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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 8, 2024 6:10am-6:55am MSK

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so, the second season of the film doctor preobrazhensky starts on channel one this evening, don’t miss the new episodes immediately after the program, and that’s all for me, see you, this is the easy money podcast, i ’m its host mikhail khanov, and we continue to communicate with sergei spasov, director for human capital development, skolkovo school of management, going down a little into specifics. literally, let’s say, 10 years ago, yes, we all talked about how the top profession was, you know, how everyone is in it, everyone is in information technology, everyone is programmers, everyone there to become system architects and so on, some time ago these were legal economists, now just off the top of my head, and what comes to mind, the top three professions that are in demand right now, here right now in the next year or two, it, still it, still it, yes, who exactly?
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these products reach clients to the production stage, i’ll just explain to our audience using an example, let’s say there is a brilliant designer who created, i don’t know, coat trousers, yes there, i’m actually right now, but there are the person who takes this will draw patterns, hire specialists who will sew it all, purchase fabric, create a line, colors, sizes, negotiate with stores, deliver all this and this product will appear on the shelf, yes, this is called pro... manager of every
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company that does anything, has its own products and a product manager, that is, in fact, those who come up with these new products or those who sell them are in demand, because these are really different people, well, i’m saying about those who implement, i i’m talking about those who implement the third one like this, well, i would mean everything that is connected with technology in a broad sense, there are people working with biotechnologies, with educational technologies, this is this prefix tech. in such a foundation , well, i see that regular sales will not be in demand due to the fact that we are saying that we need to somehow sell hr products, that is, people who deal with human capital, your sales are always in demand there, yes, this is now , in my opinion, the time for solzov, i would include them here i agree with this top three, it’s absolutely perfect, and salespeople were always needed there , and even if the company has products, money must be earned before customers.
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here we will definitely add sales people here , that is, working with people, actually hiring people, developing people, because we understand that the work of a department or a department or hr manager, it does not end with hiring, yes, you need this person at least keep him, you need to motivate him, you need to make sure that at a minimum, he did not look for work in the country, at most he considered himself to be in the best job and the happiest. a person gave his all, in fact , brought additional value to his leader for a remuneration that was adequate from his point of view, that is, after all , here is the question: who is more important? those who manage people, let’s say, yes, or managers or salespeople, it’s clear that both are important, right now specifically, what do russian companies lack more, then let’s, let’s decide on the criteria, how we do this in demand by many, i personally like to use the ratio of the number of vacancies to the number of candidates there and... it’s always
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difficult to find a person, despite the fact that there are more candidates than vacancies there, but you ’re looking for the best there, and even in conditions when there are candidates it’s hard for you to find there, but nevertheless, there we can use these numbers to understand where it’s even worse than there. i’m just asking why i’m asking this question. because we started with the fact that now it is a seller's market and that now workers choose companies where they will go to work, and not companies are in a situation where there are a lot of offers, and you can’t choose, that is, now, well, i just know from myself that there is a huge shortage of personnel in it , that’s what we mentioned, in developers, in product people, with these managements, that is , especially, yes, that is, finding a smart product, as they say, is very difficult. also to the general, general
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culture of a person, his ability to structure his working time in the first place turn yourself, and then everyone else , that’s really the problem with this, that is , let’s say it again, that is, after all , it specialists, this is the second thing - these are products and that is, managers and the middle ones are those who are involved in packaging what the company produces products and services and brings them to the market, sales and so on, that is, to the shelves , what is on... now we are more and more , if we talk there not only narrowly about artificial intelligence, but more broadly about the digital
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economy, yes, because, let's just say, the largest companies even in the world capitalization, these are companies that do not produce machines, equipment, machines, prohibited there to the name of the organization, there we will call them social networks, as i also like to say prohibited gram, yes, these are companies that do not produce factories, machine tools, ships, they are actually such platforms, yes, which give work to a lot more - developers, yes, that is, applications written in one or another operating system, organizing channels, blogs and so on, these are the companies that are leaders in... the market, what kind of specialists are in demand there, yes, who is in demand in this new digital economy? i don’t think that they are very different from other companies, they set trends, yes, thanks to them, these trends for digitalization, for the use of artificial intelligence, which we are talking about, they apply to everyone, but so, but this they
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are the founders of these trends, respectively, when we say who is in demand everywhere, we also have them, well , this is what i’m actually leading to, this is a very important thesis. that is, our dear listeners, viewers, what sergey called , what we talked about these three specialties, it is managers for organizing processes and developing and implementing products and selles, they are important for any economy, be it the digital economy, be it production, be it then there is the service sector and so on, that is, this is a general trend, and here you just choose your specialization, great, returning to the topic - artificial intelligence or artificial intelligence and ai international in english what does this sound like abbreviation, how would you formulate the correct attitude among young people or even non -young people towards artificial intelligence and its role in replacing humans in the labor market?
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you correctly noted that you need to formulate your attitude towards it, because what do you call the ship there and how will it sail and how... when i think about the influence of artificial intelligence on the labor market, another catchphrase comes to mind, if the revolution cannot be prevented, it must be led, and what i mean is that if you are afraid that you may be replaced artificial intelligence, then you need not to distance yourself from it there and wait for this moment, but you need to immerse yourself in the mechanics of its work, immerse yourself in what it does and use it as an assistant, other than in a joke, yes, if you are afraid, that something will be taken away from you, it will be taken away from you, if you are afraid that you... then you will be replaced, absolutely true, and in this regard , i believe that artificial intelligence is an assistant for specialists and for leaders of the future , already there now yes, almost everything people with whom i communicate at work one way or another use these gpt chats, yeah,
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they use them as help there and as an addition to their current tasks, well, what are the tasks now? they offer, yes, a generalization of information there, they are very good at extracting the essence from some kind of data array, there, yes, you can upload some information there, and take the essence and use it there in email correspondence, just there, yes, so as not to write a lengthy letter to a colleague there and press down to one paragraph with
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the help of artificial intelligence, creating content and posts on social networks works quite well there, yes, if you have any ideas, another thought, actually... when i was preparing for our meeting there, and also - well, i was thinking about the competencies of the future, i’ll remember situation: recently i was at the airport in a bookstore, and it was at the airport with... istanbul bookstore, there was a shelf of publications of business reviews, ah, various, and what was surprising, the entire shelf was dedicated to various aspects of emotional intelligence, and i kind of, when i was preparing for our meeting, and soft skill, yes, but specific soft skill, yes, when i was preparing for our meeting i just thought that in principle this is logical, artificial intelligence is developing very much, yes, and we... that’s how we , how it is, i don’t know how employees will influence it, we don’t know, but
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we, in principle, now there is this direction related to emotional intelligence, how can we diversify from artificial intelligence, because emotional intelligence is about interaction, about understanding oneself, about there is an understanding of the emotions, motivations of another person and their own, and people who pump up this part of themselves, yes, their emotional intelligence... they will definitely have a competitive advantage in the future there and over other people, over artificial intelligence, he still has it’s not there, of course, well, here i always, you know what example i give, that is, artificial intelligence is like a child, that is, these are the same brains, only the brains of a child, and children learn from what adults wrote in textbooks, on texts, literature, works, music, art, they will perceive this world as it is prepared for them. adults, this is my thesis, yes, when ai learns its own developments, it
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degrades, well, imagine that a child will learn from what other five- or three-year-old children have written, yes, accordingly, all this is a dead end, and then when all this is already growing, because not every adult becomes a nobel laureate or even a top manager, head of a company, or just a journalist, writer, artist, yes, a huge number of them do monotonous work there, standing at the factory, this is also important work.
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a man in a santa claus hat, five children, do you feel like a wizard? a little? i , and we are the ones who cast and create this product, i think we will definitely find some pair of shoes for your look. we have a small creative workshop, everything is very individual. we have developed a model that does not have a right or left leg, meaning you can use it either way. porcelain is a challenge for an artist to make something like this, which no one does, because it’s kind of not accepted. now. forsko porcelain dust will turn into a unicorn toy,
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it doesn’t work that way, i’ll have to show you how it’s really done, our everything, premiere, today on the first, oh, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group. this is the easy money podcast, i’m its host, mikhail khanov, today our guest is sergei spasov, director for development of chetel capital, skolkovo school of management. this is a question, sergey, i am more and more inclined to believe that the education we receive is higher, it is not forever, this is not the only education, when my younger children, unlike the older ones, are now choosing a university for themselves, i say, don’t. as they say , bother, but speaking in their slang , no, don’t be upset, don’t worry, this is your
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first higher education, whether it’s true or not, this is a trend all over the world, in russia, does it exist at all, or are these my personal ones? - assumptions, incorrect learning process there, yes, this is one of the competencies of the future that we are talking about, we still write it down in, that is, in the ability to learn constantly is a necessity, yes a must, in this regard you are absolutely right that... another point is that in russia, if you look at our labor market, but it seems to me that graduating from a university and obtaining a specialty does not provide an advantage in applying for a job in russia, because our universities, my subjective opinion, are a little out of touch with
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reality, but nevertheless they look at diplomas, yes, i also agree with you, and i , well, with... i tell this to my employees and children very often yours, that you know how you came to institute, but everyone says: forget everything you were taught at school, when you graduate from institute, you come to work, they tell you: forget everything you were taught at institute, when you move to another job, forget everything that happened in the last one work, there is still some kind of continuity or, i’ll explain now, and yet everyone asks for a diploma, that’s it, they look at the diploma, at the fact of this diploma. because if you have a diploma from some prestigious university, what does that mean? it means you passed some kind of basic filter, which means that you passed there, i don’t know, some kind of competitive selection there in mathematics, this is called necessary, but insufficient conditions, that is, it is necessary and must have, then it’s already clear, the same thing, many people there want candidates who know english, not because you need
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to speak english at work, but this is a certain level, if a person knows a foreign language, then it means he spent some kind of attention, yes, involvement, the way you perceive the situation above, then eat this is valued and this is the main criterion, and not what kind of university it is, right now you can graduate from everything, even a construction technical school, but well , there seem to be more necessary conditions, and some top russian universities certainly look better there in the resume of a young specialist,
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rather than universities that are not included in the top rankings, but it’s still basic there. in our labor market, work experience and if we are talking about young specialists, internship experience, experience of some kind of projects , solved problems, and written articles, perhaps there, yes, this is valued more than the line itself, the line of the university, the name of the specialty, the value of mba programs, and the master of business administration, it was already slipping so quietly before, now it’s completely gone for a week, especially with the situation there politically - good , universities, let’s take it more broadly, let’s take western universities there, in those same england, there, in france and america, universities, let’s take universities, not the nba, there is no point in focusing on getting an education there, in our fatherland no worse than education, v in principle, as you just said, work looks not so much at the diploma, but at your
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ability, even probably to tell , probably just what you can do, yes, let’s start with this, yes, that’s how it is for the employer.
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sellers, where would we be without them? this means that we talked about the fact that such professional competencies are important both in the digital economy and in the traditional one, and this is a general trend, regardless of what field you work in, and regarding artificial intelligence, we talked, and well, in my opinion we were able to convincingly prove this, at least argue that artificial intelligence will not replace you in the labor market. but people who use it and use it actively will replace it, that is, it is a tool that should be mastered, should be taken a closer look at now or already started to be used, but are not afraid. from the fact that you will be replaced, well, it’s clear that if you lie on the sofa or on the stove, then you will be replaced not only by artificial intelligence, but also by the simplest robots program, and we talked about the fact that,
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unfortunately, learning or fortunately, you always need, because the world is changing, competencies are changing, relationships are changing, even the composition of participants in this labor market is changing, that is, people who come now are more flexible, they are replaceable, they tend to change jobs. they tend not to build a career in one company, to a greater extent look for some applications for their efforts in different companies, they always need to learn, and for young people who are now faced with choosing their first education, well, together with sergei, we are talking about that this is just your first education, and you shouldn’t focus directly on the choice, as if you are choosing forever, don’t be afraid to make a mistake. in the end, you can always get a second, a third, and more; you will have to study all your life. thank you very much, sergey, for an interesting and informative discussion. thank you. today we talked
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about what professions, skills and competencies will be in demand in the near and not only in the near future. let me remind you that you can watch all episodes of the easy money podcast on the website of the first channel happy new year, dear tv viewers, on air podcast melody of my life. i am happy that today in the first days of the new year my friend, a real composer, a great one, the author of a whole galaxy of brilliant, melodic songs, igor nikolaev, came to visit me.
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yes, igor, absolutely, firstly, i tell tv viewers with great pleasure that he is in perfect order, otherwise there were a lot of rumors around your person, in excellent shape, as fresh as the january russian sky. valerchik, so, it seems to me that these questions did not appear to you, you understand, although our age suggests that that we should not only brag about our youth and...
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like something serene, cloudless, fabulous, and well, that’s how it is, this is also multiplied by the beautiful nature of sakhalin , snow-covered, although this year. here the winter is practically sakhalin in moscow , everything was covered with snow and fell asleep well, and i remember how we went to pick up flowers for the new year to get them
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from under the snowdrifts, they grew such flowers, i don’t remember their names, they dried up and they grew through the snowdrifts, and we had to pick them and bring them to my mother and parents. v one of the new year's nights, evenings, or rather , on new year's eve, when we went skiing, oh, that's just my mommy, yes, mommy and young igor, yes, and we went with my friends my age, little boys skiing for with these flowers, and we got lost, and we realized that it was already getting dark, and we wouldn’t be able to find our way back, we were already thinking, how are we going to kindle the fire? bonfires to somehow spend this night, all this horror that we imagined, this is my dad, yes, that we won’t come home in the evening, and it will be a nightmare. and tragedy
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for them, well, somehow god led us to some kind of trail, we wandered, wandered, wandered, suddenly we saw from the mountain, a small light of yuzhno-sakhalinsk, and we saw which way we should go skiing, and we went down from the mountain and came home on time, these are the memories, they are of course accurate, i remember one of the new year’s eve evenings, when you and i were either late for the flight, or... there was some terrible bad weather, and we arrived at my flight home was definitely delayed by 8 hours, and we didn’t sit at the airport, you say, let’s come to my place, it was a holiday, yes, but first of all, it was sudden, so we spontaneously and completely somehow made a barbecue on morozino, it was wonderful, and we went to listen to
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vinyl records with you. wrote for young lenya, alexandrina , it was just my song, the most favorite piegor did not slip up in belarus, so they say alexandrina, not drina, but drina alexandrina, alexandrina, and it was about the seventy- first year of this record, then everyone appeared cult records for everyone at once, ladzelin, mccartney’s first records, lenan’s, after the beatles, well , that is, there was a lot of music, oh, that’s how you
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play it, and i still play it like this, guys. nothing has changed in these past years, i play records the same way every day, well, the trousers look more decent, but the rest, i don’t know, i don’t know, in a home environment it can be like that, that’s what concerns this song, i’m for it borol, they always said, what are you listening to, here ’s heavy metal, here’s hard rock, i say, i know it all, i understand, and i have ryhip, go purple, then here are the first records , the first albums, well... listen, here, what vocals, what harmony, and it was simply my favorite song of childhood, it was mulyavina played on the guitar, i can’t forget the song, then..
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.you're always shaking, i'm not able to calm down alexandrin together.
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now winter has come, alexandrina, i’m silently joking, alexandrina, from the song you bloomed. alexandrina, what were you, yes, yes, and years passed, many years, we were friends with lenka for many years, by the way, you were already there
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that evening when lenka was? yes, yes, at home, yes, at my house, when the guests are already leaving, everyone has already left, someone has not left yet, lenya is one of the last to leave, he’s already dressed. put on his mouth, stood in the doorway, there was some kind of melancholy hanging there, ringing, and then it turned out that we saw each other for the last time, he passed away after that in the evening, that’s how he stood, i say, well, it seems like this is some kind of understatement, you need something right now, well, sing what you want, he says, well , go to the piano, then, i went to the piano, played a chord and he began, only... the snowdrop will bloom in time, as soon as the first thunderstorms approach,
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sap appears on the white trunks, then the birches cry, then the birches cry. how often, drunk from a bright day, i wandered at random along the spring channels, and my homeland generously gave me water, birch sap, birch trees... then there was such a pause, ringing for a long time, he said: that’s all, and now for now, happily, i went, it was our last meeting, it
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was such a, well, very reverent friendship that passed through many, many, many years, so this is the story from the first to the twelfth, of course, when i’m still old friends, i’m looking for old friends, i’m meeting old friends, here you are... today i met old ones, we remember friends who are no longer with us, you know, and in general selfless friendship, it’s of course from childhood, i remember sakhalin and of course new year’s evenings , when i worked in restaurants, because i combined business with pleasure studying at a music school and working in a restaurant, i was then a small, deeply underage person, now, well, this is even before, of course. at home, on the home piano, this is before the restaurant, i say, before restaurant, a little before, yes, after all, a little thing, yes, unexpectedly, and yes, and of course, there, there was a complete contrast to what i
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studied during the day at the music school, bach bidhoven, prokofiev, now, this is already, yes , probably in the evening there were yuri antonov and vyacheslav dobrynin, of course. this is what people ordered, in general, these were the hit parades of that time, these were the then top 10, top 20, that is, what people ordered in restaurants, for which they did not pay money, this and there is a hit song, this is the hit parade of the people and that’s it, this is what needs to be sung, oh, here, it’s here, well, you’re right here without a mustache, without a mustache, yes, yes, yes, but this is probably years, now... this is 19 years, now this is already, this is 19 years, i know that for sure , because this is the year when i came - there was a recital in the ensemble in december of the seventh year, yes, the songs, of course, which were in the restaurant, good, good, they
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were not just hits, they were hits that survive time , i remember that i love, i loved to sing just the song twilight, do you remember there was such a song, yes, singing guitars, singing guitars, i think that vasiliev composed it. yes, as if a shadow had floated into the twilight of the rivers, either night or day, so today for you and me, the light of day is going out, this gloomy whitish light, whether it is there or not, and we stand with you. nearby we are on the threshold of darkness, there you stand, pretending together that there is love, that
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we live by it, so tell me why, so tell me why. so tell me why, so tell me why, so tell me why, so tell me why, we are with you. puff again tapa good beautiful very yes new year's atmosphere right away the atmosphere is true all the old songs beautiful creators are falling yes this new year's atmosphere 100%.
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borbon stersman is a product of the steller group , security in the house, a prisoner, respectively, too , the owner’s car is not there, that’s all, girls, good evening, what an unexpected meeting, you should definitely help us, dinaid, i suspect that this is... kidnapping , absolutely right, old ladies in the snow, january 13 at the first, wow, what a car, they’ll give you so much for so much, then i’ll let you work, mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group. friends, this is
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the melody of my life podcast on channel one, i’m its host valery syutkin, my guest igor nikolaev. i remember very clearly that i saw you right on, this is on the new arbat, they installed a screen for the first time in moscow, before that we had never seen a video image on the streets, new technologies of that time, these were just new year's days. and there’s a stage right under the screen, and i’m walking along arbat and i see that igor nikolaev, whom i know as a musician in the group recital, you’re singing a solo song, also in the frame was the young wife of ivan demidov from oboz, lena, i think it’s her does, she's just like, well, like an editor, she's television worker, got on the screen, i see a familiar face, a girl, they decided so, so, apparently, the tv master played roll call. relationship, of course, you have, talya is
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a stranger, yes, talya is a stranger, and you performed this song, i don’t know your name at all, but it was in such a disco style, yes, chance brought you and me together for 5 minutes, of course, but then i had three songs, and right away they appeared, an old mill, and a birthday, a sad holiday, no, the shot was in full force. and the stranger, all three songs for all three songs based on a verse by my friend pasha zhigun, so most likely it was his idea to make me an artist, from the composer igor nikolaev, an artist, so a singer appeared, but then the song should be so concrete, folk from the very beginning, that there was no chance there’s no way to get out of this rut ​​so that it becomes unambiguous, that’s why we came up with this almost folk song, “old mill.” and pasha came up with an excellent story, that a man went to a
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distant land, then he returned, the hospital was waiting for him, for those who were born recently, they could her, let's do a small piece of the mill together, i will be happy to help you, where the river quietly splashes, where there is an orange sunset, in the blue land of lilacs, childhood bloomed like a... there somewhere the old mill is spinning, spinning, hitting the stones water, old melitsa everything. the mill is only love never, the old mill will change everything, only love is never, the second song was, naturally, this amber ray of dawn froze in my window,
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but despite this, i’m a little sad, the day has come and that means everything is... in place, but somehow everything is different, today everything is different, and it ’s his birthday, a childhood holiday, and he’s not going anywhere, anywhere, anywhere, his birthday. sad holiday, you smile, smile , smile, don’t be sad in vain, they remember, yes, people remember, he sings at every concert,
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stevie wonder said something brilliant about songwriting, i haven’t heard anything better, but they asked him, how do you write songs?
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and came to visit each other, and it sort of happened naturally, they said, what we’re thinking about doing is leaving the electric club, making a solo career if possible, well, of course there is no repertoire and something needs to be done, i say, well, even if you get one or two songs, then this is not a program, and this is not
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a repertoire, you have to write, so write the program straight away, well, by the way, it was done, yes i and what was the first song, the first one? a toy song based on pasha’s poems, the second was the song my wanderer, my wanderer, and the whole album was called that, here’s the album my wanderer, and all the songs there turned out to be hits, and photographs 9:12, and junior lieutenant and hello andrey there, well, every one song moeskovsky gentle beast, all were songs big hits and literally i don’t know a year after the release of this record, and ira had five olympic ones, collected and this. you write both music and poetry very organically, i am very surprised...


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