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tv   PODKAST  1TV  January 13, 2024 3:45am-4:31am MSK

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that when we returned to moscow, there was no person who doubted that this was real, and why, because i told, i say, well, such a story, yes, we were called, well, new year's affairs, there to the embassy, ​​they asked reception in the white house, they asked, muslim sang, i sang along, wife regina is here, they want it in the white house. and he says, i say, a fan of muslim magamaev, can i take a picture with you, i say, stop, i say, she also invited her husband, brought her husband, so muslim always said, volodya, you will you ever quarrel with my wife, she still sometimes asks, what is your relationship with nancy, no, well, it was funny, there is such a photograph, here are the new year’s concerts, is this still separate?
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well, yes, well, of course, we have new year’s songs, we have them, and i put on this fur coat and pretend to be, i, you know, i also remembered that joseph davydovich had kobzon’s anniversary, well, i decided to congratulate him, so i called, picked up the phone, well, a woman’s voice... i didn’t listen to something, thought nelya, my wife, and i said: hello, iosifovich, please, she he says, he’s on stage, he can’t come up, i say who it is, it’s his assistant, lena, and lena has heard a lot about you, tell me that yulia veneamna medvedeva, dmitry anatolyevich’s mother, called, and he was then president, period de, when he’s the president, she suddenly...
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on the phone, we’ll sing my favorite song, do n’t think down on the seconds, he says, i’ll kill the distiller, well, it’s necessary, of course, it’s very funny, it’s necessary, but it’s all confidential, imagine , well, who could afford that at all, what, no, well, that’s, well, us we were close friends and joseph called me son, he had three sons, razenbaum, leshchenko and me. and he is always joseph, the next time, when
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he had birthdays or anniversaries, he says: well, you bastard, whose voice will you call? and that is, he was always preparing , it’s like pranks now, they carry out it, it was not completely clear to vavan and lexus, and how many jokes do you have with lev leshchenko, well, of course, the leftists didn’t do it at all ‘well, why did i answer the lefties in the sense of playing because when i was a soldier and came to enter the theater institute at gitis, yes, i came for a consultation, a guy came up to me and said: let’s go, i say, that’s right, i can listen to the admissions committee, but i haven’t watched this... the film come tomorrow, and i
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followed him to audience , i look, girls, guys are sitting, they brought a pianist, i sing to them, tell them, dance, well, like for an exam, yes, he says, well, there is hope, tomorrow don’t be late for the exam, i will sit on the committee, i will support, i come to the exam, for some reason he’s not there, i think he’s probably late, and the dean tells me, eh... soldier, why yesterday i wasn’t at the consultation, they didn’t let you out of the unit, like yesterday, but your colleague listened to me from the reception area, suddenly the door opens, looks in, i say, here he is , like the dean, yelling, leshchenko, well, close the door on the other side, they became insolent the graduate students, i remember, realized that i was a graduate student, played a prank on me and gave him a husband. 55 this year
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it will be 55 years already, it will be a long story, in fact, 55 years since we have been friends with the left one, but i played it once in germany. festival on the last day tomorrow to fly to moscow, we bought the same shoes, but he has forty-four, and i have 42, well, the same kind of concert ones, well, to perform, yes, yes, yes, and in the evening, well, tomorrow is the flight, i took him two left ones, put them in the box, and two right ones for myself, i think, well , we’ll fly to moscow, i admit, we’re flying on a plane, leva, volodya, can you imagine, well, that’s how it is... germans, there must be law-abiding people, i decided yesterday, i think, i’ll try on the shoes, put them both on my left foot, one forty -four , another forty-second, vova, it’s lucky that the store opposite was open, i
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went and exchanged, can you imagine, everyone is friends ours are already flying, but all our friends know what’s on my terrace at the dacha.
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an unknown entertainer in those years, there were a lot of national concerts, sports palaces, stadiums, but you know, this is an extra opportunity to communicate with the greats, here i am a young artist, and next to me shulzhenko is singing, utesov is singing, i don’t know, arkady is performing there raikin, that is, well, you can go crazy, well , there are young people there, and in short, he comes out and i have to go out and do a parody number... he says, now vladimir vinokur sings for idiots and fools, i tell him, well, then i i’m back already, i say, listen, well , i’ll end the concert for you, i don’t want to damage this action now, but he says: listen, but nothing, and lyova is standing next to
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him, announce him now, you hear, and he says, but nothing, i now i’m going to announce to lev , and leva listens and says, well , there’s no need to joke with me, i’m boxing... i was practicing, he says, i ’ll tell us, well, maybe i’ll announce it like this, it’s always dangerous for a russian and a jew gonorrhea, lev li sings, lev says, i’m for you, i’m the fourth for you, he left the stage and says, i want to say that uh for a russian and for look at the reaction, at the reaction to lev, lev he... says, and for a person of any nationality, if you say lev leshchenko, you don’t need to say anything more, well, that’s normal, that’s all we have -it’s a program about jokes, yes, that
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’s how much jokes were valued there in the past now in our current time, that is, well, this genre, well, let’s say, is mildly less popular than it was, but that’s it. but jokes are desirable, of course, even in concerts sometimes, well, i tell funny cases, but in principle, if a joke slips through, i told a joke, i once told you that when a man comes to the doctor, he says to the doctor, i have two terrible problems, then let’s take it one step at a time, the first, which is the first doctor, i pester my wife all the time, all the time i pester my wife, then my secretary at work. then to the nurse, well, doctor, i’m such a guy , i don’t know what to do with this, the doctor says, well, let’s calm it down, give some pills, everything will be fine, what’s the second problem, second doctor, i’m such a liar, but i remembered
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a joke in a new one when a man drank so much good, he’s walking, the belly is crunching, in general it’s going well for him, his soul is just singing, then the elk hits him, bang, he knocks him down, he just gets up with his hair. he's all confused by what kind of hare is looking at him, he says, well, i can handle the hare, this time, bang, it's still head over heels, i think, what's wrong, there's a voice like that, man, you should move away from the carousel , cool, here are new year's stories related to some kind of oddities, i remembered, i remembered this story, which means, in general, my wife, when she decorates the house, there’s a christmas tree there and the house, she puts it in the background films that are like christmas
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, new year's christmas and very often, that is, including the film alone at home, that means there, all these mechanisms, how he did to protect the house from these wet ones, wet bandits, they are there were called, and we at one time, that is, i was already in high school at school, we were so impressed by... this, let's say, his inquisitive mind, like kulibin, doing all these things, which means, my friend, glory to ignatenko, my classmate, i came to his house, and he said: come in, i’ll come to him into the room, then some kind of story starts to work, and it just hit me in the forehead from some tube, a plasticine ball, in the end something fell somewhere, hung, well, how do you like it, how did it hit my forehead, i think, okay, that is, well, revenge is a dish that should be served cold, i think, and... that means it’s already a new year’s mood, it was just before the new year, my parents were going
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to some concert, and after they also go there to visit ours or their friends, i understand that there will be no one at my house, and that means in advance, i say, you can go there fame will come to visit me, my parents say, well, of course, i think , now the time has come, and that means i’m at the entrance, and i lived in such a military town, i have from the gate to the house to this one. with the cave pipe there was such a long, well, there was a path and i mean i’ll come up with a system, which means this slavik will come in and uh, in short, i was buried in snow , i buried a piece of uh, that’s not linoleum, but like, well, on the skater there’s an oilcloth like this, an oilcloth skateboard that’s so old in the barn i took the bed and it was incredibly slippery and covered it with snow i made a system of ropes at the top and tied a large can to it. from under the herring and vosi i poured grain, rice in there, when it falls
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, so that it is poured on it, that is, well , there is a ball in the forehead, i remember this plasticine one, and that means, well, i’m waiting, but i still look out the window, i look that some silhouettes , that is, he was walking, i think that he was not alone or something, at that time, that is, there should have been no parents, my dad, my dad and mom, decided after the concert before going to visit, to change clothes , not for me, but they are still beautiful, then... oh i can’t, and dad, it means, dashingly opens the gate, goes first, it’s good that he went first, and i just see how it’s very much like he’s starring in this movie, alone at home, which means both legs fly away like that , in short, he disappears from the frame, rice is pouring on him , air is pouring out, which means these different curses, and i open the door just like that and his hat just rolls along this path, that is, the whole set, but i have the first thought, only in this... what kind of thing didn’t break, but in the end i got it, i’m very got it, in fact, in general, never
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repeat it, this is a movie version, what you see in the movies, don’t not repeat it, yes, because it’s dangerous, by the way, i want to brag, by the way, to our viewers, you tell me they said when they were on tour in belarus, just recently, yes, you told me that your roots, in principle, are from the sub-gomel - this is kalinkovich, i gave a concert there in kalinkovich. gave a concert in his homeland, so i wanted to ask how you like belarus as a whole, a pleasant viewer, they were received, great, the halls are full everywhere, it’s very warm, unfortunately, uncle volodya, time is running out, our program has come to an end, friends, let’s once again thank vladimir natanovich together, we had vladimir natanovich, a distiller, as our guest. people's artist of the rsfsr, my great friend, which i am beyond happy about, but
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today funny stories of jokes, as they say, are good, you all have a good mood, watch the podcast jokes on the first channel, and if anyone didn’t have time, on the website of the first channel 1tv .ru, happy new year, friends, happy new year. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. under the cover of darkness, a missile strike by america and britain on yemen, what the west will achieve by fueling a new middle east conflict. the list has been updated. ukrainian losses of the week. personnel,
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nato equipment, aviation, military logistics. what else is in the ministry of defense report? our swallows are completely domestic high-speed trains, new carriages and modular stations. vladimir putin has the head of russian railways. by way of supervision. prosecutor's day. who was helped to protect their interests and what kind of work awaits the president in this year. we wanted it to be worse, but something went wrong. the london times unwittingly advertised russia as a place of attraction for... so, the united states, britain and several other countries that joined them, but not all who were invited, dealt a powerful blow to that part of yemen controlled by the houthi armed group. map for understanding. yemen is at the entrance from the east to the red sea, which extends northwest to the sued canal and further into
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the mediterranean sea. this route from asia to europe and back is more profitable than the route around the whole africa. which the largest shipping companies switched to when the houthis, in a sign of solidarity with the palestinians in gaza, began to attack ships heading to israel. the west refers to maritime security when justifying the attack on yemen, which, by the way, violates american laws, and not just international law. russia condemned these strikes as an adventure that threatens global peace. indeed, in the middle east, with direct western participation, a new hot spot is emerging. the husito have already promised to fight until victory. more details: it was in the air. western media wrote about the impending attacks on yemen in a few hours, it was so obvious that the united states would not endlessly tolerate the houthis’ attempts, which were very successful, to dictate their own rules of navigation in the red sea. so obviously, president biden appears to have forgotten to seek congressional approval. in fact, the us congress has the exclusive right
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to declare war, but biden chose to strike first and explain his actions later. today, at my direction, the us armed forces. together with the united kingdom and with support from australia, bahrain, canada and the netherlands, successfully struck a number of targets in yemen, which the houthi rebels have used to threaten freedom of navigation along one of the world's most important waterways. the strikes hit targets in several regions of the country at once. the capital is sana'a and its international airport, there is a houthi military base nearby, the important port of hadeidah, and a number of other cities. the american british enemy began a brutal aggression against ours... the usa and britain bear full responsibility for the crimes against ours people, and we will not leave them unanswered, so the british prime minister announced a night raid on yemen as nothing other than self-defense. in recent months, the houthis have carried out a series of dangerous and
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destabilizing shipping attacks in the red sea, threatening a vital trade route that has led to a surge. prices: reckless actions endanger lives at sea and worsen humanitarian crisis in yemen. it’s worth remembering here that houthi attacks on tankers and bulk carriers do not occur in a vacuum. actually, the yemenites are positioning them as a response to israel’s operation in the gaza strip, which is all arab and not only. the world considers it barbaric and the houthis targeted ships carrying cargo specifically to israel? but the specifics of the region are such that any crisis hits the entire global economy. the red sea is one of the most important trade routes, the most. come from china, of course, you can send dollars, let’s say, these are cargoes, well, these same cargoes around africa, this way in the 16th century, but this stretches logistics by 40%, everything increases quite a lot
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expenses, for a reason, at one time the british and french tore out the suved channel, here are just a couple of examples of how the economy has already responded. situation, but wait out the raid, snap back with their missiles and drones, disrupt logistics, shake up the region, the houthis are in a position where local skirmishes can develop into a large regional confrontation, position.
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constantly creates new sources of tension, hot spots, sows chaos, without applying to the united nations, without obtaining the consent of its own congress, which is provided for by the american legislation, another lawlessness has been committed, for which there is no justification, our fears have been confirmed that the us position in the un security council on ... the sea is only a pretext for further escalation of the situation of tension in the region. we strongly condemn these irresponsible actions by the united states and its allies. a large-scale military
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escalation in the red sea region could negate the positive trends that have emerged recently in the yemen settlement process, as well as provoke destabilization of the situation throughout the middle east region. china calls for prudence. we call on the parties to remain calm and exercise restraint to prevent the conflict from expanding. we don't want to see escalation in the red sea. this is an important route for international trade. we invite all parties to jointly support the safety of international waterways. turkey's position is unequivocal. america uses force disproportionately, as does israel in palestine. england is always with america in these matters. now they're trying to turn red sea ​​in a sea of ​​blood. take into account washington’s long-range goal of dragging iran into the conflict; by the way, their troops there have been put on combat readiness. the fact is that the houthis, that is , the ansarul movement, are a shiite group.
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iran, as you know, is a shiite state. and it just so happens that the united states is persistently trying to portray the houthis as iranian proxies. the iranians did provide assistance to the houthis. and weapons, in terms of technology transfer. but here you need to understand one very important point: the houthis. these are not some iranian proxies, as they are often presented, this is a completely independent player , i would even say, in some matters, it is an equal ally of iran, by the way, this is an example of who is really behind the ansaru movement, today's rally in sana against american aggression, so to speak, a support group for the houthis , a million people, the realities are at odds with the picture that the united states is trying to impose, and so are their attempts. local leaders were unable to, together with america
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, only bahrain among the arab countries decided to bomb those who are fighting against israel. same saudi arabia is great remembers how, for 6 years from 2015 to 21, she tried to solve something in yemen by bombing, in response she received painful attacks from houthi drones on her own oil plants. they're waiting for answers. air defense has been put on full combat readiness throughout the region. there are enough american bases there, but this coin has a downside. the houthis can choose any object to attack and deliver an unpredictable strike. their missiles are dangerous. the range of the longest-range ones covers the entire arabian peninsula, the red sea, the persian gulf and, yes, israel. not to mention that shipping, the safety of which biden and the company are so concerned about, is unlikely to become truly safe in the near future. this is what our permanent representative to the un warned about. or not benzya when he proposed to amend the security council resolution on the red sea. the united states and its allies rejected the amendments. as a result, russia and china abstained from voting. tonight
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there is a new meeting convened at the request of our country. grigory emelyanov, vladimir zalutsky, yulia zagranichnogo, alexey klyuchnikov, channel one. our events: travel around russia with great comfort. new high-speed trains will soon begin to operate in more than twenty regions, as already in the urals. we learned to do it without the germans. this is finist, a continuation of the swallow. everything in it is domestic, the interior has been modified, climate control, the driver’s cabin, the wait for the train is also changing. innovation, a modular station, will install protected days where required. all this is in the report of the president, head of russian railways. yuri lepatov will tell you more. one of the objective indicators of condition economics work of the railway industry. and the volume of traffic is stable.
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after there were no longer six freight terminals, but 17. in addition, the railway is actively using know-how, an innovative technology for interval control of trains through the use of a digital radio channel, when trains can travel from each other at a short distance, called virtual coupling . when we drive five trains in virtual coupling mode, these are five trains that see each other and are oriented towards each other, two trains
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container, three trains. with an empty train, but the length, if all the trains are folded, is more than 5 km, this allows us to more actively use the built infrastructure. as a result, as an example, a freight train from the kaluga region to novorossiysk does not take three days, but only one day. suburban traffic will also increase significantly in the near future. this is planned and implemented through a qualitative update of the infrastructure. in moscow and the moscow region, this has already been appreciated by those who regularly use it. moscow central diameters. trains russian-made aircraft are entering new routes; they will appear in twenty-one russian regions. updated rolling stock will appear on long- distance trains. they will definitely add more comfort. let's say the shelf will be made two meters long, increasing it by 17 cm. tall passengers will not have to tuck their legs in while sleeping. once certified, our new passenger car will be put into operation and operational. it differs from the previous one in that it is wider.
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additional personal space will appear when such a carriage arrives at the end of the year, one large-scale update for the benefit of passengers, the construction and renovation of stations and railway platforms; in st. petersburg in chechnya, so -called modular stations and composite platforms are being produced. this is what the station looks like, installed in the summer in yekaterinburg at the shortazh station. ramp for passengers with limited mobility, information displays, self-service cafe area. installation of the station takes. service life is 50 years, taking into account the fact that there is plastic, new materials, durability,
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composite platforms, the same with... transportation with china stands out separately, you noticed that there will be an increase in trade turnover with china of more than 200 billion, we see this in the volume of transportation, we are working on heavy traffic, primarily along the eastern range, an increase of 17%. all the indicators of the russian railways, the tasks assigned by you will be fulfilled, i have no doubt, thank you, the ongoing project
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is the eastern training ground. which involves the modernization of bam and transib, will connect eurasian transport corridors. he is capable of making russia the world's leading transport power, since it will be possible to deliver goods by land much faster than by sea. construction is progressing as planned. in december, for example, a complex facility was put into operation - the double-track kiraksky tunnel in the amur region. transip has already become faster. the overall investment program for construction at the eastern training ground is impressive. that's almost 1,200. donbass peaceful district of ugorlovka, ukrainian terrorists hit an ambulance, and this was not a random projectile, but a guided one scumbag drone. first, a cluster munition flew from the ukrainian armed forces, to where the energy company employees were working, three people were injured, an ambulance and a brigade came to their aid, at that moment a drone, directed by a militant, flew into
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the ambulance. the explosion killed one of the injured power engineers and injured three more doctors. well, there is a reason to return to one of the characters in our first story. british. in kiev signed a security agreement with zelensky, according to which london this year will supply long-range missiles, anti-tank systems and artillery shells, as well as a batch of air and sea drones, the largest in comparison with all those transferred to ukraine and other states. the cost of the entire military package is £2.5 billion , more than britain has allocated in military terms in the previous two years. needless to say, these are the weapons the west is pumping. ukraine, the zelensky regime is using it against our peaceful cities. now about the progress of the special operation of the ministry of defense, today they presented data for the week, 23 group attack on military targets in the ukrainian rear. these days, there have been more than once reports of
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defeats at factories for the production and repair of military equipment in kharkov and other cities, places of deployment of foreign mercenaries. all targets were destroyed by high-precision weapons, including kinzhal hypersonic missile systems. and about the losses of ukrainian formations. in the gubyansky direction during the week , enemy losses amounted to over 585 military personnel, three tanks, 14 armored combat vehicles, 18 vehicles, 11 field artillery guns, as well as a launcher. installation of a hail multiple launch rocket system. in the grosloliman direction , the enemy lost up to 995 troops killed and wounded, five armored combat vehicles, 25 vehicles, five guns. field artillery in the donetsk direction , enemy losses amounted to more than 1,785 military personnel, five tanks, 20 armored combat vehicles, including two bradley infantry fighting vehicles, five cossack armored vehicles, 63 vehicles,
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as well as 14 field artillery guns. within a week, 48 ukrainian servicemen surrendered, of which 35 were in kupyansky direction. testing of the system is being completed in russia. high-precision anti-jamming ammunition. the head of the ministry of defense sergei shaigu inspected the tactical missile weapons corporation plant in the moscow region. there, the production of high-precision weapons has increased fivefold. the minister was presented with the latest models launched into mass production, primarily these are controlled planning and correction modules for aircraft booms. with their use, the effectiveness of air strikes has increased significantly. the minister spoke with specialists about working conditions and salaries. what happens?
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our healthcare system has gone into mass production after testing new domestically produced bionic prostheses, lightweight, durable, controllable, with the ability to return fully functional. life has already been appreciated by those who are recovering from amputation, there are many plans, i have already jumped with a parachute, and i still plan to try skating or skiing on a motorcycle. nikita's call sign, shepherd, he volunteered for the front, served as commander of an assault platoon, in the spring of twenty-three he came under mortar fire, the hardest wounded, a month of coma, it was not possible to save your right leg, so after you lie there for a long time... you leave on the costals, then, roughly speaking, they just put your leg on you, and you go, well, this, well, i can’t even describe it , thanks to the new bionic prosthesis, by the way, which nikita received as a gift from the developer’s company, he again felt freedom of movement, the smart module
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is stuffed with electronics, motors, sensors and mini-processors, all this helps to adapt to the rhythm of a person’s life, you can go to the store for shopping for a walk or even in to climb mountains, our prosthesis is based on a pneumatic system, as well as microprocessor control with a large number of sensors that process almost 1.00 signals per second, which today allows the user to return the maximum functions of the lost limb. another important advantage is that the bionic prosthesis is a completely russian development, the electronics, software and of course the parts are made of high-strength aluminum, but it must be said that the weight is not very heavy. in addition, the prosthesis is easy to control; a special program is installed on a tablet or smartphone. here you can set the speed, see the charge level or set the automatic mode so that the car adapts itself, so it found it, and it’s connected, it shows the charger, i immediately see yes, how much i have left, for about a week i can walk without recharging .
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dmitry frolov, professional athlete, paralympic bronze medalist in sledge hockey, he also skydives, dives and motorsport. in in ninety-seven, he got into an accident, lost his leg, spent about a year getting used to his first prosthesis, there was no talk of comfort then, he taught. to walk again, he says, if such a bionic prosthesis had appeared earlier, it would have been much easier, i’m taking the first step with ease, now he’s in the castle, and then i can lean on him, i know that he’s not... not nothing will fall, i trust him. until recently , high-quality prosthetics were manufactured exclusively abroad, but after the introduction of sanctions in the field of medical technologies , import substitution is actively developing, according to according to experts, our device is no worse than foreign ones. we compared the imported analogue, in a patient or pilot, with the domestic analogue, it turned out that some aspects of walking, support, and transfer of gravity. even better than some imported analogues. modern
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technologies help to quickly get severe patients back on their feet after amputation, and you can get such a prosthesis for free thanks to government support. providing technical means of rehabilitation, which include prostheses, is a state guarantee, it has been established legislation on the social protection of people with disabilities, so if it is shown, then a person can receive it for free in the same way. the bionic prosthesis has already been put into mass production; approximately 1,500 pieces will be produced per year. in the future , they plan to increase capacity; engineers are already developing a more advanced model; a prototype will appear in march of this year. yulia anishchenko, maria emelyanova, vyacheslav amelyutin, zulfiya khakimova and natalya radeonova. first channel. medicine in our new regions is becoming more accessible and high quality. hospitals and clinics are being restored and equipped with modern equipment according to the presidential program. the head of the ministry of health, mikhail murashka, was convinced by visiting the lugansk and donetsk people's republics. we are present at such a significant event, this is the staging of our mri, in our
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dispensary, this method of diagnostic search was not available. needless to say, how important this moment is for the team of the lugansk oncology center, where only last year an mri room opened, now there is new equipment and staff here it was already prepared that there had never been such funding, soviet equipment was gradually breaking down, and modern equipment could only be dreamed of. of you, because the system is truly
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reliable, you all showed yourself as true professionals, during a difficult period together you provided medical care to both the wounded and civilians. the minister awarded luka krymsky medals to those who particularly distinguished themselves. this is one of the most significant medical awards. well, this award is not only mine, but for our team. ukrainian neo-fascists released four rockets. the chamber of our medical traumatology, surgical department, institution, completely destroyed the emergency department and the administrative building, not a single employee left their workplace after that. during the trip, the minister recalled more than once that doctors here, while doing their work, risk their lives almost every day. there are, of course, absolutely, in my opinion, terrible facts, when not only the bombing of a medical organization itself, but when...
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a shell hit between the third and fourth during the battles in the spring of 2022, the ukrainian floor, as a result of which one of the surgical departments was completely destroyed, the restoration of the hospital began immediately as soon as mariupol was liberated, and as you can see, now nothing reminds of the battles. now the intensive care hospital, the only multidisciplinary medical center in the south of the donetsk people 's republic, is being reborn in a new guise, the renovation of buildings is being completed , the latest equipment is being supplied, when assessing the project it was decided that everything in the hospital, including systems life deprivation. needs to change radically. the hospital was built in the eighty-second year,
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after being put into operation, it has never undergone a major overhaul, it is a ward of inconvenience for six people, this is a discrepancy with the current sanitary standards and rules of the russian federation. all this, say, has 41 years of operation. however, this was approximately the state of health care in all four new constituent entities of the russian federation. to modernize it, a whole program was adopted, which was initiated by the president. more than 170 institutions today have already been restored, repaired and equipped with equipment, and are working in these four regions. the next block is the systemic formation of care for cancer patients; in three regions, three large hospitals today receive modern equipment, diagnostic, therapeutic, resuscitation, to provide this type of care. special support will be provided to cardiovascular centers, maternity hospitals
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in state families, special attention to mother and child, and of course, modernization of clinics, which residents of donbass, zaporozhye and kherson republics expect, perhaps, more. work in the houses of victims of the ukrainian glatkov, he assessed the progress of the reconstruction of the terrorist attack on new year's eve. special thanks to the builders, as well as rescuers and volunteers, who acted very professionally. today, support courses have opened at the united russia public support headquarters.
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today is the day of the prosecutor’s office employee, vladimir putin congratulated the department’s employees, noting that in their work they must first of all focus on people’s requests protect them from indifference and arbitrariness. the work of prosecutors is always noticeable behind every decision, presentation or protest, warning or verification material,
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rights restored, and, most importantly, people’s faith in the triumph of law and justice. and you... dangers, assistance in achieving the goals of a special military operation in the clear and timely execution of state defense order tasks. i would like to draw attention to such areas of your work as supervisory support for the implementation of national projects, social programs, as well as the rule of law during the upcoming
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russian presidential elections this year. the functions of the prosecutor's office are very broad, from supporting the prosecution in court to overseeing the rule of law. always guarding the interests of citizens, the stories were collected by valery kuznetsov, as soon as the court decision enters into legal force, we will control your actual return home. elena ogneva from moscow and her mother were sheltered by a friend. an overly generous woman was forced by scammers to mortgage her apartment; according to elena, she received a call from a man who introduced himself investigator. don’t call anyone, don’t talk to anyone, only to me, mortgage the apartment.


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