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tv   Zhizn svoikh  1TV  January 8, 2024 11:05am-12:00pm MSK

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for a long time, due to the harsh climate , only aborigines lived here, but then it turned out that the cold region is very rich, there are huge deposits of diamonds, gold and oil, so the first cities appeared, and then the largest region of our country, the republic of sakha, we are in yakutsk, friends, my name is evgeny krevtsov and... and the life of my own. if i lived in yakutia,
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then every winter i would prepare a warm jacket not only for myself, but also for my car. we popularly call her natasha. natasha? why natasha? i don’t know, so i went, well done, my i would start the day with winter swimming, because you can’t live without hardening in the coldest region of russia. by the way, you have excellent tusks, it’s immediately clear that you are a professional walrus, in the severe cold i would be warmed by an it down jacket that you can make with your own hands, guys, you can put it aside for a couple of weeks, now we’ll finish filming, i ’ll return it to you, i i could become a fisherman and, even in minus 50 tons, catch crucian carp under the ice, well, they dragged me,
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a ship wrecker and free ships from or i could master the hardest profession in the world, ice captivity. how did you manage? i love male professions, i would raise cows that are not afraid of either cold or heat, and give very tasty, rich milk, just like grandma’s, in the village, super. or i could become a director and my films would conquer the whole world , i would be involved in a special sport, mass wrestling, not only yakut men, but even women are fond of it here, we can’t say, but whoever i am, a director, an inventor... yakutia
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is called the freezer chamber of siberia and for local residents -30 is not a problem at all, -40 is a slight chill, but about minus 50 they say it’s okay, we’ll survive, it’s all because they prepare for winter here in advance and very thoroughly. the climate in yakutia is sharply continental. the difference between summer and winter temperatures can reach 100°, so the rules of life here are completely dictated by the weather. yakutsk is jokingly called the city with guts on the outside, all because there are 300 m of permafrost under our feet. for this reason , it is very difficult to lay communications under the asphalt , and houses are built on these. legs, if
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you build it on a foundation, it is simply unsafe; in the summer it can float. by the way, to say, yakutsk is the city with the most stilt houses in the world. high-rise buildings on legs are not the only thing that catches your eye in the capital of the sakha republic. in yakutia, even cars have winter jackets. you rarely see so many wrapped cars. the car is in yakutia anyway.
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yes, that is, the thing is popular, popular, very necessary in the household, for absolutely everyone, for everyone, and they resell them, to be honest, at minus 50, even such a blanket does not save, so in the middle of winter, dig famin, like many local motorists, they just don’t turn off the car for days, otherwise you won’t be able to start it, also we put double glass on the windshields and side windows, if you don’t put it on, it will blow right through, and how long ago in yakutia did they start gluing second windows,
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probably when you get out of the first car , my uncle told me that he worked as a driver, well, as a driver, that the bus was heated inside the cabin, and what was used to heat it with wood? firewood, dear mother, it’s convenient, but you can take barbecue with you and it’s warm, tasty, resistance to frost is literally in the blood of the peoples of the north. several years ago scientists they discovered a special cold gene that helps them survive in such a climate. now we will find out how merciless the yakut climate is towards guests. i came here for about 2 weeks and scientists say that this period is not enough.
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so you understand, now the temperature outside is lower than -20, well, the local walrus club is preparing for a mass swim, they are also standing discussing that it is warm today, desperate people, the temperature is low, so here... and the stopwatch freezes, the whistle freezes , well , nothing, why don’t walruses freeze, walruses we are seasoned guys, it doesn’t freeze, yakut walruses dive into icy water every day, in their club there are about 40 people , the most experienced swimmers are already under 70. 23:44,
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excuse the question, you have so little clothes on, where is the thermal element hidden? inside the soul and generally inside spiritually, i myself, the main thing is conquering myself, you, as the most experienced person, can tell me at what age it is best to start, where to start heating up, cap, cap, where in the summer, you have to start in the summer, so and so little by little until it is covered with ice, the walrus is ready, by the way, these are excellent tusks, it’s immediately obvious that you are a professional sailor, the residents of yakutia prepare for the cold in different ways, some begin to slaughter themselves in the summer, while others
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try to insulate themselves better in the winter. there is no bad weather, only inappropriate clothing. it’s surprising that this saying was not born here, in denmark, where, in fact, it doesn’t even get cold. in winter, well, maximum minus five. flowers, considering that here in yakutia last year a record -62° was recorded. the locals know exactly how to dress properly, but... he’ll probably teach me too, there’s nothing better than natural fur, these are high boots, hats, fur coats and so on, high boots, a t-shirt, thermal underwear, you can even have a sweatshirt and a warm jacket, high boots, if you’re going somewhere, then yes, they’re still good, yes, but if you’re standing, then felt boots, yes, better than felt boots , the felt boots have already been tested, you need to put on quilted jackets, it turns out to be pants that you pulled on, they also come with suspenders, with a down jacket on top. high boots - padded jackets, already a down jacket, concrete, and a hat, of course, the hat
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should be warm, and it is necessary that the face is protected, new year's weather exists the belief that red cats, for some reason, are the most chaotic, i come to you with all my heart, but you have little interest in me, they brought him to me as a chick, he didn’t know how... he didn’t know how to fly, he couldn’t eat, over time he has become such a master in our house, i don’t know what’s wrong with this damn corner, what needs to be done with this dog, tell me why you didn’t beat him with a tin, we apparently just waited a very long time, looking for a reason to finally -to make repairs, the moon helped us with this, you saw the video, watch with us, the premiere, today on the first, i myself am the first since i see her so sad, satellite debris is flying towards you, we’ll make a maneuver.
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burunov, it doesn’t matter, today on the first one, from moscow to alaska, plans to celebrate the new year with the children have collapsed, we need to decide something, let’s rush, as far as we can, go ahead, he’s nowhere to be found, how could he... run, excuse me, boss, your father is missing , i need your help, what is this, it’s for
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the holiday, do you think he’ll like it, marina yakovleva, you’re enviable, don’t be jealous, tatyana orlova, so, let’s start the reunion operation, elena safonova. january 13th on the first, what are your years , you are still getting married, i will be useful, and you will be pleasant, that is, and then get mixed up, yes, what’s wrong with mayonnaise, it’s better to drink low-fat ki...
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national character with everyone advantages and disadvantages, we want something very, very exotic, she brought us to a russian restaurant for the new year, like 12 months. a song to order in general, and many fashion brands go into the metaverse to your home
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new godral, like one vakzhal, setting off on a journey into miracles. no fashionable jackets, boots or ski boots were no match for yakut high boots, of course. pleasure is not cheap, the price of one pair starts from 25,000 rubles. but your feet are always warm. and it should also be noted that in the cold , of course, you don’t think about beauty, but nevertheless, high boots look good. just royally, well, fur ones, follow me to the tundra, bardybs, high boots are sewn by hand, and then decorated with embroidery,
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there are practically no two identical models, but you yourself wear onts, so it’s a must, huh? what do you think is better, russian strong-willed or yakut high boots? better , of course, are still high boots, because they are hemmed with felt, first there is a felt style, plus more felt goes on the sole, and the pleasure is expensive, expensive, now everything has become expensive, well, yes, the prices used to be ridiculous, now they are also funny , but, but the laughter is not the same, high boots are made from deer feet, it takes about one boot for an adult.
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after all, the fur is first sewn together, then soaked, and then dried. tell me, as far as earnings are concerned, how much can, say, some young specialist earn? comes to your factory just starting, well, our work is piecework, piecework , for each product we have some kind of set price, for example, for children, it’s somewhere around a thousand, somewhere around 800, that’s how it goes wages are created, in real life. the first rule for a winter walk in yakutsk: layering. the second rule is the air gap between the layers. this will help
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keep you warm. well, rule three is natural fur. well, even if this doesn’t help. it was just invented by local schoolchildren, a cylinder, it contains hydrogen and it is also charged using the electrolysis of water, interacts with oxygen and the result is electricity, in simple words, what exactly heats, this is where the heating elements are, show me, they are still located inside, we can demonstrate now, let’s connect it. the bluetooth module has a thermistor inside and when it reaches a certain temperature, which we specify, it stops the supply of electricity and it stops heating. the idea to create such a padded jacket came to schoolchildren 2 years ago. it was in january, and it was very frosty then. bit hard. the thought came to mind, maybe
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the clothes will heat you up, and you won’t create it yourself. well, i came with this thought to the scientific. he suggested to the driver that everything was slowly emerging, why hydrogen, hydrogen, why not bare? i understand why it’s not bare, but it’s hard to throw it into the stove, but the stove wouldn’t fit here, it’s an environmentally friendly product, that’s true, but it doesn’t pollute the air, oh, it’s even hot. cool thing, guys, you can put it aside for a couple of weeks, now we'll finish filming, i i will return it to you, how much for rent? - for a discount, the mood, well, 12. the guys are not lost, i feel great potential, i responsibly declare to you, the thermal vest works, every
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guest of yakutsk is greeted by these three sergs, before these pillars stood literally at every house, that is, they were used everywhere they are for tying up horses, because sikots have always been excellent horse breeders, the public ranks first in russia in the number of herd horses, by the way, the horses here are unique, they are very small and cute, but at the same time incredibly resilient and willful. one of the large farms where such horses are raised is located in vustialdan ulus, 130 km from yakutsk. in the cold across the lena river. you can only get here by hovercraft . the vust aldansky uluz road, to
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be honest, doesn’t look much like an easy walk in a pine forest. first, we overcame the endless icy desert into which the lena river had turned, and then we crossed the river. now all that’s left is to get into the car, then 4 hours on the road and we’re on place. mikhail's farm is ready. is known throughout the republic, because he is the first hero of russian labor in yakutia, i didn’t do anything like that, i just work, i work everything. everyone knows that life on any farm begins very early, we, of course, took this into account, so we got up still dark at about 6:00 in the morning, but mikhail nikolaevich was not found at home, because he had already been with his charges for 2 hours , gave someone food, fed someone, to be honest, i don’t even understand where a person at his age comes from. takes so much strength and energy, perhaps the yakuts are to blame frosts, for example, now the thermometer shows -45, in such cold, if you stop, you can simply
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freeze, how much milk do they give, well, these are cows, the most elk cows in the summer give more than 30 kg a day, mikhail nikolaevich has been involved in animal husbandry all his life as a milkman, he even once set a republican record, receiving... 5,500 liters of milk from one cow. do you know what marge, lemur and yakut cow have in common? all of these animals have a special gene that helps them adapt to the cold. in winter, this furry little cow is not warmed by only her luxurious fur coat. horned can slow down the heart rate and metabolism, so it feels great, even at -50. it is much more difficult to engage in agriculture in yakutia. in any other part of our country, and the most difficult thing is to prepare food for the short and hot summer. how much hay do you need to make this summer? we
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need to prepare 400 tons over the summer. and if you don’t have time to collect the required amount of hay, what should you do then buy, buy? mikhail nikolaevich, how many heads of cows do you have here? about eighty. bull producer. he has a norm of 40 cows, per day, no, per season, per season, yeah, well, now she’s docile, with litter, oh, they kick, they kick, they kick , has it ever hit you, of course, i don’t have a finger on it, and this cow's horns hurt him so much, there are many more here. there’s not much running there already, uh-huh, it’s already running out, the milk of these cows is a real
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superfood, it has no equal in the whole world, it has a lot of proteins, and in terms of fat content it’s more like cream, but forgive me little brownie, your meat is even healthier, beef, by the way, marble, it will give a head start in terms of the amount of omega-3. any fish, yummy and milk , just like grandma’s, why are you filming everything, let me eat, splash, my grandfather is a legend, then it was called a pop artist, he assembled the kremlin hall for one time, wait, but i thought he was a cook, you he said something about olivier’s signature, hello, what a great fellow you are, thank you for not forgetting our family. traditions, today there will be an original presentation, who is it? lyuba, my bride, who? lyuba, excuse me,
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where did you come to us from? cuba, brazil, madagascar, i’m from bibirev , that is, she will have an apartment, i knew from childhood that i had nothing to catch in this family, i kind of should be angry with him, but i envy him, damn, family life, some kind of fucking lambart, i must start living like we all need your apartment, it turns out, listen, everything here is so twisted, even i wouldn’t write something like that to myself, no, daddy, this plot is twisted. olive premiered today at the first announcement, i changed something, i decided to leave it all to one single person.
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you understand that the operation is not for you anyway it will help, your idea to remove the ribs is crazy, yes, what did you do with her, you won’t get enough time for this, but if we do everything carefully, the mosquito won’t hurt my nose, you understand that this is really dangerous, my dear, it’s good to make a nurse , if you don’t resist the thieves’ patients, they will destroy you, you’re worried about me, i’ll correct both of our mistakes, it’s impossible to correct, something happened, yes, it’s probably behind
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me. to the operating room, dr. preobrazhensky, new in the series, watch the time after the program. senior obhs investigator, major volkov, we are interested in the documentation of the cosmetology department, here is the search warrant. anastasia, mikhail nikolaevich’s sister, helps look after the farm, where not only special cows live, but also special horses. our yakut horses are special in that they get their own food, but with their capitals they get their own food, and what can you get from them, the kids are very tasty, you can also make all sorts of different products from horse hair, we make a work horse. of them even
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hay is cut hay is cut by a horse with a scythe no horse, there is a horse scythe especially for horses, this is what they carry behind them and remove the hay , there are special horse rakes for horses, why are they so round, plump, plump, they have such fat, thanks to this fat the weight of the animal can reach... 500 kg, while the yakut horse is not only an excellent horse, but also a swimmer. why are they so small? in yakuty we are small in stature, our horses are also small, well said. this breed of horse is very unpretentious in order to survive the cold, animals' heart rate and metabolism slow down in winter, just like in humans, by the way, they say.
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that girls in yakutia are certainly waiting for a prince on a white horse, and not because they are capricious, but rather practical, because a horse in the house is a friend, transport, and food, and also an exquisite thing... you can use your hair to make yourself a fashionable handbag or hat , and this method of weaving is the ancient art of the sokha people, e.g., horse tails, horses, they will make such makhalki and hats, they are from komurs, somewhere from evil spirits, probably, you can do it like that, amulets, you can do it this way, amulets, among the yakut people both men and women have always done weaving, let me comb it. i think i can handle this for sure, it’s labor-intensive work and dirty, by the way, why dirty, they have dandruff, but i thought they were snowflakes, no, but it turns out it’s still dandruff, and why
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do the yakuts use horsehair than it’s good, what properties it has, warm, so alive, and the smell, oh, absolutely horsey. how long have the yakuts been weaving from horsehair? how horses appeared, probably once upon a time everything was made from horse hair for household items: ropes, reins. and seines for national yakut fishing, and today all the fishing tools are the same as 400 years ago. well, friends, by the will of fate i managed to get to the national yakut fishing, it is very different from what we are used to seeing in central
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russia. the task is as follows: you need to make a huge number of holes and pass a net through them, where the fish will actually fall. this is a very complicated matter, so a big one is involved. the number of people with the first frosts in yakutia the season begins munhi, traditional ice fishing, at one time you can pull out a lot of fish , which means feeding the whole village, the whole village, all the relatives, all the guests, well, on a fishing rod, once or twice that’s all, in this lake for me...
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this is where the work is for everyone, both women and children help the fishermen, no one leaves the munkha. hands, even guests. always remember when you travel to yakutia, the yakuts are very hospitable people, and you definitely won’t leave empty-handed, so extra luggage is a must. well, did you drag it? however, fish you can cook it right here, during the entire ice fishing there is a fire burning on the shore, it is lit to appease the patron. here it is, the main fish of yakutsk, crucian carp. according to residents of the republic of sakha, in local rivers it is especially fatty and delicious, and
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the crucian carp also saved yakuts during the hungry years of the great patriotic war, for these services a monument was erected to him in the center of the city. by the way, this comrade makes a wish come true. my desire is simple, i want to get there. to a unique place, the only cryogenic storage facility in the country seeds, here in yakutia the gene pool of all russian plants has been collected. cold is the best preservative in the world, there is plenty of it in yakutia, so it was here that they decided to create a special storage facility, one might say, the bins of the homeland. right below me, at a depth of 12 m, there are 13,000 types of seeds, so just in case a catastrophe happens, all the plants on earth will die, here, as in... everything is a collection of different seeds collected in yakutia in the late seventies and stored in an underground laboratory . here the basis of the collection is
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precisely the legumes from the collection named after vir nikolai ivanovich vavilov. the basis. plus, in subsequent years , seed collections were added. breeders of yakutia, the far east, siberia, and another advantage of this particular storage facility is that wild plant seeds began to be stored here. that is, these are rare endangered plant species. boris kreshengolts monitors the safety of the collection. throughout the storage facility , special sensors are installed that monitor the microclimate. it's -10 here. due to natural permafrost -10°. stable. the key to sound sleep for every bean is the right one temperature and minimum oxygen. in such a sleeping state. they have been there for more than half a century, but if you wake them up, plant them in
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the soil, then 95% of these beauties will sprout , tested by scientists, without a doubt, since periodically we still sample seeds from here , take them, germinate them, grow them into whole plants, they give in turn, the daughter seeds, which are also fully viable, are amazing. siberian mizulan ud was sent to us for eternal storage, and so our descendants will come here in 200 years, apricot, siberian, never tried it, well, let me know in 1.0 years, there are only two such storage facilities in the world: in yakutia and on the island of spitsbergen in norway, but ours is definitely cooler, this type of storage facility is completely autonomous, completely. independent of electricity sources, generally
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the only one on the planet today. it turns out that cold is beneficial not only for rare plants. i think that no one in yakutia rejoices more at the onset of cold weather than representatives of one of the rarest dangerous professions in the world - ship freezers. as soon as the temperature drops to -30-40°, the season begins for frostbites. their task. free ships from captivity in the ice, now i will introduce you to the only woman in the world who has mastered this specialty. on days when even the most persistent residents of yakutsk try to go out less often, elena generalova cuts ice. this is done so that the ship can be repaired without pulling out land. how did you manage? interest, curiosity. ice, do you like cold? no, i love male professions, what
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the men said at first, no one had a finger i didn’t twist my head, you didn’t have to go to fitness, or spend money, nothing, no, i have a fitness here, i’m also paid for it , by the way, about payment, on what principle is it made, well, payment, how much you did, how much you received , from 50 to 60, and if we take some big passage, 250, without touching this place, well, or
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left without a salary, christmas trees, harsh working conditions elena, you know, yes, i don’t know how explain this, but i really like it, what can you say, there are women in russian villages, period. dear friends, dear relatives and my loved ones, my dear fellow countrymen, we wish everyone good health, peace, goodness and the fulfillment of all desires. jumping from a parachute was the most extraordinary thing i've done recently, and flying at the controls of an airplane. i believe in santa claus, i write letters to him every year, this year he brought me cosmetics. happy new year to all russians, residents of our wonderful country. i wish you all happiness and health in the new year and that throughout the next year you
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will have patience, kindness to each other , all the best to you, happy new year happiness, and most importantly, siberian health to everyone, happy new year, why does a person need to go to space so much, because he exists gin with. nop, a product of stellor group. to the centenary of the outstanding director.
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“look for our daughter, what this love has brought him to, you will soon go to palarna, you will have a wife, bring ivan to me, give me happiness, give me children, shadows of forgotten ancestors, today on the first, from moscow to alaska, plans to celebrate the new year with the children collapsed, something needs to be decided, come on in, he’s nowhere to be found, how could he escape, sorry boss, your father disappeared, i need your help, what is this, it’s
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for the holiday, do you think he’ll like it, marina yakovleva, you’re a little jealous. do not envy. tatiana orlova. so, let's begin the reunification operation. elena safonova. you have entered private territory. old women in the snow. 13th of january. on the first. what are your years? you're still getting married.
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oh, the doctor will help, well, so as not to return the side, i can’t now, there is an operation in progress, the operation is happy new year, january 13 is the first. that i'm cold, my bunny, lena has five children five grandchildren, older daughters live separately,
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and lena and her family live in a private house in the suburbs of yakutsk. on average, how much should a family like yours spend per month? average? yes a month, yes, give or take, just to live normally, eat there, buy some things for the children, at least 100,000, yes, and does the salary correspond to this? no, do you want to hear my salary? yes, i’m quite interested in myself, my salary is about 40, 40-45, this is in summer, winter, so it decreases accordingly, but what will the younger generation, girls, say? you - you work, yes, i work with my mother, we have the same salary in the winter. she doesn’t work, what do you do in the winter, everything with the children , yes, but i still work part-time, somewhere around here, why are you staying here, we have sunk our roots so deep here that it’s easy to just get up and leave, well, we like living here, yes, it’s hard, well, man is such a creature, he gets used to everything,
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this amazing woman could well become the heroine of a feature film... in recent years there has been a real film boom in the republic, here almost as many films are being shot as in moscow and st. petersburg, and in terms of box office receipts these films beat hollywood blockbusters, so the camera is prepared. yakut films were shot for local audiences in the yakut language, but unexpectedly it became popular all over the world. in the scenery in the form of traditional yakut housing. and here then, after 2 days, we’ll shoot in nature and the connection of the two frames will take place. he founded the first
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state film company in the republic. any director yakutsky, probably in his work, always touches on some story related to mysticism, because here, as they say. before filming and after that the plate is broken. yakut cinema is known today in
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many countries, but not only it. it was here that a sport that does not exist anywhere in the world was born. every change of season in yakutia is like this swing. in summer it's +40, and in winter the temperature drops sharply, and to survive in these harsh conditions you need to be a really tough nut to crack. so the people of sokha came up with a special sport, it’s called masstling. and they say that there is not a single man in yakutia who does not engage in this type of wrestling. but not only the guys are strong here, but also the girls. at first glance, this is a fragile girl, a four-time champion of the republic in mass wrestling. when you decided to take up this sport, how your loved ones reacted, tanya did not say.
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i started to get results, it was the first time, but then, when i started, i didn’t resist, the rules in this sport seem to be simple, you just need to pull the stick, everything looks very good simple, but it turns out that strength... it takes a huge amount, this is a yakut-made simulator, it is needed in order to develop tenacity of the fingers, you can climb here, and you can, just like that, and you can, no, you must, you must try, like this, like this, be careful , it’s not easy, i’ll tell you, tan, in fact, you just need talc, that’s how it would work out for me , i’d run on it, it’s like that, wash it, my tongue is the enemy my, why? than, why couldn’t i just remain silent and admit defeat, now we’ll check, well, better, come on, come on,
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come on, come on, well, one more, well, you need to train, of course, to become a real yakut, probably, but what is this simulator for, this simulator too? the monkey bars are called for tenacity, it also helps, oh, oh, well, you ’re doing pretty well too, oh, friends, i feel like a real yakut ninja, this is the life of our own, and the sakha republic continues to test me, legs wide and weaving.
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no, well, it’s just weight that plays a role here , be that as it may, excuse me, i’m 80, consider it almost, you’re like 55, well, that’s what it is, that’s not it’s true, if you take an internal grip, there is such a technique, wow, yes... that’s it, but if i take an internal grip, then i will defend myself, and there is such a technique, like this , here’s tyunin, it’s tight, you can’t pull it out, i’ll be honest , it seems to me that to win this competition, like in that fairy tale, i would need a grandfather, zhuchka, grandmother, granddaughter, but there is a suspicion that even with such a great team i would not
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be able to overcome tanya, yakutia tests everyone’s strength. it’s time for me to find out how my body has adapted to life in this harsh region. so, well, let’s see, great, i’ll turn on the sound now, everything seemed to go fine , exactly a week has passed, yes exactly a week, your body has adapted, it’s been spending its reserves, you see, it’s very clear that the reserves have been spent, right, you? while you are sleeping, that is, your biological ones, this social life is very clearly visible, but for now it is clear that the reserves have just been spent, the body is rebuilding itself, how slowly, little by little we wake up, in fact, and in general in any place, when we arrive somewhere , adaptation takes at least 2 weeks, come here - in old age, of course it’s very difficult, there are no reserves, small ones who come here adapt, but if
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, like evgeniy, he comes here with large reserves, then... yakutia is an amazing region, the republic tests its guests with a harsh climate and welcomes only those who are not afraid of cold and icy winds, but to live in this unique region, it is not necessary to inherit the cold gene, the main thing is to have a big and kind heart. nature itself, extreme climate itself. aside from everything else , it makes people get closer, difficulties, they people seem to be united, with us help is a matter of course, you can’t survive here alone, hard work and perseverance, then they know how to find a way out of the situation in an amicable way, that is, this is called myndyr in yakut, that is, inquisitive ,
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the yakuts have a wandering mind, we rejoice in a little joy... because this cold land simply does not accept others, you have looked at the lives of your own, my name is evgeniy krevtsov, we will see you, as always, at the first.
12:00 pm
this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. in this issue. an enterprise where equipment was repaired, a base for foreign mercenaries, a seaport and more. the russian military launched new powerful attacks on ukrainian armed forces targets in different regions of ukraine.


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