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tv   Novosti  1TV  January 13, 2024 10:00am-10:15am MSK

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the birth of our people and our country. amen! hello, on the first channel there is a news release in the studio of maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. a bullet in the heart, how to save a russian soldier, an operation of fantastic complexity. it passed between the aorta and the pulmonary trunk without touching them. we tried to get it through a small incision, it was too impossible. iran had one last chance. the price
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of truth is reprisal against the journalist who exposed the kiev regime. i will definitely be sent to prison, where i will most likely die. gonzalo died in prison in ukraine lyra. what's in the last letter you sent to your sister? they poured gasoline into the smoldering fire. the us operation in yemin is putting the region on the brink of disaster. everything that happens before this will seem like flowers. moscow's statement at a meeting of the un security council and new night strikes on houthi targets. a vote that is being watched by the whole world, but especially by china and the usa. today is the election of the head of taiwan, there are three candidates and each can change the balance of power in the region. and epiphany frosts ahead of schedule: severe cold on the old new year in the capital region, how long will the deep minus? an operation of fantastic complexity.
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the task of saving a soldier who was wounded in the northern military district zone, who had fields in his heart, the doctors of the vishnevsky hospital did the almost impossible, it was necessary to act with lightning speed, it was not just a deep wound, the field went behind the heart, and the only right decision was made, the personnel according to which will teach surgeons, in the report by anastasia kobozeva. there is absolute silence in the operating room, everyone is concentrated, the team works as a single well-coordinated mechanism, the entire process is managed by an experienced cardiac surgeon alexander leshch. it didn’t hurt them, the spine was also intact , it was pure luck, the time factor also played a role, it passed between the aorta and the pulmonary trunk, the fighter was very quickly taken to the vishnevsky hospital, now he is in good hands, the pearl of the center is a hybrid operating room, they can work here at the same time . vascular and cardiac surgeons
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perform low-traumatic procedures through punctures in blood vessels and large open-heart surgeries. even for experienced cardiac surgeons, this case is not easy. first , doctors tried to get the bullet out through a small incision between the ribs on the right. did not work out. then we had to do another one in the center of the chest to stop the heart. the field was too deep. the difficulty is what was behind the back surface of the heart.
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this field is ahead of rehabilitation , according to doctors, in a few days the patient will be able to walk, this fighter recently underwent a similar operation: the cardiac surgeons took out a seven-millimeter fragment from his chest , they will bring it to me, then they will show it to me, i will leave it as a souvenir, everything is going well on the recovery. in in the practice of surgeons at the vishnevsky hospital , there were more complex cases. sometimes i had to stand at the operating table for 5-6 hours, fight for each wounded person and win. strong explosions at vssu facilities are reported in vinnetsk, rivne, zhytomyr, chernihiv, poltava, cherkassy, ​​kirovograd, dnepropetrovsk and khmelnytsky regions. the authorities have confirmed the arrivals near kiev, and now the latest news from the front line. our cities attacked enemy artillery on the right bank of the dnieper. yuzhnodonetsk section of santsepek calculations
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destroyed several enemy strongholds. under the red estuary, helicopters, including the k-52 alligator, destroyed positions in the mtr. the artyomovsk direction is under attack. russian paratroopers were nato- made galbits; ukrainian militants tried to hide equipment in the forest. retribution for honesty and the desire to tell the truth , gonzalo lira died in a ukrainian prison. an american journalist, he saw the crimes of the kiev regime and wanted the whole world to know about them. the ukrainian authorities could not forgive him for this. threats, arrest, bullying prison, he did not receive help when he fell ill with pneumonia, and even the american authorities found out the fate of his compatriot. indifferent: the last time gonzalo lira went online was six months ago. right now i will try to get out of ukraine and ask for political asylum in hungary, either i will cross the border and get to a safe place, or i will disappear, thanks to the efforts of the kiev regime. an american of chilean origin,
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married to ukrainian lira, tried many professions, from director to instructor dating, but became known as an independent blogger who talked on social networks about what he sees on...
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and my sister, i had double pneumonia, as well as pneumothorax and extensive swelling of the body. it all started in october, but the prison staff ignored it. they admitted that i had pneumonia only at the hearing on december 22nd. i am undergoing a procedure to relieve pulmonary edema, which causes me severe
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shortness of breath, to the point of losing consciousness after minimal activity or even just talking for a couple of minutes. lyra's father repeatedly stated that his son was tortured in prison, but even after that in the us state department. the us embassy in kiev does not respond to our requests, it did not even offer a lawyer, embassy employees communicated with him only once at the first court hearing, so it is not surprising that the death of a us citizen with views far from the ideological stream was ignored by the leading american media . gonçalo simply did not fit into their agenda, where it is customary to talk about ukraine as a dead person or to speak well.
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i won’t leave here, same uzhgorod, different area, again women went out into the street when they learned about the patrols that had appeared, they are standing in the way of military vehicles, everything to save their husbands, sons, the dniester, the border of ukraine and moldova, a conscript is waiting for a motor boat, for him to cross the river is a chance to escape, but border guards spotted and detained both the fugitive and the guide. this night, the united states launched a new attack on houthi targets in yemen. the pentagon confirmed the launch of a tamogaw missile at the sosminsa radar installation. according to media reports, the target is in the north, the capital is at the same points in states and britain hit several cities the day before. reason for protection.
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you don’t need to be farsighted to understand both these threats and the measures to respond to them; the united states will determine them arbitrarily, without the slightest regard for international law. if the escalation continues, the entire middle east region may face a catastrophe that will make everything that happened before seem like a flower. "the lost lives and destroyed destinies of people will not be combined, full
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responsibility for this will fall on the united states accomplices. taiwan is a time of big politics ; the whole world is watching the elections there; it depends on them whether the situation around the island, which beijing considers its rebellious province, will be stabilized, while the united states is pumping it with weapons. people vote for the head of the administration, this is the highest post, and also members of parliament, and this race is called unpredictable, because opinion polls so far..." taiwan, which is absolutely unacceptable for beijing and close cooperation with western partners, primarily the united states. opposition candidate ho, he himself says that he is against independence, but for the freedom of taiwan, the so-called middle way, and kavenje is ready for dialogue with mainland china. maintaining the status quo, polling stations will close at 11 am moscow time,
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there is no second round on the island. a large-scale fire in st. petersburg - 50.00 square m2 is engulfed in fire, the warehouse of the walberis company is on fire, the fire is assigned the fourth level of complexity out of five possible, employees have been evacuated, there is no data on casualties at this time, more than 100 people are fighting the fire firefighters, the scale is clearly visible from the aircraft elliminator. more on other topics. the dream came true thanks to the kindest wish tree campaign, it helps make children happier who need a miracle more than others, a postcard with sasha’s wishes was removed by defense minister sergei shaigu. alexander, 15 years old from moscow, dreams of meeting aerobatic teams. and here is the cherished invitation to the kubinka airfield near moscow. sasha watched the performance of the legendary swifts, and also met our aces and was able to feel like a pilot herself after sitting in cabin.
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they showed me the planes, i even got to sit in the cockpit, i really liked everything, i was absolutely delighted. what will the weather be like for baptism? today , weather forecasters made a preliminary forecast; according to their data, on the night of the 19th it was near zero, in general, far from the traditional epiphany frosts. but today the capital region is shackled by cold. in some areas of the region the temperature dropped to -32. an orange level of weather danger has been declared in moscow. during the day, of course, it will become easier. on sunday night there was another frost strike on the 26th
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in general, the new year, the old new year with boring frosts, there’s no time for partying, but what ’s the alternative: spend the holidays with the first channel, in the evening on our air a repeat of new year’s eve on the first, a program that has already become a popular hit, the holiday marathon starts on 19:50 with a break for program time, and then continuation, the most popular songs, replenishment of your favorite artists, well, right now on the first channel. the program is ours, enjoy watching. in tchaikovsky as part of the russian open biathlon championship team racing took place. this species was born from. competitions of military patrols, with which the history of the sport as a whole began at the beginning of the last century. until the end of the nineties, team racing was included in the calendar of international tournaments, but now it is held only at the national level. the format is unusual, teams consist of four athletes who complete the entire distance together. at the first firing line from a prone position.


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