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tv   Zdorove  1TV  January 14, 2024 8:10am-9:21am MSK

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and the battle of nerves, everything we love for, figure skating, that was great, and flying on eva, like in a dream, the russian jumping championship, live broadcasts on january 20 and 21, on the first. vadim is one of the few who decided to stay in a dilapidated house to look after his elderly mother. elena ivanovna and her son were hiding in the basements, hiding from shelling; they had nowhere to go. you know what we went through, we went through 5 months of living in the basement - it’s, god forbid, it’s scary, what happened there, you go out at night, that’s all it was, and i only prayed one thing, my god, at least somewhere. at least our apartment
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, at least somewhere to lay my head, because i have no one here, my husband of 39 years died, vadim’s wife, also poor, died, they lived without electricity, gas and water for several months, somehow golding holes in windows, made fires, went to the neighboring area for water at night, then we bought this little... they gave us light before the new year, we bought this little stove. those who remain in dangerous territories are helped volunteers law enforcement officers . officers of the investigative committee of russia are frequent guests in such families. what's the point of working, or what? and here we are, oh please. come in, hello
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, a draft just started, the wind, please , you brought you a little gift, these are for you, cucumbers, here you go, we made some tea, maybe it’s hot, otherwise it’s cold there, please, and more this, pour it, please, this is all, thank you very much, we stayed here, just like that, such humanitarian assistance is, of course, a voluntary initiative employees of the investigative committee, they try , whenever possible, to visit local residents , do not ignore their complaints and requests , any questions arise, i can always contact us, local residents are already contacting
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the new department of the investigative committee of the republic, people are not afraid tell the truth , remember what they saw and for which there is no forgiveness. we do one thing and try to support each other in everything. with the advent of the investigative committee, people began to understand and see that it still exists the law is justice and it can be achieved. and this is the basement in the neighboring house, children's things, toys and a huge hole in the wall. the arrival was at the beginning of march, there were children sitting here, about 10 children, yeah, adults, probably about 30 people, there was another room, there was an arrival, they were there at that time, a child fell asleep here, well, everyone was alive , thank god, it was just from... he was attacked, some children still don’t
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talk because of this. investigator criminologist rafael amirov in his hometown talati, played hockey for the local team, wrote poems and songs, and managed to serve his military service. later he received a law degree and became a criminologist. in april 2023, he came to donbass. many colleagues were here to this day. and somehow i didn’t feel comfortable staying away from all this, so i decided that i still needed to go and do my service. i believe that investigators, detectives, and criminologists make a great contribution - to the cause of, so to speak, a common victory. employees of the russian investigative committee investigate cases of war criminals, risking every day of coming under fire from the enemy or running into camouflaged mine traps. when we go to the service area.
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which is located in close proximity to the territory of active hostilities, physical security officers are also constantly sent with us, who help us not to fall into such situations, so that... in 2023, employees of the investigative committee conducted about one and a half thousand construction and technical examinations in the donbass , all these are the consequences of destructive shelling in apu. thanks to the competent actions of forensic investigators, the use of new modern
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criministic technology made it possible to solve crimes of past years and bring the perpetrators to criminal responsibility. we have about 700 civilians here. about the crimes of ukrainian nationalists against. gave the order to shoot 40 people in mariupol, he was sentenced to life for mass murder, under the control of bastrykin and the shelling of the pre-trial detention center in yelenovka, where ukrainian prisoners of war were kept. you were doing this, what is the reason, is it a mistake and purposeful murder. this rocket
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is controlled, the one who launched it knew exactly where it should land. several missiles, out of five barracks, hit one barrack, two missiles. the ukrainian missile attack on the detention center was clearly planned, killing 40 ukrainian prisoners, injuring another 75, and injuring eight prison staff. the examination established that the ukrainian armed forces used american-made precision weapons. stanitsa luganskaya is located a couple of tens of kilometers from the capital of the people's republic. in 2014 this the territory was under the control of the ukrainian authorities. this is what the once best hospital in the area looks like now. local residents
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tried to stay away from this place, because there were outright nazis here. this is a nationalist unit created on the basis of the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine, that is, the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine. accepted into its ranks guys with tattoos, who had previously been convicted, most of them, the tasks were simple: control of vehicles entering a specific area. only instead, tornado fighters for several years were engaged in robberies, robberies, and illegally detained people in basements. the basement of this building was equipped as a prison, and there are corresponding drawings on the walls; on other floors they... equipped firing points and, as they say, terrorized the local population, that is, it was a small office, headquarters. the criminal case of the tornadovtsy, in which there are 80 volumes, 111 witnesses and dozens of victims, was considered by the ukrainian side for almost 2 years. in 2017, the nazis from this
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battalion were given 74 years in prison for all. they never admitted their guilt. and with the beginning russian special operation was completely released by the kiev authorities. all war criminals. there is an option that they will be captured, there is an option that from captivity, if we establish specifically what crimes a particular person committed, they will be released from captivity not to their homeland, perhaps to places not so remote, well, then the investigation will figure it out. and this is footage from the courtroom of members of another nationalist battalion banned in russia, azov. war criminals were judged to the fullest extent.
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civilian infrastructure, assassination attempt civilians and improper conduct of hostilities, struck at the regional, civilian, peaceful infrastructure, on the orders of the company commander. the sentry first arrived in mariupol in may 2022, just in those days when the capitulation of the ukrainian garrison of azov began. and we saw with our own eyes what the nationalists did to the city and its inhabitants. there was clearly
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a crew of an enemy manpads somewhere on the roof, because now the local residents, one might say, handed over this stuff, brought it, it was carried out from here fire adjustment. and here are the anti-aircraft missile systems themselves, they are carried by sappers, they were fired from them. fire from positions deliberately chosen on the roofs of residential buildings, and other deadly objects are also stored there. the residents give a lot of hints , in fact, probably half of what we find - it’s the residents who come and show that they have some kind of projectile, either a projectile or not, it was hard to look at all this, how much pain they caused those who decided to hide behind the backs of the civilian population, those who shot the residents of the city, wanting...
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the extent of the atrocities of the azovites against the residents of donbass is huge: murders, robberies and bullying, but the main criminals covered themselves with people as a human shield, for no reason shooting all those who came to hand. and so the first nine members of the national battalion received 25 years in prison each. there is a lot of work, and we will try to do it in such a way that people here understand it. that the choice was made in favor of russia and russia will help in everything, including we
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will solve those crimes that were committed before the age of 14, there can be no justification for this crime, the investigator is confident of retribution and a new nyuben trial is inevitable. eight-year-old vitaly receives guests in a hospital ward, the boy was visited by officers. everything was done very well with him, the surgical treatment of gunshot
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fractures was performed superbly, the team at the trauma center in the city of donetsk works very well according to modern principles. for this friendly family, the difficult trials are left behind, although the grandmother still cannot hold back her tears, remembering those the horrors that we had to endure. but fortunately, the only reminders of this now are the photos on the phone that they are already working with. and new residents moved into the new five-story buildings; now there are entire residential neighborhoods
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of five- and nine-story buildings spread out here, and kindergartens, schools, hospitals, and builders have done a huge titanic job. however, ukrainian neo-nazis cannot forgive the residents of mariupol for remaining in their city and continuing to attack residential areas. very fresh blows. december 2000. boiler room. another senseless , there were no casualties, but a warehouse of construction materials and a mobile were destroyed , but a brutal attack is in the long list of atrocities that the employees of the investigative committee are scrupulously conducting, like their predecessors after the great patriotic war, they will follow the trail of the punishers as long as necessary, so that none of them escapes responsibility, because these crimes also have no statute of limitations. you
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watched the sentry program, see you in a week. i am happy that i was born and live in a great country, russia, i love my small homeland, the city of springs.
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"we must always be united, because, as they say, we are united, we are invincible, my morning begins with a trip to the pharmacy, today in moscow, in all large stores, in all supermarkets, even the most expensive, there is always a pharmacy, a reason to go to our pharmacy is very simple, about cough, cough is not as simple a situation as it might seem. so, let's start with what a cough is. cough is a protective reaction of the body. before coughing, we inhale deeply, and then we push the air along with germs and
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phlegm out. as a result, the lungs are cleansed. diseases of the respiratory system are the most. a known cause of cough, but the cough is not always associated with the lung. i must say that there are few old pharmacies in moscow , this is one of the few that they tried to preserve, and you know, very interesting things can be found here, for example, this, this is such a portmanteau, from the old nikolaevskaya pharmacy, look, everything, by the way, is in free access and this is possible. look, there are absolutely real packaging, it’s just cosmic thing, you see, gauze is hygroscopic, back when gauze was hygroscopic, and we think it all just happened when we were there, this absolutely wonderful pharmacy with old books, old
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bottles, such absolutely amazing antique things, but today we came to pharmacy, let me remind you... at night, when you lie down in a horizontal position, well, look, coughing is a super-frequent symptom, here’s what you need to know about coughing, if an adult’s cough persists for a long time, and even worsens in horizontal position, you must always assume that this is not the respiratory system, but
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completely different systems, therefore at the end of the program about... discoveries of secrets on how to treat a cough that you did not know about, but while the health program begins, while in this harsh life , endless passions are boiling, waking up healthy in the morning is real happiness, we need to save our strength while sailing through the waters. and nerves, if we put everything in order, health will be on white. i say health to you, dear friends, good morning. well well, this is our current topic: cough tablets. i repeat once again, a cough
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is not always, especially in adults , associated with the respiratory system, it can be associated with the reflux of the acidic contents of the stomach, it can be associated with the pills that you take, so how to treat a cough is a serious question, especially moreover, many cough medicines are sold without a prescription. at the very end of the program we will look into the details, but for now the health program begins, and as always, only one rule applies in our program, only the most the best doctors in russia and the world come to your aid here in the television clinics of the health program. when the vessels are not in order, what is aortic dissection, how to detect it and how to continue to live, a unique treatment technology. you can’t buy it with money, but you can create it yourself, how acquired immunity works. a detailed analysis of why our
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body needs copper and what products will help replenish its reserves? this artery is an absolutely unique vessel in our body. the artery has a powerful muscular wall.
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and separately the brain internal organs lower aperture. the operation lasts 10 hours from morning to evening, in the operating room there are 9 doctors and... four nurses, the patient is cooled to 28°, the heart is stopped, there is no blood flow in the aorta,
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the aortic arch is removed, a prosthesis is put in its place, here we will sew two pedicles aorta, then the remaining part of the aorta is replaced and all the vessels are also painstakingly sewn into it. finally, they start the blood flow, start the blood flow through all the branches, okay, you’ll go home , it’s unlikely that you’ll go home, but, but in general, let’s go and drink tea, oh, you know, what’s going on with us in one and a half minutes in real life it lasts all day, surgeons go to the operating room all day without leaving. eduard rafaelovich chorchan, professor, doctor of medical sciences, head of this group, this is one of his patients, the fact is that each operation is a
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complete replacement. we replaced the aorta in two stages, that is, these are two operations with a break of 3-6 months, well, you are one of dr. chorchan’s patients, the fact is that the aneurysm has no symptoms, so i asked the doctor in the operating room the first symptom is death , he told me he says, yes, the first symptom is death, so the people whom someone managed to diagnose are the lucky ones, what do you think?
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have you been diagnosed? it turns out that where i live there is a unique head of intensive care, but where do you live? and the village of pervomaisky, orenburg region, when i ended up in intensive care with pulmonary edema, he said: she has serious heart problems, and they sent me, what’s the name, alexander vladimirovich, and the last name, i’ll tell you now, i’m worried and... alexandrov vladimirovich, head of the intensive care unit, what hospitals? pervomaisky village, pervomaisky district, orenburg region. pervomaisky village, pervomaisky district of the orenburg region, alexander vladimirovich, ezhov, ezhov, first bow to you, so, the first diagnosis was made there, but how did you get to professor chorchan? it was amazing, i was
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one and a half. i spent a month in orenburg, because when they brought me to orenburg, i went into the doctor’s office, they took me out of the doctor’s office on a gurney, they made an ultrasound on the gurney, and they were on the gurney, because everyone was afraid that the aorta it’s going to explode right here, so we’ve already put it on the gurney so that we can at least cross ourselves, maybe we’ll take it somewhere, because when we see such a pathology in people, we don’t expect anything good, we understand that we really don’t know when this aorta is it will burst, yes. and there were consultations with several centers, but only edward rafailovich agreed to operate. you know, i want to say right away that this operation cannot be performed simply in a good center. this is completely different equipment, this is a completely different brigade, and in order for this to be done somewhere, in petrovsky center, in this department, in this operating room, billions of rubles were invested,
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that’s right, iduart rafailovich, such complex operations for total replacement of the aorta are performed somewhere else in russia, they are done for one-stage total replacement, no, only you are at the petrovsky institute, and for a two-stage replacement, for a two-stage replacement, there are two, three centers that, novosibirs, at the meshalkin stirrer institute, can do this at the bakulev institute, list. super short, and at the same time only cherchan and his team do it, i repeat once again, this is not just like that, i just want to go right now to this model, here is the aorta, here is a vessel that goes like this, it goes the entire length, the expansion is pathological to such dimensions, which starts right here, from the heart from the aortic arch, everything, in order to replace the entire aorta at once, you need to be the highest
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professional, this is not an easy thing... what ’s more, to have professionals like you next to you. so, how to make an early diagnosis, what examination should people undergo, at least once, to find this damn pathological expansion. banal screening methods: ultrasound, ultrasound of the heart, ultrasound of the abdomen, respectively, we will be able to see exactly what is happening with the ascending aorta.
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supplying blood to the heart, on the coronary arteries and definitely pressing on these vessels, the heart spreads, sometimes the vessels begin to suffer like a pump. it turned out to be pulmonary edema, this is the ascending arch, the aortic arch, other vessels are sewn in that supply blood to the arms, legs, everything, this is how it should all be, this is such a complex thing, this is another prosthesis, this is a hybrid prosthesis, by the way, a russian development, which is not only not inferior, it is superior in some properties to foreign analogues, tell me which one...
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my daughter is 19 years old, my son is 17 years old, both are students, at that moment i was 43 years old, and i understood that i couldn’t, how i wanted to see my children graduate from university, how my daughter-son would get married and get married, and i so wanted to be a grandmother, today i am a grandmother, my granddaughter is 1 a year and 4 months, mother elena vasilievna, they prayed and waited, and the first there were people who got a call after the operation, it was my dad and mom, because they were old, they were waiting for me, this is my brother and sister, this is my husband, and these are my students, as soon as i arrived
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after the operation, all my class , my students, that’s why they were waiting for me, just like that , so multiply here, probably by 30 or 40. because really our guests are the teacher, the happiest story, the happiest, when the chances of survival are zero, the wonderful doctors brought it to 100%, do an ultrasound of the heart and abdomen, and you will save yourself from death. professor charchan, petrovsky institute, russia. let's take a short break and then continue. i'm wearing costumes from the lipetsk district on our bride, in this form they walked around the village, i wish i could change them, my mother sold a cow to marry off a girl to sew this suit, such lace embroidered, you
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won't find anywhere else, oh, what a beauty, we took it as a basis russian mansions transformed them, as we see them, wow, wow, apple tree, my garden apple tree, they called vyacheslav and polina, sang them to each other for a long time family life. our premiere, we are playing a wedding, is on the first day today. gin sheaf product. stellar group,
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private screening with alexander gardon, this is how you like the film, absolutely original. good morning, hello, the most independent woman in the country, just like that, one time you can
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gain a reputation as a feminist, even in our country, where rights are generally equal, back in the 18th century the first institution for training women was opened in russia, it did not guarantee equals. and they still don’t guarantee it, like this, but today not a word about politics, what in life the best thing, masha, the best thing that has happened over the past 2 years is the m... operation in the hospital of your brother, to whom i just bow, because for 10 years orthopedic surgeons looked at my pictures and said what you are walking on, here suddenly, it means, a magical man named murilev appeared, the head of the endoprosthetics department, who said: “i know how to do it, in 3d, i did it, everything went well through the period, well, i’m still like that, especially after...” i’m leaving bad, but in general, as if they had given me my leg back, and
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not a second of pain, not a second of discomfort, i i woke up as if they didn’t do anything to me, although for 3 hours they sawed me with a grinder with screws , well, no, not with a grinder, we have special medical saws there, but nevertheless, well, it’s true that traumatology, orthopedics is a profession where it’s like settings, pullets they knock, saw, and so on, but then it returns people to activity, which is normal. i, too, am like a fool and am reviewing it, well, that’s how the stories went on, which are incomprehensible, if you are not a grandmother or grandfather, mashenka, we take three basic tests for everyone who comes to us: blood pressure, cholesterol, sugar, i always i'll pop in here for a minute while the commercials are going on, then i'll go back to the studio and wait for you. with a report on your condition, three basic
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health indicators, okay, see you soon , good, good health with you again, dear friends, our program continues, our next topic is: acquired immunity, this is immunity for which actually...
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and real scenes of life, when our body encounters a microbe, this immune cell of ours runs and attacks, it captures, it eats these microbes, the task of the immune system is to absorb these microbial cells, take it to pieces, yes. don’t touch your own
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, eat someone else’s, look, look, it just eats up, yes, it eats up, the little yellow one is a macro-fact, it eats up this cancer cell so that it finally dies, i wanted to say, it’s dead, it’s innate immunity, i eat everything that’s someone else’s, i don’t understand , i’ll eat someone else’s, the cancer cell is also someone else’s, i’ll eat it, so this is protection from infection and from cancer, this is innate immunity. what nature gave us, there is no memory, does not remember anything, rushes into battle all the time, indiscriminately, acquired immunity is other, what is it? and this is a specific memory for each specific alien, be it a microbe, a virus or a cancer cell, which acquires our immunity during life, but for this we must first see this enemy, remember and nurture cells that... remember, record, and so they will live
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a long time in order to preserve this memory, and as soon as this enemy comes, recognize him , react very quickly to completely destroy the enemy, and the memory is preserved for life, and globally the duration of your life depends on how long your immune cells will live with memory, which, let's see how this happens, so... again now we will see our macrophage, which circulates in the blood and whose task is to eat everything foreign: here is the macrophage, microbe, he eats it, now he will eat it, large macro. vagos devour, so he ate it, broke it into pieces, and not only that, now he took one piece and showed it on the surface, here it is, this piece, yes, hop, lymphocyte joined, lymphocyte officer, immune system cells, and these lymphoid cells began to divide, there were
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a lot of them, but they are all already in memory, yes, they know, they can recognize this enemy by sight, to kill, that means this. memory lasts for decades; what is the maximum lifespan of immune cells with memory? they can live, indeed, you correctly said, our entire lives. in order for this memory to be preserved, we must maintain
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our immunity, and this immunity must sometimes see the enemy in order to renew our memory. how is acquired immunity formed? you either have to get over it illness, at the moment of illness, meetings occur, if you did not die from this illness, you will form a specific defense, or if the illness is severe, then the doctors gave vaccinations, vaccines, that is, they are against severe ones, so as not to play this roulette, you will die or or you will gain immunity, you may die, you may gain immunity, but to give... the microbe itself, virus or bacterium in a small, small quantity, but to form this whole chain, this is the point of vaccines to form a long immune memory to form acquired immunity against deadly diseases without the risk of getting sick and dying,
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right now i want to invite my family, mother and daughter to us, come to us! tell me, the child is vaccinated, vaccinated, dominica, we give vaccinations , yes, you do all the vaccinations, yes, the last one was given at school for the flu, well done, you’re not afraid , no, well done, look, these are antibodies, look, hold on, just imagine, what does vaccination give, vaccination gives such a supply of antibodies, that’s right, andrei petrovich, absolutely right, a virus has come to you, for example, the influenza virus. here this little thing antibodies attach to the flu virus, what do they do? they neutralize the virus, the virus turns out to be so shrouded in these antibodies , and it cannot enter our cell, here they are antibodies, let me remind you of this era once again, we are grateful to all covid for the brilliant education of people, the essence of antibodies is simple:
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a specific microbe has come, against which antibodies, only specifically, they attached to it. they don’t allow it to act, they don’t allow it to penetrate and multiply, and this is a beacon, it’s like a signal, come to us, we need to devour someone, and our immune systems flow here cells, killers eat this virus or microbe, clearly, once again, acquired immunity is a specific memory, antibodies against the coronavirus will not eat the measles virus, antibodies against the measles virus will not eat the coronavirus, so we have...
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thank you very much, please sit down , let us remind everyone that in the beginning, in general in all centuries, including the beginning of the twentieth century, out of 10 children born, six died before the age of 5 due to infection, they began to be called children not because, only because those children die . reached adulthood, that means he was able not to die and develop immunity, but children do not have immunity, it must be formed, when vaccines appeared, then our infant mortality rate dropped to...
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today on the first day, if the doctor says that he will place the child, then why worry, you are yours i did the job and even more, that’s all , vadik, of course, for you, i can ask what happened between you and the surrogate mother, she’s so worried about someone else’s child, because she’s just as worried about her own, i have that. we went through everything, for everything in general, thank you for greeted us, she wouldn’t have pulled this off alone, she’s most likely involved in one , why did you come back, for justice, how much time do i have, you don’t have time, vadim, i really need to talk to you, where to hide, container new series, look after the program for the time. well, friends, our chemical laboratory is working, and i
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always remind you that each of us is a completely unique biochemical laboratory, and smoke is not pouring out like a column from us, not from our ears, not from anywhere, although such idiomatic expressions, smoke pours out of our ears, we have , when we are especially tired, our biochemical laboratory is 100 times better, 100 times more economical, then times more responsible, every time the deeper we doctors penetrate into the structure of the body, however, andrei petrovich, the more you think more that there must have been some kind of higher power that created us, because it is completely impossible to believe that this is a person, a person would have messed up, made a mess, saved something, would have stuck it in the wrong place, but the body was created for us unmistakably , today we will talk about the details of food, food in details, copper. microelement in the entire human body , here’s a small piece of copper, here’s a piece of wire, why do we need copper, what
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products do we get it from? we ’ll talk about this today with a wonderful and independent woman, maria arbator. i remember what the 65-year-old aunties were like in my youth, it ’s all over for them, i don’t have that feeling. maria arbatova has many hypostases. has children, her husband is from india, the bengali prince has a degree in physics and writes scripts for films, he and masha have common views on life, such is the karma you are given to live in such a time, and nothing changes from the point of view of the fact that if there is a bad difficult time...
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she played episodic roles in several films. maria arbatova is a frequent guest on radio and television, on high-profile events, she always has her own point of view, she is not afraid to express it. well, she still has a slight limp after the operation, but she’s still thinner, younger, well done, well, i still don’t walk as well as i would like, but... what about the test report, so yes, everything is fine, glucose is normal, cholesterol is high, blood pressure is 120-70,
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cholesterol 7.4 should be below six, five is ideal, so what? no, everything is possible , but you most likely need to take medications that reduce cholesterol synthesis, they are called statins, these medications prolong life, but whether to prolong life or not, each person decides for himself. mashenka, today we will talk about such a trace element as copper, which we need for many things, but before we move on to the scientific part, i really really want to ask where you are i met my indian husband, where can i get him?
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yes, we talked about indian democracy, because he, well, he’s like an uncle of the party of india, the national heroine, they are such liberators, they fought against the british, talked about democracy, we’ve still been arguing for 20 years, they didn’t agree on anything, they invited to the show, talk about democracy, as they say, talk about democracy ended in a wedding. let's silently envy the national heroes of india maria arbatova and move on from harm's way to the topic of copper. mashenka, what can i say? medicine is mine love, we have copper, there is very, very little of it in the body, but it is a participant in all processes. and you, as a person who has undergone endoprosthetics, need to know. first, copper determines the strength of bone tissue, bone tissue is a protein substrate, calcium
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pillars. inside, and this is isolation, then, unfortunately , nothing good happens, but such a short circuit occurs and the last thing you need to know is that copper is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin - it is a red pigment that carries out respiration in the synthesis of fibroblasts that hold our skin elastic, this is the most important thing in the whole story,
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the most important thing in the whole story, i agree. where to draw from, where to draw from? three superfoods: the simplest is beef liver, i don’t eat red meat, please don’t eat it, then there won’t be enough copper, then rehabilitation will be delayed, beef liver number one, eight daily holes, beef liver per day needs 12 g per day per day, then there will be copper, then there will be leather.
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so what, we’re talking about proportions, here in moscow, for example, 40% of deputies are women, in the country there are something like 14 of them, that’s all, yes, well, that’s it not because they are deputies. they don’t let me in, because, because, this is why i ’ve been doing this all my life, they’re still going, they’re still going , but the men still have the money, it hasn’t squandered yet, no, it’s true, because you remember the nineties, when all state property was privatized by men into private property, women at that time, remember, exchanged tights for baby food, because money then turned into terrible things, women always give birth, first they bear it, give birth, then breastfeed, but at what point in deputies go, either the child must be given to the breadwinner, or i don’t know who or the police, or the husband must breastfeed, or you will be with the child, and by the way, this is great
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happiness, this is the main thing, we have other tasks, wait, wait , the task of giving birth and feeding does not take up your whole life, yes, i gave birth, nursed you, went home, everything is fine, in sweden, by the way, there is a room for breastfeeding children. khakomada and oksana dmitrieva came out right after giving birth, they took their children to feed, that’s all normal, but some want, some want their children to be taken to feed, some want to stay at home, i think statistically the majority want to stay at home during this period, we have a pediatrician, this is a difficult physiological period for it’s not easy, psychologists, so if you want to run somewhere else, run, if you don’t want to, take care of the children. maria , listen, it’s hell to just sit at home every day, even spock, whom we used to deify, now we hate, said that once a week we must at least go out to the store, we go there regularly, but
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we take extreme cases, we need to combine them, that’s how it is by chance that whenever sarbatov is met, the conversation always turns to women’s rights, women, we are for your rights, let everything be fine. and personal happiness with a wonderful husband, second, happiness as a grandmother, masha has two grandchildren, whom she adores and goes to see them at least twice a week, not caring about women’s rights, because she wants to be with them, and not with women’s rights, happiness and health, mash, and recover faster after endoprosthetics, okay, let's take a break for a while, and then let's continue. our heroine is a former soloist of the regional theater, now she works as a hairdresser, working in the theater, the stage,
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really taught me to be brave, you are a rock star, you go against the grain all the time, our heroine practically always wears the same thing, her style is somewhat so hip, it seems to me that the wardrobe about... does not suit your status, of course, i understand that somewhere all this may be the same type, does your mother want changes, or is it just your desire, i think she does , the fashionable verdict is back, today on first, the engines of the first second stage are operating normally, the design parameters of the launch vehicle are normal, monte shococa cognac, a product of the stellar group. that's it, friends, don't hold back, sneeze correctly. elixir of happiness, what is tryptophan and where to look for it? for rupture, what is a
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vessel aneurysm? the program to live healthy, answers all questions. tomorrow, on the first day. former prime minister of latvia and current head.
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slednyaka tutti is on the first tomorrow. health is with you again, dear friends. let me remind you how our morning began, with a cough. my morning starts with a trip to the pharmacy. today in moscow, in all large stores, in all supermarkets, even the most expensive ones, there is always a pharmacy. our reason for going to the pharmacy today is very simple, we will talk about cough, cough is not as simple a situation as it might seem. so, let's begin. what a cough is. coughing
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is a protective reaction of the body. before coughing, we inhale deeply, and then push the air along with microbes and microbes out. as a result, the lungs are cleansed. diseases of the respiratory system are the most famous cause of cough, but cough is not always associated with the lungs. i must say that there are few old pharmacies in moscow , this is one of the few that they tried to preserve, and you know, very interesting things can be found here, for example, this, this is such a portmanteau, from the old nikolaevskaya pharmacy, look, everything, by the way, is in free access and you can see it, there are completely real packaging, it’s just a cosmic thing. you see, gauze
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is hygroscopic, now, when gauze was hygroscopic, and we think that’s it only when we were there, it turned out to be such an absolutely wonderful pharmacy with old books, antique bottles, such absolutely stunning antique things, but today we came to the pharmacy, let me remind you, talk about coughs, good morning, girls, cough medicine, where on what shelf? here they are, yes, hello, there is already a person with instructions, which are more congratulations, lina vasilievna, i really love your messages and i like that it is very visual, please help me choose a medicine, what’s bothering me, i’ve been coughing for 2 months , and just a cough, cough, cough, it gets worse when you lie down horizontally at night , well, look, coughing is a symptom of superfrequency.
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behind the larynx the trachea is the esophagus, it is connected to the stomach; if the acidic contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus and reach the vocal cords, you cough. so, first, we rule out the cause of the cough, such as a burn of the ligaments by the acidic contents of the stomach. why? because here there are drugs for respiratory cough.
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for example, enolopril, this is a drug that enhances cough, so in adults there are two groups of reasons: medication for hypertension and reflux, all this has nothing to do with the lungs, absolutely, okay? thank you, so, blood pressure medications with the ending adj, they perfectly reduce blood pressure, but in some people they irritate the cough center, so the person coughs. there is only one way out: stop these medications and replace them with other blood pressure medications. but let's return to the situation when the cough is still associated with the respiratory system. well, this is the most important thing you need to know, but of course, we have cough medicines, globally they are divided into two large groups: the first group stops the cough, the second group thins the sputum, the cough intensifies, this is a very important difference, especially for
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children, lina vasilievna, can i take a photo of you, hello, we are filming, you are noticed, if you do, go take a picture. very successful , thank you very much, why did you come to the pharmacy with your mother , yourself, what to buy, medicines, what kind of cough, oh, we have some kind of problem, yes, we’ve been coughing for more than a month, i don’t know what to choose anymore, look , come here, what you can’t do buy, you can’t give it to children, you shouldn’t spend money on it just for children.
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moles, but you won’t have the strength to cough up, so check this group of drugs 20 times , ask the doctor if this is indicated for the child, and only after the twentieth time decide to prescribe, okay? yes, look, children sometimes have weak respiratory muscles, they cannot cough up macrophages, in this case substances dilute the macrophages. increasing its volume are dangerous, they should not be taken, cough is good or bad, bad, good, this is good, why is this good, because the body is trying to get rid of something
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harmful, we cough, cough, sneeze, it ’s all lovely, i understand, if you cough, it means the body is fighting, but you don’t cough, but... you need to buy it with such a recipe, and it’s so difficult, and even for doctors to prescribe, and for pharmacy workers to report, because these are now drugs, in fact they are narcotic substances, there is one, one substance of central action, stopping.


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