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tv   Nashe vsyo  1TV  January 16, 2024 12:00am-12:49am MSK

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well, yes, this is an absolute dead end for the group, the forces of means that have allocated politically, biden is catastrophically losing within his own party and the democratic electorate due to support for israel, in international relations biden is losing, since the world majority is up in arms not only and not so much against israel, against the united states and its policy of double standards, now the united states has also started a new war.
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completed the act of aggression, because their attacks on the houthis are nothing more than aggression in in accordance with the charter of the united nations, they once again disavowed the un security council resolution, which had just been adopted by the security council right before these strikes, which does not give the united states the right to carry out such strikes, and also risks being drawn into another middle east war instead in order to somehow taxi out of the middle east and more. this is where we end, great game, goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, goodbye.
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good morning valera, wake up, my name is polina vorobyova, right now i’ll tell you what to eat for breakfast? it all started with me making granola in the kitchen, at home, what should i wear? but it’s very cool to touch the past, we are, in some way, such archaeologists from fashion, how to clean all kinds of stains, making a product that is both effective and environmentally friendly, safe and affordable is very difficult. also, who tests these products for safety? it is very important to certify these products so that counterfeit products do not end up on the market. to the consumer, for this we are responsible. but most importantly, everything i talk about is ours, our everything.
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granola is oatmeal baked to a delicious crunch with a honey crust, nuts, dried fruits, pour over your favorite yogurt, add berries, enjoy every morning, who would have thought that the granola was not invented by a cook, a doctor, and that these delicious bundles of happiness are not just healthy and a quick breakfast, but also a profitable business for someone. this is lena. elena naumova, founder of granola lab, former tv journalist. my life changed dramatically when i became interested in studying healthy nutrition. at first i prepared granola for myself, then i went to the markets of moscow festivals. in 2017, she completed training under the startup academy program at the skolkovo moscow school of management and began developing the company. now produces ready-made breakfast mixes and nutritional bars.
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own brand, uses only natural ingredients in its granola, 50% nuts and dried fruits in each serving, the company produces 30 tons of baked granola per month granola, what are you and i going to cook today? and today we will prepare chiya puddings of different colors, we use only natural dyes, and i will show that in order to make bright, cool, tasty colored food, we do not need to use anything harmful, finally i will learn at least something -to cook. our base is greek yogurt and we will also need chia seeds. tell me, this is your granule, right? yes, this is our granola , it is a nut formula. we have blue granola, black, pink, orange. for example, in this granola we use turmeric. that's why she's so yellow. please tell me how it all began? it all started with the fact that i was interested in all kinds of healthy eating. was subscribed to one. there were all
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kinds of muesli, what is the fundamental difference between muesli and granules? muesli is an inexpensive product that uses sugar, candied fruits, which have very few nuts, they are not baked in any way in production, that is , when you pour, for example, warm milk, muesli turns into porridge, granola is baked, so you don’t need to pour it in, we can just take it and eat it, that is, it’s a finished product. so, we have prepared three bases, and now we need to color them, and i suggest you paint them brown using - natural cocoa and tepenambura syrup, you were preparing granola in the kitchen, how did you come to create
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your own mini-empire? i was looking for some kind of alternative, a sweet breakfast, some unusual recipes, and just then this trend for healthy eating came to us, i... called my friend, we prepared four at home type of granola, we still have them in our assortment, these are nut, chocolate-melon, mulberry and berry, these are four types of granola, no, we went to the wholesale market and bought 10 kg of almonds, 10 kg of cherries, well, in general, all of mine house in nuts, oatmeal, 2 months passed, probably, and my friend and i began to participate in some festivals every weekend, i came up with some very basic name, the first thing that came to my mind was granola lab, granola laboratory, we bought aprons green, put on some caps and a logo, i had a friend girl, designer, for 5,000 rubles she somehow beautifully put together these two words, and we put this logo on glass jars,
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we packed granola in them and sold them at festivals, and what got you hooked? i liked that people... bought the product that i prepared, gave me good feedback, of course, everything was not rosy and there were many different problems, well , tell me what difficulties we faced, i took on too much a lot, didn’t hire technologists on time, and we released the first batch, we had 50 packs, but we didn’t dry it completely, and after a week it became moldy, people started calling us and saying that we had mold in the gronolin , like that, but it was my path, my rake, so to speak, that i went through, and of course now we... we don’t do that anymore, but tell us how production has grown from the very beginning, well , it’s clear, you started on your own, by yourself, by yourself, and now what kind of team do you have, who helps you? 20 people constantly work with me, some of them work outsourced, for example, they help with sales, help with sales on marketplaces,
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accounting documents, and the most important thing is production, the main core of people, 12 people, when necessary we hire additional employees, we have 400 m2, we do a ton. per shift, this is how much a shift is 12 hours, 25, probably tons , for quite a long time, unfortunately, i was not focused on profit, i liked the very idea that i have a production, we are doing something, this is something sold somewhere, the first purchase was probably about 100,000 rubles. for a year , i probably didn’t count at all, it was a mistake, now, of course, i think we ourselves in fact, they are not very large on the scale of the universe, we make about 7-8 million rubles in revenue, of which we earn on average. 15-18%. and our competitors are mainly russian. there are several companies in russia, there are quite a lot of imported granola. we are in healthy competition mode. but the main thing is that the trend has already been set, people have become interested in the russian manufacturer. i can take the products that are familiar to me,
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foreign ones, but now i will take the russian manufacturer, because i am interested. and now we have the perfect one breakfast. and most importantly, such a breakfast. will give uh a super healthy nutritious, let's proceed to my favorite stage, no, len, actually, thank you very much for the conversation, thank you very much for being there, thank you, good luck to you, develop, and i'm trying, and valer, come here , the most delicious layer is on the bottom, how’s that? maria calculation, vladimirovna, so how can we work with european politicians now? the minsk agreements gave ukraine more time, this is the most cruel thing
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, it really just put an end to all these very illusions. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group.
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closed show. alexander gordon. so do you like the movie? an absolutely original and powerful film language. the genre is breaking. suddenly they go off into such an oops and monologue. have you already understood what you are talking about at the script level? yes, sure. the viewer must see what happens to these characters from beginning to end. they are real and alive all the way. he dives into the depths of human relationships. i looked at the picture and forgot about it. and in the morning i wake up, i suddenly have bastar. what's at the end? are they together or not? sessions start from january 20 on saturdays on
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the first. what did every boy in the soviet union dream of? of course, about imported jeans and iconic sneakers, which were considered the shoes of champions. their creators could not imagine that such an invention would become an epoch-making phenomenon and the subject of cult of many subcultures and ordinary people around the world. sneakers penetrated soviet cinema, android boy. or the same broken wolf from oh wait, they all portrayed not polished movie images, but ordinary guys in sneakers. two ball, an iconic brand that has been producing sneakers in the soviet union since 1965. in 2016 , entrepreneur ilya nafeev gave the brand a second life. the best materials, time-tested technologies, high quality classic design. were able to once again win hearts around the world, today two swords shoes are produced using the same technology as 50 years
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ago, the brand’s shoes evoke not just nostalgia, but also pride in a high-quality domestic product. ilya, hello, hello, you are the same person who gave a second life to soviet famous sneakers, which, by the way, i’m wearing now, yes, it’s me, but i see that you are also wearing your shoes, yes, these are also two swords, but this is already new. for example, our new model, we
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made it on the basis of our authentic vettes, but like mine, which is tall, yes, but here we lightened the lines a little, simplified the design of the sole, but they are no less cute, it seems to me. ilya nofeev, an entrepreneur by nature. he started his first serious business at the age of 16, started selling garage tools and made it his business. state now owner of a popular shoe and clothing brand; his products are worn not only by russian celebrities, but also by hollywood stars. let's compare, show, yes, all the same main parts, but in a more recent modern design. here, several dozen people are sewing, gluing each rubber element, this is a separate element, we approached the restoration of all the features in great detail. technologies, uh, they kept everything exactly as it was, well, they improved the materials,
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now there are more modern rubber, uh, stronger threads, more, well, that is, everything is the same, but better, and also your logo has changed , yes, it’s good that you noticed, indeed, this is a purely retro logo, two swords, written by hand, but then there were no computers to make these graphics, and this is an authentic line, we are saving it forever, but they also released a new line, and... which is called two imiches, and these are russian letters, also russian, yes, but for the global market we are planning expansion, this is dba, double ball athletics, that is, sports goods and a double ball. a very cool marketing move, we have a talented, creative team that produces this unique result, this is a joint work, everyone brings something of their own, probably a common spirit and a common desire to make a high-quality, beautiful product that will be timeless. two swords are loved by stylish people, and actors, and filmmakers and just fashionistas,
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well, because the same style is really preserved here. which, as they say, you can’t buy with money, this is a unique thing, they have a twist, that is, there are no such things anywhere else, and in this case , you can buy it for very little money, yes, by the way, what kind of people can afford your obsa, beautiful sneakers with a very complex sole with an orthopedic insole, about 5,000 rubles per pair, this is the average price, there are cheaper ones, there are more expensive ones, there are cheaper ones, there are more expensive ones, there are leather sneakers, let’s say a complex sandwich under...
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were created by the soviet government, the ministry of light industry and for many years, even decades, and to this day, these sneakers are actually the dream of many who want to find wonderful sneakers for themselves, there were the best sneakers in the soviet union, that is, you decided not to change the tradition, we decided to strengthen the tradition, what kind of sneakers would you suggest i try on, at my discretion, leopard print, leopard print ones. very beautiful, and you also wanted to offer some kind of alternative, yes, probably yes, i suggest trying on a new model, a new model, in order to compare, to compare, it seems to me, a very elegant, light visual model, it is proposed, we just sat down, so say, in the very heart of two swords, these are the chairs we have here in our store, where did you
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get them from, we made them to order in moscow, there are such manufacturers who can... miracles for those who boldly come up with ideas, who came up with the idea, whose design, my idea, i like to do everything myself, why did you decide to revive the soviet brand, and not invent or create something of your own new, our own, but it’s very cool to touch the past, in some way we dug up such archaeologists from fashion, found it, cleared it of historical dust, restored it, well, how did the idea itself come, i... had an employee who was the first noticed these sneakers and his name is zhenya raikov, and he asked me if i remember these sneakers, in general, what do i know about them, i of course remembered and knew, i wore them, the fact is that i myself come from a large family; we have nine children in the family and i have two older sisters and an older brother, after them this is what i am -i wore the sneakers,
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that is, it hooked me, he offered to do a business, and we started, registered a brand that... was simply ownerless, got hold of old samples, scanned the soles, modern technology that leaves traces of swords on the ground, yes, yes, yes, because, if you look carefully, they are made very interestingly, all these drawings were made by hand, with the help of plaster casts in the sixties there were no 3d printers, 3d scanners of any kind, and it was all done by hand. craftsmen, all kinds of cables here with wheels, they drew all these drawings , telegran work like this, yes, but we scanned it all, created prototypes, orthopedists made a last in it, took into account the peculiarity of the structure of the russians’ legs, in our country the leg is slightly wider than that of the anglo-saxons, so to speak, it
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took 2 years to restore this structure, several contractors were changed, we lost a lot in the process of doing this. on the right side of your feet, this is a new model on
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the diamond base sole, a simpler design, visually, visually simple, but thereby retaining all the main features, balls in the foot support area for ease of turning, that is, it’s all thought out orthopedically, the volleyball net, it has now transformed . in such stripes, which, by the way, makes it easier to bend in this place of the sole, in new models we use a minimalist design, a minimum of edging, we strive for quality, it is excellent, there is simultaneous simplicity in the production of creating models the complexity, the simplicity is that this brand was originally intended to have a strong message, it is very rich and original, and... the difficulty, probably, is to preserve this authenticity and correctly convey it to consumers and not lose it. as far as i know, you have another equally unique
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product, right? yes, which, by the way, is produced entirely in russia. is this your full production cycle? yes, if you are now talking about the grand john orchestra explosion brand, in fact, which i am fully dressed in, then yes, this is a brand since 2009. made somewhere in moscow, made somewhere in moscow, this is our slogan, our concept, we create premium things of a non-conformist type, that is, from the best materials, with complex technologies, we sew them, let's go have a look, then we'll go downstairs, and with pleasure, in creating clothes we use 3d technology, or it can also be called anatomical cutting. we strive to ensure that the product repeats as much as possible the movement of a person, his figure, this gives some kind of special silhouette, recognizable, which can be read when we
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we create things, we create things with a history, each of them is unique, when sewing , we process them in finished form, and this gives them a unique, as if worn, look, having lived a little, but the thing already... has its own history, that is, it is interesting wear, she lives with her owner, looks stylish, each of our items is painted ready-made, this is a unique story for russia, as you understand, different fabrics are used in the jacket, they are different in composition, different in weaving, in density and every detail it can shrink differently, and that's very it’s important to take into account, this is really engineering work, i wanted to draw attention to the jeans, these or these don’t matter, but this, well , you can say, we are experts, the color is beautiful, yes, you see, these jeans in this case, they are so-called dry, that is, they are still have never tried it in water, that is, they - after production, no one has usually
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boiled jeans, treated them somehow, washed them, treated them with softeners and so on, in this case it’s just ro, the so-called raw denim, made on vintage - shuttle-type machines, that is, this is what jeans fans need. and what about the cost? these are expensive jeans, well, these are the world’s top , that is, the very level, the highest standard in jeans, class, i’m proud of you, i really like everything, everything is very stylish and subtle, thank you very much, thank you for, you stole from us from the ukrainians , vysotsky was stolen, akudzhava was stolen, the man was born in moscow, died in paris, he could not have anything to do with ukraine, maybe he toured there someday ukrainian.
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cinema in paris, he knows the role of watching old films, films are not good enough for viewers, but viewers are often not good enough for films, they say that
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people... don’t understand my films, so what, i don’t understand them myself, matodore, jean luc gadage, two or three things that i don’t know about him, on friday at the first, you think i’m fooling around, i ’m doing serious business, i’m preparing the props for filming. i found out that in yekaterinburg there is an enterprise that produces innovative detergents, these products are not simple, but environmentally friendly, they promised to return my snow-white sneakers to their original appearance in 15 seconds. let's check. wonderlab, a brand created by scientists who developed technologies for removing dirt using biomicrogels from apple pulp,
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beet pulp and corn. the company revolutionized the industry, proving to the world that household chemicals can be both environmentally friendly and effective. this is the first russian manufacturer of household chemicals to receive the first type eco-label certificate. it’s magical when i got my sneakers dirty. i’ve already mentally said goodbye to them, tell me what the magic ingredient is that cleaned my sneakers? this biomicrogel made from apples, beets and corn is the main component of our products. at wonderlab we combine nature and technology. while still a graduate student and working at the university, i met my future partner, maxim mironov, a doctoral biotechnologist who solved the problem of transport delivery of drugs inside the human body and used
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biopolymers for this. in the same time. i knew that there were a large number of problems that could be solved using biopolymers, and there was also a global trend towards the transition chemical industry worldwide from fossil feedstocks, petrochemical feedstocks to renewable feedstocks, and microges help better remove dirt by encapsulating it and preventing it from settling on the surface. biomicrogel can clean shoes, dishes, stains on clothes. look, i put on fresh trousers today, here. here are these stains, i still don’t understand what they are, it seems to me that they were made with a steamer, if the stain is difficult to remove, then you can apply a stain remover, my mother is in in childhood i called you a sika deer, you are my little fawn, sika, well, apparently people don’t change with age, we attracted the first investments in 2018, in 2021 an international family office joined us, there were 5-7 of us at the start, but today
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it’s a company that employs more than 100 people. like all over the country. how long does it take to develop a new product? from 4 months to a year. each new product is preceded by almost sixty experimental laboratory samples. make sure the product is effective at the same time and environmentally friendly, safe and affordable , is very difficult. we did this thanks to the fact that we use the unique innovative technology of bimicrogels. but overall, valer, i’m satisfied. result, because, despite the fact that we were unable to identify the contaminant, the stain was washed off; this is the raw material from which biomicrogels are made,
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in particular beet pulp. ivan mitrokhin, operations director, more than 20 years of experience in large manufacturing enterprises. wonderlab built the company's operating system, which includes sales planning, procurement of raw materials and components, as well as production of finished products. this is apple pulp , you have beet pulp in your hands, but corn is also used, this is pulp, this is pulp, and this is pulp, cake, and what is the difference between pulp and cake, well, we ourselves can see visually, yes, by external factors, so it is possible use. it smells like an apple, but you can eat it, i wouldn’t recommend it, because it’s still used for production, not for food, to be honest, i haven’t tried it, palin, you eat it so fragrantly, well, try it already, how many years have you been working in production, teeth can be broken, and on what principle do you select certain fruits and vegetables, what components should be present in them, so that the most important component that should be present is polysaccharides, if,
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for example, if we were in egypt, we could use oranges, in north america it would flow, the main thing is that it contains polysaccharides, we are now actively working with the cis countries, we have signed supply contracts with kazakhstan. companies from kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan. we have more than 60 patents. all over the world. this is great. it's technology, yes. and we are the only unique company that uses this technology in the production of products for home use. where do you produce your biomicrogels? this is done in a separate facility where access is limited. because competitors might get there? ivan, thank you very much for a very interesting
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conversation, i am waiting for an invitation from you to visit the second secret production, for now, we'll definitely invite you, thank you, good luck, we'll do without medications, unexpected ways to lower your blood pressure. what does ketchup contain, exposure, goodbye to glasses, lazar against myopia, program to live healthy, helps and enlightens, tomorrow on the first, sometimes people fly like birds, as if they were born for this. they have wings behind them, as if they are not affected by gravity, risk, danger, entertainment, three and a half
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and unpredictability, incredible complexity and a battle of nerves, everything that we love figure skating for skating, that was great and... flying on eva was like a dream, russian jumping championship, live broadcasts on january 20 and 21 at the first. how does certification help save lives in different situations? and even in this one we will find out right now. serkons is the largest russian
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company providing a full range of services in certification, examinations, audits, industrial safety and other areas. our own unique developments allow experienced experts and engineers to conduct a wide range of tests. today sircons has 31 branches in russia and abroad, the largest network of laboratories in the cis, and the prom mashtest testing center. i understand correctly that your company saves people's lives. of course, the main objective of testing is safety. over the course of 6 years of work in the company, sergey barannikov has worked his way up from an intern to the head of the entire laboratory complex. the main area of ​​activity is electrical safety of equipment and electromagnetic compatibility. in general , how necessary is this? procedures certification for a certain list, it is mandatory, that is, it is established by the customs union, where several countries
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have approved a list of products, a list of requirements for these products, and it is mandatory for testing and passing this procedure. our company stands out. other market participants who test and certify products, because in terms of product range and testing range, we are able to test products in one place according to all types of requirements, which are mandatory for her . what are you checking here? we are testing workwear here, this is our twenty-ohm newton standard mannequin with a walking function that simulates sweating. why is this setting important? this setting shows how comfortable it is for workers to work in the extreme north or cold. here we determine the thermal insulation coefficient, and the thermal insulation of clothing shows us how
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comfortable a person is in certain conditions. what is the lowest temperature in this room? in this room we we can do it down to -40. it is precisely after testing on such a dummy that we sometimes notify manufacturers that their products should not be used in the supposed krasnoyarsk, but it would be better to wear such a suit. in krasnodar, but there are some unique, unusual installations for testing, yes, we have a lot of unique equipment, since we have our own production department , we develop most of the installations ourselves, we also have a unique time machine, and this installation , which imitates artificial aging, do they accidentally test products there, that is, food, is there milk? well , all kinds of materials
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are checked for expiration dates, and in our chemical laboratory we test personal protective equipment, food packaging, furniture, consumer goods, toys, cosmetics, food products, children's playgrounds and attractions. it is very important to certify these products so that counterfeit products do not end up on the market in the hands of consumers, for this we are responsible, these are the bases. products, with whom we meet every day, every minute, that is, the safety of people, the safety of our children and their health depend on it. the undoubted difference of our testing laboratory center is the range of products that we can test here, for example, now we are in the segment of our laboratory where personal protective equipment is tested, but in fact... this term covers as many as 14 product options, from
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gloves, mittens to clothing, shoes, personal protective equipment against falls from heights, carabiners, bringers, anchor lines, now we have seen how tests are carried out. penis equipment, now let's look at the result, what was it, we were at a stand for a comprehensive test of personal protective equipment against falls from a height, we tested a safety harness, and we look at this safety harness, there were any gusts or breaks, also in this test takes into account whether the dummy fell out or did not fall out of this one, we will reset this safety harness four times, since on it has a dorsal fastening element. we reset the chest fastening element
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with the orientation of the legs on top and the orientation of the head on top, you can go jump from a cliff, well, no worries, this product has passed this type of test, we can test a gas welder’s suit right now, does it protect against short-term exposure to flame? to do this, our sample on the frame is lowered into the flame and after 10 seconds we record the result. we check the residual combustion and residual smoldering of the sample. we can see that in the sample the upper lateral edges. therefore, this sample did not pass the test, such a suit will not protect you from
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short-term exposure to flame. one of the rather rare places for testing is the production of personal respiratory protection equipment. in our laboratory, the range of tests that are carried out with these products is quite wide, but we also have gas analyzers, for example , a fairly large number of chambers in... in which we conduct tests with the participation of volunteers, for which purpose this is carried out specifically this is a test to find out how much substance you have under your mask, whose lives i will save, people who will use the mask in the future, where they will use this mask, in contaminated places, well, let's get started, let's, valera and that's it. where to put the substance into the chamber
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, what kind of substance, well, it’s a safe gettorter, and then the installation is measured, how much of the substance is in the chamber, how much gets under the mask, the exercise itself will take about an hour, after an hour it will be clear how much of the substance gets under the mask, yes walk on the treadmill, do exercises, turning my head left, right, up, down, something’s starting to make me feel bad, at least, well, take it off. our laboratory is an independent verification link in confirming the safety of products. you understand that the most important thing is that the person remains unharmed. more about the saw, otherwise valera is breathing unevenly, valerie, i hope you want to find out, and not test it on me, yes, of course, but our test engineer andrey will tell you about the saw, with the help of this saw you can test a package of materials, how presented, we also check shoes and gloves, at the moment this is a package of material
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for a suit, any type of material, any up, there is already a protective material inside, which when cut is wound onto... the chain blocks, let's conduct a test, what is the meaning of this test, threads are wound on the saw, they are wound on the driving mechanism and the saw is blocked, that is, is this some kind of material that should protect against cuts? yes, oh, what are your plans for... the future, in general our company has very ambitious plans, we will open new branches, we will develop new laboratories, like in russia, so in the cis countries, abroad, we will develop new directions where we will definitely be the best, i wish you success, but you have a lot of interesting
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things, and it’s simply impossible to cover at one time, so if possible, i will come to you again once, yes, of course, come, thank you very much. valera, let's go home, i just love sticking my fingers everywhere, brother, oh, and it seemed so difficult for me to jump on a person, that's valera. i’m ready to eat after my nose, come on valera , there’s a size, bring the size, that’s it, that’s it don’t give it away cheaply, it’ll be cut out, i mean , don’t take it off, take me out of here, we need
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a clean dub. hello, dear friends, this is the podcast life of the remarkable, i am with you, its host, writer alexey varlamov, my guest is a wonderful film director, screenwriter, pavel semenovich. thank you very much for taking the time to come to us, it is a great honor for me and a great joy to talk with you about your work, about your films, but you know, i would like to start with this topic, which may be somewhat unexpected for you, the fact is, what do we have i’m with you in common album , the faculty of philology of moscow university, yeah, i know that in your interviews, well, if i
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understand correctly, you said that in general this education that you received did not play any big role in your life, nevertheless you studied in such a special department at the faculty of philology, a department called structural and applied linguistics, and there linguistics is combined with mathematics, in my life it turned out that when i entered the faculty of philology, we were immediately sent to work on potatoes, there was a second year with us, the second year were just oseplyans, these are the same ones who studied in the same department where you are, they were terribly smart guys, so i’m terribly happy that for me the university began on these potato... .
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for the first time in your house i read the gospel, and nekrasov and shukshin were very friends, and shukshin
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that he brought shukshin to your house, after reading the gospel, vasily makarych said: “the iron book.” it is still made of iron, it still stands like this. in general, how do you feel about kshin? i treat him with very good with great interest. i think he is an extremely talented writer, an amazing actor, least of all a director for me, do i like his films? well, they like it, but it seems to me that the artistic expressiveness of his stories , some kind of understanding of the soul, but in everything she has an understanding of the russian soul, this kind of russian soul, but for me he is a writer, an amazing actor, then a director


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