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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 4, 2024 3:50am-4:26am MSK

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i understand, well, that means you don’t understand well, i’ll have to lie again, invent something, look for some opportunities, but maybe it’s possible somehow in parts, maybe one at a time, but don’t expect any advances from me, okay. let's start , igor, hello, come in, thank you, thank you for coming, i didn't know who else to call, you did everything right, especially since you and i are now almost relatives, i'm very afraid, before he lost consciousness , he lost consciousness. what
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about him? i don’t know, this has never happened, it’s clear that nothing is clear when he i lost consciousness, he said that they had killed some person, i found a newspaper , look, micrologist, yuri borisovich kiselnikov, i’ve never heard of him, it’s a pity, i thought you would help me. because this has nothing to do with anything at all, understand, igor , he’s been very strange lately, maybe i don’t know, he’s going crazy, come on, i talked to him today, everything’s fine, he clearly knows what he wants, what, you know what, get ready, let’s go for a walk, there’s no point in you sitting here in the dark, stressing yourself out, in general, i didn’t come for him, but for you.
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well, what do you think, i’m a fool, i’m trying to make you panic? i don’t think anything like that, i’m very glad that you called me, in any case , thank you, and thank you for this choice, you are very beautiful, here, even a scar can’t hide it, don’t, get used to it. “when
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we get married, you will hear this often, in general it’s time to switch to you, in my opinion , okay, forgive me, forgive me, somehow everything happened very quickly, i’m not ready, i wasn’t ready, don’t be afraid, masha, i'm dubrovsky, well, in general it's just... in my passport, i'll be to hold hands next to you, yes, here’s another thing , the most important thing is that you, your hook has come untied, well , even though i didn’t propose, we ’ll celebrate the marriage, let’s go where, you’ll see, why is that? i want you to be there, so that you can also
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climb on top of me, but for the fact that it’s time to go to bed and can’t fall asleep, for the same, then for us , come on for us, oh, i probably don’t need to drink, i i don’t even know...
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that your life is so hard, well, i’m just tired of pretending, in our times it’s a very great luxury, not pretending to be someone, not trying. and outside the window it’s raining, then snowing, it’s time to sleep, and i can’t fall asleep, still the same yard, still the same essence, and only from you, thank you, please
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, well, pour grigorvich, yes, well, hello, doctor, hello, that means , this is who you exchanged me for, it means you like people like that, and this is some kind of
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professional interest, or girls with deformities turn you on, stop it. i’ll explain everything, but what’s there to explain, it’s all visible, it’s written, so to speak, on your face, that ’s how, how beautiful you are, stupid, angry, stop, i ask you to listen, daughter, don’t touch me, you understand that she’s just a fool, she said it out of jealousy, what are you saying? and be offended by why you deceived me, why did you come up with this patient, why, tell me, i just didn’t want to upset you, well, yes, but i had a relationship, well, but she doesn’t mean anything to me, the main thing is that i didn’t gather you , i
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feel good, i’m just with you, let’s not complicate everything, i feel like a complete fool. kissed, now i’ve repaid the debt, please don’t run away, i ’ll never deceive you again. we 'll be fine, i promise.
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that nothing, nothing, just a nightmare, probably sleep, i don’t think i can operate anymore, in which sense, of course, i could just direct.
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hello, the vremya program is on air, in the studio ekaterina andreeva, the main event of the day. the main one is alive from ukrainian captivity through the mediation of the united arab emirates, 248 russian soldiers were released. we moved forward another kilometer and a half, in just 2 days. our defenders are crushing
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ukrainian militants in the northern direction. report from the front line. and data from the ministry of defense on the situation on other sectors of the front. more than 100 people died in a terrorist attack in iran in an explosion near the cemetery where general kassen soleimani, who was killed by the americans exactly 4 years ago, is buried. residential buildings and a refugee camp are under fire, new attacks. in the gas sector, the death toll in the enclave exceeded 22. for people, business and the state, how guests help in various areas of our lives, a big conversation between the prime minister and the head of rosstandart. mathematics in the sirius center, excursions around st. petersburg and a table tennis master class from the deputy prime minister and real athletes. new year's promotion tree desires helps. make the dreams of children who especially need care come true. new peaks,
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how ski tourism is being developed in the far east, where you can ski now and what’s in your plans? frosts of -30° at the beginning of the hottest year in history, how this is possible, and what is happening to the climate in general, we will tell you in our program. we start with news from our defense department: 248 russian military personnel were rescued from ukrainian captivity; the release was preceded by complex negotiations brokered by the united arab emirates. as it became known, an exchange took place according to the formula 173 for 173. according to the source, another 75 of ours were returned thanks to the persistent efforts of the russian special services. the work began after ukraine in july last year, in violation of all agreements, took five banned leaders out of turkey.
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deliver crushing blows to the rear of ukrainian militants. in today's report from our ministry of defense, the deployment points of foreign mercenaries and militants of national formations, as well as a storage facility, were destroyed in kharkov aviation ammunition and radar station. the losses of militants at the front per day were more than 600 people, american bradleys and polish crabs. against this background, the ssu takes it out on civilians. today another attempt at a missile attack on belgorod was repelled. more details about everything, dmitry tolmachev. in a matter of seconds...
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we occupy high points, we inflict fire on the enemy, destroy machine guns and also equipment, accordingly, well, we mainly work on the enemy’s manpower, here our fighters continue. consolidate on earlier occupied positions, preventing the enemy from counterattacking. in the defense zone of the sixth general military army, motorized rifle formations , supported by army aviation and artillery fire, repelled six counterattacks by assault groups, the twenty-first, sixtieth, 115 mechanized and ninety-fifth air assault brigades in the area of ​​lake liman. the enemy was forced to retreat in the southern and southwestern directions.
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no less important targets of our army were behind enemy lines. missile troops and artillery, unmanned strike forces. radar low-altitude target tracking station st-68, deployment points for foreign mercenaries of the kharkov region national formation in the city of kharkov. 89 artillery units in firing positions, manpower and military equipment in 134 areas. all purposes are exclusive. ukrainian militants, on the contrary, suffering losses, take out their anger on civilians, again an attempt to attack belgorod, six alha missiles, another 6.u were shot down in the sky over the belgorod region by duty air defense systems. after the previous powerful strike of the ukrainian armed forces last year this week , restoration work continues in the city, as the regional governor said; windows have already begun to be installed in houses, balconies have been replaced, and some apartments are to be
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completely renovated. dmitry tolmachev, larisa nikitina, channel one. and new names of special operation heroes. captain anatoly chernetsky provided wired communication between strong points, since the enemy used electronic warfare equipment during the attacks. when part of the equipment was damaged by shelling, the captain risked his life to quickly repaired. guard senior lieutenant alexey bessudnov, commander of the pantser s air defense complex, discovered a ukrainian attack drone that was aimed at one of the populated areas. in this direction , the enemy no longer attacks; he has neither the strength nor the means to do so. the only way out for the ukrainian armed forces is a blind defense, but this is temporary. our infantry is actively moving forward, the artillerymen and striker-drone operators literally do not allow the militants to raise their heads. frontline report by amirysupov. on active
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artillery work continues in the northern direction, but if a month ago we more often repelled enemy attacks, now we are more likely to stop them. dig in, the enemy in this sector of the front no longer attacks, goes on a defensive defense, tries to expand the fortified areas, here are two dryers digging another dugout, soldiers of the 123rd brigade notice this from the air, aim artillery and launch kaze drones. yes, it is not always possible to eliminate it immediately, but such a density of fire at least puts pressure on the psyche. exit from trenches begins to be associated with shelling, wounds and death. as soon as they start digging, the order is to immediately shoot them, destroy them, not let them get out, but i just got out, you’re at least one person, your eyes bulged, you got out, in short, and there it’s already sitting there, there ’s so many land mines at once, and the land mines are on the rapier hundred-millimeter and it hits accurately, it’s not for nothing that they call it an artillery sniper rifle, the spread is minimal, our commanders are such that they ensure that the branding
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is right in the window, or rather rapiers at the front , except perhaps kamikaze drones, their fighters, flew 15 km by 15 already flies , it just helps maybe even more, if you install a more powerful battery, the fighters assure that our drones are now in quality ahead of the dry ones, they are 10 times better than the ukrainian ones, i’ll even say that, have you tested the ukrainian ones? yes, we have a captured drone, it was shot down by our assault forces, it operates on a frequency of 5.8, which
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is very easily jammed, i flew 4 km on it, most of all, the signal, the picture is lost, and well...
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the israeli army continues to shell the enclave , regarding negotiations for the release of hostages, after the murder in suburb of lebanon, one of the leaders of the hamas movement, they are frozen. dmitry malyshev is monitoring the situation in the region.
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called a retaliatory strike on the missile launch. at the same time, the israeli military still does not take responsibility for the high-profile murder of oleha al-arouri in the southern suburbs of beirut. he is considered the second man in hamas, the military
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and financial organizer of all sabotage activities against israel. neither lebanon nor hamas doubts that israel is behind the drone attack on al-arouri. the assassination of national leader sheikh al-arouri and his brothers in lebanon, terrorist attacks, violation of lebanese sovereignty. this murder was committed by israel. and i want everyone to hear, our movement will never be defeated. the lebanese hezbollah movement has promised to react harshly to the death of the deputy chairman of the hamas polyburo. many experts believe that the liquidation of al-aruri allowed the israeli military command to rehabilitate the idf, which had withered away in street fighting in the gaza strip. however, this rehabilitation also has a downside. there are enough people within israeli society who are against such a brutal liquidation of hamas functionaries, and these are primarily the relatives of the israeli hostages. the murder of al-arouri definitely does not help us, because immediately after the attack on him, hamas said: “we are stopping all negotiations on the exchange of hostages, yesterday there was talk about the trip
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of the israeli committee of negotiators to egypt. that’s it now. i don’t know who is behind the operations who give the orders, but these people definitely don’t think about the hostages. according to the israeli authorities, they remained in the hands of hamas 126 israelis and 11 foreigners. and the parties are not even ready for a temporary truce. today this is clearly confirmed." and a just russia declared support for the current head of state. the collection of signatures for him is already underway throughout the country. thus, all parliamentary parties have finally decided on their candidates for the upcoming elections. vladimir
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putin is going to the polls as a self-nominated candidate, voting will take place in march, on the 15th, 16th and 17th , the march elections in russia will have great international significance, about this stated the president of kazakhstan kasym zhamar takayev in an interview with one of the leading newspapers of the republic. he recalled that elections will be held in many countries this coming year, but voting in russia is of particular interest to astana. the russian federation plays an extremely important role in world politics and has status. permanent member of the un security council. russian president vladimir putin is a leader who, with his words and actions, essentially shapes the global agenda. the opinion of russia is taken into account throughout the world, without participation of this state, not a single world problem is being solved, and this is a fact. therefore, presidential elections in a country like russia will have great international significance and will attract the attention of most countries in the world. now we return to the topic with which we started
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the program. and that's how... the united arab emirates. the exchange took place according to the formula 173 to 173. according to the source, another 75 of our servicemen were returned thanks to the persistent efforts of the russian special services. the work began after ukraine's violation last july. new guests for modern times, the rapidly changing quality of life requires completely new approaches, how the guests help people, business and the state, prime minister mikhail mishustin and the head of rosstandart anton shalaev spoke about this today at a meeting in the government house. solar power plants, the internet of things, smart manufacturing, all this requires
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new standards. anton shalaev. also reported to the prime minister on how work is progressing to integrate new regions into the russian system of technical regulation; they talked about rosstandart’s stand at the russian exhibition at vdnh why you should definitely visit it. our correspondent, olga knyazeva, knows the details of the conversation. milk, butter, tea and other important products marked gost can no longer be sold in packages of 900 g or, for example, 400 ml, clearly a kilogram or half a liter, otherwise it does not comply with the gost, all because manufacturers, due to this... technique sometimes the volume and weight of goods are reduced, but the cost does not change or increases. the new rules have been in effect for more than two months, and this is just one example of how important work of the rosstandart department. recently, a huge number of standards have been developed, it is important that they do not exist on their own, they are in demand, because practice sets the standard, all changes to this, feedback, specific examples are very important when state standards are developed in response to feedback from society, and for 2023 you can give
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enough. there are many, well, for example, electric scooters, we didn’t have any guests who regulated these issues, they have now appeared, we are now working above the gost for marketplaces for e-commerce, changes have already been made to the basic gost for trade, where the concept of online trading was introduced, and so on, for each new direction in the development of society or technology, new gosts appear today, this also applies to uniform requirements for solar power plants , standards for smart manufacturing, internet of things, digital twins. over the past year , more than a hundred guest standards have been developed. the use of artificial intelligence, this helped to organize its work in healthcare and transport. standards are not just rules of the game, a guarantee that you will receive the declared product or service. an important request from society for the appearance of gosts is the fight against counterfeiting. this work is now underway for a whole group of products , a number of examples, the most striking, probably, are new standards for honey for the study of honey in order to detect the presence of non-food additives, substitutes for natural products with sugar syrups, so it’s only right, because
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it’s necessary first turn - that traditional standards are constantly improve in 2022, the contribution of our state primary standard of time and purity to the international time scale is recognized as the highest. by the way, it was rossstandart who proposed changes to the laws on calculating time for new regions, so that they would officially begin to live in moscow as soon as possible. within the framework of your responsibility there are a number of other important areas, including the integration of our new regions into the russian system of technical regulation. how are things going there? our department is the academy of meteorology standardization and certification
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constantly conducts. training events for employees of industrial enterprises in new regions. we have created territorial departments of state control and supervision in our field in new regions; they are now fully operational. in past. in 2012 , two new enterprises subordinate to rosstandart were formed, this is a center for standardization of meteorology and testing in lugansk in the donetsk people's republic, with a separate territorial department in the zaporozhye region. guests are needed for our technological sovereignty, for example, help enterprises rebuild under sanctions and restrictions. with the development of technology, new requirements for measurements appear, and this is also sovereignty, which is why state primary standards are formed, for example, our standard for measuring the flow of cryogenic liquids for... the production of liquefied natural gas, this is important for the development of domestic cryogenic equipment. olga knyazeva, alexey labushkin, pavel rudakov, kirill loginov, channel one. the marathon of kindness continues to gain momentum and children's new year's wishes come true. the balls
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are removed from the tree, and the dream itself goes into the hands of children who find themselves in difficult life situations, either due to health or for other reasons. children of military personnel in their zone are also under special magical supervision, and when the children have a reason to rejoice, they become happy. everything is around, that’s why it’s a wish tree, a good new year’s tradition. dmitry kochtlov will tell you whose dreams came true today. if you don’t believe in miracles, then they won’t happen to you, so you have to believe. kirill from moscow is 13 years old, he dreamed of tennis table. deputy prime minister alexander novyk fulfilled his new year's wish. let's go, we'll show you the table that santa claus gave you for the new year. how long have you been playing tennis? i've been playing for more than a year now. the prime minister and the schoolboy played table tennis, first one on one, well done, and then in pairs, against professionals, kirill introduced the new ones to athletes from the evening table tennis league. eleven-year-old maria from norilsk
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has long wanted to see new year’s moscow, visit the christmas tree in the kremlin, and the large-scale exhibition of the russian national economy at the skating rink on red square. all these dreams of the girl were helped by...
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the reluctance of three children at once. anastasia from sevastopol dreamed of visiting the sirius educational center for a math or physics class? certificate for receipt at the sirius presidential lyceum. your dream? yes, she’s going now, she’ll like it, so that it’ll make sense, so that she’ll get involved, so that she ’ll get to know each other, so that, most importantly, the teacher will get to know the kids. luka, 3 years old from the perm region, received a toy dinosaur as a gift. his contemporary is roma from adygea, electric car, tractor with trailer. with the assistance of the minister of energy nikolai shulginov, the dream of twelve-year-old dimid from tatarstan came true. he visited a real hydroelectric power station. the boy was even entrusted
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with starting up two hydraulic units. everything, you see, everything smelled, teacher, sit down. that's it, well done, energy guy. why did you decide to choose this?


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