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tv   Zolushka  1TV  January 7, 2024 11:10am-12:00pm MSK

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residents of a fairy-tale kingdom, and residents of a fairy-tale kingdom, this is me saying, the royal hero, do you hear me, oh, what good news i was told to convey to you, everything is ready.
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cook, in anger refused the throne, but then he visited the kitchen, quarreled with the chief , then changed his anger to mercy, and now runs along the royal road, checking if everything is in order, he sees.
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hello, hello, royal majesty, listen, forester, i have long wanted to ask you why you keep shuddering lately and looking around, not did a monster appear in the forest threatening you with death, no, your majesty would immediately kill the monster, so maybe robbers appeared in the forest, but what, sir, i would immediately throw them out, maybe some... . "an evil wizard is pursuing you, no, your majesty, i would have dealt with him long ago, well then, what brought you to such a state? my wife, well, yes, i swear to you, i married a pretty, but stern woman , they are twisting ropes out of me, they are my wife and her two daughters from her first marriage, here it's been the third day since they've been dressing for the royal ball, they've completely driven us away. we are me and
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my own tiny daughter, who became stepdaughters because of my weakness, i’m leaving, i’m leaving immediately for a monastery, if in my kingdom, perhaps... such heartbreaking events, live yourselves, as you know, shame, shame, quietly, quietly, sovereign, my estate is nearby, if my wife hears, i’m dead, don’t judge me , my wife is a special woman, her sister, exactly the same as she was eaten by a cannibal, poisoned, died, you see how poisonous the character is in this family, and you’re angry at me, well so be it, i’ll stay. throne , give me the crown, forget everything about the forester and come to my ball, and take your own daughter with you, cinderella, and that, sir, we still have a baby, well, as you know, but just keep in
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mind that i will have such a holiday that will make you forget all the hardships and sorrows, goodbye?
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here. all your watches, broom, frying pans, poker, fire, hearth, let's talk heart to heart, friends, you know what i'm thinking about, i'm thinking about this. my mother and sister were invited to the ball, but i wasn’t, it’s unfair, right, they will dance with
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the prince, he has never even heard of me, they will eat ice cream. but i don’t, although no one in the world loves him as much as i do, while polishing the floor, i learned to dance, enduring unnecessary insults, i learned to think, listening to the cat purr, i learned to sing songs, and not a single person knows about it, it's a shame, isn't it? “i really want people to notice what kind of creature i am, but i just want people to notice it themselves, without any requests or hassle on my part, because,
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because i’m terribly proud, but will it really never happen, won’t i be able to wait for fun and joy”? after all, it’s very harmful not to go to the ball when you deserve it, because you can get sick like that, i want, i want happiness to suddenly come to me, i’m so tired of making gifts for myself. birthdays for the holidays, good people, where are you, good people, and good people,
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well, that’s what i’m amusing myself with, when everyone leaves, i... i’ll run to palace park, i’ll stand under the windows and admire the holiday even from afar.
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by the end, i’m knocked off my feet from fatigue, getting ready for the royal ball, and... you’re dancing , and i care about you much more than about my own daughters, i don’t make a single comment to them for months, while you, cinderella, i nurture from morning to evening, and where is the gratitude, where is the gratitude, i know you wanted to run away tonight to... the palace park, only when everyone leaves, mother, because then no one will need me, follow me,
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cinderella, two, three, one, two, three, one, two , three, one, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three, you know, my dear little ones, that did this idleness now? “she danced, she danced without sewing on my cuff, i sewed them on a long time ago, sister anna, she danced without smoothing out my collar, i smoothed it out long ago from the meeting, maryana, here it is, she danced without thinking about how tired i was, getting ready for the royal ball, i boiled coffee so that you could reinforce your strength, now i’ll bring it, not in a hurry, impudent, she has an answer to everything, she does everything to drive..." crazy, her bread is not feed me, just let me argue, where is your father,
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ungrateful one, where is he, this monster, i saw him in the forest, not far from our house, mother, what was he doing there, talking to the king, with the king, with the king, with the king, talking with the king, why didn’t you report this to me, where? here you are, a poisonous snake, a monster, and an idver, i ’m here, dear, where were you, in the forest, what were you doing there, and i wanted to fight a mad bear, why, well, to take a break from household chores, dear, look at me in eyes, look into my eyes, it’s true that you spoke with... the honest truth, little wife, you asked the king for an increase in your
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salary, something didn’t occur to me, yes, but you asked the king to include me and my little ones in the book of the first handsome men of the kingdom, well, something, dear, well, how can it be, it means you talked to the king and didn’t ask him for anything, well, of course, because we talked with they’re so simply friendly , poisonous... dare, i’m unhappy, they upset me before the ball, why do i have to do everything myself, i work like a horse, i run around, i bustle, i beg, i ask, i beg, i charm, i get. and i’m trying to achieve, i have such connections that the king himself might envy me, but this monster, no, no, no,
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it’s decided, i will survive you from your own home, and you will die in the forest, and your mad bear will eat you, no, no, no, mother, don’t, please, look what i made, this rose, i made it from satin caresses, she is just like alive, a disgusting flower, what a monstrosity! what bad taste, it could be pinned on your ball gown, it would be so beautiful, but if you don’t like it, i ’ll beg for it, no, give it here, give it here, here, give it here, you said it was bad taste, but i did that's ugly, give it to her, my dear little ones, there is no need to be angry, there is no need to quarrel, to stop all sorts of arguments, i’m taking this flower for myself, is
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our ball gown, which i ordered, ready? sew it in one night, yes, mother, show me how tasteless, oh, what an ugliness, why do we need chinese christmas trees when we can make our own, he decided to create a factory so that all the elements of the christmas tree would be made from domestic raw materials, we are not just we wind up the finished product, and we cast it and create this product, man... santa claus hats, five children, do you feel like a wizard? a little. i think we can definitely find a pair of shoes to match your look. we have a small creative workshop, everything is very individual. we have developed a model that does not have a right or left leg, meaning you can use it either way. porcelain is a challenge for an artist, to do something that no one else does, because it’s
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kind of not accepted. now borska will turn into a toy with porcelain dust. unicorn, it doesn't work that way, i'll have to show you how this is actually being done, our everything, the premiere, tomorrow is the first, it’s good for them, look how they are running, i demand satisfaction, as always there is a lack of sensitive leadership, it’s a bitch. qualified help is not required, well, where do you have a hopelessly ill patient, oh, and the doctor will help, well, so as not to turn me aside, i can’t do it now, there is an operation in progress, the operation is
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happy new year on january 13th. on the first. yes, cinderella, it seems you wanted to run to the park and stand under the royal windows, you can, you can, you can, dear, you can, yes, just tidy up the room first, wash the windows, for three floors, knocked out the kitchen, the beds fell out, plant
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seven rose bushes under the windows, sort out seven bags of beans, separate the white ones from the brown ones. know yourself, we planned coffee for seven weeks, but i can’t manage this at all in a month , mother, but hurry up, hurry up, dear! they tear me apart, but because at the lamb, without sparing my strength, i spin around in the kitchen, make friends,
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bake, i respect, respect. and always bark, and because i’m good, i work hard from morning until late at night, anyone can croak, thank you. "i hide my sadness, i don’t cry, i fall,
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i smile, but it’s not like i’ll never leave,
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hello, goddaughter, godmother, dear godmother, you always appear. so unexpectedly, yes, i love it, but last time you appeared from a dark corner of the hearth, and today you came through the air, yes, i’m such an inventor.
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you still can’t get used to how easily i change, i admire, i love miracles so much, there haven’t been any miracles yet, we’re just real fairies so impressionable that we grow old and young as easily as you people blush and turn pale. grief ages us, but joy makes you young, you see how happy it made me to meet you, i don’t ask, dear, how you live, you were offended today, 24 times, and of them in vain, 24 times, you deserved praise today, 333 times, but they didn’t praise a single thing once, i hate those who do not want to do anything, i adore those who work, i adore you and i hate your evil stepmother! i would have turned her into a frog long ago, but unfortunately, the old woman has great connections, let’s talk about you, do you want to go to the ball? yes, godfather,
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very much, but i can’t, don’t argue, don’t argue, you if you go there, it’s terribly harmful not to go to balls when you deserve it, but i have so much work, godmother, today your friends will work for you, boy, hares will clear out the beds. the mice will sort out the beans, the cats will grind the coffee, and the roses, and the roses, and the roses will grow themselves, now, now, i will do miracles, i love this one. boy, magic wand, first of all , let's roll the pumpkin here.
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thank you, dear cross, wait, silly, how can you ride in a carriage without horses? oh, thank you, dear godmother, wait, little fool, how can you go to the carriage? without a coachman, miracles not over yet. coachman
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, coachman, in 5 minutes you will bring the carriage to the porch , well, now i can go, yes, oh, my dear, what a girl you really are, how can you... even to a ball in such a dress , is it really me, yes , it’s you, you can trust me, i see right through all people, everyone, even those
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whom... i love, and i see clearly that in a luxurious ball gown you have remained the same, a nice, hardworking, kind girl, remain like this, this will bring you happiness, now let’s go, i’ll put you in the carriage myself. forgive me, i'm not a wizard, i just i’m studying, but let me say a few words, listen to me, let’s listen to him, a good boy, an excellent student, reads a lot, even writes poetry, well speak, boy, we listen to you, dear cinderella, i watch you work all day long,
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you have golden hands, and you are very kind, you don’t even know it, but i have become terribly, terribly friends with you, and although i am not a wizard, i’m just learning, but let me tell you that friendship helps us do real miracles, these are crystal shoes, they will bring you happiness, because i am everything my heart yearns for this, take them, thank you dear boy, i will never forget how kind you were to me. and now remember
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, my dear, remember firmly, the most important thing is that you must return home exactly at 12 o’clock, okay, at midnight your new dress will turn into old and poor thing, the horses will again become mice, the coachman a rat, and the carriage a pumpkin, so remember, ok, i 'll remember this firmly. boy, thank you, dear godmother.
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yeah, she's singing. who am i happy for 100 years, but my heart cries and hurts, cries and hurts, my love, she doesn’t like loneliness, her the flights will not end, eida hey yes eida, hey yes eidara, my love always. you, this is all my dear, it’s somewhere in the depths, thank you for not letting go, then, thank you for asking, of course, yes, and no matter how hard you try, no
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way, no way, no way, no way, open the windows, and the exits , we congratulate you all. christmas with grigory leps, watch before and after the evening news. hello, santa claus, this year i drove myself 000, and this is oh, very good, what is it? this invention, my computer, it shines, and what does this give light? darkness, you can’t see anything, he’s like that , you think i’m a little flexible, no
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idea, now i’ll try too , please invite an osteopath to the studio, their usual three-year-old blue tractor drives through the fields, artyom began to pick up the rhythm. good evening, what an unexpected meeting , you should definitely help us, dinaid, i suspect that this is a kidnapping, absolutely right, old women in the snow, january 13, on
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the first, wow, what a car, they will give you so much for so much, then let's work. hello, finally, i’m very glad, please allow me introduce yourself, king, don’t bow down, don’t curtsy on the steps, it’s very dangerous, hello, don’t take off your glove, i ’m very glad you came, hello! oh, your majesty, what a nuisance, your beautiful lace collar tore in the most visible place, where, look, what a horror,
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what a disgrace, why didn’t my courtiers report this to me, cowards, i’m leaving, i’m leaving immediately for the monastery, if my courtiers behave so bad, goodbye here, what are you, what are you, king, how can you get upset over such a trifle, ah-ah, well, no need, no need, i’ll mend your collar so much that you won’t see anything, but you have a needle and thread, of course, i’m thrifty. well, in that case, so be it, i will remain on the throne, sit down, your majesty, like this, so that there is no hand, just sit quietly, do n’t move around, otherwise i’ll prick you, you can’t imagine
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how glad i am to see you, i adore the new mysterious ones guests, old friends, of course, are a good thing, but unfortunately, you already know them by heart. for example, puss in boots, a nice guy, smart, but when he comes, he’ll take it off boots sleeps somewhere by the fireplace, doesn’t jump with me. doesn’t run, or , for example, a little boy, well , he plays hide and seek all the time for money, but try, find him, it’s a shame, and most importantly, everything is in the past for them , their fairy tales have already been played out, while you, believe me, fairy-tale king, you are standing on the threshold of amazing events, right?
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be capricious, miracles, nothing is visible, you, you have golden hands, and you say so simply, so sincerely, i’m terribly glad to see you, let’s go, write it down, mommy! the prince looked at me three times, smiled once, three times, sighed one time, one. one, sigh, one time , one time, a total of five, and the king told me, very
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glad to see you, one time, one time, ha-ha-ha, one time, ha-ha-ha, one time, come in, come in , it’s blowing here, it’s blowing here, once, once, once, three times in total, why do you need all these notes, don’t stop us from having fun, the monster, he’s always grumbling, such a score, five. and three and nine, a total of nine signs of the highest attentions. well, now, my dears, i will get an order to recognize you as the first beauties. 10 signs of attention. prince,
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son, look who came to us. do you know who it is? well, mysterious and beautiful stranger, what a smart boy, right, why are you pale? why are you silent? sir, i am silent because i cannot speak. well, don’t trust him, he can
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make gestures, and speeches, and compliments, come on, i ’ll introduce you to all my courtiers, you weren’t tired on the road, no, what are you saying, i rested on the road. gentlemen, let me introduce you to a girl who has never been before. here , supernaturally sincere and fabulously sweet,
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allow me to introduce you to my ministers, and the minister of ballroom dancing, mr. marquis depodatro, your majesty, your majesty, i know... this girl, this is the girl, this is the girl, a wonderful christmastide, a very impressive compliment. but you don’t recognize me, i don’t dare, we will now play royal
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forfeits, no one assigns any forfeits, no one takes away any forfeits, whatever the king wants, that’s all. making your first forfeit, how do you like it here, madam? very well, in that case, sing something to us and bald something for us, it’s good, but it doesn’t break, what a nice girl, son. now i’ll sing you a song, a children’s song, a little magical, it just makes his soul happy, it’s called
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the good bug. stand up, children, stand in a circle, stand in a circle, stand in a circle, there lived a kind beetle, an old common friend, he never grumbled, screamed, squeaked, his hand shook his wings, strictly forbade littering, stand up, children, stand in a circle , stand in a circle, stand in a circle, you are my friend and i am your friend, old faithful friend, we fell in love with jacques, an old man, a good man, a very soulful person, he is a merry fellow.
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darling, come here, yes, what are you talking about? you're distracted, they're in trouble, baba frost, please make our mother
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happy, she's working, have you ever talked about a woman. we heard, we sign, my mother is an actress, and this time there is no magic for me, well , it works out as always, only she’s not happy, they don’t take her for roles, who am i, children, do you think that baba frost has already heard us, we need happiness, maybe be a husband, our medicine has no analogues in the world, but can i just touch this brilliant head, yes, this is my formula.
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new year's premiere, watch after program time, there is no more deputy, there is no more, there will be a deputy, i really need you, i really need you, i need you, i need you , look, time is running out, music.
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gagarin forever, today on the first, my grandfather is a legend, then it was called a pop artist, he gathered the kremlin hall for one time, wait, but i thought he was a cook, you said something about olivier signature, general greetings, what a great fellow, thank you for not forgetting our... family tradition, today there will be an original presentation, who is it? lyuba,
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my bride, who? lyuba, excuse me, where are you coming to us from? are you welcome? cuba, brazil, madagascar? i’m from bibirevo, that is, she will have the apartment. since childhood, i knew that there was nothing for me to catch in this family. i think i should be angry with him, but i envy him. damn, family life, some kind of fucking pawn shop. na... we need to start living like we all need your apartment, it turns out, listen, everything here is so complicated, even i wouldn’t write something like that to myself, no, daddy, it was you who started this plot, olivier, the premiere, tomorrow on the first, here is the will, i changed something, i decided to leave it all alone the only person who is this sweet old man, who dances without music all the time, is the kindest wizard in the world, he cannot refuse anyone any request,
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evil people took advantage of his kindness so terribly that he plugged his ears with wax, and now doesn’t hear anyone’s requests, but also music, make sure that my daughters are included in the book of the first handsome men of the kingdom, okay? “listen, first, beauty, it’s your fault, the next phantom is yours, do something kind, magical, wonderful and pleasant for everyone present, it’s very simply yours majesty,
12:00 pm
hello, on the first channel there is a news release, in the studio maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. worship throughout the country. night liturgy in the temple. christ the savior and prayer service on the front line as a country.


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