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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  January 9, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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thank you so much for being like this, making us a real dream , it feels like we are in a dream, i honestly, when i called her for the first time, i didn’t even believe it, i think it’s someone laughing, i myself love to act out, even until the last moment i doubted everything, but i can’t, let’s wave to him, that’s it , sanya, you see, i honestly admitted that everything was thanks to you, thank you very much, of course, the most important thing for... the task of this project not only to solve problems point by point, but also to identify through such special cases, but now we understand that here a special case, there is such a problem, there is a specific family in the kirov region, in the end the problem was not solved by the family, but the problem was solved at the level of the russian federation, it seems to me that this is the most important goal of our project, everything is correct, but it’s also important to me in this project, this is what... there is no need
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to wait for the arrival of the film crew of channel one along with the popular front, i am now turning to local officials who can solve the problem, but for some reason they are afraid. and i want to tell all the residents of our country that my friends, if you meet you at the airport, don’t ask me with frightened eyes, something happened here, i just sometimes travel around russia, or rather sometimes, i often love this business, so if i’m at some airport, it doesn’t mean that at yours something happened in the city. since our project continues, if you know someone who needs help, you yourself are ready to help, do not hesitate, please contact us at the editorial office, so that there will be more such final programs, why should i be deprived of parental certificates from the words one person, my friend tusya ’s child was taken from him, he offered to take her forever, take her, i put it in.
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i was hanging out with a drug treatment specialist, in the evening i brought a child and a stroller, why did you agree, my maternal feelings awoke, she changed your life, yes baby, yes, it was not because of a good life that i gave my child to a nanny, the child ended up in government services with a mark a foundling, and this means that their hands are free to adopt a child, finishing documents is a criminal offense, let’s say they have a friend, anna bazanova, she thinks that you shouldn’t give the child away, well, let her come out, what kind of friend is she, how do you know me. good evening, live broadcast of the big game, and i am vyacheslav nikonov, happy past, happy new year, merry christmas, good luck to all, in the coming 2024, but i’ll start with the first results. last year, the year
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of television, the results were summed up, according to the medioscope, six of the ten top programs of 2023, channel one programs, the president's new year's address, a flower-laying ceremony at the tomb of the unknown soldier, a military parade dedicated to victory day and new year's eve on the first, 10 years later , we welcome 2020. the fourth year, so while the big game was resting, our colleagues worked, worked hard, congratulations to the entire team of the first channel on the fact that we continue to lead in the audience's choice, and thank you very much to the viewers for watching the first channel carefully, well, the year began with...
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eh, well, i must say that the ukrainian side responded very harshly, indeed, ah, bombings of civilian targets belgorod, donetsk, the victims, all this, unfortunately, darkened the new year's mood for everyone, but, unfortunately, such is life today. so, since we're meeting for the first time since uh.
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now that 2024 has arrived, let's immediately turn to the news of what happened during all these holidays. boris aleksandrovich rozhen will tell you what happened and what is happening now boris aleksandrovich, good evening, happy new year , merry christmas, glad to see you, and good evening, congratulations to everyone on the past holidays, and if we talk about events, which took place during the new year holidays, then of course it is worth highlighting the company of air strikes that took place over the last week and a half, especially strong attacks came on december 29, january 2 and... later, that is, first of all, it is important to note that our troops were hit before in total, military and military-industrial facilities throughout ukraine, and this is recognized by foreign experts in ukraine, that the air defense of ukraine worked very weakly, facilities were hit, including in kiev, including critical
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facilities where missiles were produced, drones and other expensive equipment , the enemy was unable to cover these objects , moreover, during these attacks, attacks were carried out including on the western ones... then in most directions the russian army has the operational initiative, if you look at the front, then in zaporozhye direction over the last couple of weeks, our troops have reduced the rabotinsky ledge, there is an advance at verbovoy and rabotin, the enemy is gradually being squeezed out of korabotin, here he
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is in full defense, we are landing by landing, opornik by opornik, gradually here we are moving forward, on the vremevsky ledge the situation has not fundamentally changed, local positional battles are taking place here.
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in serebryansky forestry in the direction of the village of terny, the enemy tried to return these positions, but failed. and in the svatovsko-kupyansky direction over the past couple of weeks we have taken about 10-11 enemy strongholds, mainly on the eastern bank of askol, here the enemy seems to be fiercely defending himself, but
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nevertheless here we are moving forward, that is, the enemy now there is no serious attack anywhere, basically sits on the defensive and complains that the west does not give as much money for weapons as it did. yes, thank you, boris aleksandrovich rozhen, permanent military expert, as always with an accurate analysis of the situation on the fronts. today , defense minister sergei shraygu held a conference call with the leadership of the ministry of defense, and there, first of all, this attracted the most attention, he announced the enemy’s losses over the past year. let's listen to what the minister of defense said. groups of russian troops are methodically reducing the combat potential of the ukrainian armed forces. over the past during the year, enemy losses exceeded 215,000 people and 28 thousand weapons. we maintain the strategic initiative along the entire line of combat contact. despite the depletion of human resources, ukrainian
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formations and the lack of results on the battlefield, the united states of america is calmly trying to realize its ambitions for world leadership at the expense of the lives of ukrainians. from the west. the kiev regime continues to drive its soldiers to slaughter, looking for any opportunity to replenish the ranks of the ukrainian army. of course, this will not change the situation...
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already - working on the line of combat contact, and these are the new rep complexes
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, and we really are not running out of missiles, including hypersonic missiles, such as the dagger, such as tsercon, supersonic missiles, and long-range cruise missiles, this is x- 101, x-555, it was precisely these types of ammunition that were used behind enemy lines, on their infrastructure. and december 29, and january 2, and january 8, among others, while the enemy tried to somehow fight back, but they admitted that they did not have an antidote to our missiles, the enemy lacks military resources to cover their own formations on the line of combat contact, of course, and our aerospace forces, which actively support our troops in all, let’s say, take advantage of this deficiency.
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gliding bombs capable of destroying underground bunkers, the sound is like
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a jet plane crashing down on you, like the gates of hell. kamica fpv drones have become a new threat to russia, which forces ukrainian soldiers to abandon their equipment in front-line areas and move on foot. ukrainian soldiers they say that they also often use drones instead of artillery, because the shells are becoming less and less, but only one out of several drones hits the target, most are lost due to interference. ukrainian losses are heavy on all parts of the front, according to the soldier. in recent months, almost everyone has been injured or had a miraculous escape. “we don’t have enough people,” says the reconnaissance commander of the 117th brigade. we have weapons, but not enough people. why did such articles start appearing? well, because indeed, the lack of people is acutely felt. here's to it was possible to imagine this situation somehow more clearly, let's imagine a chess game. here in the first line in a chess game there are pawns. this is what it is now. what the ukrainian side lacks, that is, those who are in the trenches, those who
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are holding back the actions of the russian army, that’s where they send mobilized, poorly trained, such pawns, they really are missing, it seems to me that today’s feature of the moment about which dear alexey petrovich just said, is that russia begins to deliver as many strikes in depth as possible, these are gliding aerial bombs, these are missile strikes on some...
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i mean to surrender, but so far they are not giving, they are clearly not giving, and everyone is also inciting, here the swedes have joined the company of inciting very strongly, then they started saying that they urgently need to prepare for a war with russia, that’s what this is for, now we’ll listen to the commander-in-chief of the swedish armed forces, mikael büden. we need to understand how serious this situation is so that you can prepare yourself psychologically, keep an eye on news from ukraine. ask yourself simple questions: if this happens here, am i all ready, what should i do? the more people who think about this and prepare, the stronger our society will be. well , i congratulate natalya alekseevna not only on the new year and christmas, but on the highest church award. thank you, thank you, this is the order of the venerable ifrasinia, grand duchess of moscow, first degree. thank you, very
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solemnly, i’m still worried because it was in the assumption cathedral of the kremlin. kremlin from the award that a woman can receive hands of the patriarch, and this is really the highest secular from the russian orthodox church, so natalya alekseevna axios, congratulations with all my heart, well, that’s what you think, the swedes have never sympathized with russia. and the ambitions of sweden extended even in the time of peter i and before that in this century far beyond the actual border where this nordic detachment of germanic tribes lived, so to speak , well, poltava, you can imagine what this has to do with some historical
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lands, let even the border baltic tribes and so on and in general. people who live there, and touched not just tourists or at conferences, say that this hidden jealousy, humiliated pride from peter’s victories, it still exists, especially among the elite, well, in general, it’s probably quite easy imagine that they , of course, are this elite, and even more so with their upbringing in these nato... ideological standards in this ideological paradigm, that russia is not a european country at all, varzhersky, it is better to isolate itself from it, but it is best to move it away her somewhere, like hitler went somewhere beyond the urals, it is now manifested in the press, in the media at universities, and yes, they want
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to cook, because according to experts, in general, europeans are average. of course, he is not ready to fight with russia, he is too accustomed to a comfortable life, he was taught to give his life for some ideals, there is faith, the fatherland, there is honor, duty, love, carving teeth, the choice of toothpaste, these are very serious topics , i’m exaggerating, of course, not everything is like that, of course, there are conservatives, by the way, they support us, they believe that we are on the side of good, but of all the europeans, so to speak, not the baltic states. the swedes and poles are candidates that the anglo-saxons can still, according to experts, throw into this fire, we will then have to answer, but the anglo-saxons, especially those living on the island of america far beyond the atlantic, do not care what happens to the swedes and poles , the balts and even the germans.
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and poltava, after all, we will remember that it is ukrainian. yellow-blakyt, just like the swedish flag, why would that be? from the fact that mazepa then swore allegiance to the swedish crown and he took the swedish colors, so ukraine doesn’t even have its own national colors, by the way, colonel iskra reported malaroz about mazepa’s betrayal, yes, that’s true, but - in my opinion, the swedes are not preparing for any war, they just want it now jump on the nato bandwagon. they are trying to curry favor with the nato leadership so that they will still be accepted. they definitely won’t fight, but can you imagine what if he wins the elections? in the usa, what kind of sweden is in nato, so they are in a hurry, in a hurry, i think that it’s still unlikely that they will succeed this year, but even more so
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the united states certainly has no time for this, no time for this; there are scandals there that never happened, but to be honest, for a very long time after the advertising. the main contender for the post of head of nato is niki mark rutte, prime minister of the netherlands.
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borbon stersman is a product of the stellar group, i invite everyone to our colorful capital of the south, where you can get your fill. and the don cossacks, have a delicious meal, enjoy the culture, beautiful girls, of course, so the bride is an unmarried girl with bad habits, contact the phone number,
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here you just have to be, be, breathe this air, to rejoice, enjoy and be proud that we have such a beautiful city, our country is great, we live on the site of gagarin’s landing, nearby in the village of ternovka, a russian man, he should be honest. kind, always ready to come to the aid of the homeland, only here is my homeland, my world, my family and my friends, i hate my face and want another, it ’s possible, you understand that the operation will not help you anyway, your idea to remove the ribs - this is crazy, what did you do to her? you won't get away with it, but if everything is neat we’ll do it, the mosquito won’t hurt your nose, you understand that this is really dangerous, my dear, it’s good
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to be a nurse, if you don’t resist the thieves ’ patients, they will destroy you, you ’re worried about me, you promise that you’ll never lie to me, a pass to the institute should only be held by those who are directly related to the operation. i don’t make my mistakes, light, three, four, andrei ivanovich, i will correct both of our mistakes, this cannot be corrected, something happened, yes, quickly follow me to the operating room, doctor preobrazhensky, new episodes, watch after the program time. obhs investigator, mayor volkakh, we are interested in the documentation of the cosmetology department, here is a search warrant, security in the house
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, a prisoner, respectively, the owner’s car is not there, that’s all, girls, good evening, what an unexpected meeting, you must definitely help us, dinaida , i suspect it's a kidnapping, absolutely right. old ladies in the snow on saturday on the first. wow, what a car. they will give you a lot for this, then let’s work. everything is so easy for you, not the first time, the third time. and that every time do you just take it and give it away? well, this is business. listen, marin, can i congratulate you? are you a mother? congratulations on becoming a father. i’ll take a photo of your child and bring you alexandra’s testimony as a gift. i'm afraid you won't get anything in the event of a divorce. how is that possible?
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were you a serious statesman? i’m ready to testify against him, if something happens to mine and you’re involved in it, i’ll kill you again, what are you doing here, you can’t be here, vadim was released at night , your child was stolen, i’ll destroy you your clinic, i’ll ask you to write off all conversations with her, whether telephone or personal, i don’t know, pay the cops, hide the apartments, do something, i’m so tired of hiding, container new episodes, on sunday on the first, what are you bargaining for? overnight, you don’t want to return it, three lemmas, no less, and you need the money in 2 hours, a big game live, here’s a big game in the united states, say it now.
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began to take the most influential people of the united states of america there, including the presidents of the united states, most often bill clinton was there, but there were other presidents, george w. bush, and george w. bush, as it turned out when they started publishing lists of epstein’s clients, actually lists of pedophiles. and before the new year
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, portions of these lists began to arrive one after another. for america, this is, of course, an absolutely stunning scandal. let's listen to the latest sky news report on the latest batch of revelations. new court documents released against disgraced financier jeffrey epstein allege the existence of sex tapes. so, marta, tell us more about the contents of these court documents. this is the latest batch of documents to be released, which include emails from jeffrey epstein victim sarah ransom to a journalist working for the new york post at the time. in these letters, sarah ransom claims that jeff repstein introduced sexually
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explicit videos of prince andrew. brunson and former us president bill clinton, and although many of those named or photographed in these documents there are no allegations of wrongdoing, however, for them to be associated with such a notorious pedophile as jeffrey epstein was is incredibly harmful and inconvenient. well, no one can ask epstein a question anymore, because when he was arrested on charges of pedophilia, he somehow quickly committed suicide.
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yes, i still can’t believe that i’m in show business, i can’t believe it, really, it’s so
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atypical. because i come from a small town in indiana, and i'm not even a pedophile, you know? i'm apparently in a new category here. yes, yes, then there is, in fact, an american elite, it giggles, yes, although to laugh, i think that the scandal with the list of einstein, epstein and with those things that happened on this island, it is only the tip of the iceberg, it will only come start to take off, because what is really involved here today is, in general, most of the ruling elite. the united states of america, and moreover, specifically the political elite, while it perhaps affects democrats to a greater extent, but also republicans. it is very difficult to say what the final conclusions or consequences will be, but i think
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that this was really specially made for the presidential campaign of 24, i still have the impression that the most important thing, perhaps, is what stands behind this - campaigns to disclose this list - this in general could be a blow to the deep state, because it was the deep state, you know, that was involved in these unseemly acts, it really seemed to create a political an elite that was decaying morally, economically, in general, turning america somewhere into sodom and gomorrah, in this case , i think this situation will be this... as they say, more and more, unwind. there is also, perhaps, a second component , this is to divert attention from political scandals, because the american public is accustomed to this strawberry,
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maybe it is closer to its understanding, it will be discussed to a greater extent there in the kitchen, in the media on social networks or maybe it's really like this... well, maybe it’s a shock absorber for political disputes that are already more serious, but as is usually the case with such companies, calculating all the options is quite difficult for the organizers of this stuffing, and i think that we will really address this problem throughout this year to come back again, very serious interests are really touched upon, and not only moral ones, but i would say political ones.
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industrial circles are as we know there, well , i’m speaking relatively speaking there relatively, but no less to a greater extent there is the working class , which still exists there, the ordinary american, this is somewhat different, so who is so righteous that the deep state wants to drag him a little by the tail, so to speak, and show him out of the hole a little, so natalya alekseevna , i would say so, before you joined some kind of masonic lodge, but now please, so to speak, an entrance ticket.
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is responsible for his crimes before the highest court, that is , it is impossible to find the truth, any lists can be made, then let donald trump, who, please, stands next to epstein in the footage, proves that he was not on this island, and if he was there, then he did nothing there, but it seems to me that for today's american society, which is of course moving towards the bottom, after all, pedophilia is one of those things that... immediately kills a political reputation, people don’t want to vote for a pedophile, so it seems to me that this is the beginning of some kind of scandal, which will continue to be directed in one direction or another, trying to simply kill the political reputation of current politicians who claim
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to the highest post. by the way, we note that trump’s name was also in publications, but the democratic, naturally, press, the democratic party press, as mentioned in these materials, although trump really never. i haven’t been to this island, but since he was mentioned by someone there somewhere in these materials, he goes through a comma there with clinton and the bushes and so on and so on, that is, they will also cling to it. after all, they look at the headlines, yes, if trump is in the headline, then naturally they will stick it there too, but the electoral the campaign in the united states has already begun , it is in full swing, it is going very hard , in fact, on january 15, the first caucuses of the republican party will take place in the state of iowa , the caucuses from price are turned off by the fact that voters vote in the primaries, at the caucus there are party activists, this is a type of state party meeting, which will... will most likely elect trump, of course, to the presidency, well, that is
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, there is less than a week left before the elections, in general , passions are beginning to boil over, something will happen in the end, so let's listen to what biden says about trump, in trying to rewrite events of january 6 trump is trying to steal our history just like he tried to steal the election, the gathering that trump organized was not a peaceful protest, but a brutal attack, these were rioters, not patriots. they came not to follow the constitution, but to destroy it. trump intends to invoke the insurrection act, which will allow him to place us military forces on the streets of america. he said it himself. i promise you that i will not allow donald trump or the magarepublicans to make us go away. well he has already openly and several times called trump a fascist. yes. well, trump, calling him the worst president in the history of the united states, naturally promises. jail if he doesn't have presidential immunity,
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let's listen to trump, if i don't have immunity, then sellout joe won't have it either, with the border invasion lost in afghanistan, not to mention the millions of dollars of foreign money that ended up in his pockets , joe is ripe for criminal charges, using the justice department in as a weapon against me , his political opponent, biden is opening a huge pandora's box, indeed a pandora's box, which... may now be opened on the territory of the united states of america during the presidential race, this is the main thing, what we will observe throughout this year, before these elections take place. and it’s clear that all these scandals, all these incriminating evidence that is now emerging with frankness, with details , and so on, they should distract the americans because the biden administration actually lost everything it could lose. it’s not for nothing that trump mentions afghanistan, he hasn’t named ukraine yet, he
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hasn’t named taiwan yet, he hasn’t named the middle east yet, but i think that he will do so in the future, so of course biden goes to the bank, breaking bad, brings , taking advantage of the fact that there is a presumption of guilt in the united states of america, when you are accused, and you must justify yourself, so that you do not participate in this, you were not there and did not stand at all, against trump, as far as i remember, excited. 91 different criminal cases have been filed with lawsuits filed and so far five, well, in total 91 are still brewing there and that these number of lawsuits department five department five yes i’m sorry yes 91 lawsuits and of course they think that this is the justice system that the democrats themselves buried during biden's reign and when they also justified the blm movement there and all sorts of other things, they also have problems with the defense industry. complex, which must
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fulfill orders worth one and a half trillion dollars, cannot, all this must somehow drown inside the american reality or the situation there, so that americans never look towards those conflicts that biden is clearly losing, and of course, against this background, we are slaughtering this , the world community is now crossing out the same ukraine, for example, the american media write one thing, and the european one another, european the media is telling a completely different story, in which we...
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give us these answers, but they didn't, so without these answers, it's very difficult for us to get the funding we need to do what we need to do to stop vladimir putin. this is the first question , which... creates, in fact, what is the money for, for what, what is the ultimate goal, what is the strategy, second, the republicans are ready to talk if the border with mexico is closed, but the problem cannot be solved very easily, so now there is an interesting statistic that the number
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of illegal immigrants to america has exceeded the number of children born in america, yes, that is, it will be... individuals, and you can send your ballot by mail, this is crazy, and this really, voting, no , you don’t have to show id and you can send a ballot by mail, that’s how they actually vote, all the dead people in the united states are very active, for some reason everyone is for biden, this is the system, well, i
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would add to this that signatures are written in pencil is also the case in many western countries, so to speak. accepted, but in fact, now they are teaching us democracy, because the americans are also trying, in their muddy, absolutely muddy internal political struggle, to preserve some kind of perspective for the kiev regime, they don’t want to give the money themselves, because it seems unprofitable to the democrats now, to the republicans it seems profitable, but when solving those tasks that they consider to be a priority, so they push the financing of the regime onto their allies, and look, instead of in order to arrange financing through the eu, that is , in a single, as they say, in a single impulse, this also does not work out, due to the position of hungary, some kind of sporadic , targeted things begin , the japanese foreign minister arrives, so we are ready to give 4.5 billion, germany
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includes 8 billion in the budget, today there is a statement from the prime minister for now, still the prime minister of estonia, but there is no talk about money. estonia gives military aid to ukraine and calls on all eec countries to do the same to contribute this figure. that is, they are looking for some roundabout ways to bypass hungary’s position in order to finance it without american money. but this is all a much more complex scheme than it was before this day. well, i must say that estonia is now spending more than this 0.20. from january 1, he ended up in intensive care for 4 days, and no one in the united states knew about this, including the president, the national
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security adviser, and no one knew where the actual us nuclear button was located, such... a decline in the control system in the united states in the states, in my opinion, it has never happened, but in europe it is no better, there are fragrant strikes in germany, after advertising. i'm happy that i gave birth.
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and beautiful, from earth to sky, love has grown, we must always be united, because, as they say, one, we are invincible, whiskey mancacher is a product of stellor group. the main contender for the post of head of nato is niki mark rutte, prime minister of the netherlands. the future of ukraine is in nato and we will support these ambitions.
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executor of someone else's political, financial will, the netherlands and denmark are obligated. i declare the cosmetology department open,
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you will ruin my institute, you threw preobrazhensky himself out of his position, why did you get him like that, this is your institute, take what is rightfully yours, you jumped on, anonymous, you’re a normal married woman, what? you create the thief has gone, so, if we don’t do anything , the light has been removed, someone at the very top needs to stand up for svetlana gennadievna , light, did you spend the night here, what happened, wait, it’s the husband, why is he beating himself, doctor preobrazhensky , new ones in the series, watch the time after the program, are they taking it away? holy simplicity, they
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don’t open the door for the detainees, security is in the house, the street police, respectively, the owner’s car is not there, that’s all, girls, good evening, what an unexpected meeting, you should definitely help us, but i suspect it's a kidnapping? absolutely right, old ladies in the snow, on saturday at the first, wow, what a car, they will give you a lot for such a lot, then let ’s work, everything is so easy for you, not the first time, the third time, and that every time you just take and give, but this is business, listen, marin, i can congratulate you, you are a mother, congratulations on your fathers. i’ll take a photo of your child and bring you the testimony as a gift, i’m afraid in the event of a divorce you won’t get anything,
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but somehow, we had a serious statesman, i’m ready to give evidence against him testimony, if something happens to mine and you are involved in it, i will kill you again , what are you doing here, you can’t be here , they released the season, your child was stolen, i will destroy you, your clinic, big game live
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: a farmers' strike began in germany , which was supported by truck drivers, and also by colleagues, farmers in france in the netherlands, well, they promise to go on strike for a week, although i think it could be longer if it goes well, for now there are huge columns of tractors in all german cities, which are at the same time bring manure with them. fresh and dumped on the streets of cities in large quantities, so that the aromas of all of germany were provided for these holidays, but what is happening there? well, it’s clear what’s happening, on the one hand there’s an economic crisis, there’s actually been a drop in production for two quarters already, the situation for farmers is very difficult, primarily because farmer subsidies went to help ukraine, russian gas and cheap russian gasoline have appeared, expensive american gasoline has appeared, and in addition,
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they’ve disappeared fertilizers, russian, belarusian cheap ones, appeared again. expensive or none, and of course, all agricultural products have risen in price, people are not able to buy them, agriculture is simply unprofitable, why is this happening, well, the protesters themselves have a good answer, all the vegetables were eaten by scholz and zelensky, here is one of the posters that are there used. habbeck, the vice chancellor of germany, who is responsible for the economy, has a different answer, by the way, you know what habbeck did before he became involved in economics at the level of the german government, as deputy prime minister, he was a children's writer, this children's the writer tells us, let's listen, behind the announced protests there is something more than a government decision, in
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the last 2 years we have been experiencing upheavals, wars, crises...
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ladies and gentlemen, no matter how serious germany's contribution is, it alone is not enough to ensure security of ukraine, therefore i call on our allies in the european union to intensify efforts in the interests of ukraine, in any case, the supply of weapons to ukraine planned for today by most member countries is too small. to at the european council, which will take place no later than february 1, we must receive as accurate a report as possible on what exactly our european partners will bring to support ukraine this year. europe must demonstrate that it stands on the side of ukraine, on the side of freedom, international law and european values. we will support ukraine as long as it needs it. here there is a direct manipulation of fears under the mythical protection of some kind of mythical democracy, which no one has ever seen, no one has ever known. you will notice what kind of manipulation is going on, we must help ukraine, because it defends democracy, it defends this democracy,
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because the russians are to blame, there is hail in the field, putin is to blame. that is, people say , we have nothing to eat, everything here is becoming more expensive, they say: you are looking at it wrong, you are looking at the wrong plate, in fact, democracy must be defended, that is, they are now trying to do this. everything that is happening, firstly, of course, to debunk russia, dehumanize and so on, to say that these are justified military spending, tighten your belts and you will be happy, happiness lies in the fact that the more ukrainians die for this, this is happiness, but this substitution of the concept leads to nothing other than collapse, what is called european, don’t you think, that scholz simply received a command to increase military spending from the united states, because the americans do not want it, it seems, this is absolutely true, but we have to see. there is still another component: in germany, from my point of view, revanchist sentiments have not been eradicated, this was very clearly manifested in during the reign of merkel, who directly admitted that what happened from
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the fourteenth to the twenty-second year in the donbass was precisely an attempt to prolong this conflict and allow the armed forces of ukraine to rearm, today this wave of revanchism, it still launched its roots in the highest... the lot of the party, but here it turns out that in general the ruling class in this matter apparently acts as a single entity, well, it really must be said that... revanchist sentiments, they never died in germany, the germans said quietly that we really consider hitler a great politician, it’s just that, well , it’s not customary to talk about it, but there were always
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enough people zigging there, as, by the way, in italy, so on january 7 in italy there was just another congress and ceremony of obedience of akalarenets at the headquarters of the neo-fascists, where they simply yawned at themselves. shied away. horror! this is italy, modern january 7, 2024. well, but in france there was great happiness. there was such a prime minister, elizabeth born, who was very loyal to macron. well in compared to germany, the french economy looks better, after all. but they decided to resign her.
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non-traditional sexual orientation, he has a partner, a member of the european parliament, our cause is just, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news and the big game will return at 23:00. hello, on the first channel.


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