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tv   Vremya  1TV  January 11, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. his excellency of theater and cinema , yuri solomin, has passed away. let's remember the roles of the actor who was admired by more than one generation. the edge
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of opportunity vladimir putin in khabarovsk, what is the unique contribution of the far east to the economy, which is growing despite sanctions? we are targeting a military plant, the results of our attack on kharkov, and front-line drones, precision work in weather beyond flight conditions. wounded city for children and adults from belgorod who suffered during ukrainian terrorist attacks, do and they'll do it again. all you need. the special format of the big game program was awarded a government prize for the first time. who else did mikhail mishustin present awards to? 3 days of frost after a black snowstorm. who helps those who are caught in bad weather while driving and how to avoid accidents like this week? today yuri passed away. an artist whose name in the credits or on
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posters has been the key to the success of a movie or play and the audience’s love for more than one decade. a great actor, a keeper of the traditions of russian classical theater, an amazingly friendly person, has died, the telegram says condolences signed by vladimir putin. for the last 2 months, yuri solomin was in the hospital, from where he was discharged only the day before yesterday. he was 88 years old. a real aristocrat, they said nothing else about him, a nobleman. but the patronymic, as he himself laughed, is not a noble name, methodievich, and the deposits are far from the capital, chita, transbaikalia, but a sharp contrast between himself and his screen image, in a butterfly, like trampling a bat, or in a strict military uniform in the adjutant of his excellency, solomin was never shy, while the creators of the series the moscow saga did not even think about who would play the role of the head of the huge metropolitan professorial family, he was so organic in this image, and he preferred a dacha to moscow, my own...
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solovina told how fate once connected him with marshal malinovsky, well how she tied him up before the premiere at the maly theater, where he ended up in 1957, immediately after graduating from the shchepkin theater school, he was called up for military service, they even managed to shave the conscript’s head, recovering from shock, the premiere breaks down, theater management decided to call malinovsky, then the minister of defense, otherwise he turned out to be a theatergoer. and i was already 26 years old, i was old, he said, who needs him, of course, we him... vadim, he is in the theater in the cinema, he says, he will bring us more benefit for the army. for creating the image of intelligence captain koltsov, vodiutte solomin will receive a state prize. then he will also play captain arsenyev in the film "drsuzala", the famous japanese director akira kurasawa, who once said that solomin can play anything. the film will win an oscar. and yuri mifodievich, speaking about filming in primorye, will say that everything reminded him of his native trans-baikal steppes, this is next to his homeland. it’s okay, now we ’ll find out where it comes from. came from there, one of
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the last creative meetings of yuri solomin was in the central house of the russian army with participation.
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farewell to yuri solomin on monday at the maly theater and the people's artist will be buried at the troikurovsky cemetery. next to my wife. we continue 3.00 km in the air and climate change from arctic to temperate, program vladimir putin's working trip to the far east. after anadrya in chukotka, the president worked in khabarovsk, an important region as part
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of the russian far east, the importance of which is growing in the new economic realities, as is its contribution to the overall growth in the country. the opportunities for doing business in these territories are in some ways superior even to the capital. the russian economy is a very, very resilient creature that knows how to adapt, but most importantly, it grows and develops at a speed that surprises even us; take,
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for example, inflation through the efforts of the central bank, it decreases, it will be better, because all the actions of the central bank and the government, well, not all. but a significant part of the central bank is precisely aimed at suppressing inflation, and i think that we will reach the target indicators. as for economic growth, in 2024 business analysts in russia predict a rise in gdp of more than four percent. by the end of the year it will definitely be more than 4% growth, more than four, more than four, well, we’ll see, of course, but maybe i’m like we’re in decline, here’s mikhail vladimirovich said before leaving here. we always counted the fall in 22nd year as 2.1%, in fact it turned out to be 1.2, so the eyes are big, the count is constantly going on, so maybe there will be more growth in vp, that is, while the western countries are sagging, russia is growing, this is amazing the result seems to be that we
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are being strangled and put under pressure from all sides, but we have become the first in europe in terms of the volume of the economy as a whole, we have overtaken germany and taken fifth place in... the world: china, usa, india, japan, russia. number one in europe. and in this room everyone made a contribution to this result. everyone is already investing here. in the far east of those present here , all of them are successfully investing, many are thinking about expanding their ambitions, and you and your company will tell you later, if you have a moment away from the camera, the president of business russia alexey repek, of course, is also investing in these parts, to invest in general, money at home in your homeland is always nice, especially since it seems to me that russian business has received such an inoculation from investment abroad, it will last for a decade, i also say this from my own experience. so at home you they said at home, this is how it should be, i’ve been saying
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this for a long time, that’s all, we remember everything, but now about the problems , the head of a far eastern company that produces building materials that are in demand even in china, complains about the problems of local exporters, one of our materials, mineral thermal insulation in terms of quality better than chinese analogues, at a lower cost, but unfortunately everything is eaten up by expensive logistics to deliver from khabarovsk.
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no, it is possible, i agree completely, we need to decide on checkpoints and logistics centers. another question about benefits from the investor of the sahal resort mountain air, but now for the hotel, restaurant business, what comes with them , imagine 21 culinary concepts, a wine library with russian wine, of course, a restaurant, a children's club, all this right next to the entrance of mountain air, let's get together right now and let's go, yes, i'm selling, i understand. but the trouble is that food establishments are not mentioned in the normative documents of benefits; if catering establishments are not included in this
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benefit system, then of course you need to attach it there, here you are absolutely right, because that this is certainly part of the whole complex, so i am on your side, i think that it is quite possible and necessary to do this, we need to support it, especially in the far east, of course, the conversation about resorts inspired the moderators of the meeting, the far east is a kind of point for us boiling, and not only volcanoes and geysers, but also talents, of course, first of all, and of all ages, this is how it decomposes, thus the founder of a company that is engaged in crab fishing was introduced, so here is the question: foreign competitors of our producers seafood pay an import duty of up to a maximum of 5%. they set similar import duties on our fish in sizes ranging from 10 to 35%. well, somehow this is not very fair,
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well, in addition, there is an export duty that we set for ourselves, it is 50% higher on our fish than the import duty on imported fish, so it seems to us that this is not a completely fair question from the point of view of far eastern fishermen, we would like you to take a look and help solve it. i’ll definitely take a look, make a note for myself, and ask my colleagues about it note, a sharp increase in the import duty risks the same increase in prices on the shelves, however, the far eastern business promises to provide affordable russian seafood to the whole country, that this will increase the efficiency and output of the industry, and let me wish you a convincing victory in the elections, thank you very much, just here cannot be allowed. and then they went or at the same time synchronized the increase in duty,
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because well, the import of eggs, you see what happened with us, we just didn’t get our bearings in time, it’s just the volume our production has not decreased, consumption has increased, due to the real disposable income of the population, a little, but still people’s incomes have increased a little, so they began to acquire more. eggs, chicken meat, but they didn’t think about opening imports in time, boom and prices went up, so you need to be very careful, but in general you are absolutely right.
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that it was decided in the city of the lena bridge, yes, i thank you on behalf of all entrepreneurs, well, if alexey, you laughed so much, if this is not true, then you he will have to complete it today, let him build, let him build, dear vladimir vladimirovich, please take him under your wing, we need a bridge. such meetings with vladimir
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putin can change everything, those who have already approached him with problems know for sure. after our meeting, they began to be resolved smoothly. in general, as i understand it, but i don’t think that you influenced it in any way, it’s just that the government apparatus works effectively, i must say, well, the machine is well established, of course, you know, i’ll say more than that, that’s when i law, i also have a certain attitude towards this, looking at today’s discussion outside the far east, one could envy the special attention of the president and financial preferences, but putin’s position is unshakable, i don’t want to scold anyone there about our liberals, they do their job with high quality, but the general thing is this super-liberal approach, everyone should be put on equal terms, yeah, so the far east is the same as the european part, but then depopulation would continue here and nothing would happen, conditions these are different, well, my colleagues talked about logistics more and more expensively, we had to think about this, well, stalypin did his job in those
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conditions, it was enough to resettle the peasants, give them land and the end would be done. that’s all, now life is different, different conditions , it is necessary, it is necessary to create them, thanks to this special relationship, it was in the far east , in one of the territories of rapid development , that a company appeared that creates comfortable, reliable and lightweight wheelchairs made of carbon fiber. you manage to sell these products, people need our products, price quite high for the product, since it is still carbon fiber, but since we sell imported products, it is even more expensive for imported ones.
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khabarovsk , which back in 2018, by presidential decree, lost the status of the capital of the far eastern federal district, under what circumstances and whether in general khabarovsk can expect to return to the status of the capital of the far eastern federal district, this is now out of the question and is it necessary? it is developing on its own and it doesn’t matter at all if it has the status of a center or not the city is huge. the city is developing, clean, beautiful, visible to the naked eye. vladimir today putin was just presented with a master plan for the development of khabarovsk. for example, with regard to the construction of new buildings. we satisfy people's requests. seven projects for integrated development of territories have been launched, 33.7 million square meters of them will be built, by what year? by the thirtieth. the project includes
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a regional cancer center, the first children's sanatorium since soviet times, a new comfortable urban environment, including a pedestrian embankment of the amur river, however, the president criticized the preliminary draft design, the parking lot in the most prominent place, it’s such a beautiful place right on the shore, we’re making a park here, well, we think that this place will be really busy. the most popular where, well, i don’t understand, but you can go there on foot, it’s such a beautiful place , okay, no, well, you know better, you’re just a ruble place right on the shore, and you ’re driving here, but we compensate for this decision by the fact that we’re on the roof we are also making a parking area where you can be, including an exhibition, an unconditional good place for a car, and also vladimir putin was received in khabarovsk today? century
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proved that sakhalin is an island and that the mouth of the amur is accessible to sea vessels, it was there that gennady nevelskoy founded nikolaevsk on the amur, to which nicholas i responded with the famous resolution, where once the russian flag is raised, it should not be lowered there, the animators directly stated to the head of state , they hope for the all-russian promotion of their upcoming film premiere, today a philic challenge was promoted, everyone knew about it, everyone watched it, there is the same patriotic focus here, this is what needs to be broadcast, frankly, today vladimir putin contributed a little more to this, but still took part in the creation of the animated film, made his own edits to the design of one scene, so far it looks so good to me, a leaf, of course, konstantin.
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animals, amur tiger, snow leopard, polar bear and far eastern leopard. vladimir putin always shows great interest in these programs. in the world we have 13% of the territory, the entire territory of the russian federation, and this is the largest territory in the world, state-owned, is under one or another state system
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protection, that is, in principle , our work in this regard has been taken in the full sense of the word to the state level, here is the site that you mentioned, this is another step forward in order to acquaint people who are interested in nature with what us is happening in this... to the special operation, our army continues to strike military targets in the ukrainian rear, several explosions in kharkov, where enterprises for the production and repair of military equipment remain. this time the likely target is the fet plant. previously on it produced equipment for the rocket aviation industry. now the orders there are exclusively military. in addition, a strike was reported on a hotel where foreign fighters were stationed. and menopause data. during the day of ukrainian formations. drones help with such actions; their operators will detect targets
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even in bad weather, oleg shishkin will confirm. snow, wind, low clouds, and by all indications bad weather, but this is not a reason to pause military operations. asom from the group of attack drones of the southern military districts and not the weather for anything. moreover, in such conditions the enemy, as a rule, does not expect a strike from the sky. we have. there is a very urgent task for which we need to support the assault group that will enter, the situation is difficult, so we need to work, we don’t give up, so the weather does not affect our work in any way. four screws, a battery with a charge of up to 3 kg of plastic, a formidable weapon that hits the target. the ammunition consists of a polypropylene pipe, approximately half a meter long, plastic with damaging elements, bearing.
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at a distance of about four to one and a half , hit the enemy’s support equipment. to operate kilometers from the line of combat contact , the drone flies at a distance of up to 7 km into enemy territory, this is quite enough so that in the cold you need a special side, after just a couple of minutes your fingers, chilled in the wind, cannot feel the joystick, and the slightest mistake will cause the drone to go off course. they are hiding, roughly speaking, in holes, and we are now mainly working in enemy dugouts, that is, we will see some kind of movement from the mavik
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straight to... that is, it was completely dismantled into rubbish , the manpower was hit, well, the fortification was dismantled, well, the situation is, of course, consistently tense , the enemy is trying to gain a foothold, dig in, but we still get it out, pick it out, as a rule, attack drone operators are working, what is called free hunting mode, you need special skill to detect a target from a height of 200-300 m and lightning will fall on the enemy. since the start of the special military operation, our attack drone operators have made great strides, constantly honing their skills and upgrading their drones to fly further and be more accurate in any weather. olek shishkin, vladimir grineevich, andrey stoyko, first channel donetsk people's republic. 2 hours ago , ukrainian formations fired two dozen rockets at the kuibushevsky district of donetsk, at least three were wounded, shrapnel hit a shuttle bus, the buildings
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of a school and two kindergartens were damaged. there are no casualties. children from belgorod, wounded on december 30, as a result of barbaric shelling, were visited by the ukrainian armed forces governor vyacheslav glodkov. doctors at the russian children's clinical hospital took the most critically ill patients immediately on the day the tragedy occurred. they are better now. report by olga knyazeva. when seventeen-year-old anya petrenko was examined by doctors in the center of belgorod during the terrorist attack in the ssu, she asked to tell what was wrong with her. due to the shock , there was no severe pain in the first minutes. i thought i broke a couple of ribs. it turned out that i had a concussion, i had debris in my head, my spleen was torn, my liver was torn, my lung was torn, something had formed there in my diaphragm, but the most terrible and difficult thing, even for experienced doctors at a russian children's clinical hospital, was this: one of the fragments got stuck 3 cm from the heart, they took it out, a very difficult operation - more than a week of intensive care, but anya, an athlete
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, managed to cope; she has been dancing since she was 5 years old. when all this happened, i thought, what about the competition, this is probably the most offensive thing, you still think about it, well, of course, it’s offensive, excuse me, now the main thing is to recover, let’s recover, i’ll go back to life is still a dream, but it begins with support, today they came to the ward.
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supplies in the head, it is dangerous to get them out, but fortunately there is no need, the brain is not damaged. the doctors praise you, that is, you are getting better, everything is great, that is, we are just waiting for you to start the school year. sonya asked the governor of belgorod to bring her more interesting books, everything is important, from small requests to big problems with housing, registration of disability, financial support, a separate point, psychological help, which is sometimes not even needed anymore children, and parents, when they saw that children were lying on the streets, on the sidewalks when the parents arrived. that is, of course, it’s not that it was hard for everyone to wish for the enemy, it’s very difficult now i just see in the eyes of my parents , they’ve already brightened up, the feeling of emptiness in their eyes is no longer there, everyone wants to quickly go back and we will all help together all the belgorod children wounded during a special military operation will have a special status, this includes benefits, assistance in entering universities, this is the decision of the president, he is worried about each of you said that all the best
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should be. now doctors, any help that is needed. eight-month-old lisa is being cared for by her uncle in a russian children's clinical hospital; she had no one else to travel with from belgorod. dad left a long time ago, mom died because of an attack by the ukrainian armed forces, she covered herself up. liza’s older sister, the girls stayed with their uncle and old grandmother, everyone was left without money, roughly speaking, because i worked, i don’t work now, because i have to study, sit, my wife is left at home with two children, my mother was left alone because my sister helped when the city in so was shelled with banned cluster munitions, little lisa was sleeping on the balcony in a stroller, a shrapnel went right through and literally cut off part of her leg, the nurses helped me quite a lot, yesterday we sat with four of them, fed four her hands. the best prosthetics center in the world and we are now working to open a branch
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here in belgorod, because the child will grow, and the number of prosthetics will need to be changed, everything that is in the country, everything, everything in order, this support was there from the very beginning, says annie petrenko’s mother, she was on a business trip in india when her wounded daughter was urgently taken to... i flew on new year’s eve on two planes from the outback of india , there was help from all sides, that is, i i was thinking about where i should stay, but they told me: everything has already been arranged, there is a hotel next to the hospital , there is a spacious room, you should be comfortable, you should not think about anything except about your child. doctors say anya was born wearing a shirt, yes, there are a lot of fragments, yes, she is still covered in iv tubes, but her body is strong, she will definitely return to dancing, and if additional treatment is needed in moscow, she is always welcome here, and in the future as well. patients will be provided in full, on behalf of the minister of health, medical rehabilitation, if necessary , sanatorium-resort treatment for adults who suffered from a terrorist attack, it is also important to talk about their fears and problems , the governor of belgorod listened to them today at the burdenko national surgery center in
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the traumatology and orthopedics center named after priorova. in total, 40 belgorod residents are currently being treated in moscow, 12 of them are children. eight-month-old liza is the smallest, so everyone stays in her room a little longer, she, of course, does not understand that her mother is no longer there, but from her uncle’s arms she gladly goes into the arms of women, her sister and grandmother are very much waiting for her at home, those big blue eyes like a deceased mother, support is now salvation for the whole family. olga knyazeva, andrey lesnykh, daria rybakova, natalya sidrova and kirill loginov. first channel. on the eve of the presidential elections in russia and the united states are preparing an event in riga aimed at shaking up the situation in our country. details from the head of the service. work with russians , graduates of american exchange programs ; according to the state department, the number of russian scholarship recipients of american educational cultural programs amounts to more than 80,000
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people; with proper treatment, as the americans believe, they are capable of replacing the non-systemic opposition that fled en masse to the west and becoming a core element of the fifth column, it is planned to conduct trainings in neighboring countries, the main emphasis will be... on teaching participants methods of inciting interethnic and social hatred, interfering in elections, and discrediting the leadership of the russian federation on social networks. the first seminar is scheduled to be held in riga from february 16 to 18. the role of mentors will be played by american intelligence officers working in the us embassies in moscow and riga, under the guise of diplomatic posts. the newest frigate admiral golovko, which was accepted into the navy 25 december. arrived at his home base in severomorsk. the most modern ship, designed to perform missions in any area of ​​the world's oceans, is capable of carrying high-precision missiles, hypersonic, zircon, and onyx-caliber cruise missiles. and this is a fundamentally new level of combat
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capabilities. any targets on land or at sea, from hidden command posts to aircraft carrier groups. let me remind you that the ceremony of accepting this frigate, along with two others, into the navy, a small missile ship narafaminsk and iranian naval special forces captured from a helicopter tanker in the strait of armus, it is between the persian and oman gulfs. why is the news important? here is the story, this ship, chartered by iran from a greek company, carried oil until last year, citing sanctions, it was confiscated, and in fact stolen by the united states. load later. selling, and using the tanker in his own interests. now he is heading to the iranian shores, it turns out that he is going home. there is another layer to the story: the armuzh strait accounts for almost a third of seaborne oil supplies, while only 10% goes to the red sea. this route is settled
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armed yemeni houthi faction, forcing leading shipping companies to choose a longer, costly route around africa and further into the atlantic ocean. according to western estimates, interruptions in the armus strait during the current. will provoke an increase in oil prices by 20%. the longer, of course, the more. government awards in the field of journalism were presented in moscow today. among the laureates there are also colleagues from channel one, anna kurbatova for more details. in the awards hall of the government house, today our colleagues from all over the country, 66 journalists from federal and regional media, special attention, of course, to those who work on the front line. before we move on to the ceremony, i will say about our awardees, i will start with war correspondents, they risk themselves, fulfilling their professional duty, creating. a picture of events from lugansk, from donetsk,
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from zaporozhye, from the kherson region, from the border regions of russia, among them employees of the russian news agency today, who report on the situation in new territories, photo corriya viktor antonyuk began working in donbass long before special military operation, came under fire more than once, including when, together with our soldiers, he was once again carrying humanitarian aid. it was december 19 last year... he will immediately return to the front, but absolutely all the journalists who were awarded today do not stop working on the fronts of the information war, for covering and analyzing events in the zone of special military operations and hot... government prize today
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the staff of the first channel program “big game” also received it. thanks to the team's work managed to create a unique format of frank dialogue, which is invariably interesting to the audience, and the host vyacheslav nikonov, and dmitry suslov, and dmitry simes clearly demonstrate how effective direct communication between people with completely different values ​​can be. this is a talk show about real politics, of course, all these sanctions are for the dead in the park and the same canoe that is in biden’s head. a detailed conversation for those who want to understand the essence of world processes, and not just receive fried news. we we were initially guided by three main principles: no lies, no falsehood, no fools. they don’t yell at us, because we are guided by the third principle too.
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witnesses and participants in global processes are on air. we will talk with larry johnson in the past, a famous analyst for the cia, then the state department. today, for example, i should have on my program a leading political commentator at fox, who was previously in the white house with president bush jr. the us and russia must begin negotiations. with the understanding that nato will not
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to expand, the program is watched on a regular basis by officials in the united states, we are followed at a fairly decent level. at the beginning of a special military operation, the weekly analytical program became not just daily, but now it is published three times a day. experts in the studio are in direct contact with our soldiers and military officers on the front line. i think alexander knows by heart what a besulotnik babaga is, and it’s a terrible thing. such a first svo, well , such a revolution really took place, with these steps we are getting closer and closer to this battle of drones, here you need to say everything clearly, where to throw a grenade, where to turn, where to look, this is an illustration of modern war and what is modern war? our colleagues from artiz received the award today ; we will continue to operate the charitable project, as well as highlighting the work of volunteers helping svo participants. the leading programs of 60 were also awarded.
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everything is one of the best in the world, it is this that brings every person closer to humanity. the radio arfey team also received an award, or rather, now it’s not just a radio, media platform. where you can not only listen, but watch classical music concerts. we do not have war correspondents on our channel, but we defend our culture. and at that moment... when europe is bored without russian classical music, we were very much able to interest the brix countries, sri lanka, indonesia, brazil, and we consider this award as a springboard for our further work in this direction. the staff
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of the children's state library received the award today. as sergei mikhalkov said at one time. today children, tomorrow people. they also awarded publications that became their own kind. the bar is also high , many today came from the regions, here is a whole editorial team of journalists from the chelyabinsk newspaper satkinsky rabochiy, it has been published since 1930, they receive a prize for the environmental section save your land, in the title of this project the ai is in capital letters, because we
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have a specially protected natural area, the ai river, here we are saving it, well, at the end of the ceremony, mishustin once again addressed... it is an honor for us to award you, without you it would be very it’s difficult to figure out where the truth is, the truth is such a word, it seems simple, little knowledge, it gives rise to confidence, on the contrary, a lot of knowledge gives rise to doubts, and in order to dispel these doubts, we need professionals, but not just professionals, but people who can work with empathy in order to to understand what are probably the most difficult dilemmas,
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ekaterina yarovenko, ilya zhuravlev, channel one. election chronicle: 11 people are currently participating in the presidential campaign. in total from political parties, including three from i beg your pardon, eight from political parties, including three from parliamentary ones, have already been registered, head of the central election committee ella pamfilova clarified today. and three self-movers. among them is vladimir putin. while his election headquarters receives and checks signature sheets, moscow is accepting appeals. the current head of state, in our reception rooms you can leave your wishes, proposals, instructions, in 2 days of work we have already received a huge number of warm words of support addressed to our candidate, the adopted orders are systematized, the opinions of citizens are taken into account and transferred to the central election headquarters. the leader of the ldpr, leonid slotsky, today in
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the astrakhan region visited the institute of fisheries at the lotus shipyard, the largest in the southern federal district. our task is to support. russian shipbuilding, our task is to promote increased labor productivity and the influx of young people into the industry. student construction is truly a significant area of ​​our industry, the challenges that the industry faces, and together, shoulder to shoulder, we will be able to solve these challenges. and the deputy speaker of the duma is from parties. new people vladislav davankov in chelyabinsk today got acquainted with the conditions of study at one of the colleges and discussed personnel issues in the computer industry. education should be practice-oriented, that you should not study, but actually study and work and not prepare for life, but really live. well, here today we talked with the guys who manage to work and
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study here, being operators and practically it specialists, programming the equipment on which they are produced. well there products and even making money, now the advertisement in the second part of the program is snowfall 0°, then abnormal frosts, the weather again tests your strength, how not to fail the test as a driver, don’t switch, i hate my face and want another, it’s possible, you know, that the operation won’t help you anyway, your idea to remove the ribs is crazy, so what? we did it, you won’t get away with it, and if we do everything carefully, the mosquito won’t hurt your nose, you understand that this is really dangerous, my dear. it's good to make a fuss if you don't get tired of thieves patients, they will ruin you, you worry about me, promise that you will never
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lie to me, only those who are directly related to the operation should have a pass to the institute, i don’t make my mistakes, light, three, four, and andrei ivanovich . i will correct both of our mistakes, it is impossible to correct , something happened, yes, quickly follow me, doctor preobrazhensky, new ones in the series, look after the program for the time, senior investigator of the obhs, mayor volkov, we are interested in the documentation of the cosmetology department, here's a search warrant. mancacher whiskey, a product of the stellar group. why did the ukrainian tsypso
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need a large-scale information operation against india? we will investigate the origin of these munitions. the markings are practically invisible. i was too lazy to even do simple things like this, take scissors and cut the tape shorter, do it more or less correctly. exclusive from the daily. the so-called friendship between ukraine. as well as not allowing the situation at the station, someone decided to simply magate experts into the reactor halls, is allegedly an attempt by the russians to hide the true play politics once again. anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow on the first, you and i are just friends, the bird is now free, but wants frank back if. don’t love me, don’t look for me, no more parties, you
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paint such pictures, this sky is for you, these stars are for you, this sun shines only for then, it’s snowing, it’s snowing, everything is flickering, floating, the very first new year, tomorrow on the first, the greatest hits of the past decade, who will follow the trail, lonely, strong and brave, laid their heads in the field, i sing, bear, so that you cry and let... chats we are all the same, and even if it is banal and not talented, but how he managed to play the guitar
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, i dare you, but why, just be silent, the heart for whom you are crying is screaming, because he has not tamed himself , i didn’t tame you at all, i passed you, you are life and death, probably the best of the living in me. friends, we are burning calories, we are burning calories, guys, we are going, we are going to a neighboring village for a disco, we are going, we are going to a disc, this is the program time and we continue, vdnkh, forum exhibition of russia, there is a day of three regions at once. oryol, kursk and belgorod. belgorod receives special words of support from both guests and participants from all over the country. huge and
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alive, now at the russia exhibition the heart of belgorod beats. this is exactly what stands on belgorod arbat, and after the shelling of the ukrainian armed forces on december 30, it turned into a spontaneous memorial. see these white areas. it was in these places that the shells hit. and just like in belgorod, exhibition visitors bring centurions to this heart. words of support are expressed at every stand of every region, governor vyacheslav glodkov said that at first there were even thoughts to cancel the celebration of the region's day at vdnkh, but this idea was quickly abandoned; if the exhibition is a reflection of russia, then in reality everyone here should be together and hold on to each other. words of gratitude for the help we receive, from large and small enterprises, from individuals, from fellow governors, unity, unity in protecting our land, in unity. fight against the enemy, i am grateful to the whole country, i am grateful to the president of the russian federation, with whom i often report on the current situation,
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he makes quick decisions that allowing...
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today we are experiencing terrorist influence from nationalist ukraine, but despite this, we stand firmly on our feet and look confidently into the future, because all the national projects declared by our president are being implemented on the territory of the kursk region. region day and for the oryol region, at the stand you can sit under the shade of a giant oak or see the bison,
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meet the characters of russian classics, many of whom and... as a result of this year, a record harvest of 5.2 million thousand tons of grain was collected, these are regions such as my homeland, the oryol region, the city of orel, and lie at the basis of our sovereignty, this is the indigenous russian land, in the oryol region of 100 people, 97 russians, the russians around them in 1.00 years gathered 190 peoples of nationalities, without destroying a single language, not a single culture ,
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not a single faith, not a single tradition, from today in the pavilion of the republic of belarus the days of the brest region are opening, a special exhibition of culture, industry, agriculture - all the most interesting things prepared by our neighbors. you know, a new one opens today tradition, not just russian-belarusian, but tradition in confirming our joint history, here at the legendary vdnkh exhibition, a pavilion that is decades and decades old, the republic of belarus begins the presentation of everyone. regions of belarus, and at the exhibition they summed up the results of the all-russian cool country program, within its framework hundreds of tourist and at the same time educational routes for schoolchildren were developed. one of the innovations was when these extracurricular, extracurricular activities in the format of excursions, they were really collected as interesting, educational routes, but related to
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a specific school subject. be it chemistry, physics, history, or physical education, it is very symbolic that the summing up of the first year of the all-russian program of a great country is taking place right here, at the russia exhibition , where all regions of our country, all executive authorities, in general, the whole country are represented here , a new day, a new adventure, the exhibition russia surprises and changes constantly, what will definitely happen tomorrow. look. roads in russia, a focus on quality and safety, although this winter seems to test the strength of both road services and, of course, drivers. how to cope with difficulties on federal highways and why high technologies are not omnipotent - yuri sherbakov found out.
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not very good weather awaits us. today there was a warning marked by conditions, that is , today without lunch, possibly a snowstorm, gusty winds, poor visibility, the worse the weather, the higher the risk of an accident, reduce the number of accidents. system centers are called from the red highways, all information about the operational situation on the road, data from hundreds of cameras, sensors , sensors is processed by an automated traffic control system, the control room of the central highway control center is more like a space flight control center, dozens of monitors on which specialized information is displayed, all this is instantly processed by powerful computers, but all this impossible without the participation of specialists. olga got a job as a cpu service operator in september last year, before that. coordinated subscribers for several years single emergency number 112, the camera recorded the vehicle stopping, then your actions, we open the current camera, that is
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, he left in online mode, that is, he is no longer here, that is , a call here is not required, and the automation cannot handle this to cope, well, it turns out , he recorded a stop, we must either overturn or confirm, stopping vehicles on highways is strictly prohibited, but this particular violation is one of the most frequent, the system records, about the danger in the path of others participants are notified by an information board, and emergency commissioners are dispatched to help the driver and his passengers. if the battery is dead - help start the engine, this is the starting device, the booster starting device , or the wires for lighting, i look at several cans, that is, if a person does not refuel in a timely manner, he stops, we deliver fuel, diesel separately and gasoline, there are also towing ropes , leave the introduction, no, of course, of course, it’s our job to help people. answer, sincere words of gratitude and a report photo to the control room, here he is, happy, fueled, driving on, continuing, liking yours, in addition to monitoring the situation and prompt assistance, perhaps the key
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task of road services is maintaining highways, clearing snow, timely treatment with reagents, calculation comes from 30 g per square meter, if you are interested in the whole road, but this is approximately 14 million square m2 from the moscow ring road to the 547th kilometer, well , that is, it is easy to calculate. for the season, we prepare about 30,000 tons of salt. if a person has bad tires, even good tires, and he is rushing at a speed of 130, 140 km/h, nothing will help. vasily, one of nineteen victims in that terrible accident on the m11 highway in the novgorod region, collided with 66 cars. most cannot be restored. four people became victims of a massive road accident , among them... they had a nine-month-old child, we were driving in such a rather strict block, at a low speed, it began to snow, visibility was poor, then at some point i saw a huge truck standing
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across, everywhere along the road there were signs , the driver should be careful, the weather conditions were difficult, the speed was no more than 70 km/h, yeah, but we left, no one observed this 70 km/h, according to the preliminary version, the accident was caused by a crossover with summer tires on slippery. that’s exactly what the weather forecasters noticed, but what preceded this? let's see, our cameras at vdnkh recorded this, a rapidly approaching wall of snow, shortly before noon.


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