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tv   Taina  1TV  January 6, 2024 1:45pm-3:21pm MSK

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“my fearless curly hair, have you come to life? yes , i don’t know what happened, but i’m as alive as you, madame marie, and this is not surprising, because on christmas night a miracle can happen, when you sang a song, you wished desire, all of us, your toys, have come to life."
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red biting, what's wrong with him, as you know, ostriches hide their heads in the sand during danger, and for lack of sand, he stuck his head in thimbles, since... the danger has already passed, yes, you can already go out, brave man, and i i didn’t think to be afraid, i just, i just thought, although i’m not brave, but at least at least i can think, unlike some, what are you hinting at, but what about me, what will happen to me, don’t worry, marie, miracles are not eternal, just like christmas. the night
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will end, the spell will dissipate, and you will again become the same as before, who is it? what a handsome guy, is it really a tiny tip, and you fought well, curly, thank you for saving me from the rat, i’m wrong, madam, i didn’t save you, i just can’t stand rats. uh-huh, my name is marie, about you, the nutcracker? no, my name is suleiman, antonio, jackie, big ben, i, i don’t remember anything, who i am, where i’m from, i only remember that rats are my enemies, that’s where i need to go. goodbye, strangers
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, merry christmas, be careful, it looks like he remained so wooden, i remembered, my name is georg, you don’t have to peep, and there’s nothing funny, stand, help, marie, hold him, here, why are we holding him, we must bring him back from here, otherwise... nothing will work, oh, why won’t it work, for the spell to dissipate , everyone who was present at the moment of magic must be here, georg, georg, hurry up, marie, you must return him before dawn, marie, it can be very scary there, take care ourselves, we will look after marie, mr. stargazer, ah, ah... thank you very much for
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your support, for your love. a year ago, on the night of january 10, ice age star roman kostomarov was taken to intensive care. nobody expected that this could end. the athlete's family prayed for a miracle. the figure skater was in a coma, suffered a stroke, sepsis, and necrosis began to destroy the body of the olympic champion. 16 operations, he survived. there was support from all sides.
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he is not in a hurry, baba frost, please make our mother happy, she works, will you ever talk about baba frost, we heard, we sign , my mother is an actress, and this time i don’t have any magic, well , it works out as always, only she ’s unlucky, they don’t take her for roles, who am i children, do you think baba frost has already heard us? i need happiness, maybe a husband, our medicine has no analogues in the world, but can i just touch this brilliant head, yes, this is my formula, excuse me, please, you ordered the snow maiden, yes, i know, there’s a lot of things today, grandpa everyone believes in frost, but
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no one knows about women frost, i will work big strokes, only without a fight, and baba frost and the secret of the new year, premiere, tomorrow after the program time, and it’s very good that we met again, i don’t remember inviting you with me, yeah, listen, you must immediately return with me back to my room, excuse me, but why should i listen to you, why,
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why, because you are my toy, i am yes, yes, but i am not a toy, a toy, what is this? it's better for us to hide, wait, why did we stop, mom? "i smell these obnoxious, disgusting creatures of people, marie, i'm not a toy, we're finished, we're the end, people, you were not mistaken, mom, in my opinion,
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smells like a bird, a bird, here she is, and mommies, mommies, mommies, i’m scared right now , but wait, where is she, she was running, she’s there, yes, no, no , no, no, no, i want to live, she ’s flying, mommies, here she is, where is he going, crazy, she ’s flying like crazy, wow, yes, hold
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on, where am i? this was still not enough, here it is, get ready, eh! but it’s beautiful , i told you, the bird is a trophy, it’s time
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to come back, mother is tired of waiting, but what about the bird, well, she’s tired, she’s gone, that’s it, get out, they’re gone, hey, ostrich, what are you doing, already? i’ll sentence you, i’m stuck, dear beak , get out, the danger is over, yes, i want to go back home , i want to be a toy again, let’s take this memoryless one and come back, imp, river, i think i’ve been here before,
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palace, i remember, i’m all now i remember. how can a shooter stop running and turn back time? but there are no such watches, and
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there is no childhood, and the house is in trouble, my mother died so early, she took me away, my wicked stepmother. no, mom, dad, they have rat tails, hush, baby, he's sleeping, you found out our secret, but you won't harm your new mother and to his brother fili. pipu, anxiety, oh,
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goodbye, prince george, the world has changed forever, serem2. came to our house, night comes, a snake slithers, i ask for time, stop, return to that moment where i am happy, oh, are you in tears? this is splashes, but did you see everything? no, what are you talking about, your mother turned into petals
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, and you really are a prince, yes, a prince, and this is my homeland, or rather what the damned rats made of it, excuse me, but can i ask a question, here is your mother-in-law, she comes out with a tail , she is a rat, and those scoundrels, and those who attacked me, they are at the same time, the time has come to end them, wait, georg, what about us, find yourself another toy, but i have to go, what are you talking about, hey, hey! said that without you, nothing will work out, that liorg, i sympathize with you, but the astrologer and you will die in vain, you are all kidding me, we all need to get home together, no later than the morning, then everything will be as before, but i don’t want it to be like before , carefully, hold him, and...
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here, he’s here, not breathing, jörg, görg. do you hear me, you can’t just die like this, wake up, wake up, georg, we need you, we can’t live without you, please, that’s it. what are you saying he said that we should return him , but we will return him, and whether alive or dead he told me, the thought is, are you serious, he really is not a toy, it’s inhumane, but practical, mari, you want to return home, yaga.
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sorry for interfering, but who are you , his memory has gone wrong again, your majesty , we are your friends, it’s time for us to go home, rats, and we have already defeated them, everyone, everyone, your majesty , everyone, first of all, your highness, and secondly... it’s not good to deceive, oh, so it was a joke, marie, he remembers everything, your highness, let’s humanly speaking, we are not rats, really, well, we will help you defeat the rats, and for this you will return home with us in the morning, it goes, girl,
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ostrich and ram, yeah, against all rats, this is a utopia, in my opinion , you have no choice in your highness, okay, only one condition, you just call me george, without highness, go, well, go ahead, but wait, wait, do you have a real plan? well, what exactly are you going to do, oh, i just wanted to clarify, we have to find the father, time ago, great figure skaters, olympic
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champions, champions of the world and europe, gives us the most precious things, their art, beauty and lightness, tenderness and love, courage and overcoming, thank you so much for such a warm welcome, for being here with us today, and i want we loved each other as long as we had left to live. so that you please us, your fans, the premiere, the anniversary show of ilya overbukh, today on the first, mother,
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mother, king edward, he comes to his senses. and i don’t know how it happened, but he woke up, go to yourself, why didn’t you let him sleepy greenery, i tried, but i see a potion, so i have to do everything myself, everything is just like yours. and charlotte, my wife, there are people around like rats, why don’t i remember anything, you have not yet recovered from your illness, your majesty, was i ill, yes, yes, very seriously, and still weak, yes, i have
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a headache, i brought you some medicine. your majesty, i just can’t find your favorite flute, do you happen to remember where it is, but tell me, in an hour, it’s an hour, after a year, a year, my little one is growing. "this one again nonsense, you still can’t forget your son , forget about georgi, he’s no more, he’s turned into a doll and will never come back.” my son will become king,
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how many guards? there is no other way, no , all other entrances are guarded, why this one the entrance is not guarded, it is secret, it leads to the royal tomb, through it we will go straight to the castle, the tomb, the dead, do not be afraid, beak, you are safe with us, and i was not afraid, why should i be afraid of them, the dead do not bite, the living , more dangerous, locked, prince, let me, watch out, well, who's there he said that my head is a weak point,
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i’m a nerd, that’s the fruit, i don’t like it, if now there was a real army that goes to the logo of the army, then maybe they’ll give me military ranks, maybe colonel? for a colonel you are still too young, i think , captain, captain curly, and what does it sound like, captains are not afraid, captains have fun, if there are verbal sharks, a frown swims by , maybe it’s back after all, at home it’s quiet and pleasant, in the cave everyone knows , the ghost flies, it's time, it's time, drive away doubt, distrust is gone, we're starting our little adventure, let it be an exciting , difficult game, it's time, it's time, it's time, but my
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knees and nerves are on edge, and maybe with a vision, a vision, a vision, it will pounce from a dark and scary corner, it's time, it's time, it's time, this is the hall with dead, this is the tomb of ancient kings, and when you... you will be like that too, hey, beak, don’t get lost, i thought i saw something, but there’s no one here, let’s go, what a cute dog, hello, you’re walking alone ? ghosts.
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your name is georg, my grandson, but no, it’s not georg, georg is very small, but let him will prove that he is georg. what did your grandma call you when you were a child? sweet pie, huh? georg
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, let me hug your head, it means sweet pie, i am your great-grandfather, and i am your urn brother, your little ones, sometimes there are many relatives, who is your charming companion, for whom you fought so bravely, is this really your bride? her name is marie. no, grandma, that's not entirely true. by the way, what are you doing here? isn't your place in the castle? the castle is overrun by rats. rats? ugh, what an abomination. unsanitary conditions. it's horrible. what are you doing with them? are you king? did you get rid of them? yes, but how? oh, remember, my grandfather richard, drove them out with magic, uh, fairy, uh,
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dust? no no. they still blow into it, a flute, oh , that's right, a magic flute, yeah, it's good, and such a bride can only dream of, okay, good, where is she, here she is , i'm talking about the magic flute, well, it's time for dinner, your majesty , yes, yes, alas, alas, it’s time for us, but grandma, i don’t remember where to find the magic flute, grandma, ask your father, he definitely... knows, well, go ahead and get the magic flute, yes, we’ll find your father , let's find her too, thank you, grandma, and, well, now we’ll deal with the rats, uh, uh, you’re being kind,
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have you heard anything?
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georg, are you here? yes, what's next? roast turkey, four servings, eh!
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georg, i think something is happening there, what is happening, beak, hold on!
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what's that noise? who are the strangers in the pantry? what outsiders? i'm new! and he, and he is my assistant, and he is my assistant, and he is mine, and i have no assistants, so, now it’s clear that a talking bird, and a talking paran, doesn’t surprise you? and you haven't changed at all, charlotta bewitched, turned into a wooden toy, yes, yes, we all know who we are, we are people who are forced to serve that i will never see you again, me to them, rats, some grooms, some water carriers, or like me, day and night i sew clothes for the court
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rats and their wives, oh yes, it’s curly, red peck and marie she helped me return to my human appearance. we were very friendly with gerg. we were even teased by the bride and groom as children. our parents were going to marry us. you can't stay here long. i came to return everything as before, margaret, just to see my father, i will definitely find out from him where. charlotte is keeping your father in the office behind the dance hall, but tell me, you won’t really like what you see,
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cool, be quiet, the castle is full of guests who have come for his birthday. philippa, where is it, you need to change clothes, well , disguise yourself, but i wonder if there is a captain’s mandir here, this is some kind of masquerade, take it easier, yeah.
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how did they live without us? what a nightmare? rat people are listening! serving! but was margaret once a princess? we'll get caught! look, they'll catch us, i'll catch us, be quiet, calm down! cool, they won’t catch us because we changed clothes, but what about us? and you are our pets! woof-woof, dogs! no matter what happens, you smile, like that, like that, now you, i should bark too, furrow your eyebrows, like that, puff out your cheeks, like that, lift your nose, like that, almost,
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like that, now you’re a real rat, your fiancee, margaret, remains i would be pleased with you, it looks like, yes, go ahead, dear friends, today... all members of the noble rat families have gathered here, the color of the brilliant the rat nation, the destined nation , the destined tribe, today, on the day of prince philip's coming of age, the royal house is glad to see you all, i heard that queen charlotte is going to give the crown to the velip, and the old crown to belong. i don’t know, some very important person, we need to hurry, royal dance, everyone is dancing, this is the way out, marie, we
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are almost alive, everyone is dancing, faster, more friendly, more friendly, turn! oh, oh, excuse me, wait, who are you, lovely little rat, you smell like a bird, i beg your pardon, this is my bride, prince philip, let me in, you are his bride, well, yes, i sympathize, what a kind groom you have, come on, what are you doing? and
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your face is familiar to me, come on, come on, and you smell like a bird, i definitely saw you somewhere, now i remember, health, well, well, well, well, well, tell me where i saw you, where did i see you, and now, now, now, now , excuse me, can i have you, we need a dance for the prince, for the prince, please, the face is so familiar, what are you, a man? i, now i ’ll guess, i’ll remember, maybe on another day, your majesty, what you allow me to give you the best dance, the dance of birds, birds, birds, it’s interesting, your groom won’t mind, what other groom, but this one, don’t pay attention to him, your majesty. well, what are you looking at, we’re flying, we’re taking off
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, i remembered, i remembered, i remembered him, your fiance is such a thunder. so arrogant, but looks like our chimney sweep wilhelm, the spitting image of a chimney sweep, bride, chimney sweep, bravo, your highness! hello, santa claus, this
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year i led myself to 0.000, and this is oh, very good, what is this, this invention, my computer, it shines, and what does this light give, darkness? you can’t see anything, he’s like this now , do you think that i’m a little flexible, no, i have no idea, now i’ll try too , please invite an osteopath to the studio, ordinary three-year-olds, they have a blue tractor driving through the fields, and artyom started picking rhythm 3 years, many more, best of all, christmas. release tomorrow on
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the first, our dear is the best, i’ll say in a question, we’ll sing and have fun in the summer of nineteen, yakutia is called the freezer of siberia, and for the locals -30 is not a problem at all, -40 is just a slight chill, but about -50 they say nothing, we’ll survive, and the temperature is low, that’s why our stopwatch freezes, the whistle freezes, and why don’t the walruses freeze, look, our guys are hardened , my uncle told me, he worked as a driver, that the bus was stopped inside the cabin, sank with something, firewood, firewood, mom, and you yourself wear high boots, so it’s necessary, i cut everything off, everything is crooked, the scythe, it’s okay, it’s a terrible shame, that’s how he directs,
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the life of his prime minister on january 8th on the first, father, it’s me, your georg, father, father, wake up, hour after hour, year after year, baby my baby, my little one, is growing. the clock ticks away, and the man grows up, yes , dad, yes, this is the lullaby that you sang to me as a child, here is the first step, here is the second, sleep, my boy, close your eyes, i will be here, with
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you, i will watch i will look at you like in a mirror, i will see you reflect. no, myself , myself, dad, it’s all useless, it was terrible, i suffered so much fear, no, such dances are not for me, nothing worked out for him, georg, i’m so sorry, but father, ah... but i remember this star, marie, your father gave us a sign, look, yeah? oh, that's it,
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flute, flute, flute, it definitely should be here, look, here it is, grab it, how long have i been sleeping, who disturbed my peace, well, tell me. time to save the world , what are you staring at, animal, do i have food stuck in my teeth, talking paper, i hear from a talking banana, and actually i’m not paper, but an ancient scroll, don’t hesitate, go quickly to that room where there are no doors , you
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will find one out of hundreds, and thus save the kingdom, a room without doors. it’s in an old tower, there ’s a flute hidden there, yes, that’s right, my curious one, go ahead, let the flute’s magic dispel the evil witchcraft, be careful, i'm over 100 years old , thank you, father, i won't let you down, "open the window , philip, soon we will end this vile human smell. today is a big day, son, you will finally try on the royal crown in a few more hours, and after this
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we won’t need the old fool anymore, i ’ll take care of it, mom!” " "i believe that under your rule, rats will take their rightful place in the world, they will rule over these nonentities, people, let's go to our guests, we'll get to the tower, than with rats, but how will we get there by air, by air, forward, it’s quiet in the dark house, only things, knock-knock-knock, more little girls, you’re greedy and we’ll pay you back
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in the moonlight for the last century. you hear , the chimes are beating, the gray hour has come, the rats are here , your end is near , we’ll cross unnoticed, wait for the situation, you don’t have to come with me at all, don’t worry, i learned ballet steps, no, you, you better stay here, we don’t mind,
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and thank you, you caught me again, it seems that this is starting to become a habit for me, it passed, it passed, well, i mean, lucky, lucky, lucky, you and i are lucky. you and me lucky, that means where you are hiding, you will know how to fight, what is threatening her, we found her, she is here, take her, execute the conspirator, stop, don’t touch the poor girl, she is not guilty of anything. don’t be afraid, my child, we will not harm
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you, you and i are alike in many ways, you used to be a princess, be my friend, you deserve it, but in my opinion there is no flute here, well, yes, what do you say, an easier week, i'm over 100 years old, but you drag me along the ropes, like in a circus, no respect for old age, and nothing funny, thank you, i’m a little old for such tricks, okay, how can we find a flute? a flute, yeah, a flute, ah, a flute
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, well, yes, now, so, somewhere there was something about a flute, that’s not it, that’s not that again, strange, it’s not the same, but somewhere , i remember, i’ll find the key to the magic flute , only the one who sings with a voice is the one who is repelled. cunning, this secret is hiding, well, what is he hiding, i forgot, i’ll remember now, he will find a magic flute, a key or something was drunk, something is debugged, the cunning secret is revealed, well, there was some kind of riful there, a beaver, brave, but version not leading anywhere, tent, you yourself are a floor polisher, maybe, maybe a carpet, a carpet? well, look, open it,
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it’s gone out, something terrible happened to them, but what’s happening, let’s go to the rescue. wait, abyss, abyss, and what’s next, i don’t know, but maybe there’s a riddle or a poem that stuck, do you think? the main thing, the main thing is not
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to look down, don’t look down, don’t look down, and you think, it’s difficult to look down, it’s lying down, and what, count it, will be four, i hate you all. i have to go down there, this is a bad idea, georg, you will crash, fact, you will crash, i have to, i have to find this flute, this is my duty to my father , you will break, be careful
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, that’s it, ay, it’s cool, yes, how it’s all overgrown, and you can’t stick your hand in, free will , please, thank you, and how it works, you have to play, that’s it this will end, and the thorns will bloom, bloom, oh, that's enough, that's enough, no more, don't
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play, stop, stop, but the flutes, yeah, the flutes, and which one is magical, maybe you can help, beak. cool, it's you, glad to see you, curly, you're sure, absolutely, i feel like i'm not scared, i 'm not afraid of anyone now, you can... don't fidget like that,
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be patient , soldier, it’s time to leave, the rats will come soon, wait, what about your kingdom, what about your father, people, they are no longer... you can still be saved from you , well, that’s not possible, when we return, you will become a toy, a nutcracker, yeah, i’ll become , oh, it looks like things are bad, we’ll just all die like this, something like that, of course, we’ll die, don’t cry, i’m being stupid, i said,
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we’ll come up with something, we’ll definitely come up with something, what? what will we come up with? if i return, then i will have to marry this nasty moneylender, ortor, and if if i don’t go back, mom, to prison, look at me, marie, i won’t leave you, no matter what happens, never, never, never, as if in a beautiful dream. you smile at me, and the petals fly in a circle, how magical and light they are, the air smells like a miracle, in my soul dreams and dreams come to life, as if in a beautiful dream, i can’t believe this magic, you smile at me.
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you did it, we did it, mari, we did it. got it done, but they forgot about me, hey people, help, open up, no gratitude, how colorful everything around is,
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multi-colored, everything is very specific, interesting? what’s the big deal, i know, i think so too , let me quickly guess, before we were toys, well, yes, but now... now we’re little animals, little animals, before we were toys, but now we’re little animals, like everything around is multi-colored, colorful, everything is very concrete. georg, charlotte, aren’t you glad
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to see me, my son, long-awaited georg, now i will make you happy, dear stepmother, wait, we have an intercessor. georg, don’t listen, i ask you, play, save the country, sacrifice me for everyone, let her go, i’ll let her go if you give me the flute,
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he believed me, he believed me, now i’m a real rat, margaret, what are you doing, he believed me, what a naive fool he is, and we deceived him, face, let me in, rats! thank you, son, it seems to me that you and philip will be a great couple. yes, yeah, aren't you glad? i, it's, it's a great honor for me. from now on, you will all call... her princess margaret is a rat, and you are a loser, did you
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really think that i could love you, become your bride? i, i'm a rat, what is this? don't know. so, the magic flute has been found. the danger for our family has passed, and these worthless people have passed. take away. ours, not ours. and what to do now, you need a plan, and which one
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will you like, oh, wow, oops, we used to live in... together in our country, mom, dad and i, but when mom disappeared, dad stopped looking for her, for more than a year passed , we need to change something, you are young, successful , beautiful, mom gave us a message , the main thing is to find it, are you sure that when you run away, you will find your parents, don’t worry , we will find it, can we say that sonya will soon have new mother, yes, where are they, i'm for the children no?
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today on the first, uh, the man!
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gagarin forever, tomorrow at the first, i don’t say hello, see you. behind me
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, beak, what was that, i wasn’t scared of him at all, curly, i have no fear now, i’m just really thirsty, hello, here you freaks, we ’re here, hang in there, oh, sorry, your majesty, well, such experiences in general not for... well, what's the plan, what a delicious water, but i wanted to drink even more, something is making me sleepy, cool, you 're okay, we need to hurry, beak, it's not time to sleep, cool, cool, so here we go where are you, oh well i can finally stretch my bones, ha! what, rats,
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didn’t expect such a turn? i propose negotiations. everything is ready, you can start. everything must be at the highest level. as you know how. charlotte promises you the title of rat. thank you for your trust. i won’t let you all down, noble rats, now notorious scoundrels, enemies of the gray nation, will come before you, hello, just look at this pathetic bunch of conspirators from a worthless king, are they really worthy and not to rule? peace,
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father, dad, but there is a true ruler of the gray race, queen charlotte, for many years, my little king, we tried to find out from you where you people are hiding the magic, dad, wake up ? and my boy, what else is this, a sleeping potion for our little king, quickly, it will be done , i understand, it will be done, here, oh, miracle, your son appears from oblivion, come on, and this hero finds a magic flute and hands it over to us , bravo, bravo! bravo, bravo,
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potion, on the day of my son’s coming of age, i declare, the old king is not evil, what fresh water! long live the new king, it ’s me, yes, beli, doro, piri, doro, beli! you're flying, is this all a dream, what a dream, a dream, this is your whole life, wake up, father, it turns out this is not a dream, and if there are
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those who disagree, you know what to do, and what to do with them, with those who disagree, well and... what's going on here anyway? don't you want to explain to the king? dad, she has a magic flute. yes, this is water, this is a sleepless potion. potion, potion. but let's return to the flute. she has one little secret. if a person plays it. you are finished with rats, but if a rat plays on it. that's the secret, the secret is very simple: if on
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if a rat plays a flute, then you people lose your will, you become our toys, our slaves, what? look, brother , on your knees, you are now my toy, you decided to sit out, i understand, buddy, where we are friends, but we are safe here, what kind of friends, it’s a pity that there is no sand here to hide your head, there’s more of that beak.. no, where are you going, calm down, don’t twitch, there’s someone here, remember, soon this will happen to all people all over the world, don’t panic, this is an uprising, who it is,
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they invited him, i don’t know, i’ll kill him. and my flute,
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look. finish with the rats, marie, marie, dear , give us the flute, and together we will rule the whole world, you will be a princess, because you deserve it, marie, it is worthy, and i am your majesty, you must do this. edward, don’t, it’s me, your charlotte, let justice be done.
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“it was them, the damned rats, they forced me, georg, we played together with you, we dreamed that you yourself wanted to be a rat, so you became one, what a nightmare, there is no such thing as good justice, majesty, ironic , my faithful jester, it seems this is yours, thank you, thank you, friend, hey, kryny, i want you all now, ah... ay, help, help
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, cool, what, my feather was found, ah, maria, help, beak, dear, we won, hurray, we won , son, we won. father, i wanted to introduce you to marie, this is the best girl in the world, morning, a real dawn, i haven’t seen morning for so long, morning, morning, morning, if you don’t have time, what’s the matter, son, i ’ll explain later, marie, hurry up, we’ll make it in time .
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it was just a dream, mom, mom, i
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had such a strange dream, marie, my girl, mr. rattor is in the living room, this is no longer ours home and we need to get ready. “i can’t do anything about it, i’m sorry, mom, everything, everything will be fine, oh, marie, i’m so glad to see you, i’m so sorry that you have to.” give this sweet home , mr. rattor, i agree to become your
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wife, oh, what a surprise, i did not doubt your prudence, no, mr. rattor, this never happens, what do you allow yourself, beautiful...
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"the evil spell is dispelled marie, it’s all thanks to you, so it wasn’t all a dream, the rats, our travels, no, marie, it wasn’t a dream, you saved me our whole kingdom, or maybe be, and the whole world, saved, what does this mean, does it mean, madam, that your daughter, i came for you, marie, i came to say what i didn’t have time to say, i came to the dungeon to say that you are the most beautiful, the bravest girl of all, and you will do our family a great honor if you agree to marry me, my father, king edward is waiting for us, the king, what's a wedding without us, peck? shake, haven't you become toys again? as you can see, as you can see, i remained a real maaran, and i remained
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a real traw, so how is that? it's all about magic flute, marie, with her music she breathed real life into us, a talking ostrich, and a talking ram doesn’t surprise you?
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and one bright sunny morning, when the caramel mountains had just begun to turn pink, it was discovered that the candy queen had disappeared, disappeared without a trace, bitter grief gripped the entire candy country, her majesty’s servants mourned for days
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on end, frowned, the king became withdrawn, became gloomy, but more everyone was worried, the little princess, mom, well, this is not the end of the fairy tale, of course not, everything can be changed, as long as the last page is not written until the very last point is made.
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previously, we all lived together in our country , mom, dad and i, a candy princess, but when mom disappeared, i was left alone, because dad, dad stopped believing, stopped
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looking for her, everything disappeared, sleepyhead, sleepyhead, stop it, whoever you want -that? treat him, treat him, i ’ve had enough, sonya, ivan andreevich, wait, now i’ll go in one second, this is very important, why don’t you tell sonya the whole truth, why? yes because she is a child. ivan andreevich, a lot now depends only from you. yes, i'm listening. vasya, hi, do me a favor, i need some cake. which? beautiful, well, how can you do it for my grandson, glebushka , uh-huh, delicious, but i need it today, you’ll do it, i told you i’ll do it, and i’ll bring it in the evening , i’ll bring it myself, that’s it, gray, i can’t talk anymore, i’m here now ,
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thank you, i’ll fix everything that you did, vasya, you ruined the holiday with sonya, go to work in the bagel shop, you definitely won’t ruin anything there. the little princess waited and waited for her mother, the little princess waited and waited for her mother, summer passed, autumn came
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winter, but the candy queen did not return , then the little princess decided, mom, this is not the whole fairy tale, you said that you wrote it to the end, yes, sleepyhead, i finished it, but i had to give it to one very sad girl, dad, but this is my fairy tale, sonechka, mom, you yourself said that you wrote it for me, that i’m trying to make everything work out for you and me, hmm, then you would look for mom, dad, at that moment this girl was very i needed this fairy tale, clearly, you know, the new year is coming, let’s try somehow celebrate it well? was in this place, without mother,
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backwater. mom, what happened after the fairy tale ended? sonya, it only seems that fairy tales are ending, the rest will be your story, its continuation depends only on you and your choice, and what the ending will be, good or bad, sad or happy. hmm, dad, oh, i need to go to
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the circus, baby, right now, no, tomorrow, i understand, even the circus, even the zabark, even the northern police, can you imagine, katya and her brother want to run away, oh well, yes, that’s it they're talking about it, so am i... they're bellowing, that's what she needs, we 'll get enough food for the first time, the main thing is that everything works, so, proshkins, what are you doing here, quickly write a letter to santa claus, quickly, quickly, dad is in space, and there the post office doesn’t work, as best it can , it works, when this frost reads our letter, i remind you that the day after tomorrow we are going to the circus, while you are at the circus, he will read it and prepare gifts, what a gift, you i’m sure that when you run away, you will find your parents, don’t worry, we will find you,
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we will definitely find you, the main thing is that you didn’t sleep on us, why, no one will know at all, with pencils, get ready, a fairy tale on... again , hello, light, give me a ride, helicopter doesn’t like strangers, sonechka, we don’t have strangers in our house, i already told you, yeah, sonya, but it seems to me that the fairy tale is written about a kind princess who will never offend good people. good, yeah, well, maybe since my mother disappeared, my life has changed, i got
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a governess with her son, a psychologist, and my dad got her, svetlana, well, nothing, nothing, it won’t last long, what do you want inform me, mother? very good, thank you, that’s it, handsome guys, handsome guys, very good, very good, then next, the scenery. personal tale, andrey , music, vasya, andrey, as promised, go there, hold on, what a beauty, my life is over, why, i offended fedorov’s daughter, by accident, he gave me bagels for it, my life, i say, is over , while the trainers are performing, behind the scenes, the breakers and miners are preparing, check your props,
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which i tell you again. by the way, your fedorov and sonya will be here tomorrow, and this saren take it, where here at the circus, at the matinee performance, his assistant called our main one, put everyone on edge. friends, tomorrow, at sonya’s suggestion, we are going to the circus, i organized everything, our dad is famous and a philanthropist, so there will be a lot of children from orphanages. everyone will receive sweet gifts from dad's company, yes, dad, okay, we are children, we love the circus, dad is kind of like a parent, well, you svetlana georgievna, what did you forget? sonya, what? sonya, i just love spending time with loved ones, let's all get together let's go, masha, mitya, fedor, fedor, will you come with
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us? and where to the circus, put me on stage, why put me on stage, come up with something, a bunny, a snowflake, a snowman, a ball, whatever, i need to talk to her, with whom, with sonya, she will understand, of course, talk, you can handle it, let me tell you now, do as
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i ask you. yes, you are right, the most important thing is never give up, my girl, you will definitely be able to make sure that in the end everything will be fine. dad, mom gave us a message, the main thing is to find it, i know how, you will help, so, you know what, enough fantasy, let's go to sleep. i
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will find your mother’s message, i promise you, guys, listen to me carefully, today after the christmas tree, you are going to a sanatorium, this is a gift from the city administration, it is not me who is going with you, but a girl.
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i’ll give it to him, well, you know my family drama, thank you very much, thank you original, tell me who you are, fabulous, i’m a governess, nothing interesting, well, all that remains is to ask who your beautiful companion is, and this is
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svetlana, my assistant, yeah, you are often seen together, can we say that sonya has there will be a new mother soon, it’s true, ivan andreevich, yes, listen, i wasn’t going to give an interview on personal topics. the audience is very interested in this, come on faster, excuse me, come on, don't lag behind, sleepyhead, where are we going? we’re having a meeting, what a meeting , important, and so, we’ll invite sonechka to the stage during the show, as a participant in the play, and my patya is amazing,
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oh, let’s go, come on, hello, um, you’re from him, from him, it’s true , that he has a message from... mom, of course, meeting tomorrow at midnight, will you go? we 're not going anywhere, let's go to the hall, once again, yes, ok, come on, come on, i'm sorry, you didn't see the boy in a purple raincoat with a feather, the girl in a top hat, no, i didn't, kids, wait, you didn't see the boy in a purple raincoat, with a feather, the girl in a silver dress in a top hat, no , guys, it was the third bell, the show is starting, hurry up, let’s go in, the dress is covered in crystals, i told you, here it is, sonechka, you’re in charge today.


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