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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 9, 2024 3:05am-3:40am MSK

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my name is valery obadinsky, i’m a singer , i’d really like to work in your band, we don’t need soloists, oleg leonidovich , dear comrade, what is this, well, i told you, you can’t come here, well, if you say you can’t, you can’t say two, no they’re still climbing, what are you going to do, oh only you can make the darkness brow, only you and you alone can feel my like you do and feel my heart with love for only you.
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attention, soloist of oleg lulstrom's orchestra, valery obadinsky, applause, all applause, i can't believe that my husband soloist from the lunstrom orchestra, listen, it’s somehow inconvenient to return to the hotel, valentina is there now, probably all in tears, maybe we’ll find some kind of lodging for the night, for sure, we’ll come to the station tomorrow to say goodbye, yeah.
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now we will listen to how you sound with the orchestra. what is it, you don’t know the notes? no, how is it, i know, of course , it’s just that my eyesight is bad, i can’t see anything up close, everything here is still so small, valer, well , it seems that this is what glasses were invented for, so i have, i mean i had, uh, glasses were on the way to you on the train.
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i was in a hurry and accidentally crushed it with my foot, maybe maybe mine will do, no, no, thank you, no need, or maybe someone will play a tune, and i’ll... this is something new that they teach like this in the odessa mosuchilche, well, okay, since that’s the case, borya, please, let your colleagues play his part, you will be filming alone, no, with your husband, his name is valera. who does he work for? he is a soloist in lunstrom's orchestra. soloist? he sings , then i warn you right away, no noise and no music. yes, of course, don't worry, we won't bother anyone here. well, can we try it with
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an orchestra? yes, yes, of course, with an orchestra. let's get ready first. oh, wait a second, i apologize, where are the words, there are no words, what should i sing? valera, i don’t have words , what’s written there, above the notes, oh yes, you ’re blind with us, it’s written there, i’m coming home, vocalis, what does the word vocalis mean, it means that the song is sung without words in la-la -la, tra-la-la, tro-lo, whatever suits you, didn’t you know that? yes, i live here with my daughter, yeah, so if you have any questions, please contact me, thank you, you see, we have a lot of space here, this is
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the bathroom, grigory ivanovich, our neighbor, is very decent person, hello, as are all our neighbors. how many neighbors are there in total? 14, honey, so what? by moscow standards this is very decent. valera, get ready, get ready first. oleg aleksanovich, please forgive me, we are urgently summoned to the ministry of culture with you. oh, oleg lyanirovich, urgently, my dear, please. as you understand, that's all for today. so, well, that's it, be healthy, be it, everything is fine, but i still have two conditions, first, no friends, relatives of the company, because
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i already told you about the noise, yes, secondly, no children, we already had all this, these diapers all over the corridor, open shirts, screaming at night. so we don’t need this stuff , it’s clear, so what does the high authorities need from us this time, what do they need, we ’ll find out now, it’s possible, yes, yes, please, comrade, hello, good afternoon, comrade kulyakov, good afternoon , well, why so formally, for you i’m just alexey yurievich, we are with you to some extent... colleagues, well, i hope you’ve heard about the festival in bulgaria, of course, yes, of course, so today at the minister’s meeting we talked about this event as a way to develop relations between fraternal countries, of course, and
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it was decided to entrust this important matter to you, and keep in mind that this should be a triumph, the orchestra from the ussr should be the best, this is understandable, so imagine , what a responsibility. lies with you, with your musicians, when is the festival? at the end of may next year, so i think you will have plenty of time to prepare, excuse me, please, thank you, now, okay, okay, right here, now, now i’ll quickly, you like it, we have our own room, i love it.
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i can’t open it, give me, i have to tell you something, give me some slippers. well, in general, they didn’t take me clonstrum, well, they didn’t quite take me, let’s just say, wait, i don’t understand how they didn’t quite take it, i drank it to him today, he really liked it, but he said, it’s impossible right away... because do you need a probationary period, there will be a month or two, then everything will be fine, but
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will you get paid? and valera, how are we going to live? well, you have it postponed there? yes, i put it off, but this is not enough at all, he has the administrator, gorkovich, said that they were being careful at the base. valera, what are you saying, what a watchman, my god, how could this be possible, maybe it’s not too late, we need to return to valentina, wait, come to me, there will be no valentina, i will try, i will work work hard, i will do everything to get to lunstar, you have to believe in it, like me, by the way, a singing vocalist. what kind of vocalist is this? yes, just listen very quietly.
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either you are copying magamaev, or you don’t know the music,
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what’s this? ok, everyone is free, ozazinsky will remain, yes, i almost forgot, good news, next spring we are going to the festival, so there is intense and very responsible work ahead, until the next rehearsal, goodbye, all the best, oleg lyanovich, i really don’t understand what i’m doing wrong, me all your life you have only been praised, when asked who praised you, your level is provincial.
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do you have at least some education, well, at least something, a music school, a club. “yes, hero, valer, i really like you, but you understand, you want to perform in a professional orchestra, not the worst one, this is not very easy, oleg leonevich, i ’m going to break myself into pieces, tell me what needs to be done, besides, the bulgarian festival is coming up, what festival, what bulgaria, what ’s on your mind? you now need to think about getting into the orchestra, forget about bulgaria, and don’t try to copy either
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muslim magamaev, or eduard hill, or anyone else, be yourself. the stage is such a thing, like a barrel of raisins, you need to become the highlight in it, find your own style. in your own style of performance, okay, learn the notes. school, sheet music, solfege, why is this needed? well, that’s it, calm down already , no, i won’t calm down, well, you yourself wanted all this , and lunstrom, yes, needs professionals, but i, i
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’m not a professional, valer, now is not the time to show your character, now you need to show what you’re capable of . uh-huh, our boy smokes, yes, the boy drinks
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, so, young man, i understand that you need daily vocal lessons, and vocal lessons on this too, so, before agreeing on the price, you need to agree on smoking, why negotiate about smoking, because with smoking, my dears, your classes will go down the drain, you need to improve your voice, and the smoking vocalist - “you know, i’m a complete exception, well , let’s see, we started, and what do you play, we sing, a boy or a girl, you can say
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a boy, he’s just i’m already quite an adult, but now open your mouth.” your chest is in place, your back is straight, your body is relaxed, why do you have so many rules here? here i speak, and you just sing, and then on command, you start.
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well, let's go home and do our homework, i don't understand what's going on, this is the third time it's happened to me.
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hello, i’m listening to you, tolya,
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hello, are you really here, by what fate? well, why are you standing, come and sit down, why are you standing, i didn’t expect to see you here in moscow, in the portkom, well, it’s not all about singing in restaurants, i have more ambitious plans, it’s good that brought you here, you married, who is he if not si? soloist from the luinstrom orchestra, yes, i know them all, not romashko, no, obadzinsky,
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obadzinsky, i haven’t heard that name, he ’s been working for us recently, yes, that’s actually why i came, my husband and i haven’t yet moscow registration, and i just urgently needed a clinic, they told me that i could go to the party committee, no, no, no, uros concerta has its own clinic, yes, here, here, write down the address, yes, who i’m talking to is zarubin, secretary of the rozkontsert portkom. now the wife of one of our employees, nelya abadzinskaya, will come to you. nelya obadzinskaya. make arrangements for her to be accepted.
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yes. well, for this it was worth studying at a party school for 3 years. all is decided. thank you so much. maybe you can leave your phone number? by old friendship. i'll help with registration, what are you doing, well, thank you very much for the clinic, you already helped me a lot, so what, i’ll go. yes, hr department, please bring me the file from obdinsk, he works as a soloist, with
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lonstrom, oleg leonidovich, we can’t wait any longer, the list requires festival participants from us, who will go to bulgaria, everyone will go, well, oleg leonidovich, i’m a soloist.
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lord, forgive me, nelya, everything in high school is interesting, just like that.
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hello, my name is elena korabelnikova, this is a dream in hand podcast. today we will talk about christmas dreams. our guest, candidate of philosophical sciences, member of the international association of dream researchers, author of monographs on dreams, artist maria.
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to present at the academy of arts, but it was just christmastide time, during christmastide he was invited to stay at the estate of his friend, his friend is known under the pseudonym anthony pogorelsky, the author of fairy tales, so bryulov , for the first time, finding himself in the village on christmastide, was amazed by the magic, the beauty of christmastide rituals, then everyone heard zhukovsky’s poem, that’s it... then he painted this picture, here we see just one of the objects - which is considered special - this is a mirror, which is used at christmas time. why the image of a mirror? it’s just that for a long time - when there were no such mirrors, people looked at their reflection in the water. - it was believed that when you look at your reflection in a lake, you see not your reflection, but the reflection of that
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part of the soul that travels in a dream... and we talked about special objects, so it seems to me that these are the objects shown here, yes, absolutely right, items can be divided into three groups: these are household items. here, please, a thimble , a comb, then these are special items, this is a mirror, this is a belt, well, a belt can be woven, as in this option, the second group of items are edible items, in this case salt, onions, bread, and so on porridge, porridge directly relates to christmastide, when young ladies from the village moved ... to the city for winter, they could not, like rural girls, run there at night to the well to perform some kind of ritual, then very interesting replacements for this appeared in the ritual, for example, a well was made from matches
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, a thimble was lowered into it, which symbolized a bucket, that is, this very painstaking work itself, and so that the well did not fall apart, was already a good setting for sleep, they ate onions, cut onions. and there were dangerous objects, these objects were primarily used by guys, you could put a knife, an ax under the pillow, among the dangerous objects that girls used, here was a mirror and a needle. the needle stuck into a night fish and could prick at night, and this also has an effect on the content is absolutely correct, the most dangerous object, in any case, i don’t know how it was then, but now, when i was talking about it, there were live cockroaches, they
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were tied in a knot at the hem of a shirt, or stuffed into a stocking or sock, then pulled on leg, but they left the sock free there, they sewed there. cockroach? i’m telling a wonderful story, i taught a course on working with this is what a person who has dreams for child psychologists in one center might dream about, and suddenly the head of the center says: i
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... uh-huh, and how could a logical connection be built here in order to get married , what she saw, she didn’t tell, she was silent the next day, it remained a secret, it remained a secret, uh-huh, but nevertheless here the ritual worked, there are also some special songs, and so-called sub-dish songs, tell me a little about them, we are talking about the fact that, again, at gatherings they put a large... dish so deep, they pour water into it, girls some people throw their objects there, some a ring, some an earring, a younger girl who doesn’t yet need to tell fortunes about the groom, she pulls out these objects, the water is very cold, she
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can’t feel anything, and the girls sing a long song, each song is a line of wishes for what will happen to this person this year, the girl pulls out a ring and shows whose it is? uh-huh, the ring is considered enchanted, the girl who got this ring, she takes it when the ritual ends, this ritual is called not my water, everyone goes home, but they don’t must say not a word, that is, they behave very impolitely, if someone greets them, they pass by as if they had not seen this person, and then they walk on...


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