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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 10, 2024 3:05am-3:56am MSK

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who was the teacher of the royal children, it is not known what fate would have awaited alexander sergeevich, but the state in this case acted very wisely and very instructively, still treating this young rebel with care, and it seems to me that there is some very deep lesson in this, talented people do not develop in a straight line, a person is least likely to resemble some kind of scheme or some kind of instruction that he must follow and...
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for all her anger, she actually does not at all call for crushing the monarch, she calls on the monarch to respect the law, respect human dignity, for young pushkin these were some very important criteria, and pushkin, paradoxically, is a constitutionalist if you like, but in russia there was no constitution, but respect for human dignity is very important. a trait
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he carried throughout his entire life. and so again, no matter what step he took, yes, everything led to his immortality, everything was really lucky for him in life, he was sent to the south, here for him is a northern man, born, by the way, in moscow, which is also very important, yes, this one here the geography of pushkin’s life is really very important. muscovite by birth, educated in st. petersburg or in the suburbs of st. petersburg in tsarskoye. village, he ends up in the south in his youth, just when he needs to be there, on the shores of the black sea, in the crimea, in the steppes near odessa, in moldova, where he served, he meets completely different people, all this enriches him , he absorbs all this, all this results in his amazing poetry, which is difficult to distinguish from his life, this wonderful romantic period in his life, which... suddenly ends abruptly,
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as we all remember again in 1824, when the police, who are watching pushkin, intercept one of his letters, where he admits that he is taking lessons in pure atheism, that is, atheism, in the state , where christianity was the state religion, atheism was considered a serious crime, immediate punishment followed, this time by pushkin.
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french, who was fascinated by european ideas, liberal, in many ways ideas that were close to him, which found an echo in his heart, which i was fascinated by byron , who sympathized with the greek uprising, who dreamed of escaping russia, seeing italy, but instead of all this, this man ends up in the village, and there in the village pushkin becomes a genius, it was there in the village that, perhaps, something about... ...
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a very deep thing, a very deep recognition, when a person himself does not understand, does not fully understand, does not fully realize what he has achieved, but it turned out surprisingly deeply. essentially, by penetrating into russian history, into the russian soul, into the russian head, into the russian consciousness, this very tragedy appeared , in which pushkin poses the most important questions of existence, in which pushkin appears as a philosopher, he is 25 years old, he is a boy, even more so, if we speak in modern times, and yet he creates this work , written in a strictly orthodox manner.
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we remember further, he writes how she changed her appearance, how she accompanied him everywhere and how she finally turned into this humble provincial young lady in mikhailovsky with a book in her hand, this , of course, is such a guiding star that was in his destiny, which
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meant extremely much to him, and this destiny led him exactly like this: from moscow, to st. petersburg, through the south, to mikhailovskoye, although he had been to mikhailovskaya before, but one thing. the thing is when he came there in his youth of his own free will, it is completely different when he found himself there in captivity, but this imprisonment is psychologically difficult and unbearable for him, but apparently it was precisely this that created that tension, created that necessary friction between his soul and those circumstances , in which he was, which contributed to the fact that, firstly, he became interested in deep, serious reading, because he reads the bible, he reads coramzin. he reads shakespeare, but creates something absolutely of his own, something original, yes, dedicated to the precious memory of nikolai mikhailovich koromzin, but this, this, this is pushkin, this is real, this is genuine and pushkin, this is the story of the tsar who
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came to power by overstepping through blood, despite the fact that we don’t know whether this really happened in russian history, but pushkin wrote so, then the same thing will happen in mozart and this one pushkin’s view of some historical events, historical figures who transform them, at least in literature they are absolutely made legitimate, they are made, as it were, facts of our life in our culture, everything he touches turns out incredibly deeply, it turns out incredibly talented and incredibly diverse, because parallel... with this he writes eugene onegin, this famous novel in verse, which has no analogues in russian literature and in world literature, i think not either, and the novel extremely interesting in that, unlike many other pushkin works , which were created over a fairly
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limited period of time, eugene onegin was written for many years, as we know, and pushkin began writing it while in southern exile, but the north is harmful. for me, he finished writing when he was already in moscow, and then moved to st. petersburg, in fact, the bulden autumn, this is a new period in his life, and a new turn in his life, also extremely important, yes, when circumstances, plague, cholera , locks the poet in the village of boldin and this phenomenon is born, which we all know, yes, which is called boldensky autumn, and where pushkin creates - his leafy works, and poems, and small tragedies, belkin's stories, ends, ends eugene onegin, and ends with, yes, as we remember, evgeny anegin has an open ending,
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but there are wonderful words from anna akhmatova, evgeny anegin ends with pushkin getting married, in fact, pushkin’s marriage is another such amazing one. and never ceases to attract our attention, our interest, our disputes, a moment in his biography, because many people... don’t like natalya nikolaevna, many people believe that pushkin’s marriage was unsuccessful, and he should have married some other woman, and these and such zealous attacks against natalya nikolaevna come from people of the highest degree of respect, because both akhmatova and tsvitaeva, or for example, faina ranevskaya, in faina ranevskaya’s diary entries, spoke ill of her, you can simply see how she is seething with indignation, it would seem.. what does natalya nikolaevna say to her, who lived for 100 years ? ago, but nevertheless, faina
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georgievna is simply filled with hatred for this woman, but let’s assume, okay, this is the female half, but let’s take the male half, vikenty vikkendivich verisaev, a wonderful russian soviet writer of the first half of the 20th century, the author of such a wonderful monumental work , which is called pushkin in life, and somewhere there he writes that if only pushkin had paid attention.
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pushkin is authentic, this pushkin world, which is so whimsical, so mysterious, so enigmatic, so amazingly arranged, pushkin, oh which we are arguing, for some it is more important , relatively speaking, the liberal principle that is present in his work, for others, perhaps, much more important is the beginning associated with the ideas of the state, as relevant as this famous poem sounds to the slanderers of russia, who so often repeat today , and because of which, by the way, pushkin and... then received a lot of criticism from his own - not only opponents, but also from his friends, who
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did not understand him and did not agree with him, but note, he did not quarrel with them, they didn’t quarrel with him, that’s respect for someone else’s point of view, this is the acceptance of someone else’s point of view, it is extremely important, the last thing in this regard i would probably like to remember and say about pushkin, i really love andrei torkovsky’s film the mirror, if you remember, there is such a wonderful the moment when the boy ignat, yes, the son of the main character, finds himself in such an incomprehensible apartment in the center of moscow, then there is such a bush burning in the yard, well , such an understandable biblical allusion, and the woman gives this boy a letter to read, a letter from pushkin to chaodaev, this is famous a letter in which pushkin polemicizes with chiodaev, with chaadayev’s view of russian history, as a history that failed, yes, as
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a history that did not happen, precisely because this history is not european, because we found ourselves fenced off from europe, and pushkin does not agree with him . pushkin is just remembering some key moments of russian history, and talks about its kings, talks about important events, talks about the tatars...
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let's get married, good afternoon, today the grooms are denis, vasily and roman, and our bride is elizabeth. elizaveta 31 years old, selflessly i am in love with several famous artists whom i have only seen on tv. i even recorded the name of one of them in my passport. elizaveta, a physical education coach, lives in moscow. she is proud
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that she conquered the capital and tamed the wild hawk. she dreams of building a house with an aviary for... yes, hello, elizaveta, hello again , it’s called, yes, you were with us recently, i was, i was, i got a knife in my heart, this is my friend, sonechka, i love birds, beaked winged ones, you always fell in love with some men with whom you definitely don’t have there could have been no relationship, for example, yuri
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bogatyrev, yes, god, i love yuri bogatyrevo, and why liznko do you think that you are ugly, what is the standard of beauty? i would like to date, so i respect myself, i respect my opinion, i respect the opinions of others, so i simply would not choose anyone. he would be somehow kinder, he would be more endearing to himself, but it’s not really something to sit like that under such a watchful estrian gaze, you’re not used to it, apparently, i’m not used to it, of course, but i had such hope for you, the main character didn’t choose her, so now she
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’ll take the blame on you. the groom disappointed me with his... such , you know, harshness, something like that, and it really hurt me very much, nothing hurt you, i declassified you, this is who yours are, these are my friends, teddies, support group, this is i’m pigusha, this is my owl yusha, and this is my kosenka basya, yeah, they’re with me today instead of friends, but you don’t have any living ones, yes, no, you have living friends, but they’re all far away, very serious, that’s why they didn't come here.
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came to our program because i don’t believe it i’m not into a platonic relationship with you, no, not that you consider yourself ugly, you have a very high opinion of yourself, by the way, but i just understand that you’re tough, you have a tough character, you’re just unlucky in some ways , you’re unlucky with men, i think you’re not very lucky with your career, so you came up with such a tall tale, here comes this girl in the fourth ten with a slight joke, well, made up, i’ll be honest , these toys certainly confuse me, i'll be honest. there is such a thing, a touch of infantilism, well, yes, mendelssohn, tell me, what do you think is our heroine in the image or something else? according to the compiled psychological portrait, the situation is still 50/50, but the chance that the girl came with plush friends
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will leave is quite high. larisa, why don’t you believe that a person at 31 can believe in a miracle? and really find an outlet, for example, in toys, look, i don’t believe that you consider yourself ugly, everyone is considered ugly, you cut off your stocking, and well, you quickly corrected any ugliness, you very well built, you have amazing posture, i would walk around naked with your figure, just seriously, this is just a matter of envy, in fact, you have beautiful hair, i worked on myself a little, covered up all the ugliness, and about that doesn’t say, as i say all the time, that i’m fat, fat, fatwest, i don’t do anything for it except eat all the time, the strength of a woman is in the length of her hair, i’ve heard that, yes, maybe i consider myself ugly, because what... i really have problems with the opposite gender, look, you have problems with the opposite sex, and you declare that you only need platonic relationships, and
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what to do with them then with a man, a man in order to give us joy, carnal pleasures, and give us money , buy gifts, what else does he need, and you, in turn, also give him a massage, reals , rails, sleepers, sleepers, age takes its toll... you still need to thoroughly understand what this girl wants from life when she meets
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a man, you want have time to give birth to children, have time to be 31 years old, yes, you know, i don’t know how fate will work out, again, while now i have nothing to even give the child, how to say, raise him. okay, well, you don’t, well, listen, well, everyone has toys, we all sleep with dogs, with cats, or this, this is not even an episode in your life, well, it’s like a background , well, there is, you know, but if you, if you talk to them when you are left alone, but this is already anxiety, this is already borderline. state, well, in general , your reaction is like hers, this game with dolls, what do you think, how funny it looks, well, i don’t know, if there were
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inadequate, as you present yourself to us, then how are you in barnaul, so you were able to save money to buy a small house, yes, it’s like this, well, how do you need brains, look, that means.
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meet the first groom, well, are you ready to move to moscow to live with her, or what’s better, you’ll try to win her over somehow, for a visit, of course, i ’ll invite her, i’ll show her our beautiful places in the south, my heart is beating. hello, hello, my name is denis, i came to our first date with a surprise, so i want
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to give you my book that i wrote yourself, wow, and you are a poet, a writer, well, this is my creative hobby, this is a novel about theater, about art, a psychological drama, with elements of mysticism, i think you should like it, thank you very much. thank you, let's go get acquainted? let's go to! denis, 40 years old, engineer, works in a company producing architectural and machine glass, loves literature, music and social events, is proud of the fact that he became a debutant at the vienna ball four times, dreams of doing cave diving, admits that he is embarrassed about his age, relationships with denis was inspired by his ex-wife to create a mystical novel and hopes that elizabeth will become his. hello denis, hello larisa, how many times have you been married?
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married twice, but usually i don’t talk about it, for example, i don’t hide the fact that i’m married three times, everything that happened in life is my property, how many children do you have, if you have children, no children, fortunately or unfortunately, i don’t know why you’re ashamed of your age, well, i just feel much younger, and it seems to me that i look younger, so this is true? you look really younger, right out of ten years, if you said that you were 32, i would have thought that you were 32, so i basically tell everyone now that i’m 32 there, 33 there, so that young, impressionable people there was no such cognitive dissonance, but it seems to me that she likes them like that, she likes them like that , because she looks at him with admiration, i think so too, but that’s the first look, just such a decisive look, what
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problems did you encounter in the first one? problems, well , we were young, hot, maybe stupid also, that is, there was no worldly wisdom , so well, as if everything was superimposed on one another, we wouldn’t have divorced, i just went to moscow to make a career, but my wife didn’t want to go with me, although i called her, and from where , and we are from saratov, like the next one? party, they suit each other quite well , how would she look to him, well, even in terms of build, and it seems to me, in the content of your consciousness, you are so interesting, i confessed my love, yes, some banners were painted with love, i hung her the banner is already from moscow, i wanted to return it, let's see what lovely, darling, don’t be sad, everything will
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be fine with us, listen, i’m even worth some fearless money, yes, i had to spend money, but i wanted to return her already, uh, she was just like you, well, that was 20 years ago , you were 20 years old here, well, yes, rom, well, i think you are better suited for her than denis, denis, he is more narcissistic as a person, he has it straight, i see. on him, focusing all his attention only on himself, okay, the second story, the second, the story of the second love, a year and a half after moving to moscow, i met my new muse, she just inspired me to write, who worked and brought you food? larisa, no, he, firstly, he graduated from a serious institute, sstu, works in a japanese
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machine manufacturing company. and so where is it, as they say , choreographic, where is it a talented person, talented in everything, so creativity accompanies me from a very early age, now i looked at the salaries, nothing, i ’m generally an artist at heart, you understand, please, more than 130, i i feel something like this, i’m embarrassed too i’m my age, i’m also shy and i tell everyone. i’m 25, can you imagine , sometimes 22, well, this guy, in general, is close , it seems to me, to reasoning from the perspective of women’s thoughts, well, i don’t want to say gossip, well, to be honest, he tired me a little, look, elizabeth wants test all the suitors today, she will ask them. i’ll figure it out with
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one of the cartoon characters, that’s who you are, for me it’s already a cartoon voice, and who would you like to see in front of you now, and i ’d like to see in front of me now duckling, and should i now play a duckling in the voice of a duckling, just say the prospect of getting up in the morning instead of breakfast, and she is so dear to you, well, like a duckling quack , tell me, but i definitely have to now it’s you , no, it’s at your request, well, i.. .as if now, well, as if i don’t want to act like a clown , my boy, well done, lizonka, lizonka, i think that in this case mindelson suits you better, he can do whatever you want, he can even speak in my voice, you can speak in the voice of a duckling , i generally think your ideal couple, spiritual, no body,
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show me a surprise for... these toys you have, do they change, friends or just friends-friends? well, actually, my friends are friends, that is, well, i see they’re just new, they’re not new, no, no, i just treat them very carefully, moreover, and you don’t give anyone, no, toys, but only if for some children, oh, give it to me, i just need this, i ’ll give it to my granddaughter, growing up, well, these are my friends, really, and you know, we and... how will we do this with you, i’ll tell you i'll upload the videos, and you will upload them you’ll voice them, come on, i’m ready , i’m ready, i can now voice at least any of them for you, and just look, come on, come on, it’s my owl yusha,
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yeah, that’s what she says, she ’ll say hello to you now, hi, hi, hi, larisa, you are very beautiful, rose, you look great? from others, so, yushenka, sit down, and this is pigusha, hello, larisa, hello, rosa, you look great today, we have a wonderful studio here, but i don’t like the approach she has. well, why? well, the girl loves dolls, loves toys, you see, she herself is still a child inside. liznka, i think that you’re not running social networks in vain, now i’m watching programs, i’m very interested in children’s programs, and i think that you need to make an alternative, good
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night, kids, yes, film, and you’ll earn money from this, why are you breaking away from civilization and especially from making money, and i will, sometimes i have a day off, i’m alone all day, and i wear a nightie with this little bug, i’m with her all the time i’m talking, for her, for myself , let me quickly, so i stay in the kitchen, i’m doing something there all the time and it’s buzzing there and i ’m talking for her for myself and it’s as if zhuzhe is telling me: mommy, and i’m talking to you i don’t love you anymore, because you are an evil bad aunt , because i eat some nasty pebbles, and you eat meat, you sit there, i say, how can you talk to me like that, if i feed you what i eat, you am i going to die? because you can't, but it's cunning, like i don't love you anymore, i'm gone, so here i am all day long, and sometimes i even cry, i say, well, of course, the mother only deserved it, that’s right, because she didn’t give you, what pebbles, this is normal food for a dog, yes, she’s a fool, a fool, what are you
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now, i said, stupid, stupid, so you and i are somewhere even somehow similar, elizabeth, so yes, i want to invite. you for a dance , dance again, a test of dance, my god, and you know how to dance a waltz, well, about once i tried for three go, lead, lead, one two, i did it wrong, yes, little one, you at me... well, it’s strange that he plays sports, not like that, yes, not like that, like that,
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but like this, like this, like this, you hear, and let me son, let me shake the old days, circle , circling, circling, circling, circling, circling, circling, oh, on your roof, let me engage you, let ’s do it this way, on me and once, you see how, take an example from the rose, you’re doing well, well, you , oops, oops, oh, my head is spinning, oh, sits down, oh!
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such an interesting young man, at least kind, it’s clear that, if i’m not mistaken, of course, larisa, you’re still generally kind has nothing to do with it, it's confusing. i asked myself 15 times already, well, i already liked it, thank god, introduce me to the second groom, come on in, wow, yes, of course, there’s a lot to work on, well, we’ll see, if she chooses me, then then, it seems to me, we should give a chance, so -so-so. hello, good
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afternoon, i’ll shower my name with flowers, who will praise yourself if not you, i’m very glad to meet you, mutually, let’s go, let’s go, vasily, 63 years old, instructor pilot, reserve lieutenant colonel, cossack major general. region of the don army, enjoys dancing, aircraft modeling and flies his own long-distance plane, is proud of his six grandchildren, dreams of living to be a thousand years old, they warn that he is a man of strategy and tactics, like a real military man. vasily loved all three of his wives, but they preferred other men to him; they hope that meeting elizabeth will fill his life with new meaning. hello, what a wonderful profession you have, military man. he already had a family, it seems
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to me that he gets the feeling that he came to the show to find some kind of entertainment, that is, it’s a fun time, well, meeting a young girl, that is, it seems to me that he has a thing for youth, you got married when you were 20, you are 17, as soon as i turned 18, my first marriage took place, i don’t even remember what at that time i had , lord, how can you get married as a child at 17 all your life like... but she was pregnant from you, not from you,
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within a year before the service a daughter was born, well , yours, that means that's when i returned, she was already 4 years old, and i love her, her name is violetta, and she already had someone else, yes, but really he was before, but well, you and violet didn’t take a dna test, and i’m not going to, well, what a normal guy there, you look normal. for her age, if she likes older, then this is just the option for an older woman, the second wife, you are already wise with experience, a twenty-year-old man, one might say, divorced with a child, her name is natasha, she bore me three beautiful children, and what a shame , well, in the ninety-second year i entered the academy through... i moved my family here to moscow, and after a while
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she said that she fell in love, did not want to live rented apartment with you, because a man appeared from a two-room apartment, a muscovite , by the way, the bride, as you think, is mercantile, you already felt it, yes, she is mercantile and cunning, cunning, well, yes, you can see in her eyes that she is cunning, cunning in her own mind, yes, that’s how she builds herself up. dangerous, such a girl, i am the third, the third student, a little older than your daughter, 2 years, the first, she gave birth to four children, wonderful, equally healthy, so you write that you want to live to 300-60 years, this is the minimum , she is so long, life is wonderful and yes.
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after 25 years, well, even better, she also fell in love, he grew old, and she obviously did, there is some reason in him that women left him, and what do you think is the reason, maybe there is some reason he had a lack of self-confidence, or what? you bought a house for the third one, yes, i understood correctly, you copied everything for her, yes, and what’s more, they also copied her car, well, that’s a small thing, i, now you live with my daughter, i have eight cars. we believe, we believe, you have eight children, that’s what i believe, and now you live with your daughter, that’s right, because your business has collapsed and you have nowhere to live, that’s right, three marriages, eight children, of course , this is for me, i have no children at all, and of course six grandchildren, and even six grandchildren, you like elizabeth, a wonderful
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girl, no children wants, unlike you, but that’s why, yeah, you’ll ask for a vote. yes, by the way, ask your grandfather, well , let him also have the voice of a duckling, for everyone today, can you speak with the voice of a duckling, that’s how you can, yes change your voice, i can do it, for me there is no limit, and maybe you like another character, carlson , you can, oh, an artist, what an artist , hello, peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo, no, i haven’t seen it, she doesn’t know such cartoons, yes i know, that’s what he is, it turns out, a pilot- a pilot , that means an engineer, an instructor, absolutely , it’s time to go home, this is good for us together, because please show me a surprise, i ’m waiting for him, with pleasure, so he 63 wants more
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children, but i don’t have children, he’ll surprise her . well , we'll see what kind of surprise there will be, but i think it's something related to folk dance or some kind of performance, i hope he won't throw knives at us, oh look how well he dances. bravo, handsome, well done, what a surprise, yes,
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so solo, solo, see how, listen, well, cool, and what a figure, look, become, thank you very much, simple. we were surprised, thank you, that’s it, come into the room, i think i expressed my character with dance, you said, good, i like elizabeth, but there is one but, what a but, in order to create, create a family, you need to be a mature person, entrust the birth of children, and there can be no other way to have a full-fledged family,
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you need... go ahead, show them that you are ready, that you yourself want it, men are breaking about you like against a concrete wall, they haven’t even tried to approach you yet, and you are already starting to tell them something... then a mountain of your writings, meet the third zhinak.
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let beauty reign, where every moment is filled with happiness, let dreams come true, this is where our participation is now. roman, 37 years old, founder of a chess school, is also involved in fishing on an industrial scale, and is proud of his collection of clothes from mess with the world. name, dreams of having a cougar, recording a record of original songs, admits that he rarely washes dishes, does not make the bed and throws things around. roman
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ended his relationship with his beloved after she fell asleep while he was serenading her, hoping that elizabeth will appreciate all his talents. hello, hello, i can’t even imagine what you had to sing to your beloved to make her fall asleep. i like it. style, style, well, fashionable enough, yes, fashionable enough, but the thing is that i think that the girl was just tired, it was on the tenth song, i invited her to a date in our hometown in mine, not vinomysk, we have the confluence of two rivers, these are zelenchuk and kuban, that’s where the date took place, i sang songs to her, on the tenth song she fell asleep , i’m very upset, but can you sing to me now, here’s the tenth song that was, this is the song of the legendary... singer valery badzinsky, these eyes opposite a collidoscope of lights, and
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so on, no, these are still these eyes opposite, brighter and warmer , these eyes are opposite tea color, these eyes are opposite what is it, that this is what she’s not... her partner, most likely the first guy, well, this more courageous, perhaps more demanding, romance, i just don’t even know what to say, here ’s elizabeth sitting in front of you, and he wants three children, but we don’t care we don’t want to, i love children very much, my mother is a teacher in a kindergarten, who is your nationality, russian,
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no non-eastern blood, well, eastern, maybe there is eastern blood, i live in the caucasus, someone is caucasian, well, in any way in this case , the tradition is probably still closer to the caucasian ones, yes, a traditional family, definitely, mom, dad, son, dog, everything should be, well, in general we want to have children and more than one child, yes, this is such a dream. you like it, you like it, you like it, look at the handsome man sitting in front of you, fox, i look, i see, he’s handsome, just, believe me, can you imagine giving birth and giving birth to something like this, every year, just a child every year, i can’t stand it, every year i won’t marry the child, well, don’t take everything literally, it seems to me that she will choose either me or roman, what do you think, yes, it’s somehow like that for me too it seems, but she doesn't suit you. i ask you, roman , to speak in the voice of any cartoon character, say any phrase, just greet the studio
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, greet the presenters, me, your friend, wonderful, any cartoon character, come on, you know that this happens in the world, i greet everyone, everyone, well, what's going on, who is this, bravo, who is this? well, who do you think it is from your side? i don’t know who this is, some brownie kuze? yes, domna kuzi? now, wait, how beautiful is this it’s not appropriate for men to act foolish like that, right away, the aura of a romantic, wonderful man has suddenly disappeared from you, i would have lost all interest in you, not by immaturity, but as i defined it by immaturity. she probably won't choose him. lizonka, draw us a dragon. draw a dragon for you.


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