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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  January 11, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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let me take your suitcase, oh, so follow me, hello, hello , where is klavdia efimovna, from this barney, of course, from whom, gloves, imported ones and hockey tickets, and what? is happening, what
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is happening? the special ward is busy, and we have a very important patient, svetlana gennadievna, so in our department, in principle, there are no free rooms, all operations are scheduled for six months in advance, i understand that the person flew in specially from the soch, but what can i do, what do i drag a banquette from the corridor, clearly, clearly, about... you came up with a good idea, but i didn’t come up with anything, pashenka, i’m a good administrator, an elderly patient has pathological opium, but i allocated her a separate room, again, good afternoon , hello guys, come in, hello , hello, we’re moving this bed over there along the wall, if you’ll allow it, of course, we’ll put the second bed from the corridor in this place, i’m already doing it, yeah.
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please, settle down, get acquainted, and you are ready, diana davidovna, come in, with what, i’m going to a circular lift, and so, to in any case, you have my home number, call at any time, and i once again apologize for the money.
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responsibility for her life, this is bad, no, this is good, but for authoritarian people this can develop into overprotection, a suppressive personality, and this is already bad, you want to say that i force her to have an operation, i want to say that i give permission to operate on patients, not their relatives, even if these relatives hired me.
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what if we remove the bandage at your home? do you want to write it for me? yes, but i'll get you visit every day. really, will you? well, of course, of course. until you are fully recovered. ok. so even better. are you looking for someone? yes, i need to get permission for a psychiatrist to operate, can you tell me where his office is, i’m a little lost, i ’ll even accompany you, oh, thank you, and i just returned from sochi this morning, and it’s such a mess here, my head is spinning, you live in sochi, now yes,
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my husband, the chief architect of lazarevsky, yeah, come there to relax, we have such beaches, it’s simply impossible to leave them. yes it we know, i have relatives there, yes , yeah, what a coincidence, but be careful with the beaches, the sun is an insidious thing, really, but i thought the sun only did good, in the last century it was fashionable to be pale, and ladies drank vinegar, now it’s fashionable burn yourself in the sun, well, fashion has nothing to do with it, i am dark-skinned by nature, you have a beautiful skin color. i won’t tell you now, i’ll tell you in the evening, topic , i won’t tell you now, go do your homework, i still can’t talk, svetlana, this is a disgrace, what happened again, why are you hiding
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your best shots from me, diana davidna, yes, brostya, just diana, i want armen ashutovich to operate on me, i put... the preobrazhensky lion grigorievich for this operation, and that there is no way to change him, probably you can just transform him, that’s great, they assured me that at your institute everything doctors are simply magicians, that’s what diana davidovna is. boys, i came, hello, wow, bananas, and also sprats, and also balyk and even instant
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coffee, i went to the grocery store through an acquaintance, but the most important thing is that, dad! dad, tickets to hockey, our season finale is playing against the czechs, great, really, where did you get them, they sold out in six months, well, by the way, i’m now a big boss, sorry that we’re meeting without an orchestra, well, really, you’re not going, i got them for you. i know how much you love hockey, let's go, let's go, yes, artyom, well, well, get up, drop, so, quietly, quietly, against the truant,
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yes, i'm listening, svetlana gennadievna, this is impossible, i don't sleep all night. what's happened? this woman, my neighbor, she snores like a bulldozer. i can not do it anymore. okay, excuse me, i'll be right there. who is this? forgive me, but this is a disgrace. i still hoped for a normal relationship. i understood, i’ll come now, i’ll figure it all out. sorry, please, again, crazy. i urgently need
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to work off a ticket to the clinic, my lover again can’t sleep without you. what are you saying? what are you saying? it's for work! “stop making an idiot out of me, stop it, it’s still clear, anonymous is, then suddenly such a position, because of it you can call your husband out of bed in the middle of the night”? these tickets, i went like an idiot, don’t yell, don’t yell, please, you understand that artyom is sleeping, listen, you don’t give a damn about your son, you don’t care about your family, you thought you were going to buy me with this stupid hockey, like your henchman bought you, and threw preobrazhensky himself out of his position, why did you get him like that, yes , you’re right, i need to go and work off these tickets, because the patient who called just now gave them to me, dear, don’t suffer like that, we’ll do without your victims, okay?
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why didn’t they resolve this issue with klavdeya efimovna? i didn’t even get through. will there actually be an operation, or will something else happen tomorrow? i feel just some poor relative. diana davidovna. well, that means we're going to the nurse's room. like in the nurse's room, isn't it supposed to be there? yes, indeed, where anya davidovna would be uncomfortable.
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i don’t need help, yaana, well, what about you, come in, settle down, relax, it’s late, good night, plan, but this is necessary, but no plan, it just happened, i’m not efimovna at all, you’re a terrible person, so insidious , i imagined that she would personally lose her mind in the middle of the night, this is such concern for the patient that it would drive you crazy, you know, this is too much, you’re in i know that dronova is gathering you on issues of new equipment, which, by the way, i was still knocking out, it seems to me that you are playing too much, comrades, and i’ll say more, i’m ashamed of you
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, invite vanyan mikhailova, okay, maybe we got the time mixed up, right to 12. exactly, it’s already halfway, i asked you to get ready. to talk about the new surgical equipment that
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arrived today, but since the time allocated for this has already expired, i will say briefly: now we will use a laser knife, we will study on the spot, allow you introduce, candidate of medical sciences, alena bolitskaya, an employee of her who developed laser knives, she will conduct training. hello, m... first of all, i will ask you to raise your hands for those who plan to work with a laser knife? nobody? svetlana gennadievna, excuse me, my team and i will discuss this issue and we will decide everything. no, lev grigorievich, i want to know here now, is there anyone who wants to master the new equipment? alen, you are
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a surgeon? yes, in general, i am a maxillofacial surgeon, and i was invited to test laser scalpel. this is wonderful, tell me, would you like to work full-time at our institute? we really need young surgeons with new skills. thank you, gennadievna. proposal, yes, this is excellent , everything has been decided, i want to remind you, comrades, that we have no irreplaceable people here, everyone is free and have a good day. what are you doing? what am i doing? i am fulfilling my immediate duties. you're minding your own business. i will not allow you to hire and
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fire employees in my department. let's agree. do you have cosmetology and you you do it, you massage your chins, you put cucumbers on... your eyes, there is so much contempt for cucumbers, i’m not even going to delve into all these matters, i’m in charge of surgery and you don’t meddle in there, it won’t do, i’m the head doctor in this hospital, and none of your past merits influence this circumstance in any way. alena bolitskaya is an excellent specialist and has a bright future in this hospital. you can be a very good boss, you know what, a good boss won’t hire employees like that out of impotence. "what a hypocrite you are, preobrazhensky, what do you think, i don't i see what’s happening, you persuaded the whole team to put a spoke in my wheels, it ’s vile, you’re just, you’re going to ruin my institute, lev grigorievich, i’m not detaining you anymore
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.” are you going to therapy? do you mean for permission? how do you know "your brother already asked me for it, he didn't even tell you? it doesn't matter, i really need it. this is an operation, i was hoping that you would choose therapy, let me find out what happened, the groom left, it's cruel, i'm not asking you to analyze my actions, i ask you just sign this
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permission. you understand that the operation will not help you anyway, so let’s check, good afternoon, lev grigorievich, i’m following you, sergei sergeevich is waiting for you, yes, but i’m having an operation now.
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it’s normal that you’re having an exacerbation now, i got some imported ointment, yesterday it seemed to feel a little better, how are you going to have the operation?
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a circular lift, a standard operation, will last no more than an hour. well, i ’ll hold out for an hour, jonos, hello, good to see you, you see, comrade kash. i told you we have a surprise for you. leva, what's going on? not worry, but simply, i recommended you as the best specialist in votoplasty, we need it. your hands for a matter of national importance, leo, it was very intriguing,
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they come for me, don’t explain anything, they say that they will call my wife themselves, after all, ilsa and i are leaving for the gdr, completely, i thought they took me because of this, to the gdr ? sorry, buddy, i didn’t know, but no one but you can really do this. “jonos, don’t worry, everything will be fine, you just complete the task and leave calmly, here is your permission to departure, but it will be a little later, i thought that something was going to happen, or someone would get sick, or we would forget something." or like now, believe me, this is a unique case, but don’t you dreamed of this
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, what will my ilse say? let's get started, fix the time of the incision. listen , everything is in order, armenianovich, she said that dark skin by nature is a tan, a lack of collagen and elastin, extremely loose tissue, the muscular neurotic part is also thinned, the nerve will it’s difficult. i know, maybe i should call you for help? no need, i can handle it, standard surgery, it'll just take a little longer, uh-huh, listen, uh-huh,
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where's the patient? this ward, and she is still undergoing surgery, until now, the operation has been going on for more than 5 hours, levonyan said that it is not complicated, where is preobrazhensky, he left, as he left, i’m in the operating room, you find mikhailov. arman, do you want to help you? no, sorry, everything's fine now, just a second. tell
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dronov, quickly! breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe, stamp at the reception. lev grigorievich, what happened? yes, quickly follow me into the operating room, i clamp the vessel, but so
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bleeding, where is everyone? thank god, i couldn’t sew up her clamp, the fabric is worn out from...
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go, you’re just in the way, okay, hold on, come in, we’re done, everything’s fine, okay. okay, light, you almost left your patient with a paralyzed face, this is from her , it’s none of your business, it’s a friendly gift, they are not your friends, light, if you don’t resist the thieves’ patients, they will destroy you, you won’t even notice when the trap slams shut
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and there is nothing left for you. except to serve their whims, which will only grow, you are you worried about me? i’m worried about the institute, where are you going, i need to go, to hockey , they won’t let you in with this, it’s not your thing... i’ll exchange it before the match, well, yes, you promised, you’ll think of something, who’s going to give us these tickets now? he’ll let me in, well, let’s at least try, but we’ll always have time to be in need, cat, but i don’t even want to try, i’d better
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go straight home. well, forgive me , please forgive me, and svetlana gennadievna, i’m sorry it took so long, but the issue with tickets for the match has been resolved, as you asked, sit down, i’ll take you , why are you going, mom, we’re going to hockey, well, that means we’re going to a hockey game, but can i jump in in front? thank you, be careful, be careful.
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and the swelling is still there, but this is normal, the bruises will go away faster, overall you are doing very well.
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“excuse me, but you, you are also alone, yes, i am also alone, you will come again, of course, you are my patient, i am obliged to monitor how the recovery is going.” so here are your seats, three next to each other, it’s great, i thought we wouldn’t wait for you this season, there’s such a surprise with the family, have a nice evening, you’ll stay,
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for the first period, come on, come on, come on, come on, let's! remove them at such a moment, of course, remove him,
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he gave him a stick in the hand, right, what is it? lord, it’s no wonder that men have a mortality rate from heart attacks, given that ours are leading. good evening, good evening, is lev grigorievich still at the institute? lev grigorievich left, left,
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a long time ago, yes, he left a long time ago, yes, of course, thank you. good mother, it’s true, it’s a pity that dad didn’t come, next time we won’t go without him,
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okay, well done, young, small!
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well, what dreams are we going to watch? magical, well, count to ten. 1 2 3 4 laser, why do you know that the operation will take place according to my protocol, laser knife for the next operation. starting tomorrow, my
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cosmetics bag is starting new anti-aging masks with black caviar for you girls without a queue, of course you’re great, bloomer, but wraps are yesterday, they’re 20 years old. you won’t take it off, but look how you like it, hmm , you know french, i don’t, but they translated it for me , you see the photo, this is before, and this is after, and it’s effective without any operations, and have you heard anything about silicone injections ? - anything i i heard, then we need to implement it, launch a person into space, here, what is this? we
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don’t have this drug in our country, we’ll have to take it from them, what are you talking about, it’s a whole thing, it takes months, if not years, first the ministry of health, then certification, but it’s already easier to launch a person into space, well, there are options if you put your head to it . that is, it’s like smuggling without a certificate from the ministry of health? my husband says diplomats call this individual import. lara knows where to get this silicone in paris. and i can arrange to send this back through batumi. now you don’t have to do anything, all you have to do is give injections. you are at our institute of beauty, and at the ministry of health too. women work, they will close their eyes if necessary, no
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, i can’t do that, are you scared, yes, if we do everything carefully, it won’t hurt your nose, you understand that this is really dangerous, my dear, it’s good to be a nurse if i say that this drug is necessary means it is necessary. you’ll spread your black caviar on the bread, if , of course, you have some left, fly, my bird, i’m waiting for you on thursday. two, i
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i know what you did with my back, you took the cover out of it, you did it, i feel them, but what is it, but i feel dizzy, which happens to me when i stand up suddenly. but it’s okay, now i, now i’ll take tea with canteen sugar, everything will pass, wait, no canteens, i need to measure the pressure, i’ll use a stanometer.
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good afternoon, this is from burdenko that is bothering you, a messenger has come to you for makovskaya’s documents, please prepare a medical history, give us a request, what kind of request is from burdenko, a piece of paper with a signature. "you you know, what stupidity, i, i, when i approached you, only, i, i realized that i forgot my bag on the tram, what kind of young people are they like?" in our time, would you try to lose your documents? yes, yes, they have already driven me away they themselves are confusing everything, yesterday they gave the wrong house number , i arrive at the address, and there is a bathhouse for men, can you imagine? i can imagine, imagine, well, without asking, well, as an exception, didn’t they call you, didn’t they call you that i
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would come? well, please , let your boss call the drone, i won’t give it to you without her orders. and kharitonova, you’re littering with documents again, you’ve made a mess, and what are you standing there, a machine gun on the street around the corner, our phone isn’t supposed to be used, what we fought for, dancing is all on my mind, there’s a drain on my head, my head is empty, i thought it was just me i'm so damn lucky, but it turns out they're everywhere. aritonov, i asked, pubs for a bandik, it seems to me that this is too deep, how many such operations have you carried out, how many? that's too much, sometimes it's even worse, you'll teach me that if
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you don't hit all the scar tissue, the result will be bad. yes, by the way, andrei ivanovich, i've been wanting to ask how is that girl doing for a long time? it's thursday, we have big plans for it. we will celebrate the day of reserves and national parks of russia, visit unique corners of our country, remember how you can use maternity capital, figure out what is hidden behind the phrase “public offer” is not, and what the law says about this, learn how to properly get rid of
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unnecessary things, we will clear the yard of snow from the entire yard. well now, right now, morning warm-up. a fitness trainer, margarita kuznetsova, is already waiting for us. take the children, there will be funny. good morning, you promised yourself that from now on you will start your day with gymnastics. it’s easier to establish a new habit if you do it as a family. this is what we do with our daughters. girls, so as not to disturb each other, we stand in a checkerboard pattern. bend your right leg, raise your thigh until it is parallel to the floor, at the same time raise your left arm up to the side, return to the starting position, continue to practice, alternating the positions of your arms and legs, do not deviate to the sides to make it easier to maintain the position, look in front yourself. now let’s complicate the exercise,
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one by one. by lifting your leg, jump up a little, like this, the exercise is suitable for a daily warm-up, just don’t do it on a full stomach, it can sting your side, we do it every day, and good company will help you not to be lazy, thank you, dear tv viewers, for greet us this good morning, in general, let's say thank you to each other more often, especially since this word is the hero of the day today, because january 11 is international thank you day, but actually i it seems worth saying it any day, because there can never be too much thank you, but why is it
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beautiful, a kind word, thank you, we have known the magic word thank you since childhood, borya gave me a game. soft rubber to play with, and i thanked him for that, i said thank you when they said what a very beautiful dress i had, to my mother after breakfast, the scrambled eggs were delicious, at this age no one doubts , the more often you thank, the better, one might say thank you five times, 30, probably 500, for adults the limit is much less, we talk and write thank you seven times a day in messages in general as soon as it was not abbreviated thanks, then spс remained, then three letters replaced the emoticon, now it’s simple. we set a reaction to a message, a trend since the 2000s, then we saved symbols in text messages, now we save time, can an emoticon replace
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the word thank you, i think it can, because it is generally recognized, and we all already read some emoticons as thanks, i added hands everyone understands this, also on the roads everyone understands, the emergency light blinked, thanked anna istomina has been driving for 14 years, i noticed that the number of polite drivers has decreased, everyone thinks that he is in charge and they must let him through. count for yourself, in half an hour on the way the woman missed seven cars, only two winked. and they waved their hand and blinked the emergency lights. looks like it's time to start gratitude journals. olga bushlanova has been writing down before going to bed for several years now, for which she can say thank you to the passing day to everyone who was in it. this is a popular practice in psychology. in this way, we teach the brain to focus on the positive in life. second function diary - pump up the gratitude muscle. today they just wrote... tomorrow they thanked us in the moment, we and the recipient are pleased when we say thank you, when we receive this gratitude, yes, we
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experience the same emotions, our body produces dopamine and serotonin, we launched good morning on social networks flash mob and heard dozens of thanks, thanks to my grandmother who knitted warm winter mittens for me, thanks to santa claus for a year's supply of sweets, a new year's miracle happened to albert prudnikov on the eve of the holiday lost. in the wallet there is a driver 's license, bank cards, i immediately thought how i would recover, but soon he received a transfer for 10 rubles and an attached message with a phone number resourcefully, i found your bag on the street, write, let's arrange a meeting, i found i lost bogdan terletsky, when he delivered the online order, he returned everything, thank you very much, you are simply handsome, we are sure you also have someone to tell, thank you right now, thank you. thank you, thank you, thank you very much, alena astrakhantseva, mikhail karasev, victor namunka, channel one. well, now, let's
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look on the internet and see what's new there. our columnist yegor uspensky has already selected the most interesting videos for us. our parade of world wide web celebrities opens with a feline from sweden who leads a healthy lifestyle. she runs with her owner every day to the races, according to him. over the years of running activity, the cat has never lost to the owner himself. and these are two domestic dogs bella and leah from australia. they love to sleep outside in the shade of trees. hosts they made them this special door through which the dogs take all their bedding out into the yard. 3 million users are wondering why they can’t sleep at home. in the british county of cumbria there lives a pheasant who has been helping a farmer herd sheep for several years. every morning, a man drives the herd out to the field, and feathers runs alongside and makes sure that the ungulates do not scatter,
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after which the pheasant goes on about his business. and finally about art, teacher from china zhou funzian draws these pictures with chalk on the blackboard. for every job it takes no more than 10 minutes. the only pity is that these works of art are not durable; you just need to run a rag across the board and the beauty is erased. well, you can draw a new one. doctor preobrazhensky, new episodes, watch after the program time. you and i are just friends, the bird is now free, but wants to go back into the cage, if we lose our memory, we will choose each other again, kill me, don’t look for me, no more. at parties you draw old pictures, this is the sky for you, these stars are for you, this is the sun,
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it shines only for you, it is snowing, it is snowing, everything is shimmering and floating, the very first new year, tomorrow. on the first. previously, in every yard there was a hockey rink or a skating rink was simply filled in, the kids played hockey on it, but now they only sit on gadgets. probably, those who think so are a little unaware. today they play hockey in the yards, and how? it can be said to be back in fashion, and this is the case when fashion can only be welcomed. the season for outdoor hockey matches is open. no skates or puck needed in udmurtia, they have been playing the old-fashioned valenki for many years now.
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recently it began to be called hockey on valenki. actually, during soviet times. it was just hockey , but hockey without skates, without pucks, the main thing is that there was a stick, that there were friends, that there were goals, and the desire to play, like alexander ivanov, that in childhood, that now, when we were little guys, i played also in the goal position, we played in felt boots, i had foam pads and a bib, of course we played with a plastic protective puck goalie mask, well, my dad bought me a real goalie stick, for me it was near...
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january in russia they celebrate the day of
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national park reserves. the date was not chosen by chance. on this day in 1917 , the first nature reserve in russia, burguzinsky, was founded in buryatia. today in our country there are 103 nature reserves and 49 national parks with a total area of ​​203 million hectares. we are not able to fly around this entire vast space, but we will look somewhere right now. walk ten kilometers along a snow-covered road to see everything with your own eyes. march throw according to kurst kokhsa, dancing forest. the wild boar comes out, so good, kind, however , you can’t go everywhere, in specially protected or in a protected area, for example, red book species of birds can nest, or our large dumnaya large ridge, open
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white dunes, this is the most valuable vulnerable element of the landscape of the kursk spit , one step, a human can move several tons of sand. you can walk in the recreational area; there are seven pedestrian paths and three tourist routes. we saw a fox running and even running up to people. this is the best ladder. trees completely different, the air is completely different, it all looks more beautiful, of course, under the snow. a snow-covered forest is always special; in the kerzhensky reserves, even skis are issued to visitors in winter. they are needed to walk through the forest, and you can use these. even beginners can handle it, look at the snowy forest, look, find animals, dig someone out in a snowdrift. the kerzhensky nature reserve in the nizhny novgorod region is almost 47 hectares, you can get here only with a permit, it will be done at the eco-center. there are several routes, in winter skiing through the forest and walking to the animals, you can see deer. here is the deer, lena and leo the fawn, they are so
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cute, they have beautiful antlers. they walk close, you can look at them, they’re so cool, deer were brought here in 2014, in the kerzhensky nature reserve there are also squirrels, foxes, wolves, bears, so it’s better not to turn off the cross-cut trail. in russia there are 236 territories with a special environmental status , more than 10 million people visit them every year, you can’t just walk and relax there, for example, kamchatka, kronovsky nature reserve, if you go off the path near the geysers, you can fall into boiling water. vladivostok, the land of the leopard will meet the wild beast. here you can only walk with a guide and along the path or sit in ambush also with a guide, for this there is also everything you need, in particular special photo shelters in which you can sit for several days in comfortable conditions and wait for a meeting, just remember, comfort is a flexible concept, cats they don’t come when ordered, but seeing an far eastern leopard or amur tiger with your own eyes is an experience of a lifetime. elizaveta inkishaw, victoria shcherbakova, victoria dinova,
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first channel. be sure to come, i’m sure you will come a second or third time, because it’s simply impossible to see everything at once. well, for those who are going to the exhibition for the first time, here are some answers to the most popular questions. we asked, we answer, why go to the russia exhibition? here you can see the whole country under one roof, in pavilion 75, to the right of the main entrance to the dnh. it’s very impressive , great, everything is grandiose. you can feel the scale, it would be 2400 km, i advise you to download the map in advance on the exhibition website, it will be more convenient to travel, we are in kamchatka
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, in the land of volcanoes, a piece of lava as a souvenir, near the sakhalin kuril islands, you think that this is a brush, yes, but what is it really, this is sand, you see how it is, where is it from the island of ituru, the question , what is interesting here disappears by itself, the regions seem to compete, every amur person is surprised.
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you can sign up in advance on the website or through a mobile application or on site in the guest house at the entrance to vdnkh, you’re sure you won’t get lost, just like volunteers... here and you can easily have a snack on the third floor is a restaurant of modern russian cuisine , we have baked chicken, so you can top it beautifully with stewed mashed potatoes, it simmers in butter, if the issue with
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food is still not resolved, we remind you about the house of russian cuisine, go there to taste all the regions, how do you like stroganina, indigirka or sugudai? we have one chuvacha fish, this is a red fish, lightly salted , where does this fish come from, this is a fish from siberia, well, suddenly they forgot, the russian exhibition is open on... days except monday from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm, on weekends on an hour longer. rita larkina, andrey ivanov, oleg soshin, channel one. this is news from the first maria vasilyeva studio. hello. ivanovo paratroopers disabled a tank and an infantry fighting vehicle of the ukrainian formations in the artyomovsk direction of the northern military district, jewelry. operators of attack drones worked, acted in pairs, immobilized the enemy vehicle with one charge, and then the second quadcopter dropped a grenade directly into the open hatches. in the orekhovsky sector of the zaporozhye direction
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, assault groups of the guards, kuban, cossack regiment of novorossiysk paratroopers. the positions of the ukrainian armed forces and verbovoy were captured by assault. during aerial reconnaissance, the winged infantry discovered the militants' main fire control points, which were processed by our aviation and artillery. immediately followed by an attack on bmd4 combat vehicles under heavy fire; coming closer, the paratroopers threw grenades at ukrainian strongholds. in the southern direction, russian grad multiple launch rocket systems are targeting enemy positions, using 122 mm caliber rockets from a distance of 10 km; in the kupinsky direction, camouflaged fortified areas of the ukrainian armed forces are literally they bombarded us with shells from the d-30 howitzer crew and hit us with high-explosive fragmentation shells at maximum range. now our work is very active, this is the work for us, that is, from the command post they give targets, they give coordinates, we write them down , our gunner seems to be aimed, they say what charge, projectile, we seem to aim it, we work
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on the target, the complexity of the calculation is very a lot depends, the rate of fire also depends on how accurate, courageous and decisive our military personnel are on the front line, junior sergeant daniel purik delivered ammunition to the front line when his column was hit. under mortar fire, realizing that if the vehicle was hit, there would be a detonation of the ammunition, daniil skillfully maneuvering, brought the equipment out of the fire, and left the cargo without loss. senior sergeant chingi sachirov in the tank. platoon, cleared the populated area, counterattacked, hit the militants with a single shot, when the enemy tried to defend the populated area, suffered serious damage, disrupted the enemy’s offensive and forced him to retreat. ukraine has already lost the most experienced and motivated fighters, western journalists are increasingly recognizing this. this time , the american newspaper wall street journal made its assessments, optimistic about the possibility of the kiev regime making no counter-offensive . before it even started. the buyout
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war is exhausting ukrainian soldiers, and the west has proven to be an unreliable partner. us support for ukraine is stalling amid internal political squabbles. congress returned to work this week after the christmas break, but will they agree to a new white house request for assistance to kiev? big question. republicans believe that the state itself needs the money, for example, to solve problems with migrants; democrats are pushing the interests of biden, who cannot do anything. success on the battlefield is already tilting in favor of russia and said that if the united states does not provide kiev with another aid package, then a sharp change could occur within a month. the israeli army has moved the fighting to the south of the gaza strip - the media report that they are looking for hamas leaders in underground tunnels and are withdrawing them from the north of the enclave. the idf attacked more than
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150 targets, while achieving its goals the goals were never achieved, the press writes. the war has already cost israel approximately 60 billion dollars, but hamas has not been destroyed, the hostages have not been released, nothing is known about their fate, the most radical statements have been heard in the knesset for 3 months, so a deputy from the lekut party. on sim in aturi he called for burning the gas sector. anti-semitic sentiments are growing in the world, this trend is even in the united states, and this is israel’s main ally. the number of incidents in the states increased by 360% over 3 months. sleeping lunatics who go to the abyss are described as follows election campaign of american democrats, economist magazine. the article says biden, 81, is obviously too old, and the first to come. noum
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rival, democratic socialist bernie sanders, is a year older. vice president kamala haris speaks as if the texts were replaced by a satirist. moreover, in the party, at the age of 60, she is considered a young and promising politician. in fact, the democrats have no other candidates, and there is no time to look for them. the biggest problem is posed by biden's advisers and associates, who are impossible to get rid of power, writes the economist. this whole sleepy campaign is opposed by donald trump, the fiery one. it has only been strengthened. two large fires were extinguished at once. last night in the capital region in obukhov near moscow, a workshop for the production of polymer products caught fire, the flames engulfed an area of ​​800 km. it all started with the roof. fortunately , the employees left the premises on time and no one was injured.
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beautiful, but some spa treatments won’t hurt, you can do them right at home, as the vice world champion in fitness will tell you, eleon alibaeva. i love skating, it’s cool and good for your figure, in an hour of exercise you can burn from 300 to... after
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festive feasts, what you need, and to enhance the fat-burning effect, we’ll add home spa treatments: dilute 100 g of dry water in a liter of boiling water mustard, pour into a warm bath, water temperature no higher than 38°, add foam for pleasure, sit so that the heart area is above the surface of the water. rest for 5-10 minutes , mustard warms and accelerates blood circulation. wipe everything dry with a large terry cloth with a towel, and take a small one by the ends on both
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sides and rub the buttocks and thighs until red, stimulate the metabolism so that not a single excess fat remains, now apply to... moisturizer or serum, this must be done, because mustard slightly dries out skin, brew tea with a fat-burning effect, pour a spoonful of hibiscus into a glass of hot boiled water, let it brew for 5 minutes, add half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and chopped ginger, and a little more honey for taste. we drink with pleasure, beauty and vigor to you. a kitchen towel, his life in the kitchen is not easy. it can be said to perform the important task of wiping everything dry.
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therefore, when buying this towel, an experienced housewife will always choose the most durable one, so that it absorbs moisture well and is easy to wash. clean and quick, which kitchen towel absorbs moisture better and does not leave lint, we took the three most popular ones: waffle, terry, linen and went to the materials department, with students and their teacher, let’s see how different fabrics work, waffle towel is made from cotton paper yarn with waffle binding. this weave has a structure of convex elements and concave elements that allow it to capture moisture and retain it. cotton, in principle, absorbs water well, but a special weave enhances this effect. even with such twisting of the threads, it is very
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difficult to separate the fibers from them; in other words, there will be no lint on the dishes. terry is also cotton, only the structure is different, looped and looser. i really liked the terry towel because... it absorbs water very quickly, it is very pleasant to the touch, all thanks to the loops, but over time they become unwelded, so there is more chance of leaving lint. another thing is a linen towel. linen is a longer fiber than cotton, and here the yarn is thin, that is, the twist here is quite high, plus there is the usual simple dense weave. thin threads are arranged tightly, the fabric turns out smooth, which is why there is a drop of water. it initially retains a rounded shape and only gradually begins to spread; it absorbs very poorly, all water remains on the plates, this was confirmed by an experiment: we cut a piece from each towel, weighed it dry, and then wet, waffle and terry
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were three times heavier, linen was 2.8, it really absorbs moisture a little worse, here please note, we washed all the samples before use, it is important... for example, a dressing, which can also remain on the fabric, is used to strengthen the thread in weaving. these substances not only make the fabric more durable, but also give it a marketable appearance, however, they reduce the ability to moisture absorption, which is why new towels always absorb water worse than those washed several times. yulia kozlova, mikhail karasov, sergey myakin, channel one. we’ve decided on the choice, let’s move on to. space organizer elena dorofeeva will tell you how to store a towel in the kitchen not only compactly, but beautifully. kitchen towels get dirty quickly, so having a supply of clean textiles on hand is never a bad idea, especially in work areas such as near
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the sink. i open the door under the sink, attach a self-adhesive hook to it, and hang it up. hangers with clothespins and attach towels to them. i install a sliding telescopic rod under the sink, hang a towel, by the way, there is still room here, because there is enough for rags. another work area is by the stove; i hang extra towels on the doors of the drawers and oven. i don’t put away the rest of the towels; i put them in the kitchen drawer. i'll show you how to do this compactly and neatly. i spread the towel, fold the edges towards the middle, and it turns out to be a strip. i bend the edge on one side and insert a towel into it. such a neat package will not unfold even if drop it. i arrange them vertically in a row, it’s very convenient. you can remove the package even with wet hands without staining the rest of the towels. here i brought up december
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statistics, all sorts of surveys on the topic of how much you plan to spend for the new year. the range of numbers is wide, from 8,000 to more than 21 thousand. someone probably invested in this amount, someone else ended up overspending. true, there is extra money after the holidays. never happen, one of the options is to sell something unnecessary, in order to sell something unnecessary, you must first buy it, with the second, we are sure that many people are in complete order, but olga zhevikina has accumulated things she doesn’t need, and there are many different phones, toys, jewelry, you don’t need them, but someone may be looking for used goods , you can sell them, and as an option, be the first to put an ad on the internet on a special online platform?
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high-quality photos in good lighting on a light background or on yourself, it is important to take measurements right away. this will definitely reduce the risk of returning the goods, because each brand has its own size, plus you won’t be bothered with questions once again, the price is at least 50% of initial cost, then you will have to periodically update advertisements, bargain and make discounts, answer questions, deal with delivery, all this takes time. if you don't want to bother. for you. even preparing things for sale , a reseller like ekaterina will help, everything will be done
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there, steaming, ironing, this is all part of the reseller’s tasks, just taking some item, jeans, that they bought from you, it will take you at least 30 minutes, an hour, but imagine, if you have 10-20 things, plus an adequate assessment of the cost of the item in order to sell it faster, for services 30% of the proceeds. you can contact thrift stores, from mass market to premium. for something exclusive, there is a chance to earn more, it is most profitable to sell things made from natural fabrics, things with interesting fittings, with a non-standard cut, for example, a cashmere sweater, if we bought 5 years ago for about 8 thousand, then buy we can get it in a consignment store for four thousand, the client will receive about 2500, the store commission averages from 25 to 50%.
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whiskey mancacher, a product of the stellar group, we run further, just look at our feet, otherwise it will happen, i slipped, fell, woke up, cast. well, it's funny when it's in the movies. but in life, this is usually sad. in winter , according to some sad tradition, the tram stations are, one might say, sold out. maryana zhukova has prepared a small study on this topic, i really hope that you won’t
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need it, but just in case, take a look, it might come in handy. after a fracture, i want to quickly return to my usual way of life, but nature is as follows: lower limbs they recover from 3 months to six months, the upper ones are a little faster, so the first advice is patience: don’t try to get ahead of yourself, everything will grow together when it should, don’t create unnecessary problems for yourself, the main rule is not to remove the cast ahead of time, the fracture is open, closed , with or without displacement...
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local edema, stagnation, which leads to pain, which is why physical therapy is so important, lying, sitting, standing, as best you can, but you won’t be able to speed up the recovery process with extreme persistence, it’s not necessary immediately throw the boots and refuse them, it is important to do everything systematically, you need to start from heel to toe in a painless mode, then as you progress you can put more stress on the leg. many people do not want to wear a cast at all and refuse it in favor of an artesis. there is a high probability that the patient will not comply with the orthopedic regimen, will remove this artesis, wash himself, again, there are many different types of artesis, there are strong fixations, there are hinged ones, there is a medium fixation, there are light ones fixation. if the artesis is chosen incorrectly,
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the bones may heal with displacement, and the recovery period will be prolonged, so it is better to use it afterward. removing the plaster for additional support, an elastic bandage also helps, the degree of tension is moderate, we shake it so that swelling does not build up, the first point, the second point is the prevention of thromboembolism. as for honda protectors for strengthening bones, they are usually prescribed to elderly patients, young bodies, it is enough to add foods rich in calcium and collagen to your diet, bone broth, jellied meat, jelly, cottage cheese. maryana zhukova, alena krylova, dmitry roshkov, channel one. the new year is already behind us. christmas has also passed, but the old new year is still ahead, so there is still a reason to get together at one table, literally on the night from saturday to sunday, and on this very table i give the idea that there may well be beef or pork tongue. we choose a ready-made language at the table, there are only three rules: the first is color, we look
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carefully. sven's tongue, it is more pink, it will have a pinkish color, like on these boxes. beef tongue, it will darker in shade, this will also be visible in raw meat, there should not be a film that is located on the lower part of the tongue, because this indicates that it was not removed, the tongue was not cleaned, this is the second, we evaluate the structure of the meat, in ideally, it is not torn, not dented, without mechanical damage , because if this is already the case, it means an infection process is underway, microorganisms have been introduced into it; its shelf life, of course , is reduced, so on average, a flap tongue is stored from... from three to 5 days. and the third rule, if possible, check the smell on the tongue is specific, but without foreign mixtures. that's all, you can take it, although some of us are still confused by this delicacy, just because of its appearance. chef yuri goloperov assures that the main thing is a beautiful presentation, even this seemingly not the most attractive cut from the store.
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i’ll demonstrate how you can fix this by serving a beautiful, festive new year’s dish made from beef tongue. i’ll prepare a sauce for it, in general, beef tongue goes very well with tonka, the versatility of beef tongue lies in the fact that it harmonizes well with seafood, ready-made canned tuna, capers, horseradish and a little chicken broth for sauce, herbs, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, caviar and potato slices for decoration, no matter the meaning, yes you can make it as an option... a hot dish, we slightly grease it with butter to give it juiciness, and put it in the oven to bake, since the pieces are thin and you need to bake it from two to 4 minutes, garnish with any favorite fried romana salad on top, grain mustard, pickling, beautiful, tasty, and also useful. beef tongue has a lot of
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protein, b vitamins, iron, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, and pork tongue has everything too. there is, but it is more fatty, it is better not to get carried away with it. anastasia, sergey morin, channel one. bon appetit to everyone who is having breakfast now, and to those who can’t. in the morning , come up with nothing more original than sandwiches, culinary specialist evgenia seliverstvova suggests diversifying the menu. write down the recipe for delicious sandwiches. today, instead of sandwiches, we are preparing a delicious juicy chicken sandwich for breakfast. chicken fillet i cut lengthwise across from one side to the other. i rub the meat with chopped garlic and season it. soy sauce, allspice, grease with honey, rub in the marinade so that it is better absorbed. i fry the fillet for 7 minutes on
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each side, pour in the rest of the marinade, cook for a couple more minutes, put the fillet on a paper towel, let the excess fat drip off, mm, what a flavor, thank you. the marinade made the meat juicy, tender and spicy, and while it is cooling, i prepare the other ingredients, cut the bun in half lengthwise, brown it greased frying pan, assemble the sandwich, grease the bottom half of the bun with mayonnaise, cover with lettuce, lay out slices of pickled cucumber and fried fillet, cover with the bun, the sandwich turned out to be simply... delicious. try and prepare such a delicious breakfast. our cheerful morning broadcast
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continues with sports news, or rather, a selection of sports curiosities. word to my colleague, channel one journalist, dmitry terikhov. the public loves sports oddities. they remind you that perfectly trained athletes, idols, are exactly the same people, like us, can use ptc for our amusement.
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why the playing field is separated from the stands by soft mats, we answer, they save baseball players from injury; at the moment when the players are trying to make the so-called safe, the focus of their attention is focused exclusively on the sword. it often happens that it is impossible to catch him, then... the stadium scoreboard or a gaping fan in the stands can easily suffer, but the most powerful betters are generally capable of knocking the round one out of the arena, the main thing here is not to miss out on your happiness for those who could not get into game, after all, the ball is the most valuable artifact for fans. not only an opportunity for a team to score the maximum number of points in one attack, but also a chance for baseball fans to acquire souvenirs for an hour straight from the fight in the spectator seats. as you know, resourcefulness is a skill. that one of the players will catch her? and if
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the equipment has become unusable, for example, a glove for catching the ball, there is no way to get it out of there, but at the same time the opponents are in danger of capturing the base, throw the glove along with the ball. in moments of triumph , athletes take care of their eyes and put on ski goggles, all because they celebrate success by dousing themselves with various intoxicating drinks. drinks, no one wants to get a corneal burn the next day and make an appointment with an ophthalmologist, and it’s best when there is a jacuzzi right at the stadium, the main thing is to get sober to a container filled with champagne. the serial film doctor preobrazhensky continues on channel one, and the ordeal of doctor preobrazhensky continues. a passionate and dedicated plastic surgeon is surrounded on all sides by intrigue. there is a real struggle going on at his beauty institute for power, problems with my sister, well, there’s also the kgb. are they taking him away? holy simplicity,
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they do not open the doors for detainees. preobrazhensky has patrons from the kgb, the lion's task is to change the intelligence officer's appearance. in return, he will choose who will run the beauty institute. the candidate already has a lion, all that remains is to persuade him. now at our institute they operate with lasers and this is just the beginning. lyova, why talk about this again, we have already decided everything, preobrazhensky himself cannot run the institute, the conditions of the kgb, but through a figurehead, please. now the head of the clinic is svetlana dronova and does not intend to give her chair to anyone , she is supported by new friends, wives of high-ranking officials, they already have a plan, it will eat you up and not choke, you should eat it before, this is probably a very expensive drug, where will i get the money, where do you have a refrigerator full of black caviar, svetlana’s friends are pushing svetlana to act illegally, will she go for it? she faces
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a lot of problems. all his thoughts about his sister, zos, removed the scar on face, the talented mikhailov operated, but a mistake was made, instead of smooth skin , zosya risks getting a huge scar, mikhailov confesses to preobrazhensky, or is it more common to use a trick? are you blackmailing me now? i got a place at the institute thanks to this operation, and if the result is not successful, i will lose it. you ended up here by accident, and i was heading towards
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this opportunity. my life, and i will fight to the last. the power struggle at the beauty institute will continue today. doctor preobrazhensky, new episode in the evening, of course, on the first channel. do you have any doubts about the report? maria bronzova, victoria bolenskaya, channel one. thursday morning the news will continue. let's find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. this is news on the first, studio maria vasilyeva, hello, aviation and artillery of the russian vostok grouping thwarted six attempts by the ukrainian armed forces to rotate units in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation, the enemy lost over 170 military personnel, two tanks, three armored combat vehicles, a self-propelled gun carnation and combat vehicle of the grad system. in the artyomovsk direction, ivanovo paratroopers disabled a tank and infantry fighting vehicle of the ukrainian
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formations. the attack drone operators worked brilliantly, they acted in pairs, immobilized the enemy vehicle with one charge, and then the second quadcopter dropped a grenade directly into the open hatches. in the orekhovsky sector of the zaporozhye direction, assault groups of the guards kuban cossack regiment of novorossiysk paratroopers stormed the positions of the armed forces of verbovoy, attacked the combat bmd-4 vehicles under scale fire. as they came closer, they threw grenades at ukrainian strongholds; in the kupinsky direction there were camouflaged fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces. the crews of the d-30 howitzers were literally bombarded with shells and hit with high-explosive fragmentation at maximum range. now our work is very active, this is the work for us, that is, from the command post they give targets, they give coordinates, we write them down, our gunner seems to be aimed, they tell us what charge, projectile, we seem to aim, work on the target. the complexity of the calculation depends a lot, and so does the rate of fire, like precision.
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shows courage and determination. our servicemen on the front line, junior sergeant daniil purik , was delivering ammunition to the front line when his convoy came under mortar fire, realizing that if the vehicle was hit, the ammunition would detonate. daniil, skillfully maneuvering, brought the equipment out from under fire and delivered the cargo without loss. senior sergeant chingiz achirov, as part of a tank platoon, defended a settlement liberated from militants. when the enemy tried to counterattack, he dealt him a serious blow with a targeted shot. damage, disrupted the enemy's offensive and forced him. ukraine has already lost its most experienced and motivated fighters, as western journalists are increasingly recognizing. this time , the american newspaper wall street journal made its own assessments: optimism regarding the capabilities of the kiev regime , no counter-offensive ended before it really began. the buyout war is exhausting ukrainian soldiers, and the west has proven to be an unreliable partner. us support for ukraine is stalling amid internal political squabbles.
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congress returned to work this week. after the christmas holidays, but whether the new white house request for assistance to kiev will be agreed upon is a big question. republicans believe that the states themselves need the money, for example, to solve problems with migrants; democrats are pushing the interests of biden, who cannot give up the idea of ​​​​making ukraine a feeding trough for his family. the head of the democratic majority in the senate, chuck schumer, admitted that success on the battlefield is already leaning in favor of russia and said that if the united states does not allocate another aid package to kiev, then... it actually justifies them. our permanent representative vasily nebenze spoke about this at a meeting of the un security council. in belgorod on december 30, 25 people died. residential areas, as well as a christmas market where parents walked with their children. they fired from multiple launch rocket systems
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and cluster munitions supplied by the czech republic. there are no military installations nearby and there never were. a blow to civilians, another war crime of the kiev regime, which they simply do not want to notice. no clear reaction except for general words to the terrorist attack in belgorod from the outside
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the un secretariat never received any information. two large fires were extinguished at once. last night in the capital region in obukhov near moscow , a workshop for the production of polymer products caught fire, the flames covered an area of ​​800 km. 33 units of special equipment, as stated by the ministry of emergency situations, the open burning was extinguished, another powerful fire was extinguished in moscow itself; it burned on 2002 m2, an administrative and production building on enthusiasts highway, a fire train had to be used. january weather continues to present surprises, not at all winter ones, this at night in st. petersburg it sharply warmed up to... the same temperature occurred the day before, and this after severe frosts, a rapid increase in the value on the thermometer surprisingly transformed one of the symbols of the city, st. isaac's cathedral, it became snow-white, because of the thaw, the facade was covered with frost, the stone did not have time to warm up after
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the cold weather, condensation appeared, which, when frozen, crystallized. there are more than enough people who want to capture this miracle, they also leave autographs and drawings on the columns. it will get warmer today in the capital, weather forecasters promise 0°, it will snow. already at night the frost will hit again , by friday it will get stronger to -17, by saturday to -27. and that's all for now. good morning to everyone who is celebrating a new day with channel one. on the calendar, january 11, thursday, in the studio today i am with you, ekaterina strizhenova and right in the morning, about something that concerns everyone, a public offer. well, everyone has probably heard about this concept, in approximately this context, of a public offer. is not, i quoted a phrase that can be found on various sites where something for sale, or on social networks. what kind of offer is this, why is it not something? let's figure it out. what is an offer from
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the latin offer? offer: connect to the internet, sell a garage or give a discount on coffee, in general any advertisement on the internet, on the street or in a shopping center. and make an offer. for clarifications in the civil code, the offer cannot be withdrawn within the specified period, that is, if we see an advertisement, an offer to purchase a specific product for a specific amount in a specific period of time, the seller cannot just take it and change your mind. the price tag is also an offer, and we are used to it, if at the checkout they ask for more, we demand that we buy according to the price tag, but it turns out that this rule applies to discounts, promotions, terms of delivery of goods, everything that is... the seller. consent to an offer is acceptance. in fact, our decision to purchase a product on the specified conditions is equal to the automatic conclusion of a sales contract. therefore, sellers are cautious. on social networks, for example, sometimes
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prices of goods are not indicated. and to the question, how much does it cost, they write in the comments, they answered in private messages. no price, no offer. and if there is a price, but the mark under the asterisk is not an offer, then it is still an offer. that we show you on air how to behave, they are improving their acting skills, but it is still possible and necessary to identify them. do you know what a training manual is? this is an instruction, or more simply put, a guide
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to action, teachers, students, everyone works with them, and the funny thing is, scammers also have their own manuals, this is what they look like, if a scammer calls you on the phone, then most often he reads from sheet: we we are contacting you via a secure line of your bank, since conversations can be wiretapped, the goal is to fool you and me and then scare us.
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try to bring your interlocutor to clean water without aggression, for this you need to ask atypical questions, the answers to which are not written in according to the swindler's training manual, here women communicate well, listen, you have such a gunny voice, and there is no one else, an unpleasant voice, let someone else call me back, i will communicate, and the scammer already... does not answer according to the training manual, he began yourself, everything is right in your head , with problems in your head, with problems in your head, at that moment it immediately became clear that it was not a bank employee speaking to you, they are not rude or freaking out, be bolder when talking on the phone, ask the interlocutor to sing the anthem of russia, after all, only scammers react painfully to such offers; don’t be afraid, scammers will not be able to deceive you. the snow this year is apparently invisible,
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a real winter fairy tale, and all the yards are full of this fairy tale, there is no point in complaining that there is a lot of snow, you can’t walk, you can’t drive, so let's take the shovels forward, so in any case the heroes of our next report appear, after work you can relax, swing, in this yard in velsk it’s always like this, the residents of the house go out to work, and after... it all ends with fun games, here i will have a den , there is a lot of snow in the shallows, so we went out to clean the paths in the yard, everyone is helping, there are a lot of kids, everyone sees that everyone is working , they are all taking shovels, some are taking them, some are not going, woodmurti would also like a bulldozer, all the paths and the playground was covered with snow, but the residents even frosts of -20° did not stop this izhevsk courtyard. take the pain and throw it! further, but there is a reason to finish the work as soon as possible and
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quickly warm up with sweet tea and skiing down the new snow slide. there is so much snow in tatarstan that the utility workers don’t have time to clear it, and will they really build a slide like this, or a snowman, or a dragon? despite the fact that we were very cold, we made a beautiful wonderful dragon, the symbol of the year, and discussed the latest news, we enjoyed working together so much that we are already waiting for another snowfall. we still need to make a bowl for children, so that they flop around there , it will be icy, we still have a lot of things , in the samara region they are even ready to share snow, in syzran it has been snowing since the beginning of december, so the residents of this yard already have enough snow for a whole town of snow figures, at first it started, of course, with santa claus, then it went further, further, they made a slide for the children, of course, the work was colossal, everyone who could, from every entrance, helped... just a couple of people, already a yard full of helpers, and
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the children had fun, and the grandparents , walk, they’re taking pictures, so we’ll clean the yard at the same time, we got so carried away that we even made a sleigh with three, here you can relax after work and take pictures. anastasia zavidova, nazir nagumanov, anatoly kvaskov, channel one. good morning to everyone who wakes up with channel one. on the calendar , january 11, thursday, i’m with you in the studio today, ekaterina. and the berry, the question is, why does it sometimes knit, and not only persimmons are different in this, why do different fruits need this, why does this happen? anna popova tried to figure it out. some fruits and berries cause. feelings, knits, burns,
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tightens, but we still love them, there are varieties that directly knit, knit, sour knit, knit in a way that is not childish. so much so that i still feel this specific dryness from persimmons; sometimes the same sensations are caused by quince, thorns, pears or berries, blueberries, currants and grapes. the body has a special chemistry with them: when we bite the fruit, tannins - tannins - enter the cavity of the oral cavity. they fold the proteins of the mucous membrane, pulling them into a film, hence this viscosity. when heat treated minus plus is properties disappear from the product. therefore, put it in the refrigerator for several hours or so. pour over warm water, ideally choose a ripe fruit , this will have less tannins, the fruit should be ripe, truly aromatic, pineapple evokes no less vivid emotions, well, i didn’t like it, i pinched, my pineapple sizzles, my tongue sizzles, again chemistry, only other
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processes, pineapple is a product that contains an enzyme, the enzyme bramyline, which is like an acid, and it damages our mucous membranes, a feature of pineapple, so we get a burning sensation, cracks in the corners of the mouth or i will generally set my teeth on edge if my teeth are sensitive . a sore throat is a painful sensation that occurs in the mouth under the influence of external irritants, such as sour or very spicy foods, as well as cold and hot. the discomfort goes away on its own, but you can speed up the process: drink warm water or milk, which is important if you get it. bramyline does not stop working in the stomach and intestines, so if a person has various gastritis diseases, then eating pineapple on an empty stomach is impossible, but with meat it is an ideal combination, hence the popularity of dishes with pineapples. bramile is an enzyme that helps break down protein and fats. this dish is better absorbed in
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the body, just what you need after the holidays. anna popova, maria kuskova, stepan erofeev, sergey namunka, channel one. good morning, have you promised yourself that from now on you will start the day with gymnastics? it’s easier to consolidate a new habit if you do it with the whole family? this is what we do with our daughters. girls, so as not to disturb each other, we stand in a checkerboard pattern, hands on our belts. bend your right leg, raise your thigh to parallel with floor, at the same time we raise our left arm up to the side, return to the starting position, continue to practice, alternating the positions of the arms and legs, do not deviate to the sides to make it easier to maintain the position, look in front of us, and now let’s complicate
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the exercise with each rise... we jump our legs up a little, like this, the exercise is suitable for daily warm-up, just don’t do it on a full stomach, it can sting your side, we do it every day, and good company will help you not to be lazy, here what our ancestors are, for almost everyone. they had their own omen: on january 11 they were guessing the weather, if on this day, that is, today it is warm, spring will be early and warm, but it’s not very clear what warm means, this is how many degrees it should be, well, whatever it was , we still have to live until spring, something is already known about today’s day, at
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least our astrologers assure that they are ready for a forecast, the eleventh. january, the thirtieth lunar day meets the first, the twenty- seventh day is the sun, very powerful, obligatory, reasonable , reliable, and at the same time hard-working, focused on success, which is very useful now, a period is beginning when there will be a lot of work, but if you roll up your sleeves and show perseverance, you can achieve a lot, this day will add strength to our confidence, will help, as they say increase self-esteem, and it is also very good for strengthening or starting a serious and long-term relationship with someone. the cons are the other side of the pros. on such days, we do not calculate our strength well and can quickly burn out. we can be overly picky and demanding if we we are offended by someone, we carry the offense within ourselves for a long time. aries, you understand what this can lead to? you will walk, be silent, sulk. maybe it's better not to? and so it’s a good day and very promising professionally
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. yes, and check your email often, some important messages may end up in spam. this is true for you too, taurus, pay attention. with money transfers and online purchases, everything else should work out, some plans will begin to come true, some money may come in, there will be a chance to strengthen your authority, and you can also make friends with... with something , everything is fine with the twins, but keep in mind, now it’s easier to achieve something not through stubbornness and pressure, but, so to speak, with more subtle methods, and in general, rely less on others today, more myself. it’s a wonderful day for crayfish, they will even say about them that luck comes to them, just don’t let anything happen, take care of your health, especially if there is something chronic or untreated. lions were blessed with success with the opposite sex, and lions... styaks can today change their attitude towards marriage, and the stars are all for it. about business, everything here is pretty smooth as usual. the main thing is not
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to forget or miss anything. virgos are having such an effective day. complex tasks, working with equipment, and all sorts of calculations will work well. and in general everything will work out. some unexpected information may come, double-check it carefully. this day will open some prospects for libra. first of all, this concerns the business sphere, but in personal life there is something positive. it's also going to be unpleasant, there's a risk of breaking something fragile, so be careful. scorpios, you today full of charm, feel free to turn it on, of course, you won’t get far on charm alone, but if you add efficiency and calculation to it, everything will work out for you, take care of your wallet, smartphone keys. for sagittarius, a direct day is convenient, when everything is predictable and moves according to plan; the creditor may really remind you of yourself, or some unpaid bills will come up, but this will not ruin you in the evening. wait for guests. it’s better for capricorns not to deal with finances today, but if they really need to, be extremely careful and double-check everything.
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after lunch, some trip may be disrupted or a meeting, but this is not very critical, the evening will definitely please you and help you forget about business. aquarians today are on the crest of success, energetic, decisive, businesslike, they find a good common language with different people, and money loves them, if only this day is not spent on all sorts of empty talk, and there is such a risk, but the stars. you have been warned the fish have a good day, if you please, a couple of tips from the luminaries, talk less, listen more, including what your intuition tells you, and also be careful on the ice, good luck to you, kitchen towel, difficult there is life in the kitchen, it, one might say , performs an important task, to wipe everything dry, so when buying this towel, an experienced housewife will always... choose the most durable one, so that it absorbs moisture well and is easy to wash, our correspondent yulia kozlova approached the choice kitchen towel
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in a scientific way: clean and fast, which kitchen towel absorbs moisture better and does not leave lint, we took the three most popular: waffle, terry, linen and went to the materials department, with students and their teacher we will see how due to what... different fabrics. a waffle towel is made from cotton yarn with a waffle weave. this weave has in its structure convex elements and concave elements that allow it to capture moisture and retain it. cotton, in principle, absorbs water well, but a special weave enhances this effect. even with such twisting of the threads , the fibers are very difficult to separate from them. simply put, there will be no lint on the dishes. terry is also cotton. only the structure is different, looped and looser. i really liked the terry the towel, since it absorbs
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water very quickly, is very pleasant to the touch. this is all thanks to the loops, but over time they become lint-free, so there is a greater chance of leaving lint behind. another thing is a linen towel. linen is a longer fiber than cotton, and here the yarn is thin, that is, the twist here is quite high, plus there is the usual simple dense yarn. thin threads are arranged tightly, the fabric turns out smooth, which is why a drop of water on it initially retains its rounded shape and only gradually begins to spread. it absorbs very poorly, all the water remains on the plates. this was confirmed by experiment. we cut a piece from each towel, weighed it dry and then weighed it wet. waffle and terry weights are three times heavier, linen is 2.8 times heavier. it does absorb moisture a little. and here’s the thing: we washed all the samples before using them. it is important to remove auxiliary substances that were
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used during the weaving process. for example, sizing, which can also remain on the canvas, is used to strengthen the threads in weaving these substances not only make the fabric more durable, but also give it a marketable appearance, although they reduce its ability to absorb moisture. this is why new towels always absorb water worse than those that have been washed several times. tea, what's useful in it, get a hat, examination of hats, life is healthy in the program, all the most important and interesting, today on the first, oh, cnop gin, a product
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of the stellar group, before in every... there was a hockey rink in the yard box or just filled the skating rink, the kids played hockey on it, well nowadays people only use gadgets, probably , those who think so are a little unaware: today they play hockey in the courtyards, and how, it can be said to be back in fashion, and this is the case when fashion can only be welcomed, it’s the season of the courtyards hockey matches are open, hop-hop-hop-hop-hop, no skates are needed, no puck, it began to be called recently, actually in soviet times it was just hockey, but hockey without skates, without pucks, the main thing is, to have a stick, to have friends, to have a goal, and the desire to play, like alexander ivanov, in childhood , now, then we were little guys, i also played in the goal position, we played in
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felt boots, i had foam pads, a bib, i played, of course,
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so there are many advantages here, i won’t tell you everything , otherwise other sports will be offended, in total there are already more than sixty neighborhood teams in the city every year , new ones appear, even severe frosts do not stop the players. valenki, it’s warm there, even frosty, we can play even -27, maybe it’s time to find out if you have your own hockey rink in your yard the team goes onto the court not for the sake of victory, but for the sake of pleasure. nazir nagumanov, evgenia futerman, channel one. the more children in a family, the more happiness, but also the more expenses. children are growing up, they need more and more space in the house, they need to pay for clubs, sections, education. maternity capital is a very good help for families with children, and its
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amount has increased significantly this year. artyom bogryantsev, a third-year student at penza state university, studying law, has dreamed about this since he was ten class. i did an internship in the courts, already the consequences after i entered, i was very interested in the legal direction, to know the laws, to comply with the laws , to ensure that other people comply with the laws of the russian federation. in the future i want to work as a judge. the bagryantsev family allocated maternal capital for artyom’s education. he pays more than 100 thousand a year. if there were no maternal capital, we ourselves definitely would not be able to do this; we do not have such an opportunity, thanks to the national demography project there are already more than 13 million families received a maternity capital certificate, from february 1 its amount will be indexed by 7.5%. so for the first child they will pay more than 630,000, for the second more than 830 thousand rubles. the vasilenko family uses maternity capital as monthly payments for
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two children. anyutka has it, it’s universal. allowance payment from maternity capital, for nastya we have an allowance for the first child, payment from maternity capital and her pension, we also had a lump sum payment regionally, and for girls who gave birth under 25 years old, maternity capital can be sent not only for monthly payments for children under 3 years old, but to improve living conditions, the mineev family , with the help of maternity capital, bought a three-room apartment, purchased a three-room apartment, sold the previous one and used maternity... capital to reduce the mortgage burden, our payment decreased, we quickly they paid it off, in addition to furnishing the apartment, the mineevs are also working on the land, and they received it for free. from the state as a large family size 12 acres for long-term rent, this season the foundation was poured, next season we have erection of walls, roofs, that is, to close the outline of the house. the mineevs
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receive a single benefit for their sons; last year it was paid to the parents of more than 10 million children under 17 years of age. you can apply for it for all children in the family at once, simply by submitting one application through the government service portal, at the mfc or at the social fund branches. marina vakhrusheva, nadezhda zypkina, first. our morning broadcast on channel one continues to broadcast news. this is news from the first maria vasilyeva studio. hello. aviation and artillery of the group of russian troops vostok disrupted six attempts in the ssu to rotate units at... the special operations department, the enemy lost over 170 military personnel, two tanks, three combat, armored vehicles, a gvozdika self-propelled gun and a hail system combat vehicle. in the artyomovsk direction, ivanovo paratroopers disabled a tank and infantry fighting vehicle
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of the ukrainian formations, the attack drone operators worked brilliantly, they acted in pairs, immobilized the enemy vehicle with one charge, and then the second quadcopter dropped a grenade directly into the open hatches. on the orekhovsky section of the zaporozhye direction assault groups of the kuban guards kaza. our
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servicemen show courage and determination on the front line. junior sergeant daniil purik was delivering ammunition to the front line when his convoy came under mortar fire, realizing that if the vehicle was hit, the ammunition would detonate. daniil, skillfully maneuvering, brought the equipment out from under fire and delivered it. without losses, senior sergeant chingiz achirov, as part of a tank platoon , defended a settlement liberated from militants when the enemy tried to counterattack, with targeted the shot caused serious damage to him, disrupted the enemy's advance and forced him to retreat. ukraine has already lost its most experienced and motivated fighters, as western journalists are increasingly recognizing. this time , the american newspaper wall street journal made its own assessments: there is no optimism regarding the capabilities of the kiev regime. the counter-offensive ended before it really began, the reconciliation war is exhausting ukrainian soldiers, and the west has turned out to be an unreliable partner. us support for ukraine is stalling amid internal political squabbles.
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congress returned to work this week after the christmas break, but will the white house agree to a new request for aid to kiev? big question. republicans believe that the states themselves need the money, for example, to solve problems with migrants; democrats are pushing the interests of biden, who cannot... give up the idea of ​​​​making ukraine a feeding trough for his family. the head of the democratic majority in the senate, chuck schumer, admitted that success on the battlefield is already tilting in favor of russia and said that if the united states does not allocate another aid package to kiev, then a sharp change can occur within a month. unable to cope with the russian army, ukraine attacks the civilians of our country, and the west not only does not condemn such terrorist attacks, but actually justifies them. our permanent representative vasily nebenzya spoke about this at a meeting of the un security council. in belgorod on december 30, 25 people were killed; residential areas, as well as a christmas market where parents were walking with their children, were fired at from multiple
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launch rocket systems with cluster munitions supplied by the czech republic. there are no military installations nearby and there never were. a strike against civilians is another war crime of the kiev regime, which they simply do not want to notice. there was no word from western colleagues. not a word , unfortunately, on the contrary, some of them even justified him, in particular the french ministry of defense did this by calling the terrorist attacks of kiev on belgorod the exercise of the right to self-defense, do you understand that in this way you are responsible for these crimes, the behavior of the czech republic is very indicative who is trying to escape responsibility for participation in a terrorist attack, for complicity in a terrorist attack in belgrade through the supply of ammunition, was afraid to appear at a meeting of the security council on december 30, no better. civilized democracies behave as well as international organizations, which bashfully remain silent every time it comes to the need to condemn the drinking crime of kiev. no clear reaction except for general words.
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the un secretariat never responded to the terrorist attack in belgorod. two large fires were extinguished last night in in the capital region in obukhov near moscow, a workshop for the production of polymer products caught fire, the flames engulfed an area of ​​800 km, it all started from the roof, fortunately, the employees left the premises on time, no one was injured, over 100 rescuers and 33 units of special equipment worked on the spot, as stated by the ministry of emergency situations , open burning has been eliminated. another powerful fire was extinguished in moscow itself. january weather continues to present surprises, not at all winter ones, this night in st. petersburg it sharply warmed up to +1°, the same temperature was the day before in the afternoon, and this after severe frosts, a rapid increase in the value on the thermometer surprisingly transformed one of the symbols of the city, st. isaac's cathedral, it became snow-white, because of the thaw the facade was covered with frost, and before it had time to warm up after the cold
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, condensation appeared, which, freezing, crystallized. there are more than enough people who want to capture this miracle, they also leave autographs and drawings on the columns. it will get warmer today in the capital, weather forecasters promise 0°, it will snow, and already at night the frost will hit again by friday it will get stronger to -17, by saturday up to -27. and that's all for now. good morning to everyone who has joined us. on the calendar january 11, thursday in the studio with you today. i'm ekaterina strizhenova. the grandiose exhibition forum russia continues its work in moscow at vdnkh. in the first days of the new year alone, more than a million people have already visited it. if you were not among them, be sure to come. i’m sure you’ll come a second or third time, because it’s simply impossible to see everything at once. well, for those who are going to the exhibition for the first time, here are some answers to the most popular questions. we asked, and we answer, why go to
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the russia exhibition, here you can see the whole country under one roof, in pavilion 75, to the right of the main entrance to the idnh. it’s very impressive , great, everything is grandiose, you can feel the scale, it would be 2400 m2, advice, download the map in advance on the exhibition website, it will be more convenient to travel. we are in kamchatka , in the land of volcanoes, a piece of lava. the memory is near the sakhalin kuril islands, you think that this is, well , a brush, yes, but what it really is, this is sand, you see where it comes from, from the island, the question of what’s interesting here disappears by itself, the regions seem to be competing , everyone is surprised, the amur region with a model of the angara rocket, it’s easy to assemble, launch your own, launch, press together, like that, like that, let’s go, legendary tiger.
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half a day, no less, as an option to go on an excursion, we have nine directions, and there is a sightseeing tour for about an hour and a half, and there are thematic ones. excursions are 2.5-3 hours, how much does it cost, everything is free, you can sign up in advance on the website or through a mobile application, or on site at the guest house the entrance is new, but are you sure you won’t get lost , for sure, the volunteers will help, with any questions they will tell you how to find all 30 thematic pavilions of the exhibition, the unique atom too, it is located farther than the others, you and i dropped 18 m underground in the section soviet nuclear project, and we are in
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the area dedicated to the radium institute, this is what the laboratory looked like where they created the technology for extracting plutonium, we are simply, we are delighted, there are so many things and so interesting, it’s easy to have a snack here on the third floor is a restaurant of modern russian cuisine, we have baked chicken, so you can top it beautifully with stewed mashed potatoes, it simmers in butter, if the issue with food is still not resolved, we remind you about... the house of russian cuisine, go there to try everything regions taste, how do you like troganina, indigirka or sugudai? we have only one chevych fish - it’s a red fish, lightly salted, where does this fish come from? this is a fish from siberia, well, suddenly they forgot, the russia exhibition is open all days except monday, from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm, on weekends are an hour longer. rita larkin, andrey ivanov, oleg soshin, channel one. in
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our country there are many different abilities so that you can develop yourself and learn something new. rudina is where you feel good, where you are expected and where you are safe. we came from the village of muvyr, igrinsky district of the udmur republic, this is a unique village, revived, my dad began to revive it 30 years ago. we want and we are trying to do everything possible to raise the level of culture in our small towns, at the level at which we can do this. i would like to wish everyone to be good-natured and responsive. and to give good things to people, to appreciate and love our country in which we live , all the best to everyone, monte shococa cognac,
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a product of the stellar group, the queen is not forgotten from here, i throw varnishes from right to left, this is my manner, the wife of a millionaire. i get paid for a concert and i read props, this is love, self-deception, you are not mine, you are not mine, girls in the crowd, boys are fired up, this chaos is illuminated by a mirror honor, the very first new year, tomorrow. up to first. well, now let's look on the internet and see what's new there. our columnist egorsky has already selected the most interesting videos for us. our parade of celebrities from the world wide web opens with a representative of the feline family
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from sweden, who leads a healthy lifestyle. every day she runs with her owner to races. according to the owner himself, over the years of running activity, the cat has never lost. ah... these are two domestic dogs bella and leah from australia. they love to sleep outside in the shade of trees. hosts they made them this special door through which the dogs take all their bedding out into the yard. 3 million users are wondering why they can’t sleep at home. in the british county of cumbria there lives a pheasant who has been helping a farmer herd sheep for several years. every morning a man drives the herd out to the field, and pernaty runs nearby and watches for the cops.
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you are so beautiful, beautiful, but some spa treatments won’t hurt, you can arrange them right at home, as the vice world champion in fitness, eleonora alibaeva, will tell you. i love to ride skating, it’s cool and good for your figure, you can burn it off in an hour of practice. from 300 to 900 kilocalories, after festive feasts - what you need, and to enhance the fat-burning effect, add home spa treatments: dilute 100 g of dry mustard in a liter of boiling water, pour into a warm bath, water temperature no
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higher than 38°, add foam for pleasure, we sit so that the area of ​​the heart is above the surface. rest in water for 5-10 minutes, mustard warms, accelerates blood circulation, which means it helps break down subcutaneous fat, rinse with warm water, wipe everything dry with a large terry towel. and take the small one by the ends on both sides and rub the buttocks and thighs until red. we stimulate metabolism so that not a single excess fat is left. now apply moisturizer or serum to your body. this must be done, because mustard
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slightly dries out the skin. and we brew tea with an igniting effect. pour a spoonful of hibiscus into a glass of hot boiled water. let it brew for 5 minutes, add half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and chopped ginger, a little more honey for a taste. we drink with pleasure, beauty and vigor to you. today, january 11, russia celebrates the day of national park reserves. the date was not chosen by chance. on this day in 1917 , the first nature reserve in russia, burguzinsky, was founded in buryatia. today in our country there are 103 nature reserves and 49.
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we are not able to fly around all this vast space, but we will look at some places right now. walk ten kilometers along a snow-covered road to see everything with your own eyes. march throw along the kurzh spit. dancing forest, height müller, sand dunes, kurzhskaya spit reserve 6,621 hectares of almost untouched nature. we are driving along the highway, alone, there is no one and... and a wild boar comes out, so good, kind, however, you can’t walk everywhere, in a specially protected or protected area, for example, red book species of birds may nest, or our big dunes the ridge, open white dunes, is the most valuable vulnerable element of the kursk spit landscape; one human step can move several tons of sand. you can walk in the recreational area, there are seven pedestrian a trench and three tourist routes, saw forests, forests, and ran along the road. i even ran up to people, this is the best thing, the trees are completely different, the air is completely different,
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it all looks more beautiful, of course, under the snow . a snow-covered forest, it is always special, in the kerzhensky nature reserve they even give out skis to visitors in winter, they are needed in order to walk through the forest, and you can even walk on them across the virgin lands, even beginners can handle it, see the snowy forest, look, find some animals dig in a snowdrift, kerzhensky nizhny novgorod nature reserve. region is almost 47 hectares, you can get here only with a permit, it will be done at the eco-center, there are several routes, in winter skiing through the forest and walking to the animals, you can see deer, here is a doe, and lena and a little deer, leo, they are so cute, their antlers are beautiful, they come close, you can look at them, they’re so cool, the deer were brought here in 2014, in the kerzhensky nature reserve there are also squirrels, foxes, wolves, and bears. therefore, it is better not to turn off secotrope. there are 236 territories in russia with special
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environmental status. more than 10 million people visit them annually. you can’t just walk and relax there. for example, kamchatka, kronovsky nature reserve, if you go off the path near the geysers, you can fall into boiling water. vladivostok is the land of the leopard , it is possible to meet a wild animal here, only walk with a guide and along the path or sit in ambush, also with a guide. for this, too, there is everything you need, in particular special photo shelters, in which you can have several. days to sit in comfortable conditions and wait for a meeting, just remember, comfort is a flexible concept, cats don’t come when ordered, but seeing an amur leopard or an amur tiger with your own eyes is an experience that will last a lifetime. elizaveta inkishow, victoria cherbakova, victoria dinova, channel one. we run further, just look at our feet, otherwise we will slip, fall, wake up, cast. well, it’s funny when in the movies, but in life, this is usually the case. sad: in winter, according to some sad tradition, the tram stations are, one might say,
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sold out. maryana zhukova has prepared a small study on this topic, i really hope that you won’t need it, but just in case case, look, it might come in handy. after a fracture, you want to quickly return to your normal lifestyle, but nature is like this: the lower limbs recover from 3 months to six months. the top one is a little faster, so the first piece of advice is patience: don’t try to get ahead of yourself, everything will come together when it should, don’t create unnecessary problems for yourself. the main rule is not to remove the cast ahead of time, the fracture is open, closed, with or without displacement, it depends on how long it will take wear. yulia has a complex ankle fracture and has been on sick leave for more than a month. one fine day i went to the store and leaving... the store, i messed up the road with him, but it turned out the way it happened, i fell,
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it was terribly painful, it’s important not to panic , the injury site can get sick and itch for a long time, even a month and one and a half, especially at night, due to the fact that a person mostly lies motionless at night, local edema occurs, a stagnant phenomenon that leads to pain, which is why physical therapy is so important, lying, sitting, standing, as best you can, only speed up the recovery process... to abandon them, it is important to do everything systematically, you need to start from heel to toe in a painless manner. in this mode, as you progress , you can put more load on your leg. many people do not want to wear a cast at all and refuse it in favor of an orthosis. there is a high probability that the patient will not comply with the orthopedic regimen, will remove the artesis, wash himself, again, there are many different types of artesis, there are strong fixation, there are
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hinged, there is medium fixation, there is light fixation, if the artes is... incorrect, the bones can heal with displacement, and the recovery period will be delayed, so it is better to use it after removing the plaster for additional support, an elastic bandage can also help, the degree of tension is moderate, we wrap it so that swelling does not build up, the first point, the second point is the prevention of thromboembolism. as for chondoprotectors for strengthening bones, they are usually prescribed to elderly patients; for a young body, it is enough to add foods rich in calcium and collagen to their diet, bone broth, jellied meat, tvorok jelly. maryana zhukova, alena krylova, dmitry roshkov. first channel. thank you, dear tv viewers, for meeting with us, this is good morning. in general, let's say thank you to each other more often, especially since this word is the hero of the day today, because january 11 is international thank you day. but in general, it seems to me that it should be said any day, because there can never
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be too many thanks. why is it beautiful, word? kind thank you, we have known the magic word thank you since childhood, borya gave me a soft toy rubber play, and i thanked him for that , i said thank you when they said what a very beautiful dress i had, to my mother after breakfast, the scrambled eggs were delicious, at this age no one doubts, the more often you thank, the better, you can say thank you . five times 30 probably costs 500 , for adults the limit is much less, on average we say and write thank you seven times a day, in messages generally as soon as it was not shortened, thank you, thank you, then sps remained, then three letters replaced the emoticon, now we just put it reaction to a message, a trend since the 2000s
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, then we saved symbols in text messages, now we save time, can an emoticon replace the word thank you, i think it can, because it is generally recognized, and we all already read some emoticons as gratitude, i folded all my hands they understand this , also everyone on the roads understands, the emergency service blinked, thanked, anna isomina has been driving for 14 years, she noticed polite drivers, the number of polite drivers has diminished, everyone thinks that he is in charge, they must let him through, do the math for yourself, in half an hour on the way the woman let through seven cars, only two they winked and waved, emergency lights blinked, it seems, to amaze... gratitude diaries olga bushlanova has been writing down before going to bed for several years now, for which you can say thank you to the passing day to everyone who was in it, in psychology this is a popular practice. in this way, we teach the brain to focus on the positive in life. the second function of the diary is to pump up the gratitude muscle. today they just wrote, tomorrow they thanked us in the moment, it’s nice for us and the recipient. and when we
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say thank you, when we we receive this gratitude, yes, we experience the same. emotions, our body produces dopamine and serotonin, on social networks good morning we launched a flash mob and heard dozens of thanks, thanks to my grandmother who knitted warm winter mittens for me, thanks to santa claus for a year's supply of sweets, a new year's miracle happened to albert prudnikov, he lost on the eve of the holiday bag. in the wallet there is a driver’s license, bank cards, i immediately thought how i was going to recover it, but soon he received a transfer for 10 rubles. and attached message resourceful with your phone number, i found your bag on the street, write, we’ll arrange a meeting, bogdan terletsky discovered it was missing when he was delivering an online order, he returned everything, thank you very much, you’re just handsome, we’re sure you have someone to tell too, thank you directly now, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you very much, alena astrakhantseva, mikhail
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korasev, victor namunka, channel one, good morning to everyone who is greeting a new day. together with the first channel on the calendar january 11 thursday in the studio today i’m ekaterina with you strizhenova and right in the morning early about what concerns everyone, a public offer. well , everyone has probably heard about such a concept, in approximately this context, it is not a public offer. i quoted a phrase that can be found on various sites where something is sold, or on social networks. what kind of offer is this and why? something is not her , let's figure out what an offer from a latin offer is, an offer to connect the internet, sell a garage or make a discount on coffee? any advertisement in on the internet, on the street or in a shopping center, and the offer is a serious matter, for clarifications in the civil code, the offer cannot be
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withdrawn within the specified period, that is , if we see an advertisement, an offer to purchase a specific product for a specific amount in a specific period of time, the seller can’t just change his mind, the price tag is also an offer, and we’re used to it, if at the checkout they ask for more, we demand we buy at the price tag, but it turns out...
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the numbers are big, from 8.00 to more than 21 thousand, someone is probably in this amount invested, some ended up overspending. true, money after the holidays is never superfluous. one option is to sell something you don't need. to sell something you don't need, you must first buy it. with the second, we are sure that many are in perfect order. olga zhevikina has accumulated things she doesn’t need. and there are many different phones, toys, jewelry, you don’t need it, but someone may be looking for used goods that you can sell, but as an option, the first option is to post
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an ad on the internet on a special online platform? i immediately saw your soviet grandfather frost, very cool, i know, that they are in great demand , yes, you can also try to sell phones, like a dvr, there is always a demand for equipment, with jewelry it is more difficult, they can hang for a long time, there is no guarantee , it is not a fake, so the price will be greatly reduced, i would recommend with jewelry for jewelry, it’s better to go to a pawnshop. people willingly buy clothes that are seasonal, but there are a lot of competitors in this niche, so don’t be lazy, take high-quality photos, in good lighting against a light background or on yourself, it’s important to take measurements right away. that's for sure will reduce the risk of returning goods, because each brand has its own size, plus you won’t be asked again. the price is at least 50% of the original cost, then you will have to periodically update ads, bargain and make discounts, answer questions, deal with delivery, all this
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takes time, if you don’t want to bother, a reseller can help, like ekaterina will do everything for you, even preparation things for sale, steaming, ironing - this is all part of the reseller’s tasks, it ’s easy to take some item, jeans, that bought from you, it will take you at least 30 minutes an hour. can you imagine, if you have 10-20 things, plus an adequate assessment of the cost of the thing, in order to sell it faster, 30% of the proceeds will be paid for services. you can go to consignment stores, from mass markets to the premium segment and vintage items, where buyers are often hunting for something exclusive, there is a chance to earn more. it is most profitable to donate things made from natural fabrics, and things with interesting accessories, with a non-standard cut, for example, a cashmere sweater. if we bought it 5 years ago for about 8 thousand, then we can buy it in a consignment store for four thousand, the client will receive about 2,500. the store's commission is on average
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from 25 to 50%, the sales period is from 2 months to six, or purchase, they willingly accept equipment in working condition: phones, laptops, construction tools, porcelain, collectibles, and what is important, money right away, there are many options, the main thing is to calculate everything. anna grebenchukova, nikolay krysanov, vasily valetov, channel one. this is news first. studios maria vasilyeva. hello. aviation and artillery, groups of russian troops vostok thwarted six attempts of the ukrainian armed forces to carry out a rotation of units in the south donetsk direction of the special operation. the enemy lost over 170 militants and two tanks. three armored combat vehicles, a gvozdika self-propelled gun and a grad system combat vehicle. in the artyomovsk direction , ivanovo paratroopers disabled a tank and infantry fighting vehicle of the ukrainian formations,
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and the operators did a brilliant job. attack drones operated in pairs, one charge immobilized the enemy vehicle, and then the second the quadcopter dropped a grenade directly into the open hatches. in the orekhovsky sector of the zaporozhye direction, assault groups of the guards kuban cossack regiment of novorossiysk paratroopers stormed the positions of the ukrainian armed forces near verbovoy, attacked in bmd4 combat vehicles under scale fire, came closer, bombarded the ukrainian strong points with grenades, and in the kupinsky direction, the camouflaged fortification of the ukrainian armed forces area was literally bombarded with shells. we, that is, from the command post, are given targets, they give us coordinates, we write them down, our gunner seems to be aiming, they say what kind of charge, projectile, how we aim , work on the target, the coordination of the calculation depends a lot, the rate of fire also depends, how accurate, courage and determination our military personnel show on the front line,
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junior sergeant daniel. purik was delivering ammunition when his convoy came under mortar fire, knowing that if the vehicle was hit , the ammunition would detonate. daniil, skillfully maneuvering, brought the equipment out from under fire and delivered the cargo without loss. senior sergeant chingi sachirov, as part of a tank platoon, defended the populated the point was liberated from militants, when the enemy tried to counterattack, with a targeted shot inflicted serious damage on him and disrupted the enemy’s offensive. ukraine has already lost its most experienced and motivated fighters, as western magazines are increasingly recognizing. this time the american newspaper wol street journal made its assessments. optimism regarding the capabilities of the kiev regime , no counter-offensive ended before it really began. trench warfare is exhausting ukrainian soldiers, and the west has proven to be an unreliable partner. us support for ukraine is stalling amid internal political squabbles. congress returned to work this week after the christmas break, but will it agree to a new white house request for assistance to kiev? big question. republicans believe that
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the states themselves need the money, for example, to solve problems with migrants; democrats are pushing the interests of biden, who cannot give up the idea of ​​​​making ukraine a feeding trough for his family. senate majority leader chuck schumer admitted that success on the battlefield is already tilting in favor of russia and said that if the united states does not provide kiev with another aid package, then a sharp change could occur within a month. unable to cope with the russian army, ukraine attacks the civilians of our country, and the west not only does not... condemn such terrorist attacks, but actually justifies them. our permanent representative vasily nebenze spoke about this at a meeting of the un security council. in belgorod on december 30, 25 people died, residential areas, as well as a christmas fair where parents were walking with children. they fired from multiple launch rocket systems with cluster munitions supplied by the czech republic. there are no military installations nearby and there never were. a blow to civilians, another war
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crime of the kiev regime, which they simply... do not want to notice , not a word was said from their western colleagues, unfortunately, on the contrary, some of them even justified it, this is what the french foreign ministry did in particular, calling the terrorist attacks of kiev on belgorod with the implementation of the right to self-defense. do you understand that this is how how are you responsible for these crimes? the behavior of the czech republic, which, trying to escape responsibility for participation in the terrorist attack, for complicity in the terrorist attack in belgorod through the supply of ammunition, was very indicative, was afraid.
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happened the day before, and this after severe frosts, a rapid increase in the value on the thermometer surprisingly transformed one of the symbols of the city, the iskiev cathedral, it became snow-white, because of the thaw the facade was covered with frost, the stone did not have time to warm up after the cold, condensation appeared, which, freezing, crystallizes, those who want to capture this miracle, more than enough, they also leave autographs and drawings on the columns. it will get warmer today in the capital, weather forecasters promise 0°, it will snow, and at night again...
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the frost will hit by friday it will get stronger to -17, by saturday to -27, in the region it will be -30, on sunday it will weaken slightly to - 15 and the new week will begin with a warming day in... and that’s all for now, the new year is already behind us, christmas is also over, but there’s still an old new year ahead, so there’s still a reason to get together at one table, literally in night from saturday to sunday and on this very table i give the idea it could very well be beef or pork tongue, choose the finished tongue at the table, there are only three rules: first: look at the color carefully, pork tongue, it is more pink, it will have a pinkish color, like this on these boxes, beef tongue, it will be darker in color, in raw meat this will also be visible, there should not be a film that
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is located on the lower part of the tongue, because this indicates that it has not been removed or cleaned language, this is already the second, we evaluate the structure of the meat, ideally it is nervous , not pressed in, without mechanical damage, because if this already happens, it means... the process of infection is underway, microorganisms are introduced into it; its shelf life, of course, is reduced, so on average, a flap tongue is stored from 3 to 5 days. and the third rule , if possible, check the smell, the tongue has a specific smell, but without foreign impurities, that’s all, you can take it, although some of us are still confused by this delicacy, just because of its appearance. chef yuri goloperov assures that the main beautiful presentation, even this seemingly not the most attractive cut of...
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cherry tomatoes, caviar and potato slices for decoration, waiting for the bite, yes, you can make a hot dish as an option, we lightly grease it with butter to give it juiciness , and put it in the oven to bake, since the pieces are thin, you need to bake it from two to 4 minutes, garnish with any favorite fried romana salad on top, grain mustard, pickling, beautiful, tasty, and also healthy. beef tongue contains a lot of protein, vitamins, group b, iron, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, pork also contains all this, but it is fattier, it is better not to get carried away with it. anastasia, sergey morin, channel one.
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bon appetit to everyone who is having breakfast now, and for those who can’t come up with anything more original than sandwiches in the morning, culinary specialist evgenia seliverstva suggests diversifying the menu. write down a tastier recipe. today, instead of sandwiches, we are preparing a delicious juicy chicken sandwich for breakfast. i cut the chicken fillet lengthwise across from one side to the other, rub the meat with chopped garlic, season with soy sauce, fragrant pepper, grease with honey, rub in the marinade so that it is better absorbed. i fry the fillet for 7 minutes on each side, pour in the rest of the marinade , cook for a couple more minutes, put the fillet on a paper towel, let the excess fat drip off,
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mm, what a flavor, thanks to the marinade the meat turned out juicy, tenderly spiced, and while it cools, i’ll prepare the others ingredients, cut the bun lengthwise... brown it in a greased frying pan, assemble the sandwich, grease the bottom half of the bun with mayonnaise, cover with lettuce, lay out the slices pickled cucumber and fried fillet, cover with a bun, the sandwich turned out to be delicious, try and make such an appetizing breakfast, new year this is always the beginning of a new stage, what will be the predictions? smanga said that everything will be fine in russia, you can confirm this, and the children who will be born next year, what will they say about the exchange rate, how in this regard?
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the dollar, like everything that is in this world, has its own zodiac sign, the dollar is cancer, the second half of the year will be very turbulent for it, we are ending a difficult era in the twenty-third year we are starting a new one, well, what are we... what sign were you born under, because tanya... told me what sign this person would even be under, that i was 6-7 years old, and my mother and i had there’s always a mismatch of nothing, when i read that the bull doesn’t like monkeys, i turned around and said, well , you’re not right for me, you know, there are some amazing methods here related to the self-positioning of the body, completely different scientific breakthroughs, so i’m telling you now , what vanga said on saturday in the first place.
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rum, castro, a product of the stellor group, if the doctor says that he will place the child, then what does it matter, you have done your job and even more, that’s it, vadik, of course, for you, i can ask what happened between you as a surrogate mother, she he’s so concerned about someone else’s child, because he’s just as worried about his own, it’s out there. that's it , let's go, in general, thank you for everything for greeting us, she wouldn't have pulled this off alone, vadime is most likely involved, why did he come back, for justice, how much time do i have, you don’t have time, vadim, i really need to talk to you, he has a place to hide, a container, new episodes, on sunday on the first, snow this year, apparently invisible on... a real winter fairy tale, and
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all the yards are full of this fairy tale , there’s no point in complaining that there’s a lot of snow, it’s impossible to get through , it’s impossible to get through, so we take the shovels forward , that’s what the heroes of our next report do anyway, after work you can relax, swing, it’s always like that in this yard in velsk, the residents of the house go out work, and it all ends with fun games, here i will have a den.
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we still have a lot of things, in the samara region they are even ready to share the snow, in syzran it has been snowing since the beginning of december, so the residents of this yard already have enough snow for a whole town of snow figures. it first started with santa claus, of course, then it went further, then they made a slide for the children, of course the work was colossal, everyone who could helped. from each entrance there are only a couple of people, already a courtyard full of helpers. and the kids have fun. and they go to grandparents and
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take pictures, so we’ll clean the yard at the same time, so we got so carried away that we even built a sleigh with three, and here you can relax and take pictures after work. anastasia zavidova, nazir nagumanov, anatoly kvaskov, channel one. our cheerful morning broadcast continues with sports news, or rather, a selection of sports curiosities. word to my colleague, channel one journalist, dmitry terikhov. the public loves sporting oddities; they remind us that well-trained athletes, idols, are exactly the same people as us, and can stumble, slip, somersault, fall for our amusement. what absurdities happen overseas, and to say the least, it seems that american sport in general is one big curiosity, there is no need to look far for examples, take baseball, for example, whoever is not familiar with it , there is no chance to immediately understand the essence, players dressed like usually in a bright uniform
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, or a gaping fan in the stands, but the most powerful bettors are generally capable of knocking a round player out of the arena, the main thing here is not to miss out on your happiness for those who could not get to the game, because the ball is the most valuable artifact for fans, home run - not only an opportunity for the team to score the maximum number of points in one attack, but also a chance for baseball fans to acquire a souvenir for
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an hour right in the fight in the spectator seats. as you know, resourcefulness is a person’s ability to quickly navigate in any situation. find the right solution, but what to do if a bat flies in your direction, dodge or hope that one of the players will catch it, and if the equipment, for example, a glove for catching a sword, has become unusable, and there is no way to remove it from there, but at the same time threatens capture the opponents' base, throw the glove along with the ball. in moments of triumph, athletes protect their eyes and put on ski goggles, all because they celebrate success by dousing themselves with various strong drinks. nobody wants to get burned. corneas , make an appointment with an ophthalmologist the next day, and best of all, when there is a jacuzzi right at the stadium, the main thing is to get sober to a container filled with champagne. the serial film "doctor preobrazhensky" continues on channel one. and the ordeal of doctor preobrazhensky continues. passionate and
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a dedicated plastic surgeon, surrounded on all sides by intrigue. at his beauty institute there is a real power struggle with his sister. preobrazhensky has patrons from the kgb, the task for leo is to change the appearance of the intelligence officer, in return he will choose who will run the beauty institute, leo already has a candidate, all that remains is to persuade him, now at our institute they operate with a laser and this is just the beginning. preobrazhensky himself cannot manage the institute, the conditions of the kgb, but through a figurehead, please, now the head of the clinic is svetlana dronova, and she doesn’t intend to give her chair to anyone, she is supported by her new friends, the wives of high-ranking officials, they already
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have a plan, it will eat you up and not choke, you should eat it before, this is probably a very expensive drug, where will i get the money , where? you have a refrigerator full of black caviar. her friends are pushing svetlana to act illegally, will she go for it? she is faced with a huge number of problems, and finding herself hostage to this society, which she put on these couches. preobrazhensky lada's mistress helps, she is a journalist, she began her investigation and found documents that will help return the lion to his office. to suspect something so blatant. in such institutions it is simply impossible, this means only one thing: the tests were taken by different people. lada had not yet had time to tell the lion the good news, all his thoughts were about his sister, zosya had the scar on her face removed, the talented mikhailov operated, but a mistake was made; instead of smooth skin, zosya risks getting a huge scar.
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will mikhailov confess to preobrazhensky, or is it more common to resort to cunning? this is you now why are you blackmailing me? i... with the first channel on the calendar january 11 thursday in the studio today with you i am ekaterina strizhenova. chinese peach, heart apple and even food of the gods, this is how persimmon was called in ancient times in different countries. in fact , this is, of course, not a peach or an apple, but a berry. and the question is why she sometimes knits, and it’s
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not only persimmon that is different in this way. why do different fruits need this, why does this happen? anna popova tried it. figure it out, some fruits and berries evoke special feelings, it knits, it burns, it tightens, but we get them all we love it equally, there are varieties that directly knit, knit, sour knit, knit so not childishly, so much so that i still feel this dryness so specific from persimmon, sometimes the same sensations are caused by quince, thorn, pear or berries, blueberries, currants and grapes, the body... they have a special chemistry: we bite the fruit, tannins enter the oral cavity - tannins, they fold the proteins of the mucous membrane, pull them into a film, hence this viscosity, during heat treatment - minus-plus - this... the properties of the product disappear, so put it in the refrigerator for several hours or pour over warm water , ideally choose a ripe fruit, this
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will have less tannins, the fruit should be ripe, truly aromatic, pineapple evokes no less vivid emotions, well, i didn’t like it, it pinched, my pineapple pinches, again chemistry, only other processes, pineapple is a product that... contains an enzyme, the enzyme bramilay, which is like an acid, and it damages our mucous membranes, a feature of pineapple, so we get a burning sensation, cracks in the corners of the mouth or even ascomina, if increased tooth sensitivity. askomina - this is a painful sensation that occurs in the oral cavity under the influence of external irritants, such as sour or very spicy foods, as well as cold and hot. the discomfort goes away. on your own, but you can speed up the process : drink warm water or milk, it is important that when it enters the stomach and intestines, bramyline does not stop working, so if a person
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has various gastritis diseases, then eating pineapple on an empty stomach is impossible, but it is an ideal combination with meat, hence the popularity dishes with pineapples. bramelain is an enzyme that helps break down protein and fats. this dish is better absorbed in the body, just what you need after the holidays. and for... the ancestors, for almost every day they had their own omen: on january 11 they wondered about the weather, if on this day, that is, today it is warm, the spring will be early and warm, but it’s not very clear what warm means, how much it should be degrees, well, be that as it may, we still need to live until spring, something about today’s day is already... known, at least our astrologers assure that they ready for the forecast. january 11, the thirtieth
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lunar day meets the first , twenty-seventh day of the sun, very powerful, obligatory, prudent and reliable, and at the same time hard-working people are aimed at success, which is very useful now, a period begins when there will be a lot of work, but if you roll up your sleeves and if you show perseverance, you can achieve a lot, this day will add strength to us. it will help boost confidence, as they say, to increase self-esteem, and it is also very good for strengthening or starting a serious and long-term relationship with someone, the downside is on the plus side, on such days we do not calculate our strength well and can quickly burn out, we can be overly picky and demanding, if we are offended by someone, we carry a grudge within ourselves for a long time. aries, you understand what this can lead to, you will walk around, be silent, sulk, maybe it’s better not to, but it’s a good day and very promising professionally . and check your email often, some important messages may end up in spam. this is also true for you, taurus,
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be more careful with money transfers and online purchases. everything else should things will work out, some plans will begin to come true, some money may come, there will be a chance to strengthen your authority, and you can also make friends with someone. and the twins are doing well, but keep in mind that now it’s easier to achieve something not through stubbornness and pressure, but, so to speak, through more subtle means. methods, but in general, rely less on others today, more on yourself, it’s a wonderful day for crayfish, they will even say about them that luck comes to them, just don’t let anything happen, take care of your health, especially if there is something chronic or untreated, the luminaries promise success to the lions of the opposite sex, and single lions can change their attitude towards marriage today, and the stars are all for it, about things here everything is quite smooth as usual, the main thing is not to forget anything and not... an effective day, difficult things will go well , working with equipment, all sorts of calculations, and in general everything will work out
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, some unexpected information may come , double-check it thoroughly, this day will open up some prospects for libra, first of all this applies to the business sphere, but in personal life there is also something positive coming up, oh unpleasant there is a risk of breaking something fragile, so be careful. scorpios, you are full of charm today, brave. turn on, of course, you won’t get far on charm alone, but if you add efficiency and calculation to it, everything will work out for you, and take care of your wallet, smartphones, and keys. for sagittarius, a direct day is convenient, when everything is predictable and moves according to plan, creditors may indeed remind you of themselves or some unpaid bills will come up, but this will not ruin you, expect guests in the evening. it’s better for capricorns not to deal with finances today, but if you really need to, be be extremely careful, double-check everything. after lunch. some trip or meeting may be disrupted, but this is not very critical, the evening will definitely please you and help you forget about business.
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aquarians today are on the crest of success, energetic, determined and businesslike. performs the important task of wiping everything dry, so when buying this towel, an experienced housewife will always choose the most durable one so that it absorbs moisture well and is easy to wash. our correspondent, yulia kozlova, approached the choice of kitchen towels scientifically. clean and fast, what a kitchen the towel absorbs moisture better and does not
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leave warps. we took the three most popular: waffle. linen and went to the materials science department with students and their teacher to see how different fabrics work. waffle towels are made from cotton yarn with a waffle weave. this weave has in its structure both convex elements and concave elements that allow it to capture moisture and retain it. cotton, in principle, absorbs water well, but a special weave enhances this effect. even with such twisting of the threads, it is very difficult to separate the fibers from them; in other words, there will be no lint on the dishes. terry is also cotton, only the structure is different, looped and looser. i really liked the terry towel, as it absorbs water very quickly, it is very pleasant to the touch. this is all thanks to the loops, but over time they become lint-free, so there is a greater chance of leaving lint behind. another thing is
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a linen towel. linen is a longer fiber than cotton. and here the yarn is thin, that is, the twist here is quite high, plus to this there is the usual simple dense weave. thin threads are arranged tightly, the fabric turns out smooth, which is why a drop of water on it initially holds a rounded shape and only gradually begins to spread. it absorbs very poorly, all the water remains on the plates. this was confirmed by experiment. we cut a piece from each towel and weighed it dry. and then in the wet. waffle and terry were three times heavier, linen by 2.8. it does absorb moisture a little less well. and here attention, before using everything we washed the samples. it is important to remove auxiliary substances that were used during the weaving process. for example, sanding, which can also remain on the fabric, is used to strengthen threads in weaving. these substances not only make
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the fabric more durable, but also give it a marketable appearance, although they reduce it. ability to absorb moisture, which is why new towels always absorb water worse than those washed several times. yulia kozlova, mikhail karasev, sergey myakin, channel one. thursday morning the news will continue. let's find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. this is news first. in the studio maria vasilyeva. hello. aviation and artillery from the russian grouping of troops vostok thwarted six attempts by the ukrainian armed forces to carry out a rotation of sub-units in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation. the enemy lost over 170 militants, two tanks, three combat and armored vehicles, a gvozdika self-propelled gun and a grad system combat vehicle. in the artyomovsk direction, ivanovo paratroopers disabled a tank and infantry fighting vehicle of the ukrainian formations, and the shock operators did a brilliant job
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drones, acted in pairs with one charge at the enemy vehicle. moved, and then the second quadcopter dropped the grenade directly into the open hatches. in the orekhovsky sector of the zaporozhye direction, assault groups of the guards kuban cossack regiment of novorossiysk paratroopers stormed the positions of the ukrainian armed forces near verbovoy, attacked in bmd4 combat vehicles under heavy fire, came closer, and threw grenades at ukrainian strongholds. and in the kupinsky direction , the camouflaged fortified ukrainian armed forces literally bombarded the crews of the d-30 howitzers with shells and beat high-explosive fragmentation at maximum range. our servicemen show courage and determination on the front line. junior sergeant daniil purik was delivering ammunition when his convoy came under mortar fire, realizing that if the vehicle was hit, the ammunition would detonate. daniil, skillfully maneuvering, brought the equipment out from under fire and delivered the cargo without loss. senior sergeant, chingiz achiro, as part of a tank platoon, defended a settlement
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liberated from militants when the enemy tried to counterattack with targeted shot. caused him serious damage and disrupted the enemy's offensive. ukraine has already lost its most experienced and motivated fighters, as western journalists are increasingly recognizing. this time with your own grades. trench warfare is exhausting ukrainian soldiers, and the west has proven to be an unreliable partner; us support for ukraine is stalling amid internal political squabbles. congress returned to work this week after the christmas break, but whether the white house's new request for aid to kiev will be approved is a big question. republicans believe they need the money themselves states, for example, for... chuck schumer, scares his colleagues with russia's successes. begins to turn to
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russian troops because ukrainian soldiers are running out of ammunition. we in the senate must react quickly because this is a dangerous moment for ukraine. ukrainian soldiers are losing shells to armored vehicles, which we mainly provided. this aid cuts off, every senator must understand that the stakes are high, if the senate does not approve the aid, an advantage that is already on the side of russia within a month can traumatically turn into her benefit. sleeping lunatics who are heading towards the abyss, this is how the economist magazine described the election campaign of the american democrats. the article says that biden, at 81, is obviously too old, and the first opponent that comes to mind, democratic socialist bernie sanders, is a year older. in fact, the democrats no longer have time to look for other candidates. the biggest problem
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is posed by biden’s advisers and associates, who cannot be removed from power, the economist writes. this whole sleepy campaign is opposed by donald trump, the incendiary rallies of which are reminiscent of either a speech by a preacher before an admiring flock or a todyville. the author of the article is convinced that he is guilty. media reports. they are looking for hamas leaders from the north of the enclave in the underground tunnels and are bringing out reservists. since the beginning of the conflict, almost 2 million gazans have become refugees , that’s 85% of the population. just the day before , tsakhal attacked more than 150 targets, while at the same time it was not possible to achieve its goals, the press writes. the war has already cost israel approximately 60 billion dollars, but hamas has not been destroyed and no hostages have been taken. released, nothing is known about their fate , the most radical statements have been heard in the knesset for 3 months, so the deputy from the lekut party nasim
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vaturi called for burning the gas sector, anti-semitic sentiments are growing in the world , this trend is even in the usa, and this is israel’s main ally, the number of incidents in the states in 3 months it grew by 360%. two large fires were extinguished at once. last night in the capital region in obukhov near moscow, a workshop for the production of polymer products caught fire, the flames covered an area of ​​800 km, it all started with roofs, fortunately the employees left the premises on time, no one was injured, over 100 rescuers and 33 units of special equipment worked on the site, as the ministry of emergency situations stated, the open burning was eliminated. another powerful fire was extinguished in moscow itself; it burned 200 km away, an administrative and industrial building on entuzi highway. a fire train had to be deployed. in gelendzhuk, the cause of a massive road accident was an enraged truck crane. according to preliminary data, his brakes failed. these frames show a multi-ton colossus at great speed
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rushing down the street, crushed cars on the side of the road. as a result, unable to stop, the driver directed him into the wall of the house. the scene of the accident was strewn with debris, broken glass, and twisted metal; three people were injured, including the roofer himself. everyone was sent to the hospital. that’s it, we’ve decided on the choice, let’s move on to storage, space organizer elena dorofeeva will tell you how to store a towel in the kitchen not only compactly, but beautifully. kitchen towels get dirty quickly, so you never have a supply of clean textiles on hand. will interfere, especially in work areas, such as near the sink. open the door under the sink. i attach a self-adhesive hook to it, hang hangers with clothespins, attach a towel to them , install a sliding telescopic rod under the sink, hang the towel,
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there is still room here, by the way, because there is enough for rags, there is another work area by the stove, i hang a towel with a reserve, on the door of drawers and oven. i don’t put away the rest of the towels, i put them in the kitchen drawer, i’ll show you how to do it compactly and neatly. i spread the towel, fold the edges towards the middle, it turned out to be a stripe. i bend the edge on one side and insert a towel into it. such a neat package will not unfold even if dropped. i arrange it vertically in a row, it’s very convenient, you can remove the bundle even with wet hands without staining the rest of the towels. well, admit it before it's too late. i love you, year of the dragon, fight the dragon, what's useful in it? get a header, head examination. items in the program to live healthy,
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all the most important and interesting, today on the first, veda vodka, a product of the stellar group, i can’t allow this development to be abandoned, it’s unfair, sir! you don’t go to the operation, and i’m going to hell, you are a brilliant surgeon, you made a mistake, how could this happen, i want to remind you that now all decisions are made by me, doctor preobrazhensky, new episodes, watch the time after the program, it was a mistake, i'm very sorry, are you sorry? it seems that
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not only the boys, but also the animals are enjoying the freshly fallen snow. look at the commotion caused by the four-legged inhabitants of the oregon zoo. the elephant, out of happiness, scattered the snow, and the white bear was lying in a snowdrift. well, what about someone? the otters, for example, were not afraid to even take a full ice bath. previously , every yard had a hockey rink, or it was simply filled in. kids used to play hockey on it , well, now they only use gadgets, probably those who think so are a little unaware, today they play hockey in the courtyards, and how, one might say, it’s back in fashion, and this is it an occasion when fashion can only be welcomed, the season of yard hockey matches are open, hop-hop, hop-hop, no skates are needed, no puck, in udmurtia they have been playing the old fashioned way, varenki, for many years now.
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it began to be called navallinka hockey recently, actually in soviet times it was just hockey, but hockey without skates, without pucks, the main thing is to have a stick, to have friends, to have a goal, and the desire to play, like alexander ivanov , that in childhood, that now we were little guys, i also played in the goal position, we played in felt boots, i had foam pads, bib, played, of course, we used the puck , a plastic protective goalie mask. well, my dad bought me a real goalie stick, it was a gift for me , of course, i’ll remember it for the rest of my life, so it’s not a reason to be nostalgic, make new friends and pass the winter, but you don’t need to know how to skate, you can play with the whole family, like in nizhny tagil, while the children are on the ice , their mothers are nearby, they have their own tournament, we unite with the children, the team of children unites, the team of parents unites, the mothers unite, but from us there is a lot from the mothers.
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the more happiness, but also the more expenses. children are growing up, they need more and more space in the house, they need to pay for clubs, sections, education. maternity capital is a very good help for families with children. and its amount has increased significantly this year. artyom bogryantsev, third-year student at penden state university. i'm studying law, i've been dreaming about it since the tenth grade. i did my internship in the courts. only later, after i entered, and i was very interested in legal direction, know the laws, comply with the laws , ensure that other people comply with the laws of the russian federation. in the future, i want... to work as a judge, the bogryantsev family allocated maternity capital for artyom’s education, and pays more than 100 thousand a year. if there were no maternal capital, we ourselves definitely would not have been able to do it. we do not have such an opportunity. thanks to the demographa national project, more than 13 million families have already
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received a maternity capital certificate. from february 1, its amount will be indexed by 7.5%. so, for the first child they will pay more than 630,000, for the second more than 830 thousand rubles. the vasilenko family uses maternity capital as monthly payments for two children. anyutka receives this universal benefit, paid from maternity capital. and nastya receives benefits for her first child, payment from maternity capital and her pension, we also had a lump sum payment regionally, and for girls who gave birth under 25 years of age. maternity capital can be used not only for monthly payments for children under 3 years of age, but also for improving housing conditions. the mini family. with the help of maternity capital, we bought a three-room apartment, bought a three-room apartment, sold the previous one, used maternity capital to reduce the mortgage burden, our payment decreased , we quickly paid it off, in addition to furnishing the apartment, the mineevs are also involved in the land
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plot, they received it for free from the state as a large family, size 12 acres for long-term lease, this season the foundation was poured, next season we are constructing walls and roofs. the mineevs receive a single allowance for their sons. last year it paid parents of more than 10 million children under 17 years of age. you can apply for it for all children in the family at once, simply by submitting one application through the state services portal, at the mfc or at social fund branches. marina vakhrusheva, nadezhda zybkina, channel one. good morning to everyone who has joined us. on the calendar january 11, thursday in the studio. and today i am with you, ekaterina strizhenova. the grandiose exhibition forum russia continues its work in moscow at vdnkh. in the first days of the new year alone, more than a million people have already visited it. if you weren't among them, be sure to come. i’m sure you’ll come
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a second or third time, because it’s simply impossible to see everything at once. well, for those who are going to the exhibition for the first time, here are some answers to the most popular. questions were asked, we answer, why go to the russia exhibition, here you can see the whole country under one roof, pavilion 75, to the right of the main entrance to ddnh. it’s very impressive , great, everything is grandiose, you can feel the scale. another 2400 km, advice to download the map in advance on the exhibition website, travel will be more convenient. we are in kamchatka, on the edge of vulcan. cheklavas as a souvenir, near the sakhalin kuril islands, you think that this is a brush, but what is it really? this is sand, you see where it comes from , it’s from the island of iturub, the question of what’s interesting here disappears by itself, the regions seem to be competing, everyone is surprised, the amur region is a model of the angara rocket, it’s easy to assemble, launch your own,
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launch, press together, like this , like that, one, let's go, legendary. the tiger goes into orbit, and buryatia has prayer wheels, anyone can spin it. it's called hurday. each drum contains thousands of prayers. by rotating the reels, so to speak, we read all these prayers. and how much time does it take to look at everything in the seventy-fifth pavilion for a minute at each stand for an hour and a half, if without rush it will take half a day, no less, as an option to go on a tour? we have nine directions, and there is a sightseeing tour for about an hour and a half and... there are thematic excursions, they are 2.5-3 hours, how much does it cost, everything is free, you can sign up in advance on the website or via mobile application, or on site, in the guest house at the entrance to vdnkh, are you sure you won’t get lost, volunteers will definitely help you, contact them with any questions at all, they will tell you how to find all 30
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thematic pavilions of the exhibition, a unique atom too, it is located further than the others , you and i sank 18 meters underground, the soviet section. atomic project and we are in the area dedicated to the radium institute, this is what the laboratory looked like where they created the technology for plutonium extraction, we are simply delighted, there is so much and so interesting, here you can easily have a snack, on the third floor there is a restaurant of modern russian cuisine, we have baked chicken, so you can top it beautifully with stewed mashed potatoes, it simmers in butter, if the issue with food is still not resolved, we remind you about the house of russian cuisine, go there to taste all the regions, how do you like stroganina, indigirka or sugudai? we have one fish, dude, this is red fish, lightly salted, where is this fish from, this is fish from... well, suddenly they forgot, the russia exhibition is open all days except monday, from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
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evenings, an hour longer on weekends. rita larkin, andrey ivanov, oleg soshin, channel one. thank you, dear tv viewers, for greeting us with this good morning. in general, let's say thank you to each other more often, especially since this word is the hero of the day today, because january 11 is international thank you day, but in general it seems to me that it should be said any day. after all, there is never too much thank you, but why is it beautiful, the word is kind, thank you, we have known the magic word thank you since childhood, borya gave me a toy, a soft rubber one to play with, and i am for i said thank you to him, i said thank you when they said what a very beautiful dress i had, to my mother after breakfast, the scrambled eggs were delicious. at this age, no one doubts that the more often you thank, the better, you can
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say thank you five times, 30, probably 500, for adults the limit is much smaller, on average we say and write thank you 7 times a day, in messages in general, as soon as , they didn’t shorten it, thank you, thank you , then sps remained, then three letters replaced the smiley, now we just put a reaction to the message, a trend since the 2000s, then we saved symbols in text messages, now we save time. can an emoticon replace the word thank you? i believe that it can, because it is generally recognized, yes, we all already read some emoticons as a sign of gratitude. i folded my hands, everyone understands this. also on the roads everyone understands, the emergency light blinked and thanked you. anna isomina has been driving for 14 years and has noticed that there are fewer polite drivers. everyone thinks that he is in charge, they must let him through. consider for yourself, in half an hour on the way the woman missed it. seven cars, only two winked and waved, the emergency lights blinked. looks like it's time to start
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gratitude journals. olga bushlanova has been writing down before going to bed for several years now, for which she can say thank you to the passing day to everyone who was in it. this is a popular practice in psychology. in this way, we teach the brain to focus on the positive in life. the second function of the diary is to pump up the gratitude muscle. today they just wrote, tomorrow they thanked us in the moment, we... experience the same emotions, our body produces dopamine and serotanin, on good morning social networks we launched a flash mob and heard dozens of thanks, thanks to my grandmother, who is warm winter mittens for me, thanks to grandfather frost for a year's supply of sweets, a new year's miracle happened to albert prudnikov, on the eve of the holiday i lost my bag , there is a driver's license in my wallet... identification, bank cards, i immediately thought, how am i going to restore it, but soon he received
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a transfer for 10 rubles and an attached message with a phone number, resourcefully, i found your bag on the street, write, let’s make an appointment, bogdan terletsky discovered it was missing when delivered an online order, returned everything, thank you very much, you are simply handsome, we are sure you also have someone to say thank you to right now, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you very much, alena. get yourself a little in shape, well, of course, you and i are already beautiful, beautiful, but some
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spa treatments won’t hurt, you can arrange them right at home, as vice world champion in fitness eleonora alibaeva will tell you. i love skating, it's cool. and it’s good for your figure, in an hour of exercise you can burn from 300 to 900 kilocalories, after festive feasts, what you need, and to enhance the fat-burning effect, we’ll add home spa treatments: dilute 100 g of dry mustard in a liter of boiling water, pour it into a warm bath, the water temperature is not higher than 38°, add foam for pleasure. we sit so that the heart area is above the surface of the water. we rest for 5-10 minutes.
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mustard warms, accelerates blood circulation, and therefore helps to break down subcutaneous fat. we rinse with warm water, wipe everything dry with a large terry towel, and take a small one by the ends on both sides and rub the buttocks and thighs until red. test so that not a single excess fat is left, now apply moisturizing cream or serum to the body, this must be done, because mustard slightly dries out the skin , brew tea with a fat-burning effect , pour a spoonful of hibiscus with a glass of hot boiled water, let it brew for 5 minutes, add half
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teaspoon ground cinnamon and chopped ginger. we drink a little more honey for taste with pleasure, mm, beauty and vigor for you. we run further, just look at our feet, otherwise will slip, fall, wake up, cast. well, it’s funny when it’s in the movies, but in life it’s usually sad, in the winter in the tram stations for some reason. sad tradition, one might say, a full house. maryana zhukova has prepared a small study on this topic, i really hope that you won’t need it, but just in case, take a look, it might come in handy. after a fracture, you want to quickly return to your usual way of life, but nature is like this: the lower limbs
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recover from 3 months to six months, the upper ones a little faster, so the first advice is - patience. try to get ahead of yourself, everything will grow together when it should grow together, don’t create unnecessary problems for yourself . the main rule is not to remove the cast ahead of time, the fracture is open, closed, with or without displacement, it depends on how long you will have to wear it, yulia has a complex ankle fracture, she has been on sick leave for more than a month, one fine day i went to the store, and leaving the store, i covered the road with him, but... as it happened, i fell, it was terribly painful, it’s important not to panic, the place of injury can itch for a long time, a month and a half, especially at night, due to the fact that a person mostly lies motionless at night, local edema occurs, a stagnant phenomenon that leads to pain, which is why physical therapy is so important, lying,
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sitting, standing, as you can, but you won’t be able to speed up the recovery process with extreme persistence, you don’t need it right away. you need to start from heel to toe in a pain-free mode, then as you progress you can put more load on the leg, many people don’t want to wear a cast at all and refuse it at any time benefit of the orthosis. there is a high probability that the patient will not comply with the orthopedic regimen, will remove this artesis, wash himself, again, there are a lot of different types of artesis, there are strong fixation, there are hinged, there is medium fixation, there is light fixation. if the orthosis is chosen incorrectly, the bones may heal with displacement, and the recovery period will be prolonged, so it is better to use it after removing the plaster for additional support, an elastic bandage will also help, the degree of tension is moderate, we shake it so that the swelling does not increase, the first
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point, the second point is the prevention of thromboembolism. as for chondoprotectors for strengthening. bones they are usually prescribed to elderly patients, to a young body, it is enough to add foods rich in calcium and collagen, bone broth, jellied meat, jelly, cottage cheese to your diet. maryana zhukova, alena krylova, dmitry rashkov, channel one. today, january 11, russia celebrates the day of national park reserves. the date was not chosen by chance. on this day in 1917 , the first nature reserve in russia was founded in buryatia, burguzinsky. today we have 103 nature reserves and... 49 national parks with a total area of ​​203 million hectares. we are not able to fly around this entire vast space, but we will look somewhere right now. walk ten kilometers along a snow-covered road to see everything with your own eyes. forced march along the kurzh spit. dancing forest, müller heights, sand dunes, kurzhskaya
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spit nature reserve, 6,621 hectares of almost untouched nature. we are driving along the highway, alone. it is always special, in the kerzhensky nature reserve they even give out skis to visitors in winter, they are needed in order to walk through the forest, and on these you can even go kissing, even beginners
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can handle it, look at the snowy forest, look, find animals, dig someone out in a snowdrift. the kerzhensky nature reserve in the nizhny novgorod region is almost 47. you can get here only with a permit, this will be done at the eco-center. there are several routes, in winter a ski route through the forest and a walking route to the animals, you can see deer. here is a deer and lena and leo the deer, they are so cute, they have beautiful antlers, they come close, you can look at them, they are so cool, here are the deer here they were brought into the kerzhensky reserves in 2014, there are also squirrels, foxes, wolves, bears, so it’s better not to turn off the secotrope, in russia there are 236 territories with a special environmental status, more than 10 million people visit them every year, you can’t just walk and relax there, example, kamchatka, kronovsky nature reserve, if you go off the path near the geysers, you might fall into boiling water. vladivostok, the land of the leopard , it is possible to meet a wild animal here, walk only with a guide and along the path, or sit in ambush
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, also with a guide. there is everything for this too necessary, in particular special photo shelters in which you can sit in comfortable conditions for several days while waiting for a meeting. just remember, comfort is a flexible concept, cats don’t come when ordered, but see with your own eyes an amur leopard or an amur tiger. an impression for life. elizaveta inkishaw, victoria cherbakova, victoria dinova. first channel. this is news from the first maria vasilyeva studio. hello. aviation and artillery of the russian grouping of troops vostok thwarted six attempts at the ssu carry out a rotation of the unit in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation. armored fighting vehicles, a self-propelled gun , lost over 170 militants, two tanks, three carnations and a combat vehicle of the hail system. in the artyomovsk direction, ivanovo paratroopers disabled a tank and infantry fighting vehicle of the ukrainian
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formations, the attack drone operators worked brilliantly, they acted in pairs, immobilized the enemy vehicle with one charge, and then the second quadcopter dropped a grenade directly into the open hatches. in the orekhovsky section of the zaporozhye direction, assault groups guards kuban cossack regiment of novorossiysk paratroopers. stormed, captured the positions of the ukrainian armed forces near verbovoy, attacked in bmd4 combat vehicles under heavy fire , came closer and threw grenades at ukrainian strongholds; in the kupinsky direction , camouflaged fortified ukrainian armed forces literally bombarded the crews of the d-30 howitzers with shells, hitting them with high-explosive fragmentation at maximum range. now our work is very active, here’s the work for us, that is, they give us goals from the command post, they give us coordinates, we write them down on a note. we seem to be induced, they say, what kind of charge, projectile, how we aim, work on the target, the accuracy of the calculation depends a lot, the rate of fire depends, how accurate, courage and determination
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our military personnel show on the front line , junior sergeant daniil purik was delivering ammunition when his column came under mortar fire, understanding that if the vehicle is hit , the ammunition will detonate. daniil skillfully maneuvered the vehicle out of the fire and delivered the cargo without loss. senior sergeant chingi sachira. as part of a tank platoon defended the populated the point was liberated from militants, when the enemy tried to counterattack, with a targeted shot inflicted serious damage on him and disrupted the enemy’s offensive. ukraine has already lost its most experienced and motivated fighters, and this is becoming more and more common, western journalists admit. this time , the american newspaper wall street journal came out with its assessments: there is no optimism about the possibility of the kiev regime, the counteroffensive ended before it really began, the payback war is exhausting.
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so in belgorod from the un secretariat never did. breaking news, russian president vladimir putin got acquainted with the presentation of comprehensive plans for the development of far eastern cities, it was hosted at the pacific state university in khabarovsk. later, the head of state will hold a meeting here with far eastern entrepreneurs. the january weather continues to bring surprises. this night in st. petersburg it sharply warmed up to +1°. like this. the temperature was the day before, and this was after severe frosts, the rapid increase in the value on the thermometer is surprising transformed one of the symbols of the city, st. isaac's cathedral, it became snow-white, because of the thaw , the facade was covered with frost, the stone did not have time to warm up after the cold weather, condensation appeared , which, freezing, crystallized . , it will get warmer today in the capital, weather forecasters promise 0°, it will snow, and
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at night the frost will hit again, by friday it will get stronger to -17, by saturday to -27, in the region it will be -30. on sunday it will weaken slightly to -15 and the new week will start with warming, on monday afternoon it’s already -6. and that 's all for now. good morning to everyone who is celebrating a new day with channel one. on... on the calendar january 11, thursday, in the studio today i am with you, ekaterina strizhenova and right in the morning about something that concerns everyone: a public offer, well, everyone has probably heard about such a concept, in approximately this context: public the offer is not, i quoted a phrase that can be found on various sites where something is sold, or on social networks. what kind of offer is this, why is it not something?
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let's figure out what an offer from the latin offer is, an offer to connect the internet, sell a garage or make a discount on coffee, in general any advertisement on the internet, on the street or in a shopping center, but the offer is a serious matter, for clarifications in the civil code, the offer cannot be withdrawn within a specified period, that is , if we see an advertisement, an offer to purchase a specific product for a specific amount in a specific period of time. you can’t just change your mind and the price tag is also an offer, and we’re used to it being asked for more at the checkout, we demand we buy according to the price tag, but it turns out that this rule applies to discounts, promotions, terms of delivery of goods, everything that the seller stated, consent to the offer is acceptance, in fact, our decision to purchase the goods on the specified conditions is equal to the automatic conclusion of a sales contract, that’s why sellers are careful in...
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in networks, for example, sometimes they don’t indicate the prices of goods, when asked how much it costs, they write in the comments, answered in private messages, there is no price, not an offer, and if there is a price, but the mark under the asterisk is not an offer , that it’s still an offer, the supreme court explained , if the conditions were allegedly changed, but did not have time to remove the banner with a tempting offer, you can threaten the claim with court, the rule of promising does not mean getting married does not work here, varvara fedorova, denis dzharov, first! here i brought up december statistics, all sorts of surveys on the topic, how much do you plan to spend for the new year? the range of numbers is large. from 8,000 to more than 21 thousand, someone probably invested in this amount, someone ended up overspending, however, the money was after the holidays are never superfluous, one of the options is to sell something unnecessary, in order to sell
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something unnecessary, you first need to buy it, with the second, we are sure that many have complete order, but olga zhevikina has accumulated things that she does not need, and there are many different phones... and toys, decorations. you don't need them, but someone might be looking for them. you can sell the goods. and as an option , be the first to post an ad on the internet, on a special online platform. i immediately saw your soviet santa claus, very cool, i know that they are in great demand. phones, yes, you can try too sell. like a video recorder, equipment is always in demand; jewelry is more difficult; it can freeze for a long time. there is no guarantee that it is not a fake, hence the price. people buy clothes willingly, they are seasonal , but there are a lot of competitors in this niche, so don’t be lazy, take high-quality photos in good lighting against a light background or on yourself,
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it’s important to take measurements right away, this will definitely reduce the risk of returning goods, because each brand has its own size, plus you won’t be bothered with questions again, the price is minimal. plus an adequate assessment of the cost of the item in order to sell it faster, for services 30% of the proceeds. you can go to consignment stores from the mass market to the premium segment and vintage items; in such stores, buyers are often hunting for
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something exclusive; there is a chance to earn more. it is most profitable to sell things made from natural fabrics, things with interesting accessories and a non-standard cut, for example, a cashmere sweater, if we bought it 5 years ago, where? it costs 8 thousand, then we can buy it in a thrift store for thousands for four, the client will receive approximately 2,500. the store's commission is on average from 25 to 50%, the sales period is from 2 months to six, or purchase, they willingly accept equipment in working condition: phones, laptops, construction tools, porcelain, collectibles, and what is important, money right away, there are many options, the main thing is to calculate everything. anna gribenshchikova. rusanov, vasily valetov, channel one. what is happiness, but these are
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the simplest things, it seems to me, this is love, health, this is respect, and of course, this is peace. this is what's around me, me i am surrounded by those closest to me, this is my family, my relatives, who always support me. russian people, they are special, they will always help, always support in difficult situations. i want our children, our children, to live better than us, and for our grandchildren, our grandchildren, to live better than our children. why i love this country, because it is big, great, with a huge territory, with a great history. i wish all the best, not only for myself, but for everything i own. surroundings, the whole country, the whole world. old barrel cognac is a product of stellor group.
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the new year is always the beginning of a new stage. what will be the predictions? vanga said that everything would be fine in russia. can you confirm this? what about the children coming next year? born, this is what they will be like? about exchange rates, how in this regard? the dollar, like everything that is in this world, has its own zodiac sign, the dollar is cancer, the second half of the year will be very turbulent for it. we are ending a difficult era, we are starting a new one in the twenty-third year, but what will we get in the twenty-fourth? what to me it was said, i tried myself on, everything came together, i was going somewhere to the mountains with a complete stranger, i couldn’t stand it and asked under... i leaned on him and said: well, you’re not right for me, you know? some amazing
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methods have been found here related to body enhancement, completely different scientific breakthroughs, so i ’m now telling you what vanga said on saturday at the first. the snow this year is apparently invisible, a real winter fairy tale, and all the yards are full of this fairy tale, there is no point in complaining that there is a lot of snow, you can’t get through, you can’t get through, so... let’s take the shovels forward, in any case, this is how the heroes of our next report speak. you can also relax and swing. it’s always like this in this yard in velsk. residents of the house go out to work, and it all ends with fun games. this is where i will have a den. there is a lot of snow in the shallows, so we went out to clean the paths in the yard, everyone is helping. there are a lot of kids, everyone sees that everyone is working, they all take shovels. someone takes it.
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construction site, here you can relax and take pictures after work. anastasia zavidova, nazir nagumanov, anatoly kvaskov, channel one. new year is already over, christmas has also passed, but there is still an old new year ahead, so there is still a reason to get together at one table, literally on the night from saturday to sunday, and on this very table i give the idea that there may well be beef or pork tongue. we select a ready-made language at the table. there are only three rules: the first is color, look carefully: beef tongue, it is more pink
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, it will have a pinkish color, like on these boxes, beef tongue, it will be darker in shade, in raw meat this will also be visible, there should not be a film that is located on the lower part of the tongue, because this indicates that it was not removed, the tongue was not cleaned, this is the second thing, we evaluate the structure of the meat, ideally it is not torn, not pressed, without mechanical damage, because if... already will be, it means that the process of infection is underway, microorganisms have been introduced there; its shelf life, of course , is reduced, so on average, a flap tongue is stored from three to 5 days. and the third rule, if possible, check the smell, the tongue has a specific smell, but without foreign impurities, that’s all, you can take it, although some of us are still confused by this delicacy, just because of its appearance. chef yuri goloperov assures that the main thing is a beautiful presentation, even this one, it would seem, is not the best... i will demonstrate how you can
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fix this by serving a beautiful festive new year's dish made from beef tongue, now i will prepare a sauce for it, in general, beef tongue is very cool goes well with tonka ; the versatility of the hot tongue lies in the fact that it harmonizes well with seafood, ready-made canned tuna, dry caper and a little chicken broth for sauce. greens, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, caviar and potato slices for decoration , making couscous, yes you can make a hot dish as an option, we lightly grease it with butter to give it juiciness, put it in the oven to bake, since the pieces are thin and bake it you need from two to 4 minutes, side dish - any favorite fried ramana salad on top, grain mustard, with deer, beautifully... tasty, and also healthy. beef tongue contains a lot of protein,
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vitamins, group b, iron, zinc, selenium, pork also contains all this phosphorus, but it is fattier, so it’s better not to get carried away with it. anastasia, sergey morin, channel one. our cheerful morning broadcast continues with sports news, or rather, a selection of sports curiosities. word to my colleague, channel one journalist dmitry terikhov. the public loves sports oddities. they remind us that perfectly trained athletes, idols, are exactly the same people as us, and can stumble, slip, tumble, and fall for our amusement. there is no chance to immediately grasp the essence, players dressed, as a rule, in bright uniforms, lazily strolling along the green lawn, some with sticks in their hands , with which they hit the ball, in general, one complete
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curiosity, and from the point of view of injury, baseball is undoubtedly the most curious sport, you may ask, why would a person... get hit helmet, and then that the pitcher, when serving, can hit him in the head with a hundred and fifty gram ball, and he flies at a speed of over 100 km/h. why is the playing area separated from the stands by soft mats? we answer: they save baseball players from injury at the moment when players try to make a so-called safe, their focus is solely on the ball. it often happens that it is impossible to catch him, then an unwary fan could easily get hurt at the stadium scoreboard. on the podium, well, the most powerful bettors are generally capable of knocking a round player out of the arena, the main thing here is not to miss out on your happiness for those who could not get to the game, because the ball is the most valuable artifact for fans, a home run is not only an opportunity for the team to score the maximum number of points in one attack, but also a chance for baseball fans to get a souvenir for an hour straight into the fight in
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the spectator seats. as you know, resourcefulness is a person’s ability to quickly navigate in any situation and find the right solution. but what if a bat flies in your direction, should you dodge it or hope that one of the players will catch it? and if the equipment, for example, a glove for catching a ball, has become unusable , there is no way to get it out of there, but at the same time the opponents are in danger of capturing the base: throwing the glove along with the ball. in moments of triumph, athletes cherish eyes put on ski goggles, all because they celebrate success by dousing themselves with various strong drinks. no one wants to get a corneal burn, the next day... make an appointment with an ophthalmologist, and best of all, when there is a jacuzzi right at the stadium, the main thing is to get sober to a container filled with champagne. the serial film doctor preobrazhensky continues on channel one, and the ordeal of doctor preobrazhensky continues. a passionate and dedicated plastic surgeon
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is surrounded on all sides by intrigue. at his institute beauty there is a real struggle for power. there are problems with my sister, and there’s also the kgb. are they taking him away? holy simplicity. they do not open doors for detainees. preobrazhensky has patrons from the kgb. the task for the lion is to change the scout's appearance. in return, he will choose who will run the beauty institute. the lion already has a candidate. all that remains is to persuade. now at our institute they operate with a lazar, and this is just the beginning. lyova, why talk about this again? preobrazhensky himself cannot manage the institute, the conditions of the kgb, but through a dummy person, please, now the head of the clinic is svetlana dronova, and she does not intend to give her chair to anyone, she is supported by new friends, wives of high-ranking officials, they already have a plan, it will eat you up and not
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choke, you should eat it before, this is probably , a very expensive drug, where will i get the money, where do you get the full one? her friends are pushing svetlana to act illegally, will she go for it? she faces a huge number of problems, being held hostage by this society, which she put it on these couches. preobrazhensky is helped by his mistress lada, she is a journalist, she began her investigation and found documents that will help return the lion to his office. it is simply impossible to suspect such blatant negligence in such institutions. means only one thing: the tests were taken by different people. lada had not yet had time to tell the lion the good news, all his thoughts were about his sister, zosya had the scar on her face removed, the talented mikhailov operated, but a mistake was made; instead of smooth skin, zosya risks getting a huge scar. mikhailov confesses to preobrazhensky,
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or it’s more common to go for cunning. are you blackmailing me now? i got a place at the institute thanks to this. operation , and if the result is not successful, i will lose it, you were here by accident, and i have been going towards this opportunity all my life, and i will fight to the last, the struggle for power you... bon appetit to everyone who is having breakfast now, well, for those who can’t come up with anything more original than sandwiches in the morning, culinary specialist evgenia silverstvova suggests diversifying the menu, write down the recipe for delicious sandwiches. today instead sandwiches we are preparing a delicious juicy chicken sandwich for breakfast.
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i cut the chicken fillet lengthwise across from one side to the other. i rub the meat with chopped garlic, season with soy sauce, allspice, grease with honey, rub in the marinade so that it is better absorbed. i fry the fillet for 7 minutes. on each side, pour in the rest of the marinade, cook for a couple more minutes, place the fillet on a paper towel, let the excess fat drip off, mm, what a flavor, thanks to the marinade the meat turned out juicy, tender, spicy, but for now it’s cools down, prepare the other ingredients, cut the bun in half lengthwise, brown it with butter. i assemble the sandwich, grease the bottom half of the bun with mayonnaise, cover with lettuce, lay out slices of pickled
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cucumber and fried fillet, cover with the bun, the sandwich turned out to be delicious, try to prepare such a delicious breakfast, good morning to everyone who wakes up with the first channel on the calendar january 11. thursday in the studio today i am with you, ekaterina strizhenova. chinese peach, heart apple and even food of the gods, so in ancient times, in different countries they called persimmon. in fact, this, of course, is not a peach or an apple, but a berry. and the question is why she sometimes knits, and it’s not only persimmon that is different in this way. why do different fruits need this, why does this happen. anna popova tried to figure it out. some fruits and berries evoke special feelings, they knit, burn, tighten, but we still love them.
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there are varieties that directly knit , knit, sour knit, knit so - not childish, so much so that i still feel this dryness so specific from persimmon. sometimes the same sensations are caused by quince, thorn, pear or berries. blueberries, currants and grapes. the body has a special chemistry with them, we bite the fruit , tannins - tannins - get into the mouth... from the mouth, they fold the proteins of the mucous membrane, pull them into a film, hence this viscosity, during heat treatment in minus plus this is the property of the loss of this product, therefore refrigerator for several hours or rinse with warm water, ideally choose a ripe fruit, this will have less tannins, the fruit should be ripe, truly aromatic, not pineapple evokes less vivid emotions, but i don’t like it.
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the peculiarity of pineapple is that we get a burning sensation, cracks in the corners of the mouth, or even askomina if the sensitivity of the teeth is increased. askomina is a painful sensation that occurs in the cavity. under the influence of external irritants, such as sour or very spicy foods, as well as cold and hot. the discomfort goes away on its own, but you can speed up the process: drink warm water or milk. it is important that when it enters the stomach and intestines, bramyline does not stop working. therefore, if a person has various gastritis diseases, then eating pineapple on an empty stomach is prohibited. but it’s an ideal combination with meat, hence the popularity of dishes with pineapple. bramelain is an enzyme that helps break down protein and fats. this dish is better absorbed in the body, just what you need
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after the holidays. anna popova, maria kuskova, stepan erofeev, sergey namunka, channel one. this concludes our program. i, ekaterina strizhenova, wish you good morning and a successful working day. see you soon on the first channel. this is the news on the first, hello, in valery korablev’s studio, in this issue. free hunting mode, our drones are in the sky, fly several kilometers and hit the target exactly. nose slightly to the right, here, come on. golden. and
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it turns out there is a way to launch drones in a snowstorm. moreover , the enemy in such weather does not expect an attack from the air. miracles of entrance camouflage, a hidden door - a way to avoid conscription. footage from ukraine, new raids, around the mobilization bill, intrigue, or returned for revision, or not. to provide the ability to move, exoskeletons, technology that can help thousands of patients. let's do it again, like the soldiers do. so how can we improve the design of an idea from northern military district veterans with engineering talent? the almost magical creature of the tripanga legend. unique white specimens are now being studied in the far east. why white? because he was affected by radiation. it is not true. what's the truth? stories?


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