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tv   Slovo pastirya  1TV  January 13, 2024 9:45am-10:01am MSK

9:45 am
my friends, the arctic is ours. cognac, monte shococa, product of stellar group.
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it’s wonderful that in your person we seem to come into contact with the experience and spiritual labors of the saints who preceded us, who in the most difficult times preserved faith and love for god in their flock, preserved many churches that should have been closed or destroyed, and indeed... they brought the ark of our church to the saving pier. in your face, i seem to remember and thank those who are no longer with us today, but who have done a lot for us, including the younger generation of moscow clergy, took up the baton of sacrificial service to the church that ours carried... indeed
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, we live at a time when amazing changes have occurred in the life of the church. and first of all, this concerns the city of moscow. there is not a single metropolis in the world where so many new churches are opened, where new churches are built. i have already spoken about this several times, but i repeat again and again that the information itself.
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the older generation endured these trials and brought this church ark to a safe haven. we must never forget the feat, the spiritual feat of our clergy, our believers, who in these difficult years. struggle with the church, the huge state machines in these difficult years preserved the faith and passed on the faith to subsequent generations. today , indeed, we can testify to some miraculous events that are taking place in our church life: churches are being built, ancient churches are being restored, but all this is accompanied by more than just restoration.
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like shrines, but still it’s connected with renewal of our spiritual life, because churches are filled with people, i am now conveying a large...
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many people began to take part in the construction of churches, not only with their own why am i not participating, at this stage with very attention and care, but also with their material contribution, and after all truly a miracle of god, we have built more than 200 churches in this short time, we still have to build the same number, but i have no doubt that if god gives us all the strength, then... we will complete this wonderful program of building new churches, but and again i want to say, these are not only church buildings, these are not only services, churches unite people, unite young people, in our church something is happening that
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we could not even imagine in soviet times, real communities are being created in which, in addition to worship, many good things are done.. .does not freeze at all, as sometimes happens, they started to cool down with enthusiasm, there is no cooling down, there are no pauses, and my heart rejoices when i see your works, my dear fathers, brothers and sisters, low bow to everyone and... from your patriarch, i think what is happening today in russia - this is a very strong signal to the whole world, especially the western world, which is rich, comfortable, but losing faith,
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so much so that the place of christians is taken today by representatives of another monotheistic religion and... at best, closed christian churches are transferred to mosques, at best in the worst case, restaurants, cafes, and entertainment venues are created there. what is this? and how can we evaluate all this from the height of our most difficult historical experience and at the same time very inspiring experience of the revival of religious life? and how on look at it in only one way and from one angle, all this is bad, and wealth that is not accompanied by the growth of spiritual life, all this cannot but lead
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to a deep crisis, so in this case i am not only talking about those who i just mentioned it, i’m talking about ourselves. “god grant that we have no stagnation, no stop, no semblance of a spiritual crisis, and in order for this to happen, every priest, every rector, every bishop should not rest on his laurels and the soul should not say, drink, have fun , you have everything, we must constantly set ourselves new tasks and solve them, and there are still a lot of tasks. because the true churching of our entire people has not yet occurred, we have, as it were, begun this path, the great path of the spiritual revival of our people, but much remains to be done, i call first
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of all on our episcopate of the entire russian church, because now i am addressing not only those , who is present in the temple here, and to everyone who sees and hears me. through modern means of communication, remember that we are at the beginning of a very important path, and in no case should they rest on their laurels, they should set themselves new tasks. history, the creation of holy russia continued to be recorded by the deeds of current generations,
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i believe that it will be so, the guarantee of this is what is happening today in the city of moscow, in other cities and villages of our country, we thank the lord for everything, in no case do we take credit for it ourselves all these achievements, all this divine... descent to us, perhaps in response to the martyrdom and suffering of our fathers and grandfathers, to a great feat of the older generation of clergy who preserved the faith among the people, despite very difficult external circumstances, and we will continue these wonderful achievements, i to all of you, my dear eminences , fathers, brothers...
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to constantly update your faith, to do something that is not very the word accepted in the church: make it relevant, make it alive, not just attend church once a week at best, live by this faith, live by christian ideals, so that our lives are truly permeated. god's blessing and love, so that she, this life, flourishes with christian virtue, but if this really happens on the scale of the entire country, then russia will be invincible, in every sense of the word. and, of course, a special responsibility lies with our episcopate and our clergy. i would like to thank you again. moscow clergy, for the worthy performance of both divine services and, of course,
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all those great important matters that are being carried out in parishes today, i also wanted to thank the parish assets and call for further work for the benefit of the saint orthodoxy in our capital city, and may god help us all to follow the path that he shows us, without at all... doubting the correctness of this path, and this path is connected with the strengthening of our faith, with the actualization of this faith, that is by performing those deeds that stem from our religious convictions, then i really believe that our lives will change even more for the better, and we call for help on the saints of god, the saints of moscow, and others who have shone in our land, so that they they prayed to god for the russian land
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, for our church, for our people, and for their prayer to truly be fervent before the lord, we must, for our part, strengthening in faith, live by this faith and maintain our prayer connection with those saints, and shine in the sky holy russia. may the lord protect our land, our country, our people, and , of course, our church, the confessor, who have gone through the crucible of the most severe life circumstances and persecution, so that church life may flourish with new virtues and new spiritual deeds. and help. for all of us, lord, on this path of further spiritual revival of our people and our country.
10:00 am
amen! hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. a bullet in the heart, how to save a russian soldier, an operation of fantastic complexity. it passed between the aorta and the sphincter trunk without touching them. they tried to get it through a small cut, it was too impossible.


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