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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  January 15, 2024 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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data on international passports of those who are abroad, that is, through the consulate and the like, the countries of the european union - this is not only poland, why poland? the baltic states stated that we are also ready to send, it’s just that this is a little inconsistent with their values, but they are not going to fight for the ukrainians, so i think all the necessary actions, bilateral agreements between countries or something else, will be taken to ukrainians, those who are still on the territory of the european union, will be pushed back to ukraine for...
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but if we apparently speak for the country, then i think that we are losing, now is a very difficult time for us, and here the question arises: has the moment come when the same illusions that they have been fed for a long time, and perhaps confirmation of this fact is that such a video is even possible to record, this is a turning point in the situation, this is not the only commander, there are already quite a lot of such videos, and moreover, if commander-in-chief zaluzhny is already speaking on similar topics.
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then let it be, let it be, it will be so tense , so this maximum tension between them will remain, i wouldn’t say that something will change there, that is , what we see now will be so, but it seems to me , that this is evidence of a certain state of society, people turn to esotericism, to mysticism, because reality doesn’t suit them so much and they can’t change it so much that you just want to believe in something, so that someone can tell you to reassure you , yes, the main questions usually go to fortune tellers, why health, love there?
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the king of swords, the five of pentacles and the knight of wands, but nothing will change, that is , everything will be uncivilized, people were grabbed in the streets, so this will all be, you could tell fortune-tellers and not go around looking at this, something just throws me off again back in the nineties, i remember kashpirovsky, a chumak, this is also this loading and how our society then really went into this esotericism, trying to somehow save us from the harsh reality, how healthy are we now as a society, that is? what a mess we are
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escaped through it by stepping over it, it actually becomes scary when you remember, yes, yes, when you remember, and the most important thing that i want to say is that it’s on national channels, and ukrainian ones, which resolve issues of mobilization, the question is whether ukrainian society will wake up from this devilish fog, whether ukraine will wake up from this and this darkness, but this question is probably still hanging in the air. i would like a speedy, affirmative answer to this, so we will live with these hopes, our guys on the front line these hopes will, of course , be strengthened and brought closer every day , thank you very much for coming to us today, i remind the audience that news that you have doubts, send to our editorial office, reasons for pride are also all yours all the best.
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russia is the country in which i was born in the first place, and accordingly, for me it is a homeland, which is quite a lot. a lot, which means to me, beautiful nature, wonderful weather, our people are the best, most russians know about the signature rostov crayfish, my favorite dish is still olivier, although it is not a rostov specialty, i advise everyone to try my grandmother’s oleg , to my beloved country, to my home, i wish you sincerity, joy and always gratitude, be friends, create, develop, be the first, i i wish all our compatriots and friends around the world: come to russia and be happy. the first channel presents.
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like this. friends, don’t hold back, sneeze correctly. elixir of happiness, what is tryptophan and where to look for it? to break. what are aneurysmal vessels? the program to live healthy, answers all questions. friends, what is sneezing? who in our room knows what sneezing is? cleansing the body, i think so. so let's look at the screen. so, sneezing is an involuntary act when
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, after a series of rather superficial breaths, we contract the diaphragm with tremendous force and push everything out of ourselves. that they were able to push out, that’s how irritation happened, once, here, here, ah, ah, apchi, here, the microbes flew from here, all our pieces of mucus, they escaped through the mouth, and for many through the nose, of course, this is sneezing, so the speed is huge, 160 m/second at the peak of exhalation, 160 m/s, imagine, oops, and what... 100 m has already flown away, now that means this speed is 160 m/ many people try to restrain themselves, so today our program is devoted to how to sneeze correctly, first, how to sneeze correctly so as not to kill yourself, because there are other options, second, how
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to sneeze correctly so as not to infect others. andrey petrovich, over to you, we have a man here, you hold back, yes, sit, show how you are - just while working. i ’m afraid of infecting someone, so they’re holding back , well, show me, well, andrei petrovich, well, the first and most common mistake and problem is this kind of sneezing, look, this is a model of the cavities of the nose and nasopharynx, this is exactly the eustachian tube, it connects the nose, it connects the nose to the inner ear, now you have closed but you have closed your exit. there is no this air pressure and those microbes, microorganisms, where this pressure will go here, and the most minimal and the most possible to say in quotation marks the safe thing is that all these mucus microbes will go there, along this passage
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they are formed in the inner ear, one of the problems with atitis is that people sneeze into themselves, because 160 m/s, it goes somewhere, so it flies into your inner ear behind the eardrum at... breakneck speed , but not only andrei petrovich, now we will have in the pictures all the medical situations that happen if you sneeze inside yourself, if that really closes the possibility of exit, neurosensory hearing loss, what we they said, in fact, you can break the stapes and damage the internal apparatus of the ear, round window fistula is when...
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the heart and blood vessels, displacement of a dental implant in those people who have implants, with such force a person moves, fractures of the bones of the orbit, bulbar hematomas. infesema , that is, this is what it was, plus one more thing, and this is no longer a joke, it turns out that older people can experience an ischemic stroke and heart attack, when they do this, cerebral circulation is disrupted, some sneeze to the point of breaking ribs, rupture aperture and so on, well, because this is a powerful flow, you cannot restrain it, so you need to sneeze... you need to, you need to sneeze outward,
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now the question is how to sneeze correctly, we have a wonderful girl here who came to us, come to us, please, how you’re sneezing, tell me, how pretty you are, what’s your name, nevana, what’s your name, dear, how you sneeze, show me, mom gave it to me. the glasses are beautiful , extraordinary, so i sneeze into it, well , show me, please, abchi, and if next time you need to sneeze, you take it out again, yes, yes, you sneeze into it again, yes, yes, and so on for how long once, all day long, how often does your mother give you new handkerchiefs, and my little girl, mom, i don’t have any handkerchiefs, that’s just... as they say, you can’t run away, you can’t run far with this
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handkerchief, now look, yes, if you there are germs on the handkerchief, andrey petrovich , take the child in your arms, otherwise he won’t see our outstanding experiments, this is a story for mom, look, if the handkerchief is all germs, it will light up with a blue light, you see blue dots, yes, these are germs, these are microbes that you sneezed. how many germs are there on fabric scarves ? non-disposable, which a person uses every day, there are ultimately hundreds of times more microbes than on meat that has expired for about two days, that’s what on meat that has just been kept warm for two days, you see how many , naturally their number increases even as how we store this handkerchief , so it’s natural to sneeze into the handkerchief... well , it’s not very hygienic, you either need to throw it away or use it once, but
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it’s more hygienic to use disposable napkins, when we sneeze, roll it up they immediately threw it away, you know these disposable handkerchiefs, you know , they are familiar to you, we give them to you, and now look, we will take this handkerchief from you, we will give it to your mother, if you sneezed into this... disposable handkerchief, after that what should be done with it? throw it away, that's right, you're my clever girl , how old are you, five, five, andrei petrovich, put it in, and we're waiting for our gift, gift, oh, we're waiting for our gift , we want to give you a gift, a kangaroo with a little kangaroo, i understand, now we are ready to go to mom, sit down my dear, well and resume, well, if there is no handkerchief from...
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covers his mouth with his hands. macrota flies away at 2
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seconds. noble arina sharapova sneezes into her elbow, she thinks it’s flying. but its macrota still flies 1 m. so, conclusion one, no matter how you say it, macrota is still widespread. and finally, correct sneezing into a disposable handkerchief. macrota doesn't fly anywhere. you can’t say it better, this is our personal responsibility, and it’s also very interesting how long this suspension can exist in the air, these studies were also carried out quite recently, it turned out that in the air there is a person sneezed and left, the suspension exists for about 5 minutes, this also needs to be understood,
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in the event that you did not sneeze into a disposable handkerchief and did not throw it away, so the rule is very... happiness and not only happiness, but also intelligence and good sleep, what is tryptophan, what products to look for it in, what are the dangers?
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you will have two children, professor, and your career, by the way, is not the main thing for you, comrade dronova, a business executive, he does not have sufficient qualifications, i am very sorry that this happened, i beg you, forgive me, please, i don’t want that kind of love, i want to live within myself,
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they kept silent in order to get the position of chief physician. old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group. flying on eva is like a dream. russian jumping championship, live broadcasts, january 20 and 21, on the first. this is a program to live healthy, dear friends, we are in the kitchen , today we have an amazing cycle of our program, it is called irreplaceable, we will talk about amino acids that are not synthesized in our body, an amino acid is the basis of protein, that is, without an amino acid there is no protein, a
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protein is our immunity, our muscles, our digestive enzymes. our hormones, everything we have in our body, our body itself is protein, so tryptopane is practically on our list of essential substances of happiness. tryptophan is one of the most essential amino acids, once again, essential amino acids are something that we do not produce,
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but we must definitely get it from the outside. mikhail egorovich, tryptophan, tryptophan. this is the substance that is the precursor of serotonin, the hormone of happiness, and not only happiness, the hormone of self -confidence, sensations and so on, they conducted an experiment, took the leader, monkeys, measured the amount of serotonin in him, put him in a cage, the amount of serotonin sharply decreased, released him into the wild, he no longer became a fighter at all, why, because that the amount of serotonin. he was not fed what he was fed, the very fact of being placed in a cage reduced the amount of serotonin in him, why am i saying that this is a hormone that gives self-confidence and... the hormone of happiness, that is, an alpha male must have a high level serotonin, then it will make sense. so, alpha males. let's get to the point.
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so, look, we are talking about the fact that when a person is unhappy, he does not have this hormone. but he definitely won’t have this hormone if he doesn’t get the right food, the right food, because we get this substance from the outside, from the outside. one is food. so, mikhail egorovich, on our table we have all the products that are champions in tryptophan. what is it, it's chicken breast, white meat comes first. white meat, almost two daily norms in 100 g . chicken breast, in second place, chocolate, chocolate, this is one daily norm in 100 grams. and milk 0.7 daily doses, that is , 70% of the daily norm, what is the daily norm, the daily norm is how much you
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need to eat per day, that is, if 100 gh is one and a half daily norms, then you need to eat about 70 if there is one daily requirement, then you need to eat all 100 g. if it is 70% of the daily requirement, you need to eat 100 g, well, plus there’s more. you were in a terrible mood, you just at the bottom, your mood has become wonderful and this is how your life is moving in a good direction. one, now two, this same tryptophan is also a precursor to another important hormone, melatonin, and
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we need melatonin in order for us to sleep normally, because melatonin regulates circadian rhythms, that is, the sleep phase, and even sleep, without melatoninan there is no sleep, the thing is that when we close. eyes and light does not enter and does not reach the retina, at that moment melatonin begins to be produced, and we fall asleep if melatonin if there is nothing to produce it from, then it won’t be produced, and you will toss and turn, walk, wander all night, and we doctors will treat your insomnia until you lose consciousness, you just don’t have melatonin, and also, and also... this is the next hormone that we need in order for there to be a normal transmission of nerve impulses, for the brain to work, this is the resulting product, and
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a precursor to melatonin, serotonin and choline, in all cases this is the work of the brain, that is, you can say briefly, if you eat chicken breast, overnight with chocolate and wash it down with milk, you will have a smooth, happy and reasonable life, and if you don’t do anything about it, then excuse me, move over, nothing good will happen in your life , let’s go back to the kitchen, so, tryptophan, tryptophan, our beloved hero, mikhail egorovich , let's repeat it again, so, champion, chicken breast, one and a half daily requirements per 100 g. in second place, dark chocolate. 70% of the daily requirement, that is
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, you need milk, you can say a glass, well, 150 ml, dear friends, our viewers are sitting and thinking, well, at least they would treat us something for happiness, at least something . we could at least break off your poor chocolate bar, i just thought about you , i broke a chocolate bar, who will carry it , come on, andrei petrovich, go, mikhail egorovich, like a professor, like a professor, distribute the chocolates, andrei petrovich, to that territory, that block we have far from the kitchen, he may not finish it, so tryptophan, the essential acid we told you about, chicken breast. dark chocolate and milk, well, life is getting better, milanochka, we are glad that we treated you, that’s all about i'm coming, friends, i hope that you are already happy,
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ours. the program continues; it’s time to talk about medicine. so, dear friends, an ultrasound examination is underway at our medical site, an ultrasound examination of the carotid arteries. today we will talk about aneurysm. an aneurysm is a tragic condition when the wall of a vessel becomes pathologically thinner and the vessel can rupture at any moment. the mortality rate is 50% when an aneurysm ruptures, a brain aneurysm, that is, every second person dies. therefore, the first question i want to ask our viewers: knows do any of you know what state the blood vessels in your brain are in? if yes, press green screen, if no, press red.
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screen, everyone has a red screen, one green screen, the only green screen we have lit up, the only one, i will invite you to us , come to us, please, what is your name, my name is olga, olechka, how do you know which the condition of your blood vessels, the vessels of your brain, and in the summer an aneurysm was discovered due to an mri. and which in the future could lead to a deplorable situation, a breakup, and i was very lucky, i ended up in the burdenko hospital, in the golden hands of the excellent doctor shav shavovich, he operated on me, i was 12 days after the operation, and why did you go for an mri of the head? the fact is that mri of the head is not included in any dispensary examination standard.
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but if there wasn’t an injury, they wouldn’t do it, right? so what's the mystery? well, this is a whole new direction, it’s not even a new direction, it’s very relevant, which means preventive medicine, identifying aneuryses before they rupture, but because rupture of aneurysms is 50% of deaths, either immediately or in an institution, medical institution, even if surgical intervention is performed, this is , well, such bad statistics, but there is preventive surgery.
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show on the screen how an aneurysm forms , look, everything is fine, this is an angiography of the brain vessels, an aneurysm has grown before our eyes, it doesn’t appear in one second, that’s right, it’s in the process of life, yes, it’s in the process of life, i’m now i want them to show me the graphics, how the vessel tears a little, but does not completely rupture, but little by little it grows, grows and grows, like this, then at some point it may stop,
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and look how big it is under magnification, how huge it is, it seems the image is magnified five times , the operation is complex and requires great skill, the main moment comes, installation and fixation of the stent, now it opens, so far it’s good, we separate everything, it
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will straighten further on its own, like this, the stand is fully opened, adjacent to the walls of the artery... the window does not cut anything , the brain expands, anatomical gaps are used , it moves apart, approaching this place where the anivrizom is located, highlighting it, clipping it , applying a special clip and a pinch so that blood does not flow into the anivrizom,
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well, we’ll show you right here like this, and just put a clip here, yes to turn it off so that blood does not flow here, after this the aneurysm is opened, you must look to make sure that it is turned off completely. and a person lives on, how much is god allotted? little was given from god, but doctors were the first after god, so it turned out that more years, years of life will be given. how old are the children? my son is almost 23 years old, well, an adult, but still , after all, he will always be a child for me, of course, this is a fact, i repeat once again, check my son, do it urgently. death threats, so you say: i was waiting until they discharged me, and why wait, lord, i
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’m saying this without joking, you have to have the will to wait, because we know that it’s like this, here he goes to the gym, lifted the barbell, it burst, that’s right, so wait here i can’t do it for a second, i’m right, shalulavi. that is , it’s impossible here, your peace of mind, it ’s not based on anything, on nothing, once again, it’s a bomb, it exploded, every second person will die, even if they managed to bring it. hospital, or after a cerebral hemorrhage, and this hemorrhage , will remain a severely paralyzed disabled person, you may think that i am scaring you, but i am telling you the truth, in our profession the truth is more expensive than any money, so we will definitely do everything, thank you very much, we will cope , once again i want to say thank you very much to the entire team of the institute named after burdenko, and may god give you strength, health and well, everything. all the best , don’t get sick, i want to say one more thing,
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sit down, please, that large studies have now been carried out based on the results of which all our neurosurgeons are getting together and want to add mandatory magnetic resonance imaging to the dispensary examination for risk groups for relatives of such people tomography, this is so crazy, yes, of course, if we achieve this, then it has clinical significance, you see the results, that is, this is heaven and earth when...
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brain vessels, this is a disease without symptoms , the first symptom is a ruptured aneurysm , this is a cerebral hemorrhage, this is a hemorrhagic stroke, mortality is 50%, disability after these strokes, if you survived 80%, do an mri of the brain, while this is a paid procedure, nowhere in magnetic resonance imaging is not included in free procedures in any country in the world, but this is yours. life is no one else’s and
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only you need it, no one else. thank you very much, if the ministry of health allows it, this is by order, here’s to all vascular the centers where patients with saneurysm are admitted will examine first-degree relatives for free, this will be wonderful, because we will identify such patients, that is , practically healthy people, for whom he will offer operations and the results there are completely different, that is, people continue. further, probably so, i warmly welcome this, but once again we again want to provide something for our patients, but in general this is their responsibility, so get an mri of the head, you don’t need anything else, and you’ll be on your own let's live happily ever after, let's take a short break and then continue. maria vladimirovna, how should we work with european politicians now? do you work with european politicians? the minsk agreements gave ukraine more time. the most cruel calculation, it
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really just put an end to all these same illusions, now france and the european union, they are also participants in the war, yes, without being a belligerent party, they are participants, they are used to doing this, they did this with africa, but they don’t need ukraine as state, what was the cause of the energy crisis, it was the explosion of nord stream 2, this did not happen...
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i think that cinema only shows love stories. in war films, we are talking about the love of guys for weapons, in gangster films, about the love of guys for treasures, things are really rubbish, but the new wave brought love for cinema, without love there are no films. he is a child of the cinema, he himself says that he grew up in the cinema museum in paris, he knows the role of watching old films. movies are not good enough for audiences. but the audience is often not good enough for films, they say that people don't understand my films, so what, i don't understand them myself, matador, jean-luc gadar, two or three things i don't know about him, on friday, on
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the first. closed screening with alexander gardon, you like the film so much, an absolutely original and powerful film language, the genre breaks down, suddenly they go into such a big thing, oops and a monologue, you understand what you are talking about now, already at the level.
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this program is to live healthy, this is the bathroom, here in our bathroom there are two types of salt, table salt, this is sodium chlorine and epsom salt, magniso4, it is with these types of salts that people take baths, so today we will have an examination, an examination by mikhail egorovich, do these baths really bring any benefits? inexpressible happiness in our lives, or so-so, a fiction - this is not based on anything, but first, let's start in general, what is a bath, you just lie down in a warm bath, relax , enjoy, calm down, of course, benefits,
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of course, there are benefits from a warm bath, because it relaxes. the number is decreasing cortisol, stress hormone , blood vessels dilate and so on, of course there are benefits , first, it is known that in the bath, if you just plop down and lie, it lowers blood pressure, has an anti-stress effect, if you regularly go into the bath in a warm, hot, whatever you want, just without salt, so you just lay down, yes, it’s beautiful there
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with salty, well, a pleasant feeling, relaxing, pleasant, but why did you add salt to it? i don’t know, it seems to help for this, what helped you? well, i say, relieves tension, relaxes somehow warm a bath of salt, that is, if without salt in tension, and the salt was poured into it, a pack of salt was thrown in, well, not a pack of a handful somewhere , yes, of course, well, now over to you, yes... our men are lying in table salt, well done, there is such a possibility, if possible, i tried aromatic salt, very good, andrey petrovich, in general in aromas, in aromas, let's go back. salt, of course, i think it will be good, with salt it’s probably even better, but we must understand that salt, in principle, does not affect the
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stress hormone, the way we relax, the as our blood pressure decreases, salt can have a positive effect if we have some kind of superficial skin problems, in particular, yes, as a disinfectant, as a cleanser. if you lie down in a warm bath, there is salt, no , we treat you well, it’s definitely cheap and cheerful , salt is good, stress goes down, blood pressure goes down, you relax, it’s a wonderful procedure, if you put salt in there, a handful, it’s funny how much we have liters of water in the bath, oh, about 100. well, 100-150 yes yes, but a handful is nothing, you need to pour a pack or two, sprinkle, as they say, with all your heart
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, a pack is a kilogram, two is two, sprinkle with all your heart, in this case the concentration of salt increases, the salt will simply pull out of all your pimples and some pustules absolutely correctly , cleanse, will draw out pus, will cleanse them, just like patients with psariasis and...
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in the lumen of the large intestine it retains liquid and makes the stool softer and
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allows this stool to come out faster, it is salt that holds water there and makes it easier chair. and so shocked spectators ask us whether it is possible to pour this salt into the bath and drink directly from the bath while you are lying there. andrey petrovich, i’m afraid it’s possible, but only dangerous. yes, in fact, it is possible, if the water is clean, if water flows from your tap, the water is clean, you yourself did not pee in this bath, so in general it is possible, in general it is possible, it can be dissolved, it is generally a sulfate magnet, it is in medicine exists, we even have sulfate injections, magnesia, the famous one, there is a smile on the face, there is magnesia in the syringe, this is the famous song of alexander rosenbaum, ambulance, this is magnesia for us, so we treat this drug well, when used externally
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, no miracles happen, but when used in the form of a medicine, this is a medicinal drug known to us.


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