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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 3, 2024 4:25am-5:01am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] a worthwhile new year's tale with local flavor, and now to tatarstan , we go down from the mountains straight underground, the road will not be easy, and to get to one of the skating rinks of tatarstan, you first need to walk through the forest, about 20 minutes, take with you not only skates, but lamps, because it is very dark there on the skating rink, kama ust is 90 km from kazan, the steep right bank of the volga, there is: the skating rink is underground, we go down like this, carefully, slippery, there are gypsum adits here, some were closed many years ago as a result of explosive works were generated large cavities, in one of these halls a real lake appeared, which freezes in winter, skating on such ice is a real pleasure, it is completely transparent, smooth like a mirror, there is of course an atmosphere of mystery, there is absolute silence in the halls, there is a sound that signals that something is nearby an active mine where access is prohibited. here you can also
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look at the real thing... ice sculptures in cold weather, drops of water from underground sources freeze, bizarre figures appear, here is a waterfall, and this is not santa claus's staff. well that it’s time to move from underground to the top, the surface of the largest skating rink in the urals is 7 km long. yes, indeed, but 7 km is for real extreme sports enthusiasts, there are smaller ice tracks, a familiar skating rink for everyone, in general, for every taste. the ice track was made right on the local sisersky pond from 40 km. from yekaterinburg, there are picturesque places around, so you can go ice skating. there is a similar ice rink in the murmansk region, they opened an area on the ivanov ruchey river, lighting was made right on the ice so that a short light the day was no obstacle. we open the northernmost cat on the planet. and this is varensburg, a real snowy kingdom on the shores of the arctic ocean. nature itself created
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ideal conditions for the skating rink. the temperature here rises above zero only in the summer, to a maximum of +6, so you can skate almost all year round. ekaterinburg , of course, cannot boast of such weather stability , we have either -30 or +5, but the skating rinks have also already opened, this is one of the largest in the city, in the central park of culture and relaxation, spacious, beautiful, but what’s not a reason to come skating, we’re at the skating rink, it’s great in general, like in childhood, like... the mood is great, and now let’s go to the biggest cat in st. petersburg, where on the ice at the same time about a thousand people will be able to stay, and at least one of them is my colleague, valery kuznetsov, i feel like a real king of this ice, and of course the gulf of finland, because the skating rink is located right on its shore, we have a ride, and the whole family can go on the ice, the whole family on ice with morning, from which
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siberia, what are you talking about? the most important thing, of course, is the atmosphere from skating , of course i can’t reach such high speeds, i’ve only just recently been skating, i can barely stand on skates, someone falls like that, but i get up and continue to poke around, like a mood, a festive mood, to feel like a person not on solid ground , on a slippery slope, it’s always very interesting , but it’s of little use if santa claus doesn’t call the children in chorus, happy holidays to everyone, yes... today valeri kuznetsov, svetlana kostyan, andrey goldarev and lyubov filippova rode, channel one. these days marks the 80th anniversary of the day of the first performance of our country's anthem. about how the anthem was created, what happened before it, why they chose this particular melody and these verses, what was crossed out and vice versa, what was included in the text, how the anthem is connected with prayers, about all the most interesting things in
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the history of one of the main symbols of the country. reporting by jana podziuban. when the chimes measure the pulse, the heart rejoices in a wonderful moment, and we start all over again, the first chord sounds, spreading its wings. the standard, alexandrov's ensemble performs the anthem as it was written 80 years ago. unique composition, breadth of folk. there is a tradition when we perform the anthem of the country where we are, and, accordingly, the anthem of our homeland, and you just need to look at the audience, see what reaction the audience experiences when they hear the anthem of our country. a new anthem in the country became needed in 1943 ; before that, the marsillaise was sung in the soviet union for a short time, then the international, also behind
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a french car , read all the lyrics and settled on ours, because no one had what was in our anthem. well, at least the line that united forever great rus'. none of them had the word "rus". when i asked my father: what
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is the anthem? he answered me very beautifully, he said that the anthem is a civil prayer. prayer is literally woven into the dna of the anthem, professor alexander was the last regent, high music is like higher mathematics, physically forces you to straighten your shoulders, the key is mibimol major, sing high, but harmoniously, the male choir works to the limit of its capabilities, difficult for great professionals and for growing up, the anthem is
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a heavy vocal part, you look with with what pleasure they sing it, with what a sense of inner dignity. symbol, cannot live without it, in any case, a state like ours cannot live, feeling like a full-fledged state. russia came to terms with the past and it turned out that the melody in the mind was always like a core, then and now the eighty
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-eighth olympics relied on it, our gymnasts snatched victory from the romanians, the sounds of the anthem bring tears to the eyes not only of the girls, 30 years later they sing the anthem in spite of . hockey players took gold in phemkhani with the stands trying to be louder. olympic anthem , such moments are engraved in the memory of the nation, we didn’t even sing, but shouted it, in my opinion, so that everyone could hear who was on the site, this is this strength, self-confidence, these are the traditions that are passed on to the young, my heart, my soul, all this is in the donbass, francois medem, a french citizen, lives in russia and feels like a russian, fought in the donbass, went there as a volunteer. as a child we were always russian friends from emigrants, we are just happy what we will do now history in the name of russia, he is now in moscow taking entrance exams to the conservatory,
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he believes that the anthem of the russian federation unites people not by nationality, but by conviction, he knows it and invites us to sing together. the beginning of the free fraternal people, the age-old union, the cells of the zone, the wisdom of the people, straighten your shoulders on a high note, that’s all, keep an eye on the time, stay up to date with events, now on the air of the first
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cinema channel, doctor preobrazhensky. leva, we have a guest. good morning, i didn’t think you loved yours so much work, we went for a walk, yes, i went for a walk, it’s very useful, they say, and rightly so, i myself like
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to go for a walk. sit down, you're hungry, zenaida grigorievna and i were talking and i learned a lot of interesting things about you. zeny grigorievna, won’t you leave us for a minute, i’ll go and make some more tea. what are you doing? what is sergey sergeevich? don’t guess, sorry, it’s not for me to read the thoughts, i like your calmness, but this case could put an end to your career, i would like specifics, specifics, here, say thank you for having colleagues, who understand how important it is to cooperate, who provide important information on time, this is tomorrow's newspaper, or rather today's newspaper, in 2 hours it will go on
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sale. “we’ve been wanting to remove this scum for a long time, there was no reason to put pressure, here it is, you had a conversation with comrade veperev about patients, you think he’s showing his initiative like that, in the end we missed a valuable opportunity, but you and i had conversation. there was, do you even understand how important this is for us, i, who told you? and this just doesn’t matter, by the way, i’m not only coming to you with bad news, yeah, remember how you asked vepriv for the opportunity to send someone abroad for an internship, it was, it was, it’s still through us. passes,
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so the gdr will suit you? gdr, gdr , medicine there seems to be more serious, the center of europe , again, tea is not bulgaria, of course, excellent, then, lev grigorievich, we are preparing a dossier on the candidate, characteristics, biography, you know, ahead, please report everything yourself. promptly so that no questions arise, consider this your final warning, oh, igor alnikovich, hello, sorry, they called you urgently and you’ll have to worry about it on the go, i’m very glad. i’m glad to meet you personally
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, no, i’ve heard you a lot, read your works , which ones, but i just haven’t been published for six months, and for some reason this is too progressive, i suppose, this is not the order, i’ll take this issue under personal control, so to speak, under the pencil, no, we will not allow young personnel to be squeezed, but that is not why i called you, don’t guess, say no, i have disagreements with your leadership and me this is very, frankly, upsetting, i understand that lev grigorvich has a fighting character, but not to the same extent, well , this case with maryanova, what is it? well, as for maryanova, the initiator of the operation was me, yes, and comrade preobrazhensky he didn’t tell me anything about this, of course, he is responsible for the actions of his employees, here i am,
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of course. who will replace us, the old men, who will take up the banner, here is the question, purely theoretical: could you lead your
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department? good morning, hello, lev grigorievich, i mekishev, good morning, good, we met at volodya’s workshop, unfortunately, we weren’t able to really talk then, we are colleagues in a way, sorry. i’m a sculptor, secretary of the union of artists, yes , yes, yes, forgive me, accept it, yes, please , you can remove a little bit above the upper eyelids, but
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there is excess there, it needs to be cut off, but i want to tighten my forehead, but you can draw the nose, so that it’s even thinner, well, it’s more complicated, let’s talk about it first... we haven’t grown up to such orders yet, it’s a shame, when i heard about you, even i was happy, i think that people are doing almost the same thing, so to speak , they are fighting like hell, envy has taken over, so why do you need to improve your appearance, i want to get married for the third
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time, she is 20 years younger than me, i have to somehow fit in, i won’t pay well, i received a state award, the money , as they say, is available, well, we’ll do your eyelids, but the rest will have to wait, we’ll book you appointments, there’s just a lot of patients right now, okay, okay, here’s one more question, and you you can change the shape of your ears, vladimir ilvich has a very interesting shape, small, pressed on third, i really love it when my hand reaches them, well, if nikonur ivanovich’s lips are put to ivanka’s nose with a sword, what? sorry, are you okay, maybe some water?
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no, no, sorry, i just, i just got dizzy. you need to get tested, i ’ll write out a referral now. fine. where is your civic conscience? where is the pioneering spirit? people fly into space and nothing happens. are you afraid to smear it on your face? the businessman would have taken it himself and smeared himself. i would give an example. what do i have to do with it? this is a women's cream, right, allah? no. i didn't say that, i she said that this is an anti-aging cream that takes into account the characteristics of both women's and men's skin, well, why do i need this, why, why , patients are looking at you, but the duck is simply afraid, he is still young, and then a side effect will begin, acne will appear, yes oh my god, oh my god, give it here, come on,
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come on, stop, wait, that’s not right, it’s too much, you can do it carefully, in a circular motion,
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avoiding the area around it. don’t rush me, i dress as best i can, i’m late for work by the way,
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me too by the way, just hurry up, okay, here's lucy, you worry a lot and get angry , so nothing works out between you and your loved one , but the child comes to someone who is calm and joyful, how interesting is that, by experience you... removed it, but you know, yes, i first i’ll talk to the woman, listen to her, pat her on the back, and i’m ready, don’t listen to me in vain, i’m telling her what’s important, if you don’t hurry up now, my loved one
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will fire me from work. by the way, i’m having an operation, for god’s sake, forgive me, we got confused on the subway. mish, say hello, he’s shy, it’s a pity. necessary run, my colleague will take care of you, his planned operation just went very well, let’s go, i ’ll introduce him to him now, and you, you will be there, i’m telling you, another operation, we are on schedule, the flow is wrong, you understand, but you don't have to worry, doctor. levonyan, a specialist in pediatric pathologies, has golden hands, a very good person, it would just be
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calmer if you were there. roman aashotorovich, can i? come in, he will look at you, hello, hello, come in, sit down, please. you feel bad, no great, just because of fatigue , don’t pay attention, it will pass soon , i have surgery in 15 minutes, so if you wanted to say something, i’m listening to how you feel about the gdr, igor alegovich, in a general ideological sense, in a personal sense , and how do you sound? well, it seems to me. “we have come to some kind of understanding, very good, i am submitting your candidacy for approval, now don’t
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delay, and one more thing, you and i need to be very careful with experiments within these walls, keep me informed of all your innovations, because we have here with you informer, excuse me, here in the department, i have no idea who it is, it’s an azerbaijani girl. “her father, some bigwig in the party was removed, or they put pressure on him, he left, here is information to put pressure on, sons of bitches, namely, why are you telling me, what if it ’s me, it seems to me that you have no motive to set me up, i never thought i would say this, but..." you are the only one i trust now, we must stay within limits, then
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we have nothing to fear, just do our job and do it well. yeah, if you have something to say, then say it now, in my in the fifth ward, a patient with replantation of two fingers, with replantation, we don’t do this, it’s late, i had the operation at night, well, this is not an ordinary patient, this is gennady, well, friend zosio, this is absolutely impossible, she, i could not refuse her, he must was to be brought into the ambulance, why make false promises, if it doesn’t take root, he will have to amputate the entire hand, you understand, we can’t help but try, if we always act with this eye on what they will say at the top, we’ll stay standing still, it's just pointless, that's all, more
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no surprises, that's all. take it off, i took off the shower, calm down, what happened, what will happen, what is your heart, what are you doing, oh, live. this is serious, i see a man, this is serious, how young he is, they are both young, can you be more specific, i don’t know what else, these are cards, they signal the exact
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time, but i understand. which one of them wears white? white, yes, white. don't worry, i understand what to do. thank you. yes, you can go for a walk now, you have time, you’ll even have time to visit the zoo. i just ask you very much not to be late. yes you will in a minute in a minute. come at five, wait for me here in the corridor. i'll come up to you and we'll take care of the boy. i highly recommend the zoo , you know what kind of tigers there are, i know, striped, striped , well, see you, that's it, come in, that's what i thought, i expected from anyone, but from you,
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no, i've been smoking for 30 years, yes smoking is good for your health, or drinking. armanche, excuse me, please, yes, i beg your pardon, the patients are now being prepared, we need to have surgery on the upper eyelids and lift today, well, the upper eyelids are interesting, interesting, very interesting, more moreover, i want to try one thing,
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let me show you, look where i’m not flying, what about it is remembered for a long time? lenin is kind, that’s it, and what gives away this kindness in him, his eyes, squint, characteristic lenin squint, radiant gaze, wrinkles around the eyes, everything else depends on the shape of the cheekbone, for some it is conveyed by a cunning expression, for others it makes a kind face , there is a patient with different cheekbones, if the wrinkles are laid correctly. in general, you want to try to make an ordinary person or something, just like that, right
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now, of course, i understand that we, as an experimental department, must introduce new techniques and means, but forgive me, then we should be paid extra, this is an interesting case, it’s stale, darling, i really hope that this is all between us, i
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respect lev grigoryevich , and i declare the cosmetology department open , you will ruin my institute, you drove preobrazhensky crazy from his position, how did you get him like that, this is your institute, take what is rightfully yours, you jumped up, anonymous, you are a normal married woman, what you what are you doing, let's go? there’s a gap, so if we don’t do anything, the light will be removed, someone at the very
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top needs to stand up for svetlana gennadievna. sveta, did you spend the night here, what happened? wait, is that the husband? well, is he hitting himself? doctor preobrazhensky, new from the series from january 8, on the first. what's on him? they take away, holy simplicity, they don’t open the doors for the detainees, why, let’s get out of here, i’m bored here, we were told to wait, so we’re sitting and waiting, well, you have to go to work tomorrow, what can we do in time, we have tickets, what if you'll be late, you're with... you said it yourself, mish, shut up, and, uh-huh, see, here it is, plus,
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uh-huh, that's what i propose, we not only cut off a section of skin, as michilison suggests to us, but also stretch out the subcutaneous neck muscle, plus, yeah. i didn’t tighten it too much, well, this way the face will look like a mask, uh-huh, then that’s it, good alcohol, first we’ll highlight the muscles of the neck and then the fold under the chin will smooth out. arman ashotovich, our oxygen can be cut off at any moment, so... we have time for a small breakthrough, here


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