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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  January 11, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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lyova, you know that i’m leaving, yonosh, your place is here, woman, i don’t advise you to get a divorce. oh, i've seen enough here, i'll tell you what. say nothing, please, if you love, then everything can be overcome.
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i don't need pasta, i sent jonus to the store to talk to you. yes, i already guessed. leo, he can't handle this job. he is talented and wonderful.
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adventures, spy passions, one operation for the kgb, everyday responsibility is not the same thing. vilsya, let's be honest, you were offered a promising place, maybe is this not a concern for your husband, but personal ambitions? yes, they offered me a good place, i agreed, but should i tell you why? but because i carry our family with me and i’m the man in it, or don’t you know that? ilsa, there were no horns, i bought shells, i made a decision, leva, i’m staying in moscow.
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a special analytical edition of the big game is on air. my interlocutor today is sergei aleksandrovich koroganov. i am very glad to welcome you. sergey aleksandrovich, scientific director of the faculty of world economy and world politics of the higher school of economics. and honorary chairman of the council on foreign defense policy. sergey, we have known each other for many years. and you've always had interesting
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opinions, original opinions, and you're known for not trying to smooth over the rough edges, but there's one more - very significant thing that our listeners should know about you, that you've always been very aware of what they think in washington and moscow, but... how much can a person who is not part of official structures know, so your assessments differed in that that they were not only interesting and informative, but also significant, i say this because i know a number of my colleagues in washington are quite reasonable people, you know them too, in general it’s interesting to listen to them, but this would be a big mistake. to think that if
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they say something it has real practical meaning, that's not the case with you, you're not just talking analytically. but you speak with authority, so i want to ask you about the most important thing: are we heading towards a new world war and what can be done, in order to firstly prevent it and secondly achieve victory, well, thank you for the high assessment, dmitry, naturally, i... i don’t know what washington is thinking about, especially recently, in recent years, i don’t come to washington , i’m only looking from the outside, and i don’t know what the very top in moscow thinks , if i knew, i wouldn’t be in your good company,
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so i’m sharing my own thoughts, i hope they can be useful, we certainly... we are heading towards the third world war, i believe that this is a prospect, the next 10, maximum 15 years, i have here a whole list of factors that lead to this, which you describe, which yes , i just published the first of a series of articles called the age of warrior, a question mark now.
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since new types of weapons of mass destruction have appeared, in 5-6 years we may also see new types of biological weapons, new types of conventional weapons have appeared, so now is an extremely dangerous period, i don’t want to scare you, you just need to look at the circumstances soberly, which take shape and lead the politics and personal of each person, and society and state.
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challenges, dangers that are inevitable , already inevitable, absolutely, they are already there, and many simply do not want to see them, but the main thing is that, in principle, everything is in the hands of man, everything, and, well, of course, in the hands of the lord god, but i hope in god, don’t make a mistake myself, in principle, a world war can and should be avoided, because... what factors, from your point of view , make not only a world war, but also new local wars, what factors make them more likely? i wrote a long article about this, in my opinion there are 12 of these or 14 factors, i’ll name a few, well
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, the tectonic plates just shifted in front of the world system, thanks to a number of circumstances, including the fact that there was the soviet union, then russia knocked out -under the western system of domination, its basis, military superiority, and the system went, we , in fact, did not knock it out, this is the basis as a goal, we were worried about security, but the system went, this is the first, the second is unprecedented in the history of mankind redistribution.
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humanity has once again entered in its history on the path of moral decay, and in piata, we know what i’m talking about, i don’t want to once again... think only about them, the new information age and a long period of calm have led to
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atrophy of consciousness and atrophy of the quality of the elites, this is primarily visible in europe, of course , but in america, this danger also threatens us here, we need to be aware of it constantly , worry about it, i can name you five or six more... what in general outbreaks - happening now almost everywhere, several wars
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are going on in africa, something started in ecuador, there is a war going on, almost almost, almost a war on the border of mexico and the usa, well, of course, israel, on the israeli troy, the israeli-palestinian tragedy, but - very complex problems in afghanistan , i can continue this list for a long time, the main thing is that all these problems are swelling and will explode. very friendly-minded, and at least there used to be
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quite a few of them in the american elite, they would tell you, sergei, well, you keep saying how we’re doing it wrong, so what about russia, are there any steps on the part of russia that have aggravated this situation, the growing confrontation, so that you respond to this, of course, i recently gave you
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no attention to the quality of our elites, we allowed ourselves to be immersed in an endless information flow and turn and allow the transformation of some of our people, including young people , into so-called snowflakes who do not understand and do not want to understand what the modern world is, the modern world, unfortunately, is becoming more and more harsh.
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and become the core element of the fifth column. a program of similar work is already being prepared. washington also hopes that fellows will be involved in the preparation of new mechanisms for sanctions pressure on russia. the first seminar is scheduled to be held in riga from february 16 to 18. it is obvious that on the eve of the presidential elections in russia, americans are seizing on the slightest opportunity to shake up the internal political situation in our country.
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apparently, the time is not far when the state department will take on anglo-american students.
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this is the first, second, a significant part of these people are afraid, they are hiding and the third , a significant part of these people are changing, and i know them, in glances right before their eyes, because they see, they are sincerely changing or it is more convenient for them, no, it is changing, because
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they see the total hostility of the very west that was once theirs... great , by the way, in my young years i also spent a year, although not with american money, but with russian money, a year, a year and six months in the usa, i’m from there came back with a very strong idea of ​​the united states of america, although i respect this great country, its amazing achievement, this is not all the people who have been to america and are the fifth column, the fifth column is very strong, the potential fifth column is very strong among people who have never were in america, never studied there, but we simply have a certain powerful group of elite, and i call them the stinkers, who always
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hate the country, no matter who rules it. the united states has published publications that call for the processing of the russian military so that they do not carried out the orders of the political leadership, this means that they are panicking, but they will work, but we don’t need to panic, and we need to understand that if we ask for a child, and
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the child is called difference of opinion, otherwise... then we will die, one of the main the reasons for the death of the soviet union, besides unnecessary spending on weapons, ineffective agriculture, was that we were squeezed, our heads were burned, we did not understand what the world is like, we need to maintain freedoms, or at least differences. as for aprichnina, i i am quite deeply involved in history, like anyone.
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politics has been greatly intensified since school, and in general i like what is happening in our country in this regard, i repeat, the military operation, with all its victims, which is bitter to talk about, leads to at least two powerful changes in society , and the pro-western elite has fled and is flying and... what is no less important, the comprador class is melting and being destroyed, let me remind you that compradors are small traders, as
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the portuguese called those locals who served their interests in the colonies, so compradorism, campadorism is destroyed and, accordingly, the positions of that part of the intellectual elite are undermined.
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and the other thing, excuse the expression , give a kick in the ass, then this was over, the west, having arrived at this regrettable russian compliance, for them is a new policy of russia, it was not easy for them to understand it, it is even more difficult for them to accept it, now they are not completely know what to do with it, that's what you think they would like to do? with the new russia, which has risen from its knees and is not afraid to speak out loud, i repeat, these are not only elites, these are
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a significant part of western societies who understand in their guts that they have lost the privileged position that they had for 400-500 years, when europe, then the usa, had the opportunity to suck the world... gnp into their own benefit, this is a much deeper situation, an encroachment on something is the most important thing for them, yes, but i understand this, but they know it or don’t know it, they don’t really understand it, they just feel that it’s gone, this time is running out, this situation is being caused by deny their hegemony not only in words, but in in fact, this is true, the world's gnp begins to be redistributed, and those civilizations that were previously suppressed begin to rise.
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what did you write about the policy of containment? now russia needs, first of all , to develop a new concept of deterrence, which will have not only military, but psychological, political, and moral aspects. so very wide, what does that mean? and you know, we are now developing this, we will develop this concept, and we accepted the concept that existed in the 70s-80s, in many of its guises it was...
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called tactical nuclear weapons, the former us secretary of defense, james schlesinger, spoke a lot about this, whom you know, he was a hawk, but a very rational and serious hawk, yes, then all this was accepted, but if we accepted it to some extent, but nuclear, if we want to stop this impending wave
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of crises, then we need to go. may be in the opposite direction. well, i ’ll write about this in the open press, but in front of you i’ll say this for the first time, why not think about the fact that nuclear weapons that can be used should only be strategic, that is, directed against the united states or operational-strategic, and what is their power. their power should be limited from below, for example, 30 kilotons, so that the people who play with these war games, who, among other things, started a war in ukraine, which was previously unthinkable, understand that the answer can be absolutely crushing, destroying them society, this primarily applies to
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europeans, americans, in the foreseeable future, unfortunately, there can be no serious interstate agreements in the field of arms limitation in principle, simply because it is not even known what and how to limit? this is a very serious statement, because as you know, the arms limitation process was the cornerstone of detente, even during the nixon administration and the brezhny government, but if you remove this process, it will not...
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stabilize the international situation, what can be done there at least for formalities and in order to occupy the minds of people like you and me, but you need to understand that that process of arms limitations, firstly, it still took place in other absolutely strategic circumstances, when, for example, the main types of weapons were considered
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everything is moving towards this deployment, finally, we just need to take a fresh look at the military-strategic situation, we somehow forgot that five, in my opinion, in the summer...
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from - the years of our youth, they are already working will not, cannot work, more moreover, you just need to understand that some types of arms restrictions contributed
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to the arms race and caused direct damage to the security of our country in particular, simply because they deformed military development. formed thinking about security, limiting expressions from my point of view, well, it was 60% positive, 40% negative, now the old arms limitation, well, in the form in which we inherited it from previous years, but i think 80% negative , 20 positive, but we need to think, maybe we can somehow come to...
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sergey alexandrovich, thank you very much, it was an interesting and useful conversation, we hope to see you on our air again soon. thank you very much, dmitry. we're leaving for advertising, we'll be back in just a few minutes. well, all together, it’s better than us together.
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this is from you, night on radoli, they won’t kill us, they won’t kill us, fantasy, the best. tomorrow on the first one,
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montechoca cognac, a product of stellor group. you and i are just friends, the bird is now free, but wants to go back into the cage, if we lose our memory, we will choose each other again. do not love me, don’t look for me, no more parties , you paint old pictures, this sky is for you, these stars are for you, this sun shines only for you, it’s snowing, it’s snowing, everything is flickering, where the very first new year floats, tomorrow is
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first, a new year is always the beginning of a new stage, what will be the predictions vanga said that everything will be fine in russia, you can confirm this, and the children who will be born next year, this is what they will be like about the exchange rate, how in this regard , the dollar is like everything else in this world your zodiac sign, the dollar is cancer and the second half of the year will be very turbulent for it, we are ending a difficult era in the twenty-third year and starting a new one, but what will we get in the twenty-fourth, what was told to me, i tried myself on, everything came together, with a complete stranger, i was going somewhere to the mountains, i couldn’t resist asking what sign you were born under, because tanya told me what sign this person would even be under, that well, i was 6-7 years old, and we mom was always not a coincidence. when i read that a bull doesn’t like a monkey, i
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leaned back and said, well, you’re not suitable for me , you know, there are some amazing methods associated with body rejuvenation, with completely different scientific breakthroughs, so i ’m now telling you what vanga said, on saturday at the first, everything is so easy for you, not the first time, the third, and that every time you just take it and give it away, well, that’s it? business, listen, marin, i can congratulate you, you are a mother, congratulations on the fathers, i’ll take a photo of your child and bring alexandra’s testimony as a gift, i’m afraid, in the event of a divorce to you you won’t get anything, but somehow , you were a serious statesman, i ’m ready to testify against him, if something happens to mine, and you’re involved in it, i’ll kill you again, what are you doing here, you i can’t be here, am i driving? tv season
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, your child was stolen, i will destroy you, your clinic, i will ask you to record all conversations with her, whether telephone or personal, i don’t know, pay the cops, hide the apartments, do something, i ’m so tired of hiding, container, new episodes, on sunday on the first, are you trading overnight, don’t want to return it, three lemmas, no less, and the money is needed in two there’s a big game on the air, now we’ll have a conversation with... with christian whiten, who is a famous american television commentator , especially on fox, has held major positions in the past in the trump and bush administrations , and christian, a regular on our program, for which we are very
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grateful, i understand you, thank you for having me.
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and now it has become a more democratic state, and republicans, independent candidates, i think they will still vote for trump, as before in new hampshire. in 1916, by the way, trump lost the first primary in iowa, then
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ted cruz won there, and then trump won in new hampshire. so in new hampshire, i think trump will win by 5-10. in the american elections, let's listen to what the american media, specifically cnn, write about this.
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us ansa director paul nakasonia, sitting next to fbi director chris wray at conference in new york, told those present that russia still has the ability to interfere in the us presidential election, despite the war in ukraine. this is an important year for russia, they are watching the us elections and i would imagine that this is where they will want to go. to have an impact, given the situation in ukraine,” nakasone said. wray agreed, noting that the conflict in ukraine only increases russia's desire to influence us policy. he added that the stars had aligned for moscow to simultaneously try to achieve military success in ukraine to interfere in the american elections. in addition, nakasone and rei identified russia, china and iran as the main actors seeking to interfere in the us election process. for me, this statement seems very...
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a meeting in 2016, when the general on kosononi, who occupied an even smaller, but already quite significant post, but literally ridiculed those who spoke about large-scale russian intervention, what is happening? well , these are just democrats, their friends in the media, this is a kind of disease that it’s impossible to recover, they still can’t...
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it’s simply impossible to influence anything in america with that kind of money, but if you look at what money china gives to various think tanks in the usa, to various universities, what leverage china has, what he has connections with many companies in america, i would say that if someone is going to influence the elections in america, it will be china, not russia, but still on the left flank on... on the right flank there is still hysteria about russia, but i don’t think that
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this is someone who takes such a threat seriously, but there are people who are simply convinced, these are the extreme left and the extreme right, who say that everything should be blamed on russia, russia is to blame for everything, you said something very important, you mentioned the hysterical reaction to russian actions. in moscow many people call this russophobia, so i’m trying to understand, you just said that you can have a different attitude towards china’s behavior, but from the point of view of a challenge to american hegemony, but china represents a more immediate challenge from an economic point of view, than russia, why is there such a fixation.
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previously, the left in our political system was in favor of dialogue with moscow, for closer ties, more diplomacy, less military confrontation, but now the situation has completely changed to the opposite, now it is the left that wants to bring the world to the brink of world war iii. they are the ones who advocate confrontation in ukraine, but there are also such people on the right flank, they say that...
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now they are no longer so willing to give money to ukraine and people are slowly beginning to understand that waging a war of attrition against russia is not a very good strategy in the long term, but still we see the manifestation of such political activism, a hysterical attitude towards russia, people are not ready
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to watch.
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thank you, goodbye, we’re leaving for advertising, we’ll be back in just a few minutes, why did the ukrainians need tsypso? a large-scale information operation against india, we will find out the origin of these ammunition, the markings are practically invisible, 72 was too lazy even for simple things like this, take scissors and cut the tape shorter, to do more or less competently, exclusive from the daily, the so-called friendship between ukraine and india is not true, as well as not allowing magat experts into the reactor halls
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is allegedly an attempt by the russians to hide the true situation at the station. i decided to just play politics once again. antifake, premiere. tomorrow on the first. the old new year is coming, the diagnosis is like a song. what examinations should i do in the new year? dragon fruit. what is its use? you will come to us with pain, and you will leave without pain, we will eliminate the pain in 5 minutes. the program to live healthy will tell you everything. tomorrow on the first. hello kuznic. hello, hello, welcome guests. who are you exactly? in my opinion, this is not a blacksmith cardon. cars, a dog, something strange. the process, the introduction to the natural world, is important to us. are you quite sure? it's a risky business, this method of hiking and also a
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training aid. something is not right, the peculiarities of the national hunt, in the winter , on saturday on the first, grab it by the gills, grab it tenderly by the gills, where are the greatest hits of the past decade, she is crazy, but she is mine, i dance until the morning, i’m not nervous. you are moscow, i am st. petersburg, people, help me, breathe, my oceans , my waterfalls, if necessary, i will fall into the water after him, you, you, you, only you, i know i will not destroy the world where eternal love is,
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let's turn the sound up all the way. the big game is on air, in conclusion, good news for all of us associated with the “big game” program on channel one. today , prime minister mikhail mishustin presented government awards in the field of media for the past year. among others , he gave an award to the “big game” program, this for us, of course, it is a great honor, and , if you like, a great charge of confidence, but it is very important
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to understand that although only a few of us were present at the awards, of course, it is absolutely impossible that we could produce a high-quality program without the work of a large group, together on program is a big game , it was a big game, we'll meet next week,
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in our country there are many different... abilities so that you can develop yourself, learn something new, your homeland is where you feel good, where you are waiting and where you are safe. we came from the village of muvyr, igrinsky district of the udmur republic, this is a unique village, revived, my dad began to revive it 30 years ago. we want and we are trying to do everything possible to raise the level of culture in our small towns, at the level at which we can do this. i would like to wish everyone - to be good-natured, sympathetic and give kindness to people, appreciate loving our country in which we live, all the best to everyone.
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