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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  January 12, 2024 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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people, well, my material, criticizes me, they just can’t say what i want to do, the image, video, photo that i want to show, well, they just start insulting me, insulting me, saying that i’m bad, talking very badly about me , this is called censorship, of course, they were in the air, this is a big problem, our snakes don’t want to show another version, they only want to show...
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“you want to be prime minister, i want, i want, here’s a piece of paper, and away we go, that is, well, or remembering, as the head of the hungarian foreign ministry said, on the topic of when he met, the first orbán's term met with an assistant.
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secretary victoria, who threw five pieces of paper on the table, where you should change the constitution, that’s all, get out of here , boy, that’s it - unfortunately, for europe this is normal, but there are good people there who are fighting in general for their country, for their freedom of speech, but those who are at the top are not the heads of municipalities or anything else, they are those who are at the very top, they were brought up to the maximum by these atlanticists who call themselves euro-atlantists there.
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we encounter good, interesting , sincere foreigners who come to us of their own free will and do what they do on purpose, and i was very impressed by the musical group, the group that plays skapan, they are called the basoti band, they are already very for many years they have been holding concerts in italy, collecting money there, with this money they buy, that is, they bring here not with money, but...
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it’s a bad exhibition, yes, these are the people who allow themselves more or less peace there, think freely, that's what they do these are quite humane, good, cool things. thank you very much, as always, for coming, i’ll remind our viewers that you can send news that resonates with you to our editorial office, reasons for pride, of course , and all the best to you, channel one presents.
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the old new year is coming, the diagnosis is like a song, what examinations should be done in the new year? dragon fruit, what are its benefits? you will come to us with pain, and you will leave without pain, we will eliminate the pain in 5 minutes. the program to live healthy will tell you everything. this program the new year's cycle of our programs ends this weekend with the old new year, so today we decided to tell you about the examinations that are required in the coming year, listening to songs, remember,
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the famous project of channel one: old songs about the main thing. today we will remind you of the lines of some songs, but let’s take a look. we have a guest, come to us, svetochka , come to us, please, why are your thoughts so confused, what worries you, what’s wrong with
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your head, light, you know, i’ve been dizzy lately for about a year, my head, and my thoughts are also confused, they go somewhere to the left, and i’m literally dizzy.
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the blood flow is shown in pink and look, this is a vessel, and we see that in a certain place here the vessel is narrowed, this indicates that the blood flow through this evolutionary artery has difficulty, when there is difficulty in the carotid artery, then we really have there is less blood flow to the head, the head and brain are less well supplied with oxygen, blood, and nutrients.
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eliminate threats to life, and then calmly figure out, okay, happy new year to you, what you wish for yourself, now in the officially coming year according to all calendars, it has already officially arrived in the new, but in the old way this weekend, well, first of all, health, happiness for yourself, your family, everyone close to you, everyone in the studio, let it be so, sit down , please,
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come to us, why are we wearing black glasses indoors, but i noticed that my eyesight has been declining for the last 5 years?
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suggest an increase in pressure, especially at this age, why do you need to do an examination called tanometry, measure the pressure inside, and so that we understand what kind of intraocular pressure we have? pressure, the fact is that the pressure can be very high and it is literally or simply high, and it literally in a short time can impair your vision irrevocably. but because atrophy of the optic nerve develops, let's show what happens in the eyes of farsighted people over the years,
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look at the screen, there is only 5 ml of liquid in our eye, but this liquid must necessarily flow away, since in farsighted people this is the corner where when the fluid flows out narrowly, the pressure rises, the fluid cannot flow out, the optic nerve dies, this can be... attacks, everything is fine , okay, bang, attack, closed coal glaucoma and the eye will hurt and you will have to call an ambulance to go to the hospital okay, the most important thing is that you can permanently lose your vision, what, what method of treatment for you shown in all respects, this is our eye, open it up, look what we see here, here we see the crystals that we need. replace, because the eye is short, the lens is thick, so when we remove the lens,
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this situation, it becomes much better, and the outflow of fluid from the eye improves, this operation will completely improve your vision 100%, there is no need to be afraid and it will cure glaucoma and prevent the development of glaucoma, this is one of the most technologically advanced operations today, this is how we show you a model, but a real crystal. lens, can you imagine what a real lens is, compared to my finger, this is such a tiny lens, we can implant it inside the eye through a small 2 mm puncture, and it will serve you for the rest of your faith and truth, the warranty period is 150 years, that’s all, that’s all, i’m not afraid now, well done, sit down, thank you, let’s sing the following song: my heart hurts, it’s tormenting, it’s breaking, my heart hurts, i’m drinking, it’s beating, my
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heart is burning, just don’t repent, right there , dr. gandelman, with a huge heart, we have another guest in the studio, please come to us, what’s going on, oh? and i ’m a former professional rowing athlete, well, how are the shoulders so huge, now i’ll undress to the waist, yes, to the waist i could, before it was normal, like they say, everything is fine, but over time, probably age, and how old are you , 65, so, problems began with the chest, breathing, shortness of breath , yes, suffocation, even now i feel, i feel, three steps, as they say , you'll take it.
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practically at rest, because the load from the chair to reach us is not a load , what should our guest check, because his situation may be the most serious, which means, first, it means that there is a suspicion that you have coronary heart disease, well, let's begin . a bunch of simple examinations: first, we must know your blood pressure, do you know what it is? how many? my hypertension sometimes reaches 220, it shouldn’t be, but it should be. the pressure on the tablets is lower than 130 per 80 mm of mulberry, strictly, which means you need to adjust the treatment, the next thing is you need to check your blood sugar level, if it is high, what kind of sugar, to be honest, not very much, it does not increase, but the weight is high , next, the next thing
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you need to do is profile your fats, i am especially encouraged to... pay attention to the level of low-density lipoproteins or the test norms are on our screen, ldl, low-density lipoproteins or bad cholesterol, the norm should ideally be below two, below two, i ask my patients below two, below two we are people, this is absolutely for healthy people and the last one was grasped, it should be below 94x, increased in the athlete, that’s all.
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they can do it themselves without us, you just have to do it, thank you, what do you wish for everyone in the new year? well, i think, i hope, next year there will be complete peace, so be it , please sit down, but i want to say that today, in honor of the old new year, i put on a dress, which i wear for the second time during filming, in general, throughout the entire era of the program, life is great, i have here, german shaevich, so here i have... i have mikhail egorovich, here i have andrey, yes, yes, elena vasilievna herself is at heart, let’s pause for a moment and then continue, the gift of the dragon on the new year’s table,
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grows in southern or central africa, grows on cacti. dragonfruit, what kind of fruit is it eaten with, when shopping, if you think that the main danger is this toilet, this seat and the toilet itself - this is absolutely wrong, the dirtiest and cleanest places in a public restroom don’t hurt anymore, wow, you could have done that just a little bit. i’ll help you, wow , i’m sick of it, how to get rid of back pain in five minutes, advice from the new year’s pain service, leg all together, ears apart, holy
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cat, southern, god, what a... man, i want from you son, i’m sure, touch at nadrogon, i want this to be a dream, but in my opinion i’m not sleeping, i thought it was spring, and this is from you, depauroni, night on zero... they won’t catch up with us, they won’t catch up with us, fantastic, the best, today on the first. cognac
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monte shococa, product of ster group, zdorovo, kuzmich, hello, hello, welcome guests, and who are you exactly? in my opinion, this is not a blacksmith cardon, a car, some kind of strange dog, the process is important to us, familiarization with the natural world, are you quite sure? it’s a risky business, this method of hiking will also be included in the training manual, something is wrong, national features.
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let there be friends nearby who will always help! you are my number one. tomorrow before and after
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program time. what kind of fruit is this, friends, in our kitchen? that’s what it’s called or pitaya and it grows in southern or central africa it’s called it’s sold in russia in russia absolutely everything is sold and in principle it grows on cacti so germanich we remind you that the year of the dragon is coming, we say it’s coming although all the calendars have already marked this year of the dragon. it blooms from evening
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until midnight, and during the day it is pollinated by moths, and at night by bats, this is such a fruit, and what is good about it from a medical point of view. we’ll tell you more, now they’re giving us a big contribution the amount of dragonfruit so that we can treat the audience, bring us dragonfruit into the studio, so, they say that this fruit appeared as a result of the battle between people and dragons, when they ran out of fire, they spat out their hearts, so these are dragon hearts. yes, some kind of nightmare, just a legend, where did you pick up this german. so, the medicine behind this dragonfruit, firstly, let’s say that for a fruit it is quite low in calories, it is
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only 50 kilocalories per 100 g, as in an apple and as in a pear, only more in an avocado, which we consider it a vegetable, but it seems to actually be a fruit, but let’s go to our models and tell you what happens in the body when you eat. dragonfruit immediately catches my eye on the nerve, how it affects the nervous system, dr. gandelman, my dear, look, it contains magnesium, in principle , magnesium is necessary for the proper functioning of nerve cells, if there is no magnesium, but wait, there will be a short circuit, close it, let’s show you briefly, this one will be good, i’ll raise it, but simply, by the way, it’s very interesting. this is the perfect layout, the nerve is an electrical wire in the literal sense of the word, here it is, but it is wrapped, like electrical tape , we wrap the wires so that there are no
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short circuits, so that they do not contact each other, it is wrapped with a special winding, and so magnesium is involved in conducting the impulse along the nerve itself , dragonfruit contains magnesium, so the first plus allows the nervous system to function well, then also... which dilates blood vessels, reduces pressure, moreover, it relaxes the intestines, allowing you to empty them quickly, this is also the role of magnesium, right?
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dragon fruit, the spat out dragon heart when a person defeated it. we return to the kitchen, we have a podium. so, dragonfruit, we decided to compare it in terms of magnesium with those fruits that you know well, these are kiwi and figs, dragonflute is in first place, kiwi is in second place, and figs are in last place. so, that is, magnesium is in... unfortunately, when we started importing a huge amount of these fruits to russia, the number of fruits with cross-allergies increased, unfortunately, look, this product belongs to stone fruits, so people with an allergy to birch blossoms have an allergy to nuts, and there is a reaction to dragonfruit, and i...
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for example, i relate to these people, i realized this experimentally on myself, go away, and i don’t eat at all just in case, because i’m allergic, and i’m afraid, i think, i’ll eat it now, it’ll swell right there with my lips like that, then i’ll tell you that you’re okay, how wonderful this product is in general, but not for everyone , i even itched from the excess of feelings, which means that this is the first allergic reaction, how to choose, how to store and how to eat correctly, the first question is how to choose, yeah.
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yes, color is always something good, that is, colored fruits always contain something extra good. like dragonfruit in honor of the year of the dragon, you need to know this and store it correctly. when you bought it, put it in the refrigerator for about 5.6 days without cutting it, if we cut it, it is advisable to eat it on the same day the next. last question, how to eat dragonfruit correctly? our chef, alexey kovba, made a salad called the dragon's dream. probably eat anyone. hello, paste here. yes, look, a very cool thing, i would call it olivier in a draconian way, probably , that is, what we have here with you, in general , it turns out to be a useful thing, we have dragon fruit
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or patajaya, we have avocado, yogurt. well, the shrimp is like a protein filler, that’s it, that’s what you made the sauce from, now i ’ll tell you, look, it’s very interesting, because it’s delicious, yes, yes, yes, it’s very homogeneous, and it’s curry, just an ordinary curry spice , together with dragon, punched in a blender, imagine, that is, who wants to try, come on, mikhail egorovich, no, andrei petrovich and i are allergic, mikhail egorovich, take a spoon, where is my big spoon, dip it here. of course, everyone’s mouth is watering, mine is watering too, well, it’s delicious , it’s delicious, and this is dragonfruit or this is olivier, this is dragonfruit, this is shrimp, but it’s very tasty , gourmet, in fact, very tasty, lesh, thank you very much, we’ll treat you now to all our viewers, dear friends, because it’s all about food, and now we must solemnly leave on the topic of medicine, let
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’s... side by side, because we have medicine today will be extraordinary, how to competently go to a public toilet, who knows where the most beautiful toilet in russia is located, is it really in gum, on red square, exactly, on red square in gum there is a toilet built under alexander - so we are heading there and there we will answer the question , is it possible? in the toilet you get infected with anything at all, we go to the gum , we leave you on duty, well, that’s it, we came to the gum, why did you come here, because today we want to tell you, hello, girls, how to walk correctly to the toilet, in fact, in what year was the toilet created in the gum? 1893, almost 130 years
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ago. that was the name of gom, and before there were trading houses here, where everyone traded, a toilet would be created, because they understood that people would stay here for a long time, and a toilet was needed, 1893, 130 years ago, the toilet was very beautiful, and between by the way, looking ahead, now the historical interiors have been recreated, what happened next, but in 1918 the revolutionaries closed it.
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historical interiors, but this is all history, here are the rules for going to the toilet, they are also important, we go to the historical toilet of guma, exactly the same as in 1893, here it is, this is the most luxurious toilet, just look at how simply stunning, stunning interiors are here,
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terrible, now we are leaving, the rules for visiting a public toilet. mikhail egorovich, you have the floor. if we are still here in the booth, then when we take this
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paper, well, we have to rewind, well, just a little, about 10 cm. why? because they conducted research and proved that this piece of paper has tens of times the concentration. there are more microbes than here this piece of paper, this is the first, only 10 cm, only 10, i need to rewind, a kilometer, a kilometer or a roll, then we leave the booth, of course, the dirty sources are the pens, the previous one, but don’t be afraid of this, why yes, much dirtier than the toilet itself, because everyone grabs this handle, then we move on, it’s not scary. because you go to wash your hands, we go on to wash our hands, open the water, and there are also a lot of infections on the lid of this dispenser device, but this is also not dangerous, because you will wash your hands anyway
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hands, here the question arises , what to do next, we must take a napkin, wipe our hands and with this napkin cover the water , then like this: throwing it away is a little difficult, because studies have shown that, unfortunately, 62% of men do not wash.
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here we are lucky, the last, third point: how to properly dry your hands in the toilet? the only place where infection can spread is in drying cabinets with high airflow, but here, of course, in goma, there is unearthly beauty, here there are disposable paper napkins, there are these the towels with which you wipe your hands , throw them into this basket, that is, here absolutely completely... the issues of your safety have been resolved, moreover, if you are
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in a state of panic attack, you think that the infection will pursue you along the way, the exit is the last one achievement, so far everyone has already removed the dispensers, but here they are still there, these are dispensers with an antiseptic, now in general you are not afraid of anything at all, so... actually, that’s all, summary. thank god our toilets have become beautiful, maybe maybe there are no such historical interiors as here in guma, because it’s just happiness , this interior was recreated for 8 years, in 2011 it was rediscovered, and we enjoy it, in general , you really have to go here, not even just to pee , to poop, but to simply get pleasure from the people who, it turns out, created this culture in our country.
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his destiny was talent, beautiful women,
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fame and constant provocations. i do song as a form of entertainment, without ambition. but no one remained indifferent. why you so angry at your contemporaries? because it is better to hit yourself than to receive hits from others. when i write complex songs, they say that i...
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rom kastro is a product of the stellar group. if we erase our memory, we will do it again. let's choose each other, don't love me, don't look for me, no more parties, you're painting old pictures. this sky is for you, these stars are for you, this sun shines only for you, it snows, it snows, and everything flickers, floats, the very
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first new year, today is the first, a new year is always the beginning. new stage, what there will be predictions, she said that everything will be fine in russia, can you confirm this? and what will the children who will be born next year be like? about exchange rates, how in this regard? the dollar, like everything that is in this world, has its own zodiac sign, the dollar is cancer, the second half of the year will be very turbulent for it, we are ending a difficult era in the twenty-third year and starting a new one, but what will we get in the twenty-fourth? what was said to me, i reconciled myself, everything came together, completely with a stranger, i was going somewhere to the mountains, i couldn’t stand it, i asked what sign you were born under, because tanya told me what sign this person would even be under, that well , i was 6-7 years old, and my mother and i there was always a discrepancy between nothing, when i read that the bull doesn’t like the monkey, i came back and said, but
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you don’t suit me, you know, some amazing methods were found here related to the rejuvenation of the body with completely different ones... that’s what we called it, today the last program in this cycle, and of course we don't could have bypassed the pain, right now on our medical site there is a person who was saved in 5 minutes before the new year, tell your story, dr. kahn, our rehabilitator, is working with
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you, but salvation was in an injection, tell us how it was, i suffered for 20 years. open, we always help people with pain, i really want this year to finally start a pain service throughout the country. i 'm now, we're going to show you how we helped you, and then i want dr. kahn to show you all the exercises that help for back pain. let's go to our table, i
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want to invite dr. kahn to join us too, and first of all, let's look here, here he is a skeleton man. these are the joints , here they are, they are called facet joints, yes, doctor , here are the facet joints, each vertebra has four joints, 1, 2, 3, 4, let’s take any vertebra, 1, 2, 3, 4, these joints age just as we age and other large joints, but there are so many joints in the spine that often at once. it is impossible to understand what is happening, so, of course, the person needs an examination, we go to the pain clinic, where you came to us with your pain with a stick, completely different, not as happy as today, so, oh, oh, mom, hello, doctor, hello, well,
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a winner, this is our mark yakovich golperin spent all the new year holidays wearing a santa claus hat. the lower back hurts and it hurts so much that it’s uncomfortable to cry in front of people, because it’s been hurting constantly for 20 years, elena vasilyevna, my mother-in-law, came to us in such agony, the pain has been tormenting her for many years, she tried to get treatment, but the pain returned. the first examination, which the patient must undergo a magnetic resonance imaging scan, and then treatment, which is carried out strictly, strictly, strictly under... x-ray control, that is , presumably the source of pain is this joint, this joint, this joint, here. under the joint, the needles are right above it. i repeat once again, pain
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is treated strictly under x-ray control, the procedure is called interventional pain relief. right now we see how the doctor begins to administer the medicine, the medicine is administered to several levels, only because there are many such joints in the human body. a lot, the result is immediately checked, you need to refuel, so, well, how are you now, something, well, your head and your back, that’s okay, that’s okay, that it doesn’t hurt or hurt, no, i don’t feel anything, it doesn’t hurt, that is it’s gone, yes, well, tell me, nothing hurts, nothing hurts, it’s all gone. well, lean forward, tears were flowing, so wow, you could have done this as hard as you could, just a little bit, i
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’ll help you, wow, i reached the floor, bend back, oh, i couldn’t come here at all bend, in general, after 20 years i have already forgotten how to do this, well, you see, how good it is, this is a great gift for you, santa claus, thank you very much, i can hug you, i can, of course,
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like this, to the side, at a right angle , yes, your dress is a little bit, yes, and what we do, the first thing is to straighten up, great, that’s not all, yes, that’s not all, now we’ll let go, yes, and one shoulder like this to the side, that’s on the side of the leg , this shoulder is here, that’s it, and we push with our hand, now we are stretching all the joints of the spinal column like this, and let’s lie down like this for a while, hold on,
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hold on, here comes the stretching, in the literal sense of the word there is stretching, of course, dear friends, this is one of the best exercises, then repeat in exactly the same way on the other side, straighten your legs, straighten them, now bend them. that's it, we're done, let's get up, show everyone the exclusive dress,


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