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tv   Novosti  1TV  January 4, 2024 6:00am-6:11am MSK

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terrible person, i gave my most beloved, most loyal dogs to a pet hotel, and now they have escaped, and i don’t know what to do, if i don’t find them, i will never forgive myself for this, well, do a good deed, two , that two, two times i was fired because of such good deeds, that’s it, step aside. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. at the beginning of the issue, briefly about the main thing. phones rang all over the country. russian soldiers rescued from ukrainian captivity arrived in moscow. some of our fighters contacted my family for the first time in 8 months. our
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fighter-bombers used special guided bombs to destroy the control center of the ukrainian armed forces, and paratroopers in combat vehicles are already approaching enemy positions. frosts are close to record levels, in the leningrad region it is already -36, in moscow -26. in a number of regions , roads are covered with snow. the age for new experiments and active creativity. artist, sculptor, monumentalist, zurab tsaritelia today celebrates his ninetieth birthday. on the way to their homes, our military, who returned to russia as part of an exchange with ukraine, that’s 248 people at once. they will be able to celebrate christmas with their family and friends. konstantin panyushkin found out what mood they were in. the capital welcomed the liberated soldiers on the coldest night since the beginning of winter, but somehow it was -20. again they didn’t matter, well, how are you on
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your native land, it’s great on your native land, you were tired in captivity, it was hard, you endured, you grew stronger , it’s very good, we’re glad that you returned, thanks to everyone who was involved in the exchange and brought us back home, you’ve been waiting looking forward now we have new year here and we can meet with our relatives, wives, children, mothers, someone is waiting for everyone here at home, and my daughter is 12.5 years old, hug him soon. yes, soon i’ll hug, kiss and it’s okay, we’ll get some ice cream, the relatives were very worried, worried , didn’t know how we were, what we were, where we were, i called my mother, that’s it, my mother cried tears for 8 months, well, it was impossible to communicate, very i was very worried, i constantly prayed that everything would be fine with her, they already know that you are alive at home, of course, the wife is very happy, three very many children...
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all this took place against the backdrop of ongoing terrorist attacks by the kiev regime, taking into account the fact that the exchange as such took place in the long-suffering belgorod region, but thanks to the persistence of the russian competent authorities, on the eve of christmas, 248 russian military personnel returned home. as it became known, the exchange took place through the mediation of the united arab emirates, which enjoys the trust of both parties. the success of mediation efforts was a consequence of strong, friendly relations united arab emirates from the russian federation.
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173 , however, it is important to clarify here that outside the framework of the exchange in the formula of the pre-christmas exchange 173, 75 more fighters returned to russia, this is a consequence of the events of the summer of 2023. in july, contrary to the agreements to be kept on its territory until the end of hostilities, turkey acted as a mediator. handed over to ukraine five commanders of azov, banned in russia, but six months later the enemy was finally forced to repay the debt for five militants of 75 russian military personnel, for them this a long-awaited return, we waited for it for 7-8 months each, but because of that country, as everyone knows, our exchanges did not take place, that’s why we are all just very happy now, we hoped, we hoped, we waited and believed, we waited in captivity, the main thing is to believe that...
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according to journalists, this was already the forty -ninth exchange of prisoners of war in the first special operation. thank you ministry of defense. reconnaissance officers help the pilots aim at the target ; for observations they use small and nimble fpv drones that are able to unnoticedly penetrate behind enemy lines, aka record the defeat of the target after the bombing. in the artyomovsk direction , enemy units are being pushed back by our paratroopers. bmd crews approach ukrainian positions at
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a minimum distance, destroying their firing points. this makes it possible to significantly weaken the militants’ defenses and provide the opportunity for assault groups to get close to the enemy. what is clear is that there is not such a large supply of ammunition, they do not have much strength at the moment to fight us, so they began to surrender, and we pressed ours. four residents of kyiv face 12 years in prison, who posted on the internet video footage of the work of the ukrainian air defense, which tried to shoot down russian missiles on the night of january 2. the national security service announced the arrest of the authors of the video. military-industrial complex, storage sites for missiles and ammunition supplied by western countries. the target of the strike was achieved, all objects were hit. the kiev regime, however, is trying in every possible way to hush up the damage suffered and
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, on the contrary, claims that the attack was allegedly completely repelled. a counterbalance to this statement is the publication on social networks of former verkhovna rada deputy igor lutsenko. according to him according to him, one of the missiles. got into the workshop building where they develop, repair and modernize drones, that the ukrainian authorities are lying to their citizens, and the real consequences of russian strikes, another ex-deputy, nationalist igor mosiychuk said, he in particular recalled that the missiles destroyed the military objects, warehouses of the artyom plant and the luch design bureau. masiychuk concluded that it was time for the people of kiev to flee the capital. vladimir putin signed an order to hold the cross years of culture between russia and china in 2020. the document was published on the official internet portal of legal information. the government has been instructed to approve the composition of the russian part of the organizing committee, as well as to provide the necessary assistance in its work. he, in turn , must develop a plan of main events within a month
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and ensure interaction with the chinese side in preparing and holding the event. frosts in st. petersburg broke records last day. the city recorded the lowest temperature for january 3 in the entire history of meteorological observation, almost -22°, and today forecasters promise even more cold, in the northeast of the leningrad region -36°. the siberian cold has warmed up to moscow, the thermometers dropped to -26. meanwhile , the amurman region was covered by a strong snowstorm, and the road to the village of teriberka, one of the most popular places among tourists, was blocked. social media users post. the roofs of the cars are barely visible from under the huge snowdrifts. artist, sculptor, monumentalist, president of the russian academy of arts dzurap tseriteli
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celebrates his ninetieth birthday today. if you believe reference books, he has more than 5,000 works, paintings, sculptures, panels, mosaics. and even at this age he continues to create every day.
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snow area. that's all for now, see you later. you're completely stunned, we have a serious matter coming up, and you're aiming for candy? i’ve been without sweets for 2 years, i have sausage, i have sleeping pills, that’s all, that’s all, i need a package. free, yes, then two.


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