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tv   Novosti  1TV  January 10, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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you know, many people probably have the feeling of a kind of sluggish current situation, in fact everything is just heating up, escalating, growing, here in this situation, of course, i would like to mention the swedes, who have expressed, therefore, a desire to fight, have already openly actually gone over to action, the prime minister reports that the country is sending its troops to latvia, as many as 800 people, i would like to say, but why not immediately to poltava, well, if history does not teach you, then it will punish you for unlearned lessons. news on channel one. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. vladimir putin flew to chukotka today; the head of state has never been there before; this is his first working trip this year to a remote region with a harsh climate. the far north greeted the president with frost at -30°. the road from
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the airport on a special snow and swamp-going vehicle and an acquaintance with how to live in permafrost conditions. thanks to innovative technologies, chukotka now grows its own vegetables even in winter. report by konstantin panyushkin. on the horizon a few hundred kilometers of ice in alaska, that is, already the usa, but here, right under the belly of the plane, russia, its easternmost outskirts. in 2023 , the president received invitations to visit more than a dozen countries.
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last year on the media form you said that the only region where you haven’t been is after all chukotka, did you manage to get there or is it all in the plans, not yet, now you finally succeeded, usually auras is waiting at the ramp, but not this time, on chukotka prepared for vladimir putin an extremely popular snow swamp vehicle with wheels almost human-sized, the airport city of onadr as such is located on different shores of the bay, which only this car can now cross, in fact , this is what the predator needs the road for.
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vladimir putin immediately inspected them, this is a variety of flowers, and they also grow cornfields, they are so long, beautiful and tasty. the president, by the way, is not the first high-ranking leader in these greenhouses. mikhail mishustin has already visited here in 2020. after the prime minister , sewerage, civilization and gas. the owner is very pleased, she says, she comes here to relax, she is also a mother of many children. how many do you have? nine, seven boys. and two girls, small
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, the eldest is 40, the youngest is 10, but let’s go back to the greenhouses , before the rush, all the vegetables in anadar were imported, and now 20% of the demand is covered by this one enterprise, everything is sold out, yes, yes, i ’m telling you, here here, just for the new year, my accountant came out now after work, she gave me statistics, yes, how much we sold before the new year, but they just cleared out our entire greenhouse, this is already a week, we are now a little people. i went on a diet, and it’s been a week, our cucumber is in the store, for us it’s 500 rubles. a tomato is 650, ours, and an imported one is 1.200, 1. 1.100 , 1.200, yes of course, and besides, chukchi vegetables are simply tastier, a decent tomato, a decent tomato, sugar, but it’s hard, a imported tomato, you know, it goes like glass , here’s a straight glass one, even before it’s delivered, until it’s crushed, here’s basil, basil, i give it to everyone... just smell it, this is magic, it’s
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simple magic, but what if oh unfortunately, the prices in grocery stores here are really impressive: tomatoes at 1,600 rubles, champignons, 1,500 rubles, peppers, 1,700 and above , lemon and tangerine, reduced to about 70,000. right there in the store there is a collection point for signatures for the nomination of vladimir putin. we simply cannot win without him. that is why. vladimir putin himself , meanwhile, continues his working trip to chukotka. konstantin panyushkin, pavel lekhaletov, viktor golovin, ekaterina
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yarovenko, kirill loginov, onadr channel one. and today the collected in his support there were signatures from twelve more regions of the country, including. after checking the first batches, the number of collected signatures was 1.3000, which is already more than four times more than required by law. the next stage is the transfer of signature sheets to the central committee for registration of the candidate. vladimir putin, let me remind you, is a self-nominated candidate. authorities, police, army, murders and massacres
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on the streets in schools, hostage takings, attacks on journalists, live tv channels , mass riots in prisons, russian according to the latest data, there are no tourists in ecuador, our mi... condemned the actions of criminal groups, they, as stated, are aimed at destabilizing the internal political situation. at least 13 people have already become victims of the unrest. personnel latest information from mikhail okinchenko. the television talk show of the ecuadorian tv channel tc with a telling name after the news, this time found itself in the very center of the news. a calm live conversation was interrupted by masked bandits bursting into the studio with knives, pistols, shotguns and...
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destroy. on this occasion, the national parliament announced an amnesty to all security forces in advance. many residents of the country called these measures correct. we are powerless as we watch the robberies, murders, and deaths that are happening everywhere. so we fully support the state of emergency. the reason for introducing a state of emergency was the prisoner riots that swept through ecuadorian prisons in recent weeks, but the authorities’ patience finally ran out on sunday, when it became known that the leader of the country’s largest criminal gang had gone missing. los choneros faction. this is the local slang name for those who consider themselves entitled
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to take whatever they want for free. adolf amarsias was supposed to serve a thirty-four-year sentence behind bars, but during the next check of the prisoners he was not found, and moreover, no one even knew. doesn't know when he disappeared from prison , if he appeared there at all , we have never encountered anything like this before, i was born and raised here, and such situations have never happened, we are going through the same thing now as in neighboring colombia experienced many years ago. bandit groups in ecuador responded to the declaration of a state of emergency with tactics of total terror. the first reports of unrest came from the country's largest city, guayaquil. here the criminals in particular attacked the local university. soon alarming news began to arrive from other cities. one of the tigineros groups published a statement with the following content. we will send a group of tigers to schools, kindergartens, supermarkets and residential areas. there will be no peace until they meet our demands. from threats they immediately turned to action, these images
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reportedly show a wounded schoolgirl who came under bandit fire, the body of a murdered local resident lying in the middle of the road, burning buses and cars on city streets, panic in... according to the news agent, as a result of the unrest five prisons in the country came under prisoner control. about 150 people were taken hostage. footage of the hanging and shooting of guards soon flooded social networks. it is reported that the attackers also attempted to seize the presidential palace and government buildings in the country's capital, quito, but the security forces there managed to fight back. after several hours of anxious waiting, the special forces released all the hostages. captured on the tc tv channel, the terrorists were arrested. however, in general the situation in the country remains
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tense. mikhail akinchenko, natalya sidorova, channel one. next, footage from st. petersburg. over a ton of cocaine was found in a large port. on the black market, such a batch costs about 11 billion rubles. the container arrived from nicaragua. about a thousand briquettes with the drug was hidden in the upper part of the cargo module. customs officers carried out the arrest together with employees of the federal security service. the examination has already confirmed that the white powder found is cocaine. a criminal case was initiated under an article on drug smuggling on an especially large scale. now about how the special operation is going and new personnel from the ministry of defense, the jewelry work of our artillerymen and drone operators on the front line. this video shows the improved krasnopol in action. the projectile is aimed using reconnaissance drone, after an enemy armored vehicle is captured in the crosshairs of an impact impossible. a precise hit smashes the equipment to pieces. and then an fpv drone approaches the target, the operator skillfully maneuvers at high speed, and then accurately flies into
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the turret of a nato-made tank. our attack aircraft are also working on enemy positions; in the case of the su-25, unguided missiles destroyed several enemy strongholds in the donetsk direction; in kupinsky, our motorized rifles, with the support of artillery, struck strikes on places where manpower is concentrated, by two ukrainian brigades at once. the enemy suffered serious losses. next to the advanced positions of our units there are always masters from repair teams. in the field, they can repair any damage, work quickly in any conditions, and non-weather is just an additional cover for them. sergei ponomarev saw how damaged equipment was evacuated from the battlefield and how it was returned to service. bad weather for them means there will be a lot of work. the evacuation armored vehicle is the best off-road tractor, and its under artyomovsky now. the snowdrifts hid it, so this crew had one trip after another. saо 2 2s3, poor visibility, well, they flew off
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the road into a forest clearing, they called us that the pull force on this winch was 30 tons, we pulled it out, well, literally it took less than half an hour, if repairs are needed, it will be towed here, by to the military, this is a collection point for damaged vehicles, more precisely, his unit of the forty-ninth army, not far from the front line, everything works, everything is closed, about a dozen specialists, themselves... they jokingly call themselves fixers, they are there these fixers are constantly fixing everything, so it turns out that we fix everything too. instead of warm hangars, there are a couple of sheds, there is also a warehouse with spare parts and tools, there is everything from a chainsaw to air filters. and the frosts are like this, i don’t even pay attention to it, and i don’t even feel it when i’m working. today a t-90 breakthrough arrived for maintenance, the barrel wedge was checked, and after intense shooting it was necessary to lubricate the machine gun. the technicians say that
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we also have such a triangle, we’ll make frames from wire pipes, we’ll install a triangle, we'll load the dynamics, that's it. for such welding work, anything will do, so don’t throw anything away. unsurprisingly , the ukrainian army supplies our soldiers with spare parts, for example, this ukrainian t-72 was evacuated from the battlefield, it was not possible to restore it, but all possible parts were removed from it, used already on our tanks, and remained here such dynamic protection units. ukrainian ones are not suitable for our tanks, but repairmen came up with the idea of ​​​​using them on anti-drone
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canopies, the so-called barbecues , which protect against drones, they will set up a lot, so to speak, and ammunition, that is , we really like to take cars and their ammunition, use them against them, we managed to restore ukrainian tanks, two of them are now fighting in already of our battalion, here in the artyomovsk direction, the engineers have a desire to take western equipment from the battlefield. there’s really nothing left of him, just a chassis, roughly speaking, and it’s open with a rose, that is, we’d get nothing from it they didn’t take anything useful, well, i want it, i want it, yes, but sooner or later we’ll get to them. sergey panomariov, anastasia slobodenyuk, roman serebrennikov and mikhail vasiliev, channel one. railway workers joined mass protests in germany. train drivers have begun a large-scale strike that
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will last until friday. among the main demands to the authorities were typed.


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