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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 9, 2024 2:30am-3:06am MSK

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support him with applause, hello
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, the rhythms of the zmonka do not greet us everywhere, the rustling of the linden trees whispers this evening i will never forget i feel good with you today i feel good with you today “i always
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feel at ease with you, more friends, for our debutant, valerka, for you” ! thank you, what's your last name , obodzinsky, obodzinsky, for valery obodzinsky, here's the promised present from the chef, of course, we gave them a triple cash today, come on, guys, to the elf, so go and rest, you restless one, so come to us, take it you take the key to the thirty-third, guys , thank you very much, thank you, that's it,
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good night, but come on, such fools, that's enough, guys, where is zarubin, well , wait, well, listen, are you listening to me, are you drunk , that one, yes, but that’s because it’s unfair, that’s okay. just don’t interrupt, please, neli , we’ve known each other, well, only a month, yes, but during this time i realized that you are the girl i was looking for, i love you, and i want you to become my wife, you don’t have to answer now, i’m ready to wait, just say, i agree you or not, well, basically.
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like a lip, fine, thank you, i need to apply something cold to prevent it from swelling, good, thanks for the advice, thank you in general. to
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your health. and it turns out that you are not only a punk, but you also sing, okay? well, i say that looks can be deceiving. by the way, we are arriving in yalta tomorrow, or rather today, i suggest we take a walk together, well, we’ll see. well, don’t you really deserve to know your name? on... i'm valera, i remember, good night, good night, no matter how,
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friend, be here, i'll return the suit now. how success? thank you, the operation is going well. i had to pretend to be the singers. it's clear. yes. opel well.
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today you are officially working in our team as a soloist, you will receive money and a salary, and you won’t be late for the rehearsal tomorrow, sergei aleksanovich, thank you, well done, neli, hello, hello, oh, please meet this.
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well, leave me alone, daughter, what's
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the matter? nelya, well, in the end he’s just a bandit, what do you want here? well, understand, well, it’s not me, no, it’s me, well, well , well, yes, well, it’s my fault, well, it’s my fault, well, well i’m in the ensemble now, go away, get out of here,
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you’ll hear about me again, what’s this? just a joke, or are you serious, will he also be our soloist? well, tolya, understand, the guy sings well, he tries, yes, yes, i won’t work with him, understand, we need a second soloist, don’t worry, you won’t sing in chorus in the end, yes, yes he, he even plays the notes doesn’t know, music, oh well, don’t make a fuss, i ’ll go to the yawl, how’s that? wait, valer, excuse me, young man, well, how was the operation, the operation
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failed, the criminal escaped, he was forced to pursue, well, good luck to you, thank you. yes, hello, you need soloists, well,
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the young man decided to serve art, well, our philharmonic. this is a unique, amazing place, in the entire soviet union, a better place cannot be found. acoustics, but the main place of this amazing temple of art is not here, here the trembling heart of the yalta region beats. constant temperature and humidity conditions, this is the basis of vocal
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art, and the fireman is an infection, he started drinking again, so young man, take the solo!
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who do you think you are, bodzinski, and you're a stoker, what's going on here, just don't persuade me, i’ll leave myself, water, how beautifully they play.
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for the strength, patience, courage of this beautiful woman, hurray, hurray, so, stop, here.
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no more faces, you won’t come again, i’ll wait for you or in the winter, i tell him not to be with you, i have to because you didn’t say under the clock, even if it rains, wait for me, is it really tomorrow, you won’t come again, is it really tomorrow, you won’t come again, you won’t come again, you won’t come again, ensemble soloist valery obadinsky, bravo,
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bravo, on this. performance of our concert the brigade has come to an end, thank you, see you again, well done, we're waiting for the smokers, everything is fine , everything is fine, neli, why did you run away, that salisa looked at you like that, do you know each other? wake up, friend, do you know him? roma, teach me, by the way, let’s celebrate now, but it was a long time ago, my parents and i were vacationing in the south and we met there, wow, a holiday romance, what a holiday romance, you dude, wow, hello,
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hello, well i see you have become a big artist, well, big, 70 meters, wait, and we i have a toast, i have a toast, friends, wait, what a toast, valera kalera, i went somewhere to get a guitar, i saw this guitar, let's drink to our friend. team for youth, a dream song, youth dreams of retirement , nelya, well wait, stop stalking me, what are you, i wanted to give flowers to my old friend, and then it turns out that you stole them, well, you will never forget that, do you even know how i quarreled with my parents about you back then, no,
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you can’t even imagine, but you probably already made peace with them, but i changed ampla, thank you very much. thank you, here is a famous guest performer, i really hope that today in the hall all the spectators will leave their wallets in place, well, wait, what are you, seriously, wait, i ’ve been performing on stage for 3 years, you’ll find out, i got off the hook then, i organized my own ensemble, we were invited to join the brigade, but in general i will perform alone as a soloist, tail, why tail? i promised you that you’ll hear about me again, here ’s nelya, i’m on tour in your city, and i know what you’re really worth, you punk, but you know that i’ve been talking about you all this time i thought that when they told us that we
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would go to sverdlovsk, i immediately realized that i would see you, oh, i would have found you anyway, but what will you think? very correct, right? valera, are you a swindler? no, honestly, but where on the ship could i find a suit? only that mannequin. he will forgive me, you are funny, in general it’s good to be with you. yeah me too. and i will be a translator from english, oh, how will it be in english, i love you, i love you, again, i love you, i love you, great, right? yes, no, girls should study well, i like it, that's right, you know, i've been
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i wanted to say that i love you, you, you ’re crazy, no, no, i’m leaving tomorrow, i don’t have time, i don’t know what to do. “i have to go, we’ll see you tomorrow, come tomorrow at two to the pre-institute,
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how are you here, well, just like in sverdlovsk, you’re the crux of the program, you know this very well, calm down, calm down, sleep, sit, eat, let’s go let's talk, everything will be fine, well, lay it out! wow, yesterday at a concert i met a girl, we 've known each other for several years, and you talked all the time, corresponded, no, but we love
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each other, you understood this yesterday, clearly, warer , it’s worth it, it’s worth it, and you decided to give up your career, you know that no one knows you here, without a musical education you won’t... they won’t take you there, but in in the best case, you’ll sing at a dance or in a restaurant, well, no, seriously, don’t persuade me, i’ve already decided everything , i’ve been thinking all night, by the way, valerie, she can’t go with you, where, with the team, well, yes, just check whether this is fate or not, we just need a person to lead the program, but think about it, fine? the great vitality of the philosophy
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of marxism-linism is that it is inextricably linked with the fundamental interests of the working class. hello, sorry, i... won't be long, nelya, be my wife , wow, come here, sorry, goodbye , are you crazy, you already told me that yesterday, i want you to come with me, what we... hello, hello, i 'm not going anywhere, we, we'll dine with you all over the country, i'll become a soloist, we'll live in moscow, lord, yes, hello,
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hello, i'm leaving tonight, think about it, i won’t go anywhere, but i agree to become my wife, okay, then i’ll start living here in sverdlovsk, like... how, and how is your team? nelya, i’ve already lost you once, i don’t want you anymore, so you choose, either you come with me, or i’ll stay here, train at 11, pubs. oh, hello, nelechka, a luxurious bouquet,
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from whom? night, everything is fine with you, lovely, valerie, how are you going? nelya, nelya, nelya, what happens in the end, explain! nenya! valerie, are you serious? valer, give it!
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attention, greeting citizens, train arkhangelsk moscow, valeri ivanovich, don’t freeze there, let’s go out, vaimon, vaimon, what are you waiting for, come on, yes, yes, come on, give it away, tsatsuli, so, ksenya, did you count? valerie, you understand that we are in moscow, i won’t just leave here, what are you up to, look, look, look, these are, well, famous
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artists throughout the country. finally we got to the capital, only its famous artists, the house of culture of the city of mytishche, the top, look at the houses, yes, they are all alive, people live in them, you can imagine, but i have only seen such in the movies, it will be here, standing, waiting, smoking. it’s not that time anymore, please see your keys , today we’re having a blast, guys, you have a separate room, thank you, we’re relaxing, getting ready , there’s a concert in the evening, well, as usual, we’re in pairs, it’s just as fun, no, it’s time to get married, that’s for sure .
3:00 am
are you serious? you can not see? klunstrom? yes. wait, how's our concert tonight? we'll be back in time. i am for. i just think that this is the best orchestra in the country. yes. no one was ever waiting for me anywhere. i always come uninvited. no, really, i need to
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talk to him. of course, of course, we'll go. so, calmly, comrades, calmly, ivan semyonovich, your stall, as requested, but for you, unfortunately, only the balcony, i have nothing else, dear friends, i can’t do anything, the most popular team, just a second, i ask for silence , comrade, please, why are you making a fuss here, like at a market, i don’t understand, my friend and i are telling you, there are no more countermarks, that’s right, there are no counterbrands, you can.
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let's go, give me a ticket, what kind of ticket, bus ticket, have, left, for a ticket, quietly, yes, quietly, quietly, hello, this is a famous english singer, his name is...
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what did he say? he threatens to create an international scandal. scandal, no need for scandal. pass, pass. comrade. that way. thank you, comrade, thank you very much , you are an artist, that’s all, give it to me, come on, come
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on, so, yes, now this is a different matter, otherwise they played for themselves , by the way, there is counterpoint, i would like to hear it, let’s do it one more time from the fifth digit, and you asked me to remind you, oleg lenich, that already, yeah, so, there are still some questions, i guess not, well then. everyone is free before the concert, thank you, well, yes, young lady, will you give me a cigarette, yes, it’s in my bag, now i ’m fine, but i liked the way you were there on the kitty, but nothing, oleg lionovich,
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hello, hello, my name is valery abadinsky, i’m a singer, i’d really like to work in your team, we don’t need soloists, oleg. only you and you all can feel my like you do and feel my heart with love.


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