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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 11, 2024 4:15am-4:58am MSK

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the level of responsibility, of course, a lot depends on the society where you each grew up, on the family, first of all, everything, everything from the family, it’s all genes, but i remember my mother’s stories, for example, about how her mother reacted , my grandmother to one or another of her actions, when she was still little, she was 7 years old, when she drove away a beggar there, and my grandmother said: what, catch up, return, feed, put to bed, fed in the morning, sent, you know, this we go from generation to generation, this is our genetic code of our multinational people, this is how it develops over the years, or i read letters from my grandfather, which, i already talked about this, he wrote a letter to his son in the active army, simple.
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a russian man, a peasant, writes with errors to his son, addresses you, you know, what an internal level of culture, and there he tells how his grandmother died, his wife, how the bullet hit, how she died in his arms, and how he punishes to my son to beat the nazis, here i am, this is an everyday letter, here i am reading this, you see, i realized that defeating such people are impossible, finally we returned to the topic of special operations, volunteers who help the front constantly receive threats from abroad, as for the threat, what are they sitting there behind the cordon, they work widely, often through automatic systems they send out to everyone in a row, this is us don’t frighten, let them think about themselves there, what they will eat tomorrow, what to wear, what to eat,
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europe is going through hard times, we are growing, and they are falling, well, now we won’t do this, these are details, we are not we're happy about it, no let's talk about it, but the fact, the fact remains a fact, and it is that it turned out that their dependence on us is greater than ours on them, and the main thing is that we... showed ourselves, well, the whole world, which is also not unimportant, this is that russia is a self-sufficient country, in every sense of the word, strong, moving forward, confidently looking forward, this is absolutely, this is the most important result of last year. konstantin, pavel likholetov, viktor golovin, ekaterina yarovenko, kirill loginov, the first channel about nadar. an hour ago the president arrived
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to khabarovsk, the second region in the far eastern trip program, well, from chukotka, where he worked today, signatures of residents in support of the movement of vladimir putin as a presidential candidate were delivered by regular flight to moscow. as reported at the election headquarters, signature sheets, meaning their first batch, have already been transferred from every single region of russia. report by anastasia kobazeva. signature sheets have been arriving at vladimir putin's election headquarters since the end of december, here is a new batch of twelve documents. subjects, now it is mainly far east. volunteers arrive one after another at gostiny dvor: buryatia, zabaikalsky, primorye territories, and chukotka. representatives of the delegation traveled a long way; the voluminous box was transported to the airport on an all-terrain vehicle, approximately the same one that the president used today to travel around anadar. and then the plane ride to moscow took 8.5 hours. we collected them in all rural settlements and made points everywhere. and if possible, the most.
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multinational, i see the preservation of our family values, it is no coincidence that this year declared the year of the family. vladimir vladimirovich is a real strong man, a leader. of our people always support youth, sports, and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle everywhere. vladimir putin, as a self-nominated candidate, needs to enlist the support of 300 thousand citizens, and this figure was overcome before the new year. the islands are us, sakhalin, and these are signatures for vladimir vladimirovich putin. the collected signatures in support of putin are immediately presented from kamchatka by the head of the delegation in the koryak national costume. here are three boxes.
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documents are sent for verification to the central election commission of russia; presidential elections will take place in march for the first time; they will last 3 days: march 15, 16 and 17. anastasia kobozeva, boris leonov, alexey dushenkov, irina chyuchuy, kirill danilov, channel one. the ldpr candidate, leonid slutsky, who did not need to collect signatures since his party is parliamentary, today in the stavropol territory gave a lecture at the local agricultural university on the international situation and the situation in the country and visited a large dairy.
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where several firing points have already been prepared. the goal of our fighters is to destroy the ukrainian armed forces stronghold and help the assault units move forward. another very effective weapon is fpv drones. a small quadcopter with a powerful warhead flies straight into the trench where the enemy infantry is hiding.
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scouts watch the operators' work from the air and help guide the drone precisely to the target. the white one ran into a pile of garbage. let me lead you, nose a little to the right. here. another strike destroyed the enemy mortar. the enemy's equipment is also targeted even while moving; the tank is hit at full speed. the crew of this ukrainian t-64 seemed to be lucky. after hitting demna, the combat vehicle continues to move. one of the tankers nevertheless decides to flee, as it turns out, not in vain. hitting against. a tank mine and the tank shatters into pieces, and this column of the armed forces of ukraine fell into the diesel sight of our paratroopers, one of the combat vehicles was hit by a guided missile from the carnet anti-tank missile system. the enemy is suffering heavy losses in equipment and manpower in the donetsk
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direction. enemy losses amounted to 280 troops, two tanks, two bradley infantry fighting vehicles, three cossack armored fighting vehicles. 15 vehicles in the kupinsky direction, our infantry is supported by the heavy flamethrower system solntsepper, a salvo of thermobaric charges burns out an area of ​​up to 40,000 km, destroying the most powerful fortifications. in these objective control footage, the crew of the sunburn destroys the ukrainian armed forces' support unit in the southern donetsk direction. the first is sighting, the second is right on target. in the last 24 hours alone, the armed forces of ukraine lost more than 870 servicemen killed and there are fewer and fewer wounded people willing to give their lives for zelensky’s bloody regime in ukraine. military commissars continue to forcibly capture future recruits. guys, you should have young men with square faces going to war, just imagine, it’s like this in every district, in every
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city, in every village. many ukrainian armed forces soldiers understand that the only chance to survive on the front line is to surrender. at the same time, not everyone wants to return to their homeland from this captivity, because they can be sent to the front again. this prisoner of war was given the opportunity to speak with mother, he said that he would stay in russia and take her with him. no, it’s not you who will take me, but i who will take you. why? because? mom, you yourself understand that i can’t go back there, to poland, to poland, son, no poland, no, i’ll go there, they’ll deport me to ukraine, in that direction, i can’t, mom, i don’t want to go there, anna prokofieva, victor overin, sergei prokofiev, channel one, our rimbat is operating at the front line, there are no problems with spare parts, they will take from donor wrecked ukrainian tanks and armored personnel carriers, and which one do the masters consider our technique? sergey panomariov found out the most reliable one. bad weather for them
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means there will be a lot of work. an evacuation armored vehicle is the best off-road tractor, and snowdrifts near artyomovsk are now hiding it, so this crew has one trip after another. sao 2 2s3. poor visibility, they flew off the road into the forest. we were called to say that the thrust force on this winch is 30 tons. we pulled her out, well, literally there, it was even less than half an hour. his unit of the forty-ninth army, nearby from the front line, everything works, everything is closed , about a dozen specialists, they jokingly call themselves fixers, they are constantly fixing everything there, we get it too, we fix everything, instead of warm hangars there are a couple of sheds, there is also a warehouse with spare parts and tools, there is everything from chainsaws to air filters, and the frosts are like that. i don’t even pay attention, but there are warm clothes, when you work, you don’t even feel it, today
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a t-90 breakthrough arrived for maintenance, they checked the barrel wedge, after intense shooting it was necessary to lubricate the machine gun, the technicians they say that they immediately fell in love with the new product of the ural carriage works, with the abundance of electronics , a breakthrough is simply in the repair, climbed where necessary, did everything , assembled, disassembled everything, so good , yes, in my opinion, the best that has now been invented on this planet, as far as its strong armor can be seen on the starboard side, the tank you... anything will do for such welding work, so don’t throw anything away; our soldiers, as it is not surprising, are supplied with spare parts by the ukrainian army. for example, this ukrainian t-72 was evacuated from the battlefield, it cannot be restored
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it worked out, but all kinds of parts were removed from it, already used on our tanks, what remained were these dynamic protection blocks, ukrainian, they are not suitable for our tanks, but the repairmen came up with the idea of ​​​​using them on anti-drone visors, the so-called barbecues, which protect against drones, very they give us a lot, so to speak, and ammunition, that is, we really like to take it. engineers have a desire to take western equipment from the battlefield, but they have not yet encountered entire vehicles; we recently took out ours the car, damaged, flew off on a caterpillar ; there was an american bradley there, but the decision was made not to evacuate him ; there was nothing really left of him, just a chassis, roughly speaking, and wide open.
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from belgorod, which suffered from ukrainian shelling, the first group of primary school students went to voronezh , 3 weeks ahead in health camps, all conditions for study, recreation, sports , a quiet life, away from the shells with which kiev purposefully hits peaceful cities. the holidays haven't ended yet, the school corridors are already bustling, backpacks and travel bags are packed, junior high school students are waiting for buses, i’ve wanted to go to camp for a very long time and i’m very glad that i’m going there, there are a lot of acquaintances, friends and good emotions, i’m glad in general that there is such an opportunity, of course, it’s a turbulent time, but uh , with hope for the best, the child is happy, satisfied, it will be january 21, 9, the second grade will celebrate his birthday there, so what. you can say he got such a gift for his birthday, it really is a gift, the parents say, belgorod is being shelled from the territory
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ukraine, that’s why we have collected lists of those who want to send their children to other regions from schools, we are sending our daughter to the camp in such a difficult time, thank you for this opportunity, that it is possible to send the child to a more so to speak, quiet place for safety, so that everything will be fine, it will be so that's right, i count 93 children from first to fourth grade on buses, they are accompanied by adults... fine furniture, four people in a room, in general, ordinary camp conditions, central heating, room temperature 24°, plastic double-glazed windows, so it’s very warm here, we have a gym, we’ve come up with entertainment and excursions, psychologists will work with the children if necessary, schoolchildren are met by volunteers from the ministry of emergency situations, they are taken in groups to the building, we arrived perfectly, we were met everywhere, everything is wonderful, everything is wonderful,
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fed, entertained, 8 years ago i left donetsk, now i’ve arrived. here we go again to belgorod, i’m taking children, it’s not scary to save, but we will win, the first group of children from belgorod has already arrived in voronezh in the camp itself. ready for their arrival, they were accompanied by 20 teachers and more medical workers, first of all they brought the children to dinner, bon appetit, thank you, hello, mom, i’ve arrived, timur, like many whom he met on the bus, liked the views the most from the window, he says there is more snow in voronezh than in belgorod, are you glad that you came here, last night i couldn’t sleep, boom, right at night somewhere nearby there was a boom, right, i jumped up and ran to my dad to sleep, katya and ksyusha twins, the girls are in a great mood,
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they’ve already made friends with everyone and say that here are going to have a fun time here in belgorod. loudly, well, rockets are flying, recently , every day i flew to the city center , the sisters talk about the shelling on december 30, when ukrainian terrorists so vilely and inhumanly hit belgorod with cluster munitions on new year’s eve, people died, after these events the governor of the belgorod region glotkov made a decision on parents’ desire to send their children to camps in other regions, i am very grateful to our... we send our medical workers ministry of education, control must be constant. in addition to voronezh, children
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will be accepted in health camps in several other regions: yaroslavl, tula, lipetsk and tambov. in the evening we set off from belgorod to kaluga again. you can launch satellites from the station, a satellite was released, it will burn out in six months, if you want more, you need to raise the orbit , this thing can raise it 200 km, secondly, in the event of an emergency, separation from the station, such a unit can return the astronaut, the control system, which will allow you to return to station, here may be the most important thing, the control system, in general, all domestic software was created by students
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of an advanced engineering school on the basis of the oldest engineering university in the country named after bauman. this is what modern science looks like, which was discussed today at the government coordination center at a strategic session dedicated to the development of engineering universities. strengthening the technological sovereignty of our country, economic, industrial, financial sovereignty, all this is impossible without modern science. thanks to the measures government support, industrial companies were able to adapt to difficult conditions to reduce dependence on foreign components and equipment.
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serve as an example for all other educational organizations. in particular, in the agricultural industry, these include the temirazev academy, in the aviation industry, in the nuclear industry, mifi, the moscow engineering physics institute, the formative system for the machine tools industry, stankin. the flagship of engineering education in the country, bauman moscow university, over the last six months, they have been actively adjusting the very approaches to education, which later will be able to be adopted by educational institutions in all regions in... states, it is our responsibility to provide input both in terms of personnel and development. the transformation of engineering education is a natural and inevitable process, because right
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now the very idea of ​​engineering is radically changing. software engineering appeared, that is, about engineering in the field of it. the engineering of living systems appeared. all experts, without exception, rightly note that artificial intelligence, it transforms many types of activities and will change work in enterprises. in many areas. this future has already arrived, take agriculture for example, now is the era of digital farming, the agronomist is now increasingly a robot that monitors the condition of the soil itself, decides where to apply what kind of fertilizer. for example, ordinary schoolchildren and students learned to create such smart drones from the frame to the filling at the advanced engineering school at tomsk state university, and this is the robot dusya, created there, that can move on snow, on water, not will drown in a swamp, will not get stuck in branches in the forest, works according to the words: developers take five times longer than a regular hexocopter, can perform the functions of a search engine, radiation meter, polar explorer, geologist, in an advanced engineering school on the basis of
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the pirogov national research university they created our equipment for deciphering dna, with which you can , among other things, determine the type of coronavirus, new times, new solutions. now the world is going through another stage of changing technological structures, which leads to transformation.
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head of the russian direct investment fund kirill dmitriev. the proposal was made at the future minerals forum in riyadh. saudi arabia, along with the united arab emirates, iran, egypt and ethiopia, joined brix this year. on the basis of this association, dmitriev proposed creating a fund for strategic investments. russia ranks second in the world in reserves of rare earth metals, third in casting. the consumer needs the shortest northern sea route. its turnover over the past year increased by a quarter of a million tons and significantly. now many of our partners are interested in the northern sea route, which is
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part of russia. in fact, the northern sea route is the fastest route from europe to asia through our seas, traffic has already increased 10 times, will increase another five times, but only joint investments can really guarantee the success of this project, because there are many useful deposits in these places fossils and metals that are possible. turned out to be unsuccessful and does not work, wrote in a comment for the slovak newspaper pravda robert fitz, who returned to the prime minister's chair last fall. with a high
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probability, weapons and money will continue to flow into ukraine for some time, but to no avail; it is politically impossible for its patrons to openly admit the fallacy of the adopted strategy. in 2-3 years we will be where we are now. the european union alone may lose 50 billion euros; in ukraine, the cemetery will be replenished with thousands. dead soldiers. common sense, unfortunately, does not win, although it tells us to immediately declare a truce and sit down at the table negotiations it is obvious that the waste of human resources and money will not worsen russia’s negotiating position, on the contrary, it will strengthen it, because in a few years the international community will also begin to retreat in the face of reality. zelensky, meanwhile, flew around the baltic countries; in vilnius, he already uttered two familiar but non-working mantras, but at least one.
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interestingly, the germans are mostly understanding about the cancellation of trains, as well as traffic jams, report by ivan blagov: the meeting of the minister of agriculture with citizens in community of erlenbach, this state of baden-württenberg clearly did not go according to plan, disappear into resignation, as noted by the zeit publication, members of the green party, fellow party members of the minister, were seated in the front rows in front of the stage, they applauded, in fact, acting as clackers, it did not help, get out, the minister
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had to leave the building.
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1% of germans, while in settlements with less than 5,000 inhabitants , almost 90% sympathize with farmers. and just like that , today a nationwide strike began in the railway transport. train drivers are demanding a reduction in working hours and an increase in wages. berlin is the main station, with a minimum of passengers at this level we are generally alone. there is an emergency schedule on german railways until friday evening, about 80% of which have been cancelled. all long-distance trains. focus magazine publishes an interesting article that allows you to look at the protests, as they say, in context. germany is named as the main loser country after ukraine from the military conflict with russia. to please the americans, the economic communications. the future is scary. if the americans do cut off supplies, germany will have to spend about 16% of the federal budget for 2024 to provide ukraine with the same support that the united states provided it in
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2023. otherwise, according to the author of the kiev article, military defeat cannot be avoided. to understand, german farmers are up in arms for trying to save only a billion euros on them. the journalist invites his homeland to rethink foreign policy and prepare for life without an american guardian, who, as he writes that he is obviously weakening. ivan the good, dmitry volkov, lyubov dmitrieva, dalia serzhidinova, alexander anonichev, channel one. and just about the guardian, biden’s son hunter caused a storm in congress, from where he silently left instead of answering the question about involvement. president of the united states in the business operations of his relatives, who traded in his name around the world. another topic in the capitol is the hospitalization of the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin cancer. at the end of december he underwent surgery, but complications began on january 1st. biden didn't know until last friday that osenin was in the hospital, and until yesterday morning what the diagnosis was. now they will sort it out. the minister decided not to share this with his supreme commander, or the white house was aware of it, but did not report it to biden.
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the largest shipment of cocaine from latin america in recent years has been detained in the large port of st. petersburg. about a thousand briquettes, about a kilogram each, were hidden in the upper part of the cargo module of the container that arrived from. nicaragua. the detention was carried out by customs officers together with employees federal security service. on the black market, the value of illegal cargo exceeds 11 billion rubles. the owners are being sought for drug smuggling on a particularly large scale. and this is another level of the drug threat. in the south american country of ecuador, a gang of international traders has unleashed open terror. who they are, what they are trying to achieve, where they started and what they are doing in response. live hostage taking, an analytical talk show after the news, right before the eyes of tv viewers, turns into a crime reality show. the broadcast is interrupted by those who burst into studio bandits armed with revolvers,
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shotguns, hand grenades, the presenter evenly tries to reason with the raiders, an audible shot. at this point, the tesse tv channel program is interrupted, but soon the bandits begin their own, now on social networks.
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two policemen were killed in kiveda, law enforcement officers were taken hostage, their car was blown up. total terror is the answer of organized crime to president naboa, he has been in power for less than six months, but has already begun a war on crime, outlawing members of twenty-two cartels at once, their equated to terrorists, arrest orders for those who can be destroyed and those who cannot be destroyed. the authorities' patience ran out when the leader, sentenced to a thirty-four-year sentence, disappeared from prison without a trace. marcies. during the next prison roll call of the largest group in the country, adolf was not found. and now the country, according to the president, is in a state of internal armed conflict. everyone probably already understands that a state of emergency in itself will not change anything. the president brings in
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the army. the previous government introduced state of emergency, it seems, 22 times and it didn’t help. the current authorities have to take more stringent measures and use the armed forces. the army says none. there was a riot in five correctional institutions, terrible footage, bandits weighing and shooting guards. unfortunately, the ecuadorian penitentiary system is not very professional. the fact that many police officers were taken hostage is also, in general, an indicator of the negative quality of the work of the law enforcement system. in anticipation of what the president promised on the twenty-fourth the year of the referendum, which was supposed to give the army the official status of protecting law and order, it turned out that in the end this is happening without a referendum. in recent years, crime in ecuador has grown steadily,
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the country has become one of the regional leaders in the number of murders, one of the most high-profile was the shooting last summer of presidential candidate fernando villa vicencio, a famous journalist and anti-corruption fighter, right in the capital, right after an election rally. not so long ago in general in 2016 ecuador was in the top in second place among the safest countries in latin america, when the drug trade was pushed out of colombia, it moved to peru, when it was pushed out or pushed into peru, it moved from peru, mexico and ecuador. ecuador has not traditionally been a major leader in drug trafficking, but these had to go somewhere. ecuador is offered by neighbors, near and far.
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russia, almost a million guests visited it during the new year holidays alone. the main point of attraction is pavilion 75, where all regions of our country present their achievements. today these are the tula, kostroma and ivanovo regions. yuri sherbakov also visited there. what would you live for? russia. russia. known throughout the country, a native of the tula region, the shaman is sung along by the entire audience. on the regional day at the russia exhibition, he could not stay in the country, like people's artist vladimir mashkov. tula is the city where i was born, where i was lucky to see. the world, this city from which the lives of my great-grandfathers,
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my father’s grandfathers began, this is the city where my heart is, if you want to learn to understand russia, start chairs, governor alexey likes to repeat dyuminovo field is the first military field of russia, it was there that a strong state began to emerge, which is capable of defending itself and repelling the enemy, the region is the birthplace of the russian. russian spirit, russian spirit, and this homeland of weapons of victorious warriors, the world-famous anti -aircraft missile and gun complex pantsir s1, the last line of air defense, created there a unique opportunity to feel like part of the crew of the pantsir s1 combat vehicle. so, here is the commander's chair, here is the operator's chair in the role which i am speaking today has been issued for us. a missile, it is marked on the red radar, you need to lock on the target
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, press the button, the target is captured, and then the missile launches , then the oncoming missile goes, then the automation operates, the target is destroyed, for more than a century tuliks have been preserving the traditions of making russian samovars, passing on the secrets of craftsmanship from generation to generation, and of course, where would we be without tula gingerbread, a master class on baking baked goods in the pavilion, it was baked with love, brought with love, by everyone... the costume was painted with love by shuya, we we love you, confessing your love to your small homeland at an exhibition has long become a good tradition. shuya is a city in the ivanovo region, an ancient russian spiritual center, which a few days ago hosted guests of the country's main christmas festival. those who do not live in the regional center, show up, raise your hands, that’s a lot. according to the ministry of transport, we are in so-called normal condition, but the roads are between cities, i emphasize. more than 95%. this is one of
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the best indicators in russia. against pavilion of the ivanovo region - kostroma forest. the nature reserve is included in the unesco list. among the large number of museum exhibits, multimedia screens shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, this part of the exhibition somehow stands out in a special way. indeed, the pearl of the kostroma region, the kologriv forest, they say that if you listen closely, you can feel the aroma of this forest. i don’t know how they managed it, that’s the technology. and another pearl of the kostroma region - the russian national ballet kostroma. i came to say many thanks to the region, kostrama, the national ballet of kostrama, which actively participates in various humanitarian events of a cultural and humanitarian nature, concerts and festivals join various brix events, everyone in the world already knows this ballet and is associated with our country.
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new season, another episode, zos, listen
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, let’s make a change, um, if you want, we’ll get a dog, really, just don’t give up on yourself, you’re young, smart, beautiful, yes, you’re very beautiful. very, and this one we let’s clean it up, get tested, and i’ll get eduard borisovich’s permission for you. my position at the institute has changed and could get worse at any moment. so you can’t delay the operation, these are igor’s books , i wanted to take him to his mother, forget about zorin, in general everything connected with him, books, everything, you need to throw them in the trash, that’s the way it is, you need
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to start a new life, everything will be fine, i... you will meet a good guy, you will live peacefully happily. give me beauty and another spring. i love you. just like before, forgive my dream, even if i leave, i will stay with you forever, i will stay with you forever, i will stay with you forever.


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