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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 8, 2024 1:45am-2:26am MSK

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he got into the car, she also talks to you, says: turn right, turn left, and he can drive, and he can drive for you, this is biohacking, this is how all biohacking turns out, i think that here we have come to you, probably to another ideological component, what is biohacking, that is, bio is biology, from the very beginning i wanted to know what to hack, yeah, uh, that we can hack biology, hack without, isn’t this too presumptuous, someone it tries in environmentally friendly ways, like... you say zosh there, hardening, nutrition, there gymnastics, breathing, well, all these things , well, this is old-fashioned, this is all someone goes further, for example, taking dietary supplements, yes, our program is called baden baden, biohacking there are such quite aggressive dietary supplements, and if we say, for example , about soviet biohacking, yes, at the kurchatov institute, it was the founders who initially developed the story of redox potential.
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there are electron-donating, yes, substituents and water, have you heard anything? no, when we have electronically accepted, and the logic is that we are an oxidation process , we are aging, well, we are simply oxidizing , you can wrap the product in vacuum packaging , it will last longer, it is extremely difficult to wrap a person in a vacuum, so the story is that somehow balance the oxidation process, for example, by the molecule. which do not have enough electrons in orbit, those who have an excess, that is, donors, you are talking about antioxidants, we are talking about antioxidants and about radicals, well then there is a secret, that’s what what should you do, what antioxidants should you take and why? well, firstly, the antioxidants themselves are returning to raw plant fiber, some of them have an unstable structure, they are destroyed under the influence of stable heat treatment, let’s say raw fiber.
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it steals our dna from us, destroys it, oxidizes it simply over time , this was tested by someone, this is just evidence-based medicine or is it some kind of idea , research on the redox potential is precisely the work of those of our soviet nuclear scientists and physicists who developed hydrogen would have their hands torn off. well, that’s it, but it was
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then, now about dead water and living water, this is some kind of interesting topic, it seems fabulous to me, that is, you have jars of both at home, you mix them there a little bit and there is a very simple action, like from any physics, there is a cathode and anode , and so is the battery, and before you drink water, yes, yes, it increases the amount of antioxidants due to the fact that it receives a negative charge, water , yes, yes, y i have h2o gets a negative charge. i have an experiment, i - well, it’s probably no secret to you that fresh food products have more antioxidants than products that have been left there for oxidation, probably, and i was even interested in one thing, at one time i checked the charge of vp - a meter from sveta’s orange, which and which lay down, well, about water then , after all, if here we are here, water, you see, again in our mentality it is mythical, our parents charged water through the tv. remember it was like this
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allan chumak and so on, that is, in general , in our mentality, we are prone to mystification, remember how in the fairy tales of the epic you can turn living water into dead water, and so you tell me how to make it alive, you want to be alive , well, anyone can find a water activator, just drive it into search and study what the market offers there, what gadgets are related to this story, how scientific this story is, how effective it is, and you will have a lot of articles there. which will be pros and cons, but i would just try here, in this case activation of water has no contraindications , it won’t, it won’t get worse, well, again, moderation is medicine, as paracelsus said, well, you use living water, i do, yes, of course, i can tell you a lot about these tricks and methods , you know, instructions for use, but it ’s more likely not about some situational things, so you charge the water and you’re great, you’ll live a long time, it’s more about the complex. but it
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still has to be described, a complex complex, it has to be somehow, you know, gassed so that everyone can do it reproduce, if only one person can reproduce it, then it doesn’t exist. we are now, konstantin, at this turning point, when we have relatively learned how to treat illnesses, yes, we know how to do this, but how to be healthy, because this is a completely different approach, you see, not getting sick and being healthy, it would seem that we are going to one thing, but the modalities are completely different, this is how to be healthy and be more energetic there, despite your age, to be more productive, this story still has white, more white... spots and we are at this stage, so if we talk about guesting and about, i think that now it’s just that you are like that, you are such trendsetters, you are ahead of everyone, so we will see what you can do, then someday it may become something that will be okay if we won’t drown there with the living water, but
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again i would concentrate on the lifestyle, on a set of measures, without dwelling on anything specifically, for example, the topic of sleep, the topic... sleep is important: we eat for 8 hours, we don’t eat for 16 , well, when we eat, we don’t sleep, that is, we sleep at these 16, when we sleep and like here again studies that are related, for example, to circadian rhythms, how do you sleep, i’m like a father with many children with a girl, with a girl i sleep haphazardly for six months, that’s where i touched, that’s where i sleep, because well , the workload is quite large, sleepless nights, but you you’ve been practicing this for over 10 years now. but it is understood that there are some small tricks and life hacks that will allow you to sleep a little more efficiently, for example, exposure to cold light, there are studies, just in the lanced journal, they too, i first learned about it from there, on the irritating effect of the cold spectrum
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of light on our central nervous system, which in turn causes inhibition of the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, and if, for example, you take any gadget you have, have you ever turned it on... well, yes, i have this is usually the case, yes , we can also recommend it to our tv viewers: when after sunset, an automatic telephone, cold light will insulate a little, you will not see the difference, but this will have less of a negative impact on our melatonin and we will fall asleep a little it’s easier, and also that the air temperature is not higher than 2019-20°c, this is when you sleep, it has a positive effect, yes, the humidity in moscow apartments... monstrous humidity, that is , it is necessary, it is humid here in moscow, and you need to dry it, you need so that there is sushi in moscow , people sell it in any apartment, you live in an apartment or in a house, in a house, in a house, but your house is wooden or some kind of house, well, if we are talking about concrete houses, stone ones, they are
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the majority, then it is a stone in itself, it draws out moisture, that is, it is such a a sponge that cannot be filled, the average humidity in the room is 35%, this is the humidity that... this, they just go to the seas for the winter . advice, if you have some people who don’t do it somewhere or in a humid climate, they seem to balance this story out for themselves, but if i personally, for example, don’t have the opportunity now to go somewhere to the sea or to the ocean, but i want to more or less my level... in life and improve the quality of this lived life, then i i install a humidifier, i install a device, for example, the principle of ion wind, yes, what is this, air scanning again, these are the same roots, here at our design bureau, which made the hydrogen bomb, they came up with a lot of all sorts of things in their time, this is the story
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with air ionization, when there is the principle of ion wind, when we release light electricity, which balances the free radicals that come from us, from electrical appliances, including... various mechanical debris there, heavy metal salts, it lowers without delivering to our lungs, this was some kind of research, if this is true, well, maybe it’s true, then everything can be recorded, measured, determined, analyzed, and so on, everything is known, well, of course, this is badenbahn’s podcast, me and its host konstantin severinov, we are talking with biohacker igor pavlenko about biohacking and how to live. and it will take a long time to be young, you see, i don’t invent anything, i don’t live in the paradigm of evil pharma and i covered myself with a blanket, by the way, a heavy blanket, this is one of the tricks of biohacking, they say that under a heavy blanket, weighing 5-6 kg, a person sleeps better, it is specially weighted , that is, it should be cold, wet, all sorts of ions
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should fly around somehow, both heavy and heavy, because the person has the feeling that he he is in an embrace, that is, he is, as it were, being hugged, on ... how many of us seem to lack and people in general lack some tactile genetic sensations and a person sleeps a little more peacefully, like a baby, is this mother’s light? it must be dark, yes there are people like me before the end in itself somehow probably the truth has not yet been established by a lot of research regarding the fact that, again, the light is the presence of some small lights in the room in which you sleep, it also has an irritating effect on melatonin, it recommends doing a complete blackout so that it is completely dark, but personally for myself again, yes, as i understand it, i tried it and lived like that for a month, and so i tried it completely dark. but i can’t say that i somehow felt the difference, so, well, that’s it, then now i probably understand better
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about what you say about what you need to try, that is, you, like, you are your own laboratory, and rather a laboratory animal, you decide that this is how i live this month, yes, now i’m finishing it off, i’ll place the ionizer here, i’ll put it here, and i’ll turn on the light bulb here, and just look what happened a month later, well, and for whom, because we are at... a turning point and no evidence base has yet been formed, that is, all participants , again, the founders, lovers of biohacking are people without special education, these are intu this is the same problem, because who are you, well, after all, if this sacred knowledge should then be broadcast into the world, and imagine, suddenly you know something that no one knows, this is very useful, i wanted it convey to people, for the sake of this, in particular, this is being done, but then it still needs to be standardized, codified, returning to evidence, you know, if you are in june. you had a light bulb here, but in january it was in a different place, then of course you may feel
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differently, but maybe it’s not because of the light bulb, you slept better, but because in january you just sleep well, the light is still dark and dark and you wake up dark again, and we darkened the phone and in general don’t even open your eyes, well, we agree with light, we have had contact with light since childhood, we cannot live without the sun, we develop it, that is, it is impossible to do anything about it, so of course. possibilities, if our contact with natural light sources is higher than with cold ones, it is implied that in nature there is no there were cold, such light sources , there were no leds, so all these minin reflectors, infrared lamps are based on this, and in general for a person who is in, well, for example, let’s take the peoples of the north, who have, say, very short daylight hours, and it has been proven that the average life expectancy of the willows is the same, yes, it is much less, on the order of magnitude than yes, but it’s not clear, but it’s not clear, it’s not clear why, here we are, after all, we fell asleep
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according to your recommendations in dark, wet it’s cold, cold all around us, this whole thing has crushed us, and we wake up to some cheerful music or the light starts to flicker somehow, we want to sleep less, you see, you say, we need to eat less so that we have more time for studying my favorite job, well, i would also like to sleep, can you imagine how much we sleep. well, we sleep a third of our lives, it’s a shame , but i have an answer, but you won’t like it, well, that’s okay , i’ll restrain myself, i promise, i have, that is , it’s better to sleep rather than wake up, personal experiments when i got to such sleep deprivation, slept 2-3 hours a day, and my sleep deprivation, that is, stealing or stopping, consisted of two, 2.5 hours there, i completely rested and got enough sleep, and this continued there for several months, but... it begins there another problem, you don’t know what to do with the remaining 22 hours, because
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at the time when you woke up, your loved ones are still sleeping, your colleagues are still sleeping, when you, well, you can think about the meaning of life or something else you’ll think about it for a day or two, and then, that is, you kind of fall out of social social ones, but if everyone around you is sleeping , then you have to sleep yourself, because otherwise, what else can you do, you can’t sleep, because you’re very alert, you’ll have to eat and sleep, well, here’s the idea of ​​increasing personal efficiency, it seems to some limit, and if this redistribution is crossed, then it seems to you that it is no longer very interesting or not very comfortable here, you are ahead of everyone, you imagine, but then there will be a new tribe, this new tribe, it’s still wants to live forever, but you would like to live more, well we started with the fact that we want to be young, healthy and eternal almost, well, we decided that to live longer we also need to live well. and what should we do, no one wants to die, in fact, probably yes, but that
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is, are there any secrets, life hacks? i think that here a very strong influence is exerted by the mind, emotions, the emotional spectrum, that is, the one that we study to a lesser extent, yes, as scientists, nevertheless, we have feelings, and our feelings influence physiology, yes , with no one will argue with this either, and here i think that there is also a dark spot that lies ahead of us. that is , there is no practical advice, we have already listed so many tips, we ourselves have already slept under the covers, fallen asleep, but yes, but this is to be effective, then there is anorexia.
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we evaluate from our bell -shaped social normality, maybe this person is good, let him be then he’s feet first, only they usually take her out, that’s the problem, well, that means it’s his choice, he made this choice, we can’t be for healthy people and for happy people, we give recommendations, we have all these recommendations known from childhood, the ministry of health gives them to everyone, okay, then in conclusion... so that we can still look to the future, here you are leading the right lifestyle , this is a whole set of measures, which you, too, through mistakes, have found what is suitable for you, and how you see yourself at 70 years old, you will jump up the stairs, jumping over the steps, run, jump, that’s it, young people will be the same, or how, how, you must have some kind of plan for the future, how
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i can tell you what will happen to me through, no, no one can say, because no one has ever canceled a brick falling on my head. i want to live the path given to me without shortening it, filling my life and the lives of my loved ones with emotions. this is a great idea, it’s not even related to biohacking, in this sense it’s so universal, i really like it. thank you very much, igor. thank you very much, konstantin, it was a pleasure. dear friends, the creative industry podcast is live and in the studio, just as usual for you are working with elena kiper, producer, music video
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director and roman karmanov, media manager and general director of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives, visiting... today we have a long-awaited guest, long-awaited, yes, we have been calling for a long time, tatyana navka, olympic champion, honored master sports , the pride of the country, yes, good evening , hello, hello, hello, tatyana, today we will talk about your show, because after all, we are a podcast in the creative industry and of course we are terribly interested in issues related to many the things that people do, well, in general , such creative professions and what you do, is of particular interest to us, and i would, frankly, before moving on to the show itself, i would like, you know, to dive into childhood a little, maybe we can go back to childhood a little, because of course, the show is done by people, these are leaders, but how do these leaders become, that’s the question, surely this is birth, just from the cradle, i
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am convinced that leaders are born, that is when you were taken to the skating rink as a very small child. then, in principle, it became clear very quickly that little tanya, in general, she has the makings of a leader and is already aspiring, well, since childhood i always wanted to be first everywhere, this is unconditional, and it goes without saying, of course, at competitions in sports this only manifested itself first; all my dreams were about championship and ... the only thing is that i shared a little, but i won’t, that is, my priority was, of course, sports, everything else somehow didn’t matter to me what kind of person i would be there, that is, if there was someone at school i strived to become an excellent student, and i always studied very well with me, but without gold medals, yes, then i have accumulated all my energy, of course, for figure skating, but what does it mean
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to you to be first now? now i'm competing with myself, that's the first thing. and of course, every next year , every new show that i create, it should be something better than the previous one, that is, by no means, well, definitely not worse, so for me this is of course the bar that i set for myself every year, and it seems, but what else will i do next year, and most importantly, do i have enough energy, the desire to create, to create? exactly one year later there will be a new child, why are you doing this? in principle, this is not necessary, you can make one show and exploit it endlessly until it runs out of steam, why do this every year? well, first of all, our company is growing. well, i’ll tell you, this year, for example, i have seven trains that travel around the cities of russia,
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one train, another travels, and there, one team is in sochi, another in st. petersburg, a third in moscow, moscow gives all guests and and the residents of the capital, gives such a holiday, a fair at christmas on the streets of our cities. in parks, and at some such significant venues, my team performs with various fairy tales, this naturally requires a huge amount of content, and so that every year, every year, we bring new ones, because naturally the viewer demands something new, and well , to be honest, i myself am interested in creating, inventing, while i have the strength, while i have... what is the first driving force in you as a producer of your shows? well, initially, when it was, what, 7
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years ago, in my opinion, yes, of course, i i realized first of all, in addition to the work, it was ruslan and lyudmila, well, of course, i also realized some of my ambitions and, in general, imagined myself in one role or another, today i... am already imagining all these images and roles on our young skaters, our olympic champions, and i put myself in last place, i think, well, i ’ll leave some role for myself there, if there is one, if there is no one to replace him, in any case, of course, the role of producer , and in order for the whole performance to sound, each skater fits into that one.
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and of course, it’s happiness that i’m in my profession, what i’ve been going to all my life, there from the age of 5, from four, when i started skating, of course, i could never even imagine that i’d come, here to where i am today, but it is certainly happiness that there is a job you love, yes, in which you live , in which you rush, fly, and this is what drives you. probably love, in general in life we ​​are all driven by love for men, for children, for, i don’t know, for parents, for, for work, if there is no love, then there is no, there is no result, i
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i was convinced a long time ago that creative projects , in general, are like children, that’s when the first child was born, the first show, firstly, where did the idea of ​​the show itself come from, in fact, in principle, you could stage anything you wanted on any theme, and where exactly it came from... you know, of course the script was already written, we wrote songs based on pushkin’s elements, amazingly beautiful, they’ve already been 7-8
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years old, we’re still going with this ruslan lyudmila, he’s very relevant , the audience goes and everyone loves it, and well, probably, of course, what it was pushkin, it influenced me, and i realized that this was the power, the expectations from the first show, how far were they met, what would the audience feel? because for me it was just another medal, and for which i was going, the premiere happened, everything was wonderful, everyone really liked it, my main critics were my
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family. you don’t change your creative plans, that is, this is very important, since we are talking about creative industries, you always need great courage, audacity, and for that, courage and risk, by the way, i took risks this year evenings and... maybe some, although i’ve been going to gogala for probably the last or four years, every year i thought, well, maybe now i’ll take this topic, maybe now, and as they say, everything has its time, this it’s going to be a very cool show, i’m really looking forward to the premiere , but now you’re also guessing in principle what the reaction will be, that’s also easy to guess in principle, especially especially for you , i’ve never been so sure as i was this year ,
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what is this... gives evil, in any case we are completely we bypass the side of politics, no politics, it will be incredibly new year's, winter, cool, funny, i repeat once again that it is so catchy, modern, you know, as if gogol wrote today, and christmas night, this year they began filming about 40 fairy tales , well, there is such data here, and
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in general. if there are fairy tales, christmas trees on the ice, of course , they go with families, with children, they choose, first of all, all these fairy tales, christmas trees on ice, in general, it’s all understandable, my grandfather is a legend, then it was called a pop artist , he he was gathering the kremlin hall for one time, wait, but i thought he was a cook, you said something about the olivier signature, oh, hello, what kind. everyone,
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thank you for not forgetting our family traditions, today there will be an original presentation, who is this? lyuba, my bride, who? lyuba, excuse me, where did you come to us from? cuba, brazil, madagascar, i’m from bibirevo, that is, she will have an apartment, i knew from childhood that i had nothing to catch in this family, i kind of should be angry with him, but i envy him, damn, he has a family... what a life something fucking pawnshop, we need to start living , as we all need your apartment to turn on, listen, everything here is so twisted, even i wouldn’t write something like that, no, daddy, it was you who started this plot, olivier, the premiere, tomorrow on the first, here’s the will, i i changed something, i decided to leave it all to one single person.
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friend. legends of retro fm. tomorrow on the first. it seems that we are starting a new life, i fell in love, but i’m sorry, i didn’t introduce myself, this is lev preobrazhensky, all the works, which means it was you after all, i’m so sorry for you, lyova, she knew about gestational diabetes, hid the tests to get your place, dr. preobrazhensky, new from the series, tomorrow after the program, be careful with your requests, there is a limit to everything. dear friends, we continue the creative industry podcast, our guest is olympic champion tatyana
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navka. i want to say that the costumes on your shows are amazing, it’s just that as much as you accept, i take part in everything, there is probably no area in which i do not take part. right up there, well, until the peak of light, i don’t know, well, here are the buttons, how to sew covers for figure skaters, that is, i ’m just so very meticulous, and of course, costumes for me are a visual element, and i have a very cool artist this year, and modern, fashionable, and so , i invest a huge amount of money. into costumes, you work with different teams at different shows, you put it together by will, by will, you know, it’s always cases, that is, before this , yes, before that i had already worked for three or four shows, mostly
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i was an artist like that , was, is, ksenia shimanovskaya, i adore her, she’s very cool, she’s already so old, and here are all the costumes of recent years, so i say, we did three or four shows with her, and... yulia peskkunova is also a wonderful artist, who, well, there is i combine several artists, this year i, unfortunately katya , i don’t know the last name, katyusha, if you watch, please forgive me, somehow katya katya, and she is so very young, still young, but so creative, and for in recent years , the level of costumes, decorations, people who do this, music and so on, it grew up, that is, new people came there. or is it just like that, the level of costumes has definitely increased , of course, the decorations, i think too, but the overall level, our show business is developing, i think that the overall level has increased, in fact, really a lot, a lot
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is developing in the creative industries, but very few people understand how this industry works, this is what you do , this is, well, we only see the external part of the show, that is, what is happening on the ice now, who is behind the scenes - that’s all, here you are we talked about the teams that travel around the country, then those who work, a huge amount of work, this is tutoring, tutoring, tutoring, that is, these are those shows that have already been created, but every time you still take new guys and rehearse with them, i have a wonderful team of my assistants , choreographers, tutors who work at night, this is also our problem, because as a rule... there is such a demand just on the eve of the new year, so there during november, december we remove the ice at night, because that this is the only time when he is free, and we are rehearsing, in my opinion
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, creating such a show - it seems to me that it is comparable to creating a film, but the only difference is that you created the film, sold it to different channels, i don’t know, feed and then you collect your interest from the rentals, in our case it needs to be returned every time, as i said earlier, to assemble a team to rehearse and this is a physical, scary, difficult job every time, how many shows can one show take place in a year ? , so natural resources, they only gave. we stand, this year we had almost 90 shows in sochi park, then more than 80 shows, we stood on roller skates, we even have a new industry - these are roller skates,
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in the summer also in revolution square and my team on weekends, yes, they showed fairy tales, too, not only on roller skates, also more than eighty there, 86 or how many, well, how many? in general, i don’t remember, by the way, i had to prepare, my team has about 500 shows in a year, that is, that’s it, everything is demonstration shows, these tours of cities. russia, because in spring and autumn we also continue to travel to cities to show our fairy tales. and how many people are working in the troupe now, well, let’s just say the troupe is called in figure skating too, yes or no? well , i said, these are seven lineups, if we talk about only skaters, seven lineups in each lineup of 20 to 30 people, count 30 already 7 more than 2, well, this is it - now, preparing for a new show, we are launching new ones decorations, new equipment,
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yes, props, all kinds, and costumes are being sewn, can you imagine how many , that is, it’s not even just one, but a company, sews costumes, and in my opinion , these costumes are created in two or three different workshops, then headdresses, other workshops, then scenery, also three or four workshops, which they produce these... scenery, in general, these are mappings, 3d, music is written, composers are working, that’s all, i, of course, manage it all, it ’s very interesting to imagine that tatyana navka really wakes up in the morning and questions for approval are pouring in , yes, that is, of course, you often work at night, yes, of course, it happened, it happened that we were rehearsing until 6 in the morning, that is, i came home once. but the child is there and
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the husband is already getting him up to work, some to school, some hello mom, and besides, i can’t fall asleep right away, because you were just emotional there, dancing, steering, screaming, and it’s impossible to just come and lie down right away, come to bed, that is, i even used to just sit down and stare, i don’t know , i had to watch some other tv series there to calm down and switch to another. level, creativity is doping, yes for you, yes, of course, creativity is doping, and of course, in addition to the fact that creating all this is doping, but when you still see it, and this of course is an amazing feeling, and even when you yourself in this beauty you go out onto the ice, and you see how this exchange of energy with the viewer takes place. this is cool, it would be nice to film everything, generally speaking, if in
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the good old days, well, okay, they filmed a show, where, in fact, next with it, well, except on a tv channel, then now there are platforms that they’ll take it with pleasure, but i heard that the people who put on the show say, well, i’ll film this now, we’ll post it, and then whoever comes to our show, you know, we posted it and i can’t say that this makes people walk less, on the contrary, it’s one thing to see it on tv, and another... a show in our country, there is another show, how do you interact, if you have some kind of coordination, i don’t i know, we’re going here, you’re not here, so we’re putting this, we’re putting that, or you’re doing this, in general, just in a friendly way, let’s say i i don’t know, well, no, this is business, here there’s a friendly metal in the voice, here it’s friendly.
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who simply contact the company and say: it’s there, hello, i’m ivan ivanovich ivanov there, i’m in the city of omsk, for example, i want to translate your show, and then they move on. fairy tales and my skaters who...


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