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tv   Videli video  1TV  January 8, 2024 1:10pm-3:11pm MSK

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how long is it, about six months, yes, probably somewhere like that, and how come you didn’t mention that you adopted the dog from a shelter? we called, in fact, they told us that the dog was in kabardino-balkaria in nalchik, but we didn’t know, because the advertisement indicated that she was in st. petersburg, so i actually asked that well, how would they ask me some questions in order to understand that we are able to keep a dog, and not just take it for the sake of it, and well, in general, yeah, that’s it, we agreed, talked, we were told that in a week luna will arrive on a special transport bus along with other animals from kabbardina balkaria, she arrived, we met her and took her. and what is most surprising
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for us, they immediately gave us, along with the moon , a brand new collar, a brand new leash, a kilogram of food, a kilogram of food, a passport with vaccinations already, we had two curators, one comes from kabardino balkari, a famous woman, the second is from st. petersburg, here they have always been in touch with us and to this day they are constantly in touch, support us in all situations, help, tell us how, that is, well the guys really treat this as their life’s work, one of the curators is from nalchik, alnit. in general, in connection with everything that i just said, i really want to convey a huge thank you to alnita, well, she already knows that we are incredibly grateful, thank you for what she does, thank you for the fact that she gives most of her life saving such tailed cubs, and well, i want everything to really work out for you and you will complete your mission to the end, thank you to say that it turns out, well, naturally no one transports animals for free, yeah.
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it turned out that we later found out that we were collecting money to transfer not only the moon, but also several animals, we collected an amount, no one even told us, if we had known, we would have also invested, well, in our contribution, but we found out only after and no one even told us that guys, help so that your dog, no, as much as possible, people take it, yes, because someone may or may not be there, there are such people after all, yes, just unfortunately, they are not talked about very often, but it’s great that... you described her character today, so i personally see that she is a little afraid, she is very careful, neat, she reacts to loud sounds, she directly flinches, this speaks of her difficult past, difficult fate, what happened there and what do you know? my brother was saved, my brother was given shelter somewhere. right
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there in nachik, somewhere in vaul, here’s lunka came to us in st. petersburg, she is afraid of sounds, most likely due to the fact that construction sites are always loud, they nursed her for months and then at 3.5 she came to us, she was initially very afraid of trams and all metallic sounds, by the way, our bowl stands right next to the radiator and if god forbid she is still eating, the bowl touches the radiator, there is a metallic sound and she immediately shy away, that is, she is afraid of everything from the radiator, there are no trams there now, but basically everything that is metal, by the way, she also didn’t eat from the metal bowl, we still don’t eat, someday the wasps will go away, maybe this, well, such injuries are unlikely, it needs to be either seriously worked on, or simply the animals should be protected from such moments, but if they do not interfere with her life, and relatively speaking, if she doesn’t eat from a metal bowl, well, put a ceramic one, but yes, i’ll just come back someday, this kind of trauma often happens to people, of course, but she’s so friendly with you, because dogs often behave the same way with other people s...
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well, no one was betrayed there, no one was converted there no attention to anyone home is right for him all people are the same in principle yes they pose a threat yes and it took us 3 months to repair the elevator and we walked to the ninth floor what a joy she is look at look how she looks look no well well she turns out to be what were you on the eighteenth?
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you directly socialize her as a person and the moon like this, her father’s suit is excellent in general, in general she has everything in style there and the shops we went with her antonochka bunny everything is fine , she should act in films i think she’s straight without, well, without a breed, but it seems that she is some kind of purebred. to be honest, i think that she was encouraged, because her demeanor, look, look, she’s looking, anton, she loves, madman, yes, it’s obvious, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, personal spa, moon, you can’t , you can’t, bring it back, bring
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it back, i say, when i was leaving for work, dasha was filming that she was carrying my slippers, it’s impossible. this is a dacha, okay, oops, oops , where seven cats live, mom was probably happy about this visit to her, she’s trying to hide a piece of delicious food, are you freaking out or something? you do it, show me, oh, oh, i actually adore it when she hides some bone and tries to bury it, did ours do that too in the parquet? what other plans do you have for the future , honestly, well, dasha knows, i have an incredible, simply immense dream of building a house and adopting an even bigger dog, maybe a labrador, really cool guys, and with such love for all living things it’s very
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nice, thank you very much all the best to you, we have a short advertisement for the next hero. “i will be useful, and you will be pleasant, that is, or, and then change, what’s wrong with mayonnaise, it’s better to drink low-fat kefir, you are takitori, you are ahead of everyone, this year i reserved a role for myself, it’s small, deeply national in character, with all the advantages. and shortcomings, we want something, well, the most exotic, she brought us to a russian restaurant for the new year, like 12 months, these 12 days to solve those problems that traditionally related to
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human intellectual activity, the pedigree from the germans worked against christmas trees and new year, raspberry, santa claus is there, it is for children, and there is baba frost, a custom song in general, and many fashion brands go into the metaverse, to your home, the new year has gathered like one box hall, sending you on your way to miracles. veda vodka, a product of stellar group. i have great faith in the viewers of our
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program, i am sure that you will not turn away, will not take your eyes off the next story, although it is certainly not easy to watch. but most importantly, know that in the end everything will certainly be fine, watch, tell me that there is no sea, oh, of course, a difficult video, god, oh, the dramaturgy in the videos, to be honest, also seriously brought me to tears, yes, yes,
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hello, i guess we should start the story all over again, yes, how did you get into it together with jupiter? on june 29, i was going to work, and before going to work, i decided to go out into the yard, feed the cats, i didn’t find the cat that i was feeding, but under one of the balconies i found jupiter, he was sitting, well, in his box someone put him there, he was pressed against the wall, trembling, i thought that he... one eye was missing, well, because everything was covered in pus, but i found out later, i started to go to him approached, he began to hiss very loudly, well, i couldn’t pass by and took him, well , before that, before we went to the vet, i had already cleaned his eye, found it, and cleaned his nose a little, he had an infection, and the most the terrible thing he had was that his whole body was covered with lichen, and that very day we started treating the lichen and infection, well, the infection was cured much faster. it grows, if you then took a different, different route to work
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or did not go out to feed, what would have happened, well , the doctors say, such an infection, it, he would, he he would not have survived 100%, if no one had helped him, he would not have survived, well, okay, let's look at a little more history of recovery, let's talk about the good, because this is of course a difficult topic, let's see, it's all in the process, yes , yes, he had to wear a protective collar all the time. it wasn’t easy for him, as we see at first, well, this is a stray cat, it’s very similar to jupiter , it’s me who feeds it now, he’s so funny, he asks for food, he has a very thin voice, i don’t know, it’s me who feeds him recording, he helps me, he helps me.
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you just made this video to show people that something like this, with proper care, can set an example, so that people help animals, don’t pass by when a kitten is... in trouble, that is, how can you pass by, i can’t , your whole biography talks about this, right, because you haven’t passed by many times, let’s see, for you, for you, what are these, these are dogs, three dogs, in the twentieth year, my girlfriend and i were riding bicycles we saw three dogs, we first we thought that they might be homemade, so cute, so cute. collar and in general they
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are so tame, just so cute, but then they started to find out, they had been on the street for a long time, i just took a photo of them and maybe i even posted this video in stories, wrote maybe someone needs dogs, someone... wants to pick it up, and my friend from minsk, who helps dogs in minsk, she reposted it to some help group. animals they, in principle, immediately , almost on the same day, were found by someone house right away, in my opinion, for someone in foster care, my task was to hold them until they arrived from minsk, well, auto help will take them to minsk, well, for their foster care at home , how good they are, this is the same dog , yes, with a collar, mom these three , two, she, yours, the one black one was, well, that’s it. now she’s already in the house, but no, she’s not in her house, while she’s in my foster care, she’s with you,
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now i’ve already transferred her from the foster care, they all met together, joyful already before the trip, this is the next salvation, what you scream, this is a kitten, jupiter, this is a kitten, i called him march at first, but now he has a different name, well, somehow fate throws you under, and these animals are there, too, julia. how many kittens i carried, but unfortunately we have allergies, by the way, also allergies for 2 weeks, once he lived with us and for 2 weeks and we... and i also restored him in the same way, but he didn’t have deprivation, he he was just there, well, a parasitic infection, but we cured it all quickly in a week and he started just being a cat with a vertical take-off, he was just jumping so, yes, and at exactly 6 he jumped like that for a while, ate, and then lay down, well, it’s
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actually not a cat, but a kitty, we named her mara, and then she lay down like that next to me. and waited for me to wake up, as soon as my eyelashes fluttered, she was doing this , she voiced it, well, that is, you wake up, she was so tactful, the softest alarm clock, yes, that was, yes, she was sitting right here and like that and she slept under my head, she put her head under this hole between my neck, yes, where the neck is is when you sleep on your back, so she stuck her head there, it was a wonderful cat, i was very upset that...
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i say, i’m all callous, i’m all on fire, so what, everything’s fine, go to bed, come on , here’s a cat on you, a cat on a cat , cats treat, cats treat, cats treat, it fits specifically under your head, cure your head, i understand everything, your position is clear about the head, when the ambulance arrived, and i had such a portrait hanging beautiful, wall, mine, they say, oh, we know this actress, i say, yes, yes, i like her too, and you you say you also have allergies, how did you cope? yes, i am also allergic to cats, my cat, who is 9 years old , lived probably for four years, i started becoming allergic, i didn’t know what, i went to do tests, they told me that it was a cat, dust there, well, i’m coping, i just take antihistamines, yes, well, i’m not like that,
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i’ve never had swelling, thank god, that i won’t, but i have to say this. warn our viewers that allergies can, of course, be compensated for with medications, but if you have allergies, do not have animals, which you are allergic to, because the drug always has an effect on the body, allergies have a cumulative effect, sooner or later either the drug will no longer cope, or the body will begin to feel not very good, unfortunately, this is a very sad situation, i am dreaming about maincun , i’ve been dreaming for 20 years now. maincoon, but i understand that i will never have a maincoon, although the vaccine against cat allergies has already gone into production, that is, soon we will be able with great pleasure to all become slaves of cats, what are your future plans to live on cats, well, i plan, if i come across more cats
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or dogs that are in trouble, i will always help, that’s what we wish for you, the next guest can be called a guest from the future, it so happened that she she has to use the achievements of science every minute, of course she sounds serious, but at the same time she also makes great jokes, let’s see. can you please stop, oh, well , i'm sorry that your hand doesn't make sounds, i wonder if alexandra is visiting us today, wow, wow, let's tell your story, how have you encountered this at all, why are you
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now with this technical perfection for now, why am i a person of the future? take control, seriously, oh, i’m generally with some kind, i can even give pleasure later how you control, i haven’t understood yet, there are two sensors, one here, yes, the second here, that’s it, i i roughly understood, that’s it, tell me your story, i ’m busy right now, sorry, okay, yes, i was born without an arm, basically from birth i knew about the existence of bionic prostheses, they already existed then, but they weren’t so beautiful, so modern, so comfortable, and i’ve been wearing prosthetics all my life, but
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- that’s why i’m a kind of patriot of russian science, i really wanted to help russian developers, that’s why i now have one of the most interesting professions in the world, i’m a test pilot of bionic prostheses, that is, yes, they give me prosthetics so that i can give feedback on how comfortable they are, what functions i would like in the future, and in fact, i develop the protest industry on my part as a user. but this, by the way, is not a funny question, it is very important, there’s nothing funny here at all, it just evokes admiration, you ’re just a cyborg in the literal sense of the word, and not
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like the terminator, which is essentially a robot that was incorrectly named, this cyborgization is the future of humanity, in fact, of course , for now we are following the mechanical path, for now, unfortunately, yes, but for sure we will soon switch to organics, it will be different already now, too, in russia there are studies on...
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hello, seeing how easily i take off and put on my prosthesis, many began to ask the question, and can it fall off by accident and is it even possible to lift heavy things if it can be removed so easily? in fact, it holds up very well and of course, in theory, it can fly off, but in all my 27 years this has only happened once. times, so i would say that no, it cannot fly off, and yes, of course, you can carry heavy things, because otherwise why would it be needed. all prostheses are made according to an individual cast of the rest of the limb, but with prosthetic legs everything can be a little more complicated, and prosthetic forearm, like mine, is held in place due to the fact that they are perfect fit the rest of the arm. the prosthesis for dinner is in these places, and the elbow bones simply do not allow it to go anywhere. in fact, thanks to these bones, the prosthesis can only be put on and removed in one position. note. to remove or put on a prosthesis, i always bend my arm at the elbow, if i try to straighten my arm, the prosthesis will not fit, because those same bones are in the way, and the
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same thing will happen if i put on a prosthesis, then i straighten my arm and try to remove it , it's just that the anatomy of my body won't allow it do, now we'll quickly watch the advertisement and come back right away. old barrel cognac is a product of stellor group. we saw the video on the first channel, let's continue. these things happen to people. you stand at the forefront of this science, now, yes, when it is possible to speak. that these products will be available en masse, but products like mine are available en masse right now, they are obtained at the expense of the state in russia, the user himself does not pay anything, and
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you can choose absolutely any design, absolutely any functionality inside, if let’s say a person uses a smart home system, you can connect a prosthesis to a smart home with a prosthesis and control it, there is a lot of customization, yes, in general, if we talk about something directly. future future, then well, it seems to me that within 10 years there will already be a very big leap, the research that is taking place now will already enter the market, they will be prototypes, well, you mean this neuroprosthesis, yes, which neuroprostheses are currently undergoing right here is research, and such a protest can also be obtained if you want to participate in these experiments, because it still takes a lot of time, now what are you interested in, just what tasks do you set for this mechanical one of yours? but for me now , a prosthesis is a help, first of all, in everyday life, not in some specialized hobbies, but if we are talking about cooking in general, for example, yes, then you
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can always say, please come over. i can get a hot frying pan all the time, i use my prosthetic all the time to throw dumplings into boiling water, and i also take plates out of the microwave by hand, it’s very convenient, for example, to wear bags, especially in winter, because your fingers don't hurt, i miss it be throwing my seat, don't care get off my back, i make a sound, i watch it down round, so round get off, don't touch my stack , pres me high cuz i'm about to crack, one, two, three, turn around, don't you watch me now, just turn around, touch your knees, don't look, just turn around, do it now, you make me count, four, one , two, three, turn around, watch yourself, why don't
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you turn around, oops, wow, well, without any help at all, as they say, yes, just willpower, just, wow, you're in great shape, of course, just. wow, where is this, it’s wonderful, it’s nice to see a person who is like that in general, yes, as i said, that is , it’s more about conveying something, opening a bottle, cutting food, before the advent of the prosthesis, i never cut food in my life, i she simply bit her or asked another person to cut her, and this is about such everyday comfort that people don’t even think about, yes, but in
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my hobbies it turns out that... protest doesn’t help me, because these are very dangerous for electronics things, i can just break, yeah, a prosthesis is still like a laptop, probably about the level of how carefully you need to handle it, and my main hobbies are just an acrobat on a pole on a pole, and give me the results right away just tell me, i won the all-russian competition, i competed with two-handed people. i was able to get by and i’ve also been horse riding for a very long time, i worked as a riding instructor in russia and abroad i was on horseback in several countries, i also rode right with you i have 30 countries under my belt, yes, in my opinion, something or more, yes yes yes, more than thirty, strange, i really like to travel, i know english perfectly, i study it. korean, also
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at just some basic level, i know french, japanese, italian, how do you fly on airplanes, are there any questions just when flying, yes there are, you need to set aside a little more time to pass in order to pass your hand in your luggage, no, no, you can check your luggage, then it’s clear, no problem, but if you want to fly with your hand, you usually want to, well, yes, then you need just take it off and give it to... to be enlightened in different countries , but the perception in asian countries is simply not paying attention, there is a very inclusive environment, there i see a huge number of people with disabilities, and this is perceived just as it should , they can tell me to just come up, you have a very cool hand there, if the country is not very developed, then they usually treat me with pity, even with a prosthesis, that is, they come right up and
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strangers on the street can ask: is it hard, probably your parents? yes, i say, why? they are like, well, you can’t work, so they seem to have more of a limitation according to this plan, that if you were born disabled, then most likely you will sit on your parents’ neck, which means most likely you will never have a partner, because who needs who, in general it’s like that in russia, yes, i’m married, i work, so well , it’s not very offensive, but it’s interesting that even if you give them arguments that this is my husband, that’s for sure. i take very good care of my hands, they are part of me families, and you are not only like hands , you consider part of the family, who else is in your family, of course, i - in general, i am madly in love with animals and animals are a huge part of my life, i had a maximum of 12 animals living at the same time and they were
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completely different, i survived. there is a crow that i picked up on the street, and a little hedgehog too , well, i nursed it and released it, that is, it’s just for a while, so that i can take it to the veterinarian, at the moment i have... two cats, two mayankoons, a papellon, a remy, a dog, come on let's see, i'm always ready to just show off in any situation, oh, how gorgeous they are, what is their name, how did they appear, are there any stories of their appearance, of course, maine coons appeared so that my mother and i were just visiting a person who has one. yes, i saw , yes, i saw mainhuna live, and i was like , that’s it, this is it, this is it, this is what i want, and, uh, at first i really wanted a white mainhuna with
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different eyes, then he appeared in our family there is also a red mainhun, my mother really wanted him, i don’t really like red colors, plus there is a belief that red cats, what? merits of hulse, there are a lot of jokes on the internet, about the theme of the energy drink of a red cat, the vibes of a red cat, that red cats, for some reason, they are the most chaotic, so someone believes that cats, anyone’s servants, are chaos , rather chaos is their servant, my mother persuaded me, because the breeders named him arthur, and i am a crazy fan of the legends of king arthur. and i thought it was fate, so that’s how he appeared in our lives and began to terrorize me, the main thing is that the bar didn’t get out of hand, yes, now about the dog, dog appeared so that my mother really liked this breed and although my mother decides,
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well, it was before, they’re just all old and then of course my mother decided it, but i agreed, because papillons are very smart dogs, the top five smartest breeds are considered very energetic and...
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we wish something for people, here in this case i would like to wish all of us to take from you this confidence, this lightness, this determination, in short, thank you for showing people what people have in general have a full life, the ordinary ones to whom you you relate, and if you also take into account your unusualness, but this is probably a colossal example for everyone else, and i would like to say to our guys who do such things, thank you for doing this, good luck to you, strength, patience, speedy developments to make people making everyone absolutely happy, this...
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we’ll find out what needs to happen in a person’s life for him to get a pigeon right after we watch this video. i am for you with all my soul, but you have little interest in me, i am for you this way and that, but you are not so for me. not like that, no way, if for you i’m not the one, and if you give me a turn, a turn, there’s only one thing left to do, look out your window, so short and clear, guys, today our guests are tatyana , andrey and goluud bushai, hello, how are you? the correct name is goluda, he was bulya, but then over time he became such a master in our house, so we called him busha, busha. abbreviated generally boo, boo, yes, he even reacts to my voice, boo-boo, so i wondered from the very beginning, what has to happen in a person’s life for him to get a pigeon, in your life, what happened, that you got a pigeon? they brought him to me as a chick, he couldn’t fly, did
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n’t know how to drink or eat, my friend asked me to take him out, because she picked him up on the street, very small, but i persuaded my husband, i’m generally by nature, yes , since childhood i loved only dogs, for 26 years of marriage i... they love pigeons, yes, well, for now, well , here you are, they bring you pigeons, you had some time with pigeons before, but literally in about half a month , i was running cross-country in training, on the dam i saw a little white dove, apparently the cat had injured her a little, yes, i think that if i go back, if she doesn’t fly away, i’ll have to save her, but it happened, she was jumping and i caught her, but i didn’t have my cell phone with me, because i wouldn’t have reached her, then a man walked towards a woman,
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i asked for a cell phone, we put it on speakerphone, well, naturally i called my husband to persuade her, this little dove lived with us for a week, naturally she was an adult and we let her go, well, i let her out when she was already got better, got better, we dealt with busha, but the video also shows a cat, like a pigeon cat, he is 15 years old, he is sixteen years old, and he is a lazy old man, yes, they gave him to us too and i also persuaded my husband when... i was in the bathhouse, you know when to call for 26 years, guys , help me out, they extended the bath day, yes, there’s still an hour of the bath day, but on the phone he says: guys , help me out, he says, otherwise i’ll come back from the bathhouse now, she’ll persuade me, well, it happened, and he was thrown out as a little kitten, he also mumbled , it was just a pity, he grew into such a handsome man, what is the name of the lace, my husband named it, because he follows me like a dog, a cat. tame, very kind
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, loves to kiss, hug, and bush fell in love with him too, he comes to him, but he doesn’t even touch him, please explain why the pigeons and the cat made up in korea, most likely he replaces some partner just in a party with a pigeon , they are not exactly very secret, well, they are a group bird, that is, socially they need the company of their own kind, so the cat is a partner for him, he is the eldest, well, we all live together in his apartment, i also believe that you are a very good servant for them, and i’m in siberia, in siberia, when i lived in the city of achensk, in the krasnoyarsk region you could climb a ladder onto the roof and there were a lot of pigeons, flocks of sparrows, and we looked at the eggs, that’s when they were laying them out, an amazing sight, of course, amazing , then we waited for a period. when the chicks hatch, and he probably needs a partner
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, he probably has them, he only has accomplices, well, yes, well, he’s generally fearless, with one tooth, of course , a paw, that’s right, friends, or alone tooth, or one beak, which is stronger, well, yes, he has everything is in place, in place, only he doesn’t let go, that’s how he is, that’s how he plays. this is with him or he’s bullying him this pigeon is bullying him, now of course he ’ll play a little role, the mirror work of the flank, well , if they show us these moments, in general he shows off, we have a cat squirrel child, for the first time i sympathize with cats, because usually they you envy them in the house, they lie there, sleep, do nothing, kill their owners, here after all.
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we were gone for 2 weeks and he missed me, you are my bird, okay, okay, okay, here you go i haven’t even undressed yet, i haven’t even had time to take off my jacket, there he is like this, which is not alien to pigeons , yes, he never flew into your face, well, by chance, something just scared me, it flew in, flew in, god, it didn’t hurt , it doesn't hurt, no, it's not a parrot that can inflict there.
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the homeless did not accept him into the basement on the tree, this kitten lived for a week in the tree on a wild apple tree, everything is the other way around, the dove should be in the tree, but everything works out for them. caps the little animal, and he says: okay, let's go, and when we approached the apple tree there was this silence, so we’ll live with you , we’ll save another one, there are grannies there - they fed them from the house
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, yes, she came down, the train climbed into the tree again, silence, squirrel, yes, silence, in general i think, well, thank god, the world was not taken away without good people. came, it was very nice to meet you, we have a short advertisement now , then come back, the next heroes, my grandfather is a legend, then it was called a pop artist, he assembled the kremlin hall for one time, wait, and
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i thought he was a cook, what are you- i was talking about the branded olivier, opsy, hello, what are you like? well done, thank you for not forgetting our families. traditions, today there will be an original presentation, who is it? lyuba, my bride, who? lyuba, excuse me, where did you come to us from? cuba, brazil, madagascar, i’m from bibirevo, that is, she will have an apartment. since childhood, i knew that there was nothing for me to catch in this family. i think i should be angry with him, but i envy him. damn, family life is like some kind of fucking pawnshop. necessary? start living like we all need your apartment, it turns out, listen, everything here is so twisted, even i still i didn’t write that, no, daddy , it was you, olivier, who started this plot, the premiere, today at the first, announcement, i changed something, i
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decided to leave it all to one single person, but... now the sensation in the video was seen by the girl, who knows how to talk to a dog , but so far only with one, but this is enough for a sensation, tell him, tell him that he is wrong, translate from me to him that he is wrong, thank you, and he understood everything, yes, look , anastasia, is our guest today. what's happening in the video, in the video we have marcel came to us for foster care, we periodically take different dogs to visit us, for us this is not a problem, it’s just that you are in a dog party, if someone needs to leave someone, you try to leave each other, yeah, and so do
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we they had just come from a walk, and sherry was very nervous that he didn’t have enough personal space, so he tried to defend it, but... marcel and i agreed and explained to him that he was wrong. well, yes, in principle, dogs are social animals, these are all their sounds, they serve for communication, just marcel i saw your reaction that you support him, one might say , and he explained to sherry in his doggy style that they are harnessing me here, so like furry guys , calm down, well, yes, that is, he felt confident in himself and barked at him a little for this, he i realized that everything here, like most people, will have to be patient, but how long did you have to wait? animals? in total, well , six dogs, probably, at the same time? no, no, not that much in principle, right? yes, yes, a little normal. do you travel, where did you manage to go together? and we got to moscow, to nizhny novgorod, to yaroslavl, to vladimir, while this one is here, on what?
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by car, but how to travel with a samoyed in the car? and he has a big hammock chair behind him, yes, he controls from this hammock at an expensive price. how in general, he just lies there, swaying, yes, he sways there, asks the window to open when it’s hot, to close when it’s cold, how much hair there is from him, how to live with it, he just touched it and i already got it, we’re still combing ourselves , you are still combing your hair, how often should you comb it, preferably once every 3 months, well, you don’t knit socks that often , you collect six, yes we collect them, we give them to the waistband especially for athletes so that they don’t get sick, yes, they knit a sweater, and socks, and mittens. do you need to comb it off to make one sweater? one comb takes about 9 hours, this kind of comb is enough for a mitten for sure, oh cool, sasha, well, you also need this wool.
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i noticed under the table there that the spirit of january 1 is i like marseille very much you are something there that he and this is the spirit of january 1 it’s called
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like fireworks now it’s like marseille is here they met for the first time when they were very young , it was still a period. yes, and we lived nearby , so we went out to meet each other, and you could go for a walk, this is a deer, well, so you got a dog, tell me honestly, it’s all true , a suitcase, it’s forbidden, you can’t, you can, you can’t, you can, that’s how he has it it just sounds in my head , you can’t, you can, you can’t, well, a sleeping place , well done, skulls, you’re fashionable, stylish, a fast snail, this is a bed, marseilles, this is your lovely home, yes turtle, happy birthday
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to you, happy birthday, they have such a look, always a little scared and guilty, oh, the birthday candle, mr. marcel, he’ll just blow it, yes, he’ll blow the candle. but i really wanted to, what are you like, something wrong is happening, hello, but this, a comfortable position, what is your weakness? this is once every 3 months
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to do this than if samoyeds often we want to probably name correctly probably in my opinion it doesn’t happen very often here what are the peculiarities we have periodically happens periodically i think the samoyed is more popular than the champion so let’s say it’s true that they are really very rare dogs and we have a big park it's big enough. a large number of blocks are designed, and there is only one vypet walking there besides us, in principle, i know that in the city of st. petersburg there are about 50 vypets who literally live there permanently, and the most interesting thing is that when he was born, with him there were also five puppies in the litter , there are a lot of them being born, when we came to pick him up, they told us where the other dogs would go, one went to finland, another went to france, another one... was taken to germany, his brother lives with us exactly in park, one in st. petersburg, and one was taken to yekaterinburg, when i was on
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a study exchange in germany, i met his brother absolutely by accident, that is, it is generally impossible to do, it seems to me, based on coloring, but as you proved that you have the same dog in russia, i came up, showed photographs, i said that perhaps this is our brother, they said, yes indeed, i asked the age, how old the dog is, they said yes, that’s one year, but just one year and 6 months and how... it just coincided, but they seem to have to constantly run, and be in motion, yes , marcel’s peculiarity is that he doesn’t like to do this, you gave him fame with a scarf, he is known as - he is known around us due to the scarf, so i gave him i knitted the scarf myself, in fact i knitted a sock for myself, but the sock didn’t work out, i didn’t have enough patience, i unraveled it and it turned out to be a scarf, he had a snood scarf, right here on the neck, it looked great and was very beautiful, everything looked really cool. walked past us all the time saying: this is a dog in scarf, all the parents have already started pointing at him to teach their children, look, the dog is wearing
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a scarf, everyone knows him in the nearest yard. i thought that since that’s the case, it’s a joke, but there are these shower caps, they can be used a little less, that’s also an option, let ’s spin some more, come on, come on, spin and twist some more, well done, and also, come on, come on
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once again, oh, well done, sit, lie down, lie down, run, spin, god, what is this scarf, by the way, and this scarf, yes, what does it look like things, a dryer, a battery, tell me you took a picture of everything, no, oh, oh, well done, more, more, turn around , a little more, come on a little more, okay , we sorted out the bulges a little, this guy is performing some of his duties, of course, he’s also a driver, he’s standing in swimming with... and how is it with small dogs? well, big dogs sometimes have something like that? and due to the fact that they have some difference in height, and when he stands, he does not notice small dogs, so when he wants to play with them, he lies down on the ground and plays at their level, oh how it’s cute, but you’re probably already worried, because this is a white dog, when you go out with him for a walk, what a feeling you get that they seem to be clean and now
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this is going to start, but they like to lie around. yes , but for us this is not a problem, because we knew what we were getting into, besides, he has been living in st. petersburg for 6 years, so every day with us is not clean, but he has a peculiarity of his coat, it consists is that when it dries out, it seems to become cleaner overall, it’s not difficult to wash, in principle, just like you need to wash it often, wash it every time, but not completely, paws, belly, paws, this is an old zhiguli's butt, wide, you need to scratch, tell me... you yourself are asking with this paw of yours to be touched, scratched belly, well, as soon as i touch you, you start doing this, what is this? when i come home, it turns out that sherik has a girlfriend, you start, oh, my god,
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my god, i think. what kind of shaggy monster is the dragonfly, oh, at this time the dragonfly, this is the trail, you know what now reminds me of my daughter i’m preparing breakfast, she comes up to eat, i say: a kiss, a kiss, i understand now.
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accordingly, the street worker too, the owner’s car is not there, that’s all, girls, good evening, what an unexpected meeting, you should definitely help us, zenaida, i suspect that this is a kidnapping, absolutely right, old women in the snow on january 13th on the first,
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wow, what a car, they'll give you so much for that. then work at home green morega bourbon stier product of stellor group. i have a problem when i leave the house, i always forget whether i closed the door or not. well, that's actually why i got married. although there are other ways to combat forgetfulness, they are discussed in the video. this is real, this is life.
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i work at this, in short, you always remember everything, unfortunately, i don’t always remember everything, so even i don’t remember whether i closed the door or didn’t close the door, turned off the light or didn’t turn off, but everyone knows this, some of you i forgot something , i’m a leader, in general a leader in what i forget, for example, i get out of the car, go for groceries, i come, she’s working, my wife says, i lost my car keys, this it was a long time ago, i say, well, i don’t even know where, we searched, searched, searched, i went out, i think the next day, the car was parked in the yard , running. and i also have a car, it illuminates your way for a few more minutes, and you won’t understand whether it’s already resting, or whether it’s still illuminating, and i come,
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it’s so warm, it’s so good, i’m talking on the phone, the person there tells me, send me i need a quick photo, i say, you can call me, i can’t find the phone, you know, but that’s another story, no, i’m somehow collected, thank god, i’m still in this state , and i do, for example, a squat, i turned it off , it takes me so long to leave the house, this is an excellent technique, in fact, what knocks you out of this, by the way, i also
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take photographs, especially when i park the car in the parking lot, i was so freaked out, everything is fine, otherwise i’ll go looking there, in short, that’s why i said that i’ll say, wait a second, there is such a very interesting psychological effect associated with this.
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to be a cook, she always told me that i would give you to be a seamstress so that you could join them i studied there, i say, well, it’s not my thing, it’s also like, well, now i regret it, it would be better if she sent me there actually, after the cook, it turns out that i started doing video shooting, at some point i was filming a video for one artist and he called me to some designer place, he had a friend who was a designer of clothes, and he called me to him to choose. a bow for a video, yes, and we came there, there were such cars, beautiful, interesting equipment, and there were such unusual clothes, things that you wouldn’t buy in a store in basically, because he did it himself from
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his own head, he remade some old clothes, and it was very interesting, it inspired me, and how i would shoot this video, i met this person and agreed to meet him in general closer, to talk, in the end i worked with him for 2 months. so somehow i liked it , maybe andrey, maybe we’ll ask you how it all happened, sewing for me personally, he started doing it all of a sudden, that is, when he told me, let’s, he says, eat... the dusty ones inhaled this dust, there they took bags out of the barn for his mother, there they brought these bags home and he began to sew from old things, things started from this, i know that you, when you told your mother, like i i want to sew, my mother didn’t really approve of your choice, no, they even had a fight, she said that many people... study to sew for years, but they
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don’t succeed, what makes you think that you are something special? friends, how did you feel about what you said, i will sew clothes now, i want to do sewing, yes friends in general they laughed at me, that this was not a man’s business and that i was doing something wrong, my friends didn’t approve, my parents didn’t approve, but andrey, you supported him then, no problem, because i do creative work myself and i know that for support for someone who starts doing something, it is important, yes it is very important, very important, to you, who gave money for... the first car, a girl, she was still a girl then, now she already a wife, now already a wife, and then you already started sewing some things when did you receive your first orders, when did someone see your first works and become interested in it? well, it turns out that at first i generally altered everything from old things, when i just started learning to sew, months ago i didn’t have any fabric, it was expensive , i didn’t buy it because i didn’t know how to sew, and in order not to spoil the material i decided to rip up all the unnecessary clothes in the house, so i got cuffs, elastic bands, zippers, buttons, in general , everything that i managed to flog from clothes, but you understand that to make a new part from
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old fabric is not enough, i had to to join several parts together to make one new one, and i decided to open up small rectangles and join them into large canvases in the pechwa style, so i made a couple of tracksuits, another fluidshot, a t-shirt, even a couple of bomber jackets from old jeans, and that’s me i sewed it without an overlocker on an old household machine, basically everything from the same pattern, and even started assembling a jacket from jackets this way, cool, i bought this overlock jacket later, and a little later. scissors cool serious scissors yes that's it the first thing you sewed, yes, i altered my first chef's uniform, this was when i was just starting to sew, i told
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my friends about it, they laughed at me, just like my relatives, saying that from nothing will work out for me, but i continued to do what i like, without any courses, i came up with ideas myself and implemented them, six months passed, they wrote about me in newspapers, published on websites and even talked about me on television, and my friends immediately started write to me that i’m great and that i sew them something brotherly, but i believe that i have no friends, you are my subscribers, you believed in me more than friends, supported me, wrote kind words and motivated me, so maybe you are really mine? friends, not them, the cat, yeah, the cat has a special mission, by the way, in this story, normal, generally normal, oh, a dream. you, uh-huh, it’s cool, but you have everything with
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the number 13, yes, it’s some kind of special number, and yes, for italians it’s generally the thirteenth lucky number, well, for me it’s also a lucky number, i’m showing my very best ones, the very first job, the most difficult job, the coolest job, the most favorite job, the easiest job, great, the very last job, the sweetest job, the most unfortunate job. drags the unwilling, that is, a person must eventually still come to what he is initially predisposed to, but in what way, if he is strong, he will get there himself, but through pain, well done, just a good example of what is not necessary in principle listen to those around you and just need to navigate. for mine that’s what i want and oh well, no
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i wanted, okay, i didn’t want, i didn’t want , well, i’ll say, many, many years ago, when i entered the pedagogical institute, i saw that everyone was so fashionable, i bought denim material, made myself a jacket with padding polyester, and i was very cool denim jacket, but one day a friend came up to me and said that she sewed something herself, that’s it, i didn’t sew anymore, that’s why i’m so weak, i went running, well... you realized yourself in something else and maybe that friend was the one who pushed you to this , there are no female and male professions, there are professions are just a shorter path to success, right?
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it’s your doing, why did you decide to give your friend a cat, you had to somehow get rid of the kittens faster, everything is simple, everything is simple, well , i suggested it first , i say, you need a kitten, they say yes, i say, that’s it, this cat will bring it to you good luck, by the way, how he helps you in your work, when i just start laying out some fabric, then i start doing something, some kind of movement appears, the cat is already here, he’s here as always, he won’t lie down somewhere, specifically for fabric, specifically for scissors, it doesn’t give you any. at that moment when success came to you , approval from others, how your friends and family reacted to it, that is, they realized that you were on the right path, apologized for the fact that they led you astray all this time or not, well, mom, yes, probably , she seemed to say something there, that you’re great, i
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didn’t expect it, to be honest, but she was really shocked, yes i showed it to her, she was shocked that i did it, she says how so, you didn’t even study? have you sewn something for mom yet? yes, of course, i definitely made the tracksuit the same, but this is the highest recognition, of course , i made this tracksuit from skirts, don’t laugh, seriously from skirts, i saw a cool skirt in the store, i liked the color and material, so i decided to buy them all, there were six of them in stock , they had a promotion of 19 rubles per item to sell all the non-seasonal summer clothes, i ripped them all apart and cut them into rectangles, sewed them according to the tracksuit pattern, added more stripes from almost the same fabric, it was a shirt, on the cuffs of it... i bought kashka, posted a couple more options for this costume, i wanted to make i got myself an autumn onrak jacket, bought oxford fabric, black and orange, sewed it in my size according to the pattern, tried it on, i realized that it was too small for me, and if i added synthetic padding, i wouldn’t be able to wear it at all, now it’s a sony sweatshirt, where i’m wearing everything, but i need to go a few sizes larger
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to make it super. what are your dreams and future plans? well , in fact, i want to be world-class, big, in short, a great success story when a person listened to himself and went towards his dream, just no matter what, thank you very much for coming to us today, we now have a short advertisement for the next hero.
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today is the first one. satellite debris is flying towards you. we will do maneuvers. heard, accepted. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. cats can stare at three things endlessly. how they put treats on them, how the laser pointer moves and how the christmas tree is decorated. well , we’ll look at... now we’ll also look at the pre-new year’s weather, pre-holiday weather, snow outside the windows, today you and i
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decided to wait for a miracle together, clap-clap, firecrackers hung on the christmas trees, stomp stomp, toys swirled. come up to us olga came today with her maine coon, whose name is gakota. hello. this is a tortoiseshell color, marbled tortoiseshell. how did you manage to record this video? i’ll tell the audience right away that this video got 30 million. yes, that’s, well, that’s colossal. 31. as of today 31. okay, how did you come up with this idea? let's start with the age of the kittens. 5.5 months dokota and diesel, brother and sister and khlen, lenochka, little kittens reacted to the usual swing, that is, to the beat of the music, the whole trick, was that same song playing? yes, they played this song, they danced to it, we thought
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they had some kind of yummy food there, many spectators asked, are you waving sausage, no, not sausage, sausages, sausage, there were a lot of all kinds of options, but by nature, they are generally maenkoons - this is a special type of uh cat, yes, which maincoons are affectionate, actually very smart, amenable to training well, simple commands, bring objects. that is , maincoons do all this with pleasure, tell me, did you teach how to fetch , you throw some object, for example, a ball, an ordinary soft rubber ball, the cat brings it, uh-huh, put it down, uh-huh, of course, maybe, like a dog doesn’t give it back, yes, again, and you say, apport, brings, well, that is, generally sits, even so it’s close, please tell me, what kind of relationship do you have, does she feel you, is it a girl, and a cat, does she feel yours? mood, how she helps you, i want to tell you one story, very interesting in my opinion, the third in
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this clip, which is the youngest, helen, she was pregnant with one other cat at the same time, yeah, and the cat scarlett gave birth to five kittens, lena supported her together, breathed quickly, lay in the same nest, but that’s when she’s helena, helena, well, at home we call her lenka , yes. helen took three of scarlett's five kittens, put them under her and pretends to be a nursing mother, but she didn't give birth herself, yes, let 's watch a little more video from this maine cunnilingus family, the egyptian kings, and you constantly have them from time to time, great, this is called choreography , yes cat, synchronized nodding head, well, cool, very cool, oh-oh-oh, from
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our kittens, thank you very much, yes baby, and from you, thank you, and from you, she’s still small, small, he’s still small, he’s still small, these are children , aunt’s children, yes children, these are just some kind of lynxes, and you didn’t give them away to anyone, they are all in the house, yes, i have them separately. the house was built for them, such love, and karl and karl’s ears are amazing, she gives massages, yes, it’s a huge thrill when cats do that, climb on the body and little thing. there are tassels everywhere, tassels, oh they are even in the kitchen, yes, yes, they still really like
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to drink water from under the cravo, everything is allowed with you, but in the house for them, yes, they have this house, which is now, this is a separate house, we are in their house , now it’s not yours, this is a cat’s house, otherwise i thought, and it’s a cat’s kitchen, really, really, they didn’t add a figure of meat, cat, and this is already in the house where i will be, but different. that is, someone, someone lives with you, someone lives in this leather house, or how does it turn out? that's all, everything is on one plot, just build a separate house, everything is clear, and this is karlusha, her little sister, a talkative cat. dakota is having breakfast with carlos, with her
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little sister, well, carla is squeezing the meat out of her paw, carl, there’s a plate next to you, it’s delicious, it’s delicious. who was the boy in the middle, that’s how he grew up, please tell me, but at home, when you take him to your home, they behave naturally, just like in their own home, and you’re allowed to walk on the tables and get in there. what is
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the average weight of a maine coon? well, in general now the girls are about 7-8 kg, but there are smaller ones, but in in this case, the doka is somewhere around eight, and the diesel is currently 13.5 kg, it doesn’t come down to diet, but it’s very large, long in itself, well, it’s almost like a dog, a medium breed, probably a dog and a diesel limousine, this height, this size, this is average. small, this is still small, she will still grow, she is 2 years old, yes, she will still grow up, baby, small, they grow up to 3 years, they spread out wide up to 5 years, yeah, i can’t allow this development to be abandoned , it's unfair, light, you're not going to operation, and i'm running to hell, you're
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a brilliant surgeon, you made a mistake, how could this happen, huh? i would like to remind you that now i make all the decisions. doctor preobrazhensky, new ones from the series, watch after the program time. it was a mistake, i'm very sorry, are you sorry? why does man need to go into space so much? because it exists. gene sheaf. product of the stellor group, they feel good, look how they run, i demand satisfaction, as always there is a lack of sensitive leadership,
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qualified help is not required, well , somewhere... and the doctor will help, well, not to mention i returned it, i can’t now, the operation is underway, the operation is happy new year, january 13 is the first. cognac monte chococa, a product of the stellar group. but let's talk about destruction, my favorite topic. just in this house, in a separate one, one of the cats climbed onto the upper level, the kitchen one, here’s the set, let’s call it that,
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and used a claw to pry up the stretch ceiling, and over the course of the night she did it a little at a time. pulled it back, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, a hole formed, she drove it into this hole, and also ran around there, i go in, i have a skinny there, i think it’s normal, there was such a moment, but the ceiling can withstand a lot, it did, but it had to be changed, of course, because of this hole, but the house is heated, the temperature is maintained, yes, a certain one, yes, warm floors, heating, yes, everything is there, a person can come to spend the night peacefully, there with the cat, with the cat. the army starts running around the house , what does it all look like, well, it needs to be like this, a page, and a little bit, in the first video the tv is
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on the nightstand, and these little knives, and these little knives... are drilled by corpses, yes, the husband did it, because what is this tv then? it won’t last long, but there is a hierarchy, matriarchy or patriarchy there, that’s the most interesting thing, that helen builds all the girls and dokota, including the boys, there are no boys, the boys are separate, but they are separate, that’s what i wanted about, they live separately, yes , everything , what, what, patriarchy, yes, yes, lena , there’s no need to fight, lena, it’s lena growling, well , here it’s some kind of showdown, but here, yeah , yeah, it’s diesel, it’s diesel, diesel now lives in barnaul in barnaul, yes, this is the new owner,
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this is the new owner irina, and he is a diesel engine, because that there are some special sounds. whose house is this now? this is koshkin’s house , this is the cat’s house, well, it’s normal, the sofa folds out, that’s right, these were lena’s kittens, you also have kids there, who is this, this is lenkina, here is lena, we have khalen, who, how much does she weigh? grams?
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fanya, i finally come to you, since our program often airs in the morning or in the middle of the day, and at this time people eat something, have breakfast, someone has lunch, in general it doesn’t matter, now we’ll talk about i'm going. because you are not only a radio host, but also a food blogger, and also a food blogger , a millionaire, by the way, yes in some networks yes, in some no, well, the maximum number of views on yours, like a cat has 32 million, that is, you are not inferior to cats, no, i am not inferior , it’s you, this is a serious plan , i have a lot of millionaire videos , really, because they are viral, they become viral because they are useful, you have a new portion, yes, let’s watch it, you’ll just tell me what’s there, tartlet coat with melted cheese, place two slices of cheese on both sides pickled cucumber, and in the center a rosette of raw smoked sausage, the appetizer is ready, bon appetit. i prepared this appetizer and
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saw that it looked like a little santa claus or a snowman, in general, an appetizer for the new year's table. we cut the rolled out puff pastry into strips, wrap each one in a roll, secure it through with a toothpick and bake in a preheated oven at 180° for 20-25 minutes. then take out the toothpick, carefully cut off the lid, press it into the middle with your finger, fill it with cottage cheese, red fish, cover with slices of fresh cucumber. an elegant, delicious appetizer for the new year's table is ready, bon appetit. grate the eggs, pickled cucumber and onion, a little mayonnaise and dijon mustard. we put the mixture on toasted slices of borodino bread, on top - a piece of herring, the appetizer is ready, bon appetit, take an ordinary orange and cut it in half, so
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you get two halves, and then we start inserting hemp like this into the halves, the hemp can be absolutely any, but i i love vegetable ones, because usually you cut a plate of vegetables on the table, no one eats them, it’s so convenient here, well, such vegetable hemp, cucumbers, tomatoes. you can have absolutely any filling you want, like this we chop off half an orange from all sides, we put this hedgehog on some plate on the table, you can also decorate it with something, the canopies can be absolutely anything, even with sausage, with pickled cucumber, something else, this is an idea for decorating a snack for a holiday table, half a carcass of red fish cut them into portioned pieces, put them in a container, coarse salt and a little black pepper, start sprinkling it like this
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, rub it in a little, massage the fish, add a little fresh dill on top for flavor, i don’t add lemon because it burns lemon red fish meat , that's it, cover it, put it in the refrigerator, tomorrow the fish will be... ready, but tell me, please , here - all sorts of food trends exist, some preferences of one year, another year, yes, something becomes popular, here is the twenty-third year, if to tell you what you remember about him , that’s what was most popular in the twenty-third flo , in general now, in principle, in any field of activity, speed is very important, that is, the recipe should consist of basic products that are always in the refrigerator or that can be bought in the store yes, on the first floor, it should be prepared quickly, easily and at the same time it should be pleasing to the eye. that’s why there are videos like this, where it’s beautiful, something unusual, wow , people like it, oh, what a man, you know, it’s probably more pleasant to look at, what to do, i think it’s long, i
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would just eat it all, forget it, it ’s done quickly when you already have timing in your head, not sleight of hand, but timing, you know what, why, i can table cover, anyone, well, i don’t know, there were times when there was half an hour left, everything was seething inside me, he told me how clever you are, i said, no, not clever. timing in the head, why do you understand that why does the olympians already have timing in the head, i want a question, the most new year's dish. olive svetlana is the most new year's under a fur coat, yeah, okay, how rarely do you have olivier, of course, olivier, of course, olivia, as with a fur coat, svetlana, we can now find out who the real siberian is, winter, what kind of salad, well, like olivier with mayonnaise yes, this is olivier, it’s just that in siberian it’s always called winter, in short, the signature dish olivier wins by a margin of 1 2 3 of four votes, did you promise?
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the brightest christmas of my life is probably almost every christmas, because together with my parents i go to the village, in the morning we go sledding with mountains, as in ancient russia, give gifts,
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congratulate each other. light up - fireworks and eat a lot, this is herring under a fur coat and baked chicken with potatoes, my favorite tatar dish is gubodya, this is such a pie, the most delicious dense dessert, after eating it, you will certainly be full for the whole day, dear beloved country, i congratulate you on this bright holiday of christmas, i want to wish you all peace, kindness, comfort in the family, comfort in... your native country.
2:41 pm
found? yes, lady, this time, yes. and who, the son of a rival, madam. and are you sure that he is? he deceived me again, no, madam, this time no, you know what i will do to you, if you mean me, yes, okay, tomorrow i will visit him.
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the summer rain has fallen, the forest is cool and the way home is easy. dawn in the blue,
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the whole world lies in the palm of your hand, for you alone, the sun will rise again, this... and you will hear the grass bloom. for you alone, for you!
2:44 pm
dad, i ran to my mother, yeah, just be quicker, work hard, okay. jacob, look what dad did for me, it’s great,
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almost like the real thing! listen, people of the kingdom, yesterday from the palace the royal daughter is missing, their highness, princess greta, poor princess, whoever helps find her will be rewarded. royally! mother! the princess is missing! yes, jacob, i heard! will they find her? of course
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i will find it, i will find it. what kind of assistant do you have? not complaining! well, run, assistant, your father is waiting for you, and i can handle this myself! daryan, not a commodity, tribute, rubbish , why do you say that, we have a lot... my dear yakov, if, dear lady, you want to buy something, i wish, i wish, here are five
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heads of cabbage, put them in my basket, a your boy, let him take me home, my father is waiting for me, come on jacob! be lazy, look how heavy the lady’s bag is, don’t be lazy, yakov, i will thank you!
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2:49 pm
i like it, come in, jacob, don’t be shy. urban, you have prepared everything, yes, madam, okay, well, let’s go and see how i live, i promised my mother i’ll come back right away. i promised to thank you, are you afraid? no,
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but the house is so strange, small on the outside, big on the inside, it’s a trick, you see one thing, but it’s actually another. let's go, you need to rest a little, i can imagine how tired you are of carrying human heads, what heads, i was carrying cabbage, you see what tricks there are, okay. get up!
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let me out immediately! please, now i will show you something amazing, can you guess who it is? his name is dagal, he
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brings happiness, but first he needs to be revived, he died, you know what happens when good and evil unite, hidden in their connection. this is enormous power, and this power will bring my stone to life. will you help me with this? look. well, you want to ride wooden horses all day. not. maybe you want
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real knight's armor, but i like it, but i can't give you these gifts, but we can exchange. which, it's funny to say, this will be another trick, you just need to put your hand here. no, i don’t want to, i don’t want to, why, it’s such
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a trifle, go ahead! no, you don’t have enough toys, good, you’ll get money in addition , a lot of money, because your parents are not rich, think how happy they will be, no, mom says that it doesn’t matter whether a person is poor or rich, it’s important that he has a kind heart, kind heart, and heart, poor man with with a kind heart, and if he suddenly grows a hump or a nose, a kind heart will help him, but you obviously want to check this on yourself, i
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why, and i’ll tell you, when you hear it yourself, come to me yourself, i’m for.. i'll leave you to do that.
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where are my shoes? your mistress let me go. no, these are not mine!
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mother, you are angry with me, what do you want? eat me, it’s me, yakov, i told you , get out, why, do you hear, guy, get out of here in a good way, mother, look at
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me, i’m so crazy, what’s there to look at, what's he kidding? supposedly he is handsome, but this one should be driven away, no, look at his nose, quietly, you really consider yourself yakov, the son of a greengrocer.
2:59 pm
what are you running around here? yes, he almost killed us with his own. straight nose, let's shorten it a little, yeah, it'll be a wife. hey guy, what did you want? maybe you need a potty?
3:00 pm
3:01 pm
why so long, where did you hang out, and what about your hands? so dare to call me aunt, how many times should i tell you, oh, madam, report, slacker, you followed him, yes, madam, he will soon be ours, okay, continue keep an eye on him, don't take your eyes off him, oh great dagal, the wait is just a little bit, soon you... will receive the kindest heart you can find, are you still here, princess,
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lady, what to do with her, what am i i have to think for you, i should have gotten rid of her a long time ago, you idiot, here’s one transformation for you, make a goose out of her. and then sell it to the royal kitchen, it will be great when it reaches his royal majesty’s table.
3:03 pm
good morning, do you need an assistant, sir, assistant, can i take you assistant. otherwise all my pots will burst, but why? laughing, don't be a mischief, look what you've done, get away so my eyes don't see you, get out there, i'm slow. don’t even think about sticking your huge disgusting nose in here again, scoundrel, approach,
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you couldn’t turn her into someone easier, stupid old woman, the palace is still a long way to go, eh, dear, what’s in your bag, what do you have it in your bag? nothing special, simple. a goose, or rather a goose, is big, big, and you know what theft is, why is it theft, then where did you get the big one? goose, mine is small, mine is medium, that is, in general, well, show me. big, yeah
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, still big, i have to arrest you immediately, and confiscate the goose, sir , i swear, this is some kind of mistake, i’m not guilty of anything, yes, let me give you one taler and no one needs to be arrested , what, two, go less than a taler? and less netaller, but this is, hey, okay, so be it, i agree
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that you’re standing there, you have to pull, pull. wow, who's stealing from me here? i wanted to ask, sir, you don't need an assistant, what are you doing? you’re laughing at me, hold on, now i ’ll tear out your long nose, why are you having so much fun, i’m sorry, i don’t admit it. they didn’t recognize you right away, you cackle like hyenas , you scare people, excuse me, look, oh , why are you walking here, big-nosed, oh, what a handsome man, how you scared me, are you going to follow him, eh... we
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can go , mr. chief walker, yes, follow me, fat one, wait, what is this in your bag, in the bag, in what bag, in the bag, nothing, like nothing, why then are you carrying it? do you know what happens when you steal? so this is why for theft, so i will confiscate the bird, i will hand you over to the chief of the guard, so , sir, no need, let us give you two thalers, five, five thalers, 10 and not
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less than that. i only have five, give me five more , i’m wounded, it’s all because of you, scoundrel, sir, you urgently need to do a lotion, lotion, yeah, yes, yes, lotion, pumpkin, i... shit, it’s all because - for you, i ask you, someone, help, yes, because the body, that ’s why, you yourself are calling names here, take it in your hands, help, please, it’s you, look, who’s quacking, she'll run away now. eh, why are you throwing yourself?
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it’s okay, i’m not throwing it, well then catch it, you ’re frozen, look, it’s already getting close to the fence, oh look, just wait a minute, is it you again? well, i’ll throw it, throw it, surround him, yes! so you are my baby elephant, the bird pecked him, what is that noise there, wait for me, don’t spin around, sit peacefully, and look, don’t
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drip on the carpet, otherwise you’ll get it from me, monster, what did you call me, yes no, baby, it’s not you, the monster, i... oh, your importance, what are you doing, that’s who is to blame, mr. blum, quickly, i’ll scrub him off,


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