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tv   Burunovbezraznitsi  1TV  January 8, 2024 3:10pm-4:21pm MSK

3:10 pm
but look, don’t drip on the carpet, otherwise you’ll get it from me, monster, what did you call me, but no, donut, it’s not you, monster, i, oh, your importance, what are you doing , here, here, who is to blame, mr. blum, hurry up!
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faster, come faster! stop, wait, shoes, think better of it, stop, that's enough, come on, why are you staring, damn boys, running around like crazy, only scaring the cattle. wow,
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magic shoes, it can’t be faster, wait, wait, tricks, the old woman was showing tricks, showing, but maybe she was making mistakes it definitely could have done me, of course, and how come i didn’t think of it before, but if it’s not a trick, okay, we’ll figure it out. and the shoes need to be returned, she’s probably looking for them, thinking they were stolen.
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it’s coming, lady, it’s coming, you’ll smile later, take the key to the hall of mirrors.
3:14 pm
he's here, lady, ah, finally! what is this? nothing to you, but the mouse must have come running, mouse, right? key, where is the key? yakov, yakov, run quickly,
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hold them off until i find the key. run, faster, run, oh damn, same place again, wow, give it to me, mr. dwarf, it's good that you caught her, we need to run, don't listen to her, come on. mister dwarf, okay , that's enough, the lady is waiting, mister dwarf, okay, let's run,
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stupid, stop, tr! “your legs have been taken away, we need to wait out the rain somewhere, let’s go there, nonentity, i’ll wipe you out in a storm, forgive me, it’s my fault, you idiot, i ruined the whole thing , the boy was in my hands, who could have known that the girl was in the way, you have to i would like to know its place in the oven, and now there are two of them and they have planted something, find them, find out what they are up to, remember, you have to fix everything,
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did someone ask you, why did you get so involved in your business, nothing and didn’t fit in, oh does it hurt at all, does it hurt? now, just wait, it’ll all pass in a couple of days. thank you, who taught you this? my mother is very knowledgeable about herbs. so, your mother needs to say thank you too. i'll never see her. will not see? maybe i’ll see you, but she still won’t recognize me. ah... so that’s why you returned to the old woman? have you decided that she will break your spell? of course, there was some kind of stone that had to be touched, or what? the old woman showed tricks, here are the tricks? do you want me to tell you what these tricks are? well listen,
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many, many years ago there was a dying monk asked the king to hide and never remove one book from the palace. just recently, it seems, it's here, his name is jacob, jacob, son of the shoemaker, why are you laughing? who are you, pretty child? i am a princess. and why did you take dad’s book? he doesn't allow anyone to take it, not even me. but you won't tell him about this, will you? i can't lie to my dad. and you don't
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need to deceive him. just don't say anything and that's it. your highness, princess. look into my eyes, oh-oh, we are looking for her highness, and her highness, yes, what are you are you doing here? so are you a princess? i was a princess until this one came, whom i pecked, such a nasty one, from him i learned that 7 years have passed, you have 7 years, yes, and then he said that i would make an excellent roast and turned it into delicious, well, wait , we
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'll show you, listen, i know what to do, what? we have to read this book, i have to look at the palace, why? can we figure out how to get there at night? no, jacob, please, you will be caught! “i won’t go anywhere, i’ll just look at everything. and you, you’ll want to hang out with the son of a simple shoemaker, stupid, of course, yes, and what should i call you, your highness, what a highness, just call me, greta, greta, your majesty, for seven."
3:21 pm
in the name of his royal majesty , a running race is announced tomorrow, the winner will be accepted into the royal race. walking service, where they are, at the old mill
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, madam, what are you doing here, go there immediately, i have to know what they are talking about, every word they say, but now it’s night, madam, are you afraid of the dark, yes, and then... no, madam, but let me take two with you transformations, no transformations, i don’t have many of them left, that’s it, go, not wanting to hear anything more.
3:23 pm
who is there? didn't you recognize your king, soldier? what are you, your majesty? of course, i found out , they just say that your majesty is restless here, how restless it is, well, there are different spirits, ghosts, chatting, you, guy, don’t bother yourself with all sorts of nonsense. “i obey, your majesty, look,
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another one flew away, and on our roof there was such a big pipe, a pipe, yes, a pipe, only with glass, you could look into it, why looking into it, it was just so interesting , it magnified everything, my dad and i even looked at the moon, it was great, but me and the boys." and they teased the guards, threw acorns at them, it was also funny, funny, well, yes, they chased us , dwarf, wait, i’ll show you later, and the girls played with you, girls, no, well , maybe only sometimes, but if the girl had red hair, you would tease her, no, what are you saying, i didn’t tease anyone at all, only guards, why are you asking, just? so, but would you like to make friends with a girl with red hair? i don’t know, if she’s
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interesting, then yes, but who will be friends with me, and who will be friends with me, who needs me now? well, hell, i need you, and in general, i’m sure that you are very beautiful, why did you get the idea, because you are a princess. the princess is always beautiful. have you seen many princesses? no, not much. you first. and also a bitch. and in general, i have red hair. well, great. so, now i ’m friends with a girl with red hair, oh, what if something goes wrong tomorrow, you know how worried i am, don’t be afraid, you’ll succeed, yeah i’m not afraid, i’m just worried, but tell me more
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about una, you often... watched me, yes, we wanted to see people, dad said that people should live there too, wow, and these people on the moon, what do they look like , have you ever seen them, no, maybe they were sleeping, what do you think , they were probably sleeping, because you need to look at them during the day, but during the day there is no moon, yes, uh, stupid old woman, she would jump here with the frogs herself, then she would i found out, suddenly they also have such pipes, they are looking at us now, they probably do, only everyone is sleeping here, but we’re not we are sleeping, let's wave our hands to them, come on,
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behind the white glass of the moon, you will see those doors, descendants of the smoke of sleep. transparent for you and for me, the nearest click, the wind, will twist the leaves for me, wash away the harsh words, money.
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the starry smos will dissolve, the night of the mouth has fallen, but the flower carpet, the shadows have dissolved.
3:29 pm
dear, how can i find mr. chief runner, why do you need him, i want to compete in a running competition, yeah, runners, well, my friend, mister runner on duty, here ’s another one, he’s running faster than the wind, let him come in, let everyone in, thank you very much , gentlemen, the guards,
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they were talking all sorts of nonsense, some kind of nonsense, they needed a book. they have gone too far, listen to what needs to be done, in the name of his royal majesty, i ask the runners to prepare to start with.
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your majesty, everything is ready, order to begin, yes, mr. blue, begin, but first i would like to know why you are in a ceremonial uniform, were you preparing for the ball, your majesty, do you want me to run too? just ran, mr. blun, the main walker must be the fastest, that's right, that's right, your majesty, to the start, attention,
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back to the same place, quickly, move away. madam, boy, he brought you cabbage, remember, boy, madam, madam.
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okay, what's your name, runner? jacob, in your richka. well, you run fast, jacob, no one has made me so happy for a long time, your majesty, he has magic shoes, i saw everything, it’s so,
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your majesty, let mr. blum show their magical properties, mr. blum. don’t torment us, if the shoes are magic, then you don’t need any squats, forward, run, quickly, quickly, quickly, like a rat, forever, enough, mr. blum, the tests are over, well, do you want to be my main
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walker, jacob? i want, your majesty, just, that, only, only i have a request, your majesty, tell me, i would like to take the service of your majesty, my... goose, goose, and how will she serve me, no way, she will just it’s good to live with me, jacob, you’ve been hired as the chief walker, and soon you’ll have to carry out a very important assignment, wow, wow! great, yes, but when i break the spell. what
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if we break the spell? nothing, you will become again princess, and you will remain my friend, because you are my friend, you know, i ’ve never had a friend like you, do you want me to show you the palace? no, greta, what if someone sees us? so what, you’re the main royal walker, have you forgotten or what? let's go, i'll show you my chambers. what is it ? this is my dad's and my favorite game. we used to go here and close ourselves so that no one would find us. and dad always said, come on, show me how dexterous you are. why the ponytail? and when i was little, i always followed him tail, so he gave me a tail. this
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was our secret. this is my great-grandfather, he was a very formidable king, and this, and this is you, mr. chief walker, look around my palace, yes, your majesty, this is... is your goose, jacob? it's strange, but she reminds me of someone. jacob, can your goose cry? your majesty, this is yours, this is your illumination, she has a rest, her eyes are watering, and tomorrow morning i will need you. ah... i almost
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gave us away, but i’m good too, listen, greta, maybe it’s better to tell your father everything, jacob, remember your mother, isn’t she i believed you, and i, because i can only talk to you, no one else will understand me, yes, but i somehow feel uneasy, your father treated me so well, and we will steal the book that he values, but no , we won’t steal it, but we’ll borrow it for a while, i’m sure my father won’t be the least bit angry when he finds out the whole truth, you think, although he probably won’t be angry if we succeed, well, of course, we ’ll succeed.
3:39 pm
who is there? i am the angel of death! why did you disturb my peace?
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they found the book, it's you, it's all your fault, lady, let me catch the damned one we will put the dwarf in our cave. what should i do with you? what to do? get ready, donkey, we're going to the palace! i
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say angel of death. the one who picks it, taraxakum, taraxakum, yes, and burns his head with the sun and scatters the ashes in the wind, he will destroy the evil spell and return everything back. i didn’t understand anything, should we burn someone? no, no, i think that, you see, it’s written here, he’ll rip it off. he is talking about some kind of plant. exactly. thoraxeco. it's some kind of grass. do you know what we 'll do? i'll go to my place right away mother, she will help us. wait. but what
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does it mean? will the sun burn his head? maybe if it's a plant, it needs to be dried out by the sun. no, there's something different here. it is said that it will burn. then we still need to scatter the ashes, maybe we’ll read some more? no, we can’t waste time, you read on, and in the meantime i’ll run to my mother, as soon as jacob touches the stone, when the gal receives his heart, the layer will unite with goodness, and the dog will live. and the ruthless one will not be in the world and will fulfill her evil will as many times as she wishes, greta
3:43 pm
the shoes are gone, tofli? oh, what’s wrong with your voice, are you sick? no, from excitement, a little hoarse, that's all, who needed them? i don’t know, it’s already dawn and the king. is about to call me, and without them i won’t have time to run to my mother, and there’s no need, jacob, i read in a book that if you touch the stone, everything will be fine, it’s our own fault, we made up some fears, we need urgently run to her, she will help us, how can this be , is it written in the book, maybe you didn’t understand something, let’s look again, mr. chief walker, his majesty demands you to come to him, i didn’t believe you,
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get out, auntie, i didn’t believe you, come here! keep in mind the last transformation, be careful, don’t mess anything up, what are you doing, idiot, have you forgotten how to walk or sit, it’s so dark, auntie! let's go , dumbfounded, dark one. hey, pick me up,
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i need you, who are you? i, i am your friend, the magic knight, come closer. a magic book is missing, run, report to your superiors and they will reward you, a book, but it’s gone, wow, a book, what, i didn’t tell you who stole it? i'm glad, jacob, that you serve me, thank you, your majesty , now you have to complete the first and very important assignment, i want to tell you a story, 7 years ago my daughter disappeared, and you must go in search of her, i obey your majesty, that a magic
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book was stolen from the library, in thieves in the palace, where is the chief of the guard, here is yours or what, who was on guard, here he is, your majesty, telling everyone about some kind of angel. you, that yes, your majesty, and it’s you again, what happened, i’m standing, on the clock, your majesty, i’m standing, that means i’m standing, suddenly, where are you from? take it? “the angel of death appeared right in front of me, yes, i say the angel of death, and then the magic knight ordered me to report everything, so i report, that’s enough, get him out of my sight, but here he is, the angel of death, only for some reason without wings , this way or this..." the soldier has gone crazy or slowly search
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the room of the main walker, well, little flan, think again, maybe faster, i don’t remember, maybe faster, i know how to stop them, that means the angel of death, so you took it book, your majesty, are you or not, yes, your majesty, but none, but in my kingdom.
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mister carlin, mister dwarf, mister , oh mister dwarf, i beg you, tell me how they stop, i will not spare anything for you, i will do everything for you, what can you do? mr. dwarf, ask mrs.
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ganna, who sells herbs at the market, what kind of grass is this? so, how come you won’t deceive me? no, run quickly! jakob, jakob, you little stubborn one, do you want to die? stupid, you know how it ends! your girlfriend will be blown away by the wind, your ugly head will fall into the executioner's bag, remember, yakov, you should just hiss, i agree, and you will immediately get everything back, and no one, no one will help you except me. help, i beg you, tell me what
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kind of grass this is, why do you need it, who sent you? oh, don’t ask, but the dwarf harboon sent me, he will be executed today, he will be executed, mr. dwarf, i found out everything. never interfere with other people's things again. i'm waiting
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for you, jacob! his royal majesty ordered the head of the highest to be cut off for witchcraft. to the glorious walker yakov, hey, look, she’s crying, you ’re a sorcerer and a thief, besides, you tried to escape punishment, despite this, you have
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the last wish, speak, speak, speak , the last wish of the condemned man, sir, you wanted to know about the grass, taraxakum, this is a dandelion, it seems, i understand, i... i understand everything, your majesty, ponytail, remember the ponytail, ponytail, where, how did you know this? your majesty, we have little time , believe me, i ask you, let me do something , right here, now, first you must tell me who you learned this from, your majesty, my words will not convince you, you
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must see everything with your own eyes, you touched my heart is in doubt, what do you want to do, i dare ask mr. obergo? his monocole, monocole, your majesty, i dare say, this is great impudence, it cannot be.
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jacob, son, mother, jacob, jacob, greta, greta! no, yakov, don’t touch it, it’s a dagal, i
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know, i know, listen to her, go to the stone, you don’t want her to die, do you? you're wasting your time, jacob! my good subjects, this young man returned my daughter to me and saved us all from a terrible evil witch.
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together with her highness, my name is greta, have you forgotten, save your majesty, this magic knight, move away, i will detain him, mr. dwarf, i never approved of my aunt, i never, i was always on your side, she forced me, and it was so dark there.
3:57 pm
fluffy, maybe it’s not necessary, no, ringer, i want it myself, sergei burunov, actor, tv series star and the most. box-office films, well, naturally, the creator of dozens of parodies in the show is a big difference, a favorite of millions, we talked with
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his friends and colleagues, the first impression was terrifying, we collected the best films and the brightest parodies, he’s not even just a parody, he was eerily transformative into those he showed, he really doesn’t really understand from my point of view how talented he is, how... large-scale he is, he has a command of words, he sings, moves drop dead, and also a unique personal archive, wow , sergei himself showed us his favorite places in moscow, the sun came out, i’ll now try not to get sick at -15, and gave a frank interview, but everything is complicated, all this so that you and i know who this sergei borunov is, i tell you i promise you will scream for joy. to sergei brunov
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fame came late and he told us how he was first recognized on the street. i went to the shop. oh, this is where it started. wow, that's, that's, that's that, you, that's him, right? yes, i say, yes, i am, it's him. well, in general, cool, can i have a photo? i’ll put it on with your permission, after all, genetics matters, a man told me yesterday, a mask won’t save you, what a beauty, yes, after all, minus 15 makes itself felt, we need to go to some establishment to drink a drink , warming without alcohol. now let's check how
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i can enter public restaurants food or not, quick service , it’s possible, now that’s it, well, you see, that’s it , my french fries are covered, who else, so where’s the camera, here it is, it’s my turn, take a picture. there are no free people, they say , okay, god forgive me, but you can too, yes, of course, god will forgive, and i forgive, but why am i here, 257, of course, hello, thank you, hello, everyone is here to see me, you all came as a class , yes, come on, everyone,
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what will happen if petrov comes here, this is his electorate, he came in for tea, and a whole hour passed, and after the institute sergei borunov a lot for years he sat without money, without work, without much hope, his life began with washing. who doesn’t sing, but he was strictly told, you ’re a leps, which means you’ll have to sing as i sing
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, like grigory leps, you have to be grigory leps to sing like that, i didn’t even know what it was... either from temptation it worked out, or something else, how did this happen , i lost faith in goodness, they were riding sober on the subway, but i started singing, i should have sung, i’m a cop, but a bandit, i’m yesenin, but pushkin, that’s cool, so you’re not without rukov, yes you are many-handed...
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moscow talyati, anadyr, martini vodka, ours you, i want to make you happy today, everything is for you, elizaveta lvoovna, for you, victoria petrovna, for you, marusya from rostov, for... and be on your feet, be on your feet, well, how did you get me, how can i be without you someday i ’ll interrupt, it seems to me that burunov, he’s in this genre, he kind of blocked it with himself, that is, he’s not even that much of a parodist, he eerily
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impersonated those whom he showed. at some point it even became scary, well, very funny, there are shots of the so-called splits, when i just cried with laughter, grishaeva just falls, and i cry from laughter. alexander grigorievich, tell me, please, don’t tell me anything, alexander grigorievich, what is it, alexander grigorievich, please tell me, well, you see, nothing. it’s okay, i can , i can, that’s enough, that’s enough, that’s it, that’s it, i understand, i understand, i understand, i can, well, he didn’t get this job
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right away, they called, uh, hello, hello, you can come at that time. there are so many of you here and there, i'm fine, i 'll come, here we have a parody show, you know how to parody, i say, where am i from? i know, so he says, well, show me something , i showed what i did for many years at the institute in the theater of vladimir abramovich etush, his professor, rector, so they laughed, gave me cds, that’s who will like it, the next one, the next one ...
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then a call, he says: could you please drive up vostankina, we are launching, you are all approved, that’s it, 5 years have passed, and this is sergei borunov’s favorite parody from the project big difference, he was walking along the corridor to meet muller. stirlitz did not yet know that moscow had decided to make the film in color. never before has stirlitz been so close to failure.
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at this time, muller in his office was going through german curses, shaysa, shvul, lesa, andschlok.
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what's wrong with us, where, where, where, where, where is our black uniform, where are my black folders, where is my black pistol, well, probably the russians painted the film, sit down, sit down, sit down, sit down!
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you are free, excuse me, my furur, okay, okay, first, laugh, mafer, something. happened to be playing pinball? i’m sorry, i expected everything from the russians, but it’s so vile for them to act like that! we used to fight quietly for ourselves, our
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gray tanks stood in the gray forest and no one, no one, no one could see them, and now crimson tanks in the green forest, like targets, they turned our army into clowns! they privatized the third rake, the great third rake into the multifil union, we will figure it out, we are the gestapa, we are a serious organization. stirlitz, i’ll ask you to stay.
4:11 pm
my grandfather is a legend, back then it was called a pop artist, but he brought the kremlin hall together at one time, wait, but i thought he was a cook, you said something about the signature olivier, opsy, hello, what a great fellow, thank you for not forget our family traditions, today there will be an original presentation, who is this? lyuba, my bride, who? lyuba? excuse me, where did you come to us from? cuba, brazil, madagascar? i'm from bibirevo. that is, she will have the apartment. since childhood, i knew that there was nothing for me to catch in this family. i think i
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should be angry with him, but i envy him. damn, and family life, some kind of fucking pawn shop. we need to start living. how we all need your apartment, it turns on. listen, everything here is so twisted. even i wouldn’t write that to myself. no, daddy. it was you, olivier, who started this plot, the premiere, today at the first, my will, i changed something, i decided to leave it all to one person. rum castro, a product of stellor group. hello, dear friends, at the moment i am now on mamayev kurgan in the city of heroes of volgograd, where in my youth, in my youth, i took the oath of study, well, not completely, though. apparently,
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fate decreed this at the kachin higher military aviation school of pilots, memories came flooding back to me, i am proud and happy that these years were - here in this beautiful city, just like that, i don’t remember the date, but this one definitely was, in my opinion, i don’t even remember the month, damn i’m already getting old.
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burunov kept finding new objects for parodies, and the armed forces were doomed to lose their fighter pilot. in connection, i’m not afraid of this word, there is a lot of creative activity, so a huge amount of debt has accumulated, since the school.
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he became an actor, but no one was waiting for him there. for several years, i think about three years, seryozha stood in the lobby of the service entrance after graduating from college and asked to work in the theater. the artistic director of the satire theater still hired burunov, but never entrusted him with a single leading role. apparently, he simply decided not to get involved. he's boring, he's doubtful. whining all the time, but this whining is boring, but of course, not from stupidity, but from dreams, he dreams, the question is, well, how can i say, type, and i was not offended by it, at first i was very worried, because well, that sergei bunov, about whom you are talking now, these are completely two different people, a lot of things happened over the years, maybe some baggage, experience has accumulated, i’m desperate...
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here’s andrey, hello, as i understand it, today is also a holiday for you, and if i’m not mistaken, this is the last time you’ll be on tv, like our program was shown, in my opinion, in 1999, andrey, it’s definitely you, me, you, by the way, have grown up, i’m the one who just quit smoking, congratulations, our next player
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is the charming elena malysheva! good evening, dear friends! you know, i’m very glad that this program was returned! i really love everything that recurs, i ate the dog at relapses, and dog meat is very good for the endocrine system! thank you elena, our third player, alexander gradsky, not a single music program can do without him now, and don’t tell me, i’m somehow hooked on them, no, but why should we do anything special? no need, you come , just spread rot on someone, an exciting activity, yes, yes, you hear, little one, say , smart, let the latvian start, so, friends, players are introduced and... what’s next - now alexander did it spin the drum sector prize pig in a poke it was
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a joke you are the weakest link goodbye when a person has memory problems, i recommend it to him. no need for an iron, i remembered, of course, the categories, and today we have categories under this, youngsters are squealing, it’s a shame to listen in front of friends, we turn off the drill and music for the sacrifice of offerings, music for the sacrifice of offerings, the second note. so, alexander, you have chosen the second note, its price is 15 rubles. let's listen to music. i remember, i always leaned over and said something to the camera, that’s what?
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volodis, you and i have been working on television for several years now, we need to turn off the microphone, my dear, well, elena and alexander plays actively with us, but you andrey, why are you silent? oh, yes , it’s fine for me, they show it on tv, and okay, great, well, let’s continue playing, elena, please, and, therefore, section, and incomprehensible melodies, fourth note, incomprehensible melody, fourth note, listen, and i know, elena, this is an echo of cardi.
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sometimes his characters even had words, now i live in moscow, work in a nightclub, so what can you do in this film. it’s not new at all , in short, i examined everything, the shelling sector here is very bad, everything is clean, your nephew is not in danger, and the girl is pretty, once mikhalkov himself invited him to act, here he is...


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