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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  January 10, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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what is happening there with austen , with the american debt, with what america is doing and not doing in the middle east, with america's helplessness in latin america, all this shows that we are dealing with a hegemon whose power is simply crumbling before our eyes, and faster than anyone could imagine, and god bless biden, he ’s great, our cause is just, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, the big game will return. hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. he promised, he arrived. vladimir putin today came to chukotka for the first time, which surprised the president, what they asked about, a big conversation with residents about the prospects for this important for... we are gradually improving positions in all
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areas in our ministry of defense they talked about how the special operation was going on, they showed new footage of attacks on militant positions with the latest ammunition. ordinary fascism, an eighty-two-year-old man was sent to jail by the kiev regime. the zhitomir court considered that the pensioner was helping russian forces. he himself responded with poems about imminent retribution. huge batch of drugs on 11 billion rubles , a cargo of cocaine from nicaragua was discovered seized in the port of st. petersburg and this is not the first time in recent days. neither on rails, nor on autobahns. in germany , the transport collapse, following the farmers who blocked the roads, railway workers began to go on strike, the majority of germans support them. russia has shown the whole world that our country is self-sufficient, strong, confidently moving forward, and this is the most important result. last year, vladimir
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putin spoke about this today in the very east of our vast homeland. the president arrived for the first time to anadyr. chukotka greeted the head of our state with sunny but frosty weather. living conditions there are harsh, but the region is very important and it develops, to the envy of some, even in such a climate, for its vegetables. and given the huge deposits of natural resources, the favorable geographical logistics location, investment inflow is ensured, projects are already in operation. about the president's trip. on the horizon, several hundred kilometers of ice away, is alaska, that is , the united states, but here, right under the belly of the plane , is russia, its easternmost outskirts. for 2023 year, the president received an invitation to visit more than a dozen countries, but in the end , the russian leader’s first trip in 2024 was to chukotka. it seems that vladimir putin has been flying to the far east more than once for a year, but it also turned out that in more than 20 years he has been leading the country. kotki has never been
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, but i’ve been planning for a long time, and they’ve been invited more than once. what place on the map of russia where you have not been yet and would like to visit chukutka. and now, we finally succeeded. usually loss awaits aurus, but not this time. on chukotka has prepared for vladimir putin an extremely popular predator snow and swamp vehicle with wheels almost the size of a man. the airport, the city of anadry, as such, is located on different shores of the bay, which only this car can now cross. actually, this is for dastkovrai. what a predator is needed: the road from the airport to anadar is 5 km along a frozen estuary, that is , there is ice and sea water below us, while the winter road has not yet been established, you can only cross on these giants. first stop on the outskirts of the city popularly the village of makatorka in honor of the owner of the most famous chukotka greenhouses, fresh vegetables all year round since 2017, it turns out, well , you see the result, in principle, petrovichny
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3 years ago there was a clean foundation here, yeah, the handsome complex is standing, standing, so there are results , the new year has passed, there are not enough cucumbers now, because there was a rush demand, they ate it, yes, of course, they ate it, the residents of chepot should receive little, not little, but they exist, well, they exist, yes, the president, by the way, is not the first high-ranking leader in these mikhail mishustin already visited the greenhouses in 2020; after the prime minister, sewerage entered our territory. the owner is very pleased, she says she comes here to relax , she is also a mother of many children, how many children do you have , nine, seven boys and two girls, small, small, the eldest is 40, the youngest is 10, but let’s go back to the greenhouses, for the time being all the vegetables are in the onadares were imported, and now 20% of the demand is covered by this one enterprise, everything is sold out, yes, yes, so i say, here we have just combed out everything for the new year greenhouse, that's already it. it
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's been a week, we're now a little on a diet, but in general it 's been a week, our cucumber costs 500 rubles in the store. the tomato is 650 ours, and the imported one is 1.2 . here the tomatoes are really impressive for 1,600 rubles, champignons, one and a half thousand peppers and 1,700 and above, lemons and tangerines are 1,200 and 1,400 rubles respectively, all because the products are imported by plane, but on the other hand, to chukotka and incomes are noticeably higher: the average salary is more than 140,000 rubles. as for pensions, i have a pension of 63,000, that’s enough for me, now with indexation vladimir vladimirovich gives us 7.5 indexation. so i added about 70,000 right there in the store at the point for collecting signatures for the nomination of vladimir putin, we simply cannot win without him, that’s why. vladimir putin himself , meanwhile, is already in the center of anadar, among the participants in the meeting with residents of the region
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are veterans of the special operation. after injuries , short-term leaves for follow-up treatment are not always possible. federal payments take a very long time, vacations after injury, but as far as i know, this situation is being corrected and people have the opportunity to go on vacation, and if for some reason the vacation did not take place within 6 months, then it should not be lost; in the next 6 months, the person should receive the right to take vacation for the current 6 months. because of previous. now, regarding payments, do you specifically have problems with payments, do you or one of your colleagues have problems with payments? well, in principle, yes , in principle, my payment came, well, after four or five months, there was just a delay,
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a delay, yes, there are people who, since the beginning of february of twenty-three, after being wounded haven’t received it yet, are you in contact with these people? yes, vkontakte, can you give me information?
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again the father of just such a family received the floor, but the question turned out to be about putin himself, how has he been coping with a large russian family for over 20 years, how are you coping, maybe you have some secret? i caught myself several times, you know what, well, i’m already an adult, yes - although i feel the strength, the energy in myself to work, to solve the problems facing the country, well, that’s interesting, that’s if to stay in...
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it’s as if these are my children, this is our family, you know, i’m so, i’m so happy for them, just for their success, their well-being, and their potential. this is the potential of russia and when we all work together to solve specific issues and tasks, like now, we do it like this in a calm business friendly rhythm, in a systematic manner, success is guaranteed, here’s a little more about the personal, but i i remember my mother’s stories, for example, about how her mother, my grandmother reacted to... her other actions, when she was still she was little, she was 7 years old, when she chased away the beggar there, and her grandmother said: what,
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catch up with him, bring him back, feed him, put him to bed , feed him in the morning, send him away, you know, and this goes on from generation to generation, this is in our our genetic code of our multinational people, this is how it develops over the years, or so i read letters from my grandfather, which, i already talked about this, he wrote a letter to his son in the active army, a simple russian man, a peasant, writes with errors, to his son addresses you, you know, the level of culture, what internal, and there he tells how his grandmother, his wife, died. there the bullet hit , how she died in his arms, and how he orders his son to beat the nazis,
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here i am, this everyday letter, here i am reading this, you see, i realized that it is impossible to defeat such a people, finally we returned to the topic of special operations , the volunteers who help the front constantly receive threats from abroad, as for threats, well, what are they sitting there behind the cordon, but they work widely, often through automatic systems. they send them out to everyone in a row, it doesn’t scare us, let them they themselves will think about themselves there, that tomorrow they will eat, but what to wear, what to eat , what to move on, they all have problems through the roof, incomparable even with ours, even the leading economies of europe are going through hard times, we have growth, and they have a fall, well, let’s not talk about this now, these are details, we... we don’t rejoice at this, we don’t scoff, but the fact, the fact remains a fact, and it is such that it turned out
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that their dependence on us is greater than ours on them, and the main thing that we showed to ourselves, well , to the whole world, which is also not unimportant, is that russia is a self-sufficient country in every sense of the word, strong, moving forward, confidently looking forward, this is absolutely... this is the most important result of last year. konstantin panyushkin, pavel likhaletov, viktor golovin ekaterina iravenko, kiril loginov, first channel "anadar". meanwhile, from chukotka, on the regular onadri moscow flight, the signatures that residents of the autonomous okrug put in support of vladimir putin’s self-nomination as a presidential candidate were delivered to the capital. volunteers specially visited the most remote villages for this purpose. today the documents were delivered to the head’s central election headquarters. states and, as they reported, signature sheets have already been transferred to moscow by absolutely all regions of the country.
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anastasia kobozeva spent the day at the headquarters observing the process. signature sheets have been arriving at vladimir putin’s election headquarters since the end of december, here is a new batch of documents from 12 subjects, now mainly in the far east. volunteers arrive one after another at gostiny dvor: buryatia, transbaikal, primorsky territories, and chukotka. representatives of the delegation did long haul. he finally came to us, and he promised, he came, the man said, the man did.
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the volunteers of yakutia, after all, the largest region of the country, did a tremendous amount of work. we visited all regions of the republic, even the most remote, arctic ones. the box is heavy, signatures are still being collected, the first batch is being completed. absolutely all regions have already transferred the first batches of votes in support of vladimir putin to the central headquarters. and yet the work continues across the country. volunteers come to high mountain villages, snowmobiles getting there. to the reindeer pastures, in cities, signature collection points operate in large shopping centers, only in this person i see the preservation of the future of our country, the preservation of multinational russia, i see the preservation of our family values, it is no coincidence that this year has been declared the year of the family. vladimir vladimirovich is a real strong man, the leader of his people, who always and everywhere supports youth, sports, and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. vladimir putin, as a self-nominated candidate, needs to enlist the support of 300,000
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citizens, and this figure was exceeded even before the new year. the islands are us, sakhalin and... these are signatures for vladimir vladimirovich putin. the collected signatures in support of putin are immediately brought from kamchatka. the head of the delegation in the koryag national costume. here are three boxes, but that's not all. we are still collecting signatures, so the work is progressing actively, people are coming with desire. so i think this is not the last time we will meet here. but no more than 7,500 signatures from each region, the presidential headquarters explains. checking the availability of subscriptions sheets. completing the relevant documents, and then there is a check for the quality of filling out signatures , but other specialists are doing this, and this is the work of lawyers, correctly completed documents are sent for verification to the central election commission of russia, presidential elections will take place in march for the first time, they will last 3 days, march 15, 16 and 17. anastasia kobozeva, boris leonov,
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alexey dushenkov, irina chyuchuy, kirill danilov, channel one. other events include news from ukraine. striking in its cynicism. the kyiv regime held a trial, otherwise there would be no you might call him a pensioner from zhitomir. he was accused of treason and sentenced to 15 years in prison for allegedly assisting russian forces. the convict is 82 years old. at his age, such a sentence is equivalent to life imprisonment. yake to rely on. how to place him on the right of power with the relief of military rank. yuri. chernyshov, that’s the name of the pensioner, even in conditions of complete lawlessness, did not lose heart, having no opportunity to defend his rights, he responded to the nationalists with a poem that he composed himself, in it there are such lines, the hour will come, god will judge, and we, the people who were cheated yesterday, are today by you, and we, just yesterday, respected people, today you
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are accused of betrayal, although we did not create these troubles, and there is no one to stand up for us, but you are you glad that we can hide behind you from the war? now about how the special operation is going, a report from our ministry of defense, russian units continue to gradually improve their positions in all directions, the marriage is suffering huge losses, about 900 militants were eliminated per day, the heaviest battles are in donetsk direction, there our units destroyed strongholds and places of accumulation of manpower and equipment of seven ukrainian brigades at once, an ammunition depot was blown up, two tanks were destroyed, two front. as well as a lot of automotive equipment, well, in total , two drone assembly shops and 113 gun crews at firing positions were liquidated by missile forces and artillery. well, today the ministry of defense showed how our soldiers work, in these shots the improved krasnopol is in action, the projectile is aimed using a drone, after as an enemy object is captured in sight,
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it is impossible to avoid the blow, with an accurate hit the equipment is smashed to pieces, well, this is on... an fpv drone approaches the target, the operator skillfully maneuvers at high speed, and then accurately flies into the tank turret. the first group of schoolchildren from belgorod went to voronezh today. more than a hundred students from first to fourth grades will spend the next three weeks in health camps. their hometown has been under fire from ukrainian militants since late december. after a massive blow on new year's eve, immediately several regions offered to host belgorod schoolchildren. they created it in the voronezh region. all conditions for their comfortable living, study and leisure. the children are accompanied by 20 teachers; they will be in constant contact with their parents. i’ve wanted to go to the camp for a long time and i’m very glad that i’m going there. lots of acquaintances, friends and good emotions. we are sending our daughter to camp at such a difficult time. thank you for this opportunity, that it is
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possible to send the child to a more, so to speak, quiet place. arrival for 21 days, children will have a leisure program, a cultural program and, of course, an educational program; children accompany them with their teachers, who will help them study while they are in the camp. the country's largest universities must respond flexibly to the demands of the current time. mikhail mishustin called them to this at a strategic session on the development of universities that are responsible for training engineering personnel. according to the prime minister, they are especially needed by domestic companies under sanctions. to difficult conditions, in many directions now the production of science-based products is increasing, effective innovative solutions are being created, to reduce dependence on foreign components and
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equipment, the government has decided to launch large projects for the development of its own production in a variety of industries, from machine tool building to the development of aviation technology, radio electronics, pharmaceuticals, all these areas seriously expand the horizons of tasks for the education sector, but increase the responsibility of our leading universities, which serve as an example for all other educational organizations. to railway workers joined mass protests in germany, following farmers, train drivers are holding a large-scale strike. among the main demands for the authorities is to finally pay attention to economic problems within their country. many passenger and cargo flights have been cancelled ; the vast majority of germans are on the side of the strikers. about the new wave.
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train drivers are demanding a reduction in working hours and an increase in wages. berlin is the main station, with a minimum of passengers at this level we are generally alone. until friday evening
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german railways are operating an emergency schedule, canceling about 80% of all long-distance trains. focus magazine publishes an interesting article that allows you to look at the protests, as they say, in context. it names germany as the main loser country after ukraine from the military conflict with russia. economic ties have been severed to please the americans, the future is frightening, if the americans really stop supplies, then germany will have to spend about 16% of the federal budget for 2024 to help ukraine the same support that the us provided to her in 2023. otherwise, according to the author of the article , kiev cannot avoid military defeat. to understand, german farmers switched to dbi due to an attempt to save only a billion euros on them. the journalist invites his homeland to rethink its foreign policy. preparing for life without an american guardian who is clearly weakening. ivan the good, dmitry volkov, lyubov dmitrieva, dalia, serazheddinova, alexander anonichev, channel one. in ecuador, which was hit by a wave
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of terror from mafia clans, the army received orders to eliminate more than twenty armed criminal groups. military equipment was deployed in major cities, 70 participants in the riots were detained; they began after the head of the country's largest drug cartel escaped from prison. riots in prisons, murders and robberies on the streets , bandits seized the tv channel, its employees have already been freed by special forces, dozens of attacks on the university, hospitals, schools, police stations, 13 people were killed, almost 140 more are now being held hostage by terrorists, the once calm state in south america in recent years, faced with a large-scale increase in crime, the current president of ecuador, who came to power under the slogan of fighting the drug mafia, against the backdrop of what was happening , introduced a state of emergency. over a ton of cocaine was found in the large port of st. petersburg. on the black market, such a batch costs about 11 billion rubles. the container arrived from
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nicaragua, about a thousand briquettes. with the drug hidden in the upper part of the cargo module. customs officers carried out the detention together with employees of the federal security service. a criminal case was initiated on article on drug smuggling on an especially large scale. at the end of december, let me remind you, 100 kg of cocaine in containers from belgium was detained at the seaport of st. petersburg. and just last year , almost 20 billion rubles worth of prohibited substances were seized from illicit trafficking in the city. now let's move to vdnkh, where the grandiose exhibition russia has been running for the third month. our cameras allow us to see in real time what is happening on the territory of the huge complex, for example, the view from the ferris wheel “sun of moscow”, vdnkh at a glance. well, the main thing the point of attraction these days is the largest, pavilion 75, where absolutely all regions of our vast homeland present their expositions, and today there are presentations of the tula, kostroma and ivanovo regions. yuri cherbakov was impressed. to live!
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russian style and this is the birthplace of the weapons of victorious warriors, the world-famous anti-aircraft missile and gun complex pantsir s1, the last line of air defense was created there. a unique opportunity to feel like part of the crew of the pantsir s1 combat vehicle. so, here is the chair commander, this is the operator’s chair in the role of which i act today. a missile was fired at us, it is indicated on the radar. we need to capture the target, press the button, the target is captured and then the missile is launched, then the oncoming missile goes off, then the automation operates , the target is destroyed, for more than a century the tula people have been cherishing the traditions of making russian samovars, passing on the secrets of craftsmanship from generation to generation, and of course , where without tula gingerbread, those wishing to take part in a master class on painting baked goods are welcome at pavilion. shuya, we love you! declaring
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your love for your cities at the exhibition has become a good tradition. shuya is a city in the ivanovo region, where the main christmas festival took place recently. what i am most proud of in the ivanovo region. i'm proud of the people. and these are not empty words. opposite the pavilion of the ivanovo region stands the kostroma forest, listed in unesco. among the large number of museum exhibits, multimedia screens shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, this part somehow stands out in a special way exposition. truly a gem. roma region, kologriv forest, they say that if you listen closely, you can feel the aroma of this forest, i don’t know how they managed it, that’s the technology, kostroma is the jewelry capital of russia, and this is also important, the lazy capital of russia, and also, and also the most magnificent cheese, and also the region, the cradle of the romanov house, the granddaughters of the fairy-tale wizard, everyone knows that the snow maiden helps santa claus in winter , and what does the snow maiden do in the summer and where?
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that's all for now, we are monitoring developments, and the information channel is on the first the program will continue, time will tell. hello, live on the first channel , the program time will tell, i’m artyom shenin, yesterday, and after a break associated with the holidays, starting our broadcast, i said that there is a feeling that, despite all that, the onset of a new calendar year - it's so strong enough...


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