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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  January 15, 2024 12:15pm-2:59pm MSK

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the fairy tale would not have been possible without the help of colleagues, for example, the same costumes were invented here, sewn by moscow craftsmen, these decorations were made 100 km from here, they were brought from the capital to mariupol exactly in time for the premiere. the whole country helped, the stage version of the fairy tale was written especially for the mariupol theater by the ural playwright ekaterina antonova. i liked it very much, very much, it’s gorgeous, gorgeous, the actors are gorgeous, the special effects are gorgeous, the kids are great too.
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that's all for now, thank you for being with us, right now the program time will tell, we we welcome viewers of channel one to the popular front studio, in ukraine, american journalist gonzal lira was killed in prison. information about this has already been confirmed by the state department of the united states of america, this journalist disappeared in ukraine in kharkov back in the spring of twenty -two, from there, by the way, he repeatedly complained about... attempted beatings, but us diplomats did not show any regard to the journalist’s words at all interest, and gonzalo lira was one of the few western journalists who honestly talked about happening in ukraine. here, by the way, for example, is what he wrote literally a couple of days before the abduction. let's get a look. violent criminals were released from kharkov prisons, they were given uniforms and weapons, and they are actively preventing the evacuation of civilians. because of these criminal cases.
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shield, that’s why here in kharkov everyone is using civilians as living ones and they are trapped: a former american intelligence officer of the us marine corps, well, in fact, a prominent publicist ritter, i ’m sure many of our viewers know him, stated that if an american journalist found himself in such circumstances. if he had disappeared on the territory of russia, especially since he would have been killed, it would have been confirmed, god forbid, in the foreign ministry, it would have been the main news not only in the united states of america, but probably throughout the world. gonzalo liro said that if he goes missing for more than 12 hours, it should be assumed that something bad happened to him. 5 days have passed, if a new york times reporter disappeared into territory under russian control, it would be the main news, but since it is gonzalo, silence.
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friends, if i may be brief, they killed an american citizen, a journalist , the state department confirms this, everything is fine, yes, friends, this is normal, these are the realities of ukraine, maybe they ordered it themselves, how do we know, listen, well, he said everything himself and scott ritter and so on , this is absolutely obvious, well, i wrote a post there with a rhetorical question that america, well , eat what your citizen and journalist was killed in prison, well... and the answer is obvious, yes, without any problems, absolutely, by the way, we have a call on this topic, hello, please introduce yourself and please tell me what your question is. hello, studio, my name is dmitry, i am from donetsk , my question, of course, is related to the topic that you are discussing, i also watch the news that comes from ukraine, from there usually, unfortunately, only tragic news comes. lira died, in general this did not become news, however, this is very, you know,
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strange at a time when there is such a resonance around this topic - he passed on notes from prison that he was being beaten, he was being tortured, his father contacted the media, saying that his son was doing poorly, was in poor health, that is , at a time when there was some kind of resonance around this topic, certain, certain figures and media representatives expressed concern about him on this topic, he’s dying, i can’t do this...
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at night this year there’s a window behind me, the night was not quiet, the night was not calm, uh-huh, thank you, hold on, very much, hold on, colleagues, that’s actually dmitry’s question, and the most interesting one, dmitry, it seems to me, very correctly said that he couldn’t to be like this, a demonstrative journalist, you see, forgive me my
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long question, in the west, no matter what you call it, they know how to use pr technology, and for them the word freedom of opinion, the word journalist is generally sacred. cow, remember the story with the murder of a journalist, yes, we remember , yes, they brought it to everyone’s ears, they almost started talking about breaking off relations with saudi arabia and so on, here is not just a journalist, an american journalist, he has a passport, this one here stars and stripes, and such a demonstrative disregard for life this journalist, well, look, just another case to add to the general thesis, look, the thesis is as follows: there are convenient deaths, there are inconvenient deaths, there are deaths on which one can, so to speak, strengthen the greatness and power of the united states, and there are deaths, on which, which do not need to be shown , because these deaths weaken the united states, because i repeat, the guy was, as it were, such
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a homing warhead, as i say, you know, this one, who died in prison, so accordingly he went to category such that yes, it works, yes, we're keeping an eye on him, but if something happens, no matter how it happens, it's an inconvenient story. listen, well, it’s an illusion, well, an illusion, well , there’s a well-known heap and heap of research from the american itself, which shows scientific research, which statistically shows that one of the most rigidly controlled information agendas is the american one, that is, that’s why there’s censorship, so it’s another matter that you know , as
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i always say, what a world today is, today is a world of interpretation, today you can take the word censorship, it’s not censorship, it’s a concern about information security of americans, we filter information in order to... remember, how hitler’s accomplices, as soon as the red army actually won, as soon as the germans signed the surrender, at the nürgen process they said, we didn’t know anything what this hitler was doing, we , we , we are not involved at all, but he is just a maniac,
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a tyrant and so on, singing, again, is not even a question as a person, as a social activist, yes, as a political scientist, as a creative person, maybe this is really such a beautiful scenario , look, we are now... nevertheless, it’s clear, yes, that’s how it will be, and in the end zelensky will be killed, but this doesn’t make it any easier for us, he will do everything for which he was appointed, a bloody clown, in fact, yes, there’s absolutely nothing to be happy about here, i, what, you say, can this really happen, yes, maybe with a journalist, he was just killed, no one cares, exactly the same thing happens everywhere. you're talking about kharshogi, yes, so what about saudi arabia in the end? nothing, everything is fine, they have a normal relationship, this, well, what are we going
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to say now, this is double standards? yes it double standard, is this hypocrisy? yes, this is hypocrisy, yes, you can destroy sovereign countries, iraq, libya, there, you know, syria, and the other ninety-five conflicts that were unleashed by the united states of america, but here you can’t, you can bomb yemen, and then ukraine it’s impossible, listen, well , what’s there to discuss, the kingdom of heaven, to this journalist, who is really risking his life, knowing what’s going on,
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drinking beer, that is, everyone understands this, that this is simply not even how to say it, this this this is already a real diagnosis, this is not political,
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they will be forced to wipe up everything they can after him, like a sick person, they are probably already waiting for him to be gone as soon as possible , they are doing this already, he has traveled around the world, he promised, americans are passing, passing, i am cleaning up our president very clearly said, and dmitry anich medvedev said and vladimirovich putin, that the west, the west, i repeat, no one in ukraine has set a course for the strategic defeat of russia.
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everything that happens in ukraine, well, at least what peter says, which by and large at least a lot of things, one way or another under the control of the united states of america, are directed by the americans, this, by the way, is very dramatic and tragic in principle, this was confirmed by journalist gonzalo lira, that’s what he said, and specifically, that the american government is ready to sacrifice his life this criminal regime of zelensky. his lines literally shortly before his death, i was tortured in the pre-trial detention center, the guards never beat prisoners, they entrust torture to other prisoners, one of them even apologized to me, said that he had no choice, i think he didn’t lie, even if i ran away, the us state department would return me to ukraine, because i’m not a black lesbian, a drug addict or a transgender scammer. in addition, former us secretary of state victoria hates me to the core, at least that's what i think. well, listen, this confession is real, and i’m actually here even more, sergei, look,
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it turns out that america, from being such a great power there, which protects its people everywhere around the world, is turning into a power that kills inconvenient people all over the world, of course , so she always killed these people, no, but this is becoming completely official, that is, as if america itself is not defending the journalist, it admits that they, in addition to the fact that they are worthless, they also kill. good for themselves, of course, that is, petty, disgusting, as it were, where, now all of american politics, this globally , simply comes down to the death of one specific american blogger and journalist, you understand, right? that is, this whole greatness is actually a complete disregard for just an american citizen, where is that greatness that is anywhere in the world, in the whole universe, you monitor the fate of every american, except for taxes , americans don’t follow any other fate, they pay taxes, no matter where the american lives, everything else, excuse me, this is your personal problem, survival, non- survival, but i repeat, if you don’t play to
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the demands that are thrown at you, you may stumble. yes, any resident of america now knows that they will not protect him, they can kill him, you and i know that, but what any resident of america knows, i assure you, no, sorry, katya, this is also confirmed , look, the last statement of the guy who is in prison for this very thing for intelligence, collection of intelligence data, who also made a statement in the times or wherever, he said, i don’t feel the support of the americans, who we have a guy sitting there somewhere in the urals who hasn’t figured it out yet, but he’s still colleagues, attention, attention.
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the man is actually caught by tck representatives in order to push him to the front and, to escape mobilization, he pretends to be a woman, that is, this actually never ceases to amaze people, they even do such things just to save their lives, because they understand perfectly well what if they end up in the clutches.
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the ministry of defense of ukraine reports that the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine conducted an inspection regarding the presence of citizen vladimir aleksandrovich zelensky on military registration in the armed forces of ukraine. we inform you that citizen vladimir aleksandrovich zelensky has been registered as a military serviceman from december 22, 2008 to the present. military rank of soldier, military registration
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specialty - clerk. four were sent to citizen zelensky for mobilization calls. citizen zelensky military commissariat did not attend the summons in 2014 in 2015. look, this statement was actually made by the ministry of defense of ukraine, however, when zelensky was not yet president, but the very fact that zelensky is trying to catch every ukrainian around the world, send him to the front, but at the same time his people know that he evaded four times, but this after all, who is leaking this specifically to zelensky, after all, on purpose.
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another tranche of military aid for ukraine, this also should not be discounted, it is
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real, including 200 million dollars, it seems like a small figure, there are 2.5 billion, all together, issued directly to drones, again, i would just as if he warned us all against, when i listen to us ourselves, i have the feeling that everything, zelensky drug addict, now everything will fail, only now we will reach kiev, no, at the front. celebrate the victory, because there is still time before it no one wants to go very far ahead of time, of course, but the fact that ukraine is a real field for experimentation is actually part of it. and you won’t believe it, one of the main topics of this forum is the discussion
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of a certain mysterious disease x, which, according to western elites, can be tens of times more deadly than covid, they will discuss this with the head of vos, with the heads of pharmaceutical companies, let’s listen to what’s very interesting this is for disease x. given the new warnings from the world health organization that the unknown disease x could cause 20 times more deaths than the coronavirus pandemic. what new efforts are needed to prepare health systems for the many challenges ahead? it’s not funny anymore, they came up with covid first, then they came up with the war in ukraine, what else are they doing there, artificial intelligence, the war of drones, and now they have it. katya, you say very scary words, they came up with covid, i’m just fine, i ’ll rephrase it, maybe once again they want to cut money between corporations, yes,
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which are engaged in the fight against, let’s say so, viruses that suddenly appear , maybe this is another scheme to take money simply on a global scale, colleagues, well, of course, financiers, no matter how, anything is bad, the worse for financiers, the better, including for pharmacological corporation, i’m interested in one nuance here in this disease, a little bit different:
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in orbits, you get an ideal biological weapon and means of fear and control over humanity, so semi-informational in fact, the change of hanger is instantaneous, it’s like leaving again again, as you remember, kavet because what it showed is the main conclusion. covid , which the westerners achieved in the sense of, well, the leadership of the countries, they achieved the return of trust in the state, you understand that trust in the state, yes, yes, trust in the state, which exactly existed, that is, relatively speaking, not in corporations that the state nevertheless kicked, it was the state that warned, fought , so to speak, took control of all these diseases and so on, that is, this is a great story, this is a great story, then my most important question is, they will promote it, cat, how did they promote it? information attacks on us , said that covid does not exist,
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let's really hope that a special military operation is like this, you know, because, as you know, no one has a universal vaccine against very many people , you know, so we were talking about for what purposes , by whom and where this real situation was brought about, so i am absolutely convinced that... at least the country has drawn a conclusion from those obvious mistakes that were made during the pandemic years, and as if you remember here, we are here we are members of the imf, who, we always say that we are, as it were , waging a war, and this is true with the entire bloc, for example, nato, yes, here we need to understand very well where this global problem actually is, and where this is history being used against us, so the same as with the imf, which offers one policy for those connected. we have contacts with immunologist georgy
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vikulov, director of the research center for the prevention and treatment of viral infections, candidate of medical sciences, georgy, hello, we welcome you, what kind of disease are we talking about, is this a real threat, or are we just hearing only while upr's reasoning is preparing for the forum in davos, why is so much attention being paid to this disease x, please, you have the floor, and hello, well, as far as i know, at the world economic forum in davos,
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microcosms, including viruses, arise, it does not depend from our desires, and no matter how much we argue and discuss - about covid or about any other viruses, there have been viruses, there will be viruses, they are much older than humanity, and it would be simply ridiculous to talk about that there are no viruses, or there someone specially produces them, they exist, they evolve independently. well, and accordingly, in this regard , attracting attention in the form of the name of a disease under some code x is a potential threat, as many virologists believe, it could be bird flu, although to date it has not been transmitted from person to person, it has not yet overcome this inter-breeding barrier, but but and accordingly can be transmitted from an infected bird to people and there is lethality.
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very high, it persists about 50%, the only way to combat the infected bird - this is the complete death of this bird, that is, entire birds on the farm are simply destroyed. other dangerous pathogens that may also exist, look, we understand that yes, there are viruses, some of them are promoted, some are not, please explain to me what kind of virologists are these who sit on the proof forum the whole world is decided. what kind of virus will they spin, and where are our authoritative virologists who will say wait a minute, who is it anyway, why are we obeying some virologists from the pre-doctoral forum, why is all the world nods like this to the cart and says: oh, cool, today we are afraid, tomorrow we are afraid of covid, and the day after tomorrow i don’t know that some player, where are our authorities, the correct formulation, not quite the correct formulation of the question, firstly, we are not we say and did not say
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our... supervision , our medical community did not say that we are listening to some virologist, we are simply following what is happening in the world at major international events, on the one hand, well, george, here it feels like we keep an eye on trends and such, oh, cool covid trend, cool x trend, let's give in to trends, but it looks like this for now, forgive me, please, no one gives in to trends, we don't need to raise a panic, what do you mean raise.
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but the spread is very large and the prognosis is disappointing all over the world, our country is not excluded, another point is that many viral infections, including influenza epidemics, the covid pandemic, have provoked cardiovascular decompensation, thank you very much, unfortunately. little time, in general, we will prepare, our virologists know about this disease x, they know that we have the opportunity to defeat any disease, yes, but returning to this topic itself, i remember how the west used covid not so that pharmaceutical companies could make money, but in order to tighten the screws, look, now farmers in germany are coming out, yes, but what kind of tool, another next virus, you can’t come out, the rest is history, elections are just around the corner.
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the scholz are losing, all sorts of macrons are losing, and we somehow we’ll cancel it because we have a new virus on the horizon, maybe they’re trying with all their might to delay this loss, but i ’ll support katya first. in her patriotism , i think i understood that katya was asking a question to a specialist, now a virologist, she is in favor of holding your own conference this year and saying, the unique features of the disease only americans suffer from it, and we will create our own virus send there, when you asked me, like, are you really implying that covid is an artificially created virus, i i didn’t say anything about this, some guys with money are sitting on the dodovskom and talking about artificial intelligence, which doesn’t exist, of course, they don’t just say that, everything is much simpler, the fact is that elon musk renamed twitter to the x network, maybe they are talking about this disease, in the end, if it is controlled, i just don’t like that they
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rule with their trends, when we will already rule with our trends, including in medicine, well, i think that our respected virologist, our dear experts in the studio , they admit that... very often everything is about money, forgive me, dear colleagues, this argumentative forum is also about money, but ukraine has no money, zelensky is coming there tomorrow, what do you think with what, again with an outstretched hand, the story about our 300 billion frozen in the west, we have there’s very little time, i still want to ask you whether the west will be able to squeeze out this money like a gangster, like just the last swindlers, or will it lead to the collapse of the entire world financial system, because everyone will see that this is just chaos, not it will work out if
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the answer... our victory, and the scholtz will leave, and the macrons will leave, until, let us not be in reduced responsibility, no, no, we say goodbye to the viewers of channel one, we remind you that this is a popular front studio, we discuss all the most important news, be sure to stay on the first channel, we're going to advertising. to be happy you need to never give up , follow your dreams, and do whatever you want. i now have a new dream: to travel around russia. our aquarium is one of the largest aquariums in the world, the most beautiful, unique place, it
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is located on a russian island, but most of all i highlight the city of sochi, i dream of moving there, because there are mountains and the sea. our favorite city is probably gelendzh, by the sea, yes, we go there all the time to the sea. i love russia from north to south, from east to west and in general my native country is wide , people live everywhere, we wish you the same, dear friends, travel around russia, it’s wonderful, monte shococa cognac, a product of the stellar group. in 10 days i should be at meeting with brezhnev in ideal form, silicone oil is not eliminated from the body on its own, it will enter the bloodstream and be fatal . i checked the tests, they are from two
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different people. here is a search warrant, we need to interrogate comrade dronov. doctor preobrazhensky, new series. watch the time after the program. i am committing theft of socialist property. rum castro, product. maria vladimirovna, how should we work with european politicians now? do you work with european politicians? the minsk agreements gave ukraine more time. this the most cruel calculation, she really just put an end to all these very illusions. now both france and europe, they are also the same participants in the war.
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how they fall for all this or agree, i don’t know, it’s ready, yes, i think that the cinema only shows love stories in war films it’s about the guys’ love for weapons in gangster films about the guys’ love for treasures, it’s really rubbish, but the new wave brought love for cinema, without love there are no films, he is a child... he himself says that he grew up in the cinema museum in paris, he knows the role
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viewings of old films, films are not good enough for the audience, but the audience is often not good enough for the films, they say that people don’t understand my films, well, that i myself don’t understand them, matodore, jean-luc gadar, two or three things, which i don't know about him on friday. at the first, private screening with alexander gordon, you absolutely love the film.
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january on saturdays on the first, sometimes people fly like birds, as if they were born for this, as if they had wings behind them, as if gravity did not affect them, risk danger, entertainment, and unpredictability
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, incredible complexity and the struggle of nerves, everything we love for, figure skating, that was great, and flying on eva, like in a dream, the russian jumping championship, live broadcasts on january 20 and 21 at the first . hello, there is a news broadcast on channel one, in the studio of maxim sharafuddinov. moscow says goodbye to yuri solomin, an outstanding actor, director, and teacher. the ceremony takes place at the historical. stage of the small theater, to which yuri mifodich devoted
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70 years of his life, he played dozens of roles, and for the last 30-odd years he headed the theater. fans, colleagues, and relatives came to say goodbye to yuri solomin. the people's artist of the soviet union died last week. he was 88 years old. when an actor works in the theater, they say that he serves. yuri solomin and the stage have a much deeper relationship than just service. solomin lived in the small theater.
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before his excellency, that’s how it was, he made his way from a student, selflessly in love with the stage, to the head of one of the main theaters in the country. those who know him for many years, remembers him as a person, cheerful, witty, easy-going, friendly, he was a real actor, a performer, at the same time in him...
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during the special operation in the kupinsky direction , attacks on enemy military infrastructure were carried out from the iskander missile system. from receiving the target coordinates to launch is a matter of minutes. iskanders are on combat duty around the clock. being located many kilometers from the contact line, operational-tactical systems cause enormous damage to the armed forces of ukraine, just like our aviation in the donetsk sector, strong points and equipment. destroyed su-25 attack aircraft , struck with unguided missiles, and in the case of kostroma paratroopers in the artyomovsk direction they destroyed an enemy infantry fighting vehicle, and attacked the car from a carnet from a record distance of almost 8 km, in the same place near artyomovsk
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our tankers, crew and t-90s systematically push the enemy out of his position, help the infantry, and destroy strongholds and dugouts in any weather at any time. our frontline report. correspondent sergei ponomarev. -10 snow sometimes, noticeable wind, it is in such conditions that the best sniper skills of the crew are tested, well, to some extent, luck. that's it, let's go. a snowstorm forces you to calculate significant adjustments to hit the target, especially when it is almost 10 km away. but this weather is not a reason to postpone work. our drone spotted the enemy copter, and then the group that launched it. there today. information was received from intelligence officers that several ukrainian militants entered the building, so it was necessary to work out, shot, shot, first the second sighting in these frames you can see how one of the militants is running, abandoning his comrades
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who had taken refuge in the house, as if a third shell is flying into the building, tankers of the forty-ninth army , seasoned in... near kherson, they are now squeezing out the armed forces of ukraine from the settlements neighboring artyomovsk, we are dismantling the dugouts , oporniki, where the infantry cannot pass, and we work in closed firing positions, we also help the infantry to pass, the commander of the t-90 crew with the call sign ganich in the northern military district zone has three brothers , i have a brother, he is also in the artyomovsk direction here, he too tank commander platoon, it turns out there is also... the middle brother, he is a volunteer, and there is a cousin on the flint, there are four of us brothers here, everything works out, we carry out combat missions, however, during our service here more than once... i have not seen them , he says, now family is those who are nearby, and it’s not just a tank platoon that has already lost its family. refuelers
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refuel us when necessary, they also deliver ammunition, we also work in cooperation when, when shooting at closed firing positions, we are corrected by blowguns, and the equipment does not lets us down, their newest t-90 breakthrough has already shown all its firepower on the battlefield, and the armor has more than once protected the crew, including from being hit directly by the fuel tank. the war has been going on here for 8 years, and now we are simply helping the donetsk and lugansk people’s republics, we have returned our territories, we have returned our people, we will work until the end, how hard it is, but we will break through. sergey panomariov, roman serebrennikov and mikhail vasiliev, channel one. the target of our guys is often the equipment supplied to the kiev regime by the west, in moscow awarded the paratroopers who encouraged...
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to create conditions for their self-realization, to support the families of fallen soldiers, to increase the effectiveness of medical care and rehabilitation programs. vladimir putin called these tasks key for the state and society. the president sent a telegram to the organizers and guests of the northern military district veterans forum, together we will win. the event takes place in the patriot park near moscow, with the participation of representatives of the authorities and the expert community, social coordinators and heads of branches of the foundation defenders of the fatherland, as well as more than 400 fighters from different russian regions. first deputy head of the presidential administration sergei kiriyenko spoke at the opening ceremony. i would like to say a huge
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thank you to the veterans present here in the hall. you are not just real heroes who stood up to defend their country. but even today, having returned from the front, you contribute to another component of the struggle.
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stimulating one's own scientific and engineering competencies to be competitive through deepening localization and production, but of key components, key components of cars. last year showed that the government, together with otrusumi , correctly placed emphasis in their work. we managed to solve the main strategic problem while maintaining the competencies and teams of the enterprises. for each site that foreign companies left, we selected a russian investor, determined the gender
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of technology partners, and consistently launched new models. 14 million people. another topic of the meeting was the work of cultural institutions. according to mikhail mishustin, only during the new year holidays, about a million people visited nature reserves, museums, exhibitions, and about 200,000 spectators went to the theater. they also talked about the “pushkin card” program, which... to date , almost 10 million children aged 14 to 22 years have become participants in the program; in recent months, residents of new regions have begun to join the program, now there are already more than 1,600 residents donetsk and lugansk people's republics, kherson and zaporozhye regions, work in this direction continues, and as for quantities. institutions, participants, there are now almost 12,000 of them, and the number of productions for which the pushkin card is used
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exceeds 472,000, this... these are really very good results for our culture, when we discussed the idea of ​​the pushkin card with the president, we talked about high quality product that needs to be included in the content of our theaters, museums, exhibitions, excursions, and indeed today exactly what you said is... people's demand, children's demand for these products is increasing, which cannot but please us. romanian farmers resumed their protest on the border with ukraine; they blocked passage through one of the checkpoints after negotiations with the country's ministry of finance failed. 3 hours of discussion led to nothing, local media reported. the promotion will be indefinite until the romanian project fulfills all the requirements. the main thing is to cancel preferential conditions for the supply
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of ukrainian food to the republic from the east. delays, which was also one of the reasons for the strike. besides blocking checkpoint, farmers on tractors also make it difficult to move along city streets. and farmers from all over germany gathered in berlin today, dissatisfied with the reduction in subsidies. parking in front.
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schoolchildren were transferred to remote emergency warnings, the airport was closed, training was closed, there were many accidents on the highways , two buses went into a ditch in the krasnoyarsk territory, 12 cars collided on the siberia federal highway at once, traffic towards the airport was blocked for several hours in several air harbors of siberia delays flights due to bad weather, well, in most of the european part of russia. the warming after the abnormal frosts over the weekend will jump by more than 20°, the hydrometeorological center reported, in moscow today tomorrow it will be 1.3° below zero, this is even above the climate norm, but then new temperature swings await us, it will become sharply colder on wednesday night. and that’s all for now, the program will continue to air on the first floor, time will tell. the information channel on the first
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continues. we are broadcasting our own program, time will tell, we are working live. this sunday, the latvian special services expelled eighty-two-year-old boris katkov. he lived in latvia for 56 years, leaving behind his wife, children and grandchildren. and now the authorities considered boris grigorievich a very serious threat to national security and sentenced him to deportation from the country without the right to return, strictly speaking, for an indefinite period. it should be noted that our mit has already called this decision a real provocation and promised that russia will not abandon the people expelled from latvia. we contacted boris grigorievich katkov, now he is in direct contact with us, together with with our son, we’ll find out all the details. boris grigorievich, hello. hello. boris grigorievich, tell me, how did the latvian authorities themselves explain to you what threat you
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pose to them? and you know, yes, it was so unexpected, it means that i received a letter in honor of the very significant date of the twenty-fifth anniversary of our public activity, receiving a five -page letter saying that i was included in the black list and was subject to eviction and deportation from latvia, he explains this is what the compromising authorities have compiled on me what information was passed on to the ministry of internal affairs, and the ministry of internal affairs signed the law, which... over the next day - i arrived from deportation, people came to the house, took me and answered me at the border, and what kind of people came, what kind of people, police officers, migration service, what equipment they were in, were they important, yes, yes,
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naturally, these were border guards, who , therefore, took with them and... latvian citizens to study in russia, in particular at the latvian federal university. probably, this activity was one of the things that contributed to compose some kind of proclamation against me , which means that you have never been involved in politics,
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never violated the laws of latvia, having lived here for 56 years, this is the situation, well, you see how highly they appreciated your social activities, since they decided you were one of the first to simply expel you from the country as soon as possible, please tell me what your next steps will be? and are you going to go back there and try to get back in any case? no, well, my children will certainly try now, they will try, but it’s useless, we already know a bunch of examples, now, in particular, the constitutional court , i think, will not solve anything, it will not help much of russia, who stayed and under the false pretext of not passing exams, that is, they are subject to resettlement, but me, i work at the baltic federal university, naturally they accepted me as one of their own employee. where i have been working for 15 years and they provided all the necessary conditions so that i could adapt here, get temporary housing, then in the future we will resolve issues, as i was told,
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the issue of my housing will be resolved further, employed, i’m already employed, i ’m employed, no one fired me, uh-huh, and thank you, what was the status of being in latvia all these years, do you have russian citizenship, latvian, non-citizen status? and how your family now reacted to this son next to you, i see that they are also worried about you, too, which means that i always had the status of a permanent resident, i never made a decision with him, i never lost him, i’m permanent, i should be until i’m twenty-five, i have permanent status, well, now they’ve eliminated, of course, the most sore point - this is a family, yeah, 13 people in the family, will this issue be addressed to you or
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will you somehow be in neutral places ? how do you see the further settlement in general , how do you see further communication with the family? since my father is banned from entering latvia for life, it will definitely turn out that we will be his relatives. promise and come as often as possible, as far as possible, while we are not planning a move, since we are residents of latvia, yes, that is , this does not apply to us yet, at least for now, but of course, this it was hard to bear, it was a big shock for us, there were tears in everyone’s eyes, and this, of course, was a trauma for the whole family, you know, i’m afraid that these bastards might interfere with your family the next time they leave...
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there are some legal acts, it’s possible that the deportation of boris katkov is only the first all the framework of human understanding, not like a swallow, according to the head of the ministry of internal affairs of latvia, thousands of russians can be expelled from the country in the very near future, the number of russians being deported from latvia can double in size and...
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about how the germans are preparing for war with our country, among other things, german journalists argued that it was russia that was going to provoke the same latvia into aggression. in july 2024 , russia's covert attack on the west will begin, cyber attacks and other forms of hybrid warfare, mainly in the baltic countries, will lead to more and more crises, after which russia will provoke aggression against ethnic russian minorities in the baltics. vladislav, i’m trying to translate from bild language into human, like russia can provoke latvia into...
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aggression within its own country against the russians against the backdrop of the fact that in the same article the germans say how they are preparing for war with russia? well, you know, against the backdrop of what’s happening now, it’s quite obvious that russia is absolutely not ready for this on any level, we generally understand when we say that our foreign ministry was indignant, the foreign ministry was of course indignant, like anyone in latvia because of his indignation, somehow something somewhere could have changed, latvia and just like the other two...
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so you understand, if only they had such as they did, the ground was burning under their feet, then of course , on the one hand, germany would be right, but i ’m more than sure that on the other hand , these people would have behaved differently, you know, without irresponsibility, as if provoking chaos, yeah, that’s it this is the main problem, how to bring them to justice, i have already said, to bring these people to justice in only one way, sabotage and guerrilla warfare, and let them burn their land under their feet, because this is our land.
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indeed, we will see attempts again from these dwarfs, provocateurs, to be drawn into a big conflict with russia, nato, into a full-scale war, which is not happening yet, then, then they will say, well , look, you see, russia is already here, we have something like that there, carrying out some kind of subversive actions, there is well, so to speak, there is an article, which means that it calls for collective responsibility of the north atlantic alliance, let's join us. then, indeed , what is happening today will be in no way comparable, will not be in any way comparable to what will happen next, if let's say we go up the steps of this escalation. from my point of view, if we are realistic, of course, at the moment we do not have some kind of stop tap that we can pull to stop this lawlessness, this madness, this baseness and meanness that we are seeing in relation to .
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it seems to them that now they are on horseback, but as soon as this ukrainian project breaks down, they will immediately speak differently, because now they are fueled by this negative energy of the conflict, and what vlad is talking about is with one on the one hand, it seems yes, but on the other hand, it will give them this additional energy that they are just waiting for, which they just lack, well, you know, trampling on rights, any freedoms there, the principles of the same freedom and democracy, this is a problem . not only the baltic countries , other small european countries, for example, in sweden, also decided to follow the path of such soft totalitarianism , today the government has literally decided for its citizens who should speak out on the nato issue, and who should generally shut their mouths, this is what they write about it edition
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swedish daglad. nowadays in the scandinavian kingdom only those with militaristic and paranatian views are given attention in public debates. and peaceful voices are intimidated into silence. swedish debate on the nato issue is very limited and people are not allowed to discuss the war in detail on the facts. the extra big gorski debaters and experts made it possible to decide how the swedish public should understand what happened. those in sweden who opposed the militant black-and-white narrative were subjected to personal attacks and insults. the western world has convinced itself that some people are absolutely evil and that western bombs are good and that these bombs are intended for... the common good, you see, in the west there is a ceiling for freedom of speech, and as it turns out, it is very, very low , well, in the european parliament they are meeting for the same common good, to promote the highest measures of democracy, freedom of speech, to silence the prime minister of hungary
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viktor orban, who is putting forward initiatives that are inconvenient for the eu elite. now the european parliament has collected 120 required signatures for a petition demanding the deprivation of the prime minister. hungarian minister viktor orbán has the right to vote in the eu council, said member of the european parliament petri sarvama. they signed a historic petition that, if successful, would strip mr orban of his right to vote on the council. it is easy to lecture others when there is no need to take responsibility for your words. but those who understand the price of loud statements behave much more carefully. this is clearly visible. residents of ukraine living near the front line. that's what it's about moods ukrainians, said the head of the mykolaiv regional military administration, vitaly kik. the front-line regions are saying, maybe we can talk, what’s going on with the peace negotiations? in the central regions, 40 percent
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are undecided, but the western regions say: no negotiations, let’s go to moscow. well, where there is such confusion and vacillation, everything is very, very shaky. first of all, i want to understand. well , here it is quite obvious that ukraine is now a country that has experienced, at least last fall, a huge severe shock, the shock of a failed offensive, the collapse of the war plan for which ukraine worked for almost, well, more than a year and a half, that is, it is completely obvious that it will win.
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at some point i became convinced that there was no point in fighting further, and let’s still negotiate, well, according to the american plans, yeah, but all this will have to be carried out with ukrainian lives, and accordingly , these conversations about that especially those regions that pay the bloodiest tax, we must remember that basically it was the eastern regions that raked out most of the money, too it will reach now no, the west is also being rowed now, no one thought it was enough, moreover, it is also huge there.
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moreover, the new generation of aerial bombs are drills, which cannot be seen on
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radar screens; they are designed to destroy enemy armored vehicles. the drel glide bomb is designed to destroy armored vehicles at ground-based radar stations, power plant control centers and anti-aircraft missile systems; it is expected that it is almost impossible to recognize on radar. drill capable. independently fly the required distance to the target and open up above it at the right moment, i would like to hear a little more about these aerial bombs, if possible. is divided into at least 15 submunitions, the fact that it is essentially a cassette, that is, a cluster bomb, already says a lot, but not only is it a cassette, it also has intelligence, that is, at a fairly small... price regarding the same missiles that i spoke above, it turns out that the drill, even
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if it needs to be dropped, say, the place conducting a tank battle, it will not hit any of its own tanks, because it has a system for recognizing someone else’s, and i’m talking about each of the submunitions, and not about the general shell, but a parasite, tanks are exclusively enemy means, initially the drill is not intended to defeat enemy personnel , and above all those... while we are developing our military industry in ukraine, ukrainian propagandists are seriously thinking about how to hide their industry left over from soviet times underground in order to to save them from our shelling. vlad, this is the difference in approaches to the military-industrial complex, it will lead sooner or later, it’s clear why, why don’t they want to notice this in ukraine at all? well, you see, these conversations that have been going on for several months now, this is not the first time that we
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will put everything underground, everything will be underground, you know, these are conversations in favor of the poor, because firstly, let's start with that there is nothing to omit, there is no industry, that’s the whole problem for ukraine today, that is , most of the industries that produced ammunition, which produced missiles, equipment, weapons, they were all destroyed, or had ceased to exist before the start of the northern military district, they remain. production, which of course, one way or another, but they do, they make drones , there are some kind of electro-radio-electronic ones, that is, everything that can be done, relatively speaking, without leaving some laboratory there, but again in this case, try putting them somewhere in the ground does not give anything, so this is for some kind of mass discussions, it is of course good, but in in reality, in reality, i repeat, in general they don’t have much, let’s say, dungeons left.
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today we will send tactical glasses first , please tell me what kind of tactical glasses they are, please tell me, a scientist from krasnoyarsk in eye microsurgery has been working on these glasses for 20 years, that is, a very banal, seemingly simple element, that is, it has cutouts, now excuse me, here at the top, there are certain cutouts, scientists have proven that when a person is in a prone position, it is possible to carry out his combat tasks, i can use an additional aperture to focus. we noticed that all the news
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is duplicated in our telegram channel stream popular front, we take a lot of materials from there and highly recommend that you subscribe to the qr code on your screen , subscribe not only to read, but to participate and send information. in taiwan , the long-awaited presidential elections ended this weekend; a great friend of the united states, leitsent, who in beijing, by the way, was previously called the instigator of the war in taiwan, won. strait, the results of the taiwanese elections have already naturally reacted. taiwan is an indivisible part of our country and will not become a separate state, it will return to china. taiwan's ownership of china is stipulated by the declaration adopted in 1943 following the cairo conference. according to
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this document, all territories seized from the people's republic of china to japan were to be returned. chinese country. by the way, the other day us president joe biden said that after the elections in taiwan he was going to send a delegation there high-ranking american politicians. this is what an american journalist reports. president joe biden plans to send a high-level delegation of former officials to taipei after taiwan's elections on saturday. such a move could complicate efforts by the united states and china to stabilize their tense relationship. and another delegation from the united states will travel to taiwan, in droves. the us house of representatives will send their delegation there, biden’s delegates are not enough for them, there will be more, there will be some additional ones. china is going to return to taiwan, here i will directly ask the question, after the results of these elections, especially since america officially adheres to the one-china principle,
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chinese reunification is certainly returning and inevitable. but what about such results as under such a new president of taiwan? well, you understand, now , of course, the bad news is that this american barking will become louder and louder in taiwan after the victory of the democratic party candidate, but let’s not forget that china is also carrying out its policy very clearly, persistently and consistently, and china continues to declare that it will not slow down its policy of reunification with the island, this means that perhaps only this victory will make it difficult for china to actually solve this problem, but in the fact that it will be solved positively, i personally have no doubt that the timing is the issue, we all understand that, now everyone has the same question, they hoped through diplomacy, but
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the americans created a split in the opposition on the island so well, which is good. the question is the timing, i think that now we should already in the near future, well, maybe not weeks, but in the coming months we should see some more radical steps on the part of beijing, which must somehow give its response to this challenge thrown at it, because now i think that there will be increased muscle flexing, at least as far as the military operation is concerned,
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the united states intends for this whole situation, it is just a matter of bargaining, very big bargaining, and what conditions can the united states put forward to china? i'm here... no options for strength development, i i completely agree with you, in that i don’t agree in the sense that i don’t yet see china now, the military conflict in taiwan is a thing called the wrong time, firstly, china’s military construction has not been completed, especially the construction of the fleet, without a large fleet, which could in this case
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block the defeat of the american one, china will not be able to solve the problems of taiwan, just organize a small war, as it were, and with the prospect of not winning it, this means simply injuring itself, therefore most likely, china's response will be in the chinese style, china... cut off the shoots, that is, its task will now be simply to strangle taiwan to a state in which, as it were, the situation in taiwan begins to change, support for the current,
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as it were, government, now the new president will be reduced, but it’s not very big there anyway, he won, he got 40% of the votes, 60% voted against, they just very cleverly introduced a third candidate, by the way, many, many, many, yes, that’s a lot of islands not were able vote, because...
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on our broadcasts, now there is a short advertisement and we’ll come back, you will have two children, professor, and your career, by the way, is not the main thing for you, comrade dronova, a business executive, she does not have sufficient qualifications, i’m very sorry, that this happened, i beg you, forgive me, please, i don’t want that kind of love, i want to live within myself. where did the french drug silicone come from in your medical institution? if the drug is found, that's the end of everything . i won't leave it like this. the pictures are ready.
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salmon of my mistakes. sveta. doctor preobrazhensky. new from the series. watch the time after the program.
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on wednesday at the first, every time the same question, how do they fall for all this or agree, i don’t know, cognac, old barrel, product of the lar group, is the loan ready? i think that cinema only shows love stories in war films, we are talking about the love of guys for weapons, in gangster films, about the love
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of guys for robberies, it really is rubbish, and the new wave brought love for cinema, without love there are no films, he the child of a cinematographer, he himself says that he grew up in the cinema museum in paris, he knows the role of screening old films. matador jean luc gadar, two or three things i don't know about him, on friday on the first.
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closed screening with alexander gardon, you like the film so much, an absolutely original and powerful film language, the genre breaks down, suddenly they go into such a monologue. have you already understood what you are talking about at the script level? yes, of course, the viewer must see what happens to these characters, from beginning to end, they are real and alive all the way, plunging into the depths of humanity. relationship, i looked at the picture and forgot about it, and in the morning i wake up, i suddenly have a shock that in the end they are together or not, the beginning of the sessions is from january 20 to saturdays on the first, sometimes people fly like birds, as if they were born for this, as if they have wings behind them, as if
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they... are not affected by gravity, risk , danger, entertainment 3.5 and unpredictability, incredible complexity and battle of nerves, everything we love for, figure skating, that was great, and flying eva, as in a dream. russian jumping championship, live broadcasts on january 20 and 21 on the first. the myzhivy project team visited the zaporozhye front at the location of the crimea volunteer detachment. the detachment was formed exclusively from crimeans, but today guys from almost all over the country serve there. and maryana naumova talked with the soldiers of the unit, their commander,
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who. conscription ensign, here's what interesting things they told about her, they told a lot, we are looking together right now, again front-line roads, zaporozhye region, this time we are heading to the volunteer assault squad, crimea. the situation in this direction is consistently tense. who are the guys in your unit, where are they from? volunteers, all volunteers, from crimea, from donbass, from all over russia, from moldova, guys, from tajikistan, guys. as i
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understand it, today there is some task that needs to be worked out, we have a task constantly, now we have identified a planned goal, our uav operators, with the help of their adjustments we will now work towards this goal. do you have some kind of anxiety, worries when you approach the mortar, load everything there, send it to your destination, there is no alarm, just worry. hit the target, the whole country believes in us, shot, shot, goniometer 0.330, shot, why crimea?
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because the detachment was originally formed from people, most of them were crimean, and where are you from? we are from donetsk, my eldest son is studying at the ryazan airborne school, guys his age are now mobilized by the dpr, but how will i look him in the eyes if i am an officer with combat experience? sitting at home, well, this is wrong, why, so that our children do not fight. you said that your children should not fight, but i know that your daughter is serving, she was going to go to a separate engineering company to serve, well , i offered her, i had places.
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such a call to myself, because i am a real grandfather, to all my grandchildren, by nature i am also a cossack, i am a comrade, i have a position, a soviet village, in the soviet, there is a soviet village in the crimea, well, this is mine, i am taking you to position, to the firing position, show how we have a firing zone, everything else it looks like everything i’ll show you is all dug by hand, that is, the amount of work that was done was just crazy, who’s waiting for you at home?
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wife, children, well, the wife is nervous, she says, the fourth contract, that’s enough already, well, let’s see, maybe i can persuade you. these are all loopholes, machine guns, cartridges, that is, everything is ready, disposable grenade launchers, the dugout is very good, i’ll show you now, the stove, everything is done, there is somewhere to warm up , it’s warm enough here, it’s just that we haven’t put the stove in properly yet.
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i don’t understand how you keep warm here, my feet are already frozen, although i have nothing to do with you here, and in the wash i will warm up from the honey, you have been here for a long time, almost a year, in civilian life, what have you been doing, mainly with children, then what about those children with whom i was studying and left, the children knew where you were going, of course they knew , they wished you everything, they still say: they call, they wish you everything, they’ll find out how you’re doing, thank you, we ate tea, well , the honey is good, by the way, you have it, good, good- they send it too, yes
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they sent it from krasnodar, my friends, it’s nice to have such parcels of course, it’s nice to receive, it’s nice in general when you know for sure that someone remembers about you. someone is waiting, here’s another package, it can bring you to tears, different things arrive there, you understand that who sent it, for some this jar of honey is nothing, for some it’s worth something, so gather her there, bring her, i come from the cossacks, a family cossack, senior lieutenant of the marine corps, my grandson, nephew, the youngest, they also serve here near donetsk, well , how can i sit at home, the guards shouldn’t, the cossacks have been fighting all our lives, they protect positions, approaches, therefore, therefore it is necessary, these guys
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, who are brothers, these are all brothers in arms, these are the people whom no one will ever forget, well, at least i for sure, the commanders, the guys, everyone with whom we stand at the posts, on positions. this is your war dog that accompanies you, that’s right, gunpowder, i took him to my position because he works like a bell, well, he works, he accompanies you on your combat missions, yes, yes, he always works with us, but how relates to shots, at first it’s scary, yeah, but then little by little they get used to it. war dog, why did you decide to go to the front, well, because here. the boys are fighting, i won’t sit at home, as if my homeland is in
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danger, we are alive on our website, people from all over russia write to us, they are very worried about you , they write warm words of support, hello, soldier, a student of the ninth is writing to you, i am a cadet class sergei semenov, in my letter i want to say a big thank you to you, because you are defending our country, i am proud that there are such brave people. who, for the sake of our peace of mind, risk their own life, i wish you, soldier, peaceful service, return home safe and sound, goodbye, thank you, semyonov, sergei, we will definitely return, everything will be russia.
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you see how crimea unites everyone, crimea is like that, in fact, not only crimea, we have an amazing country, once again i never cease to be surprised to compare how violent mobilization is going on there in ukraine, where people are literally dragged in by force, laws are passed, where already disabled and oblique and deaf. women will also serve, unfortunately, but with us volunteers, what wonderful people, everything will be fine with us, we will definitely win and russia has always been and will be great. more news. hello, on the air news, in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya. first, about the progress of the special operation. as our ministry of defense said, in the krasno-liman direction,
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military personnel from the tor m2 crew destroyed several bsu drones. the soldiers are on duty around the clock, covering the actions of the assault troops. the installation can overcome any off-road conditions, this gives an advantage for choosing more advantageous positions. and in the artyomovsky sector, kostroma paratroopers operate, using guided missiles of the carnet complex, they strike at the militants’ shelters and equipment even at a great distance. in the donetsk direction. they hit with unguided missiles, act together with aircraft gunners who work on the ground to clarify the coordinates of the target. strengthening the system of social guarantees for air defense soldiers, creating conditions for their self-realization in a variety of areas and supporting families, participants in the special operation, priority tasks for states of the whole society. vladimir putin noted this in a telegram, which he sent to the organizers and guests of the veterans forum: “together we will win.” it takes place in
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patriot park in kubinka, moscow region. representatives of the authorities and the expert community, social coordinators and heads of branches of the defenders of the fatherland foundation, as well as more than 400 fighters from all russian regions, gathered there. we have completed, on instructions from the president, the construction of a full-fledged system of benefits in the field of education, from the priority enrollment of children of fighters in kindergarten before preferential admission. now receive the status of social entrepreneur, mobilized workers and volunteers are guaranteed the preservation of their jobs. the working group also developed a unified standard for regional measures of social support for svo participants and members of their families. it included 20 of the most popular measures. today , this unified standard has been implemented in most regions of the russian federation. one of the key links in the domestic law enforcement system.
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the investigative committee celebrates today its formation as an independent state body. this happened in 2011 . employees are at the forefront of the fight against crime and corruption, firmly defending the interests of the country, and also protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens. vladimir putin emphasized this in his congratulatory telegram. and today, professional quality, courage and dedication are in demand in solving important tasks, including in new regions. in difficult conditions, investigators, criminologists, experts participate in the investigation of neo-nazi crimes against civilian population, the head of state noted. for them, the main thing is to restore justice , be it the investigation of serious crimes or cases of what is called everyday life, with equal dedication, the employees of the investigative committee join in the work when it comes to capturing bandits who have long been at the bottom, and if it is necessary to figure out why people were detained salary, alexander lyakin...
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they work enough in the combat zone, as soon as this became known from the media, it was immediately a criminal case was opened, that is , the investigators did not even wait for a statement, the employees of the investigative committee, who had a video in which several people rush at one in their hands, in addition to an iron stick, gas canisters, the man in a white sweater is the same one. fighting, who tried to stop the attackers , there were four of them in total, three were already behind bars, one was on the run, she had already beaten several people there, she just walked up, grabbed him, so that he wouldn’t wave, that’s it, we fell, they ran into us and started beating us to death, i'm sure i've dealt with this issue it would be the police, it is generally accepted that the investigative committee deals only with especially serious
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crimes, murders, major thefts, but this severity is not always determined by the criminal code. alesya kudryavtseva for several months. could receive the compensation required by law for the purchase of a special device for the rehabilitation of a child with cerebral palsy, the money had to be borrowed at interest in the hope of repaying the debt later. these boots, each about 60,000, they are made according to an individual cast, i saw in the news that the head of the investigative committee urges people, if anything, to contact the investigative committee through the social networks, with questions about drug supply or something like that.
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12 bullets. natalya bagerova stopped hoping that the criminals would be found. so many years have passed. in those years, a number of victim witnesses did not appear when called by investigators, did not appear for interrogations, due to the fact that they were afraid of members of organized criminal groups. members of the gang, which kept the entire
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smolensk region in fear in the late nineties, had long since laid low, called themselves businesses and thought that everyone was talking about them forgot. the handcuffs clicked shut after almost a quarter of a century. i thought it only happens in movies that... found after so much time, this is a low bow to them, words of gratitude from those for whom you work, this is probably the main thing that the employees of the investigative committee want to hear on their professional holiday. alexander lyakin, alexey kozlov, liliya zorina, channel one. vladimir putin held a meeting with the head of the ministry of education, sergei krovtsov reported to the president on providing schoolchildren with meals. we were talking about transport, overhaul of educational institutions and much more. we just received footage from the kremlin. i propose to start with a program that concerns many people in our country, and it is difficult to overestimate it, this is a major overhaul, in general the repair of school buildings and structures, we have allocated quite decent money for these purposes, the work is going on as it is going, yes, dear, thanks to your
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support, the program for the overhaul of schools and the construction of new schools is going according to plan. without fighting, no sanctions can prevent this, every year we have a thorough 1,500 schools are being repaired, and your order to repair 7,300 schools will be completed on time. i would also like to lay down that our school construction program is also going according to plan, this allowed us to eliminate the third shift, today we have about 15% of the second shift, that’s all. schools are being equipped with new equipment and 1,300 schools by the end of the twenty -fourth year, your order will also be fulfilled, there is no doubt about it, we are equipping rural schools with equipment as part of the national project, 17 points have been created growth, 360 quantoriums, own
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modern air fleet in the context of sanctions is of utmost importance for the connection of russian regions, mikhail mishustin stated this today at a meeting with deputy prime ministers. a comprehensive program to expand aircraft production became one of the main topics. the president set the task of increasing the production of civil aircraft. and she, according to her. and allowed the use of funds from the national welfare fund to finance it; it will be possible to attract funds for such purposes on a repayable basis more than 280 billion rubles. the signed document provides for the technical re-equipment of enterprises, an increase in factory capacity.
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agricultural workers blocked the streets in the city center; there are already more than 2 thousand cars in the area of ​​the government quarter, they continue to stay. the day before
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there were clashes with the police, dozens of people were injured. let me remind you that german farmers oppose the government’s plans to reduce subsidies and cancel benefits for agricultural producers. the authorities save their own citizens, while allocating assistance to ukraine. the vast majority of germans do not agree with this policy. moscow said goodbye to yuri solomin, a great actor who was admired by several generations. the ceremony took place on the historic stage of the small theater. it was to him that he gave 70 years of his life, was its artistic director, and also served there as a director. the people's artist of the soviet union was remembered by viewers for his numerous roles in films. an ordinary miracle, a bat mouse. he has more than 60 paintings to his credit. yuri solomin passed away on 11 january, he was 88 years old. say goodbye to him. a real person, a real man , a real knight of the theater, in general a representative
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of everything real, there are practically no such people left, of course, you need to look up to them, this is a man who went to the end in everything, he had his own creative, artistic principles that he stood up for it, and it’s wonderful when there are people who can stand up for something bright, kind, honest and pure. he was such a person. the last journey from yuri solomin was accompanied by applause. will be buried artist at the troekurovsky cemetery next to his wife. for the fifth time, the skating rink on red square has become the territory of good deeds. the charity event was held by the life in movement foundation. they help children who have problems with the musculoskeletal system. among the guests are famous athletes, movie stars, big theater artists and of course. the foundation's wards go out on the ice and skate confidently for them, a real new year's miracle, report by kristina levieeva.
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the main thing is not to break, after all, skates are easier than skates. football player roman pavlyuchenko is no longer the first year he exchanges his boots for skates, all for the sake of the wards of the life movements foundation, for the summer of the main skating rink of the country, together with him came boys and girls, for whom even just walking was once only a dream, and next to him they put basketball player victor keyru on skates daughter yes, for now it’s safer in dad’s arms , the first steps, she’s still little, only 4 years old, i started skating when i was five, we’ll show everyone, we’re just starting our sports journey. the charity event magic skating rink is taking place in moscow for the fifth time, in which famous athletes and artists take part, all funds raised from ticket sales go to the development of the i want to walk program, which means that hundreds of children with musculoskeletal problems will be able to receive long-awaited prosthetics, and thirteen-year-old sasha bashurin will be able to ride. skating is easier than climbing the stairs, today he came to red square for the first time from yekaterinburg, i remember passing by,
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but i wasn’t here, it’s cool, even so beautiful in this city, i’m even a little surprised, but right away it’s not noticeable that the boy has a serious condition genetic disease, a few years ago sasha’s family turned to the foundation for help, then they made special splints for him, and his mother found out that there are prosthetics that improve legs, that is, they fix the foot in the correct position about... i found out and called, sasha pohelka has already was the hero of our report when 10 years ago, together with other wards of the foundation, he went to the top of mount kilimanjara, because it’s almost like walking up to the 3.00 floor. will celebrate 10 years since its founding, during which time they helped not only skate, but also get on their feet thousands of young people, they built an entire prosthetics center in the moscow region, and
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every day the kind people from the foundation do everything so that these guys live a full life without pain and fear.
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noting the courage and heroism in new, new territories, the investigative committee is one of the most important key links in the domestic law enforcement system, today our professional qualities, courage, dedication are in demand in solving the most important tasks aimed at ensuring legality and order in donbass and novorossia in difficult conditions, investigators, criminologists, experts are participating
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in the investigation of neo-nazi crimes against civilians...
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what news do you have about the effectiveness of our strike? good afternoon well, in fact, the city of shostka, it is small, in principle, there is less than 100 thousand people there, again, they are all defense workers, there were a lot of defense enterprises there, founded under sara, for example, the impulse plant, which was hit on the night of the thirteenth number, it was founded in 1848, and the first factories there were founded back in the 18th century, so here’s the thing... an interesting point, the enemy showed one of the missiles that arrived, but according to the data that today shot down the enemy’s air defense, this is a very high-precision, good weapon x59, but it is subsonic , technically it is possible to shoot it down, the seven others brought destruction to the plant, according to the data that i have, i repeat, these are the people who live there, there is practically nothing to hide the small town, the impulse plant is not working now, and this very important, key enterprise, because they
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they create the most important elements for any ammunition, this... this is all an impulse of the plant, this is what he did and after the raid on saturday it is now not working and it is unknown when it will be able to start working at all, well it is unknown for now, no one knows, maybe never will begin, the raid on the 13th was very interesting, there were selective targeted attacks on several military-industrial complex enterprises, this was in dnepropetrovsk, i can’t figure it out more precisely yet. air defense systems were also struck, and even the enemy, when he wrote a report about his successes, so-called, admitted that not even half of it was shot down, well, probably even less. a third of the missiles that were launched, this is what he admitted, how many were actually done, well, as if we are not yet able to check, what is the latest news from the fronts of the special military operation? you know, very interesting
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news, powerful, good news is coming from novomikhailovka, this is between marenka and ugledar, our troops are trying to move forward, to the south on umikhailovka they are pushing the enemy, and the enemy retreated over the weekend by about kilometer in this direction and here he has very difficult ones. situation, because our troops are already, in fact, taking novomikhailovka in a pincer movement, entering from the north, from the south , well, accordingly, from the east they have already entered a long time ago, they are trying to cut off the enemy’s logistics, let me remind you that they are attacking from the heights, and thus force get him out of there, but they can’t lose navumihai, because this dramatically complicates the situation for the ugledar garrison, blocks the most important communication road along which the main supply of this group goes, and, well, accordingly, with all the ensuing consequences for ... the same thing , active hostilities began from the other flank of the ulidar, this is in the direction of velikaya novosyolka, attacks began here, fighting has been going on for the second day, and activity has resumed again in the zaporozhye sector, our troops are trying
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squeeze out, well, until the new year they squeezed out, successfully squeezed out the enemy from this wedge that the enemy drove during the summer counter-offensive, and also, according to my data, a difficult situation for their garrison in the krynki, there even the channels were frozen in ice and this... weakened the weak support that the garrison holds, well, it’s not a fact that they won’t leave there in the near future, although this is critically important for them, they are in their information space they are trying to do this, well, don’t you dare portray it as a future strategic bridgehead for an attack on crimea, this is not how they present it now, but i understand that it is funny, but nevertheless they are selling it all to the west in order to counterattack knocked out, knock out money, supplies, ammunition and so on, well, i think in the west... they perfectly understand the absurdity of all these desires, but nevertheless the fact takes place. thank you very much, yuri ivanovich fadalyakas, for your accurate analysis of the situation on the north military district fronts, as always. the ukrainian topic
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is being actively discussed at the world forum in davos, which is currently taking place. we used to pay attention to this forum, now we basically don’t give a damn, but there was a special session to discuss the so -called ukrainian.
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global south, but a meeting of advisers to support ukraine's peace plan among countries national security before the arrival of ukrainian president vladimir zelensky ended without developing a clear path forward. i think zelensky’s arrival there will change little, that is, the west, but especially the global majority, what they call the global south. showed that it is not interested in escalating this conflict, but to be honest, i was even more struck in connection with this world forum in davos by the message that the agenda included a discussion of disease x,
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so let’s see, just on the website the world economic forum has written that new warnings from the world health organization indicate that the unknown disease x could cause 20 times more deaths than the global pandemic. international problems, simply by launching a new virus that can accommodate the entire political agenda, pushing ukraine, gaza, trump and so on into the background, that is, well, completely there. it’s easy to change the map
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with the help of and even eliminate the problems that many visitors dream about , reduce the population of planet earth. well you you know, in general, in order to commit such a trick with the ears, there is no need to really start some kind of epidemic there and so on, it is enough that this issue is being discussed, this already creates an alarming feeling, this creates certain sensations in the media, the western media, we we know very well how they can spin things up.
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as if to call the tune, well, the global south needs to discuss the future of humanity itself, and not these people, perverts, who gather in davos and are doing god knows what there, in fact, if you listen and watch to read what is happening there in this davos, it’s sodom and gomorrah, in general, these people teach us not to pick our noses, and even now they decide the fate of the world, but the fact that they can start some kind of pandemic is in there is not the slightest yes to this...
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in general, it can be noted that the ukrainian units that have been there since the attempts to attack them, with virtually no rotation without replacing units, are already feeling the exhaustion of infantry, many who are now remaining on the defensive, if they carry fire damage, begin to avoid direct contact combat, which begins to give our units an advantage, in addition, there are interruptions in the work of enemy artillery, it is still very active, but in the work of the ukrainian hordes.
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pauses arise, sometimes for a day or two, that is, they already have interruptions in supplies, with the supply of ammunition, also in the direction towards our positions they used american jaydam glide bombs, but where i was, they were unable to inflict damage on our troops, they were rejected by electronic warfare, in general the only enemy forces that they act without visible weakening and even increase
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allergies in beijing, but more on that after the advertisement, you will have two children, professor, and your career, by the way, is not the main thing for you, qualifications, i’m very sorry that this happened, i beg you , forgive me, please , i don’t want this kind of love, i want to live on my own as a business owner, she doesn’t have enough for herself, where did the french drug silicone come from in your medical institution, if the drug is found, this is the end of everything, die, i won’t leave it like this , "simsha of my mistakes,
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sveta, doctor preobrazhensky, new ones from the series, look! after the program, you knew everything and remained silent in order to get the position of chief physician. stearsman bourbon is a product of the stellar group. the ex-prime minister of latvia and the current head of mit krishanist karinzh, and he doesn’t feel sorry for anything for the people, neither ice in winter, nor grass in summer. he sings songs about this, problems in the economy, in public finances, everything is getting worse and worse, and he simply gobbled up 600,000 euros from the latvian budget at the expense of his personal comfort and well-being. take the trouble to learn our national language. we are talking about the public deliberate humiliation of russians in latvia,
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who are forced to retake the exam. there will be deportation, i think it will affect at least a thousand people. he came to the territory of the us embassy in riga every single day. he was preparing the country for war. this is what they were doing, this is such an american beholder, karinzh must choose, either he is a citizen of latvia or a citizen of the united states, he considers himself god's chosen one, he is going to go to work in brussels, and latvia to lotyshe he doesn't feel sorry. arthur skrizh karinzh, come by latvian. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. maria vladimirovna, how should we work with european politicians now? do you work with european politicians? the minsk agreements gave ukraine more time, this is a cruel calculation, it really just put an end to all these same illusions, now france and the european union, they are also the same participants
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in the war. yes, without being a belligerent party, they are participants. they are used to doing this, they did this with africa and the extreme countries. needed as a state, which was the cause of the energy crisis, it was the explosion of nord stream 2, this did not happen in norway, it probably happened in sweden and denmark, everyone passed, the vavan and lexus show, premiered on wednesday on the first, every time one the same question, but how they fall for all this or agree, i don’t know, saya. ready? yes. i think cinema only shows love stories. in war films, we are talking about guys' love for weapons, in gangster films, about guys' love for thieves. do really crap. and the new wave brought
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love for cinema. there are no films without love. he is the child of a cinematheque. he himself says that he grew up in the cinema museum in paris. he knows the role of old views. they fly like birds, as if they were born for this, as if they had wings behind them, as if they were not affected by gravity,
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risk, danger, entertainment 3, and unpredictability, incredible complexity and battle of nerves. everything we love for, figure skating, that was great, and flying on eve, like in a dream, the russian jumping championship, live broadcasts on january 20 and 21 at the first. big game live, i was surprised to learn two figures today: there are already 29 brands of chinese and chinese auto industry represented on the russian automobile market, of which 19 appeared for the first time in 2023,
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i admit that even a significant part of them i heard for the first time today, just by reading this list, really. our relations with china are developing more than successfully, and if you believe chinese statistics, our trade turnover last year already exceeded 240 billion.
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what they say is absolutely correct, because that out of 19.5 million who voted, only 5.5
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million voted for lajc, that is , he essentially has no support, he is only a third of the support of all voters, a huge part of the voters voted for the people's party and a significant part of the zagamendans, this means that taiwanese society is in limbo, that is, on the one hand, they do not want to change the status quo, they do not want to part with their privileged special position in relation to china, on the other hand, they do not want to fight. economically, socially, compatriots unite, but that was not the case in the sixteenth year america is doing everything to
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win, today, that is, january 13, what is happening, finally, is almost 100% hope for a peaceful reunification under the rule of the dpp for the next four , or maybe 8 years, they go somewhere very far into the distant historical perspective, no one doubts that during all these 8 years taiwan will be pumped up with weapons, there will be anti-chinese provocations, ukraine will be created from taiwan, that is, lind for our viewers just. but this is what essentially comes to this, which means this story is an important point , the second thing is that we also said on friday, we still won in parliament, most of the preponderance is those who do not want any independence, gamindan has 52 votes out of 113, then there is no 2/3 in order to change the constitution, which means there is no such majority... and of course, the people's party is also against inclusion in the constitution, that is, the constitution cannot be changed and
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independent taiwan declared, but this is not at all does not exclude the fact that in these few years in taiwan very radical changes can be made in relation to supporters of integration with china, there may be a lot of pressure on them, this does not at all exclude military action, military operations on the orders of the americans, as soon as the economic situation in everything can worsen in the world, as you talked about in the first block of the program about the so-called disease x, in the nineteenth year also in the world... a small recession began, and as we know, after that a pandemic began, here all this can to recoup closer to the end of this year, this is an explosive situation, it may already happen at the end of this year and... most likely after the presidential elections in the united states. yes, the situation is not simple, it is clear that the moment someone in power in taiwan says that taiwan is independent, china will start a war. the americans can provoke this at any time, but for now the position of the united states, as biden formulated it, at least as expressed by reuters, we do not support taiwan’s independence -
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biden said, that is, the united states does not want this war yet, but if. said, he would support it, so i think a war could start right there, in fact, everything depends on one word, in fact, uttered in washington, even more so than in taiwan, and of course, the americans could not immediately send a delegation, as they called it , a high-ranking delegation, but this high-ranking delegation consists of retirees, one of them, a well -known former national security adviser in the bush jr. administration steve hadley.
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taiwan is an inalienable part of china. china firmly opposes the us maintaining any official contacts with taiwan. the united states must faithfully abide by the one-china principle. we are for independence, but they will still send delegations. alekseevich, a very important point, remember how anxiously the world once perceived nansipilos’s visit. there were a lot of discussions, they believed that the plane would be shot down. will be shot down, now the united states of america has decided to act differently. there was a lot questions about who they will send to conduct certain negotiations, for congratulations so that they can hand over documents on the formation of a certain course. how next, what vector can be pursued. many analysts said that michael pompeo would go there. and besides , michael pompeo himself has repeatedly said that i want to be the one,
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the ambassador, the ambassador who would be ready to convey certain information. and surprisingly, lately. pompeo is crossed out and replaced with completely different players, mind you, they play for those players which can be written off, they have already been written off , that is, by and large, the united states of america is now developing some kind of new strategy, they are not ready at the present time, when there are several already existing conflicts, to move on to a tough confrontation with china, which is why retirees who should convey information about how the united states of america will work separately with parliament and separately with presidents, divide conquer what has always been the united states of america, now two independent ones will appear strategies: how to work with the office of the president of taiwan, or the so-called president of the administration of taiwan, because the head is, after all, in beijing, but the parliament is much more complicated. this is where more serious lobbying efforts are needed, and the united states of america will now gather a certain pool of vote collectors so that they can exert manipulative influence within
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parliament. the game is just starting. well, actually, the united states never really stopped. use china in their interests against the soviet union, but now they are clearly using taiwan openly against china, and using against china any, in my opinion, measures of economic and political pressure, which promotes ties between russia and china, since we are an important strategic rear for china in this situation, but the united states is pushing to...
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who will negotiate with sergei vikanich lavrov. tsoisonkhi is already in moscow. well, our contacts have generally intensified dramatically recently. another thing is that in the west they are trying to imagine this, that we are mainly in contact with north korea in order to solve certain military problems, military plan, you know, there were insinuations about the shells, missiles and so on, north korean, in fact, of course, this is not so, it all started with that the united states and allies. intensifying our contacts at all levels, it is clear that this was quite a big headache for the united states and south korea and what is happening now, you know,
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i believe that this is connected primarily all with the fact that they are now trying to use south korea, let’s say, not only the united states, look, the poles are signing contracts with them for tanks, aviation and missile weapons, while i have great doubts that they will give the money back, the poles, in my opinion , never gave away the money, but nevertheless the contract. and there is the united states putting pressure on south korea so that south korea takes a clear, specific position on even the issue of arming the ukrainian side, because the koreans are still, the south koreans are still trying tack, although there was a moment that they gave 100,000 155 mm shells to the americans, the americans said that this would go to ukraine for their shells, these 100,000 they will be put in a warehouse, the united states, how... to replace those that were given to ukraine, in general the game is quite primitive, but on the other hand it is clear that the koreans are there, both the northern and southern ones are in direct sight
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of each other, in fact, they can cover it in one gulp , i am proud that i grew up in it, was born and live, be always just as beautiful, multifaceted and majestic, thank you. whiskey mancacher, a product of the steller group. former prime minister of latvia and current head of mit krisjanis karins. and he doesn’t feel sorry for anything for the people. no ice in winter, no grass in summer. he sings songs about this. problems in the economy and public finances are getting worse and worse. and he simply gobbled up 600 euros from the latvian budget at the expense of personal comfort and well-being. take the trouble to learn our national language. we are talking about the public deliberate humiliation of russians in latvia, who are forced to retake the exam.
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there will be deportation, i think it will affect at least a thousand people. he came to the territory of the us embassy in riga every single day. he was preparing the country for war, that's what they were doing. this is such an american look. karizh must choose whether he is a latvian citizen or a us citizen. he considers himself, he is going. to go to work in brussels, but he doesn’t feel sorry for the latvians in latvia. arthur skrišyani from karinzh, come latvian. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. you will have two children, professor, and your career, by the way, is not the main thing for you. comrade dronova, a business executive, does not have sufficient qualifications. i'm very sorry that this happened. “i beg you very much, forgive me, please , i don’t want such love, i want to live in myself, where
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did the french drug silicone come from in your medical institution, if they pass, this is the end, i won’t leave it like this, the pictures are ready, my mistakes, light! doctor preobrazhensky, new episodes, watch the time after the program, you knew everything and remained silent in order to get the position of chief physician. maria vladimirovna, since we now have to work with european politicians? the minsk agreements gave ukraine more time.
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in gangster films about the love of guys for robberies, it really is rubbish, but the new wave brought love for cinema, without love there are no films, he is the child of
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the cinema. he himself says that he grew up in the cinema museum in paris, he knows the role of watching old films, films are not good enough for the audience, but the audience is often not good enough for films, they say that people do not understand my films, so what about myself i don’t understand them, matador, jean-luc gadard, two or three things i don’t know about him, on friday at... the first, private screening with alexander gordon, so
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do you like the film, absolutely original?
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the budget in america has not been adopted, there could have been another default on the nineteenth, but republicans and democrats agreed, let’s hear what it is about: congressional leaders agreed on a short-term spending agreement that will avoid a new government shutdown until march. republican hardliners threatened to derail the talks, the day before the first funding approval deadline was set for january 19. the emergency bill, known as a continuing resolution, would run through march 1 for some federal agencies whose funds are set to run out on friday and extend the remainder of government operations until march 8. the continuing resolution means that financing will be carried out according to the previous year’s budget, which does not include 61 billion for ukraine. there must be a special agreement about this, which is becoming less and less
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probable. and biden was asked what to do, what he answered. what will be your next step to help ukraine. if my republican colleagues do not fund ukraine, they will pay dearly for it. that's all. it is unknown what the republicans will pay. today , republicans begin choosing their candidate for president. the big four, well i think now. will tell you what the balance of power looks like in the american election campaign in the republican party, but you need to clearly understand that today there is a mastadon leader, this is trump, in any case, all the other candidates that we have enough rumors, be it ramo with you, it will be desantis, today they are catching up, but there is no need to rush and draw conclusions that trump is already a leader, that he was elected , that everything is fine, great, no, by no means
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, now there is - trump is the absolute leader today, and many people want, at least stretching their hand above their heads, just to take a picture of what will happen today in iowa. nika helly is the fourth candidate is probably not the most successful to date, but she did get some pretty good votes. nika halley, we remember her, she was the representative of the united states of america to the united nations. but you know, everything can change overnight, if trump is arrested and put in prison,
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then the list will rise. very much, we must pay tribute, ramo is with you, the indian candidate, who, like a jack-in-the-box, just jumped out of the scene and is gaining enormous popularity, he calls things his own names, he talks about me, the whole world, so that there is a maximum number of conflicts in the world. let me remind you that with the intensification of the american political struggle, as many as 54 conflicts in the world are beginning to flare up in... in each of these conflicts there is a role for the united states of america, here is the paratrooper, he is the most hesitant candidate today, they seemed to say , that maybe he would be a good president, he has almost all the reasons, a traditionalist, and a family, and there are
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children, but, but his attitude towards russia is not the best the best thing for understanding international problems , despite his excellent legal education, is also very close to the democrats, he says one thing, in reality something else happens, again, to continue conflicts in... well, you know, this is a very interesting question, vyacheslav alekseevich, because of all those listed, without even touching on democrats and republicans, they all take a very strong anti-chinese systemic position, that is, even ramaswamy, everyone else, not
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to mention trump and so on, they all say that the systemic enemy of the united states is china, all of them actually reflect not some attitude of the elite, but the attitude of broad sections of the american population, in which a certain anti-china has developed. direction , this is what the chinese are extremely, extremely concerned about, no matter who wins the elections of the united states, the policy of the united states is aimed at containing china will not change in 24, this can already be predicted with a 100% result, with the exception of probably one, gavin newsom, who visited sidinpin in the past year, at the end of last year, and who sidin pi came to visit, in fact, to meet with biden in california, really does not distinguish him. anti-chinese sentiments , perhaps the chinese would not mind if such a neutral candidate could appear as the leader of the united states and maybe somehow try to stabilize, although this would be very difficult to do until the end, but about chinese candidates in the american elections just does not exist does not exist neither
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in one party nor in another, this is this too, by the way, it works on the relationship between russia and china, so you are on your way, comrades, but an event occurred in america that is unprecedented. this has never happened in america, never, in the entire history , in the state of texas, local authorities kicked out the federal border service, which, as they believe, does not properly guard the border of the state of texas, they simply kicked out the federal border guard, instead they installed their own national guard, and the united states border patrol, the administration biden has already contacted her in a panic. the highest, supreme court, which must make a decision on this issue, because there are really no precedents, the federal authorities, the federals have always had priority in depriving any
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questions, they unquestioningly protected the federal state border. texas said, no, we will guard it, because you are letting too many people through, the conflict, in fact, especially against the backdrop of talk about texas separatism about the statehood of texas to secede from the united states, promises a generally fun situation, well, you know, there are, of course , the actual roots of that situation, because there were once the texas rangers, those who, strictly speaking, were always a problem for the federal government in the united states, even in the 19th century, because they acted on the basis from the interests of the governor of texas. and the people of texas , as they said, they did not obey , in general, by and large, the feds and they were constantly trying to destroy them, close them down, and so on, now the situation is also very similar to the one that was in the 19th century and where- that -
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the first half of the twentieth with the texas rangers, and texas again takes into its own hands the protection of its own borders, but again we remember that texas once 1800. in general , there is a big story about claims against washington: you are us if you don’t want to study, let us deal with ourselves, ourselves; in fact, that’s what they’re asking for. i remember the appearance, by the way, of the texans, ah, during the events in ukraine. this was also significant. texans came from america and, in general, had a very negative attitude towards the fact that happens in kyiv, to the maidan and so on. they criticized him. i think there are quite a lot of people there who... in general, they will now take advantage of this situation
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, and especially since - remember, trump promised once, when, that means, he promised hell to his own and therefore his opponents, the tykha people are precisely the people who can be the basis of that force, which can go after trump, just like the guys with rifles from the midwest. how will this story end with the 1845 organization of texas when they were part of the united states of america, there was a small point.
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and having clearly weak cards, they are trying to chaoticize the world situation , it is possible to start a new pandemic in order to fish in troubled waters, but it is by and large impossible to control chaos, he who sows the wind can reap the storm, our cause is just , victory will be ours. we'll hand over to the news and see you again at 5:00 p.m.
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hello, on the first channel there is a news release, in the maxim sherfuddinov studio, the construction of schools, the integration of new regions into the russian education system, preparation teachers, these topics were discussed today in the kremlin. vladimir putin held a meeting with the head of the ministry of education sergei kravtsov, he reported everything to the president.


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