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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  January 9, 2024 7:55pm-9:00pm MSK

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because warriors and heroes do not die, eternal memory to him, the tutti heir doll program on channel one. the main contender for the post of head of nato, nicky mark.
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the netherlands, where one of the three royal palaces is located. it was in gaga that mark rütle was born in 1967. he was the youngest of seven siblings from his father isaac's two marriages. rutte's father's first wife died in a prison camp during world war ii in the dutch east indies, now indonesia. then isaac rutte fled with his family to gaga, and there he married his own his late wife's sister. the father of the family worked as a director in one of the dutch branches of the ost. i always thought that i would become
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a pianist, but i didn’t have enough talent , music is still important to me, but my brothers and sisters didn’t share musical time when mark came from school, they talked with him about politics, taught him to distinguish between right and left, in as a result, rutto, having entered the history department of the university of dan, headed the youth organization of the liberal people's party for freedom and democracy. i believe that the people's party for freedom and democracy, and the party also believes so, should strive to cooperate with the democrats 66, where possible, this is the first thing. secondly, it should strive for a coalition in the future with the labor party. in 2006, hideiny rött led his party, and 4 years later it won the parliamentary elections. mark runta became prime minister. put together a coalition
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government, for 13 years he formed the image of a simple guy from the people who rides a bicycle to work, holding an apple in one hand and the steering wheel in the other, an example with pleasure poses for the dutch press, spilling coffee, picks up a mop and cleans up after himself, not forgetting to smile for the camera, can play the piano at a train station or appear in a crowd of people at a concert. hello, mom, this is mark rutte. rutte was elected to the post of prime minister four times, for which he succeeded. “you, dare i say it, were nicknamed teflon mark, you have held power for so long, in fact, in my country this is perceived as something positive, but not everything was so rosy: the coalition government the brand resigned several times, in 2012 due to budget differences, in 2021 amid a scandal caused by a failure in the system of issuing child benefits, but rutte himself always returned, reshuffling staff." after
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the next dissolution of ministers, rutte decided to use the ukrainian crisis, constantly called for tougher sanctions, rushed to the vanguard of russophobia. millions of people are experiencing the consequences of russian aggression and, above all, the ukrainian people, who became victims of heinous crimes, albeit as a result of anti-russian policies people have become rising prices. in addition, a stream of ukrainian refugees poured into holland. mark ruth, a true friend of the zelensky regime, decided to limit the rights of ukrainian guests to family reunions. the christian union party opposed it, the result was another resignation of the government and the unsinkable rutto , after 13 years in power, announced his resignation simply without a fight for the seat, which is not at all typical of the typhon dutchman, apparently the american bosses have really prepared a more important role for their faithful long-term brand. what does this mean?
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mark ryuty made the wrong bet when he bet on zelensky, recently they had a meeting in vilnius and... they didn’t share a cup of coffee, gentlemen, let’s see where you got this coffee, if you want, take mine, no, no, you are waging a war, so this is your coffee, you need to stay healthy, i’ll share it with you in half together, and in general ryuta in every possible way positions himself as a person who is almost zelensky’s best friend. but the friendship at some point began to shake, we pay attention not so much to the words as to zelensky's facial expression. hi mark. hello, i'm glad to see you. i hope you and your team are doing well. i think it is
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very important to state that what is happening now in gaza, the terrorist attack on israel, cannot distract us from what is happening between you and russia. we must be sure that the world is focused on... percentage - this is estonia, latvia, lithuania, a little less poland, a little less finland, then, when we go to western europe, there is a certain average opinion, a decision will be made, write off the project zelensky will be written off, and mr.
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rutto will no longer pick up the phone, if zelensky calls, no such decision will be made, which means they will communicate at approximately the level that is on average like this... say in europe, the average european temperature in a ukrainian hospital , that is, it turns out that orban is out of this number, fitz is also out of this, these are slovakia and hungary, that’s where holland is, and it is in the middle, and in the middle, it means that it will not unconditionally support and will not call our special military operation or the ukrainian war your own, as, for example, the prime minister of estonia or the president of lithuania says, well, now rutte is leaving the post of prime minister, yes. another party won there, not rutte's party, and that, in fact, and he says completely different things, let's see, i believe that the dutch should not provide financial resources for defense, we have too few weapons, and besides, other countries too have already
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refused, i believe that instead of war there should be negotiations, this is geert wilders, this the person who will become prime minister, in retirement, i would like to draw your attention to another interesting fact: the distribution of seats in the house of representatives of the netherlands after early elections: the freedom party is, in fact, the winning party now and rutte’s party is in third place, and rutte will speak later , that it’s all about migrants, this and that, but in fact the number one party, the freedom party and the people’s party for freedom and democracy, and they are identical in everything, except for the issue of ukraine.
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very practical, along with the fact that this a high-tech country, in the person of its citizens, public institutions are still sufficient. looks at the events taking place quite, i would say
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, both pragmatically and cynically, let’s not forget that in the netherlands military spending is not as popular as among its neighbors, we remember the already famous one, and the leopard tank, painted orange, was also such a symbol pacifism, a symbol of pragmatism, so of course, today rutte has fallen behind the train of history, he needs to fit into a new reality, obviously this is the mainstream support ukraine. today it is not only unpopular, it is in conflict with the basic needs of dutch society. the fact is that in addition to the fact that they are pragmatic, i mean the dutch, they are religious, they are protestants, and what is happening now plays a huge role for them and for the soul too. they are not just protestants, they are calvinists, formerly radical calvinists, who were the first in the history of europe to admit that it is possible to deprive a monarch of power and even execute him if he gets caught. century, since
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this time they remain the oldest bourgeois nation in europe, in this sense they do not just count guilders, they look at zelensky as a kind of bet and a divine test. holland provided assistance to ukraine, the dutch prime minister, the ruuts, the dutch government, and a simple dutchman watched. zelensky will win or not, and as soon as they saw that he is not winning, from the point of view of their view, the religious view of things, it became clear that god turned his back on zelensky or was never on zelensky’s side at all, if god is not on zelensky’s side, which means we give up on him, look for other ways to get rich, but here we don’t make any more bets, because we can go broke. absolutely true, but in holland not everything is so simple, which is why wilders’ party, which performed successfully in the november elections, it... cannot form a government in any way, which is why ruet still remains acting
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prime minister, and he he’s counting on something next, most likely he’ll leave after all, but you can’t trust him, so i insist that rutto and religiosity are two different things , he is generally very cynical, rutto is not about values, he is not about any ideology at all, which is why he very often quotes the words of helmut schmidt, the former chancellor of germany, who said that if some then ... he would have taken responsibility for himself to resign from the post of leader of the party, he did not do this,
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he undermined the government, he then put together a new one, but he remained the leader of the party, although in theory he was responsible for everything that happened, he is a cynic, a cynic, both a manipulator and a manipulator, that's right, and i was struck by the story from his personal life, he is not married, he has no family, again this raises questions for many in holland, sometimes jokes, but he always... said that he is a mama's boy, he loves his mother and so on, but when she got sick, he sent her to a nursing home , when the coronavirus epidemic broke out, he announced that he would withstand all restrictions and would not visit his mother in the nursing home, he did not see her until her death for about three or four weeks, citing to the rules, he is like that, he will follow some of his norms, just to stay with authorities, just... not to lose his popularity, but he is ready to sacrifice any
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ideas, any goals, except for one, euro-atlanticism and betting on america, it’s true about his mother, there is confirmation of this in many sources in the media, there is a truly heartbreaking story , if not for one more fact from above, he gave a press conference, just about the fact that new rules are needed, that you can’t shake hands, let’s... let’s see it, starting from this moment, no more handshakes , you can kiss with your feet, bump elbows whatever you like, i've already seen many great alternatives to the handshake being used in schools. here he is having fun, you know, his mother is dying at this time, he introduces these restrictions related to covid, and at the same time he immediately has fun at a press conference,
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nothing is sacred, no, well, it’s clear that the person is in his heart and mind inside he is an absolute bureaucrat, i think that he does not even imagine himself as the prime minister of the netherlands, he imagines himself as a european bureaucrat, a european man, and indeed he, of course, fluctuates along with the party line, i i would say even the brussels regional committee, rather than the washington one, for him the netherlands is just a definite step on the path of some big, perhaps in the future euro-atlantic career, so, for example, by the way, here i would also disagree with that holland is in the middle, and of course they are not in the forefront of the main european hawks, yes, but they gave this... if in monetary terms, disproportionately large, in relation to their gdp, for the twenty-fourth year they set a budget of 2.4 billion euro, and this is not only artillery, it’s not just shells, it ’s not just missiles, in particular, the netherlands , together with denmark, are now forming their own aviation coalition to supply fourth-generation f-16 fighters to ukraine, if they theoretically, in principle
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, get to this point, and as for his future and what is happening in the netherlands, i would be here... the component through which the rating goes, the rating is 17%, in september of the thirteenth year it fell to 14%, the 70 rating is covid, these lowest drops are when he left for resignation, his party received less, and his party received 15% in the elections, that is, he can say that he is even dragging the party up a little, by the way, plus he is like yes, we saw
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such a wonderful two-step again , but he himself did not lead the party to the elections, the coalition government collapsed due to the issues of ukraine. and they put in charge a young lady of kurdish origin, dion zegerius, she lost, she will now most likely have to resign as leader of the party, for rutte this also opens a window of opportunity, if not he will be able to make a career in brussels, he can return in the future to try to reformat the coalition for himself , again, i will remind you that wilders does not have a majority in parliament, he needs to put together a coalition with someone, most likely with the liberals, because the left will not be with him at all to make a coalition, in this case, rutte’s party will have what is called: who there is absolutely no way, there are some interesting facts from his biography, the fact is that his behavior towards his mother in relation to the most personal secret things, that too
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so it changes, but, for example, yuty at some point said, he is really lonely, he has never had a family, at some point he... says: shouldn’t i become one? let's listen. our prime minister would like to be bisexual. in this case, according to him, the whole world will follow you, and he also likes to walk around the house naked when the curtains are closed. mark ruete spoke about this four years ago in a very candid interview. this material was in the archives, but they suddenly remembered it after an insistent request from the government information service forget this story. that is, he is even this and even here... he is still the prime minister of holland, but he is looking for a promising warm place, will they give him such an opportunity? we'll figure it out right after the ad.
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i ran 70 marathons, well, you know that a marathon is 42 km, 195 m, now i also continue to run, the russian soul is, these are real, so to speak, dreams that come from within, these are russian songs, russian tom, pancakes with sour cream , borscht, with garlic, i want to say hello to my southern region, my astrakhan, i... i love my city very much, love, happiness and greetings to your family. good luck in sports, so that - a lot of technologies have been invented, and we want it for everyone. on this beautiful day, wish you good thoughts, good intentions and that everything will be fine , satellite debris is flying towards you, we will do an
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evasive maneuver, heard, accepted, veeta vodka, a product of the stellar group, i hate my face and want something else, it’s possible, you know , that you still don’t like the operation... what, your idea to remove the ribs is crazy, yes, what are you up to? did they do it to her? you won’t get away with it, and if we do everything carefully, the mosquito won’t hurt your nose, you understand that this is really dangerous, my dear, he’s a good nunnery, if you don’t resist the thieves’ patients, they will destroy you, you’re worried about me, do you promise that you will never lie to me? only those who are directly related to the operation should have a pass to the institute, without making my mistakes, light, four, andrey
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ivanovich, i will correct both of our mistakes, it is impossible to correct, what happened, yes, quickly follow me to the operating room. doctor preobrazhensky, new ones from the series, watch after the program time. senior investigator of the obkhss, major volkov. we are interested in the documentation of the cosmetology department. here's the search warrant. what to smell like in the new year? which mulled wine warms you up: alcoholic or non-alcoholic. we teach everyone how to cure a sore throat in 5 minutes. the program to live healthy, will tell you about everything, tomorrow on the first from moscow to alaska, plans to celebrate, the new year
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with the children has collapsed, you need to decide something, for how long, for how long it will be possible, pass it, nowhere, how could he escape? sorry boss, your father is missing. i need your help. and what's that? this is for the holiday. do you think he'll like it? marina yakovleva. you're jealous, a little bit. do not envy. tatiana orlova. so, we begin the reunification operation. elena safonova. you broke into private territory, you broke into old women in the snow on saturday
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at the first, what age are you, you are still getting married, everything is so easy for you, not the first time, the third, and that every time you just take and give, well, this is a business? listen, marin, i can congratulate you, you are a mother, congratulations on fatherhood, i’ll take a photo of your child and bring you alexandra’s testimony as a gift, i’m afraid that in the event of a divorce you won’t get anything, but somehow, the rear was a serious statesman, i’m ready give evidence against him, if something happens to mine, and you are involved in it, i will kill you again, what are you doing here, you should not be here, vadima, they released the season at night. your child was stolen, i will destroy your clinic, i will ask you write off all conversations with her, whether telephone or personal, i don’t know, pay the cops, hide the apartments, do something, i
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’m so tired of hiding, container, new episodes, on sunday on the first, why are you bargaining for the night, don’t want to return it, three lemmas, no less, and the money is needed in 2 hours. holland is just an intermediate stage for mark rutte, where is he aiming next? well, in fact, his party lost and he once again resigns, and in disgrace, but will the puppeteers find him a cushy place, and if so, then where? we'll find out. galina, i want to switch to you. the thing is that at first glance , when you look at ryut, he always has perfect ties, he always has perfect suits, not quite like that, yes, yes, in fact this is a man, pay attention, now
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it’s a photograph , he has a wrinkled jacket, very... wrinkled trousers with elongated knees, this suggests that this is not the first day he has been wearing this suit, in fact he is not a dandy or a pedant, but i would give him this characteristic, he is a man extremely careful, they are very careful, very careful, i think that he is very conservative in his habits, and most likely, especially walking around the house naked, yes, but you know what is surprising, what is surprising is that he has absolutely no status details, pay attention, no zapanki, no watch, neither a car, nor an umbrella, nor shoes, you will not read it. there is absolutely no way, and this is not accidental, this was done on purpose, i will say more, having in general an excellent appearance, look, what a crumpled jacket really is, that is, having good height, in general it could look a little different, much, yes, much more impressive, but he learned at the same time, just think about it, to be invisible, he knows how to be in the background, he can be invisible, he does not have gender male ambitions among leaders, i will say more, i am sure that he is not very feels cozy
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. at some establishment parties, maybe in some glamorous places, because by birth he does not belong to them, this mask of a joker, it is absolutely glued, a man who has not changed the shape of his glasses frame for decades, but what is really inside you won't see, well here i am i think, i think that he is painfully vulnerable and vindictive, you know, what came to mind now is that he is a human function, a political robot who is impersonal, where is he himself, yes, yes, he is impersonal. but he performs those functions perfectly, this smile is absolutely rubber, it seems to me that at the same time, we see, he smiled, ryuta would smile even at his own funeral, this is exactly the image of this politician and person that comes to mind, so he is impersonal, why does he need different suits, what accessories does he need, he performs a function, the function of a leader
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government, i think this is...
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he always understands exactly who can be treated, you know, like that through the lip, and who needs to smile and lick, this meeting shows this very well, pay attention, he’s not like servility , he smiles sweetly, yes, of course, what are you, what are you , as far as he behaves, well, not disgustingly, disdainfully with zelensky, that is, for him zelensky is something, you know, this is a certain platform on which he must play out his map, it was also funny there was his
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last one. ukraine is the platform that should to act out, it seems to me, even more, roman , zelensky’s face, yes, look, zelensky’s face, look, his face is grimaced, it’s unpleasant for him, it’s just that zelensky always betrays everyone, it just happens instantly, he doesn’t know how to do this at all, although like actors, zelensky, look, he has two stages, zelensky is a cocaine addict, so you understand, they have two stages, the first stage, when he
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used it, here it carries him. magnificent, i’m wonderful, i’m super, y’all, yes, i ’ll do everything now, the second stage, you know, such a certain withdrawal syndrome, absence syndrome, he needs to get it now, she has syndrome, oh my god, come on. and what should i do, i don’t know, on the contrary, the situation is the opposite of this, so it needs to be considered from this position and everything will become clear to you at what stage of the cycle zelensky is, let’s go back to ryuta and watch two more interesting videos, so, it’s considered that rutte is dependent on brussels and dependent on washington, first, roughly speaking, let’s take a walk to washington, for example, rutte and trump, they had a fairly good relationship, according to at least you think. said, let's see how the element of their interaction, sort of as friends, we are very close to concluding very good trade deals, even probably better to say not good, fair trade deals for our taxpayers, fair for our workers and
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farmers, now in general a lot of good things are happening, i think that the european union, we plan to meet with its representatives in the near future, also wants to try to agree on something, and if we agree on something, it will be a positive outcome, yes, even... even if we don’t agree, this will also be a positive result, no, but everything will be for the good, we need to somehow agree, yes, this is tapping, clapping, but we pay attention to rutte’s behavior, after all , maybe there is friendship here, if he treats zelensky with disdain, then he treats trump, like here, look, the fact is that in this video i understand that i hope that it is clear that trump is not being bullied at all now, so not at all up to him, he says this: you know, as if you need to say something, he starts like this, this so are relationships blah blah blah, rutta is also not interested in him, because there is a feeling that rutta doesn’t know who to bet on, this gesture, and the guy, oh well, guy, rutta can’t leave him like that, a normal person, without
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lack of complexes, you know that trump has such a situation, that he can do something like this, well, he did, he did, let’s say, but this one cannot leave it like that, she is a practitioner, dear gentlemen, political scientists, what was the relationship between ruett and trump in fact? this? they were normal, they were workers, let me remind you that just in in the seventeenth and eighteenth years , donald trump lobbied for the fact that the netherlands should purchase the fifth-generation f-35 fighter, in return for the very f-16 fighters that they are gradually decommissioning, perhaps they will send it to ukraine, but here, of course , all this is still in question happiness, the relationship was normal, much better than trump’s relationship with the same angela merkel, for example, or for example with emmanuel macron, there asruta is well normal, calm, it is clear that of course the netherlands is not there. the first economy of the european union is not a priority for the united states of america, but i think that compared to other countries, just with rutte, with the netherlands, trump managed to more or less agree on something, listen, well , you mentioned the f-16 there , it’s a complete disaster, but in general ryuta promised zelensky at
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a press conference that they would be there right away at 16, it’s a bummer, zelensky said on a social network that ukraine will receive 42 f-16 aircraft from the netherlands. and 19 publications, but the dutch government has not confirmed the number of aircraft it will provide. at the moment, the netherlands has forty-two f-16 aircraft, of which we need aircraft for training in denmark and then in romania,” said mark rutte. he added that the netherlands would consider supplying all remaining aircraft, but said he could not yet give an exact number. in general, the import is still there. moreover, it’s interesting there, they promised.
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for example, we have a video of the meeting between ryut and biden on the topic of ukraine, pay attention to biden’s reaction. i want to thank you personally and the united states for your leadership. i am confident that history will judge that if the united states had not intervened the way it did, things could have turned out very differently in 2022 in this fight between ukraine and russia. we decided to allocate another 2 million in the form of military assistance.
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he talks with the owner, he reports to the owner that the state of the affairs entrusted to him is in perfect order, he is deeply grateful to the owner for initiating such fateful processes, and in general he is so... he manages everything wonderfully with trump, he behaves specifically as with a person whom his masters, rutte’s masters in washington, don’t like and don’t approve of, so what was important to him was not trump emotionally, it meant pushing him away with a gesture like that, but showing that i am still loyal to my master , here we see how he directly reports loyalty, i apologize, he is not reporting to biden, he is reporting to the one who is behind biden, biden is easy on him.
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or a republican, but as you understand, the dutch people, unfortunately, are not considered, immediately after the advertisement, that’s all the most interesting thing, let's continue, the cosmetology department, i declare it open, you will ruin my institute. he threw preobrazhensky himself out of office, why did you get him like that,
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this is your institute, take what is rightfully yours, i jumped on you, anonymous, you’re a normal married woman, what are you doing , you’re a thief, so if we don’t do anything, the light will be removed, someone at the very top needs to stand up for svetlana gennadievna. sveta, did you spend the night here, what happened? wait, is that the husband? maybe he's hitting himself? doctor preobrazhensky, new ones from the series, see after the program time. are they taking him away? holy simplicity, they don’t open the doors to the detainees. why the most famous publication for businessmen? took on the dismantling of our tanks, anti-advertising, which
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is an advertisement for other tanks, t72 b3 everything is fine, but with the publication everything is not so good, the soviet school of aircraft construction is also discredited, supposedly 99% of the machines are just copies, taking something, copying is wrong - it’s simple, mik-25, they took it apart piece by piece, but couldn’t copy the technology, and also why a high-ranking ukrainian security guard had to show up on television, anti-fake, premiere. tomorrow on the first one from moscow to alaska, plans to celebrate the new year with the children have collapsed, we need to decide something, for how long, for how long, go ahead, he is nowhere to be found, how could he escape, sorry boss, your father is missing. i need your help. and what's that? this is for the holiday. do
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you think he'll like it? marina yakovleva. you're a little jealous. do not envy. tatiana orlova. so, let's begin the reunification operation. elena safonova. old ladies in the snow on saturday at the first, what are your years, you are still getting married, and whose friend is mark rutte, then he is with biden, then he is with trump, then he is with zelensky, then he changed his mind about delivering.
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posts, but not as good as what i ’m doing now, but it would give me the opportunity to work on the international stage, i could make some contribution, they say about you that if you call joe biden about the ginsekan post. then get it, let's see, let's see, i'm not going to lobby this issue in this way, but maybe it will it will work out without a call, or maybe not, nothing is clear yet, you need to think about such a conversation. so, stoltenberg leaves, there are now three main candidates, these are mark ryute, kaja
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kallas and krisjanis karenzh, of whom mark ryutto is considered a very promising comrade.
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man-function, as the face-shape of the north atlantic alliance, it seems to me that ryut will be even more successful than stoltenberg, because stoltenberg constantly has a frightened expression on his face, in the context of a large-scale conflict between russia and the west, such a secretary general has already played his role, in in this regard, here is such a cheerful, teflon optimist, with this constant smile and desire to please everyone. rut is an ideal candidate, and it is in this capacity, it seems to me, that washington will lobby for this particular figure. well, here he is with stoltenberg when he communicates, they had a joint press conference between rutte and stoltenberg, look how stoltenberg behaves when rutte speaks, there’s no point in even listening to what rutte says, well, look, this is how
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it will be on throughout the entire speech, he will look somewhere up, read the crows, here says, says, says, this... will look somewhere there, is it disrespect or is it jealousy, that he will be next? that is the question? well, this is a good question , to be honest, it seems to me, you already know, stoltenberg is so tired of being in the post of gense kanata and he is already thinking about what i would do as head of the central bank of norway, and where he will most likely be placed after he will leave the post of general secretary in september of twenty years, again they will not change everything, they will not extend his powers for another year, that's what the gentleman's prospects are about. how possible, yes, they are high, here i will not argue with this, indeed this is a possible, even probable candidate, and in many respects it passes, but there are two nuances, the first is that indeed many are now among the nato apparatchiks they want to play the gender card, and the fact that he is a man plays against him, here, by the way, it is quite
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possible that sooner or later a candidate, by the way, will be nominated, by the way , by the prime minister of denmark, matt fredrickson, and a man who also in many ways such an apparatchik. there is chrystia freelan, indeed the deputy prime minister of canada, and of course, the second point is fatigue among the european nato apparatchiks in that there are too many in leadership positions truly northerners, representatives of northern europe, yes there was rasmusen, stoltenberg, you need someone then another, so there are of course other candidates, they are probably less likely, there is the prime minister of spain, mr. sanchez, whom some are also considering, by the way, this one an unexpected candidate, wiildhar, as the americans call it, that is, such an unexpected variation. this is lord cameron, yes, the current head of the united kingdom, a man who has been there literally for one year, most likely occupies this position, and as many insiders from his circle of david cameron say, he now views his position as a small step along this step, perhaps, in order to further focus on his time, even boris johnson was eager, but
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he didn’t come up with anything, nevertheless , rutto was recently photographed, or rather was filmed doing very interesting things, he was hiding behind...
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smartphones, exclusively a push-button phone, so that he had the opportunity to delete some messages there, but from time to time the situation breaks through, some of the deleted messages surfaced, let's listen, among the deleted sms there was a message from the mayor of amsterdam, femke halsema, about the black lives matter protests in june 2020, where attendance was 10 times higher than expected, and a message from the ceo of univer.
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maybe it's because it's black rock - big business? it is more than likely that black rock is, even incredibly, this is a fact, one of the leading forces in american behind-the-scenes politics, that is, decisions are made there, and the company itself, it hides from us those who manage this whole process, here are some american families therefore, rutte has a vital interest as a representative of american interests on the continent in promoting black rock. i invite everyone to our colorful
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capital of the south, where you can enjoy the don cossacks and eat delicious food enjoy the culture with beautiful girls, of course, so the bride is an unmarried girl without bad habits, call the phone number, you just have to be here, be here, breathe this air. for what sins did they give me this terrible creature? it’s immoral, you are our
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last chance if nothing works out. she will commit suicide, technically, this is our patient, but the risk of an unsuccessful outcome of the operation puts not only the patient at risk, but the entire institute. who is behind the operation? lev grigorievich, your vote is decisive. doctor preobrazhensky, new from the series. watch the time after the program. we're here to make sure you don't bet. your ambitions are higher than the life of the patient , everything is so easy for you, not the first time, the third time, and that every time you just take and give like that, well, this is business, listen, marin, i can congratulate you, you are a mother, congratulations on fatherhood, i’ll take a photo you have a child and i’ll bring alexandra’s testimony as a gift, i’m afraid in the event of a divorce you won’t get
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anything, but somehow you’re a serious state in our country. there was a bear, i'm ready to give testimony against him, if something happens to mine, and you are involved in it, i will kill you again, what are you doing here, you should not be here, vadima, they released the season at night, your child was stolen, i will destroy you, your clinic, i i’ll ask you to write down all conversations with her, whether telephone or personal, i don’t know, pay the cops, hide the apartments, do something, i’m so tired of hiding, container? new episodes, on sunday on the first, are you bargaining for the night, don’t want to return it, three lemmas, no less, and you need the money in 2 hours. rutte and larry fin will speak together at the same conference, we'll see. i think that along with singapore and hong kong, we are one of
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the two or three most integrated economies in world trade, so...
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pay attention, biden does not forgive such things, otherwise rutto would already be nato secretary general, and he understands perfectly well that only financial tycoons can help him on this path, so he is now developing these relationships with them, but he has been in these relationships for a long time, here is a curious thing, the fact is that biden appoints to posts, on key positions in his administration, people he recruits from black rock, these are them... chief economic adviser to kamala harris, formerly at blackrock, now secretary of staff of the white house administration, formerly investing, everyone else, well, one can only guess, because the list is quite impressive. so, rutte, these are his main puppeteers, on whom he relies, since he cannot reach an agreement with biden.
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polman is the same university where...
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the united states of america has new leadership in areas of industry, economics, finance, therefore, a person who, as nato secretary general, could lobby, first of all. not the interests of, say, the military-industrial complex of france or germany, but the interests of the financial elite of the united states will be the most convenient and pragmatic choice, therefore , no matter how biden twists his face while listening to rutte, there are forces much more powerful than the us president in order to in order to streamline certain personnel appointments. i think regarding the contradictions between biden and rutte. firstly, there are really a lot of complaints against ruyt in terms of the fact that he still has not been able to ensure the growth of military spending in the netherlands above 2%, yes, even though there was a year and a half of conflict in ukraine, and before that he
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promised all this, promised , this did not happen , this is the first time, secondly, he is actually leaving temporarily, perhaps govan politics on a low note, against the backdrop of the failure of his party, the third point, in my opinion, the americans and the biden administration have currently decided to wait for the elections to the european parliament. here are the results of these elections most likely, the composition of the european commission, the european commission will be reformatted, and perhaps new vacant candidates will appear , who in the future will become candidates for nato secretary general, well, the most obvious example, which we have already discussed, is ms. vanderleen, so you know, i think that the americans they’ll wait until june 24 and see how the elections go and how the european commission is reformatted.
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there will be no society, especially reforms that will lead to the strengthening of the state system, state as such, on the contrary, this is this model of inclusive capitalism , which perhaps rutte will propagate after some time at every step, it assumes that everything will remain as it is, but some showcase improvements will be made, and such concessions, seemingly concessions, not deputies, which will actually lead them to their enslavement, financial, debt enslavement, for example, in the end... as a result , the pension system will collapse approximately in the year thirty-six, they have already announced this, that is it will be necessary to explain that for some reason those who are older do not need to live, in canada now
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it is possible, there is this video there, that the sun is setting, there is a dog next to you, kill yourself, now you need to destroy your family, so whatever you call it, the rich become richer and defend their rights to be richer, the poor become poorer. with the same face with the same gestures, facial expressions, as it is today, that is , i don’t want to say what kind of programming this is, but if we look, for example, chancellor scholz, in his youth was leftist, a rebel, wore long hair, and today he is a typical european bureaucrat, obediently fulfilling the role of a representative of the american regional committee, there are many such politicians, truly a european man in the street. today
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we are expecting the emergence of bright, charismatic, unconventional leaders, even, it would seem, with all his odiousness, boris johnson, he stood out against the background of the gray european bureaucracy, at least for his stupid actions, these shaggy hair, or he was hung from a crane by his braces , he's there with british flags, that's is typically teflon, that’s how he started in public... this image, he preserves it, obviously, there are some human weaknesses in him, playing the piano, some moments, let’s say, manifestations of what is personal to him , but in general this is a typical european bureaucratic project and project of those financial forces for which such politicians are needed, the executor of someone else’s political financial will, it’s interesting here that
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the choice has not yet been made, there is still enough time until nato has a new general secretary, now, in fact the rat race begins, when i think, global capital is launching a casting, all these rats are running to curry favor with the master, that’s who they are? real gentlemen, we are with you and
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we are finding out, stay with us and watch our programs, maria butina, the doll of the heir tuti, was with you, now is the program time. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. the doctors managed to cope; the children who suffered the most during the ukrainian terrorist attack on belgorod were transferred from intensive care.


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