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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 12, 2024 3:05am-3:25am MSK

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create create create a new child in exactly one year. why are you doing this? in principle , this is not necessary, you can make one show and exploit it endlessly until it runs out of steam, why do this every year? well, first of all, our company is growing , i’ll tell you, this year, for example, i have seven trains that travel around russia, one train, another travels, there is one team stationed in sochi, another in st. petersburg, the third in moscow. moscow gives all guests and residents of the capital such a holiday, a fair at christmas, and on the streets of our city, in parks, and at some such significant venues, my team performs with various fairy tales.
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this requires, naturally, a huge amount of content, and so that every year, every year, we bring new and new ones, because naturally the viewer demands something new, and well, to be honest, it’s interesting for me to create, invent, and moreover , broader than that, the light of grace, grace, broader than that.
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we're having a wedding, a christmas special on saturday at the first, when there's figure skating it took such a new turn, when do you think it happened? a push , of course, it was 2006, right here - our olympics, then it was zhenya plushenko, tatmina marinin, us, and somehow it all went, went, went, then the ice age, of course, naturally, but basically there is still some kind of very tender attitude towards figure skating in our country, it seems to me. i
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remember from my childhood, the whole country, i don’t know if such a phenomenon exists in the world, this is the attitude, well, in japan, i know they also say so fanatically, that ’s what it’s connected with, i don’t know , it’s also amazing, really, i remember all of ours, remember grandmothers, grandfathers watched, all this continues and today they even sent me to figure skating, but my legs didn’t for some reason they held out, yes, well, it was too early to give up quickly, i guess. probably yes, i understand that i quickly gave up, yes, and secondly, i will not be modest, i will say that figure skating is one of the most beautiful sports, because this speed, dynamics, when compared with ballet, yes, but these are, plus or minus, similar, in principle , industries, they also raise their legs beautifully, but in my opinion, i hope no one will be offended, thanks to this speed, which...
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and technology is impossible, the result, or rather, yes, is impossible without without technology, naturally , there must be technology, where can you get away from it in any case, beauty, it either exists or it doesn’t, but take valieva, she has both technology and beauty and that’s why she’s valieva, i, as a perfectionist, think that you need to strive for technology and beauty, to do everything perfect. this speed that you
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are talking about, i too, the traumatic nature can stop many, for example, but going into this sport and the speed is really high . there must be a quick reaction, jumping and so on, yes, here i am, i gave up, i was scared, this is it, again this is given to someone from birth, i have been such a crazy kid since childhood, so to speak, i adored speed, i adored heights, if you ride on a swing, then it’s almost like the sun, if you climb a tree, then it’s the highest one,
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how did you feel when all this happened? well, i’ll be honest, from the first minutes i knew that roman would take to the ice , because he wouldn’t be kostomarov if he hadn’t worked towards this, and there, well, at that time, when thank god, he had with him saved his life, everything was behind him, as if naturally no one even thought about it, but of course... i was there in terms of energy, helped him morally, morally, physically, well, he knows this perfectly well, and i am incredibly happy that he has this it worked out and we skated our carmen again, and i think that he and i will go out on the ice many, many more times, and skate not only
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the pocket, but also some other numbers, and he really goes out on the ice now, like a little child, when it was like this ... for the first time, his first time on the ice and he is learning just like a child now, but something tells me that he will have incredible progress, and he will still surprise us with his figures, and he will actually inspire many people, because he , what he does, of course, indicates that the capabilities of the human body are are limitless if he has willpower, strength of character and strength of character. and the love of people , of course, it was impossible to live without this, and the way he, of course, carries himself and holds on, is just a huge fellow, and i’m happy for him, proud of him, and he really gives hope and
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strength to a huge number of people , i’m not even talking about those people who are also in the same situation, but also just ordinary people, yes, who complain about something and... there’s already crying about something, and even to be honest , sometimes to me myself it happens, you think there, if i used to be upset because of some failures or didn’t have time for something , or somehow reproached myself for something, now i think, god, what’s the difference, yes, yes, why am i doing this? i’m worried, and it ’s fine, everything will be fine, the most important thing is health, of course, we’ve rethought it - everything, probably, is based on... this example, and the rethinking has taken place colossally, dear friends, we continue the creative industry podcast, our guest is olympic champion tatyana navka, after all, there probably should be some kind of
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moment this border, the red line, where yes, you devote yourself to the profession, there is still a caring attitude towards yourself, in work, of course, you need to give yourself completely, otherwise there will be no result, but i have always had this since childhood, that the main thing is this is a family, if work goes against the grain in the family, then the choice is obvious, but thank god, the family understands me, supports me, and this is important when the family understands you and gives you the opportunity to realize yourself.
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of course, of course, it’s not they who think, it’s me who thinks so, but they think it as it is, then what they see before their eyes, that is, the victim. it is of course being launched, is being launched, but in general the next show of next year is already in the project, or it has not yet been determined
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what it will be next year, you can share your plans with us, we will not tell anyone, that is, the show, the beginning of the show, begins in a year , i know in advance, yes, of course , there will be a very famous, very famous fairy tale, but in general, in general, we were told even more than we wanted to know, come to my show. why didn’t my daughter, for example, go to figure skating? skating, the eldest, somehow , you know, it happened this way, although by all the criteria, by all her parameters, she would be a very cool figure skater, she is incredibly gifted with motor skills, she dances so much that i don’t even dance like that, she has body plasticity, figure, it is not very large, well, that is , if i, for example, am tall, for figure skating and it was very difficult for me to cope with my long limbs, i spent
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a huge amount of effort and energy on this to put it all together make it very fast, nimble, nimble, and the smaller the person, yes, then there is also a partner, of course it’s harder to handle me, because i’m 72 in height, and sasha, she’s smaller, so she would have a great time dancing. we even once said that it was a pity that she was not a figure skater, but she played tennis, but there it was just the opposite, the data should have been great, huge, some kind of strength, this powerful energy, but that’s all it just so happened that she graduated from sports, has now graduated, is now... she’s already finishing her second year and works, earns money, she has her own business,
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she came up with it herself and sells such teas very successfully, and which are popular all over the world, i didn’t even know about them, the ones with topioca with different flavoring additives, and the youngest daughter, the youngest, just followed in her mother’s footsteps. yes, she does figure skating, she’s also incredibly artistic, well, let’s see, that’s just her, and i think she’ll be tall, so we’ll see where it leads, but i think that sport is a must , it just has to be present, for children , only sport can take a person out of there’s some trouble, there are different children with different psyches, with different... and there are pros and cons, so my eldest
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daughter and i went through all these age periods , i didn’t even notice, it was all thanks to sports, because my head wasn’t busy with nothing else, you know, all sorts of nasty things, stupid things, and psychologists say that sport cures depression, yes, absolutely, and in general work cures depression, you know, whoever is depressed , go, work, i don’t know, take a broom, do everything such a good song will pass, we firmly believe in sports heroes, we absolutely believe in tatyana navka, our wonderful olympic champion, let me bring you this modest bouquet from our entire country, i’m sure that everyone is jealous of me now, thank you very much, thank you for inviting me, thank you, you charged me with such lightness and energy, and at the same time, simply incredible, tatyana navkova is our guest, goodbye, see you in megasport, thank you very much. dear friends, this was a creative industry podcast on channel one, you were also with
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as always, elena kiper, producer, music video director and roman karmanov, media manager and general director of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives. and our guest was the famous olympic champion, honored master of sports, tatyana navka. i'm larisa guzeeva, let's get married, good afternoon, today the brides are violetta, diana and anastasia, and we have the groom. oleg: oleg, 36 years old, entrepreneur, farmer, founder of a private sour factory, is proud that he built a road in his village and was able to create 700 jobs, dreams of opening an agricultural college introduce artificial intelligence into the work of your farm. oleg’s high-profile divorce is still a reason for discussion in the media. in order to move these conversations into a peaceful direction,
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i decided that it was time to become happy again. i am sure that the girl can help him with this. wonderful groom, it seems to me, look how good he looks, and these goats are just lovely, yes, touching, just touching, i really like it, come on, then you take a walk here, she’s not kicking, no, no, all goats bouncy, but come on, i'm a rose, look, it’s bad for beautiful women , you’ll have problems now, well, that means i’m not beautiful, that means i’m special, let me
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have this little black one, let’s keep it, well, yes, that’s the white one, that’s the little black one, what’s her name ? -that? gita, zita , no, gita, this is her sister, yes, gita and zita, two, gita and zita, gita, gita, gita, she will go with this one, let's go, honey, let's go, this is me, achi, achi, let's go, good, jimmy, jimmy, achi, achi, jimmy , jimmy, let's go, achi, achi, achi, achi, jimmy, jimmy, quiet, calm, achi, achi, jimmy, good girl, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, come on, acha, acha, come on, acha, acha, jimmy, jimmy, roz will help him, well, look, the style, yes, he has such a straight farmer-farmer, yes, well, so courageous some, yes, yes , cute, rose, you’re just like esmeralda with a goat, girls, behaves decently, okay, you’re in moscow, don’t disgrace me here, especially you, my personal life is already an outcome,
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alec, i don’t believe it with my own eyes, how many times we met you 4 years ago, it cannot be, twice a person, hello. looks good, listen, what happened, metamorphosis, just a boy in front of me , of some amazing beauty, that’s what being overweight means, rose, artyom, i interviewed him, seriously, yes, he has changed so much, this is fate, this is fate, you must win, you have braces , that is, you decided well done, all life, yes, and what a fashionable one, look, and we have a video of how... oleg had it on the farm, let’s see, remember, lol, look, now i’m going to lick it, how lovely, white eyelashes, look what she is like, it’s called calf tenderness, this is it really, citizen, i’m letting you down, come on quickly, what are you doing behind the wheel, who’s going there,
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self-will, oh, you’re a bad girl, who ’s going to go, let me trust you, come on, and we ’ll sit on the other side, darling. yes, when will you ride on a milk truck, uh, only with us, well, give it to others, give it to others, mommy, it’s carrying me now, no, don’t, it’s just a boring tomato, let him eat it like that, lord, well, in words, in moscow they say stylish chicks, but here we have stylish ones, you can’t live without them, that’s right, that’s how it is, it’s rural farming, well, it’s stylish, but in order to get milk, we have to give birth, it’s simple. very small, just got up a minute ago, imagine, this is how your life will go, every day, why not, oleg,
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i am in such delight. it’s important that the gastronomic food is delicious , give us gifts, come on, yes, this is ours , this is also for testing, yes, we are collective farmers, we have bread, cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, fermented baked milk here.


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