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tv   Ugadai melodiyu  1TV  January 6, 2024 5:10pm-6:01pm MSK

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by the way, in honor of his predecessor, julius caesar. today, such news would shock the whole world, but in those days the news did not spread with lightning speed, and it would hardly have been able to shake the centuries-old traditions followed by the ancient jews. here every resident had to get a profession. even rich and educated jews learned some kind of craft. for example, the apostle paul, who had roman citizenship and received an excellent education by jewish standards, was a weaver; he wove rough canvas, which was used for manufacturing tents what was jesus' profession? most are sure that he was a carpenter, but why suddenly? the bible does not directly indicate his profession anywhere, it says: so,
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where did he get such wisdom of power? whether he was the son of carpenters, that is, everyone decided that jesus inherited the profession. we can guess that he was a carpenter, since he had to earn his living somehow, and professions were usually passed on from father to son in ancient times ; there were no vocational schools, as you might guess, the profession was taught by his father, let's assume that this is so. but are we really sure that he was a carpenter? let's try to figure out what joseph's profession was, right? what is a carpenter? here in the original greek text, joseph’s profession is architect, what does builder mean in russian? we now understand that joseph was a builder for a moment. the word tekton would be more correctly translated as zochy, because the word architecture just happened. from the merger of the words archi - main and
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tekton, builder. in russia, until the 16th century, an architect was called an architecton. not without reason, because jesus often turned to construction metaphors in his sermons. his words are known about a house that will not fall because it is built on stone, about a house that was demolished by the elements because it was built on sand.
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an event that will change later life in the twenty-sixth year of our era , jesus occurs. only now world events are beginning to intertwine with his fate. a new procurator, pontius pilate, comes to judea. if we draw an analogy with our days, it was a governor sent from the center, but in at that moment, no one attached much significance to this event, as well as to the subsequent baptism of jesus christ. let's summarize.
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written in the bible, but this book is about doctrine, not about man, so very little is said about christ himself, but we still want to imagine the image of jesus. i remember how my mother staged the jesus christ superstar rock opera for us, and we watched this rock opera right out of the blue, at that time. "my older sister, she mostly talked to me about how you look at him, he's a normal guy in general there was, these were the simple questions we had among ourselves, as we assumed, jesus was a man with a penetrating look, well-read, educated, and at the same time did not avoid holidays. i’m almost sure that he had a good sense of humor, because only a sense of humor can get a person
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out of any trouble, i’m almost sure of this, i’m sure that he laughed a lot, even when he was feeling bad, he smiled and laughed , yet the true image of christ as... a person will most likely forever remain a mystery, for every christian it is different, because in order to turn to jesus with prayer, it is not at all necessary to know what he looked like in earthly life.
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new year, for many of us this is the main holiday, it seems that the expectation of a miracle is literally in the air. on new year's eve, january 1, our daughter, inna, was born. despite the fact that i don’t know anymore, all my life , since probably 100 times i myself was santa claus, i still believe in him, but just 100 years ago everything was different.
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attributes, a christmas tree and santa claus, gifts and fireworks, and even the new year's table, come from there. christmas was always, of course, very an important holiday, but then we saw very little candy, there was fruit, my parents
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hung candy and tangerines on the tree, these abkhazian ones, so for us it was a great joy and pleasure to pick this tangerine and candy from the tree, and then, they always arranged some performances, poetry readings, piano playing, that is, it was a real warm family holiday. christmas tree. today it stands in the most prominent place in the house, and everyone tries to decorate it more beautifully. this tradition was brought to the world 200 years ago in december 1817. russian empire grand duchess alexandra
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feodorovna, future empress, wife of nicholas i. german by origin. we are very accustomed to christmas trees; in fact, christmas trees originated from germany. and for the first time, on the table in his house there is an old engraving, where martin luther put up a christmas tree and asked everyone not to shy away from this new custom, they began to put up christmas trees in their houses. there is a version that the tree owes its appearance to peter i. but this is not entirely true. in the time of peter, these were not yet whole green trees, but parts of them. that year peter ii actually took russians for a ride in a time machine. people woke up, the year is not 7209 from the creation of the world, but 1700. the tsar issued a decree: from now on we count the years from the nativity of christ, and we celebrate the new year or new year not on september 1, but on january 1, and founded a new
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tradition, decorating houses with coniferous branches. true, people were in no particular hurry to plant landscaping in their homes; in russia it was barely associated with funerals. so the christmas tree tradition was observed mainly by taverns and government establishments. historian natalya ragozhina wrote an entire scientific work about this and found out.
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in the forties and fifties, contemporaries wrote that everyone in st. petersburg was already obsessed with christmas trees, everyone had christmas trees, until 1848, the new year was usually in the winter palace, the custom was established already in the 18th century, everyone was allowed in, as long as it was dressed cleanly, the peasants were allowed in, the people were treated to tea, and he emphasized, there dander, for example, an englishwoman, that nothing was missing, not a single plate, and once again, the tradition of the imperial
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christmas tree continues, today the kremlin christmas tree is a real ball, very white, on the wings of a blizzard, here in this hall, which is the main thing countries necessarily. let’s also say the magic words, raise the magic staff, and our christmas tree will light up, granddaughter, where is our staff? one, two, three, for several generations it was the main christmas tree of the country, and not only for children, for parents too, visiting the kremlin christmas tree was the same as going to now...
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we do it for children, what kind of energy you put into the decorations , this comes from her, well, just like everything else in life, almost everyone who works here went to the kremlin christmas tree as children, how else can you understand that why are you doing this, and the scale is immediately clear, try your best.
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then i went to the kremlin christmas tree with great interest, because only there i could watch a disney cartoon, at the kremlin christmas tree they showed a disney cartoon, how many friends do we have in the auditorium, if something happens we can count on their help, right, guys, yes ? but i had no doubt about it, today disney is no longer in trend, it’s the other way around, our domestic characters have become fashionable. nativity of christ - live broadcast from the cathedral of christ the savior, today on the first. a christmas tree was born in the forest, and it
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grew in the forest. a few days before christmas , christmas tree markets began in cities, it was here that a man brought a christmas tree that came to us for the holiday, this new year's song is also actually a christmas song, written more than 100 years ago.
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the choice of a christmas tree was always accompanied by a walk through the bazaar and the almost obligatory purchase of a knocked down kolach. today, this tradition has also been revived. decorating a purchased christmas tree is a real ritual. many probably remember that childhood delight when parents.
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i met amazing people. one of those times it was impossible to hang toys at random. women was an artist. she is very intelligent,
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as they say, of the wood-revolutionary variety, so she taught us how to decorate christmas trees. and the whole thing happened like this: she sat on a chair, we gave her a ski pole, she indicated where and what to hang, this is exactly how i now instruct those people who decorate christmas trees in the place where i live or work , there is a certain order, you need to decorate the christmas tree like this: at the top is the star of bethlehem, on the branches spherical toys, once they were apples. a symbol of the fall of adam and eve, then they added gingerbread candies, below you can hang toys that you inherited from your ancestors. after the holiday ended, the toys were distributed to the children. these were new year's, or rather, christmas gifts, which we put under the tree today,
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and do not hang on it. actually, the tree itself, which was decorated for christmas, was such a gift for children. that same evening. competitions to see who could grab a gift faster, which one they liked, they also said that sisters help their little brothers, setting up chairs so they can get to the gift. which he liked. the most unexpected gift for christmas was received by bishop pantileiman, chairman of the senodal department for church
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charity and social service. then our hospital temple had only recently opened. and we had a very poor life. we didn’t have enough of everything, we were, it was just the beginning of the nineties, when everyone didn’t have enough of everything. and then we turned -
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our daughter was born, from that moment we new year's eve also turned into a birthday. what to give for christmas? 100 years ago there were no rules on this matter; everyone decided for themselves. one thing is certain, everyone was waiting for gifts. there are even games with gifts. the gift was wrapped in several packages, with a name written on the top package. the person to whom it was to be given, the person took it, unpacked it, and there was another package, but with a different name, with another family member, the gift was handed over, this person unpacks this gift, there is another one
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a package with another member, with the name of another family member, it is also passed on, this is how they pass gifts to each other, they laugh, at first it would seem that the biggest gift is for dad, it turns out in the end that the biggest gift is for which baby, or vice versa , in the royal family it was customary for name days, christmas and... well, what holiday could there be without santa claus? under each tree there is a toy grandfather, children learn poems and songs for grandfathers. i
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still believe in him, despite the fact that i no longer know, all my life i’ve probably been there 100 times grandfather and yet, this is the same transition from one day to another, from one year to another, when it seems to us that right now we will definitely be happier, more beautiful, more successful. for alexander olezhok, father frost is not just a character from a fairy tale, he is a part of life. alexander settled his grandfather right in his moscow apartment and not a single one. he has 800 santa clauses, different ones. bridges and calibers, when i fly on tour or move from city to city, i always visit some blash markets and malls. when
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people take out old unnecessary things, my heart just bleeds if i see some lonely santa claus standing, i think, well, how can that be, he should move to moscow, so when all the normal people on the plane are sleeping or resting, i’m hugging the snow maidens with boxes of santa clauses, i’m flying, but i’m happy to go to moscow that my collection will be replenished. santa claus made of wood, cardboard, glass, cotton wool and even paper, collection. it took 5 years to gather, it seems that during this time alexander learned more about his grandfather than any of us, for example, how to make a wish correctly, it turns out, you don’t have to write it in a letter, you need to whisper it in santa claus’ ear. a wish in my ear, to be honest, i don’t even know who came up with this tradition , we were told this in kindergarten, if you have a wish, go to your grandfather, read a poem , make a wish, he will definitely give you a gift, and the wish will come true, i always love all grandfathers ...
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asked me to become an artist, i came up and said: grandfather frost, dear, i want to become a people's artist of the soviet union, as i say to the people, sasha kobzon, fairy, who is engaged in gardening, gardening, she had to wear them without a headpiece, no, they don’t go there, they don’t go in there, and you definitely need to go with glasses yourself. nail files are being cut, i don’t know, he still wants me to be spanish, like i am, actress irina lazreva has been participating in the kremlin christmas tree for almost 10 years, for actors this is painstaking and difficult work, it would seem, where is the place for magic, but she and today he remembers his childhood years of waiting for a gift from santa claus, for example, so that on a test i wrote a five, my mother told me, grandfather you do frost, you write the control, but since i was an honors student, i always wrote at five, so i could do it all.
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or, for example, in the chemistry olympiad you win first place, i won too, it was all santa claus and i believed that he was helping me, such nonsense, but i believed, i believed, right now, you know, probably until i was 15 years old, i believed in santa claus, honestly, making a wish and waiting for a gift from santa claus is so natural for us that it seems as if he has always been there, but this is not so if we look at tree-resolutions, again pictures, postcards related to the new year with christmas, were not there... there
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were none, then there was a christmas or yuletide grandfather, but for some reason he was not popular among the people, and the prototype of the current santa claus was initially completely unkind. the familiar santa claus appeared only in the thirties of the last century, during the soviet era, he was first introduced to the general public at the kremlin christmas tree, in modern terms, santa claus had excellent pr. since we are without him today. does not represent a holiday. history with christmas gifts originally came from st. nicholas the wonderworker. it was he who, 1700 years ago, secretly left gifts for poor families who had children. later, the image of st. nicholas was transformed into the modern santa claus, popular in europe and america.
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and for russian children in soviet times , father frost became such a wizard, the new year itself was exclusively a children's holiday, it is difficult to be wizards, it is surprisingly difficult to be wizards, children want all the magic, fulfillment of wishes, father frost must fulfill all wishes, i’m trying to do this, the position of santa claus... became official in the nineties. no matter who was seated on the snow throne, an actor with a lot of talent was needed. the longest playing santa claus on the kremlin christmas tree was roman filippov. remember nikola pitersky from the gentlemen of fortune, who was almost deprived of his sight by evgeniy leonov with the help of a goat. well , what are you doing, what are you doing? or visitors to a restaurant from a diamond hand inviting mironov to
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kolyma. you'll be with us in kolyma, you're welcome, no, it's better if you come to us, it's all him, grandfather frost filippov, he played this role for almost 20 years, my dear guys, dear! friends, happy new year, i wish that every new year for you will be happy, full of joy, that kind, kind santa claus will always come to you. he held the last christmas tree in his life in january 1992, just 2 months later roman filippov passed away. by the way, who plays the role of grandfather today is truly unknown. thank you so much for your support, for your love, a year ago, on the night of january 10, the ice age star roman kostamarov was taken to intensive care. nobody expected that this could end. the athlete's family prayed for a miracle. the skater was in
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a coma, suffered a stroke, and sepsis. nekros began to destroy the body of the olympic champion. 16 operations, he survived. there was support from all sides, from the whole country. cool dad, isn't he? very cool. our exclusive. evening news, i’m somehow happy, i’m 100 years happy, but my heart cries and hurts, cries and hurts, my love, she doesn’t
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like loneliness, her flights will not end, eida eida, eida, eida, eida, varaida, hey yes. my love is always with you, it’s all my family, it’s somewhere in the depths, thank you for not letting go, then, thank you for asking, of course, yes, and no matter how hard i tried, there was no way, no way, no way to open up.
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otherwise, on new year's midnight, mobile operators cannot cope with the flow of congratulations and do not arrive on time. the internet has been abuzz with new year's templates since the beginning of november. today's children, for example, do not know what a letter is or what an envelope is. recently , one boy asked me when his mother asked him: write a letter grandmother, she will be pleased to receive a letter, grandmother is still from that generation, she will be pleased to receive a letter. he wrote.
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well, first of all, russia is big, are you going to go from here to irkutsk and congratulate, but no , of course, that is, there should be connections as soon as the post office began to really develop, plus printing, all these things, here and postcards appeared, this is a reminder about yourself, business cards, it ’s practically the same thing, postcards appeared in england, and there they wrote, of course in english , merry christmas and there happy new year, and then it is the russian merchants who bring these postcards. they removed the inscriptions in english and made russian inscriptions. it was not easy to make a special russian inscription, and therefore the first postcards were expensive, a ruble or more, that is, with our money, more than a thousand rubles. there were many types open:
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relief graceful works, shiny enamel, glossy, enamel with gold, aristocratic on the best linen cardboard in the art nouveau style, silver bromide, plush. real engraving with gold edge. on a christmas card we most often see depiction of various gift-giving characters who bring gifts to children. in new year's cards we often see a completely different series of images; as a rule, these images are associated with such a rapid passage of time, it is either a clock or a calendar. podchtamtskaya 9, this is the address of the main staff in st. petersburg. the building was built in the eighties of the 16th century according to the design of the russian leonard, architect nikola. it was from here that
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new year's cards were scattered to all cities of russia and abroad, although at first they were distributed personally, and they began to send them from 1894, then the minister of the interior gave special permission to the postal department, and the postcards were supposed to connect people, tell something about themselves, because movement became much more when the country became more industrial, yes. then naturally they left for a long time, some were going somewhere and literate people were leaving, some to study, some to build something, some on an expedition, because there were a lot of them too, so it was just necessary communicate, you see, we have a tradition, every year on december 31, my friends and i go to the bathhouse, wash, well, this has been the custom for a long time, well, the majority in...
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another, how can a lower rank not wish his boss a happy new year, merry christmas, it was unthinkable, this, well, you see, it’s impossible not to congratulate, it will simply be misunderstood, this is a story with a speaker called new year's great martyrs, he describes it very well, how they were forced to get around, because there are so many addresses on foot, everyone definitely needs it. straighten out and not confuse anyone, and of course, in almost every
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house you had to drink your health there, so this festive ritual was full of embarrassment, when the unfortunate official, who had bypassed all his colleagues and certainly his superiors, fell unconscious there. in the villages, visiting people was not at all painful; on the contrary, it was a joyful activity. in the first days of christmas, one should visit relatives. this visit lasted no more than 10-15 minutes. during this time, it was necessary to have time to talk about what, congratulate the owners, make a present and accept the gift yourself. but the most important thing is to sit at the table. seat at the table, it, it makes one family. now, if i ate with you, yes, and also drank something from the same cup, then we are relatives. and we...
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observe all classes, for example, the family of nicholas ii went to gatchina on december 25 for christmas, the tsar’s mother maria feodorovna lived there, they visited her every year, returning home, they modestly lit the christmas trees. yolka usually stayed in his personal chambers, and if we look at nikolai’s diary, we can find such entries from him that solix returned to his place. we lit the christmas tree according to a good children's tradition.
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broadcasting a nightly christmas service is a relatively new tradition. she appeared in 1991. then central television showed the festive service live for the first time. a significant event occurred on december 27, 1990, when, in connection with the appeal of the patriarch of moscow of all russia, but 100 years ago there was no television, believers necessarily went to the festive service in the temple. there were so many applicants that entry was required by
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tickets, almost like going to the kremlin christmas tree. and today those who have the strength of time, meet. christmas in church. nativity scene. today it can be seen at christmas in almost all churches. the nativity scene is a kind of puppet theater that was shown at christmas time. this action has taken hold in russia, ukraine and belarus. more than 200 years ago, the so-called christoslavs walked from house to house, their task was to tell about the birth of the savior and the events that took place in bethlehem with the help of figurines of the virgin mary, christ and the magi. at the end of the 18th century , advertep appeared in irkutsk, because
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that they came there with these traditions, which means that the priests appeared there, this nativity scene, already in... in the 19th century, even the twenties , i know for sure the 19th century in st. petersburg , notices appeared in the newspapers, yes, that there at the blue bridge , the singer so-and-so, shows a vertet performance of the nativity of christ with choirboys and other things, but he has become so widespread now that every sunday school already has it, yes, almost orders in the school, there is one way or another, if there are enthusiasts there , teachers, yes, it’s already past... bethlehem, here a souvenir in the form of a nativity scene can be found at every step, the main figures, the holy family of the magi. this is the hometown of jesus, it is here that
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the cave is located in which, according to legend, he was born. at the words christmas cave, into the imagination. is a textbook image: stone walls, a view of open fields and an immense sky from which the star of bethlehem shines. in reality, everything is completely different. what we put on the table on a festive night, the options are different, with the exception of some items: tangerines, selt under a fur coat and olivya, in general, it’s quite funny, in russia it’s called olivier salad, and in france
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it’s called russian salad, a famous french tavern keeper. what was in that original recipe is now very difficult to establish, because the recipe has not been preserved, it is known for sure that the salad must have had hazel grouse, and boiled and chopped crayfish, there must have been capers, our olivier salad, what?
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christmas eve is the day of the strictest fasting. the common people and the clergy did not eat all day, waiting for the first one to appear. the star of bethlehem, which announced the birth of the savior. that our count suvorov doesn’t eat anything, but it ’s not fasting, mother, until the first star, we’re waiting. that is, the christmas eve was quite meager, and it was precisely meant to prepare for christmas,
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that is, not to be distracted by anything, just think about the upcoming holiday, hence the tradition, let's wait for the star, well, how else can we wait, nothing let's eat, today many are fond of eastern horoscopes and associate them with some animal every year, they certainly put a special dish on the table to please this... animal, this science was unknown to our ancestors, they prepared the same thing every year and set the main table, of course, for christmas, and not for the new year. there had to be a whole grain dish on the christmas table, yes, that ’s a must, yes, uh, sometimes it all started with kutia, by the way, there was a christmas pancake, which is also important, because pancake with... at the same time it’s a funeral and yes, but in some ways he resembles the sun, that is, he has this is the solar meaning, the funeral meaning
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, again these are transitional turning points when you need to remember those, and say thank you to the one who has passed on, and look forward, and somehow move it, well, it’s clear, what kind of holiday is there in russia without pies, with them they treated everyone who came to perform the magic, set the table, and it was also all wrong. to begin with , a bunch of straw or hay was placed under the tablecloth as a special reminder of jesus' manger. you can’t make noise at the christmas table, because christ was born, he’s still very tiny, yes, and the year was born. therefore, they are fragile, small and cannot be frightened, nor broken, nor in any way subjected to any kind of fright, right? therefore, it is necessary to behave very correctly, very quietly, very solemnly, it was necessary to somehow... help, to really correspond to this event, in some trees, for example, they opened the doors of the stables, so that, well, it is clear
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that if christ stood here we really didn’t have pets and a camel, but we had cows, sheep, all of this, so that means they had to breathe, yes, to also keep them warm christ. our new year holidays changed several times, first peter ii moved the new year from september to january, then the bolsheviks made their contribution by switching to the gregorian calendar, so another holiday appeared in russia, the old new year, which is celebrated on the night of january 13-14 , and today we have a big winter holiday, four holidays, two christmases, two new ones. where else in the world is this possible?
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hello, the evening news is on air in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya, here are the main topic: anticipation of the holiday, today christmas eve, christmas canon. the service in the cathedral of christ the savior was conducted by patriarch kirill and very special gifts for our
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defenders. the angel smiles.


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