you move your car, the driver cannot make any maneuver at all. and you’re here, i’m just the first to attend our meetings, and i’m freaking out myself. so that means you really are my brother, how great, and you and my mother said that i couldn’t have an older brother, varichka, and then my grandparents arrived, that so, so everything is clear, it’s necessary earlier... yes, wait , why drive me away right away, my grandmother and
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grandpa, let’s go meet him, just a second , grandma is my mother, she has nothing to do with you, okay, i’ll only meet grandpa, maybe he’ll be happy with another one, no, no, grandpa probably doesn’t need to tell anything either, he’s an older man , he has a heart, it’s bad for him to worry, but by the way, your dad will outlive all of us put together, so i won’t survive if my mother finds out about this illegitimate garik, garik is my brother and you can’t kick him out. why are you standing? go meet me! no, it's just not through what gates! that at school they didn’t teach girls to skip ahead! our dears! dad, zinaida pavnovna! well, you've finally reached us! dad, dad, dad, carefully!
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come into the house, come in, well, you’ve finally come to us, daughter, let’s not tell your grandparents for now that garik is your brother, okay, well, what will happen to me for this, whatever you want, remember, you wanted a bird, we’ll give you a bird for the new year, any bird, any bird you want, of course, oh, andryukha, look after my suitcase, otherwise there are such people here, oh yeah you need an eye, you are not equal to all people, tanyukha, you increased your groot , or something, with silicones, mom, did you, our chief accountant also decided for herself, she took in the whole bonus, andryushka, hello, mom, grandma, grandpa , hmm, how you’ve grown, have you lost weight? got fatter, got prettier, listen, these are guests
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, decide to introduce yourself, lev alekseevich, it’s very nice, father, this andrey, dad, professor, art teacher at the milan humanitarian academy, yes, well, and this is garik, varenka’s tutor, tutor, and in what subject, in english, how teacher. well, did you find it? looks like i found it, is this the same masha? well, it’s probably the one, look, and the last name matches the first name, the first name, yes, rare, well, it’s her , well, it’s probably her, what can i say, you may have a son in common with her, but you don’t know what write to her, i don’t know, you might think, you
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know, i don’t know, well, write to her and ask her if she has a son, wait, well, not so fast. well, well, well, well, what did she answer? listen, well, well, well, a person can’t answer so quickly, well, look, she’s not online at all, well it’s okay, maybe he’ll answer this evening or tomorrow, or maybe the day after tomorrow, and this garik will live with us all this time, well, we can’t kick him out, but he kindly came, in a good way, to meet me wants, after all, the new year, after all, is a family holiday, you know what, you, please, define the boundaries of your family, and... maybe you’ll also invite masha, okay, come here, everyone, look at bird,
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varenka, daughter, maybe we ’ll take the bird home, otherwise it’ll freeze, no, no need, it's morozov's bird.
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such a sad evening, such a tuner refuses to tune on january 2nd, let alone. it’s not like the mouse about the bass player, where did he go , about the joke about the bass player, let’s fall, he came and put away the bass guitar lessons for the first lesson , well, the teacher tells him, here, let ’s do this, here we are, he remembers everything, go home and practice, he comes the next day, well, he learned his lesson he's a great guy, look at this here, come on , the next day doesn't come, a week doesn't come, a month at the market, this teacher meets him says hi, listen, why don’t you go to classes, he says, listen, well, i don’t have time to record albums, tour, well, everything is correct
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, but i liked the fact that the jazz musicians tell the real situation. jazz musicians are, after all, people who earn a little less than a party player , to put it mildly, so the wife decided to leave one trumpet player, right on january 2 , last year the wife decided to leave, but she was not able to leave within a year , you know what the reason is, nothing, it’s not bad, it’s good that we’re sitting here, well, not the first of the month, because yesterday, of course , i thought so, looking at the table, or or there are unhealthy people here too, no, no, there ’s healthy food, pickled apples, yes, pickled apples, vitamin c, by the way, here’s the bottle
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, here's the bottling , that's what's interesting there, look after me, i can't, we'll take a sample, look, look how beautiful everything is, maybe i'm like you, what a good sound, oh, you know, as she said, the dog, the dog, seeing the women, this is inescapable, this is such an anecdote. we still have this gap between us that separates two chairs, we we’re waiting for someone, why the gap, maybe it’s the new year’s lottery. now the winners will come, who are lucky, a wonderful thing, good , dmitry petrovich, just, well, good, i’ll be
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on the one hand petrovich, that’s right, on the other hand, of course, today dima, what a dmitry petrovich, it’s hard to even say, but i i wanted to ask you this, as a linguist, and what about the classics, how to classically deal with this condition, if, if venechka had this drink, then there would be no writing. the story of moscow cockerels for sure, he’s here he would have sobered up, he asked for the next cocktail, yes, but if they poured this thing for him, that’s it, there wouldn’t be a great work, it’s like a rooster’s tail, and a komsomol cocktail, and a rooster’s tail is a cocktail, because this is it remember, to be bayoneted, but, but i want to say, of course, the only thing is that all the experience accumulated over life, the most important thing is moderation, as i say, the volume of the bottle is needed. observe, vad, you will correct me, i could have already told you this last year, because it is bright, this is useful advice, the mozhekal is green, in the middle
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perestroika in the eighties, and mikhail sergeevich gorbachev fought with his knee iron against alcohol at all, suddenly at the same moment there is a presentation, i have never seen or heard such a word, a presentation of this cologne, and a respectable presenter says: comrades, today... we we are opening to the world this new product of the svoboda factory and the french factory, if i’m not mistaken, l’oreal , they are giving it out together, now there’s a quiz, whoever guesses in what year our svoboda factory was founded will be closer to the truth, he will receive bottles of decologne as a gift, suddenly such a hand in the hall, can i, yes, excuse me, please, before i strain my brains, what is your volume of the bottle? dear tv viewers and guys, addressing, especially to men, do not exceed the volume of the bottle, you need to know, secondly, it is better not to mix these
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cocktails, something in russian, or a fizzy drink, or something our native stronger, in moderate doses, well , happy new year, yes, happy new year, what strength, what are you drinking, hello, valery, mikhailov, petrov, kharlamov, in childhood there were tangerines and lemonade here with with a swallow on the label, this is my mom , dad and i under the table, because
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in childhood we didn’t have any other place for the new year, not because it’s already under the table, but because i’m always under the table, that’s where my legs are, there are legs, always from all the children's entertainment of a big feast, it was there legs, guests, someone there, but because the podcast, which i have the honor of doing on our channel. this is the melody of my life, in principle, so, if i say very quickly, i remembered the music, you immediately have the whole picture, here are the new year's melodies, i can't say that the bels jingle doesn't order, we are russian people, especially not why gle bells was a popular song in soviet times very much fit into the jingle bells, lenin lived, lenin is alive, will live, not bad, now. yes, you know, i have this career of dimogorin, remember, and there is an absolutely divine melody, by andrei
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yakovich and shpay, by the way, to the verses of yevgeny yevtushenko, like this... you remember, it’s snowing, it’s snowing, everything is around something waiting, under this snow, under the quiet snow, i want to say under everyone, my most important person, look with me at this snow, it’s pure, like something i’m silent about, what to say, i want, who brought me my love, probably kind santa claus, when i look out the window with you, i’m snow thank you, and i remembered guzaru, when ryu, it snows, it snows, everything shimmers and floats because you
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are my... fate, thank you, in your dreams, thank you, snow for you, thank you, snow for you, i’m immediately in a great mood, yes another thing, here, this is the recipe, if it weren’t for winter, if it weren’t for winter, the cities are happy, you’ve never known these days cheerful, what you are missing in the podcast in the new year, post-new year, is the smell of tangerine, so i suggest everyone now to fix this matter, clean the tangerine, dear friends, if your tv transmits smells, please tune in, it’s time for you, this is the smell new year, you also know what i can do, i also know how to tell fortunes with tangerines, i’ll teach you now, so on tangerine grounds, on tangerine peels, and peels, look, peel the tangerines, everything,
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firstly, it means how many slices tangerine? that means one, an adult mandarin, you know how, an adult mandarin has 32 slices, you know how 5, 6, look, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12 months will be this year, and everyone will have 12, yes, maybe it was the first one, but then, you take the peel, some very interesting piece, what does this piece look like, which means i have one piece that... looks like the letter e. konstin lvovich. which side should you look at? e is an aesthetic piece. elegant. and it looks like an electronics store. who can do what? in general, he is solid, just flying. i have one though
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harmonious circle. looks like an eggplant. i’m embarrassed to ask the guy, this is this, but this is like this, with an eye, see what it is, this is a tie, a stylish orange tie, stylish, valery, here’s a pin, on the style , like for... vologakart, like for a pilot the helm, a strong orange gastu, has become my faithful companion, at the hour when i smile, feasts in my heart, trouble, a sunny smile, the song of an orange gastu,
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always with me. they didn’t start singing, they sang the tie altogether, and a different song will be played for the women. max, tell me, how do athletes deal with this, here, here, these, we are slobs , it’s clear, how athletes struggle with this condition , you look better than all of us, i have nothing to fight with, well, in fact , everyone carefully tries to celebrate the new year, it doesn’t always
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work out, i’ll be honest, but the point is the fact that almost immediately we need to return on the second, we are all already where we should be in the sports arenas, your workshop is just an anecdote, a wonderful anecdote directly related to our sport. an athlete, a coach, wins a bronze medal, let it be vasya, vasya, we are not pushing hard, ice, this is serious things, he doesn’t even forgive such negligence, well, he adds, there were three training sessions a day, now four, there’s a silver medal in the next competitions, coach, vasya, yes, we don’t push, we don’t push the ice, this is a serious thing, he has such a negligent attitude doesn’t forgive, well, that’s it, he sleeps in his skates , his skate takes a bath, everything is at home, the ice is flooded , there is ice in the entrance, on the ice around the clock, there is
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gold, vasya, an adult boy, they tell him, a gold medal, how to celebrate, what you will be, what drink, he says, you know, i'm so tired, give me something strong, russian, or some scottish, well, i want something strong. this, they say, okay, you need some ice , i apologize, i have a good reason , cat people will understand, i was preparing travel documents for the cat, i just had to do this today, it’s obligatory, god knows where it is in the only place, i changed the code last name, firstly, the cat, this is important, they ask the cat if you have a second passport, well then, here we have a non-alcoholic fine for you. drink, let's take care of you while it's pouring, i remembered a friend his actor, he had a whole method, the morning after this he was not treated with anything
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alcoholic, but he had, firstly, some special salt for the bath, he filled the bath for himself, then he had a jar, there was a slightly fermented plum compote, he called it a hangover, a hangover, yes, a hangover, plus he had a mold... there was ice with some herbs, that is, he brewed herbs, he got ice, and he used these cubes, you know under your eyes, that’s it, that’s literally an hour of rehabilitation , a cucumber, after receiving the money disappeared, that's right, no passport, i forgot it at home, well, i'm sidorov, it's obvious, casanovo, tomorrow on... "i'm just trying to put myself in her place, i understand that i couldn't do that, oh, no swear, love is evil , you will love a goat, oh, cnop gin is a product of stellor group,
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we used to all live together in our country, mom, dad and i, but..." when mom disappeared, dad stopped looking for her, more than a year has passed, we need change something, you are young, successful, beautiful, your mother gave us a message, the main thing is to find it, are you sure that when run away, you will find your parents, don’t worry , we will find you, can we say that sonya will soon have a new mother, yes, where are they, i’m not responsible for the children, the children of an oligarch, chu-chu, two children? here the house was stolen, daddy, who are you, okay, relax, these are very bad children , there are no bad children, you are muddying the waters here, everything
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can be changed until the very last point is reached, now these are my children, secret, premiere january 6 on the first, uh,
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gagarin forever january 7, on the first, if you frown, you will leave the house, if you are not in joy, sunny day, let the person you meet smile at you, as if he were a friend of his, a complete stranger to you . boy and a smile, without a doubt
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, will suddenly touch your eyes, and a good mood will not leave you anymore, look after, but it’s good that our favorite song does, and a good mood, a good mood.
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new years 20 years ago, these are already the 2000s, yes, new traditions have not yet arrived and the old ones have already begun to cool down, that is, the soviet union is cooling down, and for some new times we are still like that, so should we make bells after all or yes or the skis are standing by the stove, and by the way, the skis , where are my skis, i really came here to ski, because now it’s skidding and the taxi is going slowly, the skis are fast on the skis, yes, really, now i’m afraid they might...
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evacuate, because they are parked nearby on the ski track, you know, there for some reason vadik remembered the bards, bards here on skis, they evicted the bards from the hotel for seasons on new year's eve, not because they drank loudly, but because they had to skis, really, but can you imagine if everyone got involved in the sport and there were skis with flashing lights? would, that is, well, you run on your own, ski track, ski track, hydraulic booster, right? but cross-country skiing is a useful thing, in fact, at the skating rink over there at max’s, ask at the skating rink how many skating rinks they have opened in moscow, and by the way, where to start skating, please tell me, well , little children skate there with these, i don’t know, with different penguins, they hold on well is there a need to do this or is there some kind of advice , so you as a coach and this is where you start to put your child on the ice to come to the skating rink on new year’s.


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