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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  January 11, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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i say, gmendang is a broad political , you know, like an ira, there is an ira, like a political ira, and there was a military ira, so if suddenly a movement arises within the gomendang, which in response to the elections suddenly raises a popular uprising, it doesn’t even matter , it doesn’t matter how long it lasts, you know, a day or a week or a week and a half, then it turns everything upside down, it nullifies the elections, it does everything wrong, you know, another thing, does china need inclusion now?
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china and the united states of america are following around the globe and not only around taiwan, of course, it will definitely be reflected, but the question in what form by whom, this is a very complex question and requires a separate program for this and there is a question of a separate program , i just... africa and not in vain in the points, which we discussed, there is africa and its unpredictable behavior, in fact, africa is a densely populated continent, in nigeria alone there are more than 200 million people, this is actually a huge market, including surplus, africa is actually listed here as unpredictable fact.
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victory, but it’s not even on the horizon, they are already forced to withdraw troops for rotation for the third time, because the losses in equipment and people are such that they simply don’t take them out, it’s obvious, you know, that’s why now everything has calmed down. no information, no information, because the situation there is now becoming very, very difficult, and i think that in the near future we will be forced to talk about it, well, we will definitely talk about it, like all other situations in our program, but here interrupting at the same time with a very interesting advertising on channel one, without it there are no black swans, advertising on time. pavel andreevich koltsov, adjutant to the commander. yuri solomin, man, legend, star of our cinema, artistic director of almost the most classic small theater in the country, don’t consider yourself a great artist, just old, one of the old artists of the small theater, he just said that he is not a great actor , he is a great russian actor,
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for the last few years he has hardly appeared on television, all these years we have been waiting for him on interview, what a miracle, we waited for an invitation to the theater square. hello, everything, everything has been rebuilt. we agreed on 30 minutes, but the people's artist did not let us go for 3 hours. the conversation turned out to be confessional. i have no enemies. i didn't harm anyone. the favorite of all women of the soviet union, and such a person, very simple, sweet, charming. our exclusive, unique footage taken a few days before the emergency hospitalization of yuri solomin. in memory. straw, today on the first, old barrel cognac, stellar product group. what is happiness? well, these are the
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simplest things, it seems to me. this is love, health, this is respect, and of course, this is the world, this is what is around me, i am surrounded by those closest to me, this is my family, my relatives who always support, russian people, they are special, they will always help, always support in a difficult situation, i want our children, our children, to live better than us, and for our grandchildren, our grandchildren to live better than our children, why do i love this country? for the fact that it is big, great, with a huge territory, with a great history, i wish you everything the best, not only for yourself, but for everyone around you, the whole country, the whole world. i hate
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my face and want another one, it’s possible, you know, surgery won’t help you anyway, but your idea of ​​removing the ribs is crazy, yes. what did you do with her? you can't get away with this? yes, if we do everything carefully, the mosquito won’t hurt your nose, you understand that this is really dangerous, my dear, it’s good to be a nurse, if you don’t resist the thieves’ patients, they will destroy you. are you worried about me? you will never lie to me. a pass to the institute should only be available to those who.
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senior obhs investigator, major volkov, we are interested in the documentation of the cosmetology department, here is the search warrant. the old new year is coming, the diagnosis is like a song, what examinations should be done in the new year? dragon fruit, what are its benefits? you will come to us with pain, but you will leave without pain. eliminate pain in 5 minutes. great, he'll tell you everything. tomorrow on the first. the new year is always the beginning of a new stage. what will be the predictions? smanga said that everything will be fine in russia, you can confirm this. what about children, who will be born next year,
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what will they be like? about exchange rates, what about this? the dollar, like everything else in this world, has its own zodiac sign. the dollar is a cancer, the second half of the year for it. it will be very turbulent, we are ending a difficult era in the twenty-third year and starting a new one, but what will we get in the twenty-fourth, what was told to me, i reconciled myself, everything came together, with a complete stranger, i’m going somewhere to the mountains, i’m not stood up and asked what sign you were born under, because tanya she told me what sign this person would even be under, that well, i was 6-7 years old, and my mother and i always had nothing in common, and when i read that the bull doesn’t like the monkey, i leaned back and said, well, you’re not suitable i, you know, some amazing methods have been found here related to body rejuvenation, with completely different scientific breakthroughs, here i am for you now. on saturday on the first,
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i said, starting the program today, that there were changes in the program of the first channel today due to the fact that today i left life people's artist of the ussr, artistic director of the small theater, yuri solomin, and this is truly a heavy, irreparable loss for our culture and for our entire society, and this is the case when these words are, well, really reality, and not some figures of speech , a really difficult, irreparable loss, but i said at the beginning that he will live in his roles in our memory, now - we will be able to hear again. conversation with yuri solomin, this is his last interview, it so happened 2
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months ago he gave an interview to yuri borisov in exclusive program on channel one, about childhood, about his relationship with his brother, about roles in films, and of course, in the theater, about everything, look, in loving memory of him. yuri solomin, a legendary man, the star of our cinema, the artistic director of almost the most classic small theater in the country, for the last few years he has hardly appeared in public, all these years we have been waiting for him for an interview, what a miracle, we have waited for an invitation to the theater square, we agreed for 30 minutes, but the people's artist did not let me go for 3 hours. talk turned out to be confessional, this is the first channel, good evening, i’m dmitry borisov, our exclusive today is unique footage taken
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a few days before the emergency hospitalization of yuri solomin. pavel andreevich koltsov, adjutant commander. after the release of the film, the adjutant of his excellency yuri solomin began to be called the symbol of the russian officer in soviet cinema. i am very grateful to him, why? because he didn't open the door. his excellency's adjutant, the role of which. basically opened all the doors for me all cities. since childhood, he had been dirty about the stage, but he could not think that in adulthood the very same theater would be led by artists who seemed to him like celestials. there was no television then, i listened to the small theater on the radio, concerts, performances, all the actors. fifth year in chita, the parents of solomin methodius viktorovich, zenoid ananyev ryavtseva were
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music teachers, my mother dreamed of yuri becoming a surgeon, he was so deft at pulling boys’ noses. how do you feel, ivan aleksannovich? order is not poetic at all. already at school, yuri solomin firmly decided that he would become an actor. his father supported him, and as soon as the last school bell rang, they went to the shchepkinsky school. listen. let's spend this night together, yeah, do you really want to go to prison with me? no, i want you to go to the masquerade with me. iriya solomin ’s mother told iriya solomin over the phone that his younger brother vitaly was going to enroll in the same shchepkin school, when he was already teaching. i will often say: brother, my youngest, because you know him too, this was. he was a very good actor, we know him , we love him, he worked in the small theater, he studied at
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the shepkin school, yuri solomin met the main love of his life there while studying, he saw olga andrianova, he fell in love with his long braid, at first we rehearsed as partners , and then i got used to her, no matter how stupid she was, sometimes we went for a snack somewhere somewhere, somehow at the beginning of olga nikolaevna’s career she was more in demand. yuri mifodich played in small roles, she in tyuz, she already had leading roles. 1 september sixty-fifth. yuri solomin's only daughter dari was born. she studied at a very ordinary school, when her father was already shining on the screen and was incredibly popular. she learned to play the piano quite early, won festivals and competitions, and even starred in a movie with her dad. maybe he'll come back one christmas evening. and the ship will drop anchor on the udov rocks.
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even the queen of england admired yuri solomin. his family was rather an exception in the acting environment, a loving husband, father and grandfather, who dotes on his great-grandparents and pets, in his personal and creative life yuri is monogamous. he lived with his wife for 62 years, in the small theater for 57 years and is ready to take any blow with his usual fortitude. i’m not afraid of what an old fool will say to me, i’ll say, yes, he’s old, but not a fool. i can't prove it. a week after our meeting, yuri mifudyevich scared everyone. the media reported that he had a mini-stroke. he was quickly taken to intensive care. today in our studio there is student solomina. elena vasilna antonova, theater and film actress. people's art tester of russia, his wife, slonosifina
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shershneva, honored artist of russia, as well as the director of the moscow saga, where yuri solomin played one of. it was very important for him to convey some important thoughts to everyone, and that’s exactly what we’ll be doing today, listening to our favorite folk artist. hello, what about all of you, that you have rebuilt everything , and so that we can sit there beautifully, and you just take off the beauty, then again there will be ugliness,
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ugliness, let’s do it beautifully, maybe i ’ll make it to 90. because i very this the office is very difficult for me , because the team chose me here, this is how many years ago , how many 35 35 the team elected me and viktor korshinov. there were two of us, vit korshinov and i, i was elected by the team, and he was elected director of the theater, and so we worked, on the contrary, now i ’m trying to say something, i said it at one time, for two or three years i already began
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to feel bad after that , as i say something, based on your experience. what role does talent play in the greatness of an artist, and what role does study play, that’s when a person comes, came to that i myself, i don’t know, there’s nikolaevna’s faith, so she could see a person - make him a great artist, if there wasn’t enough there or vice versa, or i know what it is, but what concerns me...
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in the film is an inspector criminal investigation, well , an old black and white film about the police, you know , he just starred, the film came out...
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what a good friendly relationship, he just said that he is not a great actor, he is a great russian actor, this is extraordinary,
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just now you showed the footage , i saw zenaida ananievna, their mother, with dimples, we were in guests, were friends with vitaly, naturally , yura and olya came there, she always me... i never did harm to anyone, my training was different, these were my grandmothers, and my parents, my father
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and mother, she was a very selfless woman, but she the old one was also already alone, lonely , she lived there, we took her here as best we could, helped, it saved the situation, and we changed this apartment and helped my brother, then they had a good apartment, i spent the last few years she lived with...
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i also wanted to become a great singer, then i lost my voice and it didn’t work out, so my son i invested because i played in a music
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school, and he also called pashenno his essentially godmother in the profession, who he has a portrait in his office, against which we sit, talk, and he miraculously remembers - everything, well, right in some minute-by-minute almost sequence, how he came to... together with his father in moscow, how he acted, and for him it is now, here he is 88, he speaks of this as something most important in life , came with my father to moscow, he had a free train ticket, i went there back, he also worked at the railway club , well, we were already late, 7 days, silk, in short, it was a thrill, only the shchepkinsky school, which means they said that the competition had come tomorrow. the father was in a fainting state in the public garden, because he had been robbed at the station, at the yaroslavl station, not only
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was his money stolen. there were tickets for the return trip , it’s good that many of the chetinians knew him, he met him at the station, they dragged him to the ministry of railways, well , they issued him a ticket, and he says, we’re going , i say where, i, i was in school, at i have a competition tomorrow, what a competition, you go and talk to the woman, vera nikolaevna, yes, vera nikolaevna. this is my icon and i came adele yakna, we had a special secretary in the directorate, she says what happened , i need death nikolaevna because all our documents were stolen from our father; tickets for the return trip
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; came out, something, who asked me? adalya says, this boy, what are you doing? i told her this whole story, i don’t know why, but for a long time she she looked at me, and then he said, well, stay, and i stayed, they sent me away, my father ran, he sent me, he stayed, and now the exam is coming. but i go there and they’re sitting, just imagine, lord, i ’ve seen a lot of them in the movies, and vera nikolana is picking up the course, well, hello, again, where are you from? i say, i’m from chita, from transbaikalia , she turns and says to them: oh, i was in transbaikalan, during the war they went with...
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i’ve already been learning how to wag for a year, well , she was so well-fed, she said vera nikolaevna, what do you have there's some kind of bubble on his head, she says it's i have a braid there, what kind of braid is that, come on, show me, she had one hairpin, she blew it out and the braid was used, okay, said the believer, most importantly, she
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was her favorite student, when did you fall in love with her? at first we rehearsed as partners , and then i got used to her, no matter how stupid she was, sometimes we went to have something to eat somewhere, somehow, and then now the third and fourth year, we somehow so to speak. it was hard to live in the middle, she worked, i worked, then, finally, we had a daughter, she left the theater, and she has been with me since my first year, which i i started recruiting, she started working with me, she was a very good teacher, and i was already acting, so she...
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taught for a very long time, well, it’s a fantastic story, yes, when people are together like this all their lives, that’s how they met in their youth , there ’s a fall on the course and so... it’s amazing, for me this is such an example and such a joy, as a child i didn’t even intend to be an actress, well, i collected postcards from artists, i still have such a stack of these postcards, here even yuri mifudovich signed on moscow saga, dear marina, i wish you happiness in our business, i believe that your partner yuri will be so. solomin, and that means the moscow saga, it was such a joy to act in this wonderful film, a year of happiness, here i am, then i dreamed of this house, all the time, this is a discovery, here is yuri mikhailovich solomin,
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people's artist of the soviet union, favorite of all women of the soviet union , and such a person was with him, he was just very simple, sweet, charming, there was such a scene. when the gradov professor comes, well, he’s a party member, yes, that means he’s a party member, that’s it, circumstances turned out that way for him, and he comes to god, the housekeeper agasha comes and asks me to give me the gospel, and how he said it, how worried he was, some kind of biocurrents were going on, i was also worried, in the end the scene turned out, dmitrievich, in general , he praised us, taught me to pray, and taught me. praying, he said, and behind the scenes there were simple conversations , suddenly they started talking about something, they had been filming for a long time, they began to remember something, who likes what restaurant, who likes what food, suddenly yuri the sword says: and i love these hamburgers with this sauce,
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he said, very, very shy about it, and dasha , dmitrievich’s daughter, the producer, drove by, and i have fans there, he says, all the walls , he says, are painted, they are waiting, he says, they’re sitting for him, do you think , as for me, it’s also lucky with my husband that he is generally persistent, that he is simply persistent, just such a core, this is a siberian core, i’m telling you as a siberian,
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among those who knew them well, that’s what we thought too, that with all the merits, legal, with all the merits, talents, everything, if... but this is iola, the rivalry of two straw men , what yuri mifovich told me about the competition with his brother vitaly, who is now taking care of the health of the artistic director of the small theater, after a short advertisement we will return, this is exclusive, stay with the first channel,
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cosmetology department, i declare it open, you will ruin mine institute why did you get it like that? this is your institute, take what is rightfully yours? jumped up, anonymous, you’re a normal married woman, what are you doing? let's go, so if we don't do anything, the light will be removed, it is necessary for svetlana someone at the very top stood up for gennadievna. sveta, did you spend the night here, what happened? wait, this is my husband, why is he beating himself? doctor preobrazhensky, new episodes, watch the time after the program, are they taking him away?
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holy simplicity, they do not open the doors for detainees. oui je t'aime donc oh mon amour comme la vague. his destiny was talent, beautiful women, fame and constant provocations. i do song as a form of entertainment, without ambition. or they hated it, but no one remained indifferent. why are you so angry at your contemporaries? because it is better to hit yourself than to receive hits from others. when i write complex ones. songs, they say that i am an intellectual, i write something easy,
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they tell me that i have sold out, they do not leave me in peace, i often repeated, i know my boundaries well, so i break them, i returned the marseillaise to its original meaning, i ask you sing with me, without a filter, tomorrow on... if they put me in prison, i don't care, at least i'll lose weight. the new year is always the beginning of a new stage. what will be predictions? smanga said that everything will be fine in russia, can you confirm this? and the children who will be born next year, what will they be like about exchange rates, how in this regard? everything that is in this world has its own zodiac sign, the dollar is cancer, the second half of the year will be very... we are ending a difficult era
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in the twenty-third year and starting a new one, but what will we get in the twenty-fourth, that’s what i was it was said, i was reconciling myself, everything came together, i was going somewhere to the mountains with a complete stranger, i couldn’t stand it, i asked, what sign were you born under, because tanya told me what sign this person would even be under, that well, i was 6-7 years old, and my mother and i always had a mismatch of nothing, when i read that the bull doesn’t like monkeys. i’ll hit a doctor to make you cry, and let
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them all torture you the same way, and even if it’s banal and not talented, but as best as he could, he played the guitar , but why, just be silent, the heart for whom you’re crying is screaming, because he hasn’t tamed himself, at all can't be tamed, i'll tell you a joke. we're on air again, this is exclusive, i'm dmitry
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borisov, yuri solomin is 88, of which 57 years old, he is in the small theater, first as an actor, then as an artistic director, the guy from chita in his time not only conquered the capital, he became a symbol. our exclusive today is a confessional interview, which we recorded a few days before the artist’s emergency hospitalization. and to be honest, not even now. this is where i would like to go, but one or another theater invites me, i cannot go, because if i leave in the middle of the performance or during intermission, it will be visible to public, it’s better not to go, and it’s better not to watch, but someone should be responsible for that nonsense, well, there are still people.
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well, what am i going to tell anyone to say, don’t pay attention to solomin, he’s already sick with one eye, so he says something there, he hung it up, he didn’t hang it up. they have been hanging for 30 years, more than 40 , this, this, if you take them down, i won’t be there, i come here as if i were going to a temple, and this carpet
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that we received after the war, it lay just like it was under mikhail ivanovich, and i i say, don’t touch it, they clean it, they give it to the cleaner. these are trophies, just like we have in the director's pavilions; yes, we have two boxes there , we keep everything there, he says this , what kind of chair is this, some kind of small chair for someone for children? i say no, not for children, for dresses when they sat down. when they sat down in a dress like this, this was it , this, yes, i say, yes, this is all, this is all
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old, this was also under mikhailo ivanovitch, so we are talking about the small theater, it’s probably , the most classic theater. in our country, well, it turns out to be the most classic where should we take schoolchildren to watch the classics in the small theater, because everything else there is experiments and something else, i of course could not resist asking the yurotich this is his attitude, it has not changed over the years towards modernity, everything about modern productions, he admitted to me that it turns out that it’s because it hasn’t changed, he stopped going in public at all, he appears in public, it’s not even about health, it’s not about problems, it’s all because the theater comes with him, he participated, everything is fine, he says, i don’t want to leave other people’s performances , but you can’t sit and sit maybe, dmitrievich, when you were already working on set with such an artist, he was already clearly famous, great, he tormented you, i’ll tell you a slightly different story, he should
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have starred in the film heavy sand, this picture was made by my son as a director, and the producer was my daughter, very young guys and... frankly speaking, all the best artists who were alive at that time all passed through you then, yes, everyone passed, everyone passed, and we could not approve anyone, we they couldn’t find the actor, the picture was on the verge of stopping, but the author's script natalia violina once called me from the studio and said: you know that now solomin was reading simonov, you remember
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alyosha the roads of the smolensk region, he read so much that i think this is the one we were looking for, we were there in 2 hours. in the office where you were filming, we realized that we had found dr. gradov, right there he also starred in the saga with you and maclay with his own, with his own dog, with his own, this is a separate, this is a separate topic, my colleagues will forgive me, arrived on set, and a normal actor is worried about his costume, makeup, he didn’t worry about anything, how maclay’s ear would be sealed, this was his main concern, because this is love, this is passion, this is his absolute passion. there were five stray dogs at the dacha , picked up by a mongrel, i don’t know where he collected them, and he asked to be filmed with him, it was his request, and we were happy that they worked together, he has dogs now, we are still recorded an interview, asked my assistants there whether the drivers were fed there or
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not, i had to go there, see how they were doing there, because they are at the dacha, he was very worried now in moscow, we have a separate topic of dogs. i walked such a red line through our conversation, you have a lot in your office here, i look at sculptures, small sculptures, big dogs, do you like it? i love, very much, my father was a dog owner, he also loved, well, not just bred, but loved, grew up with a dog, and i grew up with a dog, with a mongrel, they picked him up on the street, now i have three... dogs on dacha, there was one shepherd dog that was also picked up, a puppy, they are 15 years old, 15 years old, here me... and my mother and father were dragged from the street , they are going to work, suddenly they drag some
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puppy, uh-huh, or they find a kitten, my brother grew up with dogs and cats, you know, you have to love this from childhood, and not just choose, oh, purebred , but why a thoroughbred, because mongrels are good dogs. they are very smart, leaving a part of the heart to the viewer, yuri solomin, the head of the small theater and the performer of big film roles that made him the idol of millions, has passed away. the first in europe, despite pressure about economic prospects, key rates, prices and benefits for far eastern business, conversation between the president and entrepreneurs in khabarovsk. the military order has been disrupted, there are attacks on kharkov repair and production bases and the location of foreign mercenaries, and
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there is no bad weather yet, our drones are hitting enemy strongholds. the dynamics of recovery are positive. residents of belgorod who were seriously wounded during a terrorist attack in the ssu were visited in the capital's clinic by the regional governor. a feather was attached to a bayonet during a special operation among journalists. special role annual government award in the field of media, among the laureates are our colleagues from channel one. steersman bourbon, a product of the steller group. i hate my face and want another one, it's possible. you understand that the operation will not help you anyway. is your idea to remove the ribs? this is madness, yes, what did you do to her , you won’t get away with it, but if
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we do everything carefully, a mosquito won’t bother your nose, you understand that this is really dangerous, my dear, it’s good to breed if you can’t resist the thieves’ patients , they will destroy you, you are for you worry me, promise that you will never lie to me, the pass, the institute should only be for those who are directly related to the operation, simsha of my mistakes, light, three, four, andrei ivanovich, i will correct both of our mistakes, it is impossible to correct , something happened, yes, quickly follow me to the operating room, doctor preobrazhensky, new from the series, watch the time after the program. senior investigator of the obhs, mayor volkov, we are interested in the documentation
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of the cosmetology department. here's a search warrant. why did the ukrainians need tsypso? large-scale information operation against india. we will investigate the origin of these munitions. the markings are practically invisible, 72 was too lazy even for simple things like this, take scissors and cut the tape shorter. the so-called friendship between ukraine and india is not true, as well as the refusal of magathe experts to enter the reactor halls, is allegedly an attempt by the russians to hide the true situation at the station, someone decided to simply play politics once again. antifake, premiere, tomorrow on the first. you and i are just friends, the bird is now free, but wants to go back into the cage, if we lose our memory, we will choose each other again, don’t love me, don’t
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look for me, no more parties, you ’re painting old pictures, this sky is for you, these lights are for you , this is the sun, it shines only for... always, but it’s snowing, it’s snowing, everything is flickering, you’re floating, the very first new year, tomorrow is the first, everything is so easy for you, not the first time, the third, and that every time it’s like this you just take and give, but this is business, listen, marin, we can congratulate you, you mother? congratulations on becoming a father, i’ll take a photo of your child and bring you alexandra’s testimony as a gift. i'm afraid you
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won't get anything in the event of a divorce. how is that possible? container, new episodes, on sunday on the first, are you bargaining for the night, don’t want to return it, three lemmas, no less, and the money is needed in 2 hours,
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there are many different abilities represented in our country. in order to be able to develop yourself and learn something new, rudina is where you feel good, where you are expected and where you are safe, we came from the village of muvyr igrinsky district of the udmur republic, this is a unique village, revived, my dad began to revive it 30 years ago. we want and we are trying to do everything possible to raise the level of culture in our small towns, at the level at which we can do this.
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since i was not a professional artist , we rehearsed for some time, i now, now i understand how hard it was for him, and how old were you there, 12, 12, well, i didn’t go through training then, of course, but ...
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are you a spy? this phrase haunts me, here it is already since the sixty-ninth year, she really became a flying winged, and yuri midovich solomin, at the evening in memory of evgeniy ivanovich tashkov, i’m yours...
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and he says to me: let’s go, let ’s go, let’s go, let’s go, that’s it, we, we’ve worked, then there is, or rather, he worked, and i literally worked for 2 minutes even less, but it was important work for him too, because it was after his adjutant that this all-union fame and popularity came to him, because it’s clear, yes , he has work before this, the theater, yes, but, but still, this is what is already called unconditional glory, this is after the adjutant, of course i could not help but ask. about the experience of his filming , his international recognition, he also starred with krassava in the fast-moving film of the hall and the picture of what it was like for him to work with sakira kurasawa in general, and we talked a lot about this, especially since there in the office there is this tiger given to kurasawa in the end of the seventies, and this tiger turns out to be solomin himself, well, that is, here is the vision of one
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artist through the eyes of one. well , about this, firstly, on the radio, on television we were told, but what can they say, an award is an award, beauty is a special article, mikhail ivanovich tsarev, and tsarev was then the artistic director, the director, he was the artistic director, he was sitting in this office, the table was here, and i came from ... i went to see him like that, he says, well , he talked a little, they say kurasawa wants to film you, and in short
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, i had a premiere, but what about gogol, he says, i just played with the abyss, after the abyss tons of letters came, yes, i i say, i don’t know how i’ll tell her, she’s also like a criminal mother to me. well, i take myself, when i was already filming, tsarev said, well, since they ask for kurosawa, i ’ll let you go, they filmed in vladivostok there, in all these hills and mountains. the city of arsenyev , she was based there near vladivostok, when we had to finish, alexandra already appeared next to us as a granddaughter who
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strictly monitors her grandfather’s schedule so that everything is correct, and the nurses who are always nearby to take care of people also began to appear on horizon, he kept trying everyone kick him out again, because it was important for him to talk about... a role that, about one job, which he considers not the main thing in life, well, of course, not counting the work in the small theater nearby, so i can’t help but show this fragment just because , that i understand how important it is to hear this myself, to berik’s life about mikluhalannost, and there is a scene at the end where igor gorbachev, i was lying there in bed, there and called, and he played the doctor, as gorbachev watched? close-up of him, he looked out the window as they took me away, and you know, i still have this for the rest of my life, yes, he looks, there’s a snowball
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, they’re taking me away, and i’m lying there, because i’m not moving, you know, i thought i was going to burst into tears, as he said, eh? my dear, how difficult it is to live in one life, three, how quickly everything burns out in this heat. the main work of life is still considered his own, this, well, because he was also a director, yes, well, yes, the fact is that he is not only a director, well, you were all there too,
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accordingly, yes, we were all they were filming it, he gathered everyone, he is the author of this movie, yes, well, when we finished the interview, he was already there that's it, the nurses took up the sword to feed. great and we walked around, including i had a chance to ask a question about my brother and his answer seems very laconic to me, but...
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who do we remember, starting with mikhail ivanovich tsarev, mikhail ivanovich tsarev, yeah, here’s vera nikolaevna, vera nikolaevna .
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klyuev borislavich, yeah, yura vasiliev , this too, this is our old women, old women, old women, old women, it’s just you theater employees, you see, for your own absolutely, yes, kulyakov, well, kulyakov, yura, acted in a lot of films , brother there is also yours, but you didn’t have competition? professional with my brother , no, no, no, no, we are different, we played when he, this is the first big, spring love, i played spring, and he is schwandi, yeah, so no, we, he was more social like that , i am more intelligent, one is social, the other is intelligent.
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everyone applauded, then astrov vitaly solomina took the initiative into his own hands and it was great, i wasn’t stupid yet, god is merciful, my brains are in the right place, but my feelings were somehow dulled, yes, i got a lot of sleep, yes, a lot.
9:00 pm
hello, in the program time about the most notable events of this day. his excellency of theater and cinema , yuri solomin, has passed away. let's remember the roles of the actor who was admired by more than one generation.


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