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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  January 10, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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use them on anti-drone visors, the so-called barbecues, which protect against drones, they will set up a lot, so to speak, and ammunition, that is, we really like to take cars and their ammunition, use them against them, we managed to restore ukrainian tanks, two of them now they are fighting as part of our battalion, here in the artyomovsky direction, the engineers have a desire to take western equipment from the battlefield, but they have not yet encountered entire vehicles, recently we took out our vehicle by...
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which will last until friday. among the main demands for the authorities is to finally pay attention to economic problems within their country. already today, many passenger and cargo flights have been canceled, and highways are blocked by protesting farmers these days. they, in turn, are outraged by the abolition of tax breaks. store shelves are emptying, but despite all the difficulties, residents on the side of the strikers, surveys showed that 81% of germans are sympathetic to their demands. and that's all for now. we are monitoring developments and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell. we are pleased to welcome viewers of channel one, in the popular front stream studio, ekaterina shugaeva and nikita danyuk. today in ecuador something very unusual, very tragic happened at night, unfortunately, some say that this is a military coup, others say that this is an internal armed conflict, terrorists, bandits, in general - we will
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sort it out, here , by the way, there is a call to the studio, hello, please introduce yourself, tell me what your question is, hello, my name is andrey, well , mine too, where did you call us from, that you are so interested in ecuador, i’m from the city of domodenovo, moscow region, we’re listening, i just saw it too, i saw on the news that riots had started in ecuador and i would like somehow understand what ’s going on there, is it really a military coup d’etat or is it some kind of showdown between drug cartels, that is, what is it all about, andrei, what do you think, in my opinion, the military is not involved there, there drug cartels are involved, so what do you think? why does this happen on the us border, close by? yes, we unfortunately have small, but problems with communication, on the one hand we know that... ecuador is the underbelly of the united
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states of america, and what is actually happening on the south american continent, especially on the north american continent, is always there usually, yes, the long ears of the united states of america are visible, but in this particular case, if there is a direct connection between america and what was captured, well, there are some civilian objects, just at first let's see, look what happened ecuadorian. these armed men in masks, and threatening with machine guns, demanded to connect them with the president, let's first see what happened, que se vaya la policía, por favor, señor presidente, por favor. can you imagine, this is all happening
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live, that is, these bandits and terrorists, they are capturing people, it really looks like just some kind of production, in fact no, this is really a tragedy unfolding before our eyes, we see that the presenter really analytical show asks the president to contact the police to save them, well , frankly... there is not only a tv channel, there is also another group that simultaneously entered the university territory, began to rob stores, well, we have several personnel there who did not have time, people are blocked in offices, well, just so that people with machine guns don’t accidentally shoot them, and at this time several other criminal groups are trying to attack the metro, that is, with ordinary people, and of course, probably absolutely terrible scary footage - this execution. the guards in one of the prisons are terrible,
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that is, they seize a television studio , seize the university, rob stores , kidnap people, you can see how people... frightened in the same university, for example, yes, students will run out of hell, i don’t know if we can we show them, but they are just scary, it’s just that the guards were shot right in the middle of nowhere, oh, and let’s not forget that the bandits, they absolutely mercilessly shoot the police, what we see now is, by and large, terrible footage, but this shooting of people who are trying, again, by virtue of their profession , to maintain this security, they are simply taken hostage and again shot, let 's see, we have this footage.
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in the ecuadorian army mobilization and martial law were declared, a curfew was introduced , and it is also known that at least ten people died, well, the president of ecuador called it an internal armed conflict, there is already a description of this conflict
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on the wikipedia page in this resource, according to -you can treat him differently, but there, by the way, we defined the conflict as a civil war, colleagues, the question is - what is it, why did this happen in ecuador, because naturally, and we, our viewers, frankly, let’s say, know very little about ecuador, it is not so often informational, you like just as the head of a private intelligence company, yes, you know how drug cartels work, that this is a whole power, you are engaged not only in our underbelly, but also in the underbelly of america. they correctly said, yes, drug cartels in south america are a separate power, sometimes it seems to them an independent player, but in most cases they play him, yes, that is...
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it was written, yes, that this is already a civil war directly, that is, we are being pushed, not us more precisely, but the citizens of ecuador are being pushed to take to the streets and so to speak, they overthrew this government , which is not capable of protecting them, that is , they installed another one, if we remember the whole history over the past few years, what is happening in south america, and countries are trying to pursue some kind of independent and sovereign policy, which matches them national interests, then we must understand that there is simply a war going on for south america now. yes, a war of interests of large geopolitical countries , and of course this, well, and of course the usa and china, and of course russia is trying, and we remember that they are part of brix, they will find a russian trace there, that is, if ecuador was ruled before
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the americans can definitely find a russian trace there of bashirov and petrov, that is , if necessary, they will draw it, but you need to understand that what they said now is correct. so to speak, the backyard of the united states, it is extremely important for them to maintain control, this control can only be maintained by appointing their own leader, and the president of the country, who will be under control, if we remember what happened there literally six months ago, when a presidential candidate was killed, yes, that is, and just the leader of a criminal group, from january 7 to 8 he was supposed to be transferred to a maximum security prison, but he simply up and disappeared from prison, that is, where and the state does not know where he disappeared. yes, that is, this, this again, this is the first a step to discredit the authorities, to show that they are not capable of keeping a criminal, they are not able to protect citizens, including protecting citizens from these criminals, yes, that is, again returning to the fact that drug cartels are a serious force in south
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america and says that they are trying to play some kind of independent game, of course it’s not necessary, the americans constantly control drug trafficking all over the world, if we remember afghanistan. as soon as they left there, drug trafficking from afghanistan fell to hundreds, not to thousands of times, i always thought that all drug trafficking is actually controlled partly by the americans, too, they are losing control. look, another historical fact: in the seventies of the last century, the americans controlled all drug trafficking in south-southeast asia, they had a nugan bank, an australian one, which was engaged in money laundering, by the way, the chairmen of this bank ended up badly ending all of them there in criminal showdowns were shot, but the americans need black money in order to carry out including secret operations, including to overthrow the government in the desired country, that is , yes, that is, the sru does not need to prove budgets to the government. with the help of these cartel networks,
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yes, which generate money for them, they are completely controlled, including by the owners, when necessary they turn on the switch and say that we need to move from drug criminals to the category of terrorists, such a question, we know what the current situation is. ecuador, it is not ultra-pro-american, by the way, the americans were very worried about this, because the same ecuador in the context there are anti-russian sanctions, some statements, he hasn’t been noticed much lately, maybe the story is connected with this, another question for you, as a candidate of legal sciences, well, the president of ecuador himself says that there are 22 criminal groups , in principle, probably, the people of ecuador know that there is probably even more, why no one fought against this and how did it happen that now there is a real...
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living, there is a power that is recruited not from the poor, but from enough rich people that you can probably even call them oligarchs, because if you comment on the ecuadorian president, he has the nickname banana king, he is from a very rich influential family, which, in particular, made a fortune in the banana trade, and this is a man who was born in the usa, studied in the usa and lived a significant part of... his life is also in the united states of america, so naturally, well, probably in spirit, in essence,
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he is so, certainly pro-american, after all. and there is a third part, this is what my colleague was talking about, this, i would even say, not only drug cartels, but the world of crime in general, a criminal world that is connected not only directly with drug trafficking, it is connected with the oil trade, with the trade in other resources, and there are the same bananas and sugar cane. analogies with interpol, well, interpol has been dealing
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with a special organization ameripol for almost all of the wide range of issues related to the search for criminals. ameripol is dealing specifically with the problem of drug trafficking in latin american countries, something happened with ameripol, no, most likely not it worked out, but the main question is, are the americans shaking up the situation or are they losing? control without their control the situation swings, you see, the fact is that on the one hand , yes, as has been said many times today, americans have perceived latin america as some kind of backyard since the time of the munro doctrine, this is true, but here, for example , the soviet union never agreed with this concept, therefore, for example, for the soviet union, latin america has always been the same as the african continent itself, the key region, partner, and there have always been very strong strong socialist ones. mood, we see that, in fact, there the same fraternal cuba still adheres
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to this course, so there is a confrontation, it is very serious, that is, why did socialism go so well in latin america? precisely because the bulk of the population is quite poor, but wants a better life and wants to build an effective state. another question is that the influence of the united states is very often, which naturally think only about themselves, about their seven-minute, self-serving economic goals are not tasks... the usa, that is, they no longer influence latin america, it does what it wants, well, because look, remember venezuela, which is seizing territory. mexico, in fact, which is also being pumped, where people are fleeing from, now also ecuador, who is next? that’s it, america, i can correct you, they took a little revenge in argentina, because they now have an ultra-pro-american president and so on, so things always happen differently. by the way, the united states of america, here stated that they are very closely monitoring the situation in ecuador and are even ready to provide assistance in light of the conflicts in the country, it is not clear to whom exactly
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they will provide this assistance, but what is also interesting is that all this news is about ecuador, they coincided informationally.
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they track every step, every hesitation . what a shame, because we know that they are biden and his team, a real superpower does not behave like that, a real president would not react like that to such a dereliction of duty, there is no president, there is no minister of defense, maybe they don’t have a red button, they are all powers. official information about lloyd austin's condition has only now appeared, the pentagon website did make this release, they said that on january 1 he was hospitalized after he suffered a complication after a planned
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medical procedure, after which, until january 5, he could not perform his duties, now he is. in the intensive care ward, the white house itself, as the media reported about the hospitalization of the main one with very severe delay, those same 4 days, let 's hear it: lloyd austin's chief of staff was sick with the flu, which led to a delay in notification of the pentagon chief's hospitalization. the deputy secretary of defense and the white house national security advisor received notification of the pentagon chief's hospitalization on january 4. congress media the next day. let us remind you once again that this is a man who is subordinate to not only 2.8 million people, the red button, this is a man who distributes weapons around the world, basically manages, i think, many conflicts and wars around the world. so, after this whole story, the head of the pentagon did not receive wishes for health, on the contrary, a curse, let’s listen to one congressman. everything from ongoing counterterrorism operations to nuclear command and control depends on
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a clear understanding of the secretary's decision-making ability. the ministry of defense is a reliable department that should. the absence of a person who heads the ministry of defense, how can it affect on the security of the united states of america, is its absence some kind of emergency, that is, some kind of emergency?
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minister of defense, all his ailments, all his illnesses are actually state secrets, no one should know about it, if the enemy knows about it, then he can use it somehow, so in principle the logic
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is ... this is based on a change in us policy towards israel, in the end, what will happen to ecuador, that is, on the one hand, it seems like a shame the whole world is watching, on the other hand, will something change? head of the pentagon
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- this is the head of the department, so in my opinion nothing will change, simply because not only individual people work, the system as a whole works, the system in general has made its choice, and it changes it as a result of some systemic contradictions between, as it was correctly said , the republicans and the democrats, now they are just... the person who makes decisions on behalf of the head of state, the same in the pentagon, that is, if something happened to austin, then his deputies, respectively
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we must take up this baton, another question is that all this should be done calmly , as planned, without hysteria, and it’s extremely strange to make some kind of information feed out of this, but if they do it, it really does have some kind of internal spring, of course, there is some kind of internal goal, that is , it shouldn’t be like this without, by the way, about goals... including the famous recently increasingly popular candidate for president of the united states of america, robert francey with kennedy jr., talks about the true goals in united states of america, tells , in fact, who lobbies for conflicts, who manages conflicts in the world, why this is being done, we have his quote, let’s listen: few people understand what the war in ukraine means for big business, it ’s not just about supplies weapons and reconstruction contracts. ukraine's vast agricultural lands are some of the most... fertile in the world , and american companies such as black rock are in the forefront. let's really figure out who it is america is controlled by who controls the conflicts. we now have connections with a political scientist, alexander
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semchenko. alexander, hello. hello, i'm very glad to see you. well, as always, i’m also happy in the studio. please tell us about this black rock company, which we often hear now, who say that it owns, i don’t know, lands, pharmaceutical companies, and military companies all over the world. in the end, who are they, really? do they rule america? well, it may well be, because the assets they manage, by the way, are for the last year fell in price by about half, that is , at the beginning two, not even in a year, but in a year and a half, at the beginning of the twenty-second year , and the value of the assets they managed was estimated at 20 trillion, but since then they have fallen in price, but it’s all virtual numbers, decrease in price, decrease in price, increase in price, because it’s all connected with the stock market, as it were, and there, in general, the numbers inflate or decrease depending.
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who are they, who are they associated with? well, actually, mm, according to analysts, approximately 30% of the rothschild family assets too were given over to the management of this company, and the rothschilds, uh, are unlikely to give their assets to someone else, rather this is a company, well , many say that this company is connected with the rothschild family, the name is jacob rothschild, well, that is the head, the head of this conglomerate - that's the secret. success, well, at least what they sell to people, this is what they sell to people, and this company sells to the public, what they explain is their secret, success, especially since the head of the company,
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the founder of the company, lawrence fink, is. ..had uh a rather ugly story back in the eighties about wasting more than 100 million dollars of those back in the eighties investors lost, he says that since then he seems to have learned from a computer error - lessons and the basis of this company blackrock is a certain supercomputer aladdin, which seems to calculates absolutely everything, and takes into account absolutely all factors, including the american government, i’m sorry, turn to this aladdin for forecasts, that is, this is a mega-artificial intelligence that essentially controls those who runs black rock, i’m right , now here’s alexander, you’re saying that now, it feels like, at first i thought it was some old men sitting there, you know, who rule lands and countries, in the end they just have scores to settle, no, they’re sitting the elders rothschilds and rockefeller are around the supercomputer and asking what exactly to do, it’s some kind of nightmare, but
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you know, i’m not sitting there...
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napoleon won at lautherloo. and this is how they, in fact, make money. by the way, there is information that the english government owed debts under 1815 to they are still paying their births, there was just a gigantic debt , it was restructured, for 200 years now, england, great britain still owes this company, that is, there is politics, here you have finance, so we are talking here with you, in fact, about one thing and the same, with you on the same wavelength. if we talk about the head of this company , but he does not have an economic education, he initially received a degree in political science,
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he... tried to get into politics, nothing worked out for him, then he realized that someone controls politicians too, and here you go at least that’s how his biographers describe him, he decided to manage it himself, sasha, last question, black rock has something in russia, some assets in russia belong to this stupid black rock, let’s say, there are companies, that is, there are companies , whose assets are available in the blet. these are the same beer companies that are leaving russia, the same oil companies that are leaving russia, the same automakers, but i repeat once again, 10% of the entire world stock market, of course, are the owners of russian assets, there are some automakers retail chains, including retail chains that sell products , i won’t name now, they will be offended there, they will start making noise, and this information is such, you know, it’s at the level - heard, but retail chains,
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for example, that sell.
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our chief of the general staff gerasimov, or the minister of defense, but to build contacts with non-governmental organizations that turn out to be much more influential, but i wanted to add and answer your question, that is , my colleague correctly said that this is an example. for 10% of stock exchange turnover there is a second a wavand company of the same size and the same turnover, that is, what we see now in the usa is no longer democracy, but corporatocracy, when the corporation actually controls, your question is where are the officials, where are the managers also have an answer , that is, in the states there is a phenomenon of revolving doors, when officials periodically move to companies, from companies again to officials, so this cycle of officials in nature, and that’s why it exists. and, of course, it is necessary to negotiate with the owners of these businesses, not the owners, but the managers of the owners, everything is correct, including with them, that is, for this there must be certain negotiations, not at the highest level, somewhere yes, but somewhere there are already some secrets, because after all, the official authorities are not
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companies, they are in the usa, yes, after all, there you can imagine how hypocritical it is, they said something about our oligarchs who rule us, in the end their oligarchs simply stupidly rule the whole world . so put this one on, it worked for us, it’s now yours deputy, be sure to sign this contract, does it really work like that in america? no, it doesn’t work like that, but let’s just say that there are some echoes of what you say, that is, what is black rock and any similar structure, it is a large investment fund, that is, its task is to invest and make a profit and.. ... some liquid sectors of industry, or agriculture, or a weapons manufacturer, and so on, that is, they invest where they can really get a large margin, in fact, this is what they do are engaged, and yes, they generate a significant amount of funds that
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can be invested somewhere, then the most interesting thing begins, the fact is that, as is known in the united states of america , lobbying is officially allowed in their political system, that is, this institution is very developed.
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system, it’s generally possible to break it, well , it’s difficult to break, it’s been taking shape for decades, and i’d also like to add that we’ll definitely try to break it, thank you very much dear viewers of channel one, we’re off to advertising,
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i will spend this winter on baikal, this is the most. cat in the world, it seems that you are now going to fall into this abyss, but no, this is very amazing, beautiful and completely unforgettable, we would like to sincerely confess our love for this great, our beloved country, because these are sincere people, this is beautiful nature, incredible originality, culture , we love our small homeland, the republic of kalmykia, welcome, i was in the park, and alpacas, and there were a lot of alpacas, kostroma, plyos, myshkin, all the cities, well , soulful, it’s probably correct to say, vodka
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veto, a product of stellar group. us presidential candidate nikki haley does not have a feminine face at all. i wear high heels, this is not following fashion. i hit it every time. who is sponsoring her election campaign? we do not trust russia and will never trust them, they will never become our friends. she, of course, the ardent hawk supports endless warriors, and with everyone, presenting herself as a real competitor to trump. trump is simply not the kind of person who can be president now, then they had intimate relationship, each of them keeps his own treasures in his pocket. trump called her madame birdbrain, small-minded but cunning. this is a gorgon jellyfish with every head working. with her audience,
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behind her is the power of the american military- industrial complex, this woman is a militarist who will kill for her own accounting, a candidate for the third world war, we will see in her face a consistent enemy of russia, nicky haley, a candidate for the third world war, dolls of the heir to tutti, today on the first. cognac old barrel is a product of the stellar group, well , admit it, before it’s too late, i love you, the year of the dragon, fight the dragon, what’s useful in it, get an examination of hats , live healthy in the program, all the most important and interesting things, tomorrow. on the first, security in
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the house, street police, respectively, too, the owner’s car is not there, that’s all, girls, good evening, what an unexpected meeting, you should definitely help us, dinida, i suspect that this is a kidnapping, absolutely right, old women in the snow , on saturday on the first. wow, what a car! for so much they’ll give it, then let’s work, everything is so easy for you, not the first time, the third time, and that every time you just take it and give it away, but this is business, listen, marin, i can congratulate you, you are a mother, congratulations on becoming a father, i’ll take a photo you have a child and i’ll bring alexandra’s testimony as a gift, i’m afraid if one day... you won’t get
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anything, but somehow, you’re a serious statesman with us , you were, i’m ready to testify against him if there’s something wrong with mine happens, and you will be involved in it, i will kill you again, you what are you doing here, you can’t be here, vadim was released from the season at night, your child was stolen, i will destroy you, your clinic, i will ask you to write down all conversations with her, whether telephone or personal, i don’t know, pay the cops, hide the apartments, do... something i’m so tired of hiding, a container, new episodes, on sunday on the first, why are you bargaining for your daughter, don’t want to return her, three lemmas, no less, and the money is needed in 2 hours, i can’t allow so that this development will be abandoned, it’s unfair, light, you you don’t go to the operation, and i’m running to hell, you... a brilliant surgeon, you made
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a mistake, how could this happen? i want to remind you that now all decisions are made by me, doctor preobrazhensky, new series, watch the time after the program, it was a mistake, i ’m very sorry, are you sorry? this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablev. on his first working trip this year, vladimir putin arrived in chukotka, a region with a harsh climate that is part of the arctic zone. the president is there for the first time and we have just received this footage. chapter state communicates with the residents of anadali. the focus is on supporting the participants in the special operation, as the president said, all
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programs are fully funded, we are also talking about the social sphere. it was decided to extend the zemsky teacher program, which ends this year, until 2030. vladimir putin also supported the proposal to exempt large families in the far east from the tax on single housing. another topic is maternity capital. please, let's just have this meeting. about the possibility of using maternity capital for purchasing a car, well, let it be domestically produced, but nevertheless, i once came up with this maternal one. i fed simply, i just came up with it from the beginning, because it was very difficult for people with two or more children to live, well , there was a moment when it was absolutely difficult in the country, but this institute is developing, developing, we are improving it, now for the first children began to be paid constantly; this capital
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is growing, but it was originally conceived as a tool to support large families on key issues. family life, one of them is, first of all, this, this is the improvement of living conditions. i am always afraid that as soon as we begin to allow this maternal capital to be spent in a variety of different directions, i will now say, well, a simple but very direct thing, we will not be able to ultimately guarantee the interests of children. that's what we're talking about. maybe we won’t touch the family capital for these purposes now, we’ll just ask the government to work on and the ministry of industry to separately work on the issue with with benefits for purchasing a car, well , let’s say in this case for for families there in
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the far east for large families, that’s what was before the place of the aurus special. for a trip from the airport, a visit to the greenhouse complex, thanks to which, in a region where there is permafrost, the frost is now below 30 degrees , they grow their own vegetables, of high quality and much cheaper than imported ones. konstantin paneshkin, first things first. on the horizon, several hundred kilometers of ice away, is alaska, that is, the usa, but here right under the belly of the plane russia, its easternmost outskirts. in 2023, the president received an invitation to visit more than one.
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i’ll definitely come, last year at the media forum you said that the only region where you haven’t been is chukotka, did you manage to get there or is it all in the plans, not yet, finally it was possible, usually loss awaits the aura, but not this time in chukotka, for vladimir putin, they prepared an extremely popular swamp vehicle with wheels almost as tall as a man, the airports of the city of anadr as such are located to cross on different shores of the bay, which only this car can now cross; in fact, that’s what the predator is needed for.
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boys and two girls, small , the eldest is 40, the youngest is 10, but let’s go back to the greenhouses, before the rush, all the vegetables in anadar were imported, and now 20% of the demand is covered by this one enterprise, everything is sold out, yes, i ’m telling you, here we are here it’s just for the new year, my accountant came out now after work, she gave me statistics, yes, how much we sold for a new one before the new year, but they just cleared out our entire greenhouse, this is already we’ve been on a week now... i’ve gone on a little diet, but in general it’s been a week, our cucumber is in the store, for us it’s 500 rubles. the tomato is 650 ours, and the imported one is 1.2 1.100 of course, and besides, chukchi vegetables are simply tastier, a decent tomato, a decent tomato, sugar,
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but it’s hard, an imported tomato, you know, it comes like glass, it’s just like glass, at least it’ll take until they deliver it , while they’re crushing it, here ’s basil, i just give basil to everyone to smell, it’s just magic, but what if it’s really higher than grocery prices here? impressive tomatoes for 1,600 rubles, champignons, 1,500 peppers 1,700 and above lemon. tangerines 1,200 and 1,400 rubles, respectively, all because the products are imported by plane, local goods can be counted on one hand, aghurts, salads, greens, fish, caviar, venison, everything else is imported, basically everything is yes, well, on the other hand, for chukotka and income noticeably higher, the average salary is more than 140,000 rubles. as for pensions, my pension is 63,000, which is not enough, now with indexation, vladimir vladimirovich gives us an indexation of 7.5. here i am added about 70,000. right there in the store there is a collection point for signatures for the nomination of vladimir putin. we simply cannot
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win without him. that is why. vladimir putin himself, meanwhile, continues his working trip to chukotka. konstantin panyushkin, pavel lekhaletov, viktor golovin, ekaterina yarovenko, kirill loginov, onadr channel one. today and from 11 other regions , signatures in support of vladimir putin were delivered to vladimir putin’s election headquarters. collected in all rural settlements, points were made everywhere if possible, by the very first planes transmitted by people along the chain, everyone in anadra , everyone in anadra gathered, looked at everything, we are the very first to always start voting, we are the very first to start voting and our very first results. now about the events in ecuador , military equipment and additional detachments of security forces are being gathered on the streets of large cities to restore order after
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heavily armed bandits started a real war. the mafia challenged the authorities, the police, the army. it all started when the leader of the country's largest cartel escaped from prison. by a wave of riots swept through the prisons. the authorities declared a state of emergency. the bandits responded to this with total terror. gangsters shot people and stormed them. publications captured the tv channel live. and this is footage of the assault, so the special forces freed the tv channel employees. the bandits also attacked the local university, attacked police stations, shot at patrol cars and threw grenades at them. several prisons, according to the news agent, came under control. terrible footage of prisoners on the internet, massacre of guards, all in ecuador at least 13 dead, these are the official figures,
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which are likely to increase. the police are now apprehending the criminals. our embassy strongly recommends that russians who are in ecuador not go out on the streets, and those who are just planning a trip to the country to refuse it. a blatant process in ukraine, the kiev regime gave 15 years in prison to a pensioner from zhitomir for... data on the progress of the special operation in these frames from the ministry of defense, the krasnopol shell destroys the enemy’s weapons, ammunition with increased
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accuracy, near artyomovsk paratroopers ripped off rotation in ssu. carnet's crew knocked out western-made equipment used by the militants. in the southern donetsk direction, the sani complex attacked an enemy stronghold. the tactics of rolling mortars, several shots and a quick change of firing position helped. transport collapse threatens germany; railway workers have started a major strike. last evening , freight train drivers stopped work, and were later joined by colleagues driving passenger trains. they mainly demand higher salaries. strike planned until the evening of january 12. well, highways are blocked by farmers who are dissatisfied with the government’s plans to abolish fuel subsidies. protests have been ongoing since the beginning of the week, hundreds of rallies across the country, thousands on the streets. other cars. and, as recent polls show, the majority of germans, almost 70%, are very supportive of farmers, and about half are themselves ready
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to take part in anti-government protests. travel for the benefit of the mind, scientific tourism, there are dozens of routes throughout russia, learn the secrets of eternal ice, become witnesses fantastic experiments, touching the stars, everything is possible, now in the decades of science and technology there will be more such programs. lyubov filippova will give just a few examples. in fact, when you look through this telescope, you immediately get a clear picture of the sun. this is really a thermonuclear reactor, this is such a furnace, you can see every speck of the sun through a telescope during such scientific trips, tourists in the large astrophysical observatory of arkhyz, since arkhyz is a place like a meka russian astronomy, we have the best astroclimate here in russia, so we can introduce people to the unique bta telescope, it is the largest
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in eurasia, the sun during the day, the constellation at night, tourists admire it. is developing rapidly, this is one of the initiatives of the decade of science and technology, scientists open the doors to their laboratories, mice are indispensable assistants for research at the nizhny novgorod institute of neurosciences, there are about 400 of them, excursions are held for both children and adults, the laboratory of transgenesis, the place where mice undergo ivf , it happens in such a small container, he wants to say: real magic, even though the process is scientific, artificial fertilization of an egg, but to introduce a mutation, the resulting zygotes are injected using a capillary, the needle is barely visible, it is thinner than a human hair, and also you can see a real operating room for mice, this is where the embryo is implanted into the expectant mother, this is what the anesthesia mask looks like, the operating table itself is heated, the character depends on the breed,
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the excursion participants already remembered this, look, here’s a little white one the mouse, which is an albino, is missing... this is paint, she is a very good mother, black mice are the most eccentric mice, and they perform the worst in the role of a mother, the most harmful, yes, they are the most harmful. tourists visit not only scientific research organizations, but also production sites and see the latest technologies in action. our task is to show people that in russia today there is really strong, powerful science, that it employs young, er, talented, active people who get breakthrough jobs. achievements, more than fifty routes have been launched throughout the country, to choose what you like, go to the nauka websites. rf or science id, and there are a lot of interesting things, you can visit the world’s first nuclear power plant or, together with scientists, go on an expedition to the pilots of eastern siberia. here is another option for a tour at the moscow aviation institute. here guests learn to fly airplanes on a simulator, and institute staff answer
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any questions. for example, why does a fighter need a mik-2. this is an absolutely amazing design amazing, and of course, a hangar with rockets, i was able to see live a model of the hangar of our launch vehicle and two alliances, and seeing a real collider live, you can understand why at school you have to learn complex and, as sometimes it seems, boring physics, the niko accelerator complex is located in dubna and such unusual places for excursions are already available in almost two dozen regions, every year their
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number will grow, science becomes closer. that's all for now, we are monitoring the development of the event, the information channel is on the first the program will continue, time will tell, the information channel on the first continues to broadcast, time will tell , we are working live, we are immediately transferred to the front, the artyomovsk direction, war correspondent sergei sreda is in direct contact with us, sergei, hello, they say there is something in this direction some aggravation, in which direction? and what is the result? yes, hello, happy holidays to everyone, well, here the main, main events are happening in the kleshcheevka area in the direction of chasoy yar. and after a powerful breakthrough, the occupation of units bogdanovka, the russian group managed to gain a foothold in the populated area and is now pushing the enemy out of it. bors and a number of army units operate here.
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at the same time, the north brigade is moving along the right flank from... bogdanovka, trying to advance towards chasovo yar , the defense of the ukrainian armed forces is being probed. the main difficulty is that a couple of days ago it got sharply cold, snow fell, and it was heavy. makes it difficult for assault groups to pass, for example, through a forest belt, well, in general, in any case it is necessary to carry out demining, here in the forest belt , there are snowdrifts there, in fact, it is necessary to carry out demining, the amines lie just under the snow, and the ground has hardened, and this complicates the work of sappers, since it is quite difficult to pierce the frozen ground with probes, the enemy sees this movement, tries to stop the onslaught and - they carry out, for example, remote mining, and this is also extremely unpleasant, because, for example, even a fallen petal, after some time it is covered with snow and is almost impossible to see,
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especially if the wind blows, in general , the current current, current weather conditions, they became a real test for the abrams, for nato equipment, the day before the veteran’s brigade, they took a prisoner, so he talked about what the command of the armed forces allegedly gave. an order to withdraw all nato equipment from the line of combat contact, and since their abrams break down, and those heavy tanks in general need to be warmed up in the winter, sometimes ukrainian tank crews miss this moment, and after that it is impossible to start an abrams domestic equipment, they somehow still warm it up, for example, blowtorches , it starts up, but nato equipment - this technique does not work with it, no one knows how to repair it, so they simply recall it, but... last holidays, the russian group showed you know, such an act of mercy, the ukrainian army was allowed to remove its dead from the line of combat contact, funeral
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teams moved there, they carried out the pipes and fire did not open on them, well, this was such a gift from the ukrainian armed forces for the new year, it is necessary it should be noted that the armed forces of ukraine themselves, the kiev army, do not allow us to do this. do, and as a rule, we evacuate the dead , it happens under massive fire, but we are more humane and more humane, probably, than the ukrainians, but this is extremely true about this, and there is no doubt about it, sergey, i wanted to clarify about kleshcheevka, i i understand correctly, we somehow mentioned it in passing, but it is already completely controlled by us and we have already significantly moved on, we are heading towards the hours of yar, yes, absolutely right, we... we have moved further and the movement itself towards chastny yar, it came from kleshcheevka, this was a key point many, many weeks ago, which was necessary, it was necessary to occupy it, well, that is, completely liberate it, that is, completely take it under our
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control, it was under us , but it was necessary to completely establish all control and push the enemy much further, we managed to push him much further and now ours are in the chacha yar area, and how many kilometers is it now?
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moment, if ukraine does not solve its personnel problems, does not increase weapons production and will not develop a realistic military strategy in the near future, its territorial losses may be permanent and may expand. well, what is western democracy, for which ukraine fought and is fighting so hard, which strives so hard, it is essentially a chopping board. so ukraine thought that it would be invited to the table as a guest, but did not think that it would be the main one.
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but the west is not going to surrender ukraine yet, in the new year this desire to continue conflicts will keep the upper hand over us, in some parts elites are present in the west, the western media tried hard to predict in the days before the new year and in the first days of the new year what could be done to prevent ukraine from completely sinking. since the beginning of the new year, russia has continued to strike ukrainian infrastructure facilities. ukraine says russia has stepped up attacks both on the ground and in the air in recent weeks. russia's leadership shows no signs of weakening. now ukrainians are preparing for another difficult year of war. at the end of 2023 line.
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lost this war, it relies on significant support from its allies, who are distracted by crises in other parts of the world. there is now concern that western support may dry up. the russian military began the year with one of the most intense attacks on ukrainian cities since the conflict began. ukrainian president zelensky says there have been releases across his country in recent days.
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this means that the tasks that they face, they say that ukraine will need more weapons, otherwise, this means that the number russia’s superiority will give a good chance , well, in essence, this means more weapons for ukraine, we will kill more russians, more chances for victory, but it doesn’t work out yet what they will do, they will try to continue to create problems for us, you need to understand that ukraine is for them - this is an instrument, but we have talked about this many times, which means that the fate of the instrument itself does not concern them. they don’t care
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what happens to ukraine, they don’t care how some line of contact goes, we don’t care, but the anglo-saxons don’t care, that’s why they the task is to continue the fight, to continue to create problems for russia, in this movement they will, of course, be consistent. all that we are seeing now is some kind of information preparation for the transfer of long-range missiles, with which they will carry out terrorist attacks, well, try to target our cities, to lengthen the arm, the shoulder. impossible, but they are already talking about this openly, they want to re-ignite february of the seventeenth year, which according to their plan could appear through military defeats, but there are none, then through internal difficulties, through a severance of the connection between the people and the authorities, this is now the key point for them, at which they will
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hit, by the way, many western experts who generally understand the essence of what is happening and know history, they repeatedly send their... listeners, readers, precisely to events of the first world war, it is no coincidence , apparently they are doing this, but nevertheless, vlad, we are talking about long-range missiles, ruslan and i talked yesterday about how they are still trying to push the germans into using these taurys missiles long-range, will they sell? the germans and what threat could there be from these missiles then, and not what the range of 450-500 kilometers is 700 to 700 for the nato version 700, well, you have to understand. as well as storm shadow , which were the last to go, judging by the ranges at which the strikes were carried out, they are also already beyond 500 km, one must understand that the missiles will simply make it possible to strike at greater depths, but radically in strategic
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terms and even operationally, they can’t change absolutely anything, that is, it’s just really a factor of psychological pressure on what they think the russian population and, accordingly, the...
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are beginning to openly talk more and more often about freezing the conflict, and here we must understand that it is certainly not us who need the freezing of the conflict most of all. stories that the russians benefit from freezing the conflict - this is again an attempt to conjure up their own internal vipers, you know, because in fact it is quite obvious to us that the war of defense is not won, the war is won by the offensive, but there it even comes to an anecdote , the same famous german bastard the name of rebka, who... at the beginning of last year promised a quick defeat of russia, then in the fall he began whining about how everything didn’t work out for ukraine, now he suddenly revealed that nothing worked out for russia either, because russia has been advancing all winter and nothing works out for her, but at the same time
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the question always arises: where is she attacking? can you specifically clarify where russia was attacking? ukraine threw 200,000 people there in an offensive in several main directions, we saw all these 4 months in russia, except... that it’s just that the front became active, there were no offensives during the change, but this is just an indicator of how much they are trying to set themselves up, to bewitch them, to convince them that everything is going exactly as they think, one of the main problems, not even only propaganda, and of the west in general, in all recent years in this war we see this in general very concretely, in the fact that he is trying with all his might to pretend or believe that the war is really going only the way he wants. so he says that we will attack, that means we will attack to win, now he says that we will stand on the defensive, which means we will stand to win, in such a way that he commands both sides of the conflict, ukrainian and russian, so he gave this general instruction, everyone is fighting on both sides just like him wants, when something doesn’t work out, well
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then the aborigines are to blame for everything, we understand that the army is aborigines and the decadent army, the white gentlemen who command it, they are in no way to blame for the fact that the aborigines... our reliable friends principal partners - lithuania, estonia and latvia. subsequently i will be
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in tallinn and riga, and today in vilnius. negotiations with the president, prime minister, speaker of the seimas, security, integration into the european union and nato, cooperation in the field of electronic warfare and drones, further coordination of european support. some ukrainian sources immediately began to write that zelensky went to the baltic states, allegedly because none of his fundamentally close, partners and friends... wanted to go to visit him. zelensky went to the baltic tour before davos, since no one wants to come to kiev anymore. the high passed, even butch was forgotten. apart from pr, hype and informational reasons, this baltic tour will not bring anything. zelensky’s last hopes are to convince sponsors to invest in the ukrainian military case. during this period , many different emergencies, tragedies and provocations can occur. there is another explanation why zelensky went to these countries, because the former director of the cia, david petraeus, is now.
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such a movement as changing russian surnames to
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latvians, so as not to stand out, were part, that is, yeah, of that latvia for latvians, which they want to build, but of course, i couldn’t even imagine that it would even come to this, we all changed our surnames, adding this letter s, uh-huh, now demands that it be changed to latvian, this is etching. yourself, that is, a person ceases to be himself, that is, it really is such an internal gender change, you stop identifying yourself simply as who you were. if you live in countries the baltic states or in other countries of the post-soviet space, you have something to tell, subscribe to the telegram channel stream popular front, the qr code is on your screen, and as you can see, we openly show your appeal on our air, so do not forget to subscribe to participate in the discussion. in kiev they decided that it was necessary to urgently send everyone else who remained to the front,
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ukrainian sources write that at the moment a plan has been drawn up to mobilize 50 thousand people in the first 3 months. the general staff demands increased mobilization from february in order to keep up prepare the first reserves by april. at the moment, a plan has been drawn up: 50,000 people in the first 3 months, and then a decrease to 35,00 per month. this plan just has to. come into force, in odessa, unlimited mobilization is already causing aggression, the very service of those fit for service is carried out with the use of fully equipped military men with machine guns, like some kind of tool to intimidate people, they pack the men in a way that is not childish, they stopped the tram, they are unloading everyone, they have already packed a full bus , they still want to bathe, the military stops minibuses, trunks. national guard - with the order of the commandant, guys, no, i don’t
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want to go through with you either, what is it, mobilization is underway. the new law is also being actively discussed, everyone is afraid of it, nikolai, what is the likelihood that this new law with amendments will be adopted, how will ukrainian society react to this, which is tolerating it for now, but will it tolerate it further, and the number of mobilized people that may be whether understanding, the number of mobilized is maximum, but it doesn’t even matter whether this law is accepted or not, the point is that the mobilization of everyone is already underway without the adoption of this law.
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occupied, because all these were real german raids, only then people were mobilized to factories in germany, somewhere else, for some kind of construction work, now they are mobilizing to the front, the essence is the same, and don’t let us be confused by the fact that those , who then captured our citizens spoke german with, in extreme cases, a large accent, they had shepherd dogs, a different military uniform, now
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they speak russian, in russian, there were also ukrainian policemen who, this is an occupation. this is the seizure of part of our homeland, it should be liberated when you watch these videos, well , it would seem, this is the feeling we experience, we feel sorry for those who are there, it’s a pity, well, we cannot understand why they tolerate it, why do they accept it , let's remember the history of the great patriotic war, were there any uprisings in occupied kiev, no, there were partisan actions, there were underground fighters, but liberation came when the red army came, so today it will be exactly the same, with... will this lead mobilization, a new law that leads to some significant changes on the front line, again, how many numbers can they attract now? well, you have to understand that the law that they want to pass is important in this case not so much - as it were, with all this external clutter, but rather to the very mechanisms that they are pushing through, that is, according to the new law, in this case
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almost all government agencies will participate in the mobilization, starting, say , from the employer who gives, because he will be obliged... to inform the relevant authorities about how many people liable for military service work for him, moreover, through him it will be possible to get subpoenas, they can also be served through the entire system of social education, that is, a completely fundamentally new vertical is being built, like a large mesh along the fence, that is, if they are now walking the acekashniks are catching them, this is of course, firstly, the population doesn’t like it, it’s not nice, and secondly, how would it be, well, mobile groups, everyone warns each other in chats, everyone says who is there...
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in that that today they are all discussing together, that no matter how much we take, the russians have 5,000 volunteers, each of whom came on his own and wants to fight, but for us, everyone who is taken away dreams of only one thing, to escape and not reach the front , this, of course, suggests that the quality is extremely low, plus the level of losses is such that the people they
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collect, in fact, let’s say, are only covered approximately, that is, 50% of them are spent only on covering losses. us presidential candidate nikki haley doesn't have a woman's face at all, i wear tall heels, this is not following fashion, i wear them every time. who is sponsoring her election campaign? we do not trust russia and will never trust them, they will never become our friends. she, of course, is an ardent hawk, supports endless wars, with everyone, presenting herself as a real competitor to trump. trump is simply not the kind of person who can be president now, that they had an intimate relationship, each of them keeps their trump cards in their pocket. trump called her madame birdbrain,
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a small mind, but a cunning device, this such a gorgon jellyfish. in which each head works with its own audience, behind her back is the power of the american military-industrial complex, this woman is a militarist who will kill for her own sake. candidate of the third world war, we will see in her face a consistent enemy of russia, niki haley, candidate of the third world war, doll of the heir tutti, today on the first. stirsman bourbon, a product of the stellar group. “i hate my face and want another one, it’s possible, you understand that surgery won’t help you anyway, your idea to remove the ribs, this is madness
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, what did you do to her, you won’t live long enough, but if we do everything carefully, the mosquito won’t hurt your nose, you understand that this is really dangerous, my dear, it’s good to be a nurse if you can’t resist thieves' patients, they will destroy"? you, you are worried about me, you promise that you will never lie to me, only those who are directly related to the operation should have a pass to the institute, without making my mistakes, colors, three, four, and andrei ivanovich, i will correct both of our mistakes, it can't be fixed. something happened? yes, quickly follow me to the operating room. doctor preobrazhensky, new from the series. watch
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the time after the program. senior investigator of the obhss, mayor volkov, we are interested in the documentation of the cosmetology department. here's the search warrant. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group, well, admit it before it’s too late, i love you, year of the dragon, fight the dragon, what ’s useful in it, get a hat, examination of hats, live healthy in the program, all the most important and interesting things, tomorrow on the first. everything is so easy for you, not the first time, the third time, and what, every time you just take it and give it away, but this is business, listen,
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marin, i can congratulate you, you are a mother, congratulations on fatherhood, i’ll take a photo of your child and bring you a testimony alexandra as a gift, i’m afraid that in the event of a divorce you won’t get anything, but anyway, you were a serious statesman with us, i’m ready to testify against him. if something happens to mine, and you are involved in it, i will kill you again, what are you doing here, you should not be here, vadima they released the season at night, your child was stolen, i will destroy you, your clinic, i will ask you to write off all conversations with her, whether telephone or personal, i don’t know, pay the cops, hide the apartments, do something, i’m so tired of hiding, container, new series , on sunday... you, are you bargaining for the night, don’t want to return it, three lemmas, no less, and the money is needed in 2 hours,
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i declare the cosmetology department open, doctor preobrazhensky, new ones, look after the time program, you will ruin mine institute peaceful life continues to improve in our new territories, people and residents are returning to severo-donetsk , they even installed a christmas tree in the central square, the project leaders myzhieva, maryana naumova, alexander mozgovoy and a friend of the project , entrepreneur pavel fedin, went to kindergarten, to the library, to the cultural center to give everyone new year's gifts.
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that sasha, but you and i are in severodonetsk, waiting for our friend of our project pavel, remember how it all started, he wrote that i was ready to bring books. everything and man picked up, arrived, hello, hello , glad, hello, glad to see you again , hello, pavel, how did you get there this time, you probably already know, it’s easier, easier, yes, already somehow with a light heart, no longer so scary, i already want to get there faster, to see you faster, to see the kids , to finally see this wonderful director, the cultural center, which i signed up for then and with a very joyful feeling , apparently, that they were able to accomplish this, the driver was wonderful, who is here had already gone somewhere, he roughly knew the way, well
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this time we took it. a specialist , a special guy, my friend, came from st. petersburg, he will advise, help, if he has time to do everything, he will explain, as if by technique, but his expert opinion is that on this technique, in principle, you can’t write a jagger there, yes, but here’s a shaman, you can call , will record something directly for the severo-donetsk, maybe, as the equipment allows, well, i hope that this will help a lot, and we will hear the children singing the severo-donetsk from our liberated russian city. that's it, they're really waiting for us, we have to go, yes, let's go, like this it’s amazing, look, they’ve decorated a new year’s tree here, in donetsk there’s such a situation that if you put up a tree, well , people will start gathering, and so will ukraine, well, 100% of them will hit it, it’s somehow surprising to see
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a tree here. when the building there is dilapidated, the palace of culture is also cut, the administration, and , accordingly, everything else, you see, people still believe, they believe, life, life comes when the new year tree appears, this means you can make wishes, the most, it would seem not marketable and believe that they will definitely come true, santa claus will fly there, i don’t know, on reindeer, a charming snow maiden will come and fulfill your deepest desires. the main thing is that this happened, the tree is up, it means life has come , hello, you’ve arrived, meet me, this is my friend leonid, hello, he will help you do everything, and we’ll leave the laziness to you here, accordingly, we’ll go to another point ourselves, then people, i hope , you will give it to us, because i
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promised my mother that we would return it after all. ok, leonid, i know you are responsible for equipment, that’s right, for the selection, yes , for the selection now we’ll try to have time to set it all up, we brought quite a lot, but at first we thought that it was a computer, a sound card and a microphone, and then we realized that why not bring guitars as well ? electronic drums, but for me, art in this shaky world, it just saves us all. vladimir alexandrovich, tell me, these gifts that are now under the christmas tree, how will they expand your capabilities? well, you know, it’s just in my head right now, i still can’t fit in all this wealth, you know, well, first of all, this is our studio.
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sound recording, well, this is the first thing you emphasized last time, i remember, we want to create in the palace the first, so far the first recording studio for the entire agglomeration, you see, pasha said, he says, we can help with equipment for this studio, it’s time to think about life, and maybe not about the war, so i really like this idea, because music is something that always comes after a war and something that warms the soul. well, after a month or two, 100%. see you on stage already, and our wishes come true, they have already been tested, most, yes, more than once, great, great, so a huge thank you to those people, now i would also like to convey to the guys who worked on collecting all this, my dears, you have done such a great job that i just can’t be
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overwhelmed with emotions right now. well, i just want to express a huge, big thank you on behalf of all the guys in our palace and wish you everything, all the best for your work in the new year. here is the wonderful pavel, his team, very nice, pavel, let's come here. tell me, what, what, what did you bring? we brought a satellite dish, yeah, paid for 3 years, like access to all our russian channels, wires to them, and a large screen on which you can already, if there are any specialists, the guys will help you
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set it up and you can do great there are cartoons, these new year's films for the kids, but the big one needs like three three me diagonally this is a space where children can get together in the music room just yes, everything else just tell us: where are we going to win, we will help, well, i suggest for now here, if we have it, yes, a good place, my god, what a beauty, what beautiful gifts, i think toys and gifts will be welcome here,
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they are just great for you to work on , left an imprint , of course, of course, and we have a psychologist working for us, there is work for narrow specialists, of course there is, and there are many such children, so they need this help more than anyone, of course, an hour is very little, i want more , because classes are over, they want to chat, they they want to play, they want to be in society, but they need it, for now we were only allowed to work for an hour. hold, hold, hold, thank you, thank you, thank you,
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as if without gifts, well, no way. “thank you, they asked for a column, remember, this is pavel, hug, pashenko, this is what i asked for, we have a children’s playground nearby, and we go out with events from the library to the street, and there we need the children to hear us, attract the attention of children, future readers, just children, here you take the microphone, attention, says: “children’s library, come over, games, competitions."
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and so that he always hosts the whole of russia, there is a plate, and this is how my mother says dushih. right now, pavel, we have very weak heating, they are currently renovating it, it doesn’t exist at all, here are your felt boots and your padded jackets will warm our souls, our
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hearts, thank you, and i am pleased, this, you know, the phrase, we don’t abandon our own, the phrase, yes, no, this is the state of the soul of a russian person, don’t abandon our own, thank you very much, i understand, it’s all so precious, it’s all so overwhelming for me, and i want to say a big thank you to you and to all those who participated in all this, who provided us with all this, so i am so shocked, thank you very much. who was affected by this coming back again? yes marya, you know, i was looking forward to the trip. i want to come , i want to invent something, i want to be creative,
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create something else, all my guys in the company were very worried, they watched your reports, some of the girls even shed tears, there was pure emotion there, everyone was so excited , when it worked out, everyone was inspired and willing to help, to do this more than once, look for something to help, something necessary and do it. and this is so, it really unites, makes you think not about money, about the everyday bustle, some kind of everyday life, but about something more.
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for the residents of donbass, of course, gifts are the collection of humanitarian aid, what is brought to them is very important, but in general , the most important thing for them is participation, the participation of people in their difficult, complex fate, the most important gift when they come to them, this is probably hope, hope, confidence that victory will be very soon, they say that there is... hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. russia is a self-sufficient , strong country moving forward, he said this today in anadra.
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plane russia, its easternmost outskirts. in 2023, the president received invitations to visit more than a dozen countries, but in the end , the first trip of the russian leader in 2024 was to chukotka. it seems like vladimir putin has been flying to the far east more than once for a year, but it also turned out that in more than 20 years of leading the country he has never been to chukotka, but for a long time gathered, and was invited more than once. what is a place on the map of russia where you have not been yet? and would like to visit chukotka, they finally
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succeeded, usually aurus is in for a loss, but not this time in chukotka they prepared for vladimir putin an extremely popular snow swamp hot predator with wheels almost the size of a man, the airport city of onadr, as such is located on different shores of the bay, which now only this car can cross, in fact , this is what the predator is needed for, the road from the airport to anaday is 5 km along the frozen estuary, that is, there is ice and... vegetables under us all year round, since 2017 it turns out, well
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, you see the result, in principle petrovich will not let you lie 3 years ago there was a clean foundation here, yeah, the handsome complex is standing, standing, so there are results, new year passed, there are not enough cucumbers now, because there was a rush demand, they ate it, yes, of course, they ate it, the residents of chepot should receive, little, a lot, well, they are there, yes, i inspected it right away. and they also grow cornfields, it’s so long, beautiful and delicious, the president, by the way, is not the first a high-ranking leader in these greenhouses, in 2020 mikhail mishustin already visited here, after the prime minister, sewerage, civilization and gas entered our territory, the owner is very happy, she says she comes here to relax, she is also a mother of many children, that’s how many nines you have nine, seven boys and two girls, small to the eldest. 40, the youngest is 10, well, let’s go back to the greenhouses,
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until now all the vegetables in anadar were imported, and now 20% of the demand is covered by this one enterprise, everything is sold out, yes, yes, that’s what i’m saying, here we have just new. a decent tomato, and sugar, and it’s hard , a driving tomato, you know, it goes like glass, it’s like glass, at least until it’s delivered, until it’s crushed, and basil, i just give basil to everyone to smell, this is magic, magic simple, but if it’s sore, the prices in grocery stores here are really impressive: tomatoes for 1,600
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rubles, champignons for 1,500 rubles, peppers for 1,700 and above , lemons and tangerines for 1,200 and 1,400 rubles. accordingly, all because the products are imported by plane, local. goods can be counted on one hand, cucumbers, salads, greens, fish, caviar, venison, everything else is imported, basically everything is yes, but on the other hand, in chukotka the income is noticeably higher, the average salary is more than 140,000 rubles, as for pensions, my pension is 63,000 , that’s enough for me, now with indexation, vladimir vladimirovich gives us 7.5 indexation, so i added about 70,000, right there in the store there is a collection point for signatures for vladimir’s nomination.
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that he should not disappear in the next 6 months, a person should receive the right to take vacation for the current 6 months for the previous ones, this is a rule already of the ministry of defense is being implemented. on january 1, vladimir putin met with wounded soldiers at the vishnevsky hospital and discussed all this with them. the problem was mentioned, but as far as i understand, it
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is being resolved now. now, regarding payments, do you specifically have problems with payments , you or someone else? from your colleagues there, well, in principle, yes , in principle, my payment came, well, after four or five months, i don’t remember, there was just a delay before, a delay, yes, but there are people who , since the beginning of february of the twenty-third year, after being wounded you still haven’t received it, you vkontakte with these people, yes vkontakte, can you give me information about them?
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i had to cancel my trip to yakutia, but i ’m going anyway, but here’s a specific glitch due to transport schemes, with an ordinary person, especially since this can happen all the time, especially at such distances in such in such zones, therefore , also write to me when what happened, then the ministry itself should work out the appropriate scheme for receiving, and by the appropriate person, providing the necessary documents that should decide this question is automatic. konstantin, golovin ekaterina yarovenko, kirill loginov, first channel onadar. vladimir putin's election headquarters in moscow has received signatures in
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support of his self-nomination from all regions of russia. all these days, documents were delivered from different parts of the country, and today signature sheets arrived from the remaining twelve regions, including chukotka. the voluminous box was transported to the airport there on a swamp vehicle, approximately the same as the one the president now uses to travel on his trip, well, then the volunteers took more than 8 hours flew.
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now about how special operations are carried out, new footage from the ministry of defense, the jewelry work of our artillerymen and drone operators on the front line, in this video
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the improved krasnopol is in action , the projectile is aimed using a reconnaissance drone, after an enemy armored vehicle is captured in sight, avoid the strike impossible, with a precise hit the equipment will be smashed to pieces. and this fpv drone approaches the target. the operator skillfully maneuvers at high speed, and then accurately flies into the turret of a nato tank. unguided missiles destroyed several enemy strongholds in the donetsk direction; in kupinskoye, our motorized rifles , with artillery support, struck the areas where two ukrainian brigades were gathering manpower; the enemy suffered serious losses. the us congress has launched an investigation into the circumstances of the hospitalization of secretary of defense lloyd austin, demanding that he indicate the reasons why he did not inform. the public and the country's leadership about their health problems. the pentagon chief, as it became known, was diagnosed with cancer due to
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complications after surgery on january 1, he had to return to his hospital bed and spend several days there. at the same time, the white house all this time did not know where the head of the ministry of defense was located or whether he was capable of making decisions. congressmen asked the pentagon for documents related to the orders given to them, as well as its correspondence with the white house. there, by the way, they also decided to hold their own. the stats and the president were informed immediately after we were informed. now to the events in ecuador, which the whole world is now watching.
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the once calm south american country was overwhelmed by a wave of terror. heavily armed mafia groups challenged the authorities, police, army, murders and massacres on the streets in schools, hostage takings, attacks on journalists on live television, mass riots in prisons. the situation escalated sharply after the escape from prison of the leader of the country's largest criminal gang. there is a state of emergency throughout ecuador; according to the latest data, there are no russian tourists there. and shmit condemned the actions of criminal groups, they, as said, aimed at destabilization. the container arrived from nicaragua, about a thousand briquettes with the drug were hidden in the upper part of the cargo module, customs officers carried out the detention together with employees of the federal
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security service, an examination has already confirmed that the white one discovered... is cocaine. a criminal case was initiated under the article of drug smuggling on an especially large scale. and that's all for now. we are monitoring the development of events, and the information channel on the first will continue the “big game” program. good afternoon. the big game is on air. today anniversary of the start of the famous operation ring, which marked the victorious end of the battle of stalingrad. exactly 81 years ago, on january 10, 1943, it began.
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moreover, i absolutely agree with the assessments that are heard today in the western media, in ukraine, by the way, they are already talking about this all the time, that in the military there is no prospect of victory for them, and the prospect in 24 is at best successful defense against the advancing russian troops, in principle i absolutely agree that they have no prospects, but the dilemma is this: will we be able to crush them this year, or, as they say,
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a little later, and this really is a dilemma and it would be great. of course, i think we can all agree that it should be this year. what's going on at the front so far? activity is gradually gaining momentum after the new year holidays, again, a blizzard, again bad weather, which covered not only the european part of russia, but the entire line of combat contact, naturally affected the development of the special military operation in favor of more passive ones forms of warfare. nevertheless, yesterday there was already a certain intensification of our troops in the artyomovsk direction, a very serious one. resumed in the novomikhailovka area, this is between maryenka and ugledar, our troops also began offensive operations, continued offensive operations, and also while there is information about what is being done, well, according to my estimates, again, reconnaissance in force before the next attack in the kupinsk area, and the enemy is also very concerned about this direction, and also our troops traditionally attack in the estuary
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direction, that is, in general, the situation is the same as it was before the new year. now it is not changing, i’ll just repeat, the intensity of hostilities, as a result of weather conditions, has decreased slightly. thank you very much, yuriy ivanovich, keep us informed, and indeed, if you read the western media and listen to the statements made by ukrainian leaders, you get the feeling that the armed forces of ukraine simply have a shortage of everything , a shortage of everything, yes, starting with a shortage of manpower , naturally, and lutsenko, the former prosecutor general of ukraine, said that the total irretrievable losses in the ssu over 2 years are... at least 500,000 people, and we see that now in ukraine there is virtually total mobilization, they are just grabbing everyone , they are going to conscript women and disabled people of the third group, and so on. secondly, there is a shortage of air defense, and this was officially stated by the speaker of the ukrainian air force yuriy ignat, and emphasized that this deficit intensified after a series of recent massive russian missile attacks on
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military facilities of the kiev regime, by the way ... regarding air defense , today at the request of kiev the so-called ukraine-nato council is meeting. let me remind you that this is a surrogate structure that was created following the results of the vilnius nato summit last summer. and the main meaning of this event was openly stated by kuleba himself, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine. yes, the point is that kuleba should not sit separately with the nato secretary general, but together, so to speak, with privileged people, yes, at the same table and on the same chair... on which other countries, representatives of nato member countries, sit. today, this means that the nato council of ukraine is meeting, and as kuleva himself said again, this meeting will be devoted specifically to issues. listen to what he said. first of all, we expect that the meeting will speed up the adoption of important decisions to further strengthen ukraine’s air defense. this applies to modern systems and ammunition for
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them; ensuring regular supplies of missiles for the patriot, apst, nasams and other systems is a priority task that must be implemented today, not tomorrow. well, thirdly, the armed forces of ukraine have a deficit, an acute deficit artillery shells, and also they are narrower. they themselves admit that russia has an almost overwhelming superiority in the field of drones, yes, in the air, well, in this regard, in the aggregate , western analysts give very depressing and at the same time alarming assessments of the prospects for military operations in the years 24 and 25, so i want to give two similar assessments of very qualified western experts: the first assessment of the very famous american hawk and russophobe max boot, listen to what he... if the gap in capabilities continues increase, which would be an inevitable consequence of the withdrawal of american aid, ukraine would be faced with the possibility of a russian breakthrough. jack
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watling of the royal chartered institute for security and defense studies in london told me: the russians are not in a position to attack kiev today, but they may do so closer to 2025, the worst-case scenario being an immediate cutoff of american aid, leading to a gradual deterioration of the military forces of ukraine. 2024 will be a turning point in the war if
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in the near future, ukraine will not solve its problems with personnel, will not increase weapons production and will not develop a realistic military strategy; its territorial losses may become irreversible and possibly increase. the reduction in political and material support from the united states was a serious blow for kiev. the prospects for european assistance are not very encouraging either. ukraine desperately needs more troops. for all these reasons, kiv will take big military risks this year, including attacks on more targets inside russia, which could cause an unprecedented response from russia and drag nato into the conflict. igor vladimirovich, you have only recently returned from the combat zone, you are an adviser to the head of the donetsk people’s republic, firstly, give your assessment of the current state and prospects for military operations for... the foreseeable future, and secondly, comment on these two assessments , which i cited, yes, let me remind you that the first assessment is the degradation of the apu in the twenty-fourth year , the possible collapse of the apu in the twenty-fifth year,
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the second assessment is that in this context, under these conditions, the ukrainian armed forces may take such provocative actions that could even provoke a russian-nato direct military clash. so, your assessment, first, let's first assess the enemy's enemy potential. there really are very big problems not only with the number of armed formations in ukraine, but with their morale, so now in ukraine , right these days, a legislative initiative to attract ukrainian armed formations to the ranks of the armed forces is being decided, dmitry, you are correct they noticed that colleagues, even colleagues, conscripted up to 500 thousand people, due to morale, more than 50% of the nationalists were driven out on the line of combat contact over the years. that is, let’s say there is no such spirit to go into battle for the homeland, as they say
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, and by and large there is no homeland, because this is a western object in ukraine, everyone is beginning to understand this, the second is the shortage of ammunition in all categories and even the fact that they are going to supply some kind of french missiles with a range of 250 km, new... swedish howitzers, this is no longer will correct it completely on the front line, and not only political circles, but also the military circles of ukraine are beginning to understand this , and now they also understand the second side, that during this time, and i am grateful with the greatest respect for our russian russian soldier, why ? because he is spiritual, he learned to fight and it is very difficult to overcome his ingenuity, they are all heroes, they are found there somewhere, they are all our heroes. secondly, our military-industrial complex, yesterday the minister of defense said about this that it is no longer simple, for example, here we are we are saturating, and you also said this today, that we are not only beginning to saturate the line of combat contact with unmanned aerial vehicles.
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we attack the enemy's artillery systems from three to five, and sometimes up to ten times , he can't even lean out, when he leans out, our drone will definitely fly there, we are the last air defense attacks, and we all know this very well, we have learned not to only tactics of use, well, the whole world saw that we have missiles, and we produce them in sufficient quantities to knock them out on the territory of ukraine, including patriots, and ukraine for us, as well as for them, it was, you know. such a laboratory base
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where we also tested our various weapons systems, and this showed that we have learned to counteract this, and for our systems, missile systems, for our aerospace forces, patriot is no longer some kind of barrier, and we are now beginning to hit everything facilities on the territory of ukraine that, to some extent, produce ammunition and weapons or repair western equipment, this is what you are talking about, that provocations are possible, yes, provocations are possible.
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whatever you want, in order to use nato ammunition in a sore point for us, but not from the territory of ukraine, and we know that there are certain prohibitions on the use of western weapons from the territory of ukraine through the territory of the russian federation, not counting the new constituent entities of the russian federation, this analysis allows me to say that in 2024 we are ready to make serious progress not only in tactical depth, but also operationally.
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carried out on their part, these are nato operations, and we’ll talk about this in more detail after a short advertisement, i hate my face and want another, it’s possible, you understand that surgery won’t help you anyway, but your idea to remove the ribs is crazy, what did you do with it, that’s your deadline it won’t work, but if we do everything carefully, it won’t hurt the mosquito.
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you understand that this is really dangerous, my dear, it’s good to be a nurse, if you don’t resist the thieves’ patients, they will destroy you, you worry about me, you promise that you will never lie to me, a pass to college should only be available to those who are directly related to the operation, without making my mistakes, light,
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here is a search warrant, oh, gin sheaf. product of steller group. to be happy, you must never give up following your dreams. and also do whatever you want. i now have a new dream: to travel around russia. our aquarium is one of the largest aquariums in the world. a beautiful, unique place. he has it.
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well, admit it before it’s too late, i love you, year of the dragon, take care of what’s in it useful, get a hat, examination of hats, living healthy in the program, all the most important and interesting things, tomorrow is the first, new year is always. the beginning of a new stage, what will be the predictions? svanga said that everything will be fine in russia, you can confirm this, and the children who will be born next year, what will they say about the exchange rate, how in this regard? dollar, like everything in this world has its own zodiac sign, the dollar is cancer,
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the second half of the year will be very turbulent for it, we are ending a difficult era twenty years we are starting a new one, but what will we get in...
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in general, thank you for everything for welcoming us, she wouldn’t have pulled this off alone, vadim is most likely involved, why come back, for justice, how much time do i have, you don’t have time , vadim, i really need to talk to you, we have somewhere to hide, container, new episodes, on sunday on the first, us presidential candidate nikki haley has a completely unfeminine face. i wear high heels, it's not about following fashion, i pack a punch every time. who sponsors her election campaign? we do not trust russia and will never trust them, they will never become our friends. she, of course, the ardent hawk, supports endless wars, and completely, presenting herself as a real
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competitor to trump. trump is simply not the kind of person who can be president now, that they had an intimate relationship, each of them keeps their trump cards in their pockets. trump called her madame birdbrain. small. mind, but a cunning adaptation, this is such a gorgon jellyfish, in which each head works with its audience, for its with her back to the power of the american military-industrial complex, this woman is a militarist who will kill for her own accounting, a candidate for the third world war, we will see in her face a consistent enemy of russia, nicky haley , a candidate for the third world war, dolls on... slednyak katutti. today is the first one. the big game is on air. today’s meeting of the nato council ukraine is also significant in that it
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once again shows how much the west controls the actions of the kiev regime, how much everything ukraine does, and how ukraine does. this is a complete lie, and we have always known about it, but on their part, another proof of this lie has just appeared, just the other day, and the famous american journalist of ukrainian origin yaroslav trofimov, he is the chief international correspondent of the wall street journal, published a book, here you see a screenshot of it on the screen, the book is called “our enemies will perish,” the russian invasion, the ukrainian war of independence, and this book.
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the united states formed the preconditions for this conflict, provoked this conflict, i mean the current ukrainian conflict, the united states, as we know from many sources, from merkel to poroshenko, thwarted an attempt at a peaceful settlement in march-april twenty -two, and since then it has been the united states, which is called these everything is run from the ukrainian side, and trofimov, referring to... sources in this book describe this in great detail, in particular , i want to give an example of how, back in the summer
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and autumn of twenty-two, according to trofimov, ukraine wanted to do one thing on field battle, but the united states told them to do something completely different, and it was precisely this completely different thing that was brought to life. listen to how business insider describes it as he simply retells the contents of this book. during a discussion with western... partners of counteroffensive plans for 2022, president of ukraine vladimir zelensky and commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zalozhny advocated advancing to the sea of ​​azov through the zaporozhye region. at that time , russia had not yet created extensive minefields of defensive fortifications there, which prevented a counter-offensive there in 2023. from the us point of view, writes trofemov, failure was very likely, and its consequences were potentially catastrophic. instead of supporting the goal proposed by ukraine, the us pushed it in a different direction for... the southern counter-offensive to kherson. zaluzhny, according to his aides, did not agree with this decision and said that
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ukraine should attack where it was necessary, and not where it could. but since the united states controlled most of the military aid, the ukrainians did not argue much and launched an offensive to kherson. well, this publication, the book itself, and also the column itself, and yaroslav trofimov’s boshenton post made a big splash in the united states, his column is still at the very top. trofimov writes that this chance was ruined by the united states, which did not allow ukraine, did not supply it with the necessary weapons, military equipment for... an attack in the zaporozhye direction in the twenty-second year, as they wanted, which means the zaluzhny,
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forced them to attack kherson in the kharkov region, which was done, this means that they tried to force them to attack, supplied them as they thought was necessary already in 1923, well, that’s it, time was lost, so trofimov, accordingly, says that the united states is to blame for this, which, among other things, feared an alleged escalation. from russia , nikolai viktorovich, well, firstly, how do you evaluate the publication of this book, yes, all these publications, discussions that accompany it, secondly, if the united states, and i have no doubt, here is rafimov, he may be wrong in some military matters we'll talk about this later, but it seems to me that he is right that the united states really does keep the kiev regime on a short leash, yes, he describes in detail how the kiev regime, even against its will, carries out the instructions of the united states. but now even the official position of the biden administration, and
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state department spokesman matthew miller spoke about this, is that the kind of money they gave to ukraine in 2022 and 23 will no longer be available, and moreover, miller said that and even meaning this is not the case that even if congress comes to an agreement and a new budget for ukraine is adopted, it will still be smaller, everyone understands that in order for ukraine not to even lose, it is necessary not to... flood, how do you evaluate all these? well, well, since we are talking about money, then this coin, if this article were a coin, it would have two sides, in fact this column is really very interesting, i’ll start with the cover, the cover of the book is pro-ukrainian, it is made like an embroidered shirt , that is, it would seem that the author is in favor of increasing aid, for
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that the united states should not abandon the kiev regime, well, all these myths that exist, that they would
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not mean that we sympathize with any of these. now about the money. the united states of america wants to shift the timing of financing the kiev regime to its allies. this is already obvious. and here it seems to me that they are even a little disingenuous, that is, they are portraying too much intensity in the internal party struggle in order to say: well, listen, but there is no money now, we, we haven’t decided, we haven’t agreed, we’re on christmas holidays, we still have, you know, how it is, we need to consult with our comrades, please come in on monday, something like this, but zelensky cannot come in on monday. he needs to spend money every day on the war, this is not only the salary of the military, this is not only weapons, this is not only shells, this is the salary of teachers and civil servants. ukraine is bankrupt, half of the budget is external, i would n’t even say it’s aid, loans, who will give this money? and we see the minister of foreign affairs of japan arrives, bringing in his beak, promising 4.5 billion. germany, in the background,
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protests of farmers who understand what is going on, includes 8 billion in the budget . the prime minister of estonia, still the prime minister, makes a statement that she is ready to sacrifice 25 of gdp, and zelensky is flying there today to understand specifically, yes, today he is in lithuania, then in latvia in estonia, you are in dollars and euros, tell me, and not in percentage of gdp, because zelensky cannot pay salaries as a percentage of estonian gdp to his henchmen, that’s what we are talking about, then they should reset other countries, but this scheme is complex, it hangs on a thin hair, so to speak...
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this is the first army corps of the people's militia, obtf cascade, together with the 150th division and so on, that is, we had a powerful fist in this direction, which was inspired by the fact that we liberated mariupol. and other populated areas, and we, on this side, most of all pushed the enemy away from that is, to the borders of the zaporozhye region, restoring our constitutional borders, then the enemy,
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using a powerful group, understood that only in this theater of military actions, in this theater of military operations we have gaps, so he brought ukrainian troops there, and if he had done this , that is, well, let’s say we went to... somewhere to break through between melitopol and berdyansk, but it would have been some, i apologize for the expression gut, we would simply cut them off and grind this group, that is , what he describes is not true from the word at all and also shows that they are completely controlled by american intelligence, igor vladimirovich, you tell me i think you said the key thing they said the enemy understood that the only gaps were. we had it there in the kharkov region, if you believe trofimov, this enemy, the united states of america, because it was the united states of america that insisted
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on this operation, and zaluzhny did, wanted to do what the united states did not allow him to do, that is indeed , the united states is ruled, yes, we can argue with trafimov that he describes unrealistic things in detail, but it seems to me that the essence of the book is correct.
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as we call the world majority, here bloomberg has just shared exclusive information that in december, it turns out, a secret meeting took place in arriyadh, the capital of saudi arabia, which once again ended in nothing. bloomberg writes that this means that some countries completely ignored this meeting: china, brazil, the united arab emirates did not come, india came, and of course, saudi arabia was present, as the hostess of the meeting, and turkey.
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for them, side with the position of countries like saudi arabia and the world majority in in general? it is unlikely that the americans will succeed, since they have been trying to influence these countries for quite a long time, and washington has little success. this position was outlined almost a year ago by the munich conference, when in their analytical report they wrote that the united states of america and... the european union are facing a big problem, these are the so-called non-aligned countries that want to pursue an independent policy, who want,
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as they write in this analytical report, sit on two chairs, collaborate with the west, with russia, with china, defending its own interests, yes, absolutely right, washington completely controls zelensky and his team, like puppets, the emirates, this does not work even with india, which wants to cooperate with russia, which sees certain benefits in this cooperation, this does not work with the south african republic, this does not work with many latin american countries, the problem has been identified, but it has not been solved, it is not
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possible to lead these states , and will not work, because americans are ringing the alarm bells, it is clear that the problem has not yet been solved. i completely agree with you, now a short advertisement, after which we will talk about the situation in the gas sector. in our country there are many different abilities so that you can develop yourself and learn something new. rudina is where you feel good, where you are expected and where you are safe. we came from the village of muvyr, igorinsky district of the udmur republic, this is a unique village, revived, my dad began to revive it 30 years ago. we want and we are trying to do
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everything possible so that...
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anonymous, you are a normal married woman, what are you doing, become a thief, so if we don’t do anything, the light will be removed, someone needs to stand up for svetlana gennadievna - then at the very top, sveta, did you spend the night here, what happened, wait, it’s your husband, maybe he’s beating you, doctor preobrazhensky, new from the series, watch the time after the program, they’re taking him away, holy simplicity, they don’t open the door in front of the detainees open. new year is always the beginning of a new stage, what are the predictions? smanga said that everything will be fine in russia, you can confirm this, and the children who will be born next year, what will they say about the
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exchange rate, how in this regard? dollar - like everything that is in this world, has its own zodiac sign, the dollar is cancer, the second half of the year will be very turbulent for it, we are ending a difficult era in the twenty-third year, we are starting a new one, but what will we get at 24, what do i it was said, i reconciled myself, everything came together, completely unfamiliar i’m going somewhere to the mountains as a person, i couldn’t resist asking what sign you were born under, because tanya told me what sign you would even be under?
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and that every time you just take it and give it away, well, this is business, listen, marin, i can congratulate you, you are a mother, congratulations from your father, from the photo. child and will bring the testimony to alexandra as a gift. i'm afraid you won't get anything in the event of a divorce. how is that possible? we had a serious statesman, i am ready to testify against him. if there's something wrong with mine happens, and you will be involved in it, i will kill you again. what are you doing here? you can't be here? vadim, the season was released at night, your child was stolen. i will destroy your clinic. i will ask you to write down all conversations.
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and this is not following fashion, i strike every time, who is sponsoring her election campaign? we do not trust russia and will never trust them, they will never become our friends. she, of course, is an ardent hawk, supports endless warriors, and with everyone, presenting herself as real trump's competitor. trump is simply not the kind of person who can be president now, that they had an intimate relationship, each of them keeps their cozers in their pockets. trump called her madame birdbrain . small mind, but cunning. opportunist, this is such a gorgon jellyfish, in which each head works with its own audience, behind her back is the power of the american military-industrial complex, this woman is a militarist who will kill for
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her own accounting, a candidate for the third world war, we will see in her face consistent enemy of russia, niki haley, candidate of the third world war, doll of tutti's heir. today is the first one, i urgently need to go to the clinic, my lover, i can’t sleep again without you, what are you saying, doctor preobrazhensky, new ones from the series, watch the time after the program, come to me, and i’ll cook you dinner. a big game is on the air, today the next big middle east tour of united states secretary of state blinken ends; as part of this tour, he visited greece, turkey,
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jordan, qatar, the emirates, saudi arabia, the day before, that is, yesterday he was in israel , met with the entire leadership of this country , members of netanyahu’s military cabinet, and today he meets with the palestinian president. the purpose of this visit was not only to prevent the escalation of the middle east conflict, but also to promote a deal, the essence of which, to simplify, is that israel’s rapprochement with key arab countries in the middle east, primarily saudi arabia, is being resumed or should be resumed, not by chance before israel just blinken was in arriyadh in exchange for an end to the war. in gaza, restoring palestinian control, pna control of the gaza strip and moving towards a palestinian state, here's what blinken said while in saudi arabia, listen: first,
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israel and israelis must be able to live in peace and security without fear terrorist attacks or aggression from their neighbors, secondly, the west bank and the gaza strip need to be united under the leadership of the palestinians, blinken said very clearly at the final press conference: very difficult steps must be taken, very difficult decisions must be made, that is , palestinian control over gas and movement towards a palestinian state. elena vladimirovna, how realistic is all this? blinken is trying to put on a good
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face on the game, which remains bad for him, because the risks of a big war remain, and not everything is going so smoothly in his negotiations with states. region, he visited not only saudi arabia, but also a number of middle eastern countries, what remains outside the brackets and is not spoken publicly, this is where to get the money, where to get the money to restore the sector. this proposal rests, but the main thing is where to get the funds to restore the almost completely destroyed housing stock and infrastructure of the gas sector, it is no coincidence that muhammad ben zayed al-nahyan, the head of the united arab emirates. this
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sounded like such an evil irony, but this is a hint of two things at once: you pay for what you destroyed, the second thing is that everyone understands that in the region the money will not go to the palestinians, they will go under the control of the israeli government, few are ready for this either, well, the american media, again, democratically. directions claim that the main obstacle to the implementation of this type of beautiful blinkin scheme is israeli prime minister netanyahu. and the plan is already ready, what to do with it? foreign policy, an influential american foreign policy magazine, writes about this; today, therefore, in the corresponding article the plan is this: overthrow netanyahu, and if benny gantz comes to power, then that’s it it will work out, and he will support the creation of a palestinian state and so on, that is, the americans are doing, acting according to the old pattern in relation to.
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this is how blinken commented on the situation. filing a case against israel at the international court of justice distracts the world from important efforts. moreover, the accusation of genocide has no basis. nikolai viktorovich, what is your assessment? well, first of all, i would like to say that when we do not see money to restore the gas sector, it is true that no one knows who will restore it. we can easily find the one who gave money for the destruction of the gas sector. israel spent, i think, more than 60 billion dollars on this war. who gave it to him? they were directly united...
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in the middle east, their policy in this region is already a failure, yes, now
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they really are trying to put a good face on a bad game. blinken acts in strict accordance with the famous joke about kissenger, which means how he passed off the russian guy ivan as rockefeller’s daughter, yes, he got married, more precisely, lie to some, lie to others, but the result will be, it worked for kissenger, but for blinkin it turned out great. we now turn the floor over to the news and the big game returns at 5:00 p.m. this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablev. russia is a strong, self-sufficient country moving forward, and we showed this to the whole world, the words of vladimir putin, the president, on a working trip to chukotka, spoke with representatives of the public on a variety of topics, from supporting the participants. from their families' operations to transportation problems in


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