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tv   Chasovoi  1TV  January 14, 2024 7:40am-8:11am MSK

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looks at the star trembling, what are you, what are you? you’re silent, dear, why aren’t you singing, it’s obvious
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everything has expired, you’re all covered up , either a tear, or a snowball, your eyes are cold in the wind, yet, i know beauty
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, wake up crying, but get up, but wake up, we don’t care i can’t live with you, a great silence will pass away, my heart is bloody as if, why are you silent, why are you silent, my homeland, why don’t you get up, yet... the evil beauty of hurting, i still believe the purity
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of people from the wash angel dear angel of my homeland .
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honored artist of russia, anastasia zavolokina. our heroine is a former soloist regional theater, now she works as a hairdresser. he wears his hat on top.
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today is the first one. stearsman bourbon is a product of the stellar group. in 10 days i should be at a meeting with brezhnev in perfect condition. silicone oil is not excreted from the body on its own; it will enter the bloodstream and be fatal . i checked the tests, they were from two different people. here's a search warrant. we need to interrogate comrade dronov. doctor preobrazhensky. new episodes. tomorrow after the program time. i am committing theft
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of socialist property.
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the most truthful person in all of vologda, the most truthful hunter in the world. well , so how many meters away from vologda will you hit a squirrel in the eye? how about in between? well, if in between, then maybe 70 meters away, maybe 30, 15, 20 meters, an eye , of course, you leave her without an eye, then the poor thing comes home for free, well, why, why such perversions, mommy, what? perversion strikes immediately bathhouse you're alive in black the bathhouse is alive drowning already a new one built in the same place the main thing is that this one the fumes still went into the nose, but no , uh, of course, the bathhouse should be a little bit carbonic because yes, because firstly
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, it cleans all the respiratory tracts, kills all bacteria and microbes, and secondly, it’s hardening for the body, no hardening for the body, that is and well, it’s nice.
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hooligans for a fight, my beloved, and the doman is walking along the bereshka, behind him are teenagers, who are enticing, and... live good people, live honest people,
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strive for brave youth, tirelessly forward, now the blossoming earth is for you, heavenly lights , to you, rosy spring, and sho pendant. live, be happy, evil dreams will pass, fickle, crazy years will pass, everyone will perish, cruel ones, everyone will perish. and the truth, and the truth is great, and the truth is never
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, but the truth is never , more, more, more, listen, come on, go, go again,
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go, turn,
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friends, we invite you. an action called play harmony in the kremlin for victory. for those who truly love their homeland, don't miss it.
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other people outside the city know a lot about this orchestra, and we want right now, at this moment, every child, teenager or adult, to believe in themselves believed in the best. thank you, dear our country, we love you, russia!
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hello, the military information program chasovoy is on air on channel one, and i am its host, alexey rafaenko. watch this episode. no statute of limitations. employees of the investigative committee record all war crimes of the kiev regime. forensic investigators make a great contribution to the cause of, so to speak, a common victory. genocide of civilians, as in the ukrainian armed forces shelling residential areas of cities. it's scary what happened there.
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when you go out at night, anything happens. the guilty cannot escape from punishment, the first sentences for members of the ukrainian national battalions come into force. what are you accused of? i am accused of murdering a civilian, you admit your guilt, completely murdered. we continue to monitor the special operation, right now the news is from the past week. the fire is being conducted by an airborne combat vehicle, these are novorossiysk airborne units, knocking out the enemy from a forest belt in the verbovoye area of ​​the zaporozhye region, here aerial reconnaissance discovered enemy strongholds. first, aviation worked on enemy positions, after which assault groups entered there,
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enemy units were destroyed, their fortifications passed to our fighters. they beat the enemy day and night. grad crews in the kupinsky direction launched a series of attacks on camouflaged positions of the ukrainian armed forces located in the rear. we arrived on the spot a few minutes after receiving coordinates from drones. this is combat coordination. and that's why we have several. now we are already opening fire on targets. according to objective monitoring data, the rockets covered all intended enemy targets. krasnolimansk direction. strike group army aviation, consisting of crews of k-52, mi-35m and mi-8 helicopters, destroy enemy armored vehicles. they carried out
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an air strike in pitch-up with unguided aircraft missiles. according to the aircraft gunner's report, the target was hit. operates around the clock, producing high-precision modules for aircraft bombs of 250, 500 and 1500 kg. they have successfully proven themselves during a special military operation. the head of the military department set the task of not only increasing current production, but also modernizing conventional ammunition, transferring them into the high-precision category.
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the created system of unified high-precision noise-resistant ammunition is undergoing the final stage of testing. in addition, the corporation solved the problem of increasing the accuracy of the impact of ammunition and organized the mass production of controlled modules. december 2023, dozens of nato-caliber shells destroyed several residential buildings in the kievsky district of donetsk, again wounding
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and killing civilians. fragments from multiple launch rocket systems were found at the site of the shelling, which will later be sent for examination in order to clarify the exact type of projectile type. not right away. several districts of donetsk were left without electricity, public transport stopped working. military investigators of the investigative committee of the russian federation have recorded another fact of criminal actions on the part of the armed forces of ukraine. the trolleybus depot came under fire. the transport of this depot, as well as the control room, were damaged. and these shots show the consequences of the shelling of the republican trauma center in the capital of the dpr, and these are just a few examples. for many years, the ukrainian
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army has been carrying out criminal attacks on civilians in donetsk and other pre-front cities. all military atrocities are carefully documented by employees of the russian investigative committee so that not a single criminal escapes retribution in the future. working at the scene of shelling, these specialists also risk their lives, because ukrainian artillerymen often carry out repeated strikes on the same targets, specifically to destroy as many ordinary people and those who are called upon to help them as possible. firefighters, emergency doctors. so, on december 6 last year, two employees of the ministry of emergency situations were killed and several were seriously injured after repeated arrivals in the budenovsky district of donetsk. film crew of the sentinel. i witnessed similar crimes by the ukrainian army, wow, this is a lighthouse book market,
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it was also shelled on the eve of the new year, by mid-december 2022, a fire broke out, which donetsk firefighters came to extinguish. by the way, the place where we are now, there was a staff vehicle, fire extinguishing service, right in front of the place of arrival of the second. a rocket hit the rescue doctors, four doctors died on the spot. the atrocities of ukrainian neo-nazis in the donetsk region seem to have been copied from the crimes of the nazi
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invaders who occupied donbass during the great patriotic war, but 80 years later they surpassed in cruelty even the atrocities of the nazis. and this is severodonetsk, the city also suffered greatly. investigators are examining meter by meter and recording all the consequences of the shelling. their appearance is almost no different from the military on the battlefield. body armor, helmet and personal weapon. next to the criminologist's suitcase is a mandatory first aid kit for first aid. we are the first to be appointed, namely the newly formed investigative department of the pologan people's republic. and the first 19 people, i was part of these 19 people and we have been since january 20th. mechanized
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brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. and this is how the ukrainian army hid its military equipment in the barges of residential buildings, in the basements of which ordinary people lived. the nationalists did not take their lives into account, deliberately provoking return fire from our guns at their firing points. however, people still live in these houses, forcedly. they understand everything, are waiting for their turn to be resettled and are full of optimism. glory to russia, victory will be ours. this tank is also material evidence of crimes in the ssu; when conducting combat operations, the ukrainian army does not take into account the interests of civilians, occupies apartments, hospitals, schools, and rather uses ordinary people as human shields.
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suffer, he breaks down, handjobs, dreams come true, fear fate, you give me mirrors , silent silence, no, don’t drive me away, sana beauty become my dear wife, you are dear to everything i say.
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a fascinating show and olympic champions. premiere. ice show by tatiana nasca, evenings on the farm. today is the first one. mancacher whiskey, a product of the steller group. tse. ready? yes. i think that movies only show love stories; war films are about guys' love for weapons. in gangster ones, about the guys’ love for thrashing. things really are rubbish. and the new wave brought a love for cinema. there are no films without love. he is a mother's child. he himself says that he grew up in the cinema museum in paris.
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he knows the role of views. they fly like birds, as if they were born for this, as if they had wings behind them, as if they were not affected by gravity, risk, danger, entertainment and unpredictability, incredible complexity and battle of nerves. everything
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we love for, figure skating, it was great, and flying on eva was like a dream! russian jumping championship, live broadcasts on january 20 and 21 on the first. vadim is one of the few who decided to stay in a dilapidated house to look after his elderly mother. elena ivanovna together with they were hiding with their son. in the basement , hiding from shelling, they had nowhere to go, you know what we went through, we survived 5 months of living in the basement, god forbid, it ’s scary, what happened there, you go out at night, everything happens, and i only prayed one thing, god my, at least where, at least our apartment,
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at least... where was my head


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