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tv   Doktor Preobrazhenskii  1TV  January 15, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm MSK

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what am i doing? i am committing the theft of socialist property, my dear, you are so good, we will succeed. vika will take these jars
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to paris through the diplomatic corridor, sell them for francs to a little man from our embassy , ​​buy us the best silicone in the world, yes vikulya, it’s easy, one employee has established connections there, he resells everything he brings from the union, icons, jewelry , fur, whatever, will it help us later to transport the alliance through the port of batumi? in batum our person will meet him, pack him beautifully with a proven driver. he’ll send you to us as a distraction , he’ll also bring you some nonsense, well, there ’s bata, mari baltic creams, antiseptics, well, most importantly, more stuff, my knees are shaking, to be honest, and if everything turns out, we’ll cover it for you, no worry, i guarantee, pull yourself together, thinking about the fact that you will have the most important patient of your entire career.
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give me beauty and another spring, i love you just as before, forgive my dream, even if i leave, i will stay. with you forever, i'll stay with you forever, i'll stay with you you forever, even if i leave, i will stay there like that, forever, give me beauty, i will believe in a miracle, find my star.
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as the acting chief physician of the beauty institute, i would like to gladly announce that now in our institute the priority is again for surgery and research activities, science is the guardian of beauty, this is our motto. i have gathered you to celebrate the first sign on the path of discovery, yup, a unique development for the correction of a large- area hypertrophic burn scar. the operation was performed by a friend
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mikhailov andrey ivanovich. i will ask comrade mikhailov to say a few words about his operation, please, thank you, but now i would like to invite here the real heroine of this operation, please, please, yes, thank you for agreeing to my persuasion, of course, traces of the operation will only pass through a couple of months, but... and the result is already visible, a separate, separate thank you to grigorievich for entrusting me, so to speak, with the most precious thing, thank you, thank you,
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thank you, svetlana gennadievna, i didn’t have time to talk to you earlier. that's it, i understand affairs and just know that if you have any problems, if you need advice, experience, talk just in the end, i’m here, thank you, i would like to stay to head the cosmetology department. svetlana gennadievna, i have my own team of doctors, as is usually the case. they brought it from the river, you have one week to transfer the affairs, i was afraid to say it to my face, but nothing is needed
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anymore, your puppet has already said everything, but i’m warning you, you won’t be able to turn the tables on throwing me out, not you and not me . talk to her and decide everything.
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zosia, leave me alone, please, you are just wasting your time, and mine. why are you babysitting me? well, i can’t leave you alone. what about babysitting? the operation was in vain, i’m still an exhibit, originally from the camera. and
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the scar, this one. will be all my life, there is no more shiram, there is only a very beautiful girl zosya. “she’s sitting in front of me now , it’s nice to meet you, you’re joking about how this is at the wrong time, edik, but what do you need, and what do you need, and this will never end, yes, maybe you’re right?” maybe i'm in trouble, that's it
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he, now this is acceptance, i’ve been waiting for this stage for a long time, well, you understand that your dismissal is an order from above, preobrazhensky has outplayed us, we won’t throw him off while for... such forces stand, so my advice to you , not even advice, instructions, i order you to retreat, nothing, nothing, our time will come too, but now for now go to the sea, relax, and i ’ll find you some cozy place here, but let’s not be stubborn, hurry up, please dismiss me voluntarily, no statement.
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in yekaterinburg there is an enterprise that produces innovative detergents, we at wonderlab combine nature and technology, this is a biomicrogel, made from apples, beets, corn, mm , it smells like an apple, you are the same person who gave a second life to the famous soviet sneakers, scanned the soles, modern technology, the sole that leaves marks of balls on the ground, raw denim, made on vintage shuttle-type looms, just what jeans fans need, delicious bundles of joy, not just a healthy quick breakfast, but also profitable for someone
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business. it all started with making granola in the kitchen at home. our everything. how does certification help save lives in different situations? today is the first one. in the debriefing area, the director of the film air , alexey german, and the performer of one of the main roles, elena lyadova. during these evolutions, when your wing is on fire, oil in your face, and also smoke, in
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fact i was scared, they conveyed this feeling of human existence in inhuman conditions, i just got a lump in my throat, i believed podcastlab tomorrow on the first, maria vladimirovna, how should we work with european politicians now? you work with european politicians, the minsk agreements were reached.
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private screening with alexander gardon. so do you like the movie? an absolutely original and powerful film language. the genre breaks down, suddenly they go into such an oops and monologue. have you already understood what you are talking about at the script level? yes, sure. the viewer must see what happens to these characters from beginning to end. they are real and alive all
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the way, he plunges into the depths of human relationships. i looked at the picture. i forgot about it, and in the morning i wake up, i suddenly have a shock that in the end, whether they are together or not, the sessions start from january 20 on saturdays on the first, sometimes people fly like birds, as if they were born for this, as if they have wings behind their backs as if they were not affected by gravity . risk, danger, entertainment, and unpredictability, incredible complexity and battle of nerves, everything we love for, figure skating, that was great, flying,
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like in a dream, the championship. russia in jumping, live broadcasts on january 20 and 21 on the first. how are you feeling? are you no longer dizzy? actually, he gets dizzy, sometimes. i'm thinking, maybe i should get tested? come on, it can't get any worse. let's see your hemoglobin and whether everything is normal.
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girl , i'm sorry, there's no room in the reading room, do you mind if i sit down, this is your original way of meeting girls, in the library, than the library is worse than any other place you read, yavtushenko, i like it, yavtushenko, i really like it , here is an unfamiliar nakhalo, i like it, yeah. marlene, see, we already know each other, what’s your name? felicia, it's a pleasure. tell me, felicia, what would you think if i invited you to a cafe? there was already a cafe, eddie. and generally speaking.
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no one tried to get acquainted, and if they did, they saw it, only zorin, oh, no, no, please, i was scared, okay, that’s it, not a word about it. why felicia, i don’t know, that’s the first thing that came to my mind, but why marlene? and i have a gift for you, what, a new game, here you go, where did you
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get it? i have a friend who is a driver at the brazilian embassy. this is lovely, well , come on, uh-huh, okay, come on, i'll do it myself. i don’t understand what this could be, suddenly the dizziness became more frequent, i always thought that i could go into space. in childhood i even took part in sports, athletics , i showed hope, i dreamed of becoming an olympic champion, can you imagine, well, it might even be
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good that they didn’t, these champions break their noses, get injured and not to say that they are bursting with health, but this girl was lying there, a gymnast, i saw her photo in the newspaper, i forgot her last name, blonde so snub-nosed. makovskaya for sure, well , whether she’s snub-nosed or not, i didn’t see why, because her facial injury was covered in bandages, only her eyes were sticking out, oh, be patient, you still have to give birth, thank you. have you really come to see a woman who is a member of the politburo, that you are so embarrassed by the same people, come on, no,
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my dear, these are completely different people. come in, when you are ready for the procedure, as soon as the silicone arrives, i will let you know, okay, how long will these injections take to heal, i understand medicine, these are irkin’s songs are about the fact that i will run after the procedure like a hammer, i don’t need to drink, soft tissues, they are damaged in any case, y... according to french experience, recovery takes no more than 5 days, well, i don’t believe about 5 days, but in 10 days i
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have to be at a meeting with brezhnev in perfect condition, and so that no one understands anything except that i have become damn good, can you do it? of course, and no signs of interference, this is the advantage of the drug, okay, so on friday at 10, prepare properly, because i have it will be exactly 40 minutes, and no anesthesia, of course, not even local. a leader of my level has no right to lose control of himself, i heard about your troubles,
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dear, everything can be solved, provided that we understand each other, of course. look for enemies, leave her alone, and you will work together, okay, what did you find so strange in these invoices? found, leva, found, look what dronova ordered last time, glycerin, talc, alcohol. so what? she ordered this in batumi,
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is there no glycerin or alcohol in moscow? there is alcohol in moscow, there is. do you know what moscow doesn’t have, an international seaport? oh, don’t get too carried away, really, well, well, there’s probably some simple explanation. here are some other agreements, something is wrong here, lion, something is wrong, you have to be on alert with this drone. here is a list of members of the commission for the candidacy of the head physician of the beauty institute, well, instead of these, one of ours, only women.
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well, i’m the chairman, and let seryozha lavrentyev from the kgb call me, yes, okay, we can congratulate you, you’ll go to war again in the ranks olympics, yes, i’m fully trained now, i’m training hard, my program will include a new difficult element, a turn.
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different people, someone took tests for you, excuse me, i don’t understand what you mean, i’m in training, but the career of the talented surgeon who helped you depends on you, yes, who will think about my career? thank you dear for your help, good afternoon, reso, that’s right, yes, svetlana gennadievna, yes, here’s sweet greetings from sunny batumi, thank you, treat me svetlana gennadievna, what is this?
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silicone, and what were you going to do with it, there were no tests of silicone in the union , you forgot about collagen threads, without making my mistakes, destroy, light, republic. ge is one of the smallest regions of russia, only half a million people live in it, but despite this, it is a republic with a huge heart. moscow - the capital of russia is famous for its, stay tower. we also have the ancient city of yelets, hospitable zadonsk, and in general a lot of tasty and interesting things. friends, if you have not been to the baltic sea, correct that
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immediately. the region is the amber pearl of our country, in general we have a wonderful country, which i am proud of, proud that i grew up, was born and live in it, always be as beautiful, multifaceted and majestic, thank you, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group . let's do without medications, unexpected ways to lower blood pressure, what ketchup contains, exposure, saying goodbye to glasses, laser against myopia, the program to live healthy, helps and enlightens, tomorrow on the first day, saya, ready, yes, i think it's a movie. show
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only love stories in war films are about the guy’s love for weapons, in gangster films, about the guys’ love for trespass, things are really rubbish, but the new wave brought love for cinema, without love there are no films, he is the child of the cinema, he himself says that he grew up in the film museum in paris, he knows the role of watching old films, the films are not good enough for the audience, but also for the audience...
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the flow is lethal, take it, listen, stop minding your own business, light, i defend your place is at the institute, but you're on your own, well come on, go, report me to the right place, you know the route, you know , i’m ready to do anything for you, but as a doctor, gosh, don’t be afraid, i take full responsibility, i ’ve translated all the instructions, you can practice, you can practice on me, gosh, don’t betray me, but don’t let me down, please, no,
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i can’t do this, natasha is my friend, she went through so much to go to the olympics, please do this to her, katerina, don’t be a fool, you why did you come to the sport, only one will receive gold, only one will fly to the olympics, and now you are in the best form, makovskaya, that i gave her a chance, you know, she didn’t take advantage of it, she’s a loser, she doesn’t interest me. and you want to sacrifice your career for her? here, here, the plane is the day after tomorrow, go and train, okay, come on, go, i, go,
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for what? please let me know, thank you. good evening, andrey ivanovich, you’ve finally come out, i’ve been waiting for you. well, i told you on my last visit that if you have no complaints, then no examination is required. but i wasn’t waiting for you for an examination, close your eyes, close, well, it’s good that you you feel it, it smells delicious, i baked it myself, for
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you, well, it seems to me that i can discharge you, i’m fine, i’m fine. because you are with me, come to my place for dinner tomorrow , if you want, i’ll cook something, you like hodgepodge, let’s go to the park on sunday for the amusement rides, come on, well, i love hodgepodge, yes, the park, mm, yes, the park is good too , mm, delicious , mm, very tasty, i haven’t eaten homemade food for 100 years , you’re the one...
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look how runny it is, it’s not at all like fat, yes, you should at least try it on rabbits first, there’s no time, i'll be a rabbit i feel. sector, i’m taking it only because you need the help of a cosmetologist , otherwise you would have done such things, kitty, i really appreciate it, there is a huge risk of migration of the drug, it’s better not to touch your face, i would choose the upper third of the shoulder, right here. yes, you are right, the migration rate is much lower,
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don’t be afraid, you are a beautiful woman, how will it all end. we don’t know, come on, when i say. 6:00 in the morning, listen to the radio,
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i’m sorry, i didn’t want you to be there, to figure everything out alone, well, no, come on, you’ll have two. coincidence, although i still don't understand how
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no one dragged you into the tax office, they dragged you, but this is not the best story, well, at least the general thesis , if you please, he was an ideal man, and my parents really wanted me to get married, i’m old, right? for a minute, well, in general , he proposed, i foolishly agreed, there he was standing in the zakse, the guests had gathered, and i got out of the car and left, in a wedding dress, then, it seems, i walked all over moscow, i understood that i will be ashamed later that they won’t forgive me for this, but i walked and it felt so easy for me, i would like to see you then, right? "i i promised myself that day that i would get married
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only if i met my man, no more, because it’s necessary or it’s time, you know, you know, i thought, move in with me, so quickly, why wait?” it’s just better to get away, zosya soon came
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in. light, divorce is some kind of mistake , don’t do that, i apologized, what else do you want, i didn’t even hit, i just lost it, kostya, there will be a divorce, i realized that a long time ago, i just. i was afraid to admit it to myself, i made up my mind, now i feel much better, your face is red, you feel fine, fine, so that's it, i'm sorry, i have to go, seagull, it's behind you, yes, it's behind me.
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lie down on the sofa, i recommend acting in several stages, no, we have to do this today, today we will remove the creases between the eyebrows and trim them onto the labial fold, you will immediately look younger and fresher, you talk too much, do it already. oh, cat, wait, let’s completely relax our face. so that no facial expressions, and we take the ampoules and leave, are you drunk or something, have you gone completely crazy here, we will not give injections, excuse me, please, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, urgently go to the hospital,
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silicone is toxic, are you making me look like a fool, what kind of a show is this, come on, leave the ampoules with... a normal doctor will do it, this is a dangerous drug, i won’t give it to you, i’m a doctor, we’re leaving, this is the end, i won’t leave this like this, god, light, forget about the beauty institute, forget about medicine, no one dares to do this to me. i can’t feel my shoulder, she tried this silicone on herself, a specialist on the past and future in one bottle, a writer of a brief history of the world to
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order, a favorite of transnational rich people, pseudoscientist yuval harari, the most important thing to know about the future is that people will soon be hackable. biotechnology will be used to grant a small elite superhuman status. behind him are globalists, he is voicing what they have always wanted to hear and see, they want to feel like a god. arali is a preacher of transhumanism, but most importantly of depopulation, the destruction of a significant part of humanity, computers will surpass us in most tasks performed, and people will simply become unnecessary. this is 21st century fascism only.
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what was the cause of the energy crisis? was it an explosion of nord stream 2? this did not happen in norway, it probably happened on the territory of sweden and denmark, everyone was handed over. the vavan and lexus show, premiering wednesday on the first. every time the same question: i don’t know how they fall for all this or agree.
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closed screening with alexander gardon, that's how you like the film, absolutely original and powerful film language, breaking the genre. suddenly they go into such a big monologue, you already understood what you’re talking about now level of the script, yes, of course, the viewer must see what happens to these characters from beginning to end, they are real and alive all the way, he plunges into the depths of human relationships, i looked at the picture and forgot about it, and in the morning i suddenly wake up and have a blast , that in the end they are together or not, the beginning of the sessions is from january 20 to saturdays on the first. flying on eva, like in a dream, russian jumping championship, live broadcasts.
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as a result, i’ll make an incision now, be patient, the silicone has migrated into the tissue, i can’t handle it alone. oh, well, not this,
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i told you to throw out this rubbish, do you even understand that we don’t know how to inject it or how to remove it, i think the main thing now is to help svetlana gennadievna, they couldn’t buy a rat? you understand the effect faster on yourself , well, how well i understood, i know that the reaction started immediately, you knew about it, it’s not gosha ’s fault, it was my decision, it ’s not easy to remove silicone, you need to enlarge the incision, there will be a big scar, please, i have no time for scars now, so prepare the operating room urgently.
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come on, apologize, bitch, fuck you,
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he'll be there next week for coats, yes, i have just a salary. we begin, what happened, a change in the composition of colleagues, nonsense, now everything will begin. good afternoon, comrades, chairman of the board, liliya
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sergeevna, koreneva, there are a number of important issues on the agenda today. is successfully engaged in new directions, under her leadership a unique operation was carried out within the walls of the institute, comrade dronova , a business executive, he does not have sufficient qualifications, and the soviet union - it was, is, will be a leader in science, and we must maintain this bar in all areas and including medicine.
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fiery speech, comrade veprev , i don’t know how to do that, i’ll just say it like a woman, fate brought me together with comrade dronova, she is an extremely stubborn, sometimes willing to break, difficult woman, but i was convinced that for her
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the patient’s health is the most the main thing and... i consider it inappropriate to change the head physician of the beauty institute. let's move on to another question.
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what did you say to him? what he considered necessary, jonas, wait, all is not lost, your place is here in moscow, i will arrange everything, you will remain a surgeon at the institute, my place was next to family, it’s you, you pulled me into your games, what kind of games, i wanted you to create, and i wanted to be.
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a taxi was ordered for five, i didn’t even say goodbye , there’s still time, we’ll make it, let’s go, where , faster, faster, lion, we can’t make it, it’s far away, god, why didn’t i just forbid her, why didn’t i stop her, so stop panicking , we're almost there. even if we had time, she wouldn’t want to see me, she did the right thing by leaving, she always does the right thing, yonos, come to me, well, you can’t be alone in this state, no, i want to beat
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one. sorry, ilzhe, dad! daddy , i thought i wouldn’t see you, daddy, idiot, i can’t live without you, i couldn’t get on this damn plane, what a fool, why are you such a fool to me, how much i love you, i love you too dad and i...
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thank you. hello, hello, senior investigator of the obhs major volkov, we are interested in the documentation of the cosmetology department, here is the
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search warrant, we need to interrogate tovaricha dronov, good evening! there's a big game on the air. today vladimir putin spoke by telephone with indian prime minister narendra modi. they noted successes in trade and economic humanitarian relations between russia and india and wished each other success in the upcoming elections. let me remind you that this year there will be presidential elections in russia and parliamentary elections in india. the minister of foreign affairs and defense of russia, respectively, sergei lavrov and sergei shaigu, held telephone conversations with their iranian vzovi today. and finally, today the minister of foreign affairs began a three-day visit to moscow. but also as vladimir putin’s press secretary dmitry said today peskov, it is possible that the head of
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the gray korean mit is also noticeable to vladimir putin. in general, we'll keep an eye on it. meanwhile, in the united states, primaries start today - these are primary elections, based on the results of which presidential candidates from the main parties are determined, well, according to tradition, they will begin today with the so-called caucuses, that is , not... for 10 years in the world, i quote, a multipolar or fragmented world order will be established, in which medium and large players will find


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