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tv   Poekhali  1TV  January 3, 2024 12:15pm-1:11pm MSK

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in the magadan region, known for its harsh climate, they stop skiing only shortly before the beginning of summer. gennady kostelev, yan sovetsky, alexey shuyan, vyacheslav lukashenko, dmitry klimov, tatyana shilina, channel one, far eastern bureau. and with this our episode is completed, the broadcast will continue, the program is off, today is karachayev cherkessia and kabardino-bulkaria. behind is the stavropol territory, ahead. and karachayev circassians. the climate here is almost very mild. it is always
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sunny, in some valleys there are more than 300 sunny days a year. friends, hello, and we we moved to the territory of karachay circassia, five nationalities live here and speak five languages, we don’t understand each other at all, but at the same time we are very friendly, yes, and also the republic of rivers and norzans, beautiful? and a lot of incredible views. let's go, let's go! oh, slow down, hats, hats, if you do this...
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10 souvenirs from this region, the first place will, of course, go to these hats. a hat warms you in winter, protects you from the hot sun in summer, it helps even in the rain, thanks to this shape, drops flow down and do not fall on face. how much it costs? this is a thousand, these are two each. you're expensive, i'm a little expensive on costly costly. let's go. vaul and khaouat meet with grigory balayan, the organizer of author's tours. gregory, it looks like a real day, good afternoon, guests, greetings, welcome. so, well, where, what will be our very first beauty today? beauty, we will visit one of the top viewing platforms in our region, the bermamyt plateau. well, let's not waste time, let's go. part of the road is on asphalt, but most of the route is on off-road. a real extreme
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journey, interest in these places arose back in the 19th century, almost the entire world of russian literature, czechs, golky, lermontov visited here, by the way, they say that it was after visiting the beromomit raft that mikhail yuryevich lermontov painted his painting elbrus at sunrise. and where the main influx of tourists comes from is what regions of russia, this is the central one. russia, of course, is the capital of our vast homeland, the hero city of moscow, st. petersburg, kazan, smolensk, of course, my dear, koluga and many others cities, but i will say that i had guests even from primorye, from the far east, and i remember the guys said that just the flight to us was very, very expensive, but, but those pictures, those locations, those places, which they saw in the caucasus mountains, they
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are incomparable... they are imprinted in the hearts of our dear guests for a long, long time, and now we are climbing the mountain, and i feel in myself, i am starting to yawn, marya sergeevna can yawn, but the driver no way, the road is not easy. there is no connection here, no gas stations there are no complexes here, you know how it happens, guests arrive for the first time in prepared cars, but now, thank god, there is an opportunity to dress up the car there, prepare it , everything, everything that needs to be done, they arrived, somewhere halfway there they stop, the gas is out, yes we saw bermomyev, there are such monk rocks, an amphitheater, bridges, all this beauty, elbros, the western part of the main caucasian ridge, everything is wonderful , besotted by this beauty, you have to go, go, go, but it’s elementary. forgot
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take food with you, simply forgot to refuel, prepare the car, check technical fluids. what, what, i don’t see anything, what what? look at this, have you ever seen this close? elbrus, i’m not here, but we can shout here, we need to shout here, elbrus, we rose 2,500 m above sea level, it is at this height that the top of the large
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permamet is located, and there is also a small one, there is also a small one, you can see it in the distance from on the left side, the most interesting thing, the most interesting thing is that the name is right here... on the bermomit raft given not as usual in the mountains in terms of height, but in area, and here it is 2,500 m above sea level, a large berm, we are now with you, and there the altitude is 200 more than 2640 m above sea level, this is a small berm, and what is the height here about extremely careful , please, the edge, and what is the height of the abyss, in some places the height difference is from 100 to 200 m. be careful in the pursuit of successful shots, there are countless locations for photos, stone columns, asymmetrical slopes, steep gorges create the atmosphere of
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a movie set, and if i wrote the script for it, i would take as a basis the legend: gray-haired elbrus fell in love with the beautiful mashuk and... beshtao. the young lover struck the star, cutting his head into two parts. bermomyt, the star’s faithful dog, grieved for his owner and decided to stay with him and lay down at the foot of elbrus. and now, friends, i want to give you a little surprise and treat you to a real high-mountain breakfast. let's jump with a parachute . and i like breakfast. this is my most romantic breakfast this
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year, thank you, what a beauty, it was worth getting up and coming here just for this seems. that bermomite lies at the foot of elbrus, but in fact from it to the mountain there is still about 30 km, this effect is created by very transparent air. you will pay attention to these rocky spurs, you see, as if such a wrinkled knee of an old man is hanging down, there is such a feeling, but the locals, by the way, do not call it bermamyt, but burmamut, which literally translates as curly, i will explain why, from there a third meaning of permomyt appeared . this is the cloud factory, this is where the boundary where cold warm fronts meet, this is where the very same ones appear. clouds, high, high in
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the mountains rises an architectural treasure of the 20th century, the sentinsky temple was built on the site. ancient pagan temple, we simply could not drive past it. friends, we are now already on the territory of aul, nizhnyaya teberda. you can also find the name “synths” in maps. well, it's local, that's what they call this place. it is believed that senty is the place where god's grace descends. and it was here, right along this road where we were driving, that the northern part of shelkovoe passed. can you imagine, these convoys were coming right here, loaded with goods, slowly and leisurely, this temple meant that those who profess christianity are protected, it stands at an altitude of about 1300 m above sea level, on the site near its territory you can leave
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your car and then walk further, only 10 minutes, we advise you to walk slowly, nature is fascinating. next to the temple is a dilapidated mausoleum, also a unique building for the local region. as ibragim uzdenov, a local ethnographer, told us, in all of karachay-cherkessia, architecture such as that of the sentinsky temple cannot be found. this is byzantine architecture, this is a cross-domed building, this. quite small, but still cross-domed , one might say, this is a byzantine invention,
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that is, it was still a landmark, both spiritual and geographical, the local population at that time the state of allania extended over a vast territory, including these lands belonged to allania. allania worked closely with byzantium, the leading elite of the alanian state, they belonged to the christian community, so they concluded an alliance with byzantium. good hewn sandstone, its shades have many windows, a lot of light, the walls are made of making the whole building airy and light, if we look at the stones from... this temple was built, but we can find old traces of reliefs on them. on the stones, on some
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stones, ancient drawings are still preserved, which were applied at a time when an ancient pagan sanctuary still stood here. it is impossible to believe that the temple was built more than a thousand years ago, it is one of the five most ancient temples in russia, they say it was specially built here in the 19th century architects came. to be inspired, at that time all the walls, even the dome, were painted with frescoes, we have miracles on our program every year, so let's meet our star elves, when will i get married, do you want to marry, yes, but only to the one for whomever i want, i can be your meddelson. maybe my fiancé will be somewhere in one of these places, my mirror
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will say that we haven’t got dumplings, maybe we’ll make figures for the tree, meat ones and minced meat, a groom has drawn up, and we already thought 315 million rubles. premiere, let's get married in the new year, today on the first, vodka veda, a product of stellor group, thank you very much for your support for...
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exclusive with dmitry borisov premiere on january 6 at the first. olympic champions,
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world and european champions, they give us the most precious things, their art, beauty and lightness, tenderness and love, courage and overcoming. thank you so much for such a warm welcome, for being here with us today, and i want us to love each other as long as we live. left to make you happy for us, your fans, the premiere, the anniversary show of ily overbukh, january 6 at the first,
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is not also strange, except it was built. i really need you, i really need you, i need you, i need you, look, the muses are flowing out, you are my ocean of the world, and lyubira, napayka, pa prasi, yes, give, meel is smart, oh my god, 마양과도비을, może kull,
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oh, heb you. gagarin forever on january 7th on the first, and now we are going to the dzhilysu tract, a folk resort, by the way, su means water, in addition to healing norzans, this place is famous for its waterfalls. there are five of them in total, they are located in within walking distance from each other, they can be reached by different roads, our guide chose an extreme route, it seems that it was in vain, guys, so what? our
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extreme route, unfortunately, crashed , crashed, on this ice, this ice, yes, in general our path lies down there in the gorge, but look at this tongue of ice, here in no case, not even a car here it’s worth trying to get through, because the slightest, slightest mistake, that’s it, that’s it, you’ll have to go back, passengers will be dropped off, the climb is too dangerous. see that one over there the climb, it has a very steep slope to the right, the ground is loose, and there is a high probability of an accident, so if possible, everyone is taken out of the car, we walk, we cross our fingers for ours , the car lifts, for our drivers, oh, let's go,
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let's go, let's go, let's go , let's go, let's go, come on, come on, oh, oh, oh, lord, listen, what 's going on, what's going on in general, listen, well , handsome, handsome, that's it, well done, it just needs a little bit to get a hold, you need to bring out the starboard side almost to the very edge, oh-oh-oh, now he’s doing it wrong, now it’s wrong to do it, now, well done, guys, don’t try to conquer mountains on suvs, there on your crossovers, here it’s better to drive prepared, real, equal ones... well, marya sergeevna, i’m just not worried, there professionals, they know their job, let's go , and we know ours, our job is to do it, we were only 30 km short of getting to
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the jilsu tract, but despite all our road... troubles, we are now in one of the most beautiful roads not only in russia, but throughout the world. and also look how she is beautiful, in this setting sun, which we were lucky enough to get, and it’s not beautiful. at this very place we begin our journey through kabardian balkaria, but that’s not all, because an incendiary disco awaits you in pokavkaz, i wanted to grab it, okay, let the disco. we are in kabardi in balkaria in the very center of its capital - nalchik, a relatively
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young city, this year it will turn 299 years old. the population is also small, 240,000 people, it’s probably comfortable to live like this, surrounded by mountains on the banks of the rodnikovaya river. the name of the city comes from it, meaning it is a horseshoe. and this, as you know, is a symbol of good luck and prosperity. nalchik is just like that, cozy, modern and welcoming, even the sky is so blue, how lucky we are with the weather, sunny, and the air is so good, yes, it’s not for nothing that they call it a park city and a garden city, it’s the most eco-friendly, the cleanest city in russia, well , at least that’s how it was officially recognized several times, the greenest city in the north caucasus, imagine, there are as many as 9 m2 of greenery per inhabitant. 100 years ago the kabbordins and balkars united into a single state entity within russia,
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the lowland and mountain settlements became one republic. most of kabardino-balkaria is occupied by mountain and foothill zones. hence such beauty, and at the same time the climate. as they say, it has a vertical type of belt, the higher it is, the more severe it is. on the plain it is humid and continental, at altitude it is close to subalpine. and everywhere people learned to manage their households. the republic supplies vegetables, fruits, meat, cheese, milk and ayran. did you know, that nalchik is a resort city. there is a wonderful climate, healing air, and a beautiful park. how many mineral springs are there? we rested again and went on the road. our goal is chegem waterfalls. the business card of kabordin balkaria. now these are more likely some kind of
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chigem icicles, right? icicles, huge. but when it gets warmer, of course, all this water will start falling straight from the rock. by the way, they also have another name, suauzu, suauzu, yes, water for one glo, one sip, and the peculiarity of these waterfalls is that they are karst, well, we as usual, water falls from a cliff, but here it doesn’t, here is a mountain river, well, it found its way out in the rock, in general, the chegem waterfalls in kabordino-balkaria consist of three waterfalls, the most powerful adaisu or nine spit, begins at an altitude of three. according to legend, once upon a time, proud girls with long hair lived in a mountain village; one day they
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were attacked by robbers, but they did not surrender and jumped off a cliff. the braids got caught on the rocks, and a waterfall appeared. wait, wait, wait, wait, where to? accelerated, i haven’t caught up with myself, friends, we have arrived, we are now in a unique, ancient place, kabardino-bolkaria, we are now in the city of the dead, it sounds terrifying and at the same time very, let’s say, attractive, these are real ancient crypts, burial grounds, and the main feature of this place is that that two religions converge here , pay attention here... christian crypts are right next to muslim ones, but as the locals say , there is nothing in the caucasus, in general the crypt culture
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was very developed in the caucasus, burials they were based on clan characteristics, well, that is, one crypt belonged to one clan, but in general , if you want to distinguish christians, for example. el tu is considered a real place of power. a third of the residents are long-livers.
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there are tall cliffs on all sides of the village. name. eltyubyu village means lower society. once upon a time , an earthquake destroyed the upper part of the village and people moved to the lowlands. antiquities are carefully preserved here. including the estate of the poet kaisyn kuliev. his work is probably familiar to you. remember these lines? fate, please do not spare kindness. be tolerant which means be kind. son kuliev wrote these poems to his beloved wife, they were called the woman i love, and only then the song arose: the woman who sings.
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from the high-mountain village we go even higher to the peaks of the main peak of russia, elbrus. yes, the highest mountain in europe has two peaks at once. the western one rises to 5.642 m above sea level, and the eastern one to 5.621 m. reaching elbrus is still not an easy task, but it was the most difficult for the pioneers in july 1829. then only a local resident, guide kilar, was able to reach the top khashirov. we have to climb to a height of 3,800 m with three stops.
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the first mark, yes, the flight is normal, well, maria sergeevna, how are you feeling, perhaps from such beauty, just from anticipation, by the way, pay attention to what the weather is like, even the locals are surprised at how lucky we are, and you know what it is this means that elbrus accepted us, but experienced climbers say that elbrus is treacherous, the weather here can change almost every 10 minutes. therefore, it is important to undergo preparation and acclimatization. on the southern slope of the mountain there are hotels and mountain shelters that allow you to do this with the least stress. by the way, we chose the classic route to climb elbrus along the southern slope. it is the one that is best suited for beginners. it’s enough to be a healthy person in good physical
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shape, really. and here, the higher , the harder, for example, zhenya was almost eaten by a high-mountain horse, yes, oops, let's go, in general , the classic climb to elbrus takes at least a week, this involves acclimatization, beginners should always... do it together with instructor, for example, vitaly shkel, multiple winner of the russian cup stages in skyrunning and ski mountaineering. how many times have you climbed elbruz? well, more than 100. more than 100 times. what is your fastest time? and 3:10 minutes from azal from below on the western side there and back? no, it's 4:10 there. what advice could you give
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to beginners? and so let’s say, a climber on volbrus, a climber on elbrus, but desire, desire, the most important thing, there will be desire, there will be a mountain, don’t be afraid of anything, train and the mountain will let you in, you can do everything, another everyday advice not only for women, apply spf cream to your face every 2 hours in the mountains, because mountain tanning does not forgive mistakes, while... i was preening myself, i saw the legendary glacier seven, in a random coincidence style, but seven is a number car number of the region, they say the place is very treacherous, difficult to pass, and this is from here, it seems to us that the number is seven, but in fact it is an optical illusion, but it looks beautiful. we are the highest mountain
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station in europe - mount bashi. and meanwhile we are getting higher and higher, and here’s a mountain tractor, how’s it called they say, that is , we can’t go up further with the cable car, well, there’s simply no cable car here, but with special equipment you can go up four, four, or 100, 200, and they even say it runs until five, but we’re already feeling let's see, they say they only go up there... they go up, breathe down, but at least not habits, even if you run marathons every month, this is not at all a guarantee of an easy climb to the top of 4.00 m.
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well, how do you feel, breathe, but breathe and it’s impossible to breathe in completely. yes, that's it the feeling that the lungs are a little, a little crumpled, the humidity is zero, the nose is just dry-dry, so, so, neatly, but the feeling is pleasant all the same, it’s amazing how many people are here, among them karina mezova, a mountain guide, an experienced climber, guys , karina is a super woman and a queen of all kinds. there were peaks, there were, there were, well, what was the maximum height to which they climbed? and 8, 848, twice, with a oxygen mask, of course, yes, and an unprepared person can repeat your adventure,
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like we do, no, this is difficult, no, we need to prepare to catch up, karina has been mountaineering for 16 years, she says that an altitude of 4,000 m is considered a borderline altitude. in fact , above 400 m, this is where we are, yes, there are all kinds of high mountain huts, the fact is that the body stops recovering above 400, no matter how much you sleep, even if you sleep for a week, it will all be from your reserves , if it weren’t for your vitamin, we would n’t have even made it to four o’clock, is it true that you can’t scream in the mountains, is it possible in the mountains?
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before we had time to rise even higher, met another lady, guys , this is incredible luck, in the thousands he will meet a fox, a fox, and a fox that is not afraid of people, on the contrary, runs up to her, patrikevna , where are your skis, i want to ask where your equipment is, that he is exactly like did you undergo acclimatization? well, they say that they feed her here in the summer, because there are a lot of tourists here, she’s such a kind fox, well, we fox say goodbye to you, we move on, the higher we go, the harder it is to breathe,
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i’ll be honest, it’s already shaking. we are at an altitude of 4-100 while this is our personal smarisergeev’s record, this is probably a unique moment, a historical moment of our project, i’ll do it like this now, despite the incredible sun, i don’t know what ’s affecting us now, the thin air, or just an incredible feeling, in general, emotions.
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tamed a cat, and then brought a christmas tree into the cave, that’s what came out of it, a sociable cat, yes sash, she’s trying to get close to the tree that’s behind you, mission impossible - it’s not tom cruz on a motorcycle flying from a cliff, it’s taking a beautiful photo in new year. revealing our inner queen through furs and huge sandwiches with caviar. vini appeared, we realized that he was bored alone, he wanted to communicate with other dogs. they already know her with him, she is very harmful, she only
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loves me, she is very jealous, how did petrovich come to you, i saw these unfortunate eyes, absolutely human, and i just have this thought, this is my man, you saw the video, watch it with us, new year's issue, today on the first, do not be afraid of anything, it all depends . cognac olds barrel product steller group. i watched this program as a child. and what kind of pants are you wearing? our stylists can handle such a bright heroine. the fashionable verdict has nothing to hide from its viewers. now there will be a sea of ​​fantasies here. a casting call has been announced to fill the vacant positions of judge and defense lawyer. you need to, as you say, dress up accordingly. candidates, famous actors, tv presenters, journalists, designers.
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overpay you. they will all appear in the studio and try to win the audience’s hearts. it's up to you to decide who wins. fashionable verdict returns. tomorrow on the first. now is such a magical day, a holiday, christmas. and the field of miracles is the truth, a folk show, beloved by everyone. christ was born, and what is the most delicious thing that your mother cooks for you? pasta, mom can cook pasta and even orez, what are you saying? i represent the city of voronezh, and of course, we couldn’t come empty-handed, so gifts to the studio are wasted. christmas to you, field of miracles, christmas episode january 5 on
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the first, i hate my face and want another, it’s possible, you understand that the operation is everything to you it won’t help either, but your idea to remove the ribs is crazy, yes, what did you do with it, you won’t get away with it, and if we do everything carefully, a mosquito won’t hurt our nose...
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andrei ivanovich, i will correct both of our mistakes, this cannot be corrected, something happened , yes, quickly follow me to the operating room, doctor preobrazhensky, new ones from the series from january 8 on the first, senior investigator of the obhs, major volkov, we are interested in the documentation of the cosmetology department, here we go! for a search, and now to the southeast, along the great caucasian ridge, ahead of the north ossetia-alania, the first thing everyone who comes here along the trans-caucasus highway sees is this giant, a monument to st. george or... uastyrzhi. imagine how
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rich the culture of the region is, where the mythical heroes of the nard epic and a christian saint are revered at the same time. the monument, by the way, is huge, 28 tons. the height is forty-story building. yes, a person can easily fit in his palm. the republic has a rich history. people lived here before our era. ossetians, ancestors of the scythians and sarmatians. who developed these territories by the 20th century ad here the state of allania was formed, powerful, self-sufficient and highly developed, partly thanks to the great show. path, part of it passed here,
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foggy, north ossetia greets us very calmly, we are in the very center. even before ossetia became part of russia, the aul dzau dzhikau stood here, it was founded by dzauk bugulov, a local resident, here is a monument to him, and already in 1784, not far from ataul , the vladikavkaz fortress was founded, this is its
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reconstruction, and we are going to the local arbat, this is what the residents here call peace avenue. and armenian apostolic church. by the way, from here you can clearly see one of the most beautiful mosques in russia - the mukhtarov mosque. here it is on the opposite bank of the terek. and immediately behind it is st. george's cathedral, the main cathedral church of the orthodox ossetians. a very revealing neighborhood. allania is a mono-ethnic republic, but at the same time multi-religious. what cannot be taken away from the asitins is their love for the past and roots, who are the highlanders, excellent warrior horsemen, the ability to stay in the saddle is in the blood here, we are going to prove it, stop, masha, masha,
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mash, masha! you're my good one, good one, come here, wow, wow, this is a turn, well, come out quickly, so where are we going, the horses are already waiting for us, what a wonderful person, but this is a plus, let's gallop, come on, come on, my good one, well , let's go, let's gallop to the narta equestrian theater, straight backstage.
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i don’t know, everything that touches tenderly, that everything can be used, a bead, he loves tenderness. but when i scold, i also understand everything, you also scold, and why is he playing around, not listening to commands, you can raise your voice, he immediately feels it, and he knows that he is a star, yes, i don’t know, but i hope so, because he already loves music and loves the audience, by the way, about music, in the theater they work mainly to ossetian rhythms, but if necessary, they will provide any accompaniment, the horses don’t care, they listen to the person almost unquestioningly. over the 30-odd years of its existence, the nart team has created many performances; believe it or not,
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they even had hamlet in their repertoire. by the way, with him in 2001 they entered the top ten best theaters in russia. with new forces on a new path, we are rushing to the southwest of the republic to degorskoe gorge. but keep in mind that half of the route lies in the mountains, you won’t be able to go fast, and you won’t want to, look around: rocks, waterfalls, forests, medieval sanctuary towers. and these places are famous for their ski slope, it was literally created for beginners, that is, for... with zhenya, let’s go,
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friends, well, we climbed the mountain, but we haven’t gone down the extreme yet, so we went to the west vladikavkaz to the digorskoe gorge, yes, today we will go skiing, look, this is the kind of mountain skiing, and to be honest, i have masha, no experience. this will be the first time, oh , i can imagine how many bruises we will get today, mori sergeevna, come on, come on, no bruises, come on, so the score on bruises is open, 0:0, 0:0, let's go, let's go , here are our instructors, a beginner can do nothing on the mountain without them, and zhenya, we start together, guys, listen here, we’re riding in the plow for now , we follow all the safety measures, we listen to what the instructor says, you’ll succeed, don’t rush, don’t speed up, on the slopes we slow down, that’s it, we started moving,
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we master the descent of the mountain, albeit slowly, right away without problems, anyone who has skated will find similarities in this technique, so the instructor assures, skis are the same skates, he says, only long and wide, well, i ’m telling you, there are no hopeless ones, those who want to learn, there are no options , you can teach it in any way, but you still need it.
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but it was, i’ll tell you, not entirely honestly , i actually cut her off a little, he cut me off, i didn’t want it to be 0, you also know that there’s still a question of how to get up, so wait, i think i was taught, look, wait, i hit a ski, and now, now, now, like this, once , come on, come on, come on, come on, how beautiful i am in your glasses, god, these are the girls, such girls, the sun, the mountain air.
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before christian times, this personifies the trinity of the world, yeah, this is in the christian way, then father, son, holy
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spirit, yes, for god, all the joys, all the sorrows on this earth, this is from god, god willing, here it is today sent you to us, you arrived safely, beautiful, happy, you even went skiing on our ski slope, i see not a single injury, nothing, god willing, so that further too, while you are on the ancient land of ossetia, he... saw you off, and you left our land with a sense of accomplishment, that this is the volume of tasks that he set for all of us, so that it was completed, and you they said, god grant that we came to this earth, now we have a future life, we will all be much better than before, oh how beautiful, god grant that our future life will be, what toasts, he says, only in the caucasus, classic, original ossetian pies... these are pies with cheese, but with flow centuries, the list of fillings has expanded greatly. on our table, in addition to cheese, there is also a
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meat pie and a pie with beet tops. which one tastes better, right away. if you don’t tell me, i’ll tell you this, zhenya was driving all the way repeating ossetian pies, because he had to have breakfast, assetian pies, when we eat ossetian pies, the young man already wants to eat, it’s one thing to buy ossetian pies at home, and another it’s here in ossetia, in the mountains, in the gorge, i’ll tell you this, those pies, well, nothing, but those pies are real. wow, what a beauty, what a beauty, the whole world is my temple, my love is my luminary, the universe, my fatherland, the famous phrase of the setinsky poet, which, like nothing else, personifies the soulful ossetians, sincere, hospitable,
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just so beautiful. i don’t want to leave, but this is where our journey through north ossetia ends, evgeniy pokrovsky, maria osadnik were with you, what did you steal or something, guys, well, well, well, well , she’s married, ah, shit, she’s married, eye to eye eyes on these dashing guys. yes, you will also thank me for returning it, well with you evgeny pokrovsky, maria sadik traveled, our project, let's go, let's go!
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well, we will have such a big trip around the country, first we will capture tambov, then then voronezh, then krasnodar, krasnodar, and then we will go to sochi, i love the new year because it is like such a family holiday, and thanks to which we get together with relatives, family, everyone together with the company, i wear a den frost suit, one of mine.
1:10 pm
hello everyone who wrote a letter to santa claus asking for a new tasty bone, well, dear viewers, hello to you too, this we saw the video of your olivier salad in the menu of channel one, this is what awaits us today, an anti-cat tree, a meeting with distant relatives. the new series katana is wool on the asphalt, and a video in which everyone recognizes their friends, and maybe even themselves, by the way, a historical fact: first a man tamed a cat, and then brought a christmas tree into a cave, that's what...


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